path: root/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone
diff options
authorGravatar Unknown <>2011-07-12 13:24:00 -0700
committerGravatar Unknown <>2011-07-12 13:24:00 -0700
commit5ae6e6b53f714f27a44f5156d297e230cfeb6883 (patch)
treecebe55e19da8a872bf2450dc7df6b723c3e586ff /BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone
parentf9cb86f716ffd945afe697828fed50106e03d6c0 (diff)
injecting code for phone control initialization during translation
Diffstat (limited to 'BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneTraverser.cs b/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneTraverser.cs
index 98aa4461..5f4680a8 100644
--- a/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneTraverser.cs
+++ b/BCT/BytecodeTranslator/Phone/PhoneTraverser.cs
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ using Microsoft.Cci;
using Microsoft.Cci.MetadataReader;
using Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel;
using Microsoft.Cci.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Cci.ILToCodeModel;
using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using TranslationPlugins;
namespace BytecodeTranslator {
@@ -23,28 +23,235 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator {
/// <summary>
/// Traverse code looking for phone specific points of interest, possibly injecting necessary code in-between
/// </summary>
public class PhoneCodeTraverser : BaseCodeTraverser {
private readonly IMethodDefinition methodBeingTraversed;
- private static bool initializationEncountered;
+ private static bool initializationFound= false;
+ private PhoneControlsPlugin phonePlugin;
+ private MetadataReaderHost host;
+ private IAssemblyReference coreAssemblyRef;
+ private IAssemblyReference phoneAssembly;
+ private IAssemblyReference phoneSystemWindowsAssembly;
+ private INamespaceTypeReference checkBoxType;
+ private INamespaceTypeReference radioButtonType;
+ private INamespaceTypeReference buttonType;
+ private INamespaceTypeReference buttonBaseType;
+ private INamespaceTypeReference toggleButtonType;
+ private INamespaceTypeReference controlType;
+ private INamespaceTypeReference uiElementType;
+ private CompileTimeConstant trueConstant;
+ private CompileTimeConstant falseConstant;
- public PhoneCodeTraverser(IMethodDefinition traversedMethod) : base() {
+ private IMethodReference isEnabledSetter;
+ private IMethodReference isEnabledGetter;
+ private IMethodReference isCheckedSetter;
+ private IMethodReference isCheckedGetter;
+ private IMethodReference visibilitySetter;
+ private IMethodReference visibilityGetter;
+ private IMethodReference clickHandlerAdder;
+ private IMethodReference clickHandlerRemover;
+ private IMethodReference checkedHandlerAdder;
+ private IMethodReference checkedHandlerRemover;
+ private IMethodReference uncheckedHandlerAdder;
+ private IMethodReference uncheckedHandlerRemover;
+ private ITypeReference getTypeForClassname(String classname) {
+ if (classname == "Button") {
+ return buttonType;
+ } else if (classname == "RadioButton") {
+ return radioButtonType;
+ } else if (classname == "CheckBox") {
+ return checkBoxType;
+ } else {
+ // TODO avoid throwing exceptions, just log
+ throw new NotImplementedException("Type " + classname + " is not being monitored yet for phone controls");
+ }
+ }
+ public PhoneCodeTraverser(MetadataReaderHost host, IMethodDefinition traversedMethod, PhoneControlsPlugin phonePlugin) : base() {
this.methodBeingTraversed = traversedMethod;
+ this.phonePlugin = phonePlugin;
+ = host;
+ InitializeTraverser();
+ }
+ private void InitializeTraverser() {
+ Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType platform = host.PlatformType as Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType;
+ coreAssemblyRef = platform.CoreAssemblyRef;
+ // TODO obtain version, culture and signature data dynamically
+ AssemblyIdentity MSPhoneAssemblyId =
+ new AssemblyIdentity(host.NameTable.GetNameFor("Microsoft.Phone"), "", new Version(""),
+ new byte[] { 0x24, 0xEE, 0xC0, 0xD8, 0xC8, 0x6C, 0xDA, 0x1E }, "");
+ AssemblyIdentity MSPhoneSystemWindowsAssemblyId =
+ new AssemblyIdentity(host.NameTable.GetNameFor("System.Windows"), coreAssemblyRef.Culture, coreAssemblyRef.Version,
