path: root/Source/Core/
diff options
authorGravatar mikebarnett <unknown>2009-07-15 21:03:41 +0000
committerGravatar mikebarnett <unknown>2009-07-15 21:03:41 +0000
commitce1c2de044c91624370411e23acab13b0381949b (patch)
tree592539996fe08050ead5ee210c973801611dde40 /Source/Core/
Initial set of files.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Core/')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Core/ b/Source/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1466c341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+using System.Collections;
+namespace Graphing;
+type Node = object;
+type Edge = <Node,Node>;
+class PreHeader {
+ Node myHeader;
+ PreHeader(Node h) { myHeader = h; }
+ public override string ToString() { return "#" + myHeader.ToString(); }
+public class Graph {
+ private Set<Edge> es;
+ private Set<Node> ns;
+ private Node source;
+ private bool reducible;
+ private Set<Node> headers;
+ private Map<Node,Set<Node>> backEdgeNodes;
+ private Map<Edge,Set<Node>> naturalLoops;
+ private Map<Node,Set<Node>> dominatorMap;
+ private Map<Node,Set<Node>> immediateDominatorMap;
+ public Graph(Set<Edge> edges)
+ {
+ es = edges;
+ ns = Set<Node>{ x : <x,y> in es } + Set<Node>{ y : <x,y> in es };
+ }
+ public Graph()
+ { es = Set<Edge>{}; ns = Set<Node>{}; }
+ public void AddSource(Node x)
+ {
+ ns += Set<Node>{x};
+ source = x;
+ }
+ public void AddEdge(Node source, Node dest)
+ {
+ es += Set<Edge>{<source,dest>};
+ ns += Set<Node>{source, dest};
+ }
+ public Set<Node> Nodes { get { return ns; } }
+ public Set<Edge> Edges { get { return es; } }
+ public bool Edge(Node x, Node y) { return <x,y> in es; }
+ Set<Node> predecessors(Node n)
+ {
+ Set<Node> result = Set{ x : x in Nodes, Edge(x,n) };
+ return result;
+ }
+ public override string ToString() { return es.ToString(); }
+ public IEnumerable TopologicalSort()
+ {
+ <bool,Seq<Node>> <res,ns> = TopSort(this);
+ return res ? ns : null;
+ }
+ public void ComputeLoops()
+ {
+ <bool, Set<Node>, Map<Node,Set<Node>>, Map<Edge,Set<Node>>>
+ <reducible,headers,backEdgeNodes,naturalLoops> = Reducible(this,this.source);
+ this.reducible = reducible;
+ this.headers = headers;
+ this.backEdgeNodes = backEdgeNodes;
+ this.naturalLoops = naturalLoops;
+ return;
+ }
+ public bool Reducible { get { return reducible; } }
+ public IEnumerable Headers { get { return headers; } }
+ public IEnumerable BackEdgeNodes(Node h) { return h in backEdgeNodes ? backEdgeNodes[h] : null; }
+ public IEnumerable NaturalLoops(Node header, Node backEdgeNode)
+ { Edge e = <backEdgeNode,header>; return e in naturalLoops ? naturalLoops[e] : null; }
+ public bool Acyclic { get { return Acyclic(this,this.source); } }
+ public Map<Node,Set<Node>> DominatorMap
+ {
+ get {
+ if (dominatorMap == null) dominatorMap = ComputeDominators(this, source);
+ return dominatorMap;
+ }
+ }
+ public Map<Node,Set<Node>> ImmediateDominatorMap
+ {
+ get {
+ if (immediateDominatorMap == null)
+ {
+ immediateDominatorMap = Map{};
+ foreach(Node y in Nodes)
+ {
+ Set<Node> nodesThatYDominates = Set{ x : x in Nodes, x != y && (y in DominatorMap[x]) };
+ Set<Node> immediateDominatees = Set{ x : x in nodesThatYDominates,
