path: root/Source/Provers/SMTLib/TypeDeclCollector.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Provers/SMTLib/TypeDeclCollector.cs')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Provers/SMTLib/TypeDeclCollector.cs b/Source/Provers/SMTLib/TypeDeclCollector.cs
index 9205d54c..32e28560 100644
--- a/Source/Provers/SMTLib/TypeDeclCollector.cs
+++ b/Source/Provers/SMTLib/TypeDeclCollector.cs
@@ -1,396 +1,396 @@
-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie.SMTLib
- // Visitor for collecting the occurring function symbols in a VCExpr,
- // and for creating the corresponding declarations
- public class TypeDeclCollector : BoundVarTraversingVCExprVisitor<bool, bool> {
- private readonly UniqueNamer Namer;
- private readonly SMTLibProverOptions Options;
- private HashSet<Function/*!*/>/*!*/ RegisteredRelations = new HashSet<Function>();
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
-void ObjectInvariant()
- Contract.Invariant(Namer!=null);
- Contract.Invariant(AllDecls != null);
- Contract.Invariant(IncDecls != null);
- Contract.Invariant(KnownFunctions != null);
- Contract.Invariant(KnownVariables != null);
- public TypeDeclCollector(SMTLibProverOptions opts, UniqueNamer namer) {
- Contract.Requires(namer != null);
- this.Namer = namer;
- this.Options = opts;
- InitializeKnownDecls();
- }
- // not used
- protected override bool StandardResult(VCExpr node, bool arg) {
- //Contract.Requires(node != null);
- return true;
- }
- private readonly List<string/*!>!*/> AllDecls = new List<string/*!*/> ();
- private readonly List<string/*!>!*/> IncDecls = new List<string/*!*/> ();
- // In order to support push/pop interface of the theorem prover, the "known" declarations
- // must be kept in a stack
- private HashSet<Function/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownFunctions
- {
- get { return _KnownFunctions.Peek(); }
- }
- private HashSet<VCExprVar/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownVariables
- {
- get { return _KnownVariables.Peek(); }
- }
- private HashSet<Type/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownTypes
- {
- get { return _KnownTypes.Peek(); }
- }
- private HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownStoreFunctions
- {
- get { return _KnownStoreFunctions.Peek(); }
- }
- private HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownSelectFunctions
- {
- get { return _KnownSelectFunctions.Peek(); }
- }
- private HashSet<string> KnownLBL
- {
- get { return _KnownLBL.Peek(); }
- }
- // ------
- private readonly Stack<HashSet<Function/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownFunctions = new Stack<HashSet<Function/*!*/>>();
- private readonly Stack<HashSet<VCExprVar/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownVariables = new Stack<HashSet<VCExprVar/*!*/>>();
- private readonly Stack<HashSet<Type/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownTypes = new Stack<HashSet<Type>>();
- private readonly Stack<HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownStoreFunctions = new Stack<HashSet<string>>();
- private readonly Stack<HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownSelectFunctions = new Stack<HashSet<string>>();
- private readonly Stack<HashSet<string>> _KnownLBL = new Stack<HashSet<string>>();
- // lets RPFP checker capture decls
- public abstract class DeclHandler {
- public abstract void VarDecl(VCExprVar v);
- public abstract void FuncDecl(Function f);
- }
- private DeclHandler declHandler = null;
- public void SetDeclHandler(DeclHandler _d){
- declHandler = _d;
- }
- private void InitializeKnownDecls()
- {
- _KnownFunctions.Push(new HashSet<Function>());
- _KnownVariables.Push(new HashSet<VCExprVar>());
- _KnownTypes.Push(new HashSet<Type>());
- _KnownStoreFunctions.Push(new HashSet<string>());
- _KnownSelectFunctions.Push(new HashSet<string>());
- _KnownLBL.Push(new HashSet<string>());
- }
- public void Reset()
- {
- _KnownFunctions.Clear();
- _KnownVariables.Clear();
- _KnownTypes.Clear();
