path: root/Source/Provers/SMTLib/ProverInterface.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Provers/SMTLib/ProverInterface.cs')
1 files changed, 2588 insertions, 2584 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Provers/SMTLib/ProverInterface.cs b/Source/Provers/SMTLib/ProverInterface.cs
index afb38986..e93ecee9 100644
--- a/Source/Provers/SMTLib/ProverInterface.cs
+++ b/Source/Provers/SMTLib/ProverInterface.cs
@@ -1,2584 +1,2588 @@
-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.IO;
-//using ExternalProver;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.AbstractInterpretation;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.Clustering;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.TypeErasure;
-using System.Text;
-using RPFP = Microsoft.Boogie.RPFP;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie.SMTLib
- public class SMTLibProcessTheoremProver : ProverInterface
- {
- private readonly SMTLibProverContext ctx;
- private VCExpressionGenerator gen;
- private readonly SMTLibProverOptions options;
- private bool usingUnsatCore;
- private RPFP rpfp = null;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant()
- {
- Contract.Invariant(ctx != null);
- Contract.Invariant(AxBuilder != null);
- Contract.Invariant(Namer != null);
- Contract.Invariant(DeclCollector != null);
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(Axioms));
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(TypeDecls));
- Contract.Invariant(_backgroundPredicates != null);
- }
- [NotDelayed]
- public SMTLibProcessTheoremProver(ProverOptions options, VCExpressionGenerator gen,
- SMTLibProverContext ctx)
- {
- Contract.Requires(options != null);
- Contract.Requires(gen != null);
- Contract.Requires(ctx != null);
- InitializeGlobalInformation();
- this.options = (SMTLibProverOptions)options;
- this.ctx = ctx;
- this.gen = gen;
- this.usingUnsatCore = false;
- SetupAxiomBuilder(gen);
- Namer = new SMTLibNamer();
- ctx.parent = this;
- this.DeclCollector = new TypeDeclCollector((SMTLibProverOptions)options, Namer);
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintFixedPoint != null || CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintConjectures != null)
- {
- declHandler = new MyDeclHandler();
- DeclCollector.SetDeclHandler(declHandler);
- }
- SetupProcess();
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.StratifiedInlining > 0 || CommandLineOptions.Clo.ContractInfer
- || CommandLineOptions.Clo.SecureVcGen != null)
- {
- // Prepare for ApiChecker usage
- if (options.LogFilename != null && currentLogFile == null)
- {
- currentLogFile = OpenOutputFile("");
- }
- PrepareCommon();
- }
- }
- private void SetupAxiomBuilder(VCExpressionGenerator gen)
- {
- switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod)
- {
- case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Arguments:
- AxBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderArguments(gen);
- AxBuilder.Setup();
- break;
- case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic:
- AxBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses(gen);
- break;
- default:
- AxBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses(gen);
- AxBuilder.Setup();
- break;
- }
- }
- ProcessStartInfo ComputeProcessStartInfo()
- {
- var path = this.options.ProverPath;
- switch (options.Solver) {
- case SolverKind.Z3:
- if (path == null)
- path = Z3.ExecutablePath();
- return SMTLibProcess.ComputerProcessStartInfo(path, "AUTO_CONFIG=false -smt2 -in");
- case SolverKind.CVC4:
- if (path == null)
- path = CVC4.ExecutablePath();
- return SMTLibProcess.ComputerProcessStartInfo(path, "--lang=smt --no-strict-parsing --no-condense-function-values --incremental");
- default:
- Debug.Assert(false);
- return null;
- }
- }
- void SetupProcess()
- {
- if (Process != null) return;
- var psi = ComputeProcessStartInfo();
- Process = new SMTLibProcess(psi, this.options);
- Process.ErrorHandler += this.HandleProverError;
- }
- void PossiblyRestart()
- {
- if (Process != null && Process.NeedsRestart) {
- Process.Close();
- Process = null;
- SetupProcess();
- Process.Send(common.ToString());
- }
- }
- public override ProverContext Context
- {
- get
- {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ProverContext>() != null);
- return ctx;
- }
- }
- internal TypeAxiomBuilder AxBuilder { get; private set; }
- internal readonly UniqueNamer Namer;
- readonly TypeDeclCollector DeclCollector;
- protected SMTLibProcess Process;
- readonly List<string> proverErrors = new List<string>();
- readonly List<string> proverWarnings = new List<string>();
- readonly StringBuilder common = new StringBuilder();
- protected TextWriter currentLogFile;
- protected volatile ErrorHandler currentErrorHandler;
- private void FeedTypeDeclsToProver()
- {
- foreach (string s in DeclCollector.GetNewDeclarations()) {
- Contract.Assert(s != null);
- AddTypeDecl(s);
- }
- }
- private string Sanitize(string msg)
- {
- var idx = msg.IndexOf('\n');
- if (idx > 0)
- msg = msg.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "\r\n");
- return msg;
- }
- public override void LogComment(string comment)
- {
- SendCommon("; " + comment);
- }
- private void SendCommon(string s)
- {
- Send(s, true);
- }
- protected void SendThisVC(string s)
- {
- Send(s, false);
- }
- private void Send(string s, bool isCommon)
- {
- s = Sanitize(s);
- if (isCommon)
- common.Append(s).Append("\r\n");
- if (Process != null)
- Process.Send(s);
- if (currentLogFile != null) {
- currentLogFile.WriteLine(s);
- currentLogFile.Flush();
- }
- }
- private void FindDependentTypes(Type type, List<CtorType> dependentTypes)
- {
- MapType mapType = type as MapType;
- if (mapType != null)
- {
- foreach (Type t in mapType.Arguments)
- {
- FindDependentTypes(t, dependentTypes);
- }
- FindDependentTypes(mapType.Result, dependentTypes);
- }
- CtorType ctorType = type as CtorType;
- if (ctorType != null && ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.ContainsKey(ctorType))
- {
- dependentTypes.Add(ctorType);
- }
- }
- private void PrepareCommon()
- {
- if (common.Length == 0)
- {
- SendCommon("(set-option :print-success false)");
- SendCommon("(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.0)");
- if (options.ProduceModel())
- SendCommon("(set-option :produce-models true)");
- foreach (var opt in options.SmtOptions)
- {
- SendCommon("(set-option :" + opt.Option + " " + opt.Value + ")");
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Logic))
- {
- SendCommon("(set-logic " + options.Logic + ")");
- }
- // Set produce-unsat-cores last. It seems there's a bug in Z3 where if we set it earlier its value
- // gets reset by other set-option commands ( )
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ContractInfer && (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseUnsatCoreForContractInfer || CommandLineOptions.Clo.ExplainHoudini))
- {
- SendThisVC("(set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)");
- this.usingUnsatCore = true;
- }
- SendCommon("; done setting options\n");
- SendCommon(_backgroundPredicates);
- if (options.UseTickleBool)
- {
- SendCommon("(declare-fun tickleBool (Bool) Bool)");
- SendCommon("(assert (and (tickleBool true) (tickleBool false)))");
- }
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RunDiagnosticsOnTimeout)
- {
- SendCommon("(declare-fun timeoutDiagnostics (Int) Bool)");
- }
- if (ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.Count > 0)
- {
- GraphUtil.Graph<CtorType> dependencyGraph = new GraphUtil.Graph<CtorType>();
- foreach (CtorType datatype in ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.Keys)
- {
- dependencyGraph.AddSource(datatype);
- foreach (Function f in ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype])
- {
- List<CtorType> dependentTypes = new List<CtorType>();
- foreach (Variable v in f.InParams)
- {
- FindDependentTypes(v.TypedIdent.Type, dependentTypes);
- }
- foreach (CtorType result in dependentTypes)
- {
- dependencyGraph.AddEdge(datatype, result);
- }
- }
- }
- GraphUtil.StronglyConnectedComponents<CtorType> sccs = new GraphUtil.StronglyConnectedComponents<CtorType>(dependencyGraph.Nodes, dependencyGraph.Predecessors, dependencyGraph.Successors);
- sccs.Compute();
- foreach (GraphUtil.SCC<CtorType> scc in sccs)
- {
- string datatypeString = "";
- foreach (CtorType datatype in scc)
- {
- datatypeString += "(" + SMTLibExprLineariser.TypeToString(datatype) + " ";
- foreach (Function f in ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype])
- {
- string quotedConstructorName = Namer.GetQuotedName(f, f.Name);
- if (f.InParams.Count == 0)
- {
- datatypeString += quotedConstructorName + " ";
- }
- else
- {
- datatypeString += "(" + quotedConstructorName + " ";
- foreach (Variable v in f.InParams)
- {
- string quotedSelectorName = Namer.GetQuotedName(v, v.Name + "#" + f.Name);
- datatypeString += "(" + quotedSelectorName + " " + DeclCollector.TypeToStringReg(v.TypedIdent.Type) + ") ";
- }
- datatypeString += ") ";
- }
- }
- datatypeString += ") ";
- }
- List<string> decls = DeclCollector.GetNewDeclarations();
- foreach (string decl in decls)
- {
- SendCommon(decl);
- }
- SendCommon("(declare-datatypes () (" + datatypeString + "))");
- }
- }
- }
- if (!AxiomsAreSetup)
- {
- var axioms = ctx.Axioms;
- var nary = axioms as VCExprNAry;
- if (nary != null && nary.Op == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp)
- foreach (var expr in nary.UniformArguments)
- {
- var str = VCExpr2String(expr, -1);
- if (str != "true")
- AddAxiom(str);
- }
- else
- AddAxiom(VCExpr2String(axioms, -1));
- AxiomsAreSetup = true;
- }
- }
- public override int FlushAxiomsToTheoremProver()
- {
- // we feed the axioms when begincheck is called.
- return 0;
- }
- private void FlushAxioms()
- {
- TypeDecls.Iter(SendCommon);
- TypeDecls.Clear();
- foreach (string s in Axioms) {
- Contract.Assert(s != null);
- if (s != "true")
- SendCommon("(assert " + s + ")");
- }
- Axioms.Clear();
- //FlushPushedAssertions();
- }
- private void CloseLogFile()
- {
- if (currentLogFile != null) {
- currentLogFile.Close();
- currentLogFile = null;
- }
- }
- private void FlushLogFile()
- {
- if (currentLogFile != null) {
- currentLogFile.Flush();
- }
- }
- public override void Close()
- {
- base.Close();
- CloseLogFile();
- if (Process != null)
- Process.Close();
- }
- public override void BeginCheck(string descriptiveName, VCExpr vc, ErrorHandler handler)
- {
- //Contract.Requires(descriptiveName != null);
- //Contract.Requires(vc != null);
- //Contract.Requires(handler != null);
- rpfp = null;
- if (options.SeparateLogFiles) CloseLogFile(); // shouldn't really happen
- if (options.LogFilename != null && currentLogFile == null)
- {
- currentLogFile = OpenOutputFile(descriptiveName);
- currentLogFile.Write(common.ToString());
- }
- PrepareCommon();
- string vcString = "(assert (not\n" + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + "\n))";
- FlushAxioms();
- PossiblyRestart();
- SendThisVC("(push 1)");
- SendThisVC("(set-info :boogie-vc-id " + SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(descriptiveName) + ")");
- SendThisVC(vcString);
- FlushLogFile();
- if (Process != null) {
- Process.PingPong(); // flush any errors
- if (Process.Inspector != null)
- Process.Inspector.NewProblem(descriptiveName, vc, handler);
- }
- SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
- FlushLogFile();
- }
- public override void Reset(VCExpressionGenerator gen)
- {
- if (options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3)
- {
- this.gen = gen;
- SendThisVC("(reset)");
- if (0 < common.Length)
- {
- var c = common.ToString();
- Process.Send(c);
- if (currentLogFile != null)
- {
- currentLogFile.WriteLine(c);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public override void FullReset(VCExpressionGenerator gen)
- {
- if (options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3)
- {
- this.gen = gen;
- Namer.Reset();
- common.Clear();
- SetupAxiomBuilder(gen);
- Axioms.Clear();
- TypeDecls.Clear();
- AxiomsAreSetup = false;
- ctx.Reset();
- ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.Clear();
- ctx.parent = this;
- DeclCollector.Reset();
- SendThisVC("; did a full reset");
- }
- }
- private string StripCruft(string name){
- if(name.Contains("@@"))
- return name.Remove(name.LastIndexOf ("@@"));
- return name;
- }
- private class BadExprFromProver : Exception
- {
- };
- private delegate VCExpr ArgGetter (int pos);
- private delegate VCExpr[] ArgsGetter ();
- private delegate VCExprVar[] VarsGetter ();
- private VCExprOp VCStringToVCOp (string op)
- {
- switch (op) {
- case "+" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.AddIOp;
- case "-" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.SubIOp;
- case "*" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.MulIOp;
- case "div" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.DivIOp;
- case "=" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.EqOp;
- case "<=" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.LeOp;
- case "<" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.LtOp;
- case ">=" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.GeOp;
- case ">" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.GtOp;
- case "and" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp;
- case "or" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp;
- case "not" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.NotOp;
- case "ite" :
- return VCExpressionGenerator.IfThenElseOp;
- default:
- return null;
- }
- }
- private class MyDeclHandler : TypeDeclCollector.DeclHandler {
- public Dictionary<string,VCExprVar> var_map = new Dictionary<string, VCExprVar>();
- public Dictionary<string,Function> func_map = new Dictionary<string, Function>();
- public override void VarDecl(VCExprVar v){
- var_map[v.Name] = v;
- }
- public override void FuncDecl(Function f){
- func_map[f.Name] = f;
- }
- public MyDeclHandler() {
- }
- }
- private MyDeclHandler declHandler = null;
- private VCExprVar SExprToVar (SExpr e)
- {
- if(e.Arguments.Count() != 1){
- HandleProverError ("Prover error: bad quantifier syntax");
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- string vname = StripCruft(e.Name);
- SExpr vtype = e[0];
- switch(vtype.Name){
- case "Int":
- return gen.Variable(vname,Type.Int);
- case "Bool":
- return gen.Variable (vname,Type.Bool);
- case "Array":{
- // TODO: handle more general array types
- var idxType = Type.Int; // well, could be something else
- var valueType =
- (vtype.Arguments[1].Name == "Int") ? Type.Int : Type.Bool;
- var types = new List<Type>();
- types.Add(idxType);
- return gen.Variable (vname, new MapType(Token.NoToken,new List<TypeVariable>(),types,valueType));
- }
- default: {
- HandleProverError ("Prover error: bad type: " + vtype.Name);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- }
- }
- private VCExpr MakeBinary(VCExprOp op, VCExpr [] args)
- {
- if (args.Count() == 0)
- {
- // with zero args we need the identity of the op
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp)
- return VCExpressionGenerator.True;
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp)
- return VCExpressionGenerator.False;
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.AddIOp)
- {
- Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum x = Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.ZERO;
- return gen.Integer(x);
- }
- HandleProverError("Prover error: bad expression ");
- throw new BadExprFromProver();
- }
- var temp = args[0];
- for (int i = 1; i < args.Count(); i++)
- temp = gen.Function(op, temp, args[i]);
- return temp;
- }
- protected VCExpr SExprToVCExpr (SExpr e, Dictionary<string,VCExpr> bound)
- {
- if (e.Arguments.Count() == 0) {
- var name = StripCruft(e.Name);
- if (name [0] >= '0' && name [0] <= '9') {
- Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum x = Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString(name);
- return gen.Integer (x);
- }
- if (bound.ContainsKey (name)) {
- return bound [name];
- }
- if(name == "true")
- return VCExpressionGenerator.True;
- if(name == "false")
- return VCExpressionGenerator.False;
- if(declHandler.var_map.ContainsKey(name))
- return declHandler.var_map[name];
- HandleProverError ("Prover error: unknown symbol:" + name);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- ArgGetter g = i => SExprToVCExpr (e [i], bound);
- ArgsGetter ga = () => e.Arguments.Select (x => SExprToVCExpr (x, bound)).ToArray ();
- VarsGetter gb = () => e [0].Arguments.Select (x => SExprToVar (x)).ToArray ();
- switch (e.Name) {
- case "select" :
- return gen.Select (ga ());
- case "store" :
- return gen.Store (ga ());
- case "forall":
- case "exists":
- {
- var binds = e.Arguments[0];
- var vcbinds = new List<VCExprVar>();
- for (int i = 0; i < binds.Arguments.Count(); i++)
- {
- var bind = binds.Arguments[i];
- var symb = bind.Name;
- var vcv = SExprToVar(bind);
- vcbinds.Add(vcv);
- bound[symb] = vcv;
- }
- var body = g(1);
- if (e.Name == "forall")
- body = gen.Forall(vcbinds, new List<VCTrigger>(), body);
- else
- body = gen.Exists(vcbinds, new List<VCTrigger>(), body);
- for (int i = 0; i < binds.Arguments.Count(); i++)
- {
- var bind = binds.Arguments[i];
- var symb = bind.Name;
- bound.Remove(symb);
- }
- return body;
- }
- case "-" : // have to deal with unary case
- {
- if(e.ArgCount == 1){
- var args = new VCExpr[2];
- args[0] = gen.Integer (Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.ZERO);
- args[1] = g(0);
- return gen.Function(VCStringToVCOp("-"),args);
- }
- return gen.Function(VCStringToVCOp("-"),ga());
- }
- case "!" : // this is commentary
- return g(0);
- case "let" : {
- // we expand lets exponentially since there is no let binding in Boogie surface syntax
- bool expand_lets = true;
- var binds = e.Arguments[0];
- var vcbinds = new List<VCExprLetBinding>();
- for(int i = 0; i < binds.Arguments.Count(); i++){
- var bind = binds.Arguments[i];
- var symb = bind.Name;
- var def = bind.Arguments[0];
- var vce = SExprToVCExpr(def, bound);
- var vcv = gen.Variable(symb,vce.Type);
- var vcb = gen.LetBinding(vcv,vce);
- vcbinds.Add (vcb);
- bound[symb] = expand_lets ? vce : vcv;
- }
- var body = g(1);
- if(!expand_lets)
- body = gen.Let(vcbinds,body);
- for(int i = 0; i < binds.Arguments.Count(); i++){
- var bind = binds.Arguments[i];
- var symb = bind.Name;
- bound.Remove (symb);
- }
- return body;
- }
- default: {
- var op = VCStringToVCOp (e.Name);
- if (op == null) {
- var name = StripCruft(e.Name);
- if(declHandler.func_map.ContainsKey(name)){
- Function f = declHandler.func_map[name];
- return gen.Function (f, ga());
- }
- HandleProverError ("Prover error: unknown operator:" + e.Name);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- if(op.Arity == 2)
- return MakeBinary (op, ga ());
- return gen.Function(op, ga());
- }
- }
- }
- private void SExprToSoln (SExpr resp,
- Dictionary<int,Dictionary<string,string>> varSubst)
- {
- Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> pmap = new Dictionary<string,RPFP.Node> ();
- foreach (var node in rpfp.nodes)
- pmap.Add ((node.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func.Name, node);
- var lines = resp.Arguments;
- // get all the predicate definitions
- for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) {
- var line = lines [i];
- string pname;
- RPFP.Transformer annot;
- GetDefun(line, out pname, out annot);
- if(pmap.ContainsKey(pname)){
- var node = pmap[pname];
- node.Annotation = annot;
- }
- else if(pname[0] != '@'){ // if not an internal symbol
- HandleProverError ("Prover error: got unknown predicate:" + pname);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- }
- }
- private void GetDefun(SExpr line, out string pname, out RPFP.Transformer annot)
- {
- if (line.Name != "define-fun")
- {
- HandleProverError("Prover error: expected define-fun but got:" + line.Name);
- throw new BadExprFromProver();
- }
- if (line.ArgCount != 4)
- {
- HandleProverError("Prover error: define-fun has wrong number of arguments");
- throw new BadExprFromProver();
- }
- pname = StripCruft(line.Arguments[0].Name);
- var pvars = line.Arguments[1];
- var pbody = line.Arguments[3]; // range has to be Bool
- var binding = new Dictionary<string, VCExpr>();
- var pvs = new List<VCExpr>();
- foreach (var b in pvars.Arguments)
- {
- var e = SExprToVar(b);
- pvs.Add(e);
- binding.Add(StripCruft(b.Name), e);
- }
- VCExpr bexpr = SExprToVCExpr(pbody, binding);
- annot = rpfp.CreateRelation(pvs.ToArray(), bexpr);
- }
- private RPFP.Node SExprToCex(SExpr resp, ErrorHandler handler,
- Dictionary<int,Dictionary<string,string>> varSubst)
- {
- Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> nmap = new Dictionary<string,RPFP.Node>();
- Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> pmap = new Dictionary<string,RPFP.Node>();
- foreach(var node in rpfp.nodes)
- pmap.Add((node.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func.Name,node);
- RPFP.Node topnode = null;
- var lines = resp.Arguments;
- // last line of derivation is from query, skip it
- for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length-1; i++)
- {
- var line = lines[i];
- if (line.ArgCount != 6)
- {
- HandleProverError("bad derivation line from prover: " + line.ToString());
- return null;
- }
- var name = line[0];
- var conseq = line[1];
- var rule = line[2];
- var subst = line[3];
- var labs = line[4];
- var refs = line[5];
- var predName = conseq.Name;
- {
- string spacer = "@@"; // Hack! UniqueNamer is adding these and I can't stop it!
