path: root/Source/Core/VariableDependenceAnalyser.cs
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authorGravatar Dan Liew <>2015-06-28 01:44:30 +0100
committerGravatar Dan Liew <>2015-06-28 01:44:30 +0100
commit962f8d5252b3f5ec4d19e0cd2a430934bd55cc6d (patch)
tree27d5f9b0d130c6c1a6758bc0b7456b0aa51e34e0 /Source/Core/VariableDependenceAnalyser.cs
parente11d65009d0b4ba1327f5f5dd6b26367330611f0 (diff)
Normalise line endings using a .gitattributes file. Unfortunately
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Core/VariableDependenceAnalyser.cs')
1 files changed, 646 insertions, 646 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Core/VariableDependenceAnalyser.cs b/Source/Core/VariableDependenceAnalyser.cs
index ab12a47e..30e1dbf3 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VariableDependenceAnalyser.cs
+++ b/Source/Core/VariableDependenceAnalyser.cs
@@ -1,646 +1,646 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie {
- public interface IVariableDependenceAnalyser {
- void Analyse();
- VariableDescriptor MakeDescriptor(string proc, Variable v);
- HashSet<VariableDescriptor> DependsOn(VariableDescriptor v);
- void dump();
- void ShowDependencyChain(VariableDescriptor source, VariableDescriptor target);
- bool VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Variable v, string proc);
- bool Ignoring(Variable v, string proc);
- }
- public abstract class VariableDescriptor : IComparable {
- internal readonly string Name;
- internal VariableDescriptor(string Name) {
- this.Name = Name;
- }
- public override string ToString() {
- return Name;
- }
- public override bool Equals(object that) {
- if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, that)) {
- return true;
- }
- VariableDescriptor thatDescriptor = that as VariableDescriptor;
- if (thatDescriptor == null) {
- return false;
- }
- return this.Name.Equals(thatDescriptor.Name);
- }
- public override int GetHashCode() {
- return Name.GetHashCode();
- }
- public int CompareTo(object that) {
- return this.ToString().CompareTo(that.ToString());
- }
- }
- public class LocalDescriptor : VariableDescriptor {
- internal readonly string Proc;
- public LocalDescriptor(string Proc, string Name)
- : base(Name) {
- this.Proc = Proc;
- }
- public override string ToString() {
- return Proc + "." + base.ToString();
- }
- public override bool Equals(object that) {
- if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, that)) {
- return true;
- }
- LocalDescriptor thatDescriptor = that as LocalDescriptor;
- if (thatDescriptor == null) {
- return false;
- }
- return base.Equals(thatDescriptor) &&
- this.Proc.Equals(thatDescriptor.Proc);
- }
- public override int GetHashCode() {
- return (33 * base.GetHashCode())
- + this.Proc.GetHashCode();
- }
- }
- public class GlobalDescriptor : VariableDescriptor {
- public GlobalDescriptor(string name) : base(name) { }
- public override bool Equals(object that) {
- if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, that)) {
- return true;
- }
- GlobalDescriptor thatDescriptor = that as GlobalDescriptor;
- if (thatDescriptor == null) {
- return false;
- }
- return base.Equals(thatDescriptor);
- }
- public override int GetHashCode() {
- return base.GetHashCode();
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Given a Boogie program, computes a graph that over-approximates dependences
- /// between program variables.
- /// </summary>
- public class VariableDependenceAnalyser : IVariableDependenceAnalyser {
- private Graph<VariableDescriptor> dependsOnNonTransitive;
- private Program prog;
- private Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> BlockToControllingBlocks;
- private Dictionary<Block, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>> ControllingBlockToVariables;
- public VariableDependenceAnalyser(Program prog) {
- this.prog = prog;
- dependsOnNonTransitive = new Graph<VariableDescriptor>();
- }
- private void Initialise() {
- foreach (var descriptor in
- prog.Variables.Where(Item => VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Item, null)).
- Select(Variable => Variable.Name).
- Select(Name => new GlobalDescriptor(Name))) {
- dependsOnNonTransitive.AddEdge(descriptor, descriptor);
- }
- foreach (var Proc in prog.NonInlinedProcedures()) {
- List<Variable> parameters = new List<Variable>();
- parameters.AddRange(Proc.InParams);
- parameters.AddRange(Proc.OutParams);
- foreach (var descriptor in
- parameters.Select(Variable => Variable.Name).Select(Name => new LocalDescriptor(Proc.Name, Name))) {
- dependsOnNonTransitive.AddEdge(descriptor, descriptor);
- }
- }
- foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
- List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
- locals.AddRange(Impl.LocVars);
- foreach (var descriptor in
- locals.Select(Variable => Variable.Name).Select(Name => new LocalDescriptor(Impl.Name, Name))) {
- dependsOnNonTransitive.AddEdge(descriptor, descriptor);
- }
- }
- }
- private List<VariableDescriptor> ComputeDependencyChain(VariableDescriptor source, VariableDescriptor target, HashSet<VariableDescriptor> visited) {
- if(source.Equals(target)) {
- return new List<VariableDescriptor> { target };
- }
- visited.Add(source);
- foreach(var w in dependsOnNonTransitive.Successors(source)) {
- if(visited.Contains(w)) {
- continue;
- }
- var result = ComputeDependencyChain(w, target, visited);
- if(result != null) {
- result.Insert(0, source);
- return result;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public void ShowDependencyChain(VariableDescriptor source, VariableDescriptor target) {
- var chain = ComputeDependencyChain(source, target, new HashSet<VariableDescriptor>());
- if(chain == null) {
- Console.WriteLine("No chain between " + source + " and " + target);
- } else {
- bool first = true;
- foreach(var v in chain) {
- if(first) {
- first = false;
- } else {
- Console.Write(" -> ");
- }
- Console.Write(v);
- }
- }
- Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();
- }
- public void Analyse() {
- /* The algorithm is as follows:
- *
- * 1. Build global control dependence graph. First build control dependence graph for each procedure,
- * and union them. Then examine each procedure. If block B is control-dependent on block C, make
- * every block that can be indirectly reached via a call from B control-dependent on C.
