path: root/Test/dafny0/Basics.dfy
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Diffstat (limited to 'Test/dafny0/Basics.dfy')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/Test/dafny0/Basics.dfy b/Test/dafny0/Basics.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fca7199..00000000
--- a/Test/dafny0/Basics.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-class Global {
- static function G(x: int): int { x+x }
- static method N(ghost x: int) returns (ghost r: int)
- ensures r == Global.G(x);
- {
- if {
- case true => r := G(x+0);
- case true =>
- var g: Global;
- r := g.G(x);
- case true =>
- var g: Global := null;
- r := g.G(x);
- case true =>
- r := Global.G(x);
- }
- }
-method TestCalls(k: nat) {
- var g: Global, h: Global;
- assume g != h;
- ghost var r: int;
- ghost var s := Global.G(k);
- r := Global.N(k);
- assert r == s;
- r := g.N(k);
- assert r == s;
- r := h.N(k);
- assert r == s;
- g := null;
- r := g.N(k);
- assert r == s;
- r := Global.N(r);
- if (k == 0) {
- assert r == s;
- } else {
- assert r == s; // error: G(k) and G(k+k) are different
- }
-// ---------- chaining operators ------------------------------------
-function UpTruth(j: int, k: int): bool
- requires 10 <= j < 180 < 220 <= k;
- 0 < 2 <= 2 < j != 200 < k < k + 1
-function DownTruth(j: int, k: int): bool
- requires k >= 220 > 180 > j >= 10;
- k + 1 > k > 200 != j > 2 >= 2 > 0
-method ChallengeTruth(j: int, k: int)
- requires 80 <= j < 150 && 250 <= k < 1000;
- assert UpTruth(j, k);
- assert DownTruth(j, k);
- // but this is not equally true:
- assert j <= j + k != k + j + 1 < k+k+j <=/*this is the error*/ j+j+k < k+k+j+j == 2*k + 2*j == 2*(k+j);
-// --------- multi assignments --------------------------------
-class Multi {
- var x: int;
- var y: int;
- var next: Multi;
- method Mutate(z: int) returns (m: Multi)
- requires 0 <= z;
- modifies this;
- ensures y == old(y);
- {
- x := x + z;
- }
- method IncX() returns (oldX: int)
- modifies this;
- ensures x == old(x) + 1 && oldX == old(x);
- {
- x, oldX := x + 1, x;
- }
-method TestMulti(m: Multi, p: Multi)
- requires m != null && p != null;
- modifies m, p;
- m.x := 10;
- m.y := 12;
- p.x := 20;
- p.y := 22;
- if (*) {
- assert p.x == 20;
- assert m.x == 10; // error: m and p may be the same
- }
- var t, u;
- u, m.x, t := 100, u + t + m.x, 200;
- m.x := 0;
- u, m.x, t := 200, u + t + m.x, 400;
- assert m.x == 300;
- if (p.x != 300) {
- p.x, m.x := m.x, p.x;
- }
- assert p.x == 300;
- if (*) {
- p.x, m.y := 10, 10;
- p.x, m.x := 8, 8;
- }
- var a, b := new int[20], new int[30];
- a[4], b[10], a[0], a[3], b[18] := 0, 1, 2, 3, 4;
- a[4], b[b[18]] := 271, 272;
- a[4], a[b[18]] := 273, 274; // error: duplicate assignment (since b[18] is 4)
-class MyBoxyClass<T> {
- var f: T;
-method TestBoxAssignment<T>(x: MyBoxyClass<int>, y: MyBoxyClass<T>, t: T)
- requires x != null && y != null;
- modifies x, y;
- y.f := t;
- x.f := 15;
- // all together now:
- y.f, x.f := t, 15; // error: duplicate assignment (if T==int and x==y)
- var k: int := x.f;
-method TestCallsWithFancyLhss(m: Multi)
- requires m != null && != null;
- modifies m,;
- m.x := 10;
- var p :=;
- := m.Mutate(m.x); // fine
- if (*) {
- assert == old(; // error: the call to Mutate may have changed
- }
- := m.Mutate(20); // error: LHS may not be well defined ( may be null)
- m.x, := 12, p;
- m.x, m.y := SwapEm(m.x, m.y);
- assert m.y == 12;
- if (*) {
- m.x, m.x := SwapEm(m.x, m.y); // error: duplicate among LHSs
- }
- m.x := 30;
- var xx := m.IncX();
- assert xx == 30;
- m.y := m.IncX();
- assert m.y == 31 && m.x == 32;
- m.x := m.IncX();
- assert m.x == 32;
- xx := m.IncX();
- if (*) {
- assert xx == 33; // error: xx will in fact be 32
- } else {
- assert xx == 32; // see!
- }
-method SwapEm(a: int, b: int) returns (x: int, y: int)
- ensures x == b && y == a;
- x, y := b, a;
-function method abs(a:int): int
- if a <= 0 then -a else a
-// test of verifier using euclidean division.
-method EuclideanTest(a: int, b: int)
- requires b != 0;
- var q, r := a / b, a % b;
- assert 0 <= r < abs(b);
- assert a == b * q + r;
- assert (a/b) * b + a % b == a;
-method havocInMultiassignment()
- var i: nat, j: nat;
- i, j := *, 3;
- assert 0 <= i;
-method m()
- var i: int, j: int;
- i, j := 3, 6;
- i, i := 3, 3;
-method swap(a: array<int>, i: nat, j: nat)
- requires a != null && 0 <= i < a.Length && 0 <= j < a.Length;
- modifies a;
- a[i], a[j] := a[j], a[i];
-class CC {
- var x : int;
- var y : int;
-method notQuiteSwap(c: CC, d: CC)
- requires c != null && d != null;
- modifies c,d;
- c.x, d.x := c.x, c.x;
-method notQuiteSwap2(c: CC, d: CC)
- requires c != null && d != null;
- modifies c,d;
- c.x, d.x := d.x, c.y; // BAD: c and d could be the same.
-method OKNowIt'sSwapAgain(c: CC, d: CC)
- requires c != null && d != null;
- modifies c,d;
- c.x, d.x := d.x, c.x;
-method notQuiteSwap3(c: CC, d: CC)
- requires c != null && d != null && c != d;
- modifies c,d;
- c.x, d.x := 4, c.y;
- c.x, c.y := 3, c.y;