path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
42 files changed, 4996 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..583a027f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+(* Arbitrary big natural numbers *)
+type bignat = int array
+let digits = 8
+let base = 100000000 (* let enough room for multiplication by 2 *)
+let base_div_2 = 50000000
+let base_to_string x = Printf.sprintf "%08d" x
+let of_string s =
+ let a = Array.create (String.length s / digits + 1) 0 in
+ let r = String.length s mod digits in
+ if r<>0 then a.(0) <- int_of_string (String.sub s 0 r);
+ for i = 1 to String.length s / digits do
+ a.(i) <- int_of_string (String.sub s ((i-1)*digits+r) digits)
+ done;
+ a
+let rec to_string s =
+ if s = [||] then "0" else
+ if s.(0) = 0 then to_string (Array.sub s 1 (Array.length s - 1))
+ else
+ String.concat ""
+ ((string_of_int (s.(0)))
+ ::( (Array.to_list ( base_to_string s))))
+let is_nonzero a =
+ let b = ref false in Array.iter (fun x -> b := x <> 0 || !b) a; !b
+let zero = [|0|]
+let one = [|1|]
+let is_one a =
+ let rec leading_zero i = i<0 || (a.(i) = 0 && leading_zero (i-1)) in
+ (a.(Array.length a - 1) = 1) && leading_zero (Array.length a - 2)
+let div2_with_rest n =
+ let len = Array.length n in
+ let q = Array.create len 0 in
+ for i = 0 to len - 2 do
+ q.(i) <- q.(i) + n.(i) / 2; q.(i + 1) <- base_div_2 * (n.(i) mod 2)
+ done;
+ q.(len - 1) <- q.(len - 1) + n.(len - 1) / 2;
+ q, (n.(len - 1) mod 2) = 1
+let add_1 n =
+ let m = Array.copy n
+ and i = ref (Array.length n - 1) in
+ while !i >= 0 && m.(!i) = base-1 do
+ m.(!i) <- 0; decr i;
+ done;
+ if !i < 0 then begin
+ m.(0) <- 0; Array.concat [[| 1 |]; m]
+ end else begin
+ m.(!i) <- m.(!i) + 1; m
+ end
+let sub_1 n =
+ if is_nonzero n then
+ let m = Array.copy n
+ and i = ref (Array.length n - 1) in
+ while m.(!i) = 0 && !i > 0 do
+ m.(!i) <- base-1; decr i;
+ done;
+ m.(!i) <- m.(!i) - 1;
+ m
+ else n
+let rec mult_2 n =
+ let m = Array.copy n in
+ m.(Array.length n - 1) <- 2 * m.(Array.length n - 1);
+ for i = Array.length n - 2 downto 0 do
+ m.(i) <- 2 * m.(i);
+ if m.(i + 1) >= base then begin
+ m.(i + 1) <- m.(i + 1) - base; m.(i) <- m.(i) + 1
+ end
+ done;
+ if m.(0) >= base then begin
+ m.(0) <- m.(0) - base; Array.concat [[| 1 |]; m]
+ end else
+ m
+let less_than m n =
+ let lm = ref 0 in
+ while !lm < Array.length m && m.(!lm) = 0 do incr lm done;
+ let ln = ref 0 in
+ while !ln < Array.length n && n.(!ln) = 0 do incr ln done;
+ let um = Array.length m - !lm and un = Array.length n - !ln in
+ let rec lt d =
+ d < um && (m.(!lm+d) < n.(!ln+d) || (m.(!lm+d) = n.(!ln+d) && lt (d+1)))
+ in
+ (um < un) || (um = un && lt 0)
+type bigint = POS of bignat | NEG of bignat
+let pr_bigint = function
+ | POS n -> str (to_string n)
+ | NEG n -> str "-" ++ str (to_string n)
+let bigint_to_string = function
+ | POS n -> to_string n
+ | NEG n -> "-" ^ (to_string n);;
diff --git a/lib/bignat.mli b/lib/bignat.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f08ccc39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bignat.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: bignat.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+(* Arbitrary big natural numbers *)
+type bignat
+val of_string : string -> bignat
+val to_string : bignat -> string
+val is_nonzero : bignat -> bool
+val zero : bignat
+val one : bignat
+val is_one : bignat -> bool
+val div2_with_rest : bignat -> bignat * bool (* true=odd; false=even *)
+val add_1 : bignat -> bignat
+val sub_1 : bignat -> bignat (* Remark: (sub_1 0)=0 *)
+val mult_2 : bignat -> bignat
+val less_than : bignat -> bignat -> bool
+type bigint = POS of bignat | NEG of bignat
+val bigint_to_string : bigint -> string
+val pr_bigint : bigint -> std_ppcmds
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4b995fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Queues of a given length *)
+open Util
+type 'a t = {mutable pos : int;
+ mutable size : int;
+ stack : 'a array}
+let create depth e =
+ {pos = 0;
+ size = 1;
+ stack = Array.create depth e}
+let set_depth bs n = bs.depth <- n
+let incr_pos bs =
+ bs.pos <- if bs.pos = Array.length bs.stack - 1 then 0 else bs.pos + 1
+let incr_size bs =
+ if bs.size < Array.length bs.stack then bs.size <- bs.size + 1
+let decr_pos bs =
+ bs.pos <- if bs.pos = 0 then Array.length bs.stack - 1 else bs.pos - 1
+let push bs e =
+ incr_pos bs;
+ incr_size bs;
+ bs.stack.(bs.pos) <- e
+let pop bs =
+ if bs.size > 1 then begin
+ bs.size <- bs.size - 1;
+ let oldpos = bs.pos in
+ decr_pos bs;
+ (* Release the memory at oldpos, by coyping what is at new pos *)
+ bs.stack.(oldpos) <- bs.stack.(bs.pos)
+ end
+let top bs =
+ if bs.size >= 1 then bs.stack.(bs.pos)
+ else error "Nothing on the stack"
+let app_push bs f =
+ if bs.size = 0 then error "Nothing on the stack"
+ else push bs (f (bs.stack.(bs.pos)))
+let app_repl bs f =
+ if bs.size = 0 then error "Nothing on the stack"
+ else bs.stack.(bs.pos) <- f (bs.stack.(bs.pos))
+let depth bs = bs.size
diff --git a/lib/bstack.mli b/lib/bstack.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..617f7df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bstack.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: bstack.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Bounded stacks. If the depth is [None], then there is no depth limit. *)
+type 'a t
+val create : int -> 'a -> 'a t
+val push : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
+val app_push : 'a t -> ('a -> 'a) -> unit
+val app_repl : 'a t -> ('a -> 'a) -> unit
+val pop : 'a t -> unit
+val top : 'a t -> 'a
+val depth : 'a t -> int
diff --git a/lib/compat.ml4 b/lib/compat.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e1c65b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compat.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Compatibility file depending on ocaml version *)
+(* IFDEF not available in 3.06; use ifdef instead *)
+(* type loc is different in 3.08 *)
+ifdef OCAML308 then
+module M = struct
+type loc = Token.flocation
+let dummy_loc = Token.dummy_loc
+let unloc (b,e) = (b.Lexing.pos_cnum,e.Lexing.pos_cnum)
+let make_loc loc = Token.make_loc loc
+module M = struct
+type loc = int * int
+let dummy_loc = (0,0)
+let unloc x = x
+let make_loc x = x
+type loc = M.loc
+let dummy_loc = M.dummy_loc
+let unloc = M.unloc
+let make_loc = M.make_loc
diff --git a/lib/doc.tex b/lib/doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35bd15fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+\section*{Utility libraries}
+\ocwsection \label{lib}
+This chapter describes the various utility libraries used in the code
+of \Coq.
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63f00365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+(* Dynamics, programmed with DANGER !!! *)
+type t = string * Obj.t
+let dyntab = ref ([] : string list)
+let create s =
+ if List.mem s !dyntab then
+ anomaly ("Dyn.create: already declared dynamic " ^ s);
+ dyntab := s :: !dyntab;
+ ((fun v -> (s,Obj.repr v)),
+ (fun (s',rv) ->
+ if s = s' then Obj.magic rv else failwith "dyn_out"))
+let tag (s,_) = s
diff --git a/lib/dyn.mli b/lib/dyn.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f46c7e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dyn.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: dyn.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Dynamics. Use with extreme care. Not for kids. *)
+type t
+val create : string -> ('a -> t) * (t -> 'a)
+val tag : t -> string
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5020ef5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+type ('a,'b,'c) t = {
+ mutable focus : 'a option;
+ mutable last_focused_stk : 'a list;
+ buf : ('a, 'b Bstack.t * 'c) Hashtbl.t }
+let empty () = {
+ focus = None;
+ last_focused_stk = [];
+ buf = Hashtbl.create 17 }
+let focus e nd =
+ if not (Hashtbl.mem e.buf nd) then invalid_arg "Edit.focus";
+ begin match e.focus with
+ | Some foc when foc <> nd ->
+ e.last_focused_stk <- foc::(list_except foc e.last_focused_stk);
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ e.focus <- Some nd
+let unfocus e =
+ match e.focus with
+ | None -> invalid_arg "Edit.unfocus"
+ | Some foc ->
+ begin
+ e.last_focused_stk <- foc::(list_except foc e.last_focused_stk);
+ e.focus <- None
+ end
+let last_focused e =
+ match e.last_focused_stk with
+ | [] -> None
+ | f::_ -> Some f
+let restore_last_focus e =
+ match e.last_focused_stk with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | f::_ -> focus e f
+let focusedp e =
+ match e.focus with
+ | None -> false
+ | _ -> true
+let read e =
+ match e.focus with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some d ->
+ let (bs,c) = Hashtbl.find e.buf d in
+ Some(d, bs,c)
+let mutate e f =
+ match e.focus with
+ | None -> invalid_arg "Edit.mutate"
+ | Some d ->
+ let (bs,c) = Hashtbl.find e.buf d in
+ Bstack.app_push bs (f c)
+let rev_mutate e f =
+ match e.focus with
+ | None -> invalid_arg "Edit.rev_mutate"
+ | Some d ->
+ let (bs,c) = Hashtbl.find e.buf d in
+ Bstack.app_repl bs (f c)
+let undo e n =
+ match e.focus with
+ | None -> invalid_arg "Edit.undo"
+ | Some d ->
+ let (bs,_) = Hashtbl.find e.buf d in
+ if Bstack.depth bs = 1 & n > 0 then
+ errorlabstrm "Edit.undo" (str"Undo stack exhausted");
+ repeat n Bstack.pop bs
+let create e (d,b,c,udepth) =
+ if Hashtbl.mem e.buf d then
+ errorlabstrm "Edit.create"
+ (str"Already editing something of that name");
+ let bs = Bstack.create udepth b in
+ Hashtbl.add e.buf d (bs,c)
+let delete e d =
+ if not(Hashtbl.mem e.buf d) then
+ errorlabstrm "Edit.delete" (str"No such editor");
+ Hashtbl.remove e.buf d;
+ e.last_focused_stk <- (list_except d e.last_focused_stk);
+ match e.focus with
+ | Some d' -> if d = d' then (e.focus <- None ; (restore_last_focus e))
+ | None -> ()
+let dom e =
+ let l = ref [] in
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun x _ -> l := x :: !l) e.buf;
+ !l
+let clear e =
+ e.focus <- None;
+ e.last_focused_stk <- [];
+ Hashtbl.clear e.buf
diff --git a/lib/edit.mli b/lib/edit.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edf0f67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/edit.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: edit.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* The type of editors.
+ * An editor is a finite map, ['a -> 'b], which knows how to apply
+ * modification functions to the value in the range, and how to
+ * focus on a member of the range.
+ * It also supports the notion of a limited-depth undo, and that certain
+ * modification actions do not push onto the undo stack, since they are
+ * reversible. *)
+type ('a,'b,'c) t
+val empty : unit -> ('a,'b,'c) t
+(* sets the focus to the specified domain element *)
+val focus : ('a,'b,'c) t -> 'a -> unit
+(* unsets the focus which must not already be unfocused *)
+val unfocus : ('a,'b,'c) t -> unit
+(* gives the last focused element or [None] if none *)
+val last_focused : ('a,'b,'c) t -> 'a option
+(* are we focused ? *)
+val focusedp : ('a,'b,'c) t -> bool
+(* If we are focused, then return the current domain,range pair. *)
+val read : ('a,'b,'c) t -> ('a * 'b * 'c) option
+(* mutates the currently-focused range element, pushing its
+ * old value onto the undo stack
+ *)
+val mutate : ('a,'b,'c) t -> ('c -> 'b -> 'b) -> unit
+(* mutates the currently-focused range element, in place. *)
+val rev_mutate : ('a,'b,'c) t -> ('c -> 'b -> 'b) -> unit
+(* Pops the specified number of elements off of the undo stack, *
+ reinstating the last popped element. The undo stack is independently
+ managed for each range element. *)
+val undo : ('a,'b,'c) t -> int -> unit
+val create : ('a,'b,'c) t -> 'a * 'b * 'c * int -> unit
+val delete : ('a,'b,'c) t -> 'a -> unit
+val dom : ('a,'b,'c) t -> 'a list
+val clear : ('a,'b,'c) t -> unit
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2eaabef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Format
+(*s Definition of a search problem. *)
+module type SearchProblem = sig
+ type state
+ val branching : state -> state list
+ val success : state -> bool
+ val pp : state -> unit
+module Make = functor(S : SearchProblem) -> struct
+ type position = int list
+ let pp_position p =
+ let rec pp_rec = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [i] -> printf "%d" i
+ | i :: l -> pp_rec l; printf ".%d" i
+ in
+ open_hbox (); pp_rec p; close_box ()
+ (*s Depth first search. *)
+ let rec depth_first s =
+ if S.success s then s else depth_first_many (S.branching s)
+ and depth_first_many = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | s :: l -> try depth_first s with Not_found -> depth_first_many l
+ let debug_depth_first s =
+ let rec explore p s =
+ pp_position p; S.pp s;
+ if S.success s then s else explore_many 1 p (S.branching s)
+ and explore_many i p = function
+ | [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | s :: l ->
+ try explore (i::p) s with Not_found -> explore_many (succ i) p l
+ in
+ explore [1] s
+ (*s Breadth first search. We use functional FIFOS à la Okasaki. *)
+ type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list
+ exception Empty
+ let empty = [],[]
+ let push x (h,t) = (x::h,t)
+ let pop = function
+ | h, x::t -> x, (h,t)
+ | h, [] -> match List.rev h with x::t -> x, ([],t) | [] -> raise Empty
+ let breadth_first s =
+ let rec explore q =
+ try
+ let (s, q') = pop q in enqueue q' (S.branching s)
+ with Empty ->
+ raise Not_found
+ and enqueue q = function
+ | [] -> explore q
+ | s :: l -> if S.success s then s else enqueue (push s q) l
+ in
+ enqueue empty [s]
+ let debug_breadth_first s =
+ let rec explore q =
+ try
+ let ((p,s), q') = pop q in
+ enqueue 1 p q' (S.branching s)
+ with Empty ->
+ raise Not_found
+ and enqueue i p q = function
+ | [] ->
+ explore q
+ | s :: l ->
+ let ps = i::p in
+ pp_position ps; S.pp s;
+ if S.success s then s else enqueue (succ i) p (push (ps,s) q) l
+ in
+ enqueue 1 [] empty [s]
diff --git a/lib/explore.mli b/lib/explore.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1236f06b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/explore.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: explore.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*s Search strategies. *)
+(*s A search problem implements the following signature [SearchProblem].
+ [state] is the type of states of the search tree.
+ [branching] is the branching function; if [branching s] returns an
+ empty list, then search from [s] is aborted; successors of [s] are
+ recursively searched in the order they appear in the list.
+ [success] determines whether a given state is a success.
+ [pp] is a pretty-printer for states used in debugging versions of the
+ search functions. *)
+module type SearchProblem = sig
+ type state
+ val branching : state -> state list
+ val success : state -> bool
+ val pp : state -> unit
+(*s Functor [Make] returns some search functions given a search problem.
+ Search functions raise [Not_found] if no success is found.
+ States are always visited in the order they appear in the
+ output of [branching] (whatever the search method is).