- *
- * 2. Take transitive closure of global control dependence graph.
- *
- * 3. For every block B such that some other block is control-dependent on B, determine those variables
- * which B tests. If B tests v, and C is control-depdendent on B, we say that v "controls" the
- * statements appearing in C.
- *
- * 4. Consider each statement to work out variable dependences. v may depend on u if:
- * - there is a statement v := e where u appears in e
- * - there is a statement call ... := foo(..., e, ...) where v is formal in parameter of foo
- * corresponding to e and u appears in e
- * - there is a statement call ..., v, ... := foo(...) where u is formal out parameter of foo
- * correspondnig to v
- * - there is a statement v := ... controlled by u
- * - there is a statement call ... := foo(...) controlled by u where v is a formal in parameter
- * of foo
- * - there is a statement call ..., v, ... := foo(...) controlled by u
- *
- * 5. Finialise variable dependence graph by taking its transitive closure.
- *
- */
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
- Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence analysis: Initialising");
- }
- Initialise();
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
- Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence analysis: Computing control dependence info");
- }
- BlockToControllingBlocks = ComputeGlobalControlDependences();
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
- Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence analysis: Computing control dependence variables");
- }
- ControllingBlockToVariables = ComputeControllingVariables(BlockToControllingBlocks);
- foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
- Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence analysis: Analysing " + Impl.Name);
- }
- Analyse(Impl);
- }
- }
- private void Analyse(Implementation Impl) {
- string proc = Impl.Name;
- foreach (Block b in Impl.Blocks) {
- Analyse(proc, b);
- }
- }
- private void Analyse(string proc, Block b) {
- foreach (Cmd cmd in b.Cmds) {
- AssignCmd assign = cmd as AssignCmd;
- if (assign != null) {
- HandleAssign(proc, b, assign);
- }
- CallCmd call = cmd as CallCmd;
- if (call != null) {
- HandleCall(proc, b, call);
- }
- }
- }
- private void HandleCall(string proc, Block b, CallCmd call) {
- foreach (var formalActualPair in call.Proc.InParams.Zip(call.Ins)) {
- var formalIn = MakeDescriptor(call.callee, formalActualPair.Item1);
- AddDependences(formalIn, GetReferencedVariables(formalActualPair.Item2, proc),
- "referenced in in-param in call to " + proc, call.tok);
- AddControlDependences(b, formalIn, " in param assigned under control dependence in call to " + proc, call.tok);
- }
- foreach (var formalActualPair in call.Proc.OutParams.Zip(call.Outs)) {
- var actualOut = MakeDescriptor(proc, formalActualPair.Item2.Decl);
- AddDependences(actualOut, GetReferencedVariables(new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, formalActualPair.Item1), call.callee),
- "receiving variable for out-param in call to " + proc, call.tok);
- AddControlDependences(b, actualOut, " receiving variable assigned under control dependence in call to " + proc, call.tok);
- }
- }
- private void HandleAssign(string proc, Block b, AssignCmd assign) {
- foreach (var assignPair in assign.Lhss.Zip(assign.Rhss).Where
- (Item => VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Item.Item1.DeepAssignedVariable, proc))) {
- VariableDescriptor assignedVariable = MakeDescriptor(proc, assignPair.Item1.DeepAssignedVariable);
- AddDependences(assignedVariable, GetReferencedVariables(assignPair.Item1, proc),
- "LHS of assignment", assign.tok);
- AddDependences(assignedVariable, GetReferencedVariables(assignPair.Item2, proc),
- "RHS of assignment", assign.tok);
- AddControlDependences(b, assignedVariable, "Variable assigned under control dependence", assign.tok);
- }
- }
- private void AddControlDependences(Block b, VariableDescriptor v, string reason, IToken tok) {
- if (!BlockToControllingBlocks.ContainsKey(b)) {
- return;
- }
- foreach (var controller in BlockToControllingBlocks[b]) {
- AddDependences(v, ControllingBlockToVariables[controller], reason + " controlling block at (" + controller.tok.line + ":" + controller.tok.col + ")", tok);
- }
- }
- private IEnumerable<VariableDescriptor> GetReferencedVariables(Absy node, string proc) {
- var VarCollector = new VariableCollector();
- VarCollector.Visit(node);
- return VarCollector.usedVars.Where(Item => VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Item, proc)).
