path: root/Dafny/Resolver.ssc
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authorGravatar mikebarnett <unknown>2009-07-15 21:03:41 +0000
committerGravatar mikebarnett <unknown>2009-07-15 21:03:41 +0000
commitdb6ef6c9e2bca859280cfbe17871c38da74977fc (patch)
treed742312e6c9c69386f4c7111d9133ccc3d810e01 /Dafny/Resolver.ssc
Initial set of files.
Diffstat (limited to 'Dafny/Resolver.ssc')
1 files changed, 1419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Dafny/Resolver.ssc b/Dafny/Resolver.ssc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66cdabe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dafny/Resolver.ssc
@@ -0,0 +1,1419 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Microsoft.Contracts;
+namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
+ public class Resolver {
+ public int ErrorCount = 0;
+ void Error(Token! tok, string! msg, params object[] args) {
+ ConsoleColor col = Console.ForegroundColor;
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
+ Console.WriteLine("{0}({1},{2}): Error: {3}",
+ tok.filename, tok.line, tok.col-1,
+ string.Format(msg, args));
+ Console.ForegroundColor = col;
+ ErrorCount++;
+ }
+ void Error(Declaration! d, string! msg, params object[] args) {
+ Error(d.tok, msg, args);
+ }
+ void Error(Statement! s, string! msg, params object[] args) {
+ Error(s.Tok, msg, args);
+ }
+ void Error(NonglobalVariable! v, string! msg, params object[] args) {
+ Error(v.tok, msg, args);
+ }
+ void Error(Expression! e, string! msg, params object[] args) {
+ Error(e.tok, msg, args);
+ }
+ readonly Dictionary<string!,ClassDecl!>! classes = new Dictionary<string!,ClassDecl!>();
+ readonly Dictionary<ClassDecl!,Dictionary<string!,MemberDecl!>!>! classMembers = new Dictionary<ClassDecl!,Dictionary<string!,MemberDecl!>!>();
+ public void ResolveProgram(Program! prog) {
+ foreach (ClassDecl cl in prog.Classes) {
+ // register the class name
+ if (classes.ContainsKey(cl.Name)) {
+ Error(cl, "Duplicate class name: {0}", cl.Name);
+ } else {
+ classes.Add(cl.Name, cl);
+ }
+ // register the names of the class members
+ Dictionary<string!,MemberDecl!> members = new Dictionary<string!,MemberDecl!>();
+ classMembers.Add(cl, members);
+ foreach (MemberDecl m in cl.Members) {
+ if (members.ContainsKey(m.Name)) {
+ Error(m, "Duplicate member name: {0}", m.Name);
+ } else {
+ members.Add(m.Name, m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // resolve each class
+ foreach (ClassDecl cl in prog.Classes) {
+ allTypeParameters.PushMarker();
+ ResolveTypeParameters(cl.TypeArgs, true, cl);
+ ResolveClassMemberTypes(cl);
+ allTypeParameters.PopMarker();
+ }
+ foreach (ClassDecl cl in prog.Classes) {
+ allTypeParameters.PushMarker();
+ ResolveTypeParameters(cl.TypeArgs, false, cl);
+ ResolveClassMemberBodies(cl);
+ allTypeParameters.PopMarker();
+ }
+ }
+ ClassDecl currentClass;
+ readonly Scope<TypeParameter>! allTypeParameters = new Scope<TypeParameter>();
+ readonly Scope<IVariable>! scope = new Scope<IVariable>();
+ readonly Scope<Statement>! labeledStatements = new Scope<Statement>();
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Assumes type parameters have already been pushed
+ /// </summary>
+ void ResolveClassMemberTypes(ClassDecl! cl)
+ requires currentClass == null;
+ ensures currentClass == null;
+ {
+ currentClass = cl;
+ foreach (MemberDecl member in cl.Members) {
+ member.EnclosingClass = cl;
+ if (member is Field) {
+ ResolveType(((Field)member).Type);
+ } else if (member is Function) {
+ Function f = (Function)member;
+ allTypeParameters.PushMarker();
+ ResolveTypeParameters(f.TypeArgs, true, f);
+ ResolveFunctionSignature(f);
+ allTypeParameters.PopMarker();
+ } else if (member is Method) {
+ Method m = (Method)member;
+ allTypeParameters.PushMarker();
+ ResolveTypeParameters(m.TypeArgs, true, m);
+ ResolveMethodSignature(m);
+ allTypeParameters.PopMarker();
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected member type
+ }
+ }
+ currentClass = null;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Assumes type parameters have already been pushed, and that all types in class members have been resolved
+ /// </summary>
+ void ResolveClassMemberBodies(ClassDecl! cl)
+ requires currentClass == null;
+ ensures currentClass == null;
+ {
+ ResolveAttributes(cl.Attributes, false);
+ currentClass = cl;
+ foreach (MemberDecl member in cl.Members) {
+ ResolveAttributes(member.Attributes, false);
+ if (member is Field) {
+ // nothing more to do
+ } else if (member is Function) {
+ Function f = (Function)member;
+ allTypeParameters.PushMarker();
+ ResolveTypeParameters(f.TypeArgs, false, f);
+ ResolveFunction(f);
+ allTypeParameters.PopMarker();
+ } else if (member is Method) {
+ Method m = (Method)member;
+ allTypeParameters.PushMarker();
+ ResolveTypeParameters(m.TypeArgs, false, m);
+ ResolveMethod(m);
+ allTypeParameters.PopMarker();
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected member type
+ }
+ }
+ currentClass = null;
+ }
+ void ResolveAttributes(Attributes attrs, bool twoState) {
+ // order does not matter for resolution, so resolve them in reverse order
+ for (; attrs != null; attrs = attrs.Prev) {
+ foreach (Attributes.Argument aa in attrs.Args) {
+ if (aa.E != null) {
+ ResolveExpression(aa.E, twoState);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ResolveTriggers(Triggers trigs, bool twoState) {
+ // order does not matter for resolution, so resolve them in reverse order
+ for (; trigs != null; trigs = trigs.Prev) {
+ foreach (Expression e in trigs.Terms) {
+ ResolveExpression(e, twoState);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ResolveTypeParameters(List<TypeParameter!>! tparams, bool emitErrors, TypeParameter.ParentType! parent) {
+ // push non-duplicated type parameter names
+ foreach (TypeParameter tp in tparams) {
+ if (emitErrors) {
+ // we're seeing this TypeParameter for the first time
+ tp.Parent = parent;
+ }
+ if (!allTypeParameters.Push(tp.Name, tp) && emitErrors) {
