path: root/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/MetadataTraverser.cs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 721 deletions
diff --git a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/MetadataTraverser.cs b/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/MetadataTraverser.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 491f0f96..00000000
--- a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/MetadataTraverser.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,721 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using Microsoft.Cci;
-using Microsoft.Cci.MetadataReader;
-using Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel;
-using Microsoft.Cci.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Cci.ILToCodeModel;
-using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using TranslationPlugins;
-using BytecodeTranslator.Phone;
-using BytecodeTranslator.TranslationPlugins;
-namespace BytecodeTranslator {
- /// <summary>
- /// Responsible for traversing all metadata elements (i.e., everything exclusive
- /// of method bodies).
- /// </summary>
- public class BCTMetadataTraverser : MetadataTraverser {
- readonly Sink sink;
- public readonly TraverserFactory Factory;
- public readonly IDictionary<IUnit, PdbReader> PdbReaders;
- public PdbReader/*?*/ PdbReader;
- public BCTMetadataTraverser(Sink sink, IDictionary<IUnit, PdbReader> pdbReaders, TraverserFactory factory)
- : base() {
- this.sink = sink;
- this.Factory = factory;
- this.PdbReaders = pdbReaders;
- }
- public IEnumerable<Bpl.Requires> getPreconditionTranslation(IMethodContract contract) {
- ICollection<Bpl.Requires> translatedPres = new List<Bpl.Requires>();
- foreach (IPrecondition pre in contract.Preconditions) {
- var stmtTraverser = this.Factory.MakeStatementTraverser(sink, null, true);
- ExpressionTraverser exptravers = this.Factory.MakeExpressionTraverser(sink, stmtTraverser, true);
- exptravers.Traverse(pre.Condition); // TODO
- // Todo: Deal with Descriptions
- var req = new Bpl.Requires(pre.Token(), false, exptravers.TranslatedExpressions.Pop(), "");
- translatedPres.Add(req);
- }
- return translatedPres;
- }
- public IEnumerable<Bpl.Ensures> getPostconditionTranslation(IMethodContract contract) {
- ICollection<Bpl.Ensures> translatedPosts = new List<Bpl.Ensures>();
- foreach (IPostcondition post in contract.Postconditions) {
- var stmtTraverser = this.Factory.MakeStatementTraverser(sink, null, true);
- ExpressionTraverser exptravers = this.Factory.MakeExpressionTraverser(sink, stmtTraverser, true);
- exptravers.Traverse(post.Condition);
- // Todo: Deal with Descriptions
- var ens = new Bpl.Ensures(post.Token(), false, exptravers.TranslatedExpressions.Pop(), "");
- translatedPosts.Add(ens);
- }
- return translatedPosts;
- }
- public IEnumerable<Bpl.IdentifierExpr> getModifiedIdentifiers(IMethodContract contract) {
- ICollection<Bpl.IdentifierExpr> modifiedExpr = new List<Bpl.IdentifierExpr>();
- foreach (IAddressableExpression mod in contract.ModifiedVariables) {
- ExpressionTraverser exptravers = this.Factory.MakeExpressionTraverser(sink, null, true);
- exptravers.Traverse(mod);
- Bpl.IdentifierExpr idexp = exptravers.TranslatedExpressions.Pop() as Bpl.IdentifierExpr;
- if (idexp == null) {
- throw new TranslationException(String.Format("Cannot create IdentifierExpr for Modifyed Variable {0}", mod.ToString()));
- }
- modifiedExpr.Add(idexp);
- }
- return modifiedExpr;
- }
- #region Overrides
- public override void TraverseChildren(IModule module) {
- this.PdbReaders.TryGetValue(module, out this.PdbReader);
- if (!(module.EntryPoint is Dummy))
- this.entryPoint = module.EntryPoint;
- base.TraverseChildren(module);
- }
- public override void TraverseChildren(IAssembly assembly) {
- this.PdbReaders.TryGetValue(assembly, out this.PdbReader);
- this.sink.BeginAssembly(assembly);
- try {
- base.TraverseChildren(assembly);
- } finally {
- this.sink.EndAssembly(assembly);
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Translate the type definition.
