path: root/src/tools/singlejar/output_jar_simple_test.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/singlejar/output_jar_simple_test.cc')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/singlejar/output_jar_simple_test.cc b/src/tools/singlejar/output_jar_simple_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..598afcdff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/singlejar/output_jar_simple_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "src/main/cpp/blaze_util.h"
+#include "src/main/cpp/util/file.h"
+#include "src/main/cpp/util/port.h"
+#include "src/main/cpp/util/strings.h"
+#include "src/tools/singlejar/input_jar.h"
+#include "src/tools/singlejar/options.h"
+#include "src/tools/singlejar/output_jar.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace {
+#if !defined(DATA_DIR_TOP)
+#define DATA_DIR_TOP
+static bool HasSubstr(const std::string &s, const std::string &what) {
+ return std::string::npos != s.find(what);
+class OutputJarSimpleTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ OutputJarSimpleTest() {}
+ ~OutputJarSimpleTest() override {}
+ void CreateOutput(const std::string &out_path, const char *first_arg...) {
+ std::string args_string;
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, first_arg);
+ const char *args[100] = {"--output", out_path.c_str()};
+ unsigned nargs = 2;
+ if (first_arg) {
+ args[nargs++] = first_arg;
+ while (nargs < arraysize(args)) {
+ const char *arg = va_arg(ap, const char *);
+ if (arg) {
+ args[nargs++] = arg;
+ args_string += ' ';
+ args_string += arg;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ va_end(ap);
+ ASSERT_GE(arraysize(args), nargs);
+ }
+ printf("Arguments: %s\n", args_string.c_str());
+ options_.ParseCommandLine(nargs, args);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, output_jar_.Doit(&options_));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, VerifyZip(out_path));
+ }
+ static std::string OutputFilePath(const std::string &relpath) {
+ const char *out_dir = getenv("TEST_TMPDIR");
+ return blaze_util::JoinPath((nullptr == out_dir) ? "." : out_dir,
+ relpath.c_str());
+ }
+ static int VerifyZip(const std::string &zip_path) {
+ std::string verify_command;
+ blaze_util::StringPrintf(&verify_command, "zip -Tv %s", zip_path.c_str());
+ return system(verify_command.c_str());
+ }
+ static void GetEntryContents(const std::string &zip_path,
+ const char *entry_name, std::string *contents) {
+ contents->clear();
+ std::string command;
+ blaze_util::StringPrintf(&command, "unzip -p %s %s", zip_path.c_str(),
+ entry_name);
+ FILE *fp = popen(command.c_str(), "r");
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, fp);
+ char buf[1024];
+ while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
+ contents->append(buf);
+ }
+ ASSERT_NE(0, feof(fp));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, ferror(fp));
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, pclose(fp));
+ }
+ OutputJar output_jar_;
+ Options options_;
+// No inputs at all.
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, Empty) {
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ CreateOutput(out_path, nullptr);
+ InputJar input_jar;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path.c_str()));
+ const LH *lh;
+ const CDH *cdh;
+ while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cdh->is()) << "No expected tag in the Central Directory Entry.";
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, lh) << "No local header.";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lh->is()) << "No expected tag in the Local Header.";
+ EXPECT_EQ(lh->file_name_string(), cdh->file_name_string());
+ if (!cdh->no_size_in_local_header()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(lh->compressed_file_size(), cdh->compressed_file_size())
+ << "Entry: " << lh->file_name_string();
+ EXPECT_EQ(lh->uncompressed_file_size(), cdh->uncompressed_file_size())
+ << "Entry: " << cdh->file_name_string();
+ }
+ }
+ input_jar.Close();
+ std::string manifest;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", &manifest);
+ "Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n"
+ "Created-By: singlejar\r\n"
+ "\r\n",
+ manifest);
+ std::string build_properties;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "build-data.properties", &build_properties);
+ EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "build.target=");
+// Source jars.
