path: root/Jennisys/Jennisys/Resolver.fs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Jennisys/Jennisys/Resolver.fs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Resolver.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Resolver.fs
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index bc330520..00000000
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Resolver.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-// ####################################################################
-/// Utilities for resolving the "Unresolved" constants with respect to
-/// a given context (heap/env/ctx)
-/// author: Aleksandar Milicevic (
-// ####################################################################
-module Resolver
-open Ast
-open Getters
-open AstUtils
-open Printer
-open EnvUtils
-open DafnyModelUtils
-type Obj = { name: string; objType: Type }
-type AssignmentType =
- | FieldAssignment of (Obj * VarDecl) * Expr // the first string is the symbolic name of an object literal
- | ArbitraryStatement of Stmt
-type HeapInstance = {
- objs : Map<string, Obj>;
- modifiableObjs : Set<Obj>;
- assignments : AssignmentType list;
- concreteValues : AssignmentType list;
- methodArgs : Map<string, Const>;
- methodRetVals : Map<string, Expr>;
- concreteMethodRetVals : Map<string, Expr>;
- globals : Map<string, Expr>;
-let NoObj = { name = ""; objType = NamedType("", []) }
-let ThisObj comp = {name = "this"; objType = GetComponentType comp}
-let ExtractAllExpressions asg =
- match asg with
- | FieldAssignment(_,e) -> [e]
- | ArbitraryStatement(s) -> ExtractTopLevelExpressions s
-// use the orginal method, not the one with an extra precondition
-let FixSolution origComp origMeth sol =
- sol |> Map.fold (fun acc (cc,mm) v ->
- if CheckSameMethods (cc,mm) (origComp,origMeth) then
- acc |> Map.add (origComp,origMeth) v
- else
- acc |> Map.add (cc,mm) v) Map.empty
-let ConvertToStatements heapInst onModifiableObjsOnly =
- let stmtLst1 = heapInst.assignments |> List.choose (fun asgn ->
- match asgn with
- | FieldAssignment((o,f),e) when (not onModifiableObjsOnly || Set.contains o heapInst.modifiableObjs) ->
- if IsOldVar f then
- None
- else
- let fldName = GetVarName f
- if fldName = "" then
- Some(ExprStmt(e))
- else
- Some(Assign(Dot(ObjLiteral(, fldName), e))
- | ArbitraryStatement(stmt) -> Some(stmt)
- | _ -> None)
- let stmtLst2 = heapInst.methodRetVals |> Map.toList
- |> (fun (retVarName, retVarVal) -> Assign(VarLiteral(retVarName), retVarVal))
- stmtLst1 @ stmtLst2
-// resolving values
-exception ConstResolveFailed of string
-// ================================================================
-/// Resolves a given Const (cst) with respect to a given env/ctx.
-/// If unable to resolve, it just delegates the task to the
-/// failResolver function
-// ================================================================
-let rec ResolveCont hModel failResolver cst =
- match cst with
- | Unresolved(_) as u ->
- // see if it is in the env map first
- let envVal = Map.tryFind cst hModel.env
- match envVal with
- | Some(c) -> ResolveCont hModel failResolver c
- | None ->
- // not found in the env map --> check the equality sets
- let eq = hModel.ctx |> Set.filter (fun eqSet -> Set.contains u eqSet)
- |> Utils.SetToOption
- match eq with
- | Some(eqSet) ->
- let cOpt = eqSet |> Set.filter (function Unresolved(_) -> false | _ -> true)
- |> Utils.SetToOption
- match cOpt with
- | Some(c) -> c
- | _ -> failResolver cst hModel
- | None ->
- failResolver cst hModel
-// // finally, see if it's an *input* (have no way of telling input from output params here) method argument
-// let m = hModel.env |> Map.filter (fun k v -> v = u && match k with VarConst(name) -> true | _ -> false) |> Map.toList
-// match m with
-// | (vc,_) :: [] -> vc
-// | _ -> failResolver cst hModel
- | SeqConst(cseq) ->
- let resolvedLst = cseq |> List.rev |> List.fold (fun acc c -> ResolveCont hModel failResolver c :: acc) []
- SeqConst(resolvedLst)
- | SetConst(cset) ->
- let resolvedSet = cset |> Set.fold (fun acc c -> acc |> Set.add (ResolveCont hModel failResolver c)) Set.empty
- SetConst(resolvedSet)
- | _ -> cst
-// =====================================================================
-/// Tries to resolve a given Const (cst) with respect to a given env/ctx.