- _KnownStoreFunctions.Clear();
- _KnownSelectFunctions.Clear();
- _KnownLBL.Clear();
- AllDecls.Clear();
- IncDecls.Clear();
- InitializeKnownDecls();
- }
- public void Push()
- {
- Contract.Assert(_KnownFunctions.Count > 0);
- _KnownFunctions.Push(new HashSet<Function>(_KnownFunctions.Peek()));
- _KnownVariables.Push(new HashSet<VCExprVar>(_KnownVariables.Peek()));
- _KnownTypes.Push(new HashSet<Type>(_KnownTypes.Peek()));
- _KnownStoreFunctions.Push(new HashSet<string>(_KnownStoreFunctions.Peek()));
- _KnownSelectFunctions.Push(new HashSet<string>(_KnownSelectFunctions.Peek()));
- _KnownLBL.Push(new HashSet<string>(_KnownLBL.Peek()));
- }
- public void Pop()
- {
- Contract.Assert(_KnownFunctions.Count > 1);
- _KnownFunctions.Pop();
- _KnownVariables.Pop();
- _KnownTypes.Pop();
- _KnownStoreFunctions.Pop();
- _KnownSelectFunctions.Pop();
- _KnownLBL.Pop();
- }
- public List<string/*!>!*/> AllDeclarations { get {
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<List<string>>() ));
- List<string>/*!>!*/ res = new List<string/*!*/> ();
- res.AddRange(AllDecls);
- return res;
- } }
- public List<string/*!>!*/> GetNewDeclarations() {
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<List<string>>() ));
- List<string>/*!>!*/ res = new List<string/*!*/>();
- res.AddRange(IncDecls);
- IncDecls.Clear();
- return res;
- }
- private void AddDeclaration(string decl) {
- Contract.Requires(decl != null);
- AllDecls.Add(decl);
- IncDecls.Add(decl);
- }
- public void Collect(VCExpr expr) {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- Traverse(expr, true);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- private static string TypeToString(Type t) {
- Contract.Requires(t != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
- return SMTLibExprLineariser.TypeToString(t);
- }
- public string TypeToStringReg(Type t)
- {
- RegisterType(t);
- return TypeToString(t);
- }
- public void AddFunction(Function func) {
- if (KnownFunctions.Contains(func))
- return;
- KnownFunctions.Add(func);
- if(declHandler != null)
- declHandler.FuncDecl(func);
- }
- public void RegisterRelation(Function func)
- {
- if (RegisteredRelations.Contains(func))
- return;
- RegisteredRelations.Add(func);
- }
- public override bool Visit(VCExprNAry node, bool arg) {
- Contract.Requires(node != null);
- if (node.Op is VCExprStoreOp) RegisterStore(node);
- else if (node.Op is VCExprSelectOp) RegisterSelect(node);
- else {
- VCExprBoogieFunctionOp op = node.Op as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp;
- if (op != null &&
- !(op.Func is DatatypeConstructor) && !(op.Func is DatatypeMembership) && !(op.Func is DatatypeSelector) &&
- !KnownFunctions.Contains(op.Func)) {
- Function f = op.Func;
- Contract.Assert(f != null);
- var builtin = SMTLibExprLineariser.ExtractBuiltin(f);
- if (builtin == null) {
- string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedName(f, f.Name);
- Contract.Assert(printedName != null);
- Contract.Assert(f.OutParams.Count == 1);
- var argTypes = f.InParams.Cast<Variable>().MapConcat(p => TypeToStringReg(p.TypedIdent.Type), " ");
- string decl;
- if(RegisteredRelations.Contains(op.Func))
- decl = "(declare-rel " + printedName + " (" + argTypes + ") " + ")";
- else
- decl = "(declare-fun " + printedName + " (" + argTypes + ") " + TypeToStringReg(f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type) + ")";
- AddDeclaration(decl);
- if (declHandler != null) declHandler.FuncDecl(f);
- }
- KnownFunctions.Add(f);
- } else {
- var lab = node.Op as VCExprLabelOp;
- if (lab != null && !KnownLBL.Contains(lab.label)) {
- KnownLBL.Add(lab.label);
- var name = SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(SMTLibNamer.LabelVar(lab.label));
- AddDeclaration("(declare-fun " + name + " () Bool)");
- }
- }
- }
- return base.Visit(node, arg);
- }
- public override bool Visit(VCExprVar node, bool arg) {
- Contract.Requires(node != null);
- if (!BoundTermVars.Contains(node) && !KnownVariables.Contains(node)) {