- /// </summary>
- ///
- public override void TraverseChildren(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
- if (!this.sink.TranslateType(typeDefinition)) return;
- var savedPrivateTypes = this.privateTypes;
- this.privateTypes = new List<ITypeDefinition>();
- trackPhonePageNameVariableName(typeDefinition);
- trackPhoneApplicationClassname(typeDefinition);
- var gtp = typeDefinition as IGenericTypeParameter;
- if (gtp != null) {
- return;
- }
- if (typeDefinition.IsClass) {
- bool savedSawCctor = this.sawCctor;
- this.sawCctor = false;
- sink.FindOrDefineType(typeDefinition);
- base.TraverseChildren(typeDefinition);
- if (!this.sawCctor) {
- CreateStaticConstructor(typeDefinition);
- }
- this.sawCctor = savedSawCctor;
- } else if (typeDefinition.IsDelegate) {
- ITypeDefinition unspecializedType = Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ContractHelper.Unspecialized(typeDefinition).ResolvedType;
- sink.AddDelegateType(unspecializedType);
- } else if (typeDefinition.IsInterface) {
- sink.FindOrCreateTypeReference(typeDefinition);
- base.TraverseChildren(typeDefinition);
- } else if (typeDefinition.IsEnum) {
- return; // enums just are translated as ints
- } else if (typeDefinition.IsStruct) {
- sink.FindOrCreateTypeReference(typeDefinition);
- CreateDefaultStructConstructor(typeDefinition);
- CreateStructCopyConstructor(typeDefinition);
- base.TraverseChildren(typeDefinition);
- } else {
- Console.WriteLine("Unknown kind of type definition '{0}' was found",
- TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeDefinition));
- throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("Unknown kind of type definition '{0}'.", TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeDefinition)));
- }
- this.Traverse(typeDefinition.PrivateHelperMembers);
- foreach (var t in this.privateTypes) {
- this.Traverse(t);
- }
- }
- List<ITypeDefinition> privateTypes = new List<ITypeDefinition>();
- private void trackPhoneApplicationClassname(ITypeDefinition typeDef) {
- if (PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhonePlugin != null && typeDef.isPhoneApplicationClass( {
- INamespaceTypeDefinition namedTypeDef = typeDef as INamespaceTypeDefinition;
- // string fullyQualifiedName = namedTypeDef.ContainingNamespace.Name.Value + "." + namedTypeDef.Name.Value;
- string fullyQualifiedName = namedTypeDef.ToString();
- PhoneCodeHelper.instance().setMainAppTypeReference(typeDef);
- PhoneCodeHelper.instance().setMainAppTypeName(fullyQualifiedName);
- }
- }
- private void trackPhonePageNameVariableName(ITypeDefinition typeDef) {
- if (PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhonePlugin != null && typeDef.isPhoneApplicationPageClass( {
- INamespaceTypeDefinition namedTypeDef = typeDef as INamespaceTypeDefinition;
- string fullyQualifiedName = namedTypeDef.ToString();
- string xamlForClass = PhoneCodeHelper.instance().getXAMLForPage(fullyQualifiedName);
- if (xamlForClass != null) { // if not it is possibly an abstract page
- string uriName = UriHelper.getURIBase(xamlForClass);
- Bpl.Constant uriConstant = sink.FindOrCreateConstant(uriName);
- PhoneCodeHelper.instance().setBoogieStringPageNameForPageClass(fullyQualifiedName, uriConstant.Name);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- private void translateAnonymousControlsForPage(ITypeDefinition typeDef) {
- if (PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhonePlugin != null && typeDef.isPhoneApplicationPageClass( {
- IEnumerable<ControlInfoStructure> pageCtrls= PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhonePlugin.getControlsForPage(typeDef.ToString());
- foreach (ControlInfoStructure ctrlInfo in pageCtrls) {
- if (ctrlInfo.Name.Contains(PhoneControlsPlugin.BOOGIE_DUMMY_CONTROL) || ctrlInfo.Name == Dummy.Name.Value) {
- string anonymousControlName = ctrlInfo.Name;
- IFieldDefinition fieldDef = new FieldDefinition() {
- ContainingTypeDefinition = typeDef,
- Name =,
- InternFactory =,
- Visibility = TypeMemberVisibility.Public,
- Type =,
- IsStatic = false,
- };
- (typeDef as Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.NamespaceTypeDefinition).Fields.Add(fieldDef);
- //sink.FindOrCreateFieldVariable(fieldDef);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- */
- private void CreateDefaultStructConstructor(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
- Contract.Requires(typeDefinition.IsStruct);
- var proc = this.sink.FindOrCreateProcedureForDefaultStructCtor(typeDefinition);
- this.sink.BeginMethod(typeDefinition);
- var stmtTranslator = this.Factory.MakeStatementTraverser(this.sink, this.PdbReader, false);
- var stmts = new List<IStatement>();
- foreach (var f in typeDefinition.Fields) {
- if (f.IsStatic) continue;
- var s = new ExpressionStatement() {
- Expression = new Assignment() {
- Source = new DefaultValue() { DefaultValueType = f.Type, Type = f.Type, },
- Target = new TargetExpression() {
- Definition = f,
- Instance = new ThisReference() { Type = typeDefinition, },
- Type = f.Type,
- },
- Type = f.Type,
- },
- };
- stmts.Add(s);
- }
- stmtTranslator.Traverse(stmts);
- var translatedStatements = stmtTranslator.StmtBuilder.Collect(Bpl.Token.NoToken);
- var lit = Bpl.Expr.Literal(1);
- lit.Type = Bpl.Type.Int;
- var args = new List<object> { lit };
- var attrib = new Bpl.QKeyValue(typeDefinition.Token(), "inline", args, null); // TODO: Need to have it be {:inine 1} (and not just {:inline})?
