path: root/Source/Concurrency
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authorGravatar Ken McMillan <>2015-06-11 10:26:08 -0700
committerGravatar Ken McMillan <>2015-06-11 10:26:08 -0700
commit35d70287963ab77d2ae9fcd8440ea2fa096f0db1 (patch)
tree0df02738a4350001da16f3e4c59d906498ecb41a /Source/Concurrency
parent073ddcc74e239cb9b270cc2e6db60e1daa033518 (diff)
parent56916c9d12f608dc580f4da03ef3dcbe35f42ef8 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Concurrency')
2 files changed, 1139 insertions, 1119 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Concurrency/TypeCheck.cs b/Source/Concurrency/TypeCheck.cs
index c407a7b9..542d3515 100644
--- a/Source/Concurrency/TypeCheck.cs
+++ b/Source/Concurrency/TypeCheck.cs
@@ -1,757 +1,772 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie
- public enum MoverType
- {
- Top,
- Atomic,
- Right,
- Left,
- Both
- }
- public class ActionInfo
- {
- public Procedure proc;
- public int createdAtLayerNum;
- public int availableUptoLayerNum;
- public bool hasImplementation;
- public bool isExtern;
- public ActionInfo(Procedure proc, int createdAtLayerNum, int availableUptoLayerNum)
- {
- this.proc = proc;
- this.createdAtLayerNum = createdAtLayerNum;
- this.availableUptoLayerNum = availableUptoLayerNum;
- this.hasImplementation = false;
- this.isExtern = QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(proc.Attributes, "extern");
- }
- public virtual bool IsRightMover
- {
- get { return true; }
- }
- public virtual bool IsLeftMover
- {
- get { return true; }
- }
- }
- public class AtomicActionInfo : ActionInfo
- {
- public Ensures ensures;
- public MoverType moverType;
- public List<AssertCmd> thisGate;
- public CodeExpr thisAction;
- public List<Variable> thisInParams;
- public List<Variable> thisOutParams;
- public List<AssertCmd> thatGate;
- public CodeExpr thatAction;
- public List<Variable> thatInParams;
- public List<Variable> thatOutParams;
- public HashSet<Variable> actionUsedGlobalVars;
- public HashSet<Variable> modifiedGlobalVars;
- public HashSet<Variable> gateUsedGlobalVars;
- public bool hasAssumeCmd;
- public bool CommutesWith(AtomicActionInfo actionInfo)
- {
- if (this.modifiedGlobalVars.Intersect(actionInfo.actionUsedGlobalVars).Count() > 0)
- return false;
- if (this.actionUsedGlobalVars.Intersect(actionInfo.modifiedGlobalVars).Count() > 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- public override bool IsRightMover
- {
- get { return moverType == MoverType.Right || moverType == MoverType.Both; }
- }
- public override bool IsLeftMover
- {
- get { return moverType == MoverType.Left || moverType == MoverType.Both; }
- }
- public AtomicActionInfo(Procedure proc, Ensures ensures, MoverType moverType, int layerNum, int availableUptoLayerNum)
- : base(proc, layerNum, availableUptoLayerNum)
- {
- CodeExpr codeExpr = ensures.Condition as CodeExpr;
- this.ensures = ensures;
- this.moverType = moverType;
- this.thisGate = new List<AssertCmd>();
- this.thisAction = codeExpr;
- this.thisInParams = new List<Variable>();
- this.thisOutParams = new List<Variable>();
- this.thatGate = new List<AssertCmd>();
- this.thatInParams = new List<Variable>();
- this.thatOutParams = new List<Variable>();
- this.hasAssumeCmd = false;
- foreach (Block block in codeExpr.Blocks)
- {
- block.Cmds.ForEach(x => this.hasAssumeCmd = this.hasAssumeCmd || x is AssumeCmd);
- }
- var cmds = thisAction.Blocks[0].Cmds;
- for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Count; i++)
- {
- AssertCmd assertCmd = cmds[i] as AssertCmd;
- if (assertCmd == null) break;
- thisGate.Add(assertCmd);
- cmds[i] = new AssumeCmd(assertCmd.tok, Expr.True);
- }
- Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- foreach (Variable x in proc.InParams)
- {
- this.thisInParams.Add(x);
- Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), true, x.Attributes);
- this.thatInParams.Add(y);
- map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
- }
- foreach (Variable x in proc.OutParams)
- {
- this.thisOutParams.Add(x);
- Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false, x.Attributes);
- this.thatOutParams.Add(y);
- map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
- }
- List<Variable> thatLocVars = new List<Variable>();
- foreach (Variable x in thisAction.LocVars)
- {
- Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false);
- map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
- thatLocVars.Add(y);
- }
- Contract.Assume(proc.TypeParameters.Count == 0);
- Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
- foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in thisGate)
- {
- thatGate.Add((AssertCmd)Substituter.Apply(subst, assertCmd));
- }
- Dictionary<Block, Block> blockMap = new Dictionary<Block, Block>();
- List<Block> thatBlocks = new List<Block>();
- foreach (Block block in thisAction.Blocks)
- {
- List<Cmd> otherCmds = new List<Cmd>();
- foreach (Cmd cmd in block.Cmds)
- {
- otherCmds.Add(Substituter.Apply(subst, cmd));
- }
- Block thatBlock = new Block();
- thatBlock.Cmds = otherCmds;
- thatBlock.Label = "that_" + block.Label;
- block.Label = "this_" + block.Label;
- thatBlocks.Add(thatBlock);
- blockMap[block] = thatBlock;
- if (block.TransferCmd is GotoCmd)
- {
- GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- for (int i = 0; i < gotoCmd.labelNames.Count; i++)
- {
- gotoCmd.labelNames[i] = "this_" + gotoCmd.labelNames[i];
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (Block block in thisAction.Blocks)
- {
- if (block.TransferCmd is ReturnExprCmd)
- {
- block.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok);
- blockMap[block].TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok);
- continue;
- }
- List<Block> thatGotoCmdLabelTargets = new List<Block>();
- List<string> thatGotoCmdLabelNames = new List<string>();
- GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- foreach (Block target in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
- {
- thatGotoCmdLabelTargets.Add(blockMap[target]);
- thatGotoCmdLabelNames.Add(blockMap[target].Label);
- }
- blockMap[block].TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok, thatGotoCmdLabelNames, thatGotoCmdLabelTargets);
- }
- this.thatAction = new CodeExpr(thatLocVars, thatBlocks);
- {
- VariableCollector collector = new VariableCollector();
- collector.Visit(codeExpr);
- this.actionUsedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(collector.usedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
- }
- List<Variable> modifiedVars = new List<Variable>();
- foreach (Block block in codeExpr.Blocks)
- {
- block.Cmds.ForEach(cmd => cmd.AddAssignedVariables(modifiedVars));
- }
- this.modifiedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(modifiedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
- {
- VariableCollector collector = new VariableCollector();
- this.thisGate.ForEach(assertCmd => collector.Visit(assertCmd));
- this.gateUsedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(collector.usedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
- }
- }
- }
- public class SharedVariableInfo
- {
- public int introLayerNum;
- public int hideLayerNum;
- public SharedVariableInfo(int introLayerNum, int hideLayerNum)
- {
- this.introLayerNum = introLayerNum;
- this.hideLayerNum = hideLayerNum;
- }
- }
- public class LayerEraser : ReadOnlyVisitor
- {
- private QKeyValue RemoveLayerAttribute(QKeyValue iter)
- {
- if (iter == null) return null;
- iter.Next = RemoveLayerAttribute(iter.Next);
- return (iter.Key == "layer") ? iter.Next : iter;
- }
- public override Variable VisitVariable(Variable node)
- {
- node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
- return base.VisitVariable(node);
- }
- public override Procedure VisitProcedure(Procedure node)
- {
- node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
- return base.VisitProcedure(node);
- }
- public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node)
- {
- node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
- return base.VisitImplementation(node);
- }
- public override Requires VisitRequires(Requires node)
- {
- node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
- return base.VisitRequires(node);
- }
- public override Ensures VisitEnsures(Ensures node)
- {
- node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
- return base.VisitEnsures(node);
- }
- public override Cmd VisitAssertCmd(AssertCmd node)
- {
- node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
- return base.VisitAssertCmd(node);
- }
- }
- public class MoverTypeChecker : ReadOnlyVisitor
- {
- CheckingContext checkingContext;
- public int errorCount;
- public Dictionary<Variable, SharedVariableInfo> globalVarToSharedVarInfo;
- Procedure enclosingProc;
- Implementation enclosingImpl;
- public Dictionary<Procedure, ActionInfo> procToActionInfo;
- public Program program;
- bool canAccessSharedVars;
- bool canAccessGhostVars;
- int minLayerNum;
- int maxLayerNum;
- public Dictionary<Absy, HashSet<int>> absyToLayerNums;
- HashSet<Variable> ghostVars;
- public int leastUnimplementedLayerNum;
- private static List<int> FindLayers(QKeyValue kv)
- {
- HashSet<int> attrs = new HashSet<int>();
- for (; kv != null; kv = kv.Next)
- {
- if (kv.Key != "layer") continue;
- foreach (var o in kv.Params)
- {
