path: root/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.ssc
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.ssc')
1 files changed, 1049 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.ssc b/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.ssc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f6821dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Dafny/DafnyAst.ssc
@@ -0,0 +1,1049 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Microsoft.Contracts;
+namespace Microsoft.Dafny
+ public class Program {
+ public readonly string! Name;
+ public readonly List<ClassDecl!>! Classes;
+ public Program(string! name, [Captured] List<ClassDecl!>! classes) {
+ Name = name;
+ Classes = classes;
+ }
+ }
+ public class Attributes {
+ public readonly string! Name;
+ /*Frozen*/ public readonly List<Argument!>! Args;
+ public readonly Attributes Prev;
+ public Attributes(string! name, [Captured] List<Argument!>! args, Attributes prev)
+ {
+ Name = name;
+ Args = args;
+ Prev = prev;
+ }
+ public class Argument {
+ public readonly string S;
+ public readonly Expression E;
+ invariant (S == null) != (E == null);
+ public Argument(string! s) {
+ S = s;
+ }
+ public Argument(Expression! e) {
+ E = e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public abstract class Type {
+ public static readonly BoolType! Bool = new BoolType();
+ public static readonly IntType! Int = new IntType();
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Used in error situations in order to reduce further error messages.
+ /// </summary>
+ [Pure(false)]
+ public static Type! Flexible {
+ get { return new InferredTypeProxy(); }
+ }
+ public bool IsRefType {
+ get {
+ if (this is ObjectType) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ ClassType ct = this as ClassType;
+ return ct != null && ct.ResolvedParam == null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool IsTypeParameter {
+ get
+ ensures result ==> this is ClassType && ((ClassType)this).ResolvedParam != null;
+ {
+ ClassType ct = this as ClassType;
+ return ct != null && ct.ResolvedParam != null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class BasicType : Type {
+ }
+ public class BoolType : BasicType {
+ [Pure] public override string! ToString() {
+ return "bool";
+ }
+ }
+ public class IntType : BasicType {
+ [Pure] public override string! ToString() {
+ return "int";
+ }
+ }
+ public class ObjectType : BasicType {
+ [Pure] public override string! ToString() {
+ return "object";
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class CollectionType : Type {
+ public readonly Type! Arg;
+ public CollectionType(Type! arg) {
+ this.Arg = arg;
+ }
+ }
+ public class SetType : CollectionType {
+ public SetType(Type! arg) {
+ base(arg);
+ }
+ [Pure] public override string! ToString() {
+ assume Arg.IsPeerConsistent;
+ return "set<" + Arg + ">";
+ }
+ }
+ public class SeqType : CollectionType {
+ public SeqType(Type! arg) {
+ base(arg);
+ }
+ [Pure] public override string! ToString() {
+ assume Arg.IsPeerConsistent;
+ return "seq<" + Arg + ">";
+ }
+ }
+ public class ClassType : Type {
+ public readonly Token! tok;
+ public readonly string! Name;
+ [Rep] public readonly List<Type!>! TypeArgs;
+ public ClassDecl ResolvedClass; // filled in by resolution, if Name denotes a class and TypeArgs match the type parameters of that class
+ public TypeParameter ResolvedParam; // filled in by resolution, if Name denotes an enclosing type parameter and TypeArgs is the empty list
+ public ClassType(Token! tok, string! name, [Captured] List<Type!>! typeArgs) {
+ this.tok = tok;
+ this.Name = name;
+ this.TypeArgs = typeArgs;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This constructor constructs a resolved class type
+ /// </summary>
+ public ClassType(Token! tok, string! name, ClassDecl! cd, [Captured] List<Type!>! typeArgs) {
+ this.tok = tok;
+ this.Name = name;
+ this.TypeArgs = typeArgs;
+ this.ResolvedClass = cd;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This constructor constructs a resolved type parameter
+ /// </summary>
+ public ClassType(Token! tok, string! name, TypeParameter! tp) {
+ this.tok = tok;
+ this.Name = name;
+ this.TypeArgs = new List<Type!>();
+ this.ResolvedParam = tp;
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// If type denotes a resolved class type, then return that class type.
+ /// Otherwise, return null.
