path: root/BCT
diff options
authorGravatar Unknown <>2011-07-21 13:06:19 -0700
committerGravatar Unknown <>2011-07-21 13:06:19 -0700
commitcba4fc33d54ce8d8cd6d1d56d3e0e389d0423c1d (patch)
tree0f6fc16dadd3ddeb850ff177863557a2c8f9118c /BCT
parent929363876526640062ed87096662baf3533b8726 (diff)
dynamic navigation variable tracking and base page name tracking
Diffstat (limited to 'BCT')
5 files changed, 122 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/MetadataTraverser.cs b/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/MetadataTraverser.cs
index 7abb070c..02ae0c9f 100644
--- a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/MetadataTraverser.cs
+++ b/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/MetadataTraverser.cs
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator {
var savedPrivateTypes = this.privateTypes;
this.privateTypes = new List<ITypeDefinition>();
+ trackPageNameVariableName(typeDefinition);
if (typeDefinition.IsClass) {
bool savedSawCctor = this.sawCctor;
this.sawCctor = false;
@@ -100,6 +102,16 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator {
List<ITypeDefinition> privateTypes = new List<ITypeDefinition>();
+ private void trackPageNameVariableName(ITypeDefinition typeDef) {
+ if (typeDef.isPhoneApplicationPageClass( {
+ INamespaceTypeDefinition namedTypeDef = typeDef as INamespaceTypeDefinition;
+ string fullyQualifiedName = namedTypeDef.ContainingNamespace.Name.Value + "." + namedTypeDef.Name.Value;
+ string uriName = PhoneCodeHelper.getURIBase(PhoneCodeHelper.getXAMLForPage(fullyQualifiedName));
+ Bpl.Constant uriConstant= sink.FindOrCreateConstant(uriName);
+ PhoneCodeHelper.setBoogieStringPageNameForPageClass(fullyQualifiedName, uriConstant.Name);
+ }
+ }
private void CreateDefaultStructConstructor(ITypeDefinition typeDefinition) {
@@ -482,15 +494,26 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator {
// if tracked by the phone plugin, we need to find out the bpl assigned name for future use
if (PhoneCodeHelper.PhonePlugin != null) {
- INamespaceTypeReference namedContainerRef= fieldDefinition.ContainingType as INamespaceTypeReference;
- if (namedContainerRef != null) {
- string containerName = namedContainerRef.ContainingUnitNamespace.Unit.Name.Value + "." + namedContainerRef.Name.Value;
- IEnumerable<ControlInfoStructure> controls= PhoneCodeHelper.PhonePlugin.getControlsForPage(containerName);
- if (controls != null) {
- ControlInfoStructure ctrlInfo = controls.FirstOrDefault(ctrl => ctrl.Name == fieldDefinition.Name.Value);
- if (ctrlInfo != null)
- ctrlInfo.BplName = fieldVar.Name;
- }
+ trackControlVariableName(fieldDefinition, fieldVar);
+ trackNavigationVariableName(fieldDefinition, fieldVar);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void trackNavigationVariableName(IFieldDefinition fieldDefinition, Bpl.Variable fieldVar) {
+ if (fieldDefinition.Name.Value.Equals(PhoneCodeHelper.IL_CURRENT_NAVIGATION_URI_VARIABLE)) {
+ PhoneCodeHelper.setBoogieNavigationVariable(fieldVar.Name);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void trackControlVariableName(IFieldDefinition fieldDefinition, Bpl.Variable fieldVar) {
+ INamespaceTypeReference namedContainerRef = fieldDefinition.ContainingType as INamespaceTypeReference;
+ if (namedContainerRef != null) {
+ string containerName = namedContainerRef.ContainingUnitNamespace.Unit.Name.Value + "." + namedContainerRef.Name.Value;
+ IEnumerable<ControlInfoStructure> controls = PhoneCodeHelper.PhonePlugin.getControlsForPage(containerName);
+ if (controls != null) {
