path: root/third_party/java/proguard/proguard5.3.3/src/proguard/obfuscate/ClassObfuscator.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/java/proguard/proguard5.3.3/src/proguard/obfuscate/ClassObfuscator.java')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/java/proguard/proguard5.3.3/src/proguard/obfuscate/ClassObfuscator.java b/third_party/java/proguard/proguard5.3.3/src/proguard/obfuscate/ClassObfuscator.java
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+++ b/third_party/java/proguard/proguard5.3.3/src/proguard/obfuscate/ClassObfuscator.java
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+ * ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, obfuscation, and preverification
+ * of Java bytecode.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2002-2017 Eric Lafortune @ GuardSquare
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+package proguard.obfuscate;
+import proguard.classfile.*;
+import proguard.classfile.attribute.*;
+import proguard.classfile.attribute.visitor.*;
+import proguard.classfile.constant.ClassConstant;
+import proguard.classfile.constant.visitor.ConstantVisitor;
+import proguard.classfile.util.*;
+import proguard.classfile.visitor.ClassVisitor;
+import proguard.util.*;
+import java.util.*;
+ * This <code>ClassVisitor</code> comes up with obfuscated names for the
+ * classes it visits, and for their class members. The actual renaming is
+ * done afterward.
+ *
+ * @see ClassRenamer
+ *
+ * @author Eric Lafortune
+ */
+public class ClassObfuscator
+extends SimplifiedVisitor
+implements ClassVisitor,
+ AttributeVisitor,
+ InnerClassesInfoVisitor,
+ ConstantVisitor
+ private final DictionaryNameFactory classNameFactory;
+ private final DictionaryNameFactory packageNameFactory;
+ private final boolean useMixedCaseClassNames;
+ private final StringMatcher keepPackageNamesMatcher;
+ private final String flattenPackageHierarchy;
+ private final String repackageClasses;
+ private final boolean allowAccessModification;
+ private final Set classNamesToAvoid = new HashSet();
+ // Map: [package prefix - new package prefix]
+ private final Map packagePrefixMap = new HashMap();
+ // Map: [package prefix - package name factory]
+ private final Map packagePrefixPackageNameFactoryMap = new HashMap();
+ // Map: [package prefix - numeric class name factory]
+ private final Map packagePrefixClassNameFactoryMap = new HashMap();
+ // Map: [package prefix - numeric class name factory]
+ private final Map packagePrefixNumericClassNameFactoryMap = new HashMap();
+ // Field acting as temporary variables and as return values for names
+ // of outer classes and types of inner classes.
+ private String newClassName;
+ private boolean numericClassName;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ClassObfuscator.
+ * @param programClassPool the class pool in which class names
+ * have to be unique.
+ * @param libraryClassPool the class pool from which class names
+ * have to be avoided.
+ * @param classNameFactory the optional class obfuscation dictionary.
+ * @param packageNameFactory the optional package obfuscation
+ * dictionary.
+ * @param useMixedCaseClassNames specifies whether obfuscated packages and
+ * classes can get mixed-case names.
+ * @param keepPackageNames the optional filter for which matching
+ * package names are kept.
+ * @param flattenPackageHierarchy the base package if the obfuscated package
+ * hierarchy is to be flattened.
+ * @param repackageClasses the base package if the obfuscated classes
+ * are to be repackaged.
+ * @param allowAccessModification specifies whether obfuscated classes can
+ * be freely moved between packages.
+ */
+ public ClassObfuscator(ClassPool programClassPool,
+ ClassPool libraryClassPool,
+ DictionaryNameFactory classNameFactory,
+ DictionaryNameFactory packageNameFactory,
+ boolean useMixedCaseClassNames,
+ List keepPackageNames,
+ String flattenPackageHierarchy,
+ String repackageClasses,
+ boolean allowAccessModification)
+ {
+ this.classNameFactory = classNameFactory;
+ this.packageNameFactory = packageNameFactory;
+ // First append the package separator if necessary.
+ if (flattenPackageHierarchy != null &&
+ flattenPackageHierarchy.length() > 0)
+ {
+ flattenPackageHierarchy += ClassConstants.PACKAGE_SEPARATOR;
+ }
+ // First append the package separator if necessary.
