path: root/Jennisys
diff options
authorGravatar Unknown <>2011-06-24 15:59:13 -0700
committerGravatar Unknown <>2011-06-24 15:59:13 -0700
commitcf5c8312d52dca3d258fbe3fb9f75340054bf50e (patch)
tree104fc066c9ff9c040cc8b725d9332f6e8471b5a3 /Jennisys
parent530e6f14cb99f3b444a82eb58d096b5a5d0e48aa (diff)
- implemented code generation from a synthesis solution (simple field
assignments only), along with resolving some values missing in the model.
Diffstat (limited to 'Jennisys')
11 files changed, 280 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs b/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
index 9a57ae64..12111196 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
open Ast
open AstUtils
+open CodeGen
open DafnyModelUtils
open PipelineUtils
open Printer
open DafnyPrinter
-open TypeChecker
open Microsoft.Boogie
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ let rec Substitute substMap = function
| ForallExpr(vv,e) -> ForallExpr(vv, Substitute substMap e)
| expr -> expr
-let GenerateMethodCode methodName signature pre post assumeInvInitially =
+let GenMethodAnalysisCode methodName signature pre post assumeInvInitially =
" method " + methodName + "()" + newline +
" modifies this;" + newline +
" {" + newline +
@@ -53,108 +53,55 @@ let GenerateMethodCode methodName signature pre post assumeInvInitially =
// if the following assert fails, the model hints at what code to generate; if the verification succeeds, an implementation would be infeasible
" // assert false to search for a model satisfying the assumed constraints" + newline +
" assert false;" + newline +
- " }" + newline
-let GetFieldValidExpr (name: string) : Expr =
- BinaryImplies (BinaryNeq (IdLiteral(name)) (IdLiteral("null"))) (Dot(IdLiteral(name), "Valid()"))
-let GetFieldsForValidExpr (allFields: VarDecl list) prog : VarDecl list =
- allFields |> List.filter (function Var(name, tp) when IsUserType prog tp -> true
- | _ -> false)
-let GetFieldsValidExprList (allFields: VarDecl list) prog : Expr list =
- let fields = GetFieldsForValidExpr allFields prog
- fields |> (function Var(name, _) -> GetFieldValidExpr name)
-let GenValidFunctionCode clsMembers modelInv vars prog : string =
- let invMembers = clsMembers |> List.filter (function Invariant(_) -> true | _ -> false)
- let clsInvs = invMembers |> List.choose (function Invariant(exprList) -> Some(exprList) | _ -> None) |> List.concat
- let allInvs = modelInv :: clsInvs
- let fieldsValid = GetFieldsValidExprList vars prog
- let idt = " "
- let invsStr = List.concat [allInvs ; fieldsValid] |> List.fold (fun acc e -> List.concat [acc ; SplitIntoConjunts e]) []
- |> List.fold (fun acc (e: Expr) ->
- if acc = "" then
- sprintf "%s(%s)" idt (PrintExpr 0 e)
- else
- acc + " &&" + newline + sprintf "%s(%s)" idt (PrintExpr 0 e)) ""
- // TODO: don't hardcode decr vars!!!
