path: root/Source/Dafny/Scanner.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny/Scanner.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 823 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Scanner.cs b/Source/Dafny/Scanner.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b23931b6..00000000
--- a/Source/Dafny/Scanner.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,823 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
-// Buffer
-public class Buffer {
- // This Buffer supports the following cases:
- // 1) seekable stream (file)
- // a) whole stream in buffer
- // b) part of stream in buffer
- // 2) non seekable stream (network, console)
- public const int EOF = 65535 + 1; // char.MaxValue + 1;
- const int MIN_BUFFER_LENGTH = 1024; // 1KB
- byte[]/*!*/ buf; // input buffer
- int bufStart; // position of first byte in buffer relative to input stream
- int bufLen; // length of buffer
- int fileLen; // length of input stream (may change if the stream is no file)
- int bufPos; // current position in buffer
- Stream/*!*/ stream; // input stream (seekable)
- bool isUserStream; // was the stream opened by the user?
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant(){
- Contract.Invariant(buf != null);
- Contract.Invariant(stream != null);
- }
-// [NotDelayed]
- public Buffer (Stream/*!*/ s, bool isUserStream) : base() {
- Contract.Requires(s != null);
- stream = s; this.isUserStream = isUserStream;
- int fl, bl;
- if (s.CanSeek) {
- fl = (int) s.Length;
- bl = fl < MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH ? fl : MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH; // Math.Min(fileLen, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH);
- bufStart = Int32.MaxValue; // nothing in the buffer so far
- } else {
- fl = bl = bufStart = 0;
- }
- buf = new byte[(bl>0) ? bl : MIN_BUFFER_LENGTH];
- fileLen = fl; bufLen = bl;
- if (fileLen > 0) Pos = 0; // setup buffer to position 0 (start)
- else bufPos = 0; // index 0 is already after the file, thus Pos = 0 is invalid
- if (bufLen == fileLen && s.CanSeek) Close();
- }
- protected Buffer(Buffer/*!*/ b) { // called in UTF8Buffer constructor
- Contract.Requires(b != null);
- buf = b.buf;
- bufStart = b.bufStart;
- bufLen = b.bufLen;
- fileLen = b.fileLen;
- bufPos = b.bufPos;
- stream =;
- // keep destructor from closing the stream
- // = null;
- isUserStream = b.isUserStream;
- // keep destructor from closing the stream
- b.isUserStream = true;
- }
- ~Buffer() { Close(); }
- protected void Close() {
- if (!isUserStream && stream != null) {
- stream.Close();
- //stream = null;
- }
- }
- public virtual int Read () {
- if (bufPos < bufLen) {
- return buf[bufPos++];
- } else if (Pos < fileLen) {
- Pos = Pos; // shift buffer start to Pos
- return buf[bufPos++];
- } else if (stream != null && !stream.CanSeek && ReadNextStreamChunk() > 0) {
- return buf[bufPos++];
- } else {
- return EOF;
- }
- }
- public int Peek () {
- int curPos = Pos;
- int ch = Read();
- Pos = curPos;
- return ch;
- }
- public string/*!*/ GetString (int beg, int end) {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
- int len = 0;
- char[] buf = new char[end - beg];
- int oldPos = Pos;
- Pos = beg;
- while (Pos < end) buf[len++] = (char) Read();
- Pos = oldPos;
- return new String(buf, 0, len);
- }
- public int Pos {
- get { return bufPos + bufStart; }
- set {
- if (value >= fileLen && stream != null && !stream.CanSeek) {
- // Wanted position is after buffer and the stream
- // is not seek-able e.g. network or console,
- // thus we have to read the stream manually till
- // the wanted position is in sight.
- while (value >= fileLen && ReadNextStreamChunk() > 0);
- }
- if (value < 0 || value > fileLen) {
- throw new FatalError("buffer out of bounds access, position: " + value);
- }
- if (value >= bufStart && value < bufStart + bufLen) { // already in buffer
- bufPos = value - bufStart;
- } else if (stream != null) { // must be swapped in
- stream.Seek(value, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- bufLen = stream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
- bufStart = value; bufPos = 0;
- } else {
- // set the position to the end of the file, Pos will return fileLen.