+ Error(tp, "Duplicate type-parameter name: {0}", tp.Name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Assumes type parameters have already been pushed
+ /// </summary>
+ void ResolveFunctionSignature(Function! f) {
+ scope.PushMarker();
+ foreach (Formal p in f.Formals) {
+ if (!scope.Push(p.Name, p)) {
+ Error(p, "Duplicate parameter name: {0}", p.Name);
+ }
+ ResolveType(p.Type);
+ }
+ ResolveType(f.ResultType);
+ scope.PopMarker();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Assumes type parameters have already been pushed
+ /// </summary>
+ void ResolveFunction(Function! f) {
+ scope.PushMarker();
+ foreach (Formal p in f.Formals) {
+ scope.Push(p.Name, p);
+ }
+ foreach (Expression r in f.Req) {
+ ResolveExpression(r, false);
+ assert r.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(r.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(r, "Precondition must be a boolean (got {0})", r.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Expression r in f.Reads) {
+ ResolveExpression(r, false);
+ Type t = r.Type;
+ assert t != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (t is CollectionType) {
+ t = ((CollectionType)t).Arg;
+ }
+ if (t is ObjectType) {
+ // fine
+ } else if (ClassType.DenotesClass(t) != null) {
+ // fine
+ } else {
+ Error(r, "a reads-clause expression must denote an object or a collection of objects (instead got {0})", r.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ if (f.Body != null) {
+ ResolveExpression(f.Body, false);
+ assert f.Body.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(f.Body.Type, f.ResultType)) {
+ Error(f, "Function body type mismatch (expected {0}, got {1})", f.ResultType, f.Body.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ scope.PopMarker();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Assumes type parameters have already been pushed
+ /// </summary>
+ void ResolveMethodSignature(Method! m) {
+ scope.PushMarker();
+ // resolve in-parameters
+ foreach (Formal p in m.Ins) {
+ if (!scope.Push(p.Name, p)) {
+ Error(p, "Duplicate parameter name: {0}", p.Name);
+ }
+ ResolveType(p.Type);
+ }
+ // resolve out-parameters
+ foreach (Formal p in m.Outs) {
+ if (!scope.Push(p.Name, p)) {
+ Error(p, "Duplicate parameter name: {0}", p.Name);
+ }
+ ResolveType(p.Type);
+ }
+ scope.PopMarker();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Assumes type parameters have already been pushed
+ /// </summary>
+ void ResolveMethod(Method! m) {
+ // Add in-parameters to the scope, but don't care about any duplication errors, since they have already been reported
+ scope.PushMarker();
+ foreach (Formal p in m.Ins) {
+ scope.Push(p.Name, p);
+ }
+ // Start resolving specification...
+ foreach (MaybeFreeExpression e in m.Req) {
+ ResolveExpression(e.E, false);
+ assert e.E.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(e.E, "Precondition must be a boolean (got {0})", e.E.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Expression e in m.Mod) {
+ ResolveExpression(e, false);
+ Type t = e.Type;
+ assert t != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (t is CollectionType) {
+ t = ((CollectionType)t).Arg;
+ }
+ if (t is ObjectType) {
+ // fine
+ } else if (ClassType.DenotesClass(t) != null) {
+ // fine
+ } else {
+ Error(e, "a modifies-clause expression must denote an object or a collection of objects (instead got {0})", e.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add out-parameters to the scope, but don't care about any duplication errors, since they have already been reported
+ foreach (Formal p in m.Outs) {
+ scope.Push(p.Name, p);
+ }
+ // ... continue resolving specification
+ foreach (MaybeFreeExpression e in m.Ens) {
+ ResolveExpression(e.E, true);
+ assert e.E.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(e.E, "Postcondition must be a boolean (got {0})", e.E.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ // Resolve body
+ if (m.Body != null) {
+ ResolveStatement(m.Body);
+ }
+ scope.PopMarker();
+ }
+ public void ResolveType(Type! type) {
+ if (type is BasicType) {
+ // nothing to resolve
+ } else if (type is CollectionType) {
+ ResolveType(((CollectionType)type).Arg);
+ } else if (type is ClassType) {
+ ClassType t = (ClassType)type;
+ foreach (Type tt in t.TypeArgs) {
+ ResolveType(tt);
+ }
+ TypeParameter tp = allTypeParameters.Find(t.Name);
+ if (tp != null) {
+ if (t.TypeArgs.Count == 0) {
+ t.ResolvedParam = tp;
+ } else {
+ Error(t.tok, "Type parameter expects no type arguments: {0}", t.Name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ClassDecl cl;
+ if (!classes.TryGetValue(t.Name, out cl)) {
+ Error(t.tok, "Undeclared class type or type parameter: {0}", t.Name);
+ } else if (((!)cl).TypeArgs.Count == t.TypeArgs.Count) {
+ t.ResolvedClass = cl;
+ } else {
+ Error(t.tok, "Wrong number of type arguments ({0} instead of {1}) passed to class: {2}", t.TypeArgs.Count, cl.TypeArgs.Count, t.Name);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (type is TypeProxy) {
+ TypeProxy t = (TypeProxy)type;
+ if (t.T != null) {
+ ResolveType(t.T);
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected type
+ }
+ }
+ public bool UnifyTypes(Type! a, Type! b) {
+ while (a is TypeProxy) {
+ TypeProxy proxy = (TypeProxy)a;
+ if (proxy.T == null) {
+ // merge a and b; to avoid cycles, first get to the bottom of b
+ while (b is TypeProxy && ((TypeProxy)b).T != null) {
+ b = ((TypeProxy)b).T;
+ }
+ return AssignProxy(proxy, b);
+ } else {
+ a = proxy.T;
+ }
+ }
+ while (b is TypeProxy) {
+ TypeProxy proxy = (TypeProxy)b;
+ if (proxy.T == null) {
+ // merge a and b (we have already got to the bottom of a)
+ return AssignProxy(proxy, a);
+ } else {
+ b = proxy.T;
+ }
+ }
+ if (a is ObjectType || b is ObjectType) { // TODO: remove this temporary hack
+ // allow anything with object; this is BOGUS
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Now, a and b are non-proxies and stand for the same things as the original a and b, respectively.