- Expr e = o as Expr;
- if (e == null) continue;
- LiteralExpr l = e as LiteralExpr;
- if (l != null && l.isBigNum)
- attrs.Add(l.asBigNum.ToIntSafe);
- }
- }
- List<int> layers = attrs.ToList();
- layers.Sort();
- return layers;
- }
- private static MoverType GetMoverType(Ensures e)
- {
- if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(e.Attributes, "atomic"))
- return MoverType.Atomic;
- if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(e.Attributes, "right"))
- return MoverType.Right;
- if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(e.Attributes, "left"))
- return MoverType.Left;
- if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(e.Attributes, "both"))
- return MoverType.Both;
- return MoverType.Top;
- }
- public MoverTypeChecker(Program program)
- {
- this.ghostVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
- this.absyToLayerNums = new Dictionary<Absy, HashSet<int>>();
- this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo = new Dictionary<Variable, SharedVariableInfo>();
- this.procToActionInfo = new Dictionary<Procedure, ActionInfo>();
- this.errorCount = 0;
- this.checkingContext = new CheckingContext(null);
- this.program = program;
- this.enclosingProc = null;
- this.enclosingImpl = null;
- this.canAccessSharedVars = false;
- this.canAccessGhostVars = false;
- this.minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
- this.maxLayerNum = -1;
- this.leastUnimplementedLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
- foreach (var g in program.GlobalVariables)
- {
- List<int> layerNums = FindLayers(g.Attributes);
- if (layerNums.Count == 0)
- {
- // Cannot access atomic actions
- }
- else if (layerNums.Count == 1)
- {
- this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[g] = new SharedVariableInfo(layerNums[0], int.MaxValue);
- }
- else if (layerNums.Count == 2)
- {
- this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[g] = new SharedVariableInfo(layerNums[0], layerNums[1]);
- }
- else
- {
- Error(g, "Too many layer numbers");
- }
- }
- }
- private HashSet<int> allCreatedLayerNums;
- public IEnumerable<int> AllCreatedLayerNums
- {
- get
- {
- if (allCreatedLayerNums == null)
- {
- allCreatedLayerNums = new HashSet<int>();
- foreach (ActionInfo actionInfo in procToActionInfo.Values)
- {
- allCreatedLayerNums.Add(actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum);
- }
- }
- return allCreatedLayerNums;
- }
- }
- public void TypeCheck()
- {
- foreach (var proc in program.Procedures)
- {
- if (!QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(proc.Attributes, "yields")) continue;
- int createdAtLayerNum; // must be initialized by the following code, otherwise it is an error
- int availableUptoLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
- List<int> attrs = FindLayers(proc.Attributes);
- if (attrs.Count == 1)
- {
- createdAtLayerNum = attrs[0];
- }
- else if (attrs.Count == 2)
- {
- createdAtLayerNum = attrs[0];
- availableUptoLayerNum = attrs[1];
- }
- else
- {
- Error(proc, "Incorrect number of layers");
- continue;
- }
- if (availableUptoLayerNum <= createdAtLayerNum)
- {
- Error(proc, "Creation layer number must be less than the available upto layer number");
- continue;
- }
- foreach (Ensures e in proc.Ensures)
- {
- MoverType moverType = GetMoverType(e);
- if (moverType == MoverType.Top) continue;
- CodeExpr codeExpr = e.Condition as CodeExpr;
- if (codeExpr == null)
- {
- Error(e, "An atomic action must be a CodeExpr");
- continue;
- }
- if (procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(proc))
- {
- Error(proc, "A procedure can have at most one atomic action");
- continue;
- }
- minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
- maxLayerNum = -1;
- canAccessSharedVars = true;
- enclosingProc = proc;
- enclosingImpl = null;
- base.VisitEnsures(e);
- canAccessSharedVars = false;
- if (maxLayerNum > createdAtLayerNum)
- {
- Error(e, "A variable being accessed is introduced after this action is created");
- }
- else if (availableUptoLayerNum > minLayerNum)
- {
- Error(e, "A variable being accessed is hidden before this action becomes unavailable");
- }
- else
- {
- procToActionInfo[proc] = new AtomicActionInfo(proc, e, moverType, createdAtLayerNum, availableUptoLayerNum);
- }
- }
- if (errorCount > 0) continue;
- if (!procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(proc))
- {
- procToActionInfo[proc] = new ActionInfo(proc, createdAtLayerNum, availableUptoLayerNum);
- }
- }
- if (errorCount > 0) return;
- foreach (var impl in program.Implementations)
- {
- if (!procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(impl.Proc)) continue;
- procToActionInfo[impl.Proc].hasImplementation = true;
- }
- foreach (var proc in procToActionInfo.Keys)
- {
- ActionInfo actionInfo = procToActionInfo[proc];
- if (actionInfo.isExtern && actionInfo.hasImplementation)
- {
- Error(proc, "Extern procedure cannot have an implementation");
- continue;
- }
- if (actionInfo.isExtern || actionInfo.hasImplementation) continue;
- if (leastUnimplementedLayerNum == int.MaxValue)
- {
- leastUnimplementedLayerNum = actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum;
- }
- else if (leastUnimplementedLayerNum != actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
- {
- Error(proc, "All unimplemented atomic actions must be created at the same layer");
- }
- }
- foreach (var g in this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo.Keys)
- {
- var info = globalVarToSharedVarInfo[g];
- if (!this.AllCreatedLayerNums.Contains(info.introLayerNum))
- {
- Error(g, "Variable must be introduced with creation of some atomic action");
- }
- if (info.hideLayerNum != int.MaxValue && !this.AllCreatedLayerNums.Contains(info.hideLayerNum))
- {
- Error(g, "Variable must be hidden with creation of some atomic action");
- }
- }
- if (errorCount > 0) return;
- this.VisitProgram(program);
- foreach (Procedure proc in program.Procedures)
- {
- if (procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(proc)) continue;
- foreach (var ie in proc.Modifies)
- {
- if (!SharedVariables.Contains(ie.Decl)) continue;
- Error(proc, "A ghost procedure must not modify a global variable with layer annotation");
- }
- }
- if (errorCount > 0) return;
- YieldTypeChecker.PerformYieldSafeCheck(this);
- new LayerEraser().VisitProgram(program);
- }
- public IEnumerable<Variable> SharedVariables
- {
- get { return this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo.Keys; }
- }
- public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node)
- {
- if (!procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(node.Proc))
- {
- return node;
- }
- this.enclosingImpl = node;
- this.enclosingProc = null;
- ghostVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
- foreach (Variable v in node.LocVars)
- {
- if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(v.Attributes, "ghost"))
- {
- ghostVars.Add(v);
- }
- }
- return base.VisitImplementation(node);
- }
- public override Procedure VisitProcedure(Procedure node)
- {
- if (!procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(node))
- {
- return node;
- }
- this.enclosingProc = node;
- this.enclosingImpl = null;
- return base.VisitProcedure(node);
- }
- public override Cmd VisitCallCmd(CallCmd node)
- {
- int enclosingProcLayerNum = procToActionInfo[enclosingImpl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
- if (procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(node.Proc))
- {
- ActionInfo actionInfo = procToActionInfo[node.Proc];
- if (node.IsAsync && actionInfo is AtomicActionInfo)
- {
- Error(node, "Target of async call cannot be an atomic action");
- }
- int calleeLayerNum = procToActionInfo[node.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
- if (enclosingProcLayerNum < calleeLayerNum ||
- (enclosingProcLayerNum == calleeLayerNum && actionInfo is AtomicActionInfo))
- {
- Error(node, "The layer of the caller must be greater than the layer of the callee");
- }
- else if (enclosingProcLayerNum == calleeLayerNum && enclosingImpl.OutParams.Count > 0)
- {
- HashSet<Variable> outParams = new HashSet<Variable>(enclosingImpl.OutParams);
- foreach (var x in node.Outs)
- {
- if (x.Decl is GlobalVariable)
- {
- Error(node, "A global variable cannot be used as output argument for this call");
- }
- else if (outParams.Contains(x.Decl))
- {
- Error(node, "An output variable of the enclosing implementation cannot be used as output argument for this call");
- }
- }
- }
- if (actionInfo.availableUptoLayerNum < enclosingProcLayerNum)
- {
- Error(node, "The callee is not available in the caller procedure");
- }
- return base.VisitCallCmd(node);
- }
- else
- {
- foreach (var ie in node.Outs)
- {
- if (ghostVars.Contains(ie.Decl)) continue;
- Error(node, "The output of a ghost procedure must be assigned to a ghost variable");
- }
- bool savedCanAccessSharedVars = canAccessSharedVars;
- bool savedCanAccessAuxVars = canAccessGhostVars;
- canAccessSharedVars = true;
- canAccessGhostVars = true;
- var retVal = base.VisitCallCmd(node);
- canAccessSharedVars = savedCanAccessSharedVars;
- canAccessGhostVars = savedCanAccessAuxVars;
- return retVal;
- }
- }
- public override Cmd VisitParCallCmd(ParCallCmd node)
- {
- int enclosingProcLayerNum = procToActionInfo[enclosingImpl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