- Select(Item => MakeDescriptor(proc, Item));
- }
- void AddDependences(VariableDescriptor v, IEnumerable<VariableDescriptor> vs, string reason, IToken tok) {
- foreach (var n in vs) {
- if(CommandLineOptions.Clo.DebugStagedHoudini) {
- Console.WriteLine("Adding dependence " + v + " -> " + n + ", reason: " + reason + "(" + tok.line + ":" + tok.col + ")");
- }
- dependsOnNonTransitive.AddEdge(v, n);
- }
- }
- private Dictionary<Block, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>> ComputeControllingVariables(Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> GlobalCtrlDep) {
- Dictionary<Block, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>> result = new Dictionary<Block, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>>();
- foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
- foreach (var b in Impl.Blocks) {
- result[b] = GetControlDependencyVariables(Impl.Name, b);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- private HashSet<VariableDescriptor> GetControlDependencyVariables(string proc, Block b) {
- // This method works under the assumption that assume statements
- // relevant to control flow between basic blocks have the "partition" attribute
- HashSet<VariableDescriptor> result = new HashSet<VariableDescriptor>();
- var gotoCmd = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gotoCmd != null && gotoCmd.labelTargets.Count >= 2) {
- foreach (Block succ in gotoCmd.labelTargets) {
- foreach (Cmd c in succ.Cmds) {
- AssumeCmd a = c as AssumeCmd;
- if (a != null && QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(a.Attributes, "partition")) {
- var VarCollector = new VariableCollector();
- VarCollector.VisitExpr(a.Expr);
- result.UnionWith(VarCollector.usedVars.Where(Item => VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Item, proc)).
- Select(Item => MakeDescriptor(proc, Item)));
- }
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- private HashSet<VariableDescriptor> IgnoredVariables = null;
- public bool Ignoring(Variable v, string proc) {
- if (IgnoredVariables == null) {
- MakeIgnoreList();
- }
- if(proc != null && IgnoredVariables.Contains(new LocalDescriptor(proc, v.Name))) {
- return true;
- }
- if(IgnoredVariables.Contains(new GlobalDescriptor(v.Name))) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public bool VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Variable v, string proc) {
- return !(v is Constant || Ignoring(v, proc));
- }
- private void MakeIgnoreList()
- {
- IgnoredVariables = new HashSet<VariableDescriptor>();
- if(CommandLineOptions.Clo.VariableDependenceIgnore == null) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- var file = System.IO.File.OpenText(CommandLineOptions.Clo.VariableDependenceIgnore);
- while(!file.EndOfStream) {
- string line = file.ReadLine();
- string[] tokens = line.Split(' ');
- if(tokens.Count() == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- if(tokens.Count() > 2) {
- Console.Error.WriteLine("Ignoring malformed line of ignored variables file: " + line);
- continue;
- }
- if(tokens.Count() == 1) {
- IgnoredVariables.Add(new GlobalDescriptor(tokens[0]));
- continue;
- }
- Debug.Assert(tokens.Count() == 2);
- IgnoredVariables.Add(new LocalDescriptor(tokens[0], tokens[1]));
- }
- } catch(System.IO.IOException e) {
- Console.Error.WriteLine("Error reading from ignored variables file " + CommandLineOptions.Clo.VariableDependenceIgnore + ": " + e);
- }
- }
- private Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> ComputeGlobalControlDependences() {
- Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> GlobalCtrlDep = new Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>>();
- Dictionary<Implementation, Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>>> LocalCtrlDeps = new Dictionary<Implementation, Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>>>();
- // Work out and union together local control dependences
- foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
- Graph<Block> blockGraph = prog.ProcessLoops(Impl);
- LocalCtrlDeps[Impl] = blockGraph.ControlDependence();
- foreach (var KeyValue in LocalCtrlDeps[Impl]) {
- GlobalCtrlDep.Add(KeyValue.Key, KeyValue.Value);
- }
- }
- Graph<Implementation> callGraph = Program.BuildCallGraph(prog);
- // Add inter-procedural control dependence nodes based on calls
- foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
- foreach (var b in Impl.Blocks) {
- foreach (var cmd in b.Cmds.OfType<CallCmd>()) {
- var DirectCallee = GetImplementation(cmd.callee);
- if (DirectCallee != null) {
- HashSet<Implementation> IndirectCallees = ComputeIndirectCallees(callGraph, DirectCallee);
- foreach (var control in GetControllingBlocks(b, LocalCtrlDeps[Impl])) {
- foreach (var c in IndirectCallees.Select(Item => Item.Blocks).SelectMany(Item => Item)) {
- GlobalCtrlDep[control].Add(c);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Compute transitive closure
- GlobalCtrlDep.TransitiveClosure();
- // Finally reverse the dependences
- Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> result = new Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>>();
- foreach (var KeyValue in GlobalCtrlDep) {
- foreach (var v in KeyValue.Value) {
- if (!result.ContainsKey(v)) {
- result[v] = new HashSet<Block>();
- }
- result[v].Add(KeyValue.Key);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- private HashSet<Implementation> ComputeIndirectCallees(Graph<Implementation> callGraph, Implementation DirectCallee) {
- return ComputeIndirectCallees(callGraph, DirectCallee, new HashSet<Implementation>());
