path: root/Chalice
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Chalice')
57 files changed, 1802 insertions, 565 deletions
diff --git a/Chalice/build.sbt b/Chalice/build.sbt
index 65b12413..3fa72ec5 100644
--- a/Chalice/build.sbt
+++ b/Chalice/build.sbt
@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.8.1"
scalacOptions += "-deprecation"
+libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "1.7.1" % "test"
diff --git a/Chalice/chalice.bat b/Chalice/chalice.bat
index e4bbf5da..6400ca7b 100644
--- a/Chalice/chalice.bat
+++ b/Chalice/chalice.bat
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ if not %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
goto :exit_with_error
-REM Get the Scala version, or rather, a string such as "scala-2.8.1"
-for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /b %ROOT_DIR%\project\boot\scala-*') do @set SCALA_DIR=%%A
+set SCALA_DIR=scala-2.8.1
REM Set classpath elements
-set __CP.SCALA_LIB=%ROOT_DIR%\project\boot\%SCALA_DIR%\lib\scala-library.jar
-set __CP.CHALICE=%ROOT_DIR%\target\\classes
+set __CP.SCALA_LIB="%ROOT_DIR%project\boot\%SCALA_DIR%\lib\scala-library.jar"
+set __CP.CHALICE="%ROOT_DIR%target\\classes"
REM Assemble classpath and check if all classpath elements exist
set CP=
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ set CHALICE_MAIN=chalice.Chalice
REM Chalice command line options
set CHALICE_OPTS=%CHALICE_OPTS% /boogieOpt:nologo
+set CHALICE_OPTS=%CHALICE_OPTS% /boogieOpt:noinfer
REM Assemble main command
diff --git a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Ast.scala b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Ast.scala
index cd4a6cd8..1cfd173e 100644
--- a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Ast.scala
+++ b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Ast.scala
@@ -188,6 +188,21 @@ case class Predicate(id: String, private val rawDefinition: Expression) extends
case class Function(id: String, ins: List[Variable], out: Type, spec: List[Specification], definition: Option[Expression]) extends NamedMember(id) {
+ // list of predicates that this function possibly depends on (that is, predicates
+ // that are mentioned in the functions precondition)
+ def dependentPredicates: List[Predicate] = {
+ var predicates: List[Predicate] = List()
+ spec foreach {
+ case Precondition(e) =>
+ e visit {_ match {
+ case pred@MemberAccess(e, p) if pred.isPredicate =>
+ predicates = pred.predicate :: predicates
+ case _ =>}
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ predicates
+ }
def apply(rec: Expression, args: List[Expression]): FunctionApplication = {
val result = FunctionApplication(rec, id, args);
result.f = this;
@@ -398,6 +413,7 @@ case class Init(id: String, e: Expression) extends ASTNode {
sealed abstract class Expression extends RValue {
def transform(f: Expression => Option[Expression]) = AST.transform(this, f)
def visit(f: RValue => Unit) = AST.visit(this, f)
+ def visitOpt(f: RValue => Boolean) = AST.visitOpt(this, f)
sealed abstract class Literal extends Expression
case class IntLiteral(n: Int) extends Literal
@@ -411,6 +427,10 @@ case class VariableExpr(id: String) extends Expression {
def this(vr: Variable) = { this(; v = vr; typ = vr.t.typ }
def Resolve(vr: Variable) = { v = vr; typ = vr.t.typ }
+// hack to allow boogie expressions in the Chalice AST during transformation
+case class BoogieExpr(expr: Boogie.Expr) extends Expression {
+ override def toString = "BoogieExpr("+expr+")"
case class Result() extends Expression
sealed abstract class ThisExpr extends Expression
case class ExplicitThisExpr() extends ThisExpr {
@@ -757,6 +777,7 @@ object AST {
case _:ThisExpr => expr
case _:Result => expr
case _:VariableExpr => expr
+ case _:BoogieExpr => expr
case ma@MemberAccess(e, id) =>
val g = MemberAccess(func(e), id);
g.f = ma.f;
@@ -848,75 +869,79 @@ object AST {
// Applies recursively the function f first to the expression and then to its subexpressions (that is members of type RValue)
- def visit(expr: RValue, f: RValue => Unit) {
- f(expr);
- expr match {
- case _:Literal => ;
- case _:ThisExpr => ;
- case _:Result => ;
- case _:VariableExpr => ;
- case MemberAccess(e, _) =>
- visit(e, f);
- case Frac(p) => visit(p, f);
- case Epsilons(p) => visit(p, f);
- case Full | Epsilon | Star | MethodEpsilon =>;
- case ChannelEpsilon(None) | PredicateEpsilon(None) | MonitorEpsilon(None) =>;
- case ChannelEpsilon(Some(e)) => visit(e, f);
- case PredicateEpsilon(Some(e)) => visit(e, f);
- case MonitorEpsilon(Some(e)) => visit(e, f);
- case ForkEpsilon(tk) => visit(tk, f);
- case IntPermTimes(n, p) =>
- visit(n, f); visit(p, f);
- case PermTimes(e0, e1) =>
- visit(e0, f); visit(e1, f);
- case PermPlus(e0, e1) =>
- visit(e0, f); visit(e1, f);
- case PermMinus(e0, e1) =>
- visit(e0, f); visit(e1, f);
- case Access(e, perm) =>
- visit(e, f); visit(perm, f);
- case AccessAll(obj, perm) =>
- visit(obj, f); visit(perm, f);
- case AccessSeq(s, _, perm) =>
- visit(s, f); visit(perm, f);
- case Credit(e, n) =>
- visit(e, f); n match { case Some(n) => visit(n, f); case _ => }
- case Holds(e) => visit(e, f);
- case RdHolds(e) => visit(e, f);
- case e: BinaryExpr =>
- visit(e.E0, f); visit(e.E1, f);
- case Range(min, max) =>
- visit(min, f); visit(max, f);
- case e: Assigned => e
- case Old(e) => visit(e, f);
- case IfThenElse(con, then, els) => visit(con, f); visit(then, f); visit(els, f);
- case Not(e) => visit(e, f);
- case funapp@FunctionApplication(obj, id, args) =>
- visit(obj, f); args foreach { arg => visit(arg, f) };
- case Unfolding(pred, e) =>
- visit(pred, f); visit(e, f);
- case SeqQuantification(_, _, seq, e) => visit(seq, f); visit(e, f);
- case TypeQuantification(_, _, _, e, (min,max)) => visit(e, f); visit(min, f); visit(max, f);
- case TypeQuantification(_, _, _, e, _) => visit(e, f);
- case ExplicitSeq(es) =>
- es foreach { e => visit(e, f) }
- case Length(e) =>
- visit(e, f)
- case Eval(h, e) =>
- h match {
- case AcquireState(obj) => visit(obj, f);
- case ReleaseState(obj) => visit(obj, f);
- case CallState(token, obj, id, args) =>
- visit(token, f); visit(obj, f); args foreach {a : Expression => visit(a, f)};
- }
- visit(e, f);
- case NewRhs(_, init, lowerBounds, upperBounds) =>
- lowerBounds foreach { e => visit(e, f)};
- upperBounds foreach { e => visit(e, f)};
+ def visit(expr: RValue, f: RValue => Unit) = visitOpt(expr, r => {f(r); true})
+ // Applies recursively the function f first to the expression and, if f returns true, then to its subexpressions
+ def visitOpt(expr: RValue, f: RValue => Boolean) {
+ if (f(expr)) {
+ expr match {
+ case _:Literal => ;
+ case _:ThisExpr => ;
+ case _:Result => ;
+ case _:VariableExpr => ;
+ case _:BoogieExpr => ;
+ case MemberAccess(e, _) =>
+ visitOpt(e, f);
+ case Frac(p) => visitOpt(p, f);
+ case Epsilons(p) => visitOpt(p, f);
+ case Full | Epsilon | Star | MethodEpsilon =>;
+ case ChannelEpsilon(None) | PredicateEpsilon(None) | MonitorEpsilon(None) =>;
+ case ChannelEpsilon(Some(e)) => visitOpt(e, f);
+ case PredicateEpsilon(Some(e)) => visitOpt(e, f);
+ case MonitorEpsilon(Some(e)) => visitOpt(e, f);
+ case ForkEpsilon(tk) => visitOpt(tk, f);
+ case IntPermTimes(n, p) =>
+ visitOpt(n, f); visitOpt(p, f);
+ case PermTimes(e0, e1) =>
+ visitOpt(e0, f); visitOpt(e1, f);
+ case PermPlus(e0, e1) =>
+ visitOpt(e0, f); visitOpt(e1, f);
+ case PermMinus(e0, e1) =>
+ visitOpt(e0, f); visitOpt(e1, f);
+ case Access(e, perm) =>
+ visitOpt(e, f); visitOpt(perm, f);
+ case AccessAll(obj, perm) =>
+ visitOpt(obj, f); visitOpt(perm, f);
+ case AccessSeq(s, _, perm) =>
+ visitOpt(s, f); visitOpt(perm, f);
+ case Credit(e, n) =>
+ visitOpt(e, f); n match { case Some(n) => visitOpt(n, f); case _ => }
+ case Holds(e) => visitOpt(e, f);
+ case RdHolds(e) => visitOpt(e, f);
+ case e: BinaryExpr =>
+ visitOpt(e.E0, f); visitOpt(e.E1, f);
+ case Range(min, max) =>
+ visitOpt(min, f); visitOpt(max, f);
+ case e: Assigned => e
+ case Old(e) => visitOpt(e, f);
+ case IfThenElse(con, then, els) => visitOpt(con, f); visitOpt(then, f); visitOpt(els, f);
+ case Not(e) => visitOpt(e, f);
+ case funapp@FunctionApplication(obj, id, args) =>
+ visitOpt(obj, f); args foreach { arg => visitOpt(arg, f) };
+ case Unfolding(pred, e) =>
+ visitOpt(pred, f); visitOpt(e, f);
+ case SeqQuantification(_, _, seq, e) => visitOpt(seq, f); visitOpt(e, f);
+ case TypeQuantification(_, _, _, e, (min,max)) => visitOpt(e, f); visitOpt(min, f); visitOpt(max, f);
+ case TypeQuantification(_, _, _, e, _) => visitOpt(e, f);
+ case ExplicitSeq(es) =>
+ es foreach { e => visitOpt(e, f) }
+ case Length(e) =>
+ visitOpt(e, f)
+ case Eval(h, e) =>
+ h match {
+ case AcquireState(obj) => visitOpt(obj, f);
+ case ReleaseState(obj) => visitOpt(obj, f);
+ case CallState(token, obj, id, args) =>
+ visitOpt(token, f); visitOpt(obj, f); args foreach {a : Expression => visitOpt(a, f)};
+ }
+ visitOpt(e, f);
+ case NewRhs(_, init, lowerBounds, upperBounds) =>
+ lowerBounds foreach { e => visitOpt(e, f)};
+ upperBounds foreach { e => visitOpt(e, f)};
+ }
diff --git a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Boogie.scala b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Boogie.scala
index acc061ad..900ad6d1 100644
--- a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Boogie.scala
+++ b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Boogie.scala
@@ -222,13 +222,17 @@ object Boogie {
indent + "assert " + "{:msg \"" + pos + assert.message + "\"}" + (assert.subsumption match {case Some(n) => "{:subsumption " + n + "}"; case None => ""}) + " " + PrintExpr(e) + ";" + nl
case Assume(e) => indent + "assume " + PrintExpr(e) + ";" + nl
case If(guard, thn, els) =>
+ if (thn == Nil && els == Nil) "" else
indent + "if (" +
(if (guard == null) "*" else PrintExpr(guard)) +
") {" + nl +
IndentMore { Print(thn, "", PrintStmt) } +
- indent + "} else {" + nl +
- IndentMore { Print(els, "", PrintStmt) } +
- indent + "}" + nl
+ indent + "}" +
+ (if (els == Nil) nl else
+ " else {" + nl +
+ IndentMore { Print(els, "", PrintStmt) } +
+ indent + "}" + nl
+ )
case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
indent + PrintExpr(lhs) + " := " + PrintExpr(rhs) + ";" + nl
case AssignMap(lhs, index, rhs) =>
diff --git a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Chalice.scala b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Chalice.scala
index cc06ad7b..077e5c46 100644
--- a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Chalice.scala
+++ b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Chalice.scala
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ object Chalice {
val boogieArgs: String
val gen: Boolean
val showFullStackTrace: Boolean
+ val noBplFile: Boolean
+ val bplFile: String
def getHelp(): String
@@ -68,7 +70,9 @@ object Chalice {
var aPrintProgram = false
var aDoTypecheck = true
var aDoTranslate = true
- var aBoogieArgs = " ";
+ var aNoBplFile = true
+ var aBplFile = "out.bpl"
+ var aBoogieArgs = " "
var aGen = false;
var aShowFullStackTrace = false
@@ -76,7 +80,8 @@ object Chalice {
"help" -> (
{() => },
"print this message"),
- "print" -> ({() => aPrintProgram = true},"print intermediate versions of the Chalice program"),
+ "print" -> ({() => aNoBplFile = false},"output the Boogie program used for verification to 'out.bpl'"),
+ "printIntermediate" -> ({() => aPrintProgram = true},"print intermediate versions of the Chalice program"),
"noTranslate" -> (
{() => aDoTranslate = false},
"do not translate the program to Boogie (only parse and typecheck)"),
@@ -126,6 +131,7 @@ object Chalice {
// help text for options with arguments
val nonBooleanOptions = ListMap(
"boogie:<file>" -> "use the executable of Boogie at <file>",
+ "print:<file>" -> "print the Boogie program used for verification into file <file>",
"defaults:<level>" -> ("defaults to reduce specification overhead\n"+
"level 0 or below: no defaults\n"+
"level 1: unfold predicates with receiver this in pre and postconditions\n"+
@@ -152,6 +158,7 @@ object Chalice {
for (a <- args) {
if (a == "/help" || a == "-help") {Console.out.println(help); return None}
else if ((a.startsWith("-") || a.startsWith("/")) && (options contains a.substring(1))) options(a.substring(1))._1()
+ else if (a.startsWith("/print:") || a.startsWith("-print:")) {aBplFile = a.substring(7); aNoBplFile = false}
else if (a.startsWith("/boogie:") || a.startsWith("-boogie:")) aBoogiePath = a.substring(8)
else if (a.startsWith("/defaults:") || a.startsWith("-defaults:")) {
try {
@@ -216,6 +223,8 @@ object Chalice {
val boogieArgs = aBoogieArgs
val gen = aGen
val showFullStackTrace = aShowFullStackTrace
+ val noBplFile = aNoBplFile
+ val bplFile = aBplFile
def getHelp(): String = help
@@ -274,43 +283,94 @@ object Chalice {
case Some(p) => p
case None => return //invalid arguments, help has been displayed
- val program = parsePrograms(params) match {
- case Some(p) => p
- case None => return //illegal program, errors have already been displayed
- }
- if(!params.doTypecheck || !typecheckProgram(params, program))
- return ;
- if (params.printProgram) {
- Console.out.println("Program after type checking: ");
- PrintProgram.P(program)
- }
- if(!params.doTranslate)
- return;
- // checking if Boogie.exe exists (on non-Linux machine)
- val boogieFile = new File(params.boogiePath);
- if(! boogieFile.exists() || ! boogieFile.isFile()
- && (System.getProperty("") != "Linux")) {
- CommandLineError("Boogie.exe not found at " + params.boogiePath, params.getHelp());
- return;
- }
- val showFullStackTrace = params.showFullStackTrace
- val boogiePath = params.boogiePath
- val boogieArgs = params.boogieArgs
- // translate program to Boogie
- val translator = new Translator();
- var bplProg: List[Boogie.Decl] = Nil
try {
+ val program = parsePrograms(params) match {
+ case Some(p) => p
+ case None => return //illegal program, errors have already been displayed
+ }
+ if(!params.doTypecheck || !typecheckProgram(params, program))
+ return ;
+ if (params.printProgram) {
+ Console.out.println("Program after type checking: ");
+ PrintProgram.P(program)
+ }
+ if(!params.doTranslate)
+ return;
+ // checking if Boogie.exe exists (on non-Linux machine)
+ val boogieFile = new File(params.boogiePath);
+ if(! boogieFile.exists() || ! boogieFile.isFile()
+ && (System.getProperty("") != "Linux")) {
+ CommandLineError("Boogie.exe not found at " + params.boogiePath, params.getHelp());
+ return;
+ }
+ val boogiePath = params.boogiePath
+ val boogieArgs = params.boogieArgs
+ // translate program to Boogie
+ val translator = new Translator();
+ var bplProg: List[Boogie.Decl] = Nil
bplProg = translator.translateProgram(program);
+ // write to out.bpl
+ val bplText = TranslatorPrelude.P + (bplProg map Boogie.Print).foldLeft(""){ (a, b) => a + b };
+ val bplFilename = if (vsMode) "c:\\tmp\\out.bpl" else (if (params.noBplFile) "stdin.bpl" else params.bplFile)
+ if (!params.noBplFile) writeFile(bplFilename, bplText);
+ // run Boogie.exe on out.bpl
+ val boogie = Runtime.getRuntime.exec(boogiePath + " /errorTrace:0 " + boogieArgs + "stdin.bpl");
+ val output = boogie.getOutputStream()
+ output.write(bplText.getBytes)
+ output.close
+ // terminate boogie if interrupted
+ Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
+ def run {
+ boogie.destroy
+ }
+ }))
+ // the process blocks until we exhaust input and error streams
+ new Thread(new Runnable() {
+ def run {
+ val err = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(boogie.getErrorStream));
+ var line = err.readLine;
+ while(line!=null) {Console.err.println(line); Console.err.flush}
+ }
+ }).start;
+ val input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(boogie.getInputStream));
+ var line = input.readLine();
+ var previous_line = null: String;
+ val boogieOutput: ListBuffer[String] = new ListBuffer()
+ while (line!=null){
+ if (!smoke) {
+ Console.out.println(line);
+ Console.out.flush;
+ }
+ boogieOutput += line
+ previous_line = line;
+ line = input.readLine();
+ }
+ boogie.waitFor;
+ input.close;
+ // smoke test output
+ if (smoke) {
+ val output = SmokeTest.processBoogieOutput(boogieOutput.toList)
+ Console.out.println(output);
+ Console.out.flush;
+ }
+ // generate code
+ if(params.gen && (previous_line != null) && previous_line.endsWith(" 0 errors")) { // hack
+ generateCSharpCode(params, program)
+ }
} catch {
case e:InternalErrorException => {
- if (showFullStackTrace) {
+ if (params.showFullStackTrace) {
@@ -319,7 +379,7 @@ object Chalice {
case e:NotSupportedException => {
- if (showFullStackTrace) {
+ if (params.showFullStackTrace) {
@@ -328,60 +388,6 @@ object Chalice {
- // write to out.bpl
- val bplText = TranslatorPrelude.P + (bplProg map Boogie.Print).foldLeft(""){ (a, b) => a + b };
- val bplFilename = if (vsMode) "c:\\tmp\\out.bpl" else "out.bpl"
- writeFile(bplFilename, bplText);
- // run Boogie.exe on out.bpl
- val boogie = Runtime.getRuntime.exec(boogiePath + " /errorTrace:0 " + boogieArgs + bplFilename);
- // terminate boogie if interrupted
- Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
- def run {
- try {
- val kill = Runtime.getRuntime.exec("taskkill /T /F /IM Boogie.exe");
- kill.waitFor;
- } catch {case _ => }
- // just to be sure
- boogie.destroy
- }
- }))
- // the process blocks until we exhaust input and error streams
- new Thread(new Runnable() {
- def run {
- val err = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(boogie.getErrorStream));
- var line = err.readLine;
- while(line!=null) {Console.err.println(line); Console.err.flush}
- }
- }).start;
- val input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(boogie.getInputStream));
- var line = input.readLine();
- var previous_line = null: String;
- val boogieOutput: ListBuffer[String] = new ListBuffer()
- while (line!=null){
- if (!smoke) {
- Console.out.println(line);
- Console.out.flush;
- }
- boogieOutput += line
- previous_line = line;
- line = input.readLine();
- }
- boogie.waitFor;
- input.close;
- // smoke test output
- if (smoke) {
- val output = SmokeTest.processBoogieOutput(boogieOutput.toList)
- Console.out.println(output);
- Console.out.flush;
- }
- // generate code
- if(params.gen && (previous_line != null) && previous_line.endsWith(" 0 errors")) { // hack
- generateCSharpCode(params, program)
- }
def generateCSharpCode(params: CommandLineParameters, program: List[TopLevelDecl]): Unit = {
diff --git a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Prelude.scala b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Prelude.scala
index 3c24d8b2..721b0131 100644
--- a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Prelude.scala
+++ b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Prelude.scala
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ type PermissionComponent;
const unique perm$R: PermissionComponent;
const unique perm$N: PermissionComponent;
var Mask: MaskType where IsGoodMask(Mask);
+var SecMask: MaskType where IsGoodMask(SecMask);
const Permission$denominator: int;
axiom Permission$denominator > 0;
const Permission$FullFraction: int;
@@ -136,12 +137,14 @@ object CreditsAndMuPL extends PreludeComponent {
val text = """
var Credits: CreditsType;
-function IsGoodState<T>(T) returns (bool);
-function combine<T,U>(T, U) returns (T);
-const nostate: HeapType;
+function IsGoodState(PartialHeapType) returns (bool);
+function combine(PartialHeapType, PartialHeapType) returns (PartialHeapType);
+function heapFragment<T>(T) returns (PartialHeapType);
+type PartialHeapType;
+const emptyPartialHeap: PartialHeapType;
-axiom (forall<T,U> a: T, b: U :: {IsGoodState(combine(a, b))} IsGoodState(combine(a, b)) <==> IsGoodState(a) && IsGoodState(b));
-axiom IsGoodState(nostate);
+axiom (forall a: PartialHeapType, b: PartialHeapType :: {IsGoodState(combine(a, b))} IsGoodState(combine(a, b)) <==> IsGoodState(a) && IsGoodState(b));
+axiom IsGoodState(emptyPartialHeap);
type ModuleName;
const CurrentModule: ModuleName;
@@ -165,25 +168,39 @@ axiom (forall m, n: Mu :: MuBelow(m, n) ==> n != $LockBottom);
const unique held: Field int;
function Acquire$Heap(int) returns (HeapType);
function Acquire$Mask(int) returns (MaskType);
+function Acquire$SecMask(int) returns (MaskType);
function Acquire$Credits(int) returns (CreditsType);
axiom NonPredicateField(held);
function LastSeen$Heap(Mu, int) returns (HeapType);
function LastSeen$Mask(Mu, int) returns (MaskType);
+function LastSeen$SecMask(Mu, int) returns (MaskType);
function LastSeen$Credits(Mu, int) returns (CreditsType);
const unique rdheld: Field bool;