+ /// </summary>
+ public static ClassType DenotesClass(Type! type)
+ ensures result != null ==> result.ResolvedClass != null;
+ {
+ while (true)
+ invariant type.IsPeerConsistent;
+ {
+ TypeProxy pt = type as TypeProxy;
+ if (pt != null && pt.T != null) {
+ type = pt.T;
+ assume type.IsPeerConsistent;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ClassType ct = type as ClassType;
+ if (ct != null && ct.ResolvedClass != null) {
+ return ct;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ [Pure] public override string! ToString() {
+ string s = Name;
+ if (TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
+ string sep = "<";
+ foreach (Type t in TypeArgs) {
+ assume t.IsPeerConsistent;
+ s += sep + t;
+ sep = ",";
+ }
+ s += ">";
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class TypeProxy : Type {
+ public Type T; // filled in during resolution
+ internal TypeProxy() { }
+ [Pure] public override string! ToString() {
+ assume T == null || T.IsPeerConsistent;
+ return T == null ? "?" : T.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class UnrestrictedTypeProxy : TypeProxy { }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This proxy stands for any type.
+ /// </summary>
+ public class InferredTypeProxy : UnrestrictedTypeProxy {
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This proxy stands for any type, but it originates from an instantiated type parameter.
+ /// </summary>
+ public class ParamTypeProxy : UnrestrictedTypeProxy {
+ TypeParameter! orig;
+ public ParamTypeProxy(TypeParameter! orig) {
+ this.orig = orig;
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class RestrictedTypeProxy : TypeProxy {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The OrderID is used to simplify the unification code. Each restricted type proxy should use its
+ /// own OrderID.
+ /// </summary>
+ public abstract int OrderID { get; }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This proxy stands for object or any class type.
+ /// </summary>
+ public class ObjectTypeProxy : RestrictedTypeProxy {
+ public override int OrderID { get { return 0; } }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This proxy stands for object or any class type or a set or sequence of object or a class type.
+ /// </summary>
+ public class ObjectsTypeProxy : RestrictedTypeProxy {
+ public override int OrderID { get { return 1; } }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This proxy stands for either:
+ /// set(Arg) or seq(Arg)
+ /// </summary>
+ public class CollectionTypeProxy : RestrictedTypeProxy {
+ public readonly Type! Arg;
+ public CollectionTypeProxy(Type! arg) {
+ Arg = arg;
+ }
+ public override int OrderID { get { return 2; } }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This proxy stands for either:
+ /// int or set or seq
+ /// if AllowSeq, or:
+ /// int or set
+ /// if !AllowSeq.
+ /// </summary>
+ public class OperationTypeProxy : RestrictedTypeProxy {
+ public readonly bool AllowSeq;
+ public OperationTypeProxy(bool allowSeq) {
+ AllowSeq = allowSeq;
+ }
+ public override int OrderID { get { return 3; } }
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public abstract class Declaration {
+ public Token! tok;
+ public readonly string! Name;
+ public readonly Attributes Attributes;
+ public Declaration(Token! tok, string! name, Attributes attributes) {
+ this.tok = tok;
+ this.Name = name;
+ this.Attributes = attributes;
+ }
+ }
+ public class TypeParameter : Declaration {
+ public interface ParentType { }
+ [Peer] ParentType parent;
+ public ParentType Parent {
+ get {
+ return parent;
+ }
+ [param: Captured]
+ set
+ requires Parent == null; // set it only once
+ requires value != null;
+ // BUGBUG: The following line is a workaround to tell the verifier that 'value' is not of an Immutable type.
+ // A proper solution would be to be able to express that in the program (in a specification or attribute) or
+ // to be able to declare 'parent' as [PeerOrImmutable].
+ requires value is ClassDecl || value is Function || value is Method;
+ modifies parent;
+ {
+ parent = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public TypeParameter(Token! tok, string! name) {
+ base(tok, name, null);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ClassDecl : Declaration, TypeParameter.ParentType {
+ public List<TypeParameter!>! TypeArgs;
+ public List<MemberDecl!>! Members;
+ public ClassDecl(Token! tok, string! name, List<TypeParameter!>! typeArgs, [Captured] List<MemberDecl!>! members, Attributes attributes) {
+ TypeArgs = typeArgs;
+ Members = members;
+ base(tok, name, attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class MemberDecl : Declaration {
+ public ClassDecl EnclosingClass; // filled in during resolution
+ public MemberDecl(Token! tok, string! name, Attributes attributes) {
+ base(tok, name, attributes);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Returns className+"."+memberName. Available only after resolution.