- List<Bpl.Variable> vars = new List<Bpl.Variable>();
- foreach (Bpl.Variable v in this.sink.LocalVarMap.Values) {
- vars.Add(v);
- }
- Bpl.VariableSeq vseq = new Bpl.VariableSeq(vars.ToArray());
- Bpl.Implementation impl =
- new Bpl.Implementation(Bpl.Token.NoToken,
- proc.Name,
- new Bpl.TypeVariableSeq(),
- proc.InParams,
- proc.OutParams,
- vseq,
- translatedStatements,
- attrib,
- new Bpl.Errors()
- );
- impl.Proc = (Bpl.Procedure) proc; // TODO: get rid of cast
- this.sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(impl);
- }
- private void CreateStructCopyConstructor(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
- Contract.Requires(typeDefinition.IsStruct);
- var proc = this.sink.FindOrCreateProcedureForStructCopy(typeDefinition);
- var stmtBuilder = new Bpl.StmtListBuilder();
- var tok = Bpl.Token.NoToken;
- var o = Bpl.Expr.Ident(proc.OutParams[0]);
- // other := Alloc();
- stmtBuilder.Add(new Bpl.CallCmd(tok, this.sink.AllocationMethodName, new Bpl.ExprSeq(), new Bpl.IdentifierExprSeq(o)));
- // assume DynamicType(other) == S;
- stmtBuilder.Add(
- new Bpl.AssumeCmd(tok, Bpl.Expr.Binary(Bpl.BinaryOperator.Opcode.Eq, this.sink.Heap.DynamicType(o), this.sink.FindOrCreateTypeReference(typeDefinition, true)))
- );
- var localVars = new Bpl.VariableSeq();
- foreach (var f in typeDefinition.Fields) {
- if (f.IsStatic) continue;
- var fExp = Bpl.Expr.Ident(this.sink.FindOrCreateFieldVariable(f));
- var boogieType = sink.CciTypeToBoogie(f.Type);
- if (TranslationHelper.IsStruct(f.Type)) {
- // generate a call to the copy constructor to copy the contents of f
- var proc2 = this.sink.FindOrCreateProcedureForStructCopy(f.Type);
- var e = this.sink.Heap.ReadHeap(Bpl.Expr.Ident(proc.InParams[0]), fExp, AccessType.Struct, boogieType);
- var bplLocal = this.sink.CreateFreshLocal(f.Type);
- var localExpr = Bpl.Expr.Ident(bplLocal);
- localVars.Add(bplLocal);
- var cmd = new Bpl.CallCmd(tok, proc2.Name, new List<Bpl.Expr> { e, }, new List<Bpl.IdentifierExpr>{ localExpr, });
- stmtBuilder.Add(cmd);
- var c = this.sink.Heap.WriteHeap(tok, o, fExp, localExpr, AccessType.Struct, boogieType);
- stmtBuilder.Add(c);
- } else {
- // just generate a normal assignment to the field f
- var e = this.sink.Heap.ReadHeap(Bpl.Expr.Ident(proc.InParams[0]), fExp, AccessType.Struct, boogieType);
- var c = this.sink.Heap.WriteHeap(tok, o, fExp, e, AccessType.Struct, boogieType);
- stmtBuilder.Add(c);
- }
- }
- var lit = Bpl.Expr.Literal(1);
- lit.Type = Bpl.Type.Int;
- var args = new List<object> { lit };
- var attrib = new Bpl.QKeyValue(typeDefinition.Token(), "inline", args, null);
- Bpl.Implementation impl =
- new Bpl.Implementation(Bpl.Token.NoToken,
- proc.Name,
- new Bpl.TypeVariableSeq(),
- proc.InParams,
- proc.OutParams,
- localVars,
- stmtBuilder.Collect(Bpl.Token.NoToken),
- attrib,
- new Bpl.Errors()
- );
- impl.Proc = (Bpl.Procedure)proc; // TODO: get rid of cast
- this.sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(impl);
- }
- private bool sawCctor = false;
- private IMethodReference/*?*/ entryPoint = null;
- private void CreateStaticConstructor(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
- var typename = TypeHelper.GetTypeName(typeDefinition, Microsoft.Cci.NameFormattingOptions.DocumentationId);
- typename = TranslationHelper.TurnStringIntoValidIdentifier(typename);
- var proc = new Bpl.Procedure(Bpl.Token.NoToken, typename + ".#cctor",
- new Bpl.TypeVariableSeq(),
- new Bpl.VariableSeq(), // in
- new Bpl.VariableSeq(), // out
- new Bpl.RequiresSeq(),
- new Bpl.IdentifierExprSeq(), // modifies
- new Bpl.EnsuresSeq()
- );
- this.sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(proc);
- this.sink.BeginMethod(typeDefinition);
- var stmtTranslator = this.Factory.MakeStatementTraverser(this.sink, this.PdbReader, false);
- var stmts = new List<IStatement>();
- foreach (var f in typeDefinition.Fields) {
- if (!f.IsStatic) continue;
- stmts.Add(
- new ExpressionStatement() {
- Expression = new Assignment() {
- Source = new DefaultValue() { DefaultValueType = f.Type, Type = f.Type, },
- Target = new TargetExpression() {
- Definition = f,
- Instance = null,
- Type = f.Type,
- },
- Type = f.Type,
- }
- });
- }
- stmtTranslator.Traverse(stmts);
- var translatedStatements = stmtTranslator.StmtBuilder.Collect(Bpl.Token.NoToken);
- List<Bpl.Variable> vars = new List<Bpl.Variable>();
- foreach (Bpl.Variable v in this.sink.LocalVarMap.Values) {
- vars.Add(v);
- }
- Bpl.VariableSeq vseq = new Bpl.VariableSeq(vars.ToArray());
- Bpl.Implementation impl =
- new Bpl.Implementation(Bpl.Token.NoToken,
- proc.Name,
- new Bpl.TypeVariableSeq(),
- proc.InParams,
- proc.OutParams,
- vseq,
- translatedStatements
- );
- impl.Proc = proc;
- this.sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(impl);
- }
- /// <summary>
- ///
- /// </summary>
- public override void TraverseChildren(IMethodDefinition method) {
- if (method.IsStaticConstructor) this.sawCctor = true;
- bool isEventAddOrRemove = method.IsSpecialName && (method.Name.Value.StartsWith("add_") || method.Name.Value.StartsWith("remove_"));
- if (isEventAddOrRemove)
- return;
- Sink.ProcedureInfo procInfo;
- IMethodDefinition stubMethod = null;
- if (IsStubMethod(method, out stubMethod)) {
- procInfo = this.sink.FindOrCreateProcedure(stubMethod);
- } else {
- procInfo = this.sink.FindOrCreateProcedure(method);
- }
- if (method.IsAbstract || method.IsExternal) { // we're done, just define the procedure
- return;
- }
- this.sink.BeginMethod(method);
- var decl = procInfo.Decl;
- var proc = decl as Bpl.Procedure;
- var formalMap = procInfo.FormalMap;
- if (this.entryPoint != null && method.InternedKey == this.entryPoint.InternedKey) {
- decl.AddAttribute("entrypoint");
- }
- // FEEDBACK inline handler methods to avoid more false alarms
- if (PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhoneFeedbackToggled && PhoneCodeHelper.instance().isMethodInputHandlerOrFeedbackOverride(method) &&
- !PhoneCodeHelper.instance().isMethodIgnoredForFeedback(method)) {
- proc.AddAttribute("inline", new Bpl.LiteralExpr(Bpl.Token.NoToken, Microsoft.Basetypes.BigNum.ONE));
- PhoneCodeHelper.instance().trackCallableMethod(proc);
- }
- try {
- StatementTraverser stmtTraverser = this.Factory.MakeStatementTraverser(this.sink, this.PdbReader, false);
- // FEEDBACK if this is a feedback method it will be plagued with false asserts. They will trigger if $Exception becomes other than null
- // FEEDBACK for modular analysis we need it to be non-null at the start
- // FEEDBACK also, callee is obviously non null
- IMethodDefinition translatedMethod= sink.getMethodBeingTranslated();
- if (PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhoneFeedbackToggled && translatedMethod != null &&
- PhoneCodeHelper.instance().isMethodInputHandlerOrFeedbackOverride(translatedMethod)) {
- // assign null to exception
- List<Bpl.AssignLhs> assignee= new List<Bpl.AssignLhs>();
- Bpl.AssignLhs exceptionAssignee= new Bpl.SimpleAssignLhs(Bpl.Token.NoToken, Bpl.Expr.Ident(this.sink.Heap.ExceptionVariable));
- assignee.Add(exceptionAssignee);
- List<Bpl.Expr> value= new List<Bpl.Expr>();
