path: root/Chalice/tests/examples/linkedlist.chalice
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Diffstat (limited to 'Chalice/tests/examples/linkedlist.chalice')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/Chalice/tests/examples/linkedlist.chalice b/Chalice/tests/examples/linkedlist.chalice
deleted file mode 100644
index a9859aaa..00000000
--- a/Chalice/tests/examples/linkedlist.chalice
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* Recursive implementation and specification of a linked list. */
-class Node {
- var next: Node;
- var value: int;
- method init(v: int)
- requires acc(next) && acc(value);
- ensures valid && size() == 1 && (forall y:int :: contains(y) <==> y==v);
- {
- next := null;
- value := v;
- fold this.valid;
- }
- method add(x: int)
- requires valid;
- ensures valid;
- ensures size() == old(size())+1;
- ensures (forall y:int :: contains(y)==(old(contains(y)) || x==y));
- {
- unfold this.valid;
- if(next==null) {
- var n : Node;
- n := new Node;
- call n.init(x);
- next := n;
- // unfold next.valid; fold next.valid; // makes it work
- } else {
- call next.add(x);
- }
- fold this.valid;
- }
- method addother(i:int)
- requires valid
- ensures valid && (forall x:int :: contains(x)==(old(contains(x)) || x==i))
- {
- unfold valid
- if(next!=null)
- {
- call next.addother(i)
- }
- else
- {
- next:=new Node
- next.value:=i
- fold next.valid
- }
- fold valid
- }
- method addFirst(x: int) returns (rt: Node)
- requires valid;
- ensures rt!=null && rt.valid;
- ensures rt.size() == old(size()) + 1;
- {
- var n: Node;
- n := new Node;
- n.value := x;
- := this;
- fold n.valid;
- rt := n;
- }
- function at(i: int): int
- requires valid && 0<=i && i<size();
- {
- unfolding valid in i==0 ? value :
- }
- function size(): int
- requires valid;
- ensures result > 0
- {
- unfolding this.valid in (next!=null ? 1+ next.size() : 1)
- }
- function contains(i:int):bool
- requires valid
- {
- unfolding valid in i==value || (next!=null && next.contains(i))
- }
- predicate valid {
- acc(next) && acc(value) && (next!=null ==> next.valid)
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file