path: root/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
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authorGravatar Clément Pit--Claudel <>2015-08-18 18:58:40 -0700
committerGravatar Clément Pit--Claudel <>2015-08-18 18:58:40 -0700
commit8a0df70ffb8d57d1bd210ce2e1c9522ba0967365 (patch)
tree3ac2809b04db9cafb22dcab4c69cfd878e074487 /Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
parent4ce6e734a389716fecaf152781702fafa42f2670 (diff)
Refactor the error reporting code
The new error reporting system has a simpler interface, isn't tied to the resolver, and contains error source information.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs b/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
index f430933b..ba558ea6 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/RefinementTransformer.cs
@@ -52,16 +52,19 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
public class RefinementTransformer : IRewriter
- ResolutionErrorReporter reporter;
- Action<AdditionalInformation> additionalInformationReporter;
Cloner rawCloner; // This cloner just gives exactly the same thing back.
RefinementCloner refinementCloner; // This cloner wraps things in a RefinementTransformer
Program program;
- public RefinementTransformer(ResolutionErrorReporter reporter, Action<AdditionalInformation> additionalInformationReporter, Program p) {
- Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
- this.reporter = reporter;
- this.additionalInformationReporter = additionalInformationReporter;
+ public RefinementTransformer(ErrorReporter reporter)
+ : base(reporter) {
rawCloner = new Cloner();
+ }
+ public RefinementTransformer(Program p)
+ : this(p.reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(p != null);
program = p;
@@ -71,17 +74,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
private Method currentMethod;
public ModuleSignature RefinedSig; // the intention is to use this field only after a successful PreResolve
- void ReportAdditionalInformation(IToken token, string text, int length)
- {
- Contract.Requires(token != null);
- Contract.Requires(text != null);
- Contract.Requires(0 <= length);
- if (additionalInformationReporter != null) {
- additionalInformationReporter(new AdditionalInformation { Token = token, Text = text, Length = length });
- }
- }
- public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ internal override void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
if (m.RefinementBaseRoot != null) {
if (Resolver.ResolvePath(m.RefinementBaseRoot, m.RefinementBaseName, out RefinedSig, reporter)) {
if (RefinedSig.ModuleDef != null) {
@@ -90,17 +83,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (null == m.RefinementBase.ExclusiveRefinement) {
m.RefinementBase.ExclusiveRefinement = m;
} else {
- this.reporter.Error(
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer,
"no more than one exclusive refinement may exist for a given module.");
} else {
- reporter.Error(m.RefinementBaseName[0], "module ({0}) named as refinement base is not a literal module or simple reference to a literal module", Util.Comma(".", m.RefinementBaseName, x => x.val));
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, m.RefinementBaseName[0], "module ({0}) named as refinement base is not a literal module or simple reference to a literal module", Util.Comma(".", m.RefinementBaseName, x => x.val));
} else {
- reporter.Error(m.RefinementBaseName[0], "module ({0}) named as refinement base does not exist", Util.Comma(".", m.RefinementBaseName, x => x.val));
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, m.RefinementBaseName[0], "module ({0}) named as refinement base does not exist", Util.Comma(".", m.RefinementBaseName, x => x.val));
@@ -135,9 +128,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var nw = m.TopLevelDecls[index];
if (d is ModuleDecl) {
if (!(nw is ModuleDecl)) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
} else if (!(d is ModuleFacadeDecl)) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a module ({0}) can only refine a module facade", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module ({0}) can only refine a module facade", nw.Name);
} else {
ModuleSignature original = ((ModuleFacadeDecl)d).OriginalSignature;
ModuleSignature derived = null;
@@ -146,72 +139,72 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
} else if (nw is ModuleFacadeDecl) {
derived = ((ModuleFacadeDecl)nw).Signature;
} else {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a module ({0}) can only be refined by an alias module or a module facade", d.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module ({0}) can only be refined by an alias module or a module facade", d.Name);
if (derived != null) {
// check that the new module refines the previous declaration
if (!CheckIsRefinement(derived, original))
- reporter.Error(nw.tok, "a module ({0}) can only be replaced by a refinement of the original module", d.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw.tok, "a module ({0}) can only be replaced by a refinement of the original module", d.Name);
} else if (d is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
if (nw is ModuleDecl) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
} else {
bool dDemandsEqualitySupport = ((OpaqueTypeDecl)d).MustSupportEquality;
if (nw is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
if (dDemandsEqualitySupport != ((OpaqueTypeDecl)nw).MustSupportEquality) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "type declaration '{0}' is not allowed to change the requirement of supporting equality", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "type declaration '{0}' is not allowed to change the requirement of supporting equality", nw.Name);
if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != d.TypeArgs.Count) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "type '{0}' is not allowed to change its number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "type '{0}' is not allowed to change its number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
} else if (dDemandsEqualitySupport) {
if (nw is ClassDecl) {
// fine, as long as "nw" takes the right number of type parameters
if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != d.TypeArgs.Count) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a class that takes a different number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a class that takes a different number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
} else if (nw is NewtypeDecl) {
// fine, as long as "nw" does not take any type parameters
if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "opaque type '{0}', which has {1} type argument{2}, is not allowed to be replaced by a newtype, which takes none", nw.Name, d.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}', which has {1} type argument{2}, is not allowed to be replaced by a newtype, which takes none", nw.Name, d.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count == 1 ? "" : "s");
} else if (nw is CoDatatypeDecl) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a type declaration that requires equality support cannot be replaced by a codatatype");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a type declaration that requires equality support cannot be replaced by a codatatype");
} else {
Contract.Assert(nw is IndDatatypeDecl || nw is TypeSynonymDecl);
if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != d.TypeArgs.Count) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a type that takes a different number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a type that takes a different number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
} else {
// Here, we need to figure out if the new type supports equality. But we won't know about that until resolution has
// taken place, so we defer it until the PostResolve phase.
