path: root/third_party/protobuf/3.2.0/src/google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/protobuf/3.2.0/src/google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h')
1 files changed, 736 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/protobuf/3.2.0/src/google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h b/third_party/protobuf/3.2.0/src/google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b1362a2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/protobuf/3.2.0/src/google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
+// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
+// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
+// This header is logically internal, but is made public because it is used
+// from protocol-compiler-generated code, which may reside in other components.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/casts.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
+// TODO(jasonh): Remove this once the compiler change to directly include this
+// is released to components.
+#include <google/protobuf/generated_enum_reflection.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/generated_message_util.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/message.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/metadata.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h>
+namespace google {
+namespace upb {
+namespace google_opensource {
+class GMR_Handlers;
+} // namespace google_opensource
+} // namespace upb
+namespace protobuf {
+class DescriptorPool;
+class MapKey;
+class MapValueRef;
+namespace protobuf {
+namespace internal {
+class DefaultEmptyOneof;
+// Defined in this file.
+class GeneratedMessageReflection;
+// Defined in other files.
+class ExtensionSet; // extension_set.h
+// This struct describes the internal layout of the message, hence this is
+// used to act on the message reflectively.
+// default_instance: The default instance of the message. This is only
+// used to obtain pointers to default instances of embedded
+// messages, which GetMessage() will return if the particular
+// sub-message has not been initialized yet. (Thus, all
+// embedded message fields *must* have non-NULL pointers
+// in the default instance.)
+// offsets: An array of ints giving the byte offsets.
+// For each oneof field, the offset is relative to the
+// default_oneof_instance. These can be computed at compile
+// time using the
+// For each none oneof field, the offset is related to
+// the start of the message object. These can be computed
+// at compile time using the
+// Besides offsets for all fields, this array also contains
+// offsets for oneof unions. The offset of the i-th oneof
+// union is offsets[descriptor->field_count() + i].
+// has_bit_indices: Mapping from field indexes to their index in the has
+// bit array.
+// has_bits_offset: Offset in the message of an array of uint32s of size
+// descriptor->field_count()/32, rounded up. This is a
+// bitfield where each bit indicates whether or not the
+// corresponding field of the message has been initialized.
+// The bit for field index i is obtained by the expression:
+// has_bits[i / 32] & (1 << (i % 32))
+// unknown_fields_offset: Offset in the message of the UnknownFieldSet for
+// the message.
+// extensions_offset: Offset in the message of the ExtensionSet for the
+// message, or -1 if the message type has no extension
+// ranges.
+// oneof_case_offset: Offset in the message of an array of uint32s of
+// size descriptor->oneof_decl_count(). Each uint32
+// indicates what field is set for each oneof.
+// object_size: The size of a message object of this type, as measured
+// by sizeof().
+// arena_offset: If a message doesn't have a unknown_field_set that stores
+// the arena, it must have a direct pointer to the arena.
+struct ReflectionSchema {
+ public:
+ // Size of a google::protobuf::Message object of this type.
+ uint32 GetObjectSize() const { return object_size_; }
+ // Offset of a non-oneof field. Getting a field offset is slightly more
+ // efficient when we know statically that it is not a oneof field.
+ uint32 GetFieldOffsetNonOneof(const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
+ GOOGLE_DCHECK(!field->containing_oneof());
+ return offsets_[field->index()];
+ }
+ // Offset of any field.
+ uint32 GetFieldOffset(const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
+ if (field->containing_oneof()) {
+ size_t offset = field->containing_type()->field_count() +
+ field->containing_oneof()->index();
+ return offsets_[offset];
+ } else {
+ return GetFieldOffsetNonOneof(field);
+ }
+ }
+ uint32 GetOneofCaseOffset(const OneofDescriptor* oneof_descriptor) const {
+ return oneof_case_offset_ + (oneof_descriptor->index() * sizeof(uint32));
+ }
+ bool HasHasbits() const { return has_bits_offset_ != -1; }
+ // Bit index within the bit array of hasbits. Bit order is low-to-high.
+ uint32 HasBitIndex(const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
+ GOOGLE_DCHECK(HasHasbits());
+ return has_bit_indices_[field->index()];
+ }
+ // Byte offset of the hasbits array.
