path: root/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver
diff options
authorGravatar Egor Kyshtymov <unknown>2012-09-24 11:59:59 +0100
committerGravatar Egor Kyshtymov <unknown>2012-09-24 11:59:59 +0100
commitc9c4e918bc77131e790d24794704705ffc1076aa (patch)
tree228201b1d6bff40bb3c6f7ff437ce1a914030a60 /Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver
parent01eeacd436643afced5b864592bc88243861a84d (diff)
Added detailed trace functionality.
Improved error reporting. Tidied up code.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver')
5 files changed, 522 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver.cs b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver.cs
index 25549f71..e1da06fb 100644
--- a/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver.cs
+++ b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver.cs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
using VC;
using AI = Microsoft.AbstractInterpretationFramework;
using BoogiePL = Microsoft.Boogie;
The following assemblies are referenced because they are needed at runtime, not at compile time:
@@ -636,30 +636,211 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
penulFunc = lastFunc;
lastFunc = f;
+ currIncarnationNo = System.Convert.ToInt32(tokens[1]);
return (penulFunc == null) ? lastFunc : penulFunc;
- static QKeyValue ExtractAsertSourceLocFromTrace(BlockSeq s)
+ static void PrintDetailedTrace(CallCounterexample err, int colOneLength, int colTwoLength, int colThreeLength, int failElemOffset, int elemWidth, string threadOneFailAccess, string threadTwoFailAccess)
- foreach (Block b in s)
+ Model model = err.Model;
+ BlockSeq trace = err.Trace;
+ int failCallLineNo = QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(err.FailingCall.Attributes, "line", -1);
+ int failCallColNo = QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(err.FailingCall.Attributes, "col", -1);
+ int failReqLineNo = QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(err.FailingRequires.Attributes, "line", -1);
+ int failReqColNo = QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(err.FailingRequires.Attributes, "col", -1);
+ int lineno = -1;
+ int colno = -1;
+ bool checkCallExpected = false;
+ bool colTwoFail = false;
+ bool colThreeFail = false;
+ string colOne = null;
+ string colTwo = null;
+ string colThree = null;
+ foreach (Block b in trace)
- foreach (Cmd c in b.Cmds)
+ if (Regex.IsMatch(b.ToString(), @"inline[$]_LOG_(READ|WRITE)_[$]+\w+[$][0-9]+[$]_LOG_(READ|WRITE)"))
- if (c is AssertCmd)
+ int elemOffset = -1;
+ string arrName;
+ foreach (Cmd c in b.Cmds)
- if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(((AssertCmd)c).Attributes, "sourceloc"))
+ string access = (Regex.IsMatch(c.ToString(), @"inline[$]_LOG_READ")) ? "READ" : "WRITE";
+ if (Regex.IsMatch(c.ToString(), "assume _" + access + "_OFFSET"))
- return ((AssertCmd)c).Attributes;
+ elemOffset = ExtractOffsetFromExpr(model, (((c as PredicateCmd).Expr as NAryExpr).Args[1] as NAryExpr).Args[1]);
+ }
+ else if (Regex.IsMatch(c.ToString(), "assume _" + access + "_SOURCE"))
+ {
+ arrName = ExtractArrName(c.ToString());
+ string enParamName = ExtractEnabledArg((c as AssumeCmd).Expr).Name;
+ Model.Func enFunc = model.TryGetFunc(enParamName);
+ Debug.Assert(enFunc != null, "PrintDetailedTrace(): could not get enParamName from model: " + enParamName);
+ Debug.Assert(enFunc.AppCount == 1, "PrintDetailedTrace(): enabled parameter function has more that one application.");
+ bool enabled = (enFunc.Apps.ElementAt(0).Result as Model.Boolean).Value;
+ int sourceLocLineNo = (ExtractSourceLineArg((c as AssumeCmd).Expr).Val as BvConst).Value.ToIntSafe;
+ string sourceLocLine = FetchCodeLine(GetSourceLocFileName(), sourceLocLineNo + 1);
+ string[] slocTokens = Regex.Split(sourceLocLine, "#");
+ lineno = System.Convert.ToInt32(slocTokens[0]);
+ colno = System.Convert.ToInt32(slocTokens[1]);
+ string fname = slocTokens[2];
+ colOne = fname + ":" + lineno + ":" + colno + ":";
+ colTwo = enabled ? " " + access.ToLower() + "s ((char*)" + arrName + ")" + "[" + ((elemOffset == -1) ? "?" : "" + CalculateByteOffset(elemOffset, elemWidth)) + "]" : "";
+ colTwoFail = elemOffset == failElemOffset && lineno == failReqLineNo && colno == failReqColNo && access == threadOneFailAccess;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (Regex.IsMatch(b.ToString(), @"inline[$]_LOG_(READ|WRITE)_[$]+\w+[$][0-9]+[$]Return"))
+ {
+ // Assuming that a LOG call will always be immediately followed by a CHECK call.