- string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedName(node, node.Name);
- Contract.Assert(printedName!=null);
- RegisterType(node.Type);
- string decl =
- "(declare-fun " + printedName + " () " + TypeToString(node.Type) + ")";
- AddDeclaration(decl);
- KnownVariables.Add(node);
- if(declHandler != null)
- declHandler.VarDecl(node);
- }
- return base.Visit(node, arg);
- }
- public override bool Visit(VCExprQuantifier node, bool arg)
- {
- Contract.Requires(node != null);
- foreach (VCExprVar v in node.BoundVars) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- RegisterType(v.Type);
- }
- return base.Visit(node, arg);
- }
- private void RegisterType(Type type)
- {
- Contract.Requires(type != null);
- if (KnownTypes.Contains(type)) return;
- if (type.IsMap && CommandLineOptions.Clo.MonomorphicArrays) {
- KnownTypes.Add(type);
- MapType mapType = type.AsMap;
- Contract.Assert(mapType != null);
- foreach (Type t in mapType.Arguments) {
- Contract.Assert(t != null);
- RegisterType(t);
- }
- RegisterType(mapType.Result);
- if (!CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory)
- AddDeclaration("(declare-sort " + TypeToString(type) + " 0)");
- return;
- }
- if (type.IsBool || type.IsInt || type.IsReal || type.IsBv)
- return;
- CtorType ctorType = type as CtorType;
- if (ctorType != null && ctorType.IsDatatype())
- return;
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic) {
- AddDeclaration("(declare-sort " + TypeToString(type) + " 0)");
- KnownTypes.Add(type);
- return;
- }
- }
- private void RegisterSelect(VCExprNAry node)
- {
- RegisterType(node[0].Type);
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory)
- return;
- string name = SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.SelectOpName(node);
- name = Namer.GetQuotedName(name, name);
- if (!KnownSelectFunctions.Contains(name)) {
- string decl = "(declare-fun " + name + " (" + node.MapConcat(n => TypeToString(n.Type), " ") + ") " + TypeToString(node.Type) + ")";
- AddDeclaration(decl);
- KnownSelectFunctions.Add(name);
- }
- }
- private void RegisterStore(VCExprNAry node)
- {
- RegisterType(node.Type); // this is the map type, registering it should register also the index and value types
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory)
- return;
- string name = SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.StoreOpName(node);
- name = Namer.GetQuotedName(name, name);
- if (!KnownStoreFunctions.Contains(name)) {
- string decl = "(declare-fun " + name + " (" + node.MapConcat(n => TypeToString(n.Type), " ") + ") " + TypeToString(node.Type) + ")";
- AddDeclaration(decl);
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.MonomorphicArrays) {
- var sel = SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.SelectOpName(node);
- sel = Namer.GetQuotedName(sel, sel);
- if (!KnownSelectFunctions.Contains(sel)) {
- // need to declare it before reference
- var args = node.SkipEnd(1);
- var ret = node.Last();
- string seldecl = "(declare-fun " + sel + " (" + args.MapConcat(n => TypeToString(n.Type), " ") + ") " + TypeToString(ret.Type) + ")";
- AddDeclaration(seldecl);
- KnownSelectFunctions.Add(sel);
- }
- string ax1 = "(assert (forall (";
- string ax2 = "(assert (forall (";
- string argX = "", argY = "";
- string dist = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < node.Arity; i++) {
- var t = " " + TypeToString(node[i].Type);
- var x = " ?x" + i;
- var y = " ?y" + i;
- ax1 += " (" + x + t + ")";
- ax2 += " (" + x + t + ")";
- if (i != 0 && i != node.Arity - 1) {
- argX += x;
- argY += y;
- ax2 += " (" + y + t + ")";
- dist += " (not (=" + x + y + "))";
- }
- }
- string v = " ?x" + (node.Arity - 1);
- ax1 += ") (= (" + sel + " (" + name + " ?x0" + argX + v + ")" + argX + ") " + v + ")";
- ax1 += "))";
- if (node.Arity > 3)
- dist = "(or " + dist + ")";
- ax2 += ") (=> " + dist + " (= (" + sel + " (" + name + " ?x0" + argX + v + ")" + argY + ") (" + sel + " ?x0" + argY + ")))";
- ax2 += "))";
- AddDeclaration(ax1);