- let decrVars = if List.choose (function Var(n,_) -> Some(n)) vars |> List.exists (fun n -> n = "next") then
- ["list"]
- else
- []
- " function Valid(): bool" + newline +
- " reads *;" + newline +
- (if List.isEmpty decrVars then "" else sprintf " decreases %s;%s" (PrintSep ", " (fun a -> a) decrVars) newline) +
- " {" + newline +
- invsStr + newline +
- " }" + newline
-let GetAnalyzeConstrCode mthd =
- match mthd with
- | Constructor(methodName,signature,pre,post) -> (GenerateMethodCode methodName signature pre post false) + newline
- | Method(methodName,signature,pre,post) -> (GenerateMethodCode methodName signature pre post true) + newline
+ " }" + newline
+let MethodAnalysisPrinter onlyForThisCompMethod comp mthd =
+ match onlyForThisCompMethod with
+ | (c,m) when c = comp && m = mthd ->
+ match m with
+ | Constructor(methodName, sign, pre, post) -> (GenMethodAnalysisCode methodName sign pre post false) + newline
+ | _ -> ""
| _ -> ""
-let AnalyzeMethod prog mthd mthdCodeFunc: string =
- match prog with
- | Program(components) -> components |> List.fold (fun acc comp ->
- match comp with
- | Component(Class(name,typeParams,members), Model(_,_,cVars,frame,inv), code) ->
- let aVars = Fields members
- let allVars = List.concat [aVars ; cVars];
- // Now print it as a Dafny program
- acc +
- (sprintf "class %s%s {" name (PrintTypeParams typeParams)) + newline +
- // the fields: original abstract fields plus concrete fields
- (sprintf "%s" (PrintFields aVars 2 true)) + newline +
- (sprintf "%s" (PrintFields cVars 2 false)) + newline +
- // generate the Valid function
- (sprintf "%s" (GenValidFunctionCode members inv allVars prog)) + newline +
- // generate code for the given method
- (if List.exists (fun a -> a = mthd) members then
- mthdCodeFunc mthd
- else
- "") +
- // the end of the class
- "}" + newline + newline
- | _ -> assert false; "") ""
-let PrintImplCode (heap, env, ctx) =
- ()
-let Analyze prog =
- let models = ref null
- let methods = Methods prog
- // synthesize constructors
- methods |> List.iter (fun (comp, m) ->
- match m with
- | Constructor(methodName,signature,pre,post) ->
- use file = System.IO.File.CreateText(dafnyScratchFile)
- file.AutoFlush <- true
- let code = AnalyzeMethod prog m GetAnalyzeConstrCode
- printfn "analyzing constructor %s" methodName
-// printfn "%s" code
-// printfn "-------------------------"
- fprintf file "%s" code
- file.Close()
- RunDafny dafnyScratchFile dafnyModelFile
- use modelFile = System.IO.File.OpenText(dafnyModelFile)
+let AnalyzeConstructor prog comp methodName signature pre post =
+ let m = Constructor(methodName, signature, pre, post)
+ use file = System.IO.File.CreateText(dafnyScratchFile)
+ file.AutoFlush <- true
+ let code = PrintDafnyCodeSkeleton prog (MethodAnalysisPrinter (comp,m))
+ printfn "analyzing constructor %s" methodName
+ fprintf file "%s" code
+ file.Close()
+ RunDafny dafnyScratchFile dafnyModelFile
+ use modelFile = System.IO.File.OpenText(dafnyModelFile)
- let models = Microsoft.Boogie.Model.ParseModels modelFile
- if models.Count = 0 then
- printfn "spec for method %s.%s is inconsistent (no valid solution exists)" (GetClassName comp) methodName
- else
- assert (models.Count = 1) // TODO
- let model = models.[0]
- let (heap,env,ctx) = ReadFieldValuesFromModel model prog comp m
- PrintImplCode (heap, env, ctx) |> ignore
- printfn "done with %s" methodName
- System.Environment.Exit(1)
- | _ -> ())
+ let models = Microsoft.Boogie.Model.ParseModels modelFile
+ if models.Count = 0 then
+ printfn "spec for method %s.%s is inconsistent (no valid solution exists)" (GetClassName comp) methodName
+ failwith "inconsistent spec" // TODO: instead of failing, just continue
+ else
+ if models.Count > 1 then failwith "why did we get more than one model for a single constructor analysis???"
