path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 791 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/shell/bazel/apple/bazel_apple_test.sh b/src/test/shell/bazel/apple/bazel_apple_test.sh
index dfed68fc27..7df8991c24 100755
--- a/src/test/shell/bazel/apple/bazel_apple_test.sh
+++ b/src/test/shell/bazel/apple/bazel_apple_test.sh
@@ -43,393 +43,6 @@ function set_up() {
-function make_app() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- cat >ios/app.swift <<EOF
-import UIKit
-class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
- var window: UIWindow?
- func application(
- application: UIApplication,
- didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?)
- -> Bool {
- NSLog("Hello, world")
- return true
- }
- cat >ios/App-Info.plist <<EOF
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
- <string>app</string>
- <key>CFBundleName</key>
- <string>app</string>
- <key>CFBundleDisplayName</key>
- <string>app</string>
- <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
- <string>APPL</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.google.app</string>
- <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
- <string>????</string>
- <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
- <string>1.0</string>
- <key>LSRequiresIPhoneOS</key>
- <true/>
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "SwiftMain",
- srcs = ["app.swift"])
-objc_binary(name = "bin",
- srcs = ["//tools/objc:dummy.c"],
- deps = [":SwiftMain"])
-ios_application(name = "app",
- binary = ':bin',
- infoplist = 'App-Info.plist')
-function test_swift_library() {
- local swift_lib_pkg=examples/swift
- assert_build_output ./bazel-genfiles/${swift_lib_pkg}/swift_lib/_objs/examples_swift_swift_lib.a \
- ${swift_lib_pkg}:swift_lib --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION
- assert_build_output ./bazel-genfiles/${swift_lib_pkg}/swift_lib/_objs/examples_swift_swift_lib.swiftmodule \
- ${swift_lib_pkg}:swift_lib --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION
-function test_build_app() {
- make_app
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:app >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should pass"
- ls bazel-bin/ios/app.ipa || fail "should generate app.ipa"
-function test_objc_depends_on_swift() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-import Foundation
-@objc public class Foo: NSObject {
- public func bar() -> Int { return 42; }
- cat >ios/app.m <<EOF
-#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
-#import "ios/SwiftMain-Swift.h"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- @autoreleasepool {
- NSLog(@"%d", [[[Foo alloc] init] bar]);
- return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
- }
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "SwiftMain",
- srcs = ["main.swift"])
-objc_binary(name = "bin",
- srcs = ['app.m',],
- deps = [":SwiftMain"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:bin >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
-function test_swift_imports_objc() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-import Foundation
-import ios_ObjcLib
-public class SwiftClass {
- public func bar() -> String {
- return ObjcClass().foo()
- }
- cat >ios/ObjcClass.h <<EOF
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#error "Define is not passed in"
-#error "Copt is not passed in
-@interface ObjcClass : NSObject
-- (NSString *)foo;
- cat >ios/ObjcClass.m <<EOF
-#import "ObjcClass.h"
-@implementation ObjcClass
-- (NSString *)foo { return @"Hello ObjcClass"; }
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"],
- deps = [":ObjcLib"])
-objc_library(name = "ObjcLib",
- hdrs = ['ObjcClass.h'],
- srcs = ['ObjcClass.m'],
- defines = ["DEFINE_FOO=1"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --objccopt=-DCOPTS_FOO=1 -s \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- expect_log "-module-cache-path bazel-out/darwin_x86_64-fastbuild/.*/_objc_module_cache"
-function test_swift_import_objc_framework() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- # Copy the prebuilt framework into app's directory.
- cp -RL "${BAZEL_RUNFILES}/tools/build_defs/apple/test/testdata/BlazeFramework.framework" ios
- cat >ios/app.swift <<EOF
-import UIKit
-import BlazeFramework
-class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
- var window: UIWindow?
- func application(
- application: UIApplication,
- didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?)
