diff options
authorGravatar Aleksandar Milicevic <unknown>2011-08-03 19:36:38 -0700
committerGravatar Aleksandar Milicevic <unknown>2011-08-03 19:36:38 -0700
commitb8707ded3dd508f9b30c9b3daaa25bec284ed9a5 (patch)
parenteaa62a170a1b77515cd99b828abd4794eed5f9d4 (diff)
- moved modularization and method unification stuff to their own modules - improved the modular synthesis so that whole branches can be delegated to existing methods.
8 files changed, 485 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
index fff6b395..ccc1e4ab 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ open Ast
open AstUtils
open CodeGen
open DafnyModelUtils
+open MethodUnifier
+open Modularizer
open PipelineUtils
open Options
open Printer
@@ -13,27 +15,6 @@ open Utils
open Microsoft.Boogie
-// =======================================================================
-/// Merges two solution maps so that if there are multiple entries for a
-/// single (comp,method) pair it concatenates them (corresponds to multiple
-/// branches).
-// =======================================================================
-let MergeSolutions sol1 sol2 =
- let rec __Merge sol1map sol2lst res =
- match sol2lst with
- | ((c2,m2), lst2) :: rest ->
- match sol1map |> Map.tryFindKey (fun (c1,m1) lst1 -> CheckSameMethods (c1,m1) (c2,m2)) with
- | Some(c1,m1) ->
- let lst1 = sol1map |> Map.find(c1,m1)
- let newRes = res |> Map.add (c1,m1) (lst1@lst2)
- __Merge sol1map rest newRes
- | None ->
- let newRes = res |> Map.add (c2,m2) lst2
- __Merge sol1map rest newRes
- | [] -> res
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- __Merge sol1 (sol2 |> Map.toList) sol1
let Rename suffix vars =
vars |> (function Var(nm,tp) -> nm, Var(nm + suffix, tp))
@@ -306,269 +287,26 @@ let GetHeapExpr prog mthd heapInst =
objInvsUpdated |> List.fold (fun a e -> BinaryAnd a e) acc
) prepostExpr
-// ------------------------------- Modularization stuff ---------------------------------
-exception CannotUnify
-let GetModularBranch prog comp meth hInst =
- let rec __AddDirectChildren e acc =
- match e with
- | ObjLiteral(_) when not (e = ThisLiteral || e = NullLiteral) -> acc |> Set.add e
- | SequenceExpr(elist)
- | SetExpr(elist) -> elist |> List.fold (fun acc2 e2 -> __AddDirectChildren e2 acc2) acc
- | _ -> acc
- let __GetDirectChildren =
- let thisRhsExprs = hInst.assignments |> List.choose (function ((obj,_),e) when = "this" -> Some(e) | _ -> None)
- thisRhsExprs |> List.fold (fun acc e -> __AddDirectChildren e acc) Set.empty
- |> Set.toList
- let directChildren = lazy (__GetDirectChildren)
- let __IsAbstractField ty var =
- let builder = CascadingBuilder<_>(false)
- let varName = GetVarName var
- builder {
- let! comp = FindComponent prog (GetTypeShortName ty)
- let! fld = GetAbstractFields comp |> List.fold (fun acc v -> if GetVarName v = varName then Some(varName) else acc) None
- return true
- }
- let __FindObj objName =
- try
- hInst.assignments |> List.find (fun ((obj,_),_) -> = objName) |> fst |> fst
- with
- | ex -> failwithf "obj %s not found for method %s" objName (GetMethodFullName comp meth)
- let __GetObjLitType objLitName =
- (__FindObj objLitName).objType
- let __GetAbsFldAssignments objLitName =
- hInst.assignments |> List.choose (fun ((obj,var),e) ->
- if = objLitName && __IsAbstractField obj.objType var then
- Some(var,e)
- else
- None)
- let rec __ExamineAndFix x e =
- match e with
- | ObjLiteral(id) when not (Utils.ListContains e (directChildren.Force())) ->
- let absFlds = __GetAbsFldAssignments id
- absFlds |> List.fold (fun acc (Var(vname,_),vval) -> BinaryAnd acc (BinaryEq (Dot(x, vname)) vval)) TrueLiteral
- | SequenceExpr(elist) ->
- let rec __fff lst acc cnt =
- match lst with
- | fsExpr :: rest ->
- let acc = BinaryAnd acc (__ExamineAndFix (SelectExpr(x, IntLiteral(cnt))) fsExpr)
- __fff rest acc (cnt+1)
- | [] ->
- let lenExpr = BinaryEq (SeqLength(x)) (IntLiteral(cnt))
- BinaryAnd lenExpr acc
- __fff elist TrueLiteral 0
- | _ -> BinaryEq x e
- let __GetSpecFor objLitName =
- let absFieldAssignments = __GetAbsFldAssignments objLitName
- absFieldAssignments |> List.fold (fun acc (Var(name,_),e) -> BinaryAnd acc (__ExamineAndFix (IdLiteral(name)) e)) TrueLiteral
- let __GetArgsUsed expr =
- let args = GetMethodArgs meth
- let argSet = DescendExpr2 (fun e acc ->
- match e with
- | VarLiteral(vname) ->
- match args |> List.tryFind (function Var(name,_) when vname = name -> true | _ -> false) with
- | Some(var) -> acc |> Set.add var
- | None -> acc
- | _ -> acc
- ) expr Set.empty
- argSet |> Set.toList
- let rec __UnifyImplies lhs rhs unifs =
- let ___AddOrNone unifs name e = Some(unifs |> Utils.MapAddNew name e)
- if lhs = FalseLiteral || rhs = TrueLiteral then
- Some(unifs)
- else
- try
- match lhs, rhs with
- | VarLiteral(vname), rhs -> ___AddOrNone unifs vname rhs
- | IntLiteral(nL), IntLiteral(nR) when nL = nR ->
- Some(unifs)
- | BoolLiteral(bL), BoolLiteral(bR) when bL = bR ->
- Some(unifs)
- | SetExpr(elistL), SetExpr(elistR)
- | SequenceExpr(elistL), SequenceExpr(elistR) when List.length elistL = List.length elistR ->
- let unifs2 = List.fold2 (fun acc elL elR -> match __UnifyImplies elL elR acc with
- | Some(u) -> u
- | None -> raise CannotUnify) unifs elistL elistR
- Some(unifs2)
- | _ when lhs = rhs ->