+ checkCallExpected = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (checkCallExpected)
+ {
+ foreach (Cmd c in b.Cmds)
+ {
+ if (Regex.IsMatch(c.ToString(), @"assert[\s]+[!]\(\w+[$][0-9]+(@[0-9]+|[\s]+)[\s]*&&[\s]+_(WRITE|READ)_HAS_OCCURRED"))
+ {
+ string access = Regex.IsMatch((c as AssertRequiresCmd).Call.callee, "_CHECK_READ_") ? "READ" : "WRITE";
+ string[] tokens = Regex.Split(c.ToString(), "&&");
+ string arrName = ExtractArrName(tokens[1]);
+ string enParamName = ExtractEnabledParameterName((c as AssertRequiresCmd).Expr);
+ Model.Func enFunc = model.TryGetFunc(enParamName);
+ Debug.Assert(enFunc != null, "PrintDetailedTrace(): could not get enParamName from model: " + enParamName);
+ Debug.Assert(enFunc.AppCount == 1, "PrintDetailedTrace(): enabled parameter function has more that one application.");
+ bool enabled = (enFunc.Apps.ElementAt(0).Result as Model.Boolean).Value;
+ Expr offsetArg = ExtractOffsetArg((c as AssertRequiresCmd).Expr, "_" + (c.ToString().Contains("WRITE") ? "WRITE" : "READ") + "_OFFSET_");
+ int elemOffset = ExtractOffsetFromExpr(model, offsetArg);
+ colThree = enabled ? " " + access.ToLower() + "s ((char*)" + arrName + ")" + "[" + ((elemOffset == -1) ? "?" : "" + CalculateByteOffset(elemOffset, elemWidth)) + "]" : "";
+ colThreeFail = elemOffset == failElemOffset && lineno == failCallLineNo && colno == failCallColNo && access == threadTwoFailAccess;
+ checkCallExpected = false;
+ PrintDetailedTraceLine(colOne, colTwo, colThree, colOneLength, colTwoLength, colThreeLength, colTwoFail, colThreeFail);
+ break;
- return null;
+ private static LiteralExpr ExtractSourceLineArg(Expr e)
+ {
+ var visitor = new GetThenOfIfThenElseVisitor();
+ visitor.VisitExpr(e);
+ return visitor.getResult();
+ }
+ private static Expr ExtractOffsetArg(Expr e, string pattern)
+ {
+ var visitor = new GetRHSOfEqualityVisitor(pattern);
+ visitor.VisitExpr(e);
+ return visitor.getResult();
+ }
+ private static IdentifierExpr ExtractEnabledArg(Expr e)
+ {
+ var visitor = new GetIfOfIfThenElseVisitor();
+ visitor.VisitExpr(e);
+ return visitor.getResult();
+ }
+ private static string ExtractEnabledParameterName(Expr e)
+ {
+ if (e is IdentifierExpr)
+ {
+ return ((IdentifierExpr)e).Name;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(e is NAryExpr);
+ return ExtractEnabledParameterName(((NAryExpr)e).Args[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ private static int ExtractOffsetFromExpr(Model model, Expr offsetArg)
+ {
+ if (offsetArg is LiteralExpr)
+ {
+ return ((offsetArg as LiteralExpr).Val as BvConst).Value.ToIntSafe;
+ }
+ else if (offsetArg is IdentifierExpr)
+ {
+ string offsetname = (offsetArg as IdentifierExpr).Name;
+ Model.Func fo = model.TryGetFunc(offsetname);
+ Debug.Assert(fo != null, "ExtractOffsetFromExpr(): could not get value for the following from model: " + offsetname);
+ Debug.Assert(fo.AppCount == 1, "ExtractOffsetFromExpr(): the following function has more than one application: " + offsetname);
+ return (fo.Apps.ElementAt(0).Result as Model.BitVector).AsInt();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ private static void PrintDetailedTraceLine(string colOne, string colTwo, string colThree, int colOneLength, int colTwoLength, int colThreeLength, bool colTwoError, bool colThreeError)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(colOneLength >= colOne.Length && colTwoLength >= colTwo.Length && colThreeLength >= colThree.Length);
+ Console.Write("{0}|", colOne + Chars(colOneLength - colOne.Length, ' '));
+ ConsoleColor col = Console.ForegroundColor;
+ if (colTwoError)
+ {
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
+ }
+ Console.Write("{0}", colTwo + Chars(colTwoLength - colTwo.Length, ' '));
+ Console.ForegroundColor = col;
+ Console.Write('|');
+ if (colThreeError)
+ {
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine("{0}", colThree + Chars(colThreeLength - colThree.Length, ' '));
+ Console.ForegroundColor = col;
+ }
+ private static string GetSourceLocFileName()
+ {
+ return GetFilenamePathPrefix() + GetFileName() + ".loc";
+ }
+ private static string GetFileName()
+ {
+ return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CommandLineOptions.Clo.Files[0]);
+ }
+ private static string GetFilenamePathPrefix()
+ {
+ string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(CommandLineOptions.Clo.Files[0]);
+ return ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName) && directoryName != ".") ? (directoryName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) : "");
+ }
+ private static string GetCorrespondingThreadTwoName(string threadOneName)
+ {
+ return threadOneName.Replace("$1", "$2");
+ }
static QKeyValue CreateSourceLocQKV(int line, int col, string fname, string dir)
QKeyValue dirkv = new QKeyValue(Token.NoToken, "dir", new List<object>(new object[] { dir }), null);
@@ -672,10 +853,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
static QKeyValue GetSourceLocInfo(Counterexample error, string AccessType) {
string sourceVarName = null;
int sourceLocLineNo = -1;
- string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(CommandLineOptions.Clo.Files[0]);
- string sourceLocFileName = ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName) && directoryName != ".") ? (directoryName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) : "") + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CommandLineOptions.Clo.Files[0]) + ".loc";
- TextReader tr = new StreamReader(sourceLocFileName);
foreach (Block b in error.Trace)
@@ -699,7 +876,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
if (sourceLocLineNo > 0)
// TODO: Make lines in .loc file be indexed from 1 for consistency.
- string fileLine = FetchCodeLine(sourceLocFileName, sourceLocLineNo + 1);
+ string fileLine = FetchCodeLine(GetSourceLocFileName(), sourceLocLineNo + 1);
if (fileLine != null)
string[] slocTokens = Regex.Split(fileLine, "#");
@@ -715,7 +892,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
Console.WriteLine("sourceLocLineNo is {0}. No sourceloc at that location.\n", sourceLocLineNo);
return null;
- tr.Close();
return null;
@@ -847,71 +1023,95 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
CallCounterexample err = (CallCounterexample)error;
if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(err.FailingRequires.Attributes, "barrier_divergence"))
- ReportBarrierDivergence(err.FailingCall, true);
+ ReportBarrierDivergence(err.FailingCall);
else if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(err.FailingRequires.Attributes, "race"))
- int byteOffset = -1, elemWidth = -1, elemOffset = -1;
- int lidx1 = -1, lidy1 = -1, lidz1 = -1, lidx2 = -1, lidy2 = -1, lidz2 = -1;
- int gidx1 = -1, gidy1 = -1, gidz1 = -1, gidx2 = -1, gidy2 = -1, gidz2 = -1;
+ int byteOffset = -1, elemOffset = -1, elemWidth = -1;
string thread1 = null, thread2 = null, group1 = null, group2 = null, arrName = null;
+ //TODO: make this a command line argument.
+ bool detailedTrace = false;
+ string threadOneFailAccess = null, threadTwoFailAccess = null;
Variable offsetVar = ExtractOffsetVar(err.FailingRequires.Condition as NAryExpr);
+ /* Right now the offset incarnation that is extracted is the penultimate one if
+ * there is more than one incarnation, or the last one if there is only one incarnation.
+ * TODO: In future, we should know the exact incarnation to extract. This information is
+ * available when the CallCounterexample is created in VC.cs AssertCmdToCounterexample() (line 2405)
+ * The condition of the AssertRequiresCmd contains the incarnation information, so this should be passed
+ * on to the Requires of the created CallCounterexample. This can either be done by replacing the condition
+ * of the Requires with the condition from AssertRequiresCmd (containing incarnation information) or creating
+ * a separate field in the Requires to store this original condition.
+ */
Model.Func offsetFunc = ExtractIncarnationFromModel(error.Model, offsetVar.Name);
Debug.Assert(offsetFunc != null, "ProcessOutcome(): Could not extract incarnation.");
- GetInfoFromVarAndFunc(offsetVar.Attributes, offsetFunc, out byteOffset, out elemWidth, out elemOffset, out arrName);
+ GetInfoFromVarAndFunc(offsetVar.Attributes, offsetFunc, out byteOffset, out elemOffset, out elemWidth, out arrName);
Debug.Assert(error.Model != null, "ProcessOutcome(): null model");
- GetIdsFromModel(error.Model, out lidx1, out lidy1, out lidz1, out lidx2, out lidy2, out lidz2,
- out gidx1, out gidy1, out gidz1, out gidx2, out gidy2, out gidz2);
- thread1 = "(" + lidx1 + ", " + lidy1 + ", " + lidz1 + ")";
- thread2 = "(" + lidx2 + ", " + lidy2 + ", " + lidz2 + ")";
+ GetThreadsAndGroupsFromModel(err.Model, out thread1, out thread2, out group1, out group2, true);
- group1 = "(" + gidx1 + ", " + gidy1 + ", " + gidz1 + ")";
- group2 = "(" + gidx2 + ", " + gidy2 + ", " + gidz2 + ")";
if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(err.FailingRequires.Attributes, "write_read"))
err.FailingRequires.Attributes = GetSourceLocInfo(error, "WRITE");
- ReportRace(err.FailingCall, err.FailingRequires, thread1, thread2, group1, group2, arrName, byteOffset, elemOffset, RaceType.WR, true);
+ threadOneFailAccess = "WRITE";
+ threadTwoFailAccess = "READ";
+ ReportRace(err.FailingCall, err.FailingRequires, thread1, thread2, group1, group2, arrName, byteOffset, RaceType.WR);
else if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(err.FailingRequires.Attributes, "read_write"))
err.FailingRequires.Attributes = GetSourceLocInfo(error, "READ");
- ReportRace(err.FailingCall, err.FailingRequires, thread1, thread2, group1, group2, arrName, byteOffset, elemOffset, RaceType.RW, true);
+ threadOneFailAccess = "READ";
+ threadTwoFailAccess = "WRITE";
+ ReportRace(err.FailingCall, err.FailingRequires, thread1, thread2, group1, group2, arrName, byteOffset, RaceType.RW);
else if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(err.FailingRequires.Attributes, "write_write"))
err.FailingRequires.Attributes = GetSourceLocInfo(error, "WRITE");
- ReportRace(err.FailingCall, err.FailingRequires, thread1, thread2, group1, group2, arrName, byteOffset, elemOffset, RaceType.WW, true);
+ threadOneFailAccess = "WRITE";
+ threadTwoFailAccess = "WRITE";
+ ReportRace(err.FailingCall, err.FailingRequires, thread1, thread2, group1, group2, arrName, byteOffset, RaceType.WW);
+ }
+ if (detailedTrace)
+ {
+ string fname = QKeyValue.FindStringAttribute(err.FailingCall.Attributes, "fname");
+ Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fname));
+ int colOneSize = fname.Length + 11;
+ string colTwoHeader = " T " + GetThreadOne(error.Model, false) + " G " + GetGroupOne(error.Model, false) + " ";
+ string colThreeHeader = " T " + GetThreadTwo(error.Model, false) + " G " + GetGroupTwo(error.Model, false) + " ";
+ int colTwoSize = colTwoHeader.Length + 2;
+ int colThreeSize = colTwoHeader.Length + 2;
+ PrintDetailedTraceHeader(colTwoHeader, colThreeHeader, colOneSize, colTwoSize, colThreeSize);
+ PrintDetailedTrace(err, colOneSize, colTwoSize, colThreeSize, elemOffset, elemWidth, threadOneFailAccess, threadTwoFailAccess);
- ReportRequiresFailure(err.FailingCall, err.FailingRequires, true);
+ ReportRequiresFailure(err.FailingCall, err.FailingRequires);
else if (error is ReturnCounterexample)
ReturnCounterexample err = (ReturnCounterexample)error;
- ReportEnsuresFailure(err.FailingEnsures, true);
+ ReportEnsuresFailure(err.FailingEnsures);
AssertCounterexample err = (AssertCounterexample)error;
if (err.FailingAssert is LoopInitAssertCmd)
- ReportInvariantEntryFailure(err.FailingAssert, true);
+ ReportInvariantEntryFailure(err.FailingAssert);
else if (err.FailingAssert is LoopInvMaintainedAssertCmd)
- ReportInvariantMaintedFailure(err.FailingAssert, true);
+ ReportInvariantMaintedFailure(err.FailingAssert);
- ReportFailingAssert(err.FailingAssert, true);
+ ReportFailingAssert(err.FailingAssert);
@@ -923,7 +1123,33 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
- private static void ReportFailingAssert(Absy node, bool displayCode)
+ private static void PrintDetailedTraceHeader(string colTwoHeader, string colThreeHeader, int locationColSize, int colTwoSize, int colThreeSize)
+ {
+ Console.Write("\nLocation");
+ PrintNChars(locationColSize - "Location".Length, ' ');
+ Console.WriteLine("|{0}|{1}", colTwoHeader + Chars(colTwoSize - colTwoHeader.Length, ' '), colThreeHeader + Chars(colThreeSize - colThreeHeader.Length, ' '));
+ PrintNChars(locationColSize, '-');
+ Console.Write("|");
+ PrintNChars(colTwoSize, '-');
+ Console.Write("|");
+ PrintNChars(colThreeSize, '-');
+ Console.WriteLine("");
+ }
+ private static void PrintNChars(int n, char c)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ Console.Write(c);
+ }
+ }
+ private static string Chars(int n, char c)
+ {
+ return new String(c, n);
+ }
+ private static void ReportFailingAssert(Absy node)
@@ -941,13 +1167,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
locinfo = failFile + ":" + failLine + ":" + failCol + ":";
ErrorWriteLine(locinfo, "this assertion might not hold", ErrorMsgType.Error);
- if (displayCode)
- {
- ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- }
+ ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- private static void ReportInvariantMaintedFailure(Absy node, bool displayCode)
+ private static void ReportInvariantMaintedFailure(Absy node)
@@ -965,13 +1188,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
locinfo = failFile + ":" + failLine + ":" + failCol + ":";
ErrorWriteLine(locinfo, "loop invariant might not be maintained by the loop", ErrorMsgType.Error);
- if (displayCode)
- {
- ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- }
+ ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- private static void ReportInvariantEntryFailure(Absy node, bool displayCode)
+ private static void ReportInvariantEntryFailure(Absy node)
@@ -989,13 +1209,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
locinfo = failFile + ":" + failLine + ":" + failCol + ":";
ErrorWriteLine(locinfo, "loop invariant might not hold on entry", ErrorMsgType.Error);
- if (displayCode)
- {
- ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- }
+ ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- private static void ReportEnsuresFailure(Absy node, bool displayCode)
+ private static void ReportEnsuresFailure(Absy node)
@@ -1013,13 +1230,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
locinfo = failFile + ":" + failLine + ":" + failCol + ":";
ErrorWriteLine(locinfo, "postcondition might not hold on all return paths", ErrorMsgType.Error);
- if (displayCode)
- {
- ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- }
+ ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- private static void ReportRace(Absy callNode, Absy reqNode, string thread1, string thread2, string group1, string group2, string arrName, int byteOffset, int elemOffset, RaceType raceType, bool displayCode)
+ private static void ReportRace(Absy callNode, Absy reqNode, string thread1, string thread2, string group1, string group2, string arrName, int byteOffset, RaceType raceType)
int failLine1 = -1, failCol1 = -1, failLine2 = -1, failCol2 = -1;
@@ -1071,20 +1285,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
AddPadding(ref locinfo1, ref locinfo2);
AddPadding(ref access1, ref access2);
- ErrorWriteLine(locinfo1, "thread " + thread2 + " group " + group2 + " " + access2 + " " + arrName + "[" + byteOffset + "] (" + elemOffset + ")", ErrorMsgType.NoError);
- if (displayCode)
- {
- ErrorWriteLine(TrimLeadingSpaces(FetchCodeLine(failFile1, failLine1) + "\n", 2));
- }
+ ErrorWriteLine(locinfo1, "thread " + thread2 + " group " + group2 + " " + access2 + " ((char*)" + arrName + ")[" + byteOffset + "]", ErrorMsgType.NoError);
+ ErrorWriteLine(TrimLeadingSpaces(FetchCodeLine(failFile1, failLine1) + "\n", 2));
- ErrorWriteLine(locinfo2, "thread " + thread1 + " group " + group1 + " " + access1 + " " + arrName + "[" + byteOffset + "] (" + elemOffset + ")", ErrorMsgType.NoError);
- if (displayCode)
- {
- ErrorWriteLine(TrimLeadingSpaces(FetchCodeLine(failFile2, failLine2) + "\n", 2));
- }
+ ErrorWriteLine(locinfo2, "thread " + thread1 + " group " + group1 + " " + access1 + " ((char*)" + arrName + ")[" + byteOffset + "]", ErrorMsgType.NoError);
+ ErrorWriteLine(TrimLeadingSpaces(FetchCodeLine(failFile2, failLine2) + "\n", 2));
- private static void ReportBarrierDivergence(Absy node, bool displayCode)
+ private static void ReportBarrierDivergence(Absy node)
@@ -1102,19 +1311,11 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
locinfo = failFile + ":" + failLine + ":" + failCol + ":";
ErrorWriteLine(locinfo, "barrier may be reached by non-uniform control flow", ErrorMsgType.Error);
- if (displayCode)
- {
- ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- }
+ ErrorWriteLine(FetchCodeLine(failFile, failLine));
- private static void ReportRequiresFailure(Absy callNode, Absy reqNode, bool displayCode)
+ private static void ReportRequiresFailure(Absy callNode, Absy reqNode)
- // TODO: Remove code duplication below.
- // error: a precondition for this call might not hold
- // [codeline]
- // note: this is the precondition that might not hold
- // [codeline]
int failLine1 = -1, failCol1 = -1, failLine2 = -1, failCol2 = -1;
@@ -1138,17 +1339,11 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
locinfo2 = failFile2 + ":" + failLine2 + ":" + failCol2 + ":";
ErrorWriteLine(locinfo1, "a precondition for this call might not hold", ErrorMsgType.Error);
- if (displayCode)
- {
- ErrorWriteLine(TrimLeadingSpaces(FetchCodeLine(failFile1, failLine1), 2));
- }
+ ErrorWriteLine(TrimLeadingSpaces(FetchCodeLine(failFile1, failLine1), 2));
- ErrorWriteLine(locinfo2, "this is the precondition that might not hold", ErrorMsgType.Note);
- if (displayCode)
- {
- ErrorWriteLine(TrimLeadingSpaces(FetchCodeLine(failFile2, failLine2), 2));
- }
+ ErrorWriteLine(locinfo2, "this is the precondition that might not hold", ErrorMsgType.Note);
+ ErrorWriteLine(TrimLeadingSpaces(FetchCodeLine(failFile2, failLine2), 2));
private static string FetchCodeLine(string path, int lineNo)
@@ -1178,30 +1373,107 @@ namespace Microsoft.Boogie
failLine = QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(attrs, "line", -1);
failCol = QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(attrs, "col", -1);
- failFile = QKeyValue.FindStringAttribute(attrs, "fname");
- string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(CommandLineOptions.Clo.Files[0]);
- failFile = ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName) && directoryName != ".") ? (directoryName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) : "") + failFile;
+ failFile = GetFilenamePathPrefix() + QKeyValue.FindStringAttribute(attrs, "fname");
+ }
+ private static void GetThreadsAndGroupsFromModel(Model model, out string thread1, out string thread2, out string group1, out string group2, bool withSpaces)
+ {
+ thread1 = GetThreadOne(model, withSpaces);
+ thread2 = GetThreadTwo(model, withSpaces);
+ group1 = GetGroupOne(model, withSpaces);
+ group2 = GetGroupTwo(model, withSpaces);
