path: root/Docs/DafnyRef/DafnyRef.mdk
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authorGravatar Richard L. Ford <>2016-01-27 21:35:30 -0800
committerGravatar Richard L. Ford <>2016-01-27 21:35:30 -0800
commitfca241c91ba0f27d145bf083a283491844da1da1 (patch)
tree7ed7a615e2f1a657a0cdb7fef0a889c18f904bd4 /Docs/DafnyRef/DafnyRef.mdk
parent348beb7f706f35256f5fb07349182e252aae8860 (diff)
Add Dafny reference manual
This version is still a draft, but is mostly complete and about half reviewed. The manual is written using Madoko. The sources are in the Docs/DafnyRef directory. The processed sources are available in the Docs/DafnyRef/out directory in the form of a single HTML page or as a PDF.
Diffstat (limited to 'Docs/DafnyRef/DafnyRef.mdk')
1 files changed, 8331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Docs/DafnyRef/DafnyRef.mdk b/Docs/DafnyRef/DafnyRef.mdk
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Docs/DafnyRef/DafnyRef.mdk
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+Title : Draft Dafny Reference Manual
+Title Note : Manuscript Dafny Reference&br;&date; &time;
+Author : Richard L. Ford
+Email :
+Author : K. Rustan M. Leino
+Email :
+Doc Class : [12pt,twoside]article
+Package : [left=1.0in, right=0.75in]geometry
+Heading Base: 2
+Toc Depth : 5
+Heading Depth: 5
+xMath Mode : dynamic
+Bibliography: DafnyRef.bib
+Bibliography: references.bib
+Bibliography: paper-full.bib
+Bibliography: poc.bib
+Bibliography: krml250.bib
+Cite All: false
+Tex Header : \setcounter{footnote}{-1}
+xPackage : times
+xTex Header : \IfFileExists{luximono.sty}{\usepackage[scaled=0.81]{luximono}}{\usepackage[scaled=0.81]{beramono}}
+Colorizer: dafny
+Colorizer: dafnyx
+~Pre,.code1 : replace="//\\forall\s/\(&forall;[&thinsp;]{font-family=serif}\)\
+ //\bexists\s/\(&exist;[&thinsp;]{font-family=serif}\)\
+ //g"
+ language=dafnyx
+ font-size=small
+~Pre : margin-left=1em
+~Exercise : .block @Exercise=arabic0 label='[@Exercise]{.Exercise-label}'
+ before='[**Exercise\ &label;.** ]{.Exercise-before}'
+ after=' &box;'
+Comment : We use four backticks (````) for grammar productions. We use the Java
+ colorizer as that seems good enough for grammars.
+Colorizer : java
+.pre-fenced4: language=java .grammar-def
+.code2 : language=java .grammar-ref
+.grammar-def: replace='//(^|\n)([A-Z]\w+)/\1\([\2]{#1_\L\2\E .ntdef}\)\
+ //(^|\n)([a-z]\w+)/\1\([\2]{#2_\L\2\E .ntdef}\)\
+ //\/\/.*/\0\
+ //\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//\0\
+ //"([^"|\s]*)"/\([\"\1\"]{.terminal}\)\
+ //([^\[\(\{\w#.&])([A-Z]\w+)\b/\1\([\2](#1_\L\2\E){.ntref}\)\
+ //([^\[\(\{\w#.&])([a-z]\w+)\b/\1\([\2](#2_\L\2\E){.ntref}\)\
+ //cg'
+.grammar-ref: replace='//\/\/.*/\0\
+ //\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//\0\
+ //"([^"\s]*)"/\([\"\1\"]{.terminal}\)\
+ //([^\[\(\{\w#.&])([A-Z]\w+)\b/\1\([\2](#1_\L\2\E){.ntref}\)\
+ //([^\[\(\{\w#.&])([a-z]\w+)\b/\1\([\2](#2_\L\2\E){.ntref}\)\
+ //^([A-Z]\w+)$/\([\1](#1_\L\1\E){.ntref}\)\
+ //^([a-z]\w+)$/\([\1](#2_\L\1\E){.ntref}\)\
+ //cg'
+.terminal : font-weight=bold color=black
+.ntref : color=maroon
+.ntdef : color=olive
+.AuthorNote : before="**&author;: **"
+~Daan : .AuthorNote color=purple author="Daan"
+~Rich : .AuthorNote color=teal author="Rich"
+~Rustan : .AuthorNote color=darkgreen author="Rustan"
+.grammar : .framed padding=1ex margin-left=0ex language=java
+Css Header : body { text-rendering=optimizeLegibility }
+.code-escaped .comment-color { color: darkgreen }
+ { color: black; font-weight: bold } { color: black; font-weight: normal }, { color: blue; }
+~ MathDefs
+\newcommand{\ite}[3]{\textrm{if}\ES #1 \ES\textrm{then}\ES #2 \ES\textrm{else}\ES #3}
+ \ooalign{%
+ $\genfrac{}{}{1.8pt}0{#1}{#2}$\cr%
+ $\color{white}\genfrac{}{}{1pt}0{\phantom{#1}}{\phantom{#2}}$}%
+ \ooalign{%
+ $\genfrac{}{}{1.2pt}0{#1}{#2}$\cr%
+ $\color{white}\genfrac{}{}{0.6pt}0{\phantom{#1}}{\phantom{#2}}$}%
+% daan's fractions
+\newcommand\xstrut{\vrule height 9.4pt depth 4.6pt width 0pt\relax}
+\newcommand\xupstrut{\vrule height 9.4pt depth 0pt width 0pt\relax}
+ \ooalign{%
+ % first a thick fraction line
+ $\genfrac{}{}{1.4pt}1{\displaystyle #1\strut}{\displaystyle #2\strut}$\cr%
+ % and then a thinner white fraction line on top of it
+ $\color{white}\genfrac{}{}{0.6pt}1{\phantom{\displaystyle #1\strut}}{\phantom{\displaystyle #2\strut}}$}%
+ \displaystyle\genfrac{}{}{0.4pt}1{\displaystyle #1}{\displaystyle #2}%
+~ Abstract
+This is the Dafny reference manual which describes the Dafny programming
+language and how to use the Dafny verification system.
+Parts of this manual are more tutorial in nature in order to help the
+user understand how to do proofs with Dafny.
+# Introduction
+Dafny [@Leino:Dafny:LPAR16] is a programming language with built-in specification constructs.
+The Dafny static program verifier can be used to verify the functional
+correctness of programs.
+The Dafny programming language is designed to support the static
+verification of programs. It is imperative, sequential, supports generic
+classes, methods and functions, dynamic allocation, inductive and
+co-inductive datatypes, and specification constructs. The
+specifications include pre- and postconditions, frame specifications
+(read and write sets), and termination metrics. To further support
+specifications, the language also offers updatable ghost variables,
+recursive functions, and types like sets and sequences. Specifications
+and ghost constructs are used only during verification; the compiler
+omits them from the executable code.
+The Dafny verifier is run as part of the compiler. As such, a programmer
+interacts with it much in the same way as with the static type
+checker—when the tool produces errors, the programmer responds by
+changing the program’s type declarations, specifications, and statements.
+The easiest way to try out [Dafny is in your web browser at
+rise4fun]([@Rise4fun:dafny]. Once you get a bit
+more serious, you may prefer to [download]( it
+to run it on your machine. Although Dafny can be run from the command
+line (on Windows or other platforms), the preferred way to run it is in
+Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (or newer) or using emacs, where the Dafny
+verifier runs in the background while the programmer is editing the
+The Dafny verifier is powered
+by [Boogie](
+and [Z3]([@deMouraBjorner:Z3:overview].
+From verified programs, the Dafny compiler produces code (`.dll` or
+`.exe`) for the .NET platform via intermediate C# files. However, the
+facilities for interfacing with other .NET code are minimal.
+This is the reference manual for the Dafny verification system. It is
+based on the following references:
+@MSR:dafny:source;@MSR:dafny:quickref; @LEINO:Dafny:Calc;
+and the tutorials at @Rise4fun:dafny]
+The main part of the reference manual is in top down order except for an
+initial section that deals with the lowest level constructs.
+[Co-induction Simply]: "Co-induction Simply: Automatic Co-inductive Proofs in a Program Verifier"
+## Dafny Example
+To give a flavor of Dafny, here is the solution to a competition problem.
+// VSComp 2010, problem 3, find a 0 in a linked list and return how many
+// nodes were skipped until the first 0 (or end-of-list) was found.
+// Rustan Leino, 18 August 2010.
+// The difficulty in this problem lies in specifying what the return
+// value 'r' denotes and in proving that the program terminates. Both of
+// these are addressed by declaring a ghost field 'List' in each
+// linked-list node, abstractly representing the linked-list elements
+// from the node to the end of the linked list. The specification can
+// now talk about that sequence of elements and can use 'r' as an index
+// into the sequence, and termination can be proved from the fact that
+// all sequences in Dafny are finite.
+// We only want to deal with linked lists whose 'List' field is properly
+// filled in (which can only happen in an acyclic list, for example). To
+// that avail, the standard idiom in Dafny is to declare a predicate
+// 'Valid()' that is true of an object when the data structure
+// representing object's abstract value is properly formed. The
+// definition of 'Valid()' is what one intuitively would think of as the
+// ''object invariant'', and it is mentioned explicitly in method pre-
+// and postconditions. As part of this standard idiom, one also declared
+// a ghost variable 'Repr' that is maintained as the set of objects that
+// make up the representation of the aggregate object--in this case, the
+// Node itself and all its successors.
+class Node {
+ ghost var List: seq<int>
+ ghost var Repr: set<Node>
+ var head: int
+ var next: Node
+ predicate Valid()
+ reads this, Repr
+ {
+ this in Repr &&
+ 1 <= |List| && List[0] == head &&
+ (next == null ==> |List| == 1) &&
+ (next != null ==>
+ next in Repr && next.Repr <= Repr && this !in next.Repr &&
+ next.Valid() && next.List == List[1..])
+ }
+ static method Cons(x: int, tail: Node) returns (n: Node)
+ requires tail == null || tail.Valid()
+ ensures n != null && n.Valid()
+ ensures if tail == null then n.List == [x]
+ else n.List == [x] + tail.List
+ {
+ n := new Node;
+ n.head, := x, tail;
+ if (tail == null) {
+ n.List := [x];
+ n.Repr := {n};
+ } else {
+ n.List := [x] + tail.List;
+ n.Repr := {n} + tail.Repr;
+ }
+ }
+method Search(ll: Node) returns (r: int)
+ requires ll == null || ll.Valid()
+ ensures ll == null ==> r == 0
+ ensures ll != null ==>
+ 0 <= r && r <= |ll.List| &&
+ (r < |ll.List| ==> ll.List[r] == 0 && 0 !in ll.List[..r]) &&
+ (r == |ll.List| ==> 0 !in ll.List)
+ if (ll == null) {
+ r := 0;
+ } else {
+ var jj,i := ll,0;
+ while (jj != null && jj.head != 0)
+ invariant jj != null ==> jj.Valid() && i + |jj.List| == |ll.List| &&
+ ll.List[i..] == jj.List
+ invariant jj == null ==> i == |ll.List|
+ invariant 0 !in ll.List[..i]
+ decreases |ll.List| - i
+ {
+ jj :=;
+ i := i + 1;
+ }
+ r := i;
+ }
+method Main()
+ var list: Node := null;
+ list := list.Cons(0, list);
+ list := list.Cons(5, list);
+ list := list.Cons(0, list);
+ list := list.Cons(8, list);
+ var r := Search(list);
+ print "Search returns ", r, "\n";
+ assert r == 1;
+# Lexical and Low Level Grammar
+Dafny uses the Coco/R lexer and parser generator for its lexer and parser
+The Dafny input file to Coco/R is the `Dafny.atg` file in the source tree.
+A Coco/R input file consists of code written in the target language
+(&eg; C#) intermixed with these special sections:
+0. The Characters section which defines classes of characters that are used
+ in defining the lexer (Section [#sec-character-classes]).
+1. The Tokens section which defines the lexical tokens (Section [#sec-tokens]).
+2. The Productions section which defines the grammar. The grammar productions
+are distributed in the later parts of this document in the parts where
+those constructs are explained.
+The grammar presented in this document was derived from the `Dafny.atg`
+file but has been simplified by removing details that, though needed by
+the parser, are not needed to understand the grammar. In particular, the
+following transformation have been performed.
+* The semantics actions, enclosed by "(." and ".)", where removed.
+* There are some elements in the grammar used for error recovery
+ ("SYNC"). These were removed.
+* There are some elements in the grammar for resolving conflicts
+ ("IF(b)"). These have been removed.
+* Some comments related to Coco/R parsing details have been removed.
+* A Coco/R grammar is an attributed grammar where the attributes enable
+ the productions to have input and output parameters. These attributes
+ were removed except that boolean input parameters that affect
+ the parsing are kept.
+ * In our representation we represent these
+ in a definition by giving the names of the parameters following
+ the non-terminal name. For example `entity1(allowsX)`.
+ * In the case of uses of the parameter, the common case is that the
+ parameter is just passed to a lower-level non-terminal. In that
+ case we just give the name, e.g. `entity2(allowsX)`.
+ * If we want to given an explicit value to a parameter, we specify it in
+ a keyword notation like this: `entity2(allowsX: true)`.
+ * In some cases the value to be passed depends on the grammatical context.
+ In such cases we give a description of the conditions under which the
+ parameter is true, enclosed in parenthesis. For example:
+ `FunctionSignatureOrEllipsis_(allowGhostKeyword: ("method" present))`
+ means that the `allowGhostKeyword` parameter is true if the
+ "method" keyword was given in the associated ``FunctionDecl``.
+ * Where a parameter affects the parsing of a non-terminal we will
+ explain the effect of the parameter.
+The names of character sets and tokens start with a lower case
+letter but the names of grammar non-terminals start with
+an upper-case letter.
+The grammar uses Extended BNF notation. See the [Coco/R Referenced
+for details. But in summary:
+* identifiers starting with a lower case letter denote
+terminal symbols,
+* identifiers starting with an upper case letter denote nonterminal
+* Strings denote themselves.
+* `=` separates the sides of a production, &eg; `A = a b c`
+* In the Coco grammars "." terminates a production, but for readability
+ in this document a production starts with the defined identifier in
+ the left margin and may be continued on subsequent lines if they
+ are indented.
+* `|` separates alternatives, &eg; `a b | c | d e` means `a b` or `c or d e`
+* `(` `)` groups alternatives, &eg; (a | b) c means a c or b c
+* `[ ]` option, &eg; `[a] b` means `a b` or `b`
+* `{ }` iteration (0 or more times), &eg; `{a} b` means `b` or `a b` or `a a b` or ...
+* We allow `|` inside `[ ]` and `{ }`. So `[a | b]` is short for `[(a | b)]`
+ and `{a | b}` is short for `{(a | b)}`.
+* The first production defines the name of the grammar, in this case `Dafny`.
+In addition to the Coco rules, for the sake of readability we have adopted
+these additional conventions.
+* We allow `-` to be used. `a - b` means it matches if it matches `a` but not `b`.
+* To aid in explaining the grammar we have added some additional productions
+that are not present in the original grammar. We name these with a trailing
+underscore. If you inline these where they are referenced, the result should
+let you reconstruct the original grammar.
+**For the convenience of the reader, any references to character sets,
+tokens, or grammar non-terminals in this document are hyper-links that
+will link to the definition of the entity.**
+## Character Classes
+This section defines character classes used later in the token definitions.
+In this section backslash is used to start an escape sequence, so for example
+'\n' denotes the single linefeed character.
+letter = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+At present, a letter is an ASCII upper or lowercase letter. Other Unicode letters
+are not supported.
+digit = "0123456789"
+A digit is just one of the base-10 digits.
+posDigit = "123456789"
+A ``posDigit`` is a digit, excluding 0.
+hexdigit = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"
+A ``hexdigit`` character is a digit or one of the letters from 'A' to 'F' in either case.
+special = "'_?"
+The _special_ characters are the characters in addition to alphanumeric characters
+that are allowed to appear in a Dafny identifier. These are
+* `"'"` because mathematicians like to put primes on identifiers and some ML
+ programmers like to start names of type parameters with a "'".
+* "_" because computer scientists expect to be able to have underscores in identifiers.
+* "?" because it is useful to have "?" at the end of names of predicates,
+ e.g. "Cons?".
+cr = '\r'
+A carriage return character.
+lf = '\n'
+A line feed character.
+tab = '\t'
+A tab character.
+space = ' '
+A space character.
+nondigitIdChar = letter + special
+The characters that can be used in an identifier minus the digits.
+idchar = nondigitIdChar + digit
+The characters that can be used in an identifier.
+nonidchar = ANY - idchar
+Any character except those that can be used in an identifier.
+charChar = ANY - '\'' - '\\' - cr - lf
+Characters that can appear in a character constant.
+stringChar = ANY - '"' - '\\' - cr - lf
+Characters that can appear in a string constant.
+verbatimStringChar = ANY - '"'
+Characters that can appear in a verbatim string.
+### Comments
+Comments are in two forms.
+* They may go from "/*" to "*/" and be nested.
+* They may go from "//" to the end of the line.
+## Tokens
+As with most languages, Dafny syntax is defined in two levels. First the stream
+of input characters is broken up into _tokens_. Then these tokens are parsed
+using the Dafny grammar. The Dafny tokens are defined in this section.
+### Reserved Words
+The following reserved words appear in the Dafny grammar and may not be used
+as identifiers of user-defined entities:
+reservedword =
+ "abstract" | "array" | "as" | "assert" | "assume" | "bool" | "break" |
+ "calc" | "case" | "char" | "class" | "codatatype" | "colemma" |
+ "constructor" | "copredicate" | "datatype" | "decreases" |
+ "default" | "else" | "ensures" | "exists" | "extends" | "false" |
+ "forall" | "free" | "fresh" | "function" | "ghost" | "if" | "imap" | "import" |
+ "in" | "include" | "inductive" | "int" | "invariant" | "iset" | "iterator" | "label" |
+ "lemma" | "map" | "match" | "method" | "modifies" | "modify" |
+ "module" | "multiset" | "nat" | "new" | "newtype" | "null" | "object" |
+ "old" | "opened" | "predicate" | "print" | "protected" |
+ "reads" | "real" | "refines" | "requires" | "return" | "returns" | "seq" |
+ "set" | "static" | "string" | "then" | "this" | "trait" | "true" | "type" |
+ "var" | "where" | "while" | "yield" | "yields" | arrayToken
+arrayToken = "array" [ posDigit { digit }]
+An ``arrayToken`` is a reserved word that denotes an array type of
+given rank. `array` is an array type of rank 1 (aka a vector). `array2`
+is the type of two-dimensional arrays, etc.
+TODO: Is "_" is reserved word?
+### Identifiers
+ident = nondigitIdChar { idchar } - arraytoken - chartoken - reservedword
+In general Dafny identifiers are sequences of ``idChar`` characters where
+the first character is a ``nondigitIdChar``. However tokens that fit this pattern
+are not identifiers if they look like an array type token, a character literal,
+or a reserved work.
+### Digits
+digits = digit {['_'] digit}
+A sequence of decimal digits, possibly interspersed with underscores for readability. Example: `1_234_567`.
+hexdigits = "0x" hexdigit {['_'] hexdigit}
+A hexadecimal constant, possibly interspersed with underscores for readability.
+Example: `0xffff_ffff`.
+decimaldigits = digit {['_'] digit} '.' digit {['_'] digit}
+A decimal fraction constant, possibly interspersed with underscores for readability.
+Example: `123_456.789_123`.
+### Escaped Character
+In this section the "\\" characters are literal.
+escapedChar =
+ ( "\\\'" | "\\&quot;" | "\\\\" | "\\0" | "\\n" | "\\r" | "\\t"
+ | "\\u" hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit
+ )
+In Dafny character or string literals escaped characters may be used
+to specify the presence of the delimiting quote, or back slash,
+or null, or new line, or carriage return or tab, or the
+Unicode character with given hexadecimal representation.
+### Character Constant Token
+charToken = "'" ( charChar | escapedChar ) "'"
+A character constant is enclosed by "'" and includes either a character
+from the ``charChar`` set, or an escaped character. Note that although Unicode
+letters are not allowed in Dafny identifiers, Dafny does support Unicode
+in its character and string constants and in its data. A character
+constant has type `char`.
+### String Constant Token
+stringToken =
+ '"' { stringChar | escapedChar } '"'
+ | '@' '"' { verbatimStringChar | '"' '"' } '"'
+A string constant is either a normal string constant or a verbatim string constant.
+A normal string constant is enclosed by '"' and can contain characters from the
+``stringChar`` set and escapes.
+A verbatim string constant is enclosed between '@"' and '"' and can
+consists of any characters (including newline characters) except that two
+successive double quotes give a way to escape one quote character inside
+the string.
+## Low Level Grammar Productions
+### Identifier Variations
+Ident = ident
+The ``Ident`` non-terminal is just an ``ident`` token and represents an ordinary
+DotSuffix =
+ ( ident | digits | "requires" | "reads" )
+When using the _dot_ notation to denote a component of a compound entity
+the token following the ".", in addition to being an identifier,
+can also be a natural number, or one of the keywords `requires` or `reads`.
+* Digits can be used to name fields of classes and destructors of
+ datatypes. For example, the built-in tuple datatypes have destructors
+ named 0, 1, 2, etc. Note that as a field or destructor name, internal
+ underscores matter, so 10 is different from 1_0.
+* `m.requires` is used to denote the precondition for method m.
+* `m.reads` is used to denote the things that method m may read.
+NoUSIdent = ident - "_" { idChar }
+A ``NoUSIdent`` is an identifier except that identifiers with a **leading**
+underscore are not allowed. The names of user-defined entities are
+required to be ``NoUSIdent``s. We introduce more mnemonic names
+for these below (e.g. ``ClassName``).
+WildIdent = NoUSIdent | "_"
+Identifier, disallowing leading underscores, except the "wildcard"
+identifier "_". When "_" appears it is replaced by a unique generated
+identifier distinct from user identifiers.
+### NoUSIdent Synonyms
+In the productions for the declaration of user-defined entities the name of the
+user-defined entity is required to be an identifier that does not start
+with an underscore, i.e., a ``NoUSIdent``. To make the productions more
+mnemonic, we introduce the following synonyms for ``NoUSIdent``.
+ModuleName = NoUSIdent
+ClassName = NoUSIdent
+TraitName = NoUSIdent
+DatatypeName = NoUSIdent
+DatatypeMemberName = NoUSIdent
+NewtypeName = NoUSIdent
+NumericTypeName = NoUSIdent
+SynonymTypeName = NoUSIdent
+IteratorName = NoUSIdent
+TypeVariableName = NoUSIdent
+MethodName = NoUSIdent
+FunctionName = NoUSIdent
+PredicateName = NoUSIdent
+CopredicateName = NoUSIdent
+LabelName = NoUSIdent
+AttributeName = NoUSIdent
+FieldIdent = NoUSIdent
+A ``FieldIdent`` is one of the ways to identify a field. The other is
+using digits.
+### Qualified Names
+A qualified name starts with the name of the top-level entity and then is followed by
+zero or more ``DotSuffix``s which denote a component. Examples:
+* `Module.MyType1`
+* `MyTuple.1`
+* `MyMethod.requires`
+The grammar does not actually have a production for qualified names
+except in the special case of a qualified name that is known to be
+a module name, i.e. a ``QualifiedModuleName``.
+### Identifier-Type Combinations
+In this section, we describe some nonterminals that combine an identifier and a type.
+IdentType = WildIdent ":" Type
+In Dafny, a variable or field is typically declared by giving its name followed by
+a ``colon`` and its type. An ``IdentType`` is such a construct.
+GIdentType(allowGhostKeyword) = [ "ghost" ] IdentType
+A ``GIdentType`` is a typed entity declaration optionally preceded by "ghost". The _ghost_
+qualifier means the entity is only used during verification but not in the generated code.
+Ghost variables are useful for abstractly representing internal state in specifications.
+If `allowGhostKeyword` is false then "ghost" is not allowed.
+LocalIdentTypeOptional = WildIdent [ ":" Type ]
+A ``LocalIdentTypeOptional`` is used when declaring local variables. In
+such a case a value may be specified for the variable in which case the
+type may be omitted because it can be inferred from the initial value.
+The initial value value may also be omitted.
+IdentTypeOptional = WildIdent [ ":" Type ]
+A ``IdentTypeOptional`` is typically used in a context where the type of the identifier
+may be inferred from the context. Examples are in pattern matching or quantifiers.
+TypeIdentOptional = [ "ghost" ] ( NoUSIdent | digits ) ":" ] Type
+``TypeIdentOptional``s are used in ``FormalsOptionalIds``. This represents situations
+where a type is given but there may not be an identifier.
+FormalsOptionalIds = "(" [TypeIdentOptional { "," TypeIdentOptional } ] ")"
+A ``FormalsOptionalIds`` is a formal parameter list in which the types are required
+but the names of the parameters is optional. This is used in algebraic
+datatype definitions.
+### Numeric Literals
+Nat = ( digits | hexdigits )
+A ``Nat`` represents a natural number expressed in either decimal or hexadecimal.
+Dec = (decimaldigits )
+A ``Dec`` represents a decimal fraction literal.
+# Programs
+Dafny = { IncludeDirective_ } { TopDecl } EOF
+At the top level, a Dafny program (stored as files with extension `.dfy`)
+is a set of declarations. The declarations introduce (module-level)
+methods and functions, as well as types (classes, traits, inductive and
+co-inductive datatypes, new_types, type synonyms, opaque types, and
+iterators) and modules, where the order of introduction is irrelevant. A
+class also contains a set of declarations, introducing fields, methods,
+and functions.
+When asked to compile a program, Dafny looks for the existence of a
+Main() method. If a legal Main() method is found, the compiler will emit
+a `.EXE`; otherwise, it will emit a `.DLL`.
+ (If there is more than one Main(), Dafny will try to emit an .EXE, but
+ this may cause the C# compiler to complain. One could imagine improving
+ this functionality so that Dafny will produce a polite error message in
+ this case.)
+In order to be a legal Main() method, the following must be true:
+* The method takes no parameters
+* The method is not a ghost method
+* The method has no requires clause
+* The method has no modifies clause
+* If the method is an instance (that is, non-static) method in a class,
+ then the enclosing class must not declare any constructor
+Note, however, that the following are allowed:
+* The method is allowed to be an instance method as long as the enclosing
+ class does not declare any constructor. In this case, the runtime
+ system will allocate an object of the enclosing class and will invoke
+ Main() on it.
+* The method is allowed to have `ensures` clauses
+* The method is allowed to have `decreases` clauses, including a
+ `decreases *`. (If Main() has a `decreases *`, then its execution may
+ go on forever, but in the absence of a `decreases *` on Main(), Dafny
+ will have verified that the entire execution will eventually
+ terminate.)
+An invocation of Dafny may specify a number of source files.
+Each Dafny file follows the grammar of the ``Dafny`` non-terminal.
+It consists of a sequence of optional _include_ directives followed by top
+level declarations followed by the end of the file.
+## Include Directives
+IncludeDirective_ = "include" stringToken
+Include directives have the form ``"include" stringToken`` where
+the string token is either a normal string token or a
+verbatim string token. The ``stringToken`` is interpreted as the name of
+a file that will be included in the Dafny source. These included
+files also obey the ``Dafny`` grammar. Dafny parses and processes the
+transitive closure of the original source files and all the included files,
+but will not invoke the verifier on these unless they have been listed
+explicitly on the command line.
+## Top Level Declarations
+TopDecl = { { DeclModifier }
+ ( SubModuleDecl
+ | ClassDecl
+ | DatatypeDecl
+ | NewtypeDecl
+ | SynonymTypeDecl
+ | IteratorDecl
+ | TraitDecl
+ | ClassMemberDecl(moduleLevelDecl: true)
+ }
+Top-level declarations may appear either at the top level of a Dafny file,
+or within a ``SubModuleDecl``. A top-level declaration is one of the following
+types of declarations which are described later.
+The ``ClassDecl``, ``DatatypeDecl``, ``NewtypeDecl``,
+``SynonymTypeDecl``, ``IteratorDecl``, and ``TraitDecl`` declarations are
+type declarations and are describe in Section [#sec-types]. Ordinarily
+``ClassMemberDecl``s appear in class declarations but they can also
+appear at the top level. In that case they are included as part of an
+implicit top-level class and are implicitly `static` (but cannot be
+declared as static). In addition a ``ClassMemberDecl`` that appears at
+the top level cannot be a ``FieldDecl``.
+## Declaration Modifiers
+DeclModifier =
+ ( "abstract" | "ghost" | "static" | "protected"
+ | "extern" [ stringToken]
+ )
+Top level declarations may be preceded by zero or more declaration
+modifiers. Not all of these are allowed in all contexts.
+The "abstract" modifiers may only be used for module declarations.
+An abstract module can leave some entities underspecified.
+Abstract modules are not compiled to C#.
+The ghost modifier is used to mark entities as being used for
+specification only, not for compilation to code.
+The static modifier is used for class members that that
+are associated with the class as a whole rather than with
+an instance of the class.
+The protected modifier is used to control the visibility of the
+body of functions.
+The extern modifier is used to alter the CompileName of
+entities. The CompileName is the name for the entity
+when translating to Boogie or C#.
+The following table shows modifiers that are available
+for each of the kinds of declaration. In the table
+we use already-ghost to denote that the item is not
+allowed to have the ghost modifier because it is already
+implicitly ghost.
+| Declaration | allowed modifiers |
+| module | abstract |
+| class | extern |
+| trait | - |
+| datatype or codatatype | - |
+| field | ghost |
+| newtype | - |
+| synonym types | - |
+| iterators | - |
+| method | ghost static extern |
+| lemma, colemma, comethod | already-ghost static protected |
+| inductive lemma | already-ghost static |
+| constructor | - |
+| function (non-method) | already-ghost static protected |
+| function method | already-ghost static protected extern |
+| predicate (non-method) | already-ghost static protected |
+| predicate method | already-ghost static protected extern |
+| inductive predicate | already-ghost static protected |
+| copredicate | already-ghost static protected |
+# Modules
+SubModuleDecl = ( ModuleDefinition_ | ModuleImport_ )
+Structuring a program by breaking it into parts is an important part of
+creating large programs. In Dafny, this is accomplished via _modules_.
+Modules provide a way to group together related types, classes, methods,
+functions, and other modules together, as well as control the scope of
+declarations. Modules may import each other for code reuse, and it is
+possible to abstract over modules to separate an implementation from an
+## Declaring New Modules
+ModuleDefinition_ = "module" { Attribute } ModuleName
+ [ [ "exclusively" ] "refines" QualifiedModuleName ]
+ "{" { TopDecl } "}"
+QualifiedModuleName = Ident { "." Ident }
+A qualified name that is known to refer to a module.
+A new module is declared with the `module` keyword, followed by the name
+of the new module, and a pair of curly braces ({}) enclosing the body
+of the module:
+module Mod {
+ ...
+A module body can consist of anything that you could put at the top
+level. This includes classes, datatypes, types, methods, functions, etc.
+module Mod {
+ class C {
+ var f: int
+ method m()
+ }
+ datatype Option = A(int) | B(int)
+ type T
+ method m()
+ function f(): int
+You can also put a module inside another, in a nested fashion:
+module Mod {
+ module Helpers {
+ class C {
+ method doIt()
+ var f: int
+ }
+ }
+Then you can refer to the members of the `Helpers` module within the
+`Mod` module by prefixing them with "Helpers.". For example:
+module Mod {
+ module Helpers { ... }
+ method m() {
+ var x := new Helpers.C;
+ x.doIt();
+ x.f := 4;
+ }
+Methods and functions defined at the module level are available like
+classes, with just the module name prefixing them. They are also
+available in the methods and functions of the classes in the same
+module Mod {
+ module Helpers {
+ function method addOne(n: nat): nat {
+ n + 1
+ }
+ }
+ method m() {
+ var x := 5;
+ x := Helpers.addOne(x); // x is now 6
+ }
+## Importing Modules
+ModuleImport_ = "import" ["opened" ] ModuleName
+ [ "=" QualifiedModuleName
+ | "as" QualifiedModuleName ["default" QualifiedModuleName ]
+ ]
+ [ ";" ]
+Declaring new submodules is useful, but sometimes you want to refer to
+things from an existing module, such as a library. In this case, you
+can _import_ one module into another. This is done via the `import`
+keyword, and there are a few different forms, each of which has a
+different meaning. The simplest kind is the concrete import, and has
+the form `import A = B`. This declaration creates a reference to the
+module `B` (which must already exist), and binds it to the new name
+`A`. Note this new name, i.e. `A`, is only bound in the module containing
+the import declaration; it does not create a global alias. For
+example, if `Helpers` was defined outside of `Mod`, then we could import
+module Helpers {
+ ...
+module Mod {
+ import A = Helpers
+ method m() {
+ assert A.addOne(5) == 6;
+ }
+Note that inside `m()`, we have to use `A` instead of `Helpers`, as we bound
+it to a different name. The name `Helpers` is not available inside `m()`,
+as only names that have been bound inside `Mod` are available. In order
+to use the members from another module, it either has to be declared
+there with `module` or imported with `import`.
+We don't have to give `Helpers` a new name, though, if we don't want
+to. We can write `import Helpers = Helpers` if we want to, and Dafny
+even provides the shorthand `import Helpers` for this behavior. You
+can't bind two modules with the same name at the same time, so
+sometimes you have to use the = version to ensure the names do not
+The ``QualifiedModuleName`` in the ``ModuleImport_`` starts with a
+sibling module of the importing module, or with a submodule of the
+importing module. There is no wya to refer to the parent module, only
+sibling modules (and their submodules).
+## Opening Modules
+Sometimes, prefixing the members of the module you imported with the
+name is tedious and ugly, even if you select a short name when
+importing it. In this case, you can import the module as `opened`,
+which causes all of its members to be available without adding the
+module name. The `opened` keyword must immediately follow `import`, if it
+is present. For example, we could write the previous example as:
+module Mod {
+ import opened Helpers
+ method m() {
+ assert addOne(5) == 6;
+ }
+When opening modules, the newly bound members will have low priority,
+so they will be hidden by local definitions. This means if you define
+a local function called `addOne`, the function from `Helpers` will no
+longer be available under that name. When modules are opened, the
+original name binding is still present however, so you can always use
+the name that was bound to get to anything that is hidden.
+module Mod {
+ import opened Helpers
+ function addOne(n: nat): nat {
+ n - 1
+ }
+ method m() {
+ assert addOne(5) == 6; // this is now false,
+ // as this is the function just defined
+ assert Helpers.addOne(5) == 6; // this is still true
+ }
+If you open two modules that both declare members with the same name,
+then neither member can be referred to without a module prefix, as it
+would be ambiguous which one was meant. Just opening the two modules
+is not an error, however, as long as you don't attempt to use members
+with common names. The `opened` keyword can be used with any kind of
+`import` declaration, including the module abstraction form.
