path: root/Source/Provers/Z3api
diff options
authorGravatar qadeer <>2011-06-24 12:19:06 -0700
committerGravatar qadeer <>2011-06-24 12:19:06 -0700
commit6f5cd03e149baa5eaaa1b28a875fed7bf9b467b0 (patch)
treeb4653f33546977fd17a335cc1906e53e1b3a8993 /Source/Provers/Z3api
parent87d92313cb446a2083fa6b78c2c48432fcdc9943 (diff)
further refactoring
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Provers/Z3api')
4 files changed, 501 insertions, 631 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Provers/Z3api/ContextLayer.cs b/Source/Provers/Z3api/ContextLayer.cs
index 390d875d..f0aa3906 100644
--- a/Source/Provers/Z3api/ContextLayer.cs
+++ b/Source/Provers/Z3api/ContextLayer.cs
@@ -14,579 +14,448 @@ using Microsoft.Basetypes;
using Z3Model = Microsoft.Z3.Model;
using BoogieModel = Microsoft.Boogie.Model;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
- public class Z3Config
- {
- private Config config = new Config();
- private int counterexamples;
- private string logFilename;
- private List<string> debugTraces = new List<string>();
- public void SetCounterExample(int counterexample)
- {
- this.counterexamples = counterexample;
- }
- public void SetLogFilename(string filename)
- {
- this.logFilename = filename;
- }
- public Config Config
- {
- get { return this.config; }
- }
- public int Counterexamples
- {
- get { return this.counterexamples; }
- }
- public string LogFilename
- {
- get { return this.logFilename; }
- }
- public void EnableDebugTrace(string debugTrace)
- {
- this.debugTraces.Add(debugTrace);
- }
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3 {
+ public class Z3apiProverContext : DeclFreeProverContext {
+ private BacktrackDictionary<string, Symbol> symbols = new BacktrackDictionary<string, Symbol>();
+ internal BacktrackDictionary<string, Term> constants = new BacktrackDictionary<string, Term>();
+ internal BacktrackDictionary<string, FuncDecl> functions = new BacktrackDictionary<string, FuncDecl>();
+ internal BacktrackDictionary<string, Term> labels = new BacktrackDictionary<string, Term>();
+ public Config config;
+ public Context z3;
+ private Z3TypeCachedBuilder tm;
+ private UniqueNamer namer;
+ private StreamWriter z3log;
+ private int counterexamples;
+ private string logFilename;
+ private List<string> debugTraces;
+ public Z3apiProverContext(Z3InstanceOptions opts, VCExpressionGenerator gen)
+ : base(gen, new VCGenerationOptions(new List<string>())) {
+ int timeout = opts.Timeout * 1000;
+ config = new Config();
+ config.SetParamValue("MODEL", "true");
+ config.SetParamValue("MODEL_V2", "true");
+ config.SetParamValue("MODEL_COMPLETION", "true");
+ config.SetParamValue("MBQI", "false");
+ config.SetParamValue("TYPE_CHECK", "true");
+ if (0 <= timeout) {
+ config.SetParamValue("SOFT_TIMEOUT", timeout.ToString());
+ }
- public List<string> DebugTraces
- {
- get { return this.debugTraces; }
- }
+ if (0 <= CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverCCLimit) {
+ this.counterexamples = CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverCCLimit;
+ }
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.SimplifyLogFilePath != null) {
+ logFilename = CommandLineOptions.Clo.SimplifyLogFilePath;
+ }
+ this.debugTraces = new List<string>();
+ z3 = new Context(config);
+ z3.SetPrintMode(PrintMode.Smtlib2Compliant);
+ if (logFilename != null)
+ z3.OpenLog(logFilename);
+ foreach (string tag in debugTraces)
+ z3.EnableDebugTrace(tag);
+ this.z3log = null;
+ = new Z3TypeCachedBuilder(this);
+ this.namer = new UniqueNamer();
- internal class BacktrackDictionary<K, V>
- {
- private Dictionary<K, V> dictionary = new Dictionary<K, V>();
- private Stack<List<K>> keyStack = new Stack<List<K>>();
- public BacktrackDictionary()
- {
- CreateBacktrackPoint();
- }
- public bool TryGetValue(K key, out V val)
- {
- return dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out val);
- }
- public void Add(K key, V v)
- {
- if (dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
- {
- dictionary.Remove(key);
- }
- dictionary.Add(key, v);
- keyStack.Peek().Add(key);
- }
- public bool ContainsKey(K k)
- {
- return dictionary.ContainsKey(k);
- }
- public void CreateBacktrackPoint()
- {
- keyStack.Push(new List<K>());
- }
- public void Backtrack()
- {
- List<K> keysToErase = keyStack.Pop();
- foreach (K key in keysToErase)
- {
- dictionary.Remove(key);
- }
- if (keyStack.Count == 0)
- this.CreateBacktrackPoint();
- }
- public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
- {
- return dictionary.Keys.GetEnumerator();
- }
+ public override void DeclareType(TypeCtorDecl t, string attributes) {
+ base.DeclareType(t, attributes);
+ log("(declare-sort {0})", t.Name);
- public class Z3ErrorModelAndLabels
- {
- private ErrorModel _errorModel;
- private List<string> _relevantLabels;
- public ErrorModel ErrorModel
- {
- get { return this._errorModel; }
- }
- public List<string> RelevantLabels
- {
- get { return this._relevantLabels; }
- }
- public Z3ErrorModelAndLabels(ErrorModel errorModel, List<string> relevantLabels)
- {
- this._errorModel = errorModel;
- this._relevantLabels = relevantLabels;
- }
+ public override void DeclareConstant(Constant c, bool uniq, string attributes) {
+ base.DeclareConstant(c, uniq, attributes);
+ DeclareConstant(c.Name, c.TypedIdent.Type);
- public class Z3Context {
- private BacktrackDictionary<string, Symbol> symbols = new BacktrackDictionary<string, Symbol>();
- internal BacktrackDictionary<string, Term> constants = new BacktrackDictionary<string, Term>();
- internal BacktrackDictionary<string, FuncDecl> functions = new BacktrackDictionary<string, FuncDecl>();
- internal BacktrackDictionary<string, Term> labels = new BacktrackDictionary<string, Term>();
- public Context z3;
- public Z3Config config;
- public Z3apiProverContext ctxt;
- private VCExpressionGenerator gen;
- private Z3TypeCachedBuilder tm;
- private UniqueNamer namer;
- public UniqueNamer Namer {
- get { return namer; }
+ public override void DeclareFunction(Function f, string attributes) {
+ base.DeclareFunction(f, attributes);
+ List<Type> domain = new List<Type>();
+ foreach (Variable v in f.InParams) {
+ domain.Add(v.TypedIdent.Type);
- private StreamWriter z3log;
- public Z3Context(Z3apiProverContext ctxt, Z3Config config, VCExpressionGenerator gen) {
- Context z3 = new Context(config.Config);
- if (config.LogFilename != null)
- z3.OpenLog(config.LogFilename);
- foreach (string tag in config.DebugTraces)
- z3.EnableDebugTrace(tag);
- this.ctxt = ctxt;
- this.z3 = z3;
- this.config = config;
- = new Z3TypeCachedBuilder(this);
- this.gen = gen;
- this.namer = new UniqueNamer();
- this.z3.SetPrintMode(PrintMode.Smtlib2Compliant);
- this.z3log = null;
+ if (f.OutParams.Length != 1)
+ throw new Exception("Cannot handle functions with " + f.OutParams + " out parameters.");
+ Type range = f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type;
+ string functionName = f.Name;
+ Symbol symbolAst = GetSymbol(functionName);
+ var domainStr = "";
+ List<Sort> domainAst = new List<Sort>();
+ foreach (Type domainType in domain) {
+ Sort type = tm.GetType(domainType);
+ domainAst.Add(type);
+ domainStr += type.ToString() + " ";
+ Sort rangeAst = tm.GetType(range);
+ FuncDecl constDeclAst = z3.MkFuncDecl(symbolAst, domainAst.ToArray(), rangeAst);
+ functions.Add(functionName, constDeclAst);
+ log("(declare-funs (({0} {1} {2})))", functionName, domainStr, rangeAst);
+ }
- public void log(string format, params object[] args) {
- // Currently, this is a no-op because z3log is always null
- // We use the default (automatic) tracing facility of z3
- if (z3log != null) {
- var str = string.Format(format, args);
- // Do standard string replacement
- str = str.Replace("array", "Array");
- z3log.WriteLine(str);
- z3log.Flush();
- }
- }
+ public override void DeclareGlobalVariable(GlobalVariable v, string attributes) {
+ base.DeclareGlobalVariable(v, attributes);
+ DeclareConstant(v.Name, v.TypedIdent.Type);
+ }
- public void CloseLog() {
- z3.CloseLog();
- if (z3log != null) {
- z3log.Close();
- }
- z3log = null;
- }
+ public override string Lookup(VCExprVar var) {
+ return namer.Lookup(var);
+ }
- public void CreateBacktrackPoint() {
- symbols.CreateBacktrackPoint();
- constants.CreateBacktrackPoint();
- functions.CreateBacktrackPoint();
- labels.CreateBacktrackPoint();
- z3.Push();
- log("(push)");
+ public void log(string format, params object[] args) {
+ // Currently, this is a no-op because z3log is always null
+ // We use the default (automatic) tracing facility of z3
+ if (z3log != null) {
+ var str = string.Format(format, args);
+ // Do standard string replacement
+ str = str.Replace("array", "Array");
+ z3log.WriteLine(str);
+ z3log.Flush();
+ }
- public void Backtrack() {
- z3.Pop();
- labels.Backtrack();
- functions.Backtrack();
- constants.Backtrack();
- symbols.Backtrack();
- log("(pop)");
+ public void CloseLog() {
+ z3.CloseLog();
+ if (z3log != null) {
+ z3log.Close();
+ z3log = null;
+ }
- public void AddAxiom(VCExpr axiom, LineariserOptions linOptions) {
- Z3apiExprLineariser visitor = new Z3apiExprLineariser(this, namer);
- Term term = (Term)axiom.Accept(visitor, linOptions);
- log("(assert {0})", term);
- z3.AssertCnstr(term);
- }
+ public void CreateBacktrackPoint() {
+ symbols.CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ constants.CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ functions.CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ labels.CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ z3.Push();
+ log("(push)");
+ }
- public void AddConjecture(VCExpr vc, LineariserOptions linOptions) {
- VCExpr not_vc = (VCExpr)this.gen.Not(vc);
- Z3apiExprLineariser visitor = new Z3apiExprLineariser(this, namer);
- Term term = (Term)not_vc.Accept(visitor, linOptions);
- log("(assert {0})", term);
- z3.AssertCnstr(term);
- }
+ public void Backtrack() {
+ z3.Pop();
+ labels.Backtrack();
+ functions.Backtrack();
+ constants.Backtrack();
+ symbols.Backtrack();
+ log("(pop)");
+ }
- public void AddSmtlibString(string smtlibString) {
- FuncDecl[] decls;
- Term[] assumptions;
- Term[] terms;
- Sort[] sorts;
- string tmp;
- z3.ParseSmtlibString(smtlibString, new Sort[] { }, new FuncDecl[] { },
- out assumptions, out terms, out decls, out sorts, out tmp);
- // TBD: check with Nikolaj about the correct position of assumptions
- foreach (FuncDecl decl in decls) {
- Symbol symbol = z3.GetDeclName(decl);
- string functionName = z3.GetSymbolString(symbol);
- functions.Add(functionName, decl);
- }
- foreach (Term assumption in assumptions) {
- log("(assert {0})", assumption);
- z3.AssertCnstr(assumption);
- }
- }
+ public void AddAxiom(VCExpr axiom, LineariserOptions linOptions) {
+ Z3apiExprLineariser visitor = new Z3apiExprLineariser(this, namer);
+ Term term = (Term)axiom.Accept(visitor, linOptions);
+ log("(assert {0})", term);
+ z3.AssertCnstr(term);
+ }
- public string GetDeclName(FuncDecl constDeclAst) {
- Symbol symbol = z3.GetDeclName(constDeclAst);
- return z3.GetSymbolString(symbol);
- }
+ public void AddConjecture(VCExpr vc, LineariserOptions linOptions) {
+ VCExpr not_vc = (VCExpr)this.gen.Not(vc);
+ Z3apiExprLineariser visitor = new Z3apiExprLineariser(this, namer);
+ Term term = (Term)not_vc.Accept(visitor, linOptions);
+ log("(assert {0})", term);
+ z3.AssertCnstr(term);
+ }
- public Pattern MakePattern(List<Term> exprs) {
- Pattern pattern = z3.MkPattern(exprs.ToArray());
- return pattern;
+ public void AddSmtlibString(string smtlibString) {
+ FuncDecl[] decls;
+ Term[] assumptions;
+ Term[] terms;
+ Sort[] sorts;
+ string tmp;
+ z3.ParseSmtlibString(smtlibString, new Sort[] { }, new FuncDecl[] { },
+ out assumptions, out terms, out decls, out sorts, out tmp);
+ // TBD: check with Nikolaj about the correct position of assumptions
+ foreach (FuncDecl decl in decls) {
+ Symbol symbol = z3.GetDeclName(decl);
+ string functionName = z3.GetSymbolString(symbol);
+ functions.Add(functionName, decl);
- private List<Sort> GetTypes(List<Type> boogieTypes) {
- List<Sort> z3Types = new List<Sort>();
- foreach (Type boogieType in boogieTypes) {
- Sort type = tm.GetType(boogieType);
- z3Types.Add(type);
- }
- return z3Types;
+ foreach (Term assumption in assumptions) {
+ log("(assert {0})", assumption);
+ z3.AssertCnstr(assumption);
+ }
- public Term MakeQuantifier(bool isForall, uint weight, string qid, int skolemid, List<string> varNames, List<Type> boogieTypes, List<Pattern> patterns, List<Term> no_patterns, Term body) {
- List<Term> bound = new List<Term>();
- for (int i = 0; i < varNames.Count; i++) {
- Term t = GetConstant(varNames[i], boogieTypes[i]);
- bound.Add(t);
- }
- Term termAst = z3.MkQuantifier(isForall, weight, z3.MkSymbol(qid), z3.MkSymbol(skolemid.ToString()), patterns.ToArray(), no_patterns.ToArray(), bound.ToArray(), body);
- return termAst;
+ private List<Sort> GetTypes(List<Type> boogieTypes) {
+ List<Sort> z3Types = new List<Sort>();
+ foreach (Type boogieType in boogieTypes) {
+ Sort type = tm.GetType(boogieType);
+ z3Types.Add(type);
+ return z3Types;
+ }
- private static bool Equals(List<string> l, List<string> r) {
- Debug.Assert(l != null);
- if (r == null)
- return false;
+ private static bool Equals(List<string> l, List<string> r) {
+ Debug.Assert(l != null);
+ if (r == null)
+ return false;
- if (l.Count != r.Count)
- return false;
+ if (l.Count != r.Count)
+ return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++)
- if (!l[i].Equals(r[i]))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++)
+ if (!l[i].Equals(r[i]))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
- /*
- private Z3ErrorModelAndLabels BuildZ3ErrorModel(Z3Model z3Model, List<string> relevantLabels) {
- BoogieErrorModelBuilder boogieErrorBuilder = new BoogieErrorModelBuilder(this, z3Model);
- Z3ErrorModel boogieModel = boogieErrorBuilder.BuildBoogieModel(z3Model);
- return new Z3ErrorModelAndLabels(boogieModel, new List<string>(relevantLabels));
+ private void DisplayRelevantLabels(List<string> relevantLabels) {
+ foreach (string labelName in relevantLabels) {
+ System.Console.Write(labelName + ",");
- */
- private void DisplayRelevantLabels(List<string> relevantLabels) {
- foreach (string labelName in relevantLabels) {
- System.Console.Write(labelName + ",");
- }
- System.Console.WriteLine("---");
- }
- public ProverInterface.Outcome Check(out List<Z3ErrorModelAndLabels> boogieErrors) {
- Microsoft.Boogie.Helpers.ExtraTraceInformation("Sending data to the theorem prover");
- boogieErrors = new List<Z3ErrorModelAndLabels>();
- LBool outcome = LBool.Undef;
- Debug.Assert(0 < this.config.Counterexamples);
- while (true) {
- Z3Model z3Model;
- outcome = z3.CheckAndGetModel(out z3Model);
- log("(check-sat)");
- if (outcome == LBool.False)
- break;
- if (outcome == LBool.Undef && z3Model == null) {
- // Blame this on timeout
- return ProverInterface.Outcome.TimeOut;
- }
- Debug.Assert(z3Model != null);
- LabeledLiterals labels = z3.GetRelevantLabels();
- Debug.Assert(labels != null);
- List<string> labelStrings = new List<string>();
- uint numLabels = labels.GetNumLabels();
- for (uint i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) {
- Symbol sym = labels.GetLabel(i);
- string labelName = z3.GetSymbolString(sym);
- if (!labelName.StartsWith("@")) {
- labels.Disable(i);
- }
- labelStrings.Add(labelName);
- }
- var sw = new StringWriter();
- sw.WriteLine("*** MODEL");
- z3Model.Display(sw);
- sw.WriteLine("*** END_MODEL");
- var sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString());
- var models = Microsoft.Boogie.Model.ParseModels(sr);
- Z3ErrorModelAndLabels e = new Z3ErrorModelAndLabels(new ErrorModel(models[0]), new List<string>(labelStrings));
+ System.Console.WriteLine("---");
+ }
+ private void DeclareConstant(string constantName, Type boogieType) {
+ Symbol symbolAst = GetSymbol(constantName);
+ Sort typeAst = tm.GetType(boogieType);
- boogieErrors.Add(e);
+ Term constAst = z3.MkConst(symbolAst, typeAst);
+ constants.Add(constantName, constAst);
+ log("(declare-funs (({0} {1})))", constAst, typeAst);
+ }
- if (boogieErrors.Count < this.config.Counterexamples) {
- z3.BlockLiterals(labels);
- log("block-literals {0}", labels);
- }
+ public ProverInterface.Outcome Check(out List<Z3ErrorModelAndLabels> boogieErrors) {
+ Microsoft.Boogie.Helpers.ExtraTraceInformation("Sending data to the theorem prover");
+ boogieErrors = new List<Z3ErrorModelAndLabels>();
+ LBool outcome = LBool.Undef;
+ Debug.Assert(0 < this.counterexamples);
+ while (true) {
+ Z3Model z3Model;
+ outcome = z3.CheckAndGetModel(out z3Model);
+ log("(check-sat)");
+ if (outcome == LBool.False)
+ break;
- labels.Dispose();
- z3Model.Dispose();
- if (boogieErrors.Count == this.config.Counterexamples)
- break;
+ if (outcome == LBool.Undef && z3Model == null) {
+ // Blame this on timeout
+ return ProverInterface.Outcome.TimeOut;
- if (boogieErrors.Count > 0) {
- return ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid;
- }
- else if (outcome == LBool.False) {
- return ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid;
- }
- else {
- Debug.Assert(outcome == LBool.Undef);
- return ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
- }
- }
- public ProverInterface.Outcome CheckAssumptions(List<VCExpr> assumptions, LineariserOptions linOptions,
- out List<Z3ErrorModelAndLabels> boogieErrors,
- out List<int> unsatCore) {
- Microsoft.Boogie.Helpers.ExtraTraceInformation("Sending data to the theorem prover");
- boogieErrors = new List<Z3ErrorModelAndLabels>();
- unsatCore = new List<int>();
- LBool outcome = LBool.Undef;
+ Debug.Assert(z3Model != null);
+ LabeledLiterals labels = z3.GetRelevantLabels();
+ Debug.Assert(labels != null);
- Z3Model z3Model;
- Term proof;
- Term[] core;
- Term[] assumption_terms = new Term[assumptions.Count];
- var logstring = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < assumptions.Count; i++) {
- Z3apiExprLineariser visitor = new Z3apiExprLineariser(this, namer);
- Term z3ast = (Term)assumptions[i].Accept(visitor, linOptions);
- assumption_terms[i] = z3ast;
- logstring += string.Format("({0}) ", assumption_terms[i]);
- }
- log("(get-core {0})", logstring);
- outcome = z3.CheckAssumptions(out z3Model, assumption_terms, out proof, out core);
- if (outcome != LBool.False) {
- Debug.Assert(z3Model != null);
- LabeledLiterals labels = z3.GetRelevantLabels();
- Debug.Assert(labels != null);
- List<string> labelStrings = new List<string>();
- uint numLabels = labels.GetNumLabels();
- for (uint i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) {
- Symbol sym = labels.GetLabel(i);
- string labelName = z3.GetSymbolString(sym);
- if (!labelName.StartsWith("@")) {
- labels.Disable(i);
- }
- labelStrings.Add(labelName);
+ List<string> labelStrings = new List<string>();
+ uint numLabels = labels.GetNumLabels();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) {
+ Symbol sym = labels.GetLabel(i);
+ string labelName = z3.GetSymbolString(sym);
+ if (!labelName.StartsWith("@")) {
+ labels.Disable(i);
+ labelStrings.Add(labelName);
+ }
- var sw = new StringWriter();
- sw.WriteLine("*** MODEL");
- z3Model.Display(sw);
- sw.WriteLine("*** END_MODEL");
- var sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString());
- var models = Microsoft.Boogie.Model.ParseModels(sr);
- Z3ErrorModelAndLabels e = new Z3ErrorModelAndLabels(new ErrorModel(models[0]), new List<string>(labelStrings));
- boogieErrors.Add(e);
+ var sw = new StringWriter();
+ sw.WriteLine("*** MODEL");
+ z3Model.Display(sw);
+ sw.WriteLine("*** END_MODEL");
+ var sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString());
+ var models = Microsoft.Boogie.Model.ParseModels(sr);
+ Z3ErrorModelAndLabels e = new Z3ErrorModelAndLabels(new ErrorModel(models[0]), new List<string>(labelStrings));
+ boogieErrors.Add(e);
- labels.Dispose();
- z3Model.Dispose();
+ if (boogieErrors.Count < this.counterexamples) {
+ z3.BlockLiterals(labels);
+ log("block-literals {0}", labels);
- if (boogieErrors.Count > 0) {
- return ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid;
- }
- else if (outcome == LBool.False) {
- foreach (Term t in core) {
- for (int i = 0; i < assumption_terms.Length; i++) {
- if (t.Equals(assumption_terms[i]))
- unsatCore.Add(i);
- }
- }
- return ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid;
- }
- else {
- Debug.Assert(outcome == LBool.Undef);
- return ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
- }
+ labels.Dispose();
+ z3Model.Dispose();
+ if (boogieErrors.Count == this.counterexamples)
+ break;
- public void DeclareType(string typeName) {
- log("(declare-sort {0})", typeName);
+ if (boogieErrors.Count > 0) {
+ return ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid;
- public void DeclareConstant(string constantName, Type boogieType) {
- Symbol symbolAst = GetSymbol(constantName);
- Sort typeAst = tm.GetType(boogieType);
- Term constAst = z3.MkConst(symbolAst, typeAst);
- constants.Add(constantName, constAst);
- log("(declare-funs (({0} {1})))", constAst, typeAst);
+ else if (outcome == LBool.False) {
+ return ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid;
- public void DeclareFunction(string functionName, List<Type> domain, Type range) {
- Symbol symbolAst = GetSymbol(functionName);
- var domainStr = "";
- List<Sort> domainAst = new List<Sort>();
- foreach (Type domainType in domain) {
- Sort type = tm.GetType(domainType);
- domainAst.Add(type);
- domainStr += type.ToString() + " ";
- }
- Sort rangeAst = tm.GetType(range);
- FuncDecl constDeclAst = z3.MkFuncDecl(symbolAst, domainAst.ToArray(), rangeAst);
- functions.Add(functionName, constDeclAst);
- log("(declare-funs (({0} {1} {2})))", functionName, domainStr, rangeAst);
+ else {
+ Debug.Assert(outcome == LBool.Undef);
+ return ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
+ }
- private List<Symbol> GetSymbols(List<string> symbolNames) {
- List<Symbol> symbols = new List<Symbol>();
- foreach (string symbolName in symbolNames)
- symbols.Add(GetSymbol(symbolName));
- return symbols;
+ public ProverInterface.Outcome CheckAssumptions(List<VCExpr> assumptions, LineariserOptions linOptions,
+ out List<Z3ErrorModelAndLabels> boogieErrors,
+ out List<int> unsatCore) {
+ Microsoft.Boogie.Helpers.ExtraTraceInformation("Sending data to the theorem prover");
+ boogieErrors = new List<Z3ErrorModelAndLabels>();
+ unsatCore = new List<int>();
+ LBool outcome = LBool.Undef;
+ Z3Model z3Model;
+ Term proof;
+ Term[] core;
+ Term[] assumption_terms = new Term[assumptions.Count];
+ var logstring = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < assumptions.Count; i++) {
+ Z3apiExprLineariser visitor = new Z3apiExprLineariser(this, namer);
+ Term z3ast = (Term)assumptions[i].Accept(visitor, linOptions);
+ assumption_terms[i] = z3ast;
+ logstring += string.Format("({0}) ", assumption_terms[i]);
- private Symbol GetSymbol(string symbolName) {
- if (!symbols.ContainsKey(symbolName)) {
- Symbol symbolAst = z3.MkSymbol(symbolName);
- symbols.Add(symbolName, symbolAst);
+ log("(get-core {0})", logstring);
+ outcome = z3.CheckAssumptions(out z3Model, assumption_terms, out proof, out core);
+ if (outcome != LBool.False) {
+ Debug.Assert(z3Model != null);
+ LabeledLiterals labels = z3.GetRelevantLabels();
+ Debug.Assert(labels != null);
+ List<string> labelStrings = new List<string>();
+ uint numLabels = labels.GetNumLabels();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) {
+ Symbol sym = labels.GetLabel(i);
+ string labelName = z3.GetSymbolString(sym);
+ if (!labelName.StartsWith("@")) {
+ labels.Disable(i);
+ }
+ labelStrings.Add(labelName);
- Symbol result;
- if (!symbols.TryGetValue(symbolName, out result))
- throw new Exception("symbol " + symbolName + " is undefined");
- return result;
- }
- private FuncDecl GetFunction(string functionName) {
- FuncDecl function;
- if (!functions.TryGetValue(functionName, out function))
- throw new Exception("function " + functionName + " is undefined");
- return function;
- }
- public Term GetConstant(string constantName, Type constantType) {
- Term typeSafeTerm;
- if (!constants.ContainsKey(constantName))
- this.DeclareConstant(constantName, constantType);
+ var sw = new StringWriter();
+ sw.WriteLine("*** MODEL");
+ z3Model.Display(sw);
+ sw.WriteLine("*** END_MODEL");
+ var sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString());
+ var models = Microsoft.Boogie.Model.ParseModels(sr);
+ Z3ErrorModelAndLabels e = new Z3ErrorModelAndLabels(new ErrorModel(models[0]), new List<string>(labelStrings));
+ boogieErrors.Add(e);
- if (!constants.TryGetValue(constantName, out typeSafeTerm))
- throw new Exception("constant " + constantName + " is not defined");
- return typeSafeTerm;
+ labels.Dispose();
+ z3Model.Dispose();
- public Term MakeLabel(string labelName, bool pos, Term child) {
- Symbol labelSymbol = this.GetSymbol(labelName);
- Term labeledExpr = z3.MkLabel(labelSymbol, pos, child);
- labels.Add(labelName, labeledExpr);
- return labeledExpr;
+ if (boogieErrors.Count > 0) {
+ return ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid;
- public LabeledLiterals GetRelevantLabels() {
- LabeledLiterals safeLiterals = z3.GetRelevantLabels();
- log("get-relevant-labels");
- return safeLiterals;
+ else if (outcome == LBool.False) {
+ foreach (Term t in core) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < assumption_terms.Length; i++) {
+ if (t.Equals(assumption_terms[i]))
+ unsatCore.Add(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid;
+ }
+ else {
+ Debug.Assert(outcome == LBool.Undef);
+ return ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
+ }
- public Term Make(VCExprOp op, List<Term> children) {
- Term[] unwrapChildren = children.ToArray();
- VCExprBoogieFunctionOp boogieFunctionOp = op as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp;
- if (boogieFunctionOp != null) {
- FuncDecl f = GetFunction(boogieFunctionOp.Func.Name);
- return z3.MkApp(f, unwrapChildren);
- }
- VCExprDistinctOp distinctOp = op as VCExprDistinctOp;
- if (distinctOp != null) {
- return z3.MkDistinct(unwrapChildren);
- }
+ private Symbol GetSymbol(string symbolName) {
+ if (!symbols.ContainsKey(symbolName)) {
+ Symbol symbolAst = z3.MkSymbol(symbolName);
+ symbols.Add(symbolName, symbolAst);
+ }
+ Symbol result;
+ if (!symbols.TryGetValue(symbolName, out result))
+ throw new Exception("symbol " + symbolName + " is undefined");
+ return result;
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp) {
- return z3.MkAnd(unwrapChildren);
- }
+ public Term GetConstant(string constantName, Type constantType) {
+ Term typeSafeTerm;
+ if (!constants.ContainsKey(constantName))
+ this.DeclareConstant(constantName, constantType);
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp) {
- return z3.MkOr(unwrapChildren);
- }
+ if (!constants.TryGetValue(constantName, out typeSafeTerm))
+ throw new Exception("constant " + constantName + " is not defined");
+ return typeSafeTerm;
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.ImpliesOp) {
- return z3.MkImplies(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
- }
+ public FuncDecl GetFunction(string functionName) {
+ FuncDecl f;
+ if (!functions.TryGetValue(functionName, out f))
+ throw new Exception("function " + functionName + " is undefined");
+ return f;
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.NotOp) {
- return z3.MkNot(unwrapChildren[0]);
- }
+ public Term MakeLabel(string labelName, bool pos, Term child) {
+ Symbol labelSymbol = this.GetSymbol(labelName);
+ Term labeledExpr = z3.MkLabel(labelSymbol, pos, child);
+ labels.Add(labelName, labeledExpr);
+ return labeledExpr;
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.EqOp) {
- return z3.MkEq(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
- }
+ public LabeledLiterals GetRelevantLabels() {
+ LabeledLiterals safeLiterals = z3.GetRelevantLabels();
+ log("get-relevant-labels");
+ return safeLiterals;
+ }
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.NeqOp) {
- return z3.MkNot(z3.MkEq(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]));
- }
+ internal class BacktrackDictionary<K, V> {
+ private Dictionary<K, V> dictionary = new Dictionary<K, V>();
+ private Stack<List<K>> keyStack = new Stack<List<K>>();
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.LtOp) {
- return z3.MkLt(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
- }
+ public BacktrackDictionary() {
+ CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.LeOp) {
- return z3.MkLe(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
- }
+ public bool TryGetValue(K key, out V val) {
+ return dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out val);
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.GtOp) {
- return z3.MkGt(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
- }
+ public void Add(K key, V v) {
+ if (dictionary.ContainsKey(key)) {
+ dictionary.Remove(key);
+ }
+ dictionary.Add(key, v);
+ keyStack.Peek().Add(key);
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.GeOp) {
- return z3.MkGe(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
- }
+ public bool ContainsKey(K k) {
+ return dictionary.ContainsKey(k);
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.AddOp) {
- return z3.MkAdd(unwrapChildren);
- }
+ public void CreateBacktrackPoint() {
+ keyStack.Push(new List<K>());
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.SubOp) {
- return z3.MkSub(unwrapChildren);
- }
+ public void Backtrack() {
+ List<K> keysToErase = keyStack.Pop();
+ foreach (K key in keysToErase) {
+ dictionary.Remove(key);
+ }
+ if (keyStack.Count == 0)
+ this.CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.DivOp) {
- return z3.MkDiv(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
- }
+ public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
+ return dictionary.Keys.GetEnumerator();
+ }
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.MulOp) {
- return z3.MkMul(unwrapChildren);
- }
+ public class Z3ErrorModelAndLabels {
+ private ErrorModel _errorModel;
+ private List<string> _relevantLabels;
+ public ErrorModel ErrorModel {
+ get { return this._errorModel; }
+ }
+ public List<string> RelevantLabels {
+ get { return this._relevantLabels; }
+ }
+ public Z3ErrorModelAndLabels(ErrorModel errorModel, List<string> relevantLabels) {
+ this._errorModel = errorModel;
+ this._relevantLabels = relevantLabels;
+ }
+ }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.ModOp) {
- return z3.MkMod(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
- }
- if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.IfThenElseOp) {
- return z3.MkIte(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1], unwrapChildren[2]);
- }
- throw new Exception("unhandled boogie operator");
- }
- }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Provers/Z3api/ProverLayer.cs b/Source/Provers/Z3api/ProverLayer.cs
index 39acc5db..64793c9e 100644
--- a/Source/Provers/Z3api/ProverLayer.cs
+++ b/Source/Provers/Z3api/ProverLayer.cs
@@ -47,27 +47,23 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
public override void Close()
- Z3Context cm =;
- cm.CloseLog();
- cm.z3.Dispose();
- cm.config.Config.Dispose();
+ context.CloseLog();
+ context.z3.Dispose();
+ context.config.Dispose();
public void PushAxiom(VCExpr axiom)
- Z3Context cm =;
- cm.CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ context.CreateBacktrackPoint();
LineariserOptions linOptions = new Z3LineariserOptions(false, (Z3InstanceOptions)this.options, new List<VCExprVar>());
- cm.AddAxiom(axiom, linOptions);
+ context.AddAxiom(axiom, linOptions);
private void PushConjecture(VCExpr conjecture)
- Z3Context cm =;
- cm.CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ context.CreateBacktrackPoint();
LineariserOptions linOptions = new Z3LineariserOptions(false, (Z3InstanceOptions)this.options, new List<VCExprVar>());
- cm.AddConjecture(conjecture, linOptions);
+ context.AddConjecture(conjecture, linOptions);
public override void PushVCExpression(VCExpr vc)
@@ -78,61 +74,53 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
public void CreateBacktrackPoint()
- Z3Context cm =;
- cm.CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ context.CreateBacktrackPoint();
public override void BeginCheck(string descriptiveName, VCExpr vc, ErrorHandler handler)
LineariserOptions linOptions = new Z3LineariserOptions(false, (Z3InstanceOptions)this.options, new List<VCExprVar>());
- Z3Context cm =;
- cm.AddAxiom(context.Axioms, linOptions);
- cm.AddConjecture(vc, linOptions);
- outcome = cm.Check(out z3LabelModels);
+ context.AddAxiom(context.Axioms, linOptions);
+ context.AddConjecture(vc, linOptions);
+ outcome = context.Check(out z3LabelModels);
public override void Check()
- Z3Context cm =;
- outcome = cm.Check(out z3LabelModels);
+ outcome = context.Check(out z3LabelModels);
public override void CheckAssumptions(List<VCExpr> assumptions, out List<int> unsatCore)
- Z3Context cm =;
LineariserOptions linOptions = new Z3LineariserOptions(false, (Z3InstanceOptions)this.options, new List<VCExprVar>());
- outcome = cm.CheckAssumptions(assumptions, linOptions, out z3LabelModels, out unsatCore);
+ outcome = context.CheckAssumptions(assumptions, linOptions, out z3LabelModels, out unsatCore);
public override void Push()
- Z3Context cm =;
- cm.CreateBacktrackPoint();
+ context.CreateBacktrackPoint();
public override void Pop()
- Z3Context cm =;
- cm.Backtrack();
+ context.Backtrack();
public override void Assert(VCExpr vc, bool polarity)
LineariserOptions linOptions = new Z3LineariserOptions(false, (Z3InstanceOptions)this.options, new List<VCExprVar>());
- Z3Context cm =;
if (polarity)
- cm.AddAxiom(vc, linOptions);
+ context.AddAxiom(vc, linOptions);
- cm.AddConjecture(vc, linOptions);
+ context.AddConjecture(vc, linOptions);
public override void AssertAxioms()
LineariserOptions linOptions = new Z3LineariserOptions(false, (Z3InstanceOptions)this.options, new List<VCExprVar>());
- Z3Context cm =;
- cm.AddAxiom(context.Axioms, linOptions);
+ context.AddAxiom(context.Axioms, linOptions);
// Number of axioms pushed since the last call to FlushAxioms
@@ -188,82 +176,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
return result;
- public class Z3apiProverContext : DeclFreeProverContext
- {
- public Z3Context cm;
- public Z3apiProverContext(Z3InstanceOptions opts, VCExpressionGenerator gen)
- : base(gen, new VCGenerationOptions(new List<string>()))
- {
- Z3Config config = BuildConfig(opts.Timeout * 1000, true);
- = new Z3Context(this, config, gen);
- }
- private static Z3Config BuildConfig(int timeout, bool nativeBv)
- {
- Z3Config config = new Z3Config();
- config.Config.SetParamValue("MODEL", "true");
- config.Config.SetParamValue("MODEL_V2", "true");
- config.Config.SetParamValue("MODEL_COMPLETION", "true");
- config.Config.SetParamValue("MBQI", "false");
- if (0 <= CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverCCLimit)
- {
- config.SetCounterExample(CommandLineOptions.Clo.ProverCCLimit);
- }
- if (0 <= timeout)
- {
- config.Config.SetParamValue("SOFT_TIMEOUT", timeout.ToString());
- }
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.SimplifyLogFilePath != null)
- {
- config.SetLogFilename(CommandLineOptions.Clo.SimplifyLogFilePath);
- }
- config.Config.SetParamValue("TYPE_CHECK", "true");
- return config;
- }
- public override void DeclareType(TypeCtorDecl t, string attributes)
- {
- base.DeclareType(t, attributes);
- cm.DeclareType(t.Name);
- }
- public override void DeclareConstant(Constant c, bool uniq, string attributes)
- {
- base.DeclareConstant(c, uniq, attributes);
- cm.DeclareConstant(c.Name, c.TypedIdent.Type);
- }
- public override void DeclareFunction(Function f, string attributes)
- {
- base.DeclareFunction(f, attributes);
- List<Type> domain = new List<Type>();
- foreach (Variable v in f.InParams)
- {
- domain.Add(v.TypedIdent.Type);
- }
- if (f.OutParams.Length != 1)
- throw new Exception("Cannot handle functions with " + f.OutParams + " out parameters.");
- Type range = f.OutParams[0].TypedIdent.Type;
- cm.DeclareFunction(f.Name, domain, range);
- }
- public override void DeclareGlobalVariable(GlobalVariable v, string attributes)
- {
- base.DeclareGlobalVariable(v, attributes);
- cm.DeclareConstant(v.Name, v.TypedIdent.Type);
- }
- public override string Lookup(VCExprVar var)
- {
- return cm.Namer.Lookup(var);
- }
- }
namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3api
diff --git a/Source/Provers/Z3api/TypeAdapter.cs b/Source/Provers/Z3api/TypeAdapter.cs
index b0dd1eb4..e1c6de0b 100644
--- a/Source/Provers/Z3api/TypeAdapter.cs
+++ b/Source/Provers/Z3api/TypeAdapter.cs
@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
private Dictionary<BasicType, Sort> basicTypes = new Dictionary<BasicType, Sort>(new BasicTypeComparator());
private Dictionary<CtorType, Sort> ctorTypes = new Dictionary<CtorType, Sort>(new CtorTypeComparator());
- private Z3Context container;
+ private Z3apiProverContext container;
- public Z3TypeCachedBuilder(Z3Context context)
+ public Z3TypeCachedBuilder(Z3apiProverContext context)
this.container = context;
private Sort GetMapType(MapType mapType) {
- Context z3 = ((Z3Context)container).z3;
+ Context z3 = ((Z3apiProverContext)container).z3;
if (!mapTypes.ContainsKey(mapType)) {
Type result = mapType.Result;
for (int i = mapType.Arguments.Length-1; i > 0; i--) {
@@ -153,19 +153,19 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
public Sort BuildMapType(Sort domain, Sort range)
- Context z3 = ((Z3Context)container).z3;
+ Context z3 = ((Z3apiProverContext)container).z3;
return z3.MkArraySort(domain, range);
public Sort BuildBvType(BvType bvType)
- Context z3 = ((Z3Context)container).z3;
+ Context z3 = ((Z3apiProverContext)container).z3;
return z3.MkBvSort((uint)bvType.Bits);
public Sort BuildBasicType(BasicType basicType)
- Context z3 = ((Z3Context)container).z3;
+ Context z3 = ((Z3apiProverContext)container).z3;
Sort typeAst;
if (basicType.IsBool)
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
public Sort BuildCtorType(CtorType ctorType) {
- Context z3 = ((Z3Context)container).z3;
+ Context z3 = ((Z3apiProverContext)container).z3;
if (ctorType.Arguments.Length > 0)
throw new Exception("Type constructor of non-zero arity are not handled");
