path: root/Util/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Util/')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Util/ b/Util/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d122eafe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Util/
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+import atexit
+import getopt
+import os
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import timeit
+import threading
+import multiprocessing
+""" WindowsError is not defined on UNIX systems, this works around that """
+ WindowsError
+except NameError:
+ WindowsError = None
+""" Horrible hack: Patch sys.exit() so we can get the exitcode in atexit callbacks """
+class ExitHook(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.code = None
+ def hook(self):
+ self.realExit = sys.exit
+ sys.exit = self.exit
+ def exit(self, code=0):
+ self.code = code
+ self.realExit(code)
+exitHook = ExitHook()
+""" Options for the tool """
+class CommandLineOptions(object):
+ sourceFiles = []
+ boogieOptions = [ "/nologo",
+ "/typeEncoding:m",
+ "/useArrayTheory",
+ "/doNotUseLabels",
+ "/noinfer",
+ "/contractInfer",
+ "/outputRefuted",
+ "/proverOpt:OPTIMIZE_FOR_BV=true"
+ ]
+ workers = 1
+ inference = True
+ debugging = False
+ verbose = False
+ noSourceLocInfer = False
+ time = False
+ timeCSVLabel = None
+ boogieMemout=0
+ boogieTimeout=300
+def SplitFilenameExt(f):
+ filename, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
+ return filename, ext
+class VerificationTask(multiprocessing.Process):
+ """ This class is used to create a new thread and run a
+ verification task on it.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, taskID, queue, solver, errorLimit, timeout=0, timeoutErrorCode=None):
+ super(VerificationTask, self).__init__()
+ self.taskID = taskID
+ self.queue = queue
+ self.solver = solver
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.timeoutErrorCode = timeoutErrorCode
+ self.options = [ "/outputRefuted",
+ "/errorLimit:" + str(errorLimit)
+ ]
+ if (solver == "cvc4"):
+ self.options += [ "/proverOpt:SOLVER=cvc4" ]
+ self.options += [ "/cvc4exe:" + os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + "../Binaries/cvc4.exe" ]
+ elif (solver == "Z3"):
+ self.options += [ "/z3exe:" + os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + "../Binaries/z3.exe" ]
+ self.options += ["/z3opt:RELEVANCY=0", "/z3opt:SOLVER=true" ]
+ def run(self):
+ print "INFO:[Task-" + str(self.taskID) + "] running Boogie using the " + self.solver + " solver."
+ RunTool("boogie",
+ (["mono"] if == "posix" else []) +
+ [os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + "../Binaries/Boogie.exe"] +
+ CommandLineOptions.boogieOptions + self.options,
+ ErrorCodes.BOOGIE_ERROR,
+ self.timeout,
+ self.timeoutErrorCode)
+ self.queue.put(self.taskID)
+class Timeout(Exception):
+ pass
+class ToolWatcher(object):
+ """ This class is used by run() to implement a timeout.
+ It uses threading.Timer to implement the timeout and provides
+ a method for checking if the timeout occurred. It also provides a
+ method for cancelling the timeout.
+ The class is reentrant
+ """
+ def __handleTimeOut(self):
+ if self.popenObject.poll() == None :
+ # Program is still running, let's kill it
+ self.__killed=True
+ self.popenObject.terminate()
+ """ Create a ToolWatcher instance with an existing "subprocess.Popen" instance
+ and timeout.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,popenObject,timeout):
+ """ Create ToolWatcher. This will start the timeout.
+ """
+ self.timeout=timeout
+ self.popenObject=popenObject
+ self.__killed=False
+ self.timer=threading.Timer(self.timeout, self.__handleTimeOut)
+ self.timer.start()
+ """ Returns True if the timeout occurred """
+ def timeOutOccured(self):
+ return self.__killed
+ """ Cancel the timeout. You must call this if your program wishes
+ to exit else exit() will block waiting for this class's Thread
+ (threading.Timer) to finish.