- -> Bool {
- NSLog("\(Multiplier().foo())")
- return true
- }
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-objc_binary(name = "bin",
- srcs = ["//tools/objc:dummy.c"],
- deps = [":swift_lib"])
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["app.swift"],
- deps = [":dylib"])
-objc_framework(name = "dylib",
- framework_imports = glob(["BlazeFramework.framework/**"]),
- is_dynamic = 1)
- bazel build --verbose_failures --ios_minimum_os=8.0 \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
-function test_fat_apple_binary() {
- rm -rf package
- mkdir -p package
- cat > package/BUILD <<EOF
- name = "lib_a",
- srcs = ["a.m"],
- name = "lib_b",
- srcs = ["b.m"],
- name = "main_binary",
- deps = [":lib_a", ":lib_b"],
- srcs = ["main.m"],
- platform_type = "ios",
- name = "lipo_run",
- srcs = [":main_binary_lipobin"],
- outs = ["lipo_out"],
- cmd =
- "set -e && " +
- "lipo -info \$(location :main_binary_lipobin) > \$(@)",
- tags = ["requires-darwin"],
- touch package/a.m
- touch package/b.m
- cat > package/main.m <<EOF
-int main() {
- return 0;
- bazel build --verbose_failures //package:lipo_out \
- --ios_multi_cpus=i386,x86_64 \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- || fail "should build apple_binary and obtain info via lipo"
- cat bazel-genfiles/package/lipo_out | grep "i386 x86_64" \
- || fail "expected output binary to contain 2 architectures"
-function test_swift_imports_swift() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-import Foundation
-import ios_util
-public class SwiftClass {
- public func bar() -> String {
- return Utility().foo()
- }
- cat >ios/Utility.swift <<EOF
-public class Utility {
- public init() {}
- public func foo() -> String { return "foo" }
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"],
- deps = [":util"])
-swift_library(name = "util",
- srcs = ['Utility.swift'])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
-function test_swift_tests() {
- make_app
- cat >ios/internal.swift <<EOF
-internal class InternalClass {
- func foo() -> String { return "bar" }
- cat >ios/tests.swift <<EOF
- import XCTest
- @testable import ios_SwiftMain
-class FooTest: XCTestCase {
- func testFoo() { XCTAssertEqual(2, 3) }
- func testInternalClass() { XCTAssertEqual(InternalClass().foo(), "bar") }
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "SwiftMain",
- srcs = ["app.swift", "internal.swift"])
-objc_binary(name = "bin",
- srcs = ["//tools/objc:dummy.c"],
- deps = [":SwiftMain"])
-ios_application(name = "app",
- binary = ':bin',
- infoplist = 'App-Info.plist')
-swift_library(name = "SwiftTest",
- srcs = ["tests.swift"],
- deps = [":SwiftMain"])
-ios_test(name = "app_test",
- srcs = ["//tools/objc:dummy.c"],
- deps = [":SwiftTest"],
- xctest_app = "app")
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- --ios_minimum_os=8.0 \
- //ios:app_test >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- otool -lv bazel-out/ios_x86_64-fastbuild/bin/ios/app_test_bin \
- | grep @executable_path/Frameworks -sq \
- || fail "expected test binary to contain @executable_path in LC_RPATH"
- otool -lv bazel-out/ios_x86_64-fastbuild/bin/ios/app_test_bin \
- | grep @loader_path/Frameworks -sq \
- || fail "expected test binary to contain @loader_path in LC_RPATH"
-function test_swift_compilation_mode_flags() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- cat >ios/debug.swift <<EOF
-// A trick to break compilation when DEBUG is not set.
