path: root/third_party/java/jopt-simple/src/site/apt/changes.apt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/java/jopt-simple/src/site/apt/changes.apt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/java/jopt-simple/src/site/apt/changes.apt b/third_party/java/jopt-simple/src/site/apt/changes.apt
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index 2bc0d7d9c6..0000000000
--- a/third_party/java/jopt-simple/src/site/apt/changes.apt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
- ----------
- Change Log
- ----------
-Changes in version 5.0.3
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/96} gh-96}} so that
- options that take an argument but don't change the argument type from
- <<<String>>> still show a <<<String>>> type indicator in the default
- option help.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/104} gh-104}} so
- that <<<EnumConverter>>> performs case-insensitive matching against arguments
- of options. Thanks to Martin Paljak for this.
-Changes in version 5.0.2
- * Made some package-private abstract classes become public classes
- with package-private constructors. This makes it possible to call some methods
- from Kotlin that were previously inaccessible. Thanks to Mirko Friedenhagen
- for this.
-Changes in version 5.0.1
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/92} gh-92}} so that
- in the event that <<<printHelpOn()>>> is called more than once, the output
- is not duplicated.
-Changes in version 5.0
- * Abandoning JDKs prior to 7. All source is Java 7-compatible, and bytecode is compiled to 1.7
- version.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/51} gh-51}} by adding
- <<<OptionSpecBuilder.availableIf()>>> and <<<OptionSpecBuilder.availableUnless()>>>. Thanks
- to Christian Ohr for this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/70} gh-70}} by adding
- <<<EnumConverter>>> and <<<PathConverter>>>. Thanks to Christian Ohr for this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/88} gh-88}} by adding
- an <<<OptionParser>>> constructor to allow suppression of option abbreviations.
- Thanks to Louis Bergelson for this.
-Changes in version 4.10
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/85} gh-85}}
- by correcting the description column width consumption of the built-in
- help formatter.
-Changes in version 4.9
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/79} gh-79}}
- by correcting the behavior of <<<OptionException.multipleOptionString>>>
- when handling options with synonyms.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/72} gh-72}}
- by externalizing some of the literal strings in <<<BuiltinHelpFormatter>>>
- into resource bundles.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/76} gh-76}}
- by modifying the behavior of <<<OptionalArgumentOptionSpec>>> so that if
- the argument following the option does not "look like" an option but can
- be converted to the option argument's type, treat the argument as the argument
- of the option.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/68} gh-68}}
- by modifying <<<BuiltinHelpFormatter>>> to be more extensible and documenting
- the behavior of the newly accessible methods.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/73} gh-73}}
- by correcting the behavior of <<<OptionSet.specs()>>> to remove all instances
- of the non-option argument spec.
-Changes in version 4.8
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/65} gh-65}}
- by modifying the build file to create a JAR with OSGi metadata.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/63} gh-63}}
- by externalizing exception messages into resource bundles.
- Currently, we ship only with messages for locale "en_US".
- Translations for other locales are more than welcome.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/58} gh-58}} by
- rewriting exception messaging to clarify synonymous options.
- Synonyms are be separated by slashes (/); lists of distinct options will
- be separated by commas (,) in square brackets ([]).
-Changes in version 4.7
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/57} gh-57}} by admitting
- the underscore as a legal option character.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/53} gh-53}} by correcting
- <<<OptionSet.hasOptions()>>> to answer correctly for no switches.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/56} gh-56}} by correcting
- the default help formatting not to use a <<<Set>>> for rows of output,
- but <<<List>>>.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/59} gh-59}} by relaxing
- the return type of <<<ValueConverter.valueType()>>>.
-Changes in version 4.6
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/31} gh-31}} by offering
- <<<OptionSpecBuilder.requiredUnless()>>>. Thanks to Christian Ohr for this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/38} gh-38}} by offering
- <<<OptionParser.recognizedOptions()>>>. Thanks to Antoine Neveux for this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/35} gh-35}} by offering
- <<<OptionSet.asMap()>>>. Thanks to Brian Oxley for this.
-Changes in version 4.5
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/17} gh-17}} by offering
- <<<OptionParser.nonOptions()>>> and <<<NonOptionArgumentSpec>>>.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/pull/27} gh-27}} by offering
- <<<OptionParser.allowsUnrecognizedOptions()>>>. Thanks to Erik Broes for this.
-Changes in version 4.4
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/16} gh-16}} by offering
- <<<BuiltinHelpFormatter>>> that allows configuration of overall row width and
- column separator width. Thanks to Ryan Breidenbach for contributing code to this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/12} gh-12}} by offering
- <<<OptionSpecBuilder.requiredIf()>>>.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/22} gh-22}}. Thanks to
- El Kodus for this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/19} gh-19}}. Thanks to
- El Kodus for this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/14} gh-14}} by offering
- <<<AbstractOptionSpec.forHelp()>>>.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/13} gh-13}} by offering
- <<<ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec.withValuesSeparatedBy(String)>>>.
