path: root/Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs
diff options
authorGravatar leino <unknown>2015-03-13 02:23:38 -0700
committerGravatar leino <unknown>2015-03-13 02:23:38 -0700
commit0b7c479b76c4ebc8ae3cba0cbe0a7cbb0a19144a (patch)
treed05d82d1331911e78296bb9a72bdf4ae1d77b02d /Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs
parent20c1f23d81579488e5b11a21d9353d10f15a1347 (diff)
Allow let-such-that expression to be compiled, provided that they provably have a unique value
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs b/Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs
index 825fb5bf..08375fae 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
@@ -1215,140 +1216,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (s.AssumeToken != null) {
// Note, a non-ghost AssignSuchThatStmt may contain an assume
Error("an assume statement cannot be compiled (line {0})", s.AssumeToken.line);
- } else if (s.MissingBounds != null) {
+ } else if (s.MissingBounds != null) {
foreach (var bv in s.MissingBounds) {
Error("this assign-such-that statement is too advanced for the current compiler; Dafny's heuristics cannot find any bound for variable '{0}' (line {1})", bv.Name, s.Tok.line);
} else {
- Contract.Assume(s.Bounds != null);
- // For "i,j,k,l :| R(i,j,k,l);", emit something like:
- //
- // for (BigInteger iterLimit = 5; ; iterLimit *= 2) {
- // var il$0 = iterLimit;
- // foreach (L l' in sq.Elements) { l = l';
- // if (il$0 == 0) { break; } il$0--;
- // var il$1 = iterLimit;
- // foreach (K k' in st.Elements) { k = k';
- // if (il$1 == 0) { break; } il$1--;
- // var il$2 = iterLimit;
- // j = Lo;
- // for (;; j++) {
- // if (il$2 == 0) { break; } il$2--;
- // foreach (bool i' in Helper.AllBooleans) { i = i';
- // if (R(i,j,k,l)) {
- // goto ASSIGN_SUCH_THAT_<id>;
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // throw new Exception("assign-such-that search produced no value"); // a verified program never gets here; however, we need this "throw" to please the C# compiler
- // ASSIGN_SUCH_THAT_<id>: ;
- //
- // where the iterLimit loop can be omitted if s.Lhss.Count == 1 or if all bounds are finite. Further optimizations could be done, but
- // are omitted for now.
- //
Contract.Assert(s.Bounds != null); // follows from s.MissingBounds == null
- var n = s.Lhss.Count;
- Contract.Assert(s.Bounds.Count == n);
- var c = idGenerator.FreshNumericId("_ASSIGN_SUCH_THAT_+_iterLimit_");
- var doneLabel = "_ASSIGN_SUCH_THAT_" + c;
- var iterLimit = "_iterLimit_" + c;
- int ind = indent;
- bool needIterLimit = s.Lhss.Count != 1 && s.Bounds.Exists(bnd => !bnd.IsFinite);
- if (needIterLimit) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("for (var {0} = new BigInteger(5); ; {0} *= 2) {{", iterLimit);
- ind += IndentAmount;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++, ind += IndentAmount) {
- var bound = s.Bounds[i];
- var bv = ((IdentifierExpr)s.Lhss[i].Resolved).Var; // the resolver allows only IdentifierExpr left-hand sides
- if (needIterLimit) {
- Indent(ind);
- wr.WriteLine("var {0}_{1} = {0};", iterLimit, i);
- }
- var tmpVar = idGenerator.FreshId("_assign_such_that_");
- Indent(ind);
- if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.BoolBoundedPool) {
- wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in Dafny.Helpers.AllBooleans) {{ @{1} = {0};", tmpVar, bv.CompileName);
- } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.IntBoundedPool) {
- var b = (ComprehensionExpr.IntBoundedPool)bound;
- // (tmpVar is not used in this case)
- if (b.LowerBound != null) {
- wr.Write("@{0} = ", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.LowerBound);
- wr.WriteLine(";");
- Indent(ind);
- if (b.UpperBound != null) {
- wr.Write("for (; @{0} < ", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
- wr.WriteLine("; @{0}++) {{ ", bv.CompileName);
- } else {
- wr.WriteLine("for (;; @{0}++) {{ ", bv.CompileName);
- }
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(b.UpperBound != null);
- wr.Write("@{0} = ", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
- wr.WriteLine(";");
- Indent(ind);