- AddDeclaration(ax2);
- }
- KnownStoreFunctions.Add(name);
- }
- //
- }
- }
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie.SMTLib
+ // Visitor for collecting the occurring function symbols in a VCExpr,
+ // and for creating the corresponding declarations
+ public class TypeDeclCollector : BoundVarTraversingVCExprVisitor<bool, bool> {
+ private readonly UniqueNamer Namer;
+ private readonly SMTLibProverOptions Options;
+ private HashSet<Function/*!*/>/*!*/ RegisteredRelations = new HashSet<Function>();
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+void ObjectInvariant()
+ Contract.Invariant(Namer!=null);
+ Contract.Invariant(AllDecls != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(IncDecls != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(KnownFunctions != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(KnownVariables != null);
+ public TypeDeclCollector(SMTLibProverOptions opts, UniqueNamer namer) {
+ Contract.Requires(namer != null);
+ this.Namer = namer;
+ this.Options = opts;
+ InitializeKnownDecls();
+ }
+ // not used
+ protected override bool StandardResult(VCExpr node, bool arg) {
+ //Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ return true;
+ }
+ private readonly List<string/*!>!*/> AllDecls = new List<string/*!*/> ();
+ private readonly List<string/*!>!*/> IncDecls = new List<string/*!*/> ();
+ // In order to support push/pop interface of the theorem prover, the "known" declarations
+ // must be kept in a stack
+ private HashSet<Function/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownFunctions
+ {
+ get { return _KnownFunctions.Peek(); }
+ }
+ private HashSet<VCExprVar/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownVariables
+ {
+ get { return _KnownVariables.Peek(); }
+ }
+ private HashSet<Type/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownTypes
+ {
+ get { return _KnownTypes.Peek(); }
+ }
+ private HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownStoreFunctions
+ {
+ get { return _KnownStoreFunctions.Peek(); }
+ }
+ private HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/ KnownSelectFunctions
+ {
+ get { return _KnownSelectFunctions.Peek(); }
+ }
+ private HashSet<string> KnownLBL
+ {
+ get { return _KnownLBL.Peek(); }
+ }
+ // ------
+ private readonly Stack<HashSet<Function/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownFunctions = new Stack<HashSet<Function/*!*/>>();
+ private readonly Stack<HashSet<VCExprVar/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownVariables = new Stack<HashSet<VCExprVar/*!*/>>();
+ private readonly Stack<HashSet<Type/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownTypes = new Stack<HashSet<Type>>();
+ private readonly Stack<HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownStoreFunctions = new Stack<HashSet<string>>();
+ private readonly Stack<HashSet<string/*!*/>/*!*/> _KnownSelectFunctions = new Stack<HashSet<string>>();
+ private readonly Stack<HashSet<string>> _KnownLBL = new Stack<HashSet<string>>();
+ // lets RPFP checker capture decls
+ public abstract class DeclHandler {
+ public abstract void VarDecl(VCExprVar v);
+ public abstract void FuncDecl(Function f);
+ }
+ private DeclHandler declHandler = null;
+ public void SetDeclHandler(DeclHandler _d){
+ declHandler = _d;
+ }
+ private void InitializeKnownDecls()
+ {
+ _KnownFunctions.Push(new HashSet<Function>());
+ _KnownVariables.Push(new HashSet<VCExprVar>());
+ _KnownTypes.Push(new HashSet<Type>());
+ _KnownStoreFunctions.Push(new HashSet<string>());
+ _KnownSelectFunctions.Push(new HashSet<string>());
+ _KnownLBL.Push(new HashSet<string>());
+ }
+ public void Reset()
+ {
+ _KnownFunctions.Clear();
+ _KnownVariables.Clear();
+ _KnownTypes.Clear();
+ _KnownStoreFunctions.Clear();
+ _KnownSelectFunctions.Clear();
+ _KnownLBL.Clear();
+ AllDecls.Clear();
+ IncDecls.Clear();
+ InitializeKnownDecls();
+ }
+ public void Push()
+ {
+ Contract.Assert(_KnownFunctions.Count > 0);