+ ControlInfoStructure ctrlInfo = controls.FirstOrDefault(ctrl => ctrl.Name == fieldDefinition.Name.Value);
+ if (ctrlInfo != null)
+ ctrlInfo.BplName = fieldVar.Name;
diff --git a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs b/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs
index ff6f3298..e9cc208b 100644
--- a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs
+++ b/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneCodeHelper.cs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
// TODO ensure this name is unique in the program code, although it is esoteric enough
// TODO externalize strings
private const string IL_BOOGIE_VAR_PREFIX = "@__BOOGIE_";
- private const string BOOGIE_VAR_PREFIX= "__BOOGIE_";
+ private const string BOOGIE_VAR_PREFIX = "__BOOGIE_";
public const string IL_CURRENT_NAVIGATION_URI_VARIABLE = IL_BOOGIE_VAR_PREFIX + "CurrentNavigationURI__";
public const string BOOGIE_CONTINUE_ON_PAGE_VARIABLE = BOOGIE_VAR_PREFIX + "ContinueOnPage__";
public static readonly string[] NAV_CALLS = { /*"GoBack", "GoForward", "Navigate", "StopLoading"*/ "Navigate", "GoBack" };
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
/// <param name="bplObject"></param>
/// <returns>true if defining a new name, false if replacing</returns>
public static bool setBoogieObjectForName(string name, Bpl.NamedDeclaration bplObject) {
- bool ret= true;
+ bool ret = true;
if (boogieObjects.ContainsKey(name))
ret = false;
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
return typeRef.isClass(targetType);
- public static bool isURIClass (this ITypeReference typeRef, IMetadataHost host) {
+ public static bool isURIClass(this ITypeReference typeRef, IMetadataHost host) {
Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType platformType = host.PlatformType as Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType;
if (platformType == null)
return false;
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
AssemblyIdentity systemAssemblyId = new AssemblyIdentity(host.NameTable.GetNameFor("System"), "", coreRef.Version, coreRef.PublicKeyToken, "");
IAssemblyReference systemAssembly = host.FindAssembly(systemAssemblyId);
- ITypeReference uriTypeRef= platformType.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Uri");
+ ITypeReference uriTypeRef = platformType.CreateReference(systemAssembly, "System", "Uri");
return typeRef.isClass(uriTypeRef);
@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
IList<string> constantStrings = new List<string>();
// TODO this misses so many static strings, but let's start with this for now
- IExpression leftOp= stringConcatExpr.Arguments.FirstOrDefault();
+ IExpression leftOp = stringConcatExpr.Arguments.FirstOrDefault();
while (leftOp != null && leftOp is ICompileTimeConstant) {
- ICompileTimeConstant strConst= leftOp as ICompileTimeConstant;
+ ICompileTimeConstant strConst = leftOp as ICompileTimeConstant;
constantStrings.Add(strConst.Value as string);
if (stringConcatExpr.Arguments.ToList()[1] is IMethodCall) {
stringConcatExpr = stringConcatExpr.Arguments.ToList()[1] as IMethodCall;
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
- uri= constantStrings.Aggregate((aggr, elem) => aggr + elem);
+ uri = constantStrings.Aggregate((aggr, elem) => aggr + elem);
return Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(uri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
realUri = new Uri(mockBaseUri, uri);
- string str= realUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path|UriComponents.StrongAuthority|UriComponents.Scheme, UriFormat.UriEscaped);
+ string str = realUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path | UriComponents.StrongAuthority | UriComponents.Scheme, UriFormat.UriEscaped);
Uri mockStrippedUri = new Uri(str);
return mockBaseUri.MakeRelativeUri(mockStrippedUri).ToString();
@@ -215,5 +215,21 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator.Phone {
public static ITypeReference getMainAppTypeReference() {
return mainAppTypeRef;
+ public static void setBoogieNavigationVariable(string var) {
+ PhonePlugin.setBoogieNavigationVariable(var);
+ }
+ public static string getBoogieNavigationVariable() {
+ return PhonePlugin.getBoogieNavigationVariable();
+ }
+ public static string getXAMLForPage(string pageClass) {
+ return PhonePlugin.getXAMLForPage(pageClass);
+ }
+ public static void setBoogieStringPageNameForPageClass(string pageClass, string boogieStringName) {
+ PhonePlugin.setBoogieStringPageNameForPageClass(pageClass, boogieStringName);
+ }
diff --git a/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/ b/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/
index c9a63c92..092acc5b 100644
--- a/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/
+++ b/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ CONTINUEONPAGE_VAR= "__BOOGIE_ContinueOnPage__"
staticControlsMap= {}
mainPageXAML= None
+currentNavigationVariable= None
originalPageVars= []
boogiePageVars= []
boogiePageClasses= []
@@ -42,7 +43,10 @@ def outputPageVariables(file):
for entry in staticControlsMap.keys():
pageVarName= "__BOOGIE_PAGE_VAR_" + entry
- boogiePageVars.append(pageVarName)
+ pageInfo={}
+ pageInfo["name"]=pageVarName
+ pageInfo["boogieStringName"]= staticControlsMap[entry]["boogieStringName"]
+ boogiePageVars.append(pageInfo)
pageVar= "var " + pageVarName + ": Ref;\n"
@@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ def outputMainProcedure(file):
file.write("\tvar $control: Ref;\n\n")
for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
- file.write("\tcall " + boogiePageClasses[i] + ".#ctor(" + boogiePageVars[i] + ");\n")
+ file.write("\tcall " + boogiePageClasses[i] + ".#ctor(" + boogiePageVars[i]["name"] + ");\n")
file.write("\t//TODO still need to call Loaded handler on main page and the App ctor.\n")
file.write("\thavoc $doWork;\n")
@@ -114,16 +118,16 @@ def outputPageControlDriver(file, originalPageName, boogiePageName):
def outputControlDrivers(file):
for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
- outputPageControlDriver(file, originalPageVars[i],boogiePageVars[i])
+ outputPageControlDriver(file, originalPageVars[i],boogiePageVars[i]["name"])
file.write("procedure DriveControls();\n")
file.write("implementation DriveControls() {\n")
for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
- file.write("\tvar isCurrent" + boogiePageVars[i] + ": bool;\n")
+ file.write("\tvar isCurrent" + boogiePageVars[i]["name"] + ": bool;\n")
for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
- file.write("\t//TODO call isCurrent" + boogiePageVars[i] + " := System.String.op_Equality$System.String$System.String(" + "BOOGIE_CURRENT_VAR" + "," + "BOOGIE_PAGE_APPROPRIATE_CONSTANT_STRING" + ");\n")
+ file.write("\tcall isCurrent" + boogiePageVars[i]["name"] + " := System.String.op_Equality$System.String$System.String(" + currentNavigationVariable + "," + boogiePageVars[i]["boogieStringName"] + ");\n")
firstTime= True
for i in range(0,len(boogiePageVars)):
@@ -133,15 +137,14 @@ def outputControlDrivers(file):
file.write("\telse if")
- file.write(" (isCurrent" + boogiePageVars[i] + ") {\n")
- file.write("\t\t call drive" + boogiePageVars[i] + "Controls();\n\t}\n")