- value.Add(Bpl.Expr.Ident(this.sink.Heap.NullRef));
- Bpl.Cmd exceptionAssign= new Bpl.AssignCmd(Bpl.Token.NoToken, assignee, value);
- stmtTraverser.StmtBuilder.Add(exceptionAssign);
- }
- #region Add assignments from In-Params to local-Params
- foreach (MethodParameter mparam in formalMap) {
- if (mparam.inParameterCopy != null) {
- Bpl.IToken tok = method.Token();
- stmtTraverser.StmtBuilder.Add(Bpl.Cmd.SimpleAssign(tok,
- new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, mparam.outParameterCopy),
- new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, mparam.inParameterCopy)));
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region For non-deferring ctors and all cctors, initialize all fields to null-equivalent values
- var inits = InitializeFieldsInConstructor(method);
- if (0 < inits.Count) {
- foreach (var s in inits) {
- stmtTraverser.Traverse(s);
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Translate method attributes
- // Don't need an expression translator because there is a limited set of things
- // that can appear as arguments to custom attributes
- // TODO: decode enum values
- try {
- foreach (var a in method.Attributes) {
- var attrName = TypeHelper.GetTypeName(a.Type);
- if (attrName.EndsWith("Attribute"))
- attrName = attrName.Substring(0, attrName.Length - 9);
- var args = new object[IteratorHelper.EnumerableCount(a.Arguments)];
- int argIndex = 0;
- foreach (var c in a.Arguments) {
- var mdc = c as IMetadataConstant;
- if (mdc != null) {
- object o;
- if (mdc.Type.IsEnum) {
- var lit = Bpl.Expr.Literal((int) mdc.Value);
- lit.Type = Bpl.Type.Int;
- o = lit;
- } else {
- switch (mdc.Type.TypeCode) {
- case PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean:
- o = (bool) mdc.Value ? Bpl.Expr.True : Bpl.Expr.False;
- break;
- case PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32:
- var lit = Bpl.Expr.Literal((int) mdc.Value);
- lit.Type = Bpl.Type.Int;
- o = lit;
- break;
- case PrimitiveTypeCode.String:
- o = mdc.Value;
- break;
- default:
- throw new InvalidCastException("Invalid metadata constant type");
- }
- }
- args[argIndex++] = o;
- }
- }
- decl.AddAttribute(attrName, args);
- }
- } catch (InvalidCastException) {
- Console.WriteLine("Warning: Cannot translate custom attributes for method\n '{0}':",
- MemberHelper.GetMethodSignature(method, NameFormattingOptions.None));
- Console.WriteLine(" >>Skipping attributes, continuing with method translation");
- }
- #endregion
- #region Translate body
- var helperTypes = stmtTraverser.TranslateMethod(method);
- if (helperTypes != null) {
- this.privateTypes.AddRange(helperTypes);
- }
- #endregion
- #region Create Local Vars For Implementation
- List<Bpl.Variable> vars = new List<Bpl.Variable>();
- foreach (MethodParameter mparam in formalMap) {
- if (!mparam.underlyingParameter.IsByReference)
- vars.Add(mparam.outParameterCopy);
- }
- foreach (Bpl.Variable v in this.sink.LocalVarMap.Values) {
- vars.Add(v);
- }
- // LocalExcVariable holds the exception thrown by any method called from this method, even if this method swallows all exceptions
- if (0 <this.sink.Options.modelExceptions)
- vars.Add(procInfo.LocalExcVariable);
- vars.Add(procInfo.LabelVariable);
- Bpl.VariableSeq vseq = new Bpl.VariableSeq(vars.ToArray());
- #endregion
- var translatedBody = stmtTraverser.StmtBuilder.Collect(Bpl.Token.NoToken);
- #region Add implementation to Boogie program
- if (proc != null) {
- Bpl.Implementation impl =
- new Bpl.Implementation(method.Token(),
- decl.Name,
- new Microsoft.Boogie.TypeVariableSeq(),
- decl.InParams,