+ let model = models.[0]
+ ReadFieldValuesFromModel model prog comp m
+let rec AnalyzeMethods prog methods =
+ match methods with
+ | (comp,m) :: rest ->
+ match m with
+ | Constructor(methodName,signature,pre,post) ->
+ let (heap,env,ctx) = AnalyzeConstructor prog comp methodName signature pre post
+ AnalyzeMethods prog rest |> Map.add (comp,m) (heap,env,ctx)
+ | _ -> AnalyzeMethods prog rest
+ | [] -> Map.empty
+let Analyze prog =
+ let solutions = AnalyzeMethods prog (Methods prog)
+ use file = System.IO.File.CreateText(dafnySynthFile)
+ file.AutoFlush <- true
+ let synthCode = PrintImplCode prog solutions
+ fprintfn file "%s" synthCode
+ ()
//let AnalyzeComponent_rustan c =
// match c with
diff --git a/Jennisys/Ast.fs b/Jennisys/Ast.fs
index eeb2f753..b2bd27c0 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Ast.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Ast.fs
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ type Type =
type Const =
| IntConst of int
| BoolConst of bool
- | SetConst of Set<Const>
+ | SetConst of Set<Const option>
| SeqConst of (Const option) list
+ | NullConst
| ThisConst of (* loc id *) string * Type option
| NewObj of (* loc id *) string * Type option
| Unresolved of (* loc id *) string
diff --git a/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs b/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs
index 794a89dc..3e32fd5c 100644
--- a/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs
@@ -27,9 +27,15 @@ let FalseLiteral = IdLiteral("false")
// --- search functions ---
-let Fields members =
+let FilterFieldMembers members =
members |> List.choose (function Field(vd) -> Some(vd) | _ -> None)
+let FilterConstructorMembers members =
+ members |> List.choose (function Constructor(_,_,_,_) as m -> Some(m) | _ -> None)
+let FilterMethodMembers members =
+ members |> List.choose (function Method(_,_,_,_) as m -> Some(m) | _ -> None)
let Methods prog =
match prog with
| Program(components) ->
@@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ let Methods prog =
let AllFields c =
match c with
| Component(Class(_,_,members), Model(_,_,cVars,_,_), _) ->
- let aVars = Fields members
+ let aVars = FilterFieldMembers members
List.concat [aVars ; cVars]
| _ -> []
diff --git a/Jennisys/CodeGen.fs b/Jennisys/CodeGen.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7c2e274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jennisys/CodeGen.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+module CodeGen
+open Ast
+open AstUtils
+open Utils
+open Printer
+open TypeChecker
+open DafnyPrinter
+let GetFieldValidExpr (name: string) : Expr =
+ BinaryImplies (BinaryNeq (IdLiteral(name)) (IdLiteral("null"))) (Dot(IdLiteral(name), "Valid()"))
+let GetFieldsForValidExpr (allFields: VarDecl list) prog : VarDecl list =
+ allFields |> List.filter (function Var(name, tp) when IsUserType prog tp -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+let GetFieldsValidExprList (allFields: VarDecl list) prog : Expr list =
+ let fields = GetFieldsForValidExpr allFields prog
+ fields |> (function Var(name, _) -> GetFieldValidExpr name)
+let PrintValidFunctionCode clsMembers modelInv vars prog : string =
+ let invMembers = clsMembers |> List.filter (function Invariant(_) -> true | _ -> false)
+ let clsInvs = invMembers |> List.choose (function Invariant(exprList) -> Some(exprList) | _ -> None) |> List.concat
+ let allInvs = modelInv :: clsInvs
+ let fieldsValid = GetFieldsValidExprList vars prog
+ let idt = " "
+ let invsStr = List.concat [allInvs ; fieldsValid] |> List.fold (fun acc e -> List.concat [acc ; SplitIntoConjunts e]) []
+ |> List.fold (fun acc (e: Expr) ->
+ if acc = "" then
+ sprintf "%s(%s)" idt (PrintExpr 0 e)
+ else
+ acc + " &&" + newline + sprintf "%s(%s)" idt (PrintExpr 0 e)) ""
+ // TODO: don't hardcode decr vars!!!
