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authorGravatar Dan Liew <>2015-11-21 18:27:06 +0000
committerGravatar Dan Liew <>2015-11-21 18:27:06 +0000
commitfe8de9444fb6ce90216a9b8268d8a13daa9a9f2a (patch)
parentf19110ec25d4ee962558627150d22e4c8a26a2a0 (diff)
Teach the TravisCI build to use the ``travis_retry`` command when
using NuGet. The motivation here is that the ``nuget`` command is a little flakey (sometimes it times out) in the legacy TravisCI infrastructure. This command will retry the command passed to it a few times. Hopefully this will stop the random build failures we've been having.
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index c5d0c21d..11ed4d64 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -10,12 +10,13 @@ install:
# FIXME: We should not be using GPUVerify's repo for Z3
- sudo sh -c 'echo "deb precise main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/smt.list'
- sudo apt-get update
- - nuget restore ${TRAVIS_SOLUTION}
+ # NuGet is a little flakey in legacy TravisCI, use travis_retry command to retry the command if it fails
+ - travis_retry nuget restore ${TRAVIS_SOLUTION}
# Install Z3
- sudo apt-get -y install z3=4.3.2-0~precise2
# Install needed python tools
- sudo pip install lit OutputCheck pyyaml
- - mkdir -p Source/packages && cd Source/packages && nuget install NUnit.Runners -Version 2.6.3
+ - mkdir -p Source/packages && cd Source/packages && travis_retry nuget install NUnit.Runners -Version 2.6.3
- cd ../../
- xbuild /p:Configuration=${BOOGIE_CONFIG} ${TRAVIS_SOLUTION}