+ !(Exists{ v != y && v != x && (v in DominatorMap[x]) : v in nodesThatYDominates })
+ };
+ immediateDominatorMap[y] = immediateDominatees;
+ }
+ }
+ return immediateDominatorMap;
+ }
+ }
+ public Set<Node> ImmediatelyDominatedBy(Node n) { return ImmediateDominatorMap[n]; }
+// From AsmL distribution example: TopologicalSort
+<bool,Seq<Node>> TopSort(Graph g)
+ Seq<Node> S = Seq{};
+ Set<Node> V = g.Nodes;
+ bool change = true;
+ while ( change )
+ {
+ change = false;
+ Set<Node> X = V - ((Set<Node>) S);
+ if ( X != Set{} )
+ {
+ Node temp = Choose{ v : v in X, !(Exists{ g.Edge(u,v) : u in X }) ifnone null };
+ if ( temp == null )
+ {
+ return <false,Seq<Node>{}>;
+ }
+ else if ( temp != Seq<Node>{} )
+ {
+ S += Seq{temp};
+ change = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return <true,S>;
+bool Acyclic(Graph g, Node source)
+ <bool,Seq<Node>> <acyc,xs> = TopSort(g);
+ return acyc;
+// [Dragon, pp. 670--671]
+// returns map D s.t. d in D(n) iff d dom n
+Map<Node,Set<Node>> ComputeDominators(Graph g, Node source) {
+ Set<Node> N = g.Nodes;
+ Set<Node> nonSourceNodes = N - Set{source};
+ Map<Node,Set<Node>> D = Map{};
+ D[source] = Set<Node>{ source };
+ foreach (Node n in nonSourceNodes)
+ {
+ D[n] = N;
+ }
+ bool change = true;
+ while ( change )
+ {
+ change = false;
+ foreach (Node n in nonSourceNodes)
+ {
+ Set<Set<Node>> allPreds = Set{ D[p] : p in g.predecessors(n) };
+ Set<Node> temp = Set<Node>{ n } + BigIntersect(allPreds);
+ if ( temp != D[n] )
+ {
+ change = true;
+ D[n] = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return D;
+// [Dragon, Fig. 10.15, p. 604. Algorithm for constructing the natural loop.]
+Set<Node> NaturalLoop(Graph g, Edge backEdge)
+ <Node,Node> <n,d> = backEdge;
+ Seq<Node> stack = Seq{};
+ Set<Node> loop = Set{ d };
+ if ( n != d ) // then n is not in loop
+ {
+ loop += Set{ n };
+ stack = Seq{ n } + stack; // push n onto stack
+ }
+ while ( stack != Seq{} ) // not empty
+ {
+ Node m = Head(stack);
+ stack = Tail(stack); // pop stack
+ foreach (Node p in g.predecessors(m))
+ {
+ if ( !(p in loop) )
+ {
+ loop += Set{ p };
+ stack = Seq{ p } + stack; // push p onto stack
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return loop;
+// [Dragon, p. 606]
+<bool, Set<Node>, Map<Node,Set<Node>>, Map<Edge,Set<Node>>>
+ Reducible(Graph g, Node source) {
+ // first, compute the dom relation
+ Map<Node,Set<Node>> D = g.DominatorMap;
+ return Reducible(g,source,D);
+// [Dragon, p. 606]
+<bool, Set<Node>, Map<Node,Set<Node>>, Map<Edge,Set<Node>>>
+ Reducible(Graph g, Node source, Map<Node,Set<Node>> DomRelation) {
+ Set<Edge> edges = g.Edges;
+ Set<Edge> backEdges = Set{};
+ Set<Edge> nonBackEdges = Set{};
+ foreach (Edge e in edges)
+ {
+ <Node,Node> <x,y> = e; // so there is an edge from x to y
+ if ( y in DomRelation[x] ) // y dom x: which means y dominates x
+ {
+ backEdges += Set{ e };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nonBackEdges += Set{ e };
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !Acyclic(new Graph(nonBackEdges), source) )
+ {
+ return <false,Set<Node>{},Map<Node,Set<Node>>{},Map<Edge,Set<Node>>{}>;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Set<Node> headers = Set{ d : <n,d> in backEdges };