+ uint32 HasBitsOffset() const {
+ GOOGLE_DCHECK(HasHasbits());
+ return has_bits_offset_;
+ }
+ // The offset of the InternalMetadataWithArena member.
+ // For Lite this will actually be an InternalMetadataWithArenaLite.
+ // The schema doesn't contain enough information to distinguish between
+ // these two cases.
+ uint32 GetMetadataOffset() const {
+ return metadata_offset_;
+ }
+ // Whether this message has an ExtensionSet.
+ bool HasExtensionSet() const { return extensions_offset_ != -1; }
+ // The offset of the ExtensionSet in this message.
+ uint32 GetExtensionSetOffset() const {
+ GOOGLE_DCHECK(HasExtensionSet());
+ return extensions_offset_;
+ }
+ // The off set of WeakFieldMap when the message contains weak fields.
+ // The default is 0 for now.
+ int GetWeakFieldMapOffset() const { return weak_field_map_offset_; }
+ bool IsDefaultInstance(const Message& message) const {
+ return &message == default_instance_;
+ }
+ // Returns a pointer to the default value for this field. The size and type
+ // of the underlying data depends on the field's type.
+ const void *GetFieldDefault(const FieldDescriptor* field) const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(default_instance_) +
+ offsets_[field->index()];
+ }
+ // These members are intended to be private, but we cannot actually make them
+ // private because this prevents us from using aggregate initialization of
+ // them, ie.
+ //
+ // ReflectionSchema schema = {a, b, c, d, e, ...};
+ // private:
+ const Message* default_instance_;
+ const uint32* offsets_;
+ const uint32* has_bit_indices_;
+ int has_bits_offset_;
+ int metadata_offset_;
+ int extensions_offset_;
+ int oneof_case_offset_;
+ int object_size_;
+ int weak_field_map_offset_;
+// Structs that the code generator emits directly to describe a message.
+// These should never used directly except to build a ReflectionSchema
+// object.
+// EXPERIMENTAL: these are changing rapidly, and may completely disappear
+// or merge with ReflectionSchema.
+struct MigrationSchema {
+ int32 offsets_index;
+ int32 has_bit_indices_index;
+ int object_size;
+// by generated code. This class is just a big hack that reduces code
+// size.
+// A GeneratedMessageReflection is an implementation of Reflection
+// which expects all fields to be backed by simple variables located in
+// memory. The locations are given using a base pointer and a set of
+// offsets.
+// It is required that the user represents fields of each type in a standard
+// way, so that GeneratedMessageReflection can cast the void* pointer to
+// the appropriate type. For primitive fields and string fields, each field
+// should be represented using the obvious C++ primitive type. Enums and
+// Messages are different:
+// - Singular Message fields are stored as a pointer to a Message. These
+// should start out NULL, except for in the default instance where they
+// should start out pointing to other default instances.
+// - Enum fields are stored as an int. This int must always contain
+// a valid value, such that EnumDescriptor::FindValueByNumber() would
+// not return NULL.
+// - Repeated fields are stored as RepeatedFields or RepeatedPtrFields
+// of whatever type the individual field would be. Strings and
+// Messages use RepeatedPtrFields while everything else uses
+// RepeatedFields.
+class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT GeneratedMessageReflection PROTOBUF_FINAL
+ : public Reflection {
+ public:
+ // Constructs a GeneratedMessageReflection.
+ // Parameters:
+ // descriptor: The descriptor for the message type being implemented.
+ // schema: The description of the internal guts of the message.
+ // pool: DescriptorPool to search for extension definitions. Only
+ // used by FindKnownExtensionByName() and
+ // FindKnownExtensionByNumber().
+ // factory: MessageFactory to use to construct extension messages.