axiom NonPredicateField(rdheld);
-function wf(h: HeapType, m: MaskType) returns (bool);
+function wf(h: HeapType, m: MaskType, sm: MaskType) returns (bool);
function IsGoodInhaleState(ih: HeapType, h: HeapType,
- m: MaskType) returns (bool)
+ m: MaskType, sm: MaskType) returns (bool)
- (forall<T> o: ref, f: Field T :: { ih[o, f] } CanRead(m, o, f) ==> ih[o, f] == h[o, f]) &&
+ (forall<T> o: ref, f: Field T :: { ih[o, f] } CanRead(m, sm, o, f) ==> ih[o, f] == h[o, f]) &&
(forall o: ref :: { ih[o, held] } (0<ih[o, held]) == (0<h[o, held])) &&
(forall o: ref :: { ih[o, rdheld] } ih[o, rdheld] == h[o, rdheld]) &&
(forall o: ref :: { h[o, held] } (0<h[o, held]) ==> ih[o, mu] == h[o, mu]) &&
(forall o: ref :: { h[o, rdheld] } h[o, rdheld] ==> ih[o, mu] == h[o, mu])
+function IsGoodExhaleState(eh: HeapType, h: HeapType,
+ m: MaskType, sm: MaskType) returns (bool)
+ (forall<T> o: ref, f: Field T :: { eh[o, f] } CanRead(m, sm, o, f) ==> eh[o, f] == h[o, f]) &&
+ (forall o: ref :: { eh[o, held] } (0<eh[o, held]) == (0<h[o, held])) &&
+ (forall o: ref :: { eh[o, rdheld] } eh[o, rdheld] == h[o, rdheld]) &&
+ (forall o: ref :: { h[o, held] } (0<h[o, held]) ==> eh[o, mu] == h[o, mu]) &&
+ (forall o: ref :: { h[o, rdheld] } h[o, rdheld] ==> eh[o, mu] == h[o, mu]) &&
+ (forall o: ref :: { h[o, forkK] } { eh[o, forkK] } h[o, forkK] == eh[o, forkK]) &&
+ (forall o: ref :: { h[o, held] } { eh[o, held] } h[o, held] == eh[o, held]) &&
+ (forall o: ref, f: Field int :: { eh[o, f], PredicateField(f) } PredicateField(f) ==> h[o, f] <= eh[o, f])
object PermissionFunctionsAndAxiomsPL extends PreludeComponent {
@@ -192,7 +209,12 @@ object PermissionFunctionsAndAxiomsPL extends PreludeComponent {
// -- Permissions ------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-function {:expand false} CanRead<T>(m: MaskType, obj: ref, f: Field T) returns (bool)
+function {:expand false} CanRead<T>(m: MaskType, sm: MaskType, obj: ref, f: Field T) returns (bool)
+ 0 < m[obj,f][perm$R] || 0 < m[obj,f][perm$N] ||
+ 0 < sm[obj,f][perm$R] || 0 < sm[obj,f][perm$N]
+function {:expand false} CanReadForSure<T>(m: MaskType, obj: ref, f: Field T) returns (bool)
0 < m[obj,f][perm$R] || 0 < m[obj,f][perm$N]
@@ -210,7 +232,7 @@ function {:expand true} IsGoodMask(m: MaskType) returns (bool)
(m[o,f][perm$N] < 0 ==> 0 < m[o,f][perm$R]))
-axiom (forall h: HeapType, m: MaskType, o: ref, q: ref :: {wf(h, m), h[o, mu], h[q, mu]} wf(h, m) && o!=q && (0 < h[o, held] || h[o, rdheld]) && (0 < h[q, held] || h[q, rdheld]) ==> h[o, mu] != h[q, mu]);
+axiom (forall h: HeapType, m, sm: MaskType, o: ref, q: ref :: {wf(h, m, sm), h[o, mu], h[q, mu]} wf(h, m, sm) && o!=q && (0 < h[o, held] || h[o, rdheld]) && (0 < h[q, held] || h[q, rdheld]) ==> h[o, mu] != h[q, mu]);
function DecPerm<T>(m: MaskType, o: ref, f: Field T, howMuch: int) returns (MaskType);
@@ -244,6 +266,7 @@ axiom (forall<T,U> h: HeapType, o: ref, f: Field T, newValue: U, q: ref, g: Fiel
function Call$Heap(int) returns (HeapType);
function Call$Mask(int) returns (MaskType);
+function Call$SecMask(int) returns (MaskType);
function Call$Credits(int) returns (CreditsType);
function Call$Args(int) returns (ArgSeq);
type ArgSeq = <T>[int]T;
diff --git a/Chalice/src/main/scala/PrettyPrinter.scala b/Chalice/src/main/scala/PrettyPrinter.scala
index ac9ebd2f..18557b99 100644
--- a/Chalice/src/main/scala/PrettyPrinter.scala
+++ b/Chalice/src/main/scala/PrettyPrinter.scala
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ object PrintProgram {
def Expr(e: Expression): Unit = Expr(e, 0, false)
def Expr(e: Expression, contextBindingPower: Int, fragileContext: Boolean): Unit = e match {
+ case BoogieExpr(_) => throw new InternalErrorException("unexpected in pretty printer")
case IntLiteral(n) => print(n)
case BoolLiteral(b) => print(b)
case NullLiteral() => print("null")
diff --git a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Resolver.scala b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Resolver.scala
index dee231c8..e802b7e7 100644
--- a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Resolver.scala
+++ b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Resolver.scala
@@ -54,6 +54,15 @@ object Resolver {
def Resolve(prog: List[TopLevelDecl]): ResolverOutcome = {
+ // check for deprecates and/or unsupported constructs
+ var refinements = false
+ prog map (_ match {
+ case c: Class => if (c.IsRefinement) refinements = true
+ case _ => }
+ )
+ if (refinements) throw new NotSupportedException("stepwise refinements are currently not supported")
// register the channels as well as the classes and their members
var decls = Map[String,TopLevelDecl]()
for (decl <- BoolClass :: IntClass :: RootClass :: NullClass :: StringClass :: MuClass :: prog) {
@@ -781,6 +790,9 @@ object Resolver {
case c:Class if (c.IsNormalClass) =>
p = MonitorEpsilon(Some(exp))
p.pos = a.pos
+ case null =>
+ // ignore, found error earlier
+ p = Star
case _ =>
context.Error(a.pos, "type " + typ.FullName + " of variable " + id + " is not supported inside a rd expression.")
p = Star
@@ -900,6 +912,8 @@ object Resolver {
mx.typ = MuClass
case mx:LockBottomLiteral =>
mx.typ = MuClass
+ case _:BoogieExpr =>
+ throw new InternalErrorException("boogie expression unexpected here")
case r:Result =>
r.typ = IntClass
@@ -1237,6 +1251,7 @@ object Resolver {
case _:VariableExpr =>
case _:ThisExpr =>
case _:Result =>
+ case _:BoogieExpr =>
case MemberAccess(e, id) =>
CheckRunSpecification(e, context, false)
case Frac(perm) => CheckRunSpecification(perm, context, false)
diff --git a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Translator.scala b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Translator.scala
index b2dd9fa0..bd4f3e10 100644
--- a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Translator.scala
+++ b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Translator.scala
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class Translator {
var currentClass = null: Class;
var modules = Nil: List[String]
var etran = new ExpressionTranslator(null);
def translateProgram(decls: List[TopLevelDecl]): List[Decl] = {
decls flatMap {
case cl: Class => translateClass(cl)
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class Translator {
declarations = declarations ::: translateMonitorInvariant(cl.MonitorInvariants, cl.pos);
// translate each member
for(member <- cl.members) {
+ etran.fpi.reset
declarations = declarations ::: translateMember(member);
@@ -99,9 +100,13 @@ class Translator {
def translateMonitorInvariant(invs: List[MonitorInvariant], pos: Position): List[Decl] = {
- val (h0V, h0) = NewBVar("h0", theap, true); val (m0V, m0) = NewBVar("m0", tmask, true);
+ val (h0V, h0) = NewBVar("h0", theap, true);
+ val (m0V, m0) = NewBVar("m0", tmask, true);
+ val (sm0V, sm0) = NewBVar("sm0", tmask, true);
val (c0V, c0) = NewBVar("c0", tcredits, true);
- val (h1V, h1) = NewBVar("h1", theap, true); val (m1V, m1) = NewBVar("m1", tmask, true);
+ val (h1V, h1) = NewBVar("h1", theap, true);
+ val (m1V, m1) = NewBVar("m1", tmask, true);
+ val (sm1V, sm1) = NewBVar("sm1", tmask, true);
val (c1V, c1) = NewBVar("c1", tcredits, true);
val (lkV, lk) = NewBVar("lk", tref, true);
@@ -109,21 +114,20 @@ class Translator {
val (methodKV, methodK) = Boogie.NewBVar("methodK", tint, true)
val methodKStmts = BLocal(methodKV) :: bassume(0 < methodK && 1000*methodK < permissionOnePercent)
- val oldTranslator = new ExpressionTranslator(List(h1, m1, c1), List(h0, m0, c0), currentClass);
+ val oldTranslator = new ExpressionTranslator(Globals(h1, m1, sm1, c1), Globals(h0, m0, sm0, c0), currentClass);
Proc( + "$monitorinvariant$checkDefinedness",
List(NewBVarWhere("this", new Type(currentClass))),
methodKStmts :::
- BLocal(h0V) :: BLocal(m0V) :: BLocal(c0V) :: BLocal(h1V) :: BLocal(m1V) :: BLocal(c1V) :: BLocal(lkV) ::
- bassume(wf(h0, m0)) :: bassume(wf(h1, m1)) ::
- (oldTranslator.Mask := ZeroMask) :: (oldTranslator.Credits := ZeroCredits) ::
+ BLocal(h0V) :: BLocal(m0V) :: BLocal(sm0V) :: BLocal(c0V) :: BLocal(h1V) :: BLocal(m1V) :: BLocal(sm1V) :: BLocal(c1V) :: BLocal(lkV) ::
+ bassume(wf(h0, m0, sm0)) :: bassume(wf(h1, m1, sm1)) ::
+ resetState(oldTranslator) :::
oldTranslator.Inhale(invs map { mi => mi.e}, "monitor invariant", false, methodK) :::
- (etran.Mask := ZeroMask) :: (etran.Credits := ZeroCredits) ::
- Havoc(etran.Heap) ::
+ resetState(etran) :::
// check that invariant is well-defined
- etran.WhereOldIs(h1, m1, c1).Inhale(invs map { mi => mi.e}, "monitor invariant", true, methodK) :::
+ etran.WhereOldIs(h1, m1, sm1, c1).Inhale(invs map { mi => mi.e}, "monitor invariant", true, methodK) :::
// smoke test: is the monitor invariant equivalent to false?
(if (Chalice.smoke) {
val a = SmokeTest.initSmokeAssert(pos, "Monitor invariant is equivalent to false.")
@@ -164,7 +168,7 @@ class Translator {
val functionKStmts = BLocal(functionKV) :: bassume(0 < functionK && 1000*functionK < permissionOnePercent)
// Boogie function that represents the Chalice function
- Boogie.Function(functionName(f), BVar("heap", theap) :: BVar("mask", tmask) :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar), BVar("$myresult", f.out.typ)) ::
+ Boogie.Function(functionName(f), BVar("heap", theap) :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar), BVar("$myresult", f.out.typ)) ::
// check definedness of the function's precondition and body
Proc(f.FullName + "$checkDefinedness",
NewBVarWhere("this", new Type(currentClass)) :: (f.ins map {i => Variable2BVarWhere(i)}),
@@ -198,12 +202,19 @@ class Translator {
// postcondition axiom(s)
def definitionAxiom(f: Function, definition: Expression): List[Decl] = {
- val inArgs = (f.ins map {i => Boogie.VarExpr(i.UniqueName)});
- val args = VarExpr("this") :: inArgs;
- val formals = BVar(HeapName, theap) :: BVar(MaskName, tmask) :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar);
- val applyF = FunctionApp(functionName(f), List(etran.Heap, etran.Mask) ::: args);
+ val inArgs = (f.ins map {i => Boogie.VarExpr(i.UniqueName)})
+ val thisArg = VarExpr("this")
+ val args = thisArg :: inArgs;
+ val formalsNoMask = BVar(HeapName, theap) :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar)
+ val formals = BVar(MaskName, tmask) :: BVar(SecMaskName, tmask) :: formalsNoMask
+ val applyF = FunctionApp(functionName(f), List(etran.Heap) ::: args);
+ val limitedApplyF = FunctionApp(functionName(f) + "#limited", List(etran.Heap) ::: args)
+ val pre = Preconditions(f.spec).foldLeft(BoolLiteral(true): Expression)({ (a, b) => And(a, b) });
+ val wellformed = wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName), VarExpr(SecMaskName))
+ val triggers = f.dependentPredicates map (p => new Trigger(List(limitedApplyF, wellformed, FunctionApp("#" + p.FullName+"#trigger", thisArg :: Nil))))
/** Limit application of the function by introducing a second (limited) function */
val body = etran.Tr(
@@ -226,23 +237,23 @@ class Translator {
- /* axiom (forall h: HeapType, m: MaskType, this: ref, x_1: t_1, ..., x_n: t_n ::
- wf(h, m) && CurrentModule == module#C ==> #C.f(h, m, this, x_1, ..., x_n) == tr(body))
- */
- Axiom(new Boogie.Forall(
- formals, new Trigger(applyF),
- (wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName)) && (CurrentModule ==@ ModuleName(currentClass)))
+ /* axiom (forall h: HeapType, m, sm: MaskType, this: ref, x_1: t_1, ..., x_n: t_n ::
+ wf(h, m, sm) && CurrentModule == module#C ==> #C.f(h, m, this, x_1, ..., x_n) == tr(body))
+ */
+ Axiom(new Boogie.Forall(Nil,
+ formals, List(new Trigger(List(applyF,wellformed))),
+ (wellformed && (CurrentModule ==@ ModuleName(currentClass)) && etran.TrAll(pre))
(applyF ==@ body))) ::
(if (f.isRecursive)
// define the limited function (even for unlimited function since its SCC might have limited functions)
- Boogie.Function(functionName(f) + "#limited", formals, BVar("$myresult", f.out.typ)) ::
- Axiom(new Boogie.Forall(
- formals, new Trigger(applyF),
- applyF ==@ FunctionApp(functionName(f) + "#limited", List(etran.Heap, etran.Mask) ::: args))) ::
+ Boogie.Function(functionName(f) + "#limited", formalsNoMask, BVar("$myresult", f.out.typ)) ::
+ Axiom(new Boogie.Forall(Nil, formals,
+ new Trigger(List(applyF,wellformed)) :: triggers,
+ (wellformed ==> (applyF ==@ limitedApplyF)))) ::
- Nil)
+ Nil)
def framingAxiom(f: Function): List[Decl] = {
@@ -251,67 +262,72 @@ class Translator {
pre visit {_ match {case _: AccessSeq => hasAccessSeq = true; case _ => }}
if (!hasAccessSeq) {
- // Encoding with nostate and combine
+ // Encoding with heapFragment and combine
/* function ##C.f(state, ref, t_1, ..., t_n) returns (t);
- axiom (forall h: HeapType, m: MaskType, this: ref, x_1: t_1, ..., x_n: t_n ::
- wf(h, m) && IsGoodState(version) ==> #C.f(h, m, this, x_1, ..., x_n) == ##C.f(version, this, x_1, ..., x_n))
+ axiom (forall h: HeapType, m, sm: MaskType, this: ref, x_1: t_1, ..., x_n: t_n ::
+ wf(h, m, sm) && IsGoodState(partialHeap) ==> #C.f(h, m, sm, this, x_1, ..., x_n) == ##C.f(partialHeap, this, x_1, ..., x_n))
- // make sure version is of HeapType
- val version = Boogie.FunctionApp("combine", List("nostate", Version(pre, etran)));
+ val partialHeap = functionDependencies(pre, etran);
val inArgs = (f.ins map {i => Boogie.VarExpr(i.UniqueName)});
val frameFunctionName = "#" + functionName(f);
val args = VarExpr("this") :: inArgs;
- val applyF = FunctionApp(functionName(f) + (if (f.isRecursive) "#limited" else ""), List(etran.Heap, etran.Mask) ::: args);
- val applyFrameFunction = FunctionApp(frameFunctionName, version :: args);
- Boogie.Function(frameFunctionName, Boogie.BVar("state", theap) :: Boogie.BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar), new BVar("$myresult", f.out.typ)) ::
+ val applyF = FunctionApp(functionName(f) + (if (f.isRecursive) "#limited" else ""), List(etran.Heap) ::: args);
+ val applyFrameFunction = FunctionApp(frameFunctionName, partialHeap :: args)
+ val wellformed = wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName), VarExpr(SecMaskName))
+ Boogie.Function(frameFunctionName, Boogie.BVar("state", tpartialheap) :: Boogie.BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar), new BVar("$myresult", f.out.typ)) ::
Axiom(new Boogie.Forall(
- BVar(HeapName, theap) :: BVar(MaskName, tmask) :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar),
- new Trigger(applyF),
- (wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName)) && IsGoodState(version) && CanAssumeFunctionDefs)
+ BVar(HeapName, theap) :: BVar(MaskName, tmask) :: BVar(SecMaskName, tmask) :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar),
+ new Trigger(List(applyF, wellformed)),
+ (wellformed && IsGoodState(partialHeap) && CanAssumeFunctionDefs)
(applyF ==@ applyFrameFunction))
} else {
// Encoding with universal quantification over two heaps
- /* axiom (forall h1, h2: HeapType, m1, m2: MaskType, this: ref, x_1: t_1, ..., x_n: t_n ::
- wf(h1,m1) && wf(h2,m2) && version(h1, h2, #C.f) ==>
- #C.f(h1, m1, this, x_1, ..., x_n) == #C.f(h2, m2, this, x_1, ..., x_n)
+ /* axiom (forall h1, h2: HeapType, m1, m2, sm1, sm2: MaskType, this: ref, x_1: t_1, ..., x_n: t_n ::
+ wf(h1,m1,sm1) && wf(h2,m2,sm1) && functionDependenciesEqual(h1, h2, #C.f) ==>
+ #C.f(h1, m1, sm1, this, x_1, ..., x_n) == #C.f(h2, m2, sm2, this, x_1, ..., x_n)
var args = VarExpr("this") :: (f.ins map {i => Boogie.VarExpr(i.UniqueName)});
// create two heaps
- val globals1 = etran.FreshGlobals("a"); val etran1 = new ExpressionTranslator(globals1 map {v => new Boogie.VarExpr(v)}, currentClass);
- val globals2 = etran.FreshGlobals("b"); val etran2 = new ExpressionTranslator(globals2 map {v => new Boogie.VarExpr(v)}, currentClass);
- val List(heap1, mask1, _) = globals1;
- val List(heap2, mask2, _) = globals2;
- val apply1 = FunctionApp(functionName(f), etran1.Heap :: etran1.Mask :: args);
- val apply2 = FunctionApp(functionName(f), etran2.Heap :: etran2.Mask :: args);
+ val (globals1V, globals1) = etran.FreshGlobals("a"); val etran1 = new ExpressionTranslator(globals1, currentClass);
+ val (globals2V, globals2) = etran.FreshGlobals("b"); val etran2 = new ExpressionTranslator(globals2, currentClass);
+ val List(heap1, mask1, secmask1, _) = globals1V;
+ val List(heap2, mask2, secmask2, _) = globals2V;
+ val apply1 = FunctionApp(functionName(f), etran1.Heap :: args)
+ val apply2 = FunctionApp(functionName(f), etran2.Heap :: args)
+ val wellformed1 = wf(etran1.Heap, etran1.Mask, etran1.SecMask)
+ val wellformed2 = wf(etran2.Heap, etran2.Mask, etran2.SecMask)
Axiom(new Boogie.Forall(
- heap1 :: heap2 :: mask1 :: mask2 :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar),
- new Trigger(List(apply1, apply2)),
- ((wf(etran1.Heap, etran1.Mask) && wf(etran2.Heap, etran2.Mask) && Version(pre, etran1, etran2) && CanAssumeFunctionDefs)
+ heap1 :: heap2 :: mask1 :: mask2 :: secmask1 :: secmask2 :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar),
+ new Trigger(List(apply1, apply2, wellformed1, wellformed2)),
+ (wellformed1 && wellformed2 && functionDependenciesEqual(pre, etran1, etran2) && CanAssumeFunctionDefs)
- (apply1 ==@ apply2))
+ (apply1 ==@ apply2)
def postconditionAxiom(f: Function): List[Decl] = {
- /* axiom (forall h: HeapType, m: MaskType, this: ref, x_1: t_1, ..., x_n: t_n ::
- wf(h, m) && CanAssumeFunctionDefs ==> Q[#C.f(h, m, this, x_1, ..., x_n)/result]
+ /* axiom (forall h: HeapType, m, sm: MaskType, this: ref, x_1: t_1, ..., x_n: t_n ::
+ wf(h, m, sm) && CanAssumeFunctionDefs ==> Q[#C.f(h, m, this, x_1, ..., x_n)/result]
val inArgs = (f.ins map {i => Boogie.VarExpr(i.UniqueName)});
val myresult = Boogie.BVar("result", f.out.typ);
val args = VarExpr("this") :: inArgs;
- val applyF = FunctionApp(functionName(f), List(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName)) ::: args)
+ val applyF = FunctionApp(functionName(f), List(VarExpr(HeapName)) ::: args)
+ val wellformed = wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName), VarExpr(SecMaskName))
//postcondition axioms
(Postconditions(f.spec) map { post : Expression =>
Axiom(new Boogie.Forall(
- BVar(HeapName, theap) :: BVar(MaskName, tmask) :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar),
- new Trigger(applyF),
- (wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName)) && CanAssumeFunctionDefs)
+ BVar(HeapName, theap) :: BVar(MaskName, tmask) :: BVar(SecMaskName, tmask) :: BVar("this", tref) :: (f.ins map Variable2BVar),
+ new Trigger(List(applyF, wellformed)),
+ (wellformed && CanAssumeFunctionDefs)
etran.Tr(SubstResult(post, f.apply(ExplicitThisExpr(), f.ins map { arg => new VariableExpr(arg) })))
@@ -325,9 +341,11 @@ class Translator {
val predicateKStmts = BLocal(predicateKV) :: bassume(0 < predicateK && 1000*predicateK < permissionOnePercent)
// const unique HeapType;
- Const(pred.FullName, true, FieldType(theap)) ::
+ Const(pred.FullName, true, FieldType(tint)) ::
// axiom PredicateField(f);
Axiom(PredicateField(pred.FullName)) ::
+ // trigger function to unfold function definitions
+ Boogie.Function("#" + pred.FullName + "#trigger", BVar("this", tref) :: Nil, BVar("$myresult", tbool)) ::
// check definedness of predicate body
Proc(pred.FullName + "$checkDefinedness",
List(NewBVarWhere("this", new Type(currentClass))),
@@ -346,6 +364,7 @@ class Translator {
def translateMethod(method: Method): List[Decl] = {
// pick new k for this method, that represents the fraction for read permissions
val (methodKV, methodK) = Boogie.NewBVar("methodK", tint, true)
val methodKStmts = BLocal(methodKV) :: bassume(0 < methodK && 1000*methodK < permissionOnePercent)
@@ -362,12 +381,13 @@ class Translator {
// check precondition
InhaleWithChecking(Preconditions(method.spec), "precondition", methodK) :::
DefineInitialState :::
- (etran.Mask := ZeroMask) :: (etran.Credits := ZeroCredits) ::
- Havoc(etran.Heap) ::
+ resetState(etran) :::
// check postcondition
InhaleWithChecking(Postconditions(method.spec), "postcondition", methodK) :::
// check lockchange
(LockChanges(method.spec) flatMap { lc => isDefined(lc)})) ::
+ {
+ etran.fpi.reset
// check that method body satisfies the method contract
NewBVarWhere("this", new Type(currentClass)) :: (method.ins map {i => Variable2BVarWhere(i)}),
@@ -385,6 +405,7 @@ class Translator {
(if(Chalice.checkLeaks) isLeaking(method.pos, "Method " + method.FullName + " might leak references.") else Nil) :::
bassert(LockFrame(LockChanges(method.spec), etran), method.pos, "Method might lock/unlock more than allowed.") :::
bassert(DebtCheck, method.pos, "Method body is not allowed to leave any debt."))
