path: root/Test/vstte2012/Tree.dfy
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/Test/vstte2012/Tree.dfy b/Test/vstte2012/Tree.dfy
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index 47ed19a4..00000000
--- a/Test/vstte2012/Tree.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// The tree datatype
-datatype Tree = Leaf | Node(Tree, Tree);
-// This datatype is used for the result of the build functions.
-// These functions either fail or yield a tree. Since we use
-// a side-effect free implementation of the helper
-// build_rec, it also has to yield the rest of the sequence,
-// which still needs to be processed. For function build,
-// this part is not used.
-datatype Result = Fail | Res(t: Tree, sOut: seq<int>);
-// Function toList converts a tree to a sequence.
-// We use Dafny's built-in value type sequence rather than
-// an imperative implementation to simplify verification.
-// The argument d is added to each element of the sequence;
-// it is analogous to the argument d in build_rec.
-// The postconditions state properties that are needed
-// in the completeness proof.
-function toList(d: int, t: Tree): seq<int>
- ensures toList(d, t) != [] && toList(d, t)[0] >= d;
- ensures (toList(d, t)[0] == d) == (t == Leaf);
- decreases t;
- match t
- case Leaf => [d]
- case Node(l, r) => toList(d+1, l) + toList(d+1, r)
-// Function build_rec is a side-effect free implementation
-// of the code given in the problem statement.
-// The first postcondition is needed to show that the
-// termination measure indeed decreases.
-// The second postcondition specifies the soundness
-// property; converting the resulting tree back into a
-// sequence yields exactly that portion of the input
-// sequence that has been consumed.
-function method build_rec(d: int, s: seq<int>): Result
- ensures build_rec(d, s).Res? ==>
- |build_rec(d, s).sOut| < |s| &&
- build_rec(d, s).sOut == s[|s|-|build_rec(d, s).sOut|..];
- ensures build_rec(d, s).Res? ==>
- toList(d,build_rec(d, s).t) == s[..|s|-|build_rec(d, s).sOut|];
- decreases |s|, (if s==[] then 0 else s[0]-d);
- if s==[] || s[0] < d then
- Fail
- else if s[0] == d then
- Res(Leaf, s[1..])
- else
- var left := build_rec(d+1, s);
- if left.Fail? then Fail else
- var right := build_rec(d+1, left.sOut);
- if right.Fail? then Fail else
- Res(Node(left.t, right.t), right.sOut)
-// Function build is a side-effect free implementation
-// of the code given in the problem statement.
-// The postcondition specifies the soundness property;
-// converting the resulting tree back into a
-// sequence yields exactly the input sequence.
-// Completeness is proved as a lemma, see below.
-function method build(s: seq<int>): Result
- ensures build(s).Res? ==> toList(0,build(s).t) == s;
- var r := build_rec(0, s);
- if r.Res? && r.sOut == [] then r else Fail
-// This ghost methods encodes the main lemma for the
-// completeness theorem. If a sequence s starts with a
-// valid encoding of a tree t then build_rec yields a
-// result (i.e., does not fail) and the rest of the sequence.
-// The body of the method proves the lemma by structural
-// induction on t. Dafny proves termination (using the
-// height of the term t as termination measure), which
-// ensures that the induction hypothesis is applied
-// correctly (encoded by calls to this ghost method).
-ghost method lemma0(t: Tree, d: int, s: seq<int>)
- ensures build_rec(d, toList(d, t) + s).Res? &&
- build_rec(d, toList(d, t) + s).sOut == s;
- match(t) {
- case Leaf =>
- assert toList(d, t) == [d];
- case Node(l, r) =>
- assert toList(d, t) + s == toList(d+1, l) + (toList(d+1, r) + s);
- lemma0(l, d+1, toList(d+1, r) + s); // apply the induction hypothesis
- lemma0(r, d+1, s); // apply the induction hypothesis
- }
-// This ghost method encodes a lemma that states the
-// completeness property. It is proved by applying the
-// main lemma (lemma0). In this lemma, the bound variables
-// of the completeness theorem are passed as arguments;
-// the following two ghost methods replace these arguments
-// by quantified variables.
-ghost method lemma1(t: Tree, s:seq<int>)
- requires s == toList(0, t) + [];
- ensures build(s).Res?;
- lemma0(t, 0, []);
-// This ghost method encodes a lemma that introduces the
-// existential quantifier in the completeness property.
-ghost method lemma2(s: seq<int>)
- ensures (exists t: Tree :: toList(0,t) == s) ==> build(s).Res?;
- parallel(t | toList(0,t) == s) {
- lemma1(t, s);
- }
-// This ghost method encodes the completeness theorem.
-// For each sequence for which there is a corresponding
-// tree, function build yields a result different from Fail.
-// The body of the method converts the argument of lemma2
-// into a universally quantified variable.
-ghost method completeness()
- ensures forall s: seq<int> :: ((exists t: Tree :: toList(0,t) == s) ==> build(s).Res?);
- parallel(s) {
- lemma2(s);
- }
-// This method encodes the first test harness
-// given in the problem statement. The local
-// assertions are required by the verifier to
-// unfold the necessary definitions.
-method harness0()
- ensures build([1,3,3,2]).Res? &&
- build([1,3,3,2]).t == Node(Leaf, Node(Node(Leaf, Leaf), Leaf));
- assert build_rec(2, [2]) ==
- Res(Leaf, []);
- assert build_rec(2, [3,3,2]) ==
- Res(Node(Leaf, Leaf), [2]);
- assert build_rec(1, [3,3,2]) ==
- Res(Node(Node(Leaf, Leaf), Leaf), []);
- assert build_rec(1, [1,3,3,2]) ==
- Res(Leaf, [3,3,2]);
- assert build_rec(0, [1,3,3,2]) ==
- Res(
- Node(build_rec(1, [1,3,3,2]).t,
- build_rec(1, [3,3,2]).t),
- []);
-// This method encodes the second test harness
-// given in the problem statement. The local
-// assertions are required by the verifier to
-// unfold the necessary definitions.
-method harness1()
- ensures build([1,3,2,2]).Fail?;
- assert build_rec(3, [2,2]).Fail?;
- assert build_rec(1, [3,2,2]).Fail?;