- Some(unifs)
- | _ ->
- let rec ___f2 target candidate unifs =
- match target, candidate with
- | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when opT = opC ->
- let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(None)
- builder {
- let! unifsLhs = __UnifyImplies lhsC lhsT unifs
- let! unifsRhs = __UnifyImplies rhsC rhsT unifsLhs
- return Some(unifsRhs)
- }
- | _ -> None
- let rec ___f1 rhsLst lhsLst unifs =
- match rhsLst, lhsLst with
- | targetExpr :: rhsRest, candExpr :: lhsRest ->
- // trying to find a unification for "targetExpr"
- let uOpt = match ___f2 targetExpr candExpr unifs with
- // found -> just return
- | Some(unifs2) -> Some(unifs2)
- // not found -> keep looking in the rest of the candidate expressions
- | None -> ___f1 [targetExpr] lhsRest unifs
- match uOpt with
- // found -> try find for the rest of the target expressions
- | Some(unifs2) -> ___f1 rhsRest lhsLst unifs2
- // not found -> fail
- | None -> None
- | targetExpr :: _, [] ->
- // no more candidates for unification for this targetExpr -> fail
- None
- | [], _ ->
- // we've found unifications for all target expressions -> return the current unifications map
- Some(unifs)
-// let candExprs = lhsLst |> List.choose (function BinaryExpr(_,cop,cl,cr) as e when cop = top -> Some(e) | _ -> None)
-// candExprs |> List.fold (fun acc candExpr ->
-// match candExpr with
-// | BinaryExpr(_,_,cl,cr) ->
-// let rec ___f1 lhsLst rhsLst unifs =
-// match rhsLst with
-// | targetExpr :: rhsRest ->
-// match targetExpr with
-// | BinaryExpr(_,"=",l,SequenceExpr(_)) ->
-// // this one has already been desugared so it's ok to skip it
-// ___f1 lhsLst rhsRest unifs
-// | BinaryExpr(_,top,tl,tr) ->
-// let candExprs = lhsLst |> List.choose (function BinaryExpr(_,cop,cl,cr) when cop = top -> Some(cr) | _ -> None)
-// match candExprs with
-// | [] -> None
-// | cand :: _ ->
-// let unifs2Opt = __UnifyImplies cand tr unifs
-// match unifs2Opt with
-// | Some(unifs2) -> ___f1 lhsLst rhsRest unifs2
-// | None -> None
-// | _ -> None
-// | [] -> Some(unifs)
- //-----------
- let lhsConjs = lhs |> DesugarRemove |> SplitIntoConjunts
- let rhsConjs = rhs |> DesugarRemove |> SplitIntoConjunts
- ___f1 rhsConjs lhsConjs unifs
- with
- | KeyAlreadyExists
- | CannotUnify -> None
- let __TryUnify targetMthd candMethod =
- let targetPre,targetPost = GetMethodPrePost targetMthd
- let candPre,candPost = GetMethodPrePost candMethod
- let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(None)
- builder {
- let! unifs1 = __UnifyImplies targetPre candPre Map.empty
- let! unifs2 = __UnifyImplies candPost targetPost unifs1
- return Some(unifs2)
- }
- let rec __TryFindAMatch targetMthd candidateMethods =
- match candidateMethods with
- | candMthd :: rest ->
- match __TryUnify targetMthd candMthd with
- | Some(unifs) -> Some(candMthd,unifs)
- | None -> __TryFindAMatch targetMthd rest
- | [] -> None
- let __TryFindExisting comp targetMthd =
- Logger.TraceLine "Trying"
- match __TryFindAMatch targetMthd (GetMembers comp |> FilterMethodMembers) with
- | Some(m,unifs) -> m,unifs
- | None ->
- let argsExprs = GetMethodArgs targetMthd |> List.fold (fun acc (Var(name,_)) -> acc |> Map.add name (VarLiteral(name))) Map.empty
- targetMthd,argsExprs
- let rec __GetDelegateMethods objs acc =
- match objs with
- | ObjLiteral(name) as obj :: rest ->
- let mName = sprintf "_synth_%s_%s" (GetMethodFullName comp meth |> (fun c -> if c = '.' then '_' else c)) name
- let pre,_ = GetMethodPrePost meth //TrueLiteral
- let post = __GetSpecFor name
- let ins = __GetArgsUsed (BinaryAnd pre post)
- let sgn = Sig(ins, [])
- let m = Method(mName, sgn, pre, post, true)
- let c = FindComponent prog (name |> __GetObjLitType |> GetTypeShortName) |> Utils.ExtractOption
- let m',unifs = __TryFindExisting c m
- let args = GetMethodArgs m' |> (fun (Var(name,_)) -> Map.find name unifs)
- __GetDelegateMethods rest (acc |> Map.add obj (c,m',args))
- | _ :: rest -> failwith "internal error: expected to see only ObjLiterals"
- | [] -> acc
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- let delegateMethods = __GetDelegateMethods (directChildren.Force()) Map.empty
- let initChildrenExprList = delegateMethods |> Map.toList
- |> (fun (receiver, (cmp,mthd,args)) ->
- let key = __FindObj (PrintExpr 0 receiver), Var("", None)
- let e = MethodCall(receiver, GetMethodName mthd, args)
- (key, e)
- )
- let newAssgns = hInst.assignments |> List.filter (fun ((obj,_),_) -> if = "this" then true else false)
- let newProg, newComp, newMethodsLst = delegateMethods |> Map.fold (fun acc receiver (c,newMthd,_) ->
- let obj = __FindObj (PrintExpr 0 receiver)
- match acc with
- | accProg, accComp, accmList ->
- let oldComp = FindComponent accProg (GetTypeShortName obj.objType) |> Utils.ExtractOption
- let prog', mcomp' = AddReplaceMethod accProg oldComp newMthd None
- let mList' = (mcomp', newMthd) :: accmList
- let comp' = if accComp = oldComp then mcomp' else accComp
- prog', comp', mList'
- ) (prog, comp, [])
- newProg, newComp, newMethodsLst, { hInst with assignments = initChildrenExprList @ newAssgns }
-let rec MakeModular indent prog comp m cond heapInst =
- let idt = Indent indent
- if Options.CONFIG.genMod then
- Logger.InfoLine (idt + " - delegating to method calls ...")
- let newProg, newComp, newMthdLst, newHeapInst = GetModularBranch prog comp m heapInst
- let msol = Utils.MapSingleton (newComp,m) [cond, newHeapInst]
- newMthdLst |> List.fold (fun acc (c,m) ->
- acc |> MergeSolutions (Utils.MapSingleton (c,m) [])
- ) msol
+let FindExisting indent comp m cond =
+ if not Options.CONFIG.genMod then
+ None
- Utils.MapSingleton (comp,m) [cond, heapInst]
-//let GetModularSol prog sol =
-// let comp = fst (fst sol)
-// let meth = snd (fst sol)
-// let rec __xxx prog lst =
-// match lst with
-// | (cond, hInst) :: rest ->
-// let newProg, newComp, newMthdLst, newhInst = GetModularBranch prog comp meth hInst
-// let newProg, newRest = __xxx newProg rest
-// newProg, ((cond, newhInst) :: newRest)
-// | [] -> prog, []
-// let newProg, newSolutions = __xxx prog (snd sol)
-// let newComp = FindComponent newProg (GetComponentName comp) |> Utils.ExtractOption
-// newProg, ((newComp, meth), newSolutions)
-//let Modularize prog solutions =
-// let rec __Modularize prog sols acc =
-// match sols with
-// | sol :: rest ->
-// let (newProg, newSol) = GetModularSol prog sol
-// let newAcc = acc |> Map.add (fst newSol) (snd newSol)
-// __Modularize newProg rest newAcc
-// | [] -> (prog, acc)
-// (* --- function body starts here --- *)
-// __Modularize prog (Map.toList solutions) Map.empty
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ let idt = Indent indent
+ match TryFindAMatch m (GetMembers comp |> FilterMethodMembers) with
+ | Some(m',unifs) ->
+ Logger.InfoLine (idt + " - substitution method found:")
+ Logger.InfoLine (PrintMethodSignFull (indent+6) comp m')
+ let args = ApplyMethodUnifs m' unifs
+ let delegateCall = MethodCall(ThisLiteral, GetMethodName m', args)
+ let obj = { name = "this"; objType = GetClassType comp }
+ let var = Var("", None)
+ let body = [(obj,var), delegateCall]
+ let hInst = { assignments = body;
+ methodArgs = Map.empty;
+ globals = Map.empty }
+ Some(Map.empty |> Map.add (comp,m) [cond, hInst]
+ |> Map.add (comp,m') [])
+ | None -> None
// ============================================================================
/// Attempts to synthesize the initialization code for the given constructor "m"
@@ -576,18 +314,15 @@ let rec MakeModular indent prog comp m cond heapInst =
/// Returns a (heap,env,ctx) tuple
// ============================================================================
let rec AnalyzeConstructor indent prog comp m =
- // TODO: first check maybe there's already a method with this spec
let idt = Indent indent
- let methodName = GetMethodName m
- let pre,post = GetMethodPrePost m
- // generate Dafny code for analysis first
- let code = PrintDafnyCodeSkeleton prog (MethodAnalysisPrinter [comp,m] FalseLiteral) false
Logger.InfoLine (idt + "[*] Analyzing constructor")
Logger.InfoLine (idt + "------------------------------------------")
Logger.InfoLine (PrintMethodSignFull (indent + 4) comp m)
Logger.InfoLine (idt + "------------------------------------------")
+ let methodName = GetMethodName m
+ let pre,post = GetMethodPrePost m
+ // generate Dafny code for analysis first
+ let code = PrintDafnyCodeSkeleton prog (MethodAnalysisPrinter [comp,m] FalseLiteral) false
Logger.Info (idt + " - searching for an instance ...")
let models = RunDafnyProgram code (dafnyScratchSuffix + "_" + (GetMethodFullName comp m))
if models.Count = 0 then
@@ -625,49 +360,54 @@ let rec AnalyzeConstructor indent prog comp m =
and TryInferConditionals indent prog comp m unifs heapInst =
+ // use the orginal method, not the one with an extra precondition
+ let __FixSolution sol =
+ sol |> Map.fold (fun acc (cc,mm) v ->
+ if GetMethodName mm = GetMethodName m then
+ acc |> Map.add (cc,m) v
+ else
+ acc |> Map.add (cc,mm) v) Map.empty
let idt = Indent indent
let wrongSol = Utils.MapSingleton (comp,m) [TrueLiteral, heapInst]
let heapInst2 = ApplyUnifications indent prog comp m unifs heapInst false
let expr = GetHeapExpr prog m heapInst2
// now evaluate and see what's left
let newCond = Eval heapInst2 (function VarLiteral(_) -> false | _ -> true) expr
- try
- if newCond = TrueLiteral then
- Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s - no more interesting pre-conditions" idt)
- wrongSol
- else
- let candCond =
- if newCond = FalseLiteral then
- // it must be because there is some aliasing going on between method arguments,
- // so we should try that as a candidate pre-condition
- let tmp = DiscoverAliasing (GetMethodArgs m |> (function Var(name,_) -> VarLiteral(name))) heapInst2
- if tmp = TrueLiteral then failwith ("post-condition evaluated to false and no aliasing was discovered")
- tmp
- else
- newCond
- Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s - candidate pre-condition: %s" idt (PrintExpr 0 candCond))
- let p2,c2,m2 = AddPrecondition prog comp m candCond
- let sol = MakeModular indent p2 c2 m2 candCond heapInst2
- Logger.Info (idt + " - verifying partial solution ... ")
- let verified =
- if Options.CONFIG.verifyPartialSolutions then
- VerifySolution p2 sol Options.CONFIG.genRepr
- else
- true
- if verified then
- if Options.CONFIG.verifyPartialSolutions then Logger.InfoLine "VERIFIED" else Logger.InfoLine "SKIPPED"
- let p3,c3,m3 = AddPrecondition prog comp m (UnaryNot(candCond))
- let fixedSol = sol |> Map.fold (fun acc (cc,mm) v ->
- if GetMethodName mm = GetMethodName m then
- acc |> Map.add (cc,m) v
- else
- acc |> Map.add (cc,mm) v) Map.empty
- MergeSolutions fixedSol (AnalyzeConstructor (indent + 2) p3 c3 m3)
+ if newCond = TrueLiteral then
+ Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s - no more interesting pre-conditions" idt)
+ wrongSol
+ else
+ let candCond =
+ if newCond = FalseLiteral then
+ // it must be because there is some aliasing going on between method arguments,
+ // so we should try that as a candidate pre-condition
+ let tmp = DiscoverAliasing (GetMethodArgs m |> (function Var(name,_) -> VarLiteral(name))) heapInst2
+ if tmp = TrueLiteral then failwith ("post-condition evaluated to false and no aliasing was discovered")
+ tmp
- Logger.InfoLine "NOT VERIFIED"
- wrongSol
- with
- ex -> raise ex
+ newCond
+ Logger.InfoLine (sprintf "%s - candidate pre-condition: %s" idt (PrintExpr 0 candCond))
+ let _,_,m2 = AddPrecondition prog comp m candCond
+ let sol = MakeModular indent prog comp m2 candCond heapInst2
+ Logger.Info (idt + " - verifying partial solution ... ")
+ let verified =
+ if Options.CONFIG.verifyPartialSolutions then
+ VerifySolution prog sol Options.CONFIG.genRepr
+ else
+ true
+ if verified then
+ if Options.CONFIG.verifyPartialSolutions then Logger.InfoLine "VERIFIED" else Logger.InfoLine "SKIPPED"
+ let solThis = match FindExisting indent comp m2 candCond with
+ | Some(sol2) -> sol2
+ | None -> sol
+ let _,_,m3 = AddPrecondition prog comp m (UnaryNot(candCond))
+ let solRest = match FindExisting indent comp m3 (UnaryNot(candCond)) with
+ | Some(sol3) -> sol3
+ | None -> AnalyzeConstructor (indent + 2) prog comp m3
+ MergeSolutions (__FixSolution solThis) (__FixSolution solRest)
+ else
+ Logger.InfoLine "NOT VERIFIED"
+ wrongSol
let GetMethodsToAnalyze prog =
let mOpt = Options.CONFIG.methodToSynth;
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs
index 641a7143..dc6534e1 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs
@@ -61,6 +61,31 @@ let Substitute e1 e2 expr =
None) expr
+// ================================================
+/// Distributes the negation operator over
+/// arithmetic relations
+// ================================================
+let rec DistributeNegation expr =
+ let __Neg op =
+ match op with
+ | "=" -> Some("!=")
+ | "!=" -> Some("=")
+ | "<" -> Some(">")
+ | ">" -> Some("<")
+ | ">=" -> Some("<=")
+ | "<=" -> Some(">=")
+ | _ -> None
+ Rewrite (fun e ->
+ match e with
+ | UnaryExpr("!", sub) ->
+ match sub with
+ | BinaryExpr(p,op,lhs,rhs) ->
+ match __Neg op with
+ | Some(op') -> Some(BinaryExpr(p, op', DistributeNegation lhs, DistributeNegation rhs))
+ | None -> None
+ | _ -> None
+ | _ -> None) expr
let rec DescendExpr visitorFunc composeFunc leafVal expr =
let __Compose elist =
match elist with
@@ -814,7 +839,7 @@ let MyDesugar expr removeOriginal =
__Desugar expr
let Desugar expr = MyDesugar expr false
-let DesugarRemove expr = MyDesugar expr true
+let DesugarAndRemove expr = MyDesugar expr true
let rec DesugarLst exprLst =
match exprLst with
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/CodeGen.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/CodeGen.fs
index 754f75aa..a8a4cda6 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/CodeGen.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/CodeGen.fs
@@ -198,8 +198,11 @@ let PrintReprAssignments prog heapInst indent =
fullReprExpr :: acc
) []
- idt + "// repr stuff" + newline +
- (PrintStmtList reprGetsList indent)
+ if not (reprGetsList = []) then
+ idt + "// repr stuff" + newline +
+ (PrintStmtList reprGetsList indent)
+ else
+ ""
let rec PrintHeapCreationCode prog sol indent genRepr =
let idt = Indent indent
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj
index 69a597cc..668263b9 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- <StartArguments>examples/Set.jen /method:Set.Singleton /genRepr /genMod</StartArguments>
+ <StartArguments>examples/Set.jen /method:SetNode.Triple /genRepr /genMod</StartArguments>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86' ">
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@
<Compile Include="DafnyPrinter.fs" />
<Compile Include="TypeChecker.fs" />
<Compile Include="Resolver.fs" />
+ <Compile Include="MethodUnifier.fs" />
+ <Compile Include="Modularizer.fs" />
<Compile Include="CodeGen.fs" />
<Compile Include="Analyzer.fs" />
<Compile Include="Jennisys.fs" />
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54a76139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+module MethodUnifier
+open Ast
+open AstUtils
+open Printer
+open Resolver
+open Utils
+exception CannotUnify
+type UnifDirection = LTR | RTL
+let rec UnifyImplies lhs rhs dir unifs =
+ let ___AddOrNone unifs name e = Some(unifs |> Utils.MapAddNew name e)
+ if lhs = FalseLiteral || rhs = TrueLiteral then
+ Some(unifs)
+ else
+ try
+ let l,r = match dir with
+ | LTR -> lhs,rhs
+ | RTL -> rhs,lhs
+ match l, r with
+ | VarLiteral(vname), rhs -> ___AddOrNone unifs vname rhs
+ | IntLiteral(nL), IntLiteral(nR) when nL = nR ->
+ Some(unifs)
+ | BoolLiteral(bL), BoolLiteral(bR) when bL = bR ->
+ Some(unifs)
+ | SetExpr(elistL), SetExpr(elistR)
+ | SequenceExpr(elistL), SequenceExpr(elistR) when List.length elistL = List.length elistR ->
+ let unifs2 = List.fold2 (fun acc elL elR -> match UnifyImplies elL elR dir acc with
+ | Some(u) -> u
+ | None -> raise CannotUnify) unifs elistL elistR
+ Some(unifs2)
+ | _ when l = r ->
+ Some(unifs)
+ | _ ->
+ let __InvOps op1 op2 = match op1, op2 with "<" , ">" | ">" , "<" | "<=", ">=" | ">=", "<=" -> true | _ -> false
+ let __ImpliesOp op1 op2 =
+ match op1, op2 with
+ | "<" , "!=" | ">" , "!=" -> true
+ | "=" , ">=" | "=" , "<=" -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let __CommOp op = match op with "=" | "!=" -> true | _ -> false
+ let __TryUnifyPair x1 a1 x2 a2 unifs =
+ let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(None)
+ builder {
+ let! unifsLhs = UnifyImplies x1 a1 dir unifs
+ let! unifsRhs = UnifyImplies x2 a2 dir unifsLhs
+ return Some(unifsRhs)
+ }
+ // target implies candidate!
+ let rec ___f2 consequence premise unifs =
+ match consequence, premise with
+ // same operators + commutative -> try both
+ | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when opT = opC && __CommOp opT ->
+ match __TryUnifyPair lhsC lhsT rhsC rhsT unifs with
+ | Some(x) -> Some(x)
+ | None -> __TryUnifyPair lhsC rhsT rhsC lhsT unifs
+ // operators are the same
+ | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when opC = opT ->
+ __TryUnifyPair lhsC lhsT rhsC rhsT unifs
+ // operators are exactly the invers of one another
+ | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when __InvOps opC opT ->
+ __TryUnifyPair lhsC rhsT rhsC lhsT unifs
+ //
+ | BinaryExpr(_, opT, lhsT, rhsT), BinaryExpr(_, opC, lhsC, rhsC) when __ImpliesOp opC opT ->
+ __TryUnifyPair lhsC lhsT rhsC rhsT unifs
+ | UnaryExpr(opC, subC), UnaryExpr(opP, subP) when opC = opP ->
+ UnifyImplies subP subC dir unifs
+ | _ -> None
+ let rec ___f1 targetLst candidateLst unifs =
+ match targetLst, candidateLst with
+ | targetExpr :: targetRest, candExpr :: candRest ->
+ // trying to find a unification for "targetExpr"
+ let uOpt = match ___f2 targetExpr candExpr unifs with
+ // found -> just return
+ | Some(unifs2) -> Some(unifs2)
+ // not found -> keep looking in the rest of the candidate expressions
+ | None -> ___f1 [targetExpr] candRest unifs
+ match uOpt with
+ // found -> try find for the rest of the target expressions
+ | Some(unifs2) -> ___f1 targetRest candidateLst unifs2
+ // not found -> fail
+ | None -> None
+ | targetExpr :: _, [] ->
+ // no more candidates for unification for this targetExpr -> fail
+ None
+ | [], _ ->
+ // we've found unifications for all target expressions -> return the current unifications map
+ Some(unifs)
+ let lhsConjs = lhs |> DesugarAndRemove |> DistributeNegation |> SplitIntoConjunts
+ let rhsConjs = rhs |> DesugarAndRemove |> DistributeNegation |> SplitIntoConjunts
+ ___f1 rhsConjs lhsConjs unifs
+ with
+ | KeyAlreadyExists
+ | CannotUnify -> None
+let TryUnify targetMthd candMethod =
+ let targetPre,targetPost = GetMethodPrePost targetMthd
+ let candPre,candPost = GetMethodPrePost candMethod
+ let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(None)
+ builder {
+ let! unifs1 = UnifyImplies targetPre candPre RTL Map.empty
+ let! unifs2 = UnifyImplies candPost targetPost LTR unifs1
+ return Some(unifs2)
+ }
+let rec TryFindAMatch targetMthd candidateMethods =
+ let targetMthdName = GetMethodName targetMthd
+ match candidateMethods with
+ | candMthd :: rest ->
+ if GetMethodName candMthd = targetMthdName then
+ // skip if it is the same method
+ TryFindAMatch targetMthd rest
+ else
+ match TryUnify targetMthd candMthd with
+ | Some(unifs) -> Some(candMthd,unifs)
+ | None -> TryFindAMatch targetMthd rest
+ | [] -> None
+let TryFindExisting comp targetMthd =
+ match TryFindAMatch targetMthd (GetMembers comp |> FilterMethodMembers) with
+ | Some(m,unifs) -> m,unifs
+ | None -> targetMthd, Map.empty
+let ApplyMethodUnifs m unifs =
+ GetMethodArgs m |> (fun (Var(name,_)) ->
+ match Map.tryFind name unifs with
+ | Some(e) -> e
+ | None -> VarLiteral(name)) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Modularizer.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Modularizer.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72181c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Modularizer.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+module Modularizer
+open Ast
+open AstUtils
+open MethodUnifier
+open Printer
+open Resolver
+open Utils
+// =======================================================================
+/// Merges two solution maps so that if there are multiple entries for a
+/// single (comp,method) pair it concatenates them (corresponds to multiple
+/// branches).
+// =======================================================================
+let MergeSolutions sol1 sol2 =
+ let rec __Merge sol1map sol2lst res =
+ match sol2lst with
+ | ((c2,m2), lst2) :: rest ->
+ match sol1map |> Map.tryFindKey (fun (c1,m1) lst1 -> CheckSameMethods (c1,m1) (c2,m2)) with
+ | Some(c1,m1) ->
+ let lst1 = sol1map |> Map.find(c1,m1)
+ let newRes = res |> Map.add (c1,m1) (lst1@lst2)
+ __Merge sol1map rest newRes
+ | None ->
+ let newRes = res |> Map.add (c2,m2) lst2
+ __Merge sol1map rest newRes
+ | [] -> res
+ (* --- function body starts here --- *)
+ __Merge sol1 (sol2 |> Map.toList) sol1
+// =======================================================================
+/// Tries to make a given solution for a given method into more modular,
+/// by delegating some statements (initialization of inner objects) to
+/// method calls.
+// =======================================================================
+let GetModularBranch prog comp meth hInst =
+ let rec __AddDirectChildren e acc =
+ match e with
+ | ObjLiteral(_) when not (e = ThisLiteral || e = NullLiteral) -> acc |> Set.add e
+ | SequenceExpr(elist)
+ | SetExpr(elist) -> elist |> List.fold (fun acc2 e2 -> __AddDirectChildren e2 acc2) acc
+ | _ -> acc
+ let __GetDirectChildren =
+ let thisRhsExprs = hInst.assignments |> List.choose (function ((obj,_),e) when = "this" -> Some(e) | _ -> None)
+ thisRhsExprs |> List.fold (fun acc e -> __AddDirectChildren e acc) Set.empty
+ |> Set.toList
+ let directChildren = lazy (__GetDirectChildren)
+ let __IsAbstractField ty var =
+ let builder = CascadingBuilder<_>(false)
+ let varName = GetVarName var
+ builder {
+ let! comp = FindComponent prog (GetTypeShortName ty)
+ let! fld = GetAbstractFields comp |> List.fold (fun acc v -> if GetVarName v = varName then Some(varName) else acc) None
+ return true
+ }
+ let __FindObj objName =
+ try
+ hInst.assignments |> List.find (fun ((obj,_),_) -> = objName) |> fst |> fst
+ with
+ | ex -> failwithf "obj %s not found for method %s" objName (GetMethodFullName comp meth)
+ let __GetObjLitType objLitName =
+ (__FindObj objLitName).objType
+ let __GetAbsFldAssignments objLitName =
+ hInst.assignments |> List.choose (fun ((obj,var),e) ->
+ if = objLitName && __IsAbstractField obj.objType var then
+ Some(var,e)
+ else
+ None)
+ let rec __ExamineAndFix x e =
+ match e with
+ | ObjLiteral(id) when not (Utils.ListContains e (directChildren.Force())) ->
+ let absFlds = __GetAbsFldAssignments id
+ absFlds |> List.fold (fun acc (Var(vname,_),vval) -> BinaryAnd acc (BinaryEq (Dot(x, vname)) vval)) TrueLiteral
+ | SequenceExpr(elist) ->
+ let rec __fff lst acc cnt =
+ match lst with
+ | fsExpr :: rest ->
+ let acc = BinaryAnd acc (__ExamineAndFix (SelectExpr(x, IntLiteral(cnt))) fsExpr)
+ __fff rest acc (cnt+1)
+ | [] ->
+ let lenExpr = BinaryEq (SeqLength(x)) (IntLiteral(cnt))
+ BinaryAnd lenExpr acc
+ __fff elist TrueLiteral 0
+ | _ -> BinaryEq x e
+ let __GetSpecFor objLitName =
+ let absFieldAssignments = __GetAbsFldAssignments objLitName
+ absFieldAssignments |> List.fold (fun acc (Var(name,_),e) -> BinaryAnd acc (__ExamineAndFix (IdLiteral(name)) e)) TrueLiteral
+ let __GetArgsUsed expr =
+ let args = GetMethodArgs meth
+ let argSet = DescendExpr2 (fun e acc ->
+ match e with
+ | VarLiteral(vname) ->
+ match args |> List.tryFind (function Var(name,_) when vname = name -> true | _ -> false) with
+ | Some(var) -> acc |> Set.add var
+ | None -> acc
+ | _ -> acc
+ ) expr Set.empty
+ argSet |> Set.toList
+ let rec __GetDelegateMethods objs acc =
+ match objs with
+ | ObjLiteral(name) as obj :: rest ->
+ let mName = sprintf "_synth_%s_%s" (GetMethodFullName comp meth |> (fun c -> if c = '.' then '_' else c)) name
+ let pre,_ = GetMethodPrePost meth //TrueLiteral
+ let post = __GetSpecFor name
+ let ins = __GetArgsUsed (BinaryAnd pre post)
+ let sgn = Sig(ins, [])
+ let m = Method(mName, sgn, pre, post, true)
+ let c = FindComponent prog (name |> __GetObjLitType |> GetTypeShortName) |> Utils.ExtractOption
+ let m',unifs = TryFindExisting c m
+ let args = ApplyMethodUnifs m' unifs
+ __GetDelegateMethods rest (acc |> Map.add obj (c,m',args))
+ | _ :: rest -> failwith "internal error: expected to see only ObjLiterals"
+ | [] -> acc
+ (* --- function body starts here --- *)
+ let delegateMethods = __GetDelegateMethods (directChildren.Force()) Map.empty
+ let initChildrenExprList = delegateMethods |> Map.toList
+ |> (fun (receiver, (cmp,mthd,args)) ->
+ let key = __FindObj (PrintExpr 0 receiver), Var("", None)
+ let e = MethodCall(receiver, GetMethodName mthd, args)
+ (key, e))
+ let newAssgns = hInst.assignments |> List.filter (fun ((obj,_),_) -> if = "this" then true else false)
+ let newProg, newComp, newMethodsLst = delegateMethods |> Map.fold (fun acc receiver (c,newMthd,_) ->
+ let obj = __FindObj (PrintExpr 0 receiver)
+ match acc with
+ | accProg, accComp, accmList ->
+ let oldComp = FindComponent accProg (GetTypeShortName obj.objType) |> Utils.ExtractOption
+ let prog', mcomp' = AddReplaceMethod accProg oldComp newMthd None
+ let mList' = (mcomp', newMthd) :: accmList
+ let comp' = if accComp = oldComp then mcomp' else accComp
+ prog', comp', mList'
+ ) (prog, comp, [])
+ newProg, newComp, newMethodsLst, { hInst with assignments = initChildrenExprList @ newAssgns }
+let rec MakeModular indent prog comp m cond heapInst =
+ let idt = Indent indent
+ if Options.CONFIG.genMod then
+ Logger.InfoLine (idt + " - delegating to method calls ...")
+ let newProg, newComp, newMthdLst, newHeapInst = GetModularBranch prog comp m heapInst
+ let msol = Utils.MapSingleton (newComp,m) [cond, newHeapInst]
+ newMthdLst |> List.fold (fun acc (c,m) ->
+ acc |> MergeSolutions (Utils.MapSingleton (c,m) [])
+ ) msol
+ else
+ Utils.MapSingleton (comp,m) [cond, heapInst]
+//let GetModularSol prog sol =
+// let comp = fst (fst sol)
+// let meth = snd (fst sol)
+// let rec __xxx prog lst =
+// match lst with
+// | (cond, hInst) :: rest ->
+// let newProg, newComp, newMthdLst, newhInst = GetModularBranch prog comp meth hInst
+// let newProg, newRest = __xxx newProg rest
+// newProg, ((cond, newhInst) :: newRest)
+// | [] -> prog, []
+// let newProg, newSolutions = __xxx prog (snd sol)
+// let newComp = FindComponent newProg (GetComponentName comp) |> Utils.ExtractOption
+// newProg, ((newComp, meth), newSolutions)
+//let Modularize prog solutions =
+// let rec __Modularize prog sols acc =
+// match sols with
+// | sol :: rest ->
+// let (newProg, newSol) = GetModularSol prog sol
+// let newAcc = acc |> Map.add (fst newSol) (snd newSol)
+// __Modularize newProg rest newAcc
+// | [] -> (prog, acc)
+// (* --- function body starts here --- *)
+// __Modularize prog (Map.toList solutions) Map.empty
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/examples/Set.jen b/Jennisys/Jennisys/examples/Set.jen
index 60a294c1..b867a007 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/examples/Set.jen
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/examples/Set.jen
@@ -40,13 +40,17 @@ class SetNode {
requires x != y
ensures elems = {x y}
- constructor Double2(x: int, y: int)
+ constructor DoubleBase(x: int, y: int)
requires x > y
ensures elems = {x y}
constructor Triple(x: int, y: int, z: int)
requires x != y && y != z && z != x
ensures elems = {x y z}
+ constructor TripleBase(x: int, y: int, z: int)
+ requires x < y && y < z
+ ensures elems = {x y z}
model SetNode {
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/examples/mod2/jennisys-synth_Set.dfy b/Jennisys/Jennisys/examples/mod2/jennisys-synth_Set.dfy
index f754d540..c9584a5f 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/examples/mod2/jennisys-synth_Set.dfy
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/examples/mod2/jennisys-synth_Set.dfy
@@ -30,14 +30,15 @@ class Set {
method Double(p: int, q: int)
modifies this;
+ requires p != q;
ensures fresh(Repr - {this});
ensures Valid();
ensures elems == {p, q};
- var gensym67 := new SetNode;
- gensym67.Double(p, q);
+ var gensym72 := new SetNode;
+ gensym72.Double(p, q);
this.elems := {p, q};
- this.root := gensym67;
+ this.root := gensym72;
// repr stuff
this.Repr := {this} + this.root.Repr;
@@ -126,21 +127,6 @@ class SetNode {
- method Init(x: int)
- modifies this;
- ensures fresh(Repr - {this});
- ensures Valid();
- ensures elems == {x};
- {
- := x;
- this.elems := {x};
- this.left := null;
- this.right := null;
- // repr stuff
- this.Repr := {this};
- }
method Triple(x: int, y: int, z: int)
modifies this;
requires x != y;
@@ -151,64 +137,19 @@ class SetNode {
ensures elems == {x, y, z};
if (x < y && z > y) {
- var gensym80 := new SetNode;
- var gensym81 := new SetNode;
- gensym80.Init(z);
- gensym81.Init(x);
- := y;
- this.elems := {x, y, z};
- this.left := gensym81;
- this.right := gensym80;
- // repr stuff
- this.Repr := ({this} + this.left.Repr) + this.right.Repr;
+ this.TripleBase(x, y, z);
} else {
if (z < x && y > x) {
- var gensym80 := new SetNode;
- var gensym81 := new SetNode;
- gensym80.Init(y);
- gensym81.Init(z);
- := x;
- this.elems := {x, y, z};
- this.left := gensym81;
- this.right := gensym80;
- // repr stuff
- this.Repr := ({this} + this.left.Repr) + this.right.Repr;
+ this.TripleBase(z, x, y);
} else {
if (x < z && y > z) {
- var gensym80 := new SetNode;
- var gensym81 := new SetNode;
- gensym80.Init(y);
- gensym81.Init(x);
- := z;
- this.elems := {x, y, z};
- this.left := gensym81;
- this.right := gensym80;
- // repr stuff
- this.Repr := ({this} + this.left.Repr) + this.right.Repr;
+ this.TripleBase(x, z, y);
} else {
if (z < y && x > y) {
- var gensym80 := new SetNode;
- var gensym81 := new SetNode;
- gensym80.Init(x);
- gensym81.Init(z);
- := y;
- this.elems := {x, y, z};
- this.left := gensym81;
- this.right := gensym80;
- // repr stuff
- this.Repr := ({this} + this.left.Repr) + this.right.Repr;
+ this.TripleBase(z, y, x);
} else {
if (y < z && x > z) {
- var gensym80 := new SetNode;
- var gensym81 := new SetNode;
- gensym80.Init(x);
- gensym81.Init(y);
- := z;
- this.elems := {x, y, z};
- this.left := gensym81;
- this.right := gensym80;
- // repr stuff
- this.Repr := ({this} + this.left.Repr) + this.right.Repr;
+ this.TripleBase(y, z, x);
} else {
var gensym80 := new SetNode;
var gensym81 := new SetNode;
@@ -230,40 +171,72 @@ class SetNode {
method Double(x: int, y: int)
modifies this;
+ requires x != y;
ensures fresh(Repr - {this});
ensures Valid();
ensures elems == {x, y};
if (y > x) {
- var gensym77 := new SetNode;
- gensym77.Init(y);
- := x;
- this.elems := {x, y};
- this.left := null;
- this.right := gensym77;
- // repr stuff
- this.Repr := {this} + this.right.Repr;
+ this.DoubleBase(y, x);
} else {
- if (x > y) {
- var gensym77 := new SetNode;
- gensym77.Init(x);
- := y;
- this.elems := {x, y};
- this.left := null;
- this.right := gensym77;
- // repr stuff
- this.Repr := {this} + this.right.Repr;
- } else {
- := y;
- this.elems := {x, y};
- this.left := null;
- this.right := null;
- // repr stuff
- this.Repr := {this};
- }
+ this.DoubleBase(x, y);
+ method DoubleBase(x: int, y: int)
+ modifies this;
+ requires x > y;
+ ensures fresh(Repr - {this});
+ ensures Valid();
+ ensures elems == {x, y};
+ {
+ var gensym77 := new SetNode;
+ gensym77.Init(x);
+ := y;
+ this.elems := {x, y};
+ this.left := null;
+ this.right := gensym77;
+ // repr stuff
+ this.Repr := {this} + this.right.Repr;
+ }
+ method Init(x: int)
+ modifies this;
+ ensures fresh(Repr - {this});
+ ensures Valid();
+ ensures elems == {x};
+ {
+ := x;
+ this.elems := {x};
+ this.left := null;
+ this.right := null;
+ // repr stuff
+ this.Repr := {this};
+ }
+ method TripleBase(x: int, y: int, z: int)
+ modifies this;
+ requires x < y;
+ requires y < z;
+ ensures fresh(Repr - {this});
+ ensures Valid();
+ ensures elems == {x, y, z};
+ {
+ var gensym80 := new SetNode;
+ var gensym81 := new SetNode;
+ gensym80.Init(z);
+ gensym81.Init(x);
+ := y;
+ this.elems := {x, y, z};
+ this.left := gensym81;
+ this.right := gensym80;
+ // repr stuff
+ this.Repr := ({this} + this.left.Repr) + this.right.Repr;
+ }