path: root/third_party/protobuf/python/google/protobuf/internal/encoder.py
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-# Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
-# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-# https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met:
-# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-# distribution.
-# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-"""Code for encoding protocol message primitives.
-Contains the logic for encoding every logical protocol field type
-into one of the 5 physical wire types.
-This code is designed to push the Python interpreter's performance to the
-The basic idea is that at startup time, for every field (i.e. every
-FieldDescriptor) we construct two functions: a "sizer" and an "encoder". The
-sizer takes a value of this field's type and computes its byte size. The
-encoder takes a writer function and a value. It encodes the value into byte
-strings and invokes the writer function to write those strings. Typically the
-writer function is the write() method of a BytesIO.
-We try to do as much work as possible when constructing the writer and the
-sizer rather than when calling them. In particular:
-* We copy any needed global functions to local variables, so that we do not need
- to do costly global table lookups at runtime.
-* Similarly, we try to do any attribute lookups at startup time if possible.
-* Every field's tag is encoded to bytes at startup, since it can't change at
- runtime.
-* Whatever component of the field size we can compute at startup, we do.
-* We *avoid* sharing code if doing so would make the code slower and not sharing
- does not burden us too much. For example, encoders for repeated fields do
- not just call the encoders for singular fields in a loop because this would
- add an extra function call overhead for every loop iteration; instead, we
- manually inline the single-value encoder into the loop.
-* If a Python function lacks a return statement, Python actually generates
- instructions to pop the result of the last statement off the stack, push
- None onto the stack, and then return that. If we really don't care what
- value is returned, then we can save two instructions by returning the
- result of the last statement. It looks funny but it helps.
-* We assume that type and bounds checking has happened at a higher level.
-__author__ = 'kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)'
-import struct
-import six
-from google.protobuf.internal import wire_format
-# This will overflow and thus become IEEE-754 "infinity". We would use
-# "float('inf')" but it doesn't work on Windows pre-Python-2.6.
-_POS_INF = 1e10000
-def _VarintSize(value):
- """Compute the size of a varint value."""
- if value <= 0x7f: return 1
- if value <= 0x3fff: return 2
- if value <= 0x1fffff: return 3
- if value <= 0xfffffff: return 4
- if value <= 0x7ffffffff: return 5
- if value <= 0x3ffffffffff: return 6
- if value <= 0x1ffffffffffff: return 7
- if value <= 0xffffffffffffff: return 8
- if value <= 0x7fffffffffffffff: return 9
- return 10
-def _SignedVarintSize(value):
- """Compute the size of a signed varint value."""
- if value < 0: return 10
- if value <= 0x7f: return 1
- if value <= 0x3fff: return 2
- if value <= 0x1fffff: return 3
- if value <= 0xfffffff: return 4
- if value <= 0x7ffffffff: return 5
- if value <= 0x3ffffffffff: return 6
- if value <= 0x1ffffffffffff: return 7
- if value <= 0xffffffffffffff: return 8
- if value <= 0x7fffffffffffffff: return 9
- return 10
-def _TagSize(field_number):
- """Returns the number of bytes required to serialize a tag with this field
- number."""
- # Just pass in type 0, since the type won't affect the tag+type size.
- return _VarintSize(wire_format.PackTag(field_number, 0))
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# In this section we define some generic sizers. Each of these functions
-# takes parameters specific to a particular field type, e.g. int32 or fixed64.
-# It returns another function which in turn takes parameters specific to a
-# particular field, e.g. the field number and whether it is repeated or packed.
-# Look at the next section to see how these are used.
-def _SimpleSizer(compute_value_size):
- """A sizer which uses the function compute_value_size to compute the size of
- each value. Typically compute_value_size is _VarintSize."""
- def SpecificSizer(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- tag_size = _TagSize(field_number)
- if is_packed:
- local_VarintSize = _VarintSize
- def PackedFieldSize(value):
- result = 0
- for element in value:
- result += compute_value_size(element)
- return result + local_VarintSize(result) + tag_size
- return PackedFieldSize
- elif is_repeated:
- def RepeatedFieldSize(value):
- result = tag_size * len(value)
- for element in value:
- result += compute_value_size(element)
- return result
- return RepeatedFieldSize
- else:
- def FieldSize(value):
- return tag_size + compute_value_size(value)
- return FieldSize
- return SpecificSizer
-def _ModifiedSizer(compute_value_size, modify_value):
- """Like SimpleSizer, but modify_value is invoked on each value before it is
- passed to compute_value_size. modify_value is typically ZigZagEncode."""
- def SpecificSizer(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- tag_size = _TagSize(field_number)
- if is_packed:
- local_VarintSize = _VarintSize
- def PackedFieldSize(value):
- result = 0
- for element in value:
- result += compute_value_size(modify_value(element))
- return result + local_VarintSize(result) + tag_size
- return PackedFieldSize
- elif is_repeated:
- def RepeatedFieldSize(value):
- result = tag_size * len(value)
- for element in value:
- result += compute_value_size(modify_value(element))
- return result
- return RepeatedFieldSize
- else:
- def FieldSize(value):
- return tag_size + compute_value_size(modify_value(value))
- return FieldSize
- return SpecificSizer
-def _FixedSizer(value_size):
- """Like _SimpleSizer except for a fixed-size field. The input is the size
- of one value."""
- def SpecificSizer(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- tag_size = _TagSize(field_number)
- if is_packed:
- local_VarintSize = _VarintSize
- def PackedFieldSize(value):
- result = len(value) * value_size
- return result + local_VarintSize(result) + tag_size
- return PackedFieldSize
- elif is_repeated:
- element_size = value_size + tag_size
- def RepeatedFieldSize(value):
- return len(value) * element_size
- return RepeatedFieldSize
- else:
- field_size = value_size + tag_size
- def FieldSize(value):
- return field_size
- return FieldSize
- return SpecificSizer
-# ====================================================================
-# Here we declare a sizer constructor for each field type. Each "sizer
-# constructor" is a function that takes (field_number, is_repeated, is_packed)
-# as parameters and returns a sizer, which in turn takes a field value as
-# a parameter and returns its encoded size.
-Int32Sizer = Int64Sizer = EnumSizer = _SimpleSizer(_SignedVarintSize)
-UInt32Sizer = UInt64Sizer = _SimpleSizer(_VarintSize)
-SInt32Sizer = SInt64Sizer = _ModifiedSizer(
- _SignedVarintSize, wire_format.ZigZagEncode)
-Fixed32Sizer = SFixed32Sizer = FloatSizer = _FixedSizer(4)
-Fixed64Sizer = SFixed64Sizer = DoubleSizer = _FixedSizer(8)
-BoolSizer = _FixedSizer(1)
-def StringSizer(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- """Returns a sizer for a string field."""
- tag_size = _TagSize(field_number)
- local_VarintSize = _VarintSize
- local_len = len
- assert not is_packed
- if is_repeated:
- def RepeatedFieldSize(value):
- result = tag_size * len(value)
- for element in value:
- l = local_len(element.encode('utf-8'))
- result += local_VarintSize(l) + l
- return result
- return RepeatedFieldSize
- else:
- def FieldSize(value):
- l = local_len(value.encode('utf-8'))
- return tag_size + local_VarintSize(l) + l
- return FieldSize
-def BytesSizer(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- """Returns a sizer for a bytes field."""
- tag_size = _TagSize(field_number)
- local_VarintSize = _VarintSize
- local_len = len
- assert not is_packed
- if is_repeated:
- def RepeatedFieldSize(value):
- result = tag_size * len(value)
- for element in value:
- l = local_len(element)
- result += local_VarintSize(l) + l
- return result
- return RepeatedFieldSize
- else:
- def FieldSize(value):
- l = local_len(value)
- return tag_size + local_VarintSize(l) + l
- return FieldSize
-def GroupSizer(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- """Returns a sizer for a group field."""
- tag_size = _TagSize(field_number) * 2
- assert not is_packed
- if is_repeated:
- def RepeatedFieldSize(value):
- result = tag_size * len(value)
- for element in value:
- result += element.ByteSize()
- return result
- return RepeatedFieldSize
- else:
- def FieldSize(value):
- return tag_size + value.ByteSize()
- return FieldSize
-def MessageSizer(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- """Returns a sizer for a message field."""
- tag_size = _TagSize(field_number)
- local_VarintSize = _VarintSize
- assert not is_packed
- if is_repeated:
- def RepeatedFieldSize(value):
- result = tag_size * len(value)
- for element in value:
- l = element.ByteSize()
- result += local_VarintSize(l) + l
- return result
- return RepeatedFieldSize
- else:
- def FieldSize(value):
- l = value.ByteSize()
- return tag_size + local_VarintSize(l) + l
- return FieldSize
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# MessageSet is special: it needs custom logic to compute its size properly.
-def MessageSetItemSizer(field_number):
- """Returns a sizer for extensions of MessageSet.
- The message set message looks like this:
- message MessageSet {
- repeated group Item = 1 {
- required int32 type_id = 2;
- required string message = 3;
- }
- }
- """
- static_size = (_TagSize(1) * 2 + _TagSize(2) + _VarintSize(field_number) +
- _TagSize(3))
- local_VarintSize = _VarintSize
- def FieldSize(value):
- l = value.ByteSize()
- return static_size + local_VarintSize(l) + l
- return FieldSize
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Map is special: it needs custom logic to compute its size properly.
-def MapSizer(field_descriptor):
- """Returns a sizer for a map field."""
- # Can't look at field_descriptor.message_type._concrete_class because it may
- # not have been initialized yet.
- message_type = field_descriptor.message_type
- message_sizer = MessageSizer(field_descriptor.number, False, False)
- def FieldSize(map_value):
- total = 0
- for key in map_value:
- value = map_value[key]
- # It's wasteful to create the messages and throw them away one second
- # later since we'll do the same for the actual encode. But there's not an
- # obvious way to avoid this within the current design without tons of code
- # duplication.
- entry_msg = message_type._concrete_class(key=key, value=value)
- total += message_sizer(entry_msg)
- return total
- return FieldSize
-# ====================================================================
-# Encoders!
-def _VarintEncoder():
- """Return an encoder for a basic varint value (does not include tag)."""
- def EncodeVarint(write, value):
- bits = value & 0x7f
- value >>= 7
- while value:
- write(six.int2byte(0x80|bits))
- bits = value & 0x7f
- value >>= 7
- return write(six.int2byte(bits))
- return EncodeVarint
-def _SignedVarintEncoder():
- """Return an encoder for a basic signed varint value (does not include
- tag)."""
- def EncodeSignedVarint(write, value):
- if value < 0:
- value += (1 << 64)
- bits = value & 0x7f
- value >>= 7
- while value:
- write(six.int2byte(0x80|bits))
- bits = value & 0x7f
- value >>= 7
- return write(six.int2byte(bits))
- return EncodeSignedVarint
-_EncodeVarint = _VarintEncoder()
-_EncodeSignedVarint = _SignedVarintEncoder()
-def _VarintBytes(value):
- """Encode the given integer as a varint and return the bytes. This is only
- called at startup time so it doesn't need to be fast."""
- pieces = []
- _EncodeVarint(pieces.append, value)
- return b"".join(pieces)
-def TagBytes(field_number, wire_type):
- """Encode the given tag and return the bytes. Only called at startup."""
- return _VarintBytes(wire_format.PackTag(field_number, wire_type))
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# As with sizers (see above), we have a number of common encoder
-# implementations.
-def _SimpleEncoder(wire_type, encode_value, compute_value_size):
- """Return a constructor for an encoder for fields of a particular type.
- Args:
- wire_type: The field's wire type, for encoding tags.
- encode_value: A function which encodes an individual value, e.g.
- _EncodeVarint().
- compute_value_size: A function which computes the size of an individual
- value, e.g. _VarintSize().
- """
- def SpecificEncoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- if is_packed:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED)
- local_EncodeVarint = _EncodeVarint
- def EncodePackedField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- size = 0
- for element in value:
- size += compute_value_size(element)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, size)
- for element in value:
- encode_value(write, element)
- return EncodePackedField
- elif is_repeated:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_type)
- def EncodeRepeatedField(write, value):
- for element in value:
- write(tag_bytes)
- encode_value(write, element)
- return EncodeRepeatedField
- else:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_type)
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- return encode_value(write, value)
- return EncodeField
- return SpecificEncoder
-def _ModifiedEncoder(wire_type, encode_value, compute_value_size, modify_value):
- """Like SimpleEncoder but additionally invokes modify_value on every value
- before passing it to encode_value. Usually modify_value is ZigZagEncode."""
- def SpecificEncoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- if is_packed:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED)
- local_EncodeVarint = _EncodeVarint
- def EncodePackedField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- size = 0
- for element in value:
- size += compute_value_size(modify_value(element))
- local_EncodeVarint(write, size)
- for element in value:
- encode_value(write, modify_value(element))
- return EncodePackedField
- elif is_repeated:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_type)
- def EncodeRepeatedField(write, value):
- for element in value:
- write(tag_bytes)
- encode_value(write, modify_value(element))
- return EncodeRepeatedField
- else:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_type)
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- return encode_value(write, modify_value(value))
- return EncodeField
- return SpecificEncoder
-def _StructPackEncoder(wire_type, format):
- """Return a constructor for an encoder for a fixed-width field.
- Args:
- wire_type: The field's wire type, for encoding tags.
- format: The format string to pass to struct.pack().
- """
- value_size = struct.calcsize(format)
- def SpecificEncoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- local_struct_pack = struct.pack
- if is_packed:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED)
- local_EncodeVarint = _EncodeVarint
- def EncodePackedField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, len(value) * value_size)
- for element in value:
- write(local_struct_pack(format, element))
- return EncodePackedField
- elif is_repeated:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_type)
- def EncodeRepeatedField(write, value):
- for element in value:
- write(tag_bytes)
- write(local_struct_pack(format, element))
- return EncodeRepeatedField
- else:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_type)
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- return write(local_struct_pack(format, value))
- return EncodeField
- return SpecificEncoder
-def _FloatingPointEncoder(wire_type, format):
- """Return a constructor for an encoder for float fields.
- This is like StructPackEncoder, but catches errors that may be due to
- passing non-finite floating-point values to struct.pack, and makes a
- second attempt to encode those values.
- Args:
- wire_type: The field's wire type, for encoding tags.
- format: The format string to pass to struct.pack().
- """
- value_size = struct.calcsize(format)
- if value_size == 4:
- def EncodeNonFiniteOrRaise(write, value):
- # Remember that the serialized form uses little-endian byte order.
- if value == _POS_INF:
- write(b'\x00\x00\x80\x7F')
- elif value == _NEG_INF:
- write(b'\x00\x00\x80\xFF')
- elif value != value: # NaN
- write(b'\x00\x00\xC0\x7F')
- else:
- raise
- elif value_size == 8:
- def EncodeNonFiniteOrRaise(write, value):
- if value == _POS_INF:
- write(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF0\x7F')
- elif value == _NEG_INF:
- write(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF0\xFF')
- elif value != value: # NaN
- write(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF8\x7F')
- else:
- raise
- else:
- raise ValueError('Can\'t encode floating-point values that are '
- '%d bytes long (only 4 or 8)' % value_size)
- def SpecificEncoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- local_struct_pack = struct.pack
- if is_packed:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED)
- local_EncodeVarint = _EncodeVarint
- def EncodePackedField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, len(value) * value_size)
- for element in value:
- # This try/except block is going to be faster than any code that
- # we could write to check whether element is finite.
- try:
- write(local_struct_pack(format, element))
- except SystemError:
- EncodeNonFiniteOrRaise(write, element)
- return EncodePackedField
- elif is_repeated:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_type)
- def EncodeRepeatedField(write, value):
- for element in value:
- write(tag_bytes)
- try:
- write(local_struct_pack(format, element))
- except SystemError:
- EncodeNonFiniteOrRaise(write, element)
- return EncodeRepeatedField
- else:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_type)
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- try:
- write(local_struct_pack(format, value))
- except SystemError:
- EncodeNonFiniteOrRaise(write, value)
- return EncodeField
- return SpecificEncoder
-# ====================================================================
-# Here we declare an encoder constructor for each field type. These work
-# very similarly to sizer constructors, described earlier.
-Int32Encoder = Int64Encoder = EnumEncoder = _SimpleEncoder(
- wire_format.WIRETYPE_VARINT, _EncodeSignedVarint, _SignedVarintSize)
-UInt32Encoder = UInt64Encoder = _SimpleEncoder(
- wire_format.WIRETYPE_VARINT, _EncodeVarint, _VarintSize)
-SInt32Encoder = SInt64Encoder = _ModifiedEncoder(
- wire_format.WIRETYPE_VARINT, _EncodeVarint, _VarintSize,
- wire_format.ZigZagEncode)
-# Note that Python conveniently guarantees that when using the '<' prefix on
-# formats, they will also have the same size across all platforms (as opposed
-# to without the prefix, where their sizes depend on the C compiler's basic
-# type sizes).
-Fixed32Encoder = _StructPackEncoder(wire_format.WIRETYPE_FIXED32, '<I')
-Fixed64Encoder = _StructPackEncoder(wire_format.WIRETYPE_FIXED64, '<Q')
-SFixed32Encoder = _StructPackEncoder(wire_format.WIRETYPE_FIXED32, '<i')
-SFixed64Encoder = _StructPackEncoder(wire_format.WIRETYPE_FIXED64, '<q')
-FloatEncoder = _FloatingPointEncoder(wire_format.WIRETYPE_FIXED32, '<f')
-DoubleEncoder = _FloatingPointEncoder(wire_format.WIRETYPE_FIXED64, '<d')
-def BoolEncoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- """Returns an encoder for a boolean field."""
- false_byte = b'\x00'
- true_byte = b'\x01'
- if is_packed:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED)
- local_EncodeVarint = _EncodeVarint
- def EncodePackedField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, len(value))
- for element in value:
- if element:
- write(true_byte)
- else:
- write(false_byte)
- return EncodePackedField
- elif is_repeated:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_VARINT)
- def EncodeRepeatedField(write, value):
- for element in value:
- write(tag_bytes)
- if element:
- write(true_byte)
- else:
- write(false_byte)
- return EncodeRepeatedField
- else:
- tag_bytes = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_VARINT)
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- write(tag_bytes)
- if value:
- return write(true_byte)
- return write(false_byte)
- return EncodeField
-def StringEncoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- """Returns an encoder for a string field."""
- tag = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED)
- local_EncodeVarint = _EncodeVarint
- local_len = len
- assert not is_packed
- if is_repeated:
- def EncodeRepeatedField(write, value):
- for element in value:
- encoded = element.encode('utf-8')
- write(tag)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, local_len(encoded))
- write(encoded)
- return EncodeRepeatedField
- else:
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- encoded = value.encode('utf-8')
- write(tag)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, local_len(encoded))
- return write(encoded)
- return EncodeField
-def BytesEncoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- """Returns an encoder for a bytes field."""
- tag = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED)
- local_EncodeVarint = _EncodeVarint
- local_len = len
- assert not is_packed
- if is_repeated:
- def EncodeRepeatedField(write, value):
- for element in value:
- write(tag)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, local_len(element))
- write(element)
- return EncodeRepeatedField
- else:
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- write(tag)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, local_len(value))
- return write(value)
- return EncodeField
-def GroupEncoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- """Returns an encoder for a group field."""
- start_tag = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_START_GROUP)
- end_tag = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_END_GROUP)
- assert not is_packed
- if is_repeated:
- def EncodeRepeatedField(write, value):
- for element in value:
- write(start_tag)
- element._InternalSerialize(write)
- write(end_tag)
- return EncodeRepeatedField
- else:
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- write(start_tag)
- value._InternalSerialize(write)
- return write(end_tag)
- return EncodeField
-def MessageEncoder(field_number, is_repeated, is_packed):
- """Returns an encoder for a message field."""
- tag = TagBytes(field_number, wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED)
- local_EncodeVarint = _EncodeVarint
- assert not is_packed
- if is_repeated:
- def EncodeRepeatedField(write, value):
- for element in value:
- write(tag)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, element.ByteSize())
- element._InternalSerialize(write)
- return EncodeRepeatedField
- else:
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- write(tag)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, value.ByteSize())
- return value._InternalSerialize(write)
- return EncodeField
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# As before, MessageSet is special.
-def MessageSetItemEncoder(field_number):
- """Encoder for extensions of MessageSet.
- The message set message looks like this:
- message MessageSet {
- repeated group Item = 1 {
- required int32 type_id = 2;
- required string message = 3;
- }
- }
- """
- start_bytes = b"".join([
- TagBytes(1, wire_format.WIRETYPE_START_GROUP),
- TagBytes(2, wire_format.WIRETYPE_VARINT),
- _VarintBytes(field_number),
- TagBytes(3, wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED)])
- end_bytes = TagBytes(1, wire_format.WIRETYPE_END_GROUP)
- local_EncodeVarint = _EncodeVarint
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- write(start_bytes)
- local_EncodeVarint(write, value.ByteSize())
- value._InternalSerialize(write)
- return write(end_bytes)
- return EncodeField
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# As before, Map is special.
-def MapEncoder(field_descriptor):
- """Encoder for extensions of MessageSet.
- Maps always have a wire format like this:
- message MapEntry {
- key_type key = 1;
- value_type value = 2;
- }
- repeated MapEntry map = N;
- """
- # Can't look at field_descriptor.message_type._concrete_class because it may
- # not have been initialized yet.
- message_type = field_descriptor.message_type
- encode_message = MessageEncoder(field_descriptor.number, False, False)
- def EncodeField(write, value):
- for key in value:
- entry_msg = message_type._concrete_class(key=key, value=value[key])
- encode_message(write, entry_msg)
- return EncodeField