+ _KnownFunctions.Push(new HashSet<Function>(_KnownFunctions.Peek()));
+ _KnownVariables.Push(new HashSet<VCExprVar>(_KnownVariables.Peek()));
+ _KnownTypes.Push(new HashSet<Type>(_KnownTypes.Peek()));
+ _KnownStoreFunctions.Push(new HashSet<string>(_KnownStoreFunctions.Peek()));
+ _KnownSelectFunctions.Push(new HashSet<string>(_KnownSelectFunctions.Peek()));
+ _KnownLBL.Push(new HashSet<string>(_KnownLBL.Peek()));
+ }
+ public void Pop()
+ {
+ Contract.Assert(_KnownFunctions.Count > 1);
+ _KnownFunctions.Pop();
+ _KnownVariables.Pop();
+ _KnownTypes.Pop();
+ _KnownStoreFunctions.Pop();
+ _KnownSelectFunctions.Pop();
+ _KnownLBL.Pop();
+ }
+ public List<string/*!>!*/> AllDeclarations { get {
+ Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<List<string>>() ));
+ List<string>/*!>!*/ res = new List<string/*!*/> ();
+ res.AddRange(AllDecls);
+ return res;
+ } }
+ public List<string/*!>!*/> GetNewDeclarations() {
+ Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<List<string>>() ));
+ List<string>/*!>!*/ res = new List<string/*!*/>();
+ res.AddRange(IncDecls);
+ IncDecls.Clear();
+ return res;
+ }
+ private void AddDeclaration(string decl) {
+ Contract.Requires(decl != null);
+ AllDecls.Add(decl);
+ IncDecls.Add(decl);
+ }
+ public void Collect(VCExpr expr) {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ Traverse(expr, true);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private static string TypeToString(Type t) {
+ Contract.Requires(t != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
+ return SMTLibExprLineariser.TypeToString(t);
+ }
+ public string TypeToStringReg(Type t)
+ {
+ RegisterType(t);
+ return TypeToString(t);
+ }
+ public void AddFunction(Function func) {
+ if (KnownFunctions.Contains(func))
+ return;
+ KnownFunctions.Add(func);
+ if(declHandler != null)
+ declHandler.FuncDecl(func);
+ }
+ public void RegisterRelation(Function func)
+ {
+ if (RegisteredRelations.Contains(func))
+ return;
+ RegisteredRelations.Add(func);
+ }
+ public override bool Visit(VCExprNAry node, bool arg) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ if (node.Op is VCExprStoreOp) RegisterStore(node);
+ else if (node.Op is VCExprSelectOp) RegisterSelect(node);
+ else {
+ VCExprBoogieFunctionOp op = node.Op as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp;
+ if (op != null &&
+ !(op.Func is DatatypeConstructor) && !(op.Func is DatatypeMembership) && !(op.Func is DatatypeSelector) &&
+ !KnownFunctions.Contains(op.Func)) {
+ Function f = op.Func;
+ Contract.Assert(f != null);
+ var builtin = SMTLibExprLineariser.ExtractBuiltin(f);
+ if (builtin == null) {
+ string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedName(f, f.Name);
+ Contract.Assert(printedName != null);
+ Contract.Assert(f.OutParams.Count == 1);
+ var argTypes = f.InParams.Cast<Variable>().MapConcat(p => TypeToStringReg(p.TypedIdent.Type), " ");
+ string decl;
+ if(RegisteredRelations.Contains(op.Func))
+ decl = "(declare-rel " + printedName + " (" + argTypes + ") " + ")";
+ else
+ decl = "(declare-fun " + printedName + " (" + argTypes + ") " + TypeToStringReg(f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type) + ")";
+ AddDeclaration(decl);
+ if (declHandler != null) declHandler.FuncDecl(f);
+ }
+ KnownFunctions.Add(f);
+ } else {
+ var lab = node.Op as VCExprLabelOp;
+ if (lab != null && !KnownLBL.Contains(lab.label)) {
+ KnownLBL.Add(lab.label);
+ var name = SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(SMTLibNamer.LabelVar(lab.label));
+ AddDeclaration("(declare-fun " + name + " () Bool)");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return base.Visit(node, arg);
+ }
+ public override bool Visit(VCExprVar node, bool arg) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ if (!BoundTermVars.Contains(node) && !KnownVariables.Contains(node)) {
+ string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedName(node, node.Name);
+ Contract.Assert(printedName!=null);
+ RegisterType(node.Type);
+ string decl =