+ }
def translateMethodTransform(mt: MethodTransform): List[Decl] = {
@@ -421,8 +442,7 @@ class Translator {
// check precondition
InhaleWithChecking(Preconditions(mt.Spec) ::: preCI, "precondition", methodK) :::
DefineInitialState :::
- (etran.Mask := ZeroMask) :: (etran.Credits := ZeroCredits) ::
- Havoc(etran.Heap) ::
+ resetState(etran) :::
// check postcondition
InhaleWithChecking(Postconditions(mt.refines.Spec), "postcondition", methodK) :::
tag(InhaleWithChecking(postCI ::: Postconditions(mt.spec), "postcondition", methodK), keepTag)
@@ -458,18 +478,19 @@ class Translator {
def DefaultPrecondition() = {
"requires this!=null;" ::
- "free requires wf(Heap, Mask);" ::
+ "free requires wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask);" ::
def DefinePreInitialState = {
Comment("define pre-initial state") ::
- (etran.Mask := ZeroMask) :: (etran.Credits := ZeroCredits)
+ (etran.Mask := ZeroMask) :: (etran.SecMask := ZeroMask) :: (etran.Credits := ZeroCredits)
def DefineInitialState = {
Comment("define initial state") ::
bassume(etran.Heap ==@ Boogie.Old(etran.Heap)) ::
bassume(etran.Mask ==@ Boogie.Old(etran.Mask)) ::
+ bassume(etran.SecMask ==@ Boogie.Old(etran.SecMask)) ::
bassume(etran.Credits ==@ Boogie.Old(etran.Credits))
@@ -483,16 +504,12 @@ class Translator {
case a@Assert(e) =>
a.smokeErrorNr match {
case None =>
- val newGlobals = etran.FreshGlobals("assert");
- val tmpHeap = Boogie.NewBVar(HeapName, theap, true);
- val tmpMask = Boogie.NewBVar(MaskName, tmask, true);
- val tmpCredits = Boogie.NewBVar(CreditsName, tcredits, true);
- val tmpTranslator = new ExpressionTranslator(List(,,, List(etran.ChooseEtran(true).Heap, etran.ChooseEtran(true).Mask, etran.ChooseEtran(true).Credits), currentClass);
+ val (tmpGlobalsV, tmpGlobals) = etran.FreshGlobals("assert");
+ val tmpTranslator = new ExpressionTranslator(tmpGlobals, etran.oldEtran.globals, currentClass);
Comment("assert") ::
// exhale e in a copy of the heap/mask/credits
- BLocal(tmpHeap._1) :: (tmpHeap._2 := etran.Heap) ::
- BLocal(tmpMask._1) :: (tmpMask._2 := etran.Mask) ::
- BLocal(tmpCredits._1) :: (tmpCredits._2 := etran.Credits) ::
+ BLocals(tmpGlobalsV) :::
+ copyState(tmpGlobals, etran) :::
tmpTranslator.Exhale(List((e, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "Assertion might not hold."))), "assert", true, methodK, true)
case Some(err) =>
bassert(e, a.pos, "SMOKE-TEST-" + err + ". ("+SmokeTest.smokeWarningMessage(err)+")", 0) :: Nil
@@ -504,13 +521,22 @@ class Translator {
case BlockStmt(ss) =>
translateStatements(ss, methodK)
case IfStmt(guard, then, els) =>
+ val (condV, cond) = Boogie.NewBVar("cond", tbool, true)
+ val oldConditions = etran.fpi.currentConditions
+ etran.fpi.currentConditions += ((cond, true))
val tt = translateStatement(then, methodK)
val et = els match {
case None => Nil
- case Some(els) => translateStatement(els, methodK) }
+ case Some(els) =>
+ etran.fpi.currentConditions = oldConditions
+ etran.fpi.currentConditions += ((cond, false))
+ translateStatement(els, methodK)
+ }
Comment("if") ::
+ BLocal(condV) ::
+ (cond := etran.Tr(guard)) ::
isDefined(guard) :::
- Boogie.If(guard, tt, et)
+ Boogie.If(cond, tt, et)
case w: WhileStmt =>
translateWhile(w, methodK)
case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
@@ -547,7 +573,7 @@ class Translator {
Comment("update field " + f) ::
isDefined(target) :::
bassert(CanWrite(target, lhs.f), s.pos, "Location might not be writable") ::
- statements :::, lhs.f, toStore) :: bassume(wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName)))
+ statements :::, lhs.f, toStore) :: bassume(wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName), VarExpr(SecMaskName)))
case lv : LocalVar =>
translateLocalVarDecl(lv.v, false) :::
{ lv.rhs match {
@@ -572,12 +598,12 @@ class Translator {
bassert(nonNull(obj), s.pos, "The target of the share statement might be null.") ::
UpdateMu(obj, true, false, lowerBounds, upperBounds, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "Share might fail.")) :::
bassume(!isHeld(obj) && ! isRdHeld(obj)) :: // follows from
- // exhale the monitor invariant (using the current state as the old state)
- ExhaleInvariants(obj, false, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "Monitor invariant might not hold."), etran.UseCurrentAsOld(), methodK) :::
// assume a seen state is the one right before the share
bassume(LastSeenHeap(, "mu"),, "held")) ==@ etran.Heap) ::
bassume(LastSeenMask(, "mu"),, "held")) ==@ preShareMask) ::
- bassume(LastSeenCredits(, "mu"),, "held")) ==@ etran.Credits)
+ bassume(LastSeenCredits(, "mu"),, "held")) ==@ etran.Credits) ::
+ // exhale the monitor invariant (using the current state as the old state)
+ ExhaleInvariants(obj, false, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "Monitor invariant might not hold."), etran.UseCurrentAsOld(), methodK)
case Unshare(obj) =>
val (heldV, held) = Boogie.NewBVar("held", Boogie.NamedType("int"), true)
val o = TrExpr(obj)
@@ -657,19 +683,30 @@ class Translator {
case fold@Fold(acc@Access(pred@MemberAccess(e, f), perm)) =>
val o = TrExpr(e);
var definition = scaleExpressionByPermission(SubstThis(DefinitionOf(pred.predicate), e), perm, fold.pos)
+ val (receiverV, receiver) = Boogie.NewBVar("predRec", tref, true)
+ val (versionV, version) = Boogie.NewBVar("predVer", tint, true)
+ val (flagV, flag) = Boogie.NewBVar("predFlag", tbool, true)
// pick new k
val (foldKV, foldK) = Boogie.NewBVar("foldK", tint, true)
- Comment("fold") ::
+ val stmts = Comment("fold") ::
+ functionTrigger(o, pred.predicate) ::
BLocal(foldKV) :: bassume(0 < foldK && 1000*foldK < percentPermission(1) && 1000*foldK < methodK) ::
isDefined(e) :::
isDefined(perm) :::
bassert(nonNull(o), s.pos, "The target of the fold statement might be null.") ::
// remove the definition from the current state, and replace by predicate itself
- Exhale(List((definition, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "Fold might fail because the definition of " + pred.predicate.FullName + " does not hold."))), "fold", foldK, false) :::
+ etran.ExhaleAndTransferToSecMask(List((definition, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "Fold might fail because the definition of " + pred.predicate.FullName + " does not hold."))), "fold", foldK, false) :::
Inhale(List(acc), "fold", foldK) :::
-, pred.predicate.FullName, etran.Heap) :: // Is this necessary?
- bassume(wf(etran.Heap, etran.Mask))
+ BLocal(receiverV) :: (receiver := o) ::
+ BLocal(versionV) :: (version :=, pred.predicate.FullName)) ::
+ BLocal(flagV) :: (flag := true) ::
+ bassume(wf(etran.Heap, etran.Mask, etran.SecMask))
+ // record folded predicate
+ etran.fpi.addFoldedPredicate(FoldedPredicate(pred.predicate, receiver, version, etran.fpi.currentConditions, flag))
+ stmts
case unfld@Unfold(acc@Access(pred@MemberAccess(e, f), perm:Permission)) =>
val o = TrExpr(e);
val definition = scaleExpressionByPermission(SubstThis(DefinitionOf(pred.predicate), e), perm, unfld.pos)
@@ -677,12 +714,13 @@ class Translator {
// pick new k
val (unfoldKV, unfoldK) = Boogie.NewBVar("unfoldK", tint, true)
Comment("unfold") ::
+ functionTrigger(o, pred.predicate) ::
BLocal(unfoldKV) :: bassume(0 < unfoldK && unfoldK < percentPermission(1) && 1000*unfoldK < methodK) ::
isDefined(e) :::
bassert(nonNull(o), s.pos, "The target of the fold statement might be null.") ::
isDefined(perm) :::
- Exhale(List((acc, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "unfold might fail because the predicate " + pred.predicate.FullName + " does not hold."))), "unfold", unfoldK, false) :::
- etran.InhaleFrom(List(definition), "unfold", false,, pred.predicate.FullName), unfoldK)
+ ExhaleDuringUnfold(List((acc, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "unfold might fail because the predicate " + pred.predicate.FullName + " does not hold."))), "unfold", unfoldK, false) :::
+ etran.Inhale(List(definition), "unfold", false, unfoldK)
case c@CallAsync(declaresLocal, token, obj, id, args) =>
val formalThisV = new Variable("this", new Type(c.m.Parent))
val formalThis = new VariableExpr(formalThisV)
@@ -693,6 +731,7 @@ class Translator {
val (asyncStateV,asyncState) = NewBVar("asyncstate", tint, true)
val (preCallHeapV, preCallHeap) = NewBVar("preCallHeap", theap, true)
val (preCallMaskV, preCallMask) = NewBVar("preCallMask", tmask, true)
+ val (preCallSecMaskV, preCallSecMask) = NewBVar("preCallSecMask", tmask, true)
val (preCallCreditsV, preCallCredits) = NewBVar("preCallCredits", tcredits, true)
val (argsSeqV, argsSeq) = NewBVar("argsSeq", tArgSeq, true)
val argsSeqLength = 1 + args.length;
@@ -710,6 +749,7 @@ class Translator {
// remember the value of the heap/mask/credits
BLocal(preCallHeapV) :: (preCallHeap := etran.Heap) ::
BLocal(preCallMaskV) :: (preCallMask := etran.Mask) ::
+ BLocal(preCallSecMaskV) :: (preCallSecMask := etran.SecMask) ::
BLocal(preCallCreditsV) :: (preCallCredits := etran.Credits) ::
BLocal(argsSeqV) ::
// introduce formal parameters and pre-state globals
@@ -744,11 +784,12 @@ class Translator {
// assume the pre call state for the token is the state before inhaling the precondition
bassume(CallHeap(asyncState) ==@ preCallHeap) ::
bassume(CallMask(asyncState) ==@ preCallMask) ::
+ bassume(CallSecMask(asyncState) ==@ preCallSecMask) ::
bassume(CallCredits(asyncState) ==@ preCallCredits) ::
bassume(CallArgs(asyncState) ==@ argsSeq) :::
// assign the returned token to the variable
{ if (token != null) List(token := tokenId) else List() } :::
- bassume(wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName))) :: Nil
+ bassume(wf(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName), VarExpr(SecMaskName))) :: Nil
case jn@JoinAsync(lhs, token) =>
val formalThisV = new Variable("this", new Type(jn.m.Parent))
val formalThis = new VariableExpr(formalThisV)
@@ -760,9 +801,9 @@ class Translator {
val (argsSeqV, argsSeq) = NewBVar("argsSeq", tArgSeq, true)
val (preCallHeapV, preCallHeap) = NewBVar("preCallHeap", theap, true);
val (preCallMaskV, preCallMask) = NewBVar("preCallMask", tmask, true);
+ val (preCallSecMaskV, preCallSecMask) = NewBVar("preCallSecMask", tmask, true);
val (preCallCreditsV, preCallCredits) = NewBVar("preCallCredits", tcredits, true);
- val preGlobals = List(preCallHeap, preCallMask, preCallCredits);
- val postEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(List(etran.Heap, etran.Mask, etran.Credits), preGlobals, currentClass);
+ val postEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(etran.globals, Globals(preCallHeap, preCallMask, preCallSecMask, preCallCredits), currentClass);
val (asyncJoinKV, asyncJoinK) = Boogie.NewBVar("asyncJoinK", tint, true)
Comment("join async") ::
@@ -781,6 +822,7 @@ class Translator {
// retrieve the call's pre-state from token.joinable
BLocal(preCallHeapV) :: (preCallHeap := CallHeap(, "joinable"))) ::
BLocal(preCallMaskV) :: (preCallMask := CallMask(, "joinable"))) ::
+ BLocal(preCallSecMaskV) :: (preCallSecMask := CallSecMask(, "joinable"))) ::
BLocal(preCallCreditsV) :: (preCallCredits := CallCredits(, "joinable"))) ::
// introduce locals for the out parameters
(for (v <- formalThisV :: formalInsV ::: formalOutsV) yield BLocal(Variable2BVarWhere(v))) :::
@@ -917,10 +959,12 @@ class Translator {
InhaleInvariants(nonNullObj, false, etran.WhereOldIs(
LastSeenHeap(lastSeenMu, lastSeenHeld),
LastSeenMask(lastSeenMu, lastSeenHeld),
+ LastSeenSecMask(lastSeenMu, lastSeenHeld),
LastSeenCredits(lastSeenMu, lastSeenHeld)), currentK) :::
// remember values of Heap/Mask/Credits globals (for proving history constraint at release)
bassume(AcquireHeap(lastAcquire) ==@ etran.Heap) ::
bassume(AcquireMask(lastAcquire) ==@ etran.Mask) ::
+ bassume(AcquireSecMask(lastAcquire) ==@ etran.SecMask) ::
bassume(AcquireCredits(lastAcquire) ==@ etran.Credits)
def TrRelease(s: Statement, nonNullObj: Expression, currentK: Expr) = {
@@ -928,16 +972,19 @@ class Translator {
val (prevLmV, prevLm) = Boogie.NewBVar("prevLM", tref, true)
val (preReleaseHeapV, preReleaseHeap) = NewBVar("preReleaseHeap", theap, true)
val (preReleaseMaskV, preReleaseMask) = NewBVar("preReleaseMask", tmask, true)
+ val (preReleaseSecMaskV, preReleaseSecMask) = NewBVar("preReleaseSecMask", tmask, true)
val (preReleaseCreditsV, preReleaseCredits) = NewBVar("preReleaseCredits", tcredits, true)
val o = TrExpr(nonNullObj);
BLocal(preReleaseHeapV) :: (preReleaseHeap := etran.Heap) ::
BLocal(preReleaseMaskV) :: (preReleaseMask := etran.Mask) ::
+ BLocal(preReleaseSecMaskV) :: (preReleaseSecMask := etran.SecMask) ::
BLocal(preReleaseCreditsV) :: (preReleaseCredits := etran.Credits) ::
bassert(isHeld(o), s.pos, "The target of the release statement might not be locked by the current thread.") ::
bassert(!isRdHeld(o), s.pos, "Release might fail because the current thread might hold the read lock.") ::
ExhaleInvariants(nonNullObj, false, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "Monitor invariant might hot hold."), etran.WhereOldIs(
AcquireHeap(, "held")),
AcquireMask(, "held")),
+ AcquireSecMask(, "held")),
AcquireCredits(, "held"))), currentK) :::
// havoc o.held where 0<=o.held
BLocal(heldV) :: Havoc(held) :: bassume(held <= 0) ::
@@ -945,6 +992,7 @@ class Translator {
// assume a seen state is the one right before the share
bassume(LastSeenHeap(, "mu"), held) ==@ preReleaseHeap) ::
bassume(LastSeenMask(, "mu"), held) ==@ preReleaseMask) ::
+ bassume(LastSeenSecMask(, "mu"), held) ==@ preReleaseSecMask) ::
bassume(LastSeenCredits(, "mu"), held) ==@ preReleaseCredits)
def TrRdAcquire(s: Statement, nonNullObj: Expression, currentK: Expr) = {
@@ -970,7 +1018,7 @@ class Translator {
def translateSpecStmt(s: SpecStmt, methodK: Expr): List[Stmt] = {
- val preGlobals = etran.FreshGlobals("pre")
+ val (preGlobalsV, preGlobals) = etran.FreshGlobals("pre")
// pick new k for the spec stmt
val (specKV, specK) = Boogie.NewBVar("specStmtK", tint, true)
@@ -980,9 +1028,9 @@ class Translator {
// declare new local variables
s.locals.flatMap(v => translateLocalVarDecl(v, true)) :::
Comment("spec statement") ::
- (for (v <- preGlobals) yield BLocal(v)) :::
+ BLocals(preGlobalsV) :::
// remember values of globals
- (for ((o,g) <- preGlobals zip etran.Globals) yield (new Boogie.VarExpr(o) := g)) :::
+ copyState(preGlobals, etran) :::
// exhale preconditions
etran.Exhale(List((s.pre, ErrorMessage(s.pos, "The specification statement precondition at " + s.pos + " might not hold."))), "spec stmt precondition", true, specK, false) :::
// havoc locals
@@ -1002,7 +1050,7 @@ class Translator {
val formalIns = for (v <- formalInsV) yield new VariableExpr(v)
val formalOutsV = for (p <- c.m.Outs) yield new Variable(, p.t)
val formalOuts = for (v <- formalOutsV) yield new VariableExpr(v)
- val preGlobals = etran.FreshGlobals("call")
+ val (preGlobalsV, preGlobals) = etran.FreshGlobals("call")
val postEtran = etran.FromPreGlobals(preGlobals)
// pick new k for this method call
@@ -1012,9 +1060,9 @@ class Translator {
Comment("call " + id) ::
// introduce formal parameters and pre-state globals
(for (v <- formalThisV :: formalInsV ::: formalOutsV) yield BLocal(Variable2BVarWhere(v))) :::
- (for (v <- preGlobals) yield BLocal(v)) :::
+ BLocals(preGlobalsV) :::
// remember values of globals
- (for ((o,g) <- preGlobals zip etran.Globals) yield (new Boogie.VarExpr(o) := g)) :::
+ copyState(preGlobals, etran) :::
// check definedness of arguments
isDefined(obj) :::
bassert(nonNull(obj), c.pos, "The target of the method call might be null.") ::
@@ -1043,9 +1091,9 @@ class Translator {
val lkch = w.lkch;
val body = w.body;
- val preLoopGlobals = etran.FreshGlobals("while")
+ val (preLoopGlobalsV, preLoopGlobals) = etran.FreshGlobals("while")
val loopEtran = etran.FromPreGlobals(preLoopGlobals)
- val iterStartGlobals = etran.FreshGlobals("iterStart")
+ val (iterStartGlobalsV, iterStartGlobals) = etran.FreshGlobals("iterStart")
val iterStartEtran = etran.FromPreGlobals(iterStartGlobals)
val saveLocalsV = for (v <- w.LoopTargets) yield new Variable(, v.t)
val iterStartLocalsV = for (v <- w.LoopTargets) yield new Variable(, v.t)
@@ -1057,16 +1105,15 @@ class Translator {
val iterStartLocks = lkchIterStart map (e => iterStartEtran.oldEtran.Tr(e))
val newLocks = lkch map (e => loopEtran.Tr(e));
val (whileKV, whileK) = Boogie.NewBVar("whileK", tint, true)
+ val previousEtran = etran // save etran
Comment("while") ::
// pick new k for this method call
BLocal(whileKV) ::
bassume(0 < whileK && 1000*whileK < percentPermission(1) && 1000*whileK < methodK) ::
// save globals
- (for (v <- preLoopGlobals) yield BLocal(v)) :::
- (loopEtran.oldEtran.Heap := loopEtran.Heap) ::
- (loopEtran.oldEtran.Mask := loopEtran.Mask) :: // oldMask is not actually used below
- (loopEtran.oldEtran.Credits := loopEtran.Credits) :: // is oldCredits?