- bufPos = fileLen - bufStart;
- }
- }
- }
- // Read the next chunk of bytes from the stream, increases the buffer
- // if needed and updates the fields fileLen and bufLen.
- // Returns the number of bytes read.
- private int ReadNextStreamChunk() {
- int free = buf.Length - bufLen;
- if (free == 0) {
- // in the case of a growing input stream
- // we can neither seek in the stream, nor can we
- // foresee the maximum length, thus we must adapt
- // the buffer size on demand.
- byte[] newBuf = new byte[bufLen * 2];
- Array.Copy(buf, newBuf, bufLen);
- buf = newBuf;
- free = bufLen;
- }
- int read = stream.Read(buf, bufLen, free);
- if (read > 0) {
- fileLen = bufLen = (bufLen + read);
- return read;
- }
- // end of stream reached
- return 0;
- }
-// UTF8Buffer
-public class UTF8Buffer: Buffer {
- public UTF8Buffer(Buffer/*!*/ b): base(b) {Contract.Requires(b != null);}
- public override int Read() {
- int ch;
- do {
- ch = base.Read();
- // until we find a utf8 start (0xxxxxxx or 11xxxxxx)
- } while ((ch >= 128) && ((ch & 0xC0) != 0xC0) && (ch != EOF));
- if (ch < 128 || ch == EOF) {
- // nothing to do, first 127 chars are the same in ascii and utf8
- // 0xxxxxxx or end of file character
- } else if ((ch & 0xF0) == 0xF0) {
- // 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
- int c1 = ch & 0x07; ch = base.Read();
- int c2 = ch & 0x3F; ch = base.Read();
- int c3 = ch & 0x3F; ch = base.Read();
- int c4 = ch & 0x3F;
- ch = (((((c1 << 6) | c2) << 6) | c3) << 6) | c4;
- } else if ((ch & 0xE0) == 0xE0) {
- // 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
- int c1 = ch & 0x0F; ch = base.Read();
- int c2 = ch & 0x3F; ch = base.Read();
- int c3 = ch & 0x3F;
- ch = (((c1 << 6) | c2) << 6) | c3;
- } else if ((ch & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
- // 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
- int c1 = ch & 0x1F; ch = base.Read();
- int c2 = ch & 0x3F;
- ch = (c1 << 6) | c2;
- }
- return ch;
- }
-// Scanner
-public class Scanner {
- const char EOL = '\n';
- const int eofSym = 0; /* pdt */
- const int maxT = 115;
- const int noSym = 115;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void objectInvariant(){
- Contract.Invariant(buffer!=null);
- Contract.Invariant(t != null);
- Contract.Invariant(start != null);
- Contract.Invariant(tokens != null);
- Contract.Invariant(pt != null);
- Contract.Invariant(tval != null);
- Contract.Invariant(Filename != null);
- Contract.Invariant(errorHandler != null);
- }
- public Buffer/*!*/ buffer; // scanner buffer
- Token/*!*/ t; // current token
- int ch; // current input character
- int pos; // byte position of current character
- int charPos;
- int col; // column number of current character
- int line; // line number of current character
- int oldEols; // EOLs that appeared in a comment;
- static readonly Hashtable/*!*/ start; // maps first token character to start state
- Token/*!*/ tokens; // list of tokens already peeked (first token is a dummy)
- Token/*!*/ pt; // current peek token
- char[]/*!*/ tval = new char[128]; // text of current token
- int tlen; // length of current token
- private string/*!*/ Filename;
- private Errors/*!*/ errorHandler;
- static Scanner() {
- start = new Hashtable(128);
- for (int i = 39; i <= 39; ++i) start[i] = 1;
- for (int i = 63; i <= 63; ++i) start[i] = 1;
- for (int i = 65; i <= 90; ++i) start[i] = 1;
- for (int i = 92; i <= 92; ++i) start[i] = 1;
- for (int i = 95; i <= 95; ++i) start[i] = 1;
- for (int i = 98; i <= 122; ++i) start[i] = 1;
- for (int i = 48; i <= 57; ++i) start[i] = 7;
- for (int i = 34; i <= 34; ++i) start[i] = 8;
- start[97] = 12;
- start[58] = 56;
- start[123] = 10;
- start[125] = 11;
- start[61] = 57;
- start[59] = 19;
- start[46] = 58;
- start[124] = 59;
- start[44] = 20;
- start[40] = 21;
- start[41] = 22;
- start[60] = 60;
- start[62] = 61;