+ """
+ def cancelTimeout(self):
+ self.timer.cancel()
+def run(command,timeout=0):
+ """ Run a command with an optional timeout. A timeout of zero
+ implies no timeout.
+ """
+ popenargs={}
+ if CommandLineOptions.verbose:
+ print " ".join(command)
+ else:
+ popenargs['bufsize']=0
+ popenargs['stdout']=subprocess.PIPE
+ popenargs['stderr']=subprocess.PIPE
+ killer=None
+ def cleanupKiller():
+ if killer!=None:
+ killer.cancelTimeout()
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(command,**popenargs)
+ if timeout > 0:
+ killer=ToolWatcher(proc,timeout)
+ try:
+ stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
+ if killer != None and killer.timeOutOccured():
+ raise Timeout
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ cleanupKiller()
+ proc.wait()
+ sys.exit(ErrorCodes.CTRL_C)
+ finally:
+ #Need to kill the timer if it exists else exit() will block until the timer finishes
+ cleanupKiller()
+ return stdout, stderr, proc.returncode
+class ErrorCodes(object):
+ CTRL_C = 4
+def RunTool(ToolName, Command, ErrorCode,timeout=0,timeoutErrorCode=None):
+ """ Run a tool.
+ If the timeout is set to 0 then there will no timeout.
+ If the timeout is > 0 then timeoutErrorCode MUST be set!
+ """
+ try:
+ stdout, stderr, returnCode = run(Command, timeout)
+ except Timeout:
+ PortfolioSolverError(ToolName + " timed out. Use --timeout=N with N > " + str(timeout) + " to increase timeout, or --timeout=0 to disable timeout.", timeoutErrorCode)
+ except (OSError,WindowsError) as e:
+ PortfolioSolverError("While invoking " + ToolName + ": " + str(e),ErrorCode)
+ if returnCode != 0:
+ if stdout: print >> sys.stderr, stdout
+ if stderr: print >> sys.stderr, stderr
+ sys.exit(ErrorCode)
+def showHelpAndExit():
+ print "OVERVIEW: Portfolio Solver"
+ print ""
+ print "USAGE: [options] <inputs>"
+ print ""
+ print " -h, --help Display this message"
+ print " -p, --processes= Number of solvers to run in parallel"
+ print " --memout=X Give Boogie a hard memory limit of X megabytes."
+ print " A memout of 0 disables the memout. The default is " + str(CommandLineOptions.boogieMemout) + " megabytes."
+ print " --time Show timing information"
+ print " --timeout=X Allow Boogie to run for X seconds before giving up."
+ print " A timeout of 0 disables the timeout. The default is " + str(CommandLineOptions.boogieTimeout) + " seconds."
+ print " --verbose Show commands to run and use verbose output"
+ sys.exit(0)
+def PortfolioSolverError(msg, code):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "PortfolioSolver: error: " + msg
+ sys.exit(code)
+def Verbose(msg):
+ if(CommandLineOptions.verbose):
+ print msg
+def getSourceFiles(args):
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ PortfolioSolverError("no .bpl files supplied", ErrorCodes.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR)
+ for a in args:
+ filename, ext = SplitFilenameExt(a)
+ if not ext == ".bpl":
+ PortfolioSolverError("'" + a + "' has unknown file extension, supported file extensions are .bpl (Boogie PL)", ErrorCodes.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR)
+ CommandLineOptions.sourceFiles.append(a)
+def showHelpIfRequested(opts):
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o == "--help" or o == "-h":
+ showHelpAndExit()
+def processOptions(opts, args):
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o == "--processes" or o == "-p":
+ try:
+ if int(a) < 0:
+ PortfolioSolverError("negative value " + a + " provided as argument to --processes", ErrorCodes.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR)
+ CommandLineOptions.workers = int(a)
+ except ValueError:
+ PortfolioSolverError("non integer value '" + a + "' provided as argument to --processes", ErrorCodes.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR)
+ if o == "--boogie-opt":
+ CommandLineOptions.boogieOptions += str(a).split(" ")
+ if o == "--no-source-loc-infer":
+ CommandLineOptions.noSourceLocInfer = True
+ if o == "--time":
+ CommandLineOptions.time = True
+ if o == "--time-as-csv":
+ CommandLineOptions.time = True
+ CommandLineOptions.timeCSVLabel = a
+ if o == "--timeout":
+ try:
+ CommandLineOptions.boogieTimeout = int(a)
+ if CommandLineOptions.boogieTimeout < 0:
+ raise ValueError
+ except ValueError as e:
+ PortfolioSolverError("Invalid timeout \"" + a + "\"", ErrorCodes.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR)
+ if o == "--memout":
+ try:
+ CommandLineOptions.boogieMemout = int(a)
+ if CommandLineOptions.boogieMemout < 0:
+ raise ValueError
+ except ValueError as e:
+ PortfolioSolverError("Invalid memout \"" + a + "\"", ErrorCodes.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR)
+ if o == "--verbose":
+ CommandLineOptions.verbose = True
+def main(argv=None):
+ if argv is None:
+ argv = sys.argv
+ progname = argv[0]
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:],'p:h',
+ ['help', 'processors=',
+ 'verbose',
+ 'memout=',
+ 'no-source-loc-infer',
+ 'boogie-opt=',
+ 'time', 'time-as-csv=',
+ 'timeout='
+ ])
+ except getopt.GetoptError as getoptError:
+ PortfolioSolverError(getoptError.msg + ". Try --help for list of options", ErrorCodes.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR)
+ showHelpIfRequested(opts)
+ getSourceFiles(args)
+ processOptions(opts, args)
+ if CommandLineOptions.noSourceLocInfer:
+ CommandLineOptions.boogieOptions += [ "/noSourceLocInfer" ]
+ if CommandLineOptions.boogieMemout > 0:
+ CommandLineOptions.boogieOptions.append("/z3opt:-memory:" + str(CommandLineOptions.boogieMemout))
+ timeoutArguments={}
+ if CommandLineOptions.boogieTimeout > 0:
+ timeoutArguments['timeout']= CommandLineOptions.boogieTimeout
+ timeoutArguments['timeoutErrorCode']=ErrorCodes.BOOGIE_TIMEOUT
+ CommandLineOptions.boogieOptions += [ CommandLineOptions.sourceFiles[0] ]
+ toolTasks = []
+ taskQueue = multiprocessing.Queue()
+ start = timeit.default_timer()
+ for taskID in range(CommandLineOptions.workers):
+ if (taskID == 0):
+ task = VerificationTask(taskID + 1, taskQueue, "Z3", 8, **timeoutArguments)
+ elif (taskID == 1):
+ task = VerificationTask(taskID + 1, taskQueue, "Z3", 4, **timeoutArguments)
+ task.start()
+ toolTasks.append(task)
+ taskResult = taskQueue.get()
+ end = timeit.default_timer()
+ for task in toolTasks:
+ task.terminate()
+ timing = end-start
+ if CommandLineOptions.time:
+ print "INFO:[Task-" + str(taskResult) + "] finished (%.2f secs)." % timing
+ else:
+ print "INFO:[Task-" + str(taskResult) + "] finished."
+ os.remove("houdini.txt")
+ return 0
+def showTiming():
+ label = CommandLineOptions.timeCSVLabel
+ times.append(timing)
+ row = [ '%.3f' % t for t in times ]
+ if len(label) > 0: row.insert(0, label)
+ if exitHook.code is ErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
+ row.append('PASS')
+ print ', '.join(row)
+ else:
+ row.append('FAIL(' + str(exitHook.code) + ')')
+ print >> sys.stderr, ', '.join(row)
+def killChildrenPosix():
+ def handler(signal,frame):
+ return
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
+ os.killpg(0,signal.SIGINT)
+def exitHandler():
+ if CommandLineOptions.timeCSVLabel is not None:
+ showTiming()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if == 'posix':
+ killChildrenPosix()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ atexit.register(exitHandler)
+ sys.exit(main())