- bool isLeftMover = true;
- bool isRightMover = true;
- int maxCalleeLayerNum = 0;
- int atomicActionCalleeLayerNum = 0;
- int numAtomicActions = 0;
- foreach (CallCmd iter in node.CallCmds)
- {
- ActionInfo actionInfo = procToActionInfo[iter.Proc];
- isLeftMover = isLeftMover && actionInfo.IsLeftMover;
- isRightMover = isRightMover && actionInfo.IsRightMover;
- if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum > maxCalleeLayerNum)
- {
- maxCalleeLayerNum = actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum;
- }
- if (actionInfo is AtomicActionInfo)
- {
- numAtomicActions++;
- if (atomicActionCalleeLayerNum == 0)
- {
- atomicActionCalleeLayerNum = actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum;
- }
- else if (atomicActionCalleeLayerNum != actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
- {
- Error(node, "All atomic actions must be introduced at the same layer");
- }
- }
- }
- if (numAtomicActions > 1 && !isLeftMover && !isRightMover)
- {
- Error(node, "The atomic actions in the parallel call must be all right movers or all left movers");
- }
- if (0 < atomicActionCalleeLayerNum && atomicActionCalleeLayerNum < maxCalleeLayerNum)
- {
- Error(node, "Atomic actions must be introduced at the highest layer");
- }
- return base.VisitParCallCmd(node);
- }
- public override Cmd VisitAssignCmd(AssignCmd node)
- {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() == node);
- for (int i = 0; i < node.Lhss.Count; ++i)
- {
- bool savedCanAccessSharedVars = canAccessSharedVars;
- bool savedCanAccessAuxVars = canAccessGhostVars;
- Variable v = node.Lhss[i].DeepAssignedVariable;
- if (v is LocalVariable && ghostVars.Contains(v))
- {
- canAccessSharedVars = true;
- canAccessGhostVars = true;
- }
- this.Visit(node.Lhss[i]);
- this.Visit(node.Rhss[i]);
- canAccessSharedVars = savedCanAccessSharedVars;
- canAccessGhostVars = savedCanAccessAuxVars;
- }
- return node;
- }
- public override Expr VisitIdentifierExpr(IdentifierExpr node)
- {
- if (node.Decl is GlobalVariable)
- {
- if (!canAccessSharedVars)
- {
- Error(node, "Shared variable can be accessed only in atomic actions or specifications");
- }
- else if (this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo.ContainsKey(node.Decl))
- {
- if (this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[node.Decl].hideLayerNum < minLayerNum)
- {
- minLayerNum = this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[node.Decl].hideLayerNum;
- }
- if (this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[node.Decl].introLayerNum > maxLayerNum)
- {
- maxLayerNum = this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[node.Decl].introLayerNum;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Error(node, "Accessed shared variable must have layer annotation");
- }
- }
- else if (node.Decl is LocalVariable && ghostVars.Contains(node.Decl) && !canAccessGhostVars)
- {
- Error(node, "Ghost variable can be accessed only in assertions");
- }
- return base.VisitIdentifierExpr(node);
- }
- public override Ensures VisitEnsures(Ensures ensures)
- {
- minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
- maxLayerNum = -1;
- canAccessSharedVars = true;
- Ensures ret = base.VisitEnsures(ensures);
- canAccessSharedVars = false;
- ActionInfo actionInfo = procToActionInfo[enclosingProc];
- AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = actionInfo as AtomicActionInfo;
- if (atomicActionInfo != null && atomicActionInfo.ensures == ensures)
- {
- // This case has already been checked
- }
- else
- {
- CheckAndAddLayers(ensures, ensures.Attributes, actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public override Requires VisitRequires(Requires requires)
- {
- minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
- maxLayerNum = -1;
- canAccessSharedVars = true;
- Requires ret = base.VisitRequires(requires);
- canAccessSharedVars = false;
- CheckAndAddLayers(requires, requires.Attributes, procToActionInfo[enclosingProc].createdAtLayerNum);
- return ret;
- }
- public override Cmd VisitAssertCmd(AssertCmd node)
- {
- if (enclosingImpl == null)
- return base.VisitAssertCmd(node);
- minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
- maxLayerNum = -1;
- canAccessSharedVars = true;
- canAccessGhostVars = true;
- Cmd ret = base.VisitAssertCmd(node);
- canAccessGhostVars = false;
- canAccessSharedVars = false;
- CheckAndAddLayers(node, node.Attributes, procToActionInfo[enclosingImpl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum);
- return ret;
- }
- private void CheckAndAddLayers(Absy node, QKeyValue attributes, int enclosingProcLayerNum)
- {
- List<int> attrs = FindLayers(attributes);
- if (attrs.Count == 0)
- {
- Error(node, "layer not present");
- return;
- }
- absyToLayerNums[node] = new HashSet<int>();
- foreach (int layerNum in attrs)
- {
- if (layerNum == leastUnimplementedLayerNum || !AllCreatedLayerNums.Contains(layerNum))
- {
- Error(node, "Illegal layer number");
- }
- else if (layerNum > enclosingProcLayerNum)
- {
- Error(node, "The layer cannot be greater than the layer of enclosing procedure");
- }
- else if (maxLayerNum < layerNum && layerNum <= minLayerNum)
- {
- absyToLayerNums[node].Add(layerNum);
- }
- else
- {
- Error(node, string.Format("A variable being accessed in this specification is unavailable at layer {0}", layerNum));
- }
- }
- }
- public void Error(Absy node, string message)
- {
- checkingContext.Error(node, message);
- errorCount++;
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie
+ public enum MoverType
+ {
+ Top,
+ Atomic,
+ Right,
+ Left,
+ Both
+ }
+ public class ActionInfo
+ {
+ public Procedure proc;
+ public int createdAtLayerNum;
+ public int availableUptoLayerNum;
+ public bool hasImplementation;
+ public bool isExtern;
+ public ActionInfo(Procedure proc, int createdAtLayerNum, int availableUptoLayerNum)
+ {
+ this.proc = proc;
+ this.createdAtLayerNum = createdAtLayerNum;
+ this.availableUptoLayerNum = availableUptoLayerNum;
+ this.hasImplementation = false;
+ this.isExtern = QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(proc.Attributes, "extern");
+ }
+ public virtual bool IsRightMover
+ {
+ get { return true; }
+ }
+ public virtual bool IsLeftMover
+ {
+ get { return true; }
+ }
+ }
+ public class AtomicActionInfo : ActionInfo
+ {
+ public Ensures ensures;
+ public MoverType moverType;
+ public List<AssertCmd> thisGate;
+ public CodeExpr thisAction;
+ public List<Variable> thisInParams;
+ public List<Variable> thisOutParams;
+ public List<AssertCmd> thatGate;
+ public CodeExpr thatAction;
+ public List<Variable> thatInParams;
+ public List<Variable> thatOutParams;
+ public HashSet<Variable> actionUsedGlobalVars;
+ public HashSet<Variable> modifiedGlobalVars;
+ public HashSet<Variable> gateUsedGlobalVars;
+ public bool hasAssumeCmd;
+ public bool CommutesWith(AtomicActionInfo actionInfo)
+ {
+ if (this.modifiedGlobalVars.Intersect(actionInfo.actionUsedGlobalVars).Count() > 0)
+ return false;
+ if (this.actionUsedGlobalVars.Intersect(actionInfo.modifiedGlobalVars).Count() > 0)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override bool IsRightMover
+ {
+ get { return moverType == MoverType.Right || moverType == MoverType.Both; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsLeftMover
+ {
+ get { return moverType == MoverType.Left || moverType == MoverType.Both; }
+ }
+ public AtomicActionInfo(Procedure proc, Ensures ensures, MoverType moverType, int layerNum, int availableUptoLayerNum)
+ : base(proc, layerNum, availableUptoLayerNum)
+ {
+ CodeExpr codeExpr = ensures.Condition as CodeExpr;
+ this.ensures = ensures;
+ this.moverType = moverType;
+ this.thisGate = new List<AssertCmd>();
+ this.thisAction = codeExpr;
+ this.thisInParams = new List<Variable>();
+ this.thisOutParams = new List<Variable>();
+ this.thatGate = new List<AssertCmd>();
+ this.thatInParams = new List<Variable>();
+ this.thatOutParams = new List<Variable>();
+ this.hasAssumeCmd = false;
+ foreach (Block block in codeExpr.Blocks)
+ {
+ block.Cmds.ForEach(x => this.hasAssumeCmd = this.hasAssumeCmd || x is AssumeCmd);
+ }
+ var cmds = thisAction.Blocks[0].Cmds;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Count; i++)
+ {
+ AssertCmd assertCmd = cmds[i] as AssertCmd;
+ if (assertCmd == null) break;
+ thisGate.Add(assertCmd);
+ cmds[i] = new AssumeCmd(assertCmd.tok, Expr.True);
+ }
+ Dictionary<Variable, Expr> map = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
+ foreach (Variable x in proc.InParams)
+ {
+ this.thisInParams.Add(x);
+ Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), true, x.Attributes);
+ this.thatInParams.Add(y);
+ map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
+ }
+ foreach (Variable x in proc.OutParams)
+ {
+ this.thisOutParams.Add(x);
+ Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false, x.Attributes);
+ this.thatOutParams.Add(y);
+ map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
+ }
+ List<Variable> thatLocVars = new List<Variable>();
+ foreach (Variable x in thisAction.LocVars)
+ {
+ Variable y = new Formal(Token.NoToken, new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "that_" + x.Name, x.TypedIdent.Type), false);
+ map[x] = Expr.Ident(y);
+ thatLocVars.Add(y);
+ }
+ Contract.Assume(proc.TypeParameters.Count == 0);