+ let decrVars = if List.choose (function Var(n,_) -> Some(n)) vars |> List.exists (fun n -> n = "next") then
+ ["list"]
+ else
+ []
+ " function Valid(): bool" + newline +
+ " reads *;" + newline +
+ (if List.isEmpty decrVars then "" else sprintf " decreases %s;%s" (PrintSep ", " (fun a -> a) decrVars) newline) +
+ " {" + newline +
+ invsStr + newline +
+ " }" + newline
+let PrintDafnyCodeSkeleton prog methodPrinterFunc: string =
+ match prog with
+ | Program(components) -> components |> List.fold (fun acc comp ->
+ match comp with
+ | Component(Class(name,typeParams,members), Model(_,_,cVars,frame,inv), code) ->
+ let aVars = FilterFieldMembers members
+ let allVars = List.concat [aVars ; cVars];
+ let compMethods = FilterConstructorMembers members
+ // Now print it as a Dafny program
+ acc +
+ (sprintf "class %s%s {" name (PrintTypeParams typeParams)) + newline +
+ // the fields: original abstract fields plus concrete fields
+ (sprintf "%s" (PrintFields aVars 2 true)) + newline +
+ (sprintf "%s" (PrintFields cVars 2 false)) + newline +
+ // generate the Valid function
+ (sprintf "%s" (PrintValidFunctionCode members inv allVars prog)) + newline +
+ // call the method printer function on all methods of this component
+ (compMethods |> List.fold (fun acc m -> acc + (methodPrinterFunc comp m)) "") +
+ // the end of the class
+ "}" + newline + newline
+ | _ -> assert false; "") ""
+let PrintAllocNewObjects (heap,env,ctx) indent =
+ let idt = Indent indent
+ env |> Map.fold (fun acc l v ->
+ match v with
+ | NewObj(_,_) -> acc |> Set.add v
+ | _ -> acc
+ ) Set.empty
+ |> Set.fold (fun acc newObjConst ->
+ match newObjConst with
+ | NewObj(name, Some(tp)) -> acc + (sprintf "%svar %s := new %s;%s" idt (PrintGenSym name) (PrintType tp) newline)
+ | _ -> failwith ("NewObj doesn't have a type: " + newObjConst.ToString())
+ ) ""
+let PrintObjRefName o (env,ctx) =
+ match Resolve o (env,ctx) with
+ | ThisConst(_,_) -> "this";
+ | NewObj(name, _) -> PrintGenSym name
+ | _ -> failwith ("unresolved object ref: " + o.ToString())
+let PrintVarAssignments (heap,env,ctx) indent =
+ let idt = Indent indent
+ heap |> Map.fold (fun acc (o,f) l ->
+ let objRef = PrintObjRefName o (env,ctx)
+ let fldName = PrintVarName f
+ let value = Resolve l (env,ctx) |> PrintConst
+ acc + (sprintf "%s%s.%s := %s;" idt objRef fldName value) + newline
+ ) ""
+let PrintHeapCreationCode (heap,env,ctx) indent =
+ (PrintAllocNewObjects (heap,env,ctx) indent) +
+ (PrintVarAssignments (heap,env,ctx) indent)
+let GenConstructorCode mthd body =
+ match mthd with
+ | Constructor(methodName, sign, pre, post) ->
+ " method " + methodName + (PrintSig sign) + newline +
+ " modifies this;" + newline +
+ " requires " + (PrintExpr 0 pre) + ";" + newline +
+ " ensures " + (PrintExpr 0 post) + ";" + newline +
+ " ensures Valid(); " + newline +
+ " {" + newline +
+ body +
+ " }" + newline
+ | _ -> ""
+// solutions: (comp, constructor) |--> (heap, env, ctx)
+let PrintImplCode prog solutions =
+ PrintDafnyCodeSkeleton prog (fun comp mthd ->
+ let mthdBody = match Map.tryFind (comp,mthd) solutions with
+ | Some(heap,env,ctx) -> PrintHeapCreationCode (heap,env,ctx) 4
+ | _ -> "//unable to synthesize"
+ (GenConstructorCode mthd mthdBody) + newline
+ ) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jennisys/DafnyModelUtils.fs b/Jennisys/DafnyModelUtils.fs
index c3db8e83..800a65d5 100644
--- a/Jennisys/DafnyModelUtils.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/DafnyModelUtils.fs
@@ -79,7 +79,18 @@ let AddConstr c1 c2 ctx =
match c1, c2 with
- | Unresolved(_), _ | _, Unresolved(_) -> Set.add (Set.ofList [c1; c2]) ctx
+ | Unresolved(_), _ | _, Unresolved(_) ->
+ // find partitions