+ BLocals(preLoopGlobalsV) :::
+ copyState(preLoopGlobals, loopEtran) :::
// check invariant on entry to the loop
Exhale(w.oldInvs map { inv => (inv, ErrorMessage(inv.pos, "The loop invariant might not hold on entry to the loop."))}, "loop invariant, initially", whileK, false) :::
tag(Exhale(w.newInvs map { inv => (inv, ErrorMessage(inv.pos, "The loop invariant might not hold on entry to the loop."))}, "loop invariant, initially", whileK, false), keepTag) :::
@@ -1083,26 +1130,26 @@ class Translator {
case _ => Boogie.Havoc(Boogie.VarExpr(v.UniqueName)) }) :: vars) :::
+ { etran = etran.resetFpi
Comment("check loop invariant definedness") ::
//(w.LoopTargets.toList map { v: Variable => Boogie.Havoc(Boogie.VarExpr( }) :::
- Boogie.Havoc(etran.Heap) :: Boogie.Assign(etran.Mask, ZeroMask) :: Boogie.Assign(etran.Credits, ZeroCredits) ::
+ resetState(etran) :::
InhaleWithChecking(w.oldInvs, "loop invariant definedness", whileK) :::
tag(InhaleWithChecking(w.newInvs, "loop invariant definedness", whileK), keepTag) :::
- bassume(false)
+ bassume(false) }
, Boogie.If(null,
// Renew state: set Mask to ZeroMask and Credits to ZeroCredits, and havoc Heap everywhere except
// at {old(local),local}.{held,rdheld}
- Havoc(etran.Heap) :: (etran.Mask := ZeroMask) :: (etran.Credits := ZeroCredits) ::
+ { etran = etran.resetFpi
+ resetState(etran) :::
Inhale(w.Invs, "loop invariant, body", whileK) :::
// assume lockchange at the beginning of the loop iteration
Comment("assume lockchange at the beginning of the loop iteration") ::
(bassume(LockFrame(lkch, etran))) ::
// this is the state at the beginning of the loop iteration; save these values
- (for (v <- iterStartGlobals) yield BLocal(v)) :::
- (iterStartEtran.oldEtran.Heap := iterStartEtran.Heap) ::
- (iterStartEtran.oldEtran.Mask := iterStartEtran.Mask) :: // oldMask is not actually used below
- (iterStartEtran.oldEtran.Credits := iterStartEtran.Credits) :: // is oldCredits?
+ BLocals(iterStartGlobalsV) :::
+ copyState(iterStartGlobals, iterStartEtran) :::
(for (isv <- iterStartLocalsV) yield BLocal(Variable2BVarWhere(isv))) :::
(for ((v,isv) <- w.LoopTargets zip iterStartLocalsV) yield
(new VariableExpr(isv) := new VariableExpr(v))) :::
@@ -1118,22 +1165,23 @@ class Translator {
(bassert(LockFrame(lkch, etran), w.pos, "The loop might lock/unlock more than the lockchange clause allows.")) ::
// perform debt check
bassert(DebtCheck, w.pos, "Loop body is not allowed to leave any debt.") :::
- bassume(false),
+ bassume(false)},
+ { etran = previousEtran
LockHavoc(oldLocks ++ newLocks, loopEtran) :::
// assume lockchange after the loop
Comment("assume lockchange after the loop") ::
(bassume(LockFrame(lkch, etran))) ::
Inhale(w.Invs, "loop invariant, after loop", whileK) :::
- bassume(!guard)))
+ bassume(!guard)}))
def translateRefinement(r: RefinementBlock, methodK: Expr): List[Stmt] = {
// abstract expression translator
val absTran = etran;
// concrete expression translate
- val conGlobals = etran.FreshGlobals("concrete")
- val conTran = new ExpressionTranslator(conGlobals map {v => new VarExpr(v)}, etran.oldEtran.Globals, currentClass);
+ val (conGlobalsV, conGlobals) = etran.FreshGlobals("concrete")
+ val conTran = new ExpressionTranslator(conGlobals, etran.oldEtran.globals, currentClass); // TODO: what about FoldedPredicateInfo?
// shared locals existing before the block (excluding immutable)
val before = for (v <- r.before; if (! v.isImmutable)) yield v;
// shared locals declared in the block
@@ -1145,8 +1193,8 @@ class Translator {
Comment("refinement block") ::
// save heap
- (for (c <- conGlobals) yield BLocal(c)) :::
- (for ((c, a) <- conGlobals zip etran.Globals) yield (new VarExpr(c) := a)) :::
+ BLocals(conGlobalsV) :::
+ copyState(conGlobals, etran) :::
// save shared local variables
(for (v <- beforeV) yield BLocal(Variable2BVarWhere(v))) :::
(for ((v, w) <- beforeV zip before) yield (new VariableExpr(v) := new VariableExpr(w))) :::
@@ -1162,14 +1210,14 @@ class Translator {
r.abs match {
case List(s: SpecStmt) =>
var (m, me) = NewBVar("specMask", tmask, true)
+ var (sm, sme) = NewBVar("specSecMask", tmask, true)
Comment("give witnesses to the declared local variables") ::
(for (v <- duringA) yield BLocal(Variable2BVarWhere(v))) :::
(for ((v, w) <- duringA zip duringC) yield (new VariableExpr(v) := new VariableExpr(w))) :::
- BLocal(m) ::
- (me := absTran.Mask) ::
- absTran.Exhale(, me, absTran.Heap, ErrorMessage(r.pos, "Refinement may fail to satisfy the specification statement post-condition."), false, methodK, false, false) :::
+ BLocal(m) :: BLocal(sm) ::
+ (me := absTran.Mask) :: (sme := absTran.SecMask) ::
+ absTran.Exhale(me, sme, List((,ErrorMessage(r.pos, "Refinement may fail to satisfy specification statement post-condition."))), "SpecStmt", false, methodK, false) :::
(for ((v, w) <- beforeV zip before; if (! s.lhs.exists(ve => ve.v == w))) yield
bassert(new VariableExpr(v) ==@ new VariableExpr(w), r.pos, "Refinement may change a variable outside of the frame of the specification statement: " +,
@@ -1388,6 +1436,7 @@ class Translator {
def Inhale(predicates: List[Expression], occasion: String, currentK: Expr): List[Boogie.Stmt] = etran.Inhale(predicates, occasion, false, currentK)
def Exhale(predicates: List[(Expression, ErrorMessage)], occasion: String, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = etran.Exhale(predicates, occasion, false, currentK, exactchecking)
+ def ExhaleDuringUnfold(predicates: List[(Expression, ErrorMessage)], occasion: String, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = etran.ExhaleDuringUnfold(predicates, occasion, false, currentK, exactchecking)
def InhaleWithChecking(predicates: List[Expression], occasion: String, currentK: Expr): List[Boogie.Stmt] = etran.Inhale(predicates, occasion, true, currentK)
def ExhaleWithChecking(predicates: List[(Expression, ErrorMessage)], occasion: String, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = etran.Exhale(predicates, occasion, true, currentK, exactchecking)
@@ -1399,60 +1448,105 @@ class Translator {
***************** EXPRESSIONS *****************
-object ExpressionTranslator {
- val Globals = {
- ("Heap", theap) ::
- ("Mask", tmask) ::
- ("Credits", tcredits) ::
- Nil
+/** Represents a predicate that has been folded by ourselfs, or that we have peeked
+ * at using unfolding.
+ */
+case class FoldedPredicate(predicate: Predicate, receiver: Expr, version: Expr, conditions: Set[(VarExpr,Boolean)], flag: Expr)
+/** All information that we need to keep track of about folded predicates. */
+class FoldedPredicatesInfo {
+ private var foldedPredicates: List[FoldedPredicate] = List()
+ var currentConditions: Set[(VarExpr,Boolean)] = Set()
+ /** Add a predicate that we have folded */
+ def addFoldedPredicate(predicate: FoldedPredicate) {
+ foldedPredicates ::= predicate
+ }
+ /** Start again with the empty information about folded predicates. */
+ def reset {
+ foldedPredicates = List()
+ currentConditions = Set()
+ }
+ /** return a list of folded predicates that might match for predicate */
+ def getFoldedPredicates(predicate: Predicate): List[FoldedPredicate] = {
+ foldedPredicates filter (fp => fp.predicate.FullName == predicate.FullName)
+ }
+ /** get an upper bound on the recursion depth when updating the secondary mask */
+ def getRecursionBound(predicate: Predicate): Int = {
+ foldedPredicates length
+object FoldedPredicatesInfo {
+ def apply() = new FoldedPredicatesInfo()
+case class Globals(heap: Expr, mask: Expr, secmask: Expr, credits: Expr) {
+ def list: List[Expr] = List(heap, mask, secmask, credits)
-class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.Expr], currentClass: Class, checkTermination: Boolean) {
- assert(globals.size == 3)
- assert(preGlobals.size == 3)
+class ExpressionTranslator(val globals: Globals, preGlobals: Globals, val fpi: FoldedPredicatesInfo, currentClass: Class, checkTermination: Boolean) {
import TranslationHelper._
- val Heap = globals(0);
- val Mask = globals(1);
- val Credits = globals(2);
- lazy val oldEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(preGlobals, preGlobals, currentClass, checkTermination)
+ val Heap = globals.heap;
+ val Mask = globals.mask;
+ val SecMask = globals.secmask;
+ val Credits = globals.credits;
+ lazy val oldEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(preGlobals, preGlobals, fpi, currentClass, checkTermination)
- def this(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.Expr], currentClass: Class) = this(globals, preGlobals, currentClass, false)
- def this(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], cl: Class) = this(globals, globals map (g => Boogie.Old(g)), cl)
- def this(cl: Class) = this(for ((id,t) <- ExpressionTranslator.Globals) yield Boogie.VarExpr(id), cl)
+ def this(globals: Globals, preGlobals: Globals, fpi: FoldedPredicatesInfo, currentClass: Class) = this(globals, preGlobals, fpi, currentClass, false)
+ def this(globals: Globals, preGlobals: Globals, currentClass: Class) = this(globals, preGlobals, FoldedPredicatesInfo(), currentClass, false)
+ def this(globals: Globals, cl: Class) = this(globals, Globals(Boogie.Old(globals.heap), Boogie.Old(globals.mask), Boogie.Old(globals.secmask), Boogie.Old(globals.credits)), cl)
+ def this(cl: Class) = this(Globals(VarExpr(HeapName), VarExpr(MaskName), VarExpr(SecMaskName), VarExpr(CreditsName)), cl)
- def Globals = List(Heap, Mask, Credits)
def ChooseEtran(chooseOld: Boolean) = if (chooseOld) oldEtran else this
+ def isOldEtran = {
+ Heap match {
+ case Boogie.Old(_) => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ /** return a new etran which is identical, expect for the fpi */
+ def resetFpi = {
+ new ExpressionTranslator(globals, preGlobals, new FoldedPredicatesInfo, currentClass, checkTermination)
+ }
* Create a list of fresh global variables
- def FreshGlobals(prefix: String):List[Boogie.BVar] = {
- new Boogie.BVar(prefix + HeapName, theap, true) ::
+ def FreshGlobals(prefix: String): (List[Boogie.BVar], Globals) = {
+ val vs = new Boogie.BVar(prefix + HeapName, theap, true) ::
new Boogie.BVar(prefix + MaskName, tmask, true) ::
+ new Boogie.BVar(prefix + SecMaskName, tmask, true) ::
new Boogie.BVar(prefix + CreditsName, tcredits, true) ::
+ val es = vs map {v => new Boogie.VarExpr(v)}
+ (vs, Globals(es(0), es(1), es(2), es(3)))
- def FromPreGlobals(preGlobals: List[Boogie.BVar]) = {
- val pg = preGlobals map (g => new VarExpr(g))
- new ExpressionTranslator(globals, pg, currentClass, checkTermination)
+ def FromPreGlobals(pg: Globals) = {
+ new ExpressionTranslator(globals, pg, fpi, currentClass, checkTermination)
def UseCurrentAsOld() = {
- new ExpressionTranslator(globals, globals, currentClass, checkTermination);
+ new ExpressionTranslator(globals, globals, fpi, currentClass, checkTermination);
- def WhereOldIs(h: Boogie.Expr, m: Boogie.Expr, c: Boogie.Expr) = {
- new ExpressionTranslator(globals, List(h, m, c), currentClass, checkTermination);
+ def WhereOldIs(h: Boogie.Expr, m: Boogie.Expr, sm: Boogie.Expr, c: Boogie.Expr) = {
+ new ExpressionTranslator(globals, Globals(h, m, sm, c), fpi, currentClass, checkTermination);
def CheckTermination(check: Boolean) = {
- new ExpressionTranslator(globals, preGlobals, currentClass, check);
+ new ExpressionTranslator(globals, preGlobals, fpi, currentClass, check);
***************** TR/DF *****************
@@ -1470,6 +1564,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
case LockBottomLiteral() => Nil
case _:ThisExpr => Nil
case _:Result => Nil
+ case _:BoogieExpr => Nil
case _:VariableExpr => Nil
case fs @ MemberAccess(e, f) =>
@@ -1504,11 +1599,8 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
case Not(e) =>
case func@FunctionApplication(obj, id, args) =>
- val newGlobals = FreshGlobals("checkPre");
- val (tmpHeapV, tmpHeap) = Boogie.NewBVar("Heap", theap, true);
- val (tmpMaskV, tmpMask) = Boogie.NewBVar("Mask", tmask, true);
- val (tmpCreditsV, tmpCredits) = Boogie.NewBVar("Credits", tcredits, true);
- val tmpTranslator = new ExpressionTranslator(List(tmpHeap,tmpMask,tmpCredits), etran.oldEtran.Globals, currentClass);
+ val (tmpGlobalsV, tmpGlobals) = this.FreshGlobals("fapp")
+ val tmpTranslator = new ExpressionTranslator(tmpGlobals, this.oldEtran.globals, currentClass);
// pick new k
val (funcappKV, funcappK) = Boogie.NewBVar("funcappK", tint, true)
@@ -1521,41 +1613,49 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
Comment("check precondition of call") ::
BLocal(funcappKV) :: bassume(0 < funcappK && 1000*funcappK < percentPermission(1)) ::
bassume(assumption) ::
- BLocal(tmpHeapV) :: (tmpHeap := Heap) ::
- BLocal(tmpMaskV) :: (tmpMask := Mask) :::
- BLocal(tmpCreditsV) :: (tmpCredits := Credits) :::
+ BLocals(tmpGlobalsV) :::
+ copyState(tmpGlobals, this) :::
tmpTranslator.Exhale(Preconditions(func.f.spec) map { pre=> (SubstVars(pre, obj, func.f.ins, args), ErrorMessage(func.pos, "Precondition at " + pre.pos + " might not hold."))},
"function call",
false, funcappK, false) :::
// size of the heap of callee must be strictly smaller than size of the heap of the caller
- (if(checkTermination) { List(prove(NonEmptyMask(tmpMask), func.pos, "The heap of the callee might not be strictly smaller than the heap of the caller.")) } else Nil)
+ (if(checkTermination) { List(prove(NonEmptyMask(tmpGlobals.mask), func.pos, "The heap of the callee might not be strictly smaller than the heap of the caller.")) } else Nil)
case unfolding@Unfolding(acc@Access(pred@MemberAccess(obj, f), perm), e) =>
- val newGlobals = FreshGlobals("checkPre");
- val (tmpHeapV, tmpHeap) = Boogie.NewBVar("Heap", theap, true);
- val (tmpMaskV, tmpMask) = Boogie.NewBVar("Mask", tmask, true);
- val (tmpCreditsV, tmpCredits) = Boogie.NewBVar("Credits", tcredits, true);
- val tmpTranslator = new ExpressionTranslator(List(tmpHeap, tmpMask, tmpCredits), etran.oldEtran.Globals, currentClass);
+ val (tmpGlobalsV, tmpGlobals) = this.FreshGlobals("unfolding")
+ val tmpTranslator = new ExpressionTranslator(tmpGlobals, this.oldEtran.globals, currentClass);
+ val o = Tr(obj)
+ val (flagV, flag) = Boogie.NewBVar("predFlag", tbool, true)
- val receiverOk = isDefined(obj) ::: prove(nonNull(Tr(obj)), obj.pos, "Receiver might be null.");
+ val receiverOk = isDefined(obj) ::: prove(nonNull(o), obj.pos, "Receiver might be null.");
val definition = scaleExpressionByPermission(SubstThis(DefinitionOf(pred.predicate), obj), perm, unfolding.pos)
// pick new k
val (unfoldingKV, unfoldingK) = Boogie.NewBVar("unfoldingK", tint, true)
- Comment("unfolding") ::
+ val res = Comment("unfolding") ::
BLocal(unfoldingKV) :: bassume(0 < unfoldingK && 1000*unfoldingK < percentPermission(1)) ::
+ BLocal(flagV) :: (flag := true) ::
// check definedness
receiverOk ::: isDefined(perm) :::
// copy state into temporary variables
- BLocal(tmpHeapV) :: Boogie.Assign(tmpHeap, Heap) ::
- BLocal(tmpMaskV) :: Boogie.Assign(tmpMask, Mask) ::
- BLocal(tmpCreditsV) :: Boogie.Assign(tmpCredits, Credits) ::
+ BLocals(tmpGlobalsV) :::
+ copyState(tmpGlobals, this) :::
// exhale the predicate
- tmpTranslator.Exhale(List((acc, ErrorMessage(unfolding.pos, "Unfolding might fail."))), "unfolding", false, unfoldingK, false) :::
+ tmpTranslator.ExhaleDuringUnfold(List((acc, ErrorMessage(unfolding.pos, "Unfolding might fail."))), "unfolding", false, unfoldingK, false) :::
// inhale the definition of the predicate
- tmpTranslator.InhaleFrom(List(definition), "unfolding", false,, pred.predicate.FullName), unfoldingK) :::
+ tmpTranslator.Inhale(List(definition), "unfolding", false, unfoldingK) :::
+ // remove secondary permissions (if any), and add them again
+ (if (isOldEtran) Nil else
+ UpdateSecMaskDuringUnfold(pred.predicate, Tr(obj),, pred.predicate.FullName), perm, unfoldingK) :::
+ TransferPermissionToSecMask(pred.predicate, obj, perm, unfolding.pos)) :::
// check definedness of e in state where the predicate is unfolded
+ // record folded predicate
+ val version =, pred.predicate.FullName)
+ if (!isOldEtran) fpi.addFoldedPredicate(FoldedPredicate(pred.predicate, o, version, fpi.currentConditions, flag))
+ res
case Iff(e0,e1) =>
isDefined(e0) ::: isDefined(e1)
case Implies(e0,e1) =>
@@ -1607,8 +1707,8 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
case Contains(e0, e1) =>
isDefined(e0) ::: isDefined(e1)
case Eval(h, e) =>
- val (evalHeap, evalMask, evalCredits, checks, assumptions) = fromEvalState(h);
- val evalEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(List(evalHeap, evalMask, evalCredits), etran.oldEtran.Globals, currentClass);
+ val (evalHeap, evalMask, evalSecMask, evalCredits, checks, assumptions) = fromEvalState(h);
+ val evalEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(Globals(evalHeap, evalMask, evalSecMask, evalCredits), this.oldEtran.globals, currentClass);
case _ : SeqQuantification => throw new InternalErrorException("should be desugared")
case tq @ TypeQuantification(_, _, _, e, (min, max)) =>
@@ -1625,7 +1725,14 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
- def Tr(e: Expression): Boogie.Expr = desugar(e) match {
+ /** Translate an expression, using 'trrec' in the recursive calls (which takes
+ * the expression and an expression translator as argument). The default
+ * behaviour is to translate only pure assertions (and throw and error otherwise).
