path: root/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 953 deletions
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index db4887ed..00000000
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,953 +0,0 @@
-module Analyzer
-open Ast
-open Getters
-open AstUtils
-open CodeGen
-open DafnyModelUtils
-open DafnyPrinter
-open FixpointSolver
-open MethodUnifier
-open Modularizer
-open Options
-open PipelineUtils
-open PrintUtils
-open Resolver
-open TypeChecker
-open Utils
-open Microsoft.Boogie
-let Rename suffix vars =
- vars |> (function Var(nm,tp,old) -> nm, Var(nm + suffix, tp, old))
-let ReplaceName substMap nm =
- match Map.tryFind nm substMap with
- | Some(Var(name,_,_)) -> name
- | None -> nm
-let rec Substitute substMap = function
- | IdLiteral(s) -> IdLiteral(ReplaceName substMap s)
- | Dot(e,f) -> Dot(Substitute substMap e, ReplaceName substMap f)
- | UnaryExpr(op,e) -> UnaryExpr(op, Substitute substMap e)
- | BinaryExpr(n,op,e0,e1) -> BinaryExpr(n, op, Substitute substMap e0, Substitute substMap e1)
- | SelectExpr(e0,e1) -> SelectExpr(Substitute substMap e0, Substitute substMap e1)
- | UpdateExpr(e0,e1,e2) -> UpdateExpr(Substitute substMap e0, Substitute substMap e1, Substitute substMap e2)
- | SequenceExpr(ee) -> SequenceExpr( (Substitute substMap) ee)
- | SeqLength(e) -> SeqLength(Substitute substMap e)
- | ForallExpr(vv,e) -> ForallExpr(vv, Substitute substMap e)
- | expr -> expr
-let GenMethodAnalysisCode comp m assertion genOld =
- let methodName = GetMethodName m
- let signature = GetMethodSig m
- let ppre,ppost = GetMethodPrePost m
- let pre = Desugar ppre
- let post = Desugar ppost |> RewriteOldExpr
- let ghostPre = GetMethodGhostPrecondition m |> Desugar
- //let sigStr = PrintSig signature
- let sigVarsDecl =
- match signature with
- | Sig(ins,outs) -> ins @ outs |> List.fold (fun acc vd -> acc + (sprintf " var %s;" (PrintVarDecl vd)) + newline) ""
- " method " + methodName + "()" + newline +
- " modifies this;" + newline +
- " {" + newline +
- // print signature as local variables
- sigVarsDecl +
- " // assume precondition" + newline +
- " assume " + (PrintExpr 0 pre) + ";" + newline +
- " // assume ghost precondition" + newline +
- " assume " + (PrintExpr 0 ghostPre) + ";" + newline +
- " // assume invariant and postcondition" + newline +
- " assume Valid();" + newline +
- (if genOld then " assume Valid_old();" + newline else "") +
- " assume " + (PrintExpr 0 post) + ";" + newline +
- " // assume user defined invariant again because assuming Valid() doesn't always work" + newline +
- (GetInvariantsAsList comp |> PrintSep newline (fun e -> " assume " + (PrintExpr 0 e) + ";")) + newline +
- // if the following assert fails, the model hints at what code to generate; if the verification succeeds, an implementation would be infeasible
- " // assert false to search for a model satisfying the assumed constraints" + newline +
- " assert " + (PrintExpr 0 assertion) + ";" + newline +
- " }" + newline
-let rec MethodAnalysisPrinter onlyForThese assertion genOld comp =
- let cname = GetComponentName comp
- match onlyForThese with
- | (c,m) :: rest when GetComponentName c = cname ->
- match m with
- | Method(_) ->
- (GenMethodAnalysisCode c m assertion genOld) + newline +
- (MethodAnalysisPrinter rest assertion genOld comp)
- | _ -> ""
- | _ :: rest -> MethodAnalysisPrinter rest assertion genOld comp
- | [] -> ""
-// =========================================================================
-/// For a given constant "objRefName" (which is an object, something like
-/// "gensym32"), finds a path of field references from "this" (e.g. something
-/// like "").
-/// Implements a backtracking search over the heap entries to find that
-/// path. It starts from the given object, and follows the backpointers
-/// until it reaches the root ("this")
-// =========================================================================
-// let objRef2ExprCache = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Expr>()
-let GetObjRefExpr objRefName (heapInst: HeapInstance) =
- let rec __GetObjRefExpr objRefName visited =
- if Set.contains objRefName visited then
- None
- else
- let newVisited = Set.add objRefName visited
- match objRefName with
- | "this" -> Some(ObjLiteral("this"))
- | _ ->
- let rec __fff lst =
- match lst with
- | ((o,var),_) :: rest ->
- match __GetObjRefExpr newVisited with
- | Some(expr) -> Some(Dot(expr, GetExtVarName var))
- | None -> __fff rest
- | [] -> None
- let backPointers = heapInst.concreteValues |> List.choose (function
- FieldAssignment (x,l) ->
- if l = ObjLiteral(objRefName) then Some(x,l) else None
- |_ -> None)
- __fff backPointers
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- __GetObjRefExpr objRefName (Set.empty)
-// if objRef2ExprCache.ContainsKey(objRefName) then
-// Some(objRef2ExprCache.[objRefName])
-// else
-// let res = __GetObjRefExpr objRefName (Set.empty)
-// match res with
-// | Some(e) -> objRef2ExprCache.Add(objRefName, e)
-// | None -> ()
-// res
-// =============================================================================
-/// Returns an expression that combines the post-condition of a given method with
-/// invariants for all objects present on the heap
-// =============================================================================
-let GetHeapExpr prog mthd heapInst includePreState =
- // get expressions to evaluate:
- // - add post (and pre?) conditions
- // - go through all objects on the heap and assert their invariants
- let pre,post = GetMethodPrePost mthd
- let prepostExpr = post //TODO: do we need the "pre" here as well?