+ Debugging versions of the search functions print the position of the
+ visited state together with the state it-self (using [S.pp]). *)
+module Make : functor(S : SearchProblem) -> sig
+ val depth_first : S.state -> S.state
+ val debug_depth_first : S.state -> S.state
+ val breadth_first : S.state -> S.state
+ val debug_breadth_first : S.state -> S.state
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5d41034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Maps using the generic comparison function of ocaml. Code borrowed from
+ the ocaml standard library. *)
+ type ('a,'b) t =
+ Empty
+ | Node of ('a,'b) t * 'a * 'b * ('a,'b) t * int
+ let empty = Empty
+ let height = function
+ Empty -> 0
+ | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h
+ let create l x d r =
+ let hl = height l and hr = height r in
+ Node(l, x, d, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ let bal l x d r =
+ let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ if hl > hr + 2 then begin
+ match l with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(ll, lv, ld, lr, _) ->
+ if height ll >= height lr then
+ create ll lv ld (create lr x d r)
+ else begin
+ match lr with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(lrl, lrv, lrd, lrr, _)->
+ create (create ll lv ld lrl) lrv lrd (create lrr x d r)
+ end
+ end else if hr > hl + 2 then begin
+ match r with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(rl, rv, rd, rr, _) ->
+ if height rr >= height rl then
+ create (create l x d rl) rv rd rr
+ else begin
+ match rl with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Map.bal"
+ | Node(rll, rlv, rld, rlr, _) ->
+ create (create l x d rll) rlv rld (create rlr rv rd rr)
+ end
+ end else
+ Node(l, x, d, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ let rec add x data = function
+ Empty ->
+ Node(Empty, x, data, Empty, 1)
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, h) as t ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then
+ Node(l, x, data, r, h)
+ else if c < 0 then
+ bal (add x data l) v d r
+ else
+ bal l v d (add x data r)
+ let rec find x = function
+ Empty ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then d
+ else find x (if c < 0 then l else r)
+ let rec mem x = function
+ Empty ->
+ false
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ c = 0 || mem x (if c < 0 then l else r)
+ let rec merge t1 t2 =
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ (Empty, t) -> t
+ | (t, Empty) -> t
+ | (Node(l1, v1, d1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, d2, r2, h2)) ->
+ bal l1 v1 d1 (bal (merge r1 l2) v2 d2 r2)
+ let rec remove x = function
+ Empty ->
+ Empty
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, h) as t ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then
+ merge l r
+ else if c < 0 then
+ bal (remove x l) v d r
+ else
+ bal l v d (remove x r)
+ let rec iter f = function
+ Empty -> ()
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+ iter f l; f v d; iter f r
+ let rec map f = function
+ Empty -> Empty
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, h) -> Node(map f l, v, f d, map f r, h)
+ let rec fold f m accu =
+ match m with
+ Empty -> accu
+ | Node(l, v, d, r, _) ->
+ fold f l (f v d (fold f r accu))
+(* Added with respect to ocaml standard library. *)
+ let dom m = fold (fun x _ acc -> x::acc) m []
+ let rng m = fold (fun _ y acc -> y::acc) m []
+ let to_list m = fold (fun x y acc -> (x,y)::acc) m []
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7415a395
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: gmap.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Maps using the generic comparison function of ocaml. Same interface as
+ the module [Map] from the ocaml standard library. *)
+type ('a,'b) t
+val empty : ('a,'b) t
+val add : 'a -> 'b -> ('a,'b) t -> ('a,'b) t
+val find : 'a -> ('a,'b) t -> 'b
+val remove : 'a -> ('a,'b) t -> ('a,'b) t
+val mem : 'a -> ('a,'b) t -> bool
+val iter : ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> ('a,'b) t -> unit
+val map : ('b -> 'c) -> ('a,'b) t -> ('a,'c) t
+val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('a,'b) t -> 'c -> 'c
+(* Additions with respect to ocaml standard library. *)
+val dom : ('a,'b) t -> 'a list
+val rng : ('a,'b) t -> 'b list
+val to_list : ('a,'b) t -> ('a * 'b) list
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:29 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+type ('a,'b) t = ('a,'b list) Gmap.t
+let empty = Gmap.empty
+let mem = Gmap.mem
+let iter = Gmap.iter
+let map =
+let fold = Gmap.fold
+let add x y m =
+ try
+ let l = Gmap.find x m in
+ Gmap.add x (if List.mem y l then l else y::l) m
+ with Not_found ->
+ Gmap.add x [y] m
+let find x m =
+ try Gmap.find x m with Not_found -> []
+let remove x y m =
+ let l = Gmap.find x m in
+ Gmap.add x (if List.mem y l then list_subtract l [y] else l) m
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8855ae4
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+++ b/lib/gmapl.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: gmapl.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Maps from ['a] to lists of ['b]. *)
+type ('a,'b) t
+val empty : ('a,'b) t
+val mem : 'a -> ('a,'b) t -> bool
+val iter : ('a -> 'b list -> unit) -> ('a,'b) t -> unit
+val map : ('b list -> 'c list) -> ('a,'b) t -> ('a,'c) t
+val fold : ('a -> 'b list -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('a,'b) t -> 'c -> 'c
+val add : 'a -> 'b -> ('a,'b) t -> ('a,'b) t
+val find : 'a -> ('a,'b) t -> 'b list
+val remove : 'a -> 'b -> ('a,'b) t -> ('a,'b) t
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ea2f82b
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Sets using the generic comparison function of ocaml. Code borrowed from
+ the ocaml standard library. *)
+ type 'a t = Empty | Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t * int
+ (* Sets are represented by balanced binary trees (the heights of the
+ children differ by at most 2 *)
+ let height = function
+ Empty -> 0
+ | Node(_, _, _, h) -> h
+ (* Creates a new node with left son l, value x and right son r.
+ l and r must be balanced and | height l - height r | <= 2.
+ Inline expansion of height for better speed. *)
+ let create l x r =
+ let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ Node(l, x, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ (* Same as create, but performs one step of rebalancing if necessary.
+ Assumes l and r balanced.
+ Inline expansion of create for better speed in the most frequent case
+ where no rebalancing is required. *)
+ let bal l x r =
+ let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
+ if hl > hr + 2 then begin
+ match l with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
+ | Node(ll, lv, lr, _) ->
+ if height ll >= height lr then
+ create ll lv (create lr x r)
+ else begin
+ match lr with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
+ | Node(lrl, lrv, lrr, _)->
+ create (create ll lv lrl) lrv (create lrr x r)
+ end
+ end else if hr > hl + 2 then begin
+ match r with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
+ | Node(rl, rv, rr, _) ->
+ if height rr >= height rl then
+ create (create l x rl) rv rr
+ else begin
+ match rl with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
+ | Node(rll, rlv, rlr, _) ->
+ create (create l x rll) rlv (create rlr rv rr)
+ end
+ end else
+ Node(l, x, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
+ (* Same as bal, but repeat rebalancing until the final result
+ is balanced. *)
+ let rec join l x r =
+ match bal l x r with
+ Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.join"
+ | Node(l', x', r', _) as t' ->
+ let d = height l' - height r' in
+ if d < -2 or d > 2 then join l' x' r' else t'
+ (* Merge two trees l and r into one.
+ All elements of l must precede the elements of r.
+ Assumes | height l - height r | <= 2. *)
+ let rec merge t1 t2 =
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ (Empty, t) -> t
+ | (t, Empty) -> t
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
+ bal l1 v1 (bal (merge r1 l2) v2 r2)
+ (* Same as merge, but does not assume anything about l and r. *)
+ let rec concat t1 t2 =
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ (Empty, t) -> t
+ | (t, Empty) -> t
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
+ join l1 v1 (join (concat r1 l2) v2 r2)
+ (* Splitting *)
+ let rec split x = function
+ Empty ->
+ (Empty, None, Empty)
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then (l, Some v, r)
+ else if c < 0 then
+ let (ll, vl, rl) = split x l in (ll, vl, join rl v r)
+ else
+ let (lr, vr, rr) = split x r in (join l v lr, vr, rr)
+ (* Implementation of the set operations *)
+ let empty = Empty
+ let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false
+ let rec mem x = function
+ Empty -> false
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ c = 0 || mem x (if c < 0 then l else r)
+ let rec add x = function
+ Empty -> Node(Empty, x, Empty, 1)
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) as t ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then t else
+ if c < 0 then bal (add x l) v r else bal l v (add x r)
+ let singleton x = Node(Empty, x, Empty, 1)
+ let rec remove x = function
+ Empty -> Empty
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
+ let c = x v in
+ if c = 0 then merge l r else
+ if c < 0 then bal (remove x l) v r else bal l v (remove x r)
+ let rec union s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> t2
+ | (t1, Empty) -> t1
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
+ if h1 >= h2 then
+ if h2 = 1 then add v2 s1 else begin
+ let (l2, _, r2) = split v1 s2 in
+ join (union l1 l2) v1 (union r1 r2)
+ end
+ else
+ if h1 = 1 then add v1 s2 else begin
+ let (l1, _, r1) = split v2 s1 in
+ join (union l1 l2) v2 (union r1 r2)
+ end
+ let rec inter s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> Empty
+ | (t1, Empty) -> Empty
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
+ match split v1 t2 with
+ (l2, None, r2) ->
+ concat (inter l1 l2) (inter r1 r2)
+ | (l2, Some _, r2) ->
+ join (inter l1 l2) v1 (inter r1 r2)
+ let rec diff s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ (Empty, t2) -> Empty
+ | (t1, Empty) -> t1
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
+ match split v1 t2 with
+ (l2, None, r2) ->
+ join (diff l1 l2) v1 (diff r1 r2)
+ | (l2, Some _, r2) ->
+ concat (diff l1 l2) (diff r1 r2)
+ let rec compare_aux l1 l2 =
+ match (l1, l2) with
+ ([], []) -> 0
+ | ([], _) -> -1
+ | (_, []) -> 1
+ | (Empty :: t1, Empty :: t2) ->
+ compare_aux t1 t2
+ | (Node(Empty, v1, r1, _) :: t1, Node(Empty, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
+ let c = compare v1 v2 in
+ if c <> 0 then c else compare_aux (r1::t1) (r2::t2)
+ | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _) :: t1, t2) ->
+ compare_aux (l1 :: Node(Empty, v1, r1, 0) :: t1) t2
+ | (t1, Node(l2, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
+ compare_aux t1 (l2 :: Node(Empty, v2, r2, 0) :: t2)
+ let compare s1 s2 =
+ compare_aux [s1] [s2]
+ let equal s1 s2 =
+ compare s1 s2 = 0
+ let rec subset s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ Empty, _ ->
+ true
+ | _, Empty ->
+ false
+ | Node (l1, v1, r1, _), (Node (l2, v2, r2, _) as t2) ->
+ let c = v1 v2 in
+ if c = 0 then
+ subset l1 l2 && subset r1 r2
+ else if c < 0 then
+ subset (Node (l1, v1, Empty, 0)) l2 && subset r1 t2
+ else
+ subset (Node (Empty, v1, r1, 0)) r2 && subset l1 t2
+ let rec iter f = function
+ Empty -> ()
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> iter f l; f v; iter f r
+ let rec fold f s accu =
+ match s with
+ Empty -> accu
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> fold f l (f v (fold f r accu))
+ let rec cardinal = function
+ Empty -> 0
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> cardinal l + 1 + cardinal r
+ let rec elements_aux accu = function
+ Empty -> accu
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> elements_aux (v :: elements_aux accu r) l
+ let elements s =
+ elements_aux [] s
+ let rec min_elt = function
+ Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Node(Empty, v, r, _) -> v
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> min_elt l
+ let rec max_elt = function
+ Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Node(l, v, Empty, _) -> v
+ | Node(l, v, r, _) -> max_elt r
+ let choose = min_elt
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32d798cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gset.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: gset.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Sets using the generic comparison function of ocaml. Same interface as
+ the module [Set] from the ocaml standard library. *)
+type 'a t
+val empty : 'a t
+val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
+val mem : 'a -> 'a t -> bool
+val add : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val singleton : 'a -> 'a t
+val remove : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val union : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val inter : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val diff : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val compare : 'a t -> 'a t -> int
+val equal : 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
+val subset : 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
+val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
+val fold : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a -> 'a
+val cardinal : 'a t -> int
+val elements : 'a t -> 'a list
+val min_elt : 'a t -> 'a
+val max_elt : 'a t -> 'a
+val choose : 'a t -> 'a
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f083459
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+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Hash consing of datastructures *)
+(* The generic hash-consing functions (does not use Obj) *)
+(* [t] is the type of object to hash-cons
+ * [u] is the type of hash-cons functions for the sub-structures
+ * of objects of type t (u usually has the form (t1->t1)*(t2->t2)*...).
+ * [hash_sub u x] is a function that hash-cons the sub-structures of x using
+ * the hash-consing functions u provides.
+ * [equal] is a comparison function. It is allowed to use physical equality
+ * on the sub-terms hash-consed by the hash_sub function.
+ * [hash] is the hash function given to the Hashtbl.Make function
+ *
+ * Note that this module type coerces to the argument of Hashtbl.Make.
+ *)
+module type Comp =
+ sig
+ type t
+ type u
+ val hash_sub : u -> t -> t
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val hash : t -> int
+ end
+(* The output is a function f such that
+ * [f ()] has the side-effect of creating (internally) a hash-table of the
+ * hash-consed objects. The result is a function taking the sub-hashcons
+ * functions and an object, and hashcons it. It does not really make sense
+ * to call f() with different sub-hcons functions. That's why we use the
+ * wrappers simple_hcons, recursive_hcons, ... The latter just take as
+ * argument the sub-hcons functions (the tables are created at that moment),
+ * and returns the hcons function for t.
+ *)
+module type S =
+ sig
+ type t
+ type u
+ val f : unit -> (u -> t -> t)
+ end
+module Make(X:Comp) =
+ struct
+ type t = X.t
+ type u = X.u
+ (* We create the type of hashtables for t, with our comparison fun.
+ * An invariant is that the table never contains two entries equals
+ * w.r.t (=), although the equality on keys is X.equal. This is
+ * granted since we hcons the subterms before looking up in the table.
+ *)
+ module Htbl = Hashtbl.Make(
+ struct type t=X.t
+ type u=X.u
+ let hash=X.hash
+ let equal x1 x2 = (*incr comparaison;*) X.equal x1 x2
+ end)
+ (* The table is created when () is applied.
+ * Hashconsing is then very simple:
+ * 1- hashcons the subterms using hash_sub and u
+ * 2- look up in the table, if we do not get a hit, we add it
+ *)
+ let f () =
+ let tab = Htbl.create 97 in
+ (fun u x ->
+ let y = X.hash_sub u x in
+ (* incr acces;*)
+ try let r = Htbl.find tab y in(* incr succes;*) r
+ with Not_found -> Htbl.add tab y y; y)
+ end
+(* A few usefull wrappers:
+ * takes as argument the function f above and build a function of type
+ * u -> t -> t that creates a fresh table each time it is applied to the
+ * sub-hcons functions. *)
+(* For non-recursive types it is quite easy. *)
+let simple_hcons h u = h () u
+(* For a recursive type T, we write the module of sig Comp with u equals
+ * to (T -> T) * u0
+ * The first component will be used to hash-cons the recursive subterms
+ * The second one to hashcons the other sub-structures.
+ * We just have to take the fixpoint of h
+ *)
+let recursive_hcons h u =
+ let hc = h () in
+ let rec hrec x = hc (hrec,u) x in
+ hrec
+(* If the structure may contain loops, use this one. *)
+let recursive_loop_hcons h u =
+ let hc = h () in
+ let rec hrec visited x =
+ if List.memq x visited then x
+ else hc (hrec (x::visited),u) x
+ in
+ hrec []
+(* For 2 mutually recursive types *)
+let recursive2_hcons h1 h2 u1 u2 =
+ let hc1 = h1 () in
+ let hc2 = h2 () in
+ let rec hrec1 x = hc1 (hrec1,hrec2,u1) x
+ and hrec2 x = hc2 (hrec1,hrec2,u2) x
+ in (hrec1,hrec2)
+(* A set of global hashcons functions *)
+let hashcons_resets = ref []
+let init() = List.iter (fun f -> f()) !hashcons_resets
+(* [register_hcons h u] registers the hcons function h, result of the above
+ * wrappers. It returns another hcons function that always uses the same
+ * table, which can be reinitialized by init()
+ *)
+let register_hcons h u =
+ let hf = ref (h u) in
+ let reset() = hf := h u in
+ hashcons_resets := reset :: !hashcons_resets;
+ (fun x -> !hf x)
+(* Basic hashcons modules for string and obj. Integers do not need be
+ hashconsed. *)
+(* string *)
+module Hstring = Make(
+ struct
+ type t = string
+ type u = unit
+ let hash_sub () s =(* incr accesstr;*) s
+ let equal s1 s2 =(* incr comparaisonstr;
+ if*) s1=s2(* then (incr successtr; true) else false*)
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+(* Obj.t *)
+exception NotEq
+(* From CAMLLIB/caml/mlvalues.h *)
+let no_scan_tag = 251
+let tuple_p obj = Obj.is_block obj & (Obj.tag obj < no_scan_tag)
+let comp_obj o1 o2 =
+ if tuple_p o1 & tuple_p o2 then
+ let n1 = Obj.size o1 and n2 = Obj.size o2 in
+ if n1=n2 then
+ try
+ for i = 0 to pred n1 do
+ if not (Obj.field o1 i == Obj.field o2 i) then raise NotEq
+ done; true
+ with NotEq -> false
+ else false
+ else o1=o2
+let hash_obj hrec o =
+ begin
+ if tuple_p o then
+ let n = Obj.size o in
+ for i = 0 to pred n do
+ Obj.set_field o i (hrec (Obj.field o i))
+ done
+ end;
+ o
+module Hobj = Make(
+ struct
+ type t = Obj.t
+ type u = (Obj.t -> Obj.t) * unit
+ let hash_sub (hrec,_) = hash_obj hrec
+ let equal = comp_obj
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+(* Hashconsing functions for string and obj. Always use the same
+ * global tables. The latter can be reinitialized with init()
+ *)
+(* string : string -> string *)
+(* obj : Obj.t -> Obj.t *)
+let string = register_hcons (simple_hcons Hstring.f) ()
+let obj = register_hcons (recursive_hcons Hobj.f) ()
+(* The unsafe polymorphic hashconsing function *)
+let magic_hash (c : 'a) =
+ init();
+ let r = obj (Obj.repr c) in
+ init();
+ (Obj.magic r : 'a)
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e32323a
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: hashcons.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Generic hash-consing. *)
+module type Comp =
+ sig
+ type t
+ type u
+ val hash_sub : u -> t -> t
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val hash : t -> int
+ end
+module type S =
+ sig
+ type t
+ type u
+ val f : unit -> (u -> t -> t)
+ end
+module Make(X:Comp) : (S with type t = X.t and type u = X.u)
+val simple_hcons : (unit -> 'u -> 't -> 't) -> ('u -> 't -> 't)
+val recursive_hcons : (unit -> ('t -> 't) * 'u -> 't -> 't) -> ('u -> 't -> 't)
+val recursive_loop_hcons :
+ (unit -> ('t -> 't) * 'u -> 't -> 't) -> ('u -> 't -> 't)
+val recursive2_hcons :
+ (unit -> ('t1 -> 't1) * ('t2 -> 't2) * 'u1 -> 't1 -> 't1) ->
+ (unit -> ('t1 -> 't1) * ('t2 -> 't2) * 'u2 -> 't2 -> 't2) ->
+ 'u1 -> 'u2 -> ('t1 -> 't1) * ('t2 -> 't2)
+(* Declaring and reinitializing global hash-consing functions *)
+val init : unit -> unit
+val register_hcons : ('u -> 't -> 't) -> ('u -> 't -> 't)
+module Hstring : (S with type t = string and type u = unit)
+module Hobj : (S with type t = Obj.t and type u = (Obj.t -> Obj.t) * unit)
+val string : string -> string
+val obj : Obj.t -> Obj.t
+val magic_hash : 'a -> 'a
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new file mode 100644
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(*s Heaps *)
+module type Ordered = sig
+ type t
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+module type S =sig
+ (* Type of functional heaps *)
+ type t
+ (* Type of elements *)
+ type elt
+ (* The empty heap *)
+ val empty : t
+ (* [add x h] returns a new heap containing the elements of [h], plus [x];
+ complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
+ val add : elt -> t -> t
+ (* [maximum h] returns the maximum element of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap]
+ when [h] is empty; complexity $O(1)$ *)
+ val maximum : t -> elt
+ (* [remove h] returns a new heap containing the elements of [h], except
+ the maximum of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap] when [h] is empty;
+ complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
+ val remove : t -> t
+ (* usual iterators and combinators; elements are presented in
+ arbitrary order *)
+ val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+exception EmptyHeap
+(*s Functional implementation *)
+module Functional(X : Ordered) = struct
+ (* Heaps are encoded as complete binary trees, i.e., binary trees
+ which are full expect, may be, on the bottom level where it is filled
+ from the left.
