path: root/third_party/protobuf/3.2.0/python/google/protobuf/descriptor_pool.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/protobuf/3.2.0/python/google/protobuf/descriptor_pool.py')
1 files changed, 905 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..fc3a7f4404
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+# Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+# distribution.
+# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+"""Provides DescriptorPool to use as a container for proto2 descriptors.
+The DescriptorPool is used in conjection with a DescriptorDatabase to maintain
+a collection of protocol buffer descriptors for use when dynamically creating
+message types at runtime.
+For most applications protocol buffers should be used via modules generated by
+the protocol buffer compiler tool. This should only be used when the type of
+protocol buffers used in an application or library cannot be predetermined.
+Below is a straightforward example on how to use this class:
+ pool = DescriptorPool()
+ file_descriptor_protos = [ ... ]
+ for file_descriptor_proto in file_descriptor_protos:
+ pool.Add(file_descriptor_proto)
+ my_message_descriptor = pool.FindMessageTypeByName('some.package.MessageType')
+The message descriptor can be used in conjunction with the message_factory
+module in order to create a protocol buffer class that can be encoded and
+If you want to get a Python class for the specified proto, use the
+helper functions inside google.protobuf.message_factory
+directly instead of this class.
+__author__ = 'matthewtoia@google.com (Matt Toia)'
+import collections
+from google.protobuf import descriptor
+from google.protobuf import descriptor_database
+from google.protobuf import text_encoding
+_USE_C_DESCRIPTORS = descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS # pylint: disable=protected-access
+def _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(name):
+ """Remove leading period from fully-qualified type name.
+ Due to b/13860351 in descriptor_database.py, types in the root namespace are
+ generated with a leading period. This function removes that prefix.
+ Args:
+ name: A str, the fully-qualified symbol name.
+ Returns:
+ A str, the normalized fully-qualified symbol name.
+ """
+ return name.lstrip('.')
+def _OptionsOrNone(descriptor_proto):
+ """Returns the value of the field `options`, or None if it is not set."""
+ if descriptor_proto.HasField('options'):
+ return descriptor_proto.options
+ else:
+ return None
+def _IsMessageSetExtension(field):
+ return (field.is_extension and
+ field.containing_type.has_options and
+ field.containing_type.GetOptions().message_set_wire_format and
+ field.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE and
+ field.label == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_OPTIONAL)
+class DescriptorPool(object):
+ """A collection of protobufs dynamically constructed by descriptor protos."""
+ def __new__(cls, descriptor_db=None):
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ return descriptor._message.DescriptorPool(descriptor_db)
+ def __init__(self, descriptor_db=None):
+ """Initializes a Pool of proto buffs.
+ The descriptor_db argument to the constructor is provided to allow
+ specialized file descriptor proto lookup code to be triggered on demand. An
+ example would be an implementation which will read and compile a file
+ specified in a call to FindFileByName() and not require the call to Add()
+ at all. Results from this database will be cached internally here as well.
+ Args:
+ descriptor_db: A secondary source of file descriptors.
+ """
+ self._internal_db = descriptor_database.DescriptorDatabase()
+ self._descriptor_db = descriptor_db
+ self._descriptors = {}
+ self._enum_descriptors = {}
+ self._file_descriptors = {}
+ self._toplevel_extensions = {}
+ # We store extensions in two two-level mappings: The first key is the
+ # descriptor of the message being extended, the second key is the extension
+ # full name or its tag number.
+ self._extensions_by_name = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ self._extensions_by_number = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ def Add(self, file_desc_proto):
+ """Adds the FileDescriptorProto and its types to this pool.
+ Args:
+ file_desc_proto: The FileDescriptorProto to add.
+ """
+ self._internal_db.Add(file_desc_proto)
+ def AddSerializedFile(self, serialized_file_desc_proto):
+ """Adds the FileDescriptorProto and its types to this pool.
+ Args:
+ serialized_file_desc_proto: A bytes string, serialization of the
+ FileDescriptorProto to add.