- start[42] = 24;
- start[96] = 25;
- start[91] = 28;
- start[93] = 29;
- start[33] = 62;
- start[8800] = 33;
- start[8804] = 34;
- start[8805] = 35;
- start[8660] = 38;
- start[8658] = 40;
- start[38] = 41;
- start[8743] = 43;
- start[8744] = 45;
- start[43] = 47;
- start[45] = 48;
- start[47] = 49;
- start[37] = 50;
- start[172] = 51;
- start[8704] = 52;
- start[8707] = 53;
- start[8226] = 55;
- start[Buffer.EOF] = -1;
- }
-// [NotDelayed]
- public Scanner (string/*!*/ fileName, Errors/*!*/ errorHandler) : base() {
- Contract.Requires(fileName != null);
- Contract.Requires(errorHandler != null);
- this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
- pt = tokens = new Token(); // first token is a dummy
- t = new Token(); // dummy because t is a non-null field
- try {
- Stream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
- buffer = new Buffer(stream, false);
- Filename = fileName;
- Init();
- } catch (IOException) {
- throw new FatalError("Cannot open file " + fileName);
- }
- }
-// [NotDelayed]
- public Scanner (Stream/*!*/ s, Errors/*!*/ errorHandler, string/*!*/ fileName) : base() {
- Contract.Requires(s != null);
- Contract.Requires(errorHandler != null);
- Contract.Requires(fileName != null);
- pt = tokens = new Token(); // first token is a dummy
- t = new Token(); // dummy because t is a non-null field
- buffer = new Buffer(s, true);
- this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
- this.Filename = fileName;
- Init();
- }
- void Init() {
- pos = -1; line = 1; col = 0;
- oldEols = 0;
- NextCh();
- if (ch == 0xEF) { // check optional byte order mark for UTF-8
- NextCh(); int ch1 = ch;
- NextCh(); int ch2 = ch;
- if (ch1 != 0xBB || ch2 != 0xBF) {
- throw new FatalError(String.Format("illegal byte order mark: EF {0,2:X} {1,2:X}", ch1, ch2));
- }
- buffer = new UTF8Buffer(buffer); col = 0;
- NextCh();
- }
- pt = tokens = new Token(); // first token is a dummy
- }
- string/*!*/ ReadToEOL(){
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
- int p = buffer.Pos;
- int ch = buffer.Read();
- // replace isolated '\r' by '\n' in order to make
- // eol handling uniform across Windows, Unix and Mac
- if (ch == '\r' && buffer.Peek() != '\n') ch = EOL;
- while (ch != EOL && ch != Buffer.EOF){
- ch = buffer.Read();
- // replace isolated '\r' by '\n' in order to make
- // eol handling uniform across Windows, Unix and Mac
- if (ch == '\r' && buffer.Peek() != '\n') ch = EOL;
- }
- string/*!*/ s = buffer.GetString(p, buffer.Pos);
- Contract.Assert(s!=null);
- return s;
- }
- void NextCh() {
- if (oldEols > 0) { ch = EOL; oldEols--; }
- else {
-// pos = buffer.Pos;
-// ch = buffer.Read(); col++;
-// // replace isolated '\r' by '\n' in order to make
-// // eol handling uniform across Windows, Unix and Mac
-// if (ch == '\r' && buffer.Peek() != '\n') ch = EOL;
-// if (ch == EOL) { line++; col = 0; }
- while (true) {
- pos = buffer.Pos;
- ch = buffer.Read(); col++;
- // replace isolated '\r' by '\n' in order to make
- // eol handling uniform across Windows, Unix and Mac
- if (ch == '\r' && buffer.Peek() != '\n') ch = EOL;
- if (ch == EOL) {
- line++; col = 0;
- } else if (ch == '#' && col == 1) {
- int prLine = line;
- int prColumn = 0;
- string/*!*/ hashLine = ReadToEOL();
- Contract.Assert(hashLine!=null);
- col = 0;
- line++;
- hashLine = hashLine.TrimEnd(null);
- if (hashLine.StartsWith("line ") || hashLine == "line") {
- // parse #line pragma: #line num [filename]
- string h = hashLine.Substring(4).TrimStart(null);
- int x = h.IndexOf(' ');
- if (x == -1) {
- x = h.Length; // this will be convenient below when we look for a filename
- }
- try {
- int li = int.Parse(h.Substring(0, x));
- h = h.Substring(x).Trim();
- // act on #line
- line = li;
- if (h.Length != 0) {
- // a filename was specified
- Filename = h;
- }
- continue; // successfully parsed and acted on the #line pragma
- } catch (FormatException) {
- // just fall down through to produce an error message
- }
- this.errorHandler.SemErr(Filename, prLine, prColumn, "Malformed (#line num [filename]) pragma: #" + hashLine);
- continue;
- }
- this.errorHandler.SemErr(Filename, prLine, prColumn, "Unrecognized pragma: #" + hashLine);
- continue;
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void AddCh() {
- if (tlen >= tval.Length) {
- char[] newBuf = new char[2 * tval.Length];
- Array.Copy(tval, 0, newBuf, 0, tval.Length);
- tval = newBuf;
- }
- if (ch != Buffer.EOF) {
- tval[tlen++] = (char) ch;
- NextCh();
- }
- }
- bool Comment0() {
- int level = 1, pos0 = pos, line0 = line, col0 = col, charPos0 = charPos;
- NextCh();
- if (ch == '/') {
- NextCh();
- for(;;) {
- if (ch == 10) {
- level--;
- if (level == 0) { oldEols = line - line0; NextCh(); return true; }
- NextCh();
- } else if (ch == Buffer.EOF) return false;
- else NextCh();
- }
- } else {
- buffer.Pos = pos0; NextCh(); line = line0; col = col0; charPos = charPos0;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool Comment1() {
- int level = 1, pos0 = pos, line0 = line, col0 = col, charPos0 = charPos;
- NextCh();
- if (ch == '*') {
- NextCh();
- for(;;) {
- if (ch == '*') {
- NextCh();
- if (ch == '/') {
- level--;
- if (level == 0) { oldEols = line - line0; NextCh(); return true; }
- NextCh();
- }
- } else if (ch == '/') {
- NextCh();
- if (ch == '*') {
- level++; NextCh();
- }
- } else if (ch == Buffer.EOF) return false;
- else NextCh();
- }
- } else {
- buffer.Pos = pos0; NextCh(); line = line0; col = col0; charPos = charPos0;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CheckLiteral() {
- switch (t.val) {
- case "ghost": t.kind = 8; break;
- case "module": t.kind = 9; break;
- case "refines": t.kind = 10; break;
- case "import": t.kind = 11; break;
- case "opened": t.kind = 12; break;
- case "as": t.kind = 15; break;
- case "default": t.kind = 16; break;
- case "class": t.kind = 18; break;
- case "static": t.kind = 19; break;
- case "datatype": t.kind = 20; break;
- case "codatatype": t.kind = 21; break;
- case "var": t.kind = 23; break;
- case "type": t.kind = 25; break;
- case "iterator": t.kind = 29; break;
- case "yields": t.kind = 30; break;
- case "method": t.kind = 34; break;
- case "constructor": t.kind = 35; break;
- case "returns": t.kind = 36; break;
- case "modifies": t.kind = 37; break;
- case "free": t.kind = 38; break;
- case "requires": t.kind = 39; break;
- case "ensures": t.kind = 40; break;
- case "decreases": t.kind = 41; break;
- case "reads": t.kind = 42; break;
- case "yield": t.kind = 43; break;
- case "bool": t.kind = 44; break;
- case "nat": t.kind = 45; break;
- case "int": t.kind = 46; break;
- case "set": t.kind = 47; break;
- case "multiset": t.kind = 48; break;
- case "seq": t.kind = 49; break;
- case "map": t.kind = 50; break;
- case "object": t.kind = 51; break;
- case "function": t.kind = 52; break;
- case "predicate": t.kind = 53; break;
- case "copredicate": t.kind = 54; break;
- case "label": t.kind = 57; break;
- case "break": t.kind = 58; break;
- case "where": t.kind = 59; break;
- case "return": t.kind = 61; break;
- case "assume": t.kind = 63; break;
- case "new": t.kind = 64; break;
- case "choose": t.kind = 67; break;
- case "if": t.kind = 68; break;
- case "else": t.kind = 69; break;
- case "case": t.kind = 70; break;
- case "while": t.kind = 72; break;
- case "invariant": t.kind = 73; break;
- case "match": t.kind = 74; break;
- case "assert": t.kind = 75; break;
- case "print": t.kind = 76; break;
- case "parallel": t.kind = 77; break;
- case "calc": t.kind = 78; break;
- case "in": t.kind = 94; break;
- case "false": t.kind = 101; break;
- case "true": t.kind = 102; break;
- case "null": t.kind = 103; break;
- case "this": t.kind = 104; break;
- case "fresh": t.kind = 105; break;
- case "old": t.kind = 106; break;
- case "then": t.kind = 107; break;
- case "forall": t.kind = 109; break;
- case "exists": t.kind = 111; break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- Token/*!*/ NextToken() {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Token>() != null);
- while (ch == ' ' ||
- ch >= 9 && ch <= 10 || ch == 13
- ) NextCh();
- if (ch == '/' && Comment0() ||ch == '/' && Comment1()) return NextToken();
- int recKind = noSym;
- int recEnd = pos;
- t = new Token();
- t.pos = pos; t.col = col; t.line = line;
- t.filename = this.Filename;
- int state;
- if (start.ContainsKey(ch)) {
- Contract.Assert(start[ch] != null);
- state = (int) start[ch];
- }
- else { state = 0; }
- tlen = 0; AddCh();
- switch (state) {
- case -1: { t.kind = eofSym; break; } // NextCh already done
- case 0: {
- if (recKind != noSym) {
- tlen = recEnd - t.pos;
- SetScannerBehindT();
- }
- t.kind = recKind; break;
- } // NextCh already done
- case 1:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 1;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 2:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 2;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 3:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 3;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 4:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 4;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 5:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 5;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 6:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 6;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 7:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 2;
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {AddCh(); goto case 7;}
- else {t.kind = 2; break;}
- case 8:
- if (ch == '"') {AddCh(); goto case 9;}
- else if (ch >= ' ' && ch <= '!' || ch >= '#' && ch <= '~') {AddCh(); goto case 8;}
- else {goto case 0;}
- case 9:
- {t.kind = 4; break;}
- case 10:
- {t.kind = 6; break;}
- case 11:
- {t.kind = 7; break;}
- case 12:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'q' || ch >= 's' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 2;}
- else if (ch == 'r') {AddCh(); goto case 14;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 13:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 13;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 14:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'q' || ch >= 's' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 3;}
- else if (ch == 'r') {AddCh(); goto case 15;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 15:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'b' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 4;}
- else if (ch == 'a') {AddCh(); goto case 16;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 16:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 1;
- if (ch == 39 || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'x' || ch == 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 5;}
- else if (ch == 'y') {AddCh(); goto case 17;}
- else {t.kind = 1; t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
- case 17:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 3;
- if (ch == 39 || ch == '0' || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 6;}
- else if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '9') {AddCh(); goto case 18;}
- else {t.kind = 3; break;}
- case 18:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 3;
- if (ch == 39 || ch == '?' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch == 92 || ch == '_' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {AddCh(); goto case 13;}
- else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {AddCh(); goto case 18;}
- else {t.kind = 3; break;}
- case 19:
- {t.kind = 14; break;}
- case 20:
- {t.kind = 24; break;}
- case 21:
- {t.kind = 26; break;}
- case 22:
- {t.kind = 28; break;}
- case 23:
- {t.kind = 31; break;}
- case 24:
- {t.kind = 55; break;}
- case 25:
- {t.kind = 56; break;}
- case 26:
- {t.kind = 60; break;}
- case 27:
- {t.kind = 62; break;}
- case 28:
- {t.kind = 65; break;}
- case 29:
- {t.kind = 66; break;}
- case 30:
- {t.kind = 71; break;}
- case 31:
- {t.kind = 80; break;}
- case 32:
- {t.kind = 81; break;}
- case 33:
- {t.kind = 82; break;}
- case 34:
- {t.kind = 83; break;}
- case 35:
- {t.kind = 84; break;}
- case 36:
- if (ch == '>') {AddCh(); goto case 37;}
- else {goto case 0;}
- case 37:
- {t.kind = 85; break;}
- case 38:
- {t.kind = 86; break;}
- case 39:
- {t.kind = 87; break;}
- case 40:
- {t.kind = 88; break;}
- case 41:
- if (ch == '&') {AddCh(); goto case 42;}
- else {goto case 0;}
- case 42:
- {t.kind = 89; break;}
- case 43:
- {t.kind = 90; break;}
- case 44:
- {t.kind = 91; break;}
- case 45:
- {t.kind = 92; break;}
- case 46:
- {t.kind = 93; break;}
- case 47:
- {t.kind = 96; break;}
- case 48:
- {t.kind = 97; break;}
- case 49:
- {t.kind = 98; break;}
- case 50:
- {t.kind = 99; break;}
- case 51:
- {t.kind = 100; break;}
- case 52:
- {t.kind = 110; break;}
- case 53:
- {t.kind = 112; break;}
- case 54:
- {t.kind = 113; break;}
- case 55:
- {t.kind = 114; break;}
- case 56:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 5;
- if (ch == '=') {AddCh(); goto case 26;}
- else if (ch == '|') {AddCh(); goto case 27;}
- else if (ch == ':') {AddCh(); goto case 54;}
- else {t.kind = 5; break;}
- case 57:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 13;
- if (ch == '=') {AddCh(); goto case 63;}
- else if (ch == '>') {AddCh(); goto case 30;}
- else {t.kind = 13; break;}
- case 58:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 17;
- if (ch == '.') {AddCh(); goto case 64;}
- else {t.kind = 17; break;}
- case 59:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 22;
- if (ch == '|') {AddCh(); goto case 44;}
- else {t.kind = 22; break;}
- case 60:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 32;
- if (ch == '=') {AddCh(); goto case 65;}
- else {t.kind = 32; break;}
- case 61:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 33;
- if (ch == '=') {AddCh(); goto case 31;}
- else {t.kind = 33; break;}
- case 62:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 95;
- if (ch == '=') {AddCh(); goto case 32;}
- else if (ch == '!') {AddCh(); goto case 46;}
- else {t.kind = 95; break;}
- case 63:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 27;
- if (ch == '>') {AddCh(); goto case 39;}
- else {t.kind = 27; break;}
- case 64:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 108;
- if (ch == '.') {AddCh(); goto case 23;}
- else {t.kind = 108; break;}
- case 65:
- recEnd = pos; recKind = 79;
- if (ch == '=') {AddCh(); goto case 36;}
- else {t.kind = 79; break;}
- }
- t.val = new String(tval, 0, tlen);
- return t;
- }
- private void SetScannerBehindT() {
- buffer.Pos = t.pos;
- NextCh();
- line = t.line; col = t.col;
- for (int i = 0; i < tlen; i++) NextCh();
- }
- // get the next token (possibly a token already seen during peeking)
- public Token/*!*/ Scan () {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Token>() != null);
- if ( == null) {
- return NextToken();
- } else {
- pt = tokens =;
- return tokens;
- }
- }
- // peek for the next token, ignore pragmas
- public Token/*!*/ Peek () {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Token>() != null);
- do {
- if ( == null) {
- = NextToken();
- }
- pt =;
- } while (pt.kind > maxT); // skip pragmas
- return pt;
- }
- // make sure that peeking starts at the current scan position
- public void ResetPeek () { pt = tokens; }
-} // end Scanner
-public delegate void ErrorProc(int n, string filename, int line, int col);
-} \ No newline at end of file