- wr.WriteLine("for (;; @{0}--) {{ ", bv.CompileName);
- }
- } else if (bound is AssignSuchThatStmt.WiggleWaggleBound) {
- wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in Dafny.Helpers.AllIntegers) {{ @{1} = {0};", tmpVar, bv.CompileName);
- } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool) {
- var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool)bound;
- wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
- TrExpr(b.Set);
- wr.WriteLine(").Elements) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
- } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SubSetBoundedPool) {
- var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SubSetBoundedPool)bound;
- wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
- TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
- wr.WriteLine(").AllSubsets) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
- } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool) {
- var b = (ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool)bound;
- wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
- TrExpr(b.Map);
- wr.WriteLine(").Domain) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
- } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool) {
- var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool)bound;
- wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
- TrExpr(b.Seq);
- wr.WriteLine(").Elements) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
- } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool) {
- var b = (ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool)bound;
- wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in {1}.AllSingletonConstructors) {{ @{2} = {0};", tmpVar, TypeName(bv.Type), bv.CompileName);
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected BoundedPool type
- }
- if (needIterLimit) {
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
- wr.WriteLine("if ({0}_{1} == 0) {{ break; }} {0}_{1}--;", iterLimit, i);
- }
- }
- Indent(ind);
- wr.Write("if (");
- TrExpr(s.Expr);
- wr.WriteLine(") {");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
- wr.WriteLine("goto {0};", doneLabel);
- Indent(ind);
- wr.WriteLine("}");
- Indent(indent);
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- wr.Write(i == 0 ? "}" : " }");
- }
- wr.WriteLine(needIterLimit ? " }" : "");
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("throw new System.Exception(\"assign-such-that search produced no value (line {0})\");", s.Tok.line);
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("{0}: ;", doneLabel);
+ TrAssignSuchThat(indent,
+ s.Lhss.ConvertAll(lhs => ((IdentifierExpr)lhs.Resolved).Var), // the resolver allows only IdentifierExpr left-hand sides
+ s.Expr, s.Bounds, s.Tok.line);
} else if (stmt is CallStmt) {
@@ -1681,6 +1557,139 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
+ private void TrAssignSuchThat(int indent, List<IVariable> lhss, Expression constraint, List<ComprehensionExpr.BoundedPool> bounds, int debuginfoLine) {
+ Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
+ Contract.Requires(lhss != null);
+ Contract.Requires(constraint != null);
+ Contract.Requires(bounds != null);
+ // For "i,j,k,l :| R(i,j,k,l);", emit something like:
+ //
+ // for (BigInteger iterLimit = 5; ; iterLimit *= 2) {
+ // var il$0 = iterLimit;
+ // foreach (L l' in sq.Elements) { l = l';
+ // if (il$0 == 0) { break; } il$0--;
+ // var il$1 = iterLimit;
+ // foreach (K k' in st.Elements) { k = k';
+ // if (il$1 == 0) { break; } il$1--;
+ // var il$2 = iterLimit;
+ // j = Lo;
+ // for (;; j++) {
+ // if (il$2 == 0) { break; } il$2--;
+ // foreach (bool i' in Helper.AllBooleans) { i = i';
+ // if (R(i,j,k,l)) {
+ // goto ASSIGN_SUCH_THAT_<id>;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // throw new Exception("assign-such-that search produced no value"); // a verified program never gets here; however, we need this "throw" to please the C# compiler
+ // ASSIGN_SUCH_THAT_<id>: ;
+ //
+ // where the iterLimit loop can be omitted if lhss.Count == 1 or if all bounds are finite. Further optimizations could be done, but
+ // are omitted for now.
+ //
+ var n = lhss.Count;
+ Contract.Assert(bounds.Count == n);
+ var c = idGenerator.FreshNumericId("_ASSIGN_SUCH_THAT_+_iterLimit_");
+ var doneLabel = "_ASSIGN_SUCH_THAT_" + c;
+ var iterLimit = "_iterLimit_" + c;
+ int ind = indent;
+ bool needIterLimit = lhss.Count != 1 && bounds.Exists(bnd => !bnd.IsFinite);
+ if (needIterLimit) {
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.WriteLine("for (var {0} = new BigInteger(5); ; {0} *= 2) {{", iterLimit);
+ ind += IndentAmount;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++, ind += IndentAmount) {
+ var bound = bounds[i];
+ var bv = lhss[i];
+ if (needIterLimit) {
+ Indent(ind);
+ wr.WriteLine("var {0}_{1} = {0};", iterLimit, i);
+ }
+ var tmpVar = idGenerator.FreshId("_assign_such_that_");
+ Indent(ind);
+ if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.BoolBoundedPool) {
+ wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in Dafny.Helpers.AllBooleans) {{ @{1} = {0};", tmpVar, bv.CompileName);
+ } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.IntBoundedPool) {
+ var b = (ComprehensionExpr.IntBoundedPool)bound;
+ // (tmpVar is not used in this case)
+ if (b.LowerBound != null) {
+ wr.Write("@{0} = ", bv.CompileName);
+ TrExpr(b.LowerBound);
+ wr.WriteLine(";");
+ Indent(ind);
+ if (b.UpperBound != null) {
+ wr.Write("for (; @{0} < ", bv.CompileName);
+ TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
+ wr.WriteLine("; @{0}++) {{ ", bv.CompileName);
+ } else {
+ wr.WriteLine("for (;; @{0}++) {{ ", bv.CompileName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(b.UpperBound != null);
+ wr.Write("@{0} = ", bv.CompileName);
+ TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
+ wr.WriteLine(";");
+ Indent(ind);
+ wr.WriteLine("for (;; @{0}--) {{ ", bv.CompileName);
+ }
+ } else if (bound is AssignSuchThatStmt.WiggleWaggleBound) {
+ wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in Dafny.Helpers.AllIntegers) {{ @{1} = {0};", tmpVar, bv.CompileName);
+ } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool) {
+ var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool)bound;
+ wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
+ TrExpr(b.Set);
+ wr.WriteLine(").Elements) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
+ } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SubSetBoundedPool) {
+ var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SubSetBoundedPool)bound;
+ wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
+ TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
+ wr.WriteLine(").AllSubsets) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
+ } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool) {
+ var b = (ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool)bound;
+ wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
+ TrExpr(b.Map);
+ wr.WriteLine(").Domain) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
+ } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool) {
+ var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool)bound;
+ wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
+ TrExpr(b.Seq);
+ wr.WriteLine(").Elements) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
+ } else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool) {
+ var b = (ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool)bound;
+ wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in {1}.AllSingletonConstructors) {{ @{2} = {0};", tmpVar, TypeName(bv.Type), bv.CompileName);
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected BoundedPool type
+ }
+ if (needIterLimit) {
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("if ({0}_{1} == 0) {{ break; }} {0}_{1}--;", iterLimit, i);
+ }
+ }
+ Indent(ind);
+ wr.Write("if (");
+ TrExpr(constraint);
+ wr.WriteLine(") {");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine("goto {0};", doneLabel);
+ Indent(ind);
+ wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(indent);
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ wr.Write(i == 0 ? "}" : " }");
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine(needIterLimit ? " }" : "");
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.WriteLine("throw new System.Exception(\"assign-such-that search produced no value (line {0})\");", debuginfoLine);
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.WriteLine("{0}: ;", doneLabel);
+ }
string CreateLvalue(Expression lhs, int indent) {
lhs = lhs.Resolved;
if (lhs is IdentifierExpr) {
@@ -2557,33 +2566,67 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (expr is LetExpr) {
var e = (LetExpr)expr;
- // The Dafny "let" expression
- // var Pattern(x,y) := G; E
- // is translated into C# as:
- // LamLet(G, tmp =>
- // LamLet(dtorX(tmp), x =>
- // LamLet(dtorY(tmp), y => E)))
- Contract.Assert(e.Exact); // because !Exact is ghost only
- Contract.Assert(e.LHSs.Count == e.RHSs.Count); // checked by resolution
- var neededCloseParens = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < e.LHSs.Count; i++) {
- var lhs = e.LHSs[i];
- if (Contract.Exists(lhs.Vars, bv => !bv.IsGhost)) {
- var rhsName = string.Format("_pat_let{0}_{1}", GetUniqueAstNumber(e), i);
- wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.Let<");
- wr.Write(TypeName(e.RHSs[i].Type) + "," + TypeName(e.Body.Type));
- wr.Write(">(");
- TrExpr(e.RHSs[i]);
- wr.Write(", " + rhsName + " => ");
- neededCloseParens++;
- var c = TrCasePattern(lhs, rhsName, e.Body.Type);
- Contract.Assert(c != 0); // we already checked that there's at least one non-ghost
- neededCloseParens += c;
- }
- }
- TrExpr(e.Body);
- for (int i = 0; i < neededCloseParens; i++) {
- wr.Write(")");
+ if (e.Exact) {
+ // The Dafny "let" expression
+ // var Pattern(x,y) := G; E
+ // is translated into C# as:
+ // LamLet(G, tmp =>
+ // LamLet(dtorX(tmp), x =>
+ // LamLet(dtorY(tmp), y => E)))
+ Contract.Assert(e.LHSs.Count == e.RHSs.Count); // checked by resolution
+ var neededCloseParens = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < e.LHSs.Count; i++) {
+ var lhs = e.LHSs[i];
+ if (Contract.Exists(lhs.Vars, bv => !bv.IsGhost)) {
+ var rhsName = string.Format("_pat_let{0}_{1}", GetUniqueAstNumber(e), i);
+ wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.Let<");
+ wr.Write(TypeName(e.RHSs[i].Type) + "," + TypeName(e.Body.Type));
+ wr.Write(">(");
+ TrExpr(e.RHSs[i]);
+ wr.Write(", " + rhsName + " => ");
+ neededCloseParens++;
+ var c = TrCasePattern(lhs, rhsName, e.Body.Type);
+ Contract.Assert(c != 0); // we already checked that there's at least one non-ghost
+ neededCloseParens += c;
+ }
+ }
+ TrExpr(e.Body);
+ for (int i = 0; i < neededCloseParens; i++) {
+ wr.Write(")");
+ }
+ } else if (e.BoundVars.All(bv => bv.IsGhost)) {
+ // The Dafny "let" expression
+ // ghost var x,y :| Constraint; E
+ // is compiled just like E is, because the resolver has already checked that x,y (or other ghost variables, for that matter) don't
+ // occur in E (moreover, the verifier has checked that values for x,y satisfying Constraint exist).
+ TrExpr(e.Body);
+ } else {
+ // The Dafny "let" expression
+ // var x,y :| Constraint; E
+ // is translated into C# as:
+ // LamLet(0, dummy => { // the only purpose of this construction here is to allow us to add some code inside an expression in C#
+ // var x,y;
+ // // Embark on computation that fills in x,y according to Constraint; the computation stops when the first
+ // // such value is found, but since the verifier checks that x,y follows uniquely from Constraint, this is
+ // // not a source of nondeterminancy.
+ // return E;
+ // })
+ Contract.Assert(e.RHSs.Count == 1); // checked by resolution
+ if (e.Constraint_MissingBounds != null) {
+ foreach (var bv in e.Constraint_MissingBounds) {
+ Error("this let-such-that expression is too advanced for the current compiler; Dafny's heuristics cannot find any bound for variable '{0}' (line {1})", bv.Name, e.tok.line);
+ }
+ } else {
+ wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.Let<int," + TypeName(e.Body.Type) + ">(0, _let_dummy_" + GetUniqueAstNumber(e) + " => {");
+ foreach (var bv in e.BoundVars) {
+ wr.Write("{0} @{1}", TypeName(bv.Type), bv.CompileName);
+ wr.WriteLine(" = {0};", DefaultValue(bv.Type));
+ }
+ TrAssignSuchThat(0, new List<IVariable>(e.BoundVars).ConvertAll(bv => (IVariable)bv), e.RHSs[0], e.Constraint_Bounds, e.tok.line);
+ wr.Write(" return ");
+ TrExpr(e.Body);
+ wr.Write("; })");
+ }
} else if (expr is MatchExpr) {