+ "(declare-fun " + printedName + " () " + TypeToString(node.Type) + ")";
+ AddDeclaration(decl);
+ KnownVariables.Add(node);
+ if(declHandler != null)
+ declHandler.VarDecl(node);
+ }
+ return base.Visit(node, arg);
+ }
+ public override bool Visit(VCExprQuantifier node, bool arg)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ foreach (VCExprVar v in node.BoundVars) {
+ Contract.Assert(v != null);
+ RegisterType(v.Type);
+ }
+ return base.Visit(node, arg);
+ }
+ private void RegisterType(Type type)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(type != null);
+ if (KnownTypes.Contains(type)) return;
+ if (type.IsMap && CommandLineOptions.Clo.MonomorphicArrays) {
+ KnownTypes.Add(type);
+ MapType mapType = type.AsMap;
+ Contract.Assert(mapType != null);
+ foreach (Type t in mapType.Arguments) {
+ Contract.Assert(t != null);
+ RegisterType(t);
+ }
+ RegisterType(mapType.Result);
+ if (!CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory)
+ AddDeclaration("(declare-sort " + TypeToString(type) + " 0)");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type.IsBool || type.IsInt || type.IsReal || type.IsBv)
+ return;
+ CtorType ctorType = type as CtorType;
+ if (ctorType != null && ctorType.IsDatatype())
+ return;
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic) {
+ AddDeclaration("(declare-sort " + TypeToString(type) + " 0)");
+ KnownTypes.Add(type);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ private void RegisterSelect(VCExprNAry node)
+ {
+ RegisterType(node[0].Type);
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory)
+ return;
+ string name = SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.SelectOpName(node);
+ name = Namer.GetQuotedName(name, name);
+ if (!KnownSelectFunctions.Contains(name)) {
+ string decl = "(declare-fun " + name + " (" + node.MapConcat(n => TypeToString(n.Type), " ") + ") " + TypeToString(node.Type) + ")";
+ AddDeclaration(decl);
+ KnownSelectFunctions.Add(name);
+ }
+ }
+ private void RegisterStore(VCExprNAry node)
+ {
+ RegisterType(node.Type); // this is the map type, registering it should register also the index and value types
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseArrayTheory)
+ return;
+ string name = SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.StoreOpName(node);
+ name = Namer.GetQuotedName(name, name);
+ if (!KnownStoreFunctions.Contains(name)) {
+ string decl = "(declare-fun " + name + " (" + node.MapConcat(n => TypeToString(n.Type), " ") + ") " + TypeToString(node.Type) + ")";
+ AddDeclaration(decl);
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.MonomorphicArrays) {
+ var sel = SimplifyLikeExprLineariser.SelectOpName(node);
+ sel = Namer.GetQuotedName(sel, sel);
+ if (!KnownSelectFunctions.Contains(sel)) {
+ // need to declare it before reference
+ var args = node.SkipEnd(1);
+ var ret = node.Last();
+ string seldecl = "(declare-fun " + sel + " (" + args.MapConcat(n => TypeToString(n.Type), " ") + ") " + TypeToString(ret.Type) + ")";
+ AddDeclaration(seldecl);
+ KnownSelectFunctions.Add(sel);
+ }
+ string ax1 = "(assert (forall (";
+ string ax2 = "(assert (forall (";
+ string argX = "", argY = "";
+ string dist = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < node.Arity; i++) {
+ var t = " " + TypeToString(node[i].Type);
+ var x = " ?x" + i;
+ var y = " ?y" + i;
+ ax1 += " (" + x + t + ")";
+ ax2 += " (" + x + t + ")";
+ if (i != 0 && i != node.Arity - 1) {
+ argX += x;
+ argY += y;
+ ax2 += " (" + y + t + ")";
+ dist += " (not (=" + x + y + "))";
+ }
+ }
+ string v = " ?x" + (node.Arity - 1);
+ ax1 += ") (= (" + sel + " (" + name + " ?x0" + argX + v + ")" + argX + ") " + v + ")";
+ ax1 += "))";
+ if (node.Arity > 3)
+ dist = "(or " + dist + ")";
+ ax2 += ") (=> " + dist + " (= (" + sel + " (" + name + " ?x0" + argX + v + ")" + argY + ") (" + sel + " ?x0" + argY + ")))";
+ ax2 += "))";
+ AddDeclaration(ax1);
+ AddDeclaration(ax2);
+ }
+ KnownStoreFunctions.Add(name);
+ }
+ //
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file