+ Map<Node,Set<Node>> backEdgeNodes = Map{ h -> bs : h in headers, bs = Set<Node>{ b : <b,x> in backEdges, x == h } };
+ Map<Edge,Set<Node>> naturalLoops = Map{ e -> NaturalLoop(g,e) : e in backEdges };
+ return <true, headers, backEdgeNodes, naturalLoops>;
+ }
+// [Dragon, p. 606]
+bool OldReducible(Graph g, Node source) {
+ // first, compute the dom relation
+ Map<Node,Set<Node>> D = ComputeDominators(g, source);
+ return OldReducible(g,source,D);
+// [Dragon, p. 606]
+bool OldReducible(Graph g, Node source, Map<Node,Set<Node>> DomRelation) {
+ Set<Edge> edges = g.Edges;
+ Set<Edge> backEdges = Set{};
+ Set<Edge> nonBackEdges = Set{};
+ foreach (Edge e in edges)
+ {
+ <Node,Node> <x,y> = e;
+ if ( y in DomRelation[x] ) // y dom x
+ {
+ backEdges += Set{ e };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nonBackEdges += Set{ e };
+ }
+ }
+ WriteLine("backEdges: " + backEdges);
+ WriteLine("nonBackEdges: " + nonBackEdges);
+ if ( Acyclic(new Graph(nonBackEdges), source) )
+ {
+ foreach(Edge e in backEdges)
+ {
+ Set<Node> naturalLoop = NaturalLoop(g,e);
+ WriteLine("Natural loop for back edge '" + e + "' is: " + naturalLoop);
+ }
+ Set<Node> headers = Set{ d : <n,d> in backEdges };
+ WriteLine("Loop headers = " + headers);
+ edges -= backEdges; // this cuts all of the back edges
+ foreach (Node h in headers)
+ {
+ Set<Edge> bs = Set{ <n,d> : <n,d> in backEdges, d == h };
+ Set<Node> preds = Set<Node>{ p : <p,y> in edges, y == h };
+ Node preheader = new PreHeader(h);
+ edges += Set{ <preheader,h> };
+ foreach (Node p in preds)
+ {
+ edges -= Set{ <p,h> };
+ edges += Set{ <p,preheader> };
+ }
+ }
+ Graph newGraph = new Graph(edges);
+ WriteLine("transformed graph = " + newGraph);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+void Main()
+ Graph g;
+ Map<Node,Set<Node>> D;
+ g = new Graph(Set<Edge>{ <1,2>, <1,3>, <2,3> });
+ g.AddSource(1);
+ Map<Node,Set<Node>> doms = ComputeDominators(g,1);
+ WriteLine(doms);
+ g = new Graph(Set<Edge>{
+ <1,2>, <1,3>,
+ <2,3>,
+ <3,4>,
+ <4,3>, <4,5>, <4,6>,
+ <5,7>,
+ <6,7>,
+ <7,4>, <7,8>,
+ <8,3>, <8,9>, <8,10>,
+ <9,1>,
+ <10,7>
+ });
+ g.AddSource(1);
+ WriteLine("G = " + g);
+ D = ComputeDominators(g,1);
+ WriteLine("Dom relation: " + D);
+ WriteLine("G's Dominator Map = " + g.DominatorMap);
+ WriteLine("G's Immediate Dominator Map = " + g.ImmediateDominatorMap);
+ WriteLine("G is reducible: " + OldReducible(g,1,D));
+ g.ComputeLoops();
+ WriteLine("");
+ g = new Graph(Set<Edge>{ <1,2>, <1,3>, <2,3>, <3,2> });
+ g.AddSource(1);
+ WriteLine("G = " + g);
+ D = ComputeDominators(g,1);
+ WriteLine("Dom relation: " + D);
+ WriteLine("G's Dominator Map = " + g.DominatorMap);
+ WriteLine("G's Immediate Dominator Map = " + g.ImmediateDominatorMap);
+ WriteLine("G is reducible: " + OldReducible(g,1,D));
+ g.ComputeLoops();
+ WriteLine("");
+ g = new Graph(Set<Edge>{ <1,2>, <2,3>, <2,4>, <3,2> });
+ g.AddSource(1);
+ WriteLine("G = " + g);
+ WriteLine("G's Dominator Map = " + g.DominatorMap);
+ WriteLine("G's Immediate Dominator Map = " + g.ImmediateDominatorMap);
+// D = ComputeDominators(g,1);
+// WriteLine("Dom relation: " + D);
+// WriteLine("G is reducible: " + OldReducible(g,1,D));
+ g.ComputeLoops();
+} \ No newline at end of file