+## Module Abstraction
+Sometimes, using a specific implementation is unnecessary; instead,
+all that is needed is a module that implements some interface. In
+that case, you can use an _abstract_ module import. In Dafny, this is
+written `import A as B`. This means bind the name `A` as before, but
+instead of getting the exact module `B`, you get any module which is a
+_adheres_ of `B`. Typically, the module `B` may have abstract type
+definitions, classes with bodyless methods, or otherwise be unsuitable
+to use directly. Because of the way refinement is defined, any
+refinement of `B` can be used safely. For example, if we start with:
+module Interface {
+ function method addSome(n: nat): nat
+ ensures addSome(n) > n
+module Mod {
+ import A as Interface
+ method m() {
+ assert 6 <= A.addSome(5);
+ }
+then we can be more precise if we know that `addSome` actually adds
+exactly one. The following module has this behavior. Further, the
+postcondition is stronger, so this is actually a refinement of the
+Interface module.
+module Implementation {
+ function method addSome(n: nat): nat
+ ensures addSome(n) == n + 1
+ {
+ n + 1
+ }
+We can then substitute `Implementation` for `A` in a new module, by
+declaring a refinement of `Mod` which defines `A` to be `Implementation`.
+module Mod2 refines Mod {
+ import A = Implementation
+ ...
+You can also give an implementation directly, without introducing a
+refinement, by giving a default to the abstract import:
+module Interface {
+ function method addSome(n: nat): nat
+ ensures addSome(n) > n
+module Mod {
+ import A as Interface default Implementation
+ method m() {
+ assert 6 <= A.addSome(5);
+ }
+module Implementation {
+ function method addSome(n: nat): nat
+ ensures addSome(n) == n + 1
+ {
+ n + 1
+ }
+module Mod2 refines Mod {
+ import A as Interface default Implementation
+ ...
+Regardless of whether there is a default, the only things known about
+`A` in this example is that it has a function `addSome` that returns a
+strictly bigger result, so even with the default we still can't prove
+that `A.addSome(5) == 6`, only that `6 <= A.addSome(5)`.
+When you refine an abstract import into a concrete one, or giving a
+default, Dafny checkes that the concrete module is a
+refinement of the abstract one. This means that the methods must have
+compatible signatures, all the classes and datatypes with their
+constructors and fields in the abstract one must be present in the
+concrete one, the specifications must be compatible, etc.
+## Module Ordering and Dependencies
+Dafny isn't particular about which order the modules appear in, but
+they must follow some rules to be well formed. As a rule of thumb,
+there should be a way to order the modules in a program such that each
+only refers to things defined **before** it in the source text. That
+doesn't mean the modules have to be given in that order. Dafny will
+figure out that order for you, assuming you haven't made any circular
+references. For example, this is pretty clearly meaningless:
+import A = B
+import B = A
+You can have import statements at the toplevel, and you can import
+modules defined at the same level:
+import A = B
+method m() {
+ A.whatever();
+module B { ... }
+In this case, everything is well defined because we can put `B` first,
+followed by the `A` import, and then finally `m()`. If there is no
+ordering, then Dafny will give an error, complaining about a cyclic
+Note that when rearranging modules and imports, they have to be kept
+in the same containing module, which disallows some pathological
+module structures. Also, the imports and submodules are always
+considered to be first, even at the toplevel. This means that the
+following is not well formed:
+method doIt() { }
+module M {
+ method m() {
+ doIt();
+ }
+because the module `M` must come before any other kind of members, such
+as methods. To define global functions like this, you can put them in
+a module (called `Globals`, say) and open it into any module that needs
+its functionality. Finally, if you import via a path, such as `import A
+= B.C`, then this creates a dependency of `A` on `B`, as we need to know
+what `B` is (is it abstract or concrete, or a refinement?).
+## Name Resolution
+When Dafny sees something like `A<T>.B<U>.C<V>`, how does it know what each part
+refers to? The process Dafny uses to determine what identifier
+sequences like this refer to is name resolution. Though the rules may
+seem complex, usually they do what you would expect. Dafny first looks
+up the initial identifier. Depending on what the first identifier
+refers to, the rest of the identifier is looked up in the appropriate
+In terms of the grammar, sequences like the above are represented as
+a ``NameSegment`` followed by 0 or more ``Suffix``es. A ``Suffix`` is
+more general and the form shown above would be for when the
+``Suffix`` is an ``AugmentedDotSuffix_``.
+The resolution is different depending on whether it is in
+an expression context or a type context.
+### Expression Context Name Resolution
+The leading ``NameSegment`` is resolved using the first following
+rule that succeeds.
+0. Local variables, parameters and bound variables. These are things like
+ `x`, `y`, and `i` in `var x;, ... returns (y: int)`, and
+ `forall i :: ....` The declaration chosen is the match from the
+ innermost matching scope.
+1. If in a class, try to match a member of the class. If the member that
+ is found is not static an implicit `this` is inserted. This works for
+ fields, functions, and methods of the current class (if in a static
+ context, then only static methods and functions are allowed). You can
+ refer to fields of the current class either as `this.f` or `f`,
+ assuming of course that `f` hasn't be hidden by one of the above. You
+ can always prefix this if needed, which cannot be hidden. (Note, a
+ field whose name is a string of digits must always have some prefix.)
+2. If there is no ``Suffix``, then look for a datatype constructor, if
+ unambiguous. Any datatypes that don't need qualification (so the
+ datatype name itself doesn't need a prefix), and also have a uniquely
+ named constructor, can be referred to just by its name. So if
+ `datatype List = Cons(List) | Nil` is the only datatype that declares
+ `Cons` and `Nil` constructors, then you can write `Cons(Cons(Nil))`.
+ If the constructor name is not unique, then you need to prefix it with
+ the name of the datatype (for example `List.Cons(List.Nil)))`. This is
+ done per constructor, not per datatype.
+3. Look for a member of the enclosing module.
+4. Module-level (static) functions and methods
+TODO: Not sure about the following paragraph.
+Opened modules are treated at each level, after the declarations in the
+current module. Opened modules only affect steps 2, 3 and 5. If a
+ambiguous name is found, an error is generated, rather than continuing
+down the list. After the first identifier, the rules are basically the
+same, except in the new context. For example, if the first identifier is
+a module, then the next identifier looks into that module. Opened modules
+only apply within the module it is opened into. When looking up into
+another module, only things explicitly declared in that module are
+To resolve expression ``:
+First resolve expression E and any type arguments.
+* If `E` resolved to a module `M`:
+ 0. If `<T>` is not followed by any further suffixes, look for
+ unambiguous datatype constructor.
+ 1. Member of module M: a sub-module (including submodules of imports),
+ class, datatype, etc.
+ 2. Static function or method.
+* If `E` denotes a type:
+ 3. Look up id as a member of that type
+* If `E` denotes an expression:
+ 4. Let T be the type of E. Look up id in T.
+### Type Context Name Resolution
+In a type context the priority of ``NameSegment`` resolution is:
+1. Type parameters.
+2. Member of enclosing module (type name or the name of a module).
+To resolve expression ``:
+* If `E` resolved to a module `M`:
+ 0. Member of module M: a sub-module (including submodules of imports),
+ class, datatype, etc.
+* If `E` denotes a type:
+ 1. If `allowDanglingDotName`: Return the type of `E` and the given ``,
+ letting the caller try to make sense of the final dot-name.
+ TODO: I don't under this sentence. What is `allowDanglingDotName`?
+# Specifications
+Specifications describe logical properties of Dafny methods, functions,
+lambdas, iterators and loops. They specify preconditions, postconditions,
+invariants, what memory locations may be read or modified, and
+termination information by means of _specification clauses_.
+For each kind of specification zero or more specification
+clauses (of the type accepted for that type of specification)
+may be given, in any order.
+We document specifications at these levels:
+- At the lowest level are the various kinds of specification clauses,
+ e.g. a ``RequiresClause_``.
+- Next are the specifications for entities that need them,
+ e.g. a ``MethodSpec``.
+- At the top level are the entity declarations that include
+ the specifications, e.g. ``MethodDecl``.
+This section documents the first two of these in a bottom-up manner.
+We first document the clauses and then the specifications
+that use them.
+## Specification Clauses
+### Requires Clause
+RequiresClause_ =
+ "requires" Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: false)
+The **requires** clauses specify preconditions for methods,
+functions, lambda expressions and iterators. Dafny checks
+that the preconditions are met at all call sites. The
+callee may then assume the preconditions hold on entry.
+If no **requires** clause is specified it is taken to be `true`.
+If more than one **requires** clause is given, then the
+precondition is the conjunction of all of the expressions
+from all of the **requires** clauses.
+### Ensures Clause
+EnsuresClause_ =
+ "ensures" { Attribute } Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: false)
+ForAllEnsuresClause_ =
+ "ensures" Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+FunctionEnsuresClause_ =
+ "ensures" Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: false)
+An **ensures** clause specifies the post condition for a
+method, function or iterator.
+If no **ensures** clause is specified it is taken to be `true`.
+If more than one **ensures** clause is given, then the
+postcondition is the conjunction of all of the expressions
+from all of the **ensures** clauses.
+TODO: In the present sources ``FunctionEnsuresClause_`` differs from
+``EnsuresClause_`` only in that it is not allowed to specify
+``Attribute``s. This seems like a bug and will likely
+be fixed in a future version.
+### Decreases Clause
+DecreasesClause_(allowWildcard, allowLambda) =
+ "decreases" { Attribute } DecreasesList(allowWildcard, allowLambda)
+FunctionDecreasesClause_(allowWildcard, allowLambda) =
+ "decreases" DecreasesList(allowWildcard, allowLambda)
+DecreasesList(allowWildcard, allowLambda) =
+ PossiblyWildExpression(allowLambda)
+ { "," PossiblyWildExpression(allowLambda) }
+If `allowWildcard` is false but one of the
+``PossiblyWildExpression``s is a wild-card, an error is
+TODO: A ``FunctionDecreasesClause_`` is not allowed to specify
+``Attribute``s. this will be fixed in a future version.
+**Decreases** clauses are used to prove termination in the
+presence of recursion. if more than one **decreases** clause is given
+it is as if a single **decreases** clause had been given with the
+collected list of arguments. That is,
+decreases A, B
+decreases C, D
+is equivalent to
+decreases A, B, C, D
+If any of the expressions in the **decreases** clause are wild (i.e. "*")
+then proof of termination will be skipped.
+Termination metrics in Dafny, which are declared by **decreases** clauses,
+are lexicographic tuples of expressions. At each recursive (or mutually
+recursive) call to a function or method, Dafny checks that the effective
+**decreases** clause of the callee is strictly smaller than the effective
+**decreases** clause of the caller.
+ What does "strictly smaller" mean? Dafny provides a built-in
+ well-founded order for every type and, in some cases, between types. For
+ example, the Boolean "false" is strictly smaller than "true", the
+ integer 78 is strictly smaller than 102, the set `{2,5}` is strictly
+ smaller than the set `{2,3,5}`, and for "s" of type `seq<Color>` where
+ `Color` is some inductive datatype, the color `s[0]` is strictly less than
+ `s` (provided `s` is nonempty).
+What does "effective decreases clause" mean? Dafny always appends a
+"top" element to the lexicographic tuple given by the user. This top
+element cannot be syntactically denoted in a Dafny program and it never
+occurs as a run-time value either. Rather, it is a fictitious value,
+which here we will denote \top, such that each value that can ever occur
+in a Dafny program is strictly less than \top. Dafny sometimes also
+prepends expressions to the lexicographic tuple given by the user. The
+effective decreases clause is any such prefix, followed by the
+user-provided decreases clause, followed by \top. We said "user-provided
+decreases clause", but if the user completely omits a "decreases" clause,
+then Dafny will usually make a guess at one, in which case the effective
+decreases clause is any prefix followed by the guess followed by \top.
+(If you're using the Dafny IDE in Visual Studio, you can hover the mouse
+over the name of a recursive function or method, or the "while" keyword
+for a loop, to see the "decreases" clause that Dafny guessed, if any.)
+Here is a simple but interesting example: the Fibonacci function.
+function Fib(n: nat) : nat
+ if n < 2 then n else Fib(n-2) + Fib(n-1)
+In this example, if you hover your mouse over the function name
+you will see that Dafny has supplied a `**decreases** n` clause.
+Let's take a look at the kind of example where a mysterious-looking
+decreases clause like "Rank, 0" is useful.
+Consider two mutually recursive methods, `A` and `B`:
+method A(x: nat)
+ B(x);
+method B(x: nat)
+ if x != 0 { A(x-1); }
+To prove termination of `A` and `B`, Dafny needs to have effective
+decreases clauses for A and B such that:
+* the measure for the callee `B(x)` is strictly smaller than the measure
+ for the caller `A(x)`, and
+* the measure for the callee `A(x-1)` is strictly smaller than the measure
+ for the caller `B(x)`.
+Satisfying the second of these conditions is easy, but what about the
+first? Note, for example, that declaring both `A` and `B` with "decreases x"
+does not work, because that won't prove a strict decrease for the call
+from `A(x)` to `B(x)`.
+Here's one possibility (for brevity, we will omit the method bodies):
+method A(x: nat)
+ decreases x, 1
+method B(x: nat)
+ decreases x, 0
+For the call from `A(x)` to `B(x)`, the lexicographic tuple `"x, 0"` is
+strictly smaller than `"x, 1"`, and for the call from `B(x)` to `A(x-1)`, the
+lexicographic tuple `"x-1, 1"` is strictly smaller than `"x, 0"`.
+ Two things to note: First, the choice of "0" and "1" as the second
+ components of these lexicographic tuples is rather arbitrary. It could
+ just as well have been "false" and "true", respectively, or the sets
+ `{2,5}` and `{2,3,5}`. Second, the keyword **decreases** often gives rise to
+ an intuitive English reading of the declaration. For example, you might
+ say that the recursive calls in the definition of the familiar Fibonacci
+ function `Fib(n)` "decreases n". But when the lexicographic tuple contains
+ constants, the English reading of the declaration becomes mysterious and
+ may give rise to questions like "how can you decrease the constant 0?".
+ The keyword is just that---a keyword. It says "here comes a list of
+ expressions that make up the lexicographic tuple we want to use for the
+ termination measure". What is important is that one effective decreases
+ clause is compared against another one, and it certainly makes sense to
+ compare something to a constant (and to compare one constant to
+ another).
+ We can simplify things a little bit by remembering that Dafny appends
+ \top to the user-supplied decreases clause. For the A-and-B example,
+ this lets us drop the constant from the **decreases** clause of A:
+ method A(x: nat)
+ decreases x
+method B(x: nat)
+ decreases x, 0
+The effective decreases clause of `A` is `"x, \top"` and the effective
+decreases clause of `B` is `"x, 0, \top"`. These tuples still satisfy the two
+conditions `(x, 0, \top) < (x, \top)` and `(x-1, \top) < (x, 0, \top)`. And
+as before, the constant "0" is arbitrary; anything less than \top (which
+is any Dafny expression) would work.
+Let's take a look at one more example that better illustrates the utility
+of `\top`. Consider again two mutually recursive methods, call them `Outer`
+and `Inner`, representing the recursive counterparts of what iteratively
+might be two nested loops:
+method Outer(x: nat)
+ // set y to an arbitrary non-negative integer
+ var y :| 0 <= y;
+ Inner(x, y);
+method Inner(x: nat, y: nat)
+ if y != 0 {
+ Inner(x, y-1);
+ } else if x != 0 {
+ Outer(x-1);
+ }
+The body of `Outer` uses an assign-such-that statement to represent some
+computation that takes place before `Inner` is called. It sets "y" to some
+arbitrary non-negative value. In a more concrete example, `Inner` would do
+some work for each "y" and then continue as `Outer` on the next smaller
+Using a **decreases** clause `"x, y"` for `Inner` seems natural, but if
+we don't have any bound on the size of the `"y"` computed by `Outer`,
+there is no expression we can write in **decreases** clause of `Outer`
+that is sure to lead to a strictly smaller value for `"y"` when `Inner`
+is called. `\top` to the rescue. If we arrange for the effective
+decreases clause of `Outer` to be `"x, \top"` and the effective decreases
+clause for `Inner` to be `"x, y, \top"`, then we can show the strict
+decreases as required. Since `\top` is implicitly appended, the two
+decreases clauses declared in the program text can be:
+method Outer(x: nat)
+ decreases x
+method Inner(x: nat, y: nat)
+ decreases x, y
+Moreover, remember that if a function or method has no user-declared
+**decreases** clause, Dafny will make a guess. The guess is (usually)
+the list of arguments of the function/method, in the order given. This is
+exactly the decreases clauses needed here. Thus, Dafny successfully
+verifies the program without any explicit decreases clauses:
+method Outer(x: nat)
+ var y :| 0 <= y;
+ Inner(x, y);
+method Inner(x: nat, y: nat)
+ if y != 0 {
+ Inner(x, y-1);
+ } else if x != 0 {
+ Outer(x-1);
+ }
+The ingredients are simple, but the end result may seem like magic. For many users, however, there may be no magic at all -- the end result may be so natural that the user never even has to bothered to think about that there was a need to prove termination in the first place.
+### Framing
+FrameExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ ( Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda) [ FrameField ]
+ | FrameField )
+FrameField = "`" Ident
+PossiblyWildFrameExpression(allowLemma) =
+ ( "*" | FrameExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda: false) )
+Frame expressions are used to denote the set of memory locations
+that a Dafny program element may read or write. A frame
+expression is a set expression. The form `{}` (that is, the empty set)
+says that no memory locations may be modified,
+which is also the default if no **modifies** clause is given explicitly.
+Note that framing only applies to the heap, or memory accessed through
+references. Local variables are not stored on the heap, so they cannot be
+mentioned (well, they are not in scope in the declaration) in reads
+annotations. Note also that types like sets, sequences, and multisets are
+value types, and are treated like integers or local variables. Arrays and
+objects are reference types, and they are stored on the heap (though as
+always there is a subtle distinction between the reference itself and the
+value it points to.)
+The ``FrameField`` construct is used to specify a field of a
+class object. The identifier following the back-quote is the
+name of the field being referenced.
+If the `FrameField` is preceded by an expression the expression
+must be a reference to an object having that field.
+If the `FrameField` is not preceded by an expression then
+the frame expression is referring to that field of the current
+object. This form is only used from a method of a class.
+The use of ``FrameField`` is discouraged as in practice it has not
+been shown to either be more concise or to perform better.
+Also, there's (unfortunately) no form of it for array
+elements---one could imagine
+ modifies a`[j]
+Also, ``FrameField`` is not taken into consideration for
+lambda expressions.
+### Reads Clause
+FunctionReadsClause_ =
+ "reads"
+ PossiblyWildFrameExpression (allowLemma: false)
+ { "," PossiblyWildFrameExpression(allowLemma: false) }
+LambdaReadsClause_ =
+ "reads" PossiblyWildFrameExpression(allowLemma: true)
+IteratorReadsClause_ =
+ "reads" { Attribute }
+ FrameExpression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: false)
+ { "," FrameExpression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: false) }
+PossiblyWildExpression(allowLambda) =
+ ( "*" | Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda) )
+Functions are not allowed to have side effects but may be restricted in
+what they can read. The _reading frame_ of a function (or predicate) is all
+the memory locations that the function is allowed to read. The reason we
+might limit what a function can read is so that when we write to memory,
+we can be sure that functions that did not read that part of memory have
+the same value they did before. For example, we might have two arrays,
+one of which we know is sorted. If we did not put a reads annotation on
+the sorted predicate, then when we modify the unsorted array, we cannot
+determine whether the other array stopped being sorted. While we might be
+able to give invariants to preserve it in this case, it gets even more
+complex when manipulating data structures. In this case, framing is
+essential to making the verification process feasible.
+It is not just the body of a function that is subject to **reads**
+checks, but also its precondition and the **reads** clause itself.
+A reads clause can list a wildcard ("*"), which allows the enclosing
+function to read anything. In many cases, and in particular in all cases
+where the function is defined recursively, this makes it next to
+impossible to make any use of the function. Nevertheless, as an
+experimental feature, the language allows it (and it is sound).
+Note that a "*" makes the rest of the frame expression irrelevant.
+A **reads** clause specifies the set of memory locations that a function,
+lambda, or iterator may read. If more than one **reads** clause is given
+in a specification the effective read set is the union of the sets
+specified. If there are no **reads** clauses the effective read set is
+empty. If `"*"` is given in a **reads** clause it means any memory may be
+TODO: It would be nice if the different forms of read clauses could be
+combined. In a future version the single form of read clause will allow
+a list and attributes.
+### Modifies Clause
+ModifiesClause_ =
+ "modifies" { Attribute }
+ FrameExpression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: false)
+ { "," FrameExpression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: false) }
+Frames also affect methods. As you might have guessed, methods are not
+required to list the things they read. Methods are allowed to read
+whatever memory they like, but they are required to list which parts of
+memory they modify, with a modifies annotation. They are almost identical
+to their reads cousins, except they say what can be changed, rather than
+what the value of the function depends on. In combination with reads,
+modification restrictions allow Dafny to prove properties of code that
+would otherwise be very difficult or impossible. Reads and modifies are
+one of the tools that allow Dafny to work on one method at a time,
+because they restrict what would otherwise be arbitrary modifications of
+memory to something that Dafny can reason about.
+Note that fields of newly allocated objects can always be modified.
+It is also possible to frame what can be modified by a block statement
+by means of the block form of the
+[modify statement](#sec-modify-statement) (Section [#sec-modify-statement]).
+A **modifies** clause specifies the set of memory locations that a
+method, iterator or loop body may modify. If more than one **modifies**
+clause is given in a specification, the effective modifies set is the
+union of the sets specified. If no **modifies** clause is given the
+effective modifies set is empty. A loop can also have a
+**modifies** clause. If none is given, the loop gets to modify anything
+the enclosing context is allowed to modify.
+### Invariant Clause
+InvariantClause_ =
+ "invariant" { Attribute }
+ Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+An **invariant** clause is used to specify an invariant
+for a loop. If more than one **invariant** clause is given for
+a loop the effective invariant is the conjunction of
+the conditions specified.
+The invariant must hold on entry to the loop. And assuming it
+is valid on entry, Dafny must be able to prove that it then
+holds at the end of the loop.
+## Method Specification
+MethodSpec =
+ { ModifiesClause_
+ | RequiresClause_
+ | EnsuresClause_
+ | DecreasesClause_(allowWildcard: true, allowLambda: false)
+ }
+A method specification is zero or more **modifies**, **requires**,
+**ensures** or **decreases** clauses, in any order.
+A method does not have **reads** clauses because methods are allowed to
+read any memory.
+## Function Specification
+FunctionSpec =
+ { RequiresClause_
+ | FunctionReadsClause_
+ | FunctionEnsuresClause_
+ | FunctionDecreasesClause_(allowWildcard: false, allowLambda: false)
+ }
+A function specification is zero or more **reads**, **requires**,
+**ensures** or **decreases** clauses, in any order. A function
+specification does not have **modifies** clauses because functions are not
+allowed to modify any memory.
+## Lambda Specification
+LambdaSpec_ =
+ { LambdaReadsClause_
+ | RequiresClause_
+ }
+A lambda specification is zero or more **reads** or **requires** clauses.
+Lambda specifications do not have **ensures** clauses because the body
+is never opaque.
+Lambda specifications do not have **decreases**
+clauses because they do not have names and thus cannot be recursive. A
+lambda specification does not have **modifies** clauses because lambdas
+are not allowed to modify any memory.
+## Iterator Specification
+IteratorSpec =
+ { IteratorReadsClause_
+ | ModifiesClause_
+ | [ "yield" ] RequiresClause_
+ | [ "yield" ] EnsuresClause_
+ | DecreasesClause_(allowWildcard: false, allowLambda: false)
+ }
+An iterator specification applies both to the iterator's constructor
+method and to its `MoveNext` method. The **reads** and **modifies**
+clauses apply to both of them. For the **requires** and **ensures**
+clauses, if `yield` is not present they apply to the constructor,
+but if `yield` is present they apply to the `MoveNext` method.
+TODO: What is the meaning of a **decreases** clause on an iterator?
+Does it apply to `MoveNext`? Make sure our description of
+iterators explains these.
+TODO: What is the relationship between the post condition and
+the `Valid()` predicate?
+## Loop Specification
+LoopSpec =
+ { InvariantClause_
+ | DecreasesClause_(allowWildcard: true, allowLambda: true)
+ | ModifiesClause_
+ }
+A loop specification provides the information Dafny needs to
+prove properties of a loop. The ``InvariantClause_`` clause
+is effectively a precondition and it along with the
+negation of the loop test condition provides the postcondition.
+The ``DecreasesClause_`` clause is used to prove termination.
+# Types
+Type = DomainType [ "->" Type ]
+A Dafny type is a domain type (i.e. a type that can be the domain of a
+function type) optionally followed by an arrow and a range type.
+DomainType =
+ ( BoolType_ | CharType_ | NatType_ | IntType_ | RealType_ | ObjectType_
+ | FiniteSetType_ | InfiniteSetType_ | MultisetType_
+ | SequenceType_ | StringType_
+ | FiniteMapType_ | InfiniteMapType_ | ArrayType_
+ | TupleType_ | NamedType_ )
+The domain types comprise the builtin scalar types, the builtin
+collection types, tuple types (including as a special case
+a parenthesized type) and reference types.
+Dafny types may be categorized as either value types or reference types.
+## Value Types
+The value types are those whose values do not lie in the program heap.
+These are:
+* The basic scalar types: `bool`, `char`, `nat`, `int`, `real`
+* The built-in collection types: `set`, `multiset`, `seq`, `string`, `map`, `imap`
+* Tuple Types
+* Inductive and co-inductive types
+Data items having value types are passed by value. Since they are not
+considered to occupy _memory_, framing expressions do not reference them.
+## Reference Types
+Dafny offers a host of _reference types_. These represent
+_references_ to objects allocated dynamically in the program heap. To
+access the members of an object, a reference to (that is, a _pointer_
+to or _object identity_ of) the object is _dereferenced_.
+The reference types are class types, traits and array types.
+The special value `null` is part of every reference
+[^fn-nullable]: This will change in a future version of Dafny that
+ will support both nullable and (by default) non-null reference
+ types.
+## Named Types
+NamedType_ = NameSegmentForTypeName { "." NameSegmentForTypeName }
+A ``NamedType_`` is used to specify a user-defined type by name
+(possibly module-qualified). Named types are introduced by
+class, trait, inductive, co-inductive, synonym and opaque
+type declarations. They are also used to refer to type variables.
+NameSegmentForTypeName = Ident [ GenericInstantiation ]
+A ``NameSegmentForTypeName`` is a type name optionally followed by a
+``GenericInstantiation`` which supplies type parameters to a generic
+type, if needed. It is a special case of a ``NameSegment``
+(See Section [#sec-name-segment])
+that does not allow a ``HashCall``.
+The following sections describe each of these kinds of types in more detail.
+# Basic types
+Dafny offers these basic types: `bool` for booleans, `char` for
+characters, `int` and `nat` for integers, and `real` for reals.
+## Booleans
+BoolType_ = "bool"
+There are two boolean values and each has a corresponding literal in
+the language: `false` and `true`.
+In addition to equality (`==`) and disequality (`!=`), which are
+defined on all types, type `bool` supports the following operations:
+| operator | description |
+| `<==>` | equivalence (if and only if) |
+| `==>` | implication (implies) |
+| `<==` | reverse implication (follows from) |
+| `&&` | conjunction (and) |
+| [\|\|]{.monospace} | disjunction (or) |
+| `!` | negation (not) |
+Negation is unary; the others are binary. The table shows the operators
+in groups of increasing binding power, with equality binding stronger
+than conjunction and disjunction, and weaker than negation. Within
+each group, different operators do not associate, so parentheses need
+to be used. For example,
+A && B || C // error
+would be ambiguous and instead has to be written as either
+(A && B) || C
+A && (B || C)
+depending on the intended meaning.
+### Equivalence Operator
+The expressions `A <==> B` and `A == B` give the same value, but note
+that `<==>` is _associative_ whereas `==` is _chaining_. So,
+A <==> B <==> C
+is the same as
+A <==> (B <==> C)
+(A <==> B) <==> C
+A == B == C
+is simply a shorthand for
+A == B && B == C
+### Conjunction and Disjunction
+Conjunction is associative and so is disjunction. These operators are
+_short circuiting (from left to right)_, meaning that their second
+argument is evaluated only if the evaluation of the first operand does
+not determine the value of the expression. Logically speaking, the
+expression `A && B` is defined when `A` is defined and either `A`
+evaluates to `false` or `B` is defined. When `A && B` is defined, its
+meaning is the same as the ordinary, symmetric mathematical
+conjunction &and;. The same holds for `||` and &or;.
+### Implication and Reverse Implication
+Implication is _right associative_ and is short-circuiting from left
+to right. Reverse implication `B <== A` is exactly the same as
+`A ==> B`, but gives the ability to write the operands in the opposite
+order. Consequently, reverse implication is _left associative_ and is
+short-circuiting from _right to left_. To illustrate the
+associativity rules, each of the following four lines expresses the
+same property, for any `A`, `B`, and `C` of type `bool`:
+A ==> B ==> C
+A ==> (B ==> C) // parentheses redundant, since ==> is right associative
+C <== B <== A
+(C <== B) <== A // parentheses redundant, since <== is left associative
+To illustrate the short-circuiting rules, note that the expression
+`a.Length` is defined for an array `a` only if `a` is not `null` (see
+Section [#sec-reference-types]), which means the following two
+expressions are well-formed:
+a != null ==> 0 <= a.Length
+0 <= a.Length <== a != null
+The contrapositive of these two expressions would be:
+a.Length < 0 ==> a == null // not well-formed
+a == null <== a.Length < 0 // not well-formed
+but these expressions are not well-formed, since well-formedness
+requires the left (and right, respectively) operand, `a.Length < 0`,
+to be well-formed by itself.
+Implication `A ==> B` is equivalent to the disjunction `!A || B`, but
+is sometimes (especially in specifications) clearer to read. Since,
+`||` is short-circuiting from left to right, note that
+a == null || 0 <= a.Length
+is well-formed, whereas
+0 <= a.Length || a == null // not well-formed
+is not.
+In addition, booleans support _logical quantifiers_ (forall and
+exists), described in section [#sec-quantifier-expression].
+## Numeric types
+IntType_ = "int"
+RealType_ = "real"
+Dafny supports _numeric types_ of two kinds, _integer-based_, which
+includes the basic type `int` of all integers, and _real-based_, which
+includes the basic type `real` of all real numbers. User-defined
+numeric types based on `int` and `real`, called _newtypes_, are
+described in Section [#sec-newtypes]. Also, the _subset type_
+`nat`, representing the non-negative subrange of `int`, is described
+in Section [#sec-subset-types].
+The language includes a literal for each non-negative integer, like
+`0`, `13`, and `1985`. Integers can also be written in hexadecimal
+using the prefix "`0x`", as in `0x0`, `0xD`, and `0x7c1` (always with
+a lower case `x`, but the hexadecimal digits themselves are case
+insensitive). Leading zeros are allowed. To form negative integers,
+use the unary minus operator.
+There are also literals for some of the non-negative reals. These are
+written as a decimal point with a nonempty sequence of decimal digits
+on both sides. For example, `1.0`, `1609.344`, and `0.5772156649`.
+For integers (in both decimal and hexadecimal form) and reals,
+any two digits in a literal may be separated by an underscore in order
+to improve human readability of the literals. For example:
+1_000_000 // easier to read than 1000000
+0_12_345_6789 // strange but legal formatting of 123456789
+0x8000_0000 // same as 0x80000000 -- hex digits are often placed in groups of 4
+0.000_000_000_1 // same as 0.0000000001 -- 1 \([&Aring;ngstr&ouml;m]{.comment-color}\)
+In addition to equality and disequality, numeric types
+support the following relational operations:
+| operator | description |
+| [<]{.monospace} | less than |
+| `<=` | at most |
+| `>=` | at least |
+| `>` | greater than |
+Like equality and disequality, these operators are chaining, as long
+as they are chained in the "same direction". That is,
+A <= B < C == D <= E
+is simply a shorthand for
+A <= B && B < C && C == D && D <= E
+A < B > C
+is not allowed.
+There are also operators on each numeric type:
+| operator | description |
+| `+` | addition (plus) |
+| `-` | subtraction (minus) |
+| `*` | multiplication (times) |
+| `/` | division (divided by) |
+| `%` | modulus (mod) |
+| `-` | negation (unary minus) |
+The binary operators are left associative, and they associate with
+each other in the two groups. The groups are listed in order of
+increasing binding power, with equality binding more strongly than the
+multiplicative operators and weaker than the unary operator.
+Modulus is supported only for integer-based numeric types. Integer
+division and modulus are the _Euclidean division and modulus_. This
+means that modulus always returns a non-negative, regardless of the
+signs of the two operands. More precisely, for any integer `a` and
+non-zero integer `b`,
+a == a / b * b + a % b
+0 <= a % b < B
+where `B` denotes the absolute value of `b`.
+Real-based numeric types have a member `Trunc` that returns the
+_floor_ of the real value, that is, the largest integer not exceeding
+the real value. For example, the following properties hold, for any
+`r` and `r'` of type `real`:
+3.14.Trunc == 3
+(-2.5).Trunc == -3
+-2.5.Trunc == -2
+real(r.Trunc) <= r
+r <= r' ==> r.Trunc <= r'.Trunc
+Note in the third line that member access (like `.Trunc`) binds
+stronger than unary minus. The fourth line uses the conversion
+function `real` from `int` to `real`, as described in Section
+## Characters
+CharType_ = "char"
+Dafny supports a type `char` of _characters_. Character literals are
+enclosed in single quotes, as in `'D'`. Their form is described
+by the ``charToken`` nonterminal in the grammar. To write a single quote as a
+character literal, it is necessary to use an _escape sequence_.
+Escape sequences can also be used to write other characters. The
+supported escape sequences are as follows:
+| escape sequence | meaning |
+| `\'` | the character `'` |
+| [\\\"]{.monospace} | the character [\"]{.monospace} |
+| `\\` | the character `\` |
+| `\0` | the null character, same as `\u0000` |
+| `\n` | line feed |
+| `\r` | carriage return |
+| `\t` | horizontal tab |
+| `\u\(_xxxx_\)` | universal character whose hexadecimal code is `\(_xxxx_\)` |
+The escape sequence for a double quote is redundant, because
+[\'\"\']{.monospace} and [\'\\\"\']{.monospace} denote the same
+character---both forms are provided in order to support the same
+escape sequences as for string literals (Section [#sec-strings]).
