path: root/Test/VSI-Benchmarks/b8.dfy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Test/VSI-Benchmarks/b8.dfy')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/Test/VSI-Benchmarks/b8.dfy b/Test/VSI-Benchmarks/b8.dfy
deleted file mode 100644
index 2149df25..00000000
--- a/Test/VSI-Benchmarks/b8.dfy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-// Benchmark 8
-// A dictionary is a mapping between words and sequences of words
-// to set up the dictionary in main we will read a stream of words and put them into the mapping - the first element of the stream is the term,
-// the following words (until we read null) form the terms definition. Then the stream provides the next term etc.
-class Queue<T> {
- var contents: seq<T>;
- method Init()
- modifies this;
- ensures |contents| == 0;
- method Enqueue(x: T)
- modifies this;
- ensures contents == old(contents) + [x];
- method Dequeue() returns (x: T)
- requires 0 < |contents|;
- modifies this;
- ensures contents == old(contents)[1..] && x == old(contents)[0];
- function Head(): T
- requires 0 < |contents|;
- reads this;
- { contents[0] }
- function Get(i: int): T
- requires 0 <= i && i < |contents|;
- reads this;
- { contents[i] }
-class Glossary {
- method Sort(q: Queue<Word>) returns (r: Queue<Word>, perm:seq<int>)
- requires q != null;
- modifies q;
- ensures r != null && fresh(r);
- ensures |r.contents| == |old(q.contents)|;
- ensures (forall i, j :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < |r.contents| ==>
- r.Get(i) != null &&
- r.Get(i).AtMost(r.Get(j)));
- //perm is a permutation
- ensures |perm| == |r.contents|; // ==|pperm|
- ensures (forall i: int :: 0 <= i && i < |perm|==> 0 <= perm[i] && perm[i] < |perm| );
- ensures (forall i, j: int :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < |perm| ==> perm[i] != perm[j]);
- // the final Queue is a permutation of the input Queue
- ensures (forall i: int :: 0 <= i && i < |perm| ==> r.contents[i] == old(q.contents)[perm[i]]);
- method Main()
- {
- var rs:= new ReaderStream;
- rs.Open();
- var glossary := new Map<Word,seq<Word>>.Init();
- var q := new Queue<Word>.Init();
- while (true)
- invariant rs.Valid() && fresh(rs.footprint);
- invariant glossary.Valid();
- invariant glossary !in rs.footprint;
- invariant null !in glossary.keys;
- invariant (forall d :: d in glossary.values ==> null !in d);
- invariant q !in rs.footprint;
- invariant q.contents == glossary.keys;
- decreases *; // we leave out the decreases clause - unbounded stream
- {
- var term,definition := readDefinition(rs);
- if (term == null) {
- break;
- }
- var present, d := glossary.Find(term);
- if (!present) {
- glossary.Add(term,definition);
- q.Enqueue(term);
- }
- }
- rs.Close();
- var p;
- q,p := Sort(q);
- var wr := new WriterStream;
- wr.Create();
- while (0 < |q.contents|)
- invariant wr.Valid() && fresh(wr.footprint);
- invariant glossary.Valid();
- invariant glossary !in wr.footprint && null !in glossary.keys;
- invariant (forall d :: d in glossary.values ==> null !in d);
- invariant q !in wr.footprint;
- invariant (forall k :: k in q.contents ==> k in glossary.keys);
- {
- var term := q.Dequeue();
- var present,definition := glossary.Find(term);
- assert present;
- // write term with a html anchor
- wr.PutWordInsideTag(term, term);
- var i := 0;
- var qcon := q.contents;
- while (i < |definition|)
- invariant wr.Valid() && fresh(wr.footprint);
- invariant glossary.Valid();
- invariant glossary !in wr.footprint && null !in glossary.keys;
- invariant (forall d :: d in glossary.values ==> null !in d);
- invariant q !in wr.footprint;
- invariant qcon == q.contents;
- invariant (forall k :: k in q.contents ==> k in glossary.keys);
- {
- var w := definition[i];
- var d;
- present, d := glossary.Find(w);
- if (present)
- {
- wr. PutWordInsideHyperlink(w, w);
- }
- else
- {
- wr. PutWord(w);
- }
- i:= i +1;
- }
- }
- wr.Close();
- }
- method readDefinition(rs:ReaderStream) returns (term:Word, definition:seq<Word>)
- requires rs != null && rs.Valid();
- modifies rs.footprint;
- ensures rs.Valid() && fresh(rs.footprint - old(rs.footprint));
- ensures term != null ==> null !in definition;
- {
- term := rs.GetWord();
- if (term != null)
- {
- definition := [];
- while (true)
- invariant rs.Valid() && fresh(rs.footprint - old(rs.footprint));
- invariant null !in definition;