+ These trees also enjoy the heap property, namely the value of any node
+ is greater or equal than those of its left and right subtrees.
+ There are 4 kinds of complete binary trees, denoted by 4 constructors:
+ [FFF] for a full binary tree (and thus 2 full subtrees);
+ [PPF] for a partial tree with a partial left subtree and a full
+ right subtree;
+ [PFF] for a partial tree with a full left subtree and a full right subtree
+ (but of different heights);
+ and [PFP] for a partial tree with a full left subtree and a partial
+ right subtree. *)
+ type t =
+ | Empty
+ | FFF of t * X.t * t (* full (full, full) *)
+ | PPF of t * X.t * t (* partial (partial, full) *)
+ | PFF of t * X.t * t (* partial (full, full) *)
+ | PFP of t * X.t * t (* partial (full, partial) *)
+ type elt = X.t
+ let empty = Empty
+ (* smart constructors for insertion *)
+ let p_f l x r = match l with
+ | Empty | FFF _ -> PFF (l, x, r)
+ | _ -> PPF (l, x, r)
+ let pf_ l x = function
+ | Empty | FFF _ as r -> FFF (l, x, r)
+ | r -> PFP (l, x, r)
+ let rec add x = function
+ | Empty ->
+ FFF (Empty, x, Empty)
+ (* insertion to the left *)
+ | FFF (l, y, r) | PPF (l, y, r) ->
+ if x y > 0 then p_f (add y l) x r else p_f (add x l) y r
+ (* insertion to the right *)
+ | PFF (l, y, r) | PFP (l, y, r) ->
+ if x y > 0 then pf_ l x (add y r) else pf_ l y (add x r)
+ let maximum = function
+ | Empty -> raise EmptyHeap
+ | FFF (_, x, _) | PPF (_, x, _) | PFF (_, x, _) | PFP (_, x, _) -> x
+ (* smart constructors for removal; note that they are different
+ from the ones for insertion! *)
+ let p_f l x r = match l with
+ | Empty | FFF _ -> FFF (l, x, r)
+ | _ -> PPF (l, x, r)
+ let pf_ l x = function
+ | Empty | FFF _ as r -> PFF (l, x, r)
+ | r -> PFP (l, x, r)
+ let rec remove = function
+ | Empty ->
+ raise EmptyHeap
+ | FFF (Empty, _, Empty) ->
+ Empty
+ | PFF (l, _, Empty) ->
+ l
+ (* remove on the left *)
+ | PPF (l, x, r) | PFF (l, x, r) ->
+ let xl = maximum l in
+ let xr = maximum r in
+ let l' = remove l in
+ if xl xr >= 0 then
+ p_f l' xl r
+ else
+ p_f l' xr (add xl (remove r))
+ (* remove on the right *)
+ | FFF (l, x, r) | PFP (l, x, r) ->
+ let xl = maximum l in
+ let xr = maximum r in
+ let r' = remove r in
+ if xl xr > 0 then
+ pf_ (add xr (remove l)) xl r'
+ else
+ pf_ l xr r'
+ let rec iter f = function
+ | Empty ->
+ ()
+ | FFF (l, x, r) | PPF (l, x, r) | PFF (l, x, r) | PFP (l, x, r) ->
+ iter f l; f x; iter f r
+ let rec fold f h x0 = match h with
+ | Empty ->
+ x0
+ | FFF (l, x, r) | PPF (l, x, r) | PFF (l, x, r) | PFP (l, x, r) ->
+ fold f l (fold f r (f x x0))
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c865461e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/heap.mli
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: heap.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Heaps *)
+module type Ordered = sig
+ type t
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+module type S =sig
+ (* Type of functional heaps *)
+ type t
+ (* Type of elements *)
+ type elt
+ (* The empty heap *)
+ val empty : t
+ (* [add x h] returns a new heap containing the elements of [h], plus [x];
+ complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
+ val add : elt -> t -> t
+ (* [maximum h] returns the maximum element of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap]
+ when [h] is empty; complexity $O(1)$ *)
+ val maximum : t -> elt
+ (* [remove h] returns a new heap containing the elements of [h], except
+ the maximum of [h]; raises [EmptyHeap] when [h] is empty;
+ complexity $O(log(n))$ *)
+ val remove : t -> t
+ (* usual iterators and combinators; elements are presented in
+ arbitrary order *)
+ val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+exception EmptyHeap
+(*S Functional implementation. *)
+module Functional(X: Ordered) : S with type elt=X.t
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index 00000000..b5c5efda
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+let with_option o f x =
+ let old = !o in o:=true;
+ try let r = f x in o := old; r
+ with e -> o := old; raise e
+let boot = ref false
+let batch_mode = ref false
+let debug = ref false
+let print_emacs = ref false
+let emacs_str s = if !print_emacs then s else ""
+let term_quality = ref false
+let xml_export = ref false
+let dont_load_proofs = ref false
+let raw_print = ref false
+let v7 =
+ let transl = array_exists ((=) "-translate") Sys.argv in
+ let v7 = array_exists ((=) "-v7") Sys.argv in
+ let v8 = array_exists ((=) "-v8") Sys.argv in
+ if v8 & transl then error "Options -translate and -v8 are incompatible";
+ if v8 & v7 then error "Options -v7 and -v8 are incompatible";
+ ref (v7 or transl)
+let v7_only = ref false
+(* Translate *)
+let translate = ref false
+let make_translate f = translate := f; v7 := f; ()
+let do_translate () = !translate
+let translate_file = ref false
+let translate_strict_impargs = ref true
+(* True only when interning from pp* *)
+let translate_syntax = ref false
+(* Silent / Verbose *)
+let silent = ref false
+let make_silent flag = silent := flag; ()
+let is_silent () = !silent
+let is_verbose () = not !silent
+let silently f x =
+ let oldsilent = !silent in
+ try
+ silent := true;
+ let rslt = f x in
+ silent := oldsilent;
+ rslt
+ with e -> begin
+ silent := oldsilent; raise e
+ end
+let if_silent f x = if !silent then f x
+let if_verbose f x = if not !silent then f x
+(* The number of printed hypothesis in a goal *)
+let print_hyps_limit = ref (None : int option)
+let set_print_hyps_limit n = print_hyps_limit := n
+let print_hyps_limit () = !print_hyps_limit
+(* A list of the areas of the system where "unsafe" operation
+ * has been requested *)
+let unsafe_set = ref Stringset.empty
+let add_unsafe s = unsafe_set := Stringset.add s !unsafe_set
+let is_unsafe s = Stringset.mem s !unsafe_set
+(* Dump of globalization (to be used by coqdoc) *)
+let dump = ref false
+let dump_file = ref ""
+let dump_into_file f = dump := true; dump_file := f
+let dump_buffer = Buffer.create 8192
+let dump_string = Buffer.add_string dump_buffer
+let dump_it () =
+ if !dump then begin
+ let mode = [Open_wronly; Open_append; Open_creat] in
+ let c = open_out_gen mode 0o666 !dump_file in
+ output_string c (Buffer.contents dump_buffer);
+ close_out c
+ end
+let _ = at_exit dump_it
diff --git a/lib/options.mli b/lib/options.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..731b7da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/options.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: options.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Global options of the system. *)
+val boot : bool ref
+val batch_mode : bool ref
+val debug : bool ref
+val print_emacs : bool ref
+val emacs_str : string -> string
+val term_quality : bool ref
+val xml_export : bool ref
+val dont_load_proofs : bool ref
+val raw_print : bool ref
+val v7 : bool ref
+val v7_only : bool ref
+val translate : bool ref
+val make_translate : bool -> unit
+val do_translate : unit -> bool
+val translate_file : bool ref
+val translate_syntax : bool ref
+val translate_strict_impargs : bool ref
+val make_silent : bool -> unit
+val is_silent : unit -> bool
+val is_verbose : unit -> bool
+val silently : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val if_silent : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+val if_verbose : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+(* Temporary activate an option ('c must be an atomic type) *)
+val with_option : bool ref -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(* If [None], no limit *)
+val set_print_hyps_limit : int option -> unit
+val print_hyps_limit : unit -> int option
+val add_unsafe : string -> unit
+val is_unsafe : string -> bool
+(* Dump of globalization (to be used by coqdoc) *)
+val dump : bool ref
+val dump_into_file : string -> unit
+val dump_string : string -> unit
diff --git a/lib/pp.ml4 b/lib/pp.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25ab9ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pp.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: pp.ml4,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp_control
+(* The different kinds of blocks are:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[hbox:] Horizontal block no line breaking;
+ \item[vbox:] Vertical block each break leads to a new line;
+ \item[hvbox:] Horizontal-vertical block: same as vbox, except if
+ this block is small enough to fit on a single line
+ \item[hovbox:] Horizontal or Vertical block: breaks lead to new line
+ only when necessary to print the content of the block
+ \item[tbox:] Tabulation block: go to tabulation marks and no line breaking
+ (except if no mark yet on the reste of the line)
+ \end{description}
+ *)
+let comments = ref []
+let rec split_com comacc acc pos = function
+ [] -> comments := List.rev acc; comacc
+ | ((b,e),c as com)::coms ->
+ (* Take all comments that terminates before pos, or begin exactly
+ at pos (used to print comments attached after an expression) *)
+ if e<=pos || pos=b then split_com (c::comacc) acc pos coms
+ else split_com comacc (com::acc) pos coms
+type block_type =
+ | Pp_hbox of int
+ | Pp_vbox of int
+ | Pp_hvbox of int
+ | Pp_hovbox of int
+ | Pp_tbox
+type 'a ppcmd_token =
+ | Ppcmd_print of 'a
+ | Ppcmd_box of block_type * ('a ppcmd_token Stream.t)
+ | Ppcmd_print_break of int * int
+ | Ppcmd_set_tab
+ | Ppcmd_print_tbreak of int * int
+ | Ppcmd_white_space of int
+ | Ppcmd_force_newline
+ | Ppcmd_print_if_broken
+ | Ppcmd_open_box of block_type
+ | Ppcmd_close_box
+ | Ppcmd_close_tbox
+ | Ppcmd_comment of int
+type 'a ppdir_token =
+ | Ppdir_ppcmds of 'a ppcmd_token Stream.t
+ | Ppdir_print_newline
+ | Ppdir_print_flush
+type ppcmd = (int*string) ppcmd_token
+type std_ppcmds = ppcmd Stream.t
+type 'a ppdirs = 'a ppdir_token Stream.t
+(* Compute length of an UTF-8 encoded string
+ Rem 1 : utf8_length <= String.length (equal if pure ascii)
+ Rem 2 : if used for an iso8859_1 encoded string, the result is
+ wrong in very rare cases. Such a wrong case corresponds to any
+ sequence of a character in range 192..253 immediately followed by a
+ character in range 128..191 (typical case in french is "déçu" which
+ is counted 3 instead of 4); then no real harm to use always
+ utf8_length even if using an iso8859_1 encoding *)
+let utf8_length s =
+ let len = String.length s
+ and cnt = ref 0
+ and nc = ref 0
+ and p = ref 0 in
+ while !p < len do
+ begin
+ match s.[!p] with
+ | '\000'..'\127' -> nc := 0 (* ascii char *)
+ | '\128'..'\191' -> nc := 0 (* cannot start with a continuation byte *)
+ | '\192'..'\223' -> nc := 1 (* expect 1 continuation byte *)
+ | '\224'..'\239' -> nc := 2 (* expect 2 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\240'..'\247' -> nc := 3 (* expect 3 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\248'..'\251' -> nc := 4 (* expect 4 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\252'..'\253' -> nc := 5 (* expect 5 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\254'..'\255' -> nc := 0 (* invalid byte *)
+ end ;
+ incr p ;
+ while !p < len && !nc > 0 do
+ match s.[!p] with
+ | '\128'..'\191' (* next continuation byte *) -> incr p ; decr nc
+ | _ (* not a continuation byte *) -> nc := 0
+ done ;
+ incr cnt
+ done ;
+ !cnt
+(* formatting commands *)
+let str s = [< 'Ppcmd_print (utf8_length s,s) >]
+let stras (i,s) = [< 'Ppcmd_print (i,s) >]
+let brk (a,b) = [< 'Ppcmd_print_break (a,b) >]
+let tbrk (a,b) = [< 'Ppcmd_print_tbreak (a,b) >]
+let tab () = [< 'Ppcmd_set_tab >]
+let fnl () = [< 'Ppcmd_force_newline >]
+let pifb () = [< 'Ppcmd_print_if_broken >]
+let ws n = [< 'Ppcmd_white_space n >]
+let comment n = [< ' Ppcmd_comment n >]
+(* derived commands *)
+let mt () = [< >]
+let spc () = [< 'Ppcmd_print_break (1,0) >]
+let cut () = [< 'Ppcmd_print_break (0,0) >]
+let align () = [< 'Ppcmd_print_break (0,0) >]
+let int n = str (string_of_int n)
+let real r = str (string_of_float r)
+let bool b = str (string_of_bool b)
+let rec escape_string s =
+ let rec escape_at s i =
+ if i<0 then s
+ else if s.[i] == '\\' || s.[i] == '"' then
+ let s' = String.sub s 0 i^"\\"^String.sub s i (String.length s - i) in
+ escape_at s' (i-1)
+ else escape_at s (i-1) in
+ escape_at s (String.length s - 1)
+let qstring s = str ("\""^(escape_string s)^"\"")
+let qs = qstring
+(* boxing commands *)
+let h n s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_hbox n,s) >]
+let v n s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_vbox n,s) >]
+let hv n s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_hvbox n,s) >]
+let hov n s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_hovbox n,s) >]
+let t s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_tbox,s) >]
+(* Opening and closing of boxes *)
+let hb n = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box(Pp_hbox n) >]
+let vb n = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box(Pp_vbox n) >]
+let hvb n = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box(Pp_hvbox n) >]
+let hovb n = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box(Pp_hovbox n) >]
+let tb () = [< 'Ppcmd_open_box Pp_tbox >]
+let close () = [< 'Ppcmd_close_box >]
+let tclose () = [< 'Ppcmd_close_tbox >]
+let (++) = Stream.iapp
+(* This flag tells if the last printed comment ends with a newline, to
+ avoid empty lines *)
+let com_eol = ref false
+let com_brk ft = com_eol := false
+let com_if ft f =
+ if !com_eol then (com_eol := false; Format.pp_force_newline ft ())
+ else Lazy.force f
+let rec pr_com ft s =
+ let (s1,os) =
+ try
+ let n = String.index s '\n' in
+ String.sub s 0 n, Some (String.sub s (n+1) (String.length s - n - 1))
+ with Not_found -> s,None in
+ com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_val());
+(* let s1 =
+ if String.length s1 <> 0 && s1.[0] = ' ' then
+ (Format.pp_print_space ft (); String.sub s1 1 (String.length s1 - 1))
+ else s1 in*)
+ Format.pp_print_as ft (utf8_length s1) s1;
+ match os with
+ Some s2 ->
+ if String.length s2 = 0 then (com_eol := true)
+ else
+ (Format.pp_force_newline ft (); pr_com ft s2)
+ | None -> ()
+(* pretty printing functions *)
+let pp_dirs ft =
+ let maxbox = (get_gp ft).max_depth in
+ let pp_open_box = function
+ | Pp_hbox n -> Format.pp_open_hbox ft ()
+ | Pp_vbox n -> Format.pp_open_vbox ft n
+ | Pp_hvbox n -> Format.pp_open_hvbox ft n
+ | Pp_hovbox n -> Format.pp_open_hovbox ft n
+ | Pp_tbox -> Format.pp_open_tbox ft ()
+ in
+ let rec pp_cmd = function
+ | Ppcmd_print(n,s) ->
+ com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_val()); Format.pp_print_as ft n s
+ | Ppcmd_box(bty,ss) -> (* Prevent evaluation of the stream! *)
+ com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_val());
+ pp_open_box bty ;
+ if not (Format.over_max_boxes ()) then Stream.iter pp_cmd ss;
+ Format.pp_close_box ft ()
+ | Ppcmd_open_box bty -> com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_val()); pp_open_box bty
+ | Ppcmd_close_box -> Format.pp_close_box ft ()
+ | Ppcmd_close_tbox -> Format.pp_close_tbox ft ()
+ | Ppcmd_white_space n ->