+In the form `\u\(_xxxx_\)`, the `u` is always lower case, but the four
+hexadecimal digits are case insensitive.
+Character values are ordered and can be compared using the standard
+relational operators:
+| operator | description |
+| [<]{.monospace} | less than |
+| `<=` | at most |
+| `>=` | at least |
+| `>` | greater than |
+Sequences of characters represent _strings_, as described in Section
+The only other operations on characters are obtaining a character
+by indexing into a string, and the implicit conversion to string
+when used as a parameter of a `print` statement.
+TODO: Are there any conversions between `char` values and numeric values?
+# Type parameters
+GenericParameters = "<" TypeVariableName [ "(" "==" ")" ]
+ { "," TypeVariableName [ "(" "==" ")" ] } ">"
+Many of the types (as well as functions and methods) in Dafny can be
+parameterized by types. These _type parameters_ are typically
+declared inside angle brackets and can stand for any type.
+It is sometimes necessary to restrict these type parameters so that
+they can only be instantiated by certain families of types. As such,
+Dafny distinguishes types that support the equality operation
+not only in ghost contexts but also in compiled contexts. To indicate
+that a type parameter is restricted to such _equality supporting_
+types, the name of the type parameter takes the suffix
+"`(==)`".[^fn-type-mode] For example,
+method Compare<T(==)>(a: T, b: T) returns (eq: bool)
+ if a == b { eq := true; } else { eq := false; }
+is a method whose type parameter is restricted to equality-supporting
+types. Again, note that _all_ types support equality in _ghost_
+contexts; the difference is only for non-ghost (that is, compiled)
+code. Co-inductive datatypes, function types, as well as inductive
+datatypes with ghost parameters are examples of types that are not
+equality supporting.
+[^fn-type-mode]: Being equality-supporting is just one of many
+ _modes_ that one can imagine types in a rich type system to have.
+ For example, other modes could include having a total order,
+ being zero-initializable, and possibly being uninhabited. If
+ Dafny were to support more modes in the future, the "`(\(&nbsp;\))`"-suffix
+ syntax may be extended. For now, the suffix can only indicate the
+ equality-supporting mode.
+Dafny has some inference support that makes certain signatures less
+cluttered (described in a different part of the Dafny language
+reference). In some cases, this support will
+infer that a type parameter must be restricted to equality-supporting
+types, in which case Dafny adds the "`(==)`" automatically.
+TODO: Need to describe type inference somewhere.
+# Generic Instantiation
+GenericInstantiation = "<" Type { "," Type } ">"
+When a generic entity is used, actual types must be specified for each
+generic parameter. This is done using a ``GenericInstantiation``.
+If the `GenericInstantiation` is omitted, type inference will try
+to fill these in.
+# Collection types
+Dafny offers several built-in collection types.
+## Sets
+FiniteSetType_ = "set" [ GenericInstantiation ]
+InfiniteSetType_ = "iset" [ GenericInstantiation ]
+For any type `T`, each value of type `set<T>` is a finite set of
+`T` values.
+Set membership is determined by equality in the type `T`,
+so `set<T>` can be used in a non-ghost context only if `T` is equality
+For any type `T`, each value of type `iset<T>` is a potentially infinite
+set of `T` values.
+A set can be formed using a _set display_ expression, which is a
+possibly empty, unordered, duplicate-insensitive list of expressions
+enclosed in curly braces. To illustrate,
+{} {2, 7, 5, 3} {4+2, 1+5, a*b}
+are three examples of set displays. There is also a _set comprehension_
+expression (with a binder, like in logical quantifications), described in
+section [#sec-set-comprehension-expressions].
+In addition to equality and disequality, set types
+support the following relational operations:
+| operator | description |
+| [<]{.monospace} | proper subset |
+| `<=` | subset |
+| `>=` | superset |
+| `>` | proper superset |
+Like the arithmetic relational operators, these operators are
+Sets support the following binary operators, listed in order of
+increasing binding power:
+| operator | description |
+| `!!` | disjointness |
+| `+` | set union |
+| `-` | set difference |
+| `*` | set intersection |
+The associativity rules of `+`, `-`, and `*` are like those of the
+arithmetic operators with the same names. The expression `A !! B`,
+whose binding power is the same as equality (but which neither
+associates nor chains with equality), says that sets `A` and `B` have
+no elements in common, that is, it is equivalent to
+A * B == {}
+However, the disjointness operator is chaining, so `A !! B !! C !! D`
+A * B == {} && (A + B) * C == {} && (A + B + C) * D == {}
+In addition, for any set `s` of type `set<T>` or `iset<T>` and any
+expression `e` of type `T`, sets support the following operations:
+| expression | description |
+| [\|s\|]{.monospace} | set cardinality |
+| `e in s` | set membership |
+| `e !in s` | set non-membership |
+The expression `e !in s` is a syntactic shorthand for `!(e in s)`.
+## Multisets
+MultisetType_ = "multiset" [ GenericInstantiation ]
+A _multiset_ is similar to a set, but keeps track of the multiplicity
+of each element, not just its presence or absence. For any type `T`,
+each value of type `multiset<T>` is a map from `T` values to natural
+numbers denoting each element's multiplicity. Multisets in Dafny
+are finite, that is, they contain a finite number of each of a finite
+set of elements. Stated differently, a multiset maps only a finite
+number of elements to non-zero (finite) multiplicities.
+Like sets, multiset membership is determined by equality in the type
+`T`, so `multiset<T>` can be used in a non-ghost context only if `T`
+is equality supporting.
+A multiset can be formed using a _multiset display_ expression, which
+is a possibly empty, unordered list of expressions enclosed in curly
+braces after the keyword `multiset`. To illustrate,
+multiset{} multiset{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5} multiset{4+2, 1+5, a*b}
+are three examples of multiset displays. There is no multiset
+comprehension expression.
+In addition to equality and disequality, multiset types
+support the following relational operations:
+| operator | description |
+| [<]{.monospace} | proper multiset subset |
+| `<=` | multiset subset |
+| `>=` | multiset superset |
+| `>` | proper multiset superset |
+Like the arithmetic relational operators, these operators are
+Multisets support the following binary operators, listed in order of
+increasing binding power:
+| operator | description |
+| `!!` | multiset disjointness |
+| `+` | multiset union |
+| `-` | multiset difference |
+| `*` | multiset intersection |
+The associativity rules of `+`, `-`, and `*` are like those of the
+arithmetic operators with the same names. The `+` operator
+adds the multiplicity of corresponding elements, the `-` operator
+subtracts them (but 0 is the minimum multiplicity),
+and the `*` has multiplicity that is the minimum of the
+multiplicity of the operands.
+The expression `A !! B`
+says that multisets `A` and `B` have no elements in common, that is,
+it is equivalent to
+A * B == multiset{}
+Like the analogous set operator, `!!` is chaining.
+In addition, for any multiset `s` of type `multiset<T>`,
+expression `e` of type `T`, and non-negative integer-based numeric
+`n`, multisets support the following operations:
+| expression | description |
+| [\|s\|]{.monospace} | multiset cardinality |
+| `e in s` | multiset membership |
+| `e !in s` | multiset non-membership |
+| `s[e]` | multiplicity of `e` in `s` |
+| `s[e := n]` | multiset update (change of multiplicity) |
+The expression `e in s` returns `true` if and only if `s[e] != 0`.
+The expression `e !in s` is a syntactic shorthand for `!(e in s)`.
+The expression `s[e := n]` denotes a multiset like
+`s`, but where the multiplicity of element `e` is `n`. Note that
+the multiset update `s[e := 0]` results in a multiset like `s` but
+without any occurrences of `e` (whether or not `s` has occurrences of
+`e` in the first place). As another example, note that
+`s - multiset{e}` is equivalent to:
+if e in s then s[e := s[e] - 1] else s
+## Sequences
+SequenceType_ = "seq" [ GenericInstantiation ]
+For any type `T`, a value of type `seq<T>` denotes a _sequence_ of `T`
+elements, that is, a mapping from a finite downward-closed set of natural
+numbers (called _indices_) to `T` values. (Thinking of it as a map,
+a sequence is therefore something of a dual of a multiset.)
+### Sequence Displays
+A sequence can be formed using a _sequence display_ expression, which
+is a possibly empty, ordered list of expressions enclosed in square
+brackets. To illustrate,
+[] [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 3] [4+2, 1+5, a*b]
+are three examples of sequence displays. There is no sequence
+comprehension expression.
+### Sequence Relational Operators
+In addition to equality and disequality, sequence types
+support the following relational operations:
+| operator | description |
+| [<]{.monospace} | proper prefix |
+| `<=` | prefix |
+Like the arithmetic relational operators, these operators are
+chaining. Note the absence of `>` and `>=`.
+### Sequence Concatenation
+Sequences support the following binary operator:
+| operator | description |
+| `+` | concatenation |
+Operator `+` is associative, like the arithmetic operator with the
+same name.
+### Other Sequence Expressions
+In addition, for any sequence `s` of type `seq<T>`, expression `e`
+of type `T`, integer-based numeric `i` satisfying `0 <= i < |s|`, and
+integer-based numerics `lo` and `hi` satisfying
+`0 <= lo <= hi <= |s|`, sequences support the following operations:
+| expression | description |
+| [\|s\|]{.monospace} | sequence length |
+| `s[i]` | sequence selection |
+| `s[i := e]` | sequence update |
+| `e in s` | sequence membership |
+| `e !in s` | sequence non-membership |
+| `s[lo..hi]` | subsequence |
+| `s[lo..]` | drop |
+| `s[..hi]` | take |
+| `s[\(_slices_\)]` | slice |
+| `multiset(s)` | sequence conversion to a `multiset<T>` |
+Expression `s[i := e]` returns a sequence like `s`, except that the
+element at index `i` is `e`. The expression `e in s` says there
+exists an index `i` such that `s[i] == e`. It is allowed in non-ghost
+contexts only if the element type `T` is equality supporting.
+The expression `e !in s` is a syntactic shorthand for `!(e in s)`.
+Expression `s[lo..hi]` yields a sequence formed by taking the first
+`hi` elements and then dropping the first `lo` elements. The
+resulting sequence thus has length `hi - lo`. Note that `s[0..|s|]`
+equals `s`. If the upper bound is omitted, it
+defaults to `|s|`, so `s[lo..]` yields the sequence formed by dropping
+the first `lo` elements of `s`. If the lower bound is omitted, it
+defaults to `0`, so `s[..hi]` yields the sequence formed by taking the
+first `hi` elements of `s`.
+In the sequence slice operation, `\(_slices_\)` is a nonempty list of
+length designators separated and optionally terminated by a colon, and
+there is at least one colon. Each length designator is a non-negative
+integer-based numeric, whose sum is no greater than `|s|`. If there
+are _k_ colons, the operation produces _k + 1_ consecutive subsequences
+from `s`, each of the length indicated by the corresponding length
+designator, and returns these as a sequence of
+sequences.[^fn-slice-into-tuple] If `\(_slices_\)` is terminated by a
+colon, then the length of the last slice extends until the end of `s`,
+that is, its length is `|s|` minus the sum of the given length
+designators. For example, the following equalities hold, for any
+sequence `s` of length at least `10`:
+var t := [3.14, 2.7, 1.41, 1985.44, 100.0, 37.2][1:0:3];
+assert |t| == 3 && t[0] == [3.14] && t[1] == [];
+assert t[2] == [2.7, 1.41, 1985.44];
+var u := [true, false, false, true][1:1:];
+assert |u| == 3 && u[0][0] && !u[1][0] && u[2] == [false, true];
+assert s[10:][0] == s[..10];
+assert s[10:][1] == s[10..];
+[^fn-slice-into-tuple]: Now that Dafny supports built-in tuples, the
+ plan is to change the sequence slice operation to return not a
+ sequence of subsequences, but a tuple of subsequences.
+The operation `multiset(s)` yields the multiset of elements of
+sequence `s`. It is allowed in non-ghost contexts only if the element
+type `T` is equality supporting.
+### Strings
+StringType_ = "string"
+A special case of a sequence type is `seq<char>`, for which Dafny
+provides a synonym: `string`. Strings are like other sequences, but
+provide additional syntax for sequence display expressions, namely
+_string literals_. There are two forms of the syntax for string
+literals: the _standard form_ and the _verbatim form_.
+String literals of the standard form are enclosed in double quotes, as
+in `"Dafny"`. To include a double quote in such a string literal,
+it is necessary to use an escape sequence. Escape sequences can also
+be used to include other characters. The supported escape sequences
+are the same as those for character literals, see Section [#sec-characters].
+For example, the Dafny expression `"say \"yes\""` represents the
+string `'say "yes"'`.
+The escape sequence for a single quote is redundant, because
+[\"\'\"]{.monospace} and [\"\\\'\"]{.monospace} denote the same
+string---both forms are provided in order to support the same
+escape sequences as for character literals.
+String literals of the verbatim form are bracketed by
+[@\"]{.monospace} and [\"]{.monospace}, as in `@"Dafny"`. To include
+a double quote in such a string literal, it is necessary to use the
+escape sequence [\"\"]{.monospace}, that is, to write the character
+twice. In the verbatim form, there are no other escape sequences.
+Even characters like newline can be written inside the string literal
+(hence spanning more than one line in the program text).
+For example, the following three expressions denote the same string:
+['C', ':', '\\', 't', 'm', 'p', '.', 't', 'x', 't']
+Since strings are sequences, the relational operators [<]{.monospace}
+and `<=` are defined on them. Note, however, that these operators
+still denote proper prefix and prefix, respectively, not some kind of
+alphabetic comparison as might be desirable, for example, when
+sorting strings.
+## Finite and Infinite Maps
+FiniteMapType_ = "map" [ GenericInstantiation ]
+InfiniteMapType_ = "imap" [ GenericInstantiation ]
+For any types `T` and `U`, a value of type `map<T,U>` denotes a
+_(finite) map_
+from `T` to `U`. In other words, it is a look-up table indexed by
+`T`. The _domain_ of the map is a finite set of `T` values that have
+associated `U` values. Since the keys in the domain are compared
+using equality in the type `T`, type `map<T,U>` can be used in a
+non-ghost context only if `T` is equality supporting.
+Similarly, for any types `T` and `U`, a value of type `imap<T,U>`
+denotes a _(possibly) infinite map_. In most regards, `imap<T,U>` is
+like `map<T,U>`, but a map of type `imap<T,U>` is allowed to have an
+infinite domain.
+A map can be formed using a _map display_ expression (see ``MapDisplayExpr``),
+which is a possibly empty, ordered list of _maplets_, each maplet having the
+form `t := u` where `t` is an expression of type `T` and `u` is an
+expression of type `U`, enclosed in square brackets after the keyword
+`map`. To illustrate,
+map[] map[20 := true, 3 := false, 20 := false] map[a+b := c+d]
+are three examples of map displays. By using the keyword `imap`
+instead of `map`, the map produced will be of type `imap<T,U>`
+instead of `map<T,U>`. Note that an infinite map (`imap`) is allowed
+to have a finite domain, whereas a finite map (`map`) is not allowed
+to have an infinite domain.
+If the same key occurs more than
+once, only the last occurrence appears in the resulting
+map.[^fn-map-display] There is also a _map comprehension expression_,
+explained in section [#sec-map-comprehension-expression].
+[^fn-map-display]: This is likely to change in the future to disallow
+ multiple occurrences of the same key.
+For any map `fm` of type `map<T,U>`,
+any map `m` of type `map<T,U>` or `imap<T,U>`,
+any expression `t` of type `T`,
+any expression `u` of type `U`, and any `d` in the domain of `m` (that
+is, satisfying `d in m`), maps support the following operations:
+| expression | description |
+| [\|fm\|]{.monospace} | map cardinality |
+| `m[d]` | map selection |
+| `m[t := u]` | map update |
+| `t in m` | map domain membership |
+| `t !in m` | map domain non-membership |
+`|fm|` denotes the number of mappings in `fm`, that is, the
+cardinality of the domain of `fm`. Note that the cardinality operator
+is not supported for infinite maps.
+Expression `m[d]` returns the `U` value that `m` associates with `d`.
+Expression `m[t := u]` is a map like `m`, except that the
+element at key `t` is `u`. The expression `t in m` says `t` is in the
+domain of `m` and `t !in m` is a syntactic shorthand for
+`!(t in m)`.[^fn-map-membership]
+[^fn-map-membership]: This is likely to change in the future as
+ follows: The `in` and `!in` operations will no longer be
+ supported on maps. Instead, for any map `m`, `m.Domain` will
+ return its domain as a set and `m.Range` will return, also as a
+ set, the image of `m` under its domain.
+Here is a small example, where a map `cache` of type `map<int,real>`
+is used to cache computed values of Joule-Thomson coefficients for
+some fixed gas at a given temperature:
+if K in cache { // check if temperature is in domain of cache
+ coeff := cache[K]; // read result in cache
+} else {
+ coeff := ComputeJouleThomsonCoefficient(K); // do expensive computation
+ cache := cache[K := coeff]; // update the cache
+# Types that stand for other types
+SynonymTypeDecl =
+ ( SynonymTypeDefinition_ | OpaqueTypeDefinition_ ) [ ";" ]
+It is sometimes useful to know a type by several names or to treat a
+type abstractly. Synonym and opaque types serve this purpose.
+## Type synonyms
+SynonymTypeDefinition_ =
+ "type" { Attribute } SynonymTypeName [ GenericParameters ] "=" Type
+A _type synonym_ declaration:
+type Y<T> = G
+declares `Y<T>` to be a synonym for the type `G`. Here, `T` is a
+nonempty list of type parameters (each of which is optionally
+designated with the suffix "`(==)`"), which can be used as free type
+variables in `G`. If the synonym has no type parameters, the "`<T>`"
+is dropped. In all cases, a type synonym is just a synonym. That is,
+there is never a difference, other than possibly in error messages
+produced, between `Y<T>` and `G`.
+For example, the names of the following type synonyms may improve the
+readability of a program:
+type Replacements<T> = map<T,T>
+type Vertex = int
+As already described in Section [#sec-strings], `string` is a built-in
+type synonym for `seq<char>`, as if it would have been declared as
+type string = seq<char>
+## Opaque types
+OpaqueTypeDefinition_ = "type" { Attribute } SynonymTypeName
+ [ "(" "==" ")" ] [ GenericParameters ]
+A special case of a type synonym is one that is underspecified. Such
+a type is declared simply by:
+type Y<T>
+It is known as an _opaque type_. Its definition can be revealed in a
+refining module. To indicate that `Y` designates an
+equality-supporting type, "`(==)`" can be written immediately
+following the name "`Y`".
+For example, the declarations
+type T
+function F(t: T): T
+can be used to model an uninterpreted function `F` on some
+arbitrary type `T`. As another example,
+type Monad<T>
+can be used abstractly to represent an arbitrary parameterized monad.
+# Well-founded Functions and Extreme Predicates
+This section is a tutorial on well-founded functions and extreme predicates.
+We place it here in preparation for Section [#sec-class-types]
+where function and predicate definitions are described.
+Recursive functions are a core part of computer science and mathematics.
+Roughly speaking, when the definition of such a function spells out a
+terminating computation from given arguments, we may refer to
+it as a _well-founded function_. For example, the common factorial and
+Fibonacci functions are well-founded functions.
+There are also other ways to define functions. An important case
+regards the definition of a boolean function as an extreme solution
+(that is, a least or greatest solution) to some equation. For
+computer scientists with interests in logic or programming languages,
+these _extreme predicates_ are important because they describe the
+judgments that can be justified by a given set of inference rules
+(see, e.g., [@CamilleriMelham:InductiveRelations;
+ @LeroyGrall:CoinductiveBigStep; @Pierce:SoftwareFoundations;
+ @NipkowKlein:ConcreteSemantics]).
+To benefit from machine-assisted reasoning, it is necessary not just
+to understand extreme predicates but also to have techniques for
+proving theorems about them. A foundation for this reasoning was
+developed by Paulin-Mohring [@PaulinMohring:InductiveCoq] and is the
+basis of the constructive logic supported by Coq [@Coq:book] as well
+as other proof assistants [@BoveDybjerNorell:BriefAgda;
+@SwamyEtAl:Fstar2011]. Essentially, the idea is to represent the
+knowledge that an extreme predicate holds by the proof term by which
+this knowledge was derived. For a predicate defined as the least
+solution, such proof terms are values of an inductive datatype (that
+is, finite proof trees), and for the greatest solution, a coinductive
+datatype (that is, possibly infinite proof trees). This means that
+one can use induction and coinduction when reasoning about these proof
+trees. Therefore, these extreme predicates are known as,
+respectively, _inductive predicates_ and _coinductive predicates_ (or,
+_co-predicates_ for short). Support for extreme predicates is also
+available in the proof assistants Isabelle [@Paulson:CADE1994] and HOL
+Dafny supports both well-founded functions and extreme predicates.
+This section is a tutorial that describes the difference in general
+terms, and then describes novel syntactic support in Dafny for
+defining and proving lemmas with extreme predicates. Although Dafny's
+verifier has at its core a first-order SMT solver, Dafny's logical
+encoding makes it possible to reason about fixpoints in an automated
+The encoding for coinductive predicates in Dafny was described previously
+[@LeinoMoskal:Coinduction] and is here described in Section
+## Function Definitions
+To define a function $f \colon X \to Y$ in terms of itself, one can
+write an equation like
+~ Equation {#eq-general}
+ f \Equal \F(f)
+where $\mathcal{F}$ is a non-recursive function of type
+$(X \to Y) \to X \to Y$. Because it takes a function as an argument,
+$\mathcal{F}$ is referred to as a _functor_ (or _functional_, but not to be
+confused by the category-theory notion of a functor).
+Throughout, I will assume that $\F(f)$ by itself is well defined,
+for example that it does not divide by zero. I will also assume that $f$ occurs
+only in fully applied calls in $\F(f)$; eta expansion can be applied to
+ensure this. If $f$ is a boolean function, that is, if $Y$ is
+the type of booleans, then I call $f$ a _predicate_.
+For example, the common Fibonacci function over the
+natural numbers can be defined by the equation
+~ Equation
+ \fib \Equal
+ \lambda n \bullet\; \ite{n < 2}{n}{\fib(n-2) + \fib(n-1)}
+With the understanding that the argument $n$ is universally
+quantified, we can write this equation equivalently as
+~ Equation {#eq-fib}
+ \fib(n) \Equal
+ \ite{n < 2}{n}{\fib(n-2) + \fib(n-1)}
+The fact that the function being defined occurs on both sides of the equation
+causes concern that we might not be defining the function properly, leading to a
+logical inconsistency. In general, there
+could be many solutions to an equation like [#eq-general] or there could be none.
+Let's consider two ways to make sure we're defining the function uniquely.
+### Well-founded Functions
+A standard way to ensure that equation [#eq-general] has a unique solution in $f$ is
+to make sure the recursion is well-founded, which roughly means that the
+recursion terminates. This is done by introducing any well-founded
+relation $\Less$ on the domain of $f$ and making sure that the argument to each recursive
+call goes down in this ordering. More precisely, if we formulate [#eq-general] as
+~ Equation
+ f(x) \Equal \F'(f)
+then we want to check $E \Less x$ for each call $f(E)$ in $\F'(f)$. When a function
+definition satisfies this _decrement condition_, then the function is said to be
+For example, to check the decrement condition for $\fib$ in [#eq-fib], we can pick
+$\Less$ to be the arithmetic less-than relation on natural numbers and check the
+following, for any $n$:
+~ Equation
+ 2 \leq n \;\;\Imp\;\; n-2 \Less n \;\And\; n-1 \Less n
+Note that we are entitled to using the antecedent $2 \leq n$, because that is the
+condition under which the else branch in [#eq-fib] is evaluated.
+A well-founded function is often thought of as "terminating" in the sense
+that the recursive _depth_ in evaluating $f$
+on any given argument is finite. That is, there are no infinite descending chains
+of recursive calls. However, the evaluation of $f$ on a given argument
+may fail to terminate, because its _width_ may be infinite. For example, let $P$
+be some predicate defined on the ordinals and let $\PDownward$ be a predicate on the
+ordinals defined by the following equation:
+~ Equation
+ \PDownward(o) \Equal
+ P(o) \And \forall p \bullet\; p \Less o \Imp \PDownward(p)
+With $\Less$ as the usual ordering on ordinals, this equation satisfies the decrement
+condition, but evaluating $\PDownward(\omega)$ would require evaluating
+$\PDownward(n)$ for every natural number $n$. However, what we are concerned
+about here is to avoid mathematical inconsistencies, and that is
+indeed a consequence of the decrement condition.
+#### Example with Well-founded Functions {#sec-fib-example}
+So that we can later see how inductive proofs are done in Dafny, let's prove that
+for any $n$, $\fib(n)$ is even iff $n$ is a multiple of $3$.
+We split our task into
+two cases. If $n < 2$, then the property follows directly from the definition
+of $\fib$. Otherwise, note that exactly one of the three numbers $n-2$, $n-1$, and $n$
+is a multiple of 3. If $n$ is the multiple of 3, then by invoking the
+induction hypothesis on $n-2$
+and $n-1$, we obtain that $\fib(n-2) + \fib(n-1)$ is the sum of two odd numbers,
+which is even. If $n-2$ or $n-1$ is a multiple of 3, then by invoking the induction
+hypothesis on $n-2$ and $n-1$, we obtain that $\fib(n-2) + \fib(n-1)$ is the sum of an
+even number and an odd number, which is odd. In this proof, we invoked the induction
+hypothesis on $n-2$ and on $n-1$. This is allowed, because both are smaller than
+$n$, and hence the invocations go down in the well-founded ordering on natural numbers.
+### Extreme Solutions
+We don't need to exclude the possibility of equation [#eq-general] having multiple
+solutions---instead, we can just be clear about which one of them we want.
+Let's explore this, after a smidgen of lattice theory.
+For any complete lattice $(Y,\leq)$ and any set $X$, we can by _pointwise extension_ define
+a complete lattice $(X \to Y, \FBelow)$, where for any $f,g \colon X \to Y$,
+~ Equation
+ f \FBelow q \Equiv
+ \forall x \bullet\; f(x) \leq g(x)
+In particular, if $Y$ is the set of booleans ordered by implication ($\false \leq \true$),
+then the set of predicates over any domain $X$ forms a complete lattice.
+Tarski's Theorem [@Tarski:theorem] tells us that any monotonic function over a
+complete lattice has a least and a greatest fixpoint. In particular, this means that
+$\F$ has a least fixpoint and a greatest fixpoint, provided $\F$ is monotonic.
+Speaking about the _set of solutions_ in $f$ to [#eq-general] is the same as speaking
+about the _set of fixpoints_ of functor $\F$. In particular, the least and greatest
+solutions to [#eq-general] are the same as the least and greatest fixpoints of $\F$.
+In casual speak, it happens that we say "fixpoint of [#eq-general]", or more
+grotesquely, "fixpoint of $f$" when we really mean "fixpoint of $\F$".
+In conclusion of our little excursion into lattice theory, we have that, under the
+proviso of $\F$ being monotonic, the set of solutions in $f$ to [#eq-general] is nonempty,
+and among these solutions, there is in the $\FBelow$ ordering a least solution (that is,
+a function that returns $\false$ more often than any other) and a greatest solution (that
+is, a function that returns $\true$ more often than any other).
+When discussing extreme solutions, I will now restrict my attention to boolean functions
+(that is, with $Y$ being the type of booleans). Functor $\F$ is monotonic
+if the calls to $f$ in $\F'(f)$ are in _positive positions_ (that is, under an even number
+of negations). Indeed, from now on, I will restrict my attention to such monotonic
+functors $\F$.
+Let me introduce a running example. Consider the following equation,
+where $x$ ranges over the integers:
+~ Equation {#eq-EvenNat}
+ g(x) \Equal (x = 0 \Or g(x-2))
+This equation has four solutions in $g$. With $w$ ranging over the integers, they are:
+~ Equation
+ \begin{array}{r@{}l}
+ g(x) \Equiv{}& x \in \{w \;|\; 0 \leq w \And w\textrm{ even}\} \\
+ g(x) \Equiv{}& x \in \{w \;|\; w\textrm{ even}\} \\
+ g(x) \Equiv{}& x \in \{w \;|\; (0 \leq w \And w\textrm{ even}) \Or w\textrm{ odd}\} \\
+ g(x) \Equiv{}& x \in \{w \;|\; \true\}
+ \end{array}
+The first of these is the least solution and the last is the greatest solution.
+In the literature, the definition of an extreme predicate is often given as a set of
+_inference rules_. To designate the least solution, a single line separating the
+antecedent (on top) from conclusion (on bottom) is used:
+~ Equation {#g-ind-rule}
+ \frac{}{g(0)}
+ \qquad\qquad
+ \frac{g(x-2)}{g(x)}
+Through repeated applications of such rules, one can show that the predicate holds for
+a particular value. For example, the _derivation_, or _proof tree_,
+to the left in Figure [#fig-proof-trees] shows that $g(6)$ holds.
+(In this simple example, the derivation is a rather degenerate proof "tree".)
+The use of these inference rules gives rise to a least solution, because proof trees are
+accepted only if they are _finite_.
+~ Begin Figure { #fig-proof-trees caption="Left: a finite proof tree that uses the rules of [#g-ind-rule] to establish $g(6)$. Right: an infinite proof tree that uses the rules of [#g-coind-rule] to establish $g(1)$." }
+~ Begin Columns
+~~ Column { vertical-align=bottom }
+~ Math
+ \dfrac{
+ \dfrac{
+ \dfrac{}{g(0)\xstrut}
+ }{g(2)\xstrut}
+ }{g(4)\xstrut}
+ }{g(6)\xupstrut}
+~~ Column { width=5em }
+~~ Column { vertical-align=bottom }
+~ Math
+ \Dfrac{
+ \Dfrac{
+ \Dfrac{
+ {}_{\vdots }
+ }{{g(-5)}}
+ }{{g(-3)}}
+ }{{g(-1)}}
+ }{g(1)}
+~ End Columns
+~ End Figure
+When inference rules are to designate the greatest solution, a double
+line is used:
+~ Equation {#g-coind-rule}
+ \Dfrac{}{g(0)}
+ \qquad\qquad
+ \Dfrac{g(x-2)}{g(x)}
+In this case, proof trees are allowed to be infinite. For example, the (partial depiction
+of the) infinite proof tree on the right in Figure [#fig-proof-trees] shows that $g(1)$ holds.
+Note that derivations may not be unique. For example, in the case of the greatest
+solution for $g$, there are two proof trees that establish $g(0)$: one is the finite
+proof tree that uses the left-hand rule of [#g-coind-rule] once, the other is the infinite
+proof tree that keeps on using the right-hand rule of [#g-coind-rule].
+### Working with Extreme Predicates
+In general, one cannot evaluate whether or not an extreme predicate holds for some
+input, because doing so may take an infinite number of steps. For example, following
+the recursive calls in the definition [#eq-EvenNat] to try to evaluate $g(7)$ would never
+terminate. However, there are useful ways to establish that an extreme predicate holds
+and there are ways to make use of one once it has been established.
+For any $\F$ as in [#eq-general], I define two infinite series of well-founded
+functions, $\iter{f}_k$ and $\Iter{f}_k$
+where $k$ ranges over the natural numbers:
+~ Equation {#eq-least-approx}
+ \iter{f}_k(x) \Equal \left\{
+ \begin{array}{ll}
+ \false & \textrm{if } k = 0 \\
+ \F(\iter{f}_{k-1})(x) & \textrm{if } k > 0
+ \end{array}
+ \right.
+~ Equation {#eq-greatest-approx}
+ \Iter{f}_k(x) \Equal \left\{
+ \begin{array}{ll}
+ \true & \textrm{if } k = 0 \\
+ \F(\Iter{f}_{k-1})(x) & \textrm{if } k > 0
+ \end{array}
+ \right.
+These functions are called the _iterates_ of $f$, and I will also refer to them
+as the _prefix predicates_ of $f$ (or the _prefix predicate_ of $f$, if we think
+of $k$ as being a parameter).
+Alternatively, we can define $\iter{f}_k$ and $\Iter{f}_k$ without mentioning $x$:
+Let $\bot$ denote the function that always returns $\false$, let $\top$
+denote the function that always returns $\true$, and let a superscript on $\F$ denote
+exponentiation (for example, $\F^0(f) = f$ and $\F^2(f) = \F(\F(f))$).
+Then, [#eq-least-approx] and [#eq-greatest-approx] can be stated equivalently as
+$\iter{f}_k = \F^k(\bot)$ and $\Iter{f}_k = \F^k(\top)$.
+For any solution $f$ to equation [#eq-general], we have, for any $k$ and $\ell$
+such that $k \leq \ell$:
+~ Equation {#eq-prefix-postfix}
+ \iter{f}_k \quad\FBelow\quad
+ \iter{f}_\ell \quad\FBelow\quad
+ f \quad\FBelow\quad
+ \Iter{f}_\ell \quad\FBelow\quad
+ \Iter{f}_k
+In other words, every $\iter{f}_k$ is a _pre-fixpoint_ of $f$ and every $\Iter{f}_k$ is a _post-fixpoint_
+of $f$. Next, I define two functions, $f\least$ and $f\greatest$, in
+terms of the prefix predicates:
+~ Equation {#eq-least-is-exists}
+ f\least(x) \Equal \exists k \bullet\; \iter{f}_k(x)
+~ Equation {#eq-greatest-is-forall}
+ f\greatest(x) \Equal \forall k \bullet\; \Iter{f}_k(x)
+By [#eq-prefix-postfix], we also have that $f\least$ is a pre-fixpoint of $\F$ and $f\greatest$
+is a post-fixpoint of $\F$. The marvelous thing is that, if $\F$ is _continuous_, then
+$f\least$ and $f\greatest$ are the least and greatest fixpoints of $\F$.
+These equations let us do proofs by induction when dealing with extreme predicates.
+I will explain in Section [#sec-friendliness] how to check for continuity.
+Let's consider two examples, both involving function $g$ in
+[#eq-EvenNat]. As it turns out, $g$'s defining functor is continuous,
+and therefore I will write $g\least$ and $g\greatest$ to denote the
+least and greatest solutions for $g$ in [#eq-EvenNat].
+#### Example with Least Solution {#sec-example-least-solution}
+The main technique for establishing that $g\least(x)$ holds for some
+$x$, that is, proving something of the form $Q \Imp g\least(x)$, is to
+construct a proof tree like the one for $g(6)$ in Figure
+[#fig-proof-trees]. For a proof in this direction, since we're just
+applying the defining equation, the fact that
+we're using a least solution for $g$ never plays a role (as long as we
+limit ourselves to finite derivations).