- let heapObjs = heapInst.assignments |> List.fold (fun acc asgn ->
- match asgn with
- | FieldAssignment((o,_),_) -> acc |> Set.add o
- | _ -> acc) Set.empty
- heapObjs |> Set.fold (fun acc o ->
- let receiverOpt = GetObjRefExpr heapInst
- let receiver = Utils.ExtractOption receiverOpt
- let objComp = FindComponent prog (GetTypeShortName o.objType) |> Utils.ExtractOption
- let objInvs = GetInvariantsAsList objComp
- let objInvsUpdated = objInvs |> (ChangeThisReceiver receiver)
- let objInvFinal = objInvsUpdated |> List.fold BinaryAnd TrueLiteral
- let objAllInvs =
- if includePreState then
- let objInvPre = MakeOld objInvFinal
- BinaryAnd objInvFinal objInvPre
- else
- objInvFinal
- BinaryAnd prepostExpr objAllInvs
- ) prepostExpr
-let IsUnmodConcrOnly prog (comp,meth) expr =
- let isConstr = IsModifiableObj (ThisObj comp) (comp,meth)
- let rec __IsUnmodOnly args expr =
- let __IsUnmodOnlyLst elist =
- elist |> List.fold (fun acc e -> acc && (__IsUnmodOnly args e)) true
- match expr with
- | IntLiteral(_)
- | BoolLiteral(_)
- | BoxLiteral(_)
- | Star
- | VarDeclExpr(_)
- | ObjLiteral(_) -> true
- | VarLiteral(id) -> args |> List.exists (fun var -> GetExtVarName var = id)
- | IdLiteral("null") | IdLiteral("this") -> true
- | IdLiteral(id) ->
- not (isConstr || IsAbstractField comp id)
- | Dot(e, fldName) -> //if isConstr then false else __IsUnmodOnlyLst [e]
- if isConstr then
- false
- else
- // assume it is unmodifiable, because it is a method, so just check if it's concrete
- let lhsType = InferType prog comp (MethodArgChecker prog meth) e |> Utils.ExtractOptionMsg (sprintf "Inference failed for %s" (PrintExpr 0 e))
- IsConcreteField lhsType fldName
- | AssertExpr(e)
- | AssumeExpr(e)
- | SeqLength(e)
- | LCIntervalExpr(e)
- | MethodOutSelect(e,_)
- | OldExpr(e)
- | UnaryExpr(_,e) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst [e]
- | SelectExpr(e1, e2)
- | BinaryExpr(_,_,e1,e2) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst [e1; e2]
- | IteExpr(e3, e1, e2)
- | UpdateExpr(e1, e2, e3) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst [e1; e2; e3]
- | SequenceExpr(exprs) | SetExpr(exprs) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst exprs
- | MethodCall(rcv,_,_,aparams) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst (rcv :: aparams)
- | ForallExpr(vars,e) -> __IsUnmodOnly (args @ vars) e
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- __IsUnmodOnly (GetMethodInArgs meth) expr
-let AddUnif indent e v unifMap =
- let idt = Indent indent
- let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(unifMap)
- builder {
- let! notAlreadyAdded = Map.tryFind e unifMap |> Utils.IsNoneOption |> Utils.BoolToOption
- Logger.DebugLine (idt + " - adding unification " + (PrintExpr 0 e) + " <--> " + (PrintConst v))
- return Map.add e v unifMap
- }
-//TODO: unifications should probably by "Expr <--> Expr" instead of "Expr <--> Const"
-let rec GetUnifications prog indent (comp,meth) heapInst unifs expr =
- let idt = Indent indent
- // - first looks if the give expression talks only about method arguments (args)
- // - then it tries to evaluate it to a constant
- // - if all of these succeed, it adds a unification rule e <--> val(e) to the given unifMap map
- let __AddUnif e unifsAcc =
- if IsConstExpr e then
- unifsAcc
- else
- let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(unifsAcc)
- builder {
- let! argsOnly = IsUnmodConcrOnly prog (comp,meth) e |> Utils.BoolToOption
- let! v = try Some(EvalFull heapInst e |> Expr2Const) with ex -> None
- return AddUnif indent e v unifsAcc
- }
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- AstUtils.DescendExpr2 __AddUnif expr unifs
-// =======================================================
-/// Returns a map (Expr |--> Const) containing unifications
-/// found for the given method wrt to heapInst.
-/// The list of potential unifications include:
-/// (1) arg-value pairs for all method arguments,
-/// (2) field-value pairs for all unmodifiable fields,
-/// (3) expr-value pairs where expr are unmodifiable
-/// expressions found in the spec.