- int pos = predName.LastIndexOf(spacer);
- if (pos >= 0)
- predName = predName.Substring(0, pos);
- }
- RPFP.Node node = null;
- if (!pmap.TryGetValue(predName, out node))
- {
- HandleProverError("unknown predicate from prover: " + predName.ToString());
- return null;
- }
- RPFP.Node cexnode = rpfp.CloneNode(node);
- = node;
- nmap.Add(name.Name, cexnode);
- List<RPFP.Node> Chs = new List<RPFP.Node>();
- if (refs.Name != "ref")
- {
- HandleProverError("bad references from prover: " + refs.ToString());
- return null;
- }
- foreach (var c in refs.Arguments)
- {
- if (c.Name == "true")
- Chs.Add(null);
- else
- {
- RPFP.Node ch = null;
- if (!nmap.TryGetValue(c.Name, out ch))
- {
- HandleProverError("unknown reference from prover: " + c.ToString());
- return null;
- }
- Chs.Add(ch);
- }
- }
- if (!rule.Name.StartsWith("rule!"))
- {
- HandleProverError("bad rule name from prover: " + refs.ToString());
- return null;
- }
- int ruleNum = Convert.ToInt32(rule.Name.Substring(5)) - 1;
- if (ruleNum < 0 || ruleNum > rpfp.edges.Count)
- {
- HandleProverError("bad rule name from prover: " + refs.ToString());
- return null;
- }
- RPFP.Edge orig_edge = rpfp.edges[ruleNum];
- RPFP.Edge e = rpfp.CreateEdge(cexnode, orig_edge.F, Chs.ToArray());
- = orig_edge;
- topnode = cexnode;
- if (labs.Name != "labels")
- {
- HandleProverError("bad labels from prover: " + labs.ToString());
- return null;
- }
- e.labels = new HashSet<string>();
- foreach (var l in labs.Arguments)
- e.labels.Add(l.Name);
- if (subst.Name != "subst")
- {
- HandleProverError("bad subst from prover: " + subst.ToString());
- return null;
- }
- Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
- varSubst[e.number] = dict;
- foreach (var s in subst.Arguments)
- {
- if (s.Name != "=" || s.Arguments.Length != 2)
- {
- HandleProverError("bad equation from prover: " + s.ToString());
- return null;
- }
- string uniqueName = s.Arguments[0].Name;
- string spacer = "@@"; // Hack! UniqueNamer is adding these and I can't stop it!
- int pos = uniqueName.LastIndexOf(spacer);
- if (pos >= 0)
- uniqueName = uniqueName.Substring(0, pos);
- dict.Add(uniqueName, s.Arguments[1].ToString());
- }
- }
- if (topnode == null)
- {
- HandleProverError("empty derivation from prover: " + resp.ToString());
- }
- return topnode;
- }
- private Model SExprToModel(SExpr resp, ErrorHandler handler)
- {
- // Concatenate all the arguments
- string modelString = resp[0].Name;
- // modelString = modelString.Substring(7, modelString.Length - 8); // remove "(model " and final ")"
- var models = Model.ParseModels(new StringReader("Error model: \n" + modelString));
- if (models == null || models.Count == 0)
- {
- HandleProverError("no model from prover: " + resp.ToString());
- }
- return models[0];
- }
- private string QuantifiedVCExpr2String(VCExpr x)
- {
- return VCExpr2String(x, 1);
-#if false
- if (!(x is VCExprQuantifier))
- return VCExpr2String(x, 1);
- VCExprQuantifier node = (x as VCExprQuantifier);
- if(node.BoundVars.Count == 0)
- return VCExpr2String(x, 1);
- StringWriter wr = new StringWriter();
- string kind = node.Quan == Quantifier.ALL ? "forall" : "exists";
- wr.Write("({0} (", kind);
- for (int i = 0; i < node.BoundVars.Count; i++)
- {
- VCExprVar var = node.BoundVars[i];
- Contract.Assert(var != null);
- string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedName(var, var.Name);
- Contract.Assert(printedName != null);
- wr.Write("({0} {1}) ", printedName, SMTLibExprLineariser.TypeToString(var.Type));
- }
- wr.Write(") ");
- wr.Write(VCExpr2String(node.Body, 1));
- wr.Write(")");
- string res = wr.ToString();
- return res;
- }
- public override Outcome CheckRPFP(string descriptiveName, RPFP _rpfp, ErrorHandler handler,
- out RPFP.Node cex,
- Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>> varSubst,
- Dictionary<string, int> extra_bound)
- {
- //Contract.Requires(descriptiveName != null);
- //Contract.Requires(vc != null);
- //Contract.Requires(handler != null);
- rpfp = _rpfp;
- cex = null;
- if (options.SeparateLogFiles) CloseLogFile(); // shouldn't really happen
- if (options.LogFilename != null && currentLogFile == null)
- {
- currentLogFile = OpenOutputFile(descriptiveName);
- currentLogFile.Write(common.ToString());
- }
- PrepareCommon();
- Push();
- SendThisVC("(fixedpoint-push)");
- foreach (var node in rpfp.nodes)
- {
- DeclCollector.RegisterRelation((node.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func);
- }
- LineariserOptions.Default.LabelsBelowQuantifiers = true;
- List<string> ruleStrings = new List<string>();
- var recursion_bound = CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound;
- foreach (var edge in rpfp.edges)
- {
- string node_name = (edge.Parent.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func.Name;
- string rule_name = "rule_" + edge.number.ToString();
- string rec_bound = "";
- if(extra_bound != null && extra_bound.ContainsKey(node_name))
- rec_bound = (recursion_bound + extra_bound[node_name]).ToString();
- string ruleString = "(rule " + QuantifiedVCExpr2String(rpfp.GetRule(edge)) + " " + rule_name + " " + rec_bound + "\n)";
- ruleStrings.Add(ruleString);
- }
- string queryString = "(query " + QuantifiedVCExpr2String(rpfp.GetQuery()) + "\n :engine duality\n :print-certificate true\n";
-#if true
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.StratifiedInlining != 0)
- queryString += " :stratified-inlining true\n";
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound > 0)
- queryString += " :recursion-bound " + Convert.ToString(CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound) + "\n";
- queryString += ")";
- LineariserOptions.Default.LabelsBelowQuantifiers = false;
- FlushAxioms();
- PossiblyRestart();
- SendThisVC("(set-info :boogie-vc-id " + SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(descriptiveName) + ")");
- foreach(var rs in ruleStrings)
- SendThisVC(rs);
- FlushLogFile();
- if (Process != null)
- {
- Process.PingPong(); // flush any errors
-#if false
- // TODO: this is not going to work
- if (Process.Inspector != null)
- Process.Inspector.NewProblem(descriptiveName, vc, handler);
- }
- SendThisVC(queryString);
- FlushLogFile();
- var result = Outcome.Undetermined;
- if (Process != null)
- {
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (proverErrors.Count > 0)
- {
- result = Outcome.Undetermined;
- foreach (var err in proverErrors)
- {
- if (err.Contains("canceled"))
- {
- result = Outcome.TimeOut;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(resp == null)
- HandleProverError("Prover did not respond");
- else switch (resp.Name)
- {
- case "unsat":
- result = Outcome.Valid;
- break;
- case "sat":
- result = Outcome.Invalid;
- break;
- case "unknown":
- result = Outcome.Invalid;
- break;
- case "error":
- if (resp.ArgCount > 0 && resp.Arguments[0].Name.Contains("canceled"))
- {
- result = Outcome.TimeOut;
- }
- else
- {
- HandleProverError("Prover error: " + resp.Arguments[0]);
- result = Outcome.Undetermined;
- }
- break;
- default:
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
- break;
- }
- switch (result)
- {
- case Outcome.Invalid:
- {
- resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp.Name == "derivation")
- {
- cex = SExprToCex(resp, handler,varSubst);
- }
- else
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
- resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp.Name == "model")
- {
- var model = SExprToModel(resp, handler);
- cex.owner.SetBackgroundModel(model);
- }
- else
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
- break;
- }
- case Outcome.Valid:
- {
- resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp.Name == "fixedpoint")
- {
- // only get the response if we need it
- if(CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintFixedPoint != null)
- SExprToSoln(resp, varSubst);
- }
- else
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
-#if false
- while (true)
- {
- resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
- break;
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
- }
- }
- SendThisVC("(fixedpoint-pop)");
- Pop();
- AxiomsAreSetup = false;
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintConjectures != null)
- {
- ReadConjectures(CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintConjectures);
- }
- return result;
- }
- class MyFileParser : SExpr.Parser
- {
- SMTLibProcessTheoremProver parent;
- public MyFileParser(System.IO.StreamReader _sr, SMTLibProcessTheoremProver _parent)
- : base(_sr)
- {
- parent = _parent;
- }
- public override void ParseError(string msg)
- {
- parent.HandleProverError("Error in conjecture file from prover: " + msg);
- }
- }
- void ReadConjectures(string filename)
- {
- try
- {
- System.IO.StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename + ".tmp");
- SExpr.Parser p = new MyFileParser(sr, this);
- var sexps = p.ParseSExprs(false);
- Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> pmap = GetNodeMap();
- foreach (var e in sexps)
- {
- string pname;
- RPFP.Transformer annot;
- GetDefun(e, out pname, out annot);
- if (pmap.ContainsKey(pname))
- {
- var c = new RPFP.Conjecture();
- c.node = pmap[pname];
- c.bound = annot;
- rpfp.conjectures.Add(c);
- }
- else if (pname[0] != '@')
- { // if not an internal symbol
- HandleProverError("Prover error: got unknown predicate:" + pname);
- throw new BadExprFromProver();
- }
- }
- sr.Close();
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- HandleProverError("No conjecture file from prover");
- throw new BadExprFromProver();
- }
- }
- private Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> GetNodeMap()
- {
- Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> pmap = new Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node>();
- foreach (var node in rpfp.nodes)
- pmap.Add((node.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func.Name, node);
- return pmap;
- }
- private static HashSet<string> usedLogNames = new HashSet<string>();
- private TextWriter OpenOutputFile(string descriptiveName)
- {
- Contract.Requires(descriptiveName != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<TextWriter>() != null);
- string filename = options.LogFilename;
- filename = Helpers.SubstituteAtPROC(descriptiveName, cce.NonNull(filename));
- var curFilename = filename;
- lock (usedLogNames) {
- int n = 1;
- while (usedLogNames.Contains(curFilename)) {
- curFilename = filename + "." + n++;
- }
- usedLogNames.Add(curFilename);
- }
- return new StreamWriter(curFilename, false);
- }
- private void FlushProverWarnings()
- {
- var handler = currentErrorHandler;
- if (handler != null) {
- lock (proverWarnings) {
- proverWarnings.Iter(handler.OnProverWarning);
- proverWarnings.Clear();
- }
- }
- }
- protected void HandleProverError(string s)
- {
- s = s.Replace("\r", "");
- lock (proverWarnings) {
- while (s.StartsWith("WARNING: ")) {
- var idx = s.IndexOf('\n');
- var warn = s;
- if (idx > 0) {
- warn = s.Substring(0, idx);
- s = s.Substring(idx + 1);
- } else {
- s = "";
- }
- warn = warn.Substring(9);
- proverWarnings.Add(warn);
- }
- }
- FlushProverWarnings();
- if (s == "") return;
- lock (proverErrors) {
- proverErrors.Add(s);
- Console.WriteLine("Prover error: " + s);
- }
- }
- [NoDefaultContract]
- public override Outcome CheckOutcome(ErrorHandler handler, int taskID = -1)
- {
- Contract.EnsuresOnThrow<UnexpectedProverOutputException>(true);
- var result = CheckOutcomeCore(handler, taskID: taskID);
- SendThisVC("(pop 1)");
- FlushLogFile();
- return result;
- }
- [NoDefaultContract]
- public override Outcome CheckOutcomeCore(ErrorHandler handler, int taskID = -1)
- {
- Contract.EnsuresOnThrow<UnexpectedProverOutputException>(true);
- var result = Outcome.Undetermined;
- if (Process == null)
- return result;
- try {
- currentErrorHandler = handler;
- FlushProverWarnings();
- int errorLimit;
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ConcurrentHoudini) {
- Contract.Assert(taskID >= 0);
- errorLimit = CommandLineOptions.Clo.Cho[taskID].ProverCCLimit;
- } else {
- errorLimit = CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverCCLimit;
- }
- if (errorLimit < 1)
- errorLimit = 1;
- int errorsLeft = errorLimit;
- var globalResult = Outcome.Undetermined;
- while (true) {
- string[] labels = null;
- bool popLater = false;
- try {
- errorsLeft--;
- result = GetResponse();
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RunDiagnosticsOnTimeout && result == Outcome.TimeOut)
- {
- #region Run timeout diagnostics
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceDiagnosticsOnTimeout)
- {
- Console.Out.WriteLine("Starting timeout diagnostics with initial time limit {0}.", options.TimeLimit);
- }
- SendThisVC("; begin timeout diagnostics");
- var start = DateTime.UtcNow;
- var unverified = new SortedSet<int>(ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Keys);
- var timedOut = new SortedSet<int>();
- int frac = 2;
- int queries = 0;
- int timeLimitPerAssertion = 0 < options.TimeLimit ? (options.TimeLimit / 100) * CommandLineOptions.Clo.TimeLimitPerAssertionInPercent : 1000;
- while (true)
- {
- int rem = unverified.Count;
- if (rem == 0)
- {
- if (0 < timedOut.Count)
- {
- result = CheckSplit(timedOut, ref popLater, options.TimeLimit, timeLimitPerAssertion, ref queries);
- if (result == Outcome.Valid)
- {
- timedOut.Clear();
- }
- else if (result == Outcome.TimeOut)
- {
- // Give up and report which assertions were not verified.
- var cmds = timedOut.Select(id => ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion[id]);
- if (cmds.Any())
- {
- handler.OnResourceExceeded("timeout after running diagnostics", cmds);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- result = Outcome.Valid;
- }
- break;
- }
- // TODO(wuestholz): Try out different ways for splitting up the work (e.g., randomly).