+ }
+ private static string GetGroupTwo(Model model, bool withSpaces)
+ {
+ return "("
+ + GetGidX2(model)
+ + "," + (withSpaces ? " " : "")
+ + GetGidY2(model)
+ + "," + (withSpaces ? " " : "")
+ + GetGidZ2(model)
+ + ")";
+ }
+ private static int GetGidZ2(Model model)
+ {
+ return model.TryGetFunc("group_id_z$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ }
+ private static int GetGidY2(Model model)
+ {
+ return model.TryGetFunc("group_id_y$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ }
+ private static int GetGidX2(Model model)
+ {
+ return model.TryGetFunc("group_id_x$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ }
+ private static string GetGroupOne(Model model, bool withSpaces)
+ {
+ return "("
+ + GetGidX1(model)
+ + "," + (withSpaces ? " " : "")
+ + GetGidY1(model)
+ + "," + (withSpaces ? " " : "")
+ + GetGidZ1(model)
+ + ")";
- private static void GetIdsFromModel(Model model, out int lidx1, out int lidy1, out int lidz1, out int lidx2, out int lidy2, out int lidz2,
- out int gidx1, out int gidy1, out int gidz1, out int gidx2, out int gidy2, out int gidz2)
+ private static int GetGidZ1(Model model)
- lidx1 = model.TryGetFunc("local_id_x$1").GetConstant().AsInt();
- lidy1 = model.TryGetFunc("local_id_y$1").GetConstant().AsInt();
- lidz1 = model.TryGetFunc("local_id_z$1").GetConstant().AsInt();
- lidx2 = model.TryGetFunc("local_id_x$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
- lidy2 = model.TryGetFunc("local_id_y$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
- lidz2 = model.TryGetFunc("local_id_z$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ return model.TryGetFunc("group_id_z$1").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ }
+ private static int GetGidY1(Model model)
+ {
+ return model.TryGetFunc("group_id_y$1").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ }
+ private static int GetGidX1(Model model)
+ {
+ return model.TryGetFunc("group_id_x$1").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ }
+ private static string GetThreadTwo(Model model, bool withSpaces)
+ {
+ return "("
+ + GetLidX2(model)
+ + "," + (withSpaces ? " " : "")
+ + GetLidY2(model)
+ + "," + (withSpaces ? " " : "")
+ + GetLidZ2(model)
+ + ")";
+ }
- gidx1 = model.TryGetFunc("group_id_x$1").GetConstant().AsInt();
- gidy1 = model.TryGetFunc("group_id_y$1").GetConstant().AsInt();
- gidz1 = model.TryGetFunc("group_id_z$1").GetConstant().AsInt();
- gidx2 = model.TryGetFunc("group_id_x$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
- gidy2 = model.TryGetFunc("group_id_y$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
- gidz2 = model.TryGetFunc("group_id_z$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ private static int GetLidZ2(Model model)
+ {
+ return model.TryGetFunc("local_id_z$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ }
+ private static int GetLidY2(Model model)
+ {
+ return model.TryGetFunc("local_id_y$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ }
+ private static int GetLidX2(Model model)
+ {
+ return model.TryGetFunc("local_id_x$2").GetConstant().AsInt();
+ }
+ private static string GetThreadOne(Model model, bool withSpaces)
+ {
+ return "("
+ + model.TryGetFunc("local_id_x$1").GetConstant().AsInt()
+ + "," + (withSpaces ? " " : "")
+ + model.TryGetFunc("local_id_y$1").GetConstant().AsInt()
+ + "," + (withSpaces ? " " : "")
+ + model.TryGetFunc("local_id_z$1").GetConstant().AsInt()
+ + ")";
- private static void GetInfoFromVarAndFunc(QKeyValue attrs, Model.Func f, out int byteOffset, out int elemWidth, out int elemOffset, out string arrName)
+ private static void GetInfoFromVarAndFunc(QKeyValue attrs, Model.Func f, out int byteOffset, out int elemOffset, out int elemWidth, out string arrName)
Debug.Assert(f != null && f.AppCount == 1);
elemOffset = f.Apps.FirstOrDefault().Result.AsInt();
diff --git a/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver.csproj b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver.csproj
index 6f616936..06300e1f 100644