+ /// </summary>
+ public string! FullName {
+ get
+ requires EnclosingClass != null;
+ {
+ return EnclosingClass.Name + "." + Name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class Field : MemberDecl {
+ public readonly Type! Type;
+ public Field(Token! tok, string! name, Type! type, Attributes attributes) {
+ Type = type;
+ base(tok, name, attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ public interface IVariable {
+ string! Name { get; }
+ string! UniqueName { get; }
+ Type! Type { get; }
+ bool IsMutable { get; }
+ }
+ public abstract class NonglobalVariable : IVariable {
+ public readonly Token! tok;
+ readonly string! name;
+ public string! Name { get { return name; } }
+ readonly int varId = varIdCount++;
+ public string! UniqueName { get { return name + "#" + varId; } }
+ Type! type;
+ [Pure(false)] // TODO: if Type gets the status of [Frozen], then this attribute is not needed
+ public Type! Type { get {
+ assume type.IsPeerConsistent;
+ while (true)
+ invariant type.IsPeerConsistent;
+ {
+ TypeProxy t = type as TypeProxy;
+ if (t != null && t.T != null) {
+ type = t.T;
+ assume type.IsPeerConsistent;
+ } else {
+ return type;
+ }
+ }
+ } }
+ public abstract bool IsMutable { get; }
+ public NonglobalVariable(Token! tok, string! name, Type! type) {
+ this.tok = tok;
+ = name;
+ this.type = type;
+ }
+ internal static int varIdCount; // this varIdCount is used for both NonglobalVariable's and VarDecl's.
+ }
+ public class Formal : NonglobalVariable {
+ public readonly bool InParam; // true to in-parameter, false for out-parameter
+ public override bool IsMutable { get { return !InParam; } }
+ public Formal(Token! tok, string! name, Type! type, bool inParam) {
+ InParam = inParam;
+ base(tok, name, type);
+ }
+ }
+ public class BoundVar : NonglobalVariable {
+ public override bool IsMutable { get { return false; } }
+ public BoundVar(Token! tok, string! name, Type! type) {
+ base(tok, name, type);
+ }
+ }
+ public class Function : MemberDecl, TypeParameter.ParentType {
+ public readonly bool Use;
+ public readonly List<TypeParameter!>! TypeArgs;
+ public readonly List<Formal!>! Formals;
+ public readonly Type! ResultType;
+ public readonly List<Expression!>! Req;
+ public readonly List<Expression!>! Reads;
+ public readonly Expression Body; // an extended expression
+ public Function(Token! tok, string! name, bool use, [Captured] List<TypeParameter!>! typeArgs, [Captured] List<Formal!>! formals, Type! resultType,
+ List<Expression!>! req, List<Expression!>! reads, Expression body, Attributes attributes) {
+ this.Use = use;
+ this.TypeArgs = typeArgs;
+ this.Formals = formals;
+ this.ResultType = resultType;
+ this.Req = req;
+ this.Reads = reads;
+ this.Body = body;
+ base(tok, name, attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ public class Method : MemberDecl, TypeParameter.ParentType {
+ public readonly List<TypeParameter!>! TypeArgs;
+ public readonly List<Formal!>! Ins;
+ public readonly List<Formal!>! Outs;
+ public readonly List<MaybeFreeExpression!>! Req;
+ public readonly List<Expression!>! Mod;
+ public readonly List<MaybeFreeExpression!>! Ens;
+ public readonly Statement Body;
+ public Method(Token! tok, string! name,
+ [Captured] List<TypeParameter!>! typeArgs,
+ [Captured] List<Formal!>! ins, [Captured] List<Formal!>! outs,
+ [Captured] List<MaybeFreeExpression!>! req, [Captured] List<Expression!>! mod, [Captured] List<MaybeFreeExpression!>! ens,
+ [Captured] Statement body,
+ Attributes attributes) {
+ this.TypeArgs = typeArgs;
+ this.Ins = ins;
+ this.Outs = outs;
+ this.Req = req;