+The technique for going in the other direction, proving something _from_ an established
+$g\least$ property, that is, showing something of the form $g\least(x) \Imp R$, typically
+uses induction on the structure of the proof tree. When the antecedent of our proof
+obligation includes a predicate term $g\least(x)$, it is sound to
+imagine that we have been given a proof tree for $g\least(x)$. Such a proof tree
+would be a data structure---to be more precise, a term in an
+_inductive datatype_.
+For this reason, least solutions like $g\least$ have been given the
+name _inductive predicate_.
+Let's prove $g\least(x) \Imp 0 \leq x \And x \textrm{ even}$.
+We split our task into two cases, corresponding to which of the two
+proof rules in [#g-ind-rule] was the
+last one applied to establish $g\least(x)$. If it was the left-hand rule, then $x=0$,
+which makes it easy to establish the conclusion of our proof goal. If it was the
+right-hand rule, then we unfold the proof tree one level and obtain $g\least(x-2)$.
+Since the proof tree for $g\least(x-2)$ is smaller than where we started, we invoke
+the _induction hypothesis_ and obtain $0 \leq (x-2) \And (x-2) \textrm{ even}$, from which
+it is easy to establish the conclusion of our proof goal.
+Here's how we do the proof formally using [#eq-least-is-exists]. We massage the
+general form of our proof goal:
+| | $f\greatest(x) \Imp R$ |
+| = | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; { [#eq-least-is-exists] } |
+| | $(\exists k \bullet\; \iter{f}_k(x)) \Imp R$ |
+| = | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; { distribute $\Imp$ over $\exists$ to the left } |
+| | $\forall k \bullet\; (\iter{f}_k(x) \Imp R)$ |
+The last line can be proved by induction over $k$. So, in our case, we prove
+$\iter{g}_k(x) \Imp 0 \leq x \And x \textrm{ even}$ for every $k$.
+If $k=0$, then $\iter{g}_k(x)$ is $\false$, so our goal holds trivially.
+If $k > 0$, then $\iter{g}_k(x) = (x = 0 \Or \iter{g}_{k-1}(x-2))$. Our goal holds easily
+for the first disjunct ($x=0$). For the other disjunct,
+we apply the induction hypothesis (on the smaller $k-1$ and with $x-2$) and
+obtain $0 \leq (x-2) \And (x-2) \textrm{ even}$, from which our proof goal
+#### Example with Greatest Solution {#sec-example-greatest-solution}
+We can think of a given predicate $g\greatest(x)$ as being represented
+by a proof tree---in this case a term in a _coinductive datatype_,
+since the proof may be infinite.
+For this reason, greatest solutions like $g\greatest$ have
+been given the name _coinductive predicate_, or _co-predicate_ for short.
+The main technique for proving something from a given proof tree, that
+is, to prove something of the form $g\greatest(x) \Imp R$, is to
+destruct the proof. Since this is just unfolding the defining
+equation, the fact that we're using a greatest solution for $g$ never
+plays a role (as long as we limit ourselves to a finite number of
+To go in the other direction, to establish a predicate defined as a greatest solution,
+like $Q \Imp g\greatest(x)$, we may need an infinite number of steps. For this purpose,
+we can use induction's dual, _coinduction_. Were it not for one little detail, coinduction
+is as simple as continuations in programming: the next part of the proof obligation
+is delegated to the _coinduction hypothesis_. The little detail is making sure that
+it is the "next" part we're passing on for the continuation, not the same part. This
+detail is called _productivity_ and corresponds to the requirement in
+induction of making sure we're going down a well-founded relation when
+applying the induction hypothesis. There are
+many sources with more information, see for example the classic account by
+Jacobs and Rutten [@JacobsRutten:IntroductionCoalgebra]
+or a new attempt by Kozen and Silva
+that aims to emphasize the simplicity, not the mystery, of
+coinduction [@KozenSilva:Coinduction].
+Let's prove $\true \Imp g\greatest(x)$. The intuitive coinductive proof goes like this:
+According to the right-hand rule of [#g-coind-rule], $g\greatest(x)$ follows if we
+establish $g\greatest(x-2)$, and that's easy to do by invoking the coinduction hypothesis.
+The "little detail", productivity, is satisfied in this proof because we applied
+a rule in [#g-coind-rule] before invoking the coinduction hypothesis.
+For anyone who may have felt that the intuitive proof felt too easy, here is a formal
+proof using [#eq-greatest-is-forall], which relies only on induction. We massage the
+general form of our proof goal:
+| | $Q \Imp f\greatest(x)$ |
+| = | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; { [#eq-greatest-is-forall] } |
+| | $Q \Imp \forall k \bullet\; \Iter{f}_k(x)$ |
+| = | &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; { distribute $\Imp$ over $\forall$ to the right } |
+| | $\forall k \bullet\; Q \Imp \Iter{f}_k(x)$ |
+The last line can be proved by induction over $k$. So, in our case, we prove
+$\true \Imp \Iter{g}_k(x)$ for every $k$.
+If $k=0$, then $\Iter{g}_k(x)$ is $\true$, so our goal holds trivially.
+If $k > 0$, then $\Iter{g}_k(x) = (x = 0 \Or \Iter{g}_{k-1}(x-2))$. We establish the second
+disjunct by applying the induction hypothesis (on the smaller $k-1$ and with $x-2$).
+### Other Techniques
+Although in this paper I consider only well-founded functions and extreme
+predicates, it is worth mentioning that there are additional ways of making sure that
+the set of solutions to [#eq-general] is nonempty. For example, if all calls to $f$ in
+$\F'(f)$ are _tail-recursive calls_, then (under the assumption that $Y$ is nonempty) the set of
+solutions is nonempty. To see this, consider an attempted evaluation of $f(x)$ that fails
+to determine a definite result value because of an infinite chain of calls that applies $f$
+to each value of some subset $X'$ of $X$. Then, apparently, the value of $f$ for any one
+of the values in $X'$ is not determined by the equation, but picking any particular result
+values for these makes for a consistent definition.
+This was pointed out by Manolios and Moore [@ManoliosMoore:PartialFunctions].
+Functions can be underspecified in this way in the proof assistants ACL2 [@ACL2:book]
+and HOL [@Krauss:PhD].
+## Functions in Dafny
+In this section, I explain with examples the support in
+Dafny[^fn-on-da-web] for well-founded functions, extreme predicates,
+and proofs regarding these.
+[^fn-on-da-web]: Dafny is open source at []( and can also be used online at [](
+### Well-founded Functions in Dafny
+Declarations of well-founded functions are unsurprising. For example, the Fibonacci
+function is declared as follows:
+function fib(n: nat): nat
+ if n < 2 then n else fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
+Dafny verifies that the body (given as an expression in curly braces) is well defined.
+This includes decrement checks for recursive (and mutually recursive) calls. Dafny
+predefines a well-founded relation on each type and extends it to lexicographic tuples
+of any (fixed) length. For example, the well-founded relation $x \Less y$ for integers
+is $x < y \And 0 \leq y$, the one for reals is $x \leq y - 1.0 \And 0.0 \leq y$
+(this is the same ordering as for integers, if you read the integer
+relation as $x \leq y - 1 \And 0 \leq y$), the one for inductive
+datatypes is structural inclusion,
+and the one for coinductive datatypes is $\false$.
+Using a `decreases` clause, the programmer can specify the term in this predefined
+order. When a function definition omits a `decreases` clause, Dafny makes a simple
+guess. This guess (which can be inspected by hovering over the function name in the
+Dafny IDE) is very often correct, so users are rarely bothered to provide explicit
+`decreases` clauses.
+If a function returns `bool`, one can drop the result type `: bool` and change the
+keyword `function` to `predicate`.
+### Proofs in Dafny
+Dafny has `lemma` declarations. These are really just special cases of methods:
+they can have pre- and postcondition specifications and their body is a code block.
+Here is the lemma we stated and proved in Section [#sec-fib-example]:
+lemma FibProperty(n: nat)
+ ensures fib(n) % 2 == 0 <==> n % 3 == 0
+ if n < 2 {
+ } else {
+ FibProperty(n-2); FibProperty(n-1);
+ }
+The postcondition of this lemma (keyword `ensures`) gives the proof
+goal. As in any program-correctness logic (e.g.,
+[@Hoare:AxiomaticBasis]), the postcondition must
+be established on every control path through the lemma's body. For
+`FibProperty`, I give the proof by
+an `if` statement, hence introducing a case split. The then branch is empty, because
+Dafny can prove the postcondition automatically in this case. The else branch
+performs two recursive calls to the lemma. These are the invocations of the induction
+hypothesis and they follow the usual program-correctness rules,
+namely: the precondition must hold at the call site, the call must terminate, and then
+the caller gets to assume the postcondition upon return. The "proof glue" needed
+to complete the proof is done automatically by Dafny.
+Dafny features an aggregate statement using which it is possible to make (possibly
+infinitely) many calls at once. For example, the induction hypothesis can be called
+at once on all values `n'` smaller than `n`:
+forall n' | 0 <= n' < n {
+ FibProperty(n');
+For our purposes, this corresponds to _strong induction_. More
+generally, the `forall` statement has the form
+forall k | P(k)
+ ensures Q(k)
+{ Statements; }
+Logically, this statement corresponds to _universal introduction_: the body proves that
+`Q(k)` holds for an arbitrary `k` such that `P(k)`, and the conclusion of the `forall` statement
+is then $\forall k \bullet\; P(k) \Imp Q(k)$. When the body of the `forall` statement is
+a single call (or `calc` statement), the `ensures` clause is inferred and can be omitted,
+like in our `FibProperty` example.
+Lemma `FibProperty` is simple enough that its whole body can be replaced by the one
+`forall` statement above. In fact, Dafny goes one step further: it automatically
+inserts such a `forall` statement at the beginning of every lemma [@Leino:induction].
+Thus, `FibProperty` can be declared and proved simply by:
+``` {.para-end}
+lemma FibProperty(n: nat)
+ ensures fib(n) % 2 == 0 <==> n % 3 == 0
+{ }
+Going in the other direction from universal introduction is existential elimination,
+also known as Skolemization. Dafny has a statement for this, too:
+for any variable `x` and boolean expression `Q`, the
+_assign such that_ statement `x :| Q;` says to assign to `x` a value such that `Q`
+will hold. A proof obligation when using this statement is to show that there
+exists an `x` such that `Q` holds. For example, if the fact
+$\exists k \bullet\; 100 \leq \fib(k) < 200$ is known, then the statement
+`k :| 100 <= fib(k) < 200;` will assign to `k` some value (chosen arbitrarily)
+for which `fib(k)` falls in the given range.
+### Extreme Predicates in Dafny {#sec-friendliness}
+In this previous subsection, I explained that a `predicate` declaration introduces a
+well-founded predicate. The declarations for introducing extreme predicates are
+`inductive predicate` and `copredicate`. Here is the definition of the least and
+greatest solutions of $g$ from above, let's call them `g` and `G`:
+inductive predicate g(x: int) { x == 0 || g(x-2) }
+copredicate G(x: int) { x == 0 || G(x-2) }
+When Dafny receives either of these definitions, it automatically declares the corresponding
+prefix predicates. Instead of the names $\iter{g}_k$ and $\Iter{g}_k$ that I used above, Dafny
+names the prefix predicates `g#[k]` and `G#[k]`, respectively, that is, the name of
+the extreme predicate appended with `#`, and the subscript is given as an argument in
+square brackets. The definition of the prefix predicate derives from the body of
+the extreme predicate and follows the form in [#eq-least-approx] and [#eq-greatest-approx].
+Using a faux-syntax for illustrative purposes, here are the prefix
+predicates that Dafny defines automatically from the extreme
+predicates `g` and `G`:
+predicate g#[_k: nat](x: int) { _k != 0 && (x == 0 || g#[_k-1](x-2)) }
+predicate G#[_k: nat](x: int) { _k != 0 ==> (x == 0 || G#[_k-1](x-2)) }
+The Dafny verifier is aware of the connection between extreme predicates and their
+prefix predicates, [#eq-least-is-exists] and [#eq-greatest-is-forall].
+Remember that to be well defined, the defining functor of an extreme predicate
+must be monotonic, and for [#eq-least-is-exists] and [#eq-greatest-is-forall] to hold,
+the functor must be continuous. Dafny enforces the former of these by checking that
+recursive calls of extreme predicates are in positive positions. The continuity
+requirement comes down to checking that they are also in _continuous positions_:
+that recursive calls to inductive predicates are
+not inside unbounded universal quantifiers and that recursive calls to co-predicates
+are not inside unbounded existential quantifiers [@Milner:CCS; @LeinoMoskal:Coinduction].
+### Proofs about Extreme Predicates
+From what I have presented so far, we can do the formal proofs from Sections
+[#sec-example-least-solution] and [#sec-example-greatest-solution]. Here is the
+lemma EvenNat(x: int)
+ requires g(x)
+ ensures 0 <= x && x % 2 == 0
+ var k: nat :| g#[k](x);
+ EvenNatAux(k, x);
+lemma EvenNatAux(k: nat, x: int)
+ requires g#[k](x)
+ ensures 0 <= x && x % 2 == 0
+ if x == 0 { } else { EvenNatAux(k-1, x-2); }
+Lemma `EvenNat` states the property we wish to prove. From its
+precondition (keyword `requires`) and
+[#eq-least-is-exists], we know there is some `k` that will make the condition in the
+assign-such-that statement true. Such a value is then assigned to `k` and passed to
+the auxiliary lemma, which promises to establish the proof goal. Given the condition
+`g#[k](x)`, the definition of `g#` lets us conclude `k != 0` as well as the disjunction
+`x == 0 || g#[k-1](x-2)`. The then branch considers the case of the first disjunct,
+from which the proof goal follows automatically. The else branch can then assume
+`g#[k-1](x-2)` and calls the induction hypothesis with those parameters. The proof
+glue that shows the proof goal for `x` to follow from the proof goal with `x-2` is
+done automatically.
+Because Dafny automatically inserts the statement
+forall k', x' | 0 <= k' < k && g#[k'](x') {
+ EvenNatAux(k', x');
+at the beginning of the body of `EvenNatAux`, the body can be left empty and Dafny
+completes the proof automatically.
+Here is the Dafny program that gives the proof from Section [#sec-example-greatest-solution]:
+``` {.para-end}
+lemma Always(x: int)
+ ensures G(x)
+{ forall k: nat { AlwaysAux(k, x); } }
+lemma AlwaysAux(k: nat, x: int)
+ ensures G#[k](x)
+{ }
+While each of these proofs involves only basic proof rules, the setup feels a bit clumsy,
+even with the empty body of the auxiliary lemmas. Moreover,
+the proofs do not reflect the intuitive proofs I described in
+Section [#sec-example-least-solution] and [#sec-example-greatest-solution].
+These shortcoming are addressed in the next subsection.
+### Nicer Proofs of Extreme Predicates
+The proofs we just saw follow standard forms:
+use Skolemization to convert the inductive predicate into a prefix predicate for some `k`
+and then do the proof inductively over `k`; respectively,
+by induction over `k`, prove the prefix predicate for every `k`, then use
+universal introduction to convert to the coinductive predicate.
+With the declarations `inductive lemma` and `colemma`, Dafny offers to
+set up the proofs
+in these standard forms. What is gained is not just fewer characters in the program
+text, but also a possible intuitive reading of the proofs. (Okay, to be fair, the
+reading is intuitive for simpler proofs; complicated proofs may or may not be intuitive.)
+Somewhat analogous to the creation of prefix predicates from extreme predicates, Dafny
+automatically creates a _prefix lemma_ `L#` from each "extreme lemma" `L`. The pre-
+and postconditions of a prefix lemma are copied from those of the extreme lemma,
+except for the following replacements:
+For an inductive lemma, Dafny looks in the precondition to find calls (in positive, continuous
+positions) to inductive predicates `P(x)` and replaces these with `P#[_k](x)`.
+For a
+co-lemma, Dafny looks in the postcondition to find calls (in positive, continuous positions)
+to co-predicates `P` (including equality among coinductive datatypes, which is a built-in
+co-predicate) and replaces these with `P#[_k](x)`.
+In each case, these predicates `P` are the lemma's _focal predicates_.
+The body of the extreme lemma is moved to the prefix lemma, but with
+replacing each recursive
+call `L(x)` with `L#[_k-1](x)` and replacing each occurrence of a call
+to a focal predicate
+`P(x)` with `P#[_k-1](x)`. The bodies of the extreme lemmas are then replaced as shown
+in the previous subsection. By construction, this new body correctly leads to the
+extreme lemma's postcondition.
+Let us see what effect these rewrites have on how one can write proofs. Here are the proofs
+of our running example:
+inductive lemma EvenNat(x: int)
+ requires g(x)
+ ensures 0 <= x && x % 2 == 0
+{ if x == 0 { } else { EvenNat(x-2); } }
+colemma Always(x: int)
+ ensures G(x)
+{ Always(x-2); }
+Both of these proofs follow the intuitive proofs given in Sections
+[#sec-example-least-solution] and [#sec-example-greatest-solution]. Note that in these
+simple examples, the user is never bothered with either prefix predicates nor
+prefix lemmas---the proofs just look like "what you'd expect".
+Since Dafny automatically inserts calls to the induction hypothesis at the beginning of
+each lemma, the bodies of the given extreme lemmas `EvenNat` and
+`Always` can be empty and Dafny still completes the proofs.
+Folks, it doesn't get any simpler than that!
+# Class Types
+ClassDecl = "class" { Attribute } ClassName [ GenericParameters ]
+ ["extends" Type {"," Type} ]
+ "{" { { DeclModifier } ClassMemberDecl(moduleLevelDecl: false) } "}"
+ClassMemberDecl(moduleLevelDecl) =
+ ( FieldDecl | FunctionDecl |
+ MethodDecl(isGhost: ("ghost" was present),
+ allowConstructor: !moduleLevelDecl)
+ )
+The ``ClassMemberDecl`` parameter `moduleLevelDecl` will be true if
+the member declaration is at the top level or directly within a
+module declaration. It will be false for ``ClassMemberDecl``s
+that are part of a class or trait declaration. If `moduleLevelDecl` is
+false ``FieldDecl``s are not allowed.
+A _class_ `C` is a reference type declared as follows:
+class C<T> extends J1, ..., Jn
+ \(_members_\)
+where the list of type parameters `T` is optional and so is
+"`extends J1, ..., Jn`", which says that the class extends traits `J1` ... `Jn`.
+The members of a class are _fields_, _functions_, and
+_methods_. These are accessed or invoked by dereferencing a reference
+to a `C` instance.
+A function or method is invoked on an _instance_
+of `C`, unless the function or method is declared `static`.
+A function or method that is not `static` is called an
+_instance_ function or method.
+An instance function or method takes an implicit _receiver_
+parameter, namely, the instance used to access the member. In the
+specification and body of an instance function or method, the receiver
+parameter can be referred to explicitly by the keyword `this`.
+However, in such places, members of `this` can also be mentioned
+without any qualification. To illustrate, the qualified `this.f` and
+the unqualified `f` refer to the same field of the same object in the
+following example:
+class C {
+ var f: int
+ method Example() returns (b: bool)
+ {
+ b := f == this.f;
+ }
+so the method body always assigns `true` to the out-parameter `b`.
+There is no semantic difference between qualified and
+unqualified accesses to the same receiver and member.
+A `C` instance is created using `new`, for example:
+c := new C;
+Note that `new` simply allocates a `C` object and returns a reference
+to it; the initial values of its fields are arbitrary values of their
+respective types. Therefore, it is common to invoke a method, known
+as an _initialization method_, immediately after creation, for
+c := new C;
+c.InitFromList(xs, 3);
+When an initialization method has no out-parameters and modifies no
+more than `this`, then the two statements above can be combined into
+c := new C.InitFromList(xs, 3);
+Note that a class can contain several initialization methods, that
+these methods can be invoked at any time, not just as part of a `new`,
+and that `new` does not require that an initialization method be
+invoked at creation.
+A clas can declare special initializing methods called _constructor methods_.
+See Section [#sec-method-declarations].
+## Field Declarations
+FieldDecl = "var" { Attribute } FIdentType { "," FIdentType }
+An ``FIdentType`` is used to declare a field. The field name is either an
+identifier (that is not allowed to start with a leading underscore) or
+some digits. Digits are used if you want to number your fields, e.g. "0",
+"1", etc.
+FIdentType = ( FieldIdent | digits ) ":" Type
+A field x of some type T is declared as:
+var x: T
+A field declaration declares one or more fields of the enclosing class.
+Each field is a named part of the state of an object of that class. A
+field declaration is similar to but distinct from a variable declaration
+statement. Unlike for local variables and bound variables, the type is
+required and will not be inferred.
+Unlike method and function declarations, a field declaration
+cannot be given at the top level. Fields can be declared in either a
+class or a trait. A class that inherits from multiple traits will
+have all the fields declared in any of its parent traits.
+Fields that are declared as `ghost` can only be used in specifications,
+not in code that will be compiled into executable code.
+Fields may not be declared static.
+`protected` is not allowed for fields.
+## Method Declarations
+MethodDecl(isGhost, allowConstructor) =
+ MethodKeyword { Attribute } [ MethodName ]
+ ( MethodSignature(isGhost) | SignatureEllipsis_ )
+ MethodSpec [ BlockStmt ]
+The `isGhost` parameter is true iff the `ghost` keyword
+preceded the method declaration.
+If the `allowConstructor` parameter is false then
+the ``MethodDecl`` must not be a `constructor`
+MethodKeyword = ("method" | "lemma" | "colemma"
+ | "inductive" "lemma" | "constructor" )
+The method keyword is used to specify special kinds of methods
+as explained below.
+MethodSignature(isGhost) =
+ [ GenericParameters ]
+ Formals(allowGhost: !isGhost)
+ [ "returns" Formals(allowGhost: !isGhost) ]
+A method signature specifies the method generic parameters,
+input parameters and return parameters.
+The formal parameters are not allowed to have `ghost` specified
+if `ghost` was already specified for the method.
+SignatureEllipsis_ = "..."
+A ``SignatureEllipsis_`` is used when a method or function is being redeclared
+in module that refines another module. In that case the signature is
+copied from the module that is being refined. This works because
+Dafny does not support method or function overloading, so the
+name of the class method uniquely identifies it without the
+Formals(allowGhostKeyword) =
+ "(" [ GIdentType(allowGhostKeyword)
+ { "," GIdentType(allowGhostKeyword) } ] ")"
+The ``Formals`` specifies the names and types of the method input or
+output parameters.
+See section [#sec-method-specification] for a description of ``MethodSpec``.
+A method declaration adheres to the ``MethodDecl`` grammar above.
+Here is an example of a method declaration.
+method {:att1}{:att2} M<T1, T2>(a: A, b: B, c: C) returns (x: X, y: Y, z: Z)
+ requires Pre
+ modifies Frame
+ ensures Post
+ decreases Rank
+ Body
+where `:att1` and `:att2` are attributes of the method,
+`T1` and `T2` are type parameters of the method (if generic),
+`a, b, c` are the method’s in-parameters, `x, y, z` are the
+method’s out-parameters, `Pre` is a boolean expression denoting the
+method’s precondition, `Frame` denotes a set of objects whose fields may
+be updated by the method, `Post` is a boolean expression denoting the
+method’s postcondition, `Rank` is the method’s variant function, and
+`Body` is a statement that implements the method. `Frame` can be a list
+of expressions, each of which is a set of objects or a single object, the
+latter standing for the singleton set consisting of that one object. The
+method’s frame is the union of these sets, plus the set of objects
+allocated by the method body. For example, if `c` and `d` are parameters
+of a class type `C`, then
+modifies {c, d}
+modifies {c} + {d}
+modifies c, {d}
+modifies c, d
+all mean the same thing.
+A method can be declared as ghost by preceding the declaration with the
+keyword ghost. By default, a method has an implicit receiver parameter,
+this. This parameter can be removed by preceding the method declaration
+with the keyword static. A static method M in a class C can be invoked by
+In a class, a method can be declared to be a constructor method by
+replacing the keyword `method` with the keyword `constructor`. A constructor
+can only be called at the time an object is allocated (see
+object-creation examples below), and for a class that contains one or
+more constructors, object creation must be done in conjunction with a
+call to a constructor.
+An ordinary method is declared with the `method` keyword.
+Section [#sec-constructors] explains methods that instead use the
+`constructor` keyword. Section [#sec-lemmas] discusses methods that are
+declared with the `lemma` keyword. Methods declared with the `inductive`
+`lemma` keywords are discussed later in the context of inductive
+predicates (see [#sec-inductive-datatypes]). Methods declared with the
+`colemma` keyword are discussed later in the context of co-inductive
+types, in section [#sec-colemmas].
+A method without is body is _abstract_. A method is allowed to be
+abstract under the following circumstances:
+* It contains an `{:axiom}` attribute
+* It contains an `{:imported}` attribute
+* It contains a `{:decl}` attribute
+* It is a declaration in an abstract module.
+Note that when there is no body, Dafny assumes that the *ensures*
+clauses are true without proof.
+### Constructors
+To write structured object-oriented programs, one often relies on that
+objects are constructed only in certain ways. For this purpose, Dafny
+provides _constructor (method)s_, which are a restricted form of
+initialization methods. A constructor is declared with the keyword
+`constructor` instead of `method`. When a class contains a
+constructor, every call to `new` for that class must be accompanied
+with a call to one of the constructors. Moreover, a constructor
+cannot be called at other times, only during object creation. Other
+than these restrictions, there is no semantic difference between using
+ordinary initialization methods and using constructors.
+The Dafny design allows the constructors to be named, which promotes
+using names like `InitFromList` above. Still, many classes have just
+one constructor or have a typical constructor. Therefore, Dafny
+allows one _anonymous constructor_, that is, a constructor whose name
+is essentially "". For example:
+class Item {
+ constructor (x: int, y: int)
+ // ...
+When invoking this constructor, the "`.`" is dropped, as in:
+m := new Item(45, 29);
+Note that an anonymous constructor is just one way to name a
+constructor; there can be other constructors as well.
+### Lemmas
+Sometimes there are steps of logic required to prove a program correct,
+but they are too complex for Dafny to discover and use on its own. When
+this happens, we can often give Dafny assistance by providing a lemma.
+This is done by declaring a method with the `lemma` keyword.
+Lemmas are implicitly ghost methods and the `ghost` keyword cannot
+be applied to them.
+For an example, see the `FibProperty` lemma in
+Section [#sec-proofs-in-dafny].
+See [the Dafny Lemmas tutorial](
+for more examples and hints for using lemmas.
+## Function Declarations
+FunctionDecl =
+ ( "function" [ "method" ] { Attribute }
+ FunctionName
+ FunctionSignatureOrEllipsis_(allowGhostKeyword: ("method" present))
+ | "predicate" [ "method" ] { Attribute }
+ PredicateName
+ PredicateSignatureOrEllipsis_(allowGhostKeyword: ("method" present))
+ | "inductive" "predicate" { Attribute }
+ PredicateName
+ PredicateSignatureOrEllipsis_(allowGhostKeyword: false)
+ | "copredicate" { Attribute }
+ CopredicateName
+ PredicateSignatureOrEllipsis_(allowGhostKeyword: false)
+ )
+ FunctionSpec [ FunctionBody ]
+FunctionSignatureOrEllipsis_(allowGhostKeyword) =
+ FunctionSignature_ | SignatureEllipsis_
+FunctionSignature_(allowGhostKeyword) =
+ [ GenericParameters ] Formals(allowGhostKeyword) ":" Type
+PredicateSignatureOrEllipsis_(allowGhostKeyword) =
+ PredicateSignature_(allowGhostKeyword) | SignatureEllipsis_
+PredicateSignature_(allowGhostKeyword) =
+ [ GenericParameters ] Formals(allowGhostKeyword)
+FunctionBody = "{" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) "}"
+In the above productions, allowGhostKeyword is true if the optional
+"method" keyword was specified. This allows some of the
+formal parameters of a function method to be specified as ghost.
+See section [#sec-function-specification] for a description of ``FunctionSpec``.
+A Dafny function is a pure mathematical function. It is allowed to
+read memory that was specified in its `reads` expression but is not
+allowed to have any side effects.
+Here is an example function declaration:
+function {:att1}{:att2} F<T1, T2>(a: A, b: B, c: C): T
+ requires Pre
+ reads Frame
+ ensures Post
+ decreases Rank
+ Body
+where `:att1` and `:att2` are attributes of the function, if any, `T1`
+and `T2` are type parameters of the function (if generic), `a, b, c` are
+the functions’s parameters, `T` is the type of the function’s result,
+`Pre` is a boolean expression denoting the function’s precondition,
+`Frame` denotes a set of objects whose fields the function body may
+depend on, `Post` is a boolean expression denoting the function’s
+postcondition, `Rank` is the function’s variant function, and `Body` is
+an expression that defines the function return value. The precondition
+allows a function to be partial, that is, the precondition says when the
+function is defined (and Dafny will verify that every use of the function
+meets the precondition). The postcondition is usually not needed, since
+the body of the function gives the full definition. However, the
+postcondition can be a convenient place to declare properties of the
+function that may require an inductive proof to establish. For example:
+function Factorial(n: int): int
+ requires 0 <= n
+ ensures 1 <= Factorial(n)
+ if n == 0 then 1 else Factorial(n-1) * n
+says that the result of Factorial is always positive, which Dafny
+verifies inductively from the function body. To refer to the function’s
+result in the postcondition, use the function itself, as shown in the
+By default, a function is *ghost*, and cannot be called from non-ghost
+code. To make it non-ghost, replace the keyword function with the two
+keywords "function method".
+By default, a function has an implicit receiver parameter, `this`. This
+parameter can be removed by preceding the function declaration with the
+keyword `static`. A static function `F` in a class `C` can be invoked
+by `C.F(…)`. This can give a convenient way to declare a number of helper
+functions in a separate class.
+As for methods, a ``SignatureEllipsis_`` is used when declaring
+a function in a module refinement. For example, if module `M0` declares
+function `F`, a module `M1` can be declared to refine `M0` and
+`M1` can then refine `F`. The refinement function, `M1.F` can have
+a ``SignatureEllipsis_`` which means to copy the signature form
+`M0.F`. A refinement function can furnish a body for a function
+(if `M0.F` does not provide one). It can also add **ensures**
+clauses. And if `F` is a predicate, it can add conjuncts to
+a previously given body.
+### Function Transparency
+A function is said to be _transparent_ in a location if the
+contents of the body of the function is visible at that point.
+A function is said to be _opaque_ at a location if it is not
+transparent. However the ``FunctionSpec`` of a function
+is always available.
+A function is usually transparent up to some unrolling level (up to
+1, or maybe 2 or 3). If its arguments are all literals it is
+transparent all the way.
+But the transparency of a function is affected by the following:
+* whether the function was declared to be protected, and
+* whether the function was given the `{:opaque}` attribute (as explained
+in Section [#sec-opaque]).
+The following table summarizes where the function is transparent.
+The module referenced in the table is the module in which the
+function is defined.
+| Protected? | `{:opaque}`? | Transparent | Transparent |
+| | | Inside | Outside |
+| | | Module | Module |
+| N | N | Y | Y |
+| Y | N | Y | N |
+| N | Y | N | N |
+When `{:opaque}` is specified for function `g`, `g` is opaque,
+however the lemma `reveal_g` is available to give the semantics
+of `g` whether in the defining module or outside.
+It currently is not allowed to have both `protected` and
+`{:opaque}` specified for a function.
+### Predicates
+A function that returns a `bool` results is called a _predicate_. As an
+alternative syntax, a predicate can be declared by replacing the `function`
+keyword with the `predicate` keyword and omitting a declaration of the
+return type.
+### Inductive Predicates and Lemmas
+See section [#sec-friendliness] for descriptions
+of inductive predicates and lemmas.
+# Trait Types
+TraitDecl = "trait" { Attribute } TraitName [ GenericParameters ]
+ "{" { { DeclModifier } ClassMemberDecl(moduleLevelDecl: false) } "}"
+A _trait_ is an "abstract superclass", or call it an "interface" or
+"mixin". Traits are new to Dafny and are likely to evolve for a
+The declaration of a trait is much like that of a class:
+trait J
+ \(_members_\)
+where `\(_members_\)` can include fields, functions, and methods, but
+no constructor methods. The functions and methods are allowed to be
+declared `static`.
+A reference type `C` that extends a trait `J` is assignable to `J`, but
+not the other way around. The members of `J` are available as members
+of `C`. A member in `J` is not allowed to be redeclared in `C`,
+except if the member is a non-`static` function or method without a
+body in `J`. By doing so, type `C` can supply a stronger
+specification and a body for the member.
+`new` is not allowed to be used with traits. Therefore, there is no
+object whose allocated type is a trait. But there can of course be
+objects of a class `C` that implements a trait `J`, and a reference to
+such a `C` object can be used as a value of type `J`.
+As an example, the following trait represents movable geometric shapes:
+trait Shape
+ function method Width(): real
+ reads this
+ method Move(dx: real, dy: real)
+ modifies this
+ method MoveH(dx: real)
+ modifies this
+ {
+ Move(dx, 0.0);
+ }
+Members `Width` and `Move` are _abstract_ (that is, body less) and can
+be implemented differently by different classes that extend the trait.
+The implementation of method `MoveH` is given in the trait and thus
+gets used by all classes that extend `Shape`. Here are two classes
+that each extends `Shape`:
+class UnitSquare extends Shape
+ var x: real, y: real
+ function method Width(): real { // note the empty reads clause
+ 1.0
+ }
+ method Move(dx: real, dy: real)
+ modifies this
+ {
+ x, y := x + dx, y + dy;
+ }
+class LowerRightTriangle extends Shape
+ var xNW: real, yNW: real, xSE: real, ySE: real
+ function method Width(): real
+ reads this
+ {
+ xSE - xNW
+ }
+ method Move(dx: real, dy: real)
+ modifies this
+ {
+ xNW, yNW, xSE, ySE := xNW + dx, yNW + dy, xSE + dx, ySE + dy;
+ }
+Note that the classes can declare additional members, that they supply
+implementations for the abstract members of the trait,
+that they repeat the member signatures, and that they are responsible
+for providing their own member specifications that both strengthen the
+corresponding specification in the trait and are satisfied by the
+provided body.
+Finally, here is some code that creates two class instances and uses
+them together as shapes:
+var myShapes: seq<Shape>;
+var A := new UnitSquare;
+myShapes := [A];
+var tri := new LowerRightTriangle;
+// myShapes contains two Shape values, of different classes
+myShapes := myShapes + [tri];
+// move shape 1 to the right by the width of shape 0
+# Array Types
+ArrayType_ = arrayToken [ GenericInstantiation ]
+Dafny supports mutable fixed-length _array types_ of any positive
+dimension. Array types are reference types.
+## One-dimensional arrays
+A one-dimensional array of `n` `T` elements is created as follows:
+a := new T[n];
+The initial values of the array elements are arbitrary values of type
+The length of an array is retrieved using the immutable `Length`
+member. For example, the array allocated above satisfies:
+a.Length == n
+For any integer-based numeric `i` in the range `0 <= i < a.Length`,
+the _array selection_ expression `a[i]` retrieves element `i` (that
+is, the element preceded by `i` elements in the array). The
+element stored at `i` can be changed to a value `t` using the array
+update statement:
+a[i] := t;
+Caveat: The type of the array created by `new T[n]` is
+`array<T>`. A mistake that is simple to make and that can lead to
+befuddlement is to write `array<T>` instead of `T` after `new`.
+For example, consider the following:
+var a := new array<T>;
+var b := new array<T>[n];
+var c := new array<T>(n); // resolution error
+var d := new array(n); // resolution error
+The first statement allocates an array of type `array<T>`, but of
+unknown length. The second allocates an array of type
+`array<array<T>>` of length `n`, that is, an array that holds `n`
+values of type `array<T>`. The third statement allocates an
+array of type `array<T>` and then attempts to invoke an anonymous
+constructor on this array, passing argument `n`. Since `array` has no
+constructors, let alone an anonymous constructor, this statement
+gives rise to an error. If the type-parameter list is omitted for a
+type that expects type parameters, Dafny will attempt to fill these
+in, so as long as the `array` type parameter can be inferred, it is
+okay to leave off the "`<T>`" in the fourth statement above. However,
+as with the third statement, `array` has no anonymous constructor, so
+an error message is generated.
+One-dimensional arrays support operations that convert a stretch of
+consecutive elements into a sequence. For any array `a` of type
+`array<T>`, integer-based numerics `lo` and `hi` satisfying
+`0 <= lo <= hi <= a.Length`, the following operations each yields a
+| expression | description |
+| `a[lo..hi]` | subarray conversion to sequence |
+| `a[lo..]` | drop |
+| `a[..hi]` | take |
+| `a[..]` | array conversion to sequence |
+The expression `a[lo..hi]` takes the first `hi` elements of the array,
+then drops the first `lo` elements thereof and returns what remains as
+a sequence. The resulting sequence thus has length `hi - lo`.
+The other operations are special instances of the first. If `lo` is
+omitted, it defaults to `0` and if `hi` is omitted, it defaults to
+In the last operation, both `lo` and `hi` have been omitted, thus
+`a[..]` returns the sequence consisting of all the array elements of
+The subarray operations are especially useful in specifications. For
+example, the loop invariant of a binary search algorithm that uses
+variables `lo` and `hi` to delimit the subarray where the search `key`
+may be still found can be expressed as follows:
+key !in a[..lo] && key !in a[hi..]
+Another use is to say that a certain range of array elements have not
+been changed since the beginning of a method:
+a[lo..hi] == old(a[lo..hi])
+or since the beginning of a loop:
+ghost var prevElements := a[..];
+while // ...
+ invariant a[lo..hi] == prevElements[lo..hi]
+ // ...
+Note that the type of `prevElements` in this example is `seq<T>`, if
+`a` has type `array<T>`.
+A final example of the subarray operation lies in expressing that an
+array's elements are a permutation of the array's elements at the
+beginning of a method, as would be done in most sorting algorithms.
+Here, the subarray operation is combined with the sequence-to-multiset
+multiset(a[..]) == multiset(old(a[..]))
+## Multi-dimensional arrays
+An array of 2 or more dimensions is mostly like a one-dimensional
+array, except that `new` takes more length arguments (one for each
+dimension), and the array selection expression and the array update
+statement take more indices. For example:
+matrix := new T[m, n];
+matrix[i, j], matrix[x, y] := matrix[x, y], matrix[i, j];
+create a 2-dimensional array whose dimensions have lengths `m` and
+`n`, respectively, and then swaps the elements at `i,j` and `x,y`.
+The type of `matrix` is `array2<T>`, and similarly for
+higher-dimensional arrays (`array3<T>`, `array4<T>`, etc.). Note,
+however, that there is no type `array0<T>`, and what could have been
+`array1<T>` is actually named just `array<T>`.
+The `new` operation above requires `m` and `n` to be non-negative
+integer-based numerics. These lengths can be retrieved using the
+immutable fields `Length0` and `Length1`. For example, the following
+holds of the array created above:
+matrix.Length0 == m && matrix.Length1 == n
+Higher-dimensional arrays are similar (`Length0`, `Length1`,
+`Length2`, ...). The array selection expression and array update
+statement require that the indices are in bounds. For example, the
+swap statement above is well-formed only if:
+0 <= i < matrix.Length0 && 0 <= j < matrix.Length1 &&
+0 <= x < matrix.Length0 && 0 <= y < matrix.Length1
+In contrast to one-dimensional arrays, there is no operation to
+convert stretches of elements from a multi-dimensional array to a
+# Type object
+ObjectType_ = "object"
+There is a built-in trait `object` that is like a supertype of all
+reference types.[^fn-object-trait] Every class automatically extends
+object and so does every user-defined trait. The purpose of type `object`
+is to enable a uniform treatment of _dynamic frames_. In particular, it
+is useful to keep a ghost field (typically named `Repr` for
+"representation") of type `set<object>`.
+[^fn-object-trait]: The current compiler restriction that `object` cannot
+ be used as a type parameter needs to be removed.
+# Iterator types
+IteratorDecl = "iterator" { Attribute } IteratorName
+ ( [ GenericParameters ]
+ Formals(allowGhostKeyword: true)
+ [ "yields" Formals(allowGhostKeyword: true) ]
+ | "..."
+ )
+ IteratorSpec [ BlockStmt ]
+See section [#sec-iterator-specification] for a description of ``IteratorSpec``.
+An _iterator_ provides a programming abstraction for writing code that
+iteratively returns elements. These CLU-style iterators are
+_co-routines_ in the sense that they keep track of their own program
+counter and control can be transferred into and out of the iterator
+An iterator is declared as follows:
+iterator Iter<T>(\(_in-params_\)) yields (\(_yield-params_\))
+ \(_specification_\)
+ \(_body_\)
+where `T` is a list of type parameters (as usual, if there are no type
+parameters, "`<T>`" is omitted). This declaration gives rise to a
+reference type with the same name, `Iter<T>`. In the signature,
+in-parameters and yield-parameters are the iterator's analog of a
+method's in-parameters and out-parameters. The difference is that the
+out-parameters of a method are returned to a caller just once, whereas
+the yield-parameters of an iterator are returned each time the iterator
+body performs a `yield`. The body consists of statements, like in a
+method body, but with the availability also of `yield` statements.
+From the perspective of an iterator client, the `iterator` declaration
+can be understood as generating a class `Iter<T>` with various
+members, a simplified version of which is described next.
+The `Iter<T>` class contains an anonymous constructor whose parameters
+are the iterator's in-parameters:
+predicate Valid()
+constructor (\(_in-params_\))
+ modifies this
+ ensures Valid()
+An iterator is created using `new` and this anonymous constructor.
+For example, an iterator willing to return ten consecutive integers
+from `start` can be declared as follows:
+iterator Gen(start: int) yields (x: int)
+ var i := 0;
+ while i < 10 {
+ x := start + i;
+ yield;
+ i := i + 1;
+ }
+An instance of this iterator is created using:
+iter := new Gen(30);
+The predicate `Valid()` says when the iterator is in a state where one
+can attempt to compute more elements. It is a postcondition of the
+constructor and occurs in the specification of the `MoveNext` member:
+method MoveNext() returns (more: bool)
+ requires Valid()
+ modifies this
+ ensures more ==> Valid()
+Note that the iterator remains valid as long as `MoveNext` returns
+`true`. Once `MoveNext` returns `false`, the `MoveNext` method can no
+longer be called. Note, the client is under no obligation to keep
+calling `MoveNext` until it returns `false`, and the body of the
+iterator is allowed to keep returning elements forever.
+The in-parameters of the iterator are stored in immutable fields of
+the iterator class. To illustrate in terms of the example above, the
+iterator class `Gen` contains the following field:
+var start: int
+The yield-parameters also result in members of the iterator class:
+var x: int
+These fields are set by the `MoveNext` method. If `MoveNext` returns
+`true`, the latest yield values are available in these fields and the
+client can read them from there.
+To aid in writing specifications, the iterator class also contains
+ghost members that keep the history of values returned by
+`MoveNext`. The names of these ghost fields follow the names of the
+yield-parameters with an "`s`" appended to the name (to suggest
+plural). Name checking rules make sure these names do not give rise
+to ambiguities. The iterator class for `Gen` above thus contains:
+ghost var xs: seq<int>
+These history fields are changed automatically by `MoveNext`, but are
+not assignable by user code.
+Finally, the iterator class contains some special fields for use in
+specifications. In particular, the iterator specification gets
+recorded in the following immutable fields:
+ghost var _reads: set<object>
+ghost var _modifies: set<object>
+ghost var _decreases0: T0
+ghost var _decreases1: T1
+// ...
+where there is a `_decreases\(_i_\): T\(_i_\)` field for each
+component of the iterator's `decreases`
+In addition, there is a field:
+ghost var _new: set<object>;
+to which any objects allocated on behalf of the iterator body get
+added. The iterator body is allowed to remove elements from the
+`_new` set, but cannot by assignment to `_new` add any elements.
+[^fn-iterator-field-names]: It would make sense to rename the special
+ fields `_reads` and `_modifies` to have the same names as the
+ corresponding keywords, `reads` and `modifies`, as is done for
+ function values. Also, the various `_decreases\(_i_\)` fields can
+ combined into one field named `decreases` whose type is a
+ _n_-tuple. Thse changes may be incorporated into a future version
+ of Dafny.
+Note, in the precondition of the iterator, which is to hold upon
+construction of the iterator, the in-parameters are indeed
+in-parameters, not fields of `this`.
+It's regrettably tricky to use iterators. The language really
+ought to have a `foreach` statement to make this easier.
+Here is an example showing definition and use of an iterator.
+iterator Iter<T>(s: set<T>) yields (x: T)
+ yield ensures x in s && x !in xs[..|xs|-1];
+ ensures s == set z | z in xs;
+ var r := s;
+ while (r != {})
+ invariant forall z :: z in xs ==> x !in r; // r and xs are disjoint
+ invariant s == r + set z | z in xs;
+ {
+ var y :| y in r;
+ r, x := r - {y}, y;
+ yield;
+ assert y == xs[|xs|-1]; // needed as a lemma to prove loop invariant
+ }
+method UseIterToCopy<T>(s: set<T>) returns (t: set<T>)
+ ensures s == t;
+ t := {};
+ var m := new Iter(s);
+ while (true)
+ invariant m.Valid() && fresh(m._new);
+ invariant t == set z | z in m.xs;
+ decreases s - t;
+ {
+ var more := m.MoveNext();
+ if (!more) { break; }
+ t := t + {m.x};
+ }
+# Async-task types
+Another experimental feature in Dafny that is likely to undergo some
+evolution is _asynchronous methods_. When an asynchronous method is
+called, it does not return values for the out-parameters, but instead
+returns an instance of an _async-task type_. An asynchronous method
+declared in a class `C` with the following signature:
+async method AM<T>(\(_in-params_\)) returns (\(_out-params_\))
+also gives rise to an async-task type `AM<T>` (outside the enclosing
+class, the name of the type needs the qualification `C.AM<T>`). The
+async-task type is a reference type and can be understood as a class
+with various members, a simplified version of which is described next.
+Each in-parameter `x` of type `X` of the asynchronous method gives
+rise to a immutable ghost field of the async-task type:
+ghost var x: X;
+Each out-parameter `y` of type `Y` gives rise to a field
+var y: Y;
+These fields are changed automatically by the time the asynchronous
+method is successfully awaited, but are not assignable by user code.
+The async-task type also gets a number of special fields that are used
+to keep track of dependencies, outstanding tasks, newly allocated
+objects, etc. These fields will be described in more detail as the
+design of asynchronous methods evolves.
+# Function types
+Type = DomainType "->" Type
+Functions are first-class values in Dafny. Function types have the form
+`(T) -> U` where `T` is a comma-delimited list of types and `U` is a
+type. `T` is called the function's _domain type(s)_ and `U` is its
+_range type_. For example, the type of a function
+function F(x: int, b: bool): real
+is `(int, bool) -> real`. Parameters are not allowed to be ghost.
+To simplify the appearance of the basic case where a function's
+domain consist of a list of exactly one type, the parentheses around
+the domain type can be dropped in this case, as in `T -> U`.
+This innocent simplification requires additional explanation in the
+case where that one type is a tuple type, since tuple types are also
+written with enclosing parentheses.
+If the function takes a single argument that is a tuple, an additional
+set of parentheses is needed. For example, the function
+function G(pair: (int, bool)): real
+has type `((int, bool)) -> real`. Note the necessary double
+parentheses. Similarly, a function that takes no arguments is
+different from one that takes a 0-tuple as an argument. For instance,
+the functions
+function NoArgs(): real
+function Z(unit: ()): real
+have types `() -> real` and `(()) -> real`, respectively.
+The function arrow, `->`, is right associative, so `A -> B -> C` means
+`A -> (B -> C)`. The other association requires explicit parentheses:
+`(A -> B) -> C`.
+Note that the receiver parameter of a named function is not part of
+the type. Rather, it is used when looking up the function and can
+then be thought of as being captured into the function definition.
+For example, suppose function `F` above is declared in a class `C` and
+that `c` references an object of type `C`; then, the following is type
+var f: (int, bool) -> real := c.F;
+whereas it would have been incorrect to have written something like:
+var f': (C, int, bool) -> real := F; // not correct
+Outside its type signature, each function value has three properties,
+described next.
+Every function implicitly takes the heap as an argument. No function
+ever depends on the _entire_ heap, however. A property of the
+function is its declared upper bound on the set of heap locations it
+depends on for a given input. This lets the verifier figure out that
+certain heap modifications have no effect on the value returned by a
+certain function. For a function `f: T -> U` and a value `t` of type
+`T`, the dependency set is denoted `f.reads(t)` and has type
+The second property of functions stems from the fact that every function
+is potentially _partial_. In other words, a property of a function is its
+_precondition_. For a function `f: T -> U`, the precondition of `f` for a
+parameter value `t` of type `T` is denoted `f.requires(t)` and has type
+The third property of a function is more obvious---the function's
+body. For a function `f: T -> U`, the value that the function yields
+for an input `t` of type `T` is denoted `f(t)` and has type `U`.
+Note that `f.reads` and `f.requires` are themselves functions.
+Suppose `f` has type `T -> U` and `t` has type `T`. Then, `f.reads`
+is a function of type `T -> set<object>` whose `reads` and `requires`
+properties are:
+f.reads.reads(t) == f.reads(t)
+f.reads.requires(t) == true
+`f.requires` is a function of type `T -> bool` whose `reads` and
+`requires` properties are:
+f.requires.reads(t) == f.reads(t)
+f.requires.requires(t) == true
+Dafny also support anonymous functions by means of
+_lambda expressions_. See section [#sec-lambda-expressions].
+# Algebraic Datatypes
+Dafny offers two kinds of algebraic datatypes, those defined
+inductively and those defined co-inductively. The salient property of
+every datatype is that each value of the type uniquely identifies one
+of the datatype's constructors and each constructor is injective in
+its parameters.
+DatatypeDecl = ( InductiveDatatypeDecl | CoinductiveDatatypeDecl )
+## Inductive datatypes
+InductiveDatatypeDecl_ = "datatype" { Attribute } DatatypeName [ GenericParameters ]
+ "=" DatatypeMemberDecl { "|" DatatypeMemberDecl } [ ";" ]
+DatatypeMemberDecl = { Attribute } DatatypeMemberName [ FormalsOptionalIds ]
+The values of inductive datatypes can be seen as finite trees where
+the leaves are values of basic types, numeric types, reference types,
+co-inductive datatypes, or function types. Indeed, values of
+inductive datatypes can be compared using Dafny's well-founded
+[<]{.monospace} ordering.
+An inductive datatype is declared as follows:
+datatype D<T> = \(_Ctors_\)
+where `\(_Ctors_\)` is a nonempty `|`-separated list of
+_(datatype) constructors_ for the datatype. Each constructor has the
+where `\(_params_\)` is a comma-delimited list of types, optionally
+preceded by a name for the parameter and a colon, and optionally
+preceded by the keyword `ghost`. If a constructor has no parameters,
+the parentheses after the constructor name can be omitted. If no
+constructor takes a parameter, the type is usually called an
+_enumeration_; for example:
+datatype Friends = Agnes | Agatha | Jermaine | Jack
+For every constructor `C`, Dafny defines a _discriminator_ `C?`, which
+is a member that returns `true` if and only if the datatype value has
+been constructed using `C`. For every named parameter `p` of a
+constructor `C`, Dafny defines a _destructor_ `p`, which is a member
+that returns the `p` parameter from the `C` call used to construct the
+datatype value; its use requires that `C?` holds. For example, for
+the standard `List` type
+datatype List<T> = Nil | Cons(head: T, tail: List<T>)
+the following holds:
+Cons(5, Nil).Cons? && Cons(5, Nil).head == 5
+Note that the expression
+Cons(5, Nil).tail.head
+is not well-formed, since `Cons(5, Nil).tail` does not satisfy
+The names of the destructors must be unique across all the
+constructors of the datatype. A constructor can have the same name as
+the enclosing datatype; this is especially useful for
+single-constructor datatypes, which are often called
+_record types_. For example, a record type for black-and-white pixels
+might be represented as follows:
+datatype Pixel = Pixel(x: int, y: int, on: bool)
+To call a constructor, it is usually necessary only to mention the
+name of the constructor, but if this is ambiguous, it is always
+possible to qualify the name of constructor by the name of the
+datatype. For example, `Cons(5, Nil)` above can be written
+List.Cons(5, List.Nil)
+As an alternative to calling a datatype constructor explicitly, a
+datatype value can be constructed as a change in one parameter from a
+given datatype value using the _datatype update_ expression. For any
+`d` whose type is a datatype that includes a constructor `C` that has
+a parameter (destructor) named `f` of type `T`, and any expression `t`
+of type `T`,
+d[f := t]
+constructs a value like `d` but whose `f` parameter is `t`. The
+operation requires that `d` satisfies `C?`. For example, the
+following equality holds:
+Cons(4, Nil)[tail := Cons(3, Nil)] == Cons(4, Cons(3, Nil))
+The datatype update expression also accepts multiple field
+names, provided these are distinct. For example, a node of some
+inductive datatype for trees may be updated as follows:
+node[left := L, right := R]
+## Tuple types
+TupleType_ = "(" [ Type { "," Type } ] ")"
+Dafny builds in record types that correspond to tuples and gives these
+a convenient special syntax, namely parentheses. For example, what
+might have been declared as:
+datatype Pair<T,U> = Pair(0: T, 1: U)
+Dafny provides as the type `(T, U)` and the constructor `(t, u)`, as
+if the datatype's name were "" and its type arguments are given in
+round parentheses, and as if the constructor name were "". Note that
+the destructor names are `0` and `1`, which are legal identifier names
+for members. For example, showing the use of a tuple destructor, here
+is a property that holds of 2-tuples (that is, _pairs_):
+(5, true).1 == true
+Dafny declares _n_-tuples where _n_ is 0 or 2 or up. There are no
+1-tuples, since parentheses around a single type or a single value have
+no semantic meaning. The 0-tuple type, `()`, is often known as the
+_unit type_ and its single value, also written `()`, is known as _unit_.
+## Co-inductive datatypes
+CoinductiveDatatypeDecl_ = "codatatype" { Attribute } DatatypeName [ GenericParameters ]
+ "=" DatatypeMemberDecl { "|" DatatypeMemberDecl } [ ";" ]
+Whereas Dafny insists that there is a way to construct every inductive
+datatype value from the ground up, Dafny also supports
+_co-inductive datatypes_, whose constructors are evaluated lazily and
+hence allows infinite structures. A co-inductive datatype is declared
+using the keyword `codatatype`; other than that, it is declared and
+used like an inductive datatype.
+For example,
+codatatype IList<T> = Nil | Cons(head: T, tail: IList<T>)
+codatatype Stream<T> = More(head: T, tail: Stream<T>)
+codatatype Tree<T> = Node(left: Tree<T>, value: T, right: Tree<T>)
+declare possibly infinite lists (that is, lists that can be either
+finite or infinite), infinite streams (that is, lists that are always
+infinite), and infinite binary trees (that is, trees where every
+branch goes on forever), respectively.
+The paper [Co-induction Simply], by Leino and
+Moskal[@LEINO:Dafny:Coinduction], explains Dafny's implementation and
+verification of co-inductive types. We capture the key features from that
+paper in this section but the reader is referred to that paper for more
+complete details and to supply bibliographic references that we have
+Mathematical induction is a cornerstone of programming and program
+verification. It arises in data definitions (e.g., some algebraic data
+structures can be described using induction), it underlies program
+semantics (e.g., it explains how to reason about finite iteration and
+recursion), and it gets used in proofs (e.g., supporting lemmas about
+data structures use inductive proofs). Whereas induction deals with
+finite things (data, behavior, etc.), its dual, co-induction, deals with
+possibly infinite things. Co-induction, too, is important in programming
+and program verification, where it arises in data definitions (e.g., lazy
+data structures), semantics (e.g., concurrency), and proofs (e.g.,
+showing refinement in a co-inductive big-step semantics). It is thus
+desirable to have good support for both induction and co-induction in a
+system for constructing and reasoning about programs.
+Co-datatypes and co-recursive functions make it possible to use lazily
+evaluated data structures (like in Haskell or Agda). Co-predicates,
+defined by greatest fix-points, let programs state properties of such
+data structures (as can also be done in, for example, Coq). For the
+purpose of writing co-inductive proofs in the language, we introduce
+co-lemmas. Ostensibly, a co-lemma invokes the co-induction hypothesis
+much like an inductive proof invokes the induction hypothesis. Underneath
+the hood, our co-inductive proofs are actually approached via induction:
+co-lemmas provide a syntactic veneer around this approach.
+The following example gives a taste of how the co-inductive features in
+Dafny come together to give straightforward definitions of infinite
+// infinite streams
+codatatype IStream<T> = ICons(head: T, tail: IStream)
+// pointwise product of streams
+function Mult(a: IStream<int>, b: IStream<int>): IStream<int>
+{ ICons(a.head * b.head, Mult(a.tail, b.tail)) }
+// lexicographic order on streams
+copredicate Below(a: IStream<int>, b: IStream<int>)
+{ a.head <= b.head && ((a.head == b.head) ==> Below(a.tail, b.tail)) }
+// a stream is Below its Square
+colemma Theorem_BelowSquare(a: IStream<int>)
+ensures Below(a, Mult(a, a))
+{ assert a.head <= Mult(a, a).head;
+ if a.head == Mult(a, a).head {
+ Theorem_BelowSquare(a.tail);
+ }
+// an incorrect property and a bogus proof attempt
+colemma NotATheorem_SquareBelow(a: IStream<int>)
+ ensures Below(Mult(a, a), a); // ERROR
+ NotATheorem_SquareBelow(a);
+It defines a type `IStream` of infinite streams, with constructor `ICons` and
+destructors `head` and `tail`. Function `Mult` performs pointwise
+multiplication on infinite streams of integers, defined using a
+co-recursive call (which is evaluated lazily). Co-predicate `Below` is
+defined as a greatest fix-point, which intuitively means that the
+co-predicate will take on the value true if the recursion goes on forever
+without determining a different value. The co-lemma states the theorem
+`Below(a, Mult(a, a))`. Its body gives the proof, where the recursive
+invocation of the co-lemma corresponds to an invocation of the
+co-induction hypothesis.
+The proof of the theorem stated by the first co-lemma lends
+itself to the following intuitive reading: To prove that `a` is below
+`Mult(a, a)`, check that their heads are ordered and, if the heads are
+equal, also prove that the tails are ordered. The second co-lemma states
+a property that does not always hold; the verifier is not fooled by the
+bogus proof attempt and instead reports the property as unproved.
+We argue that these definitions in Dafny are simple enough to level the
+playing field between induction (which is familiar) and co-induction
+(which, despite being the dual of induction, is often perceived as eerily
+mysterious). Moreover, the automation provided by our SMT-based verifier
+reduces the tedium in writing co-inductive proofs. For example, it
+verifies `Theorem_BelowSquare` from the program text given above— no
+additional lemmas or tactics are needed. In fact, as a consequence of the
+automatic-induction heuristic in Dafny, the verifier will
+automatically verify Theorem_BelowSquare even given an empty body.
+Just like there are restrictions on when an _inductive hypothesis_ can be
+invoked, there are restriction on how a _co-inductive_ hypothesis can be
+_used_. These are, of course, taken into consideration by our verifier.
+For example, as illustrated by the second co-lemma above, invoking the
+co-inductive hypothesis in an attempt to obtain the entire proof goal is
+futile. (We explain how this works in section [#sec-colemmas]) Our initial experience
+with co-induction in Dafny shows it to provide an intuitive, low-overhead
+user experience that compares favorably to even the best of today’s
+interactive proof assistants for co-induction. In addition, the
+co-inductive features and verification support in Dafny have other
+potential benefits. The features are a stepping stone for verifying
+functional lazy programs with Dafny. Co-inductive features have also
+shown to be useful in defining language semantics, as needed to verify
+the correctness of a compiler, so this opens the possibility that
+such verifications can benefit from SMT automation.
+### Well-Founded Function/Method Definitions
+The Dafny programming language supports functions and methods. A _function_
+in Dafny is a mathematical function (i.e., it is well-defined,
+deterministic, and pure), whereas a _method_ is a body of statements that
+can mutate the state of the program. A function is defined by its given
+body, which is an expression. To ensure that function definitions
+are mathematically consistent, Dafny insists that recursive calls be well-founded,
+enforced as follows: Dafny computes the call graph of functions. The strongly connected
+components within it are _clusters_ of mutually recursive definitions arranged in
+a DAG. This stratifies the functions so that a call from one cluster in the DAG to a
+lower cluster is allowed arbitrarily. For an intra-cluster call, Dafny prescribes a proof
+obligation that gets taken through the program verifier’s reasoning engine. Semantically,
+each function activation is labeled by a _rank_—a lexicographic tuple determined
+by evaluating the function’s **decreases** clause upon invocation of the function. The
+proof obligation for an intra-cluster call is thus that the rank of the callee is strictly less
+(in a language-defined well-founded relation) than the rank of the caller. Because
+these well-founded checks correspond to proving termination of executable code, we
+will often refer to them as “termination checks”. The same process applies to methods.
+Lemmas in Dafny are commonly introduced by declaring a method, stating
+the property of the lemma in the _postcondition_ (keyword **ensures**) of
+the method, perhaps restricting the domain of the lemma by also giving a
+_precondition_ (keyword **requires**), and using the lemma by invoking
+the method. Lemmas are stated, used, and proved as methods, but
+since they have no use at run time, such lemma methods are typically
+declared as _ghost_, meaning that they are not compiled into code. The
+keyword **lemma** introduces such a method. Control flow statements
+correspond to proof techniques—case splits are introduced with if
+statements, recursion and loops are used for induction, and method calls
+for structuring the proof. Additionally, the statement:
+forall x | P(x) { Lemma(x); }
+is used to invoke `Lemma(x)` on all `x` for which `P(x)` holds. If
+`Lemma(x)` ensures `Q(x)`, then the forall statement establishes
+forall x :: P(x) ==> Q(x).
+### Defining Co-inductive Datatypes
+Each value of an inductive datatype is finite, in the sense that it can
+be constructed by a finite number of calls to datatype constructors. In
+contrast, values of a co-inductive datatype, or co-datatype for short,
+can be infinite. For example, a co-datatype can be used to represent
+infinite trees.
+Syntactically, the declaration of a co-datatype in Dafny looks like that
+of a datatype, giving prominence to the constructors (following Coq). The
+following example defines a co-datatype Stream of possibly
+infinite lists.
+codatatype Stream<T> = SNil | SCons(head: T, tail: Stream)
+function Up(n: int): Stream<int> { SCons(n, Up(n+1)) }
+function FivesUp(n: int): Stream<int>
+ decreases 4 - (n - 1) % 5
+ if (n % 5 == 0) then
+ SCons(n, FivesUp(n+1))
+ else
+ FivesUp(n+1)
+`Stream` is a co-inductive datatype whose values are possibly infinite
+lists. Function `Up` returns a stream consisting of all integers upwards
+of `n` and `FivesUp` returns a stream consisting of all multiples of 5
+upwards of `n` . The self-call in `Up` and the first self-call in `FivesUp`
+sit in productive positions and are therefore classified as co-recursive
+calls, exempt from termination checks. The second self-call in `FivesUp` is
+not in a productive position and is therefore subject to termination
+checking; in particular, each recursive call must decrease the rank
+defined by the **decreases** clause.
+Analogous to the common finite list datatype, Stream declares two
+constructors, `SNil` and `SCons`. Values can be destructed using match
+expressions and statements. In addition, like for inductive datatypes,
+each constructor `C` automatically gives rise to a discriminator `C?` and
+each parameter of a constructor can be named in order to introduce a
+corresponding destructor. For example, if `xs` is the stream
+`SCons(x, ys)`, then `xs.SCons?` and `xs.head == x` hold. In contrast
+to datatype declarations, there is no grounding check for
+co-datatypes—since a codatatype admits infinite values, the type is
+nevertheless inhabited.
+### Creating Values of Co-datatypes
+To define values of co-datatypes, one could imagine a “co-function”
+language feature: the body of a “co-function” could include possibly
+never-ending self-calls that are interpreted by a greatest fix-point
+semantics (akin to a **CoFixpoint** in Coq). Dafny uses a different design:
+it offers only functions (not “co-functions”), but it classifies each
+intra-cluster call as either _recursive_ or _co-recursive_. Recursive calls
+are subject to termination checks. Co-recursive calls may be
+never-ending, which is what is needed to define infinite values of a
+co-datatype. For example, function `Up(n )` in the preceding example is defined as the
+stream of numbers from `n` upward: it returns a stream that starts with `n`
+and continues as the co-recursive call `Up(n + 1)`.
+To ensure that co-recursive calls give rise to mathematically consistent definitions,
+they must occur only in productive positions. This says that it must be possible to determine
+each successive piece of a co-datatype value after a finite amount of work. This
+condition is satisfied if every co-recursive call is syntactically guarded by a constructor
+of a co-datatype, which is the criterion Dafny uses to classify intra-cluster calls as being
+either co-recursive or recursive. Calls that are classified as co-recursive are exempt from
+termination checks.
+A consequence of the productivity checks and termination checks is that, even in the
+absence of talking about least or greatest fix-points of self-calling functions, all functions
+in Dafny are deterministic. Since there is no issue of several possible fix-points,
+the language allows one function to be involved in both recursive and co-recursive calls,
+as we illustrate by the function `FivesUp`.
+### Copredicates
+Determining properties of co-datatype values may require an infinite
+number of observations. To that avail, Dafny provides _co-predicates_
+which are function declarations that use the `copredicate` keyword.
+Self-calls to a co-predicate need not terminate. Instead, the value
+defined is the greatest fix-point of the given recurrence equations.
+Continuing the preceding example, the following code defines a
+co-predicate that holds for exactly those streams whose payload consists
+solely of positive integers. The co-predicate definition implicitly also
+gives rise to a corresponding prefix predicate, `Pos#`. The syntax for
+calling a prefix predicate sets apart the argument that specifies the
+prefix length, as shown in the last line; for this figure, we took the
+liberty of making up a coordinating syntax for the signature of the
+automatically generated prefix predicate (which is not part of
+Dafny syntax).
+copredicate Pos(s: Stream<int>)
+ match s
+ case SNil => true
+ case SCons(x, rest) => x > 0 && Pos(rest)
+// Automatically generated by the Dafny compiler:
+predicate Pos#[_k: nat](s: Stream<int>)
+ decreases _k
+{ if _k = 0 then true else
+ match s
+ case SNil => true
+ case SCons(x, rest) => x > 0 && Pos#[_k-1](rest)
+Some restrictions apply. To guarantee that the greatest fix-point always
+exists, the (implicit functor defining the) co-predicate must be
+monotonic. This is enforced by a syntactic restriction on the form of the
+body of co-predicates: after conversion to negation normal form (i.e.,
+pushing negations down to the atoms), intra-cluster calls of
+co-predicates must appear only in _positive_ positions—that is, they must
+appear as atoms and must not be negated. Additionally, to guarantee
+soundness later on, we require that they appear in _co-friendly_
+positions—that is, in negation normal form, when they appear under
+existential quantification, the quantification needs to be limited to a
+finite range[^fn-copredicate-restriction]. Since the evaluation of a co-predicate might not
+terminate, co-predicates are always ghost. There is also a restriction on
+the call graph that a cluster containing a co-predicate must contain only
+co-predicates, no other kinds of functions.
+[^fn-copredicate-restriction]: Higher-order function support in Dafny is
+ rather modest and typical reasoning patterns do not involve them, so this
+ restriction is not as limiting as it would have been in, e.g., Coq.
+A **copredicate** declaration of `P` defines not just a co-predicate, but
+also a corresponding _prefix predicate_ `P#`. A prefix predicate is a
+finite unrolling of a co-predicate. The prefix predicate is constructed
+from the co-predicate by
+* adding a parameter _k of type nat to denote the prefix length,
+* adding the clause "**decreases** `_k;`" to the prefix predicate (the
+ co-predicate itself is not allowed to have a decreases clause),
+* replacing in the body of the co-predicate every intra-cluster
+ call `Q(args)` to a copredicate by a call `Q#[_k - 1](args)`
+ to the corresponding prefix predicate, and then
+* prepending the body with `if _k = 0 then true else`.
+For example, for co-predicate `Pos`, the definition of the prefix
+predicate `Pos#` is as suggested above. Syntactically, the prefix-length
+argument passed to a prefix predicate to indicate how many times to
+unroll the definition is written in square brackets, as in `Pos#[k](s)`.
+In the Dafny grammar this is called a ``HashCall``. The definition of
+`Pos#` is available only at clusters strictly higher than that of `Pos`;
+that is, `Pos` and `Pos#` must not be in the same cluster. In other
+words, the definition of `Pos` cannot depend on `Pos#`.
+#### Co-Equality
+Equality between two values of a co-datatype is a built-in co-predicate.
+It has the usual equality syntax `s == t`, and the corresponding prefix
+equality is written `s ==#[k] t`. And similarly for `s != t`
+and `s !=#[k] t`.
+### Co-inductive Proofs
+From what we have said so far, a program can make use of properties of
+co-datatypes. For example, a method that declares `Pos(s)` as a
+precondition can rely on the stream `s` containing only positive integers.
+In this section, we consider how such properties are established in the
+first place.
+#### Properties About Prefix Predicates
+Among other possible strategies for establishing co-inductive properties
+we take the time-honored approach of reducing co-induction to
+induction. More precisely, Dafny passes to the SMT solver an
+assumption `D(P)` for every co-predicate `P`, where:
+D(P) = ? x • P(x) <==> ? k • P#[k](x)
+In other words, a co-predicate is true iff its corresponding prefix
+predicate is true for all finite unrollings.