-func foo() {
- #if DEBUG
- var x: Int
- #endif
- x = 3
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["debug.swift"])
- ! bazel build --verbose_failures -c opt \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should not build"
- expect_log "error: use of unresolved identifier 'x'"
- bazel build --verbose_failures -c dbg \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
function test_fat_binary_no_srcs() {
mkdir -p package
cat > package/BUILD <<EOF
@@ -471,69 +84,6 @@ EOF
|| fail "expected output binary to contain 2 architectures"
-function test_swift_defines() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- touch ios/dummy.swift
- cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-import Foundation
-public class SwiftClass {
- public func bar() {
- #if !FLAG
- let x: String = 1 // Invalid statement, should throw compiler error when FLAG is not set
- #endif
- #if !DEP_FLAG
- let x: String = 2 // Invalid statement, should throw compiler error when DEP_FLAG is not set
- #endif
- }
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "dep_lib",
- srcs = ["dummy.swift"],
- defines = ["DEP_FLAG"])
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"],
- defines = ["FLAG"],
- deps = [":dep_lib"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
-function test_apple_watch_with_swift() {
- make_app
- cat >ios/watchapp.swift <<EOF
- import WatchKit
- class ExtensionDelegate: NSObject, WKExtensionDelegate {
- func applicationDidFinishLaunching() {}
- }
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "WatchModule",
- srcs = ["watchapp.swift"])
-apple_binary(name = "bin",
- deps = [":WatchModule"],
- platform_type = "watchos")
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:bin >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
function test_host_xcodes() {
XCODE_VERSION=$(env -i xcodebuild -version | grep "Xcode" \
| sed -E "s/Xcode (([0-9]|.)+).*/\1/")
@@ -566,347 +116,6 @@ function test_host_xcodes() {
assert_equals $DEFAULT_LABEL $(cat xcode_version_target)
-function test_no_object_file_collisions() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- touch ios/foo.swift
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "Foo",
- srcs = ["foo.swift"])
-swift_library(name = "Bar",
- srcs = ["foo.swift"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:{Foo,Bar} >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
-function test_minimum_os() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- touch ios/foo.swift
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "foo",
- srcs = ["foo.swift"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures -s --announce_rc \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION --ios_minimum_os=9.0 \
- //ios:foo >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- # Get the min OS version encoded as "version" argument of
- # LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS load command in Mach-O
- MIN_OS=$(otool -l bazel-genfiles/ios/foo/_objs/ios_foo.a | \
- grep -A 3 LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS | grep version | cut -d " " -f4)
- assert_equals $MIN_OS "9.0"
-function test_swift_copts() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-import Foundation
-public class SwiftClass {
- public func bar() {
- #if !FLAG
- let x: String = 1 // Invalid statement, should throw compiler error when FLAG is not set
- #endif
- #if !CMD_FLAG
- let y: String = 1 // Invalid statement, should throw compiler error when CMD_FLAG is not set
- #endif
- }
-cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"],
- copts = ["-DFLAG"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- --swiftcopt=-DCMD_FLAG \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
-function test_swift_bitcode() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
-cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-func f() {}
-cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"])
- ARCHIVE=bazel-genfiles/ios/swift_lib/_objs/ios_swift_lib.a
- # No bitcode
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION --ios_multi_cpus=arm64 \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- ! otool -l $ARCHIVE | grep __bitcode -sq \
- || fail "expected a.o to not contain bitcode"
- # Bitcode marker
- bazel build --verbose_failures \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION --apple_bitcode=embedded_markers --ios_multi_cpus=arm64 \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- # Bitcode marker has a length of 1.