-/// If unable to resolve, just returns the original Unresolved const.
-// =====================================================================
-let TryResolve hModel cst =
- ResolveCont hModel (fun c _ -> c) cst
-// ==============================================================
-/// Resolves a given Const (cst) with respect to a given env/ctx.
-/// If unable to resolve, raises a ConstResolveFailed exception
-// ==============================================================
-let Resolve hModel cst =
- ResolveCont hModel (fun c _ ->
- match c with
- | Unresolved(id) -> BoxConst(id)
- | _ -> failwithf "internal error: expected Unresolved but got %O" c
- ) cst //fun c _ -> raise (ConstResolveFailed("failed to resolve " + c.ToString()))
-// ==================================================================
-/// Evaluates a given expression with respect to a given heap instance
-// ==================================================================
-let rec _EvalResolver heapInst useConcrete resolveExprFunc expr fldNameOpt =
- let rec __FurtherResolve expr =
- match expr with
- | SetExpr(elist) -> SetExpr(elist |> __FurtherResolve)
- | SequenceExpr(elist) -> SequenceExpr(elist |> __FurtherResolve)
- | VarLiteral(_) ->
- try
- _EvalResolver heapInst useConcrete resolveExprFunc expr None
- with
- | _ -> expr
- | IdLiteral(id) when not (id = "this" || id = "null") ->
- try
- _EvalResolver heapInst useConcrete resolveExprFunc expr None
- with
- | _ -> expr
- | _ -> expr
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- let ex = match fldNameOpt with
- | None -> expr
- | Some(n) -> Dot(expr, n)
- if not (resolveExprFunc ex) then
- ex
- else
- match fldNameOpt with
- | None ->
- match expr with
- | ObjLiteral("this") | ObjLiteral("null") -> expr
- | IdLiteral("this") | IdLiteral("null") -> failwith "should never happen anymore" //TODO
- | VarLiteral(id) ->
- match heapInst.methodArgs |> Map.tryFind id with
- | Some(argValue) -> argValue |> Const2Expr
- | None ->
- let retVals = if useConcrete then heapInst.concreteMethodRetVals else heapInst.methodRetVals
- match retVals |> Map.tryFind id with
- | Some(e) -> e |> __FurtherResolve
- | None -> raise (EvalFailed("cannot find value for method parameter " + id))
- | IdLiteral(id) ->
- let globalVal = heapInst.globals |> Map.tryFind id
- match globalVal with
- | Some(e) -> e
- | None -> _EvalResolver heapInst useConcrete resolveExprFunc ThisLiteral (Some(id))
- | _ -> raise (EvalFailed(sprintf "I'm not supposed to resolve %O" expr))
- | Some(fldName) ->
- match expr with
- | ObjLiteral(objName) ->
- let asgs = if useConcrete then heapInst.concreteValues else heapInst.assignments
- let h2 = asgs |> List.filter (function FieldAssignment((o, var), v) -> = objName && GetExtVarName var = fldName | _ -> false)
- match h2 with
- | FieldAssignment((_,_),x) :: [] -> __FurtherResolve x
- | _ :: _ -> raise (EvalFailed(sprintf "can't evaluate expression deterministically: %s.%s resolves to multiple locations" objName fldName))
- | [] -> raise (EvalFailed(sprintf "can't find value for %s.%s" objName fldName)) // TODO: what if that value doesn't matter for the solution, and that's why it's not present in the model???