- }
- private HashSet<Implementation> ComputeIndirectCallees(Graph<Implementation> callGraph, Implementation DirectCallee, HashSet<Implementation> seen) {
- if (seen.Contains(DirectCallee)) {
- return new HashSet<Implementation>();
- }
- HashSet<Implementation> result = new HashSet<Implementation>();
- result.Add(DirectCallee);
- seen.Add(DirectCallee);
- foreach (var succ in callGraph.Successors(DirectCallee)) {
- result.UnionWith(ComputeIndirectCallees(callGraph, succ, seen));
- }
- return result;
- }
- private HashSet<Block> GetControllingBlocks(Block b, Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> ctrlDep) {
- HashSet<Block> result = new HashSet<Block>();
- foreach (var KeyValue in ctrlDep) {
- if (KeyValue.Value.Contains(b)) {
- result.Add(KeyValue.Key);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- private Implementation GetImplementation(string proc) {
- foreach (var Impl in prog.Implementations) {
- if (Impl.Name.Equals(proc)) {
- return Impl;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public VariableDescriptor MakeDescriptor(string proc, Variable v) {
- // Check whether there is an (Impl, v) match
- var MatchingLocals = dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item => Item is LocalDescriptor).Select(
- Item => (LocalDescriptor)Item).Where(Item => Item.Proc.Equals(proc) &&
- Item.Name.Equals(v.Name));
- if (MatchingLocals.Count() > 0) {
- Debug.Assert(MatchingLocals.Count() == 1);
- return MatchingLocals.ToArray()[0];
- }
- // It must be a global with same name as v
- return dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item => Item is GlobalDescriptor &&
- Item.Name.Equals(v.Name)).ToArray()[0];
- }
- private Dictionary<SCC<VariableDescriptor>, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>> DependsOnCache = new Dictionary<SCC<VariableDescriptor>, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>>();
- private Graph<SCC<VariableDescriptor>> DependsOnSCCsDAG;
- private Dictionary<VariableDescriptor, SCC<VariableDescriptor>> VariableDescriptorToSCC;
- public HashSet<VariableDescriptor> DependsOn(VariableDescriptor v) {
- if (DependsOnSCCsDAG == null) {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
- Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence: computing SCCs");
- }
- Adjacency<VariableDescriptor> next = new Adjacency<VariableDescriptor>(dependsOnNonTransitive.Successors);
- Adjacency<VariableDescriptor> prev = new Adjacency<VariableDescriptor>(dependsOnNonTransitive.Predecessors);
- StronglyConnectedComponents<VariableDescriptor> DependsOnSCCs = new StronglyConnectedComponents<VariableDescriptor>(
- dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes, next, prev);
- DependsOnSCCs.Compute();
- VariableDescriptorToSCC = new Dictionary<VariableDescriptor, SCC<VariableDescriptor>>();
- foreach (var scc in DependsOnSCCs) {
- foreach (var s in scc) {
- VariableDescriptorToSCC[s] = scc;
- }
- }
- DependsOnSCCsDAG = new Graph<SCC<VariableDescriptor>>();
- foreach (var edge in dependsOnNonTransitive.Edges) {
- if (VariableDescriptorToSCC[edge.Item1] != VariableDescriptorToSCC[edge.Item2]) {
- DependsOnSCCsDAG.AddEdge(VariableDescriptorToSCC[edge.Item1], VariableDescriptorToSCC[edge.Item2]);
- }
- }
- SCC<VariableDescriptor> dummy = new SCC<VariableDescriptor>();
- foreach (var n in dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes) {
- DependsOnSCCsDAG.AddEdge(VariableDescriptorToSCC[n], dummy);
- }
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
- Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence: SCCs computed!");
- }
- }
- return DependsOn(VariableDescriptorToSCC[v]);
- }
- public HashSet<VariableDescriptor> DependsOn(SCC<VariableDescriptor> vSCC) {
- if (!DependsOnCache.ContainsKey(vSCC)) {
- HashSet<VariableDescriptor> result = new HashSet<VariableDescriptor>();
- if (vSCC.Count() > 0) {
- result.UnionWith(vSCC);
- foreach (var wSCC in DependsOnSCCsDAG.Successors(vSCC)) {
- result.UnionWith(DependsOn(wSCC));
- }
- }
- DependsOnCache[vSCC] = result;
- }
- return DependsOnCache[vSCC];
- }
- public void dump() {
- Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence information");
- Console.WriteLine("===============================");
- Console.WriteLine("Global variables");
- Console.WriteLine("================");
- foreach (var GlobalEntry in dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item => Item is GlobalDescriptor)) {
- dump(GlobalEntry);
- }
- foreach (var proc in Procedures()) {
- Console.WriteLine("Variables of " + proc);
- Console.WriteLine("=====================");
- foreach (var LocalEntry in dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item => Item is LocalDescriptor
- && ((LocalDescriptor)Item).Proc.Equals(proc))) {
- dump(LocalEntry);
- }
- }
- }
- private void dump(VariableDescriptor vd) {
- Console.Write(vd + " <- {");
- bool first = true;
- var SortedDependents = DependsOn(vd).ToList();
- SortedDependents.Sort();
- foreach (var Descriptor in SortedDependents) {
- Console.Write((first ? "" : ",") + "\n " + Descriptor);
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- }
- }
- Debug.Assert(!first);
- Console.WriteLine("\n}\n");
- }
- private HashSet<string> Procedures() {
- return new HashSet<string>(dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item =>
- Item is LocalDescriptor).Select(Item => ((LocalDescriptor)Item).Proc));
- }
- }
- public static class Helper {
- public static IEnumerable<Procedure> NonInlinedProcedures(this Program prog) {
- return prog.Procedures.
