path: root/Chalice/src/main/scala/Graph.scala
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Graph.scala b/Chalice/src/main/scala/Graph.scala
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--- a/Chalice/src/main/scala/Graph.scala
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-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- * Graph algorithms
- */
-package chalice;
-import scala.collection.mutable;
-import scala.collection.immutable;
-// Directed simple graph on T. Payload of nodes (of type T) should remain immutable while in graph.
-class DiGraph[T] {
- private class Node[T](t: T) {
- val data: T = t;
- var children = mutable.Set.empty[Node[T]];
- // temporary variables
- var index = -1;
- var lowlink = -1;
- var onstack = false;
- }
- private var rep = mutable.Map.empty[T, Node[T]];
- def addNode(t: T) = {
- if (hasNode(t))
- false;
- else {
- rep(t) = new Node(t);
- true;
- }
- }
- def addEdge(a: T, b: T) = {
- assert (hasNode(a));
- assert (hasNode(b));
- if (rep(a).children.contains(rep(b)))
- false
- else {
- rep(a).children += rep(b);
- true;
- }
- }
- def hasNode(a: T) = rep contains a;
- def nodes: immutable.Set[T] =
- immutable.Set() ++ rep.keys
- def children(t: T): immutable.Set[T] = {
- assert (rep contains t);
- immutable.Set() ++ (rep(t).children map {x =>})
- }
- // Compute topological sort (edges point in forward direction in the list)
- // Terminates but incorrect if not a DAG.
- def computeTopologicalSort: List[T] = {
- rep.values foreach {v => assert(!v.onstack)}
- var l: List[T] = Nil;
- def tarjan(v: Node[T]) {
- if (! v.onstack) {
- v.onstack = true;
- for (w <- v.children) tarjan(w)
- l = :: l;
- }
- }
- rep.values foreach {v => tarjan(v)}
- rep.values foreach {v => assert(v.onstack); v.onstack = false;}
- l
- }
- // Compute condensation of the digraph.
- // The resulting digraph has no self loops
- def computeSCC: (DiGraph[List[T]],mutable.Map[T,List[T]]) = {
- // Tarjan's algorithm for finding strongly connected components
- //
- rep.values foreach {x => assert(x.index == -1 && x.lowlink == -1 && !x.onstack)};
- // morphism
- val result = new DiGraph[List[T]];
- val map = mutable.Map.empty[T,List[T]];
- // algorithm
- var index = 0;
- var S:List[Node[T]] = Nil;
- def tarjan(v: Node[T]) {
- v.index = index;
- v.lowlink = index;
- index = index + 1;
- S = v :: S; v.onstack = true;
- for (w <- v.children) {
- if (w.index == -1) {
- tarjan(w);
- v.lowlink = scala.math.min(v.lowlink, w.lowlink);
- } else if (w.onstack)
- v.lowlink = scala.math.min(v.lowlink, w.index);
- }
- if (v.lowlink == v.index) {
- var scc:List[T] = Nil;
- var w: Node[T] = null;
- while (v != w) {
- w = S.head;
- S = S.tail; w.onstack = false;
- scc = :: scc;
- }
- result.addNode(scc);
- scc foreach {t => map(t) = scc}
- }
- }
- // compute SCCs
- rep.values foreach {n => if(n.index == -1) tarjan(n)};
- // compute SCCs edges
- rep.values foreach {n => n.children foreach {m =>
- if (map( != map(
- result.addEdge(map(, map(
- }
- }
- // clean-up
- rep.values foreach {x => x.index = -1; x.lowlink = -1; x.onstack = false};
- (result,map);
- }
-object Test {
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- val g = new DiGraph[Int];
- assert(g.addNode(0));
- assert(!g.addNode(0));
- assert(g.addNode(1));
- assert(g.addNode(2));
- assert(g.addNode(3));
- assert(g.addNode(4));
- assert(g.addNode(5));
- g.addEdge(0,1);
- g.addEdge(0,1);
- g.addEdge(0,2);
- assert(g.children(0) == Set(1,2));
- g.addEdge(1,1);
- g.addEdge(2,3);
- g.addEdge(3,4);
- g.addEdge(3,5);
- g.addEdge(5,4);
- g.addEdge(4,2);
- g.computeSCC;
- val (d, h) = g.computeSCC;
- assert(h.get(0).get == List(0));
- assert(h.get(1).get == List(1));
- assert(h.get(2).get.size == 4);
- assert(h.get(3).get.size == 4);
- assert(h.get(4).get.size == 4);
- assert(h.get(5).get.size == 4);
- assert(d.children(h.get(0).get) == Set(h.get(1).get, h.get(2).get));
- assert(d.children(h.get(1).get) == Set());
- assert(d.children(h.get(2).get) == Set());
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file