+ if (repackageClasses != null &&
+ repackageClasses.length() > 0)
+ {
+ repackageClasses += ClassConstants.PACKAGE_SEPARATOR;
+ }
+ this.useMixedCaseClassNames = useMixedCaseClassNames;
+ this.keepPackageNamesMatcher = keepPackageNames == null ? null :
+ new ListParser(new FileNameParser()).parse(keepPackageNames);
+ this.flattenPackageHierarchy = flattenPackageHierarchy;
+ this.repackageClasses = repackageClasses;
+ this.allowAccessModification = allowAccessModification;
+ // Map the root package onto the root package.
+ packagePrefixMap.put("", "");
+ // Collect all names that have already been taken.
+ programClassPool.classesAccept(new MyKeepCollector());
+ libraryClassPool.classesAccept(new MyKeepCollector());
+ }
+ // Implementations for ClassVisitor.
+ public void visitProgramClass(ProgramClass programClass)
+ {
+ // Does this class still need a new name?
+ newClassName = newClassName(programClass);
+ if (newClassName == null)
+ {
+ // Make sure the outer class has a name, if it exists. The name will
+ // be stored as the new class name, as a side effect, so we'll be
+ // able to use it as a prefix.
+ programClass.attributesAccept(this);
+ // Figure out a package prefix. The package prefix may actually be
+ // the an outer class prefix, if any, or it may be the fixed base
+ // package, if classes are to be repackaged.
+ String newPackagePrefix = newClassName != null ?
+ newClassName + ClassConstants.INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR :
+ newPackagePrefix(ClassUtil.internalPackagePrefix(programClass.getName()));
+ // Come up with a new class name, numeric or ordinary.
+ newClassName = newClassName != null && numericClassName ?
+ generateUniqueNumericClassName(newPackagePrefix) :
+ generateUniqueClassName(newPackagePrefix);
+ setNewClassName(programClass, newClassName);
+ }
+ }
+ public void visitLibraryClass(LibraryClass libraryClass)
+ {
+ // This can happen for dubious input, if the outer class of a program
+ // class is a library class, and its name is requested.
+ newClassName = libraryClass.getName();
+ }
+ // Implementations for AttributeVisitor.
+ public void visitAnyAttribute(Clazz clazz, Attribute attribute) {}
+ public void visitInnerClassesAttribute(Clazz clazz, InnerClassesAttribute innerClassesAttribute)
+ {
+ // Make sure the outer classes have a name, if they exist.
+ innerClassesAttribute.innerClassEntriesAccept(clazz, this);
+ }
+ public void visitEnclosingMethodAttribute(Clazz clazz, EnclosingMethodAttribute enclosingMethodAttribute)
+ {
+ // Make sure the enclosing class has a name.
+ enclosingMethodAttribute.referencedClassAccept(this);
+ String innerClassName = clazz.getName();
+ String outerClassName = clazz.getClassName(enclosingMethodAttribute.u2classIndex);
+ numericClassName = isNumericClassName(innerClassName,
+ outerClassName);
+ }
+ // Implementations for InnerClassesInfoVisitor.
+ public void visitInnerClassesInfo(Clazz clazz, InnerClassesInfo innerClassesInfo)
+ {
+ // Make sure the outer class has a name, if it exists.
+ int innerClassIndex = innerClassesInfo.u2innerClassIndex;
+ int outerClassIndex = innerClassesInfo.u2outerClassIndex;
+ if (innerClassIndex != 0 &&
+ outerClassIndex != 0)
+ {
+ String innerClassName = clazz.getClassName(innerClassIndex);
+ if (innerClassName.equals(clazz.getName()))
+ {
+ clazz.constantPoolEntryAccept(outerClassIndex, this);
+ String outerClassName = clazz.getClassName(outerClassIndex);
+ numericClassName = isNumericClassName(innerClassName,
+ outerClassName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the given inner class name is a numeric name.
+ */
+ private boolean isNumericClassName(String innerClassName,
+ String outerClassName)
+ {
+ int innerClassNameStart = outerClassName.length() + 1;
+ int innerClassNameLength = innerClassName.length();
+ if (innerClassNameStart >= innerClassNameLength)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int index = innerClassNameStart; index < innerClassNameLength; index++)
+ {
+ if (!Character.isDigit(innerClassName.charAt(index)))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Implementations for ConstantVisitor.
+ public void visitClassConstant(Clazz clazz, ClassConstant classConstant)
+ {
+ // Make sure the outer class has a name.
+ classConstant.referencedClassAccept(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This ClassVisitor collects package names and class names that have to
+ * be kept.
+ */
+ private class MyKeepCollector implements ClassVisitor
+ {
+ public void visitProgramClass(ProgramClass programClass)
+ {
+ // Does the program class already have a new name?
+ String newClassName = newClassName(programClass);
+ if (newClassName != null)
+ {
+ // Remember not to use this name.
+ classNamesToAvoid.add(mixedCaseClassName(newClassName));
+ // Are we not aggressively repackaging all obfuscated classes?
+ if (repackageClasses == null ||
+ !allowAccessModification)
+ {
+ String className = programClass.getName();
+ // Keep the package name for all other classes in the same
+ // package. Do this recursively if we're not doing any
+ // repackaging.
+ mapPackageName(className,
+ newClassName,
+ repackageClasses == null &&
+ flattenPackageHierarchy == null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void visitLibraryClass(LibraryClass libraryClass)
+ {
+ // Get the new name or the original name of the library class.
+ String newClassName = newClassName(libraryClass);
+ if (newClassName == null)
+ {
+ newClassName = libraryClass.getName();
+ }
+ // Remember not to use this name.
+ classNamesToAvoid.add(mixedCaseClassName(newClassName));
+ // Are we not aggressively repackaging all obfuscated classes?
+ if (repackageClasses == null ||
+ !allowAccessModification)
+ {
+ String className = libraryClass.getName();
+ // Keep the package name for all other classes in the same
+ // package. Do this recursively if we're not doing any
+ // repackaging.
+ mapPackageName(className,
+ newClassName,
+ repackageClasses == null &&
+ flattenPackageHierarchy == null);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Makes sure the package name of the given class will always be mapped
+ * consistently with its new name.
+ */
+ private void mapPackageName(String className,
+ String newClassName,
+ boolean recursively)
+ {
+ String packagePrefix = ClassUtil.internalPackagePrefix(className);
+ String newPackagePrefix = ClassUtil.internalPackagePrefix(newClassName);
+ // Put the mapping of this package prefix, and possibly of its
+ // entire hierarchy, into the package prefix map.
+ do
+ {
+ packagePrefixMap.put(packagePrefix, newPackagePrefix);
+ if (!recursively)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ packagePrefix = ClassUtil.internalPackagePrefix(packagePrefix);
+ newPackagePrefix = ClassUtil.internalPackagePrefix(newPackagePrefix);
+ }
+ while (packagePrefix.length() > 0 &&
+ newPackagePrefix.length() > 0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Small utility methods.
+ /**
+ * Finds or creates the new package prefix for the given package.
+ */
+ private String newPackagePrefix(String packagePrefix)
+ {
+ // Doesn't the package prefix have a new package prefix yet?
+ String newPackagePrefix = (String)packagePrefixMap.get(packagePrefix);
+ if (newPackagePrefix == null)
+ {
+ // Are we keeping the package name?
+ if (keepPackageNamesMatcher != null &&
+ keepPackageNamesMatcher.matches(packagePrefix.length() > 0 ?
+ packagePrefix.substring(0, packagePrefix.length()-1) :
+ packagePrefix))
+ {
+ return packagePrefix;
+ }
+ // Are we forcing a new package prefix?
+ if (repackageClasses != null)
+ {
+ return repackageClasses;
+ }
+ // Are we forcing a new superpackage prefix?
+ // Otherwise figure out the new superpackage prefix, recursively.
+ String newSuperPackagePrefix = flattenPackageHierarchy != null ?
+ flattenPackageHierarchy :
+ newPackagePrefix(ClassUtil.internalPackagePrefix(packagePrefix));
+ // Come up with a new package prefix.
+ newPackagePrefix = generateUniquePackagePrefix(newSuperPackagePrefix);
+ // Remember to use this mapping in the future.
+ packagePrefixMap.put(packagePrefix, newPackagePrefix);
+ }
+ return newPackagePrefix;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new package prefix in the given new superpackage.
+ */
+ private String generateUniquePackagePrefix(String newSuperPackagePrefix)
+ {
+ // Find the right name factory for this package.
+ NameFactory packageNameFactory =
+ (NameFactory)packagePrefixPackageNameFactoryMap.get(newSuperPackagePrefix);
+ if (packageNameFactory == null)
+ {
+ // We haven't seen packages in this superpackage before. Create
+ // a new name factory for them.
+ packageNameFactory = new SimpleNameFactory(useMixedCaseClassNames);
+ if (this.packageNameFactory != null)
+ {
+ packageNameFactory =
+ new DictionaryNameFactory(this.packageNameFactory,
+ packageNameFactory);
+ }
+ packagePrefixPackageNameFactoryMap.put(newSuperPackagePrefix,
+ packageNameFactory);
+ }
+ return generateUniquePackagePrefix(newSuperPackagePrefix, packageNameFactory);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new package prefix in the given new superpackage, with the
+ * given package name factory.
+ */
+ private String generateUniquePackagePrefix(String newSuperPackagePrefix,
+ NameFactory packageNameFactory)
+ {
+ // Come up with package names until we get an original one.
+ String newPackagePrefix;
+ do
+ {
+ // Let the factory produce a package name.
+ newPackagePrefix = newSuperPackagePrefix +
+ packageNameFactory.nextName() +
+ }
+ while (packagePrefixMap.containsValue(newPackagePrefix));
+ return newPackagePrefix;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new class name in the given new package.
+ */
+ private String generateUniqueClassName(String newPackagePrefix)
+ {
+ // Find the right name factory for this package.
+ NameFactory classNameFactory =
+ (NameFactory)packagePrefixClassNameFactoryMap.get(newPackagePrefix);
+ if (classNameFactory == null)
+ {
+ // We haven't seen classes in this package before.
+ // Create a new name factory for them.
+ classNameFactory = new SimpleNameFactory(useMixedCaseClassNames);
+ if (this.classNameFactory != null)
+ {
+ classNameFactory =
+ new DictionaryNameFactory(this.classNameFactory,
+ classNameFactory);
+ }
+ packagePrefixClassNameFactoryMap.put(newPackagePrefix,
+ classNameFactory);
+ }
+ return generateUniqueClassName(newPackagePrefix, classNameFactory);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new class name in the given new package.
+ */
+ private String generateUniqueNumericClassName(String newPackagePrefix)
+ {
+ // Find the right name factory for this package.
+ NameFactory classNameFactory =
+ (NameFactory)packagePrefixNumericClassNameFactoryMap.get(newPackagePrefix);
+ if (classNameFactory == null)
+ {
+ // We haven't seen classes in this package before.
+ // Create a new name factory for them.
+ classNameFactory = new NumericNameFactory();
+ packagePrefixNumericClassNameFactoryMap.put(newPackagePrefix,
+ classNameFactory);
+ }
+ return generateUniqueClassName(newPackagePrefix, classNameFactory);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new class name in the given new package, with the given
+ * class name factory.
+ */
+ private String generateUniqueClassName(String newPackagePrefix,
+ NameFactory classNameFactory)
+ {
+ // Come up with class names until we get an original one.
+ String newClassName;
+ String newMixedCaseClassName;
+ do
+ {
+ // Let the factory produce a class name.
+ newClassName = newPackagePrefix +
+ classNameFactory.nextName();
+ newMixedCaseClassName = mixedCaseClassName(newClassName);
+ }
+ while (classNamesToAvoid.contains(newMixedCaseClassName));
+ // Explicitly make sure the name isn't used again if we have a
+ // user-specified dictionary and we're not allowed to have mixed case
+ // class names -- just to protect against problematic dictionaries.
+ if (this.classNameFactory != null &&
+ !useMixedCaseClassNames)
+ {
+ classNamesToAvoid.add(newMixedCaseClassName);
+ }
+ return newClassName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the given class name, unchanged if mixed-case class names are
+ * allowed, or the lower-case version otherwise.
+ */
+ private String mixedCaseClassName(String className)
+ {
+ return useMixedCaseClassNames ?
+ className :
+ className.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assigns a new name to the given class.
+ * @param clazz the given class.
+ * @param name the new name.
+ */
+ static void setNewClassName(Clazz clazz, String name)
+ {
+ clazz.setVisitorInfo(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the new name of the given class.
+ * @param clazz the given class.
+ * @return the class's new name, or <code>null</code> if it doesn't
+ * have one yet.
+ */
+ static String newClassName(Clazz clazz)
+ {
+ Object visitorInfo = clazz.getVisitorInfo();
+ return visitorInfo instanceof String ?
+ (String)visitorInfo :
+ null;
+ }