- Where(Item => QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(Item.Attributes, "inline", -1) == -1);
- }
- public static IEnumerable<Implementation> NonInlinedImplementations(this Program prog) {
- return prog.Implementations.
- Where(Item => QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(Item.Proc.Attributes, "inline", -1) == -1);
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie {
+ public interface IVariableDependenceAnalyser {
+ void Analyse();
+ VariableDescriptor MakeDescriptor(string proc, Variable v);
+ HashSet<VariableDescriptor> DependsOn(VariableDescriptor v);
+ void dump();
+ void ShowDependencyChain(VariableDescriptor source, VariableDescriptor target);
+ bool VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Variable v, string proc);
+ bool Ignoring(Variable v, string proc);
+ }
+ public abstract class VariableDescriptor : IComparable {
+ internal readonly string Name;
+ internal VariableDescriptor(string Name) {
+ this.Name = Name;
+ }
+ public override string ToString() {
+ return Name;
+ }
+ public override bool Equals(object that) {
+ if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, that)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ VariableDescriptor thatDescriptor = that as VariableDescriptor;
+ if (thatDescriptor == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this.Name.Equals(thatDescriptor.Name);
+ }
+ public override int GetHashCode() {
+ return Name.GetHashCode();
+ }
+ public int CompareTo(object that) {
+ return this.ToString().CompareTo(that.ToString());
+ }
+ }
+ public class LocalDescriptor : VariableDescriptor {
+ internal readonly string Proc;
+ public LocalDescriptor(string Proc, string Name)
+ : base(Name) {
+ this.Proc = Proc;
+ }
+ public override string ToString() {
+ return Proc + "." + base.ToString();
+ }
+ public override bool Equals(object that) {
+ if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, that)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ LocalDescriptor thatDescriptor = that as LocalDescriptor;
+ if (thatDescriptor == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return base.Equals(thatDescriptor) &&
+ this.Proc.Equals(thatDescriptor.Proc);
+ }
+ public override int GetHashCode() {
+ return (33 * base.GetHashCode())
+ + this.Proc.GetHashCode();
+ }
+ }
+ public class GlobalDescriptor : VariableDescriptor {
+ public GlobalDescriptor(string name) : base(name) { }
+ public override bool Equals(object that) {
+ if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, that)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ GlobalDescriptor thatDescriptor = that as GlobalDescriptor;
+ if (thatDescriptor == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return base.Equals(thatDescriptor);
+ }
+ public override int GetHashCode() {
+ return base.GetHashCode();
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Given a Boogie program, computes a graph that over-approximates dependences
+ /// between program variables.
+ /// </summary>
+ public class VariableDependenceAnalyser : IVariableDependenceAnalyser {
+ private Graph<VariableDescriptor> dependsOnNonTransitive;
+ private Program prog;
+ private Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> BlockToControllingBlocks;
+ private Dictionary<Block, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>> ControllingBlockToVariables;
+ public VariableDependenceAnalyser(Program prog) {
+ this.prog = prog;
+ dependsOnNonTransitive = new Graph<VariableDescriptor>();
+ }
+ private void Initialise() {
+ foreach (var descriptor in
+ prog.Variables.Where(Item => VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Item, null)).
+ Select(Variable => Variable.Name).
+ Select(Name => new GlobalDescriptor(Name))) {
+ dependsOnNonTransitive.AddEdge(descriptor, descriptor);
+ }
+ foreach (var Proc in prog.NonInlinedProcedures()) {
+ List<Variable> parameters = new List<Variable>();
+ parameters.AddRange(Proc.InParams);
+ parameters.AddRange(Proc.OutParams);
+ foreach (var descriptor in
+ parameters.Select(Variable => Variable.Name).Select(Name => new LocalDescriptor(Proc.Name, Name))) {
+ dependsOnNonTransitive.AddEdge(descriptor, descriptor);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
+ List<Variable> locals = new List<Variable>();
+ locals.AddRange(Impl.LocVars);
+ foreach (var descriptor in
+ locals.Select(Variable => Variable.Name).Select(Name => new LocalDescriptor(Impl.Name, Name))) {
+ dependsOnNonTransitive.AddEdge(descriptor, descriptor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private List<VariableDescriptor> ComputeDependencyChain(VariableDescriptor source, VariableDescriptor target, HashSet<VariableDescriptor> visited) {
+ if(source.Equals(target)) {
+ return new List<VariableDescriptor> { target };
+ }
+ visited.Add(source);
+ foreach(var w in dependsOnNonTransitive.Successors(source)) {
+ if(visited.Contains(w)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var result = ComputeDependencyChain(w, target, visited);
+ if(result != null) {
+ result.Insert(0, source);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void ShowDependencyChain(VariableDescriptor source, VariableDescriptor target) {
+ var chain = ComputeDependencyChain(source, target, new HashSet<VariableDescriptor>());
+ if(chain == null) {
+ Console.WriteLine("No chain between " + source + " and " + target);
+ } else {
+ bool first = true;
+ foreach(var v in chain) {
+ if(first) {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ Console.Write(" -> ");
+ }
+ Console.Write(v);
+ }
+ }
+ Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();
+ }
+ public void Analyse() {
+ /* The algorithm is as follows:
+ *
+ * 1. Build global control dependence graph. First build control dependence graph for each procedure,
+ * and union them. Then examine each procedure. If block B is control-dependent on block C, make
+ * every block that can be indirectly reached via a call from B control-dependent on C.