+ let s1Opt = ctx |> Set.filter (fun ss -> Set.contains c1 ss) |> Utils.SetToOption
+ let s2Opt = ctx |> Set.filter (fun ss -> Set.contains c2 ss) |> Utils.SetToOption
+ match s1Opt, s2Opt with
+ // both already exist --> so just merge them
+ | Some(s1), Some(s2) -> ctx |> Set.remove s1 |> Set.remove s2 |> Set.add (Set.union s1 s2)
+ // exactly one already exists --> add to existing
+ | Some(s1), None -> ctx |> Set.remove s1 |> Set.add (Set.add c2 s1)
+ | None, Some(s2) -> ctx |> Set.remove s2 |> Set.add (Set.add c1 s2)
+ // neither exists --> create a new one
+ | None, None -> ctx |> Set.add (Set.ofList [c1; c2])
| _ -> failwith ("trying to add an equality constraint between two constants: " + c1.ToString() + ", and " + c2.ToString())
let rec UpdateContext lst1 lst2 ctx =
@@ -114,12 +125,14 @@ let ReadHeap (model: Microsoft.Boogie.Model) prog =
let clsName = if dotIdx = -1 then "" else fldFullName.Substring(0, dotIdx)
let refVal = ft.Result
let refObj = Unresolved(GetRefName ref)
- let fldVar = FindVar prog clsName fldName
- let fldType = match fldVar with
- | Some(Var(_,t)) -> t
- | _ -> None
- let fldVal = ConvertValue model refVal
- acc |> Map.add (refObj, fldVar) fldVal
+ let fldVarOpt = FindVar prog clsName fldName
+ match fldVarOpt with
+ | Some(fldVar) ->
+ let fldType = match fldVar with
+ | Var(_,t) -> t
+ let fldVal = ConvertValue model refVal
+ acc |> Map.add (refObj, fldVar) fldVal
+ | None -> acc
) Map.empty
let rec ReadSeqLen (model: Microsoft.Boogie.Model) (len_tuples: Model.FuncTuple list) (envMap,ctx) =
@@ -167,9 +180,17 @@ let ReadSeq (model: Microsoft.Boogie.Model) (envMap,ctx) =
|> ReadSeqIndex model (List.ofSeq f_seq_idx.Apps)
|> ReadSeqBuild model (List.ofSeq f_seq_bld.Apps)
-let ReadSet (model: Microsoft.Boogie.Model) envMap =
- envMap
+let ReadSet (model: Microsoft.Boogie.Model) (envMap,ctx) =
+ (envMap,ctx)
+let ReadNull (model: Microsoft.Boogie.Model) (envMap,ctx) =
+ let f_null = model.MkFunc("null", 0)
+ assert (f_null.AppCount = 1)
+ let e = (f_null.Apps |> Seq.nth 0).Result
+ let newEnv = envMap |> Map.add (GetLoc e) NullConst
+ (newEnv,ctx)
let ReadEnv (model: Microsoft.Boogie.Model) =
let f_dtype = model.MkFunc("dtype", 1)
let refs = f_dtype.Apps |> Seq.choose (fun ft -> Some(ft.Args.[0]))
@@ -179,11 +200,12 @@ let ReadEnv (model: Microsoft.Boogie.Model) =
let loc = Unresolved(locName)
let locType = GetType ft.Result
let value = match elemName with
- | Some(n) when n.StartsWith("this") -> ThisConst(locName, locType)
- | _ -> NewObj(locName, locType)
+ | Some(n) when n.StartsWith("this") -> ThisConst(locName.Replace("*", ""), locType)
+ | _ -> NewObj(locName.Replace("*", ""), locType)
acc |> Map.add loc value
) Map.empty
- (envMap, Set.ofList([])) |> ReadSeq model
+ (envMap, Set.ofList([])) |> ReadNull model
+ |> ReadSeq model
|> ReadSet model
let ReadFieldValuesFromModel (model: Microsoft.Boogie.Model) prog comp meth =
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys.fs
index 0c69f797..28824237 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys.fs
@@ -64,4 +64,4 @@ let args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
start 1 args false true null
-| _ as e -> printfn "%s" e.StackTrace \ No newline at end of file
+| e -> printfn "%s" e.StackTrace \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj b/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj
index 1ec66a98..fb1008d0 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
<Compile Include="Printer.fs" />
<Compile Include="DafnyPrinter.fs" />
<Compile Include="TypeChecker.fs" />
+ <Compile Include="CodeGen.fs" />
<Compile Include="Analyzer.fs" />
<Compile Include="Jennisys.fs" />
diff --git a/Jennisys/PipelineUtils.fs b/Jennisys/PipelineUtils.fs
index 0f7eb847..17c1c058 100644