+ this.Mod = mod;
+ this.Ens = ens;
+ this.Body = body;
+ base(tok, name, attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public abstract class Statement {
+ public readonly Token! Tok;
+ public Statement(Token! tok) {
+ this.Tok = tok;
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class PredicateStmt : Statement {
+ [Peer] public readonly Expression! Expr;
+ [Captured]
+ public PredicateStmt(Token! tok, Expression! expr)
+ ensures Owner.Same(this, expr);
+ {
+ base(tok);
+ Owner.AssignSame(this, expr);
+ this.Expr = expr;
+ }
+ }
+ public class AssertStmt : PredicateStmt {
+ [Captured]
+ public AssertStmt(Token! tok, Expression! expr)
+ ensures Owner.Same(this, expr);
+ {
+ base(tok, expr);
+ }
+ }
+ public class AssumeStmt : PredicateStmt {
+ [Captured]
+ public AssumeStmt(Token! tok, Expression! expr)
+ ensures Owner.Same(this, expr);
+ {
+ base(tok, expr);
+ }
+ }
+ public class UseStmt : PredicateStmt {
+ [Captured]
+ public UseStmt(Token! tok, Expression! expr)
+ ensures Owner.Same(this, expr);
+ {
+ base(tok, expr);
+ }
+ [Peer] private FunctionCallExpr fce;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// This method assumes the statement has been successfully resolved.
+ /// </summary>
+ [Pure(false)]
+ public FunctionCallExpr! FunctionCallExpr {
+ get {
+ if (fce == null) {
+ Expression expr = Expr;
+ while (true)
+ invariant Owner.Same(this, expr);
+ {
+ if (expr is OldExpr) {
+ expr = ((OldExpr)expr).E;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assume expr is FunctionCallExpr;
+ fce = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
+ }
+ return fce;
+ }
+ }
+ public bool EvalInOld {
+ get {
+ return Expr is OldExpr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class LabelStmt : Statement {
+ public readonly string! Label;
+ public LabelStmt(Token! tok, string! label) {
+ this.Label = label;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class BreakStmt : Statement {
+ public readonly string TargetLabel;
+ public Statement TargetStmt; // filled in during resolution
+ public BreakStmt(Token! tok, string targetLabel) {
+ this.TargetLabel = targetLabel;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ReturnStmt : Statement {
+ public ReturnStmt(Token! tok) {
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class AssignmentRhs {
+ internal AssignmentRhs() { }
+ }
+ public abstract class DeterminedAssignmentRhs : AssignmentRhs {
+ internal DeterminedAssignmentRhs() { }
+ }
+ public class ExprRhs : DeterminedAssignmentRhs {
+ public readonly Expression! Expr;
+ public ExprRhs(Expression! expr) {
+ Expr = expr;
+ }
+ }
+ public class TypeRhs : DeterminedAssignmentRhs {
+ public readonly Type! Type;
+ public TypeRhs(Type! type) {
+ Type = type;
+ }
+ }
+ public class HavocRhs : AssignmentRhs {
+ }
+ public class AssignStmt : Statement {
+ public readonly Expression! Lhs;
+ public readonly AssignmentRhs! Rhs;
+ public AssignStmt(Token! tok, Expression! lhs, Expression! rhs) { // ordinary assignment statement
+ this.Lhs = lhs;
+ this.Rhs = new ExprRhs(rhs);
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ public AssignStmt(Token! tok, Expression! lhs, Type! type) { // alloc statement
+ this.Lhs = lhs;
+ this.Rhs = new TypeRhs(type);
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ public AssignStmt(Token! tok, Expression! lhs) { // havoc
+ this.Lhs = lhs;
+ this.Rhs = new HavocRhs();
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class VarDecl : Statement, IVariable {
+ readonly string! name;
+ public string! Name { get { return name; } }