var udt = UserDefinedType.FromTopLevelDecl(nw.tok, nw);
postTasks.Enqueue(() => {
if (!udt.SupportsEquality) {
- reporter.Error(udt.tok, "type '{0}' is used to refine an opaque type with equality support, but '{0}' does not support equality", udt.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, udt.tok, "type '{0}' is used to refine an opaque type with equality support, but '{0}' does not support equality", udt.Name);
} else if (d.TypeArgs.Count != nw.TypeArgs.Count) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a type that takes a different number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a type that takes a different number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
} else if (nw is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "an opaque type declaration ({0}) in a refining module cannot replace a more specific type declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "an opaque type declaration ({0}) in a refining module cannot replace a more specific type declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name);
} else if (nw is DatatypeDecl) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a datatype declaration ({0}) in a refinement module can only replace an opaque type declaration", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a datatype declaration ({0}) in a refinement module can only replace an opaque type declaration", nw.Name);
} else if (nw is IteratorDecl) {
if (d is IteratorDecl) {
m.TopLevelDecls[index] = MergeIterator((IteratorDecl)nw, (IteratorDecl)d);
} else {
- reporter.Error(nw, "an iterator declaration ({0}) is a refining module cannot replace a different kind of declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "an iterator declaration ({0}) is a refining module cannot replace a different kind of declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name);
} else {
Contract.Assert(nw is ClassDecl);
if (d is DatatypeDecl) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a class declaration ({0}) in a refining module cannot replace a different kind of declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a class declaration ({0}) in a refining module cannot replace a different kind of declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name);
} else {
m.TopLevelDecls[index] = MergeClass((ClassDecl)nw, (ClassDecl)d);
@@ -238,42 +231,42 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// Second, we need to determine whether the specifications will be compatible
// (i.e. substitutable), by translating to Boogie.
- var errorCount = reporter.ErrorCount;
+ var errorCount = reporter.Count(ErrorLevel.Error);
foreach (var kv in original.TopLevels) {
var d = kv.Value;
TopLevelDecl nw;
if (derived.TopLevels.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out nw)) {
if (d is ModuleDecl) {
if (!(nw is ModuleDecl)) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
} else {
CheckIsRefinement(((ModuleDecl)nw).Signature, ((ModuleDecl)d).Signature);
} else if (d is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
if (nw is ModuleDecl) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
} else {
bool dDemandsEqualitySupport = ((OpaqueTypeDecl)d).MustSupportEquality;
if (nw is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
if (dDemandsEqualitySupport != ((OpaqueTypeDecl)nw).MustSupportEquality) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "type declaration '{0}' is not allowed to change the requirement of supporting equality", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "type declaration '{0}' is not allowed to change the requirement of supporting equality", nw.Name);
} else if (dDemandsEqualitySupport) {
if (nw is ClassDecl) {
// fine, as long as "nw" does not take any type parameters
if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a class that takes type parameters", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a class that takes type parameters", nw.Name);
} else if (nw is CoDatatypeDecl) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a type declaration that requires equality support cannot be replaced by a codatatype");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a type declaration that requires equality support cannot be replaced by a codatatype");
} else {
Contract.Assert(nw is IndDatatypeDecl);
if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a datatype that takes type parameters", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a datatype that takes type parameters", nw.Name);
} else {
var udt = new UserDefinedType(nw.tok, nw.Name, nw, new List<Type>());
if (!(udt.SupportsEquality)) {
- reporter.Error(nw.tok, "datatype '{0}' is used to refine an opaque type with equality support, but '{0}' does not support equality", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw.tok, "datatype '{0}' is used to refine an opaque type with equality support, but '{0}' does not support equality", nw.Name);
@@ -282,18 +275,18 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
} else if (d is DatatypeDecl) {
if (nw is DatatypeDecl) {
if (d is IndDatatypeDecl && !(nw is IndDatatypeDecl)) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a datatype ({0}) must be replaced by a datatype, not a codatatype", d.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a datatype ({0}) must be replaced by a datatype, not a codatatype", d.Name);
} else if (d is CoDatatypeDecl && !(nw is CoDatatypeDecl)) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a codatatype ({0}) must be replaced by a codatatype, not a datatype", d.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a codatatype ({0}) must be replaced by a codatatype, not a datatype", d.Name);
// check constructors, formals, etc.
CheckDatatypesAreRefinements((DatatypeDecl)d, (DatatypeDecl)nw);
} else {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a {0} ({1}) must be refined by a {0}", d is IndDatatypeDecl ? "datatype" : "codatatype", d.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a {0} ({1}) must be refined by a {0}", d is IndDatatypeDecl ? "datatype" : "codatatype", d.Name);
} else if (d is ClassDecl) {
if (!(nw is ClassDecl)) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a class declaration ({0}) must be refined by another class declaration", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a class declaration ({0}) must be refined by another class declaration", nw.Name);
} else {
CheckClassesAreRefinements((ClassDecl)nw, (ClassDecl)d);
@@ -301,15 +294,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected toplevel
} else {
- reporter.Error(d, "declaration {0} must have a matching declaration in the refining module", d.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, d, "declaration {0} must have a matching declaration in the refining module", d.Name);
- return errorCount == reporter.ErrorCount;
+ return errorCount == reporter.Count(ErrorLevel.Error);
private void CheckClassesAreRefinements(ClassDecl nw, ClassDecl d) {
if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != d.TypeArgs.Count) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a refining class ({0}) must have the same number of type parameters", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a refining class ({0}) must have the same number of type parameters", nw.Name);
} else {
var map = new Dictionary<string, MemberDecl>();
foreach (var mem in nw.Members) {
@@ -319,33 +312,33 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
MemberDecl newMem;
if (map.TryGetValue(m.Name, out newMem)) {
if (m.HasStaticKeyword != newMem.HasStaticKeyword) {
- reporter.Error(newMem, "member {0} must {1}", m.Name, m.HasStaticKeyword ? "be static" : "not be static");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, newMem, "member {0} must {1}", m.Name, m.HasStaticKeyword ? "be static" : "not be static");
if (m is Field) {
if (newMem is Field) {
var newField = (Field)newMem;
if (!ResolvedTypesAreTheSame(newField.Type, ((Field)m).Type))
- reporter.Error(newMem, "field must be refined by a field with the same type (got {0}, expected {1})", newField.Type, ((Field)m).Type);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, newMem, "field must be refined by a field with the same type (got {0}, expected {1})", newField.Type, ((Field)m).Type);
if (m.IsGhost || !newField.IsGhost)
- reporter.Error(newField, "a field re-declaration ({0}) must be to ghostify the field", newField.Name, nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, newField, "a field re-declaration ({0}) must be to ghostify the field", newField.Name, nw.Name);
} else {
- reporter.Error(newMem, "a field declaration ({1}) must be replaced by a field in the refinement base (not {0})", newMem.Name, nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, newMem, "a field declaration ({1}) must be replaced by a field in the refinement base (not {0})", newMem.Name, nw.Name);
} else if (m is Method) {
if (newMem is Method) {
CheckMethodsAreRefinements((Method)newMem, (Method)m);
} else {
- reporter.Error(newMem, "method must be refined by a method");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, newMem, "method must be refined by a method");
} else if (m is Function) {
if (newMem is Function) {
CheckFunctionsAreRefinements((Function)newMem, (Function)m);
} else {
- reporter.Error(newMem, "{0} must be refined by a {0}", m.WhatKind);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, newMem, "{0} must be refined by a {0}", m.WhatKind);
} else {
- reporter.Error(nw is DefaultClassDecl ? nw.Module.tok : nw.tok, "refining {0} must have member {1}", nw is DefaultClassDecl ? "module" : "class", m.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw is DefaultClassDecl ? nw.Module.tok : nw.tok, "refining {0} must have member {1}", nw is DefaultClassDecl ? "module" : "class", m.Name);
@@ -358,17 +351,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Requires(thing != null);
Contract.Requires(parameterKind != null);
if (old.Count != nw.Count) {
- reporter.Error(tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of {2} ({3} instead of {4}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it refines", thing, name, parameterKind, nw.Count, old.Count);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of {2} ({3} instead of {4}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it refines", thing, name, parameterKind, nw.Count, old.Count);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < old.Count; i++) {
var o = old[i];
var n = nw[i];
if (!o.IsGhost && n.IsGhost) {
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from non-ghost to ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from non-ghost to ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
} else if (o.IsGhost && !n.IsGhost) {
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from ghost to non-ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from ghost to non-ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
} else if (!ResolvedTypesAreTheSame(o.Type, n.Type)) {
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "the type of {0} '{1}' is different from the type of the same {0} in the corresponding {2} in the module it refines ('{3}' instead of '{4}')", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, n.Type, o.Type);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "the type of {0} '{1}' is different from the type of the same {0} in the corresponding {2} in the module it refines ('{3}' instead of '{4}')", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, n.Type, o.Type);
@@ -382,22 +375,22 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
private void CheckFunctionsAreRefinements(Function nw, Function f) {
if (f is Predicate) {
if (!(nw is Predicate)) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a predicate declaration ({0}) can only be refined by a predicate", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a predicate declaration ({0}) can only be refined by a predicate", nw.Name);
} else {
CheckAgreement_TypeParameters(nw.tok, f.TypeArgs, nw.TypeArgs, nw.Name, "predicate", false);
CheckAgreementResolvedParameters(nw.tok, f.Formals, nw.Formals, nw.Name, "predicate", "parameter");
} else if (f is FixpointPredicate) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "refinement of {0}s is not supported", f.WhatKind);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "refinement of {0}s is not supported", f.WhatKind);
} else {
// f is a plain Function
if (nw is Predicate || nw is FixpointPredicate) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "a {0} declaration ({1}) can only be refined by a function or function method", nw.IsGhost ? "function" : "function method", nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a {0} declaration ({1}) can only be refined by a function or function method", nw.IsGhost ? "function" : "function method", nw.Name);
} else {
CheckAgreement_TypeParameters(nw.tok, f.TypeArgs, nw.TypeArgs, nw.Name, "function", false);
CheckAgreementResolvedParameters(nw.tok, f.Formals, nw.Formals, nw.Name, "function", "parameter");
if (!ResolvedTypesAreTheSame(nw.ResultType, f.ResultType)) {
- reporter.Error(nw, "the result type of function '{0}' ({1}) differs from the result type of the corresponding function in the module it refines ({2})", nw.Name, nw.ResultType, f.ResultType);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "the result type of function '{0}' ({1}) differs from the result type of the corresponding function in the module it refines ({2})", nw.Name, nw.ResultType, f.ResultType);
@@ -408,7 +401,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
private void CheckDatatypesAreRefinements(DatatypeDecl dd, DatatypeDecl nn) {
CheckAgreement_TypeParameters(nn.tok, dd.TypeArgs, nn.TypeArgs, dd.Name, "datatype", false);
if (dd.Ctors.Count != nn.Ctors.Count) {
- reporter.Error(nn.tok, "a refining datatype must have the same number of constructors");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nn.tok, "a refining datatype must have the same number of constructors");
} else {
var map = new Dictionary<string, DatatypeCtor>();
foreach (var ctor in nn.Ctors) {
@@ -418,21 +411,21 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
DatatypeCtor newCtor;
if (map.TryGetValue(ctor.Name, out newCtor)) {
if (newCtor.Formals.Count != ctor.Formals.Count) {
- reporter.Error(newCtor, "the constructor ({0}) must have the same number of formals as in the refined module", newCtor.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, newCtor, "the constructor ({0}) must have the same number of formals as in the refined module", newCtor.Name);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < newCtor.Formals.Count; i++) {
var a = ctor.Formals[i]; var b = newCtor.Formals[i];
if (a.HasName) {
if (!b.HasName || a.Name != b.Name)
- reporter.Error(b, "formal argument {0} in constructor {1} does not have the same name as in the refined module (should be {2})", i, ctor.Name, a.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, b, "formal argument {0} in constructor {1} does not have the same name as in the refined module (should be {2})", i, ctor.Name, a.Name);
if (!ResolvedTypesAreTheSame(a.Type, b.Type)) {
- reporter.Error(b, "formal argument {0} in constructor {1} does not have the same type as in the refined module (should be {2}, not {3})", i, ctor.Name, a.Type.ToString(), b.Type.ToString());
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, b, "formal argument {0} in constructor {1} does not have the same type as in the refined module (should be {2}, not {3})", i, ctor.Name, a.Type.ToString(), b.Type.ToString());
} else {
- reporter.Error(nn, "the constructor {0} must be present in the refining datatype", ctor.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nn, "the constructor {0} must be present in the refining datatype", ctor.Name);
@@ -501,7 +494,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected type
- public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ internal override void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
if (m == moduleUnderConstruction) {
while (this.postTasks.Count != 0) {
var a = postTasks.Dequeue();
@@ -512,8 +506,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
moduleUnderConstruction = null;
- public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
- }
Function CloneFunction(IToken tok, Function f, bool isGhost, List<Expression> moreEnsures, Expression moreBody, Expression replacementBody, bool checkPrevPostconditions, Attributes moreAttributes) {
Contract.Requires(tok != null);
Contract.Requires(moreBody == null || f is Predicate);
@@ -611,26 +604,26 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Requires(prev != null);
if (nw.Requires.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(nw.Requires[0].E.tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to add preconditions");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw.Requires[0].E.tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to add preconditions");
if (nw.YieldRequires.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(nw.YieldRequires[0].E.tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to add yield preconditions");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw.YieldRequires[0].E.tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to add yield preconditions");
if (nw.Reads.Expressions.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(nw.Reads.Expressions[0].E.tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to extend the reads clause");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw.Reads.Expressions[0].E.tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to extend the reads clause");
if (nw.Modifies.Expressions.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(nw.Modifies.Expressions[0].E.tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to extend the modifies clause");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw.Modifies.Expressions[0].E.tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to extend the modifies clause");
if (nw.Decreases.Expressions.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(nw.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to extend the decreases clause");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "a refining iterator is not allowed to extend the decreases clause");
if (nw.SignatureIsOmitted) {
Contract.Assert(nw.TypeArgs.Count == 0);
Contract.Assert(nw.Ins.Count == 0);
Contract.Assert(nw.Outs.Count == 0);
- ReportAdditionalInformation(nw.SignatureEllipsis, Printer.IteratorSignatureToString(prev), 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw.SignatureEllipsis, Printer.IteratorSignatureToString(prev));
} else {
CheckAgreement_TypeParameters(nw.tok, prev.TypeArgs, nw.TypeArgs, nw.Name, "iterator");
CheckAgreement_Parameters(nw.tok, prev.Ins, nw.Ins, nw.Name, "iterator", "in-parameter");
@@ -694,9 +687,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (nwMember is Field) {
if (member is Field && TypesAreSyntacticallyEqual(((Field)nwMember).Type, ((Field)member).Type)) {
if (member.IsGhost || !nwMember.IsGhost)
- reporter.Error(nwMember, "a field re-declaration ({0}) must be to ghostify the field", nwMember.Name, nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nwMember, "a field re-declaration ({0}) must be to ghostify the field", nwMember.Name, nw.Name);
} else {
- reporter.Error(nwMember, "a field declaration ({0}) in a refining class ({1}) must replace a field in the refinement base", nwMember.Name, nw.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nwMember, "a field declaration ({0}) in a refining class ({1}) must replace a field in the refinement base", nwMember.Name, nw.Name);
nwMember.RefinementBase = member;
@@ -709,38 +702,38 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
(isPredicate && !(member is Predicate)) ||
(isIndPredicate && !(member is InductivePredicate)) ||
(isCoPredicate && !(member is CoPredicate))) {
- reporter.Error(nwMember, "a {0} declaration ({1}) can only refine a {0}", f.WhatKind, nwMember.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nwMember, "a {0} declaration ({1}) can only refine a {0}", f.WhatKind, nwMember.Name);
} else if (f.IsProtected != ((Function)member).IsProtected) {
- reporter.Error(f, "a {0} in a refinement module must be declared 'protected' if and only if the refined {0} is", f.WhatKind);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, f, "a {0} in a refinement module must be declared 'protected' if and only if the refined {0} is", f.WhatKind);
} else {
var prevFunction = (Function)member;
if (f.Req.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(f.Req[0].tok, "a refining {0} is not allowed to add preconditions", f.WhatKind);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, f.Req[0].tok, "a refining {0} is not allowed to add preconditions", f.WhatKind);
if (f.Reads.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(f.Reads[0].E.tok, "a refining {0} is not allowed to extend the reads clause", f.WhatKind);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, f.Reads[0].E.tok, "a refining {0} is not allowed to extend the reads clause", f.WhatKind);
if (f.Decreases.Expressions.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(f.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "decreases clause on refining {0} not supported", f.WhatKind);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, f.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "decreases clause on refining {0} not supported", f.WhatKind);
if (prevFunction.HasStaticKeyword != f.HasStaticKeyword) {
- reporter.Error(f, "a function in a refining module cannot be changed from static to non-static or vice versa: {0}", f.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, f, "a function in a refining module cannot be changed from static to non-static or vice versa: {0}", f.Name);
if (!prevFunction.IsGhost && f.IsGhost) {
- reporter.Error(f, "a function method cannot be changed into a (ghost) function in a refining module: {0}", f.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, f, "a function method cannot be changed into a (ghost) function in a refining module: {0}", f.Name);
} else if (prevFunction.IsGhost && !f.IsGhost && prevFunction.Body != null) {
- reporter.Error(f, "a function can be changed into a function method in a refining module only if the function has not yet been given a body: {0}", f.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, f, "a function can be changed into a function method in a refining module only if the function has not yet been given a body: {0}", f.Name);
if (f.SignatureIsOmitted) {
Contract.Assert(f.TypeArgs.Count == 0);
Contract.Assert(f.Formals.Count == 0);
- ReportAdditionalInformation(f.SignatureEllipsis, Printer.FunctionSignatureToString(prevFunction), 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, f.SignatureEllipsis, Printer.FunctionSignatureToString(prevFunction));
} else {
CheckAgreement_TypeParameters(f.tok, prevFunction.TypeArgs, f.TypeArgs, f.Name, "function");
CheckAgreement_Parameters(f.tok, prevFunction.Formals, f.Formals, f.Name, "function", "parameter");
if (!TypesAreSyntacticallyEqual(prevFunction.ResultType, f.ResultType)) {
- reporter.Error(f, "the result type of function '{0}' ({1}) differs from the result type of the corresponding function in the module it refines ({2})", f.Name, f.ResultType, prevFunction.ResultType);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, f, "the result type of function '{0}' ({1}) differs from the result type of the corresponding function in the module it refines ({2})", f.Name, f.ResultType, prevFunction.ResultType);
@@ -752,9 +745,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (isPredicate && f.IsProtected) {
moreBody = f.Body;
} else if (isPredicate) {
- reporter.Error(nwMember, "a refining predicate is not allowed to extend/change the body unless it is declared 'protected'");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nwMember, "a refining predicate is not allowed to extend/change the body unless it is declared 'protected'");
} else {
- reporter.Error(nwMember, "a refining function is not allowed to extend/change the body");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nwMember, "a refining function is not allowed to extend/change the body");
var newF = CloneFunction(f.tok, prevFunction, f.IsGhost, f.Ens, moreBody, replacementBody, prevFunction.Body == null, f.Attributes);
@@ -765,14 +758,14 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
} else {
var m = (Method)nwMember;
if (!(member is Method)) {
- reporter.Error(nwMember, "a method declaration ({0}) can only refine a method", nwMember.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nwMember, "a method declaration ({0}) can only refine a method", nwMember.Name);
} else {
var prevMethod = (Method)member;
if (m.Req.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(m.Req[0].E.tok, "a refining method is not allowed to add preconditions");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, m.Req[0].E.tok, "a refining method is not allowed to add preconditions");
if (m.Mod.Expressions.Count != 0) {
- reporter.Error(m.Mod.Expressions[0].E.tok, "a refining method is not allowed to extend the modifies clause");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, m.Mod.Expressions[0].E.tok, "a refining method is not allowed to extend the modifies clause");
// If the previous method was not specified with "decreases *", then the new method is not allowed to provide any "decreases" clause.
// Any "decreases *" clause is not inherited, so if the previous method was specified with "decreases *", then the new method needs
@@ -785,23 +778,23 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
} else {
if (!Contract.Exists(prevMethod.Decreases.Expressions, e => e is WildcardExpr)) {
// If the previous loop was not specified with "decreases *", then the new loop is not allowed to provide any "decreases" clause.
- reporter.Error(m.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "decreases clause on refining method not supported, unless the refined method was specified with 'decreases *'");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, m.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "decreases clause on refining method not supported, unless the refined method was specified with 'decreases *'");
decreases = m.Decreases;
if (prevMethod.HasStaticKeyword != m.HasStaticKeyword) {
- reporter.Error(m, "a method in a refining module cannot be changed from static to non-static or vice versa: {0}", m.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, m, "a method in a refining module cannot be changed from static to non-static or vice versa: {0}", m.Name);
if (prevMethod.IsGhost && !m.IsGhost) {
- reporter.Error(m, "a method cannot be changed into a ghost method in a refining module: {0}", m.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, m, "a method cannot be changed into a ghost method in a refining module: {0}", m.Name);
} else if (!prevMethod.IsGhost && m.IsGhost) {
- reporter.Error(m, "a ghost method cannot be changed into a non-ghost method in a refining module: {0}", m.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, m, "a ghost method cannot be changed into a non-ghost method in a refining module: {0}", m.Name);
if (m.SignatureIsOmitted) {
Contract.Assert(m.TypeArgs.Count == 0);
Contract.Assert(m.Ins.Count == 0);
Contract.Assert(m.Outs.Count == 0);
- ReportAdditionalInformation(m.SignatureEllipsis, Printer.MethodSignatureToString(prevMethod), 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, m.SignatureEllipsis, Printer.MethodSignatureToString(prevMethod));
} else {
CheckAgreement_TypeParameters(m.tok, prevMethod.TypeArgs, m.TypeArgs, m.Name, "method");
CheckAgreement_Parameters(m.tok, prevMethod.Ins, m.Ins, m.Name, "method", "in-parameter");
@@ -833,13 +826,13 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Requires(name != null);
Contract.Requires(thing != null);
if (old.Count != nw.Count) {
- reporter.Error(tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of type parameters ({2} instead of {3}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it refines", thing, name, nw.Count, old.Count);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of type parameters ({2} instead of {3}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it refines", thing, name, nw.Count, old.Count);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < old.Count; i++) {
var o = old[i];
var n = nw[i];
if (o.Name != n.Name && checkNames) { // if checkNames is false, then just treat the parameters positionally.
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "type parameters are not allowed to be renamed from the names given in the {0} in the module being refined (expected '{1}', found '{2}')", thing, o.Name, n.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "type parameters are not allowed to be renamed from the names given in the {0} in the module being refined (expected '{1}', found '{2}')", thing, o.Name, n.Name);
} else {
// This explains what we want to do and why:
// switch (o.EqualitySupport) {
@@ -859,7 +852,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// }
// Here's how we actually compute it:
if (o.EqualitySupport != TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.InferredRequired && o.EqualitySupport != n.EqualitySupport) {
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "type parameter '{0}' is not allowed to change the requirement of supporting equality", n.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "type parameter '{0}' is not allowed to change the requirement of supporting equality", n.Name);
@@ -872,7 +865,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
CheckOverrideResolvedParameters(nw.tok, f.Formals, nw.Formals, nw.Name, "function", "parameter");
if (!ResolvedTypesAreTheSame(nw.ResultType, f.ResultType))
- reporter.Error(nw, "the result type of function '{0}' ({1}) differs from the result type of the corresponding function in the module it overrides ({2})", nw.Name, nw.ResultType, f.ResultType);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "the result type of function '{0}' ({1}) differs from the result type of the corresponding function in the module it overrides ({2})", nw.Name, nw.ResultType, f.ResultType);
@@ -892,7 +885,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Requires(thing != null);
if (old.Count != nw.Count)
- reporter.Error(tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of type parameters ({2} instead of {3}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it overrides", thing, name, nw.Count, old.Count);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of type parameters ({2} instead of {3}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it overrides", thing, name, nw.Count, old.Count);
@@ -902,14 +895,14 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var n = nw[i];
if (o.Name != n.Name && checkNames)
{ // if checkNames is false, then just treat the parameters positionally.
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "type parameters are not allowed to be renamed from the names given in the {0} in the module being overriden (expected '{1}', found '{2}')", thing, o.Name, n.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "type parameters are not allowed to be renamed from the names given in the {0} in the module being overriden (expected '{1}', found '{2}')", thing, o.Name, n.Name);
// Here's how we actually compute it:
if (o.EqualitySupport != TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.InferredRequired && o.EqualitySupport != n.EqualitySupport)
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "type parameter '{0}' is not allowed to change the requirement of supporting equality", n.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "type parameter '{0}' is not allowed to change the requirement of supporting equality", n.Name);
@@ -926,7 +919,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Requires(parameterKind != null);
if (old.Count != nw.Count)
- reporter.Error(tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of {2} ({3} instead of {4}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it overrides", thing, name, parameterKind, nw.Count, old.Count);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of {2} ({3} instead of {4}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it overrides", thing, name, parameterKind, nw.Count, old.Count);
@@ -936,15 +929,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var n = nw[i];
if (!o.IsGhost && n.IsGhost)
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it overrides, from non-ghost to ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it overrides, from non-ghost to ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
else if (o.IsGhost && !n.IsGhost)
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it overrides, from ghost to non-ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it overrides, from ghost to non-ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
else if (!ResolvedTypesAreTheSame(o.Type, n.Type))
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "the type of {0} '{1}' is different from the type of the same {0} in the corresponding {2} in the module it overrides ('{3}' instead of '{4}')", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, n.Type, o.Type);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "the type of {0} '{1}' is different from the type of the same {0} in the corresponding {2} in the module it overrides ('{3}' instead of '{4}')", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, n.Type, o.Type);
@@ -958,19 +951,19 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Requires(thing != null);
Contract.Requires(parameterKind != null);
if (old.Count != nw.Count) {
- reporter.Error(tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of {2} ({3} instead of {4}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it refines", thing, name, parameterKind, nw.Count, old.Count);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, tok, "{0} '{1}' is declared with a different number of {2} ({3} instead of {4}) than the corresponding {0} in the module it refines", thing, name, parameterKind, nw.Count, old.Count);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < old.Count; i++) {
var o = old[i];
var n = nw[i];
if (o.Name != n.Name) {
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "there is a difference in name of {0} {1} ('{2}' versus '{3}') of {4} {5} compared to corresponding {4} in the module it refines", parameterKind, i, n.Name, o.Name, thing, name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "there is a difference in name of {0} {1} ('{2}' versus '{3}') of {4} {5} compared to corresponding {4} in the module it refines", parameterKind, i, n.Name, o.Name, thing, name);
} else if (!o.IsGhost && n.IsGhost) {
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from non-ghost to ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from non-ghost to ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
} else if (o.IsGhost && !n.IsGhost) {
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from ghost to non-ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "{0} '{1}' of {2} {3} cannot be changed, compared to the corresponding {2} in the module it refines, from ghost to non-ghost", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, name);
} else if (!TypesAreSyntacticallyEqual(o.Type, n.Type)) {
- reporter.Error(n.tok, "the type of {0} '{1}' is different from the type of the same {0} in the corresponding {2} in the module it refines ('{3}' instead of '{4}')", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, n.Type, o.Type);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, n.tok, "the type of {0} '{1}' is different from the type of the same {0} in the corresponding {2} in the module it refines ('{3}' instead of '{4}')", parameterKind, n.Name, thing, n.Type, o.Type);
@@ -996,7 +989,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
} else if (((SkeletonStatement)cur).S == null) {
// the "..." matches the empty statement sequence
} else {
- reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "skeleton statement does not match old statement");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, cur.Tok, "skeleton statement does not match old statement");
} else {
@@ -1050,7 +1043,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Assert(c.NameReplacements.Count == c.ExprReplacements.Count);
for (int k = 0; k < c.NameReplacements.Count; k++) {
if (subExprs.ContainsKey(c.NameReplacements[k].val)) {
- reporter.Error(c.NameReplacements[k], "replacement definition must contain at most one definition for a given label");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, c.NameReplacements[k], "replacement definition must contain at most one definition for a given label");
} else subExprs.Add(c.NameReplacements[k].val, c.ExprReplacements[k]);
subber = new SubstitutionCloner(subExprs, rawCloner);
@@ -1071,12 +1064,12 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
oldS = oldStmt.Body[j];
if (hoverTextA.Length != 0) {
- ReportAdditionalInformation(c.Tok, hoverTextA, 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, c.Tok, hoverTextA);
if (subber != null && subber.SubstitutionsMade.Count < subber.Exprs.Count) {
foreach (var s in subber.SubstitutionsMade)
- reporter.Error(c.Tok, "could not find labeled expression(s): " + Util.Comma(", ", subber.Exprs.Keys, x => x));
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, c.Tok, "could not find labeled expression(s): " + Util.Comma(", ", subber.Exprs.Keys, x => x));
@@ -1086,7 +1079,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var oldAssume = oldS as PredicateStmt;
if (oldAssume == null) {
- reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "assert template does not match inherited statement");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, cur.Tok, "assert template does not match inherited statement");
} else {
// Clone the expression, but among the new assert's attributes, indicate
@@ -1097,7 +1090,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var attrs = refinementCloner.MergeAttributes(oldAssume.Attributes, skel.Attributes);
body.Add(new AssertStmt(new Translator.ForceCheckToken(skel.Tok), new Translator.ForceCheckToken(skel.EndTok),
e, new Attributes("prependAssertToken", new List<Expression>(), attrs)));
- ReportAdditionalInformation(c.ConditionEllipsis, "assume->assert: " + Printer.ExprToString(e), 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, c.ConditionEllipsis, "assume->assert: " + Printer.ExprToString(e));
i++; j++;
@@ -1106,13 +1099,13 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var oldAssume = oldS as AssumeStmt;
if (oldAssume == null) {
- reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "assume template does not match inherited statement");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, cur.Tok, "assume template does not match inherited statement");
} else {
var e = refinementCloner.CloneExpr(oldAssume.Expr);
var attrs = refinementCloner.MergeAttributes(oldAssume.Attributes, skel.Attributes);
body.Add(new AssumeStmt(skel.Tok, skel.EndTok, e, attrs));
- ReportAdditionalInformation(c.ConditionEllipsis, Printer.ExprToString(e), 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, c.ConditionEllipsis, Printer.ExprToString(e));
i++; j++;
@@ -1121,7 +1114,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var oldIf = oldS as IfStmt;
if (oldIf == null) {
- reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "if-statement template does not match inherited statement");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, cur.Tok, "if-statement template does not match inherited statement");
} else {
var resultingThen = MergeBlockStmt(skel.Thn, oldIf.Thn);
@@ -1129,7 +1122,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var e = refinementCloner.CloneExpr(oldIf.Guard);
var r = new IfStmt(skel.Tok, skel.EndTok, e, resultingThen, resultingElse);
- ReportAdditionalInformation(c.ConditionEllipsis, Printer.GuardToString(e), 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, c.ConditionEllipsis, Printer.GuardToString(e));
i++; j++;
@@ -1137,16 +1130,16 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var skel = (WhileStmt)S;
var oldWhile = oldS as WhileStmt;
if (oldWhile == null) {
- reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "while-statement template does not match inherited statement");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, cur.Tok, "while-statement template does not match inherited statement");
} else {
Expression guard;
if (c.ConditionOmitted) {
guard = refinementCloner.CloneExpr(oldWhile.Guard);
- ReportAdditionalInformation(c.ConditionEllipsis, Printer.GuardToString(oldWhile.Guard), 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, c.ConditionEllipsis, Printer.GuardToString(oldWhile.Guard));
} else {
if (oldWhile.Guard != null) {
- reporter.Error(skel.Guard.tok, "a skeleton while statement with a guard can only replace a while statement with a non-deterministic guard");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, skel.Guard.tok, "a skeleton while statement with a guard can only replace a while statement with a non-deterministic guard");
guard = skel.Guard;
@@ -1162,7 +1155,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
var oldModifyStmt = oldS as ModifyStmt;
if (oldModifyStmt == null) {
- reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "modify template does not match inherited statement");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, cur.Tok, "modify template does not match inherited statement");
} else {
var mod = refinementCloner.CloneSpecFrameExpr(oldModifyStmt.Mod);
@@ -1172,13 +1165,13 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
} else if (oldModifyStmt.Body == null) {
mbody = skel.Body;
} else if (skel.Body == null) {
- reporter.Error(cur.Tok, "modify template must have a body if the inherited modify statement does");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, cur.Tok, "modify template must have a body if the inherited modify statement does");
mbody = null;
} else {
mbody = MergeBlockStmt(skel.Body, oldModifyStmt.Body);
body.Add(new ModifyStmt(skel.Tok, skel.EndTok, mod.Expressions, mod.Attributes, mbody));
- ReportAdditionalInformation(c.ConditionEllipsis, Printer.FrameExprListToString(mod.Expressions), 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, c.ConditionEllipsis, Printer.FrameExprListToString(mod.Expressions));
i++; j++;
@@ -1341,7 +1334,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
sep = "\n";
if (hoverText.Length != 0) {
- ReportAdditionalInformation(skeleton.EndTok, hoverText, 3);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, skeleton.EndTok, hoverText);
return new BlockStmt(skeleton.Tok, skeleton.EndTok, body);
@@ -1447,7 +1440,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
} else {
if (!Contract.Exists(cOld.Decreases.Expressions, e => e is WildcardExpr)) {
// If the previous loop was not specified with "decreases *", then the new loop is not allowed to provide any "decreases" clause.
- reporter.Error(cNew.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "a refining loop can provide a decreases clause only if the loop being refined was declared with 'decreases *'");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, cNew.Decreases.Expressions[0].tok, "a refining loop can provide a decreases clause only if the loop being refined was declared with 'decreases *'");
decr = cNew.Decreases;
@@ -1489,9 +1482,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
void MergeAddStatement(Statement s, List<Statement> stmtList) {
Contract.Requires(s != null);
Contract.Requires(stmtList != null);
- var prevErrorCount = reporter.ErrorCount;
+ var prevErrorCount = reporter.Count(ErrorLevel.Error);
CheckIsOkayNewStatement(s, new Stack<string>(), 0);
- if (reporter.ErrorCount == prevErrorCount) {
+ if (reporter.Count(ErrorLevel.Error) == prevErrorCount) {
@@ -1508,30 +1501,30 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (s is SkeletonStatement) {
- reporter.Error(s, "skeleton statement may not be used here; it does not have a matching statement in what is being replaced");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, s, "skeleton statement may not be used here; it does not have a matching statement in what is being replaced");
} else if (s is ReturnStmt) {
// allow return statements, but make note of that this requires verifying the postcondition
((ReturnStmt)s).ReverifyPost = true;
} else if (s is YieldStmt) {
- reporter.Error(s, "yield statements are not allowed in skeletons");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, s, "yield statements are not allowed in skeletons");
} else if (s is BreakStmt) {
var b = (BreakStmt)s;
if (b.TargetLabel != null ? !labels.Contains(b.TargetLabel) : loopLevels < b.BreakCount) {
- reporter.Error(s, "break statement in skeleton is not allowed to break outside the skeleton fragment");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, s, "break statement in skeleton is not allowed to break outside the skeleton fragment");
} else if (s is AssignStmt) {
// TODO: To be a refinement automatically (that is, without any further verification), only variables and fields defined
// in this module are allowed. This needs to be checked. If the LHS refers to an l-value that was not declared within
// this module, then either an error should be reported or the Translator needs to know to translate new proof obligations.
var a = (AssignStmt)s;
- reporter.Error(a.Tok, "cannot have assignment statement");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, a.Tok, "cannot have assignment statement");
} else if (s is ConcreteUpdateStatement) {
postTasks.Enqueue(() =>
- CheckIsOkayUpdateStmt((ConcreteUpdateStatement)s, moduleUnderConstruction, reporter);
+ CheckIsOkayUpdateStmt((ConcreteUpdateStatement)s, moduleUnderConstruction);
} else if (s is CallStmt) {
- reporter.Error(s.Tok, "cannot have call statement");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, s.Tok, "cannot have call statement");
} else {
if (s is WhileStmt || s is AlternativeLoopStmt) {
@@ -1547,7 +1540,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// Checks that statement stmt, defined in the constructed module m, is a refinement of skip in the parent module
- void CheckIsOkayUpdateStmt(ConcreteUpdateStatement stmt, ModuleDefinition m, ResolutionErrorReporter reporter) {
+ void CheckIsOkayUpdateStmt(ConcreteUpdateStatement stmt, ModuleDefinition m) {
foreach (var lhs in stmt.Lhss) {
var l = lhs.Resolved;
if (l is IdentifierExpr) {
@@ -1555,23 +1548,23 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Contract.Assert(ident.Var is LocalVariable || ident.Var is Formal); // LHS identifier expressions must be locals or out parameters (ie. formals)
if ((ident.Var is LocalVariable && RefinementToken.IsInherited(((LocalVariable)ident.Var).Tok, m)) || ident.Var is Formal) {
// for some reason, formals are not considered to be inherited.
- reporter.Error(l.tok, "refinement method cannot assign to variable defined in parent module ('{0}')", ident.Var.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, l.tok, "refinement method cannot assign to variable defined in parent module ('{0}')", ident.Var.Name);
} else if (l is MemberSelectExpr) {
var member = ((MemberSelectExpr)l).Member;
if (RefinementToken.IsInherited(member.tok, m)) {
- reporter.Error(l.tok, "refinement method cannot assign to a field defined in parent module ('{0}')", member.Name);
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, l.tok, "refinement method cannot assign to a field defined in parent module ('{0}')", member.Name);
} else {
// must be an array element
- reporter.Error(l.tok, "new assignments in a refinement method can only assign to state that the module defines (which never includes array elements)");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, l.tok, "new assignments in a refinement method can only assign to state that the module defines (which never includes array elements)");
if (stmt is UpdateStmt) {
var s = (UpdateStmt)stmt;
foreach (var rhs in s.Rhss) {
if (rhs.CanAffectPreviouslyKnownExpressions) {
- reporter.Error(rhs.Tok, "assignment RHS in refinement method is not allowed to affect previously defined state");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, rhs.Tok, "assignment RHS in refinement method is not allowed to affect previously defined state");