+ Substitution subst = Substituter.SubstitutionFromHashtable(map);
+ foreach (AssertCmd assertCmd in thisGate)
+ {
+ thatGate.Add((AssertCmd)Substituter.Apply(subst, assertCmd));
+ }
+ Dictionary<Block, Block> blockMap = new Dictionary<Block, Block>();
+ List<Block> thatBlocks = new List<Block>();
+ foreach (Block block in thisAction.Blocks)
+ {
+ List<Cmd> otherCmds = new List<Cmd>();
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in block.Cmds)
+ {
+ otherCmds.Add(Substituter.Apply(subst, cmd));
+ }
+ Block thatBlock = new Block();
+ thatBlock.Cmds = otherCmds;
+ thatBlock.Label = "that_" + block.Label;
+ block.Label = "this_" + block.Label;
+ thatBlocks.Add(thatBlock);
+ blockMap[block] = thatBlock;
+ if (block.TransferCmd is GotoCmd)
+ {
+ GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gotoCmd.labelNames.Count; i++)
+ {
+ gotoCmd.labelNames[i] = "this_" + gotoCmd.labelNames[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Block block in thisAction.Blocks)
+ {
+ if (block.TransferCmd is ReturnExprCmd)
+ {
+ block.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok);
+ blockMap[block].TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok);
+ continue;
+ }
+ List<Block> thatGotoCmdLabelTargets = new List<Block>();
+ List<string> thatGotoCmdLabelNames = new List<string>();
+ GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ foreach (Block target in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
+ {
+ thatGotoCmdLabelTargets.Add(blockMap[target]);
+ thatGotoCmdLabelNames.Add(blockMap[target].Label);
+ }
+ blockMap[block].TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(block.TransferCmd.tok, thatGotoCmdLabelNames, thatGotoCmdLabelTargets);
+ }
+ this.thatAction = new CodeExpr(thatLocVars, thatBlocks);
+ {
+ VariableCollector collector = new VariableCollector();
+ collector.Visit(codeExpr);
+ this.actionUsedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(collector.usedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
+ }
+ List<Variable> modifiedVars = new List<Variable>();
+ foreach (Block block in codeExpr.Blocks)
+ {
+ block.Cmds.ForEach(cmd => cmd.AddAssignedVariables(modifiedVars));
+ }
+ this.modifiedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(modifiedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
+ {
+ VariableCollector collector = new VariableCollector();
+ this.thisGate.ForEach(assertCmd => collector.Visit(assertCmd));
+ this.gateUsedGlobalVars = new HashSet<Variable>(collector.usedVars.Where(x => x is GlobalVariable));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class SharedVariableInfo
+ {
+ public int introLayerNum;
+ public int hideLayerNum;
+ public SharedVariableInfo(int introLayerNum, int hideLayerNum)
+ {
+ this.introLayerNum = introLayerNum;
+ this.hideLayerNum = hideLayerNum;
+ }
+ }
+ public class LayerEraser : ReadOnlyVisitor
+ {
+ private QKeyValue RemoveLayerAttribute(QKeyValue iter)
+ {
+ if (iter == null) return null;
+ iter.Next = RemoveLayerAttribute(iter.Next);
+ return (iter.Key == "layer") ? iter.Next : iter;
+ }
+ public override Variable VisitVariable(Variable node)
+ {
+ node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
+ return base.VisitVariable(node);
+ }
+ public override Procedure VisitProcedure(Procedure node)
+ {
+ node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
+ return base.VisitProcedure(node);
+ }
+ public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node)
+ {
+ node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
+ return base.VisitImplementation(node);
+ }
+ public override Requires VisitRequires(Requires node)
+ {
+ node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
+ return base.VisitRequires(node);
+ }
+ public override Ensures VisitEnsures(Ensures node)
+ {
+ node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
+ return base.VisitEnsures(node);
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitAssertCmd(AssertCmd node)
+ {
+ node.Attributes = RemoveLayerAttribute(node.Attributes);
+ return base.VisitAssertCmd(node);
+ }
+ }
+ public class MoverTypeChecker : ReadOnlyVisitor
+ {
+ CheckingContext checkingContext;
+ public int errorCount;
+ public Dictionary<Variable, SharedVariableInfo> globalVarToSharedVarInfo;
+ Procedure enclosingProc;
+ Implementation enclosingImpl;
+ public Dictionary<Procedure, ActionInfo> procToActionInfo;
+ public Program program;
+ bool canAccessSharedVars;
+ bool canAccessGhostVars;
+ int minLayerNum;
+ int maxLayerNum;
+ public Dictionary<Absy, HashSet<int>> absyToLayerNums;
+ HashSet<Variable> ghostVars;
+ public int leastUnimplementedLayerNum;
+ private static List<int> FindLayers(QKeyValue kv)
+ {
+ List<int> layers = new List<int>();
+ for (; kv != null; kv = kv.Next)
+ {
+ if (kv.Key != "layer") continue;
+ foreach (var o in kv.Params)
+ {
+ Expr e = o as Expr;
+ if (e == null) return null;
+ LiteralExpr l = e as LiteralExpr;
+ if (l == null) return null;
+ if (!l.isBigNum) return null;
+ layers.Add(l.asBigNum.ToIntSafe);
+ }
+ }
+ return layers;
+ }
+ private static MoverType GetMoverType(Ensures e)
+ {
+ if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(e.Attributes, "atomic"))
+ return MoverType.Atomic;
+ if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(e.Attributes, "right"))
+ return MoverType.Right;
+ if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(e.Attributes, "left"))
+ return MoverType.Left;
+ if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(e.Attributes, "both"))
+ return MoverType.Both;
+ return MoverType.Top;
+ }
+ public MoverTypeChecker(Program program)
+ {
+ this.ghostVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ this.absyToLayerNums = new Dictionary<Absy, HashSet<int>>();
+ this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo = new Dictionary<Variable, SharedVariableInfo>();
+ this.procToActionInfo = new Dictionary<Procedure, ActionInfo>();
+ this.errorCount = 0;
+ this.checkingContext = new CheckingContext(null);
+ this.program = program;
+ this.enclosingProc = null;
+ this.enclosingImpl = null;
+ this.canAccessSharedVars = false;
+ this.canAccessGhostVars = false;
+ this.minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
+ this.maxLayerNum = -1;
+ this.leastUnimplementedLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
+ foreach (var g in program.GlobalVariables)
+ {
+ List<int> layerNums = FindLayers(g.Attributes);
+ if (layerNums.Count == 0)
+ {
+ // Cannot access atomic actions
+ }
+ else if (layerNums.Count == 1)
+ {
+ this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[g] = new SharedVariableInfo(layerNums[0], int.MaxValue);
+ }
+ else if (layerNums.Count == 2)
+ {
+ this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[g] = new SharedVariableInfo(layerNums[0], layerNums[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(g, "Too many layer numbers");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private HashSet<int> allCreatedLayerNums;
+ public IEnumerable<int> AllCreatedLayerNums
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (allCreatedLayerNums == null)
+ {
+ allCreatedLayerNums = new HashSet<int>();
+ foreach (ActionInfo actionInfo in procToActionInfo.Values)
+ {
+ allCreatedLayerNums.Add(actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum);
+ }
+ }
+ return allCreatedLayerNums;
+ }
+ }
+ public void TypeCheck()
+ {
+ foreach (var proc in program.Procedures)
+ {
+ if (!QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(proc.Attributes, "yields")) continue;
+ int createdAtLayerNum; // must be initialized by the following code, otherwise it is an error
+ int availableUptoLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
+ List<int> attrs = FindLayers(proc.Attributes);
+ if (attrs.Count == 1)
+ {
+ createdAtLayerNum = attrs[0];
+ }
+ else if (attrs.Count == 2)
+ {
+ createdAtLayerNum = attrs[0];
+ availableUptoLayerNum = attrs[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(proc, "Incorrect number of layers");
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach (Ensures e in proc.Ensures)
+ {
+ MoverType moverType = GetMoverType(e);
+ if (moverType == MoverType.Top) continue;
+ CodeExpr codeExpr = e.Condition as CodeExpr;
+ if (codeExpr == null)
+ {
+ Error(e, "An atomic action must be a CodeExpr");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(proc))
+ {
+ Error(proc, "A procedure can have at most one atomic action");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (availableUptoLayerNum <= createdAtLayerNum)
+ {
+ Error(proc, "Creation layer number must be less than the available upto layer number");
+ continue;
+ }
+ minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
+ maxLayerNum = -1;
+ canAccessSharedVars = true;
+ enclosingProc = proc;
+ enclosingImpl = null;
+ base.VisitEnsures(e);
+ canAccessSharedVars = false;
+ if (maxLayerNum > createdAtLayerNum)
+ {
+ Error(e, "A variable being accessed is introduced after this action is created");
+ }
+ else if (availableUptoLayerNum > minLayerNum)
+ {
+ Error(e, "A variable being accessed is hidden before this action becomes unavailable");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ procToActionInfo[proc] = new AtomicActionInfo(proc, e, moverType, createdAtLayerNum, availableUptoLayerNum);
+ }
+ }
+ if (errorCount > 0) continue;
+ if (!procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(proc))
+ {
+ if (availableUptoLayerNum < createdAtLayerNum)
+ {
+ Error(proc, "Creation layer number must be no more than the available upto layer number");
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ procToActionInfo[proc] = new ActionInfo(proc, createdAtLayerNum, availableUptoLayerNum);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (errorCount > 0) return;
+ foreach (var impl in program.Implementations)
+ {
+ if (!procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(impl.Proc)) continue;
+ procToActionInfo[impl.Proc].hasImplementation = true;
+ }
+ foreach (var proc in procToActionInfo.Keys)
+ {
+ ActionInfo actionInfo = procToActionInfo[proc];
+ if (actionInfo.isExtern && actionInfo.hasImplementation)
+ {
+ Error(proc, "Extern procedure cannot have an implementation");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (actionInfo.isExtern || actionInfo.hasImplementation) continue;
+ if (leastUnimplementedLayerNum == int.MaxValue)
+ {
+ leastUnimplementedLayerNum = actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum;
+ }
+ else if (leastUnimplementedLayerNum != actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
+ {
+ Error(proc, "All unimplemented atomic actions must be created at the same layer");
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var g in this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo.Keys)
+ {
+ var info = globalVarToSharedVarInfo[g];
+ if (!this.AllCreatedLayerNums.Contains(info.introLayerNum))
+ {
+ Error(g, "Variable must be introduced with creation of some atomic action");
+ }
+ if (info.hideLayerNum != int.MaxValue && !this.AllCreatedLayerNums.Contains(info.hideLayerNum))
+ {
+ Error(g, "Variable must be hidden with creation of some atomic action");
+ }
+ }
+ if (errorCount > 0) return;
+ this.VisitProgram(program);
+ foreach (Procedure proc in program.Procedures)
+ {
+ if (procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(proc)) continue;
+ foreach (var ie in proc.Modifies)
+ {
+ if (!SharedVariables.Contains(ie.Decl)) continue;
+ Error(proc, "A ghost procedure must not modify a global variable with layer annotation");
+ }
+ }
+ if (errorCount > 0) return;
+ YieldTypeChecker.PerformYieldSafeCheck(this);
+ new LayerEraser().VisitProgram(program);
+ }
+ public IEnumerable<Variable> SharedVariables
+ {
+ get { return this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo.Keys; }
+ }
+ public override Implementation VisitImplementation(Implementation node)
+ {
+ if (!procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(node.Proc))
+ {
+ return node;
+ }
+ this.enclosingImpl = node;
+ this.enclosingProc = null;
+ ghostVars = new HashSet<Variable>();
+ foreach (Variable v in node.LocVars)
+ {
+ if (QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(v.Attributes, "ghost"))
+ {
+ ghostVars.Add(v);
+ }
+ }
+ return base.VisitImplementation(node);
+ }
+ public override Procedure VisitProcedure(Procedure node)
+ {
+ if (!procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(node))
+ {
+ return node;
+ }
+ this.enclosingProc = node;
+ this.enclosingImpl = null;
+ return base.VisitProcedure(node);
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitCallCmd(CallCmd node)
+ {
+ int enclosingProcLayerNum = procToActionInfo[enclosingImpl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
+ if (procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(node.Proc))
+ {
+ ActionInfo actionInfo = procToActionInfo[node.Proc];
+ if (node.IsAsync && actionInfo is AtomicActionInfo)
+ {
+ Error(node, "Target of async call cannot be an atomic action");
+ }
+ int calleeLayerNum = procToActionInfo[node.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
+ if (enclosingProcLayerNum < calleeLayerNum ||
+ (enclosingProcLayerNum == calleeLayerNum && actionInfo is AtomicActionInfo))
+ {
+ Error(node, "The layer of the caller must be greater than the layer of the callee");
+ }
+ else if (enclosingProcLayerNum == calleeLayerNum && enclosingImpl.OutParams.Count > 0)
+ {
+ HashSet<Variable> outParams = new HashSet<Variable>(enclosingImpl.OutParams);
+ foreach (var x in node.Outs)
+ {
+ if (x.Decl is GlobalVariable)
+ {
+ Error(node, "A global variable cannot be used as output argument for this call");
+ }
+ else if (outParams.Contains(x.Decl))
+ {
+ Error(node, "An output variable of the enclosing implementation cannot be used as output argument for this call");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (actionInfo.availableUptoLayerNum < enclosingProcLayerNum)
+ {
+ Error(node, "The callee is not available in the caller procedure");
+ }
+ return base.VisitCallCmd(node);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach (var ie in node.Outs)
+ {
+ if (ghostVars.Contains(ie.Decl)) continue;
+ Error(node, "The output of a ghost procedure must be assigned to a ghost variable");
+ }
+ bool savedCanAccessSharedVars = canAccessSharedVars;
+ bool savedCanAccessAuxVars = canAccessGhostVars;
+ canAccessSharedVars = true;
+ canAccessGhostVars = true;
+ var retVal = base.VisitCallCmd(node);
+ canAccessSharedVars = savedCanAccessSharedVars;
+ canAccessGhostVars = savedCanAccessAuxVars;
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitParCallCmd(ParCallCmd node)
+ {
+ int enclosingProcLayerNum = procToActionInfo[enclosingImpl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
+ bool isLeftMover = true;
+ bool isRightMover = true;
+ int maxCalleeLayerNum = 0;
+ int atomicActionCalleeLayerNum = 0;
+ int numAtomicActions = 0;
+ foreach (CallCmd iter in node.CallCmds)
+ {
+ ActionInfo actionInfo = procToActionInfo[iter.Proc];
+ isLeftMover = isLeftMover && actionInfo.IsLeftMover;
+ isRightMover = isRightMover && actionInfo.IsRightMover;
+ if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum > maxCalleeLayerNum)
+ {
+ maxCalleeLayerNum = actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum;
+ }
+ if (actionInfo is AtomicActionInfo)
+ {
+ numAtomicActions++;
+ if (atomicActionCalleeLayerNum == 0)
+ {
+ atomicActionCalleeLayerNum = actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum;
+ }
+ else if (atomicActionCalleeLayerNum != actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
+ {
+ Error(node, "All atomic actions must be introduced at the same layer");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (numAtomicActions > 1 && !isLeftMover && !isRightMover)
+ {
+ Error(node, "The atomic actions in the parallel call must be all right movers or all left movers");
+ }
+ if (0 < atomicActionCalleeLayerNum && atomicActionCalleeLayerNum < maxCalleeLayerNum)
+ {
+ Error(node, "Atomic actions must be introduced at the highest layer");
+ }
+ return base.VisitParCallCmd(node);
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitAssignCmd(AssignCmd node)
+ {
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Cmd>() == node);
+ for (int i = 0; i < node.Lhss.Count; ++i)
+ {
+ bool savedCanAccessSharedVars = canAccessSharedVars;
+ bool savedCanAccessAuxVars = canAccessGhostVars;
+ Variable v = node.Lhss[i].DeepAssignedVariable;
+ if (v is LocalVariable && ghostVars.Contains(v))
+ {
+ canAccessSharedVars = true;
+ canAccessGhostVars = true;
+ }
+ this.Visit(node.Lhss[i]);
+ this.Visit(node.Rhss[i]);
+ canAccessSharedVars = savedCanAccessSharedVars;
+ canAccessGhostVars = savedCanAccessAuxVars;
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ public override Expr VisitIdentifierExpr(IdentifierExpr node)
+ {
+ if (node.Decl is GlobalVariable)
+ {
+ if (!canAccessSharedVars)
+ {
+ Error(node, "Shared variable can be accessed only in atomic actions or specifications");
+ }
+ else if (this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo.ContainsKey(node.Decl))
+ {
+ if (this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[node.Decl].hideLayerNum < minLayerNum)
+ {
+ minLayerNum = this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[node.Decl].hideLayerNum;
+ }
+ if (this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[node.Decl].introLayerNum > maxLayerNum)
+ {
+ maxLayerNum = this.globalVarToSharedVarInfo[node.Decl].introLayerNum;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(node, "Accessed shared variable must have layer annotation");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (node.Decl is LocalVariable && ghostVars.Contains(node.Decl) && !canAccessGhostVars)
+ {
+ Error(node, "Ghost variable can be accessed only in assertions");
+ }
+ return base.VisitIdentifierExpr(node);
+ }
+ public override Ensures VisitEnsures(Ensures ensures)
+ {
+ minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
+ maxLayerNum = -1;
+ canAccessSharedVars = true;
+ Ensures ret = base.VisitEnsures(ensures);
+ canAccessSharedVars = false;
+ ActionInfo actionInfo = procToActionInfo[enclosingProc];
+ AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = actionInfo as AtomicActionInfo;
+ if (atomicActionInfo != null && atomicActionInfo.ensures == ensures)
+ {
+ // This case has already been checked
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CheckAndAddLayers(ensures, ensures.Attributes, actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public override Requires VisitRequires(Requires requires)
+ {
+ minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
+ maxLayerNum = -1;
+ canAccessSharedVars = true;
+ Requires ret = base.VisitRequires(requires);
+ canAccessSharedVars = false;
+ CheckAndAddLayers(requires, requires.Attributes, procToActionInfo[enclosingProc].createdAtLayerNum);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public override Cmd VisitAssertCmd(AssertCmd node)
+ {
+ if (enclosingImpl == null)
+ return base.VisitAssertCmd(node);
+ minLayerNum = int.MaxValue;
+ maxLayerNum = -1;
+ canAccessSharedVars = true;
+ canAccessGhostVars = true;
+ Cmd ret = base.VisitAssertCmd(node);
+ canAccessGhostVars = false;
+ canAccessSharedVars = false;
+ CheckAndAddLayers(node, node.Attributes, procToActionInfo[enclosingImpl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private List<int> RemoveDuplicatesAndSort(List<int> attrs)
+ {
+ HashSet<int> layerSet = new HashSet<int>(attrs);
+ List<int> layers = new List<int>(layerSet);
+ layers.Sort();
+ return layers;
+ }
+ private void CheckAndAddLayers(Absy node, QKeyValue attributes, int enclosingProcLayerNum)
+ {
+ List<int> attrs = RemoveDuplicatesAndSort(FindLayers(attributes));
+ if (attrs.Count == 0)
+ {
+ Error(node, "layer not present");
+ return;
+ }
+ absyToLayerNums[node] = new HashSet<int>();
+ foreach (int layerNum in attrs)
+ {
+ if (layerNum == leastUnimplementedLayerNum || !AllCreatedLayerNums.Contains(layerNum))
+ {
+ Error(node, "Illegal layer number");
+ }
+ else if (layerNum > enclosingProcLayerNum)
+ {
+ Error(node, "The layer cannot be greater than the layer of enclosing procedure");
+ }
+ else if (maxLayerNum < layerNum && layerNum <= minLayerNum)
+ {
+ absyToLayerNums[node].Add(layerNum);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(node, string.Format("A variable being accessed in this specification is unavailable at layer {0}", layerNum));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void Error(Absy node, string message)
+ {
+ checkingContext.Error(node, message);
+ errorCount++;
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Concurrency/YieldTypeChecker.cs b/Source/Concurrency/YieldTypeChecker.cs
index 95884626..a698c8fd 100644
--- a/Source/Concurrency/YieldTypeChecker.cs
+++ b/Source/Concurrency/YieldTypeChecker.cs
@@ -1,363 +1,368 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.AbstractInterpretation;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie
- class YieldTypeChecker
- {
- static List<Tuple<int, int, int>> ASpec;
- static List<Tuple<int, int, int>> BSpec;
- static List<Tuple<int, int, int>> CSpec;
- static YieldTypeChecker()
- {
- // initial: 0, final: 1
- ASpec = new List<Tuple<int,int,int>>();
- ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'Y', 1));
- ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'Y', 1));
- ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'B', 1));
- ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'R', 1));
- ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'L', 1));
- ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'A', 1));
- ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'P', 0));
- ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'P', 1));
- // initial: 1, final: 0
- BSpec = new List<Tuple<int, int, int>>();
- BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'Y', 0));
- BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'Y', 1));
- BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'B', 1));
- BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'R', 1));
- BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'L', 1));
- BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'A', 1));
- BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'P', 0));
- BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'P', 1));
- // initial: {0, 1}, final: {0, 1}
- CSpec = new List<Tuple<int,int,int>>();
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'B', 0));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'R', 0));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'Y', 0));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'B', 1));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'R', 1));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'L', 1));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'A', 1));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'B', 1));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'L', 1));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'Y', 0));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'P', 0));
- CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'P', 1));
- }
- private void IsYieldTypeSafe()
- {
- List<Tuple<int, int, int>> implEdges = new List<Tuple<int, int, int>>();
- foreach (Tuple<int, int> e in edgeLabels.Keys)
- {
- implEdges.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(e.Item1, edgeLabels[e], e.Item2));
- }
- //Console.WriteLine(PrintGraph(impl, implEdges, initialState, finalStates));
- ASpecCheck(implEdges);
- BSpecCheck(implEdges);
- CSpecCheck(implEdges);
- }
- private void ASpecCheck(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> implEdges)
- {
- Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> initialConstraints = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
- initialConstraints[initialState] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 0 });
- foreach (var finalState in finalStates)
- {
- initialConstraints[finalState] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 1 });
- }
- SimulationRelation<int, int, int> x = new SimulationRelation<int, int, int>(implEdges, ASpec, initialConstraints);
- Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> simulationRelation = x.ComputeSimulationRelation();
- if (simulationRelation[initialState].Count == 0)
- {
- moverTypeChecker.Error(impl, string.Format("Implementation {0} fails simulation check A at layer {1}. An action must be preceded by a yield.\n", impl.Name, currLayerNum));
- }
- }
- private void BSpecCheck(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> implEdges)
- {
- Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> initialConstraints = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
- initialConstraints[initialState] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 1 });
- foreach (var finalState in finalStates)
- {
- initialConstraints[finalState] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 0 });
- }
- SimulationRelation<int, int, int> x = new SimulationRelation<int, int, int>(implEdges, BSpec, initialConstraints);
- Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> simulationRelation = x.ComputeSimulationRelation();
- if (simulationRelation[initialState].Count == 0)
- {
- moverTypeChecker.Error(impl, string.Format("Implementation {0} fails simulation check B at layer {1}. An action must be succeeded by a yield.\n", impl.Name, currLayerNum));
- }
- }
- private void CSpecCheck(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> implEdges)
- {
- Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> initialConstraints = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
- foreach (Block block in loopHeaders)
- {
- if (!IsTerminatingLoopHeader(block))
- {
- initialConstraints[absyToNode[block]] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 0 });
- }
- }
- SimulationRelation<int, int, int> x = new SimulationRelation<int, int, int>(implEdges, CSpec, initialConstraints);
- Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> simulationRelation = x.ComputeSimulationRelation();
- if (simulationRelation[initialState].Count == 0)
- {
- moverTypeChecker.Error(impl, string.Format("Implementation {0} fails simulation check C at layer {1}. Transactions must be separated by a yield.\n", impl.Name, currLayerNum));
- }
- }
- private bool IsTerminatingLoopHeader(Block block)
- {
- foreach (Cmd cmd in block.Cmds)
- {
- AssertCmd assertCmd = cmd as AssertCmd;
- if (assertCmd != null && QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(assertCmd.Attributes, "terminates") && moverTypeChecker.absyToLayerNums[assertCmd].Contains(currLayerNum))
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static void PerformYieldSafeCheck(MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker)
- {
- foreach (var impl in moverTypeChecker.program.Implementations)
- {
- if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(impl.Proc)) continue;
- impl.PruneUnreachableBlocks();
- Graph<Block> implGraph = Program.GraphFromImpl(impl);
- implGraph.ComputeLoops();
- int specLayerNum = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[impl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
- foreach (int layerNum in moverTypeChecker.AllCreatedLayerNums.Except(new int[] { moverTypeChecker.leastUnimplementedLayerNum }))
- {
- if (layerNum > specLayerNum) continue;
- YieldTypeChecker executor = new YieldTypeChecker(moverTypeChecker, impl, layerNum, implGraph.Headers);
- }
- }
- }
- int stateCounter;
- MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker;
- Implementation impl;
- int currLayerNum;
- Dictionary<Absy, int> absyToNode;
- Dictionary<int, Absy> nodeToAbsy;
- int initialState;
- HashSet<int> finalStates;
- Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, int> edgeLabels;
- IEnumerable<Block> loopHeaders;
- private YieldTypeChecker(MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, Implementation impl, int currLayerNum, IEnumerable<Block> loopHeaders)
- {
- this.moverTypeChecker = moverTypeChecker;
- this.impl = impl;
- this.currLayerNum = currLayerNum;
- this.loopHeaders = loopHeaders;
- this.stateCounter = 0;
- this.absyToNode = new Dictionary<Absy, int>();
- this.initialState = 0;
- this.finalStates = new HashSet<int>();
- this.edgeLabels = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, int>();
- foreach (Block block in impl.Blocks)
- {
- absyToNode[block] = stateCounter;
- stateCounter++;
- foreach (Cmd cmd in block.Cmds)
- {
- absyToNode[cmd] = stateCounter;
- stateCounter++;
- }
- absyToNode[block.TransferCmd] = stateCounter;
- stateCounter++;
- if (block.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
- {
- finalStates.Add(absyToNode[block.TransferCmd]);
- }
- }
- foreach (Block block in impl.Blocks)
- {
- Absy blockEntry = block.Cmds.Count == 0 ? (Absy)block.TransferCmd : (Absy)block.Cmds[0];
- edgeLabels[new Tuple<int, int>(absyToNode[block], absyToNode[blockEntry])] = 'P';
- GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gotoCmd == null) continue;
- foreach (Block successor in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
- {
- edgeLabels[new Tuple<int, int>(absyToNode[gotoCmd], absyToNode[successor])] = 'P';
- }
- }
- this.nodeToAbsy = new Dictionary<int, Absy>();
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Absy, int> state in absyToNode)
- {
- this.nodeToAbsy[state.Value] = state.Key;
- }
- ComputeGraph();
- IsYieldTypeSafe();
- }
- private void ComputeGraph()
- {
- foreach (Block block in impl.Blocks)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < block.Cmds.Count; i++)
- {
- Cmd cmd = block.Cmds[i];
- int curr = absyToNode[cmd];
- int next = (i + 1 == block.Cmds.Count) ? absyToNode[block.TransferCmd] : absyToNode[block.Cmds[i + 1]];
- Tuple<int, int> edge = new Tuple<int, int>(curr, next);
- if (cmd is CallCmd)
- {
- CallCmd callCmd = cmd as CallCmd;
- if (callCmd.IsAsync)
- {
- ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[callCmd.Proc];
- if (currLayerNum <= actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'L';
- else
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'B';
- }
- else if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(callCmd.Proc))
- {
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'P';
- }
- else
- {
- MoverType moverType;
- ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[callCmd.Proc];
- if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum >= currLayerNum)
- {
- moverType = MoverType.Top;
- }
- else
- {
- AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = actionInfo as AtomicActionInfo;
- if (atomicActionInfo == null)
- moverType = MoverType.Both;
- else
- moverType = atomicActionInfo.moverType;
- }
- switch (moverType)
- {
- case MoverType.Atomic:
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'A';
- break;
- case MoverType.Both:
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'B';
- break;
- case MoverType.Left:
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'L';
- break;
- case MoverType.Right:
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'R';
- break;
- case MoverType.Top:
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'Y';
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (cmd is ParCallCmd)
- {
- ParCallCmd parCallCmd = cmd as ParCallCmd;
- bool isYield = false;
- bool isRightMover = true;
- bool isLeftMover = true;
- foreach (CallCmd callCmd in parCallCmd.CallCmds)
- {
- if (moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[callCmd.Proc].createdAtLayerNum >= currLayerNum)
- {
- isYield = true;
- }
- }
- if (isYield)
- {
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'Y';
- }
- else
- {
- foreach (CallCmd callCmd in parCallCmd.CallCmds)
- {
- ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[callCmd.Proc];
- isRightMover = isRightMover && actionInfo.IsRightMover;
- isLeftMover = isLeftMover && actionInfo.IsLeftMover;
- }
- if (isLeftMover && isRightMover)
- {
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'B';
- }
- else if (isLeftMover)
- {
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'L';
- }
- else if (isRightMover)
- {
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'R';
- }
- else
- {
- Debug.Assert(parCallCmd.CallCmds.Count == 1);
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'A';
- }
- }
- }
- else if (cmd is YieldCmd)
- {
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'Y';
- }
- else
- {
- edgeLabels[edge] = 'P';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private static string PrintGraph(Implementation impl, List<Tuple<int, int, int>> edges, int initialState, HashSet<int> finalStates)
- {
- var s = new StringBuilder();
- s.AppendLine("\nImplementation " + impl.Proc.Name + " digraph G {");
- foreach (var e in edges)
- {
- string label = "P";
- switch (e.Item2)
- {
- case 'P': label = "P"; break;
- case 'Y': label = "Y"; break;
- case 'B': label = "B"; break;
- case 'R': label = "R"; break;
- case 'L': label = "L"; break;
- case 'A': label = "A"; break;
- default: Debug.Assert(false); break;
- }
- s.AppendLine(" \"" + e.Item1.ToString() + "\" -- " + label + " --> " + " \"" + e.Item3.ToString() + "\";");
- }
- s.AppendLine("}");
- s.AppendLine("Initial state: " + initialState);
- s.Append("Final states: ");
- bool first = true;
- foreach (int finalState in finalStates)
- {
- s.Append((first ? "" : ", ") + finalState);
- first = false;
- }
- s.AppendLine();
- return s.ToString();
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.AbstractInterpretation;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+namespace Microsoft.Boogie
+ class YieldTypeChecker
+ {
+ static List<Tuple<int, int, int>> ASpec;
+ static List<Tuple<int, int, int>> BSpec;
+ static List<Tuple<int, int, int>> CSpec;
+ static YieldTypeChecker()
+ {
+ // initial: 0, final: 1
+ ASpec = new List<Tuple<int,int,int>>();
+ ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'Y', 1));
+ ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'Y', 1));
+ ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'B', 1));
+ ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'R', 1));
+ ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'L', 1));
+ ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'A', 1));
+ ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'P', 0));
+ ASpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'P', 1));
+ // initial: 1, final: 0
+ BSpec = new List<Tuple<int, int, int>>();
+ BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'Y', 0));
+ BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'Y', 1));
+ BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'B', 1));
+ BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'R', 1));
+ BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'L', 1));
+ BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'A', 1));
+ BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'P', 0));
+ BSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'P', 1));
+ // initial: {0, 1}, final: {0, 1}
+ CSpec = new List<Tuple<int,int,int>>();
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'B', 0));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'R', 0));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'Y', 0));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'B', 1));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'R', 1));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'L', 1));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'A', 1));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'B', 1));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'L', 1));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'Y', 0));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(0, 'P', 0));
+ CSpec.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(1, 'P', 1));
+ }
+ private void IsYieldTypeSafe()
+ {
+ List<Tuple<int, int, int>> implEdges = new List<Tuple<int, int, int>>();
+ foreach (Tuple<int, int> e in edgeLabels.Keys)
+ {
+ implEdges.Add(new Tuple<int, int, int>(e.Item1, edgeLabels[e], e.Item2));
+ }
+ //Console.WriteLine(PrintGraph(impl, implEdges, initialState, finalStates));
+ ASpecCheck(implEdges);
+ BSpecCheck(implEdges);
+ CSpecCheck(implEdges);
+ }
+ private void ASpecCheck(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> implEdges)
+ {
+ Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> initialConstraints = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
+ initialConstraints[initialState] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 0 });
+ foreach (var finalState in finalStates)
+ {
+ initialConstraints[finalState] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 1 });
+ }
+ SimulationRelation<int, int, int> x = new SimulationRelation<int, int, int>(implEdges, ASpec, initialConstraints);
+ Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> simulationRelation = x.ComputeSimulationRelation();
+ if (simulationRelation[initialState].Count == 0)
+ {
+ moverTypeChecker.Error(impl, string.Format("Implementation {0} fails simulation check A at layer {1}. An action must be preceded by a yield.\n", impl.Name, currLayerNum));
+ }
+ }
