path: root/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
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authorGravatar akashlal <>2015-04-05 19:45:38 +0530
committerGravatar akashlal <>2015-04-05 19:45:38 +0530
commit872eb6b59a7018e45686f6ed77c9f730a251963c (patch)
tree5cde256e200712db15226fca659a3d5e7f7b5ed6 /Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
parentbd71be7f9a06ba86e8271615ffc11c48bf1de372 (diff)
VC gen for security properties
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
index 88577e46..6f8d3668 100644
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
+++ b/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
@@ -2094,10 +2094,7 @@ namespace VC {
} // end FCallInliner
- public class EmptyErrorHandler : ProverInterface.ErrorHandler {
- public override void OnModel(IList<string> labels, Model model, ProverInterface.Outcome proverOutcome)
- { }
- }
public class StratifiedInliningErrorReporter : ProverInterface.ErrorHandler {
Dictionary<string, StratifiedInliningInfo> implName2StratifiedInliningInfo;
@@ -2538,4 +2535,380 @@ namespace VC {
} // class StratifiedVCGen
+ public class EmptyErrorHandler : ProverInterface.ErrorHandler
+ {
+ public override void OnModel(IList<string> labels, Model model, ProverInterface.Outcome proverOutcome)
+ { }
+ }
+ public class InvalidProgramForSecureVc : Exception
+ {
+ public InvalidProgramForSecureVc(string msg) :
+ base(msg) { }
+ }
+ public class SecureVCGen : VCGen
+ {
+ // Z3
+ ProverInterface prover;
+ // Handler
+ ErrorReporter handler;
+ // dump file
+ public static TokenTextWriter outfile = null;
+ public SecureVCGen(Program program, string/*?*/ logFilePath, bool appendLogFile, List<Checker> checkers)
+ : base(program, logFilePath, appendLogFile, checkers)
+ {
+ prover = null;
+ handler = null;
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.SecureVcGen != "" && outfile == null)
+ {
+ outfile = new TokenTextWriter(new StreamWriter(CommandLineOptions.Clo.SecureVcGen));
+ CommandLineOptions.Clo.PrintInstrumented = true;
+ var implsToVerify = new HashSet<string>(
+ program.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType<Implementation>()
+ .Where(impl => !impl.SkipVerification)
+ .Select(impl => impl.Name));
+ foreach (var decl in program.TopLevelDeclarations)
+ {
+ if (decl is NamedDeclaration && implsToVerify.Contains((decl as NamedDeclaration).Name))
+ continue;
+ decl.Emit(outfile, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Block GetExitBlock(Implementation impl)
+ {
+ var exitblocks = impl.Blocks.Where(blk => blk.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd);
+ if (exitblocks.Count() == 1)
+ return exitblocks.First();
+ // create a new exit block
+ var eb = new Block(Token.NoToken, "SVCeb", new List<Cmd>(), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
+ foreach (var b in exitblocks)
+ {
+ b.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<Block> { eb });
+ }
+ impl.Blocks.Add(eb);
+ return eb;
+ }
+ //static int LocalVarCounter = 0;
+ private LocalVariable GetNewLocal(Variable v, string suffix)
+ {
+ return new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken,
+ string.Format("svc_{0}_{1}", v.Name, suffix), v.TypedIdent.Type));
+ }
+ private void GenVc(Implementation impl, VerifierCallback collector)
+ {
+ if (impl.Proc.Requires.Any())
+ throw new InvalidProgramForSecureVc("SecureVc: Requires not supported");
+ if(impl.LocVars.Any(v => isVisible(v)))
+ throw new InvalidProgramForSecureVc("SecureVc: Visible Local variables not allowed");
+ // Gather spec, remove existing ensures
+ var secureAsserts = new List<AssertCmd>();
+ var logicalAsserts = new List<AssertCmd>();
+ foreach (var ens in impl.Proc.Ensures)
+ {
+ if(ens.Free)
+ throw new InvalidProgramForSecureVc("SecureVc: Free Ensures not supported");
+ var dd = new Duplicator();
+ secureAsserts.Add(new AssertCmd(ens.tok, Expr.Not(ens.Condition)));
+ logicalAsserts.Add(dd.VisitAssertCmd(new AssertCmd(ens.tok, ens.Condition)) as AssertCmd);
+ }
+ impl.Proc.Ensures.Clear();
+ // Make a copy of the impl
+ var dup = new Duplicator();
+ var implDup = dup.VisitImplementation(impl);
+ // Get exit block
+ var eb = GetExitBlock(impl);
+ // Create two blocks: one for secureAsserts, one for logical asserts
+ var ebSecure = new Block(Token.NoToken, "svc_secure_asserts", new List<Cmd>(), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
+ var ebLogical = new Block(Token.NoToken, "svc_logical_asserts", new List<Cmd>(), new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken));
+ eb.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(eb.TransferCmd.tok, new List<Block> { ebSecure, ebLogical });
+ impl.Blocks.Add(ebSecure);
+ impl.Blocks.Add(ebLogical);
+ // Rename spec, while create copies of the hidden variables
+ var substOld = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ var substVarSpec = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ var substVarPath = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (var g in program.GlobalVariables)
+ {
+ if (!isHidden(g)) continue;
+ var lv = GetNewLocal(g, "In");
+ impl.LocVars.Add(lv);
+ substOld.Add(g, Expr.Ident(lv));
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < impl.InParams.Count; i++)
+ {
+ var v = impl.Proc.InParams[i];
+ if (!isHidden(v))
+ {
+ substVarSpec.Add(impl.Proc.InParams[i], Expr.Ident(impl.InParams[i]));
+ continue;
+ }
+ var lv = GetNewLocal(v, "In");
+ impl.LocVars.Add(lv);
+ substVarSpec.Add(v, Expr.Ident(lv));
+ substVarPath.Add(impl.InParams[i], Expr.Ident(lv));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < impl.OutParams.Count; i++)
+ {
+ var v = impl.Proc.OutParams[i];
+ if (!isHidden(v))
+ {
+ substVarSpec.Add(impl.Proc.OutParams[i], Expr.Ident(impl.OutParams[i]));
+ continue;
+ }
+ var lv = GetNewLocal(v, "Out");
+ impl.LocVars.Add(lv);
+ substVarSpec.Add(v, Expr.Ident(lv));
+ substVarPath.Add(impl.OutParams[i], Expr.Ident(lv));
+ }
+ foreach (var g in program.GlobalVariables)
+ {
+ if (!isHidden(g)) continue;
+ if (!impl.Proc.Modifies.Any(ie => ie.Name == g.Name)) continue;
+ var lv = GetNewLocal(g, "Out");
+ impl.LocVars.Add(lv);
+ substVarSpec.Add(g, Expr.Ident(lv));
+ substVarPath.Add(g, Expr.Ident(lv));
+ }
+ secureAsserts = secureAsserts.ConvertAll(ac =>
+ Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(
+ Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(substVarSpec),
+ Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(substOld),
+ ac) as AssertCmd);
+ var substVarProcToImpl = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < impl.InParams.Count; i++)
+ substVarProcToImpl.Add(impl.Proc.InParams[i], Expr.Ident(impl.InParams[i]));
+ for (int i = 0; i < impl.OutParams.Count; i++)
+ substVarProcToImpl.Add(impl.Proc.OutParams[i], Expr.Ident(impl.OutParams[i]));
+ logicalAsserts = logicalAsserts.ConvertAll(ac =>
+ Substituter.Apply(Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(substVarProcToImpl), ac)
+ as AssertCmd);
+ // Paths
+ foreach (var path in GetAllPaths(implDup))
+ {
+ var wp = ComputeWP(implDup, path);
+ // replace hidden variables to match those used in the spec
+ wp = Substituter.ApplyReplacingOldExprs(
+ Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(substVarPath),
+ Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(substOld),
+ wp);
+ ebSecure.Cmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Not(wp)));
+ }
+ ebSecure.Cmds.AddRange(secureAsserts);
+ ebLogical.Cmds.AddRange(logicalAsserts);
+ if (outfile != null)
+ {
+ impl.Proc.Emit(outfile, 0);
+ impl.Emit(outfile, 0);
+ }
+ ModelViewInfo mvInfo;
+ ConvertCFG2DAG(impl);
+ var gotoCmdOrigins = PassifyImpl(impl, out mvInfo);
+ var gen = prover.VCExprGen;
+ var exprGen = prover.Context.ExprGen;
+ var translator = prover.Context.BoogieExprTranslator;
+ var label2absy = new Dictionary<int, Absy>();
+ VCGen.CodeExprConversionClosure cc = new VCGen.CodeExprConversionClosure(label2absy, prover.Context);
+ translator.SetCodeExprConverter(cc.CodeExprToVerificationCondition);
+ var implVc = gen.Not(GenerateVCAux(impl, null, label2absy, prover.Context));
+ handler = new VCGen.ErrorReporter(gotoCmdOrigins, label2absy, impl.Blocks, incarnationOriginMap, collector, mvInfo, prover.Context, program);
+ prover.Assert(implVc, true);
+ }
+ Expr ComputeWP(Implementation impl, List<Cmd> path)
+ {
+ Expr expr = Expr.True;
+ // create constants for out varibles
+ var subst = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (var g in impl.Proc.Modifies)
+ {
+ var c = new Constant(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken,
+ "svc_out_const_" + g.Name, g.Decl.TypedIdent.Type));
+ subst.Add(c, g);
+ expr = Expr.And(expr, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(c), g));
+ }
+ foreach (var v in impl.OutParams)
+ {
+ var c = new Constant(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken,
+ "svc_out_const_" + v.Name, v.TypedIdent.Type));
+ subst.Add(c, Expr.Ident(v));
+ expr = Expr.And(expr, Expr.Eq(Expr.Ident(c), Expr.Ident(v)));
+ }
+ // we need this technicality
+ var subst1 = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (var g in program.GlobalVariables)
+ {
+ subst1.Add(g, new OldExpr(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(g)));
+ }
+ // Implicitly close with havoc of all the locals and OutParams
+ path.Insert(0, new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken, new List<IdentifierExpr>(
+ impl.LocVars.Select(v => Expr.Ident(v)).Concat(
+ impl.OutParams.Select(v => Expr.Ident(v))))));
+ for (int i = path.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ var cmd = path[i];
+ if (cmd is AssumeCmd)
+ {
+ expr = Expr.And(expr, (cmd as AssumeCmd).Expr);
+ }
+ else if (cmd is AssignCmd)
+ {
+ var h = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ var acmd = cmd as AssignCmd;
+ for (int j = 0; j < acmd.Lhss.Count; j++)
+ {
+ h.Add(acmd.Lhss[j].DeepAssignedVariable, acmd.Rhss[j]);
+ }
+ var s = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(h);
+ expr = Substituter.Apply(s, expr);
+ }
+ else if (cmd is HavocCmd)
+ {
+ var h = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ var formals = new List<Variable>();
+ var vc = new VariableCollector();
+ vc.VisitExpr(expr);
+ foreach (var ie in (cmd as HavocCmd).Vars)
+ {
+ if (!vc.usedVars.Contains(ie.Decl)) continue;
+ var f = new BoundVariable(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken,
+ ie.Decl.Name + "_formal", ie.Decl.TypedIdent.Type));
+ h.Add(ie.Decl, Expr.Ident(f));
+ formals.Add(f);
+ }
+ if (!formals.Any())
+ continue;
+ var s = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(h);
+ expr = Substituter.Apply(s, expr);
+ expr = new ExistsExpr(Token.NoToken, formals, expr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new InvalidProgramForSecureVc(string.Format("Unhandled cmd: {0}", cmd));
+ }
+ }
+ // Implicitly close with havoc of all the locals and OutParams
+ expr = Substituter.Apply(Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(subst1), expr);
+ expr = Substituter.Apply(Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(subst),
+ Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(new Dictionary<Variable,Expr>()), expr);
+ expr.Typecheck(new TypecheckingContext(null));
+ return expr;
+ }
+ // Generate all paths in the impl
+ IEnumerable<List<Cmd>> GetAllPaths(Implementation impl)
+ {
+ var stk = new Stack<Tuple<Block, int>>();
+ stk.Push(Tuple.Create(impl.Blocks[0], 0));
+ while (stk.Any())
+ {
+ var tup = stk.Peek();
+ if (tup.Item1.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
+ {
+ var ret = new List<Cmd>();
+ var ls = stk.ToList();
+ ls.Iter(t => ret.AddRange(t.Item1.Cmds));
+ yield return ret;
+ stk.Pop();
+ continue;
+ }
+ stk.Pop();
+ var gc = tup.Item1.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ if (gc.labelTargets.Count <= tup.Item2)
+ continue;
+ stk.Push(Tuple.Create(tup.Item1, tup.Item2 + 1));
+ stk.Push(Tuple.Create(gc.labelTargets[tup.Item2], 0));
+ }
+ yield break;
+ }
+ bool isHidden(Variable v)
+ {
+ return QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(v.Attributes, "hidden");
+ }
+ bool isVisible(Variable v)
+ {
+ return !isHidden(v);
+ }
+ public override Outcome VerifyImplementation(Implementation/*!*/ impl, VerifierCallback/*!*/ callback)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(this.program == program);
+ // Record current time
+ var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverCCLimit = 1;
+ prover = ProverInterface.CreateProver(program, logFilePath, appendLogFile, CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverKillTime);
+ // Flush any axioms that came with the program before we start SI on this implementation
+ prover.AssertAxioms();
+ GenVc(impl, callback);
+ prover.Check();
+ var outcome = prover.CheckOutcomeCore(handler);
+ //var outcome = ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid;
+ prover.Close();
+ //Console.WriteLine("Answer = {0}", outcome);
+ return ProverInterfaceOutcomeToConditionGenerationOutcome(outcome);
+ }
+ }
} // namespace VC