path: root/Source/VCExpr/BigLiteralAbstracter.cs
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authorGravatar Dan Liew <>2015-06-28 01:44:30 +0100
committerGravatar Dan Liew <>2015-06-28 01:44:30 +0100
commit962f8d5252b3f5ec4d19e0cd2a430934bd55cc6d (patch)
tree27d5f9b0d130c6c1a6758bc0b7456b0aa51e34e0 /Source/VCExpr/BigLiteralAbstracter.cs
parente11d65009d0b4ba1327f5f5dd6b26367330611f0 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/VCExpr/BigLiteralAbstracter.cs')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/Source/VCExpr/BigLiteralAbstracter.cs b/Source/VCExpr/BigLiteralAbstracter.cs
index 879ab6d6..39064fb7 100644
--- a/Source/VCExpr/BigLiteralAbstracter.cs
+++ b/Source/VCExpr/BigLiteralAbstracter.cs
@@ -1,232 +1,232 @@
-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-using System;
-using System.Text;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Basetypes;
-// Code for replacing large integer literals in VCExpr with
-// constants. This is necessary for Simplify, which cannot deal with
-// literals larger than 32 bits
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST {
- public class BigLiteralAbstracter : MutatingVCExprVisitor<bool>, ICloneable {
- public BigLiteralAbstracter(VCExpressionGenerator gen)
- : base(gen) {
- Contract.Requires(gen != null);
- DummyVar = gen.Variable("x", Type.Int);
- IncAxioms = new List<VCExpr>();
- Literals = new List<KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar>>();
- }
- private BigLiteralAbstracter(BigLiteralAbstracter abstracter)
- : base(abstracter.Gen) {
- Contract.Requires(abstracter != null);
- DummyVar = abstracter.DummyVar;
- IncAxioms = new List<VCExpr>(abstracter.IncAxioms);
- Literals = new List<KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar>>(abstracter.Literals);
- }
- public Object Clone() {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Object>() != null);
- return new BigLiteralAbstracter(this);
- }
- private static readonly BigNum ConstantDistance = BigNum.FromLong(100000);
- private static readonly BigNum NegConstantDistance = BigNum.FromLong(-100000);
- // distance twice plus one
- private static readonly BigNum ConstantDistanceTPO = BigNum.FromLong(200001);
- private static readonly BigNum ConstantDistancePO = BigNum.FromLong(100001);
- public VCExpr Abstract(VCExpr expr) {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
- return Mutate(expr, true);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // list in which axioms are incrementally collected
- private readonly List<VCExpr/*!*/>/*!*/ IncAxioms;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant() {
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(IncAxioms));
- }
- private void AddAxiom(VCExpr/*!*/ axiom) {
- Contract.Requires(axiom != null);
- IncAxioms.Add(axiom);
- }
- // Return all axioms that were added since the last time NewAxioms
- // was called
- public VCExpr GetNewAxioms() {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
- VCExpr res = Gen.NAry(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, IncAxioms);
- IncAxioms.Clear();
- return res;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // All named integer literals known to the visitor, in ascending
- // order. Such literals are always positive, and the distance
- // between two literals is always more than ConstantDistance.
- private readonly List<KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar/*!*/>>/*!*/ Literals;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariat() {
- Contract.Invariant(Literals != null);
- Contract.Invariant(Contract.ForAll(Literals, i => i.Value != null));
- }
- private class EntryComparerC : IComparer<KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar/*!*/>> {
- public int Compare(KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar/*!*/> a,
- KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar/*!*/> b) {
- //Contract.Requires(a.Value!=null);
- //Contract.Requires(b.Value!=null);
- return a.Key.CompareTo(b.Key);
- }
- }
- private static readonly EntryComparerC EntryComparer = new EntryComparerC();
- // variable used when searching for entries in the literal list
- private readonly VCExprVar/*!*/ DummyVar;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvarint() {
- Contract.Invariant(DummyVar != null);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construct an expression to represent the given (large) integer
- // literal. Constants are defined and axiomatised if necessary
- private VCExpr Represent(BigNum lit) {
- Contract.Requires((NegConstantDistance > lit || lit > ConstantDistance));
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
- if (lit.IsNegative)
- return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.SubIOp,
- Gen.Integer(BigNum.ZERO), RepresentPos(lit.Neg));
- else
- return RepresentPos(lit);
- }
- private VCExpr RepresentPos(BigNum lit) {
- Contract.Requires((lit > ConstantDistance));
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
- int index = GetIndexFor(lit);
- if (index >= 0)
- // precise match
- return Literals[index].Value;
- // check whether a constant is defined that is at most
- // ConstantDistance away from lit
- index = ~index;
- VCExpr res = null;
- BigNum resDistance = ConstantDistancePO;
- if (index > 0) {
- BigNum dist = lit - Literals[index - 1].Key;
- if (dist < resDistance) {
- resDistance = dist;
- res = Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.AddIOp,
- Literals[index - 1].Value, Gen.Integer(dist));
- }
- }
- if (index < Literals.Count) {
- BigNum dist = Literals[index].Key - lit;
- if (dist < resDistance) {
- resDistance = dist;
- res = Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.SubIOp,
- Literals[index].Value, Gen.Integer(dist));
- }
- }
- if (res != null)
- return res;
- // otherwise, define a new constant to represent this literal
- return AddConstantFor(lit);
- }
- private VCExpr AddConstantFor(BigNum lit) {
- Contract.Requires((lit > ConstantDistance));
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
- VCExprVar res = Gen.Variable("int#" + lit, Type.Int);
- int index = GetIndexFor(lit);
- Contract.Assert(index < 0);
- index = ~index;
- Literals.Insert(index, new KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar>(lit, res));
- // relate the new constant to the predecessor and successor
- if (index > 0)
- DefineRelationship(Literals[index - 1].Value, Literals[index - 1].Key,
- res, lit);
- else
- DefineRelationship(Gen.Integer(BigNum.ZERO), BigNum.ZERO, res, lit);
- if (index < Literals.Count - 1)
- DefineRelationship(res, lit,
- Literals[index + 1].Value, Literals[index + 1].Key);
- return res;
- }
- private void DefineRelationship(VCExpr/*!*/ aExpr, BigNum aValue,
- VCExpr/*!*/ bExpr, BigNum bValue) {
- Contract.Requires(aValue < bValue);
- Contract.Requires(aExpr != null);
- Contract.Requires(bExpr != null);
- BigNum dist = bValue - aValue;
- VCExpr distExpr = Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.SubIOp, bExpr, aExpr);
- if (dist <= ConstantDistanceTPO)
- // constants that are sufficiently close to each other are put
- // into a precise relationship
- AddAxiom(Gen.Eq(distExpr, Gen.Integer(dist)));
- else
- AddAxiom(Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.GtOp,
- distExpr, Gen.Integer(ConstantDistanceTPO)));
- }
- private int GetIndexFor(BigNum lit) {
- return Literals.BinarySearch(new KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar>
- (lit, DummyVar),
- EntryComparer);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public override VCExpr Visit(VCExprLiteral node, bool arg) {
- Contract.Requires(node != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
- VCExprIntLit intLit = node as VCExprIntLit;
- if (intLit != null) {
- if (NegConstantDistance > intLit.Val || intLit.Val > ConstantDistance)
- return Represent(intLit.Val);
- }
- return node;
- }
- }
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using Microsoft.Basetypes;
+// Code for replacing large integer literals in VCExpr with
+// constants. This is necessary for Simplify, which cannot deal with
+// literals larger than 32 bits
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST {
+ public class BigLiteralAbstracter : MutatingVCExprVisitor<bool>, ICloneable {
+ public BigLiteralAbstracter(VCExpressionGenerator gen)
+ : base(gen) {
+ Contract.Requires(gen != null);
+ DummyVar = gen.Variable("x", Type.Int);
+ IncAxioms = new List<VCExpr>();
+ Literals = new List<KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar>>();
+ }
+ private BigLiteralAbstracter(BigLiteralAbstracter abstracter)
+ : base(abstracter.Gen) {
+ Contract.Requires(abstracter != null);
+ DummyVar = abstracter.DummyVar;
+ IncAxioms = new List<VCExpr>(abstracter.IncAxioms);
+ Literals = new List<KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar>>(abstracter.Literals);
+ }
+ public Object Clone() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Object>() != null);
+ return new BigLiteralAbstracter(this);
+ }
+ private static readonly BigNum ConstantDistance = BigNum.FromLong(100000);
+ private static readonly BigNum NegConstantDistance = BigNum.FromLong(-100000);
+ // distance twice plus one
+ private static readonly BigNum ConstantDistanceTPO = BigNum.FromLong(200001);
+ private static readonly BigNum ConstantDistancePO = BigNum.FromLong(100001);
+ public VCExpr Abstract(VCExpr expr) {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
+ return Mutate(expr, true);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // list in which axioms are incrementally collected
+ private readonly List<VCExpr/*!*/>/*!*/ IncAxioms;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant() {
+ Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(IncAxioms));
+ }
+ private void AddAxiom(VCExpr/*!*/ axiom) {
+ Contract.Requires(axiom != null);
+ IncAxioms.Add(axiom);
+ }
+ // Return all axioms that were added since the last time NewAxioms
+ // was called
+ public VCExpr GetNewAxioms() {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
+ VCExpr res = Gen.NAry(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, IncAxioms);
+ IncAxioms.Clear();
+ return res;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // All named integer literals known to the visitor, in ascending
+ // order. Such literals are always positive, and the distance
+ // between two literals is always more than ConstantDistance.
+ private readonly List<KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar/*!*/>>/*!*/ Literals;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariat() {
+ Contract.Invariant(Literals != null);
+ Contract.Invariant(Contract.ForAll(Literals, i => i.Value != null));
+ }
+ private class EntryComparerC : IComparer<KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar/*!*/>> {
+ public int Compare(KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar/*!*/> a,
+ KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar/*!*/> b) {
+ //Contract.Requires(a.Value!=null);
+ //Contract.Requires(b.Value!=null);
+ return a.Key.CompareTo(b.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ private static readonly EntryComparerC EntryComparer = new EntryComparerC();
+ // variable used when searching for entries in the literal list
+ private readonly VCExprVar/*!*/ DummyVar;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvarint() {
+ Contract.Invariant(DummyVar != null);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Construct an expression to represent the given (large) integer
+ // literal. Constants are defined and axiomatised if necessary
+ private VCExpr Represent(BigNum lit) {
+ Contract.Requires((NegConstantDistance > lit || lit > ConstantDistance));
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
+ if (lit.IsNegative)
+ return Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.SubIOp,
+ Gen.Integer(BigNum.ZERO), RepresentPos(lit.Neg));
+ else
+ return RepresentPos(lit);
+ }
+ private VCExpr RepresentPos(BigNum lit) {
+ Contract.Requires((lit > ConstantDistance));
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
+ int index = GetIndexFor(lit);
+ if (index >= 0)
+ // precise match
+ return Literals[index].Value;
+ // check whether a constant is defined that is at most
+ // ConstantDistance away from lit
+ index = ~index;
+ VCExpr res = null;
+ BigNum resDistance = ConstantDistancePO;
+ if (index > 0) {
+ BigNum dist = lit - Literals[index - 1].Key;
+ if (dist < resDistance) {
+ resDistance = dist;
+ res = Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.AddIOp,
+ Literals[index - 1].Value, Gen.Integer(dist));
+ }
+ }
+ if (index < Literals.Count) {
+ BigNum dist = Literals[index].Key - lit;
+ if (dist < resDistance) {
+ resDistance = dist;
+ res = Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.SubIOp,
+ Literals[index].Value, Gen.Integer(dist));
+ }
+ }
+ if (res != null)
+ return res;
+ // otherwise, define a new constant to represent this literal
+ return AddConstantFor(lit);
+ }
+ private VCExpr AddConstantFor(BigNum lit) {
+ Contract.Requires((lit > ConstantDistance));
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
+ VCExprVar res = Gen.Variable("int#" + lit, Type.Int);
+ int index = GetIndexFor(lit);
+ Contract.Assert(index < 0);
+ index = ~index;
+ Literals.Insert(index, new KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar>(lit, res));
+ // relate the new constant to the predecessor and successor
+ if (index > 0)
+ DefineRelationship(Literals[index - 1].Value, Literals[index - 1].Key,
+ res, lit);
+ else
+ DefineRelationship(Gen.Integer(BigNum.ZERO), BigNum.ZERO, res, lit);
+ if (index < Literals.Count - 1)
+ DefineRelationship(res, lit,
+ Literals[index + 1].Value, Literals[index + 1].Key);
+ return res;
+ }
+ private void DefineRelationship(VCExpr/*!*/ aExpr, BigNum aValue,
+ VCExpr/*!*/ bExpr, BigNum bValue) {
+ Contract.Requires(aValue < bValue);
+ Contract.Requires(aExpr != null);
+ Contract.Requires(bExpr != null);
+ BigNum dist = bValue - aValue;
+ VCExpr distExpr = Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.SubIOp, bExpr, aExpr);
+ if (dist <= ConstantDistanceTPO)
+ // constants that are sufficiently close to each other are put
+ // into a precise relationship
+ AddAxiom(Gen.Eq(distExpr, Gen.Integer(dist)));
+ else
+ AddAxiom(Gen.Function(VCExpressionGenerator.GtOp,
+ distExpr, Gen.Integer(ConstantDistanceTPO)));
+ }
+ private int GetIndexFor(BigNum lit) {
+ return Literals.BinarySearch(new KeyValuePair<BigNum, VCExprVar>
+ (lit, DummyVar),
+ EntryComparer);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ public override VCExpr Visit(VCExprLiteral node, bool arg) {
+ Contract.Requires(node != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
+ VCExprIntLit intLit = node as VCExprIntLit;
+ if (intLit != null) {
+ if (NegConstantDistance > intLit.Val || intLit.Val > ConstantDistance)
+ return Represent(intLit.Val);
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file