+In Sec. 4 of the paper [Co-induction Simply] a soundness theorem of such
+assumptions is given, provided the co-predicates meet the co-friendly
+restrictions. An example proof of `Pos(Up(n))` for every `n > 0` is
+here shown:
+lemma UpPosLemma(n: int)
+ requires n > 0
+ ensures Pos(Up(n))
+ forall k | 0 <= k { UpPosLemmaK(k, n); }
+lemma UpPosLemmaK(k: nat, n: int)
+ requires n > 0
+ ensures Pos#[k](Up(n))
+ decreases k
+ if k != 0 {
+ // this establishes Pos#[k-1](Up(n).tail)
+ UpPosLemmaK(k-1, n+1);
+ }
+The lemma `UpPosLemma` proves `Pos(Up(n))` for every `n > 0`. We first
+show `Pos#[k](Up(n ))`, for `n > 0` and an arbitrary `k`, and then use
+the forall statement to show `? k • Pos#[k](Up(n))`. Finally, the axiom
+`D(Pos)` is used (automatically) to establish the co-predicate.
+#### Colemmas
+As we just showed, with help of the `D` axiom we can now prove a
+co-predicate by inductively proving that the corresponding prefix
+predicate holds for all prefix lengths `k` . In this section, we introduce
+_co-lemma_ declarations, which bring about two benefits. The first benefit
+is that co-lemmas are syntactic sugar and reduce the tedium of having to
+write explicit quantifications over `k` . The second benefit is that, in
+simple cases, the bodies of co-lemmas can be understood as co-inductive
+proofs directly. As an example consider the following co-lemma.
+colemma UpPosLemma(n: int)
+ requires n > 0
+ ensures Pos(Up(n))
+ UpPosLemma(n+1);
+This co-lemma can be understood as follows: `UpPosLemma` invokes itself
+co-recursively to obtain the proof for `Pos(Up(n).tail)` (since `Up(n).tail`
+equals `Up(n+1)`). The proof glue needed to then conclude `Pos(Up(n))` is
+provided automatically, thanks to the power of the SMT-based verifier.
+#### Prefix Lemmas
+To understand why the above `UpPosLemma` co-lemma code is a sound proof,
+let us now describe the details of the desugaring of co-lemmas. In
+analogy to how a **copredicate** declaration defines both a co-predicate and
+a prefix predicate, a **colemma** declaration defines both a co-lemma and
+_prefix lemma_. In the call graph, the cluster containing a co-lemma must
+contain only co-lemmas and prefix lemmas, no other methods or function.
+By decree, a co-lemma and its corresponding prefix lemma are always
+placed in the same cluster. Both co-lemmas and prefix lemmas are always
+The prefix lemma is constructed from the co-lemma by
+* adding a parameter `_k` of type `nat` to denote the prefix length,
+* replacing in the co-lemma’s postcondition the positive co-friendly
+ occurrences of co-predicates by corresponding prefix predicates,
+ passing in `_k` as the prefix-length argument,
+* prepending `_k` to the (typically implicit) **decreases** clause of the co-lemma,
+* replacing in the body of the co-lemma every intra-cluster call
+ `M(args)` to a colemma by a call `M#[_k - 1](args)` to the
+ corresponding prefix lemma, and then
+* making the body’s execution conditional on `_k != 0`.
+Note that this rewriting removes all co-recursive calls of co-lemmas,
+replacing them with recursive calls to prefix lemmas. These recursive
+call are, as usual, checked to be terminating. We allow the pre-declared
+identifier `_k` to appear in the original body of the
+[^fn-co-predicate-co-lemma-diffs]: Note, two places where co-predicates
+ and co-lemmas are not analogous are: co-predicates must not make
+ recursive calls to their prefix predicates, and co-predicates cannot
+ mention _k.
+We can now think of the body of the co-lemma as being replaced by a
+**forall** call, for every _k_ , to the prefix lemma. By construction,
+this new body will establish the colemma’s declared postcondition (on
+account of the `D` axiom, and remembering that only the positive
+co-friendly occurrences of co-predicates in the co-lemma’s postcondition
+are rewritten), so there is no reason for the program verifier to check
+The actual desugaring of our co-lemma `UpPosLemma` is in fact the
+previous code for the `UpPosLemma` lemma except that `UpPosLemmaK` is
+named `UpPosLemma#` and modulo a minor syntactic difference in how the
+`k` argument is passed.
+In the recursive call of the prefix lemma, there is a proof obligation
+that the prefixlength argument `_k - 1` is a natural number.
+Conveniently, this follows from the fact that the body has been wrapped
+in an `if _k != 0` statement. This also means that the postcondition must
+hold trivially when `_k = 0`, or else a postcondition violation will be
+reported. This is an appropriate design for our desugaring, because
+co-lemmas are expected to be used to establish co-predicates, whose
+corresponding prefix predicates hold trivially when `_k = 0`. (To prove
+other predicates, use an ordinary lemma, not a co-lemma.)
+It is interesting to compare the intuitive understanding of the
+co-inductive proof in using a co-lemma with the inductive proof in using
+the lemma. Whereas the inductive proof is performing proofs for deeper
+and deeper equalities, the co-lemma can be understood as producing the
+infinite proof on demand.
+# Newtypes
+NewtypeDecl = "newtype" { Attribute } NewtypeName "="
+ ( NumericTypeName [ ":" Type ] "|" Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ | Type
+ )
+A new numeric type can be declared with the _newtype_
+declaration[^fn-newtype-name], for example:
+newtype N = x: M | Q
+where `M` is a numeric type and `Q` is a boolean expression that can
+use `x` as a free variable. If `M` is an integer-based numeric type,
+then so is `N`; if `M` is real-based, then so is `N`. If the type `M`
+can be inferred from `Q`, the "`: M`" can be omitted. If `Q` is just
+`true`, then the declaration can be given simply as:
+newtype N = M
+Type `M` is known as the _base type_ of `N`.
+[^fn-newtype-name]: Should `newtype` perhaps be renamed to `numtype`?
+A newtype is a numeric type that supports the same operations as its
+base type. The newtype is distinct from and incompatible with other
+numeric types; in particular, it is not assignable to its base type
+without an explicit conversion. An important difference between the
+operations on a newtype and the operations on its base type is that
+the newtype operations are defined only if the result satisfies the
+predicate `Q`, and likewise for the literals of the
+[^fn-newtype-design-question]: Would it be useful to also
+ automatically define `predicate N?(m: M) { Q }`?
+For example, suppose `lo` and `hi` are integer-based numerics that
+satisfy `0 <= lo <= hi` and consider the following code fragment:
+var mid := (lo + hi) / 2;
+If `lo` and `hi` have type `int`, then the code fragment is legal; in
+particular, it never overflows, since `int` has no upper bound. In
+contrast, if `lo` and `hi` are variables of a newtype `int32` declared
+as follows:
+newtype int32 = x | -0x80000000 <= x < 0x80000000
+then the code fragment is erroneous, since the result of the addition
+may fail to satisfy the predicate in the definition of `int32`. The
+code fragment can be rewritten as
+var mid := lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
+in which case it is legal for both `int` and `int32`.
+Since a newtype is incompatible with its base type and since all
+results of the newtype's operations are members of the newtype, a
+compiler for Dafny is free to specialize the run-time representation
+of the newtype. For example, by scrutinizing the definition of
+`int32` above, a compiler may decide to store `int32` values using
+signed 32-bit integers in the target hardware.
+Note that the bound variable `x` in `Q` has type `M`, not `N`.
+Consequently, it may not be possible to state `Q` about the `N`
+value. For example, consider the following type of 8-bit 2's
+complement integers:
+newtype int8 = x: int | -128 <= x < 128
+and consider a variable `c` of type `int8`. The expression
+-128 <= c < 128
+is not well-defined, because the comparisons require each operand to
+have type `int8`, which means the literal `128` is checked to be of
+type `int8`, which it is not. A proper way to write this expression
+would be to use a conversion operation, described next, on `c` to
+convert it to the base type:
+-128 <= int(c) < 128
+If possible Dafny will represent values of the newtype using
+a native data type for the sake of efficiency. This action can
+be inhibited or a specific native data type selected by
+using the `(:nativeType)` attribute, as explained in
+section [#sec-nativetype].
+There is a restriction that the value `0` must be part of every
+[^fn-newtype-zero]: The restriction is due to a current limitation in
+ the compiler. This will change in the future and will also open
+ up the possibility for subset types and non-null reference
+ types.
+## Numeric conversion operations
+For every numeric type `N`, there is a conversion function with the
+same name. It is a partial identity function. It is defined when the
+given value, which can be of any numeric type, is a member of the type
+converted to. When the conversion is from a real-based numeric type
+to an integer-based numeric type, the operation requires that the
+real-based argument has no fractional part. (To round a real-based
+numeric value down to the nearest integer, use the `.Trunc` member,
+see Section [#sec-numeric-types].)
+To illustrate using the example from above, if `lo` and `hi` have type
+`int32`, then the code fragment can legally be written as follows:
+var mid := (int(lo) + int(hi)) / 2;
+where the type of `mid` is inferred to be `int`. Since the result
+value of the division is a member of type `int32`, one can introduce
+yet another conversion operation to make the type of `mid` be `int32`:
+var mid := int32((int(lo) + int(hi)) / 2);
+If the compiler does specialize the run-time representation for
+`int32`, then these statements come at the expense of two,
+respectively three, run-time conversions.
+# Subset types
+NatType_ = "nat"
+A _subset type_ is a restricted use of an existing type, called
+the _base type_ of the subset type. A subset type is like a
+combined use of the base type and a predicate on the base
+An assignment from a subset type to its base type is always
+allowed. An assignment in the other direction, from the base type to
+a subset type, is allowed provided the value assigned does indeed
+satisfy the predicate of the subset type.
+(Note, in contrast, assignments between a newtype and its base type
+are never allowed, even if the value assigned is a value of the target
+type. For such assignments, an explicit conversion must be used, see
+Section [#sec-numeric-conversion-operations].)
+Dafny supports one subset type, namely the built-in type `nat`,
+whose base type is `int`.[^fn-more-subset-types] Type `nat`
+designates the non-negative subrange of `int`. A simple example that
+puts subset type `nat` to good use is the standard Fibonacci
+function Fib(n: nat): nat
+ if n < 2 then n else Fib(n-2) + Fib(n-1)
+An equivalent, but clumsy, formulation of this function (modulo the
+wording of any error messages produced at call sites) would be to use
+type `int` and to write the restricting predicate in pre- and
+function Fib(n: int): int
+ requires 0 <= n; // the function argument must be non-negative
+ ensures 0 <= Fib(n); // the function result is non-negative
+ if n < 2 then n else Fib(n-2) + Fib(n-1)
+[^fn-more-subset-types]: A future version of Dafny will support
+ user-defined subset types.
+Type inference will never infer the type of a variable to be a
+subset type. It will instead infer the type to be the base type
+of the subset type. For example, the type of `x` in
+forall x :: P(x)
+will be `int`, even if predicate `P` declares its argument to have
+type `nat`.
+# Statements
+Stmt = ( BlockStmt | AssertStmt | AssumeStmt | PrintStmt | UpdateStmt
+ | VarDeclStatement | IfStmt | WhileStmt | MatchStmt | ForallStmt
+ | CalcStmt | ModifyStmt | LabeledStmt_ | BreakStmt_ | ReturnStmt
+ | YieldStmt | SkeletonStmt
+ )
+Many of Dafny's statements are similar to those in traditional
+programming languages, but a number of them are significantly different.
+This grammar production shows the different kinds of Dafny statements.
+They are described in subsequent sections.
+## Labeled Statement
+LabeledStmt_ = "label" LabelName ":" Stmt
+A labeled statement is just the keyword `label` followed by and
+identifier which is the label followed by a colon and a
+statement. The label may be referenced in a break statement
+to transfer control to the location after that statement.
+## Break Statement
+BreakStmt_ = "break" ( LabelName | { "break" } ) ";"
+A break statement breaks out of one or more loops (if the
+statement consists solely of one or more `break` keywords),
+or else transfers control to just past the statement
+bearing the referenced label, if a label was used.
+## Block Statement
+BlockStmt = "{" { Stmt } "}"
+A block statement is just a sequence of statements enclosed by curly braces.
+## Return Statement
+ReturnStmt = "return" [ Rhs { "," Rhs } ] ";"
+A return statement can only be used in a method. It is used
+to terminate the execution of the method.
+To return a value from a method, the value is assigned to one
+of the named return values sometime before a return statement.
+In fact, the return values act very much like local variables,
+and can be assigned to more than once. Return statements are
+used when one wants to return before reaching the end of the
+body block of the method. Return statements can be just the
+return keyword (where the current value of the out parameters
+are used), or they can take a list of values to return.
+If a list is given the number of values given must be the
+same as the number of named return values.
+## Yield Statement
+YieldStmt = "yield" [ Rhs { "," Rhs } ] ";"
+A yield statement can only be used in an iterator.
+See section [Iterator types](#sec-iterator-types) for more details
+about iterators.
+The body of an iterator is a _co-routine_. It is used
+to yield control to its caller, signaling that a new
+set of values for the iterator's yield parameters (if any)
+are available. Values are assigned to the yield parameters
+at or before a yield statement.
+In fact, the yield parameters act very much like local variables,
+and can be assigned to more than once. Yield statements are
+used when one wants to return new yield parameter values
+to the caller. Yield statements can be just the
+**yield** keyword (where the current value of the yield parameters
+are used), or they can take a list of values to yield.
+If a list is given the number of values given must be the
+same as the number of named return yield parameters.
+## Update Statement
+UpdateStmt = Lhs { "," Lhs }
+ ( ":=" Rhs { "," Rhs }
+ | ":|" [ "assume" ] Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ )
+ ";""
+The update statement has two forms. The first more normal form
+allows for parallel assignment of right-hand-side values to the
+left-hand side. For example `x,y := y,x` to swap the values
+of `x` and `y`. Of course the common case will have only one
+rhs and one lhs.
+The form that uses "`:|`" assigns some values to the left-hand-side
+variables such that the boolean expression on the right hand side
+is satisfied. This can be used to make a choice as in the
+following example where we choose an element in a set.
+function PickOne<T>(s: set<T>): T
+ requires s != {}
+ var x :| x in s; x
+Dafny will report an error if it cannot prove that values
+exist which satisfy the condition.
+In addition, though the choice is arbitrary, given identical
+circumstances the choice will be made consistently.
+In the actual grammar two additional forms are recognized for
+purposes of error detection. The form:
+Lhs { Attribute} ;
+is assumed to be a mal-formed call.
+The form
+Lhs ":"
+is diagnosed as a label in which the user forgot the **label** keyword.
+## Variable Declaration Statement
+VarDeclStatement = [ "ghost" ] "var" { Attribute }
+ (
+ LocalIdentTypeOptional { "," { Attribute } LocalIdentTypeOptional }
+ [ ":=" Rhs { "," Rhs }
+ | { Attribute } ":|" [ "assume" ] Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ ]
+ |
+ "(" CasePattern { "," CasePattern } ")"
+ ":=" Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ )
+ ";"
+A ``VarDeclStatement`` is used to declare one or more local variables in a method or function.
+The type of each local variable must be given unless the variable is given an initial
+value in which case the type will be inferred. If initial values are given, the number of
+values must match the number of variables declared.
+Note that the type of each variable must be given individually. The following code
+var x, y : int;
+does not declare both `x` and `y` to be of type `int`. Rather it will give an
+error explaining that the type of `x` is underspecified.
+The lefthand side can also contain a tuple of patterns which will be
+matched against the right-hand-side. For example:
+function returnsTuple() : (int, int)
+ (5, 10)
+function usesTuple() : int
+ var (x, y) := returnsTuple();
+ x + y
+## Guards
+Guard = ( "*" | "(" "*" ")" | Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) )
+Guards are used in `if` and `while` statements as boolean expressions. Guards
+take two forms.
+The first and most common form is just a boolean expression.
+The second form is either `*` or `(*)`. These have the same meaning. An
+unspecified boolean value is returned. The value returned
+may be different each time it is executed.
+## Binding Guards
+BindingGuard(allowLambda) =
+ IdentTypeOptional { "," IdentTypeOptional } { Attribute }
+ ":|" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda)
+A ``BindingGuard`` is used as a condition in an ``IfStmt``.
+It binds the identifiers declared in the ``IdentTypeOptional``s.
+If there exists one or more assignments of values to the bound identifiers
+for which ``Expression`` is true, then the ``BindingGuard``
+returns true and the identifiers are bound to values that make the
+``Expression`` true.
+The identifiers bound by ``BindingGuard`` are ghost variables
+and cannot be assigned to non-ghost variables. They are only
+used in specification contexts.
+Here is an example:
+predicate P(n: int)
+ n % 2 == 0
+method M1() returns (ghost y: int)
+ requires exists x :: P(x)
+ ensures P(y)
+ if x : int :| P(x) {
+ y := x;
+ }
+## If Statement
+IfStmt = "if"
+ ( IfAlternativeBlock
+ |
+ ( BindingGuard(allowLambda: true)
+ | Guard
+ | "..."
+ )
+ BlockStmt [ "else" ( IfStmt | BlockStmt ) ]
+ )
+In the simplest form an `if` statement uses a guard that is a boolean
+expression. It then has the same form as in C# and other common
+programming languages. For example
+ if x < 0 {
+ x := -x;
+ }
+If the guard is an asterisk then a non-deterministic choice is made:
+ if * {
+ print "True";
+ } else {
+ print "False";
+ }
+IfAlternativeBlock =
+ "{" { "case"
+ (
+ BindingGuard(allowLambda:false)
+ | Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: false)
+ ) "=>" { Stmt } } "}" .
+The `if` statement using the `IfAlternativeBlock` form is similar to the
+`if ... fi` construct used in the book "A Discipline of Programming" by
+Edsger W. Dijkstra. It is used for a multi-branch `if`.
+For example:
+ if {
+ case x <= y => max := y;
+ case y <= x => max := y;
+ }
+In this form the expressions following the `case` keyword are called
+_guards_. The statement is evaluated by evaluating the guards in an
+undetermined order until one is found that is `true` or else all have
+evaluated to `false`. If none of them evaluate to `true` then the `if`
+statement does nothing. Otherwise the statements to the right of `=>`
+for the guard that evaluated to `true` are executed.
+## While Statement
+WhileStmt = "while"
+ ( LoopSpecWhile WhileAlternativeBlock
+ | ( Guard | "..." ) LoopSpec
+ ( BlockStmt
+ | "..."
+ | /* go body-less */
+ )
+ )
+WhileAlternativeBlock =
+ "{" { "case" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: false) "=>" { Stmt } } "}" .
+See section [#sec-loop-specification] for a description of ``LoopSpec``.
+The `while` statement is Dafny's only loop statement. It has two general
+The first form is similar to a while loop in a C-like language. For
+ var i := 0;
+ while i < 5 {
+ i := i + 1;
+ }
+In this form the condition following the `while` is one of these:
+* A boolean expression. If true it means execute one more
+iteration of the loop. If false then terminate the loop.
+* An asterisk (`*`), meaning non-deterministically yield either
+`true` or `false` as the value of the condition
+* An ellipsis (`...`), which makes the while statement a _skeleton_
+`while` statement. TODO: What does that mean?
+The _body_ of the loop is usually a block statement, but it can also
+be a _skeleton_, denoted by ellipsis, or missing altogether.
+TODO: Wouldn't a missing body cause problems? Isn't it clearer to have
+a block statement with no statements inside?
+The second form uses the `WhileAlternativeBlock`. It is similar to the
+`do ... od` construct used in the book "A Discipline of Programming" by
+Edsger W. Dijkstra. For example:
+ while
+ decreases if 0 <= r then r else -r;
+ {
+ case r < 0 =>
+ r := r + 1;
+ case 0 < r =>
+ r := r - 1;
+ }
+For this form the guards are evaluated in some undetermined order
+until one is found that is true, in which case the corresponding statements
+are executed. If none of the guards evaluates to true then the
+loop execution is terminated.
+### Loop Specifications
+For some simple loops such as those mentioned previously Dafny can figure
+out what the loop is doing without more help. However in general the user
+must provide more information in order to help Dafny prove the effect of
+the loop. This information is provided by a ``LoopSpec``. A
+``LoopSpec`` provides information about invariants, termination, and
+what the loop modifies. ``LoopSpecs`` are explained in
+section [#sec-loop-specification]. However the following sections
+present additional rationale and tutorial on loop specifications.
+#### Loop Invariants
+`While` loops present a problem for Dafny. There is no way for Dafny to
+know in advance how many times the code will go around the loop. But
+Dafny needs to consider all paths through a program, which could include
+going around the loop any number of times. To make it possible for Dafny
+to work with loops, you need to provide loop invariants, another kind of
+A loop invariant is an expression that holds upon entering a loop, and
+after every execution of the loop body. It captures something that is
+invariant, i.e. does not change, about every step of the loop. Now,
+obviously we are going to want to change variables, etc. each time around
+the loop, or we wouldn't need the loop. Like pre- and postconditions, an
+invariant is a property that is preserved for each execution of the loop,
+expressed using the same boolean expressions we have seen. For example,
+var i := 0;
+while i < n
+ invariant 0 <= i
+ i := i + 1;
+When you specify an invariant, Dafny proves two things: the invariant
+holds upon entering the loop, and it is preserved by the loop. By
+preserved, we mean that assuming that the invariant holds at the
+beginning of the loop, we must show that executing the loop body once
+makes the invariant hold again. Dafny can only know upon analyzing the
+loop body what the invariants say, in addition to the loop guard (the
+loop condition). Just as Dafny will not discover properties of a method
+on its own, it will not know any but the most basic properties of a loop
+are preserved unless it is told via an invariant.
+#### Loop Termination
+Dafny proves that code terminates, i.e. does not loop forever, by using
+`decreases` annotations. For many things, Dafny is able to guess the right
+annotations, but sometimes it needs to be made explicit. In fact, for all
+of the code we have seen so far, Dafny has been able to do this proof on
+its own, which is why we haven't seen the decreases annotation explicitly
+yet. There are two places Dafny proves termination: loops and recursion.
+Both of these situations require either an explicit annotation or a
+correct guess by Dafny.
+A `decreases` annotation, as its name suggests, gives Dafny an expression
+that decreases with every loop iteration or recursive call. There are two
+conditions that Dafny needs to verify when using a decreases expression:
+* that the expression actually gets smaller, and
+* that it is bounded.
+Many times, an integral value (natural or plain integer) is the quantity
+that decreases, but other things that can be used as well. In the case of
+integers, the bound is assumed to be zero. For example, the following is
+a proper use of decreases on a loop (with its own keyword, of course):
+ while 0 < i
+ invariant 0 <= i
+ decreases i
+ {
+ i := i - 1;
+ }
+Here Dafny has all the ingredients it needs to prove termination. The
+variable i gets smaller each loop iteration, and is bounded below by
+zero. This is fine, except the loop is backwards from most loops, which
+tend to count up instead of down. In this case, what decreases is not the
+counter itself, but rather the distance between the counter and the upper
+bound. A simple trick for dealing with this situation is given below:
+ while i < n
+ invariant 0 <= i <= n
+ decreases n - i
+ {
+ i := i + 1;
+ }
+This is actually Dafny's guess for this situation, as it sees `i < n` and
+assumes that `n - i` is the quantity that decreases. The upper bound of the
+loop invariant implies that `0 <= n – i`, and gives Dafny a lower bound on
+the quantity. This also works when the bound `n` is not constant, such as
+in the binary search algorithm, where two quantities approach each other,
+and neither is fixed.
+If the **decreases** clause of a loop specified "*", then no
+termination check will be performed. Use of this feature is sound only with
+respect to partial correctness.
+#### Loop Framing
+In some cases we also must specify what memory locations the loop body
+is allowed to modify. This is done using a `modifies` clause.
+See the discussion of framing in methods for a fuller discussion.
+## Match Statement
+MatchStmt = "match" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ ( "{" { CaseStatement } "}"
+ | { CaseStatement }
+ )
+CaseStatement = CaseBinding_ "=>" { Stmt }
+The `match` statement is used to do case analysis on a value of inductive
+or co-inductive type. The form with no leading ``Ident`` is for matching
+tuples. The expression after the `match` keyword is the (co)inductive
+value being matched. The expression is evaluated and then matched against
+each of the case clauses.
+There must be a case clause for each constructor of the data type.
+The identifier after the `case` keyword in a case clause, if present,
+must be the name of one of the data type's constructors.
+If the constructor takes parameters then a parenthesis-enclosed
+list of identifiers (with optional type) must follow the
+constructor. There must be as many identifiers as the constructor
+has parameters. If the optional type is given it must be the same
+as the type of the corresponding parameter of the constructor.
+If no type is given then the type of the corresponding parameter
+is the type assigned to the identifier.
+When an inductive value that was created using constructor
+expression `C1(v1, v2)` is matched against a case clause
+`C2(x1, x2`), there is a match provided that `C1` and `C2` are the
+same constructor. In that case `x1` is bound to value `v1` and
+`x2` is bound to `v2`. The identifiers in the case pattern
+are not mutable. Here is an example of the use of a `match` statement.
+datatype Tree = Empty | Node(left: Tree, data: int, right: Tree)
+// Return the sum of the data in a tree.
+method Sum(x: Tree) returns (r: int)
+ match x {
+ case Empty => r := -1;
+ case Node(t1 : Tree, d, t2) => {
+ var v1 := Sum(t1);
+ var v2 := Sum(t2);
+ r := v1 + d + v2;
+ }
+ }
+Note that the `Sum` method is recursive yet has no `decreases` annotation.
+In this case it is not needed because Dafny is able to deduce that
+`t1` and `t2` are _smaller_ (structurally) than `x`. If `Tree` had been
+coinductive this would not have been possible since `x` might have been
+## Assert Statement
+AssertStmt =
+ "assert" { Attribute }
+ ( Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ | "..."
+ ) ";"
+`Assert` statements are used to express logical proposition that are
+expected to be true. Dafny will attempt to prove that the assertion
+is true and give an error if not. Once it has proved the assertion
+it can then use its truth to aid in following deductions.
+Thus if Dafny is having a difficult time verifying a method
+the user may help by inserting assertions that Dafny can prove,
+and whose true may aid in the larger verification effort.
+If the proposition is `...` then (TODO: what does this mean?).
+## Assume Statement
+AssumeStmt =
+ "assume" { Attribute }
+ ( Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ | "..."
+ ) ";"
+The `Assume` statement lets the user specify a logical proposition
+that Dafny may assume to be true without proof. If in fact the
+proposition is not true this may lead to invalid conclusions.
+An `Assume` statement would ordinarily be used as part of a larger
+verification effort where verification of some other part of
+the program required the proposition. By using the `Assume` statement
+the other verification can proceed. Then when that is completed the
+user would come back and replace the `assume` with `assert`.
+If the proposition is `...` then (TODO: what does this mean?).
+## Print Statement
+PrintStmt =
+ "print" Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ { "," Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true) } ";"
+The `print` statement is used to print the values of a comma-separated
+list of expressions to the console. The generated C# code uses
+the `System.Object.ToString()` method to convert the values to printable
+strings. The expressions may of course include strings that are used
+for captions. There is no implicit new line added, so to get a new
+line you should include "\n" as part of one of the expressions.
+Dafny automatically creates overrides for the ToString() method
+for Dafny data types. For example,
+datatype Tree = Empty | Node(left: Tree, data: int, right: Tree)
+method Main()
+ var x : Tree := Node(Node(Empty, 1, Empty), 2, Empty);
+ print "x=", x, "\n";
+produces this output:
+x=Tree.Node(Tree.Node(Tree.Empty, 1, Tree.Empty), 2, Tree.Empty)
+## Forall Statement
+ForallStmt = "forall"
+ ( "(" [ QuantifierDomain ] ")"
+ | [ QuantifierDomain ]
+ )
+ { [ "free" ] ForAllEnsuresClause_ }
+ [ BlockStmt ]
+The `forall` statement executes ensures expressions or a body in
+parallel for all quantified values in the specified range.
+The use of the `parallel` keyword is deprecated. Use
+`forall` instead. There are several variant uses of the `forall`
+statement. And there are a number of restrictions.
+In particular a `forall` statement can be classified as one of the following:
+* _Assign_ - the `forall` statement is used for simultaneous assignment.
+The target must be an array element or an object field.
+* _Call_ - The body consists of a single call to a method without side effects
+* _Proof_ - The `forall` has `ensure` expressions which are effectively
+quantified or proved by the body (if present).
+An _assign_ `forall` statement is to perform simultaneous assignment.
+The following is an excerpt of an example given by Leino in
+[Developing Verified Programs with Dafny][leino233].
+When the buffer holding the queue needs to be resized,
+the `forall` statement is used to simultaneously copy the old contents
+into the new buffer.
+class {:autocontracts} SimpleQueue<Data>
+ ghost var Contents: seq<Data>;
+ var a: array<Data>; // Buffer holding contents of queue.
+ var m: int // Index head of queue.
+ var n: int; // Index just past end of queue
+ ...
+ method Enqueue(d: Data)
+ ensures Contents == old(Contents) + [d]
+ {
+ if n == a.Length {
+ var b := a;
+ if m == 0 { b := new Data[2 * a.Length]; }
+ forall (i | 0 <= i < n - m) {
+ b[i] := a[m + i];
+ }
+ a, m, n := b, 0, n - m;
+ }
+ a[n], n, Contents := d, n + 1, Contents + [d];
+ }
+Here is an example of a _call_ `forall` statement and the
+callee. This is contained in the CloudMake-ConsistentBuilds.dfy
+test in the Dafny repository.
+forall (cmd', deps', e' | Hash(Loc(cmd', deps', e')) == Hash(Loc(cmd, deps, e))) {
+ HashProperty(cmd', deps', e', cmd, deps, e);
+ghost method HashProperty(cmd: Expression, deps: Expression, ext: string,
+ cmd': Expression, deps': Expression, ext': string)
+ requires Hash(Loc(cmd, deps, ext)) == Hash(Loc(cmd', deps', ext'))
+ ensures cmd == cmd' && deps == deps' && ext == ext'
+From the same file here is an example of a _proof_ `forall` statement.
+forall (p | p in DomSt( && p in DomSt(
+ ensures GetSt(p, == GetSt(p,
+ assert DomSt( <= DomSt(;
+ assert == Restrict(DomSt(,;
+More generally the statement
+forall x | P(x) { Lemma(x); }
+is used to invoke `Lemma(x)` on all `x` for which `P(x)` holds. If
+`Lemma(x)` ensures `Q(x)`, then the forall statement establishes
+forall x :: P(x) ==> Q(x).
+The `forall` statement is also used extensively in the desugared forms of
+co-predicates and co-lemmas. See section [#sec-co-inductive-datatypes].
+TODO: List all of the restrictions on the `forall` statement.
+## Modify Statement
+ModifyStmt =
+ "modify" { Attribute }
+ ( FrameExpression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ { "," FrameExpression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true) }
+ | "..."
+ )
+ ( BlockStmt | ";" )
+The `modify` statement has two forms which have two different
+When the `modify` statement ends with a semi-colon rather than
+a block statement its effect is to say that some undetermined
+modifications have been made to any or all of the memory
+locations specified by the [frame expressions](#sec-frame-expressions).
+In the following example, a value is assigned to field `x`
+followed by a `modify` statement that may modify any field
+in the object. After that we can no longer prove that the field
+`x` still has the value we assigned to it.
+class MyClass {
+ var x: int;
+ method N()
+ modifies this
+ {
+ x := 18;
+ modify this;
+ assert x == 18; // error: cannot conclude this here
+ }
+When the `modify` statement is followed by a block statement
+we are instead specifying what can be modified in that
+block statement. Namely, only memory locations specified
+by the frame expressions of the block `modify` statement
+may be modified. Consider the following example.
+class ModifyBody {
+ var x: int;
+ var y: int;
+ method M0()
+ modifies this
+ {
+ modify {} {
+ x := 3; // error: violates modifies clause of the modify statement
+ }
+ }
+ method M1()
+ modifies this
+ {
+ modify {} {
+ var o := new ModifyBody;
+ o.x := 3; // fine
+ }
+ }
+ method M2()
+ modifies this
+ {
+ modify this {
+ x := 3;
+ }
+ }
+The first `modify` statement in the example has an empty
+frame expression so it cannot modify any memory locations.
+So an error is reported when it tries to modify field `x`.
+The second `modify` statement also has an empty frame
+expression. But it allocates a new object and modifies it.
+Thus we see that the frame expressions on a block `modify`
+statement only limits what may be modified of existing
+memory. It does not limit what may be modified in
+new memory that is allocated.
+The third `modify` statement has a frame expression that
+allows it to modify any of the fields of the current object,
+so the modification of field `x` is allowed.
+## Calc Statement
+CalcStmt = "calc" { Attribute } [ CalcOp ] "{" CalcBody "}"
+CalcBody = { CalcLine [ CalcOp ] Hints }
+CalcLine = Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true) ";"
+Hints = { ( BlockStmt | CalcStmt ) }
+CalcOp =
+ ( "==" [ "#" "[" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) "]" ]
+ | "<" | ">"
+ | "!=" | "<=" | ">="
+ | "<==>" | "==>" | "<=="
+ )
+The `calc` statement supports _calculational proofs_ using a language feature called _program-oriented calculations_ (poC). This feature was introduced and explained in the [Verified Calculations] paper by
+Leino and Polikarpova[@LEINO:Dafny:Calc]. Please see that paper for a more complete explanation
+of the `calc` statement. We here mention only the highlights.
+[Verified Calculations]:
+Calculational proofs are proofs by stepwise formula manipulation
+as is taught in elementary algebra. The typical example is to prove
+an equality by starting with a left-hand-side, and through a series of
+transformations morph it into the desired right-hand-side.
+Non-syntactic rules further restrict hints to only ghost and side-effect
+free statements, as well as impose a constraint that only
+chain-compatible operators can be used together in a calculation. The
+notion of chain-compatibility is quite intuitive for the operators
+supported by poC; for example, it is clear that "<" and ">" cannot be used within
+the same calculation, as there would be no relation to conclude between
+the first and the last line. See the [paper][Verified Calculations] for
+a more formal treatment of chain-compatibility.
+Note that we allow a single occurrence of the intransitive operator "!=" to
+appear in a chain of equalities (that is, "!=" is chain-compatible with
+equality but not with any other operator, including itself). Calculations
+with fewer than two lines are allowed, but have no effect. If a step
+operator is omitted, it defaults to the calculation-wide operator,
+defined after the `calc` keyword. If that operator if omitted, it defaults
+to equality.