+ */
+ def Tr(e: Expression): Boogie.Expr = Tr(e, (ee,et) => et.Tr(ee))
+ def Tr(e: Expression, trrec: (Expression, ExpressionTranslator) => Expr): Boogie.Expr = {
+ def trrecursive(e: Expression): Expr = trrec(e, this)
+ desugar(e) match {
case IntLiteral(n) => n
case BoolLiteral(b) => b
case NullLiteral() => bnull
@@ -1633,6 +1740,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
// since there currently are no operations defined on string, except == and !=, just translate
// each string to a unique number
+ case BoogieExpr(b) => b
case MaxLockLiteral() => throw new InternalErrorException("waitlevel case should be handled in << and == and !=")
case LockBottomLiteral() => bLockBottom
case _:ThisExpr => VarExpr("this")
@@ -1640,7 +1748,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
case ve : VariableExpr => VarExpr(ve.v.UniqueName)
case fs @ MemberAccess(e,_) =>
assert(! fs.isPredicate);
- var r =, fs.f.FullName);
+ var r =, fs.f.FullName);
if (fs.f.isInstanceOf[SpecialField] && == "joinable")
r !=@ 0 // joinable is encoded as an integer
@@ -1649,30 +1757,31 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
case _:PermissionExpr => throw new InternalErrorException("permission expression unexpected here: " + e.pos)
case _:Credit => throw new InternalErrorException("credit expression unexpected here")
case Holds(e) =>
- (0 <, "held")) &&
- !, "rdheld")
+ var ee = trrecursive(e)
+ (0 <, "held")) &&
+ !, "rdheld")
case RdHolds(e) =>
-, "rdheld")
+, "rdheld")
case a: Assigned =>
VarExpr("assigned$" + a.v.UniqueName)
case Old(e) =>
- oldEtran.Tr(e)
+ trrec(e, oldEtran)
case IfThenElse(con, then, els) =>
- Boogie.Ite(Tr(con), Tr(then), Tr(els)) // of type: VarExpr(TrClass(then.typ))
+ Boogie.Ite(trrecursive(con), trrecursive(then), trrecursive(els)) // of type: VarExpr(TrClass(then.typ))
case Not(e) =>
- ! Tr(e)
+ ! trrecursive(e)
case func@FunctionApplication(obj, id, args) =>
- FunctionApp(functionName(func.f), Heap :: Mask :: (obj :: args map { arg => Tr(arg)}))
+ FunctionApp(functionName(func.f), Heap :: (obj :: args map { arg => trrecursive(arg)}))
case uf@Unfolding(_, e) =>
- Tr(e)
+ trrecursive(e)
case Iff(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) <==> Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) <==> trrecursive(e1)
case Implies(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) ==> Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) ==> trrecursive(e1)
case And(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) && Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) && trrecursive(e1)
case Or(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) || Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) || trrecursive(e1)
case Eq(e0,e1) =>
(ShaveOffOld(e0), ShaveOffOld(e1)) match {
case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o0), (MaxLockLiteral(),o1)) =>
@@ -1680,23 +1789,23 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
- case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o), _) => ChooseEtran(o).IsHighestLock(Tr(e1))
- case (_, (MaxLockLiteral(),o)) => ChooseEtran(o).IsHighestLock(Tr(e0))
- case _ => if(e0.typ.IsSeq) FunctionApp("Seq#Equal", List(Tr(e0), Tr(e1))) else (Tr(e0) ==@ Tr(e1))
+ case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o), _) => ChooseEtran(o).IsHighestLock(trrecursive(e1))
+ case (_, (MaxLockLiteral(),o)) => ChooseEtran(o).IsHighestLock(trrecursive(e0))
+ case _ => if(e0.typ.IsSeq) FunctionApp("Seq#Equal", List(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1))) else (trrecursive(e0) ==@ trrecursive(e1))
case Neq(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(Not(Eq(e0,e1)))
+ trrecursive(Not(Eq(e0,e1)))
case Less(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) < Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) < trrecursive(e1)
case AtMost(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) <= Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) <= trrecursive(e1)
case AtLeast(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) >= Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) >= trrecursive(e1)
case Greater(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) > Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) > trrecursive(e1)
case LockBelow(e0,e1) => {
def MuValue(b: Expression): Boogie.Expr =
- if (b.typ.IsRef) new Boogie.MapSelect(Heap, Tr(b), "mu") else Tr(b)
+ if (b.typ.IsRef) new Boogie.MapSelect(Heap, trrecursive(b), "mu") else trrecursive(b)
(ShaveOffOld(e0), ShaveOffOld(e1)) match {
case ((MaxLockLiteral(),o0), (MaxLockLiteral(),o1)) =>
if (o0 == o1)
@@ -1708,48 +1817,68 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
case _ => new FunctionApp("MuBelow", MuValue(e0), MuValue(e1)) }
case Plus(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) + Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) + trrecursive(e1)
case Minus(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) - Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) - trrecursive(e1)
case Times(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) * Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) * trrecursive(e1)
case Div(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) / Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) / trrecursive(e1)
case Mod(e0,e1) =>
- Tr(e0) % Tr(e1)
+ trrecursive(e0) % trrecursive(e1)
case EmptySeq(t) =>
case ExplicitSeq(es) =>
es match {
case Nil => createEmptySeq
- case h :: Nil => createSingletonSeq(Tr(h))
- case h :: t => createAppendSeq(createSingletonSeq(Tr(h)), Tr(ExplicitSeq(t)))
+ case h :: Nil => createSingletonSeq(trrecursive(h))
+ case h :: t => createAppendSeq(createSingletonSeq(trrecursive(h)), trrecursive(ExplicitSeq(t)))
case Range(min, max) =>
- createRange(Tr(min), Tr(max))
+ createRange(trrecursive(min), trrecursive(max))
case Append(e0, e1) =>
- createAppendSeq(Tr(e0), Tr(e1))
- case at@At(e0, e1) =>SeqIndex(Tr(e0), Tr(e1))
+ createAppendSeq(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1))
+ case at@At(e0, e1) =>SeqIndex(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1))
case Drop(e0, e1) =>
e1 match {
case IntLiteral(0) =>
- Tr(e0)
+ trrecursive(e0)
case _ =>
- Boogie.FunctionApp("Seq#Drop", List(Tr(e0), Tr(e1)))
+ Boogie.FunctionApp("Seq#Drop", List(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1)))
case Take(e0, e1) =>
- Boogie.FunctionApp("Seq#Take", List(Tr(e0), Tr(e1)))
- case Length(e) => SeqLength(Tr(e))
- case Contains(e0, e1) => SeqContains(Tr(e1), Tr(e0))
+ Boogie.FunctionApp("Seq#Take", List(trrecursive(e0), trrecursive(e1)))
+ case Length(e) => SeqLength(trrecursive(e))
+ case Contains(e0, e1) => SeqContains(trrecursive(e1), trrecursive(e0))
case Eval(h, e) =>
- val (evalHeap, evalMask, evalCredits, checks, assumptions) = fromEvalState(h);
- val evalEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(List(evalHeap, evalMask, evalCredits), etran.oldEtran.Globals, currentClass);
- evalEtran.Tr(e)
+ val (evalHeap, evalMask, evalSecMask, evalCredits, checks, assumptions) = fromEvalState(h);
+ val evalEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(Globals(evalHeap, evalMask, evalSecMask, evalCredits), oldEtran.globals, currentClass);
+ trrec(e, evalEtran)
case _:SeqQuantification => throw new InternalErrorException("should be desugared")
case tq @ TypeQuantification(Forall, _, _, e, _) =>
- Boogie.Forall(Nil, tq.variables map { v => Variable2BVar(v)}, Nil, Tr(e))
+ Boogie.Forall(Nil, tq.variables map { v => Variable2BVar(v)}, Nil, trrecursive(e))
case tq @ TypeQuantification(Exists, _, _, e, _) =>
- Boogie.Exists(Nil, tq.variables map { v => Variable2BVar(v)}, Nil, Tr(e))
+ Boogie.Exists(Nil, tq.variables map { v => Variable2BVar(v)}, Nil, trrecursive(e))
+ }
+ }
+ /** translate everything, including permissions and credit expressions */
+ def TrAll(e: Expression): Expr = {
+ def TrAllHelper(e: Expression, etran: ExpressionTranslator): Expr = e match {
+ case pred@MemberAccess(e, p) if pred.isPredicate =>
+ val tmp = Access(pred, Full); tmp.pos = pred.pos
+ TrAll(tmp)
+ case acc@Access(e,perm) =>
+ val memberName = if(e.isPredicate) e.predicate.FullName else e.f.FullName;
+ CanRead(Tr(e.e), memberName)
+ case acc @ AccessSeq(s, Some(member), perm) =>
+ if (member.isPredicate) throw new NotSupportedException("not yet implemented");
+ val memberName = member.f.FullName;
+ val (refV, ref) = Boogie.NewBVar("ref", tref, true);
+ (SeqContains(Tr(s), ref) ==> CanRead(ref, memberName)).forall(refV)
+ case _ => etran.Tr(e, TrAllHelper)
+ }
+ TrAllHelper(e, this)
def ShaveOffOld(e: Expression): (Expression, Boolean) = e match {
@@ -1770,30 +1899,17 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
def Inhale(predicates: List[Expression], occasion: String, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
if (predicates.size == 0) return Nil;
- val (ihV, ih) = Boogie.NewBVar("inhaleHeap", theap, true)
+ //val (ihV, ih) = Boogie.NewBVar("inhaleHeap", theap, true)
Comment("inhale (" + occasion + ")") ::
- BLocal(ihV) :: Boogie.Havoc(ih) ::
- bassume(IsGoodInhaleState(ih, Heap, Mask)) ::
- (for (p <- predicates) yield Inhale(p, ih, check, currentK)).flatten :::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- Comment("end inhale")
- }
- def InhaleFrom(predicates: List[Expression], occasion: String, check: Boolean, useHeap: Boogie.Expr, currentK: Expr): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
- if (predicates.size == 0) return Nil;
- val (ihV, ih) = Boogie.NewBVar("inhaleHeap", theap, true)
- Comment("inhale (" + occasion + ")") ::
- BLocal(ihV) :: Boogie.Assign(ih, useHeap) ::
- bassume(IsGoodInhaleState(ih, Heap, Mask)) ::
- (for (p <- predicates) yield Inhale(p,ih, check, currentK)).flatten :::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
+ //BLocal(ihV) :: Boogie.Havoc(ih) ::
+ //bassume(IsGoodInhaleState(ih, Heap, Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ (for (p <- predicates) yield Inhale(p, Heap, check, currentK)).flatten :::
+ bassume(AreGoodMasks(Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) ::
Comment("end inhale")
- def InhalePermission(perm: Permission, obj: Expr, memberName: String, currentK: Expr): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ def InhalePermission(perm: Permission, obj: Expr, memberName: String, currentK: Expr, m: Expr = Mask): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
val (f, stmts) = extractKFromPermission(perm, currentK)
val n = extractEpsilonsFromPermission(perm);
@@ -1802,18 +1918,24 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
(perm.permissionType match {
case PermissionType.Mixed =>
bassume(f > 0 || (f == 0 && n > 0)) ::
- IncPermission(obj, memberName, f) :::
- IncPermissionEpsilon(obj, memberName, n)
+ IncPermission(obj, memberName, f, m) :::
+ IncPermissionEpsilon(obj, memberName, n, m)
case PermissionType.Epsilons =>
bassume(n > 0) ::
- IncPermissionEpsilon(obj, memberName, n)
+ IncPermissionEpsilon(obj, memberName, n, m)
case PermissionType.Fraction =>
bassume(f > 0) ::
- IncPermission(obj, memberName, f)
+ IncPermission(obj, memberName, f, m)
+ def Inhale(p: Expression, ih: Boogie.Expr, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr): List[Boogie.Stmt] =
+ InhaleImplementation(p, ih, check, currentK, false)
+ def InhaleToSecMask(p: Expression): List[Boogie.Stmt] =
+ InhaleImplementation(p, Heap /* it should not matter what we pass here */, false /* check */, -1 /* it should not matter what we pass here */, true)
- def Inhale(p: Expression, ih: Boogie.Expr, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr): List[Boogie.Stmt] = desugar(p) match {
+ def InhaleImplementation(p: Expression, ih: Boogie.Expr, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr, transferToSecMask: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = desugar(p) match {
case pred@MemberAccess(e, p) if pred.isPredicate =>
val chk = (if (check) {
isDefined(e)(true) :::
@@ -1821,7 +1943,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
} else Nil)
val tmp = Access(pred, Full);
tmp.pos = pred.pos;
- chk ::: Inhale(tmp, ih, check, currentK)
+ chk ::: InhaleImplementation(tmp, ih, check, currentK, transferToSecMask)
case AccessAll(obj, perm) => throw new InternalErrorException("should be desugared")
case AccessSeq(s, None, perm) => throw new InternalErrorException("should be desugared")
case acc@Access(e,perm) =>
@@ -1833,16 +1955,15 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
(if(check) isDefined(e.e)(true) ::: isDefined(perm)(true)
else Nil) :::
bassume(nonNull(trE)) ::
- new MapUpdate(Heap, trE, VarExpr(memberName), new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, memberName)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- (if(e.isPredicate && e.predicate.Parent.module.equals(currentClass.module)) List(bassume(new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, memberName) ==@ Heap)) else Nil) :::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) ::
(if(e.isPredicate) Nil else List(bassume(TypeInformation(new Boogie.MapSelect(Heap, trE, memberName), e.f.typ.typ)))) :::
- InhalePermission(perm, trE, memberName, currentK) :::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(Mask)) ::
- bassume(IsGoodState(new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, memberName))) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(ih, Mask))
+ InhalePermission(perm, trE, memberName, currentK, (if (transferToSecMask) SecMask else Mask)) :::
+ bassume(AreGoodMasks(Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(IsGoodState(heapFragment(new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, memberName)))) ::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(wf(ih, Mask, SecMask))
case acc @ AccessSeq(s, Some(member), perm) =>
+ if (transferToSecMask) throw new NotSupportedException("not yet implemented")
if (member.isPredicate) throw new NotSupportedException("not yet implemented");
val e = Tr(s);
val memberName = member.f.FullName;
@@ -1869,7 +1990,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
(ih(ref, f), Heap(ref, f)))) ::
bassume((SeqContains(e, ref) ==> TypeInformation(Heap(ref, memberName), member.f.typ.typ)).forall(refV))
} :::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) ::
// update the map
val (aV,a) = Boogie.NewTVar("alpha");
@@ -1883,9 +2004,9 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
Mask(ref, f)("perm$N") + n)),
Mask(ref, f)))
} :::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(ih, Mask))
+ bassume(AreGoodMasks(Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(wf(ih, Mask, SecMask))
case cr@Credit(ch, n) =>
val trCh = Tr(ch)
(if (check)
@@ -1897,37 +2018,40 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
new Boogie.MapUpdate(Credits, trCh, new Boogie.MapSelect(Credits, trCh) + Tr(cr.N))
case Implies(e0,e1) =>
(if(check) isDefined(e0)(true) else Nil) :::
- Boogie.If(Tr(e0), Inhale(e1, ih, check, currentK), Nil)
+ Boogie.If(Tr(e0), InhaleImplementation(e1, ih, check, currentK, transferToSecMask), Nil)
case IfThenElse(con, then, els) =>
(if(check) isDefined(con)(true) else Nil) :::
- Boogie.If(Tr(con), Inhale(then, ih, check, currentK), Inhale(els, ih, check, currentK))
+ Boogie.If(Tr(con), InhaleImplementation(then, ih, check, currentK, transferToSecMask), InhaleImplementation(els, ih, check, currentK, transferToSecMask))
case And(e0,e1) =>
- Inhale(e0, ih, check, currentK) ::: Inhale(e1, ih, check, currentK)
+ InhaleImplementation(e0, ih, check, currentK, transferToSecMask) ::: InhaleImplementation(e1, ih, check, currentK, transferToSecMask)
case holds@Holds(e) =>
val trE = Tr(e);
isDefined(e)(true) :::
bassert(nonNull(trE), holds.pos, "The target of the holds predicate might be null.")
else Nil) :::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(Mask)) ::
- bassume(IsGoodState(new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, "held"))) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(ih, Mask)) ::
+ bassume(AreGoodMasks(Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(IsGoodState(heapFragment(new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, "held")))) ::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(wf(ih, Mask, SecMask)) ::
new Boogie.MapUpdate(Heap, trE, VarExpr("held"),
new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, "held")) ::
bassume(0 < new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, "held")) ::
bassume(! new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, "rdheld")) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(Mask)) ::
- bassume(IsGoodState(new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, "held"))) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(ih, Mask))
+ bassume(new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, "mu") !=@ bLockBottom) ::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(AreGoodMasks(Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(IsGoodState(heapFragment(new Boogie.MapSelect(ih, trE, "held")))) ::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(wf(ih, Mask, SecMask))
case Eval(h, e) =>
- val (evalHeap, evalMask, evalCredits, checks, proofOrAssume) = fromEvalState(h);
- val preGlobals = etran.FreshGlobals("eval")
- val preEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(preGlobals map (v => new Boogie.VarExpr(v)), currentClass)
- BLocal(preGlobals(0)) :: BLocal(preGlobals(1)) :: BLocal(preGlobals(2)) ::
- (new VarExpr(preGlobals(1)) := ZeroMask) ::
+ if (transferToSecMask) throw new NotSupportedException("not yet implemented")
+ val (evalHeap, evalMask, evalSecMask, evalCredits, checks, proofOrAssume) = fromEvalState(h);
+ val (preGlobalsV, preGlobals) = etran.FreshGlobals("eval")
+ val preEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(preGlobals, currentClass)
+ BLocals(preGlobalsV) :::
+ (preGlobals.mask := ZeroMask) ::
+ (preGlobals.secmask := ZeroMask) ::
// Should we start from ZeroMask instead of an arbitrary mask? In that case, assume submask(preEtran.Mask, evalMask); at the end!
(if(check) checks else Nil) :::
// havoc the held field when inhaling eval(o.release, ...)
@@ -1936,43 +2060,191 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
val obj = Tr(;
List(BLocal(freshHeldV), bassume((0<, "held")) <==> (0<freshHeld)), (, "held") := freshHeld))
} else Nil) :::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(preEtran.Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(preEtran.Heap, preEtran.Mask)) ::
+ bassume(AreGoodMasks(preEtran.Mask, preEtran.SecMask)) ::
+ bassume(wf(preEtran.Heap, preEtran.Mask, preEtran.SecMask)) ::
bassume(proofOrAssume) ::
- preEtran.Inhale(e, ih, check, currentK) :::
+ preEtran.InhaleImplementation(e, ih, check, currentK, transferToSecMask) :::
bassume(preEtran.Heap ==@ evalHeap) ::
bassume(submask(preEtran.Mask, evalMask))
- case e => (if(check) isDefined(e)(true) else Nil) ::: bassume(Tr(e))
+ case uf@Unfolding(acc@Access(pred@MemberAccess(obj, f), perm), ufexpr) =>
+ if (transferToSecMask) throw new NotSupportedException("not yet implemented")
+ // handle unfolding like the next case, but also record permissions of the predicate
+ // in the secondary mask and track the predicate in the auxilary information
+ val (receiverV, receiver) = Boogie.NewBVar("predRec", tref, true)
+ val (versionV, version) = Boogie.NewBVar("predVer", tint, true)
+ val (flagV, flag) = Boogie.NewBVar("predFlag", tbool, true)
+ val o = TrExpr(obj);
+ val stmts = BLocal(receiverV) :: (receiver := o) ::
+ BLocal(flagV) :: (flag := true) ::
+ functionTrigger(o, pred.predicate) ::
+ BLocal(versionV) :: (version :=, pred.predicate.FullName)) ::
+ (if(check) isDefined(uf)(true) else
+ if (isOldEtran) Nil else
+ // remove secondary permissions (if any), and add them again
+ UpdateSecMaskDuringUnfold(pred.predicate, o,, pred.predicate.FullName), perm, currentK) :::
+ TransferPermissionToSecMask(pred.predicate, BoogieExpr(receiver), perm, uf.pos)
+ ) :::
+ bassume(Tr(uf))
+ // record folded predicate
+ if (!isOldEtran) fpi.addFoldedPredicate(FoldedPredicate(pred.predicate, receiver, version, fpi.currentConditions, flag))
+ stmts
+ case e =>
+ (if(check) isDefined(e)(true) else Nil) :::
+ bassume(Tr(e))
+ }
+ /** Transfer the permissions mentioned in the body of the predicate to the
+ * secondary mask.
+ */
+ def TransferPermissionToSecMask(pred: Predicate, obj: Expression, perm: Permission, pos: Position): List[Stmt] = {
+ var definition = scaleExpressionByPermission(SubstThis(DefinitionOf(pred), obj), perm, pos)
+ // go through definition and handle all permisions correctly
+ InhaleToSecMask(definition)
- def Exhale(predicates: List[(Expression, ErrorMessage)], occasion: String, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ // Exhale is done in two passes: In the first run, everything except permissions
+ // which need exact checking are exhaled. Then, in the second run, those
+ // permissions are exhaled. The behaviour is controlled with the parameter
+ // onlyExactCheckingPermissions.
+ // The reason for this behaviour is that we want to support preconditions like
+ // "acc(o.f,100-rd) && acc(o.f,rd)", which should be equivalent to a full
+ // permission to o.f. However, when we exhale in the given order, we cannot
+ // use inexact checking for the abstract read permission ("acc(o.f,rd)"), as
+ // this would introduce the (unsound) assumption that "methodcallk < mask[o.f]".
+ // To avoid detecting this, we exhale all abstract read permissions first (or,
+ // more precisely, we exhale all permissions with exact checking later).
+ /** Regular exhale */
+ def Exhale(predicates: List[(Expression, ErrorMessage)], occasion: String, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] =
+ Exhale(Mask, SecMask, predicates, occasion, check, currentK, exactchecking)
+ /** Exhale as part of a unfold statement (just like a regular exhale, but no heap havocing) */
+ def ExhaleDuringUnfold(predicates: List[(Expression, ErrorMessage)], occasion: String, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] =
+ Exhale(Mask, SecMask, predicates, occasion, check, currentK, exactchecking, false, -1, false, null, true)
+ /** Regular exhale with specific mask/secmask */
+ def Exhale(m: Expr, sm: Expr, predicates: List[(Expression, ErrorMessage)], occasion: String, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ Exhale(m, sm, predicates, occasion, check, currentK, exactchecking, false, -1, false, null, false)
+ }
+ /** Exhale that transfers permission to the secondary mask */
+ def ExhaleAndTransferToSecMask(predicates: List[(Expression, ErrorMessage)], occasion: String, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ Exhale(Mask, SecMask, predicates, occasion, false, currentK, exactchecking, true /* transfer to SecMask */, -1, false, null, false)
+ }
+ /** Remove permission from the secondary mask, and assume all assertions that
+ * would get generated. Recursion is bouded by the parameter depth.