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
+ from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2
+ file_desc_proto = descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto.FromString(
+ serialized_file_desc_proto)
+ self.Add(file_desc_proto)
+ def AddDescriptor(self, desc):
+ """Adds a Descriptor to the pool, non-recursively.
+ If the Descriptor contains nested messages or enums, the caller must
+ explicitly register them. This method also registers the FileDescriptor
+ associated with the message.
+ Args:
+ desc: A Descriptor.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(desc, descriptor.Descriptor):
+ raise TypeError('Expected instance of descriptor.Descriptor.')
+ self._descriptors[desc.full_name] = desc
+ self.AddFileDescriptor(desc.file)
+ def AddEnumDescriptor(self, enum_desc):
+ """Adds an EnumDescriptor to the pool.
+ This method also registers the FileDescriptor associated with the message.
+ Args:
+ enum_desc: An EnumDescriptor.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(enum_desc, descriptor.EnumDescriptor):
+ raise TypeError('Expected instance of descriptor.EnumDescriptor.')
+ self._enum_descriptors[enum_desc.full_name] = enum_desc
+ self.AddFileDescriptor(enum_desc.file)
+ def AddExtensionDescriptor(self, extension):
+ """Adds a FieldDescriptor describing an extension to the pool.
+ Args:
+ extension: A FieldDescriptor.
+ Raises:
+ AssertionError: when another extension with the same number extends the
+ same message.
+ TypeError: when the specified extension is not a
+ descriptor.FieldDescriptor.
+ """
+ if not (isinstance(extension, descriptor.FieldDescriptor) and
+ extension.is_extension):
+ raise TypeError('Expected an extension descriptor.')
+ if extension.extension_scope is None:
+ self._toplevel_extensions[extension.full_name] = extension
+ try:
+ existing_desc = self._extensions_by_number[
+ extension.containing_type][extension.number]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if extension is not existing_desc:
+ raise AssertionError(
+ 'Extensions "%s" and "%s" both try to extend message type "%s" '
+ 'with field number %d.' %
+ (extension.full_name, existing_desc.full_name,
+ extension.containing_type.full_name, extension.number))
+ self._extensions_by_number[extension.containing_type][
+ extension.number] = extension
+ self._extensions_by_name[extension.containing_type][
+ extension.full_name] = extension
+ # Also register MessageSet extensions with the type name.
+ if _IsMessageSetExtension(extension):
+ self._extensions_by_name[extension.containing_type][
+ extension.message_type.full_name] = extension
+ def AddFileDescriptor(self, file_desc):
+ """Adds a FileDescriptor to the pool, non-recursively.
+ If the FileDescriptor contains messages or enums, the caller must explicitly
+ register them.
+ Args:
+ file_desc: A FileDescriptor.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(file_desc, descriptor.FileDescriptor):
+ raise TypeError('Expected instance of descriptor.FileDescriptor.')
+ self._file_descriptors[file_desc.name] = file_desc
+ def FindFileByName(self, file_name):
+ """Gets a FileDescriptor by file name.
+ Args:
+ file_name: The path to the file to get a descriptor for.
+ Returns:
+ A FileDescriptor for the named file.
+ Raises:
+ KeyError: if the file can not be found in the pool.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self._file_descriptors[file_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ file_proto = self._internal_db.FindFileByName(file_name)
+ except KeyError as error:
+ if self._descriptor_db:
+ file_proto = self._descriptor_db.FindFileByName(file_name)
+ else:
+ raise error
+ if not file_proto:
+ raise KeyError('Cannot find a file named %s' % file_name)
+ return self._ConvertFileProtoToFileDescriptor(file_proto)
+ def FindFileContainingSymbol(self, symbol):
+ """Gets the FileDescriptor for the file containing the specified symbol.
+ Args:
+ symbol: The name of the symbol to search for.
+ Returns:
+ A FileDescriptor that contains the specified symbol.
+ Raises:
+ KeyError: if the file can not be found in the pool.