+Here is an example using `calc` statements to prove an elementary
+algebraic identity. As it turns out Dafny is able to prove this without
+the `calc` statements, but it helps to illustrate the syntax.
+lemma docalc(x : int, y: int)
+ ensures (x + y) * (x + y) == x * x + 2 * x * y + y * y
+ calc {
+ (x + y) * (x + y); ==
+ // distributive law: (a + b) * c == a * c + b * c
+ x * (x + y) + y * (x + y); ==
+ // distributive law: a * (b + c) == a * b + a * c
+ x * x + x * y + y * x + y * y; ==
+ calc {
+ y * x; ==
+ x * y;
+ }
+ x * x + x * y + x * y + y * y; ==
+ calc {
+ x * y + x * y; ==
+ // a = 1 * a
+ 1 * x * y + 1 * x * y; ==
+ // Distributive law
+ (1 + 1) * x * y; ==
+ 2 * x * y;
+ }
+ x * x + 2 * x * y + y * y;
+ }
+Here we started with `(x + y) * (x + y)` as the left-hand-side
+expressions and gradually transformed it using distributive,
+commutative and other laws into the desired right-hand-side.
+The justification for the steps are given as comments, or as
+nested `calc` statements that prove equality of some sub-parts
+of the expression.
+The `==` to the right of the semicolons show the relation between
+that expression and the next. Because of the transitivity of
+equality we can then conclude that the original left-hand-side is
+equal to the final expression.
+We can avoid having to supply the relational operator between
+every pair of expressions by giving a default operator between
+the `calc` keyword and the opening brace as shown in this abbreviated
+version of the above calc statement:
+calc == {
+ (x + y) * (x + y);
+ x * (x + y) + y * (x + y);
+ x * x + x * y + y * x + y * y;
+ x * x + x * y + x * y + y * y;
+ x * x + 2 * x * y + y * y;
+And since equality is the default operator we could have omitted
+it after the `calc` keyword.
+The purpose of the block statements or the `calc` statements between
+the expressions is to provide hints to aid Dafny in proving that
+step. As shown in the example, comments can also be used to aid
+the human reader in cases where Dafny can prove the step automatically.
+## Skeleton Statement
+SkeletonStmt =
+ "..."
+ ["where" Ident {"," Ident } ":="
+ Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ {"," Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true) }
+ ] ";"
+# Expressions
+The grammar of Dafny expressions follows a hierarchy that
+reflects the precedence of Dafny operators. The following
+table shows the Dafny operators and their precedence
+in order of increasing binding power.
+| operator | description |
+| `;` | In LemmaCall;Expression |
+| `<==>`, &hArr; | equivalence (if and only if) |
+| `==>`, &rArr; | implication (implies) |
+| `<==`, &lArr; | reverse implication (follows from) |
+| `&&`, &and; | conjunction (and) |
+| [\|\|]{.monospace}, &or; | disjunction (or) |
+| `!`, &not; | negation (not) |
+| `==` | equality |
+| `==#[k]` | prefix equality (co-inductive) |
+| `!=` | disequality |
+| `!=#[k]` | prefix disequality (co-inductive) |
+| [<]{.monospace} | less than |
+| `<=` | at most |
+| `>=` | at least |
+| `>` | greater than |
+| `in` | collection membership |
+| `!in` | collection non-membership |
+| `!!` | disjointness |
+| `+` | addition (plus) |
+| `-` | subtraction (minus) |
+| `*` | multiplication (times) |
+| `/` | division (divided by) |
+| `%` | modulus (mod) |
+| `-` | arithmetic negation (unary minus) |
+| `!`, &not; | logical negation |
+| Primary Expressions | |
+We are calling the ``UnaryExpression``s that are neither
+arithmetic nor logical negation the _primary expressions_.
+They are the most tightly bound.
+In the grammar entries below we explain the meaning when the
+operator for that precedence level is present. If the
+operator is not present then we just descend to the
+next precedence level.
+## Top-level expressions
+Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ EquivExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ [ ";" Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda) ]
+The "allowLemma" argument says whether or not the expression
+to be parsed is allowed to have the form S;E where S is a call to a lemma.
+"allowLemma" should be passed in as "false" whenever the expression to
+be parsed sits in a context that itself is terminated by a semi-colon.
+The "allowLambda" says whether or not the expression to be parsed is
+allowed to be a lambda expression. More precisely, an identifier or
+parenthesized-enclosed comma-delimited list of identifiers is allowed to
+continue as a lambda expression (that is, continue with a "reads", "requires",
+or "=>") only if "allowLambda" is true. This affects function/method/iterator
+specifications, if/while statements with guarded alternatives, and expressions
+in the specification of a lambda expression itself.
+Sometimes an expression will fail unless some relevant fact is known.
+In the following example the `F_Fails` function fails to verify
+because the `Fact(n)` divisor may be zero. But preceding
+the expression by a lemma that ensures that the denominator
+is not zero allows function `F_Succeeds` to succeed.
+function Fact(n: nat): nat
+ if n == 0 then 1 else n * Fact(n-1)
+lemma L(n: nat)
+ ensures 1 <= Fact(n)
+function F_Fails(n: nat): int
+ 50 / Fact(n) // error: possible division by zero
+function F_Succeeds(n: nat): int
+ L(n);
+ 50 / Fact(n)
+## Equivalence Expressions
+EquivExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ ImpliesExpliesExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ { "<==>" ImpliesExpliesExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) }
+An ``EquivExpression`` that contains one or more "<==>"s is
+a boolean expression and all the contained ``ImpliesExpliesExpression``
+must also be boolean expressions. In that case each "<==>"
+operator tests for logical equality which is the same as
+ordinary equality.
+See section [#sec-equivalence-operator] for an explanation of the
+`<==>` operator as compared with the `==` operator.
+## Implies or Explies Expressions
+ImpliesExpliesExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ LogicalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ [ ( "==>" ImpliesExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | "<==" LogicalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ { "<==" LogicalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) }
+ )
+ ]
+ImpliesExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ LogicalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ [ "==>" ImpliesExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) ]
+See section [#sec-implication-and-reverse-implication] for an explanation
+of the `==>` and `<==` operators.
+## Logical Expressions
+LogicalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ RelationalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ [ ( "&&" RelationalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ { "&&" RelationalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) }
+ | "||" RelationalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ { "||" RelationalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) }
+ )
+ ]
+See section [#sec-conjunction-and-disjunction] for an explanation
+of the `&&` (or &and;) and `||` (or &or;) operators.
+## Relational Expressions
+RelationalExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ Term(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ [ RelOp Term(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ { RelOp Term(allowLemma, allowLambda) } ]
+RelOp =
+ ( "==" [ "#" "[" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) "]" ]
+ | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="
+ | "!=" [ "#" "[" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) "]" ]
+ | "in"
+ | "!in"
+ | "!!"
+ )
+The relation expressions that have a ``RelOp`` compare two or more terms.
+As explained in section [#sec-basic-types], `==`, `!=`, ``<``, `>`, `<=`, and `>=`
+and their corresponding Unicode equivalents are _chaining_.
+The `in` and `!in` operators apply to collection types as explained in
+section [#sec-collection-types] and represent membership or non-membership
+The `!!` represents disjointness for sets and multisets as explained in
+sections [#sec-sets] and [#sec-multisets].
+Note that `x ==#[k] y` is the prefix equality operator that compares
+co-inductive values for equality to a nesting level of k, as
+explained in section [#sec-co-equality].
+## Terms
+Term(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ Factor(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ { AddOp Factor(allowLemma, allowLambda) }
+AddOp = ( "+" | "-" )
+`Terms` combine `Factors` by adding or subtracting.
+Addition has these meanings for different types:
+* Arithmetic addition for numeric types (section [#sec-numeric-types]).
+* Union for sets and multisets (sections [#sec-sets] and [#sec-multisets])
+* Concatenation for sequences (section [#sec-sequences])
+Subtraction is arithmetic subtraction for numeric types, and set or multiset
+difference for sets and multisets.
+## Factors
+Factor(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ UnaryExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ { MulOp UnaryExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) }
+MulOp = ( "*" | "/" | "%" )
+A ``Factor`` combines ``UnaryExpression``s using multiplication,
+division, or modulus. For numeric types these are explained in
+section [#sec-numeric-types].
+Only `*` has a non-numeric application. It represents set or multiset
+intersection as explained in sections [#sec-sets] and [#sec-multisets].
+## Unary Expressions
+UnaryExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ ( "-" UnaryExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | "!" UnaryExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | PrimaryExpression_(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ )
+A ``UnaryExpression`` applies either numeric (section [#sec-numeric-types])
+or logical (section [#sec-booleans]) negation to its operand.
+## Primary Expressions
+<!-- These are introduced for explanatory purposes as are not in the grammar. -->
+PrimaryExpression_(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ ( MapDisplayExpr { Suffix }
+ | LambdaExpression(allowLemma)
+ | EndlessExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | NameSegment { Suffix }
+ | SeqDisplayExpr { Suffix }
+ | SetDisplayExpr { Suffix }
+ | MultiSetExpr { Suffix }
+ | ConstAtomExpression { Suffix }
+ )
+After descending through all the binary and unary operators we arrive at
+the primary expressions which are explained in subsequent sections. As
+can be seen, a number of these can be followed by 0 or more ``Suffix``es
+to select a component of the value.
+If the `allowLambda` is false then ``LambdaExpression``s are not
+recognized in this context.
+## Lambda expressions
+LambdaExpression(allowLemma) =
+ ( WildIdent
+ | "(" [ IdentTypeOptional { "," IdentTypeOptional } ] ")"
+ )
+ LambdaSpec_
+ LambdaArrow Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda: true)
+LambdaArrow = ( "=>" | "->" )
+See section [#sec-lambda-specification] for a description of ``LambdaSpec``.
+In addition to named functions, Dafny supports expressions that define
+functions. These are called _lambda (expression)s_ (some languages
+know them as _anonymous functions_). A lambda expression has the
+(\(_params_\)) \(_specification_\) => \(_body_\)
+where `\(_params_\)` is a comma-delimited list of parameter
+declarations, each of which has the form `x` or `x: T`. The type `T`
+of a parameter can be omitted when it can be inferred. If the
+identifier `x` is not needed, it can be replaced by "`_`". If
+`\(_params_\)` consists of a single parameter `x` (or `_`) without an
+explicit type, then the parentheses can be dropped; for example, the
+function that returns the successor of a given integer can be written
+as the following lambda expression:
+x => x + 1
+The `\(_specification_\)` is a list of clauses `requires E` or
+`reads W`, where `E` is a boolean expression and `W` is a frame
+`\(_body_\)` is an expression that defines the function's return
+value. The body must be well-formed for all possible values of the
+parameters that satisfy the precondition (just like the bodies of
+named functions and methods). In some cases, this means it is
+necessary to write explicit `requires` and `reads` clauses. For
+example, the lambda expression
+x requires x != 0 => 100 / x
+would not be well-formed if the `requires` clause were omitted,
+because of the possibility of division-by-zero.
+In settings where functions cannot be partial and there are no
+restrictions on reading the heap, the _eta expansion_ of a function
+`F: T -> U` (that is, the wrapping of `F` inside a lambda expression
+in such a way that the lambda expression is equivalent to `F`) would
+be written `x => F(x)`. In Dafny, eta expansion must also account for
+the precondition and reads set of the function, so the eta expansion
+of `F` looks like:
+x requires F.requires(x) reads F.reads(x) => F(x)
+## Left-Hand-Side Expressions
+Lhs =
+ ( NameSegment { Suffix }
+ | ConstAtomExpression Suffix { Suffix }
+ )
+A left-hand-side expression is only used on the left hand
+side of an ``UpdateStmt``.
+TODO: Try to give examples showing how these kinds of
+left-hand-sides are possible.
+## Right-Hand-Side Expressions
+Rhs =
+ ( ArrayAllocation_
+ | ObjectAllocation_
+ | Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ | HavocRhs_
+ )
+ { Attribute }
+An ``Rhs`` is either array allocation, an object allocation,
+an expression, or a havoc right-hand-side, optionally followed
+by one or more ``Attribute``s.
+Right-hand-side expressions appear in the following constructs:
+``ReturnStmt``, ``YieldStmt``, ``UpdateStmt``, or ``VarDeclStatement``.
+These are the only contexts in which arrays or objects may be
+allocated, or in which havoc may be produced.
+## Array Allocation
+ArrayAllocation_ = "new" Type "[" Expressions "]"
+This allocates a new single or multi-dimensional array as explained in
+section [#sec-array-types].
+## Object Allocation
+ObjectAllocation_ = "new" Type [ "(" [ Expressions ] ")" ]
+This allocated a new object of a class type as explained
+in section [#sec-class-types].
+## Havoc Right-Hand-Side
+HavocRhs_ = "*"
+A havoc right-hand-side produces an arbitrary value of its associated
+type. To get a more constrained arbitrary value the "assign-such-that"
+operator (`:|`) can be used. See section [#sec-update-statement].
+## Constant Or Atomic Expressions
+ConstAtomExpression =
+ ( LiteralExpression_
+ | FreshExpression_
+ | OldExpression_
+ | CardinalityExpression_
+ | NumericConversionExpression_
+ | ParensExpression
+ )
+A ``ConstAtomExpression`` represent either a constant of some type, or an
+atomic expression. A ``ConstAtomExpression`` is never an l-value. Also, a
+``ConstAtomExpression`` is never followed by an open parenthesis (but could
+very well have a suffix that starts with a period or a square bracket).
+(The "Also..." part may change if expressions in Dafny could yield
+## Literal Expressions
+LiteralExpression_ =
+ ( "false" | "true" | "null" | Nat | Dec |
+ charToken | stringToken | "this")
+A literal expression is a boolean literal, a null object reference,
+an unsigned integer or real literal, a character or string literal,
+or "this" which denote the current object in the context of
+an instance method or function.
+## Fresh Expressions
+FreshExpression_ = "fresh" "(" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) ")"
+`fresh(e)` returns a boolean value that is true if
+the objects referenced in expression `e` were all
+freshly allocated in the current method invocation.
+The argument of `fresh` must be either an object reference
+or a collection of object references.
+## Old Expressions
+OldExpression_ = "old" "(" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) ")"
+An _old expression_ is used in postconditions. `old(e)` evaluates to
+the value expression `e` had on entry to the current method.
+## Cardinality Expressions
+CardinalityExpression_ = "|" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) "|"
+For a collection expression `c`, `|c|` is the cardinality of `c`. For a
+set or sequence the cardinality is the number of elements. For
+a multiset the cardinality is the sum of the multiplicities of the
+elements. For a map the cardinality is the cardinality of the
+domain of the map. Cardinality is not defined for infinite maps.
+For more see section [#sec-collection-types].
+## Numeric Conversion Expressions
+NumericConversionExpression_ =
+ ( "int" | "real" ) "(" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) ")"
+Numeric conversion expressions give the name of the target type
+followed by the expression being converted in parentheses.
+This production is for `int` and `real` as the target types
+but this also applies more generally to other numeric types,
+e.g. `newtypes`. See section [#sec-numeric-conversion-operations].
+## Parenthesized Expression
+ParensExpression =
+ "(" [ Expressions ] ")"
+A ``ParensExpression`` is a list of zero or more expressions
+enclosed in parentheses.
+If there is exactly one expression enclosed then the value is just
+the value of that expression.
+If there are zero or more than one the result is a `tuple` value.
+See section [#sec-tuple-types].
+## Sequence Display Expression
+SeqDisplayExpr = "[" [ Expressions ] "]"
+A sequence display expression provide a way to constructing
+a sequence with given values. For example
+[1, 2, 3]
+is a sequence with three elements in it.
+See section [#sec-sequences] for more information on
+## Set Display Expression
+SetDisplayExpr = [ "iset" ] "{" [ Expressions ] "}"
+A set display expression provide a way to constructing
+a set with given elements. If the keyword `iset` is present
+then a potentially infinite set is constructed.
+For example
+{1, 2, 3}
+is a set with three elements in it.
+See section [#sec-sets] for more information on
+## Multiset Display or Cast Expression
+MultiSetExpr =
+ "multiset"
+ ( "{" [ Expressions ] "}"
+ | "(" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) ")"
+ )
+A multiset display expression provide a way to constructing
+a multiset with given elements and multiplicity. For example
+multiset{1, 1, 2, 3}
+is a multiset with three elements in it. The number 1 has a multiplicity of 2,
+the others a multiplicity of 1.
+On the other hand, a multiset cast expression converts a set or a sequence
+into a multiset as shown here:
+var s : set<int> := {1, 2, 3};
+var ms : multiset<int> := multiset(s);
+ms := ms + multiset{1};
+var sq : seq<int> := [1, 1, 2, 3];
+var ms2 : multiset<int> := multiset(sq);
+assert ms == ms2;
+See section [#sec-multisets] for more information on
+## Map Display Expression
+MapDisplayExpr = ("map" | "imap" ) "[" [ MapLiteralExpressions ] "]"
+MapLiteralExpressions =
+ Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ ":=" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ { "," Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ ":=" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ }
+A map display expression builds a finite or potentially infinite
+map from explicit ``MapLiteralExpressions``. For example:
+var m := map[1 := "a", 2 := "b"];
+ghost var im := imap[1 := "a", 2 := "b"];
+Note that `imap`s may only appear in ghost contexts. See
+section [#sec-finite-and-infinite-maps] for more details on maps and imaps.
+## Endless Expression
+EndlessExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ ( IfExpression_(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | MatchExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | QuantifierExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | SetComprehensionExpr(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | StmtInExpr Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | LetExpr(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ | MapComprehensionExpr(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ )
+<!-- Experimental - do not document.
+ | NamedExpr(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+``EndlessExpression`` gets it name from the fact that all its alternate
+productions have no terminating symbol to end them, but rather they
+all end with an ``Expression`` at the end. The various
+``EndlessExpression`` alternatives are described below.
+## If Expression
+IfExpression_(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ "if" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ "then" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ "else" Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+The ``IfExpression`` is a conditional expression. It first evaluates
+the expression following the `if`. If it evaluates to `true` then
+it evaluates the expression following the `then` and that is the
+result of the expression. If it evaluates to `false` then the
+expression following the `else` is evaluated and that is the result
+of the expression. It is important that only the selected expression
+is evaluated as the following example shows.
+var k := 10 / x; // error, may divide by 0.
+var m := if x != 0 then 10 / x else 1; // ok, guarded
+## Case Bindings and Patterns
+CaseBinding_ =
+ "case"
+ ( Ident [ "(" CasePattern { "," CasePattern } ")" ]
+ | "(" CasePattern { "," CasePattern } ")"
+ )
+CasePattern =
+ ( Ident "(" [ CasePattern { "," CasePattern } ] ")"
+ | "(" [ CasePattern { "," Casepattern } ] ")"
+ | IdentTypeOptional
+ )
+Case bindings and patterns are used for (possibly nested)
+pattern matching on inductive or coinductive values.
+The ``CaseBinding_`` construct is used in
+``CaseStatement`` and ``CaseExpression``s.
+Besides its use in ``CaseBinding_``, ``CasePattern``s are used
+in ``LetExpr``s and ``VarDeclStatement``s.
+When matching an inductive or coinductive value in
+a ``MatchStmt`` or ``MatchExpression``, there must be
+a ``CaseBinding_`` for each constructor. A tuple is
+considered to have a single constructor.
+The ``Ident`` of the ``CaseBinding_`` must match the name
+of a constructor (or in the case of a tuple the ``Ident`` is
+absent and the second alternative is chosen).
+The ``CasePattern``s inside the parenthesis are then
+matched against the argument that were given to the
+constructor when the value was constructed.
+The number of ``CasePattern``s must match the number
+of parameters to the constructor (or the arity of the
+The ``CasePattern``s may be nested. The set of non-constructor-name
+identifiers contained in a ``CaseBinding_`` must be distinct.
+They are bound to the corresponding values in the value being
+## Match Expression
+MatchExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ "match" Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ ( "{" { CaseExpression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) } "}"
+ | { CaseExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) }
+ )
+CaseExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ CaseBinding_ "=>" Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+A ``MatchExpression`` is used to conditionally evaluate and select an
+expression depending on the value of an algebraic type, i.e. an inductive
+type, or a co-inductive type.
+The ``Expression`` following the `match` keyword is called the
+_selector_. There must be a ``CaseExpression`` for each constructor of
+the type of the selector. The ``Ident`` following the `case` keyword in a
+``CaseExpression`` is the name of a constructor of the selector's type.
+It may be absent if the expression being matched is a tuple since these
+have no constructor name.
+If the constructor has parameters then in the ``CaseExpression`` the
+constructor name must be followed by a parenthesized list of ``CasePattern``s.
+If the constructor has no parameters then the
+``CaseExpression`` must not have a following ``CasePattern`` list.
+All of the identifiers in the ``CasePattern``s must be distinct.
+If types for the identifiers are not given then types are inferred
+from the types of the constructor's parameters. If types are
+given then they must agree with the types of the
+corresponding parameters.
+A ``MatchExpression`` is evaluated by first evaluating the selector.
+Then the ``CaseClause`` is selected for the constructor that was
+used to construct the evaluated selector. If the constructor had
+parameters then the actual values used to construct the selector
+value are bound to the identifiers in the identifier list.
+The expression to the right of the `=>` in the ``CaseClause`` is then
+evaluated in the environment enriched by this binding. The result
+of that evaluation is the result of the ``MatchExpression``.
+Note that the braces enclosing the ``CaseClause``s may be omitted.
+## Quantifier Expression
+QuantifierExpression(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ ( "forall" | "exists" ) QuantifierDomain "::"
+ Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+QuantifierDomain =
+ IdentTypeOptional { "," IdentTypeOptional } { Attribute }
+ [ "|" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) ]
+A ``QuantifierExpression`` is a boolean expression that specifies that a
+given expression (the one following the "::") is true for all (for
+**forall**) or some (for **exists**) combination of values of the
+quantified variables, namely those in the ``QuantifierDomain``.
+Here are some examples:
+assert forall x : nat | x <= 5 :: x * x <= 25;
+(forall n :: 2 <= n ==> (exists d :: n < d && d < 2*n))
+or using the Unicode symbols:
+assert \(&forall;\) x : nat | x <= 5 \(&bull;\) x * x <= 25;
+(\(&forall;\) n \(&bull;\) 2 <= n ==> (\(&exist;\) d \(&bull;\) n < d && d < 2*n))
+The quantifier identifiers are _bound_ within the scope of the
+expressions in the ``QuantifierExpression``.
+It types are not given for the quantified identifiers then Dafny
+attempts to infer their types from the context of the expressions.
+It this is not possible the program is in error.
+## Set Comprehension Expressions
+SetComprehensionExpr(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ [ "set" | "iset" ]
+ IdentTypeOptional { "," IdentTypeOptional } { Attribute }
+ "|" Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+ [ "::" Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda) ]
+A set comprehension expression is an expressions that yields a set
+(possibly infinite if `iset` is used) that
+satisfies specified conditions. There are two basic forms.
+If there is only one quantified variable the optional ``"::" Expression``
+need not be supplied, in which case it is as if it had been supplied
+and the expression consists solely of the quantified variable.
+That is,
+set x : T | P(x)
+is equivalent to
+set x : T | P(x) :: x
+For the full form
+var S := set x1:T1, x2:T2 ... | P(x1, x2, ...) :: Q(x1, x2, ...)
+the elements of `S` will be all values resulting from evaluation of `Q(x1, x2, ...)`
+for all combinations of quantified variables `x1, x2, ...` such that
+predicate `P(x1, x2, ...)` holds. For example,
+var S := set x:nat, y:nat | x < 2 && y < 2 :: (x, y)
+would yield `S == {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1,1) }`
+The types on the quantified variables are optional and if not given Dafny
+will attempt to infer them from the contexts in which they are used in the
+`P` or `Q` expressions.
+If a finite set was specified ("set" keyword used), Dafny must be able to prove that the
+result is finite otherwise the set comprehension expression will not be
+Set comprehensions involving reference types such as
+set o: object | true
+are allowed in ghost contexts. In particular, in ghost contexts, the
+check that the result is finite should allow any set comprehension
+where the bound variable is of a reference type. In non-ghost contexts,
+it is not allowed, because--even though the resulting set would be
+finite--it is not pleasant or practical to compute at run time.
+## Statements in an Expression
+StmtInExpr = ( AssertStmt | AssumeStmt | CalcStmt )
+A ``StmtInExpr`` is a kind of statement that is allowed to
+precede an expression in order to ensure that the expression
+can be evaluated without error. For example:
+assume x != 0; 10/x
+`Assert`, `assume` and `calc` statements can be used in this way.
+## Let Expression
+LetExpr(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ [ "ghost" ] "var" CasePattern { "," CasePattern }
+ ( ":=" | { Attribute } ":|" )
+ Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true)
+ { "," Expression(allowLemma: false, allowLambda: true) } ";"
+ Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+A `let` expression allows binding of intermediate values to identifiers
+for use in an expression. The start of the `let` expression is
+signaled by the `var` keyword. They look much like a local variable
+declaration except the scope of the variable only extends to the
+enclosed expression.
+For example:
+var sum := x + y; sum * sum
+In the simple case the ``CasePattern`` is just an identifier with optional
+type (which if missing is inferred from the rhs).
+The more complex case allows destructuring of constructor expressions.
+For example:
+datatype Stuff = SCons(x: int, y: int) | Other
+function GhostF(z: Stuff): int
+ requires z.SCons?
+ var SCons(u, v) := z; var sum := u + v; sum * sum
+## Map Comprehension Expression
+MapComprehensionExpr(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ ( "map" | "imap" ) IdentTypeOptional { Attribute }
+ [ "|" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) ]
+ "::" Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+A ``MapComprehensionExpr`` defines a finite or infinite map value
+by defining a domain (using the ``IdentTypeOptional`` and the optional
+condition following the "|") and for each value in the domain,
+giving the mapped value using the expression following the "::".
+For example:
+function square(x : int) : int { x * x }
+method test()
+ var m := map x : int | 0 <= x <= 10 :: x * x;
+ ghost var im := imap x : int :: x * x;
+ ghost var im2 := imap x : int :: square(x);
+Dafny maps must be finite, so the domain must be constrained to be finite.
+But imaps may be infinite as the example shows. The last example shows
+creation of an infinite map that gives the same results as a function.
+<!-- Experimental - do not document.
+## Named Expression
+NamedExpr(allowLemma, allowLambda) =
+ "label" LabelName ":" Expression(allowLemma, allowLambda)
+A ``NamedExpr`` is an expression that has been tagged with a name.
+For example:
+label squareit: x * x
+This is an experimental feature.
+TODO: When is this useful. Is there any way to refer to the label?
+Should we remove the description?
+## Name Segment
+NameSegment = Ident [ GenericInstantiation | HashCall ]
+A ``NameSegment`` names a Dafny entity by giving its declared
+name optionally followed by information to
+make the name more complete. For the simple case it is
+just an identifier.
+If the identifier is for a generic entity it is followed by
+a ``GenericInstantiation`` which provides actual types for
+the type parameters.
+To reference a prefix predicate (see section [#sec-copredicates]) or
+prefix lemma (see section [#sec-prefix-lemmas]), the identifier
+must be the name of the copredicate or colemma and it must be
+followed by a ``HashCall``.
+## Hash Call
+HashCall = "#" [ GenericInstantiation ]
+ "[" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) "]"
+ "(" [ Expressions ] ")"
+A ``HashCall`` is used to call the prefix for a copredicate or colemma.
+In the non-generic case it just insert `"#[k]"` before the call argument
+list where k is the number of recursion levels.
+In the case where the `colemma` is generic, the generic type
+argument is given before. Here is an example:
+codatatype Stream<T> = Nil | Cons(head: int, stuff: T, tail: Stream)
+function append(M: Stream, N: Stream): Stream
+ match M
+ case Nil => N
+ case Cons(t, s, M') => Cons(t, s, append(M', N))
+function zeros<T>(s : T): Stream<T>
+ Cons(0, s, zeros(s))
+function ones<T>(s: T): Stream<T>
+ Cons(1, s, ones(s))
+copredicate atmost(a: Stream, b: Stream)
+ match a
+ case Nil => true
+ case Cons(h,s,t) => b.Cons? && h <= b.head && atmost(t, b.tail)
+colemma {:induction false} Theorem0<T>(s: T)
+ ensures atmost(zeros(s), ones(s))
+ // the following shows two equivalent ways to getting essentially the
+ // co-inductive hypothesis
+ if (*) {
+ Theorem0#<T>[_k-1](s);
+ } else {
+ Theorem0(s);
+ }
+where the ``HashCall`` is `"Theorem0#<T>[_k-1](s);"`.
+See sections [#sec-copredicates] and [#sec-prefix-lemmas].
+## Suffix
+Suffix =
+ ( AugmentedDotSuffix_
+ | DatatypeUpdateSuffix_
+ | SubsequenceSuffix_
+ | SlicesByLengthSuffix_
+ | SequenceUpdateSuffix_
+ | SelectionSuffix_
+ | ArgumentListSuffix_
+ )
+The ``Suffix`` non-terminal describes ways of deriving a new value from
+the entity to which the suffix is appended. There are six kinds
+of suffixes which are described below.
+### Augmented Dot Suffix
+AugmentedDotSuffix_ = ". " DotSuffix [ GenericInstantiation | HashCall ]
+An augmented dot suffix consists of a simple ``DotSuffix`` optionally
+followed by either
+* a ``GenericInstantiation`` (for the case where the item
+selected by the ``DotSuffix`` is generic), or
+* a ``HashCall`` for the case where we want to call a prefix copredicate
+ or colemma. The result is the result of calling the prefix copredicate
+ or colemma.
+### Datatype Update Suffix
+DatatypeUpdateSuffix_ =
+ "." "(" MemberBindingUpdate { "," MemberBindingUpdate } ")"
+MemberBindingUpdate =
+ ( ident | digits ) ":=" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+A datatype update suffix is used to produce a new datatype value
+that is the same as an old datatype value except that the
+value corresponding to a given destructor has the specified value.
+In a ``MemberBindingUpdate``, the ``ident`` or ``digits`` is the
+name of a destructor (i.e. formal parameter name) for one of the
+constructors of the datatype. The expression to the right of the
+":=" is the new value for that formal.
+All of the destructors in a ``DatatypeUpdateSuffix_`` must be
+for the same constructor, and if they do not cover all of the
+destructors for that constructor then the datatype value being
+updated must have a value derived from that same constructor.
+Here is an example:
+module NewSyntax {
+datatype MyDataType = MyConstructor(myint:int, mybool:bool)
+ | MyOtherConstructor(otherbool:bool)
+ | MyNumericConstructor(42:int)
+method test(datum:MyDataType, x:int)
+ returns (abc:MyDataType, def:MyDataType, ghi:MyDataType, jkl:MyDataType)
+ requires datum.MyConstructor?;
+ ensures abc == datum.(myint := x + 2);
+ ensures def == datum.(otherbool := !datum.mybool);
+ ensures ghi == datum.(myint := 2).(mybool := false);
+ // Resolution error: no non_destructor in MyDataType
+ //ensures jkl == datum.(non_destructor := 5);
+ ensures jkl == datum.(42 := 7);
+ abc := MyConstructor(x + 2, datum.mybool);
+ abc := datum.(myint := x + 2);
+ def := MyOtherConstructor(!datum.mybool);
+ ghi := MyConstructor(2, false);
+ jkl := datum.(42 := 7);
+ assert abc.(myint := abc.myint - 2) == datum.(myint := x);
+### Subsequence Suffix
+SubsequenceSuffix_ =
+ "[" [ Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) ]
+ ".." [ Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) ]
+ "]"
+A subsequence suffix applied to a sequence produces a new sequence whose
+elements are taken from a contiguous part of the original sequence. For
+example, expression `s[lo..hi]` for sequence `s`, and integer-based
+numerics `lo` and `hi` satisfying `0 <= lo <= hi <= |s|`. See
+section [#sec-other-sequence-expressions] for details.
+### Slices By Length Suffix
+SlicesByLengthSuffix_ =
+ "[" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ ":" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ { ":" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) }
+ [ ":" ]
+ "]"
+Applying a ``SlicesByLengthSuffix_`` to a sequence produces a
+sequence of subsequences of the original sequence.
+See section [#sec-other-sequence-expressions] for details.
+### Sequence Update Suffix
+SequenceUpdateSuffix_ =
+ "[" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ ":=" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ "]"
+For a sequence `s` and expressions `i` and `v`, the expression
+`s[i := v]` is the same as the sequence `s` except that at
+index `i` it has value `v`.
+### Selection Suffix
+SelectionSuffix_ =
+ "[" Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ { "," Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) }
+ "]"
+If a ``SelectionSuffix_`` has only one expression in it, it is a
+zero-based index that may be used to select a single element of a
+sequence or from a single-dimensional array.
+If a ``SelectionSuffix_`` has more than one expression in it, then
+it is a list of indices to index into a multi-dimensional array.
+The rank of the array must be the same as the number of indices.
+### Argument List Suffix
+ArgumentListSuffix_ = "(" [ Expressions ] ")"
+An argument list suffix is a parenthesized list of expressions that
+are the arguments to pass to a method or function that is being
+called. Applying such a suffix caused the method or function
+to be called and the result is the result of the call.
+## Expression Lists
+Expressions =
+ Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true)
+ { "," Expression(allowLemma: true, allowLambda: true) }
+The ``Expressions`` non-terminal represents a list of
+one or more expressions separated by a comma.
+# Module Refinement
+TODO: Write this section.
+# Attributes
+Attribute = "{" ":" AttributeName [ Expressions ] "}"
+Dafny allows many of its entities to be annotated with _Attributes_.
+The grammar shows where the attribute annotations may appear.
+Here is an example of an attribute from the Dafny test suite:
+{:MyAttribute "hello", "hi" + "there", 57}
+In general an attribute may have any name the user chooses. It may be
+followed by a comma separated list of expressions. These expressions will
+be resolved and type-checked in the context where the attribute appears.
+## Dafny Attribute Implementation Details
+In the Dafny implementation the `Attributes` type holds the name of
+the attribute, a list of ``Expression`` arguments and a link to the
+previous Attributes object for that Dafny entity. So for each
+Dafny entity that has attributes we have a list of them.
+Dafny stores attributes on the following kinds of entities:
+Declaration (base class), ModuleDefinition, Statement,
+AssignmentRhs, LocalVariable, LetExpr, ComprehensionExpr,
+MaybeFreeExpression, Specification.
+TODO: Dafny internals information should go into a separate
+document on Dafny internals.
+## Dafny Attributes
+All entities that Dafny translates to Boogie have their attributes
+passed on to Boogie except for the `{:axiom}` attribute (which
+conflicts with Boogie usage) and the `{:trigger}` attribute which is
+instead converted into a Boogie quantifier _trigger_. See Section 11 of
+Dafny has special processing for some attributes. For some attributes the
+setting is only looked for on the entity of interest. For others we start
+at the entity and if the attribute is not there, look up in the hierarchy
+(enclosing class and enclosing modules). The latter case is checked by
+the ContainsBoolAtAnyLevel method in the Dafny source. The attribute
+declaration closest to the entity overrides those further away.
