path: root/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs b/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs
index 12399cf9..4c5f6480 100644
--- a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs
+++ b/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs
@@ -11,8 +11,112 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
+ public enum PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE {
+ None=0x0000, UIElement=0x0001, FrameworkElement= 0x0002, Border=0x0004, Control=0x0008, ContentControl=0x0010, Panel=0x0020, Canvas=0x0040,
+ ToggleButton=0x0080, Grid=0x0100, Image=0x0200, InkPresenter=0x0400, ItemsControl=0x0800, Selector=0x1000, ListBox=0x2000, PasswordBox=0x4000,
+ RangeBase=0x8000, ProgressBar=0x00010000, Slider=0x00020000, StackPanel=0x00040000, RichTextBox=0x00080000, TextBlock=0x00100000,
+ TextBox=0x00200000,
+ }
public static class PhoneCodeHelper {
// TODO externalize strings
+ private static readonly string[] TextBoxChangeCalls =
+ { "set_BaselineOffset", "set_CaretBrush", "set_FontSource", "set_HorizontalScrollBarVisibility", "set_IsReadOnly", "set_LineHeight",
+ "set_LineStackingStrategy", "set_MaxLength", "set_SelectedText", "set_SelectionBackground", "set_SelectionForeground", "set_SelectionLength",
+ "set_SelectionStart", "set_Text", "set_TextAlignment", "set_TextWrapping", "set_VerticalScrollBarVisibility", "set_Watermark",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] TextBlockChangeCalls =
+ { "set_BaselineOffset", "set_FontFamily", "set_FontSize", "set_FontSource", "set_FontStretch", "set_FontStyle", "set_FontWeight", "set_Foreground",
+ "set_CharacterSpacing", "set_LineHeight", "set_LineStackingStrategy", "set_Padding", "set_Text", "set_TextAlignment", "set_TextDecorations",
+ "set_TextTrimming", "set_TextWrapping",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] UIElementChangeCalls =
+ { "set_Clip", "set_Opacity", "set_OpacityMask", "set_Projection", "set_RenderTransform",
+ "set_RenderTransformOrigin", "set_Visibility", "Arrange", "InvalidateArrange", "InvalidateMeasure", "SetValue", "ClearValue", // Set/ClearValue are quite unsafe
+ "UpdateLayout", "Measure",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] FrameworkElementChangeCalls =
+ { "set_FlowDirection", "set_Height", "set_HorizontalAlignment", "set_Language", "set_Margin", "set_MaxHeight", "set_MaxWidth", "set_MinHeight",
+ "set_MinWidth", "set_Style", "set_VerticalAlignment", "set_Width", "set_Cursor",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] BorderChangeCalls =
+ { "set_Background", "set_BorderBrush", "set_BorderThickness", "set_CornerRadius", "set_Padding",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] ControlChangeCalls =
+ { "set_Background", "set_BorderBrush", "set_BorderThickness", "set_CharacterSpacing", "set_FontFamily", "set_FontSize", "set_FontStretch",
+ "set_FontStyle", "set_FontWeight", "set_Foreground", "set_HorizontalContentAlignment", "set_IsEnabled", "set_Padding", "set_VerticalContentAlignment",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] ContentControlChangeCalls =
+ { "set_Content",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] PanelChangeCalls =
+ { "set_Background",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] CanvasChangeCalls =
+ { "set_Left", "set_Top", "set_ZIndex",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] ToggleButtonChangeCalls =
+ { "set_IsChecked",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] GridChangeCalls =
+ { "set_ShowGridLines", "set_Column", "set_ColumnSpan", "set_Row", "set_RowSpan",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] ImageChangeCalls =
+ { "set_Source", "set_Stretch",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] InkPresenterChangeCalls =
+ { "set_Strokes",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] ItemsControlChangeCalls =
+ { "set_DisplayMemberPath", "set_ItemsSource", "set_ItemTemplate",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] SelectorChangeCalls =
+ { "set_SelectedIndex", "set_SelectedItem", "set_SelectedValue", "set_SelectedValuePath",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] ListBoxChangeCalls =
+ { "set_ItemContainerStyle",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] PasswordBoxChangeCalls =
+ { "set_CaretBrush", "set_FontSource", "set_MaxLength", "set_Password", "set_PasswordChar", "set_SelectionBackground", "set_SelectionForeground",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] RangeBaseChangeCalls =
+ { "set_LargeChange", "set_Maximum", "set_Minimum", "set_SmallChange", "set_Value",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] ProgressBarChangeCalls =
+ { "set_IsIndeterminate",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] SliderChangeCalls =