+ */
+ def UpdateSecMask(predicate: Predicate, receiver: Expr, version: Expr, perm: Permission, currentK: Expr): List[Stmt] = {
+ val depth = etran.fpi.getRecursionBound(predicate)
+ UpdateSecMask(predicate, receiver, version, perm, currentK, depth, Map())
+ }
+ def UpdateSecMaskDuringUnfold(predicate: Predicate, receiver: Expr, version: Expr, perm: Permission, currentK: Expr): List[Stmt] = {
+ UpdateSecMask(predicate, receiver, version, perm, currentK, 1, Map())
+ }
+ def UpdateSecMask(predicate: Predicate, receiver: Expr, version: Expr, perm: Permission, currentK: Expr, depth: Int, previousReceivers: Map[String,List[Expr]]): List[Stmt] = {
+ assert (depth >= 0)
+ if (depth <= 0) return Nil
+ val definition = scaleExpressionByPermission(SubstThis(DefinitionOf(predicate), BoogieExpr(receiver)), perm, NoPosition)
+ val occasion = "update SecMask"
+ // condition: if any folded predicate matches (both receiver and version), update the secondary map
+ val disj = (for (fp <- etran.fpi.getFoldedPredicates(predicate)) yield {
+ val conditions = (fp.conditions map (c => if (c._2) c._1 else !c._1)).foldLeft(true: Expr){ (a: Expr, b: Expr) => a && b }
+ val b = fp.version ==@ version && fp.receiver ==@ receiver && conditions && fp.flag
+ (b, fp.flag)
+ })
+ val b = (disj map (a => a._1)).foldLeft(false: Expr){ (a: Expr, b: Expr) => a || b }
+ // add receiver to list of previous receivers
+ val newPreviousReceivers = previousReceivers + (predicate.FullName -> (receiver :: previousReceivers.getOrElse(predicate.FullName, Nil)))
+ // assumption that the current receiver is different from all previous ones
+ (for (r <- previousReceivers.getOrElse(predicate.FullName, Nil)) yield {
+ bassume(receiver !=@ r)
+ }) :::
+ // actually update the secondary mask
+ Boogie.If(b,
+ // remove correct predicate from the auxiliary information by setting
+ // its flag to false
+ (disj.foldLeft(Nil: List[Stmt]){ (a: List[Stmt], b: (Expr, Expr)) => Boogie.If(b._1,/*(b._2 := false) :: */Nil,a) :: Nil }) :::
+ // asserts are converted to assumes, so error messages do not matter
+ assert2assume(Exhale(SecMask, SecMask, List((definition, ErrorMessage(NoPosition, ""))), occasion, false, currentK, false /* it should not important what we pass here */, false, depth-1, true, newPreviousReceivers, false)),
+ Nil) :: Nil
+ }
+ /** Most general form of exhale; implements all the specific versions above */
+ // Note: If isUpdatingSecMask, then m is actually a secondary mask, and at the
+ // moment we do not want an assumption IsGoodMask(SecMask). Therefore, we omit
+ // those if isUpdatingSecMask.
+ // Furthermore, we do not want to generate assumptions that we have enough
+ // permission available (something like "assume 50% >= SecMask[obj,f]"; note
+ // that these assumption come from the assertions that check that the necessary
+ // permissions are available, and are then turned into assumptions by
+ // assertion2assumption.
+ //
+ // Assumption 1: if isUpdatingSecMask==true, then the exhale heap is not used at
+ // all, and the regular heap is not changed.
+ // Assumption 2: If isUpdatingSecMask is false, then recurseOnPredicatesDepth
+ // is meaningless (and should be -1 by convention). Only if isUpdatingSecMask
+ // is true, then the depth is important. It is initially set in the method
+ // UpdateSecMask (because only there we have precise knowledge of what upper
+ // bound we want to use).
+ // Assumption 3: Similarly, if isUpdatingSecMask is false, then the list
+ // previousReceivers is not needed, and thus null.
+ // Assumption 4+5: duringUnfold can only be true if transferPermissionToSecMask
+ // and isUpdatingSecMask are not.
+ def Exhale(m: Expr, sm: Expr, predicates: List[(Expression, ErrorMessage)], occasion: String, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean, transferPermissionToSecMask: Boolean, recurseOnPredicatesDepth: Int, isUpdatingSecMask: Boolean, previousReceivers: Map[String,List[Expr]], duringUnfold: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ assert ((isUpdatingSecMask && recurseOnPredicatesDepth >= 0) || (!isUpdatingSecMask && recurseOnPredicatesDepth == -1)) // check assumption 2
+ assert (isUpdatingSecMask || (previousReceivers == null))
+ assert (!(isUpdatingSecMask && duringUnfold))
+ assert (!(transferPermissionToSecMask && duringUnfold))
if (predicates.size == 0) return Nil;
- val (emV, em) = NewBVar("exhaleMask", tmask, true)
+ val (ehV, eh) = Boogie.NewBVar("exhaleHeap", theap, true)
+ var (emV, em: Expr) = Boogie.NewBVar("exhaleMask", tmask, true)
Comment("begin exhale (" + occasion + ")") ::
- BLocal(emV) :: (em := Mask) ::
- (for (p <- predicates) yield Exhale(p._1, em, null, p._2, check, currentK, exactchecking, false)).flatten :::
- (for (p <- predicates) yield Exhale(p._1, em, null, p._2, check, currentK, exactchecking, true)).flatten :::
- (Mask := em) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
+ (if (!isUpdatingSecMask && !duringUnfold)
+ BLocal(emV) :: (em := m) ::
+ BLocal(ehV) :: Boogie.Havoc(eh) :: Nil
+ else {
+ em = m
+ Nil
+ }) :::
+ (for (p <- predicates) yield ExhaleHelper(p._1, em, sm, eh, p._2, check, currentK, exactchecking, false, transferPermissionToSecMask, recurseOnPredicatesDepth, isUpdatingSecMask, previousReceivers, duringUnfold)).flatten :::
+ (for (p <- predicates) yield ExhaleHelper(p._1, em, sm, eh, p._2, check, currentK, exactchecking, true, transferPermissionToSecMask, recurseOnPredicatesDepth, isUpdatingSecMask, previousReceivers, duringUnfold)).flatten :::
+ (if (!isUpdatingSecMask && !duringUnfold)
+ (m := em) ::
+ bassume(IsGoodExhaleState(eh, Heap, m, sm)) ::
+ (Heap := eh) :: Nil
+ else Nil) :::
+ (if (isUpdatingSecMask) Nil else bassume(AreGoodMasks(m, sm)) :: Nil) :::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, m, sm)) ::
Comment("end exhale")
- def ExhalePermission(perm: Permission, obj: Expr, memberName: String, currentK: Expr, pos: Position, error: ErrorMessage, em: Boogie.Expr, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ // see comment in front of method exhale about parameter isUpdatingSecMask
+ def ExhalePermission(perm: Permission, obj: Expr, memberName: String, currentK: Expr, pos: Position, error: ErrorMessage, em: Boogie.Expr, exactchecking: Boolean, isUpdatingSecMask: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
val (f, stmts) = extractKFromPermission(perm, currentK)
val n = extractEpsilonsFromPermission(perm);
- stmts :::
+ val res = stmts :::
(perm.permissionType match {
case PermissionType.Mixed =>
bassert(f > 0 || (f == 0 && n > 0), error.pos, error.message + " The permission at " + pos + " might not be positive.") ::
- DecPermissionBoth(obj, memberName, f, n, em, error, pos, exactchecking)
+ (if (isUpdatingSecMask) DecPermissionBoth2(obj, memberName, f, n, em, error, pos, exactchecking)
+ else DecPermissionBoth(obj, memberName, f, n, em, error, pos, exactchecking))
case PermissionType.Epsilons =>
bassert(n > 0, error.pos, error.message + " The permission at " + pos + " might not be positive.") ::
- DecPermissionEpsilon(obj, memberName, n, em, error, pos)
+ (if (isUpdatingSecMask) DecPermissionEpsilon2(obj, memberName, n, em, error, pos)
+ else DecPermissionEpsilon(obj, memberName, n, em, error, pos))
case PermissionType.Fraction =>
bassert(f > 0, error.pos, error.message + " The permission at " + pos + " might not be positive.") ::
- DecPermission(obj, memberName, f, em, error, pos, exactchecking)
+ (if (isUpdatingSecMask) DecPermission2(obj, memberName, f, em, error, pos, exactchecking)
+ else DecPermission(obj, memberName, f, em, error, pos, exactchecking))
+ if (isUpdatingSecMask)
+ res filter (a => !a.isInstanceOf[Boogie.Assert]) // we do not want "insufficient permission checks" at the moment, as they will be turned into (possibly wrong) assumptions
+ else res
// does this permission require exact checking, or is it enough to check that we have any permission > 0?
@@ -2004,22 +2276,11 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
- // Exhale is done in two passes: In the first run, everything except permissions
- // which need exact checking are exhaled. Then, in the second run, those
- // permissions are exhaled. The behaviour is controlled with the parameter
- // onlyExactCheckingPermissions.
- // The reason for this behaviour is that we want to support preconditions like
- // "acc(o.f,100-rd) && acc(o.f,rd)", which should be equivalent to a full
- // permission to o.f. However, when we exhale in the given order, we cannot
- // use inexact checking for the abstract read permission ("acc(o.f,rd)"), as
- // this would introduce the (unsound) assumption that "methodcallk < mask[o.f]".
- // To avoid detecting this, we exhale all abstract read permissions first (or,
- // more precisely, we exhale all permissions with exact checking later).
- def Exhale(p: Expression, em: Boogie.Expr, eh: Boogie.Expr, error: ErrorMessage, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean, onlyExactCheckingPermissions: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = desugar(p) match {
+ def ExhaleHelper(p: Expression, m: Boogie.Expr, sm: Boogie.Expr, eh: Boogie.Expr, error: ErrorMessage, check: Boolean, currentK: Expr, exactchecking: Boolean, onlyExactCheckingPermissions: Boolean, transferPermissionToSecMask: Boolean, recurseOnPredicatesDepth: Int, isUpdatingSecMask: Boolean, previousReceivers: Map[String,List[Expr]], duringUnfold: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = desugar(p) match {
case pred@MemberAccess(e, p) if pred.isPredicate =>
val tmp = Access(pred, Full);
tmp.pos = pred.pos;
- Exhale(tmp, em , eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions)
+ ExhaleHelper(tmp, m, sm, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions, transferPermissionToSecMask, recurseOnPredicatesDepth, isUpdatingSecMask, previousReceivers, duringUnfold)
case AccessAll(obj, perm) => throw new InternalErrorException("should be desugared")
case AccessSeq(s, None, perm) => throw new InternalErrorException("should be desugared")
case acc@Access(e,perm) =>
@@ -2027,6 +2288,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
if (ec != onlyExactCheckingPermissions) Nil else {
val memberName = if(e.isPredicate) e.predicate.FullName else e.f.FullName;
val (starKV, starK) = NewBVar("starK", tint, true);
+ val trE = Tr(e.e)
// check definedness
(if(check) isDefined(e.e)(true) :::
@@ -2034,10 +2296,38 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
// if the mask does not contain sufficient permissions, try folding acc(e, fraction)
// TODO: include automagic again
// check that the necessary permissions are there and remove them from the mask
- ExhalePermission(perm, Tr(e.e), memberName, currentK, acc.pos, error, em, ec) :::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, em))
+ ExhalePermission(perm, trE, memberName, currentK, acc.pos, error, m, ec, isUpdatingSecMask) :::
+ // transfer permission to secondary mask if necessary
+ (if (transferPermissionToSecMask) InhalePermission(perm, trE, memberName, currentK, sm)
+ else Nil) :::
+ // give up secondary permission to locations of the body of the predicate (also recursively)
+ (if (e.isPredicate && !transferPermissionToSecMask)
+ (if (isUpdatingSecMask)
+ UpdateSecMask(e.predicate, trE,, memberName), perm, currentK, recurseOnPredicatesDepth, previousReceivers)
+ else
+ (if (duringUnfold)
+ UpdateSecMaskDuringUnfold(e.predicate, trE,, memberName), perm, currentK)
+ else
+ UpdateSecMask(e.predicate, trE,, memberName), perm, currentK)
+ )
+ )
+ else Nil) :::
+ // update version number (if necessary)
+ (if (e.isPredicate && !isUpdatingSecMask)
+ Boogie.If(!CanRead(trE, memberName, m, sm), // if we cannot access the predicate anymore, then its version will be havoced
+ (if (!duringUnfold) bassume(, memberName) <, memberName)) :: Nil // assume that the predicate's version grows monotonically
+ else { // duringUnfold -> the heap is not havoced, thus we need to locally havoc the version
+ val (oldVersV, oldVers) = Boogie.NewBVar("oldVers", tint, true)
+ val (newVersV, newVers) = Boogie.NewBVar("newVers", tint, true)
+ BLocal(oldVersV) :: (oldVers :=, memberName)) ::
+ BLocal(newVersV) :: Boogie.Havoc(newVers) :: (, memberName) := newVers) ::
+ bassume(oldVers <, memberName)) :: Nil
+ }),
+ Nil) :: Nil
+ else Nil) :::
+ (if (isUpdatingSecMask) Nil else bassume(AreGoodMasks(m, sm)) :: Nil) :::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, m, sm)) :::
+ (if (m != Mask || sm != SecMask) bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) :: Nil else Nil)
case acc @ AccessSeq(s, Some(member), perm) =>
if (member.isPredicate) throw new NotSupportedException("not yet implemented");
@@ -2056,8 +2346,8 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
val (refV, ref) = Boogie.NewBVar("ref", tref, true);
val (fV, f) = Boogie.NewBVar("f", FieldType(a), true);
val (pcV,pc) = Boogie.NewBVar("p", tperm, true);
- val mr = em(ref, memberName)("perm$R");
- val mn = em(ref, memberName)("perm$N");
+ val mr = m(ref, memberName)("perm$R");
+ val mn = m(ref, memberName)("perm$N");
// assert that the permission is positive
bassert((SeqContains(e, ref) ==>
@@ -2067,14 +2357,15 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
case PermissionType.Epsilons => n > 0
})).forall(refV), error.pos, error.message + " The permission at " + acc.pos + " might not be positive.") ::
// make sure enough permission is available
- bassert((SeqContains(e, ref) ==>
+ // (see comment in front of method exhale for explanation of isUpdatingSecMask)
+ (if (!isUpdatingSecMask) bassert((SeqContains(e, ref) ==>
((perm,perm.permissionType) match {
case _ if !ec => mr > 0
case (Star,_) => mr > 0
case (_,PermissionType.Fraction) => r <= mr && (r ==@ mr ==> 0 <= mn)
case (_,PermissionType.Mixed) => r <= mr && (r ==@ mr ==> n <= mn)
case (_,PermissionType.Epsilons) => mr ==@ 0 ==> n <= mn
- })).forall(refV), error.pos, error.message + " Insufficient permission at " + acc.pos + " for " + member.f.FullName) ::
+ })).forall(refV), error.pos, error.message + " Insufficient permission at " + acc.pos + " for " + member.f.FullName) :: Nil else Nil) :::
// additional assumption on k if we have a star permission or use inexact checking
( perm match {
case _ if !ec => bassume((SeqContains(e, ref) ==> (r < mr)).forall(refV)) :: Nil
@@ -2082,14 +2373,14 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
case _ => Nil
}) :::
// update the map
- (em := Lambda(List(aV), List(refV, fV),
+ (m := Lambda(List(aV), List(refV, fV),
(SeqContains(e, ref) && f ==@ memberName).thenElse(
Lambda(List(), List(pcV), (pc ==@ "perm$R").thenElse(mr - r, mn - n)),
- em(ref, f))))
+ m(ref, f))))
} :::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, em))
+ (if (isUpdatingSecMask) Nil else bassume(AreGoodMasks(m, sm)) :: Nil) :::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, m, sm)) :::
+ (if (m != Mask || sm != SecMask) bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) :: Nil else Nil)
case cr@Credit(ch, n) if !onlyExactCheckingPermissions =>
val trCh = Tr(ch)
@@ -2099,33 +2390,34 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
Nil) :::
- new Boogie.MapUpdate(Credits, trCh, new Boogie.MapSelect(Credits, trCh) - Tr(cr.N))
+ // only update the heap if we are not updating the secondary mask
+ (if (!isUpdatingSecMask)
+ new Boogie.MapUpdate(Credits, trCh, new Boogie.MapSelect(Credits, trCh) - Tr(cr.N)) :: Nil
+ else Nil)
case Implies(e0,e1) =>
(if(check && !onlyExactCheckingPermissions) isDefined(e0)(true) else Nil) :::
- Boogie.If(Tr(e0), Exhale(e1, em, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions), Nil)
+ Boogie.If(Tr(e0), ExhaleHelper(e1, m, sm, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions, transferPermissionToSecMask, recurseOnPredicatesDepth, isUpdatingSecMask, previousReceivers, duringUnfold), Nil)
case IfThenElse(con, then, els) =>
(if(check) isDefined(con)(true) else Nil) :::
- Boogie.If(Tr(con), Exhale(then, em, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions), Exhale(els, em, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions))
+ Boogie.If(Tr(con), ExhaleHelper(then, m, sm, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions, transferPermissionToSecMask, recurseOnPredicatesDepth, isUpdatingSecMask, previousReceivers, duringUnfold), ExhaleHelper(els, m, sm, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions, transferPermissionToSecMask, recurseOnPredicatesDepth, isUpdatingSecMask, previousReceivers, duringUnfold))
case And(e0,e1) =>
- Exhale(e0, em, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions) ::: Exhale(e1, em, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions)
+ ExhaleHelper(e0, m, sm, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions, transferPermissionToSecMask, recurseOnPredicatesDepth, isUpdatingSecMask, previousReceivers, duringUnfold) ::: ExhaleHelper(e1, m, sm, eh, error, check, currentK, exactchecking, onlyExactCheckingPermissions, transferPermissionToSecMask, recurseOnPredicatesDepth, isUpdatingSecMask, previousReceivers, duringUnfold)
case holds@Holds(e) if !onlyExactCheckingPermissions =>
(if(check) isDefined(e)(true) :::
bassert(nonNull(Tr(e)), error.pos, error.message + " The target of the holds predicate at " + holds.pos + " might be null.") :: Nil else Nil) :::
bassert(0 < new Boogie.MapSelect(Heap, Tr(e), "held"), error.pos, error.message + " The current thread might not hold lock at " + holds.pos + ".") ::
bassert(! new Boogie.MapSelect(Heap, Tr(e), "rdheld"), error.pos, error.message + " The current thread might hold the read lock at " + holds.pos + ".") ::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(Heap, em))
+ (if (isUpdatingSecMask) Nil else bassume(AreGoodMasks(m, sm)) :: Nil) :::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, m, sm))
case Eval(h, e) if !onlyExactCheckingPermissions =>
- val (evalHeap, evalMask, evalCredits, checks, proofOrAssume) = fromEvalState(h);
- val preGlobals = etran.FreshGlobals("eval")
- val preEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(List(Boogie.VarExpr(preGlobals(0).id), Boogie.VarExpr(preGlobals(1).id), Boogie.VarExpr(preGlobals(2).id)), currentClass);
- BLocal(preGlobals(0)) :: (VarExpr(preGlobals(0).id) := evalHeap) ::
- BLocal(preGlobals(1)) :: (VarExpr(preGlobals(1).id) := evalMask) ::
- BLocal(preGlobals(2)) :: (VarExpr(preGlobals(2).id) := evalCredits) ::
+ val (evalHeap, evalMask, evalSecMask, evalCredits, checks, proofOrAssume) = fromEvalState(h);
+ val (preGlobalsV, preGlobals) = etran.FreshGlobals("eval")
+ val preEtran = new ExpressionTranslator(preGlobals, currentClass);
+ BLocals(preGlobalsV) :::
+ copyState(preGlobals, Globals(evalHeap, evalMask, evalSecMask, evalCredits)) :::
(if(check) checks else Nil) :::
- bassume(IsGoodMask(preEtran.Mask)) ::
- bassume(wf(preEtran.Heap, preEtran.Mask)) ::
+ (if (isUpdatingSecMask) Nil else bassume(AreGoodMasks(preEtran.Mask, preEtran.SecMask)) :: Nil) :::
+ bassume(wf(preEtran.Heap, preEtran.Mask, preEtran.SecMask)) ::
bassert(proofOrAssume, p.pos, "Arguments for joinable might not match up.") ::
preEtran.Exhale(List((e, error)), "eval", check, currentK, exactchecking)
case e if !onlyExactCheckingPermissions => (if(check) isDefined(e)(true) else Nil) ::: List(bassert(Tr(e), error.pos, error.message + " The expression at " + e.pos + " might not evaluate to true."))