+ """
+ symbol = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(symbol)
+ try:
+ return self._descriptors[symbol].file
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ return self._enum_descriptors[symbol].file
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ file_proto = self._internal_db.FindFileContainingSymbol(symbol)
+ except KeyError as error:
+ if self._descriptor_db:
+ file_proto = self._descriptor_db.FindFileContainingSymbol(symbol)
+ else:
+ raise error
+ if not file_proto:
+ raise KeyError('Cannot find a file containing %s' % symbol)
+ return self._ConvertFileProtoToFileDescriptor(file_proto)
+ def FindMessageTypeByName(self, full_name):
+ """Loads the named descriptor from the pool.
+ Args:
+ full_name: The full name of the descriptor to load.
+ Returns:
+ The descriptor for the named type.
+ """
+ full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name)
+ if full_name not in self._descriptors:
+ self.FindFileContainingSymbol(full_name)
+ return self._descriptors[full_name]
+ def FindEnumTypeByName(self, full_name):
+ """Loads the named enum descriptor from the pool.
+ Args:
+ full_name: The full name of the enum descriptor to load.
+ Returns:
+ The enum descriptor for the named type.
+ """
+ full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name)
+ if full_name not in self._enum_descriptors:
+ self.FindFileContainingSymbol(full_name)
+ return self._enum_descriptors[full_name]
+ def FindFieldByName(self, full_name):
+ """Loads the named field descriptor from the pool.
+ Args:
+ full_name: The full name of the field descriptor to load.
+ Returns:
+ The field descriptor for the named field.
+ """
+ full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name)
+ message_name, _, field_name = full_name.rpartition('.')
+ message_descriptor = self.FindMessageTypeByName(message_name)
+ return message_descriptor.fields_by_name[field_name]
+ def FindExtensionByName(self, full_name):
+ """Loads the named extension descriptor from the pool.
+ Args:
+ full_name: The full name of the extension descriptor to load.
+ Returns:
+ A FieldDescriptor, describing the named extension.
+ """
+ full_name = _NormalizeFullyQualifiedName(full_name)
+ try:
+ # The proto compiler does not give any link between the FileDescriptor
+ # and top-level extensions unless the FileDescriptorProto is added to
+ # the DescriptorDatabase, but this can impact memory usage.
+ # So we registered these extensions by name explicitly.
+ return self._toplevel_extensions[full_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ message_name, _, extension_name = full_name.rpartition('.')
+ try:
+ # Most extensions are nested inside a message.
+ scope = self.FindMessageTypeByName(message_name)
+ except KeyError:
+ # Some extensions are defined at file scope.
+ scope = self.FindFileContainingSymbol(full_name)
+ return scope.extensions_by_name[extension_name]
+ def FindExtensionByNumber(self, message_descriptor, number):
+ """Gets the extension of the specified message with the specified number.
+ Extensions have to be registered to this pool by calling
+ AddExtensionDescriptor.
+ Args:
+ message_descriptor: descriptor of the extended message.
+ number: integer, number of the extension field.
+ Returns:
+ A FieldDescriptor describing the extension.
+ Raise:
+ KeyError: when no extension with the given number is known for the
+ specified message.
+ """
+ return self._extensions_by_number[message_descriptor][number]
+ def FindAllExtensions(self, message_descriptor):
+ """Gets all the known extension of a given message.
+ Extensions have to be registered to this pool by calling
+ AddExtensionDescriptor.
+ Args:
+ message_descriptor: descriptor of the extended message.
+ Returns:
+ A list of FieldDescriptor describing the extensions.
+ """
+ return list(self._extensions_by_number[message_descriptor].values())
+ def _ConvertFileProtoToFileDescriptor(self, file_proto):
+ """Creates a FileDescriptor from a proto or returns a cached copy.
+ This method also has the side effect of loading all the symbols found in
+ the file into the appropriate dictionaries in the pool.
+ Args:
+ file_proto: The proto to convert.
+ Returns:
+ A FileDescriptor matching the passed in proto.