- * Added <<<InetAddressValueConverter>>>. Thanks to Raymund F\u00FCl\u00F6p for this.
-Changes in version 4.3
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/9} gh-9}} by offering
- <<<OptionSet.specs()>>>, which gives a list of the specs corresponding to the
- options detected on a parse, in the order in which the options occurred on the
- command line.
-Changes in version 4.2
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/8} gh-8}} by offering
- <<<ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec.defaultsTo(V[])>>> in addition to
- <<<ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec.defaultsTo(V, V...)>>>.
- * Removing some internal unused classes and methods.
-Changes in version 4.1
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/7} gh-7}} by allowing short option
- clusters to contain options which can accept arguments. When such an option is encountered,
- the remaining characters in the cluster are treated as the argument to the option. Thanks to
- Alan van Dam for this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/6} gh-6}} with general improvements
- to the project's site. Thanks to Michael Osipov for this.
-Changes in version 4.0
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/4} gh-4}} by adding method
- <<<OptionParser.formatHelpWith(HelpFormatter)>>> to allow programmers to influence what
- help is printed with <<<OptionParser.printHelpOn()>>>. A <<<HelpFormatter>>> is handed a
- map, keyed by option text, whose values are <<<OptionDescriptor>>>s that describe the
- options the parser has been configured with.
- * Added method <<<OptionSet.hasOptions()>>>. Thanks to Michael Osipov for this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/pull/3} gh-3}} by using
- <<<SimpleDateFormat.toPattern()>>> rather than <<<SimpleDateFormat.toLocalizedPattern()>>>
- in <<<DateConverter>>>. Thanks to Michael Osipov for this.
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/issues/5} gh-5}} by allowing primitive
- <<<Class>>> objects whose wrapper types are considered "value types" for purposes of
- <<<ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec.ofType()>>> in place of the wrapper classes. Thanks to
- Daniel Yokomizo for suggesting this.
-Changes in version 3.3
- * Resolved {{{https://github.com/pholser/jopt-simple/pull/1} gh-1}} by adding method
- <<<required()>>> to class <<<ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec>>>, to allow callers to indicate
- that a given option must be present on the command line. Thanks to Emils Solmanis for
- adding this.
-Changes in version 3.2
- * Added method <<<defaultsTo()>>> to class <<<ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec>>>, to allow
- callers to specify default values for arguments of options. These influence the return
- values of <<<OptionSpec.value(s)()>>> and <<<OptionSet.value(s)Of()>>>. Default values
- also show up in the help screen entries for their options. This serves to resolve
- {{{https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2484524&group_id=125731&atid=703508} feature
- request 2484524}}.
- * Fixed a problem whereby the empty string, a string consisting solely of whitespace, or a
- string with embedded whitespace weren't being properly recognized as arguments of options
- when they should have.
- * Resolved {{{https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2793762&group_id=125731&atid=703508} feature
- request 2793762}}, having to do with improving the behavior of embedded newlines in option
- descriptions in help screens.
-Changes in version 3.1
- * Added method <<<withValuesConvertedBy()>>> to class <<<ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec>>>,
- to allow callers to specify converters or validators that transform arguments of
- options into instances of specific Java types. This is useful for types which do not
- meet the requirements of <<<ofType()>>>.
- * Added classes <<<DateConverter>>> and <<<RegexMatcher>>> as examples of useful
- argument converters.
-Changes in version 3.0.1
- * Dependency on {{{http://ant.apache.org} Ant}} more appropriately test-scoped in the
- {{{http://maven.apache.org} Maven}} POM. That way, if you use JOpt Simple with Maven,
- you don't download Ant unnecessarily.
-Changes in version 3.0
- * Version 3.0 supports Java 5 and greater only. If you need to use JOpt Simple in a
- pre-Java-5 environment, use the latest 2.x release.
- * Where appropriate, existing API calls have been updated to use Java generics.
- * Extracted and surfaced interface <<<OptionSpec>>>. <<<OptionSpec>>>s returned by
- the fluent interface methods can be used to retrieve arguments of the options they
- represent in a type-safe manner.
- * Removed all previously deprecated methods.
- * Added methods to <<<OptionSet>>> to allow detection of options and retrieval of
- option arguments using instances of <<<OptionSpec>>>.
- * Converted tests to JUnit 4.
- * Switched to MIT License.
- * Relaxing some <<<List>>> parameter types and return types of methods to
- <<<Collection>>>.
- * <<<OptionArgumentConversionException>>> no longer drops the original cause on the
- floor; hence <<<OptionException>>> can now be created with a cause.
- * {{{http://maven.apache.org} Maven}}-ized the project web site.
- * Overhauled the examples page.
-Changes in version 2.4.1
- * Fixed {{{https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2018262&group_id=125731&atid=703505} bug 2018262}}.