- decl.OutParams,
- vseq,
- translatedBody);
- impl.Proc = proc;
- this.sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(impl);
- } else { // method is translated as a function
- //var func = decl as Bpl.Function;
- //Contract.Assume(func != null);
- //var blocks = new List<Bpl.Block>();
- //var counter = 0;
- //var returnValue = decl.OutParams[0];
- //foreach (var bb in translatedBody.BigBlocks) {
- // var label = bb.LabelName ?? "L" + counter++.ToString();
- // var newTransferCmd = ( is Bpl.ReturnCmd)
- // ? new Bpl.ReturnExprCmd(, Bpl.Expr.Ident(returnValue))
- // :;
- // var b = new Bpl.Block(bb.tok, label, bb.simpleCmds, newTransferCmd);
- // blocks.Add(b);
- //}
- //var localVars = new Bpl.VariableSeq();
- //localVars.Add(returnValue);
- //func.Body = new Bpl.CodeExpr(localVars, blocks);
- }
- #endregion
- } catch (TranslationException te) {
- Console.WriteLine("Translation error in body of \n '{0}':",
- MemberHelper.GetMethodSignature(method, NameFormattingOptions.None));
- Console.WriteLine("\t" + te.Message);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- Console.WriteLine("Error encountered during translation of \n '{0}':",
- MemberHelper.GetMethodSignature(method, NameFormattingOptions.None));
- Console.WriteLine("\t>>" + e.Message);
- } finally {
- }
- }
- private static List<IStatement> InitializeFieldsInConstructor(IMethodDefinition method) {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<List<IStatement>>() != null);
- var inits = new List<IStatement>();
- if (method.IsConstructor || method.IsStaticConstructor) {
- var smb = method.Body as ISourceMethodBody;
- if (method.IsStaticConstructor || (smb != null && !FindCtorCall.IsDeferringCtor(method, smb.Block))) {
- var thisExp = new ThisReference() { Type = method.ContainingTypeDefinition, };
- foreach (var f in method.ContainingTypeDefinition.Fields) {
- if (f.IsStatic == method.IsStatic) {
- var a = new Assignment() {
- Source = new DefaultValue() { DefaultValueType = f.Type, Type = f.Type, },
- Target = new TargetExpression() { Definition = f, Instance = method.IsConstructor ? thisExp : null, Type = f.Type },
- Type = f.Type,
- };
- inits.Add(new ExpressionStatement() { Expression = a, });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return inits;
- }
- // TODO: do a type test, not a string test for the attribute
- private bool IsStubMethod(IMethodDefinition methodDefinition, out IMethodDefinition/*?*/ stubMethod) {
- stubMethod = null;
- var td = GetTypeDefinitionFromAttribute(methodDefinition.Attributes, "BytecodeTranslator.StubAttribute");
- if (td == null)
- td = GetTypeDefinitionFromAttribute(methodDefinition.ContainingTypeDefinition.Attributes, "BytecodeTranslator.StubAttribute");
- if (td != null) {
- foreach (var mem in td.GetMatchingMembersNamed(methodDefinition.Name, false,
- tdm => {
- var md = tdm as IMethodDefinition;
- return md != null && MemberHelper.MethodsAreEquivalent(methodDefinition, md);
- })) {
- stubMethod = mem as IMethodDefinition;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static ITypeDefinition/*?*/ GetTypeDefinitionFromAttribute(IEnumerable<ICustomAttribute> attributes, string attributeName) {
- ICustomAttribute foundAttribute = null;
- foreach (ICustomAttribute attribute in attributes) {
- if (TypeHelper.GetTypeName(attribute.Type) == attributeName) {
- foundAttribute = attribute;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (foundAttribute == null) return null;
- List<IMetadataExpression> args = new List<IMetadataExpression>(foundAttribute.Arguments);
- if (args.Count < 1) return null;