+ if (a is BoolType) {
+ return b is BoolType;
+ } else if (a is IntType) {
+ return b is IntType;
+ } else if (a is ObjectType) {
+ return b is ObjectType;
+ } else if (a is SetType) {
+ return b is SetType && UnifyTypes(((SetType)a).Arg, ((SetType)b).Arg);
+ } else if (a is SeqType) {
+ return b is SeqType && UnifyTypes(((SeqType)a).Arg, ((SeqType)b).Arg);
+ } else if (a is ClassType) {
+ if (!(b is ClassType)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ClassType aa = (ClassType)a;
+ ClassType bb = (ClassType)b;
+ if (aa.ResolvedClass != null && aa.ResolvedClass == bb.ResolvedClass) {
+ // these are both resolved class types
+ assert aa.TypeArgs.Count == bb.TypeArgs.Count;
+ bool successSoFar = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < aa.TypeArgs.Count; i++) {
+ if (!UnifyTypes(aa.TypeArgs[i], bb.TypeArgs[i])) {
+ successSoFar = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return successSoFar;
+ } else if (aa.ResolvedParam != null && aa.ResolvedParam == bb.ResolvedParam) {
+ // these are both resolved type parameters
+ assert aa.TypeArgs.Count == 0 && bb.TypeArgs.Count == 0;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // something is wrong; either aa or bb wasn't properly resolved, or they don't unify
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected type
+ }
+ }
+ bool AssignProxy(TypeProxy! proxy, Type! t)
+ requires proxy.T == null;
+ requires t is TypeProxy ==> ((TypeProxy)t).T == null;
+ modifies proxy.T, ((TypeProxy)t).T; // might also change t.T if t is a proxy
+ ensures result ==> proxy == t || proxy.T != null || (t is TypeProxy && ((TypeProxy)t).T != null);
+ {
+ if (proxy == t) {
+ // they are already in the same equivalence class
+ return true;
+ } else if (proxy is UnrestrictedTypeProxy) {
+ // it's fine to redirect proxy to t (done below)
+ } else if (t is UnrestrictedTypeProxy) {
+ // merge proxy and t by redirecting t to proxy, rather than the other way around
+ ((TypeProxy)t).T = proxy;
+ return true;
+ } else if (t is RestrictedTypeProxy) {
+ // Both proxy and t are restricted type proxies. To simplify unification, order proxy and t
+ // according to their types.
+ RestrictedTypeProxy r0 = (RestrictedTypeProxy)proxy;
+ RestrictedTypeProxy r1 = (RestrictedTypeProxy)t;
+ if (r0.OrderID <= r1.OrderID) {
+ return AssignRestrictedProxies(r0, r1);
+ } else {
+ return AssignRestrictedProxies(r1, r0);
+ }
+ // In the remaining cases, proxy is a restricted proxy and t is a non-proxy
+ } else if (proxy is ObjectTypeProxy) {
+ if (t is ObjectType || ClassType.DenotesClass(t) != null) {
+ // all is fine, proxy can be redirected to t
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (proxy is ObjectsTypeProxy) {
+ if (t is ObjectType || ClassType.DenotesClass(t) != null) {
+ // all is good
+ } else if (t is CollectionType) {
+ proxy.T = new CollectionTypeProxy(new ObjectTypeProxy());
+ return UnifyTypes(proxy.T, t);
+ }
+ } else if (proxy is CollectionTypeProxy) {
+ CollectionTypeProxy collProxy = (CollectionTypeProxy)proxy;
+ if (t is CollectionType) {
+ if (!UnifyTypes(collProxy.Arg, ((CollectionType)t).Arg)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (proxy is OperationTypeProxy) {
+ OperationTypeProxy opProxy = (OperationTypeProxy)proxy;
+ if (t is IntType || t is SetType || (opProxy.AllowSeq && t is SeqType)) {
+ // this is the expected case
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected proxy type
+ }
+ // do the merge
+ proxy.T = t;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool AssignRestrictedProxies(RestrictedTypeProxy! a, RestrictedTypeProxy! b)
+ requires a != b;
+ requires a.T == null && b.T == null;
+ requires a.OrderID <= b.OrderID;
+ modifies a.T, b.T;
+ ensures result ==> a.T != null || b.T != null;
+ {
+ if (a is ObjectTypeProxy) {
+ if (b is ObjectTypeProxy) {
+ // all is fine
+ a.T = b;
+ return true;
+ } else if (b is ObjectsTypeProxy) {
+ // unify a and b by redirecting b to a, since a gives the stronger requirement
+ b.T = a;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (a is ObjectsTypeProxy) {
+ if (b is ObjectsTypeProxy) {
+ // fine
+ a.T = b;
+ return true;
+ } else if (b is CollectionTypeProxy) {
+ // fine provided b's collection-element-type can be unified with object or a class type
+ a.T = new ObjectTypeProxy();
+ return UnifyTypes(a.T, ((CollectionTypeProxy)b).Arg);
+ } else if (b is OperationTypeProxy) {
+ // fine; restrict a to sets of object/class, and restrict b to set/seq of object/class
+ if (((OperationTypeProxy)b).AllowSeq) {
+ a.T = new CollectionTypeProxy(new ObjectTypeProxy());
+ b.T = a.T;
+ } else {
+ a.T = new SetType(new ObjectTypeProxy());
+ b.T = a.T;
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected restricted-proxy type
+ }
+ } else if (a is CollectionTypeProxy) {
+ if (b is CollectionTypeProxy) {
+ a.T = b;
+ return UnifyTypes(((CollectionTypeProxy)a).Arg, ((CollectionTypeProxy)b).Arg);
+ } else if (b is OperationTypeProxy) {