+ com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_fun (fun()->Format.pp_print_break ft n 0))
+ | Ppcmd_print_break(m,n) ->
+ com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_fun(fun()->Format.pp_print_break ft m n))
+ | Ppcmd_set_tab -> Format.pp_set_tab ft ()
+ | Ppcmd_print_tbreak(m,n) ->
+ com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_fun(fun()->Format.pp_print_tbreak ft m n))
+ | Ppcmd_force_newline ->
+ com_brk ft; Format.pp_force_newline ft ()
+ | Ppcmd_print_if_broken ->
+ com_if ft (Lazy.lazy_from_fun(fun()->Format.pp_print_if_newline ft ()))
+ | Ppcmd_comment i ->
+ let coms = split_com [] [] i !comments in
+(* Format.pp_open_hvbox ft 0;*)
+ List.iter (pr_com ft) coms(*;
+ Format.pp_close_box ft ()*)
+ in
+ let pp_dir = function
+ | Ppdir_ppcmds cmdstream -> Stream.iter pp_cmd cmdstream
+ | Ppdir_print_newline ->
+ com_brk ft; Format.pp_print_newline ft ()
+ | Ppdir_print_flush -> Format.pp_print_flush ft ()
+ in
+ fun dirstream ->
+ try
+ Stream.iter pp_dir dirstream; com_brk ft
+ with
+ | e -> Format.pp_print_flush ft () ; raise e
+(* pretty print on stdout and stderr *)
+let pp_std_dirs = pp_dirs !std_ft
+let pp_err_dirs = pp_dirs err_ft
+let ppcmds x = Ppdir_ppcmds x
+(* pretty printing functions WITHOUT FLUSH *)
+let pp_with ft strm =
+ pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds strm >]
+let ppnl_with ft strm =
+ pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds [< strm ; 'Ppcmd_force_newline >] >]
+let warning_with ft string =
+ ppnl_with ft [< str "Warning: " ; str string >]
+let warn_with ft pps =
+ ppnl_with ft [< str "Warning: " ; pps >]
+let pp_flush_with ft =
+ Format.pp_print_flush ft
+(* pretty printing functions WITH FLUSH *)
+let msg_with ft strm =
+ pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds strm ; 'Ppdir_print_flush >]
+let msgnl_with ft strm =
+ pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds strm ; 'Ppdir_print_newline >]
+let msg_warning_with ft strm=
+ pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds [< str "Warning: "; strm>];
+ 'Ppdir_print_newline >]
+(* pretty printing functions WITHOUT FLUSH *)
+let pp x = pp_with !std_ft x
+let ppnl x = ppnl_with !std_ft x
+let pperr = pp_with err_ft
+let pperrnl = ppnl_with err_ft
+let message s = ppnl (str s)
+let warning x = warning_with err_ft x
+let warn x = warn_with err_ft x
+let pp_flush x = Format.pp_print_flush !std_ft x
+let flush_all() = flush stderr; flush stdout; pp_flush()
+(* pretty printing functions WITH FLUSH *)
+let msg x = msg_with !std_ft x
+let msgnl x = msgnl_with !std_ft x
+let msgerr = msg_with err_ft
+let msgerrnl = msgnl_with err_ft
+let msg_warning x = msg_warning_with err_ft x
diff --git a/lib/pp.mli b/lib/pp.mli
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+++ b/lib/pp.mli
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: pp.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:30 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Pp_control
+(* Pretty-printers. *)
+type ppcmd
+type std_ppcmds = ppcmd Stream.t
+(*s Formatting commands. *)
+val str : string -> std_ppcmds
+val stras : int * string -> std_ppcmds
+val brk : int * int -> std_ppcmds
+val tbrk : int * int -> std_ppcmds
+val tab : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val fnl : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val pifb : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val ws : int -> std_ppcmds
+val mt : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val comment : int -> std_ppcmds
+val comments : ((int * int) * string) list ref
+(*s Concatenation. *)
+val (++) : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds
+(*s Derived commands. *)
+val spc : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val cut : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val align : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val int : int -> std_ppcmds
+val real : float -> std_ppcmds
+val bool : bool -> std_ppcmds
+val qstring : string -> std_ppcmds
+val qs : string -> std_ppcmds
+(*s Boxing commands. *)
+val h : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds
+val v : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds
+val hv : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds
+val hov : int -> std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds
+val t : std_ppcmds -> std_ppcmds
+(*s Opening and closing of boxes. *)
+val hb : int -> std_ppcmds
+val vb : int -> std_ppcmds
+val hvb : int -> std_ppcmds
+val hovb : int -> std_ppcmds
+val tb : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val close : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val tclose : unit -> std_ppcmds
+(*s Pretty-printing functions \emph{without flush}. *)
+val pp_with : Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit
+val ppnl_with : Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit
+val warning_with : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
+val warn_with : Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit
+val pp_flush_with : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit
+(*s Pretty-printing functions \emph{with flush}. *)
+val msg_with : Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit
+val msgnl_with : Format.formatter -> std_ppcmds -> unit
+(*s The following functions are instances of the previous ones on
+ [std_ft] and [err_ft]. *)
+(*s Pretty-printing functions \emph{without flush} on [stdout] and [stderr]. *)
+val pp : std_ppcmds -> unit
+val ppnl : std_ppcmds -> unit
+val pperr : std_ppcmds -> unit
+val pperrnl : std_ppcmds -> unit
+val message : string -> unit (* = pPNL *)
+val warning : string -> unit
+val warn : std_ppcmds -> unit
+val pp_flush : unit -> unit
+val flush_all: unit -> unit
+(*s Pretty-printing functions \emph{with flush} on [stdout] and [stderr]. *)
+val msg : std_ppcmds -> unit
+val msgnl : std_ppcmds -> unit
+val msgerr : std_ppcmds -> unit
+val msgerrnl : std_ppcmds -> unit
+val msg_warning : std_ppcmds -> unit
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Parameters of pretty-printing *)
+type pp_global_params = {
+ margin : int;
+ max_indent : int;
+ max_depth : int;
+ ellipsis : string }
+(* Default parameters of pretty-printing *)
+let dflt_gp = {
+ margin = 78;
+ max_indent = 50;
+ max_depth = 50;
+ ellipsis = ".." }
+(* A deeper pretty-printer to print proof scripts *)
+let deep_gp = {
+ margin = 78;
+ max_indent = 50;
+ max_depth = 10000;
+ ellipsis = "..." }
+(* set_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params -> unit
+ * set the parameters of a formatter *)
+let set_gp ft gp =
+ Format.pp_set_margin ft gp.margin ;
+ Format.pp_set_max_indent ft gp.max_indent ;
+ Format.pp_set_max_boxes ft gp.max_depth ;
+ Format.pp_set_ellipsis_text ft gp.ellipsis
+let set_dflt_gp ft = set_gp ft dflt_gp
+let get_gp ft =
+ { margin = Format.pp_get_margin ft ();
+ max_indent = Format.pp_get_max_indent ft ();
+ max_depth = Format.pp_get_max_boxes ft ();
+ ellipsis = Format.pp_get_ellipsis_text ft () }
+(* Output functions of pretty-printing *)
+type 'a pp_formatter_params = {
+ fp_output : out_channel ;
+ fp_output_function : string -> int -> int -> unit ;
+ fp_flush_function : unit -> unit }
+(* Output functions for stdout and stderr *)
+let std_fp = {
+ fp_output = stdout ;
+ fp_output_function = output stdout;
+ fp_flush_function = (fun () -> flush stdout) }
+let err_fp = {
+ fp_output = stderr ;
+ fp_output_function = output stderr;
+ fp_flush_function = (fun () -> flush stderr) }
+(* with_fp : 'a pp_formatter_params -> Format.formatter
+ * returns of formatter for given formatter functions *)
+let with_fp fp =
+ let ft = Format.make_formatter fp.fp_output_function fp.fp_flush_function in
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_out_channel ft fp.fp_output;
+ ft
+(* Output on a channel ch *)
+let with_output_to ch =
+ let ft = with_fp { fp_output = ch ;
+ fp_output_function = (output ch) ;
+ fp_flush_function = (fun () -> flush ch) } in
+ set_gp ft deep_gp;
+ ft
+let std_ft = ref Format.std_formatter
+let _ = set_dflt_gp !std_ft
+let err_ft = with_output_to stderr
+let deep_ft = with_output_to stdout
+let _ = set_gp deep_ft deep_gp
+(* For parametrization through vernacular *)
+let default = Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft ()
+let default_margin = Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ()
+let get_depth_boxes () = Some (Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft ())
+let set_depth_boxes v =
+ Format.pp_set_max_boxes !std_ft (match v with None -> default | Some v -> v)
+let get_margin () = Some (Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ())
+let set_margin v =
+ Format.pp_set_margin !std_ft (match v with None -> default_margin | Some v -> v)
diff --git a/lib/pp_control.mli b/lib/pp_control.mli
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index 00000000..3588847d
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: pp_control.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Parameters of pretty-printing. *)
+type pp_global_params = {
+ margin : int;
+ max_indent : int;
+ max_depth : int;
+ ellipsis : string }
+val dflt_gp : pp_global_params
+val deep_gp : pp_global_params
+val set_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params -> unit
+val set_dflt_gp : Format.formatter -> unit
+val get_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params
+(*s Output functions of pretty-printing. *)
+type 'a pp_formatter_params = {
+ fp_output : out_channel;
+ fp_output_function : string -> int -> int -> unit;
+ fp_flush_function : unit -> unit }
+val std_fp : (int*string) pp_formatter_params
+val err_fp : (int*string) pp_formatter_params
+val with_fp : 'a pp_formatter_params -> Format.formatter
+val with_output_to : out_channel -> Format.formatter
+val std_ft : Format.formatter ref
+val err_ft : Format.formatter
+val deep_ft : Format.formatter
+(*s For parametrization through vernacular. *)
+val set_depth_boxes : int option -> unit
+val get_depth_boxes : unit -> int option
+val set_margin : int option -> unit
+val get_margin : unit -> int option
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+(* *)
+(* Objective Caml *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Sets over ordered types *)
+module type OrderedType =
+ sig
+ type t
+ val compare: t -> t -> int
+ end
+module type S =
+ sig
+ type elt
+ type t
+ val empty: t
+ val full: t
+ val is_empty: t -> bool
+ val is_full: t -> bool
+ val mem: elt -> t -> bool
+ val singleton: elt -> t
+ val add: elt -> t -> t
+ val remove: elt -> t -> t
+ val union: t -> t -> t
+ val inter: t -> t -> t
+ val diff: t -> t -> t
+ val complement: t -> t
+ val equal: t -> t -> bool
+ val subset: t -> t -> bool
+ val elements: t -> bool * elt list
+ end
+module Make(Ord: OrderedType) =
+ struct
+ module EltSet = Set.Make(Ord)
+ (* when bool is false, the denoted set is the complement of
+ the given set *)
+ type elt = Ord.t
+ type t = bool * EltSet.t
+ let elements (b,s) = (b, EltSet.elements s)
+ let empty = (false,EltSet.empty)
+ let full = (true,EltSet.empty)
+ (* assumes the set is infinite *)
+ let is_empty (b,s) = not b & EltSet.is_empty s
+ let is_full (b,s) = b & EltSet.is_empty s
+ let mem x (b,s) =
+ if b then not (EltSet.mem x s) else EltSet.mem x s
+ let singleton x = (false,EltSet.singleton x)
+ let add x (b,s) =
+ if b then (b,EltSet.remove x s)
+ else (b,EltSet.add x s)
+ let remove x (b,s) =
+ if b then (b,EltSet.add x s)
+ else (b,EltSet.remove x s)
+ let complement (b,s) = (not b, s)
+ let union s1 s2 =
+ match (s1,s2) with
+ ((false,p1),(false,p2)) -> (false,EltSet.union p1 p2)
+ | ((true,n1),(true,n2)) -> (true,EltSet.inter n1 n2)
+ | ((false,p1),(true,n2)) -> (true,EltSet.diff n2 p1)
+ | ((true,n1),(false,p2)) -> (true,EltSet.diff n1 p2)
+ let inter s1 s2 =
+ complement (union (complement s1) (complement s2))
+ let diff s1 s2 = inter s1 (complement s2)
+ let subset s1 s2 =
+ match (s1,s2) with
+ ((false,p1),(false,p2)) -> EltSet.subset p1 p2
+ | ((true,n1),(true,n2)) -> EltSet.subset n2 n1
+ | ((false,p1),(true,n2)) -> EltSet.is_empty (EltSet.inter p1 n2)
+ | ((true,_),(false,_)) -> false
+ let equal (b1,s1) (b2,s2) =
+ b1=b2 & EltSet.equal s1 s2
+ end
diff --git a/lib/predicate.mli b/lib/predicate.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+(* $Id: predicate.mli,v 1.1 2001/09/20 18:10:43 barras Exp $ *)
+(* Module [Pred]: sets over infinite ordered types with complement. *)
+(* This module implements the set data structure, given a total ordering
+ function over the set elements. All operations over sets
+ are purely applicative (no side-effects).
+ The implementation uses the Set library. *)
+module type OrderedType =
+ sig
+ type t
+ val compare: t -> t -> int
+ end
+ (* The input signature of the functor [Pred.Make].
+ [t] is the type of the set elements.
+ [compare] is a total ordering function over the set elements.
+ This is a two-argument function [f] such that
+ [f e1 e2] is zero if the elements [e1] and [e2] are equal,
+ [f e1 e2] is strictly negative if [e1] is smaller than [e2],
+ and [f e1 e2] is strictly positive if [e1] is greater than [e2].
+ Example: a suitable ordering function is
+ the generic structural comparison function [compare]. *)
+module type S =
+ sig
+ type elt
+ (* The type of the set elements. *)
+ type t
+ (* The type of sets. *)
+ val empty: t
+ (* The empty set. *)
+ val full: t
+ (* The whole type. *)
+ val is_empty: t -> bool
+ (* Test whether a set is empty or not. *)
+ val is_full: t -> bool
+ (* Test whether a set contains the whole type or not. *)
+ val mem: elt -> t -> bool
+ (* [mem x s] tests whether [x] belongs to the set [s]. *)
+ val singleton: elt -> t
+ (* [singleton x] returns the one-element set containing only [x]. *)
+ val add: elt -> t -> t
+ (* [add x s] returns a set containing all elements of [s],
+ plus [x]. If [x] was already in [s], [s] is returned unchanged. *)
+ val remove: elt -> t -> t
+ (* [remove x s] returns a set containing all elements of [s],
+ except [x]. If [x] was not in [s], [s] is returned unchanged. *)
+ val union: t -> t -> t
+ val inter: t -> t -> t
+ val diff: t -> t -> t
+ val complement: t -> t
+ (* Union, intersection, difference and set complement. *)
+ val equal: t -> t -> bool
+ (* [equal s1 s2] tests whether the sets [s1] and [s2] are
+ equal, that is, contain equal elements. *)
+ val subset: t -> t -> bool
+ (* [subset s1 s2] tests whether the set [s1] is a subset of
+ the set [s2]. *)
+ val elements: t -> bool * elt list
+ (* Gives a finite representation of the predicate: if the
+ boolean is false, then the predicate is given in extension.
+ if it is true, then the complement is given *)
+ end
+module Make(Ord: OrderedType): (S with type elt = Ord.t)
+ (* Functor building an implementation of the set structure
+ given a totally ordered type. *)
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Gc
+let word_length = Sys.word_size / 8
+let int_size = Sys.word_size - 1
+let float_of_time t = float_of_int t /. 100.
+let time_of_float f = int_of_float (f *. 100.)
+let get_time () =
+ let {Unix.tms_utime = ut;Unix.tms_stime = st} = Unix.times () in
+ time_of_float (ut +. st)
+(* Since ocaml 3.01, gc statistics are in float *)
+let get_alloc () =
+ (* If you are unlucky, a minor collection can occur between the *)
+ (* measurements and produces allocation; we trigger a minor *)
+ (* collection in advance to be sure the measure is not corrupted *)
+ Gc.minor ();
+ Gc.allocated_bytes ()
+(* Rem: overhead was 16 bytes in ocaml 3.00 (long int) *)
+(* Rem: overhead is 100 bytes in ocaml 3.01 (double) *)
+let get_alloc_overhead =
+ let mark1 = get_alloc () in
+ let mark2 = get_alloc () in
+ let mark3 = get_alloc () in
+ (* If you are unlucky, a major collection can occur between the *)
+ (* measurements; with two measures the risk decreases *)
+ min (mark2 -. mark1) (mark3 -. mark2)
+let last_alloc = ref 0.0 (* set by init_profile () *)
+let spent_alloc () =
+ let now = get_alloc () in
+ let before = !last_alloc in
+ last_alloc := now;
+ now -. before -. get_alloc_overhead
+(* Profile records *)
+type profile_key = {
+ mutable owntime : int;
+ mutable tottime : int;
+ mutable ownalloc : float;
+ mutable totalloc : float;
+ mutable owncount : int;
+ mutable intcount : int;
+ mutable immcount : int;
+let create_record () = {
+ owntime=0;
+ tottime=0;
+ ownalloc=0.0;
+ totalloc=0.0;
+ owncount=0;
+ intcount=0;
+ immcount=0
+let ajoute_totalloc e dw = e.totalloc <- e.totalloc +. dw
+let ajoute_ownalloc e dw = e.ownalloc <- e.ownalloc +. dw
+let reset_record (n,e) =
+ e.owntime <- 0;
+ e.tottime <- 0;
+ e.ownalloc <- 0.0;
+ e.totalloc <- 0.0;
+ e.owncount <- 0;
+ e.intcount <- 0;
+ e.immcount <- 0
+(* Profile tables *)
+let prof_table = ref []
+let stack = ref []
+let init_time = ref 0
+let init_alloc = ref 0.0
+let reset_profile () = List.iter reset_record !prof_table
+let init_profile () =
+ let outside = create_record () in
+ stack := [outside];
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ init_alloc := !last_alloc;
+ init_time := get_time ();
+ outside.tottime <- - !init_time;
+ outside.owntime <- - !init_time
+let ajoute n o =
+ o.owntime <- o.owntime + n.owntime;
+ o.tottime <- o.tottime + n.tottime;
+ ajoute_ownalloc o n.ownalloc;
+ ajoute_totalloc o n.totalloc;
+ o.owncount <- o.owncount + n.owncount;
+ o.intcount <- o.intcount + n.intcount;
+ o.immcount <- o.immcount + n.immcount
+let ajoute_to_list ((name,n) as e) l =
+ try ajoute n (List.assoc name l); l
+ with Not_found -> e::l
+let magic = 1249
+let merge_profile filename (curr_table, curr_outside, curr_total as new_data) =
+ let (old_table, old_outside, old_total) =
+ try
+ let c = open_in filename in
+ if input_binary_int c <> magic
+ then Printf.printf "Incompatible recording file: %s\n" filename;
+ let old_data = input_value c in
+ close_in c;
+ old_data
+ with Sys_error msg ->
+ (Printf.printf "Unable to open %s: %s\n" filename msg;
+ new_data) in
+ let updated_data =
+ let updated_table = List.fold_right ajoute_to_list curr_table old_table in
+ ajoute curr_outside old_outside;
+ ajoute curr_total old_total;
+ (updated_table, old_outside, old_total) in
+ begin
+ (try
+ let c =
+ open_out_gen
+ [Open_creat;Open_wronly;Open_trunc;Open_binary] 0o644 filename in
+ output_binary_int c magic;
+ output_value c updated_data;
+ close_out c
+ with Sys_error _ -> Printf.printf "Unable to create recording file");
+ updated_data
+ end
+(* Compute a rough estimation of time overheads *)
+(* Time and space are not measured in the same way *)
+(* Byte allocation is an exact number and for long runs, the total
+ number of allocated bytes may exceed the maximum integer capacity
+ (2^31 on 32-bits architectures); therefore, allocation is measured
+ by small steps, total allocations are computed by adding elementary
+ measures and carries are controled from step to step *)
+(* Unix measure of time is approximative and shoitt delays are often
+ unperceivable; therefore, total times are measured in one (big)
+ step to avoid rounding errors and to get the best possible
+ approximation *)
+---------- start profile for f1
+overheadA| ...
+ ---------- [1w1] 1st call to get_time for f1
+ overheadB| ...
+ ---------- start f1
+ real 1 | ...
+ ---------- start profile for 1st call to f2 inside f1
+ overheadA| ...
+ ---------- [2w1] 1st call to get_time for 1st f2
+ overheadB| ...
+ ---------- start 1st f2
+ real 2 | ...
+ ---------- end 1st f2
+ overheadC| ...
+ ---------- [2w1] 2nd call to get_time for 1st f2
+ overheadD| ...
+ ---------- end profile for 1st f2
+ real 1 | ...
+ ---------- start profile for 2nd call to f2 inside f1
+ overheadA| ...
+ ---------- [2'w1] 1st call to get_time for 2nd f2
+ overheadB| ...
+ ---------- start 2nd f2
+ real 2' | ...
+ ---------- end 2nd f2
+ overheadC| ...
+ ---------- [2'w2] 2nd call to get_time for 2nd f2
+ overheadD| ...
+ ---------- end profile for f2
+ real 1 | ...
+ ---------- end f1
+ overheadC| ...
+---------- [1w1'] 2nd call to get_time for f1
+overheadD| ...
+---------- end profile for f1
+When profiling f2, overheadB + overheadC should be subtracted from measure
+and overheadA + overheadB + overheadC + overheadD should be subtracted from
+the amount for f1
+Then the relevant overheads are :
+ "overheadB + overheadC" to be subtracted to the measure of f as many time as f is called and
+ "overheadA + overheadB + overheadC + overheadD" to be subtracted to
+ the measure of f as many time as f calls a profiled function (itself
+ included)
+let dummy_last_alloc = ref 0.0
+let dummy_spent_alloc () =
+ let now = get_alloc () in
+ let before = !last_alloc in
+ last_alloc := now;
+ now -. before
+let dummy_f x = x
+let dummy_stack = ref [create_record ()]
+let dummy_ov = 0
+let loops = 10000
+let time_overhead_A_D () =
+ let e = create_record () in
+ let before = get_time () in
+ for i=1 to loops do
+ (* This is a copy of profile1 for overhead estimation *)
+ let dw = dummy_spent_alloc () in
+ match !dummy_stack with [] -> assert false | p::_ ->
+ ajoute_ownalloc p dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc p dw;
+ e.owncount <- e.owncount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then stack := e::!stack;
+ let totalloc0 = e.totalloc in
+ let intcount0 = e.intcount in
+ let dt = get_time () - 1 in
+ e.tottime <- dt + dummy_ov; e.owntime <- e.owntime + e.tottime;
+ ajoute_ownalloc p dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc p dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - e.tottime;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc-.totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !dummy_stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ dummy_last_alloc := get_alloc ()
+ done;
+ let after = get_time () in
+ let beforeloop = get_time () in
+ for i=1 to loops do () done;
+ let afterloop = get_time () in
+ float_of_int ((after - before) - (afterloop - beforeloop))
+ /. float_of_int loops
+let time_overhead_B_C () =
+ let dummy_x = 0 in
+ let before = get_time () in
+ for i=1 to loops do
+ try
+ dummy_last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ let r = dummy_f dummy_x in
+ let dw = dummy_spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () in
+ ()
+ with _ -> assert false
+ done;
+ let after = get_time () in
+ let beforeloop = get_time () in
+ for i=1 to loops do () done;
+ let afterloop = get_time () in
+ float_of_int ((after - before) - (afterloop - beforeloop))
+ /. float_of_int loops
+let compute_alloc lo = lo /. (float_of_int word_length)
+(* End a profiling session and print the result *)
+let format_profile (table, outside, total) =
+ print_newline ();
+ Printf.printf
+ "%-23s %9s %9s %10s %10s %10s\n"
+ "Function name" "Own time" "Tot. time" "Own alloc" "Tot. alloc" "Calls ";
+ let l = Sort.list (fun (_,{tottime=p}) (_,{tottime=p'}) -> p > p') table in
+ List.iter (fun (name,e) ->
+ Printf.printf
+ "%-23s %9.2f %9.2f %10.0f %10.0f %6d %6d\n"
+ name
+ (float_of_time e.owntime) (float_of_time e.tottime)
+ (compute_alloc e.ownalloc)
+ (compute_alloc e.totalloc)
+ e.owncount e.intcount)
+ l;
+ Printf.printf "%-23s %9.2f %9.2f %10.0f %10.0f %6d\n"
+ "others"
+ (float_of_time outside.owntime) (float_of_time outside.tottime)
+ (compute_alloc outside.ownalloc)
+ (compute_alloc outside.totalloc)
+ outside.intcount;
+ (* Here, own contains overhead time/alloc *)
+ Printf.printf "%-23s %9.2f %9.2f %10.0f %10.0f\n"
+ "Est. overhead/total"
+ (float_of_time total.owntime) (float_of_time total.tottime)
+ (compute_alloc total.ownalloc)
+ (compute_alloc total.totalloc);
+ Printf.printf
+ "Time in seconds and allocation in words (1 word = %d bytes)\n"
+ word_length
+let recording_file = ref ""
+let set_recording s = recording_file := s
+let adjust_time ov_bc ov_ad e =
+ let bc_imm = float_of_int e.owncount *. ov_bc in
+ let ad_imm = float_of_int e.immcount *. ov_ad in
+ let abcd_all = float_of_int e.intcount *. (ov_ad +. ov_bc) in
+ {e with
+ tottime = e.tottime - int_of_float (abcd_all +. bc_imm);
+ owntime = e.owntime - int_of_float (ad_imm +. bc_imm) }
+let close_profile print =
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let t = get_time () in
+ match !stack with
+ | [outside] ->
+ outside.tottime <- outside.tottime + t;
+ outside.owntime <- outside.owntime + t;
+ ajoute_ownalloc outside dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc outside dw;
+ if List.length !prof_table <> 0 then begin
+ let ov_bc = time_overhead_B_C () (* B+C overhead *) in
+ let ov_ad = time_overhead_A_D () (* A+D overhead *) in
+ let adjust (n,e) = (n, adjust_time ov_bc ov_ad e) in
+ let adjtable = adjust !prof_table in
+ let adjoutside = adjust_time ov_bc ov_ad outside in
+ let totalloc = !last_alloc -. !init_alloc in
+ let total = create_record () in
+ total.tottime <- outside.tottime;
+ total.totalloc <- totalloc;
+ (* We compute estimations of overhead, put into "own" fields *)
+ total.owntime <- outside.tottime - adjoutside.tottime;
+ total.ownalloc <- totalloc -. outside.totalloc;
+ let current_data = (adjtable, adjoutside, total) in
+ let updated_data =
+ match !recording_file with
+ | "" -> current_data
+ | name -> merge_profile !recording_file current_data
+ in
+ if print then format_profile updated_data;
+ init_profile ()
+ end
+ | _ -> failwith "Inconsistency"
+let append_profile () = close_profile false
+let print_profile () = close_profile true
+let declare_profile name =
+ if name = "___outside___" or name = "___total___" then
+ failwith ("Error: "^name^" is a reserved keyword");
+ let e = create_record () in
+ prof_table := (name,e)::!prof_table;
+ e
+(* Default initialisation, may be overriden *)
+let _ = init_profile ()
+(* Entry points for profiling *)
+let profile1 e f a =
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ match !stack with [] -> assert false | p::_ ->
+ (* We add spent alloc since last measure to current caller own/total alloc *)
+ ajoute_ownalloc p dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc p dw;
+ e.owncount <- e.owncount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then stack := e::!stack;
+ let totalloc0 = e.totalloc in
+ let intcount0 = e.intcount in
+ let t = get_time () in
+ try
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ let r = f a in
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ r
+ with exn ->
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ raise exn
+let profile2 e f a b =
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ match !stack with [] -> assert false | p::_ ->
+ (* We add spent alloc since last measure to current caller own/total alloc *)
+ ajoute_ownalloc p dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc p dw;
+ e.owncount <- e.owncount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then stack := e::!stack;
+ let totalloc0 = e.totalloc in
+ let intcount0 = e.intcount in
+ let t = get_time () in
+ try
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ let r = f a b in
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ r
+ with exn ->
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ raise exn
+let profile3 e f a b c =
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ match !stack with [] -> assert false | p::_ ->
+ (* We add spent alloc since last measure to current caller own/total alloc *)
+ ajoute_ownalloc p dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc p dw;
+ e.owncount <- e.owncount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then stack := e::!stack;
+ let totalloc0 = e.totalloc in
+ let intcount0 = e.intcount in
+ let t = get_time () in
+ try
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ let r = f a b c in
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ r
+ with exn ->
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ raise exn
+let profile4 e f a b c d =
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ match !stack with [] -> assert false | p::_ ->
+ (* We add spent alloc since last measure to current caller own/total alloc *)
+ ajoute_ownalloc p dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc p dw;
+ e.owncount <- e.owncount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then stack := e::!stack;
+ let totalloc0 = e.totalloc in
+ let intcount0 = e.intcount in
+ let t = get_time () in
+ try
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ let r = f a b c d in
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ r
+ with exn ->
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ raise exn
+let profile5 e f a b c d g =
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ match !stack with [] -> assert false | p::_ ->
+ (* We add spent alloc since last measure to current caller own/total alloc *)
+ ajoute_ownalloc p dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc p dw;
+ e.owncount <- e.owncount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then stack := e::!stack;
+ let totalloc0 = e.totalloc in
+ let intcount0 = e.intcount in
+ let t = get_time () in
+ try
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ let r = f a b c d g in
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ r
+ with exn ->
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ raise exn
+let profile6 e f a b c d g h =
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ match !stack with [] -> assert false | p::_ ->
+ (* We add spent alloc since last measure to current caller own/total alloc *)
+ ajoute_ownalloc p dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc p dw;
+ e.owncount <- e.owncount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then stack := e::!stack;
+ let totalloc0 = e.totalloc in
+ let intcount0 = e.intcount in
+ let t = get_time () in
+ try
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ let r = f a b c d g h in
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ r
+ with exn ->
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ raise exn
+let profile7 e f a b c d g h i =
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ match !stack with [] -> assert false | p::_ ->
+ (* We add spent alloc since last measure to current caller own/total alloc *)
+ ajoute_ownalloc p dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc p dw;
+ e.owncount <- e.owncount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then stack := e::!stack;
+ let totalloc0 = e.totalloc in
+ let intcount0 = e.intcount in
+ let t = get_time () in
+ try
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ let r = f a b c d g h i in
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ r
+ with exn ->
+ let dw = spent_alloc () in
+ let dt = get_time () - t in
+ e.tottime <- e.tottime + dt; e.owntime <- e.owntime + dt;
+ ajoute_ownalloc e dw;
+ ajoute_totalloc e dw;
+ p.owntime <- p.owntime - dt;
+ ajoute_totalloc p (e.totalloc -. totalloc0);
+ p.intcount <- p.intcount + e.intcount - intcount0 + 1;
+ p.immcount <- p.immcount + 1;
+ if not (p==e) then
+ (match !stack with [] -> assert false | _::s -> stack := s);
+ last_alloc := get_alloc ();
+ raise exn
+(* Some utilities to compute the logical and physical sizes and depth
+ of ML objects *)
+open Obj
+let c = ref 0
+let s = ref 0
+let b = ref 0
+let m = ref 0
+let rec obj_stats d t =
+ if is_int t then m := max d !m
+ else if tag t >= no_scan_tag then
+ if tag t = string_tag then
+ (c := !c + size t; b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
+ else if tag t = double_tag then
+ (s := !s + 2; b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
+ else if tag t = double_array_tag then
+ (s := !s + 2 * size t; b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
+ else (b := !b + 1; m := max d !m)
+ else
+ let n = Obj.size t in
+ s := !s + n; b := !b + 1;
+ block_stats (d + 1) (n - 1) t
+and block_stats d i t =
+ if i >= 0 then (obj_stats d (field t i); block_stats d (i-1) t)
+let obj_stats a =
+ c := 0; s:= 0; b:= 0; m:= 0;
+ obj_stats 0 (Obj.repr a);
+ (!c, !s + !b, !m)
+module H = Hashtbl.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = Obj.t
+ let equal = (==)
+ let hash o = Hashtbl.hash (magic o : int)
+ end)
+let tbl = H.create 13
+let rec obj_shared_size s t =
+ if is_int t then s
+ else if H.mem tbl t then s
+ else begin
+ H.add tbl t ();
+ let n = Obj.size t in
+ if tag t >= no_scan_tag then
+ if tag t = string_tag then (c := !c + n; s + 1)
+ else if tag t = double_tag then s + 3
+ else if tag t = double_array_tag then s + 2 * n + 1
+ else s + 1
+ else
+ block_shared_size (s + n + 1) (n - 1) t
+ end
+and block_shared_size s i t =
+ if i < 0 then s
+ else block_shared_size (obj_shared_size s (field t i)) (i-1) t
+let obj_shared_size a =
+ H.clear tbl;
+ c := 0;
+ let s = obj_shared_size 0 (Obj.repr a) in
+ (!c, s)
+let print_logical_stats a =
+ let (c, s, d) = obj_stats a in
+ Printf.printf "Expanded size: %10d (str: %8d) Depth: %6d\n" (s+c) c d
+let print_stats a =
+ let (c1, s, d) = obj_stats a in
+ let (c2, o) = obj_shared_size a in
+ Printf.printf "Size: %8d (str: %8d) (exp: %10d) Depth: %6d\n"
+ (o + c2) c2 (s + c1) d
+let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get()) with Gc.verbose = 13 }
diff --git a/lib/profile.mli b/lib/profile.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0488de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/profile.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: profile.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(*s This program is a small time and allocation profiler for Objective Caml *)
+(*i It requires the UNIX library *)
+(* Adapted from Christophe Raffalli *)
+(* To use it, link it with the program you want to profile (do not forget
+"-cclib -lunix -custom unix.cma" among the link options).
+To trace a function "f" you first need to get a key for it by using :
+let fkey = declare_profile "f";;
+(the string is used to print the profile infomation). Warning: this
+function does a side effect. Choose the ident you want instead "fkey".
+Then if the function has ONE argument add the following just after
+the definition of "f" or just after the declare_profile if this one
+follows the definition of f.