+ *
+ * 2. Take transitive closure of global control dependence graph.
+ *
+ * 3. For every block B such that some other block is control-dependent on B, determine those variables
+ * which B tests. If B tests v, and C is control-depdendent on B, we say that v "controls" the
+ * statements appearing in C.
+ *
+ * 4. Consider each statement to work out variable dependences. v may depend on u if:
+ * - there is a statement v := e where u appears in e
+ * - there is a statement call ... := foo(..., e, ...) where v is formal in parameter of foo
+ * corresponding to e and u appears in e
+ * - there is a statement call ..., v, ... := foo(...) where u is formal out parameter of foo
+ * correspondnig to v
+ * - there is a statement v := ... controlled by u
+ * - there is a statement call ... := foo(...) controlled by u where v is a formal in parameter
+ * of foo
+ * - there is a statement call ..., v, ... := foo(...) controlled by u
+ *
+ * 5. Finialise variable dependence graph by taking its transitive closure.
+ *
+ */
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence analysis: Initialising");
+ }
+ Initialise();
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence analysis: Computing control dependence info");
+ }
+ BlockToControllingBlocks = ComputeGlobalControlDependences();
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence analysis: Computing control dependence variables");
+ }
+ ControllingBlockToVariables = ComputeControllingVariables(BlockToControllingBlocks);
+ foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence analysis: Analysing " + Impl.Name);
+ }
+ Analyse(Impl);
+ }
+ }
+ private void Analyse(Implementation Impl) {
+ string proc = Impl.Name;
+ foreach (Block b in Impl.Blocks) {
+ Analyse(proc, b);
+ }
+ }
+ private void Analyse(string proc, Block b) {
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in b.Cmds) {
+ AssignCmd assign = cmd as AssignCmd;
+ if (assign != null) {
+ HandleAssign(proc, b, assign);
+ }
+ CallCmd call = cmd as CallCmd;
+ if (call != null) {
+ HandleCall(proc, b, call);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void HandleCall(string proc, Block b, CallCmd call) {
+ foreach (var formalActualPair in call.Proc.InParams.Zip(call.Ins)) {
+ var formalIn = MakeDescriptor(call.callee, formalActualPair.Item1);
+ AddDependences(formalIn, GetReferencedVariables(formalActualPair.Item2, proc),
+ "referenced in in-param in call to " + proc, call.tok);
+ AddControlDependences(b, formalIn, " in param assigned under control dependence in call to " + proc, call.tok);
+ }
+ foreach (var formalActualPair in call.Proc.OutParams.Zip(call.Outs)) {
+ var actualOut = MakeDescriptor(proc, formalActualPair.Item2.Decl);
+ AddDependences(actualOut, GetReferencedVariables(new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, formalActualPair.Item1), call.callee),
+ "receiving variable for out-param in call to " + proc, call.tok);
+ AddControlDependences(b, actualOut, " receiving variable assigned under control dependence in call to " + proc, call.tok);
+ }
+ }
+ private void HandleAssign(string proc, Block b, AssignCmd assign) {
+ foreach (var assignPair in assign.Lhss.Zip(assign.Rhss).Where
+ (Item => VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Item.Item1.DeepAssignedVariable, proc))) {
+ VariableDescriptor assignedVariable = MakeDescriptor(proc, assignPair.Item1.DeepAssignedVariable);
+ AddDependences(assignedVariable, GetReferencedVariables(assignPair.Item1, proc),
+ "LHS of assignment", assign.tok);
+ AddDependences(assignedVariable, GetReferencedVariables(assignPair.Item2, proc),
+ "RHS of assignment", assign.tok);
+ AddControlDependences(b, assignedVariable, "Variable assigned under control dependence", assign.tok);
+ }
+ }
+ private void AddControlDependences(Block b, VariableDescriptor v, string reason, IToken tok) {
+ if (!BlockToControllingBlocks.ContainsKey(b)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (var controller in BlockToControllingBlocks[b]) {
+ AddDependences(v, ControllingBlockToVariables[controller], reason + " controlling block at (" + controller.tok.line + ":" + controller.tok.col + ")", tok);
+ }
+ }
+ private IEnumerable<VariableDescriptor> GetReferencedVariables(Absy node, string proc) {
+ var VarCollector = new VariableCollector();
+ VarCollector.Visit(node);
+ return VarCollector.usedVars.Where(Item => VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Item, proc)).
+ Select(Item => MakeDescriptor(proc, Item));
+ }
+ void AddDependences(VariableDescriptor v, IEnumerable<VariableDescriptor> vs, string reason, IToken tok) {
+ foreach (var n in vs) {
+ if(CommandLineOptions.Clo.DebugStagedHoudini) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Adding dependence " + v + " -> " + n + ", reason: " + reason + "(" + tok.line + ":" + tok.col + ")");
+ }
+ dependsOnNonTransitive.AddEdge(v, n);
+ }
+ }
+ private Dictionary<Block, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>> ComputeControllingVariables(Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> GlobalCtrlDep) {
+ Dictionary<Block, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>> result = new Dictionary<Block, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>>();
+ foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
+ foreach (var b in Impl.Blocks) {
+ result[b] = GetControlDependencyVariables(Impl.Name, b);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private HashSet<VariableDescriptor> GetControlDependencyVariables(string proc, Block b) {
+ // This method works under the assumption that assume statements
+ // relevant to control flow between basic blocks have the "partition" attribute
+ HashSet<VariableDescriptor> result = new HashSet<VariableDescriptor>();
+ var gotoCmd = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ if (gotoCmd != null && gotoCmd.labelTargets.Count >= 2) {
+ foreach (Block succ in gotoCmd.labelTargets) {
+ foreach (Cmd c in succ.Cmds) {
+ AssumeCmd a = c as AssumeCmd;
+ if (a != null && QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(a.Attributes, "partition")) {
+ var VarCollector = new VariableCollector();
+ VarCollector.VisitExpr(a.Expr);
+ result.UnionWith(VarCollector.usedVars.Where(Item => VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Item, proc)).