+ GeneratedMessageReflection(const Descriptor* descriptor,
+ const ReflectionSchema& schema,
+ const DescriptorPool* pool,
+ MessageFactory* factory);
+ ~GeneratedMessageReflection();
+ // implements Reflection -------------------------------------------
+ const UnknownFieldSet& GetUnknownFields(const Message& message) const;
+ UnknownFieldSet* MutableUnknownFields(Message* message) const;
+ int SpaceUsed(const Message& message) const;
+ bool HasField(const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ int FieldSize(const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ void ClearField(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ bool HasOneof(const Message& message,
+ const OneofDescriptor* oneof_descriptor) const;
+ void ClearOneof(Message* message, const OneofDescriptor* field) const;
+ void RemoveLast(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ Message* ReleaseLast(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ void Swap(Message* message1, Message* message2) const;
+ void SwapFields(Message* message1, Message* message2,
+ const std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>& fields) const;
+ void SwapElements(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index1, int index2) const;
+ void ListFields(const Message& message,
+ std::vector<const FieldDescriptor*>* output) const;
+ int32 GetInt32 (const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ int64 GetInt64 (const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ uint32 GetUInt32(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ uint64 GetUInt64(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ float GetFloat (const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ double GetDouble(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ bool GetBool (const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ string GetString(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ const string& GetStringReference(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ string* scratch) const;
+ const EnumValueDescriptor* GetEnum(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ int GetEnumValue(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ const Message& GetMessage(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ MessageFactory* factory = NULL) const;
+ const FieldDescriptor* GetOneofFieldDescriptor(
+ const Message& message,
+ const OneofDescriptor* oneof_descriptor) const;
+ private:
+ bool ContainsMapKey(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ const MapKey& key) const;
+ bool InsertOrLookupMapValue(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ const MapKey& key,
+ MapValueRef* val) const;
+ bool DeleteMapValue(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ const MapKey& key) const;
+ MapIterator MapBegin(
+ Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ MapIterator MapEnd(
+ Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ int MapSize(const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ public:
+ void SetInt32 (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int32 value) const;
+ void SetInt64 (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int64 value) const;
+ void SetUInt32(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, uint32 value) const;
+ void SetUInt64(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, uint64 value) const;
+ void SetFloat (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, float value) const;
+ void SetDouble(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, double value) const;
+ void SetBool (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, bool value) const;
+ void SetString(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ const string& value) const;
+ void SetEnum (Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ const EnumValueDescriptor* value) const;
+ void SetEnumValue(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int value) const;
+ Message* MutableMessage(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ MessageFactory* factory = NULL) const;
+ void SetAllocatedMessage(Message* message,
+ Message* sub_message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ Message* ReleaseMessage(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ MessageFactory* factory = NULL) const;
+ int32 GetRepeatedInt32 (const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const;
+ int64 GetRepeatedInt64 (const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const;
+ uint32 GetRepeatedUInt32(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const;
+ uint64 GetRepeatedUInt64(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const;
+ float GetRepeatedFloat (const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const;
+ double GetRepeatedDouble(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const;
+ bool GetRepeatedBool (const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const;
+ string GetRepeatedString(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const;
+ const string& GetRepeatedStringReference(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index, string* scratch) const;
+ const EnumValueDescriptor* GetRepeatedEnum(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index) const;
+ int GetRepeatedEnumValue(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index) const;
+ const Message& GetRepeatedMessage(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index) const;
+ // Set the value of a field.
+ void SetRepeatedInt32 (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, int32 value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedInt64 (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, int64 value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedUInt32(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, uint32 value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedUInt64(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, uint64 value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedFloat (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, float value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedDouble(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, double value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedBool (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, bool value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedString(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index,
+ const string& value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedEnum(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index, const EnumValueDescriptor* value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedEnumValue(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index, int value) const;
+ // Get a mutable pointer to a field with a message type.
+ Message* MutableRepeatedMessage(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index) const;
+ void AddInt32 (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int32 value) const;
+ void AddInt64 (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int64 value) const;
+ void AddUInt32(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, uint32 value) const;
+ void AddUInt64(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, uint64 value) const;
+ void AddFloat (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, float value) const;
+ void AddDouble(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, double value) const;
+ void AddBool (Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, bool value) const;
+ void AddString(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, const string& value) const;
+ void AddEnum(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ const EnumValueDescriptor* value) const;
+ void AddEnumValue(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int value) const;
+ Message* AddMessage(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ MessageFactory* factory = NULL) const;
+ void AddAllocatedMessage(
+ Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ Message* new_entry) const;
+ const FieldDescriptor* FindKnownExtensionByName(const string& name) const;
+ const FieldDescriptor* FindKnownExtensionByNumber(int number) const;
+ bool SupportsUnknownEnumValues() const;
+ // This value for arena_offset_ indicates that there is no arena pointer in
+ // this message (e.g., old generated code).