+let f = profile1 fkey f;;
+If f has two arguments do the same with profile2, idem with 3, ...
+For more arguments than provided in this module, make a new copy of
+function profile and adapt for the needed arity.
+If you want to profile two mutually recursive functions, you had better
+to rename them :
+let fkey = declare_profile "f";;
+let gkey = declare_profile "g";;
+let f' = .... f' ... g'
+and g' = .... f' .... g'
+let f = profile fkey f';;
+let g = profile gkey g';;
+Before the program quits, you should call "print_profile ();;". It
+produces a result of the following kind:
+Function name Own time Total time Own alloc Tot. alloc Calls
+f 0.28 0.47 116 116 5 4
+h 0.19 0.19 0 0 4 0
+g 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
+others 0.00 0.47 392 508 9
+Est. overhead/total 0.00 0.47 2752 3260
+- The first column is the name of the function.
+- The third column give the time (utime + stime) spent inside the function.
+- The second column give the time spend inside the function minus the
+ time spend in other profiled functions called by it
+- The 4th and 5th columns give the same for allocated words
+- The 6th and 7th columns give the number of calls to the function and
+ the number of calls to profiled functions inside the scope of the
+ current function
+- If a function has a polymorphic type, you need to supply it with at
+ least one argument as in "let f a = profile1 fkey f a;;" (instead of
+ "let f = profile1 fkey f;;") in order to get generalization of the
+ type.
+- Each line of the form "let f a = profile1 fkey f a;;" in your code
+ counts for 5 words and each line of the form "let f
+ = profile1 fkey f;;" counts for 6 words (a word is 4 or 8 bytes
+ according to the architecture); this is counted for "others".
+- Time fields for functions doing a little job is usually non pertinent.
+type profile_key
+val set_recording : string -> unit
+val print_profile : unit -> unit
+val reset_profile : unit -> unit
+val init_profile : unit -> unit
+val declare_profile : string -> profile_key
+val profile1 : profile_key -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+val profile2 : profile_key -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
+val profile3 :
+ profile_key -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd
+val profile4 :
+ profile_key -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e
+val profile5 :
+ profile_key ->
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f
+val profile6 :
+ profile_key ->
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g)
+ -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g
+val profile7 :
+ profile_key ->
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h)
+ -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> 'h
+(* Some utilities to compute the logical and physical sizes and depth
+ of ML objects *)
+(* Print logical size (in words) and depth of its argument *)
+(* This function does not disturb the heap *)
+val print_logical_stats : 'a -> unit
+(* Print physical size, logical size (in words) and depth of its argument *)
+(* This function allocates itself a lot (the same order of magnitude
+ as the physical size of its argument) *)
+val print_stats : 'a -> unit
+(* Return logical size (first for strings, then for not strings),
+ (in words) and depth of its argument *)
+(* This function allocates itself a lot *)
+val obj_stats : 'a -> int * int * int
+(* Return physical size of its argument (string part and rest) *)
+(* This function allocates itself a lot *)
+val obj_shared_size : 'a -> int * int
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53cc372f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Type of regular trees:
+ - Param denotes tree variables (like de Bruijn indices)
+ - Node denotes the usual tree node, labelles with 'a
+ - Rec(j, introduces infinite tree. It denotes
+ v(j+1) with parameters 0..n-1 replaced by
+ Rec(0,, respectively.
+ Parameters n and higher denote parameters globals to the
+ current Rec node (as usual in de Bruijn binding system)
+ *)
+type 'a t =
+ Param of int
+ | Node of 'a * 'a t array
+ | Rec of int * 'a t array
+(* Building trees *)
+let mk_param i = Param i
+let mk_node lab sons = Node (lab, sons)
+(* Given a vector of n bodies, builds the n mutual recursive trees.
+ Recursive calls are made with parameters 0 to n-1. We check
+ the bodies actually build something by checking it is not
+ directly one of the parameters 0 to n-1. *)
+let mk_rec defs =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i d ->
+ (match d with
+ Param k when k < Array.length defs -> failwith "invalid rec call"
+ | _ -> ());
+ Rec(i,defs))
+ defs
+(* The usual lift operation *)
+let rec lift_rtree_rec depth n = function
+ Param i -> if i < depth then Param i else Param (i+n)
+ | Node (l,sons) -> Node (l, (lift_rtree_rec depth n) sons)
+ | Rec(j,defs) ->
+ Rec(j, (lift_rtree_rec (depth+Array.length defs) n) defs)
+let lift n t = if n=0 then t else lift_rtree_rec 0 n t
+(* The usual subst operation *)
+let rec subst_rtree_rec depth sub = function
+ Param i ->
+ if i < depth then Param i
+ else if i-depth < Array.length sub then lift depth sub.(i-depth)
+ else Param (i-Array.length sub)
+ | Node (l,sons) -> Node (l, (subst_rtree_rec depth sub) sons)
+ | Rec(j,defs) ->
+ Rec(j, (subst_rtree_rec (depth+Array.length defs) sub) defs)
+let subst_rtree sub t = subst_rtree_rec 0 sub t
+let rec map f t = match t with
+ Param i -> Param i
+ | Node (a,sons) -> Node (f a, (map f) sons)
+ | Rec(j,defs) -> Rec (j, (map f) defs)
+let rec smartmap f t = match t with
+ Param i -> t
+ | Node (a,sons) ->
+ let a'=f a and sons' = Util.array_smartmap (map f) sons in
+ if a'==a && sons'==sons then
+ t
+ else
+ Node (a',sons')
+ | Rec(j,defs) ->
+ let defs' = Util.array_smartmap (map f) defs in
+ if defs'==defs then
+ t
+ else
+ Rec(j,defs')
+(* To avoid looping, we must check that every body introduces a node
+ or a parameter *)
+let rec expand_rtree = function
+ | Rec(j,defs) ->
+ let sub = Array.init (Array.length defs) (fun i -> Rec(i,defs)) in
+ expand_rtree (subst_rtree sub defs.(j))
+ | t -> t
+(* Tree destructors, expanding loops when necessary *)
+let dest_param t =
+ match expand_rtree t with
+ Param i -> i
+ | _ -> failwith "dest_param"
+let dest_node t =
+ match expand_rtree t with
+ Node (l,sons) -> (l,sons)
+ | _ -> failwith "dest_node"
+(* Tests if a given tree is infinite or not. It proceeds *)
+let rec is_infinite = function
+ Param i -> i = (-1)
+ | Node(_,sons) -> Util.array_exists is_infinite sons
+ | Rec(j,defs) ->
+ let newdefs =
+ Array.mapi (fun i def -> if i=j then Param (-1) else def) defs in
+ let sub =
+ Array.init (Array.length defs)
+ (fun i -> if i=j then Param (-1) else Rec(i,newdefs)) in
+ is_infinite (subst_rtree sub defs.(j))
+(* Pretty-print a tree (not so pretty) *)
+open Pp
+let rec pp_tree prl t =
+ match t with
+ Param k -> str"#"++int k
+ | Node(lab,[||]) -> hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str")")
+ | Node(lab,v) ->
+ hov 2 (str"("++prl lab++str","++brk(1,0)++
+ Util.prvect_with_sep Util.pr_coma (pp_tree prl) v++str")")
+ | Rec(i,v) ->
+ if Array.length v = 0 then str"Rec{}"
+ else if Array.length v = 1 then
+ hov 2 (str"Rec{"++pp_tree prl v.(0)++str"}")
+ else
+ hov 2 (str"Rec{"++int i++str","++brk(1,0)++
+ Util.prvect_with_sep Util.pr_coma (pp_tree prl) v++str"}")
diff --git a/lib/rtree.mli b/lib/rtree.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f854bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rtree.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: rtree.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Type of regular tree with nodes labelled by values of type 'a *)
+type 'a t
+(* Building trees *)
+(* build a recursive call *)
+val mk_param : int -> 'a t
+(* build a node given a label and the vector of sons *)
+val mk_node : 'a -> 'a t array -> 'a t
+(* build mutually dependent trees *)
+val mk_rec : 'a t array -> 'a t array
+(* [lift k t] increases of [k] the free parameters of [t]. Needed
+ to avoid captures when a tree appears under mk_rec *)
+val lift : int -> 'a t -> 'a t
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+(* [(smartmap f t) == t] if [(f a) ==a ] for all nodes *)
+val smartmap : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t
+(* Destructors (recursive calls are expanded) *)
+val dest_param : 'a t -> int
+val dest_node : 'a t -> 'a * 'a t array
+(* Tells if a tree has an infinite branch *)
+val is_infinite : 'a t -> bool
+(* A rather simple minded pretty-printer *)
+val pp_tree : ('a -> Pp.std_ppcmds) -> 'a t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1697c309
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+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ *)
+let new_stamp =
+ let stamp_ctr = ref 0 in
+ fun () -> incr stamp_ctr; !stamp_ctr
+type 'a timestamped = { stamp : int; ed : 'a }
+let ts_stamp st = st.stamp
+let ts_mod f st = { stamp = new_stamp(); ed = f st.ed }
+let ts_it st = st.ed
+let ts_mk v = { stamp = new_stamp(); ed = v}
+let ts_eq st1 st2 = st1.stamp = st2.stamp
+type 'a idstamped = 'a timestamped
+let ids_mod f st = { stamp = st.stamp; ed = f st.ed}
+let ids_it = ts_it
+let ids_mk = ts_mk
+let ids_eq = ts_eq
diff --git a/lib/stamps.mli b/lib/stamps.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36f238b9
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+++ b/lib/stamps.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: stamps.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Time stamps. *)
+type 'a timestamped
+(* [ts_mod] gives a ['b timestamped] with a new stamp *)
+val ts_mod : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a timestamped -> 'b timestamped
+val ts_it : 'a timestamped -> 'a
+val ts_mk : 'a -> 'a timestamped
+val ts_eq : 'a timestamped -> 'a timestamped -> bool
+val ts_stamp : 'a timestamped -> int
+type 'a idstamped
+(* [ids_mod] gives a ['b stamped] with the same stamp *)
+val ids_mod : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a idstamped -> 'b idstamped
+val ids_it : 'a idstamped -> 'a
+val ids_mk : 'a -> 'a idstamped
+val ids_eq : 'a idstamped -> 'a idstamped -> bool
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd782fe6
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@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Unix
+(* Expanding shell variables and home-directories *)
+let safe_getenv_def var def =
+ try
+ Sys.getenv var
+ with Not_found ->
+ warning ("Environment variable "^var^" not found: using '"^def^"' .");
+ flush Pervasives.stdout;
+ def
+let home = (safe_getenv_def "HOME" ".")
+let safe_getenv n = safe_getenv_def n ("$"^n)
+let rec expand_atom s i =
+ let l = String.length s in
+ if i<l && (is_digit s.[i] or is_letter s.[i] or s.[i] = '_')
+ then expand_atom s (i+1)
+ else i
+let rec expand_macros b s i =
+ let l = String.length s in
+ if i=l then s else
+ match s.[i] with
+ | '$' ->
+ let n = expand_atom s (i+1) in
+ let v = safe_getenv (String.sub s (i+1) (n-i-1)) in
+ let s = (String.sub s 0 i)^v^(String.sub s n (l-n)) in
+ expand_macros false s (i + String.length v)
+ | '/' ->
+ expand_macros true s (i+1)
+ | '~' ->
+ let n = expand_atom s (i+1) in
+ let v =
+ if n=i+1 then home
+ else (getpwnam (String.sub s (i+1) (n-i-1))).pw_dir
+ in
+ let s = v^(String.sub s n (l-n)) in
+ expand_macros false s (String.length v)
+ | c -> expand_macros false s (i+1)
+let glob s = expand_macros true s 0
+(* Files and load path. *)
+type physical_path = string
+type load_path = physical_path list
+(* All subdirectories, recursively *)
+let exists_dir dir =
+ try let _ = opendir dir in true with Unix_error _ -> false
+let all_subdirs ~unix_path:root =
+ let l = ref [] in
+ let add f rel = l := (f, rel) :: !l in
+ let rec traverse dir rel =
+ let dirh = opendir dir in
+ try
+ while true do
+ let f = readdir dirh in
+ if f <> "" && f.[0] <> '.' && (not Coq_config.local or (f <> "CVS"))
+ then
+ let file = Filename.concat dir f in
+ try
+ if (stat file).st_kind = S_DIR then begin
+ let newrel = rel@[f] in
+ add file newrel;
+ traverse file newrel
+ end
+ with Unix_error (e,s1,s2) -> ()
+ done
+ with End_of_file ->
+ closedir dirh
+ in
+ if exists_dir root then
+ begin
+ add root [];
+ traverse root []
+ end ;
+ List.rev !l
+let search_in_path path filename =
+ let rec search = function
+ | lpe :: rem ->
+ let f = glob (Filename.concat lpe filename) in
+ if Sys.file_exists f then (lpe,f) else search rem
+ | [] ->
+ raise Not_found
+ in
+ search path
+let where_in_path = search_in_path
+let find_file_in_path paths name =
+ let globname = glob name in
+ if not (Filename.is_implicit globname) then
+ let root = Filename.dirname globname in
+ root, globname
+ else
+ try
+ search_in_path paths name
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "System.find_file_in_path"
+ (hov 0 (str "Can't find file" ++ spc () ++ str name ++ spc () ++
+ str "on loadpath"))
+let is_in_path lpath filename =
+ try
+ let _ = search_in_path lpath filename in true
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+let make_suffix name suffix =
+ if Filename.check_suffix name suffix then name else (name ^ suffix)
+let file_readable_p na =
+ try access (glob na) [R_OK];true with Unix_error (_, _, _) -> false
+let open_trapping_failure open_fun name suffix =
+ let rname = glob (make_suffix name suffix) in
+ try open_fun rname with _ -> error ("Can't open " ^ rname)
+let try_remove f =
+ try Sys.remove f
+ with _ -> msgnl (str"Warning: " ++ str"Could not remove file " ++
+ str f ++ str" which is corrupted!" )
+let marshal_out ch v = Marshal.to_channel ch v []
+let marshal_in ch =
+ try Marshal.from_channel ch
+ with End_of_file -> error "corrupted file: reached end of file"
+exception Bad_magic_number of string
+let raw_extern_intern magic suffix =
+ let extern_state name =
+ let (_,channel) as filec =
+ open_trapping_failure (fun n -> n,open_out_bin n) name suffix in
+ output_binary_int channel magic;
+ filec
+ and intern_state fname =
+ let channel = open_in_bin fname in
+ if input_binary_int channel <> magic then
+ raise (Bad_magic_number fname);
+ channel
+ in
+ (extern_state,intern_state)
+let extern_intern magic suffix =
+ let (raw_extern,raw_intern) = raw_extern_intern magic suffix in
+ let extern_state name val_0 =
+ try
+ let (fname,channel) = raw_extern name in
+ try
+ marshal_out channel val_0;
+ close_out channel
+ with e ->
+ begin try_remove fname; raise e end
+ with Sys_error s -> error ("System error: " ^ s)
+ and intern_state paths name =
+ try
+ let _,fname = find_file_in_path paths (make_suffix name suffix) in
+ let channel = raw_intern fname in
+ let v = marshal_in channel in
+ close_in channel;
+ v
+ with Sys_error s ->
+ error("System error: " ^ s)
+ in
+ (extern_state,intern_state)
+(* Time stamps. *)
+type time = float * float * float
+let process_time () =
+ let t = times () in
+ (t.tms_utime, t.tms_stime)
+let get_time () =
+ let t = times () in
+ (time(), t.tms_utime, t.tms_stime)
+let time_difference (t1,_,_) (t2,_,_) = t2 -. t1
+let fmt_time_difference (startreal,ustart,sstart) (stopreal,ustop,sstop) =
+ real (stopreal -. startreal) ++ str " secs " ++
+ str "(" ++
+ real ((-.) ustop ustart) ++ str "u" ++
+ str "," ++
+ real ((-.) sstop sstart) ++ str "s" ++
+ str ")"
diff --git a/lib/system.mli b/lib/system.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86d78b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/system.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: system.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*s Files and load paths. Load path entries remember the original root
+ given by the user. For efficiency, we keep the full path (field
+ [directory]), the root path and the path relative to the root. *)
+type physical_path = string
+type load_path = physical_path list
+val all_subdirs : unix_path:string -> (physical_path * string list) list
+val is_in_path : load_path -> string -> bool
+val where_in_path : load_path -> string -> physical_path * string
+val make_suffix : string -> string -> string
+val file_readable_p : string -> bool
+val glob : string -> string
+val home : string
+val exists_dir : string -> bool
+val find_file_in_path : load_path -> string -> physical_path * string
+(*s Generic input and output functions, parameterized by a magic number