- var split = new SortedSet<int>(unverified.Where((val, idx) => idx < ((rem - 1) / frac + 1)));
- Contract.Assert(0 < split.Count);
- var splitRes = CheckSplit(split, ref popLater, timeLimitPerAssertion, timeLimitPerAssertion, ref queries);
- if (splitRes == Outcome.Valid)
- {
- unverified.ExceptWith(split);
- frac = 1;
- }
- else if (splitRes == Outcome.Invalid)
- {
- result = splitRes;
- break;
- }
- else if (splitRes == Outcome.TimeOut)
- {
- if (1 < frac && frac <= (rem / 4))
- {
- frac *= 4;
- }
- else if (frac <= (rem / 2))
- {
- frac *= 2;
- }
- else
- {
- timedOut.UnionWith(split);
- unverified.ExceptWith(split);
- frac = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- unverified.UnionWith(timedOut);
- var end = DateTime.UtcNow;
- SendThisVC("; end timeout diagnostics");
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceDiagnosticsOnTimeout)
- {
- Console.Out.WriteLine("Terminated timeout diagnostics after {0:F0} ms and {1} prover queries.", end.Subtract(start).TotalMilliseconds, queries);
- Console.Out.WriteLine("Outcome: {0}", result);
- Console.Out.WriteLine("Unverified assertions: {0} (of {1})", unverified.Count, ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Keys.Count);
- string filename = "unknown";
- var assertion = ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Values.Select(t => t.Item1).FirstOrDefault(a => a.tok != null && a.tok != Token.NoToken && a.tok.filename != null);
- if (assertion != null)
- {
- filename = assertion.tok.filename;
- }
- File.AppendAllText("timeouts.csv", string.Format(";{0};{1};{2:F0};{3};{4};{5};{6}\n", filename, options.TimeLimit, end.Subtract(start).TotalMilliseconds, queries, result, unverified.Count, ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Keys.Count));
- }
- #endregion
- }
- if (globalResult == Outcome.Undetermined)
- globalResult = result;
- if (result == Outcome.Invalid || result == Outcome.TimeOut || result == Outcome.OutOfMemory) {
- IList<string> xlabels;
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseLabels) {
- labels = GetLabelsInfo();
- if (labels == null)
- {
- xlabels = new string[] { };
- }
- else
- {
- xlabels = labels.Select(a => a.Replace("@", "").Replace("+", "")).ToList();
- }
- }
- else if(CommandLineOptions.Clo.SIBoolControlVC) {
- labels = new string[0];
- xlabels = labels;
- } else {
- labels = CalculatePath(handler.StartingProcId());
- xlabels = labels;
- }
- Model model = (result == Outcome.TimeOut || result == Outcome.OutOfMemory) ? null :
- GetErrorModel();
- handler.OnModel(xlabels, model, result);
- }
- if (labels == null || !labels.Any() || errorsLeft == 0) break;
- } finally {
- if (popLater)
- {
- SendThisVC("(pop 1)");
- }
- }
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseLabels) {
- var negLabels = labels.Where(l => l.StartsWith("@")).ToArray();
- var posLabels = labels.Where(l => !l.StartsWith("@"));
- Func<string, string> lbl = (s) => SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(SMTLibNamer.LabelVar(s));
- if (!options.MultiTraces)
- posLabels = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
- var conjuncts = posLabels.Select(s => "(not " + lbl(s) + ")").Concat(negLabels.Select(lbl)).ToArray();
- string expr = conjuncts.Length == 1 ? conjuncts[0] : ("(or " + conjuncts.Concat(" ") + ")"); ;
- if (!conjuncts.Any())
- {
- expr = "false";
- }
- SendThisVC("(assert " + expr + ")");
- SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
- }
- else {
- string source = labels[labels.Length - 2];
- string target = labels[labels.Length - 1];
- SendThisVC("(assert (not (= (ControlFlow 0 " + source + ") (- " + target + "))))");
- SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
- }
- }
- FlushLogFile();
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RestartProverPerVC && Process != null)
- Process.NeedsRestart = true;
- return globalResult;
- } finally {
- currentErrorHandler = null;
- }
- }
- private Outcome CheckSplit(SortedSet<int> split, ref bool popLater, int timeLimit, int timeLimitPerAssertion, ref int queries)
- {
- var tla = timeLimitPerAssertion * split.Count;
- if (popLater)
- {
- SendThisVC("(pop 1)");
- }
- SendThisVC("(push 1)");
- SendThisVC(string.Format("(set-option :{0} {1})", Z3.SetTimeoutOption(), (0 < tla && tla < timeLimit) ? tla : timeLimit));
- popLater = true;
- SendThisVC(string.Format("; checking split VC with {0} unverified assertions", split.Count));
- var expr = VCExpressionGenerator.True;
- foreach (var i in ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Keys)
- {
- var lit = VCExprGen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.TimeoutDiagnosticsOp, VCExprGen.Integer(Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(i)));
- if (split.Contains(i)) {
- lit = VCExprGen.Not(lit);
- }
- expr = VCExprGen.AndSimp(expr, lit);
- }
- SendThisVC("(assert " + VCExpr2String(expr, 1) + ")");
- if (options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3)
- {
- SendThisVC("(apply (then (using-params propagate-values :max_rounds 1) simplify) :print false)");
- }
- FlushLogFile();
- SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
- queries++;
- return GetResponse();
- }
- public override string[] CalculatePath(int controlFlowConstant) {
- SendThisVC("(get-value ((ControlFlow " + controlFlowConstant + " 0)))");
- var path = new List<string>();
- while (true) {
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null) break;
- if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) break;
- resp = resp.Arguments[0];
- if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 2)) break;
- resp = resp.Arguments[1];
- var v = resp.Name;
- if (v == "-" && resp.ArgCount == 1) {
- v = resp.Arguments[0].Name;
- path.Add(v);
- break;
- }
- else if (resp.ArgCount != 0)
- break;
- path.Add(v);
- SendThisVC("(get-value ((ControlFlow " + controlFlowConstant + " " + v + ")))");
- }
- return path.ToArray();
- }
- private class SMTErrorModelConverter {
- private struct SMTDataType {
- public string Constructor;
- public List<SExpr> Types;
- }
- private List<SExpr> ErrorModelTodo;
- private SMTLibProcessTheoremProver Parent;
- private StringBuilder ErrorModel = new StringBuilder();
- private HashSet<SExpr> TopLevelProcessed = new HashSet<SExpr>();
- private int NumNewArrays = 0;
- private Dictionary<string, int> SortSet = new Dictionary<string, int>();
- private Dictionary<string, SMTDataType> DataTypes = new Dictionary<string, SMTDataType>();
- private Dictionary<string, SExpr> Functions = new Dictionary<string, SExpr>();
- public SMTErrorModelConverter(SExpr _ErrorModel, SMTLibProcessTheoremProver _Parent) {
- ErrorModelTodo = _ErrorModel.Arguments.ToList();;
- Parent = _Parent;
- }
- public string Convert() {
- ConvertErrorModel(ErrorModel);
- return ErrorModel.ToString();
- }
- bool isConstArray(SExpr element, SExpr type) {
- if (type.Name != "Array")
- return false;
- if (element.Name == "__array_store_all__") // CVC4 1.4
- return true;
- else if (element.Name == "" && element[0].Name == "as" &&
- element[0][0].Name == "const") // CVC4 > 1.4
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- SExpr getConstArrayElement(SExpr element) {
- if (element.Name == "__array_store_all__") // CVC4 1.4
- return element[1];
- else if (element.Name == "" && element[0].Name == "as" &&
- element[0][0].Name == "const") // CVC4 > 1.4
- return element[1];
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected value: " + element);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- void ConstructComplexValue(SExpr element, SExpr type, StringBuilder m) {
- if (type.Name == "Array") {
- if (element.Name == "store" || isConstArray(element, type)) {
- NumNewArrays++;
- m.Append("as-array[k!" + NumNewArrays + ']');
- SExpr[] args = {new SExpr("k!" + NumNewArrays), new SExpr(""), type, element};
- var newElement = new SExpr("define-fun", args);
- TopLevelProcessed.Add(newElement);
- ErrorModelTodo.Add(newElement);
- return;
- }
- }
- ConstructSimpleValue(element, type, m);
- }
- void ConstructSimpleValue(SExpr element, SExpr type, StringBuilder m) {
- if (type.Name == "Bool" && element.ArgCount == 0) {
- m.Append(element.ToString());
- return;
- }
- if (type.Name == "Int") {
- if (element.ArgCount == 0) {
- m.Append(element.ToString());
- return;
- } else if (element.Name == "-" && element.ArgCount == 1) {
- m.Append(element.ToString());
- return;
- }
- }
- if (type.Name == "_" && type.ArgCount == 2 && type[0].Name == "BitVec") {
- if (element.Name == "_" && element.ArgCount == 2 &&
- element[0].Name.StartsWith("bv") && element[0].ArgCount == 0 &&
- element[1].Name == type.Arguments[1].Name && element[1].ArgCount == 0) {
- m.Append(element[0].Name + '[' + element[1].Name + ']');
- return;
- }
- }
- if (type.Name == "Array") {
- while (element.Name == "store") {
- ConstructComplexValue(element[1], type[0], m);
- m.Append(" -> ");
- ConstructComplexValue(element[2], type[1], m);
- m.Append("\n ");
- if (element[0].Name != "store") {
- m.Append("else -> ");
- }
- element = element[0];
- }
- if (isConstArray(element, type)) {
- ConstructComplexValue(getConstArrayElement(element), type[1], m);
- return;
- } else if (element.Name == "_" && element.ArgCount == 2 &&
- element[0].Name == "as-array") {
- m.Append("as-array[" + element[1].Name + ']');
- return;
- }
- }
- if (SortSet.ContainsKey(type.Name) && SortSet[type.Name] == 0) {
- var prefix = "@uc_T_" + type.Name.Substring(2) + "_";
- if (element.Name.StartsWith(prefix)) {
- m.Append(type.Name + "!val!" + element.Name.Substring(prefix.Length));
- return;
- }
- }
- if (Functions.ContainsKey(element.Name) &&
- type.Name == Functions[element.Name].Name) {
- m.Append(element.Name);
- return;
- }
- if (DataTypes.ContainsKey(type.Name) &&
- DataTypes[type.Name].Constructor == element.Name &&
- element.ArgCount == DataTypes[type.Name].Types.Count) {
- m.Append("(" + element.Name);
- for (int i = 0; i < element.ArgCount; ++i) {
- m.Append(" ");
- ConstructComplexValue(element[i], DataTypes[type.Name].Types[i], m);
- }
- m.Append(")");
- return;
- }
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected value: " + element);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- void ConstructFunctionArguments(SExpr arguments, List<SExpr> argTypes, StringBuilder[] argValues) {
- if (arguments.Name == "and") {
- ConstructFunctionArguments(arguments[0], argTypes, argValues);
- ConstructFunctionArguments(arguments[1], argTypes, argValues);
- } else if (arguments.Name == "=" &&
- (arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("_ufmt_") || arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("x!"))) {
- int argNum;
- if (arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("_ufmt_"))
- argNum = System.Convert.ToInt32(arguments[0].Name.Substring("_uftm_".Length)) - 1;
- else /* if (arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("x!")) */
- argNum = System.Convert.ToInt32(arguments[0].Name.Substring("x!".Length)) - 1;
- if (argNum < 0 || argNum >= argTypes.Count) {
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected function argument: " + arguments[0]);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- if (argValues[argNum] != null) {
- Parent.HandleProverError("Function argument defined multiple times: " + arguments[0]);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- argValues[argNum] = new StringBuilder();
- ConstructComplexValue(arguments[1], argTypes[argNum], argValues[argNum]);
- } else {
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected function argument: " + arguments);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- }
- void ConstructFunctionElements(SExpr element, List<SExpr> argTypes, SExpr outType, StringBuilder m) {
- while (element.Name == "ite") {
- StringBuilder[] argValues = new StringBuilder[argTypes.Count];
- ConstructFunctionArguments(element[0], argTypes, argValues);
- foreach (var s in argValues)
- m.Append(s + " ");
- m.Append("-> ");
- ConstructComplexValue(element[1], outType, m);
- m.Append("\n ");
- if (element[2].Name != "ite")
- m.Append("else -> ");
- element = element[2];
- }
- ConstructComplexValue(element, outType, m);
- }
- void ConstructFunction(SExpr element, SExpr inType, SExpr outType, StringBuilder m) {
- List<SExpr> argTypes = new List<SExpr>();
- for (int i = 0; i < inType.ArgCount; ++i) {
- if (inType[i].Name != "_ufmt_" + (i + 1) && inType[i].Name != "x!" + (i + 1) &&
- !inType[i].Name.StartsWith("BOUND_VARIABLE_")) {
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected function argument: " + inType[i].Name);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- argTypes.Add(inType[i][0]);
- }
- ConstructFunctionElements(element, argTypes, outType, m);
- }
- void ConstructDefine(SExpr element, StringBuilder m) {
- Debug.Assert(element.Name == "define-fun");
- if (element[1].ArgCount != 0)
- TopLevelProcessed.Add(element);
- m.Append(element[0] + " -> ");
- if (TopLevelProcessed.Contains(element))
- m.Append("{\n ");
- if (element[1].ArgCount == 0 && element[2].Name == "Array" && !TopLevelProcessed.Contains(element)) {
- ConstructComplexValue(element[3], element[2], m);
- } else if (element[1].ArgCount == 0) {
- ConstructSimpleValue(element[3], element[2], m);
- } else {
- ConstructFunction(element[3], element[1], element[2], m);
- }
- if (TopLevelProcessed.Contains(element))
- m.Append("\n}");
- m.Append("\n");
- }
- void ExtractDataType(SExpr datatypes) {
- Debug.Assert(datatypes.Name == "declare-datatypes");
- if (datatypes[0].Name != "" || datatypes[1].Name != "" || datatypes[1].ArgCount != 1) {
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected datatype: " + datatypes);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- SMTDataType dt = new SMTDataType();
- SExpr typeDef = datatypes[1][0];
- if (typeDef.ArgCount != 1) {
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected datatype: " + datatypes);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- dt.Constructor = typeDef[0].Name;
- dt.Types = new List<SExpr>();
- for (int i = 0; i < typeDef[0].ArgCount; ++i) {
- if (typeDef[0][i].ArgCount != 1) {
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected datatype constructor: " + typeDef[0]);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- dt.Types.Add(typeDef[0][i][0]);
- }
- DataTypes[typeDef.Name] = dt;
- }
- private void ConvertErrorModel(StringBuilder m) {
- if (Parent.options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3) {
- // Datatype declarations are not returned by Z3, so parse common
- // instead. This is not very efficient, but currently not an issue,
- // as this not the normal way of interfacing with Z3.