+ Select(Item => MakeDescriptor(proc, Item)));
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private HashSet<VariableDescriptor> IgnoredVariables = null;
+ public bool Ignoring(Variable v, string proc) {
+ if (IgnoredVariables == null) {
+ MakeIgnoreList();
+ }
+ if(proc != null && IgnoredVariables.Contains(new LocalDescriptor(proc, v.Name))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(IgnoredVariables.Contains(new GlobalDescriptor(v.Name))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public bool VariableRelevantToAnalysis(Variable v, string proc) {
+ return !(v is Constant || Ignoring(v, proc));
+ }
+ private void MakeIgnoreList()
+ {
+ IgnoredVariables = new HashSet<VariableDescriptor>();
+ if(CommandLineOptions.Clo.VariableDependenceIgnore == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ var file = System.IO.File.OpenText(CommandLineOptions.Clo.VariableDependenceIgnore);
+ while(!file.EndOfStream) {
+ string line = file.ReadLine();
+ string[] tokens = line.Split(' ');
+ if(tokens.Count() == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(tokens.Count() > 2) {
+ Console.Error.WriteLine("Ignoring malformed line of ignored variables file: " + line);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(tokens.Count() == 1) {
+ IgnoredVariables.Add(new GlobalDescriptor(tokens[0]));
+ continue;
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(tokens.Count() == 2);
+ IgnoredVariables.Add(new LocalDescriptor(tokens[0], tokens[1]));
+ }
+ } catch(System.IO.IOException e) {
+ Console.Error.WriteLine("Error reading from ignored variables file " + CommandLineOptions.Clo.VariableDependenceIgnore + ": " + e);
+ }
+ }
+ private Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> ComputeGlobalControlDependences() {
+ Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> GlobalCtrlDep = new Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>>();
+ Dictionary<Implementation, Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>>> LocalCtrlDeps = new Dictionary<Implementation, Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>>>();
+ // Work out and union together local control dependences
+ foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
+ Graph<Block> blockGraph = prog.ProcessLoops(Impl);
+ LocalCtrlDeps[Impl] = blockGraph.ControlDependence();
+ foreach (var KeyValue in LocalCtrlDeps[Impl]) {
+ GlobalCtrlDep.Add(KeyValue.Key, KeyValue.Value);
+ }
+ }
+ Graph<Implementation> callGraph = Program.BuildCallGraph(prog);
+ // Add inter-procedural control dependence nodes based on calls
+ foreach (var Impl in prog.NonInlinedImplementations()) {
+ foreach (var b in Impl.Blocks) {
+ foreach (var cmd in b.Cmds.OfType<CallCmd>()) {
+ var DirectCallee = GetImplementation(cmd.callee);
+ if (DirectCallee != null) {
+ HashSet<Implementation> IndirectCallees = ComputeIndirectCallees(callGraph, DirectCallee);
+ foreach (var control in GetControllingBlocks(b, LocalCtrlDeps[Impl])) {
+ foreach (var c in IndirectCallees.Select(Item => Item.Blocks).SelectMany(Item => Item)) {
+ GlobalCtrlDep[control].Add(c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute transitive closure
+ GlobalCtrlDep.TransitiveClosure();
+ // Finally reverse the dependences
+ Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> result = new Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>>();
+ foreach (var KeyValue in GlobalCtrlDep) {
+ foreach (var v in KeyValue.Value) {
+ if (!result.ContainsKey(v)) {
+ result[v] = new HashSet<Block>();
+ }
+ result[v].Add(KeyValue.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private HashSet<Implementation> ComputeIndirectCallees(Graph<Implementation> callGraph, Implementation DirectCallee) {
+ return ComputeIndirectCallees(callGraph, DirectCallee, new HashSet<Implementation>());
+ }
+ private HashSet<Implementation> ComputeIndirectCallees(Graph<Implementation> callGraph, Implementation DirectCallee, HashSet<Implementation> seen) {
+ if (seen.Contains(DirectCallee)) {
+ return new HashSet<Implementation>();
+ }
+ HashSet<Implementation> result = new HashSet<Implementation>();
+ result.Add(DirectCallee);
+ seen.Add(DirectCallee);
+ foreach (var succ in callGraph.Successors(DirectCallee)) {
+ result.UnionWith(ComputeIndirectCallees(callGraph, succ, seen));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private HashSet<Block> GetControllingBlocks(Block b, Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Block>> ctrlDep) {
+ HashSet<Block> result = new HashSet<Block>();
+ foreach (var KeyValue in ctrlDep) {
+ if (KeyValue.Value.Contains(b)) {
+ result.Add(KeyValue.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private Implementation GetImplementation(string proc) {
+ foreach (var Impl in prog.Implementations) {
+ if (Impl.Name.Equals(proc)) {