+ file.write(" (isCurrent" + boogiePageVars[i]["name"] + ") {\n")
+ file.write("\t\t call drive" + boogiePageVars[i]["name"] + "Controls();\n\t}\n")
def outputURIHavocProcedure(file):
file.write("procedure __BOOGIE_Havoc_CurrentURI__();\n")
file.write("implementation __BOOGIE_Havoc_CurrentURI__() {\n")
- file.write("// TODO change this name to a dynamically inferred one. This is just for testing right now\n")
- file.write("\thavoc SimpleNavigationApp.App.$__BOOGIE_CurrentNavigationURI__;\n")
+ file.write("\thavoc " + currentNavigationVariable + ";\n")
file.write("// TODO write assume statements to filter havoc'd variable to either of all pages\n")
# file.write("\tassume )
@@ -156,15 +159,17 @@ def outputBoilerplate(outputFile):
def buildControlInfo(controlInfoFileName):
global mainPageXAML
+ global currentNavigationVariable
global staticControlsMap
file = open(controlInfoFileName, "r")
- # Info file format is first line containing only the main page, and then one line per
- # <pageClassName>,<page.xaml file>,<controlClassName>,<controlName (as in field name)>,<IsEnabledValue>,<VisibilityValue>,<ClickValue>,<CheckedValue>,<UncheckedValue>,<BoogieName>
+ # Info file format is first line containing only the main page, another line with boogie's current navigation variable and then one line per
+ # <pageClassName>,<page.xaml file>,<xaml boogie string representation>,<controlClassName>,<controlName (as in field name)>,<IsEnabledValue>,<VisibilityValue>,<ClickValue>,<CheckedValue>,<UncheckedValue>,<BoogieName>
mainPageXAML= file.readline().strip()
+ currentNavigationVariable= file.readline().strip()
infoLine= file.readline().strip()
while not infoLine == "":
- pageClass, pageName, controlClass, controlName, enabled, visible, clickHandler, checkedHandler, uncheckedHandler, bplName= infoLine.split(",")
+ pageClass, pageName, pageBoogieStringName, controlClass, controlName, enabled, visible, clickHandler, checkedHandler, uncheckedHandler, bplName= infoLine.split(",")
@@ -172,6 +177,7 @@ def buildControlInfo(controlInfoFileName):
except KeyError:
+ pageInfo["boogieStringName"]= pageBoogieStringName
pageControlInfo= pageInfo["controls"]
diff --git a/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/ b/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/
index f4b3d6f4..4fe4e18f 100644
--- a/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/
+++ b/BCT/PhoneControlsExtractor/
@@ -103,9 +103,10 @@ def extractPhoneControlsFromPage(pageXAML):
def outputPhoneControls(outputFileName):
outputFile= open(outputFileName, "w")
- # Output format is first line containing only the main page, and then one line per
- # <pageClassName>,<page.xaml file>,<controlClassName>,<controlName (as in field name)>,<IsEnabledValue>,<VisibilityValue>,<ClickValue>,<CheckedValue>,<UncheckedValue>
+ # Output format is first line containing only the main page, then line containing boogie navigation variable, and then one line per
+ # <pageClassName>,<page.xaml file>,<boogie string page name>,<controlClassName>,<controlName (as in field name)>,<IsEnabledValue>,<VisibilityValue>,<ClickValue>,<CheckedValue>,<UncheckedValue>
outputFile.write(mainPageXAML + "\n")
+ outputFile.write("dummyNavigationVariable_unknown\n")
for page in staticControlsMap.keys():
for control in staticControlsMap[page]:
isEnabled= control["IsEnabled"]
@@ -115,7 +116,8 @@ def outputPhoneControls(outputFileName):
unchecked= control["Unchecked"]
pageXAML= control["XAML"]
# last comma is to account for bpl translation name, that is unknown for now
- outputFile.write(page + "," + os.path.basename(pageXAML) + "," + control["Type"] + "," + control["Name"] + "," + isEnabled + "," + visibility + "," + click + "," + checked + "," + unchecked + ",\n")
+ # boogie string page name is unknown for now
+ outputFile.write(page + "," + os.path.basename(pageXAML) + ",dummyBoogieStringPageName," + control["Type"] + "," + control["Name"] + "," + isEnabled + "," + visibility + "," + click + "," + checked + "," + unchecked + ",\n")
diff --git a/BCT/TranslationPlugins/PhoneControlsPlugin.cs b/BCT/TranslationPlugins/PhoneControlsPlugin.cs
index 201d47d8..3d5b81c3 100644
--- a/BCT/TranslationPlugins/PhoneControlsPlugin.cs
+++ b/BCT/TranslationPlugins/PhoneControlsPlugin.cs
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ namespace TranslationPlugins {
controlsInfo = new Dictionary<string, ControlInfoStructure>();
+ public string PageBoogieName { get; set; }
public string PageClassName { get; set; }
public string PageXAML { get; set; }
public bool IsMainPage { get; set; }
@@ -93,17 +94,18 @@ namespace TranslationPlugins {
public class PhoneControlsPlugin : TranslationPlugin {
// TODO this will probably need a complete rewrite once it is event based, and make it more push than pull
// TODO but it doesn't make sense right now to make it BCT or CCI aware
- private static int CONFIG_LINE_FIELDS= 10;
+ private static int CONFIG_LINE_FIELDS= 11;
private static int PAGE_CLASS_FIELD= 0;
private static int PAGE_XAML_FIELD= 1;
- private static int CONTROL_CLASS_FIELD= 2;
- private static int CONTROL_NAME_FIELD= 3;
- private static int ENABLED_FIELD= 4;
- private static int VISIBILITY_FIELD= 5;
- private static int CLICK_HANDLER_FIELD= 6;
- private static int CHECKED_HANDLER_FIELD= 7;
- private static int UNCHECKED_HANDLER_FIELD = 8;
- private static int BPL_NAME_FIELD = 9;
+ private static int PAGE_BOOGIE_STRING_FIELD = 2;
+ private static int CONTROL_CLASS_FIELD= 3;
+ private static int CONTROL_NAME_FIELD= 4;
+ private static int ENABLED_FIELD= 5;
+ private static int VISIBILITY_FIELD= 6;
+ private static int CLICK_HANDLER_FIELD= 7;
+ private static int CHECKED_HANDLER_FIELD= 8;
+ private static int UNCHECKED_HANDLER_FIELD = 9;
+ private static int BPL_NAME_FIELD = 10;
private IDictionary<string, PageStructure> pageStructureInfo;
@@ -138,6 +140,15 @@ namespace TranslationPlugins {
return entry.Value.PageXAML;
+ private string boogieCurrentNavigationVariable;
+ public string getBoogieNavigationVariable() {
+ return boogieCurrentNavigationVariable;
+ }
+ public void setBoogieNavigationVariable(string var) {
+ boogieCurrentNavigationVariable = var;
+ }
private void setPageAsMainPage(string pageXAML) {
KeyValuePair<string,PageStructure> mainPageClass= pageStructureInfo.FirstOrDefault(keyValue => keyValue.Value.PageXAML == pageXAML);
if (mainPageClass.Equals(default(KeyValuePair<string, PageStructure>))) {
@@ -149,11 +160,13 @@ namespace TranslationPlugins {
public void DumpControlStructure(StreamWriter outputStream) {
// maintain same format as input format
- string pageClass, pageXAML, controlClass, controlName, enabled, visibility, clickHandler, checkedHandler, uncheckedHandler, bplName;
+ string pageClass, pageXAML, pageBoogieStringName, controlClass, controlName, enabled, visibility, clickHandler, checkedHandler, uncheckedHandler, bplName;
+ outputStream.WriteLine(getBoogieNavigationVariable());
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PageStructure> entry in this.pageStructureInfo) {
pageClass = entry.Key;
pageXAML = entry.Value.PageXAML;
+ pageBoogieStringName = entry.Value.PageBoogieName;
foreach (ControlInfoStructure controlInfo in entry.Value.getAllControlsInfo()) {
controlClass= controlInfo.ClassName;
controlName = controlInfo.Name;
@@ -187,15 +200,19 @@ namespace TranslationPlugins {
uncheckedHandler = "";
bplName = controlInfo.BplName;
- outputStream.WriteLine(pageClass + "," + pageXAML + "," + controlClass + "," + controlName + "," + enabled + "," + visibility + "," + clickHandler + "," + checkedHandler + "," + uncheckedHandler + "," + bplName);
+ outputStream.WriteLine(pageClass + "," + pageXAML + "," + pageBoogieStringName + "," + controlClass + "," + controlName + "," + enabled + "," + visibility + "," + clickHandler + "," + checkedHandler + "," + uncheckedHandler + "," + bplName);
+ public void setBoogieStringPageNameForPageClass(string pageClass, string boogieStringPageName) {
+ pageStructureInfo[pageClass].PageBoogieName = boogieStringPageName;
+ }
private void LoadControlStructure(StreamReader configStream) {
// TODO it would be nice to have some kind of dynamic definition of config format
// TODO for now remember that config format is CSV
- // TODO each line is <pageClassName>,<pageXAMLPath>,<controlClassName>,<controlName>,<IsEnabledValue>,<VisibilityValue>,<ClickValue>,<CheckedValue>,<UncheckedValue>,<BPL control name>
+ // TODO each line is <pageClassName>,<pageXAMLPath>,<pageBoogieStringName>,<controlClassName>,<controlName>,<IsEnabledValue>,<VisibilityValue>,<ClickValue>,<CheckedValue>,<UncheckedValue>,<BPL control name>
// TODO BPL control name will most probably be empty, but it is useful to be able to dump it
// TODO check
@@ -203,17 +220,25 @@ namespace TranslationPlugins {
// TODO I'm not handling this for now, and I won't be handling relative/absolute URI either for now
try {
- string pageClass, pageXAML, controlClass, controlName, enabled, visibility, clickHandler, checkedHandler, uncheckedHandler, bplName;
+ string pageClass, pageXAML, pageBoogieStringName, controlClass, controlName, enabled, visibility, clickHandler, checkedHandler, uncheckedHandler, bplName;
string configLine = configStream.ReadLine();
string[] inputLine;
PageStructure pageStr;
ControlInfoStructure controlInfoStr;
// first line just states the main page xaml
- string mainPage = configLine.Trim();
+ string mainPageXAML= configLine.Trim();
configLine = configStream.ReadLine();
+ // second line states boogie current nav variable, possibly dummy value
+ setBoogieNavigationVariable(configLine.Trim());
+ configLine= configStream.ReadLine();
while (configLine != null) {
+ if (configLine.Trim().Equals(string.Empty)) {
+ configLine = configStream.ReadLine();
+ continue;
+ }
inputLine = configLine.Split(',');
if (inputLine.Length != CONFIG_LINE_FIELDS)
@@ -221,6 +246,7 @@ namespace TranslationPlugins {
pageClass = inputLine[PAGE_CLASS_FIELD];
pageXAML = inputLine[PAGE_XAML_FIELD];
+ pageBoogieStringName = inputLine[PAGE_BOOGIE_STRING_FIELD];
controlClass = inputLine[CONTROL_CLASS_FIELD];
controlName = inputLine[CONTROL_NAME_FIELD];
enabled = inputLine[ENABLED_FIELD];
@@ -236,6 +262,7 @@ namespace TranslationPlugins {
pageStr = new PageStructure();
pageStr.PageClassName = pageClass;
pageStr.PageXAML = pageXAML;
+ pageStr.PageBoogieName = pageBoogieStringName;
pageStr.IsMainPage = false;
@@ -255,9 +282,9 @@ namespace TranslationPlugins {
pageStr.setControlInfo(controlName, controlInfoStr);
pageStructureInfo[pageClass] = pageStr;
configLine = configStream.ReadLine();
- setPageAsMainPage(mainPage);
+ setPageAsMainPage(mainPageXAML);
} catch (Exception) {
// TODO log, I don't want to terminate BCT because of this