+ static const int kNoArenaPointer = -1;
+ // This value for unknown_field_offset_ indicates that there is no
+ // UnknownFieldSet in this message, and that instead, we are using the
+ // Zero-Overhead Arena Pointer trick. When this is the case, arena_offset_
+ // actually indexes to an InternalMetadataWithArena instance, which can return
+ // either an arena pointer or an UnknownFieldSet or both. It is never the case
+ // that unknown_field_offset_ == kUnknownFieldSetInMetadata && arena_offset_
+ // == kNoArenaPointer.
+ static const int kUnknownFieldSetInMetadata = -1;
+ protected:
+ void* MutableRawRepeatedField(
+ Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field, FieldDescriptor::CppType,
+ int ctype, const Descriptor* desc) const;
+ const void* GetRawRepeatedField(
+ const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ FieldDescriptor::CppType, int ctype,
+ const Descriptor* desc) const;
+ virtual MessageFactory* GetMessageFactory() const;
+ virtual void* RepeatedFieldData(
+ Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ FieldDescriptor::CppType cpp_type,
+ const Descriptor* message_type) const;
+ private:
+ friend class GeneratedMessage;
+ friend class upb::google_opensource::GMR_Handlers;
+ const Descriptor* const descriptor_;
+ const ReflectionSchema schema_;
+ const DescriptorPool* const descriptor_pool_;
+ MessageFactory* const message_factory_;
+ template <class T>
+ const T& GetRawNonOneof(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ template <class T>
+ T* MutableRawNonOneof(Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ const Type& GetRaw(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline Type* MutableRaw(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline const Type& DefaultRaw(const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ inline const uint32* GetHasBits(const Message& message) const;
+ inline uint32* MutableHasBits(Message* message) const;
+ inline uint32 GetOneofCase(
+ const Message& message,
+ const OneofDescriptor* oneof_descriptor) const;
+ inline uint32* MutableOneofCase(
+ Message* message,
+ const OneofDescriptor* oneof_descriptor) const;
+ inline const ExtensionSet& GetExtensionSet(const Message& message) const;
+ inline ExtensionSet* MutableExtensionSet(Message* message) const;
+ inline Arena* GetArena(Message* message) const;
+ inline const InternalMetadataWithArena& GetInternalMetadataWithArena(
+ const Message& message) const;
+ inline InternalMetadataWithArena*
+ MutableInternalMetadataWithArena(Message* message) const;
+ inline bool HasBit(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ inline void SetBit(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ inline void ClearBit(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ inline void SwapBit(Message* message1,
+ Message* message2,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ // This function only swaps the field. Should swap corresponding has_bit
+ // before or after using this function.
+ void SwapField(Message* message1,
+ Message* message2,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ void SwapOneofField(Message* message1,
+ Message* message2,
+ const OneofDescriptor* oneof_descriptor) const;
+ inline bool HasOneofField(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ inline void SetOneofCase(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ inline void ClearOneofField(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline const Type& GetField(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline void SetField(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, const Type& value) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline Type* MutableField(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline const Type& GetRepeatedField(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline const Type& GetRepeatedPtrField(const Message& message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline void SetRepeatedField(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, int index,
+ Type value) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline Type* MutableRepeatedField(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline void AddField(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field, const Type& value) const;
+ template <typename Type>
+ inline Type* AddField(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ int GetExtensionNumberOrDie(const Descriptor* type) const;
+ // Internal versions of EnumValue API perform no checking. Called after checks
+ // by public methods.
+ void SetEnumValueInternal(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int value) const;
+ void SetRepeatedEnumValueInternal(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int index,
+ int value) const;
+ void AddEnumValueInternal(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ int value) const;
+ Message* UnsafeArenaReleaseMessage(Message* message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field,
+ MessageFactory* factory = NULL) const;
+ void UnsafeArenaSetAllocatedMessage(Message* message,
+ Message* sub_message,
+ const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ internal::MapFieldBase* MapData(
+ Message* message, const FieldDescriptor* field) const;
+ friend inline // inline so nobody can call this function.
+ void
+ RegisterAllTypesInternal(const Metadata* file_level_metadata, int size);
+// Returns the offset of the given field within the given aggregate type.
+// This is equivalent to the ANSI C offsetof() macro. However, according
+// to the C++ standard, offsetof() only works on POD types, and GCC
+// enforces this requirement with a warning. In practice, this rule is
+// unnecessarily strict; there is probably no compiler or platform on
+// which the offsets of the direct fields of a class are non-constant.
