path: root/Source/VCExpr/Clustering.cs
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authorGravatar tabarbe <unknown>2010-08-13 00:43:11 +0000
committerGravatar tabarbe <unknown>2010-08-13 00:43:11 +0000
commit85ffcd8f1392bf871e585fe8efb60e38bfdb2f72 (patch)
treee697a9f2d08a51d866aaa19a53b016b2749c090b /Source/VCExpr/Clustering.cs
parenteb284abb4172c6162ac31b865dc2a7e9661fe413 (diff)
Boogie: Renaming VCExpr sources in preparation for port commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/VCExpr/Clustering.cs')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/VCExpr/Clustering.cs b/Source/VCExpr/Clustering.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b256121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/VCExpr/Clustering.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Microsoft.Contracts;
+using Microsoft.Basetypes;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
+// Code for managing and clusterings sets of terms; this is used to
+// compress the input given to the theorem prover
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Clustering
+ using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
+ public class SubtermCollector : BoundVarTraversingVCExprVisitor<bool, bool> {
+ private readonly VCExpressionGenerator! Gen;
+ public SubtermCollector(VCExpressionGenerator! gen) {
+ Gen = gen;
+ }
+ // variables that are global and treated like constants
+ private readonly IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! GlobalVariables =
+ new Dictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!> ();
+ private readonly IDictionary<VCExprOp!, TermClustersSameHead!>! SubtermClusters =
+ new Dictionary<VCExprOp!, TermClustersSameHead!> ();
+ public void UnifyClusters() {
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<VCExprOp!, TermClustersSameHead!> pair
+ in SubtermClusters)
+ pair.Value.UnifyClusters();
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ protected override bool StandardResult(VCExpr! node, bool arg) {
+ return false; // by default, do not collect terms containing node
+ }
+ public override bool Visit(VCExprLiteral! node, bool arg) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override bool Visit(VCExprNAry! node, bool arg) {
+ VCExprBoogieFunctionOp op = node.Op as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp;
+ if (op == null) {
+ base.Visit(node, arg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool res = true;
+ foreach (VCExpr! subexpr in node)
+ res &= this.Traverse(subexpr, arg);
+ if (res) {
+ TermClustersSameHead clusters;
+ if (!SubtermClusters.TryGetValue(op, out clusters)) {
+ clusters = new TermClustersSameHead(op, GlobalVariables, Gen);
+ SubtermClusters.Add(op, clusters);
+ }
+ ((!)clusters).AddExpr(node);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ public override bool Visit(VCExprVar! node, bool arg) {
+ if (!BoundTermVars.Contains(node))
+ GlobalVariables[node] = node;
+ return true;
+ }
+ [Pure]
+ public override string! ToString()
+ {
+ string! res = "";
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<VCExprOp!, TermClustersSameHead!> pair
+ in SubtermClusters)
+ res = res + pair.Value + "\n";
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Class for managing and clustering a set of terms that all start
+ // with the same function symbol
+ internal class TermClustersSameHead {
+ public readonly VCExprOp! Op;
+ private readonly VCExpressionGenerator! Gen;
+ public TermClustersSameHead(VCExprOp! op,
+ IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! globalVars,
+ VCExpressionGenerator! gen) {
+ Op = op;
+ GlobalVariables = globalVars;
+ Gen = gen;
+ }
+ // variables that are global and treated like constants
+ private readonly IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! GlobalVariables;
+ private readonly List<Cluster>! Clusters = new List<Cluster> ();
+ private struct Cluster {
+ public readonly VCExprNAry! Generator;
+ public readonly int Size;
+ public Cluster(VCExprNAry! generator, int size) {
+ Generator = generator;
+ Size = size;
+ }
+ }
+ private int Distance(Cluster a, Cluster b) {
+ AntiUnificationVisitor! visitor = new AntiUnificationVisitor (Gen);
+ visitor.AntiUnify(a.Generator, b.Generator);
+ int reprSizeA, reprSizeB;
+ visitor.RepresentationSize(GlobalVariables, out reprSizeA, out reprSizeB);
+ return (a.Size - 1) * reprSizeA + (b.Size - 1) * reprSizeB;
+ }
+ private bool EqualUpToRenaming(Cluster a, Cluster b) {
+ AntiUnificationVisitor! visitor = new AntiUnificationVisitor (Gen);
+ visitor.AntiUnify(a.Generator, b.Generator);
+ return visitor.RepresentationIsRenaming(GlobalVariables);
+ }
+ private Cluster Merge(Cluster a, Cluster b) {
+ AntiUnificationVisitor! visitor = new AntiUnificationVisitor (Gen);
+ VCExpr! generator = visitor.AntiUnify(a.Generator, b.Generator);
+ VCExprNAry generatorNAry = generator as VCExprNAry;
+ assert generatorNAry != null && Op.Equals(generatorNAry.Op);
+ return new Cluster(generatorNAry, a.Size + b.Size);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public void AddExpr(VCExprNAry! expr)
+ requires Op.Equals(expr.Op); {
+ Cluster c = new Cluster (expr, 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < Clusters.Count; ++i) {
+ Cluster d = Clusters[i];
+ if (EqualUpToRenaming(c, d)) {
+ Clusters[i] = new Cluster (d.Generator, d.Size + 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Clusters.Add(c);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private struct ClusteringMatrix {
+ private readonly VCExpressionGenerator! Gen;
+ private readonly IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! GlobalVariables;
+ public readonly List<Cluster>! Clusters;
+ public readonly bool[]! RemainingClusters;
+ public readonly Distance[,]! Distances;
+ public struct Distance {
+ public readonly int Dist;
+ public readonly VCExprNAry! Generator;
+ public Distance(Cluster a, Cluster b,
+ IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! globalVars,
+ VCExpressionGenerator! gen) {
+ AntiUnificationVisitor! visitor = new AntiUnificationVisitor (gen);
+ Generator = (VCExprNAry)visitor.AntiUnify(a.Generator, b.Generator);
+ int reprSizeA, reprSizeB;
+ visitor.RepresentationSize(globalVars, out reprSizeA, out reprSizeB);
+ Dist = (a.Size - 1) * reprSizeA + (b.Size - 1) * reprSizeB;
+ }
+ }
+ public ClusteringMatrix(List<Cluster>! clusters,
+ IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! globalVars,
+ VCExpressionGenerator! gen) {
+ List<Cluster>! c = new List<Cluster> ();
+ c.AddRange(clusters);
+ Clusters = c;
+ GlobalVariables = globalVars;
+ Gen = gen;
+ bool[] remaining = new bool [clusters.Count];
+ RemainingClusters = remaining;
+ for (int i = 0; i < remaining.Length; ++i)
+ remaining[i] = true;
+ Distance[,]! distances = new Distance [clusters.Count, clusters.Count];
+ Distances = distances;
+ for (int i = 1; i < clusters.Count; ++i)
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
+ distances[i, j] =
+ new Distance (clusters[i], clusters[j], GlobalVariables, Gen);
+ }
+ public void UnifyClusters(int maxDist) {
+ while (true) {
+ int i, j;
+ int minDist = FindMinDistance(out i, out j);
+ if (minDist > maxDist)
+ return;
+ MergeClusters(i, j);
+ }
+ }
+ public void ResultingClusters(List<Cluster>! clusters) {
+ clusters.Clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < Clusters.Count; ++i)
+ if (RemainingClusters[i])
+ clusters.Add(Clusters[i]);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private void Update(int i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
+ if (RemainingClusters[j])
+ Distances[i, j] =
+ new Distance (Clusters[i], Clusters[j], GlobalVariables, Gen);
+ }
+ for (int j = i + 1; j < Clusters.Count; ++j) {
+ if (RemainingClusters[j])
+ Distances[j, i] =
+ new Distance (Clusters[j], Clusters[i], GlobalVariables, Gen);
+ }
+ }
+ private int FindMinDistance(out int c0, out int c1) {
+ int minDist = int.MaxValue;
+ c0 = -1;
+ c1 = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Clusters.Count; ++i)
+ if (RemainingClusters[i]) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
+ if (RemainingClusters[j]) {
+ if (Distances[i, j].Dist < minDist) {
+ minDist = Distances[i, j].Dist;
+ c0 = i;
+ c1 = j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert c0 == -1 && c1 == -1 || c0 > c1 && c1 >= 0;
+ return minDist;
+ }
+ private void MergeClusters(int i, int j)
+ requires j >= 0 && i > j &&
+ RemainingClusters[i] && RemainingClusters[j]; {
+ Clusters[i] = new Cluster (Distances[i, j].Generator,
+ Clusters[i].Size + Clusters[j].Size);
+ RemainingClusters[j] = false;
+ Update(i);
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public void UnifyClusters() {
+ ClusteringMatrix matrix =
+ new ClusteringMatrix (Clusters, GlobalVariables, Gen);
+ matrix.UnifyClusters(50);
+ matrix.ResultingClusters(Clusters);
+ }
+ [Pure]
+ public override string! ToString()
+ {
+ string! res = "";
+ foreach (Cluster c in Clusters)
+ res = res + c.Generator + "\t" + c.Size + "\n";
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ internal class AntiUnificationVisitor : TraversingVCExprVisitor<VCExpr!, VCExpr!> {
+ private readonly VCExpressionGenerator! Gen;
+ public AntiUnificationVisitor(VCExpressionGenerator! gen) {
+ Gen = gen;
+ }
+ // Sub-expressions in the first and second expression to be
+ // anti-unified that are replaced with variables
+ private readonly IDictionary<ExprPair, VCExprVar!>! Representation =
+ new Dictionary<ExprPair, VCExprVar!> ();
+ private struct ExprPair {
+ public readonly VCExpr! Expr0, Expr1;
+ public ExprPair(VCExpr! expr0, VCExpr! expr1) {
+ Expr0 = expr0;
+ Expr1 = expr1;
+ }
+ [Pure][Reads(ReadsAttribute.Reads.Nothing)]
+ public override bool Equals(object that) {
+ if (that is ExprPair) {
+ ExprPair thatPair = (ExprPair)that;
+ return this.Expr0.Equals(thatPair.Expr0) &&
+ this.Expr1.Equals(thatPair.Expr1);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ [Pure]
+ public override int GetHashCode() {
+ return Expr0.GetHashCode() + Expr1.GetHashCode() * 13;
+ }
+ }
+ public void Reset() {
+ Representation.Clear ();
+ }
+ public bool RepresentationIsRenaming(IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! globalVars) {
+ if (!forall{KeyValuePair<ExprPair, VCExprVar!> pair in Representation;
+ pair.Key.Expr0 is VCExprVar &&
+ pair.Key.Expr1 is VCExprVar &&
+ !globalVars.ContainsKey((VCExprVar!)pair.Key.Expr0) &&
+ !globalVars.ContainsKey((VCExprVar!)pair.Key.Expr1)})
+ return false;
+ // check that all substituted variables are distinct
+ // TODO: optimise
+ return
+ forall{KeyValuePair<ExprPair, VCExprVar!> pair1 in Representation;
+ forall{KeyValuePair<ExprPair, VCExprVar!> pair2 in Representation;
+ pair1.Value.Equals(pair2.Value) || !pair1.Key.Expr0.Equals(pair2.Key.Expr0)
+ && !pair1.Key.Expr1.Equals(pair2.Key.Expr1)
+ }};
+ }
+ public void RepresentationSize(IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! globalVars,
+ out int expr0Size, out int expr1Size) {
+ ReprSizeComputingVisitor! size0Visitor = new ReprSizeComputingVisitor ();
+ ReprSizeComputingVisitor! size1Visitor = new ReprSizeComputingVisitor ();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<ExprPair, VCExprVar!> pair in Representation) {
+ size0Visitor.ComputeSize(pair.Key.Expr0, globalVars);
+ size1Visitor.ComputeSize(pair.Key.Expr1, globalVars);
+ }
+ expr0Size = size0Visitor.Size;
+ expr1Size = size1Visitor.Size;
+ }
+ public VCExpr! AntiUnify(VCExpr! s, VCExpr! t)
+ requires s.Type.Equals(t.Type); {
+ return Traverse(s, t);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ private VCExprVar! AbstractWithVariable(VCExpr! s, VCExpr! t)
+ requires s.Type.Equals(t.Type); {
+ ExprPair pair = new ExprPair (s, t);
+ VCExprVar repr;
+ if (!Representation.TryGetValue(pair, out repr)) {
+ repr = Gen.Variable("abs" + Representation.Count, s.Type);
+ Representation.Add(pair, repr);
+ }
+ return (!)repr;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public override VCExpr! Visit(VCExprLiteral! node, VCExpr! that) {
+ if (node.Equals(that))
+ return node;
+ return AbstractWithVariable(node, that);
+ }
+ public override VCExpr! Visit(VCExprNAry! node, VCExpr! that) {
+ VCExprNAry thatNAry = that as VCExprNAry;
+ if (thatNAry != null && node.Op.Equals(thatNAry.Op)) {
+ // type parameters should already have been eliminated at this
+ // stage
+ assert node.TypeParamArity == 0 && thatNAry.TypeParamArity == 0 &&
+ node.Arity == thatNAry.Arity;
+ List<VCExpr!>! unifiedArgs = new List<VCExpr!> ();
+ for (int i = 0; i < node.Arity; ++i)
+ unifiedArgs.Add(Traverse(node[i], thatNAry[i]));
+ return Gen.Function(node.Op, unifiedArgs);
+ }
+ return AbstractWithVariable(node, that);
+ }
+ public override VCExpr! Visit(VCExprVar! node, VCExpr! that) {
+ if (node.Equals(that))
+ return node;
+ return AbstractWithVariable(node, that);
+ }
+ protected override VCExpr! StandardResult(VCExpr! node, VCExpr! that) {
+ assert false; // not handled here
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ internal class ReprSizeComputingVisitor
+ : TraversingVCExprVisitor<bool,
+ // variables considered as global constants
+ IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>!> {
+ public int Size = 0;
+ public void ComputeSize(VCExpr! expr,
+ IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! globalVars) {
+ Traverse(expr, globalVars);
+ }
+ protected override bool StandardResult(VCExpr! node,
+ IDictionary<VCExprVar!, VCExprVar!>! globalVars) {
+ VCExprVar nodeAsVar = node as VCExprVar;
+ if (nodeAsVar == null || globalVars.ContainsKey(nodeAsVar))
+ Size = Size + 1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file