+ readonly int varId = NonglobalVariable.varIdCount++;
+ public string! UniqueName { get { return name + "#" + varId; } }
+ public readonly Type OptionalType; // this is the type mentioned in the declaration, if any
+ internal Type type; // this is the declared or inferred type of the variable; it is non-null after resolution (even if resolution fails)
+ [Pure(false)]
+ public Type! Type { get {
+ assume type != null; /* we assume object has been resolved */
+ assume type.IsPeerConsistent;
+ while (true)
+ invariant type != null && type.IsPeerConsistent;
+ {
+ TypeProxy t = type as TypeProxy;
+ if (t != null && t.T != null) {
+ type = t.T;
+ assume type.IsPeerConsistent;
+ } else {
+ return type;
+ }
+ }
+ } }
+ public bool IsMutable { get { return true; } }
+ public readonly DeterminedAssignmentRhs Rhs;
+ invariant OptionalType != null || Rhs != null;
+ public VarDecl(Token! tok, string! name, Type type, DeterminedAssignmentRhs rhs)
+ requires type != null || rhs != null;
+ {
+ = name;
+ this.OptionalType = type;
+ this.Rhs = rhs;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class CallStmt : Statement {
+ public readonly List<IdentifierExpr!>! Lhs;
+ public readonly Expression! Receiver;
+ public readonly string! MethodName;
+ public readonly List<Expression!>! Args;
+ public Method Method; // filled in by resolution
+ public CallStmt(Token! tok, List<IdentifierExpr!>! lhs, Expression! receiver, string! methodName, List<Expression!>! args) {
+ this.Lhs = lhs;
+ this.Receiver = receiver;
+ this.MethodName = methodName;
+ this.Args = args;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class BlockStmt : Statement {
+ public readonly List<Statement!>! Body;
+ public BlockStmt(Token! tok, [Captured] List<Statement!>! body) {
+ this.Body = body;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class IfStmt : Statement {
+ public readonly Expression Guard;
+ public readonly Statement! Thn;
+ public readonly Statement Els;
+ invariant Els == null || Els is BlockStmt || Els is IfStmt;
+ public IfStmt(Token! tok, Expression guard, Statement! thn, Statement els)
+ requires els == null || els is BlockStmt || els is IfStmt;
+ {
+ this.Guard = guard;
+ this.Thn = thn;
+ this.Els = els;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class WhileStmt : Statement {
+ public readonly Expression Guard;
+ public readonly List<MaybeFreeExpression!>! Invariants;
+ public readonly List<Expression!>! Decreases;
+ public readonly Statement! Body;
+ public WhileStmt(Token! tok, Expression guard,
+ List<MaybeFreeExpression!>! invariants, List<Expression!>! decreases,
+ Statement! body) {
+ this.Guard = guard;
+ this.Invariants = invariants;
+ this.Decreases = decreases;
+ this.Body = body;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ForeachStmt : Statement {
+ public readonly BoundVar! BoundVar;
+ public readonly Expression! Collection;
+ public readonly Expression! Range;
+ public readonly List<PredicateStmt!>! BodyPrefix;
+ public readonly AssignStmt BodyAssign;
+ public ForeachStmt(Token! tok, BoundVar! boundVar, Expression! collection, Expression! range, List<PredicateStmt!>! bodyPrefix, AssignStmt bodyAssign) {
+ this.BoundVar = boundVar;
+ this.Collection = collection;
+ this.Range = range;
+ this.BodyPrefix = bodyPrefix;
+ this.BodyAssign = bodyAssign;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public abstract class Expression {
+ public readonly Token! tok;
+ protected Type type;
+ public Type Type { // filled in during resolution
+ [Verify(false)] // TODO: how do we allow Type.get to modify type and still be [Pure]?
