path: root/Source/Dafny
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authorGravatar rustanleino <unknown>2010-06-11 02:02:36 +0000
committerGravatar rustanleino <unknown>2010-06-11 02:02:36 +0000
commitd0411d08eba6e800509744dbb9e0b4c380964e9b (patch)
treeb67726e5eb114d28fc8af048344f16ed8eed71bd /Source/Dafny
parent5dddcccf78dbd7752963c5fe9da288697ccd27eb (diff)
Dafny: Added two additional heuristics for guessing missing loop decreases clauses (for loop guard A!=B and for loop guards with multiple conjuncts)
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Translator.ssc b/Source/Dafny/Translator.ssc
index fd757b39..27103bd0 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Translator.ssc
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Translator.ssc
@@ -2047,25 +2047,58 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// use simple heuristics to create a default decreases clause, if none is given
List<Expression!> theDecreases = s.Decreases;
- if (theDecreases.Count == 0) {
- Expression guess = null;
- BinaryExpr bin = s.Guard as BinaryExpr;
- if (bin != null) {
- switch (bin.ResolvedOp) {
- case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Lt:
- case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Le:
- guess = IntSub(s.Tok, bin.E1, bin.E0);
- break;
- case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Ge:
- case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Gt:
- guess = IntSub(s.Tok, bin.E0, bin.E1);
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ bool inferredDecreases = false;
+ if (theDecreases.Count == 0 && s.Guard != null) {
+ Expression prefix = null;
+ foreach (Expression guardConjunct in Conjuncts(s.Guard)) {
+ Expression guess = null;
+ BinaryExpr bin = guardConjunct as BinaryExpr;
+ if (bin != null) {
+ switch (bin.ResolvedOp) {
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Lt:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Le:
+ // for A < B and A <= B, use the decreases B - A
+ guess = CreateIntSub(s.Tok, bin.E1, bin.E0);
+ break;
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Ge:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Gt:
+ // for A >= B and A > B, use the decreases A - B
+ guess = CreateIntSub(s.Tok, bin.E0, bin.E1);
+ break;
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NeqCommon:
+ if (bin.E0.Type is IntType) {
+ // for A != B where A and B are integers, use the absolute difference between A and B (that is: if 0 <= A-B then A-B else B-A)
+ Expression AminusB = CreateIntSub(s.Tok, bin.E0, bin.E1);
+ Expression BminusA = CreateIntSub(s.Tok, bin.E1, bin.E0);
+ Expression zero = CreateIntLiteral(s.Tok, 0);
+ BinaryExpr test = new BinaryExpr(s.Tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Le, zero, AminusB);
+ test.ResolvedOp = BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Le; // resolve here
+ test.Type = Type.Bool; // resolve here
+ guess = CreateIntITE(s.Tok, test, AminusB, BminusA);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (guess != null) {
+ if (prefix != null) {
+ // Make the following guess: if prefix then guess else -1
+ Expression negativeOne = CreateIntLiteral(s.Tok, -1);
+ guess = CreateIntITE(s.Tok, prefix, guess, negativeOne);
+ }
+ theDecreases.Add(guess);
+ inferredDecreases = true;
+ break; // ignore any further conjuncts
+ }
+ if (prefix == null) {
+ prefix = guardConjunct;
+ } else {
+ BinaryExpr and = new BinaryExpr(s.Tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.And, prefix, guardConjunct);
+ and.ResolvedOp = BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And; // resolve here
+ and.Type = Type.Bool; // resolve here
+ prefix = and;
- }
- if (guess != null) {
- theDecreases.Add(guess);
@@ -2189,7 +2222,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
Bpl.Expr decrCheck = DecreasesCheck(toks, types, decrs, oldBfs, loopBodyBuilder, etran, " at end of loop iteration");
- loopBodyBuilder.Add(Assert(stmt.Tok, decrCheck, "decreases expression might not decrease"));
+ loopBodyBuilder.Add(Assert(stmt.Tok, decrCheck, inferredDecreases ? "cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause for the loop" : "decreases expression might not decrease"));
Bpl.StmtList body = loopBodyBuilder.Collect(stmt.Tok);
@@ -2368,15 +2401,53 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- static Expression! IntSub(Token! tok, Expression! e0, Expression! e1)
+ static Expression! CreateIntLiteral(Token! tok, int n)
+ {
+ if (0 <= n) {
+ Expression lit = new LiteralExpr(tok, n);
+ lit.Type = Type.Int; // resolve here
+ return lit;
+ } else {
+ return CreateIntSub(tok, CreateIntLiteral(tok, 0), CreateIntLiteral(tok, -n));
+ }
+ }
+ static Expression! CreateIntSub(Token! tok, Expression! e0, Expression! e1)
requires e0.Type is IntType && e1.Type is IntType;
BinaryExpr s = new BinaryExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub, e0, e1);
- s.ResolvedOp = BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Sub;
- s.Type = Type.Int;
+ s.ResolvedOp = BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Sub; // resolve here
+ s.Type = Type.Int; // resolve here
return s;
+ static Expression! CreateIntITE(Token! tok, Expression! test, Expression! e0, Expression! e1)
+ requires test.Type is BoolType && e0.Type is IntType && e1.Type is IntType;
+ {
+ ITEExpr ite = new ITEExpr(tok, test, e0, e1);
+ ite.Type = Type.Int; // resolve here
+ return ite;
+ }
+ public IEnumerable<Expression!>! Conjuncts(Expression! expr)
+ requires expr.Type is BoolType;
+ {
+ if (expr is BinaryExpr) {
+ BinaryExpr bin = (BinaryExpr)expr;
+ if (bin.ResolvedOp == BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And) {
+ foreach (Expression e in Conjuncts(bin.E0)) {
+ yield return e;
+ }
+ assert bin != null; // the necessity of this cast is a compiler bug, but perhaps an irrepairable one
+ foreach (Expression e in Conjuncts(bin.E1)) {
+ yield return e;
+ }
+ yield break;
+ }
+ }
+ yield return expr;
+ }
void CheckCallTermination(Token! tok, List<Expression!>! contextDecreases, List<Expression!>! calleeDecreases,
Expression receiverReplacement, Dictionary<IVariable,Expression!>! substMap,
ExpressionTranslator! etran, Bpl.StmtListBuilder! builder)