path: root/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog0.chalice
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Diffstat (limited to 'Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog0.chalice')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog0.chalice b/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog0.chalice
deleted file mode 100644
index fb835a24..00000000
--- a/Chalice/tests/general-tests/prog0.chalice
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-class C {
- method m() {
- assert 4 + (a * 5) + (2 + 3) * (a + a);
- a := a + 3;
- b := a - b - c + 4 * d + 20 + --25;
- b := ((((a - b) - c) + 4 * d) + 20) + --25;
- c := a - (b - (c + (4 * d + (20 + 25))));
- assert (X ==> Y) ==> Z <==> A ==> B ==> C;
- assume A && B && (C || D || E) && F;
- var x;
- var y := 12 + !(x.f.g).h - (!x).f + (!x.f);
- var z := new C;
- y := new D;
- o.f := 5;
- (a + b).y := new T;
- reorder (2 ==(O != 3)) != O between a,b,c and x,y,z;
- reorder X ==> Y below x+5;
- reorder o.f above this, null;
- share o;
- unshare o;
- acquire o;
- release o;
- rd acquire o;
- rd release o;
- downgrade o;
- var tok: token<C.m>;
- fork tok := o.m();
- join tok;
- assert rd(x) + acc(y) + acc(z, 1/4) + old(old(k)) + null.f;
- x := this.f;
- call m(2,3,4);
- call this.m(2,3,4);
- call a,b,c := o.m();
- call x := m(200);
- reorder o above waitlevel;
- }
- method p(a,b,c) returns (x,y,z)
- requires 8 + 2 == 10;
- ensures 8 + 5 > 10;
- requires x == y+1;
- ensures old(x) < x;
- {
- if (x == 7) {
- y := y + 1; z := z + 2;
- } else if (x == 8) {
- y := 2;
- } else {
- z := 10;
- }
- { // empty block
- }
- if (x == 9) { }
- if (x == 10) { x := 10; } else { }
- var n := 0;
- while (n < 100) { n := n - 1; }
- while (n != 0)
- invariant n % 2 == 0;
- invariant sqrt2 * sqrt2 == 2;
- {
- n := n - 2;
- }
- call v,x := s.M(65);
- }
-class D { }
-// ----- tests specifically of implicit locals in CALL and RECEIVE statements
-class ImplicitC {
- var k: int;
- method MyMethod() returns (x: int, y: ImplicitC)
- requires acc(k)
- ensures acc(y.k) && x < y.k
- {
- x := k - 15;
- y := this;
- }
- method B0() {
- var c := new ImplicitC;
- call a, b := c.MyMethodX(); // error: method not found (so what is done with a,b?)
- assert a < b.k;
- }
- method B1() {
- var c := new ImplicitC;
- call a, a := c.MyMethod(); // error: a occurs twice
- assert a < b.k;
- }
- method D0() {
- var ch := new Ch;
- var c := new ImplicitC;
- send ch(c.k - 15, c); // give ourselves some credit
- receive a, b := chX; // error: channel not found (so what is done with a,b?)
- assert a < b.k;
- }
- method D1() {
- var ch := new Ch;
- var c := new ImplicitC;
- send ch(c.k - 15, c); // give ourselves some credit
- receive a, a := ch; // error: a occurs twice
- assert a < b.k;
- }
-channel Ch(x: int, y: ImplicitC) where acc(y.k) && x < y.k;