--- a/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver.csproj
+++ b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver.csproj
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
+ <Compile Include="GetIfOfIfThenElseVisitor.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="GetRHSOfEqualityVisitor.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="GetThenOfIfThenElseVisitor.cs" />
<Compile Include="GPUVerifyBoogieDriver.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
diff --git a/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GetIfOfIfThenElseVisitor.cs b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GetIfOfIfThenElseVisitor.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7c6be8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GetIfOfIfThenElseVisitor.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie
+ class GetIfOfIfThenElseVisitor : StandardVisitor
+ {
+ IdentifierExpr result;
+ internal GetIfOfIfThenElseVisitor()
+ {
+ result = null;
+ }
+ public override Expr VisitNAryExpr(NAryExpr node)
+ {
+ if (node.Fun is IfThenElse)
+ {
+ if (node.Args[0] is IdentifierExpr)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(result == null);
+ result = node.Args[0] as IdentifierExpr;
+ }
+ else if (node.Args[0] is NAryExpr)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(result == null);
+ result = ExtractEnabledArg((NAryExpr)node.Args[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ return base.VisitNAryExpr(node);
+ }
+ internal IdentifierExpr getResult()
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(result != null);
+ return result;
+ }
+ internal IdentifierExpr ExtractEnabledArg(NAryExpr ne)
+ {
+ if (ne.Args[0] is IdentifierExpr)
+ {
+ return (IdentifierExpr)ne.Args[0];
+ }
+ else if (ne.Args[0] is NAryExpr)
+ {
+ return ExtractEnabledArg((NAryExpr)ne.Args[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(false, "ExtractEnabledArg: not all cases covered");
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GetRHSOfEqualityVisitor.cs b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GetRHSOfEqualityVisitor.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f13c28cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GetRHSOfEqualityVisitor.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie
+ class GetRHSOfEqualityVisitor : StandardVisitor
+ {
+ string LHSPattern;
+ Expr result;
+ internal GetRHSOfEqualityVisitor(string LHSPattern)
+ {
+ this.LHSPattern = LHSPattern;
+ result = null;
+ }
+ public override Expr VisitNAryExpr(NAryExpr node)
+ {
+ if (node.Fun is BinaryOperator && ((BinaryOperator)node.Fun).Op == BinaryOperator.Opcode.Eq)
+ {
+ if (node.Args[0] is IdentifierExpr && Regex.IsMatch(((IdentifierExpr)node.Args[0]).Decl.Name, LHSPattern))
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(result == null);
+ result = node.Args[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return base.VisitNAryExpr(node);
+ }
+ internal Expr getResult()
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(result != null);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GetThenOfIfThenElseVisitor.cs b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GetThenOfIfThenElseVisitor.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbecda97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/GPUVerifyBoogieDriver/GetThenOfIfThenElseVisitor.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie
+ class GetThenOfIfThenElseVisitor : StandardVisitor
+ {
+ LiteralExpr result;
+ internal GetThenOfIfThenElseVisitor()
+ {
+ result = null;
+ }
+ public override Expr VisitNAryExpr(NAryExpr node)
+ {
+ if (node.Fun is IfThenElse)
+ {
+ if (node.Args[1] is LiteralExpr)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(result == null);
+ result = (LiteralExpr)node.Args[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return base.VisitNAryExpr(node);
+ }
+ internal LiteralExpr getResult()
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(result != null);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }