path: root/Chalice/src/SmokeTest.scala
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1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Chalice/src/SmokeTest.scala b/Chalice/src/SmokeTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..659de182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Chalice/src/SmokeTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+package chalice;
+import scala.util.parsing.input.Position
+import scala.util.parsing.input.NoPosition
+/** SmokeTest allows to perform 'smoke testing' on any given Chalice program.
+ * The prover is instructed to try proving 'false' at various places in the
+ * program to find unreachable code, precondition that are equivalent to false
+ * or assumptions that introduce a contradiction.
+ *
+ * @author Stefan Heule
+ */
+object SmokeTest {
+ /** Map from error message ID's to their position, error message and location name (e.g. method+class name) */
+ private var errorMessages: scala.collection.SortedMap[Int, (Position, String, String)] = scala.collection.SortedMap()
+ private var count: Int = 0 // current error message id
+ /** Process the output of Boogie and generate the correct warnings from smoke testing */
+ def processBoogieOutput(out: List[String]): String = {
+ var errorCount: Map[String, Int] = Map()
+ val SmokePattern = ".*: SMOKE-TEST-([0-9]+).".r
+ val SummaryPattern = "Boogie program verifier finished with ([0-9]+) verified, ([0-9]+) errors".r
+ var result = "";
+ var smokeErrors: Set[Int] = Set()
+ var outcome: Option[(Int,Int)] = None
+ for (s <- out) s match {
+ case SmokePattern(id) => smokeErrors += id.toInt
+ case SummaryPattern(verified, errors) => outcome = Some((verified.toInt,errors.toInt))
+ case _ => result += s + "\n"
+ }
+ val smokeTestAssertions = errorMessages.size
+ val smokeTestWarnings = smokeTestAssertions - smokeErrors.size
+ {
+ var t = "";
+ for ((errNr, (pos, msg, location)) <- errorMessages) yield {
+ if (!errorCount.contains(location)) errorCount += location -> 0
+ if (!smokeErrors.contains(errNr)) {
+ errorCount += location -> (errorCount(location)+1)
+ t += " " + pos + ": " + msg + "\n"
+ }
+ }
+ t
+ } + "\n" +
+ "Smoke testing finished with " + errorCount.values.filter(_ == 0).size + " verified, " + smokeTestWarnings + " warnings\n"
+ // for the moment do not show errors not related to smoke testing
+ /* "General Boogie program verifier errors" + "\n" +
+ result +
+ (outcome match {
+ case None => ""
+ case Some((verified,errors)) => "Boogie program verifier finished."
+ })*/
+ }
+ /** Add smoke assertions for to a program. */
+ def smokeProgram(prog: List[TopLevelDecl]): List[TopLevelDecl] = {
+ for (decl <- prog) yield decl match {
+ case cl: Class =>
+ val newmembers = for (m <- cl.members) yield m match {
+ case MonitorInvariant(e) => m
+ case f@ Field(id, t, ghost) => m
+ case method: Method =>
+ copyPosition(method, smokeMethod(method, cl))
+ case Condition(id, optE) => m
+ case Predicate(id, definition) => m
+ case Function(id, ins, out, specs, e) => m
+ case m: MethodTransform => m
+ case CouplingInvariant(ids, e) => m
+ }
+ copyPosition(cl, Class(cl.classId, cl.parameters, cl.module, newmembers))
+ case ch: Channel => ch
+ }
+ }
+ /** Add smoke assertions for a method (if necessary). */
+ private def smokeMethod(method: Method, cl: Class) = {
+ val location = "method " + cl.classId + "." +
+ var newbody = smokeStmt(method.body, location)
+ val preassert = smokeAssert(method.pos, "Precondition of method " + method.Id + " is equivalent to false.", location)
+ val postassert = smokeAssert(method.pos, "The end of method " + method.Id + " is unreachable.", location)
+ newbody = preassert :: newbody ::: postassert :: Nil
+ Method(, method.ins, method.outs, method.spec, newbody)
+ }
+ /** Add smoke assertions for multiple statements (if necessary). */
+ private def smokeStmt(stmts: List[Statement], location: String): List[Statement] = {
+ (for (s <- stmts) yield copyPosition(s, smokeStmt(s, location))).flatten
+ }
+ /** Add smoke assertions for a statement (if necessary). */
+ private def smokeStmt(stmt: Statement, location: String): List[Statement] = {
+ stmt match {
+ case Assume(_) => stmt :: smokeAssert(stmt.pos, "Assumption might introduce a contradiction.", location) :: Nil
+ case BlockStmt(ss) => smokeStmt(ss, location)
+ case ifs@IfStmt(guard, BlockStmt(then), els) =>
+ val newthen = smokeStmt(then, location) ::: smokeAssert(ifs.pos, "The end of the if-branch is unreachable.", location) :: Nil
+ val newelse = els match {
+ case None => None
+ case Some(s) => Some(BlockStmt(smokeStmt(s, location) ::: smokeAssert(ifs.pos, "The end of the else-branch is unreachable.", location) :: Nil))
+ }
+ IfStmt(guard, BlockStmt(newthen), newelse) :: Nil
+ case WhileStmt(guard, oldInvs, newInvs, lkch, BlockStmt(body)) =>
+ val newbody = smokeStmt(body, location) ::: smokeAssert(stmt.pos, "The end of the while-body is unreachable.", location) :: Nil
+ WhileStmt(guard, oldInvs, newInvs, lkch, BlockStmt(newbody)) :: Nil
+ case Lock(obj, BlockStmt(body), rdLock) =>
+ Lock(obj, BlockStmt(smokeStmt(body, location)), rdLock) :: Nil
+ case _: RefinementBlock => stmt :: Nil
+ case Assert(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Assign(_, _) => stmt :: Nil
+ case FieldUpdate(_, _) => stmt :: Nil
+ case _: LocalVar => stmt :: Nil
+ case _: SpecStmt => stmt :: Nil
+ case _: Call => stmt :: Nil
+ case Install(_, _, _) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Share(_, _, _) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Unshare(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Acquire(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Release(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case RdAcquire(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case RdRelease(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Downgrade(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Free(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Fold(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Unfold(_) => stmt :: Nil
+ case CallAsync(_, _, _, _, _) => stmt :: Nil
+ case JoinAsync(_, _) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Send(_, _) => stmt :: Nil
+ case Receive(_, _, _) => stmt :: Nil
+ case _: Signal => stmt :: Nil
+ case _: Wait => stmt :: Nil
+ }
+ }
+ /** Generate an "assert false" with a certain position and a certain error
+ * message. Note: We generate "assert 1!=1" instead of "assert false", as
+ * Boogie seems to perform some weird optimization for false, which does
+ * not generate warnings for all failing assertions (even if the command
+ * line switch /subsumption:0 is used).
+ */
+ private def smokeAssert(pos: Position, error: String, location: String) = {
+ count += 1
+ errorMessages += count -> (pos, error, location)
+ val assert = Assert(Neq(IntLiteral(1), IntLiteral(1)))
+ assert.smokeErrorNr = Some(count)
+ assert.pos = pos
+ assert
+ }
+ /** Copy the position of an old AST node to a new node (if not already
+ * present).
+ */
+ private def copyPosition[A <: ASTNode](oldNode: A, newNode: A): A = {
+ if (newNode.pos == NoPosition) newNode.pos = oldNode.pos
+ newNode
+ }
+ /** Copy the position from one old AST node to multiple new nodes. */
+ private def copyPosition[A <: ASTNode](oldNode: A, newNodes: List[A]): List[A] = {
+ for (newNode <- newNodes) yield copyPosition(oldNode, newNode)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file