+ [Additive] // validity of proper subclasses is not required
+ get
+ ensures type == null ==> result == null; // useful in conjunction with postcondition of constructor
+ {
+ while (true) {
+ TypeProxy t = type as TypeProxy;
+ if (t != null && t.T != null) {
+ type = t.T;
+ } else {
+ assume type == null || type.IsPeerConsistent;
+ return type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [NoDefaultContract] // no particular validity of 'this' is required, except that it not be committed
+ set
+ requires this.IsValid;
+ requires Type == null; // set it only once
+ requires value != null && value.IsPeerConsistent;
+ modifies type;
+ {
+ type = value;
+ while (true) {
+ TypeProxy t = type as TypeProxy;
+ if (t != null && t.T != null) {
+ type = t.T;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Expression(Token! tok)
+ ensures type == null; // we would have liked to have written Type==null, but that's not admissible or provable
+ {
+ this.tok = tok;
+ }
+ }
+ public class LiteralExpr : Expression {
+ public readonly object Value;
+ public static bool IsTrue(Expression! e) {
+ if (e is LiteralExpr) {
+ LiteralExpr le = (LiteralExpr)e;
+ return le.Value is bool && (bool)le.Value;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public LiteralExpr(Token! tok) { // represents the Dafny literal "null"
+ this.Value = null;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ public LiteralExpr(Token! tok, int n)
+ requires 0 <= n;
+ {
+ this.Value = n;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ public LiteralExpr(Token! tok, bool b) {
+ this.Value = b;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ThisExpr : Expression {
+ public ThisExpr(Token! tok) {
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ImplicitThisExpr : ThisExpr {
+ public ImplicitThisExpr(Token! tok) {
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class IdentifierExpr : Expression {
+ public readonly string! Name;
+ public IVariable Var; // filled in by resolution
+ public IdentifierExpr(Token! tok, string! name) {
+ Name = name;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class DisplayExpression : Expression {
+ public readonly List<Expression!>! Elements;
+ public DisplayExpression(Token! tok, List<Expression!>! elements) {
+ Elements = elements;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class SetDisplayExpr : DisplayExpression {
+ public SetDisplayExpr(Token! tok, List<Expression!>! elements) {
+ base(tok, elements);
+ }
+ }
+ public class SeqDisplayExpr : DisplayExpression {
+ public SeqDisplayExpr(Token! tok, List<Expression!>! elements) {
+ base(tok, elements);
+ }
+ }
+ public class FieldSelectExpr : Expression {
+ public readonly Expression! Obj;
+ public readonly string! FieldName;
+ public Field Field; // filled in by resolution
+ public FieldSelectExpr(Token! tok, Expression! obj, string! fieldName) {
+ this.Obj = obj;
+ this.FieldName = fieldName;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class SeqSelectExpr : Expression {
+ public readonly bool SelectOne; // false means select a range
+ public readonly Expression! Seq;
+ public readonly Expression E0;
+ public readonly Expression E1;
+ invariant SelectOne ==> E1 == null;
+ invariant E0 != null || E1 != null;
+ public SeqSelectExpr(Token! tok, bool selectOne, Expression! seq, Expression e0, Expression e1)
+ requires selectOne ==> e1 == null;
+ requires e0 != null || e1 != null;
+ {
+ SelectOne = selectOne;
+ Seq = seq;
+ E0 = e0;
+ E1 = e1;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class FunctionCallExpr : Expression {
+ public readonly string! Name;
+ [Peer] public readonly Expression! Receiver;
+ [Peer] public readonly List<Expression!>! Args;
+ public Function Function; // filled in by resolution
+ [Captured]
+ public FunctionCallExpr(Token! tok, string! fn, Expression! receiver, [Captured] List<Expression!>! args)
+ ensures type == null;
+ ensures Owner.Same(this, receiver);
+ {
+ base(tok);
+ this.Name = fn;
+ Owner.AssignSame(this, receiver);
+ this.Receiver = receiver;
+ this.Args = args;
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// UseExpr's are used only temporarily during translation.