-// =======================================================
-let GetUnificationsForMethod indent prog comp m heapInst =
- let idt = Indent indent
- let rec GetArgValueUnifications args =
- match args with
- | var :: rest ->
- let name = GetExtVarName var
- match Map.tryFind name heapInst.methodArgs with
- | Some(c) ->
- GetArgValueUnifications rest |> AddUnif indent (VarLiteral(name)) c
- | None -> failwith ("couldn't find value for argument " + name)
- | [] -> Map.empty
- let rec GetFldValueUnifications unifs =
- heapInst.assignments |> List.fold (fun acc asgn ->
- match asgn with
- | FieldAssignment((obj,var), fldVal) ->
- try
- let vname = GetExtVarName var
- let comp = obj.objType |> FindComponentForType prog |> Utils.ExtractOption
- if IsConcreteField comp vname then
- let path = GetObjRefExpr heapInst |> Utils.ExtractOption
- let c = Expr2Const fldVal
- AddUnif indent (Dot(path, vname)) c acc
- else
- acc
- with
- | ex ->
- Logger.WarnLine ("[WARN]: error during getting field value unifications: " + ex.Message)
- acc
- | _ -> acc
- ) unifs
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- let unifs = GetArgValueUnifications (GetMethodInArgs m)
- let unifs =
- //TODO: it should really read the "modifies" clause and figure out modifiable fields from there
- if not (IsConstructor m) then
- GetFldValueUnifications unifs
- else
- unifs
- GetUnifications prog indent (comp,m) heapInst unifs (GetMethodPrePost m |> fun x -> BinaryAnd (fst x) (snd x))
-// =======================================================
-/// Applies given unifications onto a given heapInstance
-/// If "conservative" is true, applies only those that
-/// can be verified to hold, otherwise applies all of them
-// =======================================================
-let rec ApplyUnifications indent prog comp mthd unifs heapInst conservative =
- let idt = Indent indent
- ///
- let __CheckUnif o f e idx =
- if not conservative || not Options.CONFIG.checkUnifications then
- true
- else
- let lhs = if o = NoObj then
- VarLiteral(GetVarName f)
- else
- let objRefExpr = GetObjRefExpr heapInst |> Utils.ExtractOptionMsg ("Couldn't find a path from 'this' to " +
- let fldName = GetVarName f
- Dot(objRefExpr, fldName)
- let assertionExpr = match GetVarType f with
- | Some(SeqType(_)) when not (idx = -1) -> BinaryEq (SelectExpr(lhs, IntLiteral(idx))) e
- | Some(SetType(_)) when not (idx = -1) -> BinaryIn e lhs
- | _ -> BinaryEq lhs e
- // check if the assertion follows and if so update the env
- let genOld = false
- let code = PrintDafnyCodeSkeleton prog (MethodAnalysisPrinter [comp,mthd] assertionExpr genOld) true genOld
- Logger.Debug (idt + " - checking assertion: " + (PrintExpr 0 assertionExpr) + " ... ")
- let ok = CheckDafnyProgram code ("unif_" + (GetMethodFullName comp mthd))
- if ok then
- Logger.DebugLine " HOLDS"
- else
- Logger.DebugLine " DOESN'T HOLD"
- ok
- ///
- let __Apply (o,f) c e value=
- if value = Const2Expr c then
- if __CheckUnif o f e -1 then
- // change the value to expression
- //Logger.TraceLine (sprintf "%s - applied: %s.%s --> %s" idt (PrintConst o) (GetVarName f) (PrintExpr 0 e) )
- e
- else
- value
- else
- let rec __UnifyOverLst lst cnt =
- match lst with
- | lstElem :: rest when lstElem = Const2Expr c ->
- if __CheckUnif o f e cnt then
- //Logger.TraceLine (sprintf "%s - applied: %s.%s[%d] --> %s" idt (PrintConst o) (GetVarName f) cnt (PrintExpr 0 e) )
- e :: __UnifyOverLst rest (cnt+1)
- else
- lstElem :: __UnifyOverLst rest (cnt+1)
- | lstElem :: rest ->
- lstElem :: __UnifyOverLst rest (cnt+1)
- | [] -> []
- // see if it's a list, then try to match its elements, otherwise leave it as is
- match value with
- | SequenceExpr(elist) ->
- let newExprList = __UnifyOverLst elist 0
- SequenceExpr(newExprList)
- | SetExpr(elist) ->
- let newExprList = __UnifyOverLst elist 0
- SetExpr(newExprList)
- | _ ->
- value
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- match unifs with
- | (e,c) :: rest ->
- let heapInst = ApplyUnifications indent prog comp mthd rest heapInst conservative
- let newHeap = heapInst.assignments|> List.fold (fun acc asgn ->
- match asgn with
- | FieldAssignment((o,f),value) when heapInst.modifiableObjs |> Set.contains o ->
- let e2 = __Apply (o,f) c e value
- acc @ [FieldAssignment((o,f),e2)]
- | _ -> acc @ [asgn]
- ) []
- let newRetVals = heapInst.methodRetVals |> Map.fold (fun acc key value ->
- let e2 = __Apply (NoObj,Var(key, None, false)) c e value
- acc |> Map.add key e2
- ) Map.empty
- {heapInst with assignments = newHeap; methodRetVals = newRetVals}
- | [] -> heapInst
-// ====================================================================================
-/// Returns whether the code synthesized for the given method can be verified with Dafny
-// ====================================================================================
-let VerifySolution prog solutions genRepr =
- // print the solution to file and try to verify it with Dafny