@@ -2186,16 +2478,18 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
- def fromEvalState(h: EvalState): (Expr, Expr, Expr, List[Stmt], Expr) = {
+ def fromEvalState(h: EvalState): (Expr, Expr, Expr, Expr, List[Stmt], Expr) = {
h match {
case AcquireState(obj) =>
(AcquireHeap(, "held")),
AcquireMask(, "held")),
+ AcquireSecMask(, "held")),
AcquireCredits(, "held")),
isDefined(obj)(true), true)
case ReleaseState(obj) =>
(LastSeenHeap(, "mu"),, "held")),
LastSeenMask(, "mu"),, "held")),
+ LastSeenSecMask(, "mu"),, "held")),
LastSeenCredits(, "mu"),, "held")),
isDefined(obj)(true), true)
case CallState(token, obj, id, args) =>
@@ -2212,6 +2506,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
var i = 0;
(CallHeap(, "joinable")),
CallMask(, "joinable")),
+ CallSecMask(, "joinable")),
CallCredits(, "joinable")),
isDefined(token)(true) :::
isDefined(obj)(true) :::
@@ -2230,8 +2525,13 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
***************** PERMISSIONS *****************
- def CanRead(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: Boogie.Expr): Boogie.Expr = new Boogie.FunctionApp("CanRead", Mask, obj, field)
+ def CanRead(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: Boogie.Expr, m: Boogie.Expr, sm: Boogie.Expr): Boogie.Expr = new Boogie.FunctionApp("CanRead", List(m, sm, obj, field))
+ def CanRead(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, m: Boogie.Expr, sm: Boogie.Expr): Boogie.Expr = CanRead(obj, new Boogie.VarExpr(field), m, sm)
+ def CanRead(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: Boogie.Expr): Boogie.Expr = new Boogie.FunctionApp("CanRead", List(Mask, SecMask, obj, field))
def CanRead(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String): Boogie.Expr = CanRead(obj, new Boogie.VarExpr(field))
+ def CanReadForSure(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: Boogie.Expr): Boogie.Expr = new Boogie.FunctionApp("CanReadForSure", List(Mask, obj, field))
+ def CanReadForSure(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String): Boogie.Expr = CanReadForSure(obj, new Boogie.VarExpr(field))
+ def CanReadForSure2(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: Boogie.Expr): Boogie.Expr = new Boogie.FunctionApp("CanReadForSure", List(SecMask, obj, field))
def CanWrite(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: Boogie.Expr): Boogie.Expr = new Boogie.FunctionApp("CanWrite", Mask, obj, field)
def CanWrite(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String): Boogie.Expr = CanWrite(obj, new Boogie.VarExpr(field))
def HasNoPermission(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String) =
@@ -2245,12 +2545,12 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
def SetFullPermission(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String) =
Boogie.Assign(new Boogie.MapSelect(Mask, obj, field), Boogie.VarExpr("Permission$Full"))
- def IncPermission(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, howMuch: Boogie.Expr): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
- MapUpdate3(Mask, obj, field, "perm$R", new Boogie.MapSelect(Mask, obj, field, "perm$R") + howMuch) :: Nil
+ def IncPermission(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, howMuch: Boogie.Expr, m: Expr = Mask): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ MapUpdate3(m, obj, field, "perm$R", new Boogie.MapSelect(m, obj, field, "perm$R") + howMuch) :: Nil
- def IncPermissionEpsilon(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, epsilons: Boogie.Expr): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
- MapUpdate3(Mask, obj, field, "perm$N", new Boogie.MapSelect(Mask, obj, field, "perm$N") + epsilons) ::
- bassume(Boogie.FunctionApp("wf", List(Heap, Mask))) :: Nil
+ def IncPermissionEpsilon(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, epsilons: Boogie.Expr, m: Expr = Mask): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ MapUpdate3(m, obj, field, "perm$N", new Boogie.MapSelect(m, obj, field, "perm$N") + epsilons) ::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, m, SecMask)) :: Nil
def DecPermission(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, howMuch: Boogie.Expr, mask: Boogie.Expr, error: ErrorMessage, pos: Position, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
val fP: Boogie.Expr = new Boogie.MapSelect(mask, obj, field, "perm$R")
@@ -2263,7 +2563,7 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
val xyz = new Boogie.MapSelect(mask, obj, field, "perm$N")
bassert((new Boogie.MapSelect(mask, obj, field, "perm$R") ==@ Boogie.IntLiteral(0)) ==> (epsilons <= xyz), error.pos, error.message + " Insufficient epsilons at " + pos + " for " + field + ".") ::
MapUpdate3(mask, obj, field, "perm$N", new Boogie.MapSelect(mask, obj, field, "perm$N") - epsilons) ::
- bassume(Boogie.FunctionApp("wf", List(Heap, Mask))) :: Nil
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) :: Nil
def DecPermissionBoth(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, howMuch: Boogie.Expr, epsilons: Boogie.Expr, mask: Boogie.Expr, error: ErrorMessage, pos: Position, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
val fP: Boogie.Expr = new Boogie.MapSelect(mask, obj, field, "perm$R")
@@ -2272,9 +2572,31 @@ class ExpressionTranslator(globals: List[Boogie.Expr], preGlobals: List[Boogie.E
(if (exactchecking) bassert(howMuch <= fP && (howMuch ==@ fP ==> epsilons <= fC), error.pos, error.message + " Insufficient permission at " + pos + " for " + field + ".") :: Nil
else bassert(fP > 0, error.pos, error.message + " Insufficient permission at " + pos + " for " + field + ".") :: bassume(howMuch < fP)) :::
MapUpdate3(mask, obj, field, "perm$N", fC - epsilons) ::
- bassume(Boogie.FunctionApp("wf", List(Heap, Mask))) ::
- MapUpdate3(mask, obj, field, "perm$R", fP - howMuch) :: Nil
+ MapUpdate3(mask, obj, field, "perm$R", fP - howMuch) ::
+ bassume(wf(Heap, Mask, SecMask)) :: Nil
+ }
+ def DecPermission2(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, howMuch: Boogie.Expr, mask: Boogie.Expr, error: ErrorMessage, pos: Position, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ DecPermission(obj, field, howMuch, mask, error, pos, exactchecking) :::
+ Boogie.If(new Boogie.MapSelect(mask, obj, field, "perm$R") < 0,
+ MapUpdate3(mask, obj, field, "perm$R", 0),
+ Nil)
+ }
+ def DecPermissionEpsilon2(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, epsilons: Boogie.Expr, mask: Boogie.Expr, error: ErrorMessage, pos: Position): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ DecPermissionEpsilon(obj, field, epsilons, mask, error, pos) :::
+ Boogie.If(new Boogie.MapSelect(mask, obj, field, "perm$N") < 0,
+ MapUpdate3(mask, obj, field, "perm$N", 0),
+ Nil)
+ def DecPermissionBoth2(obj: Boogie.Expr, field: String, howMuch: Boogie.Expr, epsilons: Boogie.Expr, mask: Boogie.Expr, error: ErrorMessage, pos: Position, exactchecking: Boolean): List[Boogie.Stmt] = {
+ DecPermissionBoth(obj, field, howMuch, epsilons, mask, error, pos, exactchecking) :::
+ Boogie.If(new Boogie.MapSelect(mask, obj, field, "perm$R") < 0,
+ MapUpdate3(mask, obj, field, "perm$R", 0),
+ Nil) ::
+ Boogie.If(new Boogie.MapSelect(mask, obj, field, "perm$N") < 0,
+ MapUpdate3(mask, obj, field, "perm$N", 0),
+ Nil) :: Nil
+ }
def MapUpdate3(m: Boogie.Expr, arg0: Boogie.Expr, arg1: String, arg2: String, rhs: Boogie.Expr) = {
// m[a,b,c] := rhs
@@ -2406,6 +2728,7 @@ object TranslationHelper {
def bassume(e: Expr) = Boogie.Assume(e)
def BLocal(id: String, tp: BType) = new Boogie.LocalVar(id, tp)
def BLocal(x: Boogie.BVar) = Boogie.LocalVar(x)
+ def BLocals(xs: List[Boogie.BVar]) = xs map BLocal
def tArgSeq = NamedType("ArgSeq");
def tref = NamedType("ref");
def tbool = NamedType("bool");
@@ -2421,8 +2744,9 @@ object TranslationHelper {
def ZeroCredits = VarExpr("ZeroCredits");
def HeapName = "Heap";
def MaskName = "Mask";
+ def SecMaskName = "SecMask";
def CreditsName = "Credits";
- def GlobalNames = List(HeapName, MaskName, CreditsName);
+ def GlobalNames = List(HeapName, MaskName, SecMaskName, CreditsName);
def CanAssumeFunctionDefs = VarExpr("CanAssumeFunctionDefs");
def permissionFull = percentPermission(100);
def permissionOnePercent = percentPermission(1);
@@ -2446,26 +2770,64 @@ object TranslationHelper {
def nonNull(e: Expr): Expr = e !=@ bnull
def LastSeenHeap(sharedBit: Expr, heldBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("LastSeen$Heap", List(sharedBit, heldBit))
def LastSeenMask(sharedBit: Expr, heldBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("LastSeen$Mask", List(sharedBit, heldBit))
+ def LastSeenSecMask(sharedBit: Expr, heldBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("LastSeen$SecMask", List(sharedBit, heldBit))
def LastSeenCredits(sharedBit: Expr, heldBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("LastSeen$Credits", List(sharedBit, heldBit))
def AcquireHeap(heldBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("Acquire$Heap", List(heldBit))
def AcquireMask(heldBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("Acquire$Mask", List(heldBit))
+ def AcquireSecMask(heldBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("Acquire$SecMask", List(heldBit))
def AcquireCredits(heldBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("Acquire$Credits", List(heldBit))
def CallHeap(joinableBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("Call$Heap", List(joinableBit))
def CallMask(joinableBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("Call$Mask", List(joinableBit))
+ def CallSecMask(joinableBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("Call$SecMask", List(joinableBit))
def CallCredits(joinableBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("Call$Credits", List(joinableBit))
def CallArgs(joinableBit: Expr) = FunctionApp("Call$Args", List(joinableBit))
def submask(m0: Expr, m1: Expr) = FunctionApp("submask", List(m0, m1))
- def wf(h: Expr, m: Expr) = FunctionApp("wf", List(h, m));
+ def wf(g: Globals) = FunctionApp("wf", List(g.heap, g.mask, g.secmask));
+ def wf(h: Expr, m: Expr, sm: Expr) = FunctionApp("wf", List(h, m, sm));
def IsGoodMask(m: Expr) = FunctionApp("IsGoodMask", List(m))
- def IsGoodInhaleState(a: Expr, b: Expr, c: Expr) = FunctionApp("IsGoodInhaleState", List(a, b, c))
+ def AreGoodMasks(m: Expr, sm: Expr) = IsGoodMask(m) // && IsGoodMask(sm) /** The second mask does currently not necessarily contain positive permissions, which means that we cannot assume IsGoodMask(sm). This might change in the future if we see a need for it */
+ def IsGoodInhaleState(ih: Expr, h: Expr, m: Expr, sm: Expr) = FunctionApp("IsGoodInhaleState", List(ih,h,m,sm))
+ def IsGoodExhaleState(eh: Expr, h: Expr, m: Expr, sm: Expr) = FunctionApp("IsGoodExhaleState", List(eh,h,m,sm))
def contributesToWaitLevel(e: Expr, h: Expr, c: Expr) =
(0 <, "held")) ||, "rdheld") || (new Boogie.MapSelect(c, e) < 0)
def NonEmptyMask(m: Expr) = ! FunctionApp("EmptyMask", List(m))
def NonPredicateField(f: String) = FunctionApp("NonPredicateField", List(VarExpr(f)))
def PredicateField(f: String) = FunctionApp("PredicateField", List(VarExpr(f)))
def cast(a: Expr, b: Expr) = FunctionApp("cast", List(a, b))
+ // output a dummy function assumption that serves as trigger for the function
+ // definition axiom.
+ def functionTrigger(receiver: Expr, predicate: Predicate): Stmt = {
+ bassume(FunctionApp("#" + predicate.FullName+"#trigger", receiver :: Nil))
+ }
+ def emptyPartialHeap: Expr = Boogie.VarExpr("emptyPartialHeap")
+ def heapFragment(dep: Expr): Expr = Boogie.FunctionApp("heapFragment", List(dep))
+ def combine(l: Expr, r: Expr): Expr = {
+ (l,r) match {
+ case (VarExpr("emptyPartialHeap"), a) => a
+ case (a, VarExpr("emptyPartialHeap")) => a
+ case _ => Boogie.FunctionApp("combine", List(l, r))
+ }
+ }
+ def tpartialheap = NamedType("PartialHeapType");
+ def copyState(globals: Globals, et: ExpressionTranslator): List[Stmt] =
+ copyState(globals, et.globals)
+ def copyState(globals: Globals, globalsToCopyFrom: Globals): List[Stmt] = {
+ (for ((a, b) <- globals.list zip globalsToCopyFrom.list) yield (a := b)) :::
+ bassume(wf(globals)) :: Nil
+ }
+ def resetState(et: ExpressionTranslator): List[Stmt] = resetState(et.globals)
+ def resetState(globals: Globals): List[Stmt] = {
+ (globals.mask := ZeroMask) ::
+ (globals.secmask := ZeroMask) ::
+ (globals.credits := ZeroCredits) ::
+ Havoc(globals.heap) ::
+ Nil
+ }
// sequences
def createEmptySeq = FunctionApp("Seq#Empty", List())
@@ -2521,38 +2883,48 @@ object TranslationHelper {
- def Version(expr: Expression, etran: ExpressionTranslator): Boogie.Expr = {
- val nostate = Boogie.VarExpr("nostate");
- desugar(expr) match {
+ /** Generate an expression that represents the state a function can depend on
+ * (as determined by examining the functions preconditions).
+ */
+ def functionDependencies(pre: Expression, etran: ExpressionTranslator): Boogie.Expr = {
+ desugar(pre) match {
case pred@MemberAccess(e, p) if pred.isPredicate =>
- Version(Access(pred, Full), etran)
+ functionDependencies(Access(pred, Full), etran)
case acc@Access(e, _) =>
val memberName = if(e.isPredicate) e.predicate.FullName else e.f.FullName;
- new Boogie.MapSelect(etran.Heap, etran.Tr(e.e), memberName)
+ heapFragment(new Boogie.MapSelect(etran.Heap, etran.Tr(e.e), memberName))
case Implies(e0,e1) =>
- Boogie.Ite(etran.Tr(e0), Version(e1, etran), nostate)
+ heapFragment(Boogie.Ite(etran.Tr(e0), functionDependencies(e1, etran), emptyPartialHeap))
case And(e0,e1) =>
- val l = Version(e0, etran);
- val r = Version(e1, etran);
- if (l == nostate) r
- else if (r == nostate) l
- else Boogie.FunctionApp("combine", List(l, r))
+ combine(functionDependencies(e0, etran), functionDependencies(e1, etran))
case IfThenElse(con, then, els) =>
- Boogie.Ite(etran.Tr(con), Version(then, etran), Version(els, etran))
- case _: PermissionExpr => throw new InternalErrorException("unexpected permission expression")
+ heapFragment(Boogie.Ite(etran.Tr(con), functionDependencies(then, etran), functionDependencies(els, etran)))
+ case Unfolding(_, _) =>
+ emptyPartialHeap // the predicate of the unfolding expression needs to have been mentioned already (framing check), so we can safely ignore it now
+ case p: PermissionExpr => println(p); throw new InternalErrorException("unexpected permission expression")
case e =>
- e visit {_ match { case _ : PermissionExpr => throw new InternalErrorException("unexpected permission expression"); case _ =>}}
- nostate
+ e visitOpt {_ match {
+ case Unfolding(_, _) => false
+ case _ : PermissionExpr => throw new InternalErrorException("unexpected permission expression")
+ case _ => true }
+ }
+ emptyPartialHeap
- // conservative for Implies and IfThenElse
- // returns an expression of Boogie type bool
- def Version(expr: Expression, etran1: ExpressionTranslator, etran2: ExpressionTranslator): Boogie.Expr = {
- desugar(expr) match {
+ /** Generate the boolean condition that needs to be true in order to assume
+ * that a function with precondition pre has the same value in two different
+ * states. Essentially, everything that the function can depend on must be
+ * equal.
+ *
+ * - conservative for Implies and IfThenElse
+ * - returns an expression of Boogie type bool
+ */
+ def functionDependenciesEqual(pre: Expression, etran1: ExpressionTranslator, etran2: ExpressionTranslator): Boogie.Expr = {
+ desugar(pre) match {
case pred@MemberAccess(e, p) if pred.isPredicate =>
- Version(Access(pred, Full), etran1, etran2)
+ functionDependenciesEqual(Access(pred, Full), etran1, etran2)
case Access(e, _) =>
val memberName = if(e.isPredicate) e.predicate.FullName else e.f.FullName;, memberName) ==@, memberName)
@@ -2563,14 +2935,20 @@ object TranslationHelper {
((((0 <= i) && (i < SeqLength(etran1.Tr(s)))) ==>
(, i), name) ==@, i), name))).forall(iV))
case Implies(e0,e1) =>
- Boogie.Ite(etran1.Tr(e0) || etran2.Tr(e0), Version(e1, etran1, etran2), true)
+ Boogie.Ite(etran1.Tr(e0) || etran2.Tr(e0), functionDependenciesEqual(e1, etran1, etran2), true)
case And(e0,e1) =>
- Version(e0, etran1, etran2) && Version(e1, etran1, etran2)
+ functionDependenciesEqual(e0, etran1, etran2) && functionDependenciesEqual(e1, etran1, etran2)
case IfThenElse(con, then, els) =>
- Version(then, etran1, etran2) && Version(els, etran1, etran2)
+ functionDependenciesEqual(then, etran1, etran2) && functionDependenciesEqual(els, etran1, etran2)
+ case Unfolding(_, _) =>
+ Boogie.BoolLiteral(true) // the predicate of the unfolding expression needs to have been mentioned already (framing check), so we can safely ignore it now
case _: PermissionExpr => throw new InternalErrorException("unexpected permission expression")
case e =>
- e visit {_ match { case _ : PermissionExpr => throw new InternalErrorException("unexpected permission expression"); case _ =>}}
+ e visitOpt {_ match {
+ case Unfolding(_, _) => false
+ case _ : PermissionExpr => throw new InternalErrorException("unexpected permission expression")
+ case _ => true }
+ }
@@ -2710,7 +3088,7 @@ object TranslationHelper {
def SubstRd(e: Expression): Expression = e match {
- case Access(e, _:Permission) =>
+ case Access(e, p: Permission) if p != Star =>
//val r = Access(e,MonitorEpsilon(None)); r.pos = e.pos; r.typ = BoolClass; r
val r = Access(e,Epsilons(IntLiteral(1))); r.pos = e.pos; r.typ = BoolClass; r
case Implies(e0,e1) =>
@@ -2876,14 +3254,15 @@ object TranslationHelper {
// Assume the only composite statement in Boogie is If
- def assert2assume(l: List[Stmt]):List[Stmt] =
- if (Chalice.noFreeAssume) l else
+ def assert2assume(l: List[Stmt], b: Boolean):List[Stmt] =
+ if (Chalice.noFreeAssume && b) l else
l flatMap {
case Boogie.If(guard, thn, els) => Boogie.If(guard, assert2assume(thn), assert2assume(els))
case ba @ Boogie.Assert(e) =>
if (ba.tags contains keepTag) ba else Comment(" assert " + ba.pos + ": " + ba.message) :: Boogie.Assume(e)
case s => s
+ def assert2assume(l: List[Stmt]):List[Stmt] = assert2assume(l, false)
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/examples/AssociationList.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/examples/AssociationList.output.txt
index 53d6428f..2955a814 100644
--- a/Chalice/tests/examples/AssociationList.output.txt
+++ b/Chalice/tests/examples/AssociationList.output.txt
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Verification of AssociationList.chalice using parameters=""
28.3: The postcondition at 30.13 might not hold. Insufficient fraction at 30.13 for mu.
73.9: Method execution before loop might lock/unlock more than allowed by lockchange clause of loop.
+ 98.15: Monitor invariant might hot hold. Insufficient fraction at 120.13 for Node.key.
+ 102.15: Monitor invariant might hot hold. Insufficient fraction at 120.13 for Node.key.
+ 73.9: The loop might lock/unlock more than the lockchange clause allows.
+ 107.7: Monitor invariant might hot hold. Insufficient fraction at 120.13 for Node.key.
-The program did not fully verify; the smoke warnings might be misleading if contradictions are introduced by failing proof attempts of the verification.
- 73.9: The begging of the while-body is unreachable.
- 73.9: The statements after the while-loop are unreachable.
-Boogie program verifier finished with 2 errors and 2 smoke test warnings.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 6 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/counter.chalice b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/counter.chalice
index 828cf005..c15ed36b 100644
--- a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/counter.chalice
+++ b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/counter.chalice
@@ -53,9 +53,10 @@ class Program {
method doRelease(c: Counter, i: int)
- requires c!=null && holds(c) && acc(c.value) && eval(c.acquire, acc(c.value) && i<=c.value);
+ requires c!=null && holds(c) && acc(c.value) && eval(c.acquire, acc(c.value) && c.value <= i);
lockchange c;
+ c.value := i+1
release c; // ok, because of atAcquire conjunct in the precondition
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/counter.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/counter.output.txt
index 1d5be0ea..3c7f78b0 100644
--- a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/counter.output.txt
+++ b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/counter.output.txt
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
Verification of counter.chalice using parameters=""
- 69.5: Monitor invariant might hot hold. The expression at 4.27 might not evaluate to true.
- 80.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 80.12 might not evaluate to true.
- 119.5: The target of the release statement might not be locked by the current thread.
- 128.7: The mu field of the target of the acquire statement might not be above waitlevel.
- 136.7: The mu field of the target of the acquire statement might not be above waitlevel.
- 145.5: The target of the release statement might not be locked by the current thread.
+ 70.5: Monitor invariant might hot hold. The expression at 4.27 might not evaluate to true.
+ 81.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 81.12 might not evaluate to true.
+ 120.5: The target of the release statement might not be locked by the current thread.
+ 129.7: The mu field of the target of the acquire statement might not be above waitlevel.
+ 137.7: The mu field of the target of the acquire statement might not be above waitlevel.
+ 146.5: The target of the release statement might not be locked by the current thread.
The program did not fully verify; the smoke warnings might be misleading if contradictions are introduced by failing proof attempts of the verification.
- 62.3: The end of method main4 is unreachable.
- 116.3: The end of method nestedBad0 is unreachable.
- 128.7: The statements after the acquire statement are unreachable.
- 136.7: The begging of the lock-block is unreachable.
- 141.3: The end of method nestedBad3 is unreachable.
+ 63.3: The end of method main4 is unreachable.
+ 117.3: The end of method nestedBad0 is unreachable.
+ 129.7: The statements after the acquire statement are unreachable.
+ 137.7: The begging of the lock-block is unreachable.
+ 142.3: The end of method nestedBad3 is unreachable.
Boogie program verifier finished with 6 errors and 5 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog2.chalice b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog2.chalice
index 55fe8ff5..3b6f2783 100644
--- a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog2.chalice
+++ b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog2.chalice
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ class C {
var prev := F;
call P(2);
- assert false; // succeeds because postcondition of P is not well-defined (i.e. we do not havoc this.F, so the verifier assumes the value is the same in pre and post)
method Q(n: int)
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog2.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog2.output.txt
index b9d88bbe..68cd4870 100644
--- a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog2.output.txt
+++ b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog2.output.txt
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@ Verification of prog2.chalice using parameters=""
24.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 24.12 might not evaluate to true.
31.13: Location might not be readable.
- 73.5: Const variable can be assigned to only once.
- 78.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 78.12 might not evaluate to true.
+ 72.5: Const variable can be assigned to only once.
+ 77.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 77.12 might not evaluate to true.
The program did not fully verify; the smoke warnings might be misleading if contradictions are introduced by failing proof attempts of the verification.
20.3: The end of method Caller1 is unreachable.
- 39.5: The statements after the method call statement are unreachable.
- 70.3: The end of method M2 is unreachable.
+ 69.3: The end of method M2 is unreachable.
-Boogie program verifier finished with 4 errors and 3 smoke test warnings.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 4 errors and 2 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/FoldUnfoldExperiments.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/FoldUnfoldExperiments.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bead442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/FoldUnfoldExperiments.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+class FoldUnfoldExperiments
+ var x:int;
+ var y:int;
+ predicate X { acc(x) }
+ predicate Y { acc(y) }
+ function getX():int
+ requires X;
+ { unfolding X in x }
+ function getY():int
+ requires Y;
+ { unfolding Y in y }
+ method setX(v:int)
+ requires X;
+ ensures X && getX()==v;
+ {
+ unfold X; x:=v; fold X;
+ }
+ method check()
+ requires acc(x) && acc(y);
+ ensures acc(y) && y==2 && X && getX()==3;
+ {
+ x:=1; y:=2;
+ fold X; fold Y;
+ call setX(3);
+ unfold Y;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/FoldUnfoldExperiments.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/FoldUnfoldExperiments.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7239cf05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/FoldUnfoldExperiments.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Verification of FoldUnfoldExperiments.chalice using parameters=""
+Boogie program verifier finished with 0 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/aux-info.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/aux-info.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f457c481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/aux-info.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+class Cell {
+ var value: int;
+ predicate p { acc(value,1) }
+ method test()
+ requires p && acc(value,2)
+ {
+ // previously, the following sequence let to negative secondary permission
+ // to the field value.
+ fold p
+ fold p
+ call void()
+ call void()
+ call void2()
+ unfold p
+ var tmp: int := value
+ fold p
+ // make sure that at this point we can retain information about the field value
+ assert tmp == unfolding p in value
+ }
+ method void()
+ requires p
+ {}
+ method void2()
+ requires p
+ ensures p
+ {}
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/aux-info.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/aux-info.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae84772b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/aux-info.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Verification of aux-info.chalice using parameters=""
+Boogie program verifier finished with 0 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-fields.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-fields.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce168f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-fields.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+class List
+ var value:int;
+ var next:List;
+ predicate valid { acc(value) && acc(next) && (next!=null ==> next.valid) }
+ method set(x:int, y:int) requires valid; ensures valid; {}
+class C
+ method M (x:List, y:List)
+ requires x!=null && y!=null && x!=y && x.valid && y.valid;
+ requires unfolding x.valid in!=y;
+ requires unfolding y.valid in!=x;
+ // the two requirements above are needed, otherwise Chalice cannot prove that the two lists are disjoint
+ {
+ var i: int := unfolding x.valid in x.value;
+ var j: int := unfolding y.valid in y.value;
+ call y.set(0,10);
+ assert unfolding x.valid in (i == x.value); // succeeds
+ assert unfolding y.valid in (j == y.value); // correctly fails to verify
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-fields.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-fields.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a7ea2ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-fields.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Verification of framing-fields.chalice using parameters=""
+ 22.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 22.12 might not evaluate to true.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 1 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-functions.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-functions.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b66a473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-functions.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+class List
+ var value:int;
+ var next:List;
+ predicate valid { acc(value) && acc(next) && (next!=null ==> next.valid) }
+ method set(x:int, y:int) requires valid; ensures valid; {}
+ function itemAt(i: int): int
+ requires valid && 0 <= i;
+ { unfolding valid in i == 0 || next == null ? value : next.itemAt(i-1) }
+class C
+ method M (x:List, y:List)
+ requires x!=null && y!=null && x!=y && x.valid && y.valid;
+ {
+ var i: int := x.itemAt(0);
+ var j: int := y.itemAt(0);
+ call y.set(0,10);
+ assert i==x.itemAt(0); // succeeds
+ assert j==y.itemAt(0); // correctly fails to verify
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-functions.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-functions.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01bdd7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/framing-functions.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Verification of framing-functions.chalice using parameters=""
+ 23.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 23.12 might not evaluate to true.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 1 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/generate_reference.bat b/Chalice/tests/predicates/generate_reference.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6864843c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/generate_reference.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@echo off
+call "..\test-scripts\%0" %*
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/generate_reference_all.bat b/Chalice/tests/predicates/generate_reference_all.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6864843c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/generate_reference_all.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@echo off
+call "..\test-scripts\%0" %*
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/mutual-dependence.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/mutual-dependence.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0939607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/mutual-dependence.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+class Cell {
+ var value: int;
+ var next: Cell;
+ predicate p { q }
+ predicate q { acc(value) && acc(next) && (next != null ==> next.p) }
+ method test()
+ requires acc(this.*)
+ {
+ value := 1
+ next := null
+ fold q
+ fold p
+ call void()
+ assert unfolding p in unfolding q in value == 1 // ERROR: should not verify
+ }
+ method void()
+ requires p
+ ensures p
+ {}
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/mutual-dependence.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/mutual-dependence.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a35556a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/mutual-dependence.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Verification of mutual-dependence.chalice using parameters=""
+ 16.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 16.12 might not evaluate to true.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 1 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/reg_test.bat b/Chalice/tests/predicates/reg_test.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6864843c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/reg_test.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@echo off
+call "..\test-scripts\%0" %*
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/reg_test_all.bat b/Chalice/tests/predicates/reg_test_all.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6864843c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/reg_test_all.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@echo off
+call "..\test-scripts\%0" %*
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/setset.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/setset.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..512c65c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/setset.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+class Node {
+ var value: int;
+ method init(v: int)
+ requires acc(value)
+ ensures valid
+ {
+ value := v
+ fold this.valid
+ }
+ function get():int requires valid { unfolding valid in value }
+ method set(v: int)
+ requires valid
+ ensures valid && get() == v
+ {
+ unfold valid
+ value := v
+ fold valid
+ }
+ predicate valid {
+ acc(value)
+ }
+ method main(x: Node, y: Node)
+ requires x != null && y != null
+ requires x.valid && y.valid
+ {
+ call x.set(3)
+ call y.set(3)
+ call x.set(3)
+ call y.set(3)
+ call x.set(3)
+ call y.set(3)
+ call x.set(3)
+ unfold x.valid
+ x.value := 3
+ fold x.valid
+ call y.set(3)
+ call x.set(3)
+ call y.set(3)
+ unfold x.valid
+ x.value := 3
+ fold x.valid
+ unfold x.valid
+ x.value := 3
+ fold x.valid
+ call x.set(3)
+ call y.set(3)
+ call x.set(4)
+ assert y.get() == 3
+ assert x.get() == 3 // error: should fail
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/setset.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/setset.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c20911f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/setset.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Verification of setset.chalice using parameters=""
+ 55.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 55.12 might not evaluate to true.
+The program did not fully verify; the smoke warnings might be misleading if contradictions are introduced by failing proof attempts of the verification.
+ 27.3: The end of method main is unreachable.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 1 errors and 1 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test.bat b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6864843c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@echo off
+call "..\test-scripts\%0" %*
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c416671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+class List
+ var value:int;
+ var next:List;
+ predicate inv { acc(value) && acc(next) && (next!=null ==> next.inv) }
+ function len():int
+ requires inv;
+ {
+ unfolding inv in (next==null) ? 1 : (1+next.len())
+ }
+ predicate P { acc(value,50) }
+ method skip()
+ requires P; ensures P
+ {}
+ method goo()
+ requires acc(value);
+ {
+ // mask: value=100, secmask: -
+ fold P;
+ // mask: value=50,p=100, secmask: value=50
+ call skip();
+ // mask: value=50,p=100, secmask: -
+ fold P;
+ // mask: value=0,p=200, secmask: value=50
+ fork t:=skip();
+ // mask: value=0,p=100, secmask: -
+ assert unfolding P in value==old(value);
+ // ERROR: Chalice currently cannot verify this example, as there is neither
+ // primary nor secondary permission available to value directly before the
+ // assertion
+ }
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e05e1b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Verification of test.chalice using parameters=""
+ 32.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 32.12 might not evaluate to true.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 1 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test1.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test1.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dbde565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test1.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+class List
+ var value:int;
+ var next:List;
+ predicate inv { acc(value) && acc(next) && (next!=null ==> next.inv) }
+ function get():int
+ requires inv;
+ { unfolding inv in value }
+ // the purpose of this method is to test whether the methodology can roll back correctly the secondary mask:
+ // s0 unf s1 unf s2 fold, should roll back to state s1 and not s0
+ // note also the unfolding expression in the precondition: the fact that next!=null must be known in the body of the method
+ // this means that the secondary mask must start off containing, according to the proposal
+ method foo()
+ requires inv && unfolding inv in next!=null;
+ ensures inv && unfolding inv in next!=null;
+ {
+ unfold inv;
+ value:=0;
+ unfold next.inv;
+ next.value:=1;
+ fold next.inv;
+ assert next.get()==1;
+ assert value==0;
+ fold inv;
+ assert get()==0;
+ assert unfolding inv in next!=null && next.get()==1;
+ assert unfolding inv in next.get()==1;
+ }
+ // this method tests whether the methodology works correctly when (un)folds happen on statically unknown objects
+ method goo(a:List, b:List, c:bool)
+ requires a!=null && b!=null && a.inv && b.inv;
+ {
+ var z:List;
+ unfold a.inv;
+ unfold b.inv;
+ a.value:=0;
+ b.value:=1;
+ if(c) { z:=a } else { z:=b }
+ fold z.inv;
+ assert c ==> a.inv && a.get()==0;
+ assert !c ==> b.inv && b.get()==1;
+ unfold z.inv;
+ assert a.value==0;
+ assert b.value==1;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test1.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test1.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73be63ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test1.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Verification of test1.chalice using parameters=""
+Boogie program verifier finished with 0 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test10.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test10.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d45914c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test10.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+class List
+ var value:int;
+ var next:List;
+ predicate inv { acc(value) && acc(next) && (next!=null ==> next.inv) }
+ function get():int
+ requires inv;
+ { unfolding inv in value }
+ method foo()
+ requires inv && unfolding inv in next!=null;
+ ensures inv && unfolding inv in next!=null;
+ {
+ assert unfolding inv in unfolding next.inv in true;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test10.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test10.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d38b56a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test10.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Verification of test10.chalice using parameters=""
+Boogie program verifier finished with 0 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test2.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test2.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f93a1eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test2.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+class FoldUnfoldExperiments
+ var x:int;
+ var y:int;
+ var z:int;
+ var w:int;
+ predicate X { acc(x) }
+ predicate Y { acc(y) }
+ predicate Z { acc(z) }
+ function getX():int
+ requires X;
+ { unfolding X in x }
+ function getY():int
+ requires Y;
+ { unfolding Y in y }
+ function getZ():int
+ requires Z;
+ { unfolding Z in z }
+ method setX(v:int)
+ requires X;
+ ensures X && getX()==v;
+ {
+ unfold X; x:=v; fold X;
+ }
+ // this method checks if the methodology frames correctly around a method call: what happens with folded data and unfolded data
+ // also: what happens if we have folded data during the call, that we unfold after the call
+ method check()
+ requires acc(x) && acc(y) && acc(z) && acc(w);
+ ensures acc(y) && y==2 && X && getX()==3 && Z && getZ()==4 && acc(w) && w==10;
+ {
+ x:=1; y:=2; z:=4; w:=10;
+ fold X; fold Y; fold Z;
+ call setX(3);
+ unfold Y;
+ }
+ // this method checks that method calls do not interfere with the correct handling of folds and unfolds
+ method check1()
+ requires X && acc(y) && y==1;
+ ensures acc(y) && y==1 && X && getX()==200;
+ {
+ call setX(10);
+ fold Y;
+ call setX(100);
+ unfold Y;
+ fold Y;
+ unfold Y;
+ call setX(200);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test2.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test2.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0bed944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test2.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Verification of test2.chalice using parameters=""
+Boogie program verifier finished with 0 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test3.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test3.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a364fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test3.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+class Unsound
+ var value:int;
+ predicate inv { acc(value) }
+ function get():int
+ requires inv;
+ {
+ unfolding inv in value
+ }
+ method set(newval:int)
+ requires inv;
+ ensures inv && get()==newval;
+ {
+ unfold inv;
+ value:=newval;
+ fold inv;
+ }
+ method test()
+ requires inv;
+ {
+ call set(3);
+ call set(4);
+ // at this point, Chalice used to be able to prove false
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test3.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test3.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e4e49d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test3.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Verification of test3.chalice using parameters=""
+Boogie program verifier finished with 0 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test4.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test4.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..201b643d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test4.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+class Cell
+ var value:int;
+ predicate P { acc(value,50) }
+ function get():int
+ requires P;
+ {
+ unfolding P in value
+ }
+ method boom(x:Cell, y:Cell)
+ requires x!=null && y!=null && x.P && y.P;
+ ensures x.P && y.P && (x==y ==> x.get()==100) && (x!=y ==> x.get()==old(x.get()));
+ {
+ if(x==y)
+ {
+ unfold x.P; unfold x.P;
+ y.value:=100;
+ fold y.P; fold y.P;
+ }
+ }
+ method skip()
+ requires P;
+ ensures P;
+ {}
+ // is the bookkeeping correct when calculating the secondary mask?
+ // fold happens once on a statically unknown object
+ // intermediate calls to skip happen in all examples to create artificial "changes" to the heap,
+ // thereby testing framing in the bookkeeping of folds/unfolds
+ method foo(z:Cell)
+ requires acc(value,50) && value==2 && z!=null && acc(z.value,50);
+ {
+ fold z.P;
+ call z.skip();
+ fold P;
+ call boom(this, z);
+ assert this!=z ==> unfolding P in value==2;
+ assert this==z ==> unfolding P in value==100;
+ }
+ // must fail: give away all permission, even in pieces, and you lose all information about value
+ method hoo()
+ requires acc(value);
+ {
+ fold P;
+ call skip();
+ fold P;
+ fork t:=skip();
+ call skip ();
+ assert unfolding P in value==old(value); // ERROR: should fail
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test4.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test4.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5268bec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test4.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Verification of test4.chalice using parameters=""
+ 54.2: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 54.9 might not evaluate to true.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 1 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test7.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test7.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ad8e592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test7.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+class C
+ var value:int;
+ predicate inv { acc(value) }
+ function get():int
+ requires inv;
+ {
+ unfolding inv in value
+ }
+ method set(newval:int)
+ requires inv;
+ ensures inv && get()==newval;
+ {
+ unfold inv;
+ value:=newval;
+ fold inv;
+ }
+ method callmethod0()
+ requires inv;
+ ensures inv && get()==3;
+ {
+ call set(3);
+ }
+ method callmethod1()
+ {
+ call set(3); // ERROR: should fail
+ }
+ method ifc()
+ requires inv;
+ ensures inv && get()>old(get())
+ {
+ if(get()>0) { call set(get()+get()); }
+ else { call set(2); }
+ }
+ method loop0() returns (r:int)
+ requires inv && get()>0;
+ ensures inv && r==get();
+ {
+ r:=0;
+ while (r<unfolding inv in value)
+ invariant inv && r<=get();
+ { r:=r+1; }
+ }
+ method loop1() returns (r:int)
+ requires inv && get()>0;
+ ensures inv && r==get();
+ {
+ r:=0;
+ while (r<get())
+ invariant inv && r<=unfolding inv in value;
+ { r:=r+1; }
+ }
+ method uf0()
+ requires acc(value);
+ {
+ assert acc(value);
+ fold inv;
+ assert acc(value); // ERROR: should fail
+ }
+ method uf1()
+ requires acc(value);
+ {
+ assert acc(value);
+ fold inv;
+ assert acc(inv);
+ }
+ method uf2()
+ requires inv;
+ {
+ assert inv;
+ unfold inv;
+ assert acc(value);
+ }
+ method uf3()
+ requires inv;
+ {
+ assert inv;
+ unfold inv;
+ assert acc(inv); // ERROR: should fail
+ }
+ method badframing0()
+ requires get()==2; // ERROR: should fail
+ {}
+ method badframing1()
+ requires value==2; // ERROR: should fail
+ {}
+ method badframing2()
+ requires acc(value) && get()==2; // ERROR: should fail
+ {}
+ method badframing3()
+ requires inv && value==2; // ERROR: should fail
+ {}
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test7.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test7.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46ac796c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test7.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Verification of test7.chalice using parameters=""
+ 31.5: The precondition at 14.14 might not hold. Insufficient fraction at 14.14 for C.inv.
+ 67.5: Assertion might not hold. Insufficient fraction at 67.12 for C.value.
+ 91.5: Assertion might not hold. Insufficient fraction at 91.12 for C.inv.
+ 95.14: Precondition at 8.14 might not hold. Insufficient fraction at 8.14 for C.inv.
+ 99.14: Location might not be readable.
+ 103.28: Precondition at 8.14 might not hold. Insufficient fraction at 8.14 for C.inv.
+ 107.21: Location might not be readable.
+The program did not fully verify; the smoke warnings might be misleading if contradictions are introduced by failing proof attempts of the verification.
+ 31.5: The statements after the method call statement are unreachable.
+ 62.3: The end of method uf0 is unreachable.
+ 86.3: The end of method uf3 is unreachable.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 7 errors and 3 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test8.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test8.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e824f161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test8.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// fold/unfold in various combinations
+class FUFU
+ var value:int;
+ var next:FUFU;
+ predicate inv { acc(value) }
+ predicate tinv { acc(value) && acc(next) && (next!=null ==> next.tinv) }
+ function get():int
+ requires tinv;
+ { unfolding tinv in value }
+ method fufu()
+ requires acc(value);
+ {
+ fold inv;
+ unfold inv;
+ fold inv;
+ unfold inv;
+ }
+ method fuf()
+ requires acc(value);
+ {
+ fold inv;
+ unfold inv;
+ fold inv;
+ }
+ method uf()
+ requires inv;
+ {
+ unfold inv;
+ fold inv;
+ }
+ method fu()
+ requires acc(value);
+ {
+ fold inv;
+ unfold inv;
+ }
+ method t()
+ requires tinv && unfolding tinv in next!=null;
+ ensures tinv && unfolding tinv in next!=null;
+ {
+ unfold tinv;
+ unfold next.tinv;
+ fold next.tinv;
+ fold tinv;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/test8.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test8.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..881b2ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/test8.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Verification of test8.chalice using parameters=""
+Boogie program verifier finished with 0 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/unfolding.chalice b/Chalice/tests/predicates/unfolding.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f01b237d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/unfolding.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+class Cell {
+ var value: int;
+ predicate p { acc(value) }
+ method test()
+ requires p
+ {
+ var tmp: int := unfolding p in value;
+ var tmp2: int := unfolding p in value;
+ call void()
+ assert tmp == unfolding p in value // ERROR: should fail
+ }
+ method test2()
+ requires p
+ {
+ var tmp: int := unfolding p in value;
+ var tmp2: int := unfolding p in value;
+ call v()
+ assert tmp == unfolding p in value
+ }
+ method v() requires true {}
+ method void()
+ requires p
+ ensures p
+ {}
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/predicates/unfolding.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/predicates/unfolding.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a1ebbde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/predicates/unfolding.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Verification of unfolding.chalice using parameters=""
+ 12.5: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 12.12 might not evaluate to true.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 1 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-1.chalice b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-1.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10caeebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-1.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+class Test {
+ var next: Test;
+ var elem: int;
+ predicate valid {
+ acc(elem) && acc(next) &&
+ (next != null ==> next.valid)
+ }
+ function get(index:int):int
+ requires valid
+ // on 2012-02-21, a bug was reported that caused Chalice to crash with an
+ // InternalError for the following precondition.
+ requires unfolding valid in true
+ {0}
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-1.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-1.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea14d3e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-1.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Verification of internal-bug-1.chalice using parameters=""
+Boogie program verifier finished with 0 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-2.chalice b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-2.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac6b5a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-2.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class Lala {
+ var x;
+ predicate inv { acc(x) }
+ method koko()
+ requires inv
+ {
+ x := x + 1;
+ assert (unfolding inv in x) == old(unfolding inv in x)
+ }
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-2.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-2.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b763659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-2.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Verification of internal-bug-2.chalice using parameters=""
+ 9.9: Location might not be writable
+The program did not fully verify; the smoke warnings might be misleading if contradictions are introduced by failing proof attempts of the verification.
+ 6.5: The end of method koko is unreachable.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 1 errors and 1 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-3.chalice b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-3.chalice
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17b6dd25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-3.chalice
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+class C
+ var f: int
+ method M ()
+ requires acc(f, 100-rd(non_existing_field))
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-3.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-3.output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f5ebd08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/tests/regressions/internal-bug-3.output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Verification of internal-bug-3.chalice using parameters=""
+The program did not typecheck.
+5.28: undeclared member non_existing_field in class C
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/regressions/workitem-10194.output.txt b/Chalice/tests/regressions/workitem-10194.output.txt
index 3ed31c08..580a8068 100644
--- a/Chalice/tests/regressions/workitem-10194.output.txt
+++ b/Chalice/tests/regressions/workitem-10194.output.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Verification of workitem-10194.chalice using parameters=""
20.35: Location might not be readable.
+ 35.3: Assertion might not hold. The expression at 35.10 might not evaluate to true.
-Boogie program verifier finished with 1 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
+Boogie program verifier finished with 2 errors and 0 smoke test warnings.
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/runalltests.bat b/Chalice/tests/runalltests.bat
index 54121bbe..eb26d4ec 100644
--- a/Chalice/tests/runalltests.bat
+++ b/Chalice/tests/runalltests.bat
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ if "%1"=="-no-summary" (
set t=0
set c=0
-for %%f in (examples permission-model general-tests regressions) do (
+for %%f in (examples permission-model general-tests regressions predicates) do (
echo Running tests in %%f ...
echo ------------------------------------------------------
cd %%f
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ for %%f in (examples permission-model general-tests regressions) do (
REM Run refinement regression tests
cd refinements
-call test.bat
+REM call test.bat
cd ..
if !nosummary!==0 (