+ """
+ if file_proto.name not in self._file_descriptors:
+ built_deps = list(self._GetDeps(file_proto.dependency))
+ direct_deps = [self.FindFileByName(n) for n in file_proto.dependency]
+ public_deps = [direct_deps[i] for i in file_proto.public_dependency]
+ file_descriptor = descriptor.FileDescriptor(
+ pool=self,
+ name=file_proto.name,
+ package=file_proto.package,
+ syntax=file_proto.syntax,
+ options=_OptionsOrNone(file_proto),
+ serialized_pb=file_proto.SerializeToString(),
+ dependencies=direct_deps,
+ public_dependencies=public_deps)
+ scope = {}
+ # This loop extracts all the message and enum types from all the
+ # dependencies of the file_proto. This is necessary to create the
+ # scope of available message types when defining the passed in
+ # file proto.
+ for dependency in built_deps:
+ scope.update(self._ExtractSymbols(
+ dependency.message_types_by_name.values()))
+ scope.update((_PrefixWithDot(enum.full_name), enum)
+ for enum in dependency.enum_types_by_name.values())
+ for message_type in file_proto.message_type:
+ message_desc = self._ConvertMessageDescriptor(
+ message_type, file_proto.package, file_descriptor, scope,
+ file_proto.syntax)
+ file_descriptor.message_types_by_name[message_desc.name] = (
+ message_desc)
+ for enum_type in file_proto.enum_type:
+ file_descriptor.enum_types_by_name[enum_type.name] = (
+ self._ConvertEnumDescriptor(enum_type, file_proto.package,
+ file_descriptor, None, scope))
+ for index, extension_proto in enumerate(file_proto.extension):
+ extension_desc = self._MakeFieldDescriptor(
+ extension_proto, file_proto.package, index, is_extension=True)
+ extension_desc.containing_type = self._GetTypeFromScope(
+ file_descriptor.package, extension_proto.extendee, scope)
+ self._SetFieldType(extension_proto, extension_desc,
+ file_descriptor.package, scope)
+ file_descriptor.extensions_by_name[extension_desc.name] = (
+ extension_desc)
+ for desc_proto in file_proto.message_type:
+ self._SetAllFieldTypes(file_proto.package, desc_proto, scope)
+ if file_proto.package:
+ desc_proto_prefix = _PrefixWithDot(file_proto.package)
+ else:
+ desc_proto_prefix = ''
+ for desc_proto in file_proto.message_type:
+ desc = self._GetTypeFromScope(
+ desc_proto_prefix, desc_proto.name, scope)
+ file_descriptor.message_types_by_name[desc_proto.name] = desc
+ for index, service_proto in enumerate(file_proto.service):
+ file_descriptor.services_by_name[service_proto.name] = (
+ self._MakeServiceDescriptor(service_proto, index, scope,
+ file_proto.package, file_descriptor))
+ self.Add(file_proto)
+ self._file_descriptors[file_proto.name] = file_descriptor
+ return self._file_descriptors[file_proto.name]
+ def _ConvertMessageDescriptor(self, desc_proto, package=None, file_desc=None,
+ scope=None, syntax=None):
+ """Adds the proto to the pool in the specified package.
+ Args:
+ desc_proto: The descriptor_pb2.DescriptorProto protobuf message.
+ package: The package the proto should be located in.
+ file_desc: The file containing this message.
+ scope: Dict mapping short and full symbols to message and enum types.
+ syntax: string indicating syntax of the file ("proto2" or "proto3")
+ Returns:
+ The added descriptor.
+ """
+ if package:
+ desc_name = '.'.join((package, desc_proto.name))
+ else:
+ desc_name = desc_proto.name
+ if file_desc is None:
+ file_name = None
+ else:
+ file_name = file_desc.name
+ if scope is None:
+ scope = {}
+ nested = [
+ self._ConvertMessageDescriptor(
+ nested, desc_name, file_desc, scope, syntax)
+ for nested in desc_proto.nested_type]
+ enums = [
+ self._ConvertEnumDescriptor(enum, desc_name, file_desc, None, scope)
+ for enum in desc_proto.enum_type]
+ fields = [self._MakeFieldDescriptor(field, desc_name, index)
+ for index, field in enumerate(desc_proto.field)]
+ extensions = [
+ self._MakeFieldDescriptor(extension, desc_name, index,
+ is_extension=True)
+ for index, extension in enumerate(desc_proto.extension)]
+ oneofs = [
+ descriptor.OneofDescriptor(desc.name, '.'.join((desc_name, desc.name)),
+ index, None, [], desc.options)
+ for index, desc in enumerate(desc_proto.oneof_decl)]
+ extension_ranges = [(r.start, r.end) for r in desc_proto.extension_range]
+ if extension_ranges:
+ is_extendable = True
+ else:
+ is_extendable = False
+ desc = descriptor.Descriptor(
+ name=desc_proto.name,
+ full_name=desc_name,
+ filename=file_name,
+ containing_type=None,
+ fields=fields,
+ oneofs=oneofs,
+ nested_types=nested,
+ enum_types=enums,
+ extensions=extensions,
+ options=_OptionsOrNone(desc_proto),
+ is_extendable=is_extendable,
+ extension_ranges=extension_ranges,
+ file=file_desc,
+ serialized_start=None,
+ serialized_end=None,
+ syntax=syntax)
+ for nested in desc.nested_types:
+ nested.containing_type = desc
+ for enum in desc.enum_types:
+ enum.containing_type = desc
+ for field_index, field_desc in enumerate(desc_proto.field):
+ if field_desc.HasField('oneof_index'):
+ oneof_index = field_desc.oneof_index
+ oneofs[oneof_index].fields.append(fields[field_index])
+ fields[field_index].containing_oneof = oneofs[oneof_index]
+ scope[_PrefixWithDot(desc_name)] = desc
+ self._descriptors[desc_name] = desc
+ return desc
+ def _ConvertEnumDescriptor(self, enum_proto, package=None, file_desc=None,
+ containing_type=None, scope=None):
+ """Make a protobuf EnumDescriptor given an EnumDescriptorProto protobuf.
+ Args:
+ enum_proto: The descriptor_pb2.EnumDescriptorProto protobuf message.
+ package: Optional package name for the new message EnumDescriptor.
+ file_desc: The file containing the enum descriptor.
+ containing_type: The type containing this enum.
+ scope: Scope containing available types.
+ Returns:
+ The added descriptor
+ """
+ if package:
+ enum_name = '.'.join((package, enum_proto.name))
+ else:
+ enum_name = enum_proto.name
+ if file_desc is None:
+ file_name = None
+ else:
+ file_name = file_desc.name
+ values = [self._MakeEnumValueDescriptor(value, index)
+ for index, value in enumerate(enum_proto.value)]
+ desc = descriptor.EnumDescriptor(name=enum_proto.name,
+ full_name=enum_name,
+ filename=file_name,
+ file=file_desc,
+ values=values,
+ containing_type=containing_type,
+ options=_OptionsOrNone(enum_proto))
+ scope['.%s' % enum_name] = desc
+ self._enum_descriptors[enum_name] = desc
+ return desc
+ def _MakeFieldDescriptor(self, field_proto, message_name, index,
+ is_extension=False):
+ """Creates a field descriptor from a FieldDescriptorProto.
+ For message and enum type fields, this method will do a look up
+ in the pool for the appropriate descriptor for that type. If it
+ is unavailable, it will fall back to the _source function to
+ create it. If this type is still unavailable, construction will
+ fail.
+ Args:
+ field_proto: The proto describing the field.
+ message_name: The name of the containing message.
+ index: Index of the field
+ is_extension: Indication that this field is for an extension.
+ Returns:
+ An initialized FieldDescriptor object
+ """
+ if message_name:
+ full_name = '.'.join((message_name, field_proto.name))
+ else:
+ full_name = field_proto.name
+ return descriptor.FieldDescriptor(
+ name=field_proto.name,
+ full_name=full_name,
+ index=index,
+ number=field_proto.number,
+ type=field_proto.type,
+ cpp_type=None,
+ message_type=None,
+ enum_type=None,
+ containing_type=None,
+ label=field_proto.label,
+ has_default_value=False,
+ default_value=None,
+ is_extension=is_extension,
+ extension_scope=None,
+ options=_OptionsOrNone(field_proto))
+ def _SetAllFieldTypes(self, package, desc_proto, scope):
+ """Sets all the descriptor's fields's types.
+ This method also sets the containing types on any extensions.
+ Args:
+ package: The current package of desc_proto.
+ desc_proto: The message descriptor to update.
+ scope: Enclosing scope of available types.
+ """
+ package = _PrefixWithDot(package)
+ main_desc = self._GetTypeFromScope(package, desc_proto.name, scope)
+ if package == '.':
+ nested_package = _PrefixWithDot(desc_proto.name)
+ else:
+ nested_package = '.'.join([package, desc_proto.name])
+ for field_proto, field_desc in zip(desc_proto.field, main_desc.fields):
+ self._SetFieldType(field_proto, field_desc, nested_package, scope)
+ for extension_proto, extension_desc in (
+ zip(desc_proto.extension, main_desc.extensions)):
+ extension_desc.containing_type = self._GetTypeFromScope(
+ nested_package, extension_proto.extendee, scope)
+ self._SetFieldType(extension_proto, extension_desc, nested_package, scope)
+ for nested_type in desc_proto.nested_type:
+ self._SetAllFieldTypes(nested_package, nested_type, scope)
+ def _SetFieldType(self, field_proto, field_desc, package, scope):
+ """Sets the field's type, cpp_type, message_type and enum_type.
+ Args:
+ field_proto: Data about the field in proto format.
+ field_desc: The descriptor to modiy.
+ package: The package the field's container is in.
+ scope: Enclosing scope of available types.
+ """
+ if field_proto.type_name:
+ desc = self._GetTypeFromScope(package, field_proto.type_name, scope)
+ else:
+ desc = None
+ if not field_proto.HasField('type'):
+ if isinstance(desc, descriptor.Descriptor):
+ field_proto.type = descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE
+ else:
+ field_proto.type = descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM
+ field_desc.cpp_type = descriptor.FieldDescriptor.ProtoTypeToCppProtoType(
+ field_proto.type)
+ if (field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE
+ or field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_GROUP):
+ field_desc.message_type = desc
+ if field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM:
+ field_desc.enum_type = desc
+ if field_proto.label == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED:
+ field_desc.has_default_value = False
+ field_desc.default_value = []
+ elif field_proto.HasField('default_value'):
+ field_desc.has_default_value = True
+ if (field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_DOUBLE or
+ field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FLOAT):
+ field_desc.default_value = float(field_proto.default_value)
+ elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING:
+ field_desc.default_value = field_proto.default_value
+ elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL:
+ field_desc.default_value = field_proto.default_value.lower() == 'true'
+ elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM:
+ field_desc.default_value = field_desc.enum_type.values_by_name[
+ field_proto.default_value].number
+ elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES:
+ field_desc.default_value = text_encoding.CUnescape(
+ field_proto.default_value)
+ else:
+ # All other types are of the "int" type.
+ field_desc.default_value = int(field_proto.default_value)
+ else:
+ field_desc.has_default_value = False
+ if (field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_DOUBLE or
+ field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FLOAT):
+ field_desc.default_value = 0.0
+ elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING:
+ field_desc.default_value = u''
+ elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL:
+ field_desc.default_value = False
+ elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM:
+ field_desc.default_value = field_desc.enum_type.values[0].number
+ elif field_proto.type == descriptor.FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES:
+ field_desc.default_value = b''
+ else:
+ # All other types are of the "int" type.
+ field_desc.default_value = 0
+ field_desc.type = field_proto.type
+ def _MakeEnumValueDescriptor(self, value_proto, index):
+ """Creates a enum value descriptor object from a enum value proto.
+ Args:
+ value_proto: The proto describing the enum value.
+ index: The index of the enum value.
+ Returns:
+ An initialized EnumValueDescriptor object.
+ """
+ return descriptor.EnumValueDescriptor(
+ name=value_proto.name,
+ index=index,
+ number=value_proto.number,
+ options=_OptionsOrNone(value_proto),
+ type=None)
+ def _MakeServiceDescriptor(self, service_proto, service_index, scope,
+ package, file_desc):
+ """Make a protobuf ServiceDescriptor given a ServiceDescriptorProto.
+ Args:
+ service_proto: The descriptor_pb2.ServiceDescriptorProto protobuf message.
+ service_index: The index of the service in the File.
+ scope: Dict mapping short and full symbols to message and enum types.
+ package: Optional package name for the new message EnumDescriptor.
+ file_desc: The file containing the service descriptor.
+ Returns:
+ The added descriptor.
+ """
+ if package:
+ service_name = '.'.join((package, service_proto.name))
+ else:
+ service_name = service_proto.name
+ methods = [self._MakeMethodDescriptor(method_proto, service_name, package,
+ scope, index)
+ for index, method_proto in enumerate(service_proto.method)]
+ desc = descriptor.ServiceDescriptor(name=service_proto.name,
+ full_name=service_name,
+ index=service_index,
+ methods=methods,
+ options=_OptionsOrNone(service_proto),
+ file=file_desc)
+ return desc
+ def _MakeMethodDescriptor(self, method_proto, service_name, package, scope,
+ index):
+ """Creates a method descriptor from a MethodDescriptorProto.
+ Args:
+ method_proto: The proto describing the method.
+ service_name: The name of the containing service.
+ package: Optional package name to look up for types.
+ scope: Scope containing available types.
+ index: Index of the method in the service.
+ Returns:
+ An initialized MethodDescriptor object.
+ """
+ full_name = '.'.join((service_name, method_proto.name))
+ input_type = self._GetTypeFromScope(
+ package, method_proto.input_type, scope)
+ output_type = self._GetTypeFromScope(
+ package, method_proto.output_type, scope)
+ return descriptor.MethodDescriptor(name=method_proto.name,
+ full_name=full_name,
+ index=index,
+ containing_service=None,
+ input_type=input_type,
+ output_type=output_type,
+ options=_OptionsOrNone(method_proto))
+ def _ExtractSymbols(self, descriptors):
+ """Pulls out all the symbols from descriptor protos.
+ Args:
+ descriptors: The messages to extract descriptors from.
+ Yields:
+ A two element tuple of the type name and descriptor object.
+ """
+ for desc in descriptors:
+ yield (_PrefixWithDot(desc.full_name), desc)
+ for symbol in self._ExtractSymbols(desc.nested_types):
+ yield symbol
+ for enum in desc.enum_types:
+ yield (_PrefixWithDot(enum.full_name), enum)
+ def _GetDeps(self, dependencies):
+ """Recursively finds dependencies for file protos.
+ Args:
+ dependencies: The names of the files being depended on.
+ Yields:
+ Each direct and indirect dependency.
+ """
+ for dependency in dependencies:
+ dep_desc = self.FindFileByName(dependency)
+ yield dep_desc
+ for parent_dep in dep_desc.dependencies:
+ yield parent_dep
+ def _GetTypeFromScope(self, package, type_name, scope):
+ """Finds a given type name in the current scope.
+ Args:
+ package: The package the proto should be located in.
+ type_name: The name of the type to be found in the scope.
+ scope: Dict mapping short and full symbols to message and enum types.
+ Returns:
+ The descriptor for the requested type.
+ """
+ if type_name not in scope:
+ components = _PrefixWithDot(package).split('.')
+ while components:
+ possible_match = '.'.join(components + [type_name])
+ if possible_match in scope:
+ type_name = possible_match
+ break
+ else:
+ components.pop(-1)
+ return scope[type_name]
+def _PrefixWithDot(name):
+ return name if name.startswith('.') else '.%s' % name
+ # TODO(amauryfa): This pool could be constructed from Python code, when we
+ # support a flag like 'use_cpp_generated_pool=True'.
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ _DEFAULT = descriptor._message.default_pool
+ _DEFAULT = DescriptorPool()
+def Default():
+ return _DEFAULT