- //let prog = Program(solutions |> Utils.MapKeys |> Map.ofList |> Utils.MapKeys)
- let code = PrintImplCode prog solutions genRepr false
- CheckDafnyProgram code dafnyVerifySuffix
-let rec DiscoverAliasing exprList heapInst =
- match exprList with
- | e1 :: rest ->
- let eqExpr = rest |> List.fold (fun acc e ->
- if EvalFull heapInst (BinaryEq e1 e) = TrueLiteral then
- BinaryAnd acc (BinaryEq e1 e)
- else
- acc
- ) TrueLiteral
- BinaryAnd eqExpr (DiscoverAliasing rest heapInst)
- | [] -> TrueLiteral
-let DontResolveUnmodifiableStuff prog comp meth expr =
- let methodArgs = GetMethodInArgs meth
- let __IsMethodArg argName = methodArgs |> List.exists (fun var -> GetExtVarName var = argName)
- let isMod = IsModifiableObj (ThisObj comp) (comp,meth)
- match expr with
- | VarLiteral(id) when __IsMethodArg id -> false
- | IdLiteral(id) when id = "this" || id = "null" -> true
- | IdLiteral(id) | Dot(_, id) ->
- // this must be a field, so resolve it only if modifiable
- isMod
- | _ -> true
-/// Descends down a given expression and returns bunch of sub-expressions that all evaluate to true
-let FindClauses trueOnly resolverFunc heapInst expr =
- let MyFun expr acc =
- try
- match expr with
- // skip binary logical operators because we want to find smallest sub-expressions
- | BinaryExpr(_,op,_,_) when IsLogicalOp op -> acc
- | _ ->
- let exprEval = Eval heapInst resolverFunc expr
- match exprEval with
- | _ when exprEval = TrueLiteral -> acc
- | _ ->
- let exprAllResolved = EvalFull heapInst expr
- match exprAllResolved with
- | BoolLiteral(true) -> acc @ (exprEval |> SplitIntoConjunts)
- | BoolLiteral(false) -> acc //if trueOnly then acc else acc @ (UnaryNot exprEval |> SplitIntoConjunts)
- | _ -> acc
- with
- | _ -> acc
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- DescendExpr2 MyFun expr []
-/// Descends down a given expression and returns all sub-expressions that evaluate to TrueLiteral
-let FindTrueClauses resolverFunc heapInst expr =
- FindClauses true resolverFunc heapInst expr
-/// Returns a list of boolean expressions obtained by combining (in some way)
-/// the two given list of conditions conditions
-let GetAllPossibleConditions specConds argConds aliasingConds =
- let __Conjoin lst = lst |> List.fold (fun acc e -> BinaryAnd acc e) TrueLiteral
- let __Preproc lst = lst |> SplitIntoConjunts |> List.concat |> Utils.ListDeduplicate
- // 0. aliasing conditions
- // 1. conjunction of spec conditions
- // 2. individual arg conditions
- // 3. conjunction of arg conditions
- // 4. individual spec conditions
- let aliasing = aliasingConds |> __Preproc
- let specIndi = specConds |> __Preproc
- let specConj = [__Conjoin specIndi]
- let argsIndi = argConds |> __Preproc
- let argsConj = [__Conjoin argsIndi]
- let allConds = aliasing @ specConj @ argsIndi @ specIndi @ argsConj
- allConds |> List.filter (fun e -> not (e = TrueLiteral))
- |> Utils.ListDeduplicate
-// check whther a given solution (in the form of heapInst) verifies assuming a given guard
-let rec CheckGuard prog comp m candCond indent idt heapInst callGraph =
- let rec __MinGuard guard idx m2 sol =
- let conjs = SplitIntoConjunts guard
- let len = List.length conjs
- if idx >= 0 && idx < len && len > 1 then
- let guard' = conjs |> Utils.ListRemoveIdx (len - idx - 1) |> List.fold BinaryAnd TrueLiteral
- match CheckGuard prog comp m guard' indent idt heapInst callGraph with
- | Some(x) -> x
- | None -> __MinGuard guard (idx+1) m2 sol
- else
- guard, m2, sol
- let m2 = AddPrecondition m candCond
- let sol = MakeModular (indent+2) prog comp m2 candCond heapInst callGraph
- Logger.Info (idt + " - verifying partial solution ... ")
- let verified =
- if Options.CONFIG.verifyPartialSolutions then
- VerifySolution prog sol Options.CONFIG.genRepr
- else
- true
- if verified then
- if Options.CONFIG.verifyPartialSolutions then Logger.InfoLine "VERIFIED" else Logger.InfoLine "SKIPPED"
- if Options.CONFIG.minimizeGuards then
- Logger.InfoLine(idt + " - minimizing guard ... " + (PrintExpr 0 candCond))
- Some(__MinGuard candCond 0 m2 sol)
- else
- Some(candCond,m2,sol)
- else
- Logger.InfoLine ("NOT VERIFIED")
- None
-// iteratively tries to remove conjunts and check whether the solutions still verifies
-//let MinimizeGuard guard prog comp m heapInst callGraph indent =
-// ============================================================================
-/// Attempts to synthesize the initialization code for the given constructor "m"
-/// Returns a (heap,env,ctx) tuple
-// ============================================================================
-let rec AnalyzeConstructor indent prog comp m callGraph =
- let idt = Indent indent
- let TryFindAndVerify m =
- match TryFindExistingAndConvertToSolution indent comp m TrueLiteral callGraph with
- | Some(sol) ->
- if VerifySolution prog sol Options.CONFIG.genRepr then
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + " ~~~ VERIFIED ~~~")
- Some(sol)
- else
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + " !!! NOT VERIFIED !!!")
- None
- | None -> None
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + "[*] Analyzing constructor")
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + "------------------------------------------")
- Logger.InfoLine (Printer.PrintMethodSignFull (indent + 4) comp m)
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + "------------------------------------------")
- match TryFindAndVerify m with
- | Some(sol) -> sol
- | None ->
- let methodName = GetMethodName m
- let pre,post = GetMethodPrePost m
- // generate Dafny code for analysis first
- let genOld = true
- let code = PrintDafnyCodeSkeleton prog (MethodAnalysisPrinter [comp,m] FalseLiteral genOld) true genOld
- Logger.Info (idt + " - searching for an instance ...")
- let models = RunDafnyProgram code (dafnyScratchSuffix + "_" + (GetMethodFullName comp m))
- if models.Count = 0 then
- // no models means that the "assert false" was verified, which means that the spec is inconsistent
- Logger.WarnLine (idt + " !!! SPEC IS INCONSISTENT !!!")
- Map.empty
- else
- if models.Count > 1 then
- Logger.WarnLine " FAILED "
- failwith "internal error (more than one model for a single constructor analysis)"
- Logger.InfoLine " OK "
- let model = models.[0]
- let hModel = ReadFieldValuesFromModel model prog comp m
- let heapInst = ResolveModel hModel (comp,m)
- let unifs = GetUnificationsForMethod indent prog comp m heapInst |> Map.toList
- let heapInst = ApplyUnifications indent prog comp m unifs heapInst true
- // split into method calls
- let sol = MakeModular indent prog comp m TrueLiteral heapInst callGraph |> FixSolution comp m
- if Options.CONFIG.verifySolutions then
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + " - verifying synthesized solution ... ")
- let verified = VerifySolution prog sol Options.CONFIG.genRepr
- Logger.Info (idt + " ")
- if verified then
- Logger.InfoLine "~~~ VERIFIED ~~~"
- sol
- else
- Logger.InfoLine "!!! NOT VERIFIED !!!"
- if Options.CONFIG.inferConditionals then
- TryRecursion (indent + 4) prog comp m unifs heapInst callGraph
- else
- sol
- else
- sol
-and TryRecursion indent prog comp m unifs heapInst callGraph =
- let idt = Indent indent
- /// checks whether an expression is ok, meaning
- /// - only immediate concrete fields of the "this" object are used,
- /// - no recursion on the same object with the same parameters
- let __IsOk hInst expr =
- let compName = GetComponentName comp
- let methName = GetMethodName m
- let myVisitor =
- fun expr acc ->
- if not acc then
- false
- else
- match expr with
- | Dot(discr, fldName) ->
- let obj = EvalFull heapInst discr
- match obj with
- | ObjLiteral(id) when id = "this" ->
- try
- let fname = RenameFromOld fldName
- IsConcreteField (InferType prog comp (MethodArgChecker prog m) discr |> Utils.ExtractOption) fname
- with
- | _ -> false
- | ObjLiteral(id) -> false
- | _ -> failwithf "Didn't expect the discriminator of a Dot to not be ObjLiteral"
- | MethodCall(receiver, cn, mn, elst) when receiver = ThisLiteral && cn = compName && mn = methName ->
- elst |> List.exists (function VarLiteral(_) -> false | _ -> true)
- | _ -> true
- DescendExpr2 myVisitor expr true
- /// Finds all modifiable fields in a given hInst, and checks if an "ok"
- /// expression exists for each one of them.
- ///
- /// Returns all possible combinations of "ok" solutions (these are not verified yet).
- let __GetAllAssignments hInst premises =
- let rec __IterVars vars =
- match vars with
- | lhs :: [] ->
- let lhsOptions = premises |> Set.toList
- |> List.choose (function
- | BinaryExpr(_,"=",l,r) -> if l = lhs then Some(r) elif r = lhs then Some(l) else None
- | _ -> None)
- |> List.filter (__IsOk hInst)
- |> (fun e -> [lhs,e])
- lhsOptions
- | lhs :: rest ->
- let lhsOptions = __IterVars [lhs]
- if List.isEmpty lhsOptions then
- List.empty
- else
- let restOptions = __IterVars rest
- Utils.ListCombine (fun t1 t2 -> t1 @ t2) lhsOptions restOptions
- | [] -> List.empty
- let stmts = ConvertToStatements hInst true
- let modVars = stmts |> List.choose (function
- | Assign(lhs,_) -> Some(lhs)
- | _ -> None)
- __IterVars modVars
- /// Print a given list of assignments
- let rec __PrintSol indent s =
- let idt = Indent indent
- match s with
- | (l,r) :: [] ->
- sprintf "%s%s := %s" idt (PrintExpr 0 l) (PrintExpr 0 r)
- | (l,r) :: rest ->
- let str = __PrintSol indent [l,r]
- str + newline + (__PrintSol indent rest)
- | [] -> ""
- /// Returns a given method's postcondition where
- /// - all input variables are renamed so that their names start with "$" and
- /// (so that the unifier know that it's ok to try to unify those variables)
- /// - all output variables are rewritten as $this.<method_name>(<args>)["<out_var_name>"]
- /// (so that it is clear that they are results of a method call)
- let __GetMethodPostTemplate comp m =
- let compName = GetComponentName comp
- let methName = GetMethodName m
- let ins = GetMethodInArgs m
- let outs = GetMethodOutArgs m
- let post = GetMethodPrePost m |> snd
- post |> RewriteWithCtx (fun ctx e ->
- match e with
- | VarLiteral(id) when not (IsInVarList ctx id) ->
- if IsInVarList outs id then
- let mcall = MethodCall(ThisLiteral, compName, methName, ins |> (function var -> VarLiteral("$" + (GetExtVarName var))))
- let outSel = MethodOutSelect(mcall, id)
- Some(outSel)
- else
- Some(VarLiteral("$" + id))
- | _ -> None) []
- |> ChangeThisReceiver (VarLiteral("$this"))
- /// Merges ...
- let __MergeSolutions hInst s =
- let __FindRhs lhs = s |> List.choose (fun (l,r) -> if l = lhs then Some(r) else None) |> Utils.ListToOption
- let rec __FixAssignments asgs =
- match asgs with
- | asg :: rest ->
- let newAsg =
- match asg with
- | FieldAssignment((obj,var) as discr,valExpr) ->
- let objPath = GetObjRefExpr hInst |> Utils.ExtractOption
- let lhs = Dot(objPath, GetExtVarName var)
- match __FindRhs lhs with
- | Some(rhs) -> FieldAssignment(discr,rhs)
- | None -> asg
- | _ -> asg
- newAsg :: (__FixAssignments rest)
- | [] -> []
- let rec __FixRetValues retVals =
- match retVals with
- | (varName,varExpr) :: rest ->
- let lhs = VarLiteral(varName)
- let newVarExpr =
- match __FindRhs lhs with
- | Some(rhs) -> rhs
- | None -> varExpr
- __FixRetValues rest |> Map.add varName newVarExpr
- | [] -> Map.empty
- if s = [] then
- hInst
- else
- // fix assignments
- let newAsgs = __FixAssignments hInst.assignments
- // fix return values
- let newRetVals = __FixRetValues (hInst.methodRetVals |> Map.toList)
- {hInst with assignments = newAsgs;
- methodRetVals = newRetVals}
- /// For a given heap instance and a list of possible solutions, it iterates
- /// trough all of them and returns whichever verifies first.
- let rec __IterSolutions hInst premises wrongSol sList =
- match sList with
- | s :: rest ->
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + "Candidate solution:")
- Logger.InfoLine (__PrintSol (indent + 4) s)
- let hInst' = __MergeSolutions hInst s
- let sol = Utils.MapSingleton (comp,m) [TrueLiteral, hInst']
- if not (hInst' = hInst) && VerifySolution prog sol Options.CONFIG.genRepr then
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + " ~~~ VERIFIED ~~~")
- sol
- else
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + " !!! NOT VERIFIED !!!")
- match TryInferConditionals indent prog comp m unifs hInst' callGraph premises with
- | Some(candCond,solThis) ->
- let m' = AddPrecondition m (UnaryNot(candCond))
- let solRest = AnalyzeConstructor (indent + 2) prog comp m' callGraph
- MergeSolutions solThis solRest |> FixSolution comp m
- | None ->
- __IterSolutions hInst premises wrongSol rest
- | [] -> wrongSol
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- let loggerFunc = fun e -> Logger.TraceLine (sprintf "%s --> %s" idt (PrintExpr 0 e))
- //TODO
- let expandOnlyModVarsFunc = fun e ->
- true
-// let __CheckExpr l =
-// //TODO: FIX THIS!!!!!