- var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Parent.common.ToString()));
- var sr = new StreamReader(ms);
- SExpr.Parser p = new MyFileParser(sr, null);
- var sexprs = p.ParseSExprs(false);
- foreach (var e in sexprs) {
- switch (e.Name) {
- case "declare-datatypes":
- ExtractDataType(e);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- while (ErrorModelTodo.Count > 0) {
- var e = ErrorModelTodo[0];
- ErrorModelTodo.RemoveAt(0);
- switch (e.Name) {
- case "define-fun":
- ConstructDefine(e, m);
- break;
- case "declare-sort":
- SortSet[e[0].Name] = System.Convert.ToInt32(e[1].Name);
- break;
- case "declare-datatypes":
- ExtractDataType(e);
- break;
- case "declare-fun":
- if (e[1].Name != "" || e[1].ArgCount > 0 || e[2].ArgCount > 0 ||
- e[2].Name == "Bool" || e[2].Name == "Int") {
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected top level model element: " + e.Name);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- Functions[e[0].Name] = e[2];
- break;
- case "forall":
- // ignore
- break;
- default:
- Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected top level model element: " + e.Name);
- throw new BadExprFromProver ();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private Model GetErrorModel() {
- if (!options.ExpectingModel())
- return null;
- SendThisVC("(get-model)");
- Process.Ping();
- Model theModel = null;
- while (true) {
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
- break;
- if (theModel != null)
- HandleProverError("Expecting only one model but got many");
- string modelStr = null;
- if (resp.Name == "model" && resp.ArgCount >= 1) {
- var converter = new SMTErrorModelConverter(resp, this);
- modelStr = converter.Convert();
- }
- else if (resp.ArgCount == 0 && resp.Name.Contains("->")) {
- modelStr = resp.Name;
- }
- else {
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response getting model: " + resp.ToString());
- }
- List<Model> models = null;
- try {
- switch (options.Solver) {
- case SolverKind.Z3:
- case SolverKind.CVC4:
- models = Model.ParseModels(new StringReader("Error model: \n" + modelStr));
- break;
- default:
- Debug.Assert(false);
- return null;
- }
- }
- catch (ArgumentException exn) {
- HandleProverError("Model parsing error: " + exn.Message);
- }
- if (models == null)
- HandleProverError("Could not parse any models");
- else if (models.Count == 0)
- HandleProverError("Could not parse any models");
- else if (models.Count > 1)
- HandleProverError("Expecting only one model but got many");
- else
- theModel = models[0];
- }
- return theModel;
- }
- private string[] GetLabelsInfo()
- {
- SendThisVC("(labels)");
- Process.Ping();
- string[] res = null;
- while (true) {
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
- break;
- if (res != null)
- HandleProverError("Expecting only one sequence of labels but got many");
- if (resp.Name == "labels" && resp.ArgCount >= 1) {
- res = resp.Arguments.Select(a => a.Name.Replace("|", "")).ToArray();
- }
- else {
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response getting labels: " + resp.ToString());
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- private Outcome GetResponse()
- {
- var result = Outcome.Undetermined;
- var wasUnknown = false;
- Process.Ping();
- while (true) {
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
- break;
- switch (resp.Name) {
- case "unsat":
- result = Outcome.Valid;
- break;
- case "sat":
- result = Outcome.Invalid;
- break;
- case "unknown":
- result = Outcome.Invalid;
- wasUnknown = true;
- break;
- default:
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
- break;
- }
- }
- if (wasUnknown) {
- SendThisVC("(get-info :reason-unknown)");
- Process.Ping();
- while (true) {
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
- break;
- if (resp.ArgCount == 1 && resp.Name == ":reason-unknown") {
- switch (resp[0].Name) {
- case "memout":
- currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("memory");
- result = Outcome.OutOfMemory;
- Process.NeedsRestart = true;
- break;
- case "timeout": case "canceled":
- currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("timeout");
- result = Outcome.TimeOut;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- } else {
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response (getting info about 'unknown' response): " + resp.ToString());
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- protected string VCExpr2String(VCExpr expr, int polarity)
- {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
- lock (gen)
- {
- DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
- //if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace)
- // Console.Write("Linearising ... ");
- // handle the types in the VCExpr
- TypeEraser eraser;
- switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod)
- {
- case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Arguments:
- eraser = new TypeEraserArguments((TypeAxiomBuilderArguments)AxBuilder, gen);
- break;
- case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic:
- eraser = null;
- break;
- default:
- eraser = new TypeEraserPremisses((TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses)AxBuilder, gen);
- break;
- }
- VCExpr exprWithoutTypes = eraser == null ? expr : eraser.Erase(expr, polarity);
- Contract.Assert(exprWithoutTypes != null);
- LetBindingSorter letSorter = new LetBindingSorter(gen);
- Contract.Assert(letSorter != null);
- VCExpr sortedExpr = letSorter.Mutate(exprWithoutTypes, true);
- Contract.Assert(sortedExpr != null);
- VCExpr sortedAxioms = letSorter.Mutate(AxBuilder.GetNewAxioms(), true);
- Contract.Assert(sortedAxioms != null);
- DeclCollector.Collect(sortedAxioms);
- DeclCollector.Collect(sortedExpr);
- FeedTypeDeclsToProver();
- AddAxiom(SMTLibExprLineariser.ToString(sortedAxioms, Namer, options));
- string res = SMTLibExprLineariser.ToString(sortedExpr, Namer, options);
- Contract.Assert(res != null);
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace)
- {
- DateTime end = DateTime.UtcNow;
- TimeSpan elapsed = end - start;
- if (elapsed.TotalSeconds > 0.5)
- Console.WriteLine("Linearising [{0} s]", elapsed.TotalSeconds);
- }
- return res;
- }
- }
- // the list of all known axioms, where have to be included in each
- // verification condition
- private readonly List<string/*!>!*/> Axioms = new List<string/*!*/>();
- private bool AxiomsAreSetup = false;
- // similarly, a list of function/predicate declarations
- private readonly List<string/*!>!*/> TypeDecls = new List<string/*!*/>();
- protected void AddAxiom(string axiom)
- {
- Contract.Requires(axiom != null);
- Axioms.Add(axiom);
- // if (thmProver != null) {
- // LogActivity(":assume " + axiom);
- // thmProver.AddAxioms(axiom);
- // }
- }
- protected void AddTypeDecl(string decl)
- {
- Contract.Requires(decl != null);
- TypeDecls.Add(decl);
- // if (thmProver != null) {
- // LogActivity(decl);
- // thmProver.Feed(decl, 0);
- // }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- private static string _backgroundPredicates;
- static void InitializeGlobalInformation()
- {
- Contract.Ensures(_backgroundPredicates != null);
- //throws ProverException, System.IO.FileNotFoundException;
- if (_backgroundPredicates == null) {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic)
- {
- _backgroundPredicates = "";
- }
- else
- {
- _backgroundPredicates = @"
-(set-info :category ""industrial"")
-(declare-sort |T@U| 0)
-(declare-sort |T@T| 0)
-(declare-fun real_pow (Real Real) Real)
-(declare-fun UOrdering2 (|T@U| |T@U|) Bool)
-(declare-fun UOrdering3 (|T@T| |T@U| |T@U|) Bool)";
- }
- }
- }
- public override VCExpressionGenerator VCExprGen
- {
- get { return this.gen; }
- }
- //// Push/pop interface
- //List<string> pushedAssertions = new List<string>();
- //int numRealPushes;
- public override string VCExpressionToString(VCExpr vc)
- {
- return VCExpr2String(vc, 1);
- }
- public override void PushVCExpression(VCExpr vc)
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public override void Pop()
- {
- SendThisVC("(pop 1)");
- DeclCollector.Pop();
- }
- public override int NumAxiomsPushed()
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- //return numRealPushes + pushedAssertions.Count;
- }
- private void FlushPushedAssertions()
- {
- throw new NotImplementedException();
- }
- public override void Assert(VCExpr vc, bool polarity)
- {
- string a = "";
- if (polarity)
- {
- a = "(assert " + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + ")";
- }
- else
- {
- a = "(assert (not\n" + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + "\n))";
- }
- AssertAxioms();
- SendThisVC(a);
- }
- public override void DefineMacro(Macro f, VCExpr vc) {
- DeclCollector.AddFunction(f);
- string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedName(f, f.Name);
- var argTypes = f.InParams.Cast<Variable>().MapConcat(p => DeclCollector.TypeToStringReg(p.TypedIdent.Type), " ");
- string decl = "(define-fun " + printedName + " (" + argTypes + ") " + DeclCollector.TypeToStringReg(f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type) + " " + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + ")";
- AssertAxioms();
- SendThisVC(decl);
- }
- public override void AssertAxioms()
- {
- FlushAxioms();
- }
- public override void Check()
- {
- PrepareCommon();
- SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
- FlushLogFile();
- }
- public override void SetTimeOut(int ms)
- {
- if (options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3) {
- var name = Z3.SetTimeoutOption();
- var value = ms.ToString();
- options.TimeLimit = ms;
- options.SmtOptions.RemoveAll(ov => ov.Option == name);
- options.AddSmtOption(name, value);
- SendThisVC(string.Format("(set-option :{0} {1})", name, value));
- }
- }
- public override object Evaluate(VCExpr expr)
- {
- string vcString = VCExpr2String(expr, 1);
- SendThisVC("(get-value (" + vcString + "))");
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null) throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
- if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
- resp = resp.Arguments[0];
- if (resp.Name == "")
- {
- // evaluating an expression
- if (resp.ArgCount == 2)
- resp = resp.Arguments[1];
- else
- throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
- }
- else
- {
- // evaluating a variable
- if (resp.ArgCount == 1)
- resp = resp.Arguments[0];
- else
- throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
- }
- if (resp.Name == "-" && resp.ArgCount == 1) // negative int
- return Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString("-" + resp.Arguments[0].Name);
- if (resp.Name == "_" && resp.ArgCount == 2 && resp.Arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("bv")) // bitvector
- return new BvConst(Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString(resp.Arguments[0].Name.Substring("bv".Length)),
- int.Parse(resp.Arguments[1].Name));
- if (resp.ArgCount != 0)
- throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
- if (expr.Type.Equals(Boogie.Type.Bool))
- return bool.Parse(resp.Name);
- else if (expr.Type.Equals(Boogie.Type.Int))
- return Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString(resp.Name);
- else
- return resp.Name;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Extra state for ApiChecker (used by stratifiedInlining)
- /// </summary>
- static int nameCounter = 0;
- public override Outcome CheckAssumptions(List<VCExpr> assumptions, out List<int> unsatCore, ErrorHandler handler)
- {
- unsatCore = new List<int>();
- Push();
- // Name the assumptions
- var nameToAssumption = new Dictionary<string, int>();
- int i = 0;
- foreach (var vc in assumptions)
- {
- var name = "a" + nameCounter.ToString();
- nameCounter++;
- nameToAssumption.Add(name, i);
- string vcString = VCExpr2String(vc, 1);
- AssertAxioms();
- SendThisVC(string.Format("(assert (! {0} :named {1}))", vcString, name));
- i++;
- }
- Check();
- var outcome = CheckOutcomeCore(handler);
- if (outcome != Outcome.Valid) {
- Pop();
- return outcome;
- }
- Contract.Assert(usingUnsatCore, "SMTLib prover not setup for computing unsat cores");
- SendThisVC("(get-unsat-core)");
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- unsatCore = new List<int>();
- if (resp.Name != "") unsatCore.Add(nameToAssumption[resp.Name]);
- foreach (var s in resp.Arguments) unsatCore.Add(nameToAssumption[s.Name]);
- FlushLogFile();
- Pop();
- return outcome;
- }
- public override void Push()
- {
- SendThisVC("(push 1)");
- DeclCollector.Push();
- }
- public override Outcome CheckAssumptions(List<VCExpr> hardAssumptions, List<VCExpr> softAssumptions, out List<int> unsatisfiedSoftAssumptions, ErrorHandler handler) {
- unsatisfiedSoftAssumptions = new List<int>();
- // First, convert both hard and soft assumptions to SMTLIB strings
- List<string> hardAssumptionStrings = new List<string>();
- foreach (var a in hardAssumptions) {
- hardAssumptionStrings.Add(VCExpr2String(a, 1));
- }
- List<string> currAssumptionStrings = new List<string>();
- foreach (var a in softAssumptions) {
- currAssumptionStrings.Add(VCExpr2String(a, 1));
- }
- Push();
- AssertAxioms();
- foreach (var a in hardAssumptionStrings) {
- SendThisVC("(assert " + a + ")");
- }
- Check();
- Outcome outcome = GetResponse();
- if (outcome != Outcome.Invalid) {
- Pop();
- return outcome;
- }
- int k = 0;
- List<string> relaxVars = new List<string>();
- while (true) {
- Push();
- foreach (var a in currAssumptionStrings) {
- SendThisVC("(assert " + a + ")");
- }
- Check();
- outcome = CheckOutcomeCore(handler);
- if (outcome != Outcome.Valid)
- break;
- Pop();
- string relaxVar = "relax_" + k;
- relaxVars.Add(relaxVar);
- SendThisVC("(declare-fun " + relaxVar + " () Int)");
- List<string> nextAssumptionStrings = new List<string>();
- for (int i = 0; i < currAssumptionStrings.Count; i++) {
- string constraint = "(= " + relaxVar + " " + i + ")";
- nextAssumptionStrings.Add("(or " + currAssumptionStrings[i] + " " + constraint + ")");
- }
- currAssumptionStrings = nextAssumptionStrings;
- k++;
- }
- if (outcome == Outcome.Invalid) {
- foreach (var relaxVar in relaxVars) {
- SendThisVC("(get-value (" + relaxVar + "))");
- FlushLogFile();
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null) break;
- if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) break;
- resp = resp.Arguments[0];
- if (!(resp.Name != "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) break;
- resp = resp.Arguments[0];
- if (resp.ArgCount != 0)
- break;
- int v;
- if (int.TryParse(resp.Name, out v))
- unsatisfiedSoftAssumptions.Add(v);
- else
- break;
- }
- Pop();
- }
- Pop();
- return outcome;
- }
- }
- public class SMTLibInterpolatingProcessTheoremProver : SMTLibProcessTheoremProver
- {
- public SMTLibInterpolatingProcessTheoremProver(ProverOptions options, VCExpressionGenerator gen,
- SMTLibProverContext ctx)
- : base(AddInterpOption(options), gen, ctx)
- {
- }
- private static ProverOptions AddInterpOption(ProverOptions options)
- {
- var opts = (SMTLibProverOptions)options;
- opts.AddSmtOption("produce-interpolants", "true");
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintFixedPoint == null)
- CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintFixedPoint = "itp.fixedpoint.bpl";
- return opts;
- }
- public override void AssertNamed(VCExpr vc, bool polarity, string name)
- {
- string vcString;
- if (polarity)
- {
- vcString = VCExpr2String(vc, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- vcString = "(not " + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + ")";
- }
- AssertAxioms();
- SendThisVC(string.Format("(assert (! {0} :named {1}))", vcString, name));
- }
- public override VCExpr ComputeInterpolant(VCExpr A, VCExpr B)
- {
- string A_str = VCExpr2String(A, 1);
- string B_str = VCExpr2String(B, 1);
- AssertAxioms();
- SendThisVC("(compute-interpolant " + A_str + " " + B_str + ")");
- SExpr interpolant;
- Outcome result = GetInterpolantResponse(out interpolant);
- if (result != Outcome.Valid)
- return null;
- VCExpr interpolantVC = SExprToVCExpr(interpolant, new Dictionary<string, VCExpr>());
- return interpolantVC;
- }
- private Outcome GetInterpolantResponse(out SExpr interpolant)
- {
- var result = Outcome.Undetermined;
- var wasUnknown = false;
- interpolant = null;
- Process.Ping();
- bool onlyOnce = false;
- while (true)
- {
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
- break;
- switch (resp.Name)
- {
- case "unsat":
- result = Outcome.Valid;
- break;
- case "sat":
- result = Outcome.Invalid;
- break;
- case "unknown":
- result = Outcome.Invalid;
- wasUnknown = true;
- break;
- default:
- if (result == Outcome.Valid)
- {
- interpolant = resp as SExpr;
- Contract.Assert(onlyOnce == false);
- onlyOnce = true;
- continue;
- }
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
- break;
- }
- }
- if (wasUnknown)
- {
- SendThisVC("(get-info :reason-unknown)");
- Process.Ping();
- while (true)
- {
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
- break;
- if (resp.ArgCount == 1 && resp.Name == ":reason-unknown")
- {
- switch (resp[0].Name)
- {
- case "memout":
- currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("memory");
- result = Outcome.OutOfMemory;
- Process.NeedsRestart = true;
- break;
- case "timeout":
- case "canceled":
- currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("timeout");
- result = Outcome.TimeOut;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response (getting info about 'unknown' response): " + resp.ToString());
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- public override List<VCExpr> GetTreeInterpolant(List<string> root, List<string> leaves)
- {
- List<VCExpr> result = new List<VCExpr>();
- string vcStr = "true";
- foreach (string str in root)
- vcStr = vcStr + " " + str;
- foreach (string str in leaves)
- vcStr = vcStr + "\r\n (interp " + str + ")";
- vcStr = "(get-interpolant (and\r\n" + vcStr + "\r\n))";
- SendThisVC(vcStr);
- if(currentLogFile != null) currentLogFile.Flush();
- List<SExpr> interpolantList;
- GetTreeInterpolantResponse(out interpolantList);
- Dictionary<string, VCExpr> bound = new Dictionary<string, VCExpr>();
- foreach (SExpr sexpr in interpolantList)
- {
- VCExpr interpolantVC = SExprToVCExpr(sexpr, bound);
- result.Add(interpolantVC);
- }
- return result;
- }
- private void GetTreeInterpolantResponse(out List<SExpr> interpolantList)
- {
- interpolantList = new List<SExpr>();
- Process.Ping();
- while (true)
- {
- var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
- if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
- break;
- SExpr interpolant = resp as SExpr;
- if(interpolant == null)
- HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: got null for interpolant!");
- interpolantList.Add(interpolant);
- }
- }
- }
- public class SMTLibProverContext : DeclFreeProverContext
- {
- internal SMTLibProcessTheoremProver parent;
- public readonly Dictionary<CtorType, List<Function>> KnownDatatypeConstructors = new Dictionary<CtorType, List<Function>>();
- public SMTLibProverContext(VCExpressionGenerator gen,
- VCGenerationOptions genOptions)
- : base(gen, genOptions)
- {
- }
- protected SMTLibProverContext(SMTLibProverContext par)
- : base(par)
- {
- }
- public override object Clone()
- {
- return new SMTLibProverContext(this);
- }
- public override string Lookup(VCExprVar var)
- {
- VCExprVar v = parent.AxBuilder.TryTyped2Untyped(var);
- if (v != null) {
- var = v;
- }
- return parent.Namer.Lookup(var);
- }
- public override void DeclareFunction(Function f, string attributes) {
- if (f is DatatypeConstructor) {
- CtorType datatype = (CtorType) f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type;
- if (!KnownDatatypeConstructors.ContainsKey(datatype))
- KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype] = new List<Function>();
- KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype].Add(f);
- }
- base.DeclareFunction(f, attributes);
- }
- }
- public class Factory : ProverFactory
- {
- // Set programmatically
- public static bool UseInterpolation = false;
- public override object SpawnProver(ProverOptions options, object ctxt)
- {
- //Contract.Requires(ctxt != null);
- //Contract.Requires(options != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<object>() != null);
- return this.SpawnProver(options,
- cce.NonNull((SMTLibProverContext)ctxt).ExprGen,
- cce.NonNull((SMTLibProverContext)ctxt));
- }
- public override object NewProverContext(ProverOptions options)
- {
- //Contract.Requires(options != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<object>() != null);
- VCExpressionGenerator gen = new VCExpressionGenerator();
- List<string>/*!>!*/ proverCommands = new List<string/*!*/>();
- proverCommands.Add("smtlib");
- var opts = (SMTLibProverOptions)options ;
- if (opts.Solver == SolverKind.Z3)
- proverCommands.Add("z3");
- else
- proverCommands.Add("external");
- VCGenerationOptions genOptions = new VCGenerationOptions(proverCommands);
- return new SMTLibProverContext(gen, genOptions);
- }
- public override ProverOptions BlankProverOptions()
- {
- return new SMTLibProverOptions();
- }
- protected virtual SMTLibProcessTheoremProver SpawnProver(ProverOptions options,
- VCExpressionGenerator gen,
- SMTLibProverContext ctx)
- {
- Contract.Requires(options != null);
- Contract.Requires(gen != null);
- Contract.Requires(ctx != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<SMTLibProcessTheoremProver>() != null);
- if (UseInterpolation)
- return new SMTLibInterpolatingProcessTheoremProver(options, gen, ctx);
- return new SMTLibProcessTheoremProver(options, gen, ctx);
- }
- public override bool SupportsLabels(ProverOptions options)
- {
- return ((SMTLibProverOptions)options).SupportsLabels;
- }
- }
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.IO;