+// Fields inherited from superclasses *can* have non-constant offsets,
+// but that's not what this macro will be used for.
+#if defined(__clang__)
+// For Clang we use __builtin_offsetof() and suppress the warning,
+// to avoid Control Flow Integrity and UBSan vptr sanitizers from
+// crashing while trying to validate the invalid reinterpet_casts.
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Winvalid-offsetof\"") \
+ __builtin_offsetof(TYPE, FIELD) \
+ _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")
+// Note that we calculate relative to the pointer value 16 here since if we
+// just use zero, GCC complains about dereferencing a NULL pointer. We
+// choose 16 rather than some other number just in case the compiler would
+// be confused by an unaligned pointer.
+ static_cast< ::google::protobuf::uint32>( \
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>( \
+ &reinterpret_cast<const TYPE*>(16)->FIELD) - \
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(16))
+ static_cast< ::google::protobuf::uint32>( \
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&(ONEOF->FIELD)) \
+ - reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ONEOF))
+// There are some places in proto2 where dynamic_cast would be useful as an
+// optimization. For example, take Message::MergeFrom(const Message& other).
+// For a given generated message FooMessage, we generate these two methods:
+// void MergeFrom(const FooMessage& other);
+// void MergeFrom(const Message& other);
+// The former method can be implemented directly in terms of FooMessage's
+// inline accessors, but the latter method must work with the reflection
+// interface. However, if the parameter to the latter method is actually of
+// type FooMessage, then we'd like to be able to just call the other method
+// as an optimization. So, we use dynamic_cast to check this.
+// That said, dynamic_cast requires RTTI, which many people like to disable
+// for performance and code size reasons. When RTTI is not available, we
+// still need to produce correct results. So, in this case we have to fall
+// back to using reflection, which is what we would have done anyway if the
+// objects were not of the exact same class.
+// dynamic_cast_if_available() implements this logic. If RTTI is
+// enabled, it does a dynamic_cast. If RTTI is disabled, it just returns
+// NULL.
+// If you need to compile without RTTI, simply #define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI.
+// On MSVC, this should be detected automatically.
+template<typename To, typename From>
+inline To dynamic_cast_if_available(From from) {
+#if defined(GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI) || (defined(_MSC_VER)&&!defined(_CPPRTTI))
+ // Avoid the compiler warning about unused variables.
+ (void)from;
+ return NULL;
+ return dynamic_cast<To>(from);
+// Tries to downcast this message to a generated message type.
+// Returns NULL if this class is not an instance of T.
+// This is like dynamic_cast_if_available, except it works even when
+// dynamic_cast is not available by using Reflection. However it only works
+// with Message objects.
+// TODO(haberman): can we remove dynamic_cast_if_available in favor of this?
+template <typename T>
+T* DynamicCastToGenerated(const Message* from) {
+ // Compile-time assert that T is a generated type that has a
+ // default_instance() accessor, but avoid actually calling it.
+ const T&(*get_default_instance)() = &T::default_instance;
+ (void)get_default_instance;
+ // Compile-time assert that T is a subclass of google::protobuf::Message.
+ const Message* unused = static_cast<T*>(NULL);
+ (void)unused;
+#if defined(GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI) || \
+ (defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CPPRTTI))
+ bool ok = &T::default_instance() ==
+ from->GetReflection()->GetMessageFactory()->GetPrototype(
+ from->GetDescriptor());
+ return ok ? down_cast<T*>(from) : NULL;
+ return dynamic_cast<T*>(from);
+template <typename T>
+T* DynamicCastToGenerated(Message* from) {
+ const Message* message_const = from;
+ return const_cast<T*>(DynamicCastToGenerated<const T>(message_const));
+LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void AssignDescriptors(
+ const string& filename, const MigrationSchema* schemas,
+ const Message* const* default_instances_, const uint32* offsets,
+ MessageFactory* factory,
+ // update the following descriptor arrays.
+ Metadata* file_level_metadata,
+ const EnumDescriptor** file_level_enum_descriptors,
+ const ServiceDescriptor** file_level_service_descriptors);
+LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT void RegisterAllTypes(const Metadata* file_level_metadata, int size);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace protobuf
+} // namespace google