+ if (((OperationTypeProxy)b).AllowSeq) {
+ b.T = a; // a is a stronger constraint than b
+ } else {
+ // a says set<T>,seq<T> and b says int,set; the intersection is set<T>
+ a.T = new SetType(((CollectionTypeProxy)a).Arg);
+ b.T = a.T;
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected restricted-proxy type
+ }
+ } else if (a is OperationTypeProxy) {
+ assert b is OperationTypeProxy; // else we we have unexpected restricted-proxy type
+ if (((OperationTypeProxy)a).AllowSeq ==> ((OperationTypeProxy)b).AllowSeq) {
+ b.T = a;
+ } else {
+ a.T = b; // b has the stronger requirement
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected restricted-proxy type
+ }
+ }
+ public void ResolveStatement(Statement! stmt)
+ requires !(stmt is LabelStmt); // these should be handled inside lists of statements
+ {
+ if (stmt is UseStmt) {
+ UseStmt s = (UseStmt)stmt;
+ ResolveExpression(s.Expr, true);
+ assert s.Expr.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ Expression expr = s.Expr;
+ while (true) {
+ if (expr is OldExpr) {
+ expr = ((OldExpr)expr).E;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ FunctionCallExpr fce = expr as FunctionCallExpr;
+ if (fce == null || fce.Function == null || !fce.Function.Use) {
+ Error(s.Expr, "use statement must indicate a function declared as use");
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is PredicateStmt) {
+ PredicateStmt s = (PredicateStmt)stmt;
+ ResolveExpression(s.Expr, true);
+ assert s.Expr.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(s.Expr.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(s.Expr, "condition is expected to be of type {0}, but is {1}", Type.Bool, s.Expr.Type);
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is BreakStmt) {
+ BreakStmt s = (BreakStmt)stmt;
+ if (s.TargetLabel != null) {
+ Statement target = labeledStatements.Find(s.TargetLabel);
+ if (target == null) {
+ Error(s, "break label is undefined or not in scope: {0}", s.TargetLabel);
+ } else {
+ s.TargetStmt = target;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is ReturnStmt) {
+ // nothing to resolve
+ } else if (stmt is AssignStmt) {
+ AssignStmt s = (AssignStmt)stmt;
+ ResolveExpression(s.Lhs, true);
+ assert s.Lhs.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ // check that LHS denotes a mutable variable or a field
+ if (s.Lhs is IdentifierExpr) {
+ IVariable var = ((IdentifierExpr)s.Lhs).Var;
+ if (var == null) {
+ // the LHS didn't resolve correctly; some error would already have been reported
+ } else if (!var.IsMutable) {
+ Error(stmt, "LHS of assignment must denote a mutable variable or field");
+ }
+ } else if (s.Lhs is FieldSelectExpr) {
+ // LHS is fine, but restrict the RHS to ExprRhs
+ if (!(s.Rhs is ExprRhs)) {
+ Error(stmt, "Assignment to field must have an expression RHS; try using a temporary local variable");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Error(stmt, "LHS of assignment must denote a mutable variable or field");
+ }
+ if (s.Rhs is ExprRhs) {
+ ExprRhs rr = (ExprRhs)s.Rhs;
+ ResolveExpression(rr.Expr, true);
+ assert rr.Expr.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(s.Lhs.Type, rr.Expr.Type)) {
+ Error(stmt, "RHS (of type {0}) not assignable to LHS (of type {1})", rr.Expr.Type, s.Lhs.Type);
+ }
+ } else if (s.Rhs is TypeRhs) {
+ TypeRhs rr = (TypeRhs)s.Rhs;
+ ResolveType(rr.Type);
+ if (!UnifyTypes(s.Lhs.Type, rr.Type)) {
+ Error(stmt, "type {0} is not assignable to LHS (of type {1})", rr.Type, s.Lhs.Type);
+ }
+ } else if (s.Rhs is HavocRhs) {
+ // nothing else to do
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected RHS
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is VarDecl) {
+ VarDecl s = (VarDecl)stmt;
+ if (s.OptionalType != null) {
+ ResolveType(s.OptionalType);
+ s.type = s.OptionalType;
+ }
+ if (s.Rhs != null) {
+ Type! rhsType;
+ if (s.Rhs is ExprRhs) {
+ ExprRhs rr = (ExprRhs)s.Rhs;
+ ResolveExpression(rr.Expr, true);
+ assert rr.Expr.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ rhsType = rr.Expr.Type;
+ } else if (s.Rhs is TypeRhs) {
+ TypeRhs rr = (TypeRhs)s.Rhs;
+ ResolveType(rr.Type);
+ rhsType = rr.Type;
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected RHS
+ }
+ if (s.OptionalType == null) {
+ s.type = rhsType;
+ } else if (!UnifyTypes(s.OptionalType, rhsType)) {
+ Error(stmt, "initialization RHS (of type {0}) not assignable to variable (of type {1})", rhsType, s.OptionalType);
+ }
+ }
+ // now that the declaration has been processed, add the name to the scope
+ if (!scope.Push(s.Name, s)) {
+ Error(s, "Duplicate local-variable name: {0}", s.Name);
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is CallStmt) {
+ CallStmt s = (CallStmt)stmt;
+ // resolve left-hand side
+ Dictionary<string!,object> lhsNameSet = new Dictionary<string!,object>();
+ foreach (IdentifierExpr lhs in s.Lhs) {
+ ResolveExpression(lhs, true);
+ if (lhsNameSet.ContainsKey(lhs.Name)) {
+ Error(s, "Duplicate variable in left-hand side of call statement: {0}", lhs.Name);
+ } else {
+ lhsNameSet.Add(lhs.Name, null);
+ }
+ }
+ // resolve receiver
+ ResolveExpression(s.Receiver, true);
+ assert s.Receiver.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ // resolve arguments
+ foreach (Expression e in s.Args) {
+ ResolveExpression(e, true);
+ }
+ // resolve the method name
+ ClassType ctype;
+ MemberDecl member = ResolveMember(s.Tok, s.Receiver.Type, s.MethodName, out ctype);
+ if (member == null) {
+ // error has already been reported by ResolveMember
+ } else if (!(member is Method)) {
+ Error(s, "member {0} in class {1} does not refer to a method", s.MethodName, ((!)ctype).Name);
+ } else {
+ Method method = (Method)member;
+ s.Method = method;
+ if (method.Ins.Count != s.Args.Count) {
+ Error(s, "wrong number of method arguments (got {0}, expected {1})", s.Args.Count, method.Ins.Count);
+ } else if (method.Outs.Count != s.Lhs.Count) {
+ Error(s, "wrong number of method result arguments (got {0}, expected {1})", s.Lhs.Count, method.Outs.Count);
+ } else {
+ assert ctype != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveMember
+ // build the type substitution map
+ Dictionary<TypeParameter!,Type!> subst = new Dictionary<TypeParameter!,Type!>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < ctype.TypeArgs.Count; i++) {
+ subst.Add(((!)ctype.ResolvedClass).TypeArgs[i], ctype.TypeArgs[i]);
+ }
+ foreach (TypeParameter p in method.TypeArgs) {
+ subst.Add(p, new ParamTypeProxy(p));
+ }
+ // type check the arguments
+ for (int i = 0; i < method.Ins.Count; i++) {
+ UnifyTypes((!)s.Args[i].Type, SubstType(method.Ins[i].Type, subst));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < method.Outs.Count; i++) {
+ UnifyTypes((!)s.Lhs[i].Type, SubstType(method.Outs[i].Type, subst));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is BlockStmt) {
+ scope.PushMarker();
+ int labelsToPop = 0;
+ foreach (Statement ss in ((BlockStmt)stmt).Body) {
+ if (ss is LabelStmt) {
+ LabelStmt ls = (LabelStmt)ss;
+ labeledStatements.PushMarker();
+ bool b = labeledStatements.Push(ls.Label, ls);
+ assert b; // since we just pushed a marker, we expect the Push to succeed
+ labelsToPop++;
+ } else {
+ ResolveStatement(ss);
+ for (; 0 < labelsToPop; labelsToPop--) { labeledStatements.PopMarker(); }
+ }
+ }
+ for (; 0 < labelsToPop; labelsToPop--) { labeledStatements.PopMarker(); }
+ scope.PopMarker();
+ } else if (stmt is IfStmt) {
+ IfStmt s = (IfStmt)stmt;
+ if (s.Guard != null) {
+ ResolveExpression(s.Guard, true);
+ assert s.Guard.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(s.Guard.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(s.Guard, "condition is expected to be of type {0}, but is {1}", Type.Bool, s.Guard.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ ResolveStatement(s.Thn);
+ if (s.Els != null) {
+ ResolveStatement(s.Els);
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is WhileStmt) {
+ WhileStmt s = (WhileStmt)stmt;
+ if (s.Guard != null) {
+ ResolveExpression(s.Guard, true);
+ assert s.Guard.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(s.Guard.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(s.Guard, "condition is expected to be of type {0}, but is {1}", Type.Bool, s.Guard.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (MaybeFreeExpression inv in s.Invariants) {
+ ResolveExpression(inv.E, true);
+ assert inv.E.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(inv.E.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(inv.E, "invariant is expected to be of type {0}, but is {1}", Type.Bool, inv.E.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Expression e in s.Decreases) {
+ ResolveExpression(e, true);
+ // any type is fine
+ }
+ ResolveStatement(s.Body);
+ } else if (stmt is ForeachStmt) {
+ ForeachStmt s = (ForeachStmt)stmt;
+ scope.PushMarker();
+ bool b = scope.Push(s.BoundVar.Name, s.BoundVar);
+ assert b; // since we just pushed a marker, we expect the Push to succeed
+ ResolveType(s.BoundVar.Type);
+ ResolveExpression(s.Collection, true);
+ assert s.Collection.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(s.Collection.Type, new CollectionTypeProxy(s.BoundVar.Type))) {
+ Error(s.Collection, "The type is expected to be a collection of {0} (instead got {1})", s.BoundVar.Type, s.Collection.Type);
+ }
+ ResolveExpression(s.Range, true);
+ assert s.Range.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(s.Range.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(s.Range, "range condition is expected to be of type {0}, but is {1}", Type.Bool, s.Range.Type);
+ }
+ foreach (PredicateStmt ss in s.BodyPrefix) {
+ ResolveStatement(ss);
+ }
+ if (s.BodyAssign != null) {
+ ResolveStatement(s.BodyAssign);
+ // check for correct usage of BoundVar in LHS and RHS of this assignment
+ FieldSelectExpr lhs = s.BodyAssign.Lhs as FieldSelectExpr;
+ IdentifierExpr obj = lhs == null ? null : lhs.Obj as IdentifierExpr;
+ if (obj != null && obj.Var == s.BoundVar) {
+ // exemplary!