return z3.MkSort(ctorType.Decl.Name);
diff --git a/Source/Provers/Z3api/VCExprVisitor.cs b/Source/Provers/Z3api/VCExprVisitor.cs
index bf6dab94..149a23f1 100644
--- a/Source/Provers/Z3api/VCExprVisitor.cs
+++ b/Source/Provers/Z3api/VCExprVisitor.cs
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
internal readonly UniqueNamer namer;
internal readonly Dictionary<VCExprVar, Term> letBindings;
- protected Z3Context cm;
+ protected Z3apiProverContext cm;
- public Z3apiExprLineariser(Z3Context cm, UniqueNamer namer)
+ public Z3apiExprLineariser(Z3apiProverContext cm, UniqueNamer namer)
{ = cm;
this.namer = namer;
@@ -49,6 +49,86 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
+ public Term Make(VCExprOp op, List<Term> children) {
+ Context z3 = cm.z3;
+ Term[] unwrapChildren = children.ToArray();
+ VCExprBoogieFunctionOp boogieFunctionOp = op as VCExprBoogieFunctionOp;
+ if (boogieFunctionOp != null) {
+ FuncDecl f = cm.GetFunction(boogieFunctionOp.Func.Name);
+ return z3.MkApp(f, unwrapChildren);
+ }
+ VCExprDistinctOp distinctOp = op as VCExprDistinctOp;
+ if (distinctOp != null) {
+ return z3.MkDistinct(unwrapChildren);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp) {
+ return z3.MkAnd(unwrapChildren);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.OrOp) {
+ return z3.MkOr(unwrapChildren);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.ImpliesOp) {
+ return z3.MkImplies(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.NotOp) {
+ return z3.MkNot(unwrapChildren[0]);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.EqOp) {
+ return z3.MkEq(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.NeqOp) {
+ return z3.MkNot(z3.MkEq(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]));
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.LtOp) {
+ return z3.MkLt(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.LeOp) {
+ return z3.MkLe(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.GtOp) {
+ return z3.MkGt(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.GeOp) {
+ return z3.MkGe(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.AddOp) {
+ return z3.MkAdd(unwrapChildren);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.SubOp) {
+ return z3.MkSub(unwrapChildren);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.DivOp) {
+ return z3.MkDiv(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.MulOp) {
+ return z3.MkMul(unwrapChildren);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.ModOp) {
+ return z3.MkMod(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1]);
+ }
+ if (op == VCExpressionGenerator.IfThenElseOp) {
+ return z3.MkIte(unwrapChildren[0], unwrapChildren[1], unwrapChildren[2]);
+ }
+ throw new Exception("unhandled boogie operator");
+ }
public Term Visit(VCExprLiteral node, LineariserOptions options)
Contract.Requires(options != null);
@@ -91,7 +171,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
- return cm.Make(op, asts);
+ return Make(op, asts);
return node.Accept<Term, LineariserOptions>(OpLineariser, options);
@@ -155,9 +235,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
switch (node.Quan)
case Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.Quantifier.ALL:
- result = cm.MakeQuantifier(true, weight, qid, skolemid, varNames, varTypes, patterns, no_patterns, body); break;
+ result = MakeQuantifier(true, weight, qid, skolemid, varNames, varTypes, patterns, no_patterns, body); break;
case Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST.Quantifier.EX:
- result = cm.MakeQuantifier(false, weight, qid, skolemid, varNames, varTypes, patterns, no_patterns, body); break;
+ result = MakeQuantifier(false, weight, qid, skolemid, varNames, varTypes, patterns, no_patterns, body); break;
throw new Exception("unknown quantifier kind " + node.Quan);
@@ -168,7 +248,18 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
+ private Term MakeQuantifier(bool isForall, uint weight, string qid, int skolemid, List<string> varNames, List<Type> boogieTypes, List<Pattern> patterns, List<Term> no_patterns, Term body) {
+ List<Term> bound = new List<Term>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < varNames.Count; i++) {
+ Term t = cm.GetConstant(varNames[i], boogieTypes[i]);
+ bound.Add(t);
+ }
+ Term termAst = cm.z3.MkQuantifier(isForall, weight, cm.z3.MkSymbol(qid), cm.z3.MkSymbol(skolemid.ToString()), patterns.ToArray(), no_patterns.ToArray(), bound.ToArray(), body);
+ return termAst;
+ }
private void VisitBounds(List<VCExprVar> boundVars, out List<string> varNames, out List<Type> varTypes)
varNames = new List<string>();
@@ -196,17 +287,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
if (exprs.Count > 0)
- if (trigger.Pos)
- {
- Pattern pattern = cm.MakePattern(exprs);
- patterns.Add(pattern);
- }
- else
- {
- System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Z3api currently does not handle nopats");
- foreach (Term expr in exprs)
- no_patterns.Add(expr);
- }
+ if (trigger.Pos) {
+ Pattern pattern = cm.z3.MkPattern(exprs.ToArray());
+ patterns.Add(pattern);
+ }
+ else {
+ System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Z3api currently does not handle nopats");
+ foreach (Term expr in exprs)
+ no_patterns.Add(expr);
+ }
@@ -258,7 +347,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie.Z3
Contract.Assert(e != null);
args.Add(ExprLineariser.Linearise(e, options));
- return, args);
+ return ExprLineariser.Make(op, args);