+//using ExternalProver;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.AbstractInterpretation;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.Clustering;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.TypeErasure;
+using System.Text;
+using RPFP = Microsoft.Boogie.RPFP;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie.SMTLib
+ public class SMTLibProcessTheoremProver : ProverInterface
+ {
+ private readonly SMTLibProverContext ctx;
+ private VCExpressionGenerator gen;
+ private readonly SMTLibProverOptions options;
+ private bool usingUnsatCore;
+ private RPFP rpfp = null;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant()
+ {
+ Contract.Invariant(ctx != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(AxBuilder != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(Namer != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(DeclCollector != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(Axioms));
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(TypeDecls));
+ Contract.Invariant(_backgroundPredicates != null);
+ }
+ [NotDelayed]
+ public SMTLibProcessTheoremProver(ProverOptions options, VCExpressionGenerator gen,
+ SMTLibProverContext ctx)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(options != null);
+ Contract.Requires(gen != null);
+ Contract.Requires(ctx != null);
+ InitializeGlobalInformation();
+ this.options = (SMTLibProverOptions)options;
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ this.gen = gen;
+ this.usingUnsatCore = false;
+ SetupAxiomBuilder(gen);
+ Namer = new SMTLibNamer();
+ ctx.parent = this;
+ this.DeclCollector = new TypeDeclCollector((SMTLibProverOptions)options, Namer);
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintFixedPoint != null || CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintConjectures != null)
+ {
+ declHandler = new MyDeclHandler();
+ DeclCollector.SetDeclHandler(declHandler);
+ }
+ SetupProcess();
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.StratifiedInlining > 0 || CommandLineOptions.Clo.ContractInfer
+ || CommandLineOptions.Clo.SecureVcGen != null)
+ {
+ // Prepare for ApiChecker usage
+ if (options.LogFilename != null && currentLogFile == null)
+ {
+ currentLogFile = OpenOutputFile("");
+ }
+ PrepareCommon();
+ }
+ }
+ private void SetupAxiomBuilder(VCExpressionGenerator gen)
+ {
+ switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod)
+ {
+ case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Arguments:
+ AxBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderArguments(gen);
+ AxBuilder.Setup();
+ break;
+ case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic:
+ AxBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses(gen);
+ break;
+ default:
+ AxBuilder = new TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses(gen);
+ AxBuilder.Setup();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ProcessStartInfo ComputeProcessStartInfo()
+ {
+ var path = this.options.ProverPath;
+ switch (options.Solver) {
+ case SolverKind.Z3:
+ if (path == null)
+ path = Z3.ExecutablePath();
+ return SMTLibProcess.ComputerProcessStartInfo(path, "AUTO_CONFIG=false -smt2 -in");
+ case SolverKind.CVC4:
+ if (path == null)
+ path = CVC4.ExecutablePath();
+ return SMTLibProcess.ComputerProcessStartInfo(path, "--lang=smt --no-strict-parsing --no-condense-function-values --incremental");
+ default:
+ Debug.Assert(false);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ void SetupProcess()
+ {
+ if (Process != null) return;
+ var psi = ComputeProcessStartInfo();
+ Process = new SMTLibProcess(psi, this.options);
+ Process.ErrorHandler += this.HandleProverError;
+ }
+ void PossiblyRestart()
+ {
+ if (Process != null && Process.NeedsRestart) {
+ Process.Close();
+ Process = null;
+ SetupProcess();
+ Process.Send(common.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ public override ProverContext Context
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ProverContext>() != null);
+ return ctx;
+ }
+ }
+ internal TypeAxiomBuilder AxBuilder { get; private set; }
+ internal readonly UniqueNamer Namer;
+ readonly TypeDeclCollector DeclCollector;
+ protected SMTLibProcess Process;
+ readonly List<string> proverErrors = new List<string>();
+ readonly List<string> proverWarnings = new List<string>();
+ readonly StringBuilder common = new StringBuilder();
+ protected TextWriter currentLogFile;
+ protected volatile ErrorHandler currentErrorHandler;
+ private void FeedTypeDeclsToProver()
+ {
+ foreach (string s in DeclCollector.GetNewDeclarations()) {
+ Contract.Assert(s != null);
+ AddTypeDecl(s);
+ }
+ }
+ private string Sanitize(string msg)
+ {
+ var idx = msg.IndexOf('\n');
+ if (idx > 0)
+ msg = msg.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "\r\n");
+ return msg;
+ }
+ public override void LogComment(string comment)
+ {
+ SendCommon("; " + comment);
+ }
+ private void SendCommon(string s)
+ {
+ Send(s, true);
+ }
+ protected void SendThisVC(string s)
+ {
+ Send(s, false);
+ }
+ private void Send(string s, bool isCommon)
+ {
+ s = Sanitize(s);
+ if (isCommon)
+ common.Append(s).Append("\r\n");
+ if (Process != null)
+ Process.Send(s);
+ if (currentLogFile != null) {
+ currentLogFile.WriteLine(s);
+ currentLogFile.Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ private void FindDependentTypes(Type type, List<CtorType> dependentTypes)
+ {
+ MapType mapType = type as MapType;
+ if (mapType != null)
+ {
+ foreach (Type t in mapType.Arguments)
+ {
+ FindDependentTypes(t, dependentTypes);
+ }
+ FindDependentTypes(mapType.Result, dependentTypes);
+ }
+ CtorType ctorType = type as CtorType;
+ if (ctorType != null && ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.ContainsKey(ctorType))
+ {
+ dependentTypes.Add(ctorType);
+ }
+ }
+ private void PrepareCommon()
+ {
+ if (common.Length == 0)
+ {
+ SendCommon("(set-option :print-success false)");
+ SendCommon("(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.0)");
+ if (options.ProduceModel())
+ SendCommon("(set-option :produce-models true)");
+ foreach (var opt in options.SmtOptions)
+ {
+ SendCommon("(set-option :" + opt.Option + " " + opt.Value + ")");
+ }
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Logic))
+ {
+ SendCommon("(set-logic " + options.Logic + ")");
+ }
+ // Set produce-unsat-cores last. It seems there's a bug in Z3 where if we set it earlier its value
+ // gets reset by other set-option commands ( )
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ContractInfer && (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseUnsatCoreForContractInfer || CommandLineOptions.Clo.ExplainHoudini))
+ {
+ SendThisVC("(set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)");
+ this.usingUnsatCore = true;
+ }
+ SendCommon("; done setting options\n");
+ SendCommon(_backgroundPredicates);
+ if (options.UseTickleBool)
+ {
+ SendCommon("(declare-fun tickleBool (Bool) Bool)");
+ SendCommon("(assert (and (tickleBool true) (tickleBool false)))");
+ }
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RunDiagnosticsOnTimeout)
+ {
+ SendCommon("(declare-fun timeoutDiagnostics (Int) Bool)");
+ }
+ if (ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.Count > 0)
+ {
+ GraphUtil.Graph<CtorType> dependencyGraph = new GraphUtil.Graph<CtorType>();
+ foreach (CtorType datatype in ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.Keys)
+ {
+ dependencyGraph.AddSource(datatype);
+ foreach (Function f in ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype])
+ {
+ List<CtorType> dependentTypes = new List<CtorType>();
+ foreach (Variable v in f.InParams)
+ {
+ FindDependentTypes(v.TypedIdent.Type, dependentTypes);
+ }
+ foreach (CtorType result in dependentTypes)
+ {
+ dependencyGraph.AddEdge(datatype, result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ GraphUtil.StronglyConnectedComponents<CtorType> sccs = new GraphUtil.StronglyConnectedComponents<CtorType>(dependencyGraph.Nodes, dependencyGraph.Predecessors, dependencyGraph.Successors);
+ sccs.Compute();
+ foreach (GraphUtil.SCC<CtorType> scc in sccs)
+ {
+ string datatypeString = "";
+ foreach (CtorType datatype in scc)
+ {
+ datatypeString += "(" + SMTLibExprLineariser.TypeToString(datatype) + " ";
+ foreach (Function f in ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype])
+ {
+ string quotedConstructorName = Namer.GetQuotedName(f, f.Name);
+ if (f.InParams.Count == 0)
+ {
+ datatypeString += quotedConstructorName + " ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ datatypeString += "(" + quotedConstructorName + " ";
+ foreach (Variable v in f.InParams)
+ {
+ string quotedSelectorName = Namer.GetQuotedName(v, v.Name + "#" + f.Name);
+ datatypeString += "(" + quotedSelectorName + " " + DeclCollector.TypeToStringReg(v.TypedIdent.Type) + ") ";
+ }
+ datatypeString += ") ";
+ }
+ }
+ datatypeString += ") ";
+ }
+ List<string> decls = DeclCollector.GetNewDeclarations();
+ foreach (string decl in decls)
+ {
+ SendCommon(decl);
+ }
+ SendCommon("(declare-datatypes () (" + datatypeString + "))");
+ }
+ }
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverPreamble != null)
+ SendCommon("(include \"" + CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverPreamble + "\")");
+ }
+ if (!AxiomsAreSetup)
+ {
+ var axioms = ctx.Axioms;
+ var nary = axioms as VCExprNAry;
+ if (nary != null && nary.Op == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp)
+ foreach (var expr in nary.UniformArguments)
+ {
+ var str = VCExpr2String(expr, -1);
+ if (str != "true")
+ AddAxiom(str);
+ }
+ else
+ AddAxiom(VCExpr2String(axioms, -1));
+ AxiomsAreSetup = true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override int FlushAxiomsToTheoremProver()
+ {
+ // we feed the axioms when begincheck is called.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private void FlushAxioms()
+ {
+ TypeDecls.Iter(SendCommon);
+ TypeDecls.Clear();
+ foreach (string s in Axioms) {
+ Contract.Assert(s != null);
+ if (s != "true")
+ SendCommon("(assert " + s + ")");
+ }
+ Axioms.Clear();
+ //FlushPushedAssertions();
+ }
+ private void CloseLogFile()
+ {
+ if (currentLogFile != null) {
+ currentLogFile.Close();
+ currentLogFile = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void FlushLogFile()
+ {
+ if (currentLogFile != null) {
+ currentLogFile.Flush();
+ }
+ }
+ public override void Close()
+ {
+ base.Close();
+ CloseLogFile();
+ if (Process != null)
+ Process.Close();
+ }
+ public override void BeginCheck(string descriptiveName, VCExpr vc, ErrorHandler handler)
+ {
+ //Contract.Requires(descriptiveName != null);
+ //Contract.Requires(vc != null);
+ //Contract.Requires(handler != null);
+ rpfp = null;
+ if (options.SeparateLogFiles) CloseLogFile(); // shouldn't really happen
+ if (options.LogFilename != null && currentLogFile == null)
+ {
+ currentLogFile = OpenOutputFile(descriptiveName);
+ currentLogFile.Write(common.ToString());
+ }
+ PrepareCommon();
+ string vcString = "(assert (not\n" + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + "\n))";
+ FlushAxioms();
+ PossiblyRestart();
+ SendThisVC("(push 1)");
+ SendThisVC("(set-info :boogie-vc-id " + SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(descriptiveName) + ")");
+ SendThisVC(vcString);
+ FlushLogFile();
+ if (Process != null) {
+ Process.PingPong(); // flush any errors
+ if (Process.Inspector != null)
+ Process.Inspector.NewProblem(descriptiveName, vc, handler);
+ }
+ SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
+ FlushLogFile();
+ }
+ public override void Reset(VCExpressionGenerator gen)
+ {
+ if (options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3)
+ {
+ this.gen = gen;
+ SendThisVC("(reset)");
+ if (0 < common.Length)
+ {
+ var c = common.ToString();
+ Process.Send(c);
+ if (currentLogFile != null)
+ {
+ currentLogFile.WriteLine(c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void FullReset(VCExpressionGenerator gen)
+ {
+ if (options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3)
+ {
+ this.gen = gen;
+ Namer.Reset();
+ common.Clear();
+ SetupAxiomBuilder(gen);
+ Axioms.Clear();
+ TypeDecls.Clear();
+ AxiomsAreSetup = false;
+ ctx.Reset();
+ ctx.KnownDatatypeConstructors.Clear();
+ ctx.parent = this;
+ DeclCollector.Reset();
+ SendThisVC("; did a full reset");
+ }
+ }
+ private string StripCruft(string name){
+ if(name.Contains("@@"))
+ return name.Remove(name.LastIndexOf ("@@"));
+ return name;
+ }
+ private class BadExprFromProver : Exception
+ {
+ };
+ private delegate VCExpr ArgGetter (int pos);
+ private delegate VCExpr[] ArgsGetter ();
+ private delegate VCExprVar[] VarsGetter ();
+ private VCExprOp VCStringToVCOp (string op)
+ {
+ switch (op) {
+ case "+" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.AddIOp;
+ case "-" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.SubIOp;
+ case "*" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.MulIOp;
+ case "div" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.DivIOp;
+ case "=" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.EqOp;
+ case "<=" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.LeOp;
+ case "<" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.LtOp;
+ case ">=" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.GeOp;
+ case ">" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.GtOp;
+ case "and" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp;
+ case "or" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp;
+ case "not" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.NotOp;
+ case "ite" :
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.IfThenElseOp;
+ default:
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ private class MyDeclHandler : TypeDeclCollector.DeclHandler {
+ public Dictionary<string,VCExprVar> var_map = new Dictionary<string, VCExprVar>();
+ public Dictionary<string,Function> func_map = new Dictionary<string, Function>();
+ public override void VarDecl(VCExprVar v){
+ var_map[v.Name] = v;
+ }
+ public override void FuncDecl(Function f){
+ func_map[f.Name] = f;
+ }
+ public MyDeclHandler() {
+ }
+ }
+ private MyDeclHandler declHandler = null;
+ private VCExprVar SExprToVar (SExpr e)
+ {
+ if(e.Arguments.Count() != 1){
+ HandleProverError ("Prover error: bad quantifier syntax");
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ string vname = StripCruft(e.Name);
+ SExpr vtype = e[0];
+ switch(vtype.Name){
+ case "Int":
+ return gen.Variable(vname,Type.Int);
+ case "Bool":
+ return gen.Variable (vname,Type.Bool);
+ case "Array":{
+ // TODO: handle more general array types
+ var idxType = Type.Int; // well, could be something else
+ var valueType =
+ (vtype.Arguments[1].Name == "Int") ? Type.Int : Type.Bool;
+ var types = new List<Type>();
+ types.Add(idxType);
+ return gen.Variable (vname, new MapType(Token.NoToken,new List<TypeVariable>(),types,valueType));
+ }
+ default: {
+ HandleProverError ("Prover error: bad type: " + vtype.Name);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private VCExpr MakeBinary(VCExprOp op, VCExpr [] args)
+ {
+ if (args.Count() == 0)
+ {
+ // with zero args we need the identity of the op
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp)
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.True;
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp)
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.False;
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.AddIOp)
+ {
+ Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum x = Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.ZERO;
+ return gen.Integer(x);
+ }
+ HandleProverError("Prover error: bad expression ");
+ throw new BadExprFromProver();
+ }
+ var temp = args[0];
+ for (int i = 1; i < args.Count(); i++)
+ temp = gen.Function(op, temp, args[i]);
+ return temp;
+ }
+ protected VCExpr SExprToVCExpr (SExpr e, Dictionary<string,VCExpr> bound)
+ {
+ if (e.Arguments.Count() == 0) {
+ var name = StripCruft(e.Name);
+ if (name [0] >= '0' && name [0] <= '9') {
+ Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum x = Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString(name);
+ return gen.Integer (x);
+ }
+ if (bound.ContainsKey (name)) {
+ return bound [name];
+ }
+ if(name == "true")
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.True;
+ if(name == "false")
+ return VCExpressionGenerator.False;
+ if(declHandler.var_map.ContainsKey(name))
+ return declHandler.var_map[name];
+ HandleProverError ("Prover error: unknown symbol:" + name);
+ //throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ var v = gen.Variable(name, Type.Int);
+ bound.Add(name, v);
+ return v;
+ }
+ ArgGetter g = i => SExprToVCExpr (e [i], bound);
+ ArgsGetter ga = () => e.Arguments.Select (x => SExprToVCExpr (x, bound)).ToArray ();
+ VarsGetter gb = () => e [0].Arguments.Select (x => SExprToVar (x)).ToArray ();
+ switch (e.Name) {
+ case "select" :
+ return gen.Select (ga ());
+ case "store" :
+ return gen.Store (ga ());
+ case "forall":
+ case "exists":
+ {
+ var binds = e.Arguments[0];
+ var vcbinds = new List<VCExprVar>();
+ var bound_copy = new Dictionary<string, VCExpr>(bound);
+ for (int i = 0; i < binds.Arguments.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ var bind = binds.Arguments[i];
+ var symb = StripCruft(bind.Name);
+ var vcv = SExprToVar(bind);
+ vcbinds.Add(vcv);
+ bound[symb] = vcv;
+ }
+ var body = g(1);
+ if (e.Name == "forall")
+ body = gen.Forall(vcbinds, new List<VCTrigger>(), body);
+ else
+ body = gen.Exists(vcbinds, new List<VCTrigger>(), body);
+ bound = bound_copy;
+ return body;
+ }
+ case "-" : // have to deal with unary case
+ {
+ if(e.ArgCount == 1){
+ var args = new VCExpr[2];
+ args[0] = gen.Integer (Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.ZERO);
+ args[1] = g(0);
+ return gen.Function(VCStringToVCOp("-"),args);
+ }
+ return gen.Function(VCStringToVCOp("-"),ga());
+ }
+ case "!" : // this is commentary
+ return g(0);
+ case "let" : {
+ // we expand lets exponentially since there is no let binding in Boogie surface syntax
+ bool expand_lets = true;
+ var binds = e.Arguments[0];
+ var vcbinds = new List<VCExprLetBinding>();
+ var bound_copy = new Dictionary<string, VCExpr>(bound);
+ for(int i = 0; i < binds.Arguments.Count(); i++){
+ var bind = binds.Arguments[i];
+ var symb = bind.Name;
+ var def = bind.Arguments[0];
+ var vce = SExprToVCExpr(def, bound);
+ var vcv = gen.Variable(symb,vce.Type);
+ var vcb = gen.LetBinding(vcv,vce);
+ vcbinds.Add (vcb);
+ bound[symb] = expand_lets ? vce : vcv;
+ }
+ var body = g(1);
+ if(!expand_lets)
+ body = gen.Let(vcbinds,body);
+ bound = bound_copy;
+ return body;
+ }
+ default: {
+ var op = VCStringToVCOp (e.Name);
+ if (op == null) {
+ var name = StripCruft(e.Name);
+ if(declHandler.func_map.ContainsKey(name)){
+ Function f = declHandler.func_map[name];
+ return gen.Function (f, ga());
+ }
+ HandleProverError ("Prover error: unknown operator:" + e.Name);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ if(op.Arity == 2)
+ return MakeBinary (op, ga ());
+ return gen.Function(op, ga());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void SExprToSoln (SExpr resp,
+ Dictionary<int,Dictionary<string,string>> varSubst)
+ {
+ Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> pmap = new Dictionary<string,RPFP.Node> ();
+ foreach (var node in rpfp.nodes)
+ pmap.Add ((node.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func.Name, node);
+ var lines = resp.Arguments;
+ // get all the predicate definitions
+ for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) {
+ var line = lines [i];
+ string pname;
+ RPFP.Transformer annot;
+ GetDefun(line, out pname, out annot);
+ if(pmap.ContainsKey(pname)){
+ var node = pmap[pname];
+ node.Annotation = annot;
+ }
+ else if(pname[0] != '@'){ // if not an internal symbol
+ HandleProverError ("Prover error: got unknown predicate:" + pname);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void GetDefun(SExpr line, out string pname, out RPFP.Transformer annot)
+ {
+ if (line.Name != "define-fun")
+ {
+ HandleProverError("Prover error: expected define-fun but got:" + line.Name);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver();
+ }
+ if (line.ArgCount != 4)
+ {
+ HandleProverError("Prover error: define-fun has wrong number of arguments");
+ throw new BadExprFromProver();
+ }
+ pname = StripCruft(line.Arguments[0].Name);
+ var pvars = line.Arguments[1];
+ var pbody = line.Arguments[3]; // range has to be Bool
+ var binding = new Dictionary<string, VCExpr>();
+ var pvs = new List<VCExpr>();
+ foreach (var b in pvars.Arguments)
+ {
+ var e = SExprToVar(b);
+ pvs.Add(e);
+ binding.Add(StripCruft(b.Name), e);
+ }
+ VCExpr bexpr = SExprToVCExpr(pbody, binding);
+ annot = rpfp.CreateRelation(pvs.ToArray(), bexpr);
+ }
+ private RPFP.Node SExprToCex(SExpr resp, ErrorHandler handler,
+ Dictionary<int,Dictionary<string,string>> varSubst)
+ {
+ Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> nmap = new Dictionary<string,RPFP.Node>();
+ Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> pmap = new Dictionary<string,RPFP.Node>();
+ foreach(var node in rpfp.nodes)
+ pmap.Add((node.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func.Name,node);
+ RPFP.Node topnode = null;
+ var lines = resp.Arguments;
+ // last line of derivation is from query, skip it
+ for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length-1; i++)
+ {
+ var line = lines[i];
+ if (line.ArgCount != 6)
+ {
+ HandleProverError("bad derivation line from prover: " + line.ToString());
+ return null;
+ }
+ var name = line[0];
+ var conseq = line[1];
+ var rule = line[2];
+ var subst = line[3];
+ var labs = line[4];
+ var refs = line[5];
+ var predName = conseq.Name;
+ {
+ string spacer = "@@"; // Hack! UniqueNamer is adding these and I can't stop it!