+ /// </summary>
+ public class UseExpr : FunctionCallExpr {
+ [NotDelayed] [Captured]
+ public UseExpr(FunctionCallExpr! fce)
+ requires fce.Function != null && fce.Function.Use;
+ {
+ base(fce.tok, fce.Name, fce.Receiver, new List<Expression!>(fce.Args));
+ this.Function = fce.Function;
+ assume Type.Bool.IsPeerConsistent; // This would follow from BoolType being an Immutable type, or from Type.Bool being [Frozen]
+ this.Type = Type.Bool;
+ }
+ }
+ public class OldExpr : Expression {
+ [Peer] public readonly Expression! E;
+ [Captured]
+ public OldExpr(Token! tok, Expression! expr) {
+ base(tok);
+ Owner.AssignSame(this, expr);
+ E = expr;
+ }
+ }
+ public class FreshExpr : Expression {
+ public readonly Expression! E;
+ public FreshExpr(Token! tok, Expression! expr) {
+ E = expr;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class UnaryExpr : Expression {
+ public enum Opcode { Not, SeqLength }
+ public readonly Opcode Op;
+ public readonly Expression! E;
+ public UnaryExpr(Token! tok, Opcode op, Expression! e) {
+ this.Op = op;
+ this.E = e;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class BinaryExpr : Expression {
+ public enum Opcode { Iff, Imp, And, Or,
+ Eq, Neq, Lt, Le, Ge, Gt,
+ Disjoint, In,
+ Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod }
+ public readonly Opcode Op;
+ public enum ResolvedOpcode {
+ // logical operators
+ Iff, Imp, And, Or,
+ // non-collection types
+ EqCommon, NeqCommon,
+ // integers
+ Lt, Le, Ge, Gt, Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod,
+ // sets
+ SetEq, SetNeq, ProperSubset, Subset, Superset, ProperSuperset, Disjoint, InSet,
+ Union, Intersection, SetDifference,
+ // sequences
+ SeqEq, SeqNeq, ProperPrefix, Prefix, Concat, InSeq
+ }
+ public ResolvedOpcode ResolvedOp; // filled in by resolution
+ public static string! OpcodeString(Opcode op) {
+ switch (op) {
+ case Opcode.Iff: return "<==>";
+ case Opcode.Imp: return "==>";
+ case Opcode.And: return "&&";
+ case Opcode.Or: return "||";
+ case Opcode.Eq: return "==";
+ case Opcode.Lt: return "<";
+ case Opcode.Gt: return ">";
+ case Opcode.Le: return "<=";
+ case Opcode.Ge: return ">=";
+ case Opcode.Neq: return "!=";
+ case Opcode.Disjoint: return "!!";
+ case Opcode.In: return "in";
+ case Opcode.Add: return "+";
+ case Opcode.Sub: return "-";
+ case Opcode.Mul: return "*";
+ case Opcode.Div: return "/";
+ case Opcode.Mod: return "%";
+ default:
+ assert false; // unexpected operator
+ }
+ }
+ public readonly Expression! E0;
+ public readonly Expression! E1;
+ public BinaryExpr(Token! tok, Opcode op, Expression! e0, Expression! e1) {
+ this.Op = op;
+ this.E0 = e0;
+ this.E1 = e1;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public abstract class QuantifierExpr : Expression {
+ public readonly List<BoundVar!>! BoundVars;
+ public readonly Expression! Body;
+ public readonly Triggers Trigs;
+ public readonly Attributes Attributes;
+ public QuantifierExpr(Token! tok, List<BoundVar!>! bvars, Expression! body, Triggers trigs, Attributes attrs) {
+ this.BoundVars = bvars;
+ this.Body = body;
+ this.Trigs = trigs;
+ this.Attributes = attrs;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class Triggers {
+ public readonly List<Expression!>! Terms;
+ public readonly Triggers Prev;
+ public Triggers(List<Expression!>! terms, Triggers prev) {
+ this.Terms = terms;
+ this.Prev = prev;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ForallExpr : QuantifierExpr {
+ public ForallExpr(Token! tok, List<BoundVar!>! bvars, Expression! body, Triggers trig, Attributes attrs) {
+ base(tok, bvars, body, trig, attrs);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ExistsExpr : QuantifierExpr {
+ public ExistsExpr(Token! tok, List<BoundVar!>! bvars, Expression! body, Triggers trig, Attributes attrs) {
+ base(tok, bvars, body, trig, attrs);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ITEExpr : Expression { // an ITEExpr is an "extended expression" and is only allowed in certain places
+ public readonly Expression! Test;
+ public readonly Expression! Thn;
+ public readonly Expression! Els;
+ public ITEExpr(Token! tok, Expression! test, Expression! thn, Expression! els) {
+ this.Test = test;
+ this.Thn = thn;
+ this.Els = els;
+ base(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ public class MaybeFreeExpression {
+ public readonly Expression! E;
+ public readonly bool IsFree;
+ public MaybeFreeExpression(Expression! e, bool isFree) {
+ E = e;
+ IsFree = isFree;
+ }
+ }