path: root/Test/dafny0/Compilation.dfy
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Diffstat (limited to 'Test/dafny0/Compilation.dfy')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/Compilation.dfy b/Test/dafny0/Compilation.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index c9545c93..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/Compilation.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// The tests in this file are designed to run through the compiler. They contain
-// program snippets that are tricky to compile or whose compilation once was buggy.
-module OnceBuggy {
- datatype MyDt<T> = Nil | Cons(T, MyDt<T>);
- method M<U>(x: MyDt<int>)
- {
- match (x) {
- case Cons(head, tail) =>
- var y: int := head;
- case Nil =>
- }
- }
-// --------------------------------------------------
-module CoRecursion {
- codatatype Stream<T> = More(head: T, rest: Stream);
- function method AscendingChain(n: int): Stream<int>
- {
- More(n, AscendingChain(n+1))
- }
- datatype List<T> = Nil | Cons(car: T, cdr: List);
- function method Prefix(n: nat, s: Stream): List
- {
- if n == 0 then Nil else
- Cons(s.head, Prefix(n-1,
- }
- class Cell { var data: int; }
- // When run, the following method should print
- // 400
- // 320
- // 40
- // 41
- // 42
- method Main() {
- var m := 17;
- var cell := new Cell;
- := 40;
- var mr := More(400, More(320, AscendingChain(;
- m := 30;
- := 60;
- var l := Prefix(5, mr);
- while (l != Nil)
- decreases l;
- {
- match (l) { case Cons(x,y) => }
- print, "\n";
- l := l.cdr;
- }
- }
-ghost module S {
- class C {
- var f: int;
- method m()
- }
-module T refines S {
- class C {
- method m() {
- print "in T.C.m()";
- }
- }
-module A {
- import X as S default T;
- import Y as S default T;
- import Z = T;
- static method run() {
- var x := new X.C;
- x.m();
- var y := new Y.C;
- y.m();
- var z := new Z.C;
- z.m();
- }
-method NotMain() {
-ghost module S1 {
- import B as S default T;
- static method do()
-module T1 refines S1 {
- static method do() {
- var x := 3;
- }
-module A1 {
- import X as S1 default T1;
- static method run() {
- var x := new X.B.C;
- x.m();
- }