+ coreAssemblyRef.PublicKeyToken, "");
+ phoneAssembly = host.FindAssembly(MSPhoneAssemblyId);
+ phoneSystemWindowsAssembly = host.FindAssembly(MSPhoneSystemWindowsAssemblyId);
+ // TODO determine the needed types dynamically
+ checkBoxType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "CheckBox");
+ radioButtonType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "RadioButton");
+ buttonType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Button");
+ buttonBaseType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Primitives", "ButtonBase");
+ toggleButtonType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Primitives", "ToggleButton");
+ controlType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Controls", "Control");
+ uiElementType = platform.CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "UIElement");
+ trueConstant = new CompileTimeConstant() {
+ Type = platform.SystemBoolean,
+ Value = true
+ };
+ falseConstant = new CompileTimeConstant() {
+ Type = platform.SystemBoolean,
+ Value = false
+ };
+ IEnumerable<IPropertyDefinition> controlProperties = controlType.ResolvedType.Properties;
+ IEnumerable<IPropertyDefinition> toggleButtonProperties = toggleButtonType.ResolvedType.Properties;
+ IEnumerable<IPropertyDefinition> uiElementProperties = uiElementType.ResolvedType.Properties;
+ IPropertyDefinition prop = controlProperties.Single(p => p.Name.Value == "IsEnabled");
+ isEnabledSetter = prop.Setter;
+ isEnabledGetter = prop.Getter;
+ prop = toggleButtonProperties.Single(p => p.Name.Value == "IsChecked");
+ isCheckedSetter = prop.Setter;
+ isCheckedGetter = prop.Getter;
+ prop = uiElementProperties.Single(p => p.Name.Value == "Visibility");
+ visibilitySetter = prop.Setter;
+ visibilityGetter = prop.Getter;
+ IEnumerable<IEventDefinition> buttonBaseEvents = buttonBaseType.ResolvedType.Events;
+ IEnumerable<IEventDefinition> toggleButtonEvents = toggleButtonType.ResolvedType.Events;
+ IEventDefinition evt = buttonBaseEvents.Single(e => e.Name.Value == "Click");
+ clickHandlerAdder = evt.Adder;
+ clickHandlerRemover = evt.Remover;
+ evt = toggleButtonEvents.Single(e => e.Name.Value == "Checked");
+ checkedHandlerAdder = evt.Adder;
+ checkedHandlerRemover = evt.Remover;
+ evt = toggleButtonEvents.Single(e => e.Name.Value == "Unchecked");
+ uncheckedHandlerAdder = evt.Adder;
+ uncheckedHandlerRemover = evt.Remover;
public void injectPhoneControlsCode(BlockStatement block) {
- private void injectPhoneInitializationCode(IBlockStatement block, IStatement statementAfter) {
+ private Assignment MakeFieldAssigment(string assignType, string objectName, string objectType, string fieldName, string sourceObjName, string sourceObjType, string sourceObjFieldName) {
+ /* TODO */
+ return null;
+ }
+ private void injectPhoneInitializationCode(BlockStatement block, Statement statementAfter) {
+ // TODO check page name against container name
+ IEnumerable<ControlInfoStructure> controls= phonePlugin.getControlsForPage(methodBeingTraversed.Container.ToString());
+ IEnumerable<IStatement> injectedStatements = new List<IStatement>();
+ foreach (ControlInfoStructure controlInfo in controls) {
+ injectedStatements = injectedStatements.Concat(getCodeForSettingEnabledness(controlInfo));
+ injectedStatements = injectedStatements.Concat(getCodeForSettingCheckedState(controlInfo));
+ injectedStatements = injectedStatements.Concat(getCodeForSettingVisibility(controlInfo));
+ injectedStatements = injectedStatements.Concat(getCodeForSettingEventHandlers(controlInfo, "Click"));
+ injectedStatements = injectedStatements.Concat(getCodeForSettingEventHandlers(controlInfo, "Checked"));
+ injectedStatements = injectedStatements.Concat(getCodeForSettingEventHandlers(controlInfo, "Unchecked"));
+ }
+ int stmtPos= block.Statements.IndexOf(statementAfter);
+ block.Statements.InsertRange(stmtPos+1, injectedStatements);
+ }
+ private BoundExpression makeBoundControlFromControlInfo(ControlInfoStructure controlInfo) {
+ return new BoundExpression() {
+ Definition = new FieldDefinition() {
+ ContainingTypeDefinition = methodBeingTraversed.Container,
+ Name = host.NameTable.GetNameFor(controlInfo.Name),
+ Type = getTypeForClassname(controlInfo.ClassName),
+ IsStatic = false,
+ },
+ Instance = new ThisReference() { Type = methodBeingTraversed.Container },
+ };
+ }
+ private IEnumerable<IStatement> getCodeForSettingVisibility(ControlInfoStructure controlInfo) {
+ // TODO I do not want to import System.Windows into this project...and using the underlying uint won't work
+ /*
+ IList<IStatement> code = new List<IStatement>();
+ BoundExpression boundControl = makeBoundControlFromControlInfo(controlInfo);
+ MethodCall setVisibilityCall= new MethodCall() {
+ IsStaticCall = false,
+ IsVirtualCall = true,
+ IsTailCall = false,
+ Type = ((Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType) host.PlatformType).SystemVoid,
+ MethodToCall = visibilitySetter,
+ ThisArgument = boundControl,
+ };
+ ITypeReference visibilityType= ((Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType) host.PlatformType).CreateReference(phoneSystemWindowsAssembly, "System", "Windows", "Visibility");
+ switch (controlInfo.Visible) {
+ case Visibility.Visible:
+ setVisibilityCall.Arguments.Add(new CompileTimeConstant() {
+ Type = visibilityType,
+ Value = 0,
+ } ); // Visible
+ break;
+ case Visibility.Collapsed:
+ setVisibilityCall.Arguments.Add(new CompileTimeConstant() {
+ Type = visibilityType,
+ Value = 1,
+ } ); // Collapsed
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ArgumentException("Invalid visibility value for control " + controlInfo.Name + ": " + controlInfo.Visible);
+ }
+ ExpressionStatement callStmt = new ExpressionStatement() {
+ Expression = setVisibilityCall,
+ };
+ code.Add(callStmt);
+ return code;
+ * */
+ return new List<IStatement>();
+ }
+ private IEnumerable<IStatement> getCodeForSettingEnabledness(ControlInfoStructure controlInfo) {
+ IList<IStatement> code = new List<IStatement>();
+ BoundExpression boundControl = makeBoundControlFromControlInfo(controlInfo);
+ MethodCall setEnablednessCall = new MethodCall() {
+ IsStaticCall = false,
+ IsVirtualCall = true,
+ IsTailCall = false,
+ Type = ((Microsoft.Cci.Immutable.PlatformType) host.PlatformType).SystemVoid,
+ MethodToCall = isEnabledSetter,
+ ThisArgument = boundControl,
+ };
+ setEnablednessCall.Arguments.Add(controlInfo.IsEnabled ? trueConstant : falseConstant);
+ ExpressionStatement callStmt = new ExpressionStatement() {
+ Expression = setEnablednessCall,
+ };
+ code.Add(callStmt);
+ return code;
+ }
+ private IEnumerable<IStatement> getCodeForSettingCheckedState(ControlInfoStructure controlInfo) {
+ // TODO not implemented yet
+ return new List<IStatement>();
+ }
+ private IEnumerable<IStatement> getCodeForSettingEventHandlers(ControlInfoStructure controlInfo, string eventName) {
+ // TODO not implemented yet
+ return new List<IStatement>();
public override void Visit(IBlockStatement block) {
- initializationEncountered = false;
foreach (IStatement statement in block.Statements) {
- if (initializationEncountered) {
- injectPhoneInitializationCode(block, statement);
+ if (initializationFound) {
+ injectPhoneInitializationCode(block as BlockStatement, statement as Statement);
+ initializationFound = false;
@@ -57,8 +264,7 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator {
- // otherwise we need to insert the desired code after this call
- // TODO make sure I am dealing with the MUTABLE code model
+ initializationFound= true;
@@ -66,9 +272,13 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator {
/// Traverse metadata looking only for PhoneApplicationPage's constructors
/// </summary>
public class PhoneMetadataTraverser : BaseMetadataTraverser {
+ private PhoneControlsPlugin phoneControlsInfo;
+ private MetadataReaderHost host;
- public PhoneMetadataTraverser()
+ public PhoneMetadataTraverser(PhoneControlsPlugin phonePlugin, MetadataReaderHost host)
: base() {
+ this.phoneControlsInfo = phonePlugin;
+ = host;
public override void Visit(IModule module) {
@@ -113,8 +323,8 @@ namespace BytecodeTranslator {
if (!method.IsConstructor)
- PhoneCodeTraverser codeTraverser = new PhoneCodeTraverser(method);
- var methodBody = method.Body as ISourceMethodBody;
+ PhoneCodeTraverser codeTraverser = new PhoneCodeTraverser(host, method, phoneControlsInfo);
+ var methodBody = method.Body as SourceMethodBody;
if (methodBody == null)
var block = methodBody.Block as BlockStatement;