- | _ -> Dot(expr, fldName)
-let _Eval heapInst resolveExprFunc returnFunc expr =
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- //EvalSym (__EvalResolver resolveExprFunc) expr
- EvalSymRet (_EvalResolver heapInst false resolveExprFunc) returnFunc expr
-/// Resolves nothing
-let EvalNone heapInst expr =
- EvalSym (_EvalResolver heapInst false (fun e -> false)) expr
-let fullResolver heapInst = _EvalResolver heapInst true (fun e -> true)
-/// Resolves everything
-let EvalFull heapInst expr =
- EvalSym (fullResolver heapInst) expr
- //_Eval heapInst (fun _ -> true) (fun e -> e) expr
-let Eval heapInst resolveExprFunc expr =
- let returnFunc = fun expr -> match expr with IdLiteral(id) -> Dot(ThisLiteral, id) | _ -> expr
- EvalSymRet (fullResolver heapInst) (_EvalResolver heapInst false resolveExprFunc) returnFunc expr
-let EvalAndCheckTrue heapInst resolveExprFunc expr =
- let returnFunc = fun expr ->
- let expr =
- match expr with
- //| IteExpr(c,t,e) ->
- // let cond = c |> EvalFull heapInst |> Expr2Bool
- // if cond then t else e
- //| ForallExpr(vars, sub) -> expr
- // TODO: this is just to ensure that all field accesses to this object are prefixed with "this."
- // this is not the best place to do it, though
- | IdLiteral(id) -> Dot(ThisLiteral, id)
- | _ -> expr
- // TODO: infer type of expr and then re-execute only if its type is Bool
- let e1 = EvalFull heapInst expr //EvalSym (_EvalResolver heapInst true (fun _ -> true)) expr
- match e1 with
- | BoolLiteral(b) ->
- if b then
- expr
- else
- FalseLiteral
- //UnaryNot expr
- | _ -> expr
- EvalSymRet (fullResolver heapInst) (_EvalResolver heapInst false resolveExprFunc) returnFunc expr
- //_Eval heapInst resolveExprFunc returnFunc expr
-// =====================================================================
-/// Takes an unresolved model of the heap (HeapModel), resolves all
-/// references in the model and returns an instance of the heap
-/// (HeapInstance), where all fields for all objects have explicit
-/// assignments.
-// =====================================================================
-let ResolveModel hModel (comp,meth) =
- let outArgs = GetMethodOutArgs meth
- let hmap = hModel.heap |> Map.fold (fun acc (o,f) l ->
- let objName, objTypeOpt = match Resolve hModel o with
- | ThisConst(_,t) -> "this", t;
- | NewObj(name, t) -> PrintGenSym name, t
- | _ -> failwith ("unresolved object ref: " + o.ToString())
- let objType = objTypeOpt |> Utils.ExtractOptionMsg "unknown object type"
- let obj = {name = objName; objType = objType}
- let value = TryResolve hModel l |> Const2Expr
- Utils.ListMapAdd (obj, f) value acc
- ) []
- |> (fun el -> FieldAssignment(el))
- let objs, modObjs = hmap |> List.fold (fun (acc1,acc2) asgn ->
- match asgn with
- | FieldAssignment((obj,_),_) ->
- let acc1' = acc1 |> Map.add obj
- let acc2' =
- if IsModifiableObj obj (comp,meth) then
- acc2 |> Set.add obj
- else
- acc2
- acc1',acc2'
- | _ -> acc1,acc2
- ) (Map.empty, Set.empty)
- let argmap, retvals = hModel.env |> Map.fold (fun (acc1,acc2) k v ->
- match k with
- | VarConst(name) ->
- let resolvedValExpr = Resolve hModel v
- if outArgs |> List.exists (fun var -> GetVarName var = name) then
- acc1, acc2 |> Map.add name (resolvedValExpr |> Const2Expr)
- else
- acc1 |> Map.add name resolvedValExpr, acc2
- | _ -> acc1, acc2
- ) (Map.empty, Map.empty)
- { objs = objs;