- IMetadataTypeOf abstractTypeMD = args[0] as IMetadataTypeOf;
- if (abstractTypeMD == null) return null;
- ITypeReference referencedTypeReference = Microsoft.Cci.MutableContracts.ContractHelper.Unspecialized(abstractTypeMD.TypeToGet);
- ITypeDefinition referencedTypeDefinition = referencedTypeReference.ResolvedType;
- return referencedTypeDefinition;
- }
- public override void TraverseChildren(IFieldDefinition fieldDefinition) {
- Bpl.Variable fieldVar= this.sink.FindOrCreateFieldVariable(fieldDefinition);
- // if tracked by the phone plugin, we need to find out the bpl assigned name for future use
- if (PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhonePlugin != null) {
- trackControlVariableName(fieldDefinition, fieldVar);
- trackNavigationVariableName(fieldDefinition, fieldVar);
- }
- }
- private static void trackNavigationVariableName(IFieldDefinition fieldDefinition, Bpl.Variable fieldVar) {
- if (fieldDefinition.Name.Value.Equals(PhoneCodeHelper.IL_CURRENT_NAVIGATION_URI_VARIABLE)) {
- PhoneCodeHelper.instance().setBoogieNavigationVariable(fieldVar.Name);
- }
- }
- private static void trackControlVariableName(IFieldDefinition fieldDefinition, Bpl.Variable fieldVar) {
- INamespaceTypeReference namedContainerRef = fieldDefinition.ContainingType as INamespaceTypeReference;
- if (namedContainerRef != null) {
- string containerName = namedContainerRef.ContainingUnitNamespace.Unit.Name.Value + "." + namedContainerRef.Name.Value;
- IEnumerable<ControlInfoStructure> controls = PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhonePlugin.getControlsForPage(containerName);
- if (controls != null) {
- ControlInfoStructure ctrlInfo = controls.FirstOrDefault(ctrl => ctrl.Name == fieldDefinition.Name.Value);
- if (ctrlInfo != null)
- ctrlInfo.BplName = fieldVar.Name;
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- private void addPhoneTopLevelDeclarations() {
- if (PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhoneNavigationToggled) {
- Bpl.Variable continueOnPageVar = sink.FindOrCreateGlobalVariable(PhoneCodeHelper.BOOGIE_CONTINUE_ON_PAGE_VARIABLE, Bpl.Type.Bool);
- sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(continueOnPageVar);
- Bpl.Variable navigationCheckVar = sink.FindOrCreateGlobalVariable(PhoneCodeHelper.BOOGIE_NAVIGATION_CHECK_VARIABLE, Bpl.Type.Bool);
- sink.TranslatedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.Add(navigationCheckVar);
- }
- }
- #region Public API
- public virtual void TranslateAssemblies(IEnumerable<IUnit> assemblies) {
- if (PhoneCodeHelper.instance().PhonePlugin != null)
- addPhoneTopLevelDeclarations();
- foreach (var a in assemblies) {
- this.Traverse((IAssembly)a);
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Helpers
- private class FindCtorCall : CodeTraverser {
- private bool isDeferringCtor = false;
- public ITypeReference containingType;
- public static bool IsDeferringCtor(IMethodDefinition method, IBlockStatement body) {
- var fcc = new FindCtorCall(method.ContainingType);
- fcc.Traverse(body);
- return fcc.isDeferringCtor;
- }
- private FindCtorCall(ITypeReference containingType) {
- this.containingType = containingType;
- }
- public override void TraverseChildren(IMethodCall methodCall) {
- var md = methodCall.MethodToCall.ResolvedMethod;
- if (md != null && md.IsConstructor && methodCall.ThisArgument is IThisReference) {
- this.isDeferringCtor = TypeHelper.TypesAreEquivalent(md.ContainingType, containingType);
- return;
- }
- base.TraverseChildren(methodCall);
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file