+ int pos = predName.LastIndexOf(spacer);
+ if (pos >= 0)
+ predName = predName.Substring(0, pos);
+ }
+ RPFP.Node node = null;
+ if (!pmap.TryGetValue(predName, out node))
+ {
+ HandleProverError("unknown predicate from prover: " + predName.ToString());
+ return null;
+ }
+ RPFP.Node cexnode = rpfp.CloneNode(node);
+ = node;
+ nmap.Add(name.Name, cexnode);
+ List<RPFP.Node> Chs = new List<RPFP.Node>();
+ if (refs.Name != "ref")
+ {
+ HandleProverError("bad references from prover: " + refs.ToString());
+ return null;
+ }
+ foreach (var c in refs.Arguments)
+ {
+ if (c.Name == "true")
+ Chs.Add(null);
+ else
+ {
+ RPFP.Node ch = null;
+ if (!nmap.TryGetValue(c.Name, out ch))
+ {
+ HandleProverError("unknown reference from prover: " + c.ToString());
+ return null;
+ }
+ Chs.Add(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rule.Name.StartsWith("rule!"))
+ {
+ HandleProverError("bad rule name from prover: " + refs.ToString());
+ return null;
+ }
+ int ruleNum = Convert.ToInt32(rule.Name.Substring(5)) - 1;
+ if (ruleNum < 0 || ruleNum > rpfp.edges.Count)
+ {
+ HandleProverError("bad rule name from prover: " + refs.ToString());
+ return null;
+ }
+ RPFP.Edge orig_edge = rpfp.edges[ruleNum];
+ RPFP.Edge e = rpfp.CreateEdge(cexnode, orig_edge.F, Chs.ToArray());
+ = orig_edge;
+ topnode = cexnode;
+ if (labs.Name != "labels")
+ {
+ HandleProverError("bad labels from prover: " + labs.ToString());
+ return null;
+ }
+ e.labels = new HashSet<string>();
+ foreach (var l in labs.Arguments)
+ e.labels.Add(l.Name);
+ if (subst.Name != "subst")
+ {
+ HandleProverError("bad subst from prover: " + subst.ToString());
+ return null;
+ }
+ Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
+ varSubst[e.number] = dict;
+ foreach (var s in subst.Arguments)
+ {
+ if (s.Name != "=" || s.Arguments.Length != 2)
+ {
+ HandleProverError("bad equation from prover: " + s.ToString());
+ return null;
+ }
+ string uniqueName = s.Arguments[0].Name;
+ string spacer = "@@"; // Hack! UniqueNamer is adding these and I can't stop it!
+ int pos = uniqueName.LastIndexOf(spacer);
+ if (pos >= 0)
+ uniqueName = uniqueName.Substring(0, pos);
+ dict.Add(uniqueName, s.Arguments[1].ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ if (topnode == null)
+ {
+ HandleProverError("empty derivation from prover: " + resp.ToString());
+ }
+ return topnode;
+ }
+ private Model SExprToModel(SExpr resp, ErrorHandler handler)
+ {
+ // Concatenate all the arguments
+ string modelString = resp[0].Name;
+ // modelString = modelString.Substring(7, modelString.Length - 8); // remove "(model " and final ")"
+ var models = Model.ParseModels(new StringReader("Error model: \n" + modelString));
+ if (models == null || models.Count == 0)
+ {
+ HandleProverError("no model from prover: " + resp.ToString());
+ }
+ return models[0];
+ }
+ private string QuantifiedVCExpr2String(VCExpr x)
+ {
+ return VCExpr2String(x, 1);
+#if false
+ if (!(x is VCExprQuantifier))
+ return VCExpr2String(x, 1);
+ VCExprQuantifier node = (x as VCExprQuantifier);
+ if(node.BoundVars.Count == 0)
+ return VCExpr2String(x, 1);
+ StringWriter wr = new StringWriter();
+ string kind = node.Quan == Quantifier.ALL ? "forall" : "exists";
+ wr.Write("({0} (", kind);
+ for (int i = 0; i < node.BoundVars.Count; i++)
+ {
+ VCExprVar var = node.BoundVars[i];
+ Contract.Assert(var != null);
+ string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedName(var, var.Name);
+ Contract.Assert(printedName != null);
+ wr.Write("({0} {1}) ", printedName, SMTLibExprLineariser.TypeToString(var.Type));
+ }
+ wr.Write(") ");
+ wr.Write(VCExpr2String(node.Body, 1));
+ wr.Write(")");
+ string res = wr.ToString();
+ return res;
+ }
+ public override Outcome CheckRPFP(string descriptiveName, RPFP _rpfp, ErrorHandler handler,
+ out RPFP.Node cex,
+ Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>> varSubst,
+ Dictionary<string, int> extra_bound)
+ {
+ //Contract.Requires(descriptiveName != null);
+ //Contract.Requires(vc != null);
+ //Contract.Requires(handler != null);
+ rpfp = _rpfp;
+ cex = null;
+ if (options.SeparateLogFiles) CloseLogFile(); // shouldn't really happen
+ if (options.LogFilename != null && currentLogFile == null)
+ {
+ currentLogFile = OpenOutputFile(descriptiveName);
+ currentLogFile.Write(common.ToString());
+ }
+ PrepareCommon();
+ Push();
+ SendThisVC("(fixedpoint-push)");
+ foreach (var node in rpfp.nodes)
+ {
+ DeclCollector.RegisterRelation((node.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func);
+ }
+ LineariserOptions.Default.LabelsBelowQuantifiers = true;
+ List<string> ruleStrings = new List<string>();
+ var recursion_bound = CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound;
+ foreach (var edge in rpfp.edges)
+ {
+ string node_name = (edge.Parent.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func.Name;
+ string rule_name = "rule_" + edge.number.ToString();
+ string rec_bound = "";
+ if(extra_bound != null && extra_bound.ContainsKey(node_name))
+ rec_bound = (recursion_bound + extra_bound[node_name]).ToString();
+ string ruleString = "(rule " + QuantifiedVCExpr2String(rpfp.GetRule(edge)) + " " + rule_name + " " + rec_bound + "\n)";
+ ruleStrings.Add(ruleString);
+ }
+ string queryString = "(query " + QuantifiedVCExpr2String(rpfp.GetQuery()) + "\n :engine duality\n :print-certificate true\n";
+#if true
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.StratifiedInlining != 0)
+ queryString += " :stratified-inlining true\n";
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound > 0)
+ queryString += " :recursion-bound " + Convert.ToString(CommandLineOptions.Clo.RecursionBound) + "\n";
+ queryString += ")";
+ LineariserOptions.Default.LabelsBelowQuantifiers = false;
+ FlushAxioms();
+ PossiblyRestart();
+ SendThisVC("(set-info :boogie-vc-id " + SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(descriptiveName) + ")");
+ foreach(var rs in ruleStrings)
+ SendThisVC(rs);
+ FlushLogFile();
+ if (Process != null)
+ {
+ Process.PingPong(); // flush any errors
+#if false
+ // TODO: this is not going to work
+ if (Process.Inspector != null)
+ Process.Inspector.NewProblem(descriptiveName, vc, handler);
+ }
+ SendThisVC(queryString);
+ FlushLogFile();
+ var result = Outcome.Undetermined;
+ if (Process != null)
+ {
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (proverErrors.Count > 0)
+ {
+ result = Outcome.Undetermined;
+ foreach (var err in proverErrors)
+ {
+ if (err.Contains("canceled"))
+ {
+ result = Outcome.TimeOut;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(resp == null)
+ HandleProverError("Prover did not respond");
+ else switch (resp.Name)
+ {
+ case "unsat":
+ result = Outcome.Valid;
+ break;
+ case "sat":
+ result = Outcome.Invalid;
+ break;
+ case "unknown":
+ result = Outcome.Invalid;
+ break;
+ case "bounded":
+ result = Outcome.Bounded;
+ break;
+ case "error":
+ if (resp.ArgCount > 0 && resp.Arguments[0].Name.Contains("canceled"))
+ {
+ result = Outcome.TimeOut;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HandleProverError("Prover error: " + resp.Arguments[0]);
+ result = Outcome.Undetermined;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (result)
+ {
+ case Outcome.Invalid:
+ {
+ resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp.Name == "derivation")
+ {
+ cex = SExprToCex(resp, handler,varSubst);
+ }
+ else
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
+ resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp.Name == "model")
+ {
+ var model = SExprToModel(resp, handler);
+ cex.owner.SetBackgroundModel(model);
+ }
+ else
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
+ break;
+ }
+ case Outcome.Valid:
+ case Outcome.Bounded:
+ {
+ resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp.Name == "fixedpoint")
+ {
+ // only get the response if we need it
+ if(CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintFixedPoint != null)
+ SExprToSoln(resp, varSubst);
+ }
+ else
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+#if false
+ while (true)
+ {
+ resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
+ break;
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ SendThisVC("(fixedpoint-pop)");
+ Pop();
+ AxiomsAreSetup = false;
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintConjectures != null)
+ {
+ ReadConjectures(CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintConjectures);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ class MyFileParser : SExpr.Parser
+ {
+ SMTLibProcessTheoremProver parent;
+ public MyFileParser(System.IO.StreamReader _sr, SMTLibProcessTheoremProver _parent)
+ : base(_sr)
+ {
+ parent = _parent;
+ }
+ public override void ParseError(string msg)
+ {
+ parent.HandleProverError("Error in conjecture file from prover: " + msg);
+ }
+ }
+ void ReadConjectures(string filename)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ System.IO.StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename + ".tmp");
+ SExpr.Parser p = new MyFileParser(sr, this);
+ var sexps = p.ParseSExprs(false);
+ Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> pmap = GetNodeMap();
+ foreach (var e in sexps)
+ {
+ string pname;
+ RPFP.Transformer annot;
+ GetDefun(e, out pname, out annot);
+ if (pmap.ContainsKey(pname))
+ {
+ var c = new RPFP.Conjecture();
+ c.node = pmap[pname];
+ c.bound = annot;
+ rpfp.conjectures.Add(c);
+ }
+ else if (pname[0] != '@')
+ { // if not an internal symbol
+ HandleProverError("Prover error: got unknown predicate:" + pname);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver();
+ }
+ }
+ sr.Close();
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ HandleProverError("No conjecture file from prover");
+ throw new BadExprFromProver();
+ }
+ }
+ private Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> GetNodeMap()
+ {
+ Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node> pmap = new Dictionary<string, RPFP.Node>();
+ foreach (var node in rpfp.nodes)
+ pmap.Add((node.Name as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp).Func.Name, node);
+ return pmap;
+ }
+ private static HashSet<string> usedLogNames = new HashSet<string>();
+ private TextWriter OpenOutputFile(string descriptiveName)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(descriptiveName != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<TextWriter>() != null);
+ string filename = options.LogFilename;
+ filename = Helpers.SubstituteAtPROC(descriptiveName, cce.NonNull(filename));
+ var curFilename = filename;
+ lock (usedLogNames) {
+ int n = 1;
+ while (usedLogNames.Contains(curFilename)) {
+ curFilename = filename + "." + n++;
+ }
+ usedLogNames.Add(curFilename);
+ }
+ return new StreamWriter(curFilename, false);
+ }
+ private void FlushProverWarnings()
+ {
+ var handler = currentErrorHandler;
+ if (handler != null) {
+ lock (proverWarnings) {
+ proverWarnings.Iter(handler.OnProverWarning);
+ proverWarnings.Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void HandleProverError(string s)
+ {
+ s = s.Replace("\r", "");
+ lock (proverWarnings) {
+ while (s.StartsWith("WARNING: ")) {
+ var idx = s.IndexOf('\n');
+ var warn = s;
+ if (idx > 0) {
+ warn = s.Substring(0, idx);
+ s = s.Substring(idx + 1);
+ } else {
+ s = "";
+ }
+ warn = warn.Substring(9);
+ proverWarnings.Add(warn);
+ }
+ }
+ FlushProverWarnings();
+ if (s == "") return;
+ lock (proverErrors) {
+ proverErrors.Add(s);
+ Console.WriteLine("Prover error: " + s);
+ }
+ }
+ [NoDefaultContract]
+ public override Outcome CheckOutcome(ErrorHandler handler, int taskID = -1)
+ {
+ Contract.EnsuresOnThrow<UnexpectedProverOutputException>(true);
+ var result = CheckOutcomeCore(handler, taskID: taskID);
+ SendThisVC("(pop 1)");
+ FlushLogFile();
+ return result;
+ }
+ [NoDefaultContract]
+ public override Outcome CheckOutcomeCore(ErrorHandler handler, int taskID = -1)
+ {
+ Contract.EnsuresOnThrow<UnexpectedProverOutputException>(true);
+ var result = Outcome.Undetermined;
+ if (Process == null)
+ return result;
+ try {
+ currentErrorHandler = handler;
+ FlushProverWarnings();
+ int errorLimit;
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.ConcurrentHoudini) {
+ Contract.Assert(taskID >= 0);
+ errorLimit = CommandLineOptions.Clo.Cho[taskID].ProverCCLimit;
+ } else {
+ errorLimit = CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverCCLimit;
+ }
+ if (errorLimit < 1)
+ errorLimit = 1;
+ int errorsLeft = errorLimit;
+ var globalResult = Outcome.Undetermined;
+ while (true) {
+ string[] labels = null;
+ bool popLater = false;
+ try {
+ errorsLeft--;
+ result = GetResponse();
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RunDiagnosticsOnTimeout && result == Outcome.TimeOut)
+ {
+ #region Run timeout diagnostics
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceDiagnosticsOnTimeout)
+ {
+ Console.Out.WriteLine("Starting timeout diagnostics with initial time limit {0}.", options.TimeLimit);
+ }
+ SendThisVC("; begin timeout diagnostics");
+ var start = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ var unverified = new SortedSet<int>(ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Keys);
+ var timedOut = new SortedSet<int>();
+ int frac = 2;
+ int queries = 0;
+ int timeLimitPerAssertion = 0 < options.TimeLimit ? (options.TimeLimit / 100) * CommandLineOptions.Clo.TimeLimitPerAssertionInPercent : 1000;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ int rem = unverified.Count;
+ if (rem == 0)
+ {
+ if (0 < timedOut.Count)
+ {
+ result = CheckSplit(timedOut, ref popLater, options.TimeLimit, timeLimitPerAssertion, ref queries);
+ if (result == Outcome.Valid)
+ {
+ timedOut.Clear();
+ }
+ else if (result == Outcome.TimeOut)
+ {
+ // Give up and report which assertions were not verified.
+ var cmds = timedOut.Select(id => ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion[id]);
+ if (cmds.Any())
+ {
+ handler.OnResourceExceeded("timeout after running diagnostics", cmds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = Outcome.Valid;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // TODO(wuestholz): Try out different ways for splitting up the work (e.g., randomly).
+ var cnt = Math.Max(1, rem / frac);
+ // It seems like assertions later in the control flow have smaller indexes.