--- a/Jennisys/PipelineUtils.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/PipelineUtils.fs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
let dafnyScratchFile = @"c:\tmp\jennisys-scratch.dfy"
let dafnyModelFile = @"c:\tmp\jennisys-scratch.model"
let dafnyOutFile = @"c:\tmp\jennisys-scratch.out"
+let dafnySynthFile = @"c:\tmp\jennisys-synth.dfy"
let RunDafny inputFile modelFile =
async {
diff --git a/Jennisys/Printer.fs b/Jennisys/Printer.fs
index 2c6315a3..b0d4746c 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Printer.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Printer.fs
@@ -4,12 +4,33 @@ open Ast
let newline = System.Environment.NewLine // "\r\n"
+let PrintGenSym name =
+ sprintf "gensym%s" name
let rec PrintSep sep f list =
match list with
| [] -> ""
| [a] -> f a
| a :: more -> (f a) + sep + (PrintSep sep f more)
+let rec PrintConst cst =
+ match cst with
+ | IntConst(v) -> sprintf "%d" v
+ | BoolConst(b) -> sprintf "%b" b
+ | SetConst(cset) -> cset.ToString() //TODO: this won't work
+ | SeqConst(cseq) ->
+ let seqCont = cseq |> List.fold (fun acc cOpt ->
+ let sep = if acc = "" then "" else ", "
+ match cOpt with
+ | Some(c) -> acc + sep + (PrintConst c)
+ | None -> acc + sep + "null"
+ ) ""
+ sprintf "[%s]" seqCont
+ | NullConst -> "null"
+ | ThisConst(_,_) -> "this"
+ | NewObj(name,_) -> PrintGenSym name
+ | Unresolved(name) -> sprintf "Unresolved(%s)" name
let rec PrintType ty =
match ty with
| IntType -> "int"
@@ -24,6 +45,10 @@ let PrintVarDecl vd =
| Var(id,None) -> id
| Var(id,Some(ty)) -> sprintf "%s: %s" id (PrintType ty)
+let PrintVarName vd =
+ match vd with
+ | Var(id,_) -> id
let rec PrintExpr ctx expr =
match expr with
| IntLiteral(n) -> sprintf "%O" n
diff --git a/Jennisys/TypeChecker.fs b/Jennisys/TypeChecker.fs
index 6ca13453..79d5fe89 100644
--- a/Jennisys/TypeChecker.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/TypeChecker.fs
@@ -36,3 +36,40 @@ let TypeCheck prog =
let componentNames = decls |> List.choose (function Class(name,_,_) -> Some(name) | _ -> None)
let clist = componentNames |> (fun name -> Component(GetClass name decls, GetModel name decls, GetCode name decls))
+// resolving values
+let rec Resolve cst (env,ctx) =
+ match cst with
+ | Unresolved(_) as u ->
+ // see if it is in the env map first
+ let envVal = Map.tryFind cst env
+ match envVal with
+ | Some(c) -> Resolve c (env,ctx)
+ | None ->
+ // not found in the env map --> check the equality sets
+ let eq = ctx |> Set.filter (fun eqSet -> Set.contains u eqSet)
+ |> Utils.SetToOption
+ match eq with
+ | Some(eqSet) ->
+ let cOpt = eqSet |> Set.filter (function Unresolved(_) -> false | _ -> true)
+ |> Utils.SetToOption
+ match cOpt with
+ | Some(c) -> c
+ | _ -> failwith ("failed to resolve " + cst.ToString())
+ | _ -> failwith ("failed to resolve " + cst.ToString())
+ | SeqConst(cseq) ->
+ let resolvedLst = cseq |> List.fold (fun acc cOpt ->
+ match cOpt with
+ | Some(c) -> Some(Resolve c (env,ctx)) :: acc
+ | None -> cOpt :: acc
+ ) []
+ SeqConst(resolvedLst)
+ | SetConst(cset) ->
+ let resolvedSet = cset |> Set.fold (fun acc cOpt ->
+ match cOpt with
+ | Some(c) -> acc |> Set.add (Some(Resolve c (env,ctx)))
+ | None -> acc |> Set.add(cOpt)
+ ) Set.empty
+ SetConst(resolvedSet)
+ | _ -> cst
diff --git a/Jennisys/Utils.fs b/Jennisys/Utils.fs
index 8a2e107e..9a743fe0 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Utils.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Utils.fs
@@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ let SeqToOption seq =
Some(Seq.nth 0 seq)
+let SetToOption set =
+ assert (Set.count set <= 1)
+ if (Set.isEmpty set) then
+ None
+ else
+ Some(set |> Set.toList |> List.head)
let rec GenList n =
if n = 0 then