+ } else {
+ Error(s, "assignment inside foreach must assign to a field of the bound variable of the foreach statement");
+ }
+ }
+ scope.PopMarker();
+ } else {
+ assert false;
+ }
+ }
+ MemberDecl ResolveMember(Token! tok, Type! receiverType, string! memberName, out ClassType ctype)
+ ensures result != null ==> ctype != null && ctype.ResolvedClass != null;
+ {
+ ctype = ClassType.DenotesClass(receiverType);
+ if (ctype == null) {
+ Error(tok, "receiver (of type {0}) must be of a class type", receiverType);
+ } else {
+ assert ctype.ResolvedClass != null; // follows from postcondition of DenotesClass
+ assert ctype.TypeArgs.Count == ctype.ResolvedClass.TypeArgs.Count; // follows from the fact that ctype was resolved
+ MemberDecl member;
+ if (!classMembers[ctype.ResolvedClass].TryGetValue(memberName, out member)) {
+ Error(tok, "member {0} does not exist in class {1}", memberName, ctype.Name);
+ } else {
+ return (!)member;
+ }
+ }
+ ctype = null;
+ return null;
+ }
+ Type! SubstType(Type! type, Dictionary<TypeParameter!,Type!>! subst) {
+ if (type is BasicType) {
+ return type;
+ } else if (type is CollectionType) {
+ CollectionType t = (CollectionType)type;
+ Type arg = SubstType(t.Arg, subst);
+ if (arg == t.Arg) {
+ return type;
+ } else if (type is SetType) {
+ return new SetType(arg);
+ } else if (type is SeqType) {
+ return new SeqType(arg);
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected collection type
+ }
+ } else if (type is ClassType) {
+ ClassType t = (ClassType)type;
+ if (t.ResolvedParam != null) {
+ assert t.TypeArgs.Count == 0;
+ Type s;
+ if (subst.TryGetValue(t.ResolvedParam, out s)) {
+ return (!)s;
+ } else {
+ return type;
+ }
+ } else if (t.ResolvedClass != null) {
+ List<Type!> newArgs = null; // allocate it lazily
+ for (int i = 0; i < t.TypeArgs.Count; i++) {
+ Type p = t.TypeArgs[i];
+ Type s = SubstType(p, subst);
+ if (s != p && newArgs == null) {
+ // lazily construct newArgs
+ newArgs = new List<Type!>();
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ newArgs.Add(t.TypeArgs[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (newArgs != null) {
+ newArgs.Add(s);
+ }
+ }
+ if (newArgs == null) {
+ // there were no substitutions
+ return type;
+ } else {
+ return new ClassType(t.tok, t.Name, t.ResolvedClass, newArgs);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // there's neither a resolved param nor a resolved class, which means the ClassType wasn't
+ // properly resolved; just return it
+ return type;
+ }
+ } else if (type is TypeProxy) {
+ TypeProxy t = (TypeProxy)type;
+ if (t.T == null) {
+ return type;
+ } else {
+ // bypass the proxy
+ return SubstType(t.T, subst);
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected type
+ }
+ }
+ public static ClassType! GetThisType(Token! tok, ClassDecl! cl) {
+ List<Type!> args = new List<Type!>();
+ foreach (TypeParameter tp in cl.TypeArgs) {
+ args.Add(new ClassType(tok, tp.Name, tp));
+ }
+ return new ClassType(tok, cl.Name, cl, args);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// "twoState" implies that "old" and "fresh" expressions are allowed
+ /// </summary>
+ void ResolveExpression(Expression! expr, bool twoState)
+ requires currentClass != null;
+ ensures expr.Type != null;
+ {
+ if (expr.Type != null) {
+ // expression has already been resovled
+ return;
+ }
+ // The following cases will resolve the subexpressions and will attempt to assign a type of expr. However, if errors occur
+ // and it cannot be determined what the type of expr is, then it is fine to leave expr.Type as null. In that case, the end
+ // of this method will assign proxy type to the expression, which reduces the number of error messages that are produced
+ // while type checking the rest of the program.
+ if (expr is LiteralExpr) {
+ LiteralExpr e = (LiteralExpr)expr;
+ if (e.Value == null) {
+ e.Type = new ObjectTypeProxy();
+ } else if (e.Value is int) {
+ e.Type = Type.Int;
+ } else if (e.Value is bool) {
+ e.Type = Type.Bool;
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected literal type
+ }
+ } else if (expr is ThisExpr) {
+ expr.Type = GetThisType(expr.tok, currentClass);
+ } else if (expr is IdentifierExpr) {
+ IdentifierExpr e = (IdentifierExpr)expr;
+ e.Var = scope.Find(e.Name);
+ if (e.Var == null) {
+ Error(expr, "Identifier does not denote a local variable, parameter, or bound variable: {0}", e.Name);
+ } else {
+ expr.Type = e.Var.Type;
+ }
+ } else if (expr is DisplayExpression) {
+ DisplayExpression e = (DisplayExpression)expr;
+ Type elementType = new InferredTypeProxy();
+ foreach (Expression ee in e.Elements) {
+ ResolveExpression(ee, twoState);
+ assert ee.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(elementType, ee.Type)) {
+ Error(ee, "All elements of display must be of the same type (got {0}, but type of previous elements is {1})", ee.Type, elementType);
+ }
+ }
+ if (expr is SetDisplayExpr) {
+ expr.Type = new SetType(elementType);
+ } else {
+ expr.Type = new SeqType(elementType);
+ }
+ } else if (expr is FieldSelectExpr) {
+ FieldSelectExpr e = (FieldSelectExpr)expr;
+ ResolveExpression(e.Obj, twoState);
+ assert e.Obj.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ ClassType ctype;
+ MemberDecl member = ResolveMember(expr.tok, e.Obj.Type, e.FieldName, out ctype);
+ if (member == null) {
+ // error has already been reported by ResolveMember
+ } else if (!(member is Field)) {
+ Error(expr, "member {0} in class {1} does not refer to a field", e.FieldName, ((!)ctype).Name);
+ } else {
+ assert ctype != null && ctype.ResolvedClass != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveMember
+ e.Field = (Field)member;
+ // build the type substitution map
+ Dictionary<TypeParameter!,Type!> subst = new Dictionary<TypeParameter!,Type!>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < ctype.TypeArgs.Count; i++) {
+ subst.Add(ctype.ResolvedClass.TypeArgs[i], ctype.TypeArgs[i]);
+ }
+ e.Type = SubstType(e.Field.Type, subst);
+ }
+ } else if (expr is SeqSelectExpr) {
+ SeqSelectExpr e = (SeqSelectExpr)expr;
+ bool seqErr = false;
+ ResolveExpression(e.Seq, twoState);
+ assert e.Seq.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ Type elementType = new InferredTypeProxy();
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.Seq.Type, new SeqType(elementType))) {
+ Error(expr, "sequence selection requires a sequence (got {0})", e.Seq.Type);
+ seqErr = true;
+ }
+ if (e.E0 != null) {
+ ResolveExpression(e.E0, twoState);
+ assert e.E0.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E0.Type, Type.Int)) {
+ Error(e.E0, "sequence selections requires integer indices (got {0})", e.E0.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ if (e.E1 != null) {
+ ResolveExpression(e.E1, twoState);
+ assert e.E1.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E1.Type, Type.Int)) {
+ Error(e.E1, "sequence selections requires integer indices (got {0})", e.E1.Type);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!seqErr) {
+ if (e.SelectOne) {
+ expr.Type = elementType;
+ } else {
+ expr.Type = e.Seq.Type;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) {
+ FunctionCallExpr e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
+ ResolveExpression(e.Receiver, twoState);
+ assert e.Receiver.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ ClassType ctype;
+ MemberDecl member = ResolveMember(expr.tok, e.Receiver.Type, e.Name, out ctype);
+ if (member == null) {
+ // error has already been reported by ResolveMember
+ } else if (!(member is Function)) {
+ Error(expr, "member {0} in class {1} does not refer to a function", e.Name, ((!)ctype).Name);
+ } else {
+ Function function = (Function)member;
+ e.Function = function;
+ if (function.Formals.Count != e.Args.Count) {
+ Error(expr, "wrong number of function arguments (got {0}, expected {1})", e.Args.Count, function.Formals.Count);
+ } else {
+ assert ctype != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveMember
+ // build the type substitution map
+ Dictionary<TypeParameter!,Type!> subst = new Dictionary<TypeParameter!,Type!>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < ctype.TypeArgs.Count; i++) {
+ subst.Add(((!)ctype.ResolvedClass).TypeArgs[i], ctype.TypeArgs[i]);
+ }
+ foreach (TypeParameter p in function.TypeArgs) {
+ subst.Add(p, new ParamTypeProxy(p));
+ }
+ // type check the arguments
+ for (int i = 0; i < function.Formals.Count; i++) {
+ Expression farg = e.Args[i];
+ ResolveExpression(farg, twoState);
+ assert farg.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ UnifyTypes(farg.Type, SubstType(function.Formals[i].Type, subst));
+ }
+ expr.Type = SubstType(function.ResultType, subst);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (expr is OldExpr) {
+ OldExpr e = (OldExpr)expr;
+ if (!twoState) {
+ Error(expr, "old expressions are not allowed in this context");
+ }
+ ResolveExpression(e.E, twoState);
+ expr.Type = e.E.Type;
+ } else if (expr is FreshExpr) {
+ FreshExpr e = (FreshExpr)expr;
+ if (!twoState) {
+ Error(expr, "fresh expressions are not allowed in this context");
+ }
+ ResolveExpression(e.E, twoState);
+ // the type of e.E must be either an object or a collection of objects
+ Type t = e.E.Type;
+ assert t != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (t is CollectionType) {
+ t = ((CollectionType)t).Arg;
+ }
+ if (t is ObjectType) {
+ // fine
+ } else if (ClassType.DenotesClass(t) != null) {
+ // fine
+ } else {
+ Error(expr, "the argument of a fresh expression must denote an object or a collection of objects (instead got {0})", e.E.Type);
+ }
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ } else if (expr is UnaryExpr) {
+ UnaryExpr e = (UnaryExpr)expr;
+ ResolveExpression(e.E, twoState);
+ assert e.E.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ switch (e.Op) {
+ case UnaryExpr.Opcode.Not:
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(expr, "logical negation expects a boolean argument (instead got {0})", e.E.Type);
+ }
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ break;
+ case UnaryExpr.Opcode.SeqLength:
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E.Type, new SeqType(new InferredTypeProxy()))) {
+ Error(expr, "sequence-length operator expects a sequence argument (instead got {0})", e.E.Type);
+ }
+ expr.Type = Type.Int;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert false; // unexpected unary operator
+ }
+ } else if (expr is BinaryExpr) {
+ BinaryExpr e = (BinaryExpr)expr;
+ ResolveExpression(e.E0, twoState);
+ assert e.E0.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ ResolveExpression(e.E1, twoState);
+ assert e.E1.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ switch (e.Op) {
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Iff:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.And:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Or:
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E0.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(expr, "first argument to {0} must be of type bool (instead got {1})", BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op), e.E0.Type);
+ }
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E1.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(expr, "second argument to {0} must be of type bool (instead got {1})", BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op), e.E1.Type);
+ }
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Eq:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Neq:
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E0.Type, e.E1.Type)) {
+ Error(expr, "arguments must have the same type (got {0} and {1})", e.E0.Type, e.E1.Type);
+ }
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Disjoint:
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E0.Type, new SetType(new InferredTypeProxy()))) {
+ Error(expr, "arguments must be of a set type (got {0})", e.E0.Type);
+ }
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E0.Type, e.E1.Type)) {
+ Error(expr, "arguments must have the same type (got {0} and {1})", e.E0.Type, e.E1.Type);
+ }
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Lt:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Le:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add:
+ {
+ bool err = false;
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E0.Type, new OperationTypeProxy(true))) {
+ Error(expr, "arguments to {0} must be int or a collection type (instead got {1})", BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op), e.E0.Type);
+ err = true;
+ }
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E1.Type, e.E0.Type)) {
+ Error(expr, "arguments to {0} must have the same type (got {1} and {2})", BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op), e.E0.Type, e.E1.Type);
+ err = true;
+ }
+ if (e.Op != BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add) {
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ } else if (!err) {
+ expr.Type = e.E0.Type;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mul:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Gt:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Ge:
+ {
+ bool err = false;
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E0.Type, new OperationTypeProxy(false))) {
+ Error(expr, "arguments to {0} must be int or a set (instead got {1})", BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op), e.E0.Type);
+ err = true;
+ }
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E1.Type, e.E0.Type)) {
+ Error(expr, "arguments to {0} must have the same type (got {1} and {2})", BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op), e.E0.Type, e.E1.Type);
+ err = true;
+ }
+ if (e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Gt || e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Ge) {
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ } else if (!err) {
+ expr.Type = e.E0.Type;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.In:
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E1.Type, new CollectionTypeProxy(e.E0.Type))) {
+ Error(expr, "second argument to {0} must be a set or sequence of type {1} (instead got {2})", BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op), e.E0.Type, e.E1.Type);
+ }
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Div:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mod:
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E0.Type, Type.Int)) {
+ Error(expr, "first argument to {0} must be of type int (instead got {1})", BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op), e.E0.Type);
+ }