- decreases *; // we leave out the decreases clause - unbounded stream
- {
- var w := rs.GetWord();
- if (w == null)
- {
- break;
- }
- definition := definition + [w];
- }
- }
- }
-class Word
- function AtMost(w: Word): bool
-class ReaderStream {
- ghost var footprint: set<object>;
- var isOpen: bool;
- function Valid(): bool
- reads this, footprint;
- {
- null !in footprint && this in footprint && isOpen
- }
- method Open() //reading
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint -{this});
- {
- footprint := {this};
- isOpen :=true;
- }
- method GetWord() returns (x: Word)
- requires Valid();
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- {
- }
- method Close()
- requires Valid();
- modifies footprint;
- {
- isOpen := false;
- }
-class WriterStream {
- ghost var footprint:set<object>;
- var stream:seq<int>;
- var isOpen:bool;
- function Valid(): bool
- reads this, footprint;
- {
- null !in footprint && this in footprint && isOpen
- }
- method Create() //writing
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint -{this});
- ensures stream == [];
- {
- stream := [];
- footprint := {this};
- isOpen:= true;
- }
- method GetCount() returns (c:int)
- requires Valid();
- ensures 0<=c;
- {
- c:=|stream|;
- }
- method PutWord(w:Word )
- requires Valid();
- requires w != null;
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures old(stream)<= stream;
- {
- }
- method PutWordInsideTag(tag:Word,w:Word )
- requires Valid();
- requires tag != null && w != null;
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures old(stream)<= stream;
- {
- }
- method PutWordInsideHyperlink(tag:Word,w:Word )
- requires Valid();
- requires tag != null && w != null;
- modifies footprint;
- ensures Valid() && fresh(footprint - old(footprint));
- ensures old(stream)<= stream;
- {
- }
- method Close()
- requires Valid();
- modifies footprint;
- {
- isOpen := false;
- }
-class Map<Key(==),Value> {
- var keys: seq<Key>;
- var values: seq<Value>;
- function Valid(): bool
- reads this;
- {
- |keys| == |values| &&
- (forall i, j :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < |keys| ==> keys[i] != keys[j])
- }
- method Init()
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid() && |keys| == 0;
- {
- keys := [];
- values := [];
- }
- method Find(key: Key) returns (present: bool, val: Value)
- requires Valid();
- ensures !present ==> key !in keys;
- ensures present ==> (exists i :: 0 <= i && i < |keys| &&
- keys[i] == key && values[i] == val);
- {
- var j := FindIndex(key);
- if (j == -1) {
- present := false;
- } else {
- present := true;
- val := values[j];
- }
- }
- method Add(key: Key, val: Value)
- requires Valid();
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid();
- ensures (forall i :: 0 <= i && i < |old(keys)| && old(keys)[i] == key ==>
- |keys| == |old(keys)| &&
- keys[i] == key && values[i] == val &&
- (forall j :: 0 <= j && j < |values| && i != j ==> keys[j] == old(keys)[j] && values[j] == old(values)[j]));
- ensures key !in old(keys) ==> keys == old(keys) + [key] && values == old(values) + [val];
- {
- var j := FindIndex(key);
- if (j == -1) {
- keys := keys + [key];
- values := values + [val];
- } else {
- values := values[j := val];
- }
- }
- method Remove(key: Key)
- requires Valid();
- modifies this;
- ensures Valid();
- // no key is introduced:
- ensures (forall k :: k in keys ==> k in old(keys));
- // at most one key is removed:
- ensures (forall k :: k in old(keys) ==> k in keys || k == key);
- // the given key is not there:
- // other values don't change:
- ensures key !in old(keys) ==> keys == old(keys) && values == old(values);
- ensures key in old(keys) ==>
- |keys| == |old(keys)| - 1 && key !in keys &&
- (exists h ::
- 0 <= h && h <= |keys| &&
- keys[..h] == old(keys)[..h] &&
- values[..h] == old(values)[..h] &&
- keys[h..] == old(keys)[h+1..] &&
- values[h..] == old(values)[h+1..]);
- {
- var j := FindIndex(key);
- if (0 <= j) {
- keys := keys[..j] + keys[j+1..];
- values := values[..j] + values[j+1..];
- }
- }
- method FindIndex(key: Key) returns (idx: int)
- requires Valid();
- ensures -1 <= idx && idx < |keys|;
- ensures idx == -1 ==> key !in keys;
- ensures 0 <= idx ==> keys[idx] == key;
- {
- var j := 0;
- while (j < |keys|)
- invariant j <= |keys|;
- invariant key !in keys[..j];
- {
- if (keys[j] == key) {
- idx := j;
- return;
- }
- j := j + 1;
- }
- idx := -1;
- }