+ and a suffix. The intern functions raise the exception [Bad_magic_number]
+ when the check fails, with the full file name. *)
+val marshal_out : out_channel -> 'a -> unit
+val marshal_in : in_channel -> 'a
+exception Bad_magic_number of string
+val raw_extern_intern : int -> string ->
+ (string -> string * out_channel) * (string -> in_channel)
+val extern_intern :
+ int -> string -> (string -> 'a -> unit) * (load_path -> string -> 'a)
+(*s Time stamps. *)
+type time
+val process_time : unit -> float * float
+val get_time : unit -> time
+val time_difference : time -> time -> float (* in seconds *)
+val fmt_time_difference : time -> time -> Pp.std_ppcmds
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23021be4
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+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ *)
+type ('a,'b) t = Node of 'b Gset.t * ('a, ('a,'b) t) Gmap.t
+let empty = Node (Gset.empty, Gmap.empty)
+let map (Node (_,m)) lbl = Gmap.find lbl m
+let xtract (Node (hereset,_)) = Gset.elements hereset
+let dom (Node (_,m)) = Gmap.dom m
+let in_dom (Node (_,m)) lbl = Gmap.mem lbl m
+let is_empty_node (Node(a,b)) = (Gset.elements a = []) & (Gmap.to_list b = [])
+let assure_arc m lbl =
+ if Gmap.mem lbl m then
+ m
+ else
+ Gmap.add lbl (Node (Gset.empty,Gmap.empty)) m
+let cleanse_arcs (Node (hereset,m)) =
+ let l = Gmap.rng m in
+ Node(hereset, if List.for_all is_empty_node l then Gmap.empty else m)
+let rec at_path f (Node (hereset,m)) = function
+ | [] ->
+ cleanse_arcs (Node(f hereset,m))
+ | h::t ->
+ let m = assure_arc m h in
+ cleanse_arcs (Node(hereset,
+ Gmap.add h (at_path f (Gmap.find h m) t) m))
+let add tm (path,v) =
+ at_path (fun hereset -> Gset.add v hereset) tm path
+let rmv tm (path,v) =
+ at_path (fun hereset -> Gset.remove v hereset) tm path
+let app f tlm =
+ let rec apprec pfx (Node(hereset,m)) =
+ let path = List.rev pfx in
+ Gset.iter (fun v -> f(path,v)) hereset;
+ Gmap.iter (fun l tm -> apprec (l::pfx) tm) m
+ in
+ apprec [] tlm
+let to_list tlm =
+ let rec torec pfx (Node(hereset,m)) =
+ let path = List.rev pfx in
+ List.flatten(( (fun v -> (path,v)) (Gset.elements hereset))::
+ ( (fun (l,tm) -> torec (l::pfx) tm) (Gmap.to_list m)))
+ in
+ torec [] tlm
diff --git a/lib/tlm.mli b/lib/tlm.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3011932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tlm.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: tlm.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:31 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Tries. This module implements a data structure [('a,'b) t] mapping lists
+ of values of type ['a] to sets (as lists) of values of type ['b]. *)
+type ('a,'b) t
+val empty : ('a,'b) t
+(* Work on labels, not on paths. *)
+val map : ('a,'b) t -> 'a -> ('a,'b) t
+val xtract : ('a,'b) t -> 'b list
+val dom : ('a,'b) t -> 'a list
+val in_dom : ('a,'b) t -> 'a -> bool
+(* Work on paths, not on labels. *)
+val add : ('a,'b) t -> 'a list * 'b -> ('a,'b) t
+val rmv : ('a,'b) t -> ('a list * 'b) -> ('a,'b) t
+val app : (('a list * 'b) -> unit) -> ('a,'b) t -> unit
+val to_list : ('a,'b) t -> ('a list * 'b) list
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37568f9b
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+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 20:43:46 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+(* Errors *)
+exception Anomaly of string * std_ppcmds (* System errors *)
+let anomaly string = raise (Anomaly(string, str string))
+let anomalylabstrm string pps = raise (Anomaly(string,pps))
+exception UserError of string * std_ppcmds (* User errors *)
+let error string = raise (UserError(string, str string))
+let errorlabstrm l pps = raise (UserError(l,pps))
+let todo s = prerr_string ("TODO: "^s^"\n")
+type loc = Compat.loc
+let dummy_loc = Compat.dummy_loc
+let unloc = Compat.unloc
+let make_loc = Compat.make_loc
+(* raising located exceptions *)
+type 'a located = loc * 'a
+let anomaly_loc (loc,s,strm) = Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Anomaly (s,strm))
+let user_err_loc (loc,s,strm) = Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (UserError (s,strm))
+let invalid_arg_loc (loc,s) = Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (Invalid_argument s)
+let join_loc (deb1,_) (_,fin2) = (deb1,fin2)
+(* Like Exc_located, but specifies the outermost file read, the filename
+ associated to the location of the error, and the error itself. *)
+exception Error_in_file of string * (bool * string * loc) * exn
+(* Projections from triplets *)
+let pi1 (a,_,_) = a
+let pi2 (_,a,_) = a
+let pi3 (_,_,a) = a
+(* Characters *)
+let is_letter c =
+ (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') or
+ (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') or
+ (c >= '\248' && c <= '\255') or
+ (c >= '\192' && c <= '\214') or
+ (c >= '\216' && c <= '\246')
+let is_digit c = (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+let is_ident_tail c =
+ is_letter c or is_digit c or c = '\'' or c = '_'
+(* Strings *)
+let explode s =
+ let rec explode_rec n =
+ if n >= String.length s then
+ []
+ else
+ String.make 1 (String.get s n) :: explode_rec (succ n)
+ in
+ explode_rec 0
+let implode sl = String.concat "" sl
+(* substring searching... *)
+(* gdzie = where, co = what *)
+(* gdzie=gdzie(string) gl=gdzie(length) gi=gdzie(index) *)
+let rec is_sub gdzie gl gi co cl ci =
+ (ci>=cl) ||
+ ((String.unsafe_get gdzie gi = String.unsafe_get co ci) &&
+ (is_sub gdzie gl (gi+1) co cl (ci+1)))
+let rec raw_str_index i gdzie l c co cl =
+ let i' = String.index_from gdzie i c in
+ if (i'+cl <= l) && (is_sub gdzie l i' co cl 0) then i' else
+ raw_str_index (i'+1) gdzie l c co cl
+let string_index_from gdzie i co =
+ if co="" then i else
+ raw_str_index i gdzie (String.length gdzie)
+ (String.unsafe_get co 0) co (String.length co)
+let string_string_contains ~where ~what =
+ try
+ let _ = string_index_from where 0 what in true
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+(* string parsing *)
+let parse_loadpath s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let rec decoupe_dirs n =
+ try
+ let pos = String.index_from s n '/' in
+ if pos = n then
+ invalid_arg "parse_loadpath: find an empty dir in loadpath";
+ let dir = String.sub s n (pos-n) in
+ dir :: (decoupe_dirs (succ pos))
+ with
+ | Not_found -> [String.sub s n (len-n)]
+ in
+ if len = 0 then [] else decoupe_dirs 0
+module Stringset = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
+module Stringmap = Map.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
+let stringmap_to_list m = Stringmap.fold (fun s y l -> (s,y)::l) m []
+let stringmap_dom m = Stringmap.fold (fun s _ l -> s::l) m []
+(* Lists *)
+let list_add_set x l = if List.mem x l then l else x::l
+let list_intersect l1 l2 =
+ List.filter (fun x -> List.mem x l2) l1
+let list_union l1 l2 =
+ let rec urec = function
+ | [] -> l2
+ | a::l -> if List.mem a l2 then urec l else a::urec l
+ in
+ urec l1
+let list_unionq l1 l2 =
+ let rec urec = function
+ | [] -> l2
+ | a::l -> if List.memq a l2 then urec l else a::urec l
+ in
+ urec l1
+let list_subtract l1 l2 =
+ if l2 = [] then l1 else List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x l2)) l1
+let list_subtractq l1 l2 =
+ if l2 = [] then l1 else List.filter (fun x -> not (List.memq x l2)) l1
+let list_chop n l =
+ let rec chop_aux acc = function
+ | (0, l2) -> (List.rev acc, l2)
+ | (n, (h::t)) -> chop_aux (h::acc) (pred n, t)
+ | (_, []) -> failwith "list_chop"
+ in
+ chop_aux [] (n,l)
+let list_tabulate f len =
+ let rec tabrec n =
+ if n = len then [] else (f n)::(tabrec (n+1))
+ in
+ tabrec 0
+let list_assign l n e =
+ let rec assrec stk = function
+ | ((h::t), 0) -> List.rev_append stk (e::t)
+ | ((h::t), n) -> assrec (h::stk) (t, n-1)
+ | ([], _) -> failwith "list_assign"
+ in
+ assrec [] (l,n)
+let rec list_smartmap f l = match l with
+ [] -> l
+ | h::tl ->
+ let h' = f h and tl' = list_smartmap f tl in
+ if h'==h && tl'==tl then l
+ else h'::tl'
+let list_map_left f = (* ensures the order in case of side-effects *)
+ let rec map_rec = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | x::l -> let v = f x in v :: map_rec l
+ in
+ map_rec
+let list_map_i f =
+ let rec map_i_rec i = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | x::l -> let v = f i x in v :: map_i_rec (i+1) l
+ in
+ map_i_rec
+let list_map2_i f i l1 l2 =
+ let rec map_i i = function
+ | ([], []) -> []
+ | ((h1::t1), (h2::t2)) -> (f i h1 h2) :: (map_i (succ i) (t1,t2))
+ | (_, _) -> invalid_arg "map2_i"
+ in
+ map_i i (l1,l2)
+let list_map3 f l1 l2 l3 =
+ let rec map = function
+ | ([], [], []) -> []
+ | ((h1::t1), (h2::t2), (h3::t3)) -> (f h1 h2 h3) :: (map (t1,t2,t3))
+ | (_, _, _) -> invalid_arg "map3"
+ in
+ map (l1,l2,l3)
+let list_index x =
+ let rec index_x n = function
+ | y::l -> if x = y then n else index_x (succ n) l
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ index_x 1
+let list_fold_left_i f =
+ let rec it_list_f i a = function
+ | [] -> a
+ | b::l -> it_list_f (i+1) (f i a b) l
+ in
+ it_list_f
+(* [list_fold_right_and_left f [a1;...;an] hd =
+ f (f (... (f (f hd
+ an
+ [an-1;...;a1])
+ an-1
+ [an-2;...;a1])
+ ...)
+ a2
+ [a1])
+ a1
+ []] *)
+let rec list_fold_right_and_left f l hd =
+ let rec aux tl = function
+ | [] -> hd
+ | a::l -> let hd = aux (a::tl) l in f hd a tl
+ in aux [] l
+let list_iter_i f l = list_fold_left_i (fun i _ x -> f i x) 0 () l
+let list_for_all_i p =
+ let rec for_all_p i = function
+ | [] -> true
+ | a::l -> p i a && for_all_p (i+1) l
+ in
+ for_all_p
+let list_except x l = List.filter (fun y -> not (x = y)) l
+let list_for_all2eq f l1 l2 = try List.for_all2 f l1 l2 with Failure _ -> false
+let list_map_i f =
+ let rec map_i_rec i = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | x::l -> let v = f i x in v::map_i_rec (i+1) l
+ in
+ map_i_rec
+let rec list_sep_last = function
+ | [] -> failwith "sep_last"
+ | hd::[] -> (hd,[])
+ | hd::tl -> let (l,tl) = list_sep_last tl in (l,hd::tl)
+let list_try_find_i f =
+ let rec try_find_f n = function
+ | [] -> failwith "try_find_i"
+ | h::t -> try f n h with Failure _ -> try_find_f (n+1) t
+ in
+ try_find_f
+let list_try_find f =
+ let rec try_find_f = function
+ | [] -> failwith "try_find"
+ | h::t -> try f h with Failure _ -> try_find_f t
+ in
+ try_find_f
+let rec list_uniquize = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | h::t -> if List.mem h t then list_uniquize t else h::(list_uniquize t)
+let rec list_distinct = function
+ | h::t -> (not (List.mem h t)) && list_distinct t
+ | _ -> true
+let rec list_filter2 f = function
+ | [], [] as p -> p
+ | d::dp, l::lp ->
+ let (dp',lp' as p) = list_filter2 f (dp,lp) in
+ if f d l then d::dp', l::lp' else p
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "list_filter2"
+let list_subset l1 l2 =
+ let t2 = Hashtbl.create 151 in
+ List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add t2 x ()) l2;
+ let rec look = function
+ | [] -> true
+ | x::ll -> try Hashtbl.find t2 x; look ll with Not_found -> false
+ in
+ look l1
+let list_splitby p =
+ let rec splitby_loop x y =
+ match y with
+ | [] -> ([],[])
+ | (a::l) -> if (p a) then (x,y) else (splitby_loop (x@[a]) l)
+ in
+ splitby_loop []
+let rec list_split3 = function
+ | [] -> ([], [], [])
+ | (x,y,z)::l ->
+ let (rx, ry, rz) = list_split3 l in (x::rx, y::ry, z::rz)
+let list_firstn n l =
+ let rec aux acc = function
+ | (0, l) -> List.rev acc
+ | (n, (h::t)) -> aux (h::acc) (pred n, t)
+ | _ -> failwith "firstn"
+ in
+ aux [] (n,l)
+let rec list_last = function
+ | [] -> failwith "list_last"
+ | [x] -> x
+ | _ :: l -> list_last l
+let list_lastn n l =
+ let len = List.length l in
+ let rec aux m l =
+ if m = n then l else aux (m - 1) ( l)
+ in
+ if len < n then failwith "lastn" else aux len l
+let rec list_skipn n l = match n,l with
+ | 0, _ -> l
+ | _, [] -> failwith "list_fromn"
+ | n, _::l -> list_skipn (pred n) l
+let list_prefix_of prefl l =
+ let rec prefrec = function
+ | (h1::t1, h2::t2) -> h1 = h2 && prefrec (t1,t2)
+ | ([], _) -> true
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ in
+ prefrec (prefl,l)
+let list_map_append f l = List.flatten ( f l)
+let list_map_append2 f l1 l2 = List.flatten (List.map2 f l1 l2)
+let list_share_tails l1 l2 =
+ let rec shr_rev acc = function
+ | ((x1::l1), (x2::l2)) when x1 == x2 -> shr_rev (x1::acc) (l1,l2)
+ | (l1,l2) -> (List.rev l1, List.rev l2, acc)
+ in
+ shr_rev [] (List.rev l1, List.rev l2)
+let list_join_map f l = List.flatten ( f l)
+let rec list_fold_map f e = function
+ | [] -> (e,[])
+ | h::t ->
+ let e',h' = f e h in
+ let e'',t' = list_fold_map f e' t in
+ e'',h'::t'
+(* (* tail-recursive version of the above function *)
+let list_fold_map f e l =
+ let g (e,b') h =
+ let (e',h') = f e h in
+ (e',h'::b')
+ in
+ let (e',lrev) = List.fold_left g (e,[]) l in
+ (e',List.rev lrev)
+let list_map_assoc f = (fun (x,a) -> (x,f a))
+(* Arrays *)
+let array_exists f v =
+ let rec exrec = function
+ | -1 -> false
+ | n -> (f v.(n)) || (exrec (n-1))
+ in
+ exrec ((Array.length v)-1)
+let array_for_all f v =
+ let rec allrec = function
+ | -1 -> true
+ | n -> (f v.(n)) && (allrec (n-1))
+ in
+ allrec ((Array.length v)-1)
+let array_for_all2 f v1 v2 =
+ let rec allrec = function
+ | -1 -> true
+ | n -> (f v1.(n) v2.(n)) && (allrec (n-1))
+ in
+ let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
+ lv1 = Array.length v2 && allrec (pred lv1)
+let array_for_all3 f v1 v2 v3 =
+ let rec allrec = function
+ | -1 -> true
+ | n -> (f v1.(n) v2.(n) v3.(n)) && (allrec (n-1))
+ in
+ let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
+ lv1 = Array.length v2 && lv1 = Array.length v3 && allrec (pred lv1)
+let array_for_all4 f v1 v2 v3 v4 =
+ let rec allrec = function
+ | -1 -> true
+ | n -> (f v1.(n) v2.(n) v3.(n) v4.(n)) && (allrec (n-1))
+ in
+ let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
+ lv1 = Array.length v2 &&
+ lv1 = Array.length v3 &&
+ lv1 = Array.length v4 &&
+ allrec (pred lv1)
+let array_hd v =
+ match Array.length v with
+ | 0 -> failwith "array_hd"
+ | _ -> v.(0)
+let array_tl v =
+ match Array.length v with
+ | 0 -> failwith "array_tl"
+ | n -> Array.sub v 1 (pred n)
+let array_last v =
+ match Array.length v with
+ | 0 -> failwith "array_last"
+ | n -> v.(pred n)
+let array_cons e v = Array.append [|e|] v
+let array_fold_right_i f v a =
+ let rec fold a n =
+ if n=0 then a
+ else
+ let k = n-1 in
+ fold (f k v.(k) a) k in
+ fold a (Array.length v)
+let array_fold_left_i f v a =
+ let n = Array.length a in
+ let rec fold i v = if i = n then v else fold (succ i) (f i v a.(i)) in
+ fold 0 v
+let array_fold_right2 f v1 v2 a =
+ let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
+ let rec fold a n =
+ if n=0 then a
+ else
+ let k = n-1 in
+ fold (f v1.(k) v2.(k) a) k in
+ if Array.length v2 <> lv1 then invalid_arg "array_fold_right2";
+ fold a lv1
+let array_fold_left2 f a v1 v2 =
+ let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
+ let rec fold a n =
+ if n >= lv1 then a else fold (f a v1.(n) v2.(n)) (succ n)
+ in
+ if Array.length v2 <> lv1 then invalid_arg "array_fold_left2";
+ fold a 0
+let array_fold_left2_i f a v1 v2 =
+ let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
+ let rec fold a n =
+ if n >= lv1 then a else fold (f n a v1.(n) v2.(n)) (succ n)
+ in
+ if Array.length v2 <> lv1 then invalid_arg "array_fold_left2";
+ fold a 0
+let array_fold_left_from n f a v =
+ let rec fold a n =
+ if n >= Array.length v then a else fold (f a v.(n)) (succ n)
+ in
+ fold a n
+let array_fold_right_from n f v a =
+ let rec fold n =
+ if n >= Array.length v then a else f v.(n) (fold (succ n))
+ in
+ fold n
+let array_app_tl v l =
+ if Array.length v = 0 then invalid_arg "array_app_tl";
+ array_fold_right_from 1 (fun e l -> e::l) v l
+let array_list_of_tl v =
+ if Array.length v = 0 then invalid_arg "array_list_of_tl";
+ array_fold_right_from 1 (fun e l -> e::l) v []
+let array_map_to_list f v =
+ f (Array.to_list v)
+let array_chop n v =
+ let vlen = Array.length v in
+ if n > vlen then failwith "array_chop";
+ (Array.sub v 0 n, Array.sub v n (vlen-n))
+exception Local of int
+(* If none of the elements is changed by f we return ar itself.