+ return Impl;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public VariableDescriptor MakeDescriptor(string proc, Variable v) {
+ // Check whether there is an (Impl, v) match
+ var MatchingLocals = dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item => Item is LocalDescriptor).Select(
+ Item => (LocalDescriptor)Item).Where(Item => Item.Proc.Equals(proc) &&
+ Item.Name.Equals(v.Name));
+ if (MatchingLocals.Count() > 0) {
+ Debug.Assert(MatchingLocals.Count() == 1);
+ return MatchingLocals.ToArray()[0];
+ }
+ // It must be a global with same name as v
+ return dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item => Item is GlobalDescriptor &&
+ Item.Name.Equals(v.Name)).ToArray()[0];
+ }
+ private Dictionary<SCC<VariableDescriptor>, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>> DependsOnCache = new Dictionary<SCC<VariableDescriptor>, HashSet<VariableDescriptor>>();
+ private Graph<SCC<VariableDescriptor>> DependsOnSCCsDAG;
+ private Dictionary<VariableDescriptor, SCC<VariableDescriptor>> VariableDescriptorToSCC;
+ public HashSet<VariableDescriptor> DependsOn(VariableDescriptor v) {
+ if (DependsOnSCCsDAG == null) {
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence: computing SCCs");
+ }
+ Adjacency<VariableDescriptor> next = new Adjacency<VariableDescriptor>(dependsOnNonTransitive.Successors);
+ Adjacency<VariableDescriptor> prev = new Adjacency<VariableDescriptor>(dependsOnNonTransitive.Predecessors);
+ StronglyConnectedComponents<VariableDescriptor> DependsOnSCCs = new StronglyConnectedComponents<VariableDescriptor>(
+ dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes, next, prev);
+ DependsOnSCCs.Compute();
+ VariableDescriptorToSCC = new Dictionary<VariableDescriptor, SCC<VariableDescriptor>>();
+ foreach (var scc in DependsOnSCCs) {
+ foreach (var s in scc) {
+ VariableDescriptorToSCC[s] = scc;
+ }
+ }
+ DependsOnSCCsDAG = new Graph<SCC<VariableDescriptor>>();
+ foreach (var edge in dependsOnNonTransitive.Edges) {
+ if (VariableDescriptorToSCC[edge.Item1] != VariableDescriptorToSCC[edge.Item2]) {
+ DependsOnSCCsDAG.AddEdge(VariableDescriptorToSCC[edge.Item1], VariableDescriptorToSCC[edge.Item2]);
+ }
+ }
+ SCC<VariableDescriptor> dummy = new SCC<VariableDescriptor>();
+ foreach (var n in dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes) {
+ DependsOnSCCsDAG.AddEdge(VariableDescriptorToSCC[n], dummy);
+ }
+ if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.Trace) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence: SCCs computed!");
+ }
+ }
+ return DependsOn(VariableDescriptorToSCC[v]);
+ }
+ public HashSet<VariableDescriptor> DependsOn(SCC<VariableDescriptor> vSCC) {
+ if (!DependsOnCache.ContainsKey(vSCC)) {
+ HashSet<VariableDescriptor> result = new HashSet<VariableDescriptor>();
+ if (vSCC.Count() > 0) {
+ result.UnionWith(vSCC);
+ foreach (var wSCC in DependsOnSCCsDAG.Successors(vSCC)) {
+ result.UnionWith(DependsOn(wSCC));
+ }
+ }
+ DependsOnCache[vSCC] = result;
+ }
+ return DependsOnCache[vSCC];
+ }
+ public void dump() {
+ Console.WriteLine("Variable dependence information");
+ Console.WriteLine("===============================");
+ Console.WriteLine("Global variables");
+ Console.WriteLine("================");
+ foreach (var GlobalEntry in dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item => Item is GlobalDescriptor)) {
+ dump(GlobalEntry);
+ }
+ foreach (var proc in Procedures()) {
+ Console.WriteLine("Variables of " + proc);
+ Console.WriteLine("=====================");
+ foreach (var LocalEntry in dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item => Item is LocalDescriptor
+ && ((LocalDescriptor)Item).Proc.Equals(proc))) {
+ dump(LocalEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void dump(VariableDescriptor vd) {
+ Console.Write(vd + " <- {");
+ bool first = true;
+ var SortedDependents = DependsOn(vd).ToList();
+ SortedDependents.Sort();
+ foreach (var Descriptor in SortedDependents) {
+ Console.Write((first ? "" : ",") + "\n " + Descriptor);
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(!first);
+ Console.WriteLine("\n}\n");
+ }
+ private HashSet<string> Procedures() {
+ return new HashSet<string>(dependsOnNonTransitive.Nodes.Where(Item =>
+ Item is LocalDescriptor).Select(Item => ((LocalDescriptor)Item).Proc));
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Helper {
+ public static IEnumerable<Procedure> NonInlinedProcedures(this Program prog) {
+ return prog.Procedures.
+ Where(Item => QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(Item.Attributes, "inline", -1) == -1);
+ }
+ public static IEnumerable<Implementation> NonInlinedImplementations(this Program prog) {
+ return prog.Implementations.
+ Where(Item => QKeyValue.FindIntAttribute(Item.Proc.Attributes, "inline", -1) == -1);
+ }
+ }