-Changes in version 2.4
- * Added the <<<acceptsAll()>>> method to class <<<OptionParser>>>. Options passed to
- a given invocation of this method are treated as synonymous, so that each gives the
- same answer when given as the argument to the methods <<<has()>>>, <<<valuesOf()>>>,
- etc. on <<<OptionSet>>>.
- * Surfaced the class <<<KeyValuePair>>>. This class can be very handy as a value
- type for arguments whose values take on the form <<<key=value>>>, such as the <<<-D>>>
- arguments to JVMs.
- * Fixed {{{https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1932577&group_id=125731&atid=703505} bug 1932577}}.
- * Added method <<<withValuesSeparatedBy()>>> to class <<<ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec>>>,
- to allow callers to specify multiple values for an option as a single argument with
- values separated by a given character.
- * Method <<<ofType()>>> on class <<<ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec>>> now returns self
- rather than <<<void>>>.
- * Deprecated another "get for get's sake": <<<OptionParser.setPosixlyCorrect()>>>
- It is replaced with a less Java-beany-looking method.
- * Cleaned up the help screens produced by <<<OptionParser.printHelpOn()>>> so they are
- rendered as two 40-character columns, with long space-broken values split across lines
- as needed.
- * Fixed {{{https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1956418&group_id=125731&atid=703505} bug 1956418}}.
-Changes in version 2.3.6
- * No changes to code; just getting {{{http://maven.apache.org} Maven}} to do releases
- with its plugins.
-Changes in version 2.3.3
- * Deprecated method <<<OptionSet.wasDetected()>>> in favor of <<<OptionSet.has()>>> --
- the new name seems to read better.
- * <<<OptionException>>>s now override <<<getMessage()>>> sensibly, so that if a caller
- wants to handle the exception by catching it and displaying a message from the
- exception, she can do so and get satisfactory results.
- * {{{http://maven.apache.org} Maven}}-ized project's build.
- * Minor internal changes.
-Changes in version 2.3.2
- * Minor internal changes.
-Changes in version 2.3.1
- * Fixed a bug with POSIX-ly correct parsers. It was previously thought that POSIX-ly
- correct parsers should signal end of options when they detect an argument that does
- not lexically look like an option and could not be an argument of a previous option,
- required or optional. Such parsers now signal end of options when they detect an
- argument that does not lexically look like an option, and is not an argument of a
- previous option with a required argument. If you want such an argument to be treated
- as the argument of a preceding option whose argument is optional, you can still get
- this behavior by appending the argument to the option, either with abutting syntax
- (<<<-d/tmp>>>) or key-value syntax (<<<-d=/tmp>>>).
-Changes in version 2.3
- * No feature changes in this release; but this release can now be used with JDK 1.3.
- Previous releases could be used only with JDK 1.4 or newer.
-Changes in version 2.2
- * Removed all previously deprecated methods.
- * Re-clarified the contract of the one-arg <<<String>>> constructor of
- <<<OptionParser>>>: the constructor now raises <<<NullPointerException>>> if its
- argument is <<<null>>>. This is the convention for Java library methods which receive
- illegal <<<null>>> parameters.
-Changes in version 2.1
- * Introduced a facility for <<<OptionParser>>>s to print a help screen, which
- describes the options they accept.
- * Added the ability to provide descriptions of options and their arguments when
- configuring an <<<OptionParser>>>. These descriptions are printed in the
- aforementioned help screens.
- * Clarified the contract of the one-arg <<<String>>> constructor of <<<OptionParser>>>:
- the constructor raises <<<IllegalArgumentException>>> if its argument is <<<null>>>.
- * Deprecated <<<OptionParser.noArg()>>>, <<<OptionParser.requiredArg()>>>, and
- <<<OptionParser.optionalArg()>>>.
- * Deprecated some "gets for gets' sake": <<<OptionException.getOption()>>>,
- <<<OptionSet.getNonOptionArguments()>>>. They are replaced with less
- Java-beany-looking methods.
-Changes in version 2.0
- * Introduced a "fluent interface" API for specifying options for an <<<OptionParser>>>
- to recognize. The old methods for option specification still work--you need not
- convert to the new methods.
- * Added the ability to specify that option arguments should be converted to specific
- types. You can do this either with the old option specification methods or with the
- new fluent interface API.
- * Deprecated <<<OptionParser.requiresArg()>>> in favor of
- <<<OptionParser.requiredArg()>>> -- the new name seems to read better.
-Version 1.0
- * First major release.
- * Includes concrete classes <<<OptionParser>>> and <<<OptionSet>>>.
- * Supports POSIX <<<getopt()>>> and GNU <<<getopt_long()>>> command line syntax.
- * No type conversion on option arguments, they are all treated as <<<String>>>s.
- * Methods <<<noArg()>>>, <<<requiredArg()>>>, and <<<optionalArg()>>> tell an
- <<<OptionParser>>> what options to recognize.