+ { "set_IsDirectionReversed", "set_Orientation",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] StackPanelChangeCalls =
+ { "set_Orientation",
+ };
+ private static readonly string[] RichTextBoxChangeCalls =
+ { "set_BaselineOffset", "set_CaretBrush", "set_HorizontalScrollBartVisibility", "set_LineHeight", "set_LineStackingStrategy", "set_TextAlignment",
+ "set_TextWrapping", "set_VerticalScrollBarVisibility", "set_Xaml",
+ };
private const string IL_BOOGIE_VAR_PREFIX = "@__BOOGIE_";
private const string BOOGIE_VAR_PREFIX = "__BOOGIE_";
public const string IL_CURRENT_NAVIGATION_URI_VARIABLE = IL_BOOGIE_VAR_PREFIX + "CurrentNavigationURI__";
@@ -99,6 +203,98 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
return typeRef.isClass(phoneApplicationPageTypeRef);
+ public static bool isPhoneControlClass(this ITypeReference typeRef, IMetadataHost host, out PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE controlType) {
+ Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType platform = host.PlatformType as Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType; ;
+ IAssemblyReference coreAssemblyRef = platform.CoreAssemblyRef;
+ AssemblyIdentity MSPhoneSystemWindowsAssemblyId =
+ new AssemblyIdentity(host.NameTable.GetNameFor("System.Windows"), coreAssemblyRef.Culture, coreAssemblyRef.Version,
+ coreAssemblyRef.PublicKeyToken, "");
+ IAssemblyReference systemAssembly = host.FindAssembly(MSPhoneSystemWindowsAssemblyId);
+ ITypeReference uiElementType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "UIElement");
+ ITypeReference frameworkElementType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "FrameworkElement");
+ controlType = PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.None;
+ if (typeRef.isClass(uiElementType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.UIElement;
+ }
+ if (typeRef.isClass(frameworkElementType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.FrameworkElement;
+ ITypeReference imageType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Image");
+ ITypeReference borderType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Border");
+ ITypeReference winControlType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Control");
+ ITypeReference panelType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Panel");
+ ITypeReference textBlockType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "TextBlock");
+ if (typeRef.isClass(textBlockType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.TextBlock;
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(imageType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.Image;
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(borderType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.Border;
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(winControlType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.Control;
+ ITypeReference contentControlType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "ContentControl");
+ ITypeReference itemsControlType= platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "ItemsControl");
+ ITypeReference passwordBoxType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "PasswordBox");
+ ITypeReference rangeBaseType= platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Primitives","RangeBase");
+ ITypeReference richTextBoxType= platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "RichTextBox");
+ ITypeReference textBoxType= platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "TextBox");
+ if (typeRef.isClass(textBoxType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.TextBox;
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(contentControlType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.ContentControl;
+ ITypeReference toggleButtonType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Primitives", "ToggleButton");
+ if (typeRef.isClass(toggleButtonType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.ToggleButton;
+ }
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(itemsControlType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.ItemsControl;
+ ITypeReference selectorType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Primitives", "Selector");
+ if (typeRef.isClass(selectorType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.Selector;
+ ITypeReference listBoxType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "ListBox");
+ if (typeRef.isClass(listBoxType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.ListBox;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(passwordBoxType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.PasswordBox;