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.E1.Type, Type.Int)) {
+ Error(expr, "second argument to {0} must be of type int (instead got {1})", BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op), e.E1.Type);
+ }
+ expr.Type = Type.Int;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert false; // unexpected operator
+ }
+ e.ResolvedOp = ResolveOp(e.Op, e.E1.Type);
+ } else if (expr is QuantifierExpr) {
+ QuantifierExpr e = (QuantifierExpr)expr;
+ scope.PushMarker();
+ foreach (BoundVar v in e.BoundVars) {
+ if (!scope.Push(v.Name, v)) {
+ Error(v, "Duplicate parameter name: {0}", v.Name);
+ }
+ ResolveType(v.Type);
+ }
+ ResolveExpression(e.Body, twoState);
+ assert e.Body.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.Body.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(expr, "body of quantifier must be of type bool (instead got {0})", e.Body.Type);
+ }
+ // Since the body is more likely to infer the types of the bound variables, resolve it
+ // first (above) and only then resolve the attributes and triggers (below).
+ ResolveAttributes(e.Attributes, twoState);
+ ResolveTriggers(e.Trigs, twoState);
+ scope.PopMarker();
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ } else if (expr is ITEExpr) {
+ ITEExpr e = (ITEExpr)expr;
+ assert !twoState;
+ ResolveExpression(e.Test, twoState);
+ assert e.Test.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ ResolveExpression(e.Thn, twoState);
+ assert e.Thn.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ ResolveExpression(e.Els, twoState);
+ assert e.Els.Type != null; // follows from postcondition of ResolveExpression
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.Test.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(expr, "guard condition in if-then-else expression must be a boolean (instead got {0})", e.Test.Type);
+ }
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.Thn.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(expr, "the then branch of an if-then-else expression must be a boolean (instead got {0})", e.Thn.Type);
+ }
+ if (!UnifyTypes(e.Els.Type, Type.Bool)) {
+ Error(expr, "the else branch of an if-then-else expression must be a boolean (instead got {0})", e.Els.Type);
+ }
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool;
+ } else {
+ assert false; // unexpected expression
+ }
+ if (expr.Type == null) {
+ // some resolution error occurred
+ expr.Type = Type.Flexible;
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Note: this method is allowed to be called even if "type" does not make sense for "op", as might be the case if
+ /// resolution of the binary expression failed. If so, an arbitrary resolved opcode is returned.
+ /// </summary>
+ BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode ResolveOp(BinaryExpr.Opcode op, Type! operandType) {
+ switch (op) {
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Iff: return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Iff;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp: return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Imp;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.And: return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Or: return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Or;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Eq:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SetEq;
+ } else if (operandType is SeqType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SeqEq;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.EqCommon;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Neq:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SetNeq;
+ } else if (operandType is SeqType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SeqNeq;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NeqCommon;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Disjoint: return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Disjoint;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Lt:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.ProperSubset;
+ } else if (operandType is SeqType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.ProperPrefix;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Lt;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Le:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Subset;
+ } else if (operandType is SeqType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Prefix;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Le;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Union;
+ } else if (operandType is SeqType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Concat;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Add;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SetDifference;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Sub;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mul:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Intersection;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Mul;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Gt:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.ProperSuperset;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Gt;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Ge:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Superset;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Ge;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.In:
+ if (operandType is SetType) {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.InSet;
+ } else {
+ return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.InSeq;
+ }
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Div: return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Div;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mod: return BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Mod;
+ default:
+ assert false; // unexpected operator
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class Scope<Thing> where Thing : class {
+ [Rep] readonly List<string>! names = new List<string>(); // a null means a marker
+ [Rep] readonly List<Thing?>! things = new List<Thing?>();
+ invariant names.Count == things.Count;
+ public void PushMarker() {
+ names.Add(null);
+ things.Add(null);
+ }
+ public void PopMarker() {
+ int n = names.Count;
+ while (true) {
+ n--;
+ if (names[n] == null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ names.RemoveRange(n, names.Count - n);
+ things.RemoveRange(n, things.Count - n);
+ }
+ // Pushes name-->var association and returns "true", if name has not already been pushed since the last marker.
+ // If name already has been pushed since the last marker, does nothing and returns "false".
+ public bool Push(string! name, Thing! thing) {
+ if (Find(name, true) != null) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ names.Add(name);
+ things.Add(thing);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ Thing? Find(string! name, bool topScopeOnly) {
+ for (int n = names.Count; 0 <= --n; ) {
+ if (names[n] == null) {
+ if (topScopeOnly) {
+ return null; // no present
+ }
+ } else if (names[n] == name) {
+ Thing t = things[n];
+ assert t != null;
+ return t;
+ }
+ }
+ return null; // not present
+ }
+ public Thing? Find(string! name) {
+ return Find(name, false);
+ }
+ }