+ private void BSpecCheck(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> implEdges)
+ {
+ Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> initialConstraints = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
+ initialConstraints[initialState] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 1 });
+ foreach (var finalState in finalStates)
+ {
+ initialConstraints[finalState] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 0 });
+ }
+ SimulationRelation<int, int, int> x = new SimulationRelation<int, int, int>(implEdges, BSpec, initialConstraints);
+ Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> simulationRelation = x.ComputeSimulationRelation();
+ if (simulationRelation[initialState].Count == 0)
+ {
+ moverTypeChecker.Error(impl, string.Format("Implementation {0} fails simulation check B at layer {1}. An action must be succeeded by a yield.\n", impl.Name, currLayerNum));
+ }
+ }
+ private void CSpecCheck(List<Tuple<int, int, int>> implEdges)
+ {
+ Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> initialConstraints = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
+ foreach (Block block in loopHeaders)
+ {
+ if (!IsTerminatingLoopHeader(block))
+ {
+ initialConstraints[absyToNode[block]] = new HashSet<int>(new int[] { 0 });
+ }
+ }
+ SimulationRelation<int, int, int> x = new SimulationRelation<int, int, int>(implEdges, CSpec, initialConstraints);
+ Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> simulationRelation = x.ComputeSimulationRelation();
+ if (simulationRelation[initialState].Count == 0)
+ {
+ moverTypeChecker.Error(impl, string.Format("Implementation {0} fails simulation check C at layer {1}. Transactions must be separated by a yield.\n", impl.Name, currLayerNum));
+ }
+ }
+ private bool IsTerminatingLoopHeader(Block block)
+ {
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in block.Cmds)
+ {
+ AssertCmd assertCmd = cmd as AssertCmd;
+ if (assertCmd != null && QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(assertCmd.Attributes, "terminates") && moverTypeChecker.absyToLayerNums[assertCmd].Contains(currLayerNum))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static void PerformYieldSafeCheck(MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker)
+ {
+ foreach (var impl in moverTypeChecker.program.Implementations)
+ {
+ if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(impl.Proc)) continue;
+ impl.PruneUnreachableBlocks();
+ Graph<Block> implGraph = Program.GraphFromImpl(impl);
+ implGraph.ComputeLoops();
+ int specLayerNum = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[impl.Proc].createdAtLayerNum;
+ foreach (int layerNum in moverTypeChecker.AllCreatedLayerNums.Except(new int[] { moverTypeChecker.leastUnimplementedLayerNum }))
+ {
+ if (layerNum > specLayerNum) continue;
+ YieldTypeChecker executor = new YieldTypeChecker(moverTypeChecker, impl, layerNum, implGraph.Headers);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int stateCounter;
+ MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker;
+ Implementation impl;
+ int currLayerNum;
+ Dictionary<Absy, int> absyToNode;
+ Dictionary<int, Absy> nodeToAbsy;
+ int initialState;
+ HashSet<int> finalStates;
+ Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, int> edgeLabels;
+ IEnumerable<Block> loopHeaders;
+ private YieldTypeChecker(MoverTypeChecker moverTypeChecker, Implementation impl, int currLayerNum, IEnumerable<Block> loopHeaders)
+ {
+ this.moverTypeChecker = moverTypeChecker;
+ this.impl = impl;
+ this.currLayerNum = currLayerNum;
+ this.loopHeaders = loopHeaders;
+ this.stateCounter = 0;
+ this.absyToNode = new Dictionary<Absy, int>();
+ this.initialState = 0;
+ this.finalStates = new HashSet<int>();
+ this.edgeLabels = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, int>();
+ foreach (Block block in impl.Blocks)
+ {
+ absyToNode[block] = stateCounter;
+ stateCounter++;
+ foreach (Cmd cmd in block.Cmds)
+ {
+ absyToNode[cmd] = stateCounter;
+ stateCounter++;
+ }
+ absyToNode[block.TransferCmd] = stateCounter;
+ stateCounter++;
+ if (block.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
+ {
+ finalStates.Add(absyToNode[block.TransferCmd]);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (Block block in impl.Blocks)
+ {
+ Absy blockEntry = block.Cmds.Count == 0 ? (Absy)block.TransferCmd : (Absy)block.Cmds[0];
+ edgeLabels[new Tuple<int, int>(absyToNode[block], absyToNode[blockEntry])] = 'P';
+ GotoCmd gotoCmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
+ if (gotoCmd == null) continue;
+ foreach (Block successor in gotoCmd.labelTargets)
+ {
+ edgeLabels[new Tuple<int, int>(absyToNode[gotoCmd], absyToNode[successor])] = 'P';
+ }
+ }
+ this.nodeToAbsy = new Dictionary<int, Absy>();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<Absy, int> state in absyToNode)
+ {
+ this.nodeToAbsy[state.Value] = state.Key;
+ }
+ ComputeGraph();
+ IsYieldTypeSafe();
+ }
+ private void ComputeGraph()
+ {
+ foreach (Block block in impl.Blocks)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < block.Cmds.Count; i++)
+ {
+ Cmd cmd = block.Cmds[i];
+ int curr = absyToNode[cmd];
+ int next = (i + 1 == block.Cmds.Count) ? absyToNode[block.TransferCmd] : absyToNode[block.Cmds[i + 1]];
+ Tuple<int, int> edge = new Tuple<int, int>(curr, next);
+ if (cmd is CallCmd)
+ {
+ CallCmd callCmd = cmd as CallCmd;
+ if (callCmd.IsAsync)
+ {
+ ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[callCmd.Proc];
+ if (currLayerNum <= actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum)
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'L';
+ else
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'B';
+ }
+ else if (!moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo.ContainsKey(callCmd.Proc))
+ {
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'P';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MoverType moverType;
+ ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[callCmd.Proc];
+ if (actionInfo.createdAtLayerNum >= currLayerNum)
+ {
+ moverType = MoverType.Top;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AtomicActionInfo atomicActionInfo = actionInfo as AtomicActionInfo;
+ if (atomicActionInfo == null)
+ moverType = MoverType.Both;
+ else
+ moverType = atomicActionInfo.moverType;
+ }
+ switch (moverType)
+ {
+ case MoverType.Atomic:
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'A';
+ break;
+ case MoverType.Both:
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'B';
+ break;
+ case MoverType.Left:
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'L';
+ break;
+ case MoverType.Right:
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'R';
+ break;
+ case MoverType.Top:
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'Y';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cmd is ParCallCmd)
+ {
+ ParCallCmd parCallCmd = cmd as ParCallCmd;
+ bool isYield = false;
+ bool isRightMover = true;
+ bool isLeftMover = true;
+ foreach (CallCmd callCmd in parCallCmd.CallCmds)
+ {
+ if (moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[callCmd.Proc].createdAtLayerNum >= currLayerNum)
+ {
+ isYield = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isYield)
+ {
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'Y';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int numAtomicActions = 0;
+ foreach (CallCmd callCmd in parCallCmd.CallCmds)
+ {
+ ActionInfo actionInfo = moverTypeChecker.procToActionInfo[callCmd.Proc];
+ isRightMover = isRightMover && actionInfo.IsRightMover;
+ isLeftMover = isLeftMover && actionInfo.IsLeftMover;
+ if (actionInfo is AtomicActionInfo)
+ {
+ numAtomicActions++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isLeftMover && isRightMover)
+ {
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'B';
+ }
+ else if (isLeftMover)
+ {
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'L';
+ }
+ else if (isRightMover)
+ {
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'R';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(numAtomicActions == 1);
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'A';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cmd is YieldCmd)
+ {
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'Y';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ edgeLabels[edge] = 'P';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static string PrintGraph(Implementation impl, List<Tuple<int, int, int>> edges, int initialState, HashSet<int> finalStates)
+ {
+ var s = new StringBuilder();
+ s.AppendLine("\nImplementation " + impl.Proc.Name + " digraph G {");
+ foreach (var e in edges)
+ {
+ string label = "P";
+ switch (e.Item2)
+ {
+ case 'P': label = "P"; break;
+ case 'Y': label = "Y"; break;
+ case 'B': label = "B"; break;
+ case 'R': label = "R"; break;
+ case 'L': label = "L"; break;
+ case 'A': label = "A"; break;
+ default: Debug.Assert(false); break;
+ }
+ s.AppendLine(" \"" + e.Item1.ToString() + "\" -- " + label + " --> " + " \"" + e.Item3.ToString() + "\";");
+ }
+ s.AppendLine("}");
+ s.AppendLine("Initial state: " + initialState);
+ s.Append("Final states: ");
+ bool first = true;
+ foreach (int finalState in finalStates)
+ {
+ s.Append((first ? "" : ", ") + finalState);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ s.AppendLine();
+ return s.ToString();
+ }
+ }