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(rangeBaseType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.RangeBase;
+ ITypeReference progressBarType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "ProgressBar");
+ ITypeReference sliderType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Slider");
+ if (typeRef.isClass(progressBarType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.ProgressBar;
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(sliderType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.Slider;
+ }
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(richTextBoxType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.RichTextBox;
+ }
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(panelType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.Panel;
+ ITypeReference canvasType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Canvas");
+ ITypeReference gridType = platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Grid");
+ ITypeReference stackPanelType= platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "StackPanel");
+ if (typeRef.isClass(canvasType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.Canvas;
+ ITypeReference inkPresenterType= platform.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "InkPresenter");
+ if (typeRef.isClass(inkPresenterType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.InkPresenter;
+ }
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(gridType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.Grid;
+ } else if (typeRef.isClass(stackPanelType)) {
+ controlType |= PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.StackPanel;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
public static bool isPhoneApplicationClass(this ITypeReference typeRef, IMetadataHost host) {
Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType platform = host.PlatformType as Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType;
IAssemblyReference coreAssemblyRef = platform.CoreAssemblyRef;
@@ -118,8 +314,8 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
new byte[] { 0x24, 0xEE, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0xC8, 0x6C, 0xDA, 0x1E }, "");
IAssemblyReference phoneAssembly = host.FindAssembly(MSPhoneAssemblyId);
- ITypeReference phoneApplicationPageTypeRef = platform.CreateReference(phoneAssembly, "Microsoft", "Phone", "Controls", "PhoneApplicationPage");
+ ITypeReference phoneApplicationPageTypeRef = platform.CreateReference(phoneAssembly, "Microsoft", "Phone", "Controls" , "PhoneApplicationPage");
return typeRef.isClass(phoneApplicationPageTypeRef);
@@ -222,5 +418,56 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
public static string getMainAppTypeName() {
return PhonePlugin.getMainAppTypeName();
+ public static Bpl.AssignCmd createBoogieNavigationUpdateCmd(Sink sink) {
+ // the block is a potential page changer
+ List<Bpl.AssignLhs> lhs = new List<Bpl.AssignLhs>();
+ List<Bpl.Expr> rhs = new List<Bpl.Expr>();
+ Bpl.Expr value = new Bpl.LiteralExpr(Bpl.Token.NoToken, false);
+ rhs.Add(value);
+ Bpl.SimpleAssignLhs assignee =
+ new Bpl.SimpleAssignLhs(Bpl.Token.NoToken,
+ new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(Bpl.Token.NoToken,
+ sink.FindOrCreateGlobalVariable(PhoneCodeHelper.BOOGIE_CONTINUE_ON_PAGE_VARIABLE, Bpl.Type.Bool)));
+ lhs.Add(assignee);
+ Bpl.AssignCmd assignCmd = new Bpl.AssignCmd(Bpl.Token.NoToken, lhs, rhs);
+ return assignCmd;
+ }
+ // TODO do away with these whenever it is possible to make repeated passes at the translator, and handle from Program
+ public static bool PhoneNavigationToggled { get; set; }
+ public static bool PhoneFeedbackToggled { get; set; }
+ public static bool isMethodInputHandler(IMethodDefinition method) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static bool isMethodKnownUIChanger(IMethodCall methodCall, IMetadataHost host) {
+ // FEEDBACK TODO for now, focus only on known Silverlight controls
+ // before any method call checks, make sure the receiving object is a Control
+ IExpression callee = methodCall.ThisArgument;
+ if (callee == null)
+ return false;
+ ITypeReference calleeType = callee.Type;
+ if (calleeType.isPhoneControlClass(host, out controlType)) {
+ return isKnownUIChanger(calleeType, methodCall, controlType);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static bool isKnownUIChanger(ITypeReference typeRef, IMethodCall call, PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE controlType) {
+ // FEEDBACK TODO check what to do with Navigation calls and MessageBox
+ bool result= false;
+ if ((controlType & PHONE_CONTROL_TYPE.UIElement) != 0) {
+ result|= UIElementChangeCalls.Contains(call.MethodToCall.Name.Value);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }