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authorGravatar Aleksandar Milicevic <unknown>2011-08-13 15:23:38 -0700
committerGravatar Aleksandar Milicevic <unknown>2011-08-13 15:23:38 -0700
commit266a24f47d2bddbd5784505a1efddb4925e5e4b2 (patch)
parente35fec6c3c8113d7a64f1127c5a365ffb01276a7 (diff)
Jennisys: added some more infrastructure for synthesizing read only methods, so
that now a simple example like Node.Tail work.
4 files changed, 137 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
index cea90d0e..9dcfb2ae 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Analyzer.fs
@@ -73,80 +73,7 @@ let rec MethodAnalysisPrinter onlyForThese assertion comp =
(MethodAnalysisPrinter rest assertion comp)
| _ -> ""
| _ :: rest -> MethodAnalysisPrinter rest assertion comp
- | [] -> ""
-let rec IsArgsOnly args expr =
- let __IsArgsOnlyLst elist =
- elist |> List.fold (fun acc e -> acc && (IsArgsOnly args e)) true
- match expr with
- | IntLiteral(_)
- | BoolLiteral(_)
- | BoxLiteral(_)
- | Star
- | VarDeclExpr(_)
- | ObjLiteral(_) -> true
- | VarLiteral(id)
- | IdLiteral(id) -> args |> List.exists (function Var(varName,_) when varName = id -> true | _ -> false)
- | Dot(e,_)
- | SeqLength(e)
- | LCIntervalExpr(e)
- | UnaryExpr(_,e) -> __IsArgsOnlyLst [e]
- | SelectExpr(e1, e2)
- | BinaryExpr(_,_,e1,e2) -> __IsArgsOnlyLst [e1; e2]
- | IteExpr(e3, e1, e2)
- | UpdateExpr(e1, e2, e3) -> __IsArgsOnlyLst [e1; e2; e3]
- | SequenceExpr(exprs) | SetExpr(exprs) -> __IsArgsOnlyLst exprs
- | MethodCall(rcv,_,_,aparams) -> __IsArgsOnlyLst (rcv :: aparams)
- | ForallExpr(vars,e) -> IsArgsOnly (List.concat [args; vars]) e
-let AddUnif indent e v unifMap =
- let idt = Indent indent
- let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(unifMap)
- builder {
- let! notAlreadyAdded = Map.tryFind e unifMap |> Utils.IsNoneOption |> Utils.BoolToOption
- Logger.DebugLine (idt + " - adding unification " + (PrintExpr 0 e) + " <--> " + (PrintConst v))
- return Map.add e v unifMap
- }
-//TODO: unifications should probably by "Expr <--> Expr" instead of "Expr <--> Const"
-let rec GetUnifications indent args heapInst unifs expr =
- let idt = Indent indent
- // - first looks if the give expression talks only about method arguments (args)
- // - then it tries to evaluate it to a constant
- // - if all of these succeed, it adds a unification rule e <--> val(e) to the given unifMap map
- let __AddUnif e unifsAcc =
- let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(unifsAcc)
- builder {
- let! argsOnly = IsArgsOnly args e |> Utils.BoolToOption
- let! v = try Some(Eval heapInst (fun _ -> true) e |> Expr2Const) with ex -> None
- return AddUnif indent e v unifsAcc
- }
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- AstUtils.DescendExpr2 __AddUnif expr unifs
-// =======================================================
-/// Returns a map (Expr |--> Const) containing unifications
-/// found for the given method and heap/env/ctx
-// =======================================================
-let GetUnificationsForMethod indent comp m heapInst =
- let idt = Indent indent
- let rec GetArgValueUnifications args =
- match args with
- | Var(name,_) :: rest ->
- match Map.tryFind name heapInst.methodArgs with
- | Some(c) ->
- GetArgValueUnifications rest |> AddUnif indent (VarLiteral(name)) c
- | None -> failwith ("couldn't find value for argument " + name)
- | [] -> Map.empty
- (* --- function body starts here --- *)
- match m with
- | Method(mName,Sig(ins, outs),pre,post,_) ->
- let args = ins
- match args with
- | [] -> Map.empty
- | _ -> let unifs = GetArgValueUnifications args
- GetUnifications indent args heapInst unifs (BinaryAnd pre post)
- | _ -> failwith ("not a method: " + m.ToString())
+ | [] -> ""
// =========================================================================
/// For a given constant "o" (which is an object, something like "gensym32"),
@@ -186,6 +113,125 @@ let GetObjRefExpr objRefName (heapInst: HeapInstance) =
| None -> ()
+// =============================================================================
+/// Returns an expression that combines the post-condition of a given method with
+/// invariants for all objects present on the heap
+// =============================================================================
+let GetHeapExpr prog mthd heapInst =
+ // get expressions to evaluate:
+ // - add post (and pre?) conditions
+ // - go through all objects on the heap and assert their invariants
+ let pre,post = GetMethodPrePost mthd
+ let prepostExpr = post //TODO: do we need the "pre" here as well?
+ let heapObjs = heapInst.assignments |> List.fold (fun acc asgn ->
+ match asgn with
+ | FieldAssignment((o,_),_) -> acc |> Set.add o
+ | _ -> acc) Set.empty
+ heapObjs |> Set.fold (fun acc o ->
+ let receiverOpt = GetObjRefExpr heapInst
+ let receiver = Utils.ExtractOption receiverOpt
+ let objComp = FindComponent prog (GetTypeShortName o.objType) |> Utils.ExtractOption
+ let objInvs = GetInvariantsAsList objComp
+ let objInvsUpdated = objInvs |> (ChangeThisReceiver receiver)
+ objInvsUpdated |> List.fold (fun a e -> BinaryAnd a e) acc
+ ) prepostExpr
+let IsUnmodOnly (comp,meth) expr =
+ let isConstr = IsConstructor meth
+ let rec __IsUnmodOnly args expr =
+ let __IsUnmodOnlyLst elist =
+ elist |> List.fold (fun acc e -> acc && (__IsUnmodOnly args e)) true
+ match expr with
+ | IntLiteral(_)
+ | BoolLiteral(_)
+ | BoxLiteral(_)
+ | Star
+ | VarDeclExpr(_)
+ | ObjLiteral(_) -> true
+ | VarLiteral(id) -> args |> List.exists (function Var(varName,_) when varName = id -> true | _ -> false)
+ | IdLiteral("null") -> true
+ | IdLiteral(id) -> if isConstr then false else true //TODO: tempporary implementation
+ | Dot(e, fldName) -> if isConstr then false else __IsUnmodOnlyLst [e]
+ // TODO: this is how it should really work
+ // let lhsType = InferType prog e
+ // let isMod = IsFieldModifiable lhsType fldName
+ // (not isMod) && __IsUnmodOnlyLst [e]
+ | SeqLength(e)
+ | LCIntervalExpr(e)
+ | UnaryExpr(_,e) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst [e]
+ | SelectExpr(e1, e2)
+ | BinaryExpr(_,_,e1,e2) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst [e1; e2]
+ | IteExpr(e3, e1, e2)
+ | UpdateExpr(e1, e2, e3) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst [e1; e2; e3]
+ | SequenceExpr(exprs) | SetExpr(exprs) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst exprs
+ | MethodCall(rcv,_,_,aparams) -> __IsUnmodOnlyLst (rcv :: aparams)
+ | ForallExpr(vars,e) -> __IsUnmodOnly (args @ vars) e
+ (* --- function body starts here --- *)
+ __IsUnmodOnly (GetMethodInArgs meth) expr
+let AddUnif indent e v unifMap =
+ let idt = Indent indent
+ let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(unifMap)
+ builder {
+ let! notAlreadyAdded = Map.tryFind e unifMap |> Utils.IsNoneOption |> Utils.BoolToOption
+ Logger.DebugLine (idt + " - adding unification " + (PrintExpr 0 e) + " <--> " + (PrintConst v))
+ return Map.add e v unifMap
+ }
+//TODO: unifications should probably by "Expr <--> Expr" instead of "Expr <--> Const"
+let rec GetUnifications indent (comp,meth) heapInst unifs expr =
+ let idt = Indent indent
+ // - first looks if the give expression talks only about method arguments (args)
+ // - then it tries to evaluate it to a constant
+ // - if all of these succeed, it adds a unification rule e <--> val(e) to the given unifMap map
+ let __AddUnif e unifsAcc =
+ if IsConstExpr e then
+ unifsAcc
+ else
+ let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(unifsAcc)
+ builder {
+ let! argsOnly = IsUnmodOnly (comp,meth) e |> Utils.BoolToOption
+ let! v = try Some(Eval heapInst (fun _ -> true) e |> Expr2Const) with ex -> None
+ return AddUnif indent e v unifsAcc
+ }
+ (* --- function body starts here --- *)
+ AstUtils.DescendExpr2 __AddUnif expr unifs
+// =======================================================
+/// Returns a map (Expr |--> Const) containing unifications
+/// found for the given method and heap/env/ctx
+// =======================================================
+let GetUnificationsForMethod indent comp m heapInst =
+ let idt = Indent indent
+ let rec GetArgValueUnifications args =
+ match args with
+ | Var(name,_) :: rest ->
+ match Map.tryFind name heapInst.methodArgs with
+ | Some(c) ->
+ GetArgValueUnifications rest |> AddUnif indent (VarLiteral(name)) c
+ | None -> failwith ("couldn't find value for argument " + name)
+ | [] -> Map.empty
+ let rec GetFldValueUnifications fldNames unifs =
+ match fldNames with
+ | fldName :: rest ->
+ heapInst.assignments |> List.fold (fun acc asgn ->
+ match asgn with
+ | FieldAssignment((obj,Var(vname,_)), fldVal) when = "this" && vname = fldName ->
+ try
+ let c = Expr2Const fldVal
+ AddUnif indent (IdLiteral(fldName)) c acc
+ with
+ | _ -> acc
+ | _ -> acc
+ ) unifs
+ |> GetFldValueUnifications rest
+ | [] -> unifs
+ (* --- function body starts here --- *)
+ let unifs = GetArgValueUnifications (GetMethodInArgs m)
+ let fldNames = if IsConstructor m then [] else GetConcreteFields comp |> (function Var(name,_) -> name)
+ let unifs2 = GetFldValueUnifications fldNames unifs
+ GetUnifications indent (comp,m) heapInst unifs2 (GetMethodPrePost m |> fun x -> BinaryAnd (fst x) (snd x))
// =======================================================
/// Applies given unifications onto the given heap/env/ctx
@@ -289,29 +335,6 @@ let rec DiscoverAliasing exprList heapInst =
BinaryAnd eqExpr (DiscoverAliasing rest heapInst)
| [] -> TrueLiteral
-// =============================================================================
-/// Returns an expression that combines the post-condition of a given method with
-/// invariants for all objects present on the heap
-// =============================================================================
-let GetHeapExpr prog mthd heapInst =
- // get expressions to evaluate:
- // - add post (and pre?) conditions
- // - go through all objects on the heap and assert their invariants
- let pre,post = GetMethodPrePost mthd
- let prepostExpr = post //TODO: do we need the "pre" here as well?
- let heapObjs = heapInst.assignments |> List.fold (fun acc asgn ->
- match asgn with
- | FieldAssignment((o,_),_) -> acc |> Set.add o
- | _ -> acc) Set.empty
- heapObjs |> Set.fold (fun acc o ->
- let receiverOpt = GetObjRefExpr heapInst
- let receiver = Utils.ExtractOption receiverOpt
- let objComp = FindComponent prog (GetTypeShortName o.objType) |> Utils.ExtractOption
- let objInvs = GetInvariantsAsList objComp
- let objInvsUpdated = objInvs |> (ChangeThisReceiver receiver)
- objInvsUpdated |> List.fold (fun a e -> BinaryAnd a e) acc
- ) prepostExpr
// use the orginal method, not the one with an extra precondition
let FixSolution origComp origMeth sol =
sol |> Map.fold (fun acc (cc,mm) v ->
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs
index e37f461a..a1f391a9 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/AstUtils.fs
@@ -275,6 +275,13 @@ let TryExpr2Const e =
| ex -> None
+let IsConstExpr e =
+ try
+ Expr2Const e |> ignore
+ true
+ with
+ | _ -> false
// --- search functions ---
// =========================================================
@@ -408,6 +415,11 @@ let GetMethodArgs mthd =
let outs = GetMethodOutArgs mthd
List.concat [ins; outs]
+let IsConstructor mthd =
+ match mthd with
+ | Method(_,_,_,_,isConstr) -> isConstr
+ | _ -> failwithf "expected a method but got %O" mthd
let rec GetTypeShortName ty =
match ty with
| IntType -> "int"
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj
index b9ec91c6..b18131de 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/Jennisys.fsproj
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- <StartArguments>examples/Set.jen /genRepr /genMod /method:Set.Double</StartArguments>
+ <StartArguments>examples/List.jen /genRepr /genMod /method:Node.Tail</StartArguments>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86' ">
diff --git a/Jennisys/Jennisys/TypeChecker.fs b/Jennisys/Jennisys/TypeChecker.fs
index bf012a11..8227b693 100644
--- a/Jennisys/Jennisys/TypeChecker.fs
+++ b/Jennisys/Jennisys/TypeChecker.fs
@@ -37,3 +37,7 @@ let TypeCheck prog =
let componentNames = decls |> List.choose (function Class(name,_,_) -> Some(name) | _ -> None)
let clist = componentNames |> (fun name -> Component(GetClass name decls, GetModel name decls, GetCode name decls))
+// TODO: implement this
+let InferType prog expr =
+ NamedType("unknown", []) \ No newline at end of file