- modifiableObjs = modObjs;
- assignments = hmap;
- concreteValues = hmap;
- methodArgs = argmap;
- methodRetVals = retvals;
- concreteMethodRetVals = retvals;
- globals = Map.empty }
-let rec GetCallGraph solutions graph =
- let rec __SearchExprsForMethodCalls elist acc =
- match elist with
- | e :: rest ->
- match e with
- // no need to descend for, just check if the top-level one is MEthodCall
- | MethodCall(_,cname,mname,_) -> __SearchExprsForMethodCalls rest (acc |> Set.add (cname,mname))
- | _ -> __SearchExprsForMethodCalls rest acc
- | [] -> acc
- match solutions with
- | ((comp,m), sol) :: rest ->
- let callees = sol |> List.fold (fun acc (cond, hInst) ->
- hInst.assignments |> List.fold (fun acc asgn ->
- match asgn with
- | FieldAssignment(_,e) ->
- __SearchExprsForMethodCalls [e] acc
- | ArbitraryStatement(stmt) ->
- let exprs = ExtractTopLevelExpressions stmt
- __SearchExprsForMethodCalls exprs acc
- ) acc
- ) Set.empty
- let graph' = graph |> Map.add (comp,m) callees
- GetCallGraph rest graph'
- | [] -> graph
-//TODO: below here should really go to a different module
-let __Is1stLevelExpr methodsOk heapInst expr =
- DescendExpr2 (fun expr acc ->
- if not acc then
- false
- else
- match expr with
- | Dot(discr, fldName) ->
- try
- let obj = EvalFull heapInst discr
- match obj with
- | ObjLiteral(id) -> id = "this"
- | _ -> failwithf "Didn't expect the discriminator of a Dot to not be ObjLiteral"
- with
- | _ -> false
- | MethodCall(_) -> methodsOk
- | _ -> true
- ) expr true
-let Is1stLevelExpr = __Is1stLevelExpr true
-let IsSolution1stLevelOnly heapInst =
- let rec __IsSol1stLevel stmts =
- match stmts with
- | stmt :: rest ->
- match stmt with
- | Assign(_, e)
- | ExprStmt(e) ->
- let ok = Is1stLevelExpr heapInst e
- ok && __IsSol1stLevel rest
- | Block(stmts) -> __IsSol1stLevel (stmts @ rest)
- | [] -> true
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- __IsSol1stLevel (ConvertToStatements heapInst true)
-let IsRecursiveSol (c,m) sol =
- let compName = GetComponentName c
- let methName = GetMethodName m
- let allAssignments = sol |> (fun (_,hInst) -> hInst.assignments) |> List.concat
- let allExprs = (allAssignments |> ExtractAllExpressions |> List.concat) @
- (sol |> (fun (_,hInst) -> hInst.methodRetVals |> Map.toList |> snd) |> List.concat)
- let singleExpr = allExprs |> List.fold BinaryAnd TrueLiteral
- DescendExpr2 (fun expr acc ->
- if acc then
- true
- else
- match expr with
- | MethodCall(_, cn, mn, elst) when cn = compName && mn = methName ->
- true
- | _ -> false
- ) singleExpr false
-/// Returns a list of direct modifiable children objects with respect to "this" object
-/// All returned expressions are of type ObjLiteral
-/// ensures: forall e :: e in ret ==> e is ObjInstance
-let GetDirectModifiableChildren hInst =
- let rec __AddDirectChildren e acc =
- match e with
- | ObjLiteral(_) when not (e = ThisLiteral || e = NullLiteral) -> acc |> Set.add e
- | SequenceExpr(elist)
- | SetExpr(elist) -> elist |> List.fold (fun acc2 e2 -> __AddDirectChildren e2 acc2) acc
- | _ -> acc
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- let thisRhsExprs = hInst.assignments |> List.choose (function FieldAssignment((obj,_),e) when = "this" && Set.contains obj hInst.modifiableObjs -> Some(e) | _ -> None)
- thisRhsExprs |> List.fold (fun acc e -> __AddDirectChildren e acc) Set.empty
- |> Set.toList