path: root/third_party/protobuf/3.2.0/cmake/README.md
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-This directory contains *CMake* files that can be used to build protobuf
-with *MSVC* on *Windows*. You can build the project from *Command Prompt*
-and using an *Visual Studio* IDE.
-You need to have [CMake](http://www.cmake.org), [Visual Studio](https://www.visualstudio.com)
-and optionally [Git](http://git-scm.com) installed on your computer before proceeding.
-Most of the instructions will be given to the *Сommand Prompt*, but the same
-actions can be performed using appropriate GUI tools.
-Environment Setup
-Open the appropriate *Command Prompt* from the *Start* menu.
-For example *VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt*:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\amd64>
-Change to your working directory:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\amd64>cd C:\Path\to
- C:\Path\to>
-Where *C:\Path\to* is path to your real working directory.
-Create a folder where protobuf headers/libraries/binaries will be installed after built:
- C:\Path\to>mkdir install
-If *cmake* command is not available from *Command Prompt*, add it to system *PATH* variable:
- C:\Path\to>set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin
-If *git* command is not available from *Command Prompt*, add it to system *PATH* variable:
- C:\Path\to>set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd
-Good. Now you are ready to continue.
-Getting Sources
-You can get the latest stable source packages from the
-[releases](https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases) page.
-Or you can type:
- C:\Path\to> git clone -b [release_tag] https://github.com/google/protobuf.git
-Where *[release_tag]* is a git tag like *v3.0.0-beta-1* or a branch name like *master*
-if you want to get the latest code.
-Go to the project folder:
- C:\Path\to>cd protobuf
- C:\Path\to\protobuf>
-Protobuf unit-tests require gmock to build. If you download protobuf source code
-from the *releases* page, the *gmock* directory should already be there. If you checkout
-the code via `git clone`, this *gmock* directory won't exist and you will have to
-download it manually or skip building protobuf unit-tests.
-You can download gmock as follows:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf>git clone -b release-1.7.0 https://github.com/google/googlemock.git gmock
-Then go to *gmock* folder and download gtest:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf>cd gmock
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\gmock>git clone -b release-1.7.0 https://github.com/google/googletest.git gtest
-If you absolutely don't want to build and run protobuf unit-tests, skip
-this steps and use protobuf at your own risk.
-Now go to *cmake* folder in protobuf sources:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\gmock>cd ..\cmake
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake>
-Good. Now you are ready to *CMake* configuration.
-CMake Configuration
-*CMake* supports a lot of different
-for various native build systems.
-We are only interested in
-[Visual Studio](http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generators.7.html#visual-studio-generators)
-We will use shadow building to separate the temporary files from the protobuf source code.
-Create a temporary *build* folder and change your working directory to it:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake>mkdir build & cd build
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build>
-The *Makefile* generator can build the project in only one configuration, so you need to build
-a separate folder for each configuration.
-To start using a *Release* configuration:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build>mkdir release & cd release
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build\release>cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ^
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../../../install ^
- ../..
-It will generate *nmake* *Makefile* in current directory.
-To use *Debug* configuration:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build>mkdir debug & cd debug
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build\debug>cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ^
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../../../install ^
- ../..
-It will generate *nmake* *Makefile* in current directory.
-To create *Visual Studio* solution file:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build>mkdir solution & cd solution
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build\solution>cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" ^
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../../../install ^
- ../..
-It will generate *Visual Studio* solution file *protobuf.sln* in current directory.
-If the *gmock* directory does not exist, and you do not want to build protobuf unit tests,
-you need to add *cmake* command argument `-Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF` to disable testing.
-To compile protobuf:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build\release>nmake
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build\debug>nmake
-And wait for the compilation to finish.
-If you prefer to use the IDE:
- * Open the generated protobuf.sln file in Microsoft Visual Studio.
- * Choose "Debug" or "Release" configuration as desired.
- * From the Build menu, choose "Build Solution".
-And wait for the compilation to finish.
-To run unit-tests, first you must compile protobuf as described above.
-Then run:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build\release>nmake check
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build\debug>nmake check
-You can also build project *check* from Visual Studio solution.
-Yes, it may sound strange, but it works.
-You should see output similar to:
- Running main() from gmock_main.cc
- [==========] Running 1546 tests from 165 test cases.
- ...
- [==========] 1546 tests from 165 test cases ran. (2529 ms total)
- [ PASSED ] 1546 tests.
-To run specific tests:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf>cmake\build\release\tests.exe --gtest_filter=AnyTest*
- Running main() from gmock_main.cc
- Note: Google Test filter = AnyTest*
- [==========] Running 3 tests from 1 test case.
- [----------] Global test environment set-up.
- [----------] 3 tests from AnyTest
- [ RUN ] AnyTest.TestPackAndUnpack
- [ OK ] AnyTest.TestPackAndUnpack (0 ms)
- [ RUN ] AnyTest.TestPackAndUnpackAny
- [ OK ] AnyTest.TestPackAndUnpackAny (0 ms)
- [ RUN ] AnyTest.TestIs
- [ OK ] AnyTest.TestIs (0 ms)
- [----------] 3 tests from AnyTest (1 ms total)
- [----------] Global test environment tear-down
- [==========] 3 tests from 1 test case ran. (2 ms total)
- [ PASSED ] 3 tests.
-Note that the tests must be run from the source folder.
-If all tests are passed, safely continue.
-To install protobuf to the specified *install* folder:
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build\release>nmake install
- C:\Path\to\protobuf\cmake\build\debug>nmake install
-You can also build project *INSTALL* from Visual Studio solution.
-It sounds not so strange and it works.
-This will create the following folders under the *install* location:
- * bin - that contains protobuf *protoc.exe* compiler;
- * include - that contains C++ headers and protobuf *.proto files;
- * lib - that contains linking libraries and *CMake* configuration files for *protobuf* package.
-Now you can if needed:
- * Copy the contents of the include directory to wherever you want to put headers.
- * Copy protoc.exe wherever you put build tools (probably somewhere in your PATH).
- * Copy linking libraries libprotobuf[d].lib, libprotobuf-lite[d].lib, and libprotoc[d].lib wherever you put libraries.
-To avoid conflicts between the MSVC debug and release runtime libraries, when
-compiling a debug build of your application, you may need to link against a
-debug build of libprotobufd.lib with "d" postfix. Similarly, release builds should link against
-release libprotobuf.lib library.
-DLLs vs. static linking
-Static linking is now the default for the Protocol Buffer libraries. Due to
-issues with Win32's use of a separate heap for each DLL, as well as binary
-compatibility issues between different versions of MSVC's STL library, it is
-recommended that you use static linkage only. However, it is possible to
-build libprotobuf and libprotoc as DLLs if you really want. To do this,
-do the following:
- * Add an additional flag `-Dprotobuf_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON` when invoking cmake
- * Follow the same steps as described in the above section.
- * When compiling your project, make sure to `#define PROTOBUF_USE_DLLS`.
-When distributing your software to end users, we strongly recommend that you
-do NOT install libprotobuf.dll or libprotoc.dll to any shared location.
-Instead, keep these libraries next to your binaries, in your application's
-own install directory. C++ makes it very difficult to maintain binary
-compatibility between releases, so it is likely that future versions of these
-libraries will *not* be usable as drop-in replacements.
-If your project is itself a DLL intended for use by third-party software, we
-recommend that you do NOT expose protocol buffer objects in your library's
-public interface, and that you statically link protocol buffers into your
-ZLib support
-If you want to include GzipInputStream and GzipOutputStream
-(google/protobuf/io/gzip_stream.h) in libprotobuf, you will need to do a few
-additional steps.
-Obtain a copy of the zlib library. The pre-compiled DLL at zlib.net works.
-You need prepare it:
- * Make sure zlib's two headers are in your `C:\Path\to\install\include` path
- * Make sure zlib's linking libraries (*.lib file) is in your
- `C:\Path\to\install\lib` library path.
-You can also compile it from source by yourself.
-Getting sources:
- C:\Path\to>git clone -b v1.2.8 https://github.com/madler/zlib.git
- C:\Path\to>cd zlib
-Compiling and Installing:
- C:\Path\to\zlib>mkdir build & cd build
- C:\Path\to\zlib\build>mkdir release & cd release
- C:\Path\to\zlib\build\release>cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../../install ../..
- C:\Path\to\zlib\build\release>nmake & nmake install
-You can make *debug* version or use *Visual Studio* generator also as before for the
-protobuf project.
-Now add *bin* folder from *install* to system *PATH*:
- C:\Path\to>set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Path\to\install\bin
-You need reconfigure protobuf with flag `-Dprotobuf_WITH_ZLIB=ON` when invoking cmake.
-Note that if you have compiled ZLIB yourself, as stated above,
-further disable the option `-Dprotobuf_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME=OFF`.
-If it reports NOTFOUND for zlib_include or zlib_lib, you might haven't put
-the headers or the .lib file in the right directory.
-Build and testing protobuf as usual.
-Notes on Compiler Warnings
-The following warnings have been disabled while building the protobuf libraries
-and compiler. You may have to disable some of them in your own project as
-well, or live with them.
-* C4018 - 'expression' : signed/unsigned mismatch
-* C4146 - unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
-* C4244 - Conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data.
-* C4251 - 'identifier' : class 'type' needs to have dll-interface to be used by
- clients of class 'type2'
-* C4267 - Conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss of data.
-* C4305 - 'identifier' : truncation from 'type1' to 'type2'
-* C4355 - 'this' : used in base member initializer list
-* C4800 - 'type' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
-* C4996 - 'function': was declared deprecated
-C4251 is of particular note, if you are compiling the Protocol Buffer library
-as a DLL (see previous section). The protocol buffer library uses templates in
-its public interfaces. MSVC does not provide any reasonable way to export
-template classes from a DLL. However, in practice, it appears that exporting
-templates is not necessary anyway. Since the complete definition of any
-template is available in the header files, anyone importing the DLL will just
-end up compiling instances of the templates into their own binary. The
-Protocol Buffer implementation does not rely on static template members being
-unique, so there should be no problem with this, but MSVC prints warning
-nevertheless. So, we disable it. Unfortunately, this warning will also be
-produced when compiling code which merely uses protocol buffers, meaning you
-may have to disable it in your code too.