-// match l with
-// | VarLiteral(vname) -> GetMethodOutArgs m |> List.exists (fun var -> GetVarName var = vname)
-// | IdLiteral(_) -> true
-// | Dot(_,_) -> true
-// | _ -> false
-// match e with
-// | BinaryExpr(_,"=",l,_) ->
-// //TODO: it should really check both lhs and rhs
-// __CheckExpr l
-// | BinaryExpr(_,op,l,_) when IsRelationalOp op ->
-// __CheckExpr l
-// | _ -> __CheckExpr e
- let wrongSol = Utils.MapSingleton (comp,m) [TrueLiteral, heapInst]
- let heapInst = ApplyUnifications indent prog comp m unifs heapInst false
- let methodArgs = GetMethodInArgs m
- let heapExpr = GetHeapExpr prog m heapInst true
- //Logger.TraceLine (PrintExpr 0 heapExpr)
- // find set of premises (don't resolve anything)
- let premises = heapExpr |> FindClauses false (fun e -> false) heapInst
- Logger.TraceLine (sprintf "%s Premises:" idt)
- premises |> List.iter loggerFunc
- // add only recursive call for now
- let post = __GetMethodPostTemplate comp m
- let premiseSet = premises |> Set.ofList |> Set.add post
- let closedPremises = ComputeClosure heapInst expandOnlyModVarsFunc premiseSet
- Logger.TraceLine (idt + "Closed premises with methods")
- closedPremises |> Set.iter loggerFunc
- let s = __GetAllAssignments heapInst closedPremises
- if s = [] then
- // have at least one empty sol so that the original heapInst is not missed
- __IterSolutions heapInst closedPremises wrongSol [[]]
- else
- __IterSolutions heapInst closedPremises wrongSol s
-and TryInferConditionals indent prog comp m unifs heapInst callGraph premises =
- let idt = Indent indent
- let loggerFunc = fun e -> Logger.TraceLine (sprintf "%s --> %s" idt (PrintExpr 0 e))
- let methodArgs = GetMethodInArgs m
- /// Iterates through a given list of boolean conditions and checks
- /// which one suffices. If it finds such a condition, it returns
- /// the following three things:
- /// - the condition itself
- /// - the method with this condition added to its preconditions
- /// - a solution
- /// Otherwise returns None.
- let rec __TryOutConditions heapInst candidateConditions =
- let idt = Indent indent
- match candidateConditions with
- | [] ->
- Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s - no more interesting pre-conditions" idt)
- None
- | candCond :: rest ->
- Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s ________________________" idt)
- Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s candidate pre-condition: %s" idt (PrintExpr 0 candCond))
- Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s ------------------------" idt)
- let idt = idt + " "
- match CheckGuard prog comp m candCond indent idt heapInst callGraph with
- | Some(guard, m2, sol) -> Some(guard, m2, sol)
- | None -> __TryOutConditions heapInst rest
- if IsSolution1stLevelOnly heapInst then
- // try to find a non-recursive solution
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + "Strengthening the pre-condition")
- let expr = GetHeapExpr prog m heapInst false
- let specConds1 = expr |> FindTrueClauses (DontResolveUnmodifiableStuff prog comp m) heapInst
- let specConds2 = premises |> Set.toList
- let isConstFunc = fun e -> try
- EvalNone heapInst e |> Expr2Const |> ignore
- true
- with
- | _ -> false
- let unmodConcrFunc = IsUnmodConcrOnly prog (comp,m)
- let is1stLevelFunc = __Is1stLevelExpr false heapInst
- let specConds = (specConds1 @ specConds2)
- |> SimplifyExpr
- |> List.filter (fun e -> is1stLevelFunc e && unmodConcrFunc e && not (isConstFunc e))
- let aliasingCond = lazy(DiscoverAliasing (methodArgs |> (function var -> VarLiteral(GetExtVarName var))) heapInst)
- let argConds = heapInst.methodArgs |> Map.fold (fun acc name value -> acc @ [BinaryEq (VarLiteral(name)) (Const2Expr value)]) []
- let allConds = GetAllPossibleConditions specConds argConds [aliasingCond.Force()]
- allConds |> List.iter loggerFunc
- match __TryOutConditions heapInst allConds with
- | Some(candCond,m2,sol) ->
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + " - guard found: " + (PrintExpr 0 candCond))
- let solThis = match TryFindExistingAndConvertToSolution indent comp m2 candCond callGraph with
- | Some(sol2) -> sol2
- | None -> sol
- let solThis = solThis |> FixSolution comp m
- Some(candCond,solThis)
- | None ->
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + "!!! Giving up !!!")
- None
- else
- // the solution is not immediate
- None
-// ===========================================================
-/// Reads CONFIG.methodToSynth to return a list of methods
-/// that Jennisys should attempt to synthesize.
-// ===========================================================
-let GetMethodsToAnalyze prog =
- let __ReadMethodsParam =
- let mOpt = Options.CONFIG.methodToSynth;
- if mOpt = "*" then
- (* all *)
- FilterMembers prog FilterMethodMembers
- else
- let allMethods,neg =
- if mOpt.StartsWith("~") then
- mOpt.Substring(1), true
- else
- mOpt, false
- (* exact list *)
- let methods = allMethods.Split([|','|])
- let lst = methods |> Array.fold (fun acc m ->
- let idx = m.LastIndexOf(".")
- if idx = -1 || idx = m.Length - 1 then
- raise (InvalidCmdLineArg("Invalid method full name: " + m))
- let compName = m.Substring(0, idx)
- let methName = m.Substring(idx + 1)
- let c = FindComponent prog compName |> Utils.ExtractOptionMsg ("Cannot find component " + compName)
- let mthd = FindMethod c methName |> Utils.ExtractOptionMsg ("Cannot find method " + methName + " in component " + compName)
- (c,mthd) :: acc
- ) []
- if neg then
- FilterMembers prog FilterMethodMembers |> List.filter (fun e -> not (Utils.ListContains e lst))
- else
- lst
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- let meths = __ReadMethodsParam
- if Options.CONFIG.constructorsOnly then
- meths |> List.filter (fun (c,m) -> IsConstructor m)
- else
- meths
-// ============================================================================
-/// Goes through a given list of methods of the given program and attempts to
-/// synthesize code for each one of them.