+ The for loop looks for the first such an element.
+ If found it is temporarily stored in a ref and the new array is produced,
+ but f is not re-applied to elements that are already checked *)
+let array_smartmap f ar =
+ let ar_size = Array.length ar in
+ let aux = ref None in
+ try
+ for i = 0 to ar_size-1 do
+ let a = ar.(i) in
+ let a' = f a in
+ if a != a' then (* pointer (in)equality *) begin
+ aux := Some a';
+ raise (Local i)
+ end
+ done;
+ ar
+ with
+ Local i ->
+ let copy j =
+ if j<i then ar.(j)
+ else if j=i then
+ match !aux with Some a' -> a' | None -> failwith "Error"
+ else f (ar.(j))
+ in
+ Array.init ar_size copy
+let array_map2 f v1 v2 =
+ if Array.length v1 <> Array.length v2 then invalid_arg "array_map2";
+ if Array.length v1 == 0 then
+ [| |]
+ else begin
+ let res = Array.create (Array.length v1) (f v1.(0) v2.(0)) in
+ for i = 1 to pred (Array.length v1) do
+ res.(i) <- f v1.(i) v2.(i)
+ done;
+ res
+ end
+let array_map2_i f v1 v2 =
+ if Array.length v1 <> Array.length v2 then invalid_arg "array_map2";
+ if Array.length v1 == 0 then
+ [| |]
+ else begin
+ let res = Array.create (Array.length v1) (f 0 v1.(0) v2.(0)) in
+ for i = 1 to pred (Array.length v1) do
+ res.(i) <- f i v1.(i) v2.(i)
+ done;
+ res
+ end
+let array_map3 f v1 v2 v3 =
+ if Array.length v1 <> Array.length v2 ||
+ Array.length v1 <> Array.length v3 then invalid_arg "array_map3";
+ if Array.length v1 == 0 then
+ [| |]
+ else begin
+ let res = Array.create (Array.length v1) (f v1.(0) v2.(0) v3.(0)) in
+ for i = 1 to pred (Array.length v1) do
+ res.(i) <- f v1.(i) v2.(i) v3.(i)
+ done;
+ res
+ end
+let array_map_left f a = (* Ocaml does not guarantee is LR *)
+ let l = Array.length a in (* (even if so), then we rewrite it *)
+ if l = 0 then [||] else begin
+ let r = Array.create l (f a.(0)) in
+ for i = 1 to l - 1 do
+ r.(i) <- f a.(i)
+ done;
+ r
+ end
+let array_map_left_pair f a g b =
+ let l = Array.length a in
+ if l = 0 then [||],[||] else begin
+ let r = Array.create l (f a.(0)) in
+ let s = Array.create l (g b.(0)) in
+ for i = 1 to l - 1 do
+ r.(i) <- f a.(i);
+ s.(i) <- g b.(i)
+ done;
+ r, s
+ end
+(* Matrices *)
+let matrix_transpose mat =
+ List.fold_right (List.map2 (fun p c -> p::c)) mat
+ (if mat = [] then [] else (fun _ -> []) (List.hd mat))
+(* Functions *)
+let identity x = x
+let compose f g x = f (g x)
+let iterate f =
+ let rec iterate_f n x =
+ if n <= 0 then x else iterate_f (pred n) (f x)
+ in
+ iterate_f
+let repeat n f x =
+ for i = 1 to n do f x done
+let iterate_for a b f x =
+ let rec iterate i v = if i > b then v else iterate (succ i) (f i v) in
+ iterate a x
+(* Misc *)
+type ('a,'b) union = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b
+module Intset = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
+module Intmap = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
+let intmap_in_dom x m =
+ try let _ = Intmap.find x m in true with Not_found -> false
+let intmap_to_list m = Intmap.fold (fun n v l -> (n,v)::l) m []
+let intmap_inv m b = Intmap.fold (fun n v l -> if v = b then n::l else l) m []
+let interval n m =
+ let rec interval_n (l,m) =
+ if n > m then l else interval_n (m::l,pred m)
+ in
+ interval_n ([],m)
+let in_some x = Some x
+let out_some = function
+ | Some x -> x
+ | None -> failwith "out_some"
+let option_app f = function
+ | None -> None
+ | Some x -> Some (f x)
+let option_cons a l = match a with
+ | Some x -> x::l
+ | None -> l
+let option_fold_left2 f e a b = match (a,b) with
+ | Some x, Some y -> f e x y
+ | _ -> e
+let option_fold_right f a e = match a with
+ | Some x -> f x e
+ | _ -> e
+let option_compare f a b = match (a,b) with
+ | None, None -> true
+ | Some a', Some b' -> f a' b'
+ | _ -> failwith "option_compare"
+let option_iter f = function
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some x -> f x
+let option_smartmap f a = match a with
+ | None -> a
+ | Some x -> let x' = f x in if x'==x then a else Some x'
+let map_succeed f =
+ let rec map_f = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | h::t -> try (let x = f h in x :: map_f t) with Failure _ -> map_f t
+ in
+ map_f
+(* Pretty-printing *)
+let pr_spc = spc
+let pr_fnl = fnl
+let pr_int = int
+let pr_str = str
+let pr_coma () = str "," ++ spc ()
+let pr_semicolon () = str ";" ++ spc ()
+let pr_bar () = str "|" ++ spc ()
+let pr_ord n =
+ let suff = match n mod 10 with 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" | _ -> "th" in
+ int n ++ str suff
+let rec prlist elem l = match l with
+ | [] -> mt ()
+ | h::t -> Stream.lapp (fun () -> elem h) (prlist elem t)
+let rec prlist_with_sep sep elem l = match l with
+ | [] -> mt ()
+ | [h] -> elem h
+ | h::t ->
+ let e = elem h and s = sep() and r = prlist_with_sep sep elem t in
+ e ++ s ++ r
+let pr_vertical_list pr = function
+ | [] -> str "none" ++ fnl ()
+ | l -> fnl () ++ str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_fnl pr l) ++ fnl ()
+let prvecti elem v =
+ let n = Array.length v in
+ let rec pr i =
+ if i = 0 then
+ elem 0 v.(0)
+ else
+ let r = pr (i-1) and e = elem i v.(i) in r ++ e
+ in
+ if n = 0 then mt () else pr (n - 1)
+let prvect_with_sep sep elem v =
+ let rec pr n =
+ if n = 0 then
+ elem v.(0)
+ else
+ let r = pr (n-1) and s = sep() and e = elem v.(n) in
+ r ++ s ++ e
+ in
+ let n = Array.length v in
+ if n = 0 then mt () else pr (n - 1)
+(*s Size of ocaml values. *)
+module Size = struct
+ open Obj
+ (*s Pointers already visited are stored in a hash-table, where
+ comparisons are done using physical equality. *)
+ module H = Hashtbl.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = Obj.t
+ let equal = (==)
+ let hash o = Hashtbl.hash (magic o : int)
+ end)
+ let node_table = (H.create 257 : unit H.t)
+ let in_table o = try H.find node_table o; true with Not_found -> false
+ let add_in_table o = H.add node_table o ()
+ let reset_table () = H.clear node_table
+ (*s Objects are traversed recursively, as soon as their tags are less than
+ [no_scan_tag]. [count] records the numbers of words already visited. *)
+ let size_of_double = size (repr 1.0)
+ let count = ref 0
+ let rec traverse t =
+ if not (in_table t) then begin
+ add_in_table t;
+ if is_block t then begin
+ let n = size t in
+ let tag = tag t in
+ if tag < no_scan_tag then begin
+ count := !count + 1 + n;
+ for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+ let f = field t i in
+ if is_block f then traverse f
+ done
+ end else if tag = string_tag then
+ count := !count + 1 + n
+ else if tag = double_tag then
+ count := !count + size_of_double
+ else if tag = double_array_tag then
+ count := !count + 1 + size_of_double * n
+ else
+ incr count
+ end
+ end
+ (*s Sizes of objects in words and in bytes. The size in bytes is computed
+ system-independently according to [Sys.word_size]. *)
+ let size_w o =
+ reset_table ();
+ count := 0;
+ traverse (repr o);
+ !count
+ let size_b o = (size_w o) * (Sys.word_size / 8)
+ let size_kb o = (size_w o) / (8192 / Sys.word_size)
+let size_w = Size.size_w
+let size_b = Size.size_b
+let size_kb = Size.size_kb
+(*s Total size of the allocated ocaml heap. *)
+let heap_size () =
+ let stat = Gc.stat ()
+ and control = Gc.get () in
+ let max_words_total = stat.Gc.heap_words + control.Gc.minor_heap_size in
+ (max_words_total * Sys.word_size / 8)
+let heap_size_kb () = (heap_size () + 1023) / 1024
+(*s interruption *)
+let interrupt = ref false
+let check_for_interrupt () =
+ if !interrupt then begin interrupt := false; raise Sys.Break end
diff --git a/lib/util.mli b/lib/util.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19f05ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/util.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: util.mli,v 2004/07/16 20:43:46 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Pp
+(* This module contains numerous utility functions on strings, lists,
+ arrays, etc. *)
+(*s Errors. [Anomaly] is used for system errors and [UserError] for the
+ user's ones. *)
+exception Anomaly of string * std_ppcmds
+val anomaly : string -> 'a
+val anomalylabstrm : string -> std_ppcmds -> 'a
+exception UserError of string * std_ppcmds
+val error : string -> 'a
+val errorlabstrm : string -> std_ppcmds -> 'a
+(* [todo] is for running of an incomplete code its implementation is
+ "do nothing" (or print a message), but this function should not be
+ used in a released code *)
+val todo : string -> unit
+type loc = Compat.loc
+type 'a located = loc * 'a
+val unloc : loc -> int * int
+val make_loc : int * int -> loc
+val dummy_loc : loc
+val anomaly_loc : loc * string * std_ppcmds -> 'a
+val user_err_loc : loc * string * std_ppcmds -> 'a
+val invalid_arg_loc : loc * string -> 'a
+val join_loc : loc -> loc -> loc
+(* Like [Exc_located], but specifies the outermost file read, the
+ input buffer associated to the location of the error (or the module name
+ if boolean is true), and the error itself. *)
+exception Error_in_file of string * (bool * string * loc) * exn
+(*s Projections from triplets *)
+val pi1 : 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'a
+val pi2 : 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'b
+val pi3 : 'a * 'b * 'c -> 'c
+(*s Chars. *)
+val is_letter : char -> bool
+val is_digit : char -> bool
+val is_ident_tail : char -> bool
+(*s Strings. *)
+val explode : string -> string list
+val implode : string list -> string
+val string_index_from : string -> int -> string -> int
+val string_string_contains : where:string -> what:string -> bool
+val parse_loadpath : string -> string list
+module Stringset : Set.S with type elt = string
+module Stringmap : Map.S with type key = string
+val stringmap_to_list : 'a Stringmap.t -> (string * 'a) list
+val stringmap_dom : 'a Stringmap.t -> string list
+(*s Lists. *)
+val list_add_set : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_intersect : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_union : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_unionq : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_subtract : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_subtractq : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_chop : int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
+(* [list_tabulate f n] builds [[f 0; ...; f (n-1)]] *)
+val list_tabulate : (int -> 'a) -> int -> 'a list
+val list_assign : 'a list -> int -> 'a -> 'a list
+val list_distinct : 'a list -> bool
+val list_filter2 : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'a list * 'b list
+(* [list_smartmap f [] = f []] but if for all i
+ [ f ai == ai], then [list_smartmap f l==l] *)
+val list_smartmap : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_map_left : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+val list_map_i : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> int -> 'a list -> 'b list
+val list_map2_i :
+ (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> int -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
+val list_map3 :
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> 'd list
+val list_index : 'a -> 'a list -> int
+val list_iter_i : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit
+val list_fold_left_i : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) -> int -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
+val list_fold_right_and_left :
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'b list -> 'a) -> 'b list -> 'a -> 'a
+val list_for_all_i : (int -> 'a -> bool) -> int -> 'a list -> bool
+val list_except : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_for_all2eq : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> bool
+val list_sep_last : 'a list -> 'a * 'a list
+val list_try_find_i : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> int -> 'a list -> 'b
+val list_try_find : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b
+val list_uniquize : 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_subset : 'a list -> 'a list -> bool
+val list_splitby : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
+val list_split3 : ('a * 'b * 'c) list -> 'a list * 'b list * 'c list
+val list_firstn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_last : 'a list -> 'a
+val list_lastn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_skipn : int -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val list_prefix_of : 'a list -> 'a list -> bool
+(* [map_append f [x1; ...; xn]] returns [(f x1)@(f x2)@...@(f xn)] *)
+val list_map_append : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+(* raises [Invalid_argument] if the two lists don't have the same length *)
+val list_map_append2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c list) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list
+val list_share_tails : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list * 'a list
+val list_join_map : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+(* [list_fold_map f e_0 [l_1...l_n] = e_n,[k_1...k_n]]
+ where [(e_i,k_i)=f e_{i-1} l_i] *)
+val list_fold_map :
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'a * 'c) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a * 'c list
+val list_map_assoc : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c * 'a) list -> ('c * 'b) list
+(*s Arrays. *)
+val array_exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool
+val array_for_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool
+val array_for_all2 : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> bool
+val array_for_all3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> bool) ->
+ 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c array -> bool
+val array_for_all4 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> bool) ->
+ 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c array -> 'd array -> bool
+val array_hd : 'a array -> 'a
+val array_tl : 'a array -> 'a array
+val array_last : 'a array -> 'a
+val array_cons : 'a -> 'a array -> 'a array
+val array_fold_right_i :
+ (int -> 'b -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b array -> 'a -> 'a
+val array_fold_left_i : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b array -> 'a
+val array_fold_right2 :
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c -> 'c
+val array_fold_left2 :
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b array -> 'c array -> 'a
+val array_fold_left2_i :
+ (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b array -> 'c array -> 'a
+val array_fold_left_from : int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b array -> 'a
+val array_fold_right_from : int -> ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b -> 'b
+val array_app_tl : 'a array -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val array_list_of_tl : 'a array -> 'a list
+val array_map_to_list : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b list
+val array_chop : int -> 'a array -> 'a array * 'a array
+val array_smartmap : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a array -> 'a array
+val array_map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c array
+val array_map2_i : (int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c array
+val array_map3 :
+ ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a array -> 'b array -> 'c array -> 'd array
+val array_map_left : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array
+val array_map_left_pair : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> ('c -> 'd) -> 'c array ->
+ 'b array * 'd array
+(*s Matrices *)
+val matrix_transpose : 'a list list -> 'a list list
+(*s Functions. *)
+val identity : 'a -> 'a
+val compose : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b
+val iterate : ('a -> 'a) -> int -> 'a -> 'a
+val repeat : int -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+val iterate_for : int -> int -> (int -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+(*s Misc. *)
+type ('a,'b) union = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b
+module Intset : Set.S with type elt = int
+module Intmap : Map.S with type key = int
+val intmap_in_dom : int -> 'a Intmap.t -> bool
+val intmap_to_list : 'a Intmap.t -> (int * 'a) list
+val intmap_inv : 'a Intmap.t -> 'a -> int list
+val interval : int -> int -> int list
+val in_some : 'a -> 'a option
+val out_some : 'a option -> 'a
+val option_app : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
+val option_cons : 'a option -> 'a list -> 'a list
+val option_fold_right : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b -> 'b
+val option_fold_left2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b option ->
+ 'c option -> 'a
+val option_iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a option -> unit
+val option_compare : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a option -> 'b option -> bool
+val option_smartmap : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a option -> 'a option
+(* In [map_succeed f l] an element [a] is removed if [f a] raises *)
+(* [Failure _] otherwise behaves as [ f l] *)
+val map_succeed : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+(*s Pretty-printing. *)
+val pr_spc : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_fnl : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_int : int -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_str : string -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_coma : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_semicolon : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_bar : unit -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_ord : int -> std_ppcmds
+val prlist : ('a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a list -> std_ppcmds
+val prvecti : (int -> 'a -> std_ppcmds) -> 'a array -> std_ppcmds
+val prlist_with_sep :
+ (unit -> std_ppcmds) -> ('b -> std_ppcmds) -> 'b list -> std_ppcmds
+val prvect_with_sep :
+ (unit -> std_ppcmds) -> ('b -> std_ppcmds) -> 'b array -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_vertical_list : ('b -> std_ppcmds) -> 'b list -> std_ppcmds
+(*s Size of an ocaml value (in words, bytes and kilobytes). *)
+val size_w : 'a -> int
+val size_b : 'a -> int
+val size_kb : 'a -> int
+(*s Total size of the allocated ocaml heap. *)
+val heap_size : unit -> int
+val heap_size_kb : unit -> int
+(*s Coq interruption: set the following boolean reference to interrupt Coq
+ (it eventually raises [Break], simulating a Ctrl-C) *)
+val interrupt : bool ref
+val check_for_interrupt : unit -> unit