- assert_equals $(size -m $ARCHIVE | grep __bitcode | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d ' ') "1"
- # Full bitcode
- bazel build --verbose_failures \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION --apple_bitcode=embedded --ios_multi_cpus=arm64 \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- otool -l $ARCHIVE | grep __bitcode -sq \
- || fail "expected a.o to contain bitcode"
- # Bitcode disabled because of simulator architecture
- bazel build --verbose_failures \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION --apple_bitcode=embedded --ios_multi_cpus=x86_64 \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- ! otool -l $ARCHIVE | grep __bitcode -sq \
- || fail "expected a.o to not contain bitcode"
-function test_swift_name_validation() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- touch ios/main.swift
- touch ios/main.m
-cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "swift-lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"])
- ! bazel build --verbose_failures \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift-lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should fail"
- expect_log "Error in target '//ios:swift-lib'"
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-objc_library(name = "bad-dep", srcs = ["main.m"])
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"], deps=[":bad-dep"])
- ! bazel build --verbose_failures \
- --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should fail"
- expect_log "Error in target '//ios:bad-dep'"
-function test_swift_ast_is_recorded() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- touch ios/main.swift
- cat >ios/dep.swift <<EOF
-import UIKit
-// Add dummy code so that Swift symbols are exported into final binary, which
-// will cause runtime libraries to be packaged into the IPA
-class X: UIViewController {}
- cat >ios/main.m <<EOF
-#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- @autoreleasepool {
- return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
- }
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "dep",
- srcs = ["dep.swift"])
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"],
- deps = [":dep"])
-objc_binary(name = "bin",
- srcs = ["main.m"],
- deps = [":swift_lib"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION -s \
- //ios:bin >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- expect_log "-Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker bazel-out/ios_x86_64-fastbuild/.*/ios/dep/_objs/ios_dep.swiftmodule"
- expect_log "-Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker bazel-out/ios_x86_64-fastbuild/.*/ios/swift_lib/_objs/ios_swift_lib.swiftmodule"
-function test_swiftc_script_mode() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- touch ios/foo.swift
- cat >ios/top.swift <<EOF
-print() // Top level expression outside of main.swift, should fail.
- cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-import UIKit
-class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {}
-#if swift(>=3)
- CommandLine.argc,
- UnsafeMutableRawPointer(CommandLine.unsafeArgv)
- .bindMemory(
- to: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>.self,
- capacity: Int(CommandLine.argc)),
- nil,
- NSStringFromClass(AppDelegate.self)
- Process.argc, UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>>(Process.unsafeArgv),
- nil, NSStringFromClass(AppDelegate)
-cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "main_should_compile_as_script",
- srcs = ["main.swift", "foo.swift"])
-swift_library(name = "top_should_not_compile_as_script",
- srcs = ["top.swift"])
-swift_library(name = "single_source_should_compile_as_library",
- srcs = ["foo.swift"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:single_source_should_compile_as_library \
- //ios:main_should_compile_as_script >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- ! bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:top_should_not_compile_as_script >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should not build"
- expect_log "ios/top.swift:1:1: error: expressions are not allowed at the top level"
-# Test that it's possible to import Clang module of a target that contains private headers.
-function test_import_module_with_private_hdrs() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- touch ios/Foo.h ios/Foo_Private.h
-cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-import ios_lib
-cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-objc_library(name = "lib",
- srcs = ["Foo_Private.h"],
- hdrs = ["Foo.h"])
-swift_library(name = "swiftmodule",
- srcs = ["main.swift"],
- deps = [":lib"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swiftmodule >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
-function test_swift_whole_module_optimization() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-import Foundation
-import ios_util
-public class SwiftClass {
- public func bar() -> String {
- return Utility().foo()
- }
- cat >ios/Utility.swift <<EOF
-public class Utility {
- public init() {}
- public func foo() -> String { return "foo" }
- cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"],
- deps = [":util"],
- copts = ["-wmo"])
-swift_library(name = "util",
- srcs = ['Utility.swift'],
- copts = ["-whole-module-optimization"])
- bazel build --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
-function test_swift_dsym() {
- rm -rf ios
- mkdir -p ios
- cat >ios/main.swift <<EOF
-import Foundation
-public class SwiftClass {
- public func bar() -> String { return "foo" } }
-cat >ios/BUILD <<EOF
-load("//tools/build_defs/apple:swift.bzl", "swift_library")
-swift_library(name = "swift_lib",
- srcs = ["main.swift"])
- bazel build -c opt --apple_generate_dsym \
- --verbose_failures --xcode_version=$XCODE_VERSION \
- //ios:swift_lib >$TEST_log 2>&1 || fail "should build"
- # Verify that debug info is present.
- dwarfdump -R bazel-genfiles/ios/swift_lib/_objs/ios_swift_lib.a \
- | grep -sq "__DWARF" \
- || fail "should contain DWARF data"
function test_apple_binary_crosstool_ios() {
rm -rf package
mkdir -p package