+For attributes with a single boolean expression argument, the attribute
+with no argument is interpreted as if it were true.
+The attributes that are processed specially by Dafny are described in the
+following sections.
+### assumption
+This attribute can only be placed on a local ghost bool
+variable of a method. Its declaration cannot have a rhs, but it is
+allowed to participate as the lhs of exactly one assignment of the
+form: `b := b && expr;`. Such a variable declaration translates in the
+Boogie output to a declaration followed by an `assume b` command. TODO:
+What is the motivation for this?
+### autoReq boolExpr
+For a function declaration, if this attribute is set true at the nearest
+level, then its `requires` clause is strengthed sufficiently so that
+it may call the functions that it calls.
+For following example
+function f(x:int) : bool
+ requires x > 3
+ x > 7
+// Should succeed thanks to auto_reqs
+function {:autoReq} g(y:int, b:bool) : bool
+ if b then f(y + 2) else f(2*y)
+the `{:autoReq}` attribute causes Dafny to
+deduce a `requires` clause for g as if it had been
+function g(y:int, b:bool) : bool
+ requires if b then y + 2 > 3 else 2 * y > 3
+ if b then f(y + 2) else f(2*y)
+### autocontracts
+Dynamic frames [@Kassios:FM2006;@SmansEtAl:VeriCool;@SmansEtAl:ImplicitDynamicFrames;
+are frame expressions that can vary dynamically during
+program execution. AutoContracts is an experimental feature that will
+fill much of the dynamic-frames boilerplate into a class.
+From the user's perspective, what needs to be done is simply:
+* mark the class with {:autocontracts}
+* declare a function (or predicate) called Valid()
+AutoContracts will then:
+* Declare:
+ ghost var Repr: set(object);
+* For function/predicate Valid(), insert:
+ reads this, Repr
+* Into body of Valid(), insert (at the beginning of the body):
+ this in Repr && null !in Repr
+* and also insert, for every array-valued field A declared in the class:
+ (A != null ==> A in Repr) &&
+* and for every field F of a class type T where T has a field called Repr, also insert:
+ (F != null ==> F in Repr && F.Repr SUBSET Repr && this !in Repr)
+* Except, if A or F is declared with {:autocontracts false}, then the implication will not
+be added.
+* For every constructor, add:
+ modifies this
+ ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this})
+* At the end of the body of the constructor, add:
+ Repr := {this};
+ if (A != null) { Repr := Repr + {A}; }
+ if (F != null) { Repr := Repr + {F} + F.Repr; }
+* For every method, add:
+ requires Valid()
+ modifies Repr
+ ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr))
+* At the end of the body of the method, add:
+ if (A != null) { Repr := Repr + {A}; }
+ if (F != null) { Repr := Repr + {F} + F.Repr; }
+### axiom
+The `{:axiom}` attribute may be placed on a function or method.
+It means that the post-condition may be assumed to be true
+without proof. In that case also the body of the function or
+method may be omitted.
+The `{:axiom}` attribute is also used for generated `reveal_*`
+lemmas as shown in Section [#sec-opaque].
+### compile
+The `{:compile}` attribute takes a boolean argument. It may be applied to
+any top-level declaration. If that argument is false then that declaration
+will not be compiled into .Net code.
+### decl
+The `{:decl}` attribute may be placed on a method declaration. It
+inhibits the error message that has would be given when the method has a
+`ensures` clauses but no body.
+TODO: There are no examples of this in the Dafny tests. What is the motivation
+for this?
+### fuel
+The fuel attributes is used to specify how much "fuel" a function should have,
+i.e., how many times Z3 is permitted to unfold it's definition. The
+new {:fuel} annotation can be added to the function itself, it which
+case it will apply to all uses of that function, or it can overridden
+within the scope of a module, function, method, iterator, calc, forall,
+while, assert, or assume. The general format is:
+{:fuel functionName,lowFuel,highFuel}
+When applied as an annotation to the function itself, omit
+functionName. If highFuel is omitted, it defaults to lowFuel + 1.
+The default fuel setting for recursive functions is 1,2. Setting the
+fuel higher, say, to 3,4, will give more unfoldings, which may make
+some proofs go through with less programmer assistance (e.g., with
+fewer assert statements), but it may also increase verification time,
+so use it with care. Setting the fuel to 0,0 is similar to making the
+definition opaque, except when used with all literal arguments.
+### heapQuantifier
+The `{:heapQuantifier}` attribute may be used on a ``QuantifierExpression``.
+When it appears in a quantifier expression it is as if a new heap-valued
+quantifier variable was added to the quantification. Consider this code
+that is one of the invariants of a while loop.
+invariant forall u {:heapQuantifier} :: f(u) == u + r
+The quantifier is translated into the following Boogie:
+(forall q$heap#8: Heap, u#5: int ::
+ {:heapQuantifier}
+ $IsGoodHeap(q$heap#8) && ($Heap == q$heap#8 || $HeapSucc($Heap, q$heap#8))
+ ==> $Unbox(Apply1(TInt, TInt, f#0, q$heap#8, $Box(u#5))): int == u#5 + r#0);
+What this is saying is that the quantified expression, `f(u) == u + r`,
+which may depend on the heap, is also valid for any good heap that is either the
+same as the current heap, or that is derived from it by heap update operations.
+TODO: I think this means that the quantified expression is actually independent of the
+heap. Is that true?
+### imported
+If a ``MethodDecl`` or ``FunctionDecl`` has an `{:imported}` attribute,
+then it is allowed to have a empty body even though it has an **ensures**
+clause. Ordinarily a body would be required in order to provide the
+proof of the **ensures** clause (but the `(:axiom)` attribute also
+provides this facility, so the need for `(:imported)` is not clear.)
+A method or function declaration may be given the `(:imported)` attribute. This suppresses
+the error message that would be given if a method or function with an `ensures` clause
+does not have a body.
+TODO: When would this be used? An example would be helpful.
+TODO: When is this useful or valid?
+### induction
+The `{:induction}` attribute controls the application of
+proof by induction to two contexts. Given a list of
+variables on which induction might be applied, the
+`{:induction}` attribute selects a sub-list of those
+variables (in the same order) to which to apply induction.
+TODO: Would there be any advantage to taking the order
+from the attribute, rather than preserving the original
+order? That would seem to give the user more control.
+The two contexts are:
+* A method, in which case the bound variables are all the
+ in-parameters of the method.
+* A quantifier expression, in which case the bound variables
+ are the bound variables of the quantifier expression.
+The form of the `{:induction}` attribute is one of the following:
+* `{:induction}` -- apply induction to all bound variables
+* `{:induction false}` -- suppress induction, that is, don't apply it to any bound variable
+* `{:induction L}` where `L` is a list consisting entirely of bound variables
+-- apply induction to the specified bound variables
+* `{:induction X}` where `X` is anything else -- treat the same as
+{:induction}, that is, apply induction to all bound variables. For this
+usage conventionally `X` is `true`.
+Here is an example of using it on a quantifier expression:
+ghost method Fill_J(s: seq<int>)
+ requires forall i :: 1 <= i < |s| ==> s[i-1] <= s[i]
+ ensures forall i,j {:induction j} :: 0 <= i < j < |s| ==> s[i] <= s[j]
+### layerQuantifier
+When Dafny is translating a quantified expression, if it has
+a `{:layerQuantifier}` attribute an additional quantifier
+variable is added to the quantifier bound variables.
+This variable as the predefined _LayerType_.
+A `{:layerQuantifier}` attribute may be placed on a quantifier expression.
+Translation of Dafny into Boogie defines a _LayerType_ which has defined zero and
+successor constructors.
+The Dafny source has the comment that "if a function is recursive,
+then make the reveal lemma quantifier a layerQuantifier."
+And in that case it adds the attribute to the quantifier.
+There is no explicit user of the `{:layerQuantifier}` attribute
+in the Dafny tests. So I believe this attribute is only used
+internally by Dafny and not externally.
+TODO: Need more complete explanation of this attribute.
+### nativeType {#sec-nativetype}
+The `{:nativeType}` attribute may only be used on a ``NewtypeDecl``
+where the base type is an integral type. It can take one of the following
+* `{:nativeType}` - With no parameters it has no effect and the ``NewtypeDecl``
+have its default behavior which is to choose a native type that can hold any
+value satisfying the constraints, if possible, otherwise BigInteger is used.
+* `{:nativeType true}` - Also gives default ``NewtypeDecl`` behavior,
+but gives an error if base type is not integral.
+* `{:nativeType false}` - Inhibits using a native type. BigInteger is used
+for integral types and BitRational for real types.
+* `{:nativeType "typename"}` - This form has an native integral
+type name as a string literal. Acceptable values are: "byte",
+"sbyte", "ushort", "short", "uint", "int", "ulong" and "long".
+An error is reported if the given data type cannot hold all the
+values that satisfy the constraint.
+### opaque {#sec-opaque}
+Ordinarily the body of a function is transparent to its users but
+sometimes it is useful to hide it. If a function `f` is given the
+`{:opaque}` attribute then Dafny hides the body of the function,
+so that it can only be seen within its recursive clique (if any),
+or if the programmer specifically asks to see it via the `reveal_f()` lemma.
+We create a lemma to allow the user to selectively reveal the function's body
+That is, given:
+ function {:opaque} foo(x:int, y:int) : int
+ requires 0 <= x < 5
+ requires 0 <= y < 5
+ ensures foo(x, y) < 10
+ { x + y }
+We produce:
+ lemma {:axiom} reveal_foo()
+ ensures forall x:int, y:int {:trigger foo(x,y)} ::
+ 0 <= x < 5 && 0 <= y < 5 ==> foo(x,y) == foo_FULL(x,y)
+where `foo_FULL` is a copy of `foo` which does not have its body
+hidden. In addition `foo_FULL` is given the
+`{:opaque_full}` and `{:auto_generated}` attributes in addition
+to the `{:opaque}` attribute (which it got because it is a copy of `foo`).
+### opaque full
+The `{:opaque_full}` attribute is used to mark the _full_ version
+of an opaque function. See Section [#sec-opaque].
+### prependAssertToken
+This is used internally in Dafny as part of module refinement.
+It is an attribute on an assert statement.
+The Dafny code has the following comment:
+// Clone the expression, but among the new assert's attributes, indicate
+// that this assertion is supposed to be translated into a check. That is,
+// it is not allowed to be just assumed in the translation, despite the fact
+// that the condition is inherited.
+TODO: Decide if we want to describe this in more detail, or whether
+the functionality is already adequately described where
+refinement is described.
+### tailrecursion
+This attribute is used on a method declarations. It has a boolean argument.
+If specified with a false value it means the user specifically
+requested no tail recursion, so none is done.
+If specified with a true value, or if not specified
+then tail recursive optimization will be attempted subject to
+the following conditions:
+* It is an error if the method is a ghost method and tail
+recursion was explicitly requested.
+* Only direct recursion is supported, not mutually recursive methods.
+* If `{:tailrecursion true}` was specified but the code does not allow it
+an error message is given.
+### timeLimitMultiplier
+This attribute may be placed on a method or function declaration
+and has an integer argument. If `{:timeLimitMultiplier X}` was
+specified a `{:timelimit Y}` attributed is passed on to Boogie
+where `Y` is `X` times either the default verification time limit
+for a function or method, or times the value specified by the
+Boogie `timelimit` command-line option.
+### trigger
+Trigger attributes are used on quantifiers and comprehensions.
+They are translated into Boogie triggers.
+### typeQuantifier
+The `{:typeQuantifier}` must be used on a quantifier if it
+quantifies over types.
+## Boogie Attributes
+Use the Boogie "/attrHelp" option to get the list of attributes
+that Boogie recognizes and their meaning. Here is the output at
+the time of this writing. Dafny passes attributes that have
+been specified to the Boogie.
+Boogie: The following attributes are supported by this implementation.
+ ---- On top-level declarations ---------------------------------------------
+ {:ignore}
+ Ignore the declaration (after checking for duplicate names).
+ {:extern}
+ If two top-level declarations introduce the same name (for example, two
+ constants with the same name or two procedures with the same name), then
+ Boogie usually produces an error message. However, if at least one of
+ the declarations is declared with :extern, one of the declarations is
+ ignored. If both declarations are :extern, Boogie arbitrarily chooses
+ one of them to keep; otherwise, Boogie ignore the :extern declaration
+ and keeps the other.
+ {:checksum <string>}
+ Attach a checksum to be used for verification result caching.
+ ---- On implementations and procedures -------------------------------------
+ {:inline N}
+ Inline given procedure (can be also used on implementation).
+ N should be a non-negative number and represents the inlining depth.
+ With /inline:assume call is replaced with "assume false" once inlining depth is reached.
+ With /inline:assert call is replaced with "assert false" once inlining depth is reached.
+ With /inline:spec call is left as is once inlining depth is reached.
+ With the above three options, methods with the attribute {:inline N} are not verified.
+ With /inline:none the entire attribute is ignored.
+ {:verify false}
+ Skip verification of an implementation.
+ {:vcs_max_cost N}
+ {:vcs_max_splits N}
+ {:vcs_max_keep_going_splits N}
+ Per-implementation versions of
+ /vcsMaxCost, /vcsMaxSplits and /vcsMaxKeepGoingSplits.
+ {:selective_checking true}
+ Turn all asserts into assumes except for the ones reachable from
+ assumptions marked with the attribute {:start_checking_here}.
+ Thus, "assume {:start_checking_here} something;" becomes an inverse
+ of "assume false;": the first one disables all verification before
+ it, and the second one disables all verification after.
+ {:priority N}
+ Assign a positive priority 'N' to an implementation to control the order
+ in which implementations are verified (default: N = 1).
+ {:id <string>}
+ Assign a unique ID to an implementation to be used for verification
+ result caching (default: "<impl. name>:0").
+ {:timeLimit N}
+ Set the time limit for a given implementation.
+ ---- On functions ----------------------------------------------------------
+ {:builtin "spec"}
+ {:bvbuiltin "spec"}
+ Rewrite the function to built-in prover function symbol 'fn'.
+ {:inline}
+ {:inline true}
+ Expand function according to its definition before going to the prover.
+ {:never_pattern true}
+ Terms starting with this function symbol will never be
+ automatically selected as patterns. It does not prevent them
+ from being used inside the triggers, and does not affect explicit
+ trigger annotations. Internally it works by adding {:nopats ...}
+ annotations to quantifiers.
+ {:identity}
+ {:identity true}
+ If the function has 1 argument and the use of it has type X->X for
+ some X, then the abstract interpreter will treat the function as an
+ identity function. Note, the abstract interpreter trusts the
+ attribute--it does not try to verify that the function really is an
+ identity function.
+ ---- On variables ----------------------------------------------------------
+ {:existential true}
+ Marks a global Boolean variable as existentially quantified. If
+ used in combination with option /contractInfer Boogie will check
+ whether there exists a Boolean assignment to the existentials
+ that makes all verification conditions valid. Without option
+ /contractInfer the attribute is ignored.
+ ---- On assert statements --------------------------------------------------
+ {:subsumption n}
+ Overrides the /subsumption command-line setting for this assertion.
+ {:split_here}
+ Verifies code leading to this point and code leading from this point
+ to the next split_here as separate pieces. May help with timeouts.
+ May also occasionally double-report errors.
+ ---- The end ---------------------------------------------------------------
+However a scan of Boogie's sources shows it checks for the
+following attributes.
+* `{:$}`
+* `{:$renamed$}`
+* `{:InlineAssume}`
+* `{:PossiblyUnreachable}`
+* `{:__dominator_enabled}`
+* `{:__enabled}`
+* `{:a##post##}`
+* `{:absdomain}`
+* `{:ah}`
+* `{:assumption}`
+* `{:assumption_variable_initialization}`
+* `{:atomic}`
+* `{:aux}`
+* `{:both}`
+* `{:bvbuiltin}`
+* `{:candidate}`
+* `{:captureState}`
+* `{:checksum}`
+* `{:constructor}`
+* `{:datatype}`
+* `{:do_not_predicate}`
+* `{:entrypoint}`
+* `{:existential}`
+* `{:exitAssert}`
+* `{:expand}`
+* `{:extern}`
+* `{:hidden}`
+* `{:ignore}`
+* `{:inline}`
+* `{:left}`
+* `{:linear}`
+* `{:linear_in}`
+* `{:linear_out}`
+* `{:msg}`
+* `{:name}`
+* `{:originated_from_invariant}`
+* `{:partition}`
+* `{:positive}`
+* `{:post}`
+* `{:pre}`
+* `{:precondition_previous_snapshot}`
+* `{:qid}`
+* `{:right}`
+* `{:selective_checking}`
+* `{:si_fcall}`
+* `{:si_unique_call}`
+* `{:sourcefile}`
+* `{:sourceline}`
+* `{:split_here}`
+* `{:stage_active}`
+* `{:stage_complete}`
+* `{:staged_houdini_tag}`
+* `{:start_checking_here}`
+* `{:subsumption}`
+* `{:template}`
+* `{:terminates}`
+* `{:upper}`
+* `{:verified_under}`
+* `{:weight}`
+* `{:yields}`
+# Dafny User's Guide
+## Installing Dafny From Binaries
+## Building Dafny from Source
+The current version of Dafny only works with Visual Studio 2012,
+so if you intend to run Dafny from withing Visual Studio you must
+install Visual Studio 2012.
+Dafny performs its verification by translating the Dafny source into
+the Boogie intermediate verification language. So Dafny references
+data structures defined in the Boogie project. So the first step
+is to clone and build Boogie from sources. See
+Follow these steps.
+Let _work_ be a working directory.
+Clone Boogie using
+cd work
+git clone
+Build Boogie using the directions from the Boogie web site,
+which for Windows currently are:
+1. Open Source\Boogie.sln in Visual Studio
+2. Right click the Boogie solution in the Solution Explorer and click Enable NuGet Package Restore. You will probably get a prompt asking to confirm this. Choose Yes.
+3. Click BUILD > Build Solution.
+Clone Dafny using Mercurial. The Dafny directory must be a sibling
+of the Boogie directory in order for it to find the Boogie files it needs.
+cd work
+hg clone
+Download and install the Visual Studio 2012 SDK from
+* <>.
+This is needed to build the Visual Studio Extension that
+runs Dafny from within Visual Studio 2012.
+Build the command-line Dafny executables.
+1. Open dafny\Source\Dafny.sln in Visual Studio
+2. Click BUILD > Build Solution.
+Build and install the Dafny Visual Studio extensions
+1. Open dafny/Source/DafnyExtension.sln in Visual Studio
+2. Click BUILD > Build Solution.
+3. This builds DafnyLanguageService.vsix and DafnyMenu.vsix
+in the dafny/Binaries directory.
+4. Install these by clicking on them from Windows Explorer. When
+prompted, only check installing into Visual Studio 2012.
+## Using Dafny From Visual Studio
+To test your installation, you can open Dafny test files
+from the dafny/Test subdirectory in Visual Studio 2012.
+You will want to use "VIEW/Error List" to ensure that
+you see any errors that Dafny detects, and
+"VIEW/Output" to see the result of any compilation.
+An example of a valid Dafny test is
+You can choose "Dafny/Compile" to compile the Dafny
+program to C#. Doing that for the above test
+produces `Tree.cs` and `Tree.dll` (since this test does
+not have a main program).
+The following file:
+is an example of a Dafny file with verification errors.
+The source will show red squiggles or dots where there
+are errors, and the Error List window will describe the
+## Using Dafny From the Command Line
+### Dafny Command Line Options
+The command `Dafny.exe /?` gives the following description of
+options that can be passed to Dafny.
+ ---- Dafny options ---------------------------------------------------------
+ Multiple .dfy files supplied on the command line are concatenated into one
+ Dafny program.
+ /dprelude:<file>
+ choose Dafny prelude file
+ /dprint:<file>
+ print Dafny program after parsing it
+ (use - as <file> to print to console)
+ /printMode:<Everything|NoIncludes|NoGhost>
+ NoIncludes disables printing of {:verify false} methods incorporated via the
+ include mechanism, as well as datatypes and fields included from other files.
+ NoGhost disables printing of functions, ghost methods, and proof statements
+ in implementation methods. It also disables anything NoIncludes disables.
+ /rprint:<file>
+ print Dafny program after resolving it
+ (use - as <file> to print to console)
+ /dafnyVerify:<n>
+ 0 - stop after typechecking
+ 1 - continue on to translation, verification, and compilation
+ /compile:<n> 0 - do not compile Dafny program
+ 1 (default) - upon successful verification of the Dafny
+ program, compile Dafny program to .NET assembly
+ Program.exe (if the program has a Main method) or
+ Program.dll (othewise), where Program.dfy is the name
+ of the last .dfy file on the command line
+ 2 - always attempt to compile Dafny program to C# program
+ out.cs, regardless of verification outcome
+ 3 - if there is a Main method and there are no verification
+ errors, compiles program in memory (i.e., does not write
+ an output file) and runs it
+ /spillTargetCode:<n>
+ 0 (default) - don't write the compiled Dafny program (but
+ still compile it, if /compile indicates to do so)
+ 1 - write the compiled Dafny program as a .cs file
+ /dafnycc Disable features not supported by DafnyCC
+ /noCheating:<n>
+ 0 (default) - allow assume statements and free invariants
+ 1 - treat all assumptions as asserts, and drop free.
+ /induction:<n>
+ 0 - never do induction, not even when attributes request it
+ 1 - only apply induction when attributes request it
+ 2 - apply induction as requested (by attributes) and also
+ for heuristically chosen quantifiers
+ 3 (default) - apply induction as requested, and for
+ heuristically chosen quantifiers and ghost methods
+ /inductionHeuristic:<n>
+ 0 - least discriminating induction heuristic (that is, lean
+ toward applying induction more often)
+ 1,2,3,4,5 - levels in between, ordered as follows as far as
+ how discriminating they are: 0 < 1 < 2 < (3,4) < 5 < 6
+ 6 (default) - most discriminating
+ /noIncludes Ignore include directives
+ /noNLarith Reduce Z3's knowledge of non-linear arithmetic (*,/,%).
+ Results in more manual work, but also produces more predictable behavior.
+ /autoReqPrint:<file>
+ Print out requirements that were automatically generated by autoReq.
+ /noAutoReq Ignore autoReq attributes
+ /allowGlobals Allow the implicit class '_default' to contain fields, instance functions,
+ and instance methods. These class members are declared at the module scope,
+ outside of explicit classes. This command-line option is provided to simply
+ a transition from the behavior in the language prior to version 1.9.3, from
+ which point onward all functions and methods declared at the module scope are
+ implicitly static and fields declarations are not allowed at the module scope.
+ The reference manual is written assuming this option is not given.
+ /nologo suppress printing of version number, copyright message
+ /env:<n> print command line arguments
+ 0 - never, 1 (default) - during BPL print and prover log,
+ 2 - like 1 and also to standard output
+ /wait await Enter from keyboard before terminating program
+ /xml:<file> also produce output in XML format to <file>
+ ---- Boogie options --------------------------------------------------------
+ Multiple .bpl files supplied on the command line are concatenated into one
+ Boogie program.
+ /proc:<p> : limits which procedures to check
+ /noResolve : parse only
+ /noTypecheck : parse and resolve only
+ /print:<file> : print Boogie program after parsing it
+ (use - as <file> to print to console)
+ /pretty:<n>
+ 0 - print each Boogie statement on one line (faster).
+ 1 (default) - pretty-print with some line breaks.
+ /printWithUniqueIds : print augmented information that uniquely
+ identifies variables
+ /printUnstructured : with /print option, desugars all structured statements
+ /printDesugared : with /print option, desugars calls
+ /overlookTypeErrors : skip any implementation with resolution or type
+ checking errors
+ /loopUnroll:<n>
+ unroll loops, following up to n back edges (and then some)
+ /soundLoopUnrolling
+ sound loop unrolling
+ /printModel:<n>
+ 0 (default) - do not print Z3's error model
+ 1 - print Z3's error model
+ 2 - print Z3's error model plus reverse mappings
+ 4 - print Z3's error model in a more human readable way
+ /printModelToFile:<file>
+ print model to <file> instead of console
+ /mv:<file> Specify file where to save the model in BVD format
+ /enhancedErrorMessages:<n>
+ 0 (default) - no enhanced error messages
+ 1 - Z3 error model enhanced error messages
+ /printCFG:<prefix> : print control flow graph of each implementation in
+ Graphviz format to files named:
+ <prefix>.<procedure name>.dot
+ /useBaseNameForFileName : When parsing use basename of file for tokens instead
+ of the path supplied on the command line
+ ---- Inference options -----------------------------------------------------
+ /infer:<flags>
+ use abstract interpretation to infer invariants
+ The default is /infer:i
+ <flags> are as follows (missing <flags> means all)
+ i = intervals
+ c = constant propagation
+ d = dynamic type
+ n = nullness
+ p = polyhedra for linear inequalities
+ t = trivial bottom/top lattice (cannot be combined with
+ other domains)
+ j = stronger intervals (cannot be combined with other
+ domains)
+ or the following (which denote options, not domains):
+ s = debug statistics
+ 0..9 = number of iterations before applying a widen (default=0)
+ /noinfer turn off the default inference, and overrides the /infer
+ switch on its left
+ /checkInfer instrument inferred invariants as asserts to be checked by
+ theorem prover
+ /interprocInfer
+ perform interprocedural inference (deprecated, not supported)
+ /contractInfer
+ perform procedure contract inference
+ /instrumentInfer
+ h - instrument inferred invariants only at beginning of
+ loop headers (default)
+ e - instrument inferred invariants at beginning and end
+ of every block (this mode is intended for use in
+ debugging of abstract domains)
+ /printInstrumented
+ print Boogie program after it has been instrumented with
+ invariants
+ ---- Debugging and general tracing options ---------------------------------
+ /trace blurt out various debug trace information
+ /traceTimes output timing information at certain points in the pipeline
+ /tracePOs output information about the number of proof obligations
+ (also included in the /trace output)
+ /log[:method] Print debug output during translation
+ /break launch and break into debugger
+ ---- Verification-condition generation options -----------------------------
+ /liveVariableAnalysis:<c>
+ 0 = do not perform live variable analysis
+ 1 = perform live variable analysis (default)
+ 2 = perform interprocedural live variable analysis
+ /noVerify skip VC generation and invocation of the theorem prover
+ /verifySnapshots:<n>
+ verify several program snapshots (named <filename>.v0.bpl
+ to <filename>.vN.bpl) using verification result caching:
+ 0 - do not use any verification result caching (default)
+ 1 - use the basic verification result caching
+ 2 - use the more advanced verification result caching
+ /verifySeparately
+ verify each input program separately
+ /removeEmptyBlocks:<c>
+ 0 - do not remove empty blocks during VC generation
+ 1 - remove empty blocks (default)
+ /coalesceBlocks:<c>
+ 0 = do not coalesce blocks
+ 1 = coalesce blocks (default)
+ /vc:<variety> n = nested block (default for /prover:Simplify),
+ m = nested block reach,
+ b = flat block, r = flat block reach,
+ s = structured, l = local,
+ d = dag (default, except with /prover:Simplify)
+ doomed = doomed
+ /traceverify print debug output during verification condition generation
+ /subsumption:<c>
+ apply subsumption to asserted conditions:
+ 0 - never, 1 - not for quantifiers, 2 (default) - always
+ /alwaysAssumeFreeLoopInvariants
+ usually, a free loop invariant (or assume
+ statement in that position) is ignored in checking contexts
+ (like other free things); this option includes these free
+ loop invariants as assumes in both contexts
+ /inline:<i> use inlining strategy <i> for procedures with the :inline
+ attribute, see /attrHelp for details:
+ none
+ assume (default)
+ assert
+ spec
+ /printInlined
+ print the implementation after inlining calls to
+ procedures with the :inline attribute (works with /inline)
+ /lazyInline:1
+ Use the lazy inlining algorithm
+ /stratifiedInline:1
+ Use the stratified inlining algorithm
+ /fixedPointEngine:<engine>
+ Use the specified fixed point engine for inference
+ /recursionBound:<n>
+ Set the recursion bound for stratified inlining to
+ be n (default 500)
+ /inferLeastForUnsat:<str>
+ Infer the least number of constants (whose names
+ are prefixed by <str>) that need to be set to
+ true for the program to be correct. This turns
+ on stratified inlining.
+ /smoke Soundness Smoke Test: try to stick assert false; in some
+ places in the BPL and see if we can still prove it
+ /smokeTimeout:<n>
+ Timeout, in seconds, for a single theorem prover
+ invocation during smoke test, defaults to 10.
+ /causalImplies
+ Translate Boogie's A ==> B into prover's A ==> A && B.
+ /typeEncoding:<m>
+ how to encode types when sending VC to theorem prover
+ n = none (unsound)
+ p = predicates (default)
+ a = arguments
+ m = monomorphic
+ /monomorphize
+ Do not abstract map types in the encoding (this is an
+ experimental feature that will not do the right thing if
+ the program uses polymorphism)
+ /reflectAdd In the VC, generate an auxiliary symbol, elsewhere defined
+ to be +, instead of +.
+ ---- Verification-condition splitting --------------------------------------
+ /vcsMaxCost:<f>
+ VC will not be split unless the cost of a VC exceeds this
+ number, defaults to 2000.0. This does NOT apply in the
+ keep-going mode after first round of splitting.
+ /vcsMaxSplits:<n>
+ Maximal number of VC generated per method. In keep
+ going mode only applies to the first round.
+ Defaults to 1.
+ /vcsMaxKeepGoingSplits:<n>
+ If set to more than 1, activates the keep
+ going mode, where after the first round of splitting,
+ VCs that timed out are split into <n> pieces and retried
+ until we succeed proving them, or there is only one
+ assertion on a single path and it timeouts (in which
+ case error is reported for that assertion).
+ Defaults to 1.
+ /vcsKeepGoingTimeout:<n>
+ Timeout in seconds for a single theorem prover
+ invocation in keep going mode, except for the final
+ single-assertion case. Defaults to 1s.
+ /vcsFinalAssertTimeout:<n>
+ Timeout in seconds for the single last
+ assertion in the keep going mode. Defaults to 30s.
+ /vcsPathJoinMult:<f>
+ If more than one path join at a block, by how much
+ multiply the number of paths in that block, to accomodate
+ for the fact that the prover will learn something on one
+ paths, before proceeding to another. Defaults to 0.8.
+ /vcsPathCostMult:<f1>
+ /vcsAssumeMult:<f2>
+ The cost of a block is
+ (<assert-cost> + <f2>*<assume-cost>) *
+ (1.0 + <f1>*<entering-paths>)
+ <f1> defaults to 1.0, <f2> defaults to 0.01.
+ The cost of a single assertion or assumption is
+ currently always 1.0.
+ /vcsPathSplitMult:<f>
+ If the best path split of a VC of cost A is into
+ VCs of cost B and C, then the split is applied if
+ A >= <f>*(B+C), otherwise assertion splitting will be
+ applied. Defaults to 0.5 (always do path splitting if
+ possible), set to more to do less path splitting
+ and more assertion splitting.
+ /vcsDumpSplits
+ For split #n dump and split.n.bpl.
+ Warning: Affects error reporting.
+ /vcsCores:<n>
+ Try to verify <n> VCs at once. Defaults to 1.
+ /vcsLoad:<f> Sets vcsCores to the machine's ProcessorCount * f,
+ rounded to the nearest integer (where 0.0 <= f <= 3.0),
+ but never to less than 1.
+ ---- Prover options --------------------------------------------------------
+ /errorLimit:<num>
+ Limit the number of errors produced for each procedure
+ (default is 5, some provers may support only 1)
+ /timeLimit:<num>
+ Limit the number of seconds spent trying to verify
+ each procedure
+ /errorTrace:<n>
+ 0 - no Trace labels in the error output,
+ 1 (default) - include useful Trace labels in error output,
+ 2 - include all Trace labels in the error output
+ /vcBrackets:<b>
+ bracket odd-charactered identifier names with |'s. <b> is:
+ 0 - no (default with non-/prover:Simplify),
+ 1 - yes (default with /prover:Simplify)
+ /prover:<tp> use theorem prover <tp>, where <tp> is either the name of
+ a DLL containing the prover interface located in the
+ Boogie directory, or a full path to a DLL containing such
+ an interface. The standard interfaces shipped include:
+ SMTLib (default, uses the SMTLib2 format and calls Z3)
+ Z3 (uses Z3 with the Simplify format)
+ Simplify
+ ContractInference (uses Z3)
+ Z3api (Z3 using Managed .NET API)
+ /proverOpt:KEY[=VALUE]
+ Provide a prover-specific option (short form /p).
+ /proverLog:<file>
+ Log input for the theorem prover. Like filenames
+ supplied as arguments to other options, <file> can use the
+ following macros:
+ @TIME@ expands to the current time
+ @PREFIX@ expands to the concatenation of strings given
+ by /logPrefix options
+ @FILE@ expands to the last filename specified on the
+ command line
+ In addition, /proverLog can also use the macro '@PROC@',
+ which causes there to be one prover log file per
+ verification condition, and the macro then expands to the
+ name of the procedure that the verification condition is for.
+ /logPrefix:<str>
+ Defines the expansion of the macro '@PREFIX@', which can
+ be used in various filenames specified by other options.
+ /proverLogAppend
+ Append (not overwrite) the specified prover log file
+ /proverWarnings
+ 0 (default) - don't print, 1 - print to stdout,
+ 2 - print to stderr
+ /proverMemoryLimit:<num>
+ Limit on the virtual memory for prover before
+ restart in MB (default:100MB)
+ /restartProver
+ Restart the prover after each query
+ /proverShutdownLimit<num>
+ Time between closing the stream to the prover and
+ killing the prover process (default: 0s)
+ /platform:<ptype>,<location>
+ ptype = v11,v2,cli1
+ location = platform libraries directory
+ Simplify specific options:
+ /simplifyMatchDepth:<num>
+ Set Simplify prover's matching depth limit
+ Z3 specific options:
+ /z3opt:<arg> specify additional Z3 options
+ /z3multipleErrors
+ report multiple counterexamples for each error
+ /useArrayTheory
+ use Z3's native theory (as opposed to axioms). Currently
+ implies /monomorphize.
+ /useSmtOutputFormat
+ Z3 outputs a model in the SMTLIB2 format.
+ /z3types generate multi-sorted VC that make use of Z3 types
+ /z3lets:<n> 0 - no LETs, 1 - only LET TERM, 2 - only LET FORMULA,
+ 3 - (default) any
+ /z3exe:<path>
+ path to Z3 executable
+ CVC4 specific options:
+ /cvc4exe:<path>
+ path to CVC4 executable
+# References