-/// Returns a map from (component * method) |--> Expr * HeapInstance
-// ============================================================================
-let rec AnalyzeMethods prog members solutionsSoFar =
- let __IsAlreadySolved c m solutionMap =
- let existingKey = solutionMap |> Map.tryFindKey (fun (cc,mm) v -> CheckSameMethods (c,m) (cc,mm) && not (v = []))
- match existingKey with
- | Some(_) -> true
- | None -> false
- let rec __AnalyzeConstructorDeep prog mList solutionsSoFar =
- let callGraph = GetCallGraph (solutionsSoFar |> Map.toList) Map.empty
- match mList with
- | (comp,mthd) :: rest ->
- if not (__IsAlreadySolved comp mthd solutionsSoFar) then
- let sol = AnalyzeConstructor 2 prog comp mthd callGraph
- let unsolved = sol |> Map.filter (fun (c,m) lst -> lst = [] && not(__IsAlreadySolved c m solutionsSoFar)) |> Utils.MapKeys
- let newSols = solutionsSoFar |> MergeSolutions sol
- __AnalyzeConstructorDeep prog (rest@unsolved) newSols
- else
- __AnalyzeConstructorDeep prog rest solutionsSoFar
- | [] -> solutionsSoFar
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- match members with
- | (comp,m) :: rest ->
- match m with
- | Method(_,_,_,_,_) ->
- let sol = __AnalyzeConstructorDeep prog [comp,m] solutionsSoFar
- Logger.InfoLine ""
- AnalyzeMethods prog rest sol
- | _ -> AnalyzeMethods prog rest solutionsSoFar
- | [] -> solutionsSoFar
-let Analyze prog filename =
- let rec __AddMethodsFromProg methods solutions =
- match methods with
- | (c,m) :: rest ->
- let exists = solutions |> Map.tryFindKey (fun (c1,m1) _ -> CheckSameMethods (c,m) (c1,m1))
- match exists with
- | Some(_) -> __AddMethodsFromProg rest solutions
- | None -> __AddMethodsFromProg rest (solutions |> Map.add (c,m) [])
- | [] -> solutions
- /// Prints given solutions to a file
- let __PrintSolution prog outFileName solutions =
- use file = System.IO.File.CreateText(outFileName)
- file.AutoFlush <- true
- //let prog = Program(solutions |> Utils.MapKeys |> Map.ofList |> Utils.MapKeys)
- // add all other methods (those for which we don't have synthesized solution) as well
- let allMethods = FilterMembers prog FilterConstructorMembers
- let extSolutions = solutions //__AddMethodsFromProg allMethods solutions
- let synthCode = PrintImplCode prog extSolutions Options.CONFIG.genRepr false
- fprintfn file "%s" synthCode
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- let solutions = AnalyzeMethods prog (GetMethodsToAnalyze prog) Map.empty
- let progName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)
- let outFlatSolFileName = dafnySynthFileNameTemplate.Replace("###", progName)
- Logger.InfoLine "Printing synthesized code"
- __PrintSolution prog outFlatSolFileName solutions
- ()
-//let AnalyzeComponent_rustan c =
-// match c with
-// | Component(Class(name,typeParams,members), Model(_,_,cVars,frame,inv), code) ->
-// let aVars = Fields members
-// let aVars0 = Rename "0" aVars
-// let aVars1 = Rename "1" aVars
-// let allVars = List.concat [aVars; (fun (a,b) -> b) aVars0; (fun (a,b) -> b) aVars1; cVars]
-// let inv0 = Substitute (Map.ofList aVars0) inv
-// let inv1 = Substitute (Map.ofList aVars1) inv
-// // Now print it as a Dafny program
-// printf "class %s" name
-// match typeParams with
-// | [] -> ()
-// | _ -> printf "<%s>" (typeParams |> PrintSep ", " (fun tp -> tp))
-// printfn " {"
-// // the fields: original abstract fields plus two more copies thereof, plus and concrete fields
-// allVars |> List.iter (function Var(nm,None) -> printfn " var %s;" nm | Var(nm,Some(tp)) -> printfn " var %s: %s;" nm (PrintType tp))
-// // the method
-// printfn " method %s_checkInjective() {" name
-// printf " assume " ; (VarsAreDifferent aVars0 aVars1) ; printfn ";"
-// printfn " assume %s;" (PrintExpr 0 inv0)
-// printfn " assume %s;" (PrintExpr 0 inv1)
-// printfn " assert false;" // {:msg "Two abstract states map to the same concrete state"}
-// printfn " }"
-// // generate code
-// members |> List.iter (function
-// | Constructor(methodName,signature,pre,stmts) -> printf "%s" (GenerateCode methodName signature pre stmts inv false)
-// | Method(methodName,signature,pre,stmts) -> printf "%s" (GenerateCode methodName signature pre stmts inv true)
-// | _ -> ())
-// // the end of the class
-// printfn "}"
-// | _ -> assert false // unexpected case \ No newline at end of file