+ var split = new SortedSet<int>(unverified.Where((val, idx) => (rem - idx - 1) < cnt));
+ Contract.Assert(0 < split.Count);
+ var splitRes = CheckSplit(split, ref popLater, timeLimitPerAssertion, timeLimitPerAssertion, ref queries);
+ if (splitRes == Outcome.Valid)
+ {
+ unverified.ExceptWith(split);
+ frac = 1;
+ }
+ else if (splitRes == Outcome.Invalid)
+ {
+ result = splitRes;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (splitRes == Outcome.TimeOut)
+ {
+ if (2 <= frac && (4 <= (rem / frac)))
+ {
+ frac *= 4;
+ }
+ else if (2 <= (rem / frac))
+ {
+ frac *= 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timedOut.UnionWith(split);
+ unverified.ExceptWith(split);
+ frac = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ unverified.UnionWith(timedOut);
+ var end = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ SendThisVC("; end timeout diagnostics");
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceDiagnosticsOnTimeout)
+ {
+ Console.Out.WriteLine("Terminated timeout diagnostics after {0:F0} ms and {1} prover queries.", end.Subtract(start).TotalMilliseconds, queries);
+ Console.Out.WriteLine("Outcome: {0}", result);
+ Console.Out.WriteLine("Unverified assertions: {0} (of {1})", unverified.Count, ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Keys.Count);
+ string filename = "unknown";
+ var assertion = ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Values.Select(t => t.Item1).FirstOrDefault(a => a.tok != null && a.tok != Token.NoToken && a.tok.filename != null);
+ if (assertion != null)
+ {
+ filename = assertion.tok.filename;
+ }
+ File.AppendAllText("timeouts.csv", string.Format(";{0};{1};{2:F0};{3};{4};{5};{6}\n", filename, options.TimeLimit, end.Subtract(start).TotalMilliseconds, queries, result, unverified.Count, ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Keys.Count));
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+ if (globalResult == Outcome.Undetermined)
+ globalResult = result;
+ if (result == Outcome.Invalid || result == Outcome.TimeOut || result == Outcome.OutOfMemory) {
+ IList<string> xlabels;
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseLabels) {
+ labels = GetLabelsInfo();
+ if (labels == null)
+ {
+ xlabels = new string[] { };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xlabels = labels.Select(a => a.Replace("@", "").Replace("+", "")).ToList();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(CommandLineOptions.Clo.SIBoolControlVC) {
+ labels = new string[0];
+ xlabels = labels;
+ } else {
+ labels = CalculatePath(handler.StartingProcId());
+ xlabels = labels;
+ }
+ Model model = (result == Outcome.TimeOut || result == Outcome.OutOfMemory) ? null :
+ GetErrorModel();
+ handler.OnModel(xlabels, model, result);
+ }
+ if (labels == null || !labels.Any() || errorsLeft == 0) break;
+ } finally {
+ if (popLater)
+ {
+ SendThisVC("(pop 1)");
+ }
+ }
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.UseLabels) {
+ var negLabels = labels.Where(l => l.StartsWith("@")).ToArray();
+ var posLabels = labels.Where(l => !l.StartsWith("@"));
+ Func<string, string> lbl = (s) => SMTLibNamer.QuoteId(SMTLibNamer.LabelVar(s));
+ if (!options.MultiTraces)
+ posLabels = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
+ var conjuncts = posLabels.Select(s => "(not " + lbl(s) + ")").Concat(negLabels.Select(lbl)).ToArray();
+ string expr = conjuncts.Length == 1 ? conjuncts[0] : ("(or " + conjuncts.Concat(" ") + ")"); ;
+ if (!conjuncts.Any())
+ {
+ expr = "false";
+ }
+ SendThisVC("(assert " + expr + ")");
+ SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
+ }
+ else {
+ string source = labels[labels.Length - 2];
+ string target = labels[labels.Length - 1];
+ SendThisVC("(assert (not (= (ControlFlow 0 " + source + ") (- " + target + "))))");
+ SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
+ }
+ }
+ FlushLogFile();
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.RestartProverPerVC && Process != null)
+ Process.NeedsRestart = true;
+ return globalResult;
+ } finally {
+ currentErrorHandler = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private Outcome CheckSplit(SortedSet<int> split, ref bool popLater, int timeLimit, int timeLimitPerAssertion, ref int queries)
+ {
+ var tla = timeLimitPerAssertion * split.Count;
+ if (popLater)
+ {
+ SendThisVC("(pop 1)");
+ }
+ SendThisVC("(push 1)");
+ SendThisVC(string.Format("(set-option :{0} {1})", Z3.SetTimeoutOption(), (0 < tla && tla < timeLimit) ? tla : timeLimit));
+ popLater = true;
+ SendThisVC(string.Format("; checking split VC with {0} unverified assertions", split.Count));
+ var expr = VCExpressionGenerator.True;
+ foreach (var i in ctx.TimeoutDiagnosticIDToAssertion.Keys)
+ {
+ var lit = VCExprGen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.TimeoutDiagnosticsOp, VCExprGen.Integer(Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromInt(i)));
+ if (split.Contains(i)) {
+ lit = VCExprGen.Not(lit);
+ }
+ expr = VCExprGen.AndSimp(expr, lit);
+ }
+ SendThisVC("(assert " + VCExpr2String(expr, 1) + ")");
+ if (options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3)
+ {
+ SendThisVC("(apply (then (using-params propagate-values :max_rounds 1) simplify) :print false)");
+ }
+ FlushLogFile();
+ SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
+ queries++;
+ return GetResponse();
+ }
+ public override string[] CalculatePath(int controlFlowConstant) {
+ SendThisVC("(get-value ((ControlFlow " + controlFlowConstant + " 0)))");
+ var path = new List<string>();
+ while (true) {
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null) break;
+ if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) break;
+ resp = resp.Arguments[0];
+ if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 2)) break;
+ resp = resp.Arguments[1];
+ var v = resp.Name;
+ if (v == "-" && resp.ArgCount == 1) {
+ v = resp.Arguments[0].Name;
+ path.Add(v);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (resp.ArgCount != 0)
+ break;
+ path.Add(v);
+ SendThisVC("(get-value ((ControlFlow " + controlFlowConstant + " " + v + ")))");
+ }
+ return path.ToArray();
+ }
+ private class SMTErrorModelConverter {
+ private struct SMTDataType {
+ public string Constructor;
+ public List<SExpr> Types;
+ }
+ private List<SExpr> ErrorModelTodo;
+ private SMTLibProcessTheoremProver Parent;
+ private StringBuilder ErrorModel = new StringBuilder();
+ private HashSet<SExpr> TopLevelProcessed = new HashSet<SExpr>();
+ private int NumNewArrays = 0;
+ private Dictionary<string, int> SortSet = new Dictionary<string, int>();
+ private Dictionary<string, SMTDataType> DataTypes = new Dictionary<string, SMTDataType>();
+ private Dictionary<string, SExpr> Functions = new Dictionary<string, SExpr>();
+ public SMTErrorModelConverter(SExpr _ErrorModel, SMTLibProcessTheoremProver _Parent) {
+ ErrorModelTodo = _ErrorModel.Arguments.ToList();;
+ Parent = _Parent;
+ }
+ public string Convert() {
+ ConvertErrorModel(ErrorModel);
+ return ErrorModel.ToString();
+ }
+ bool isConstArray(SExpr element, SExpr type) {
+ if (type.Name != "Array")
+ return false;
+ if (element.Name == "__array_store_all__") // CVC4 1.4
+ return true;
+ else if (element.Name == "" && element[0].Name == "as" &&
+ element[0][0].Name == "const") // CVC4 > 1.4
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ SExpr getConstArrayElement(SExpr element) {
+ if (element.Name == "__array_store_all__") // CVC4 1.4
+ return element[1];
+ else if (element.Name == "" && element[0].Name == "as" &&
+ element[0][0].Name == "const") // CVC4 > 1.4
+ return element[1];
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected value: " + element);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ void ConstructComplexValue(SExpr element, SExpr type, StringBuilder m) {
+ if (type.Name == "Array") {
+ if (element.Name == "store" || isConstArray(element, type)) {
+ NumNewArrays++;
+ m.Append("as-array[k!" + NumNewArrays + ']');
+ SExpr[] args = {new SExpr("k!" + NumNewArrays), new SExpr(""), type, element};
+ var newElement = new SExpr("define-fun", args);
+ TopLevelProcessed.Add(newElement);
+ ErrorModelTodo.Add(newElement);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ConstructSimpleValue(element, type, m);
+ }
+ void ConstructSimpleValue(SExpr element, SExpr type, StringBuilder m) {
+ if (type.Name == "Bool" && element.ArgCount == 0) {
+ m.Append(element.ToString());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type.Name == "Int") {
+ if (element.ArgCount == 0) {
+ m.Append(element.ToString());
+ return;
+ } else if (element.Name == "-" && element.ArgCount == 1) {
+ m.Append(element.ToString());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type.Name == "_" && type.ArgCount == 2 && type[0].Name == "BitVec") {
+ if (element.Name == "_" && element.ArgCount == 2 &&
+ element[0].Name.StartsWith("bv") && element[0].ArgCount == 0 &&
+ element[1].Name == type.Arguments[1].Name && element[1].ArgCount == 0) {
+ m.Append(element[0].Name + '[' + element[1].Name + ']');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type.Name == "Array") {
+ while (element.Name == "store") {
+ ConstructComplexValue(element[1], type[0], m);
+ m.Append(" -> ");
+ ConstructComplexValue(element[2], type[1], m);
+ m.Append("\n ");
+ if (element[0].Name != "store") {
+ m.Append("else -> ");
+ }
+ element = element[0];
+ }
+ if (isConstArray(element, type)) {
+ ConstructComplexValue(getConstArrayElement(element), type[1], m);
+ return;
+ } else if (element.Name == "_" && element.ArgCount == 2 &&
+ element[0].Name == "as-array") {
+ m.Append("as-array[" + element[1].Name + ']');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (SortSet.ContainsKey(type.Name) && SortSet[type.Name] == 0) {
+ var prefix = "@uc_T_" + type.Name.Substring(2) + "_";
+ if (element.Name.StartsWith(prefix)) {
+ m.Append(type.Name + "!val!" + element.Name.Substring(prefix.Length));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Functions.ContainsKey(element.Name) &&
+ type.Name == Functions[element.Name].Name) {
+ m.Append(element.Name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (DataTypes.ContainsKey(type.Name) &&
+ DataTypes[type.Name].Constructor == element.Name &&
+ element.ArgCount == DataTypes[type.Name].Types.Count) {
+ m.Append("(" + element.Name);
+ for (int i = 0; i < element.ArgCount; ++i) {
+ m.Append(" ");
+ ConstructComplexValue(element[i], DataTypes[type.Name].Types[i], m);
+ }
+ m.Append(")");
+ return;
+ }
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected value: " + element);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ void ConstructFunctionArguments(SExpr arguments, List<SExpr> argTypes, StringBuilder[] argValues) {
+ if (arguments.Name == "and") {
+ ConstructFunctionArguments(arguments[0], argTypes, argValues);
+ ConstructFunctionArguments(arguments[1], argTypes, argValues);
+ } else if (arguments.Name == "=" &&
+ (arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("_ufmt_") || arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("x!"))) {
+ int argNum;
+ if (arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("_ufmt_"))
+ argNum = System.Convert.ToInt32(arguments[0].Name.Substring("_uftm_".Length)) - 1;
+ else /* if (arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("x!")) */
+ argNum = System.Convert.ToInt32(arguments[0].Name.Substring("x!".Length)) - 1;
+ if (argNum < 0 || argNum >= argTypes.Count) {
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected function argument: " + arguments[0]);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ if (argValues[argNum] != null) {
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Function argument defined multiple times: " + arguments[0]);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ argValues[argNum] = new StringBuilder();
+ ConstructComplexValue(arguments[1], argTypes[argNum], argValues[argNum]);
+ } else {
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected function argument: " + arguments);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ }
+ void ConstructFunctionElements(SExpr element, List<SExpr> argTypes, SExpr outType, StringBuilder m) {
+ while (element.Name == "ite") {
+ StringBuilder[] argValues = new StringBuilder[argTypes.Count];
+ ConstructFunctionArguments(element[0], argTypes, argValues);
+ foreach (var s in argValues)
+ m.Append(s + " ");
+ m.Append("-> ");
+ ConstructComplexValue(element[1], outType, m);
+ m.Append("\n ");
+ if (element[2].Name != "ite")
+ m.Append("else -> ");
+ element = element[2];
+ }
+ ConstructComplexValue(element, outType, m);
+ }
+ void ConstructFunction(SExpr element, SExpr inType, SExpr outType, StringBuilder m) {
+ List<SExpr> argTypes = new List<SExpr>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < inType.ArgCount; ++i) {
+ if (inType[i].Name != "_ufmt_" + (i + 1) && inType[i].Name != "x!" + (i + 1) &&
+ !inType[i].Name.StartsWith("BOUND_VARIABLE_")) {
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected function argument: " + inType[i].Name);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ argTypes.Add(inType[i][0]);
+ }
+ ConstructFunctionElements(element, argTypes, outType, m);
+ }
+ void ConstructDefine(SExpr element, StringBuilder m) {
+ Debug.Assert(element.Name == "define-fun");
+ if (element[1].ArgCount != 0)
+ TopLevelProcessed.Add(element);
+ m.Append(element[0] + " -> ");
+ if (TopLevelProcessed.Contains(element))
+ m.Append("{\n ");
+ if (element[1].ArgCount == 0 && element[2].Name == "Array" && !TopLevelProcessed.Contains(element)) {
+ ConstructComplexValue(element[3], element[2], m);
+ } else if (element[1].ArgCount == 0) {
+ ConstructSimpleValue(element[3], element[2], m);
+ } else {
+ ConstructFunction(element[3], element[1], element[2], m);
+ }
+ if (TopLevelProcessed.Contains(element))
+ m.Append("\n}");
+ m.Append("\n");
+ }
+ void ExtractDataType(SExpr datatypes) {
+ Debug.Assert(datatypes.Name == "declare-datatypes");
+ if (datatypes[0].Name != "" || datatypes[1].Name != "" || datatypes[1].ArgCount != 1) {
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected datatype: " + datatypes);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ SMTDataType dt = new SMTDataType();
+ SExpr typeDef = datatypes[1][0];
+ if (typeDef.ArgCount != 1) {
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected datatype: " + datatypes);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ dt.Constructor = typeDef[0].Name;
+ dt.Types = new List<SExpr>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < typeDef[0].ArgCount; ++i) {
+ if (typeDef[0][i].ArgCount != 1) {
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected datatype constructor: " + typeDef[0]);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ dt.Types.Add(typeDef[0][i][0]);
+ }
+ DataTypes[typeDef.Name] = dt;
+ }
+ private void ConvertErrorModel(StringBuilder m) {
+ if (Parent.options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3) {
+ // Datatype declarations are not returned by Z3, so parse common
+ // instead. This is not very efficient, but currently not an issue,
+ // as this not the normal way of interfacing with Z3.
+ var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Parent.common.ToString()));
+ var sr = new StreamReader(ms);
+ SExpr.Parser p = new MyFileParser(sr, null);
+ var sexprs = p.ParseSExprs(false);
+ foreach (var e in sexprs) {
+ switch (e.Name) {
+ case "declare-datatypes":
+ ExtractDataType(e);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (ErrorModelTodo.Count > 0) {
+ var e = ErrorModelTodo[0];
+ ErrorModelTodo.RemoveAt(0);
+ switch (e.Name) {
+ case "define-fun":
+ ConstructDefine(e, m);
+ break;
+ case "declare-sort":
+ SortSet[e[0].Name] = System.Convert.ToInt32(e[1].Name);
+ break;
+ case "declare-datatypes":
+ ExtractDataType(e);
+ break;
+ case "declare-fun":
+ if (e[1].Name != "" || e[1].ArgCount > 0 || e[2].ArgCount > 0 ||
+ e[2].Name == "Bool" || e[2].Name == "Int") {
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected top level model element: " + e.Name);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ Functions[e[0].Name] = e[2];
+ break;
+ case "forall":
+ // ignore
+ break;
+ default:
+ Parent.HandleProverError("Unexpected top level model element: " + e.Name);
+ throw new BadExprFromProver ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Model GetErrorModel() {
+ if (!options.ExpectingModel())
+ return null;
+ SendThisVC("(get-model)");
+ Process.Ping();
+ Model theModel = null;
+ while (true) {
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
+ break;
+ if (theModel != null)
+ HandleProverError("Expecting only one model but got many");
+ string modelStr = null;
+ if (resp.Name == "model" && resp.ArgCount >= 1) {
+ var converter = new SMTErrorModelConverter(resp, this);
+ modelStr = converter.Convert();
+ }
+ else if (resp.ArgCount == 0 && resp.Name.Contains("->")) {
+ modelStr = resp.Name;
+ }
+ else {
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response getting model: " + resp.ToString());
+ }
+ List<Model> models = null;
+ try {
+ switch (options.Solver) {
+ case SolverKind.Z3:
+ case SolverKind.CVC4:
+ models = Model.ParseModels(new StringReader("Error model: \n" + modelStr));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Debug.Assert(false);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (ArgumentException exn) {
+ HandleProverError("Model parsing error: " + exn.Message);
+ }
+ if (models == null)
+ HandleProverError("Could not parse any models");
+ else if (models.Count == 0)
+ HandleProverError("Could not parse any models");
+ else if (models.Count > 1)
+ HandleProverError("Expecting only one model but got many");
+ else
+ theModel = models[0];
+ }
+ return theModel;
+ }
+ private string[] GetLabelsInfo()
+ {
+ SendThisVC("(labels)");
+ Process.Ping();
+ string[] res = null;
+ while (true) {
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
+ break;
+ if (res != null)
+ HandleProverError("Expecting only one sequence of labels but got many");
+ if (resp.Name == "labels" && resp.ArgCount >= 1) {
+ res = resp.Arguments.Select(a => a.Name.Replace("|", "")).ToArray();
+ }
+ else {
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response getting labels: " + resp.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ private Outcome GetResponse()
+ {
+ var result = Outcome.Undetermined;
+ var wasUnknown = false;
+ Process.Ping();
+ while (true) {
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
+ break;
+ switch (resp.Name) {
+ case "unsat":
+ result = Outcome.Valid;
+ break;
+ case "sat":
+ result = Outcome.Invalid;
+ break;
+ case "unknown":
+ result = Outcome.Invalid;
+ wasUnknown = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wasUnknown) {
+ SendThisVC("(get-info :reason-unknown)");
+ Process.Ping();
+ while (true) {
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
+ break;
+ if (resp.ArgCount == 1 && resp.Name == ":reason-unknown") {
+ switch (resp[0].Name) {
+ case "memout":
+ currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("memory");
+ result = Outcome.OutOfMemory;
+ Process.NeedsRestart = true;
+ break;
+ case "timeout": case "canceled":
+ currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("timeout");
+ result = Outcome.TimeOut;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response (getting info about 'unknown' response): " + resp.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ protected string VCExpr2String(VCExpr expr, int polarity)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
+ lock (gen)
+ {
+ DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ //if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace)
+ // Console.Write("Linearising ... ");
+ // handle the types in the VCExpr
+ TypeEraser eraser;
+ switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod)
+ {
+ case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Arguments:
+ eraser = new TypeEraserArguments((TypeAxiomBuilderArguments)AxBuilder, gen);
+ break;
+ case CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic:
+ eraser = null;
+ break;
+ default:
+ eraser = new TypeEraserPremisses((TypeAxiomBuilderPremisses)AxBuilder, gen);
+ break;
+ }
+ VCExpr exprWithoutTypes = eraser == null ? expr : eraser.Erase(expr, polarity);
+ Contract.Assert(exprWithoutTypes != null);
+ LetBindingSorter letSorter = new LetBindingSorter(gen);
+ Contract.Assert(letSorter != null);
+ VCExpr sortedExpr = letSorter.Mutate(exprWithoutTypes, true);
+ Contract.Assert(sortedExpr != null);
+ VCExpr sortedAxioms = letSorter.Mutate(AxBuilder.GetNewAxioms(), true);
+ Contract.Assert(sortedAxioms != null);
+ DeclCollector.Collect(sortedAxioms);
+ DeclCollector.Collect(sortedExpr);
+ FeedTypeDeclsToProver();
+ AddAxiom(SMTLibExprLineariser.ToString(sortedAxioms, Namer, options));
+ string res = SMTLibExprLineariser.ToString(sortedExpr, Namer, options);
+ Contract.Assert(res != null);
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace)
+ {
+ DateTime end = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ TimeSpan elapsed = end - start;
+ if (elapsed.TotalSeconds > 0.5)
+ Console.WriteLine("Linearising [{0} s]", elapsed.TotalSeconds);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ // the list of all known axioms, where have to be included in each
+ // verification condition
+ private readonly List<string/*!>!*/> Axioms = new List<string/*!*/>();
+ private bool AxiomsAreSetup = false;
+ // similarly, a list of function/predicate declarations
+ private readonly List<string/*!>!*/> TypeDecls = new List<string/*!*/>();
+ protected void AddAxiom(string axiom)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(axiom != null);
+ Axioms.Add(axiom);
+ // if (thmProver != null) {
+ // LogActivity(":assume " + axiom);
+ // thmProver.AddAxioms(axiom);
+ // }
+ }
+ protected void AddTypeDecl(string decl)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(decl != null);
+ TypeDecls.Add(decl);
+ // if (thmProver != null) {
+ // LogActivity(decl);
+ // thmProver.Feed(decl, 0);
+ // }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private static string _backgroundPredicates;
+ static void InitializeGlobalInformation()
+ {
+ Contract.Ensures(_backgroundPredicates != null);
+ //throws ProverException, System.IO.FileNotFoundException;
+ if (_backgroundPredicates == null) {
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TypeEncodingMethod == CommandLineOptions.TypeEncoding.Monomorphic)
+ {
+ _backgroundPredicates = "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _backgroundPredicates = @"
+(set-info :category ""industrial"")
+(declare-sort |T@U| 0)
+(declare-sort |T@T| 0)
+(declare-fun real_pow (Real Real) Real)
+(declare-fun UOrdering2 (|T@U| |T@U|) Bool)
+(declare-fun UOrdering3 (|T@T| |T@U| |T@U|) Bool)";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override VCExpressionGenerator VCExprGen
+ {
+ get { return this.gen; }
+ }
+ //// Push/pop interface
+ //List<string> pushedAssertions = new List<string>();
+ //int numRealPushes;
+ public override string VCExpressionToString(VCExpr vc)
+ {
+ return VCExpr2String(vc, 1);
+ }
+ public override void PushVCExpression(VCExpr vc)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public override void Pop()
+ {
+ SendThisVC("(pop 1)");
+ DeclCollector.Pop();
+ }
+ public override int NumAxiomsPushed()
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ //return numRealPushes + pushedAssertions.Count;
+ }
+ private void FlushPushedAssertions()
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public override void Assert(VCExpr vc, bool polarity)
+ {
+ string a = "";
+ if (polarity)
+ {
+ a = "(assert " + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + ")";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ a = "(assert (not\n" + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + "\n))";
+ }
+ AssertAxioms();
+ SendThisVC(a);
+ }
+ public override void DefineMacro(Macro f, VCExpr vc) {
+ DeclCollector.AddFunction(f);
+ string printedName = Namer.GetQuotedName(f, f.Name);
+ var argTypes = f.InParams.Cast<Variable>().MapConcat(p => DeclCollector.TypeToStringReg(p.TypedIdent.Type), " ");
+ string decl = "(define-fun " + printedName + " (" + argTypes + ") " + DeclCollector.TypeToStringReg(f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type) + " " + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + ")";
+ AssertAxioms();
+ SendThisVC(decl);
+ }
+ public override void AssertAxioms()
+ {
+ FlushAxioms();
+ }
+ public override void Check()
+ {
+ PrepareCommon();
+ SendThisVC("(check-sat)");
+ FlushLogFile();
+ }
+ public override void SetTimeOut(int ms)
+ {
+ if (options.Solver == SolverKind.Z3) {
+ var name = Z3.SetTimeoutOption();
+ var value = ms.ToString();
+ options.TimeLimit = ms;
+ options.SmtOptions.RemoveAll(ov => ov.Option == name);
+ options.AddSmtOption(name, value);
+ SendThisVC(string.Format("(set-option :{0} {1})", name, value));
+ }
+ }
+ public override object Evaluate(VCExpr expr)
+ {
+ string vcString = VCExpr2String(expr, 1);
+ SendThisVC("(get-value (" + vcString + "))");
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null) throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
+ if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
+ resp = resp.Arguments[0];
+ if (resp.Name == "")
+ {
+ // evaluating an expression
+ if (resp.ArgCount == 2)
+ resp = resp.Arguments[1];
+ else
+ throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // evaluating a variable
+ if (resp.ArgCount == 1)
+ resp = resp.Arguments[0];
+ else
+ throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
+ }
+ if (resp.Name == "-" && resp.ArgCount == 1) // negative int
+ return Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString("-" + resp.Arguments[0].Name);
+ if (resp.Name == "_" && resp.ArgCount == 2 && resp.Arguments[0].Name.StartsWith("bv")) // bitvector
+ return new BvConst(Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString(resp.Arguments[0].Name.Substring("bv".Length)),
+ int.Parse(resp.Arguments[1].Name));
+ if (resp.ArgCount != 0)
+ throw new VCExprEvaluationException();
+ if (expr.Type.Equals(Boogie.Type.Bool))
+ return bool.Parse(resp.Name);
+ else if (expr.Type.Equals(Boogie.Type.Int))
+ return Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.FromString(resp.Name);
+ else
+ return resp.Name;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Extra state for ApiChecker (used by stratifiedInlining)
+ /// </summary>
+ static int nameCounter = 0;
+ public override Outcome CheckAssumptions(List<VCExpr> assumptions, out List<int> unsatCore, ErrorHandler handler)
+ {
+ unsatCore = new List<int>();
+ Push();
+ // Name the assumptions
+ var nameToAssumption = new Dictionary<string, int>();
+ int i = 0;
+ foreach (var vc in assumptions)
+ {
+ var name = "a" + nameCounter.ToString();
+ nameCounter++;
+ nameToAssumption.Add(name, i);
+ string vcString = VCExpr2String(vc, 1);
+ AssertAxioms();
+ SendThisVC(string.Format("(assert (! {0} :named {1}))", vcString, name));
+ i++;
+ }
+ Check();
+ var outcome = CheckOutcomeCore(handler);
+ if (outcome != Outcome.Valid) {
+ Pop();
+ return outcome;
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(usingUnsatCore, "SMTLib prover not setup for computing unsat cores");
+ SendThisVC("(get-unsat-core)");
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ unsatCore = new List<int>();
+ if (resp.Name != "") unsatCore.Add(nameToAssumption[resp.Name]);
+ foreach (var s in resp.Arguments) unsatCore.Add(nameToAssumption[s.Name]);
+ FlushLogFile();
+ Pop();
+ return outcome;
+ }
+ public override void Push()
+ {
+ SendThisVC("(push 1)");
+ DeclCollector.Push();
+ }
+ public override Outcome CheckAssumptions(List<VCExpr> hardAssumptions, List<VCExpr> softAssumptions, out List<int> unsatisfiedSoftAssumptions, ErrorHandler handler) {
+ unsatisfiedSoftAssumptions = new List<int>();
+ // First, convert both hard and soft assumptions to SMTLIB strings
+ List<string> hardAssumptionStrings = new List<string>();
+ foreach (var a in hardAssumptions) {
+ hardAssumptionStrings.Add(VCExpr2String(a, 1));
+ }
+ List<string> currAssumptionStrings = new List<string>();
+ foreach (var a in softAssumptions) {
+ currAssumptionStrings.Add(VCExpr2String(a, 1));
+ }
+ Push();
+ AssertAxioms();
+ foreach (var a in hardAssumptionStrings) {
+ SendThisVC("(assert " + a + ")");
+ }
+ Check();
+ Outcome outcome = GetResponse();
+ if (outcome != Outcome.Invalid) {
+ Pop();
+ return outcome;
+ }
+ int k = 0;
+ List<string> relaxVars = new List<string>();
+ while (true) {
+ Push();
+ foreach (var a in currAssumptionStrings) {
+ SendThisVC("(assert " + a + ")");
+ }
+ Check();
+ outcome = CheckOutcomeCore(handler);
+ if (outcome != Outcome.Valid)
+ break;
+ Pop();
+ string relaxVar = "relax_" + k;
+ relaxVars.Add(relaxVar);
+ SendThisVC("(declare-fun " + relaxVar + " () Int)");
+ List<string> nextAssumptionStrings = new List<string>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < currAssumptionStrings.Count; i++) {
+ string constraint = "(= " + relaxVar + " " + i + ")";
+ nextAssumptionStrings.Add("(or " + currAssumptionStrings[i] + " " + constraint + ")");
+ }
+ currAssumptionStrings = nextAssumptionStrings;
+ k++;
+ }
+ if (outcome == Outcome.Invalid) {
+ foreach (var relaxVar in relaxVars) {
+ SendThisVC("(get-value (" + relaxVar + "))");
+ FlushLogFile();
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null) break;
+ if (!(resp.Name == "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) break;
+ resp = resp.Arguments[0];
+ if (!(resp.Name != "" && resp.ArgCount == 1)) break;
+ resp = resp.Arguments[0];
+ if (resp.ArgCount != 0)
+ break;
+ int v;
+ if (int.TryParse(resp.Name, out v))
+ unsatisfiedSoftAssumptions.Add(v);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ Pop();
+ }
+ Pop();
+ return outcome;
+ }
+ }
+ public class SMTLibInterpolatingProcessTheoremProver : SMTLibProcessTheoremProver
+ {
+ public SMTLibInterpolatingProcessTheoremProver(ProverOptions options, VCExpressionGenerator gen,
+ SMTLibProverContext ctx)
+ : base(AddInterpOption(options), gen, ctx)
+ {
+ }
+ private static ProverOptions AddInterpOption(ProverOptions options)
+ {
+ var opts = (SMTLibProverOptions)options;
+ opts.AddSmtOption("produce-interpolants", "true");
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintFixedPoint == null)
+ CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintFixedPoint = "itp.fixedpoint.bpl";
+ return opts;
+ }
+ public override void AssertNamed(VCExpr vc, bool polarity, string name)
+ {
+ string vcString;
+ if (polarity)
+ {
+ vcString = VCExpr2String(vc, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vcString = "(not " + VCExpr2String(vc, 1) + ")";
+ }
+ AssertAxioms();
+ SendThisVC(string.Format("(assert (! {0} :named {1}))", vcString, name));
+ }
+ public override VCExpr ComputeInterpolant(VCExpr A, VCExpr B)
+ {
+ string A_str = VCExpr2String(A, 1);
+ string B_str = VCExpr2String(B, 1);
+ AssertAxioms();
+ SendThisVC("(compute-interpolant " + A_str + " " + B_str + ")");
+ SExpr interpolant;
+ Outcome result = GetInterpolantResponse(out interpolant);
+ if (result != Outcome.Valid)
+ return null;
+ VCExpr interpolantVC = SExprToVCExpr(interpolant, new Dictionary<string, VCExpr>());
+ return interpolantVC;
+ }
+ private Outcome GetInterpolantResponse(out SExpr interpolant)
+ {
+ var result = Outcome.Undetermined;
+ var wasUnknown = false;
+ interpolant = null;
+ Process.Ping();
+ bool onlyOnce = false;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
+ break;
+ switch (resp.Name)
+ {
+ case "unsat":
+ result = Outcome.Valid;
+ break;
+ case "sat":
+ result = Outcome.Invalid;
+ break;
+ case "unknown":
+ result = Outcome.Invalid;
+ wasUnknown = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (result == Outcome.Valid)
+ {
+ interpolant = resp as SExpr;
+ Contract.Assert(onlyOnce == false);
+ onlyOnce = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: " + resp.ToString());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wasUnknown)
+ {
+ SendThisVC("(get-info :reason-unknown)");
+ Process.Ping();
+ while (true)
+ {
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
+ break;
+ if (resp.ArgCount == 1 && resp.Name == ":reason-unknown")
+ {
+ switch (resp[0].Name)
+ {
+ case "memout":
+ currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("memory");
+ result = Outcome.OutOfMemory;
+ Process.NeedsRestart = true;
+ break;
+ case "timeout":
+ case "canceled":
+ currentErrorHandler.OnResourceExceeded("timeout");
+ result = Outcome.TimeOut;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response (getting info about 'unknown' response): " + resp.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public override List<VCExpr> GetTreeInterpolant(List<string> root, List<string> leaves)
+ {
+ List<VCExpr> result = new List<VCExpr>();
+ string vcStr = "true";
+ foreach (string str in root)
+ vcStr = vcStr + " " + str;
+ foreach (string str in leaves)
+ vcStr = vcStr + "\r\n (interp " + str + ")";
+ vcStr = "(get-interpolant (and\r\n" + vcStr + "\r\n))";
+ SendThisVC(vcStr);
+ if(currentLogFile != null) currentLogFile.Flush();
+ List<SExpr> interpolantList;
+ GetTreeInterpolantResponse(out interpolantList);
+ Dictionary<string, VCExpr> bound = new Dictionary<string, VCExpr>();
+ foreach (SExpr sexpr in interpolantList)
+ {
+ VCExpr interpolantVC = SExprToVCExpr(sexpr, bound);
+ result.Add(interpolantVC);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private void GetTreeInterpolantResponse(out List<SExpr> interpolantList)
+ {
+ interpolantList = new List<SExpr>();
+ Process.Ping();
+ while (true)
+ {
+ var resp = Process.GetProverResponse();
+ if (resp == null || Process.IsPong(resp))
+ break;
+ SExpr interpolant = resp as SExpr;
+ if(interpolant == null)
+ HandleProverError("Unexpected prover response: got null for interpolant!");
+ interpolantList.Add(interpolant);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class SMTLibProverContext : DeclFreeProverContext
+ {
+ internal SMTLibProcessTheoremProver parent;
+ public readonly Dictionary<CtorType, List<Function>> KnownDatatypeConstructors = new Dictionary<CtorType, List<Function>>();
+ public SMTLibProverContext(VCExpressionGenerator gen,
+ VCGenerationOptions genOptions)
+ : base(gen, genOptions)
+ {
+ }
+ protected SMTLibProverContext(SMTLibProverContext par)
+ : base(par)
+ {
+ }
+ public override object Clone()
+ {
+ return new SMTLibProverContext(this);
+ }
+ public override string Lookup(VCExprVar var)
+ {
+ VCExprVar v = parent.AxBuilder.TryTyped2Untyped(var);
+ if (v != null) {
+ var = v;
+ }
+ return parent.Namer.Lookup(var);
+ }
+ public override void DeclareFunction(Function f, string attributes) {
+ if (f is DatatypeConstructor) {
+ CtorType datatype = (CtorType) f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type;
+ if (!KnownDatatypeConstructors.ContainsKey(datatype))
+ KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype] = new List<Function>();
+ KnownDatatypeConstructors[datatype].Add(f);
+ }
+ base.DeclareFunction(f, attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ public class Factory : ProverFactory
+ {
+ // Set programmatically
+ public static bool UseInterpolation = false;
+ public override object SpawnProver(ProverOptions options, object ctxt)
+ {
+ //Contract.Requires(ctxt != null);
+ //Contract.Requires(options != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<object>() != null);
+ return this.SpawnProver(options,
+ cce.NonNull((SMTLibProverContext)ctxt).ExprGen,
+ cce.NonNull((SMTLibProverContext)ctxt));
+ }
+ public override object NewProverContext(ProverOptions options)
+ {
+ //Contract.Requires(options != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<object>() != null);
+ VCExpressionGenerator gen = new VCExpressionGenerator();
+ List<string>/*!>!*/ proverCommands = new List<string/*!*/>();
+ proverCommands.Add("smtlib");
+ var opts = (SMTLibProverOptions)options ;
+ if (opts.Solver == SolverKind.Z3)
+ proverCommands.Add("z3");
+ else
+ proverCommands.Add("external");
+ VCGenerationOptions genOptions = new VCGenerationOptions(proverCommands);
+ return new SMTLibProverContext(gen, genOptions);
+ }
+ public override ProverOptions BlankProverOptions()
+ {
+ return new SMTLibProverOptions();
+ }
+ protected virtual SMTLibProcessTheoremProver SpawnProver(ProverOptions options,
+ VCExpressionGenerator gen,
+ SMTLibProverContext ctx)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(options != null);
+ Contract.Requires(gen != null);
+ Contract.Requires(ctx != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<SMTLibProcessTheoremProver>() != null);
+ if (UseInterpolation)
+ return new SMTLibInterpolatingProcessTheoremProver(options, gen, ctx);
+ return new SMTLibProcessTheoremProver(options, gen, ctx);
+ }
+ public override bool SupportsLabels(ProverOptions options)
+ {
+ return ((SMTLibProverOptions)options).SupportsLabels;
+ }
+ }