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, Source) {
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ CreateOutput(out_path, "--sources",
+ DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest1.jar",
+ DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest2.jar", nullptr);
+ InputJar input_jar;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path.c_str()));
+ const LH *lh;
+ const CDH *cdh;
+ while ((cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh))) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cdh->is()) << "No expected tag in the Central Directory Entry.";
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, lh) << "No local header.";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(lh->is()) << "No expected tag in the Local Header.";
+ EXPECT_EQ(lh->file_name_string(), cdh->file_name_string());
+ if (!cdh->no_size_in_local_header()) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(lh->compressed_file_size(), cdh->compressed_file_size())
+ << "Entry: " << lh->file_name_string();
+ EXPECT_EQ(lh->uncompressed_file_size(), cdh->uncompressed_file_size())
+ << "Entry: " << cdh->file_name_string();
+ }
+ }
+ input_jar.Close();
+// Verify --java_launcher argument
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, JavaLauncher) {
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ const char *launcher_path = DATA_DIR_TOP "src/tools/singlejar/libtest1.jar";
+ CreateOutput(out_path, "--java_launcher", launcher_path, nullptr);
+ // check that the offset of the first entry equals launcher size.
+ InputJar input_jar;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(input_jar.Open(out_path.c_str()));
+ const LH *lh;
+ const CDH *cdh;
+ cdh = input_jar.NextEntry(&lh);
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, cdh);
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, stat(launcher_path, &statbuf));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cdh->is());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(lh->is());
+ EXPECT_EQ(statbuf.st_size, cdh->local_header_offset());
+ input_jar.Close();
+// --main_class option.
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, MainClass) {
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ CreateOutput(out_path, "--main_class", "com.google.my.Main", nullptr);
+ std::string manifest;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", &manifest);
+ "Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n"
+ "Created-By: singlejar\r\n"
+ "Main-Class: com.google.my.Main\r\n"
+ "\r\n",
+ manifest);
+// --deploy_manifest_lines option.
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, DeployManifestLines) {
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ CreateOutput(out_path, "--deploy_manifest_lines", "property1: foo",
+ "property2: bar", nullptr);
+ std::string manifest;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", &manifest);
+ "Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n"
+ "Created-By: singlejar\r\n"
+ "property1: foo\r\n"
+ "property2: bar\r\n"
+ "\r\n",
+ manifest);
+// --extra_build_info option
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ExtraBuildInfo) {
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ CreateOutput(out_path, "--extra_build_info", "property1=value1",
+ "--extra_build_info", "property2=value2", nullptr);
+ std::string build_properties;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "build-data.properties", &build_properties);
+ EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "\nproperty1=value1\n");
+ EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "\nproperty2=value2\n");
+// --build_info_file and --extra_build_info options.
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, BuildInfoFile) {
+ std::string build_info_path1 = OutputFilePath("buildinfo1");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(blaze::WriteFile("property11=value11\nproperty12=value12\n",
+ build_info_path1));
+ std::string build_info_path2 = OutputFilePath("buildinfo2");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(blaze::WriteFile("property21=value21\nproperty22=value22\n",
+ build_info_path2));
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ CreateOutput(out_path, "--build_info_file", build_info_path1.c_str(),
+ "--extra_build_info", "property=value", "--build_info_file",
+ build_info_path2.c_str(), nullptr);
+ std::string build_properties;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "build-data.properties", &build_properties);
+ EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property11=value11\n");
+ EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property12=value12\n");
+ EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property21=value21\n");
+ EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property22=value22\n");
+ EXPECT_PRED2(HasSubstr, build_properties, "property=value\n");
+// --resources option.
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, Resources) {
+ std::string res11_path = OutputFilePath("res11");
+ std::string res11_spec = std::string("res1:") + res11_path;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(blaze::WriteFile("res11.line1\nres11.line2\n", res11_path));
+ std::string res12_path = OutputFilePath("res12");
+ std::string res12_spec = std::string("res1:") + res12_path;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(blaze::WriteFile("res12.line1\nres12.line2\n", res12_path));
+ std::string res2_path = OutputFilePath("res2");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(blaze::WriteFile("res2.line1\nres2.line2\n", res2_path));
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ CreateOutput(out_path, "--resources", res11_spec.c_str(), res12_spec.c_str(),
+ res2_path.c_str(), nullptr);
+ // The output should have 'res1' entry containing the concatenation of the
+ // 'res11' and 'res12' files.
+ std::string res1;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "res1", &res1);
+ EXPECT_EQ("res11.line1\nres11.line2\nres12.line1\nres12.line2\n", res1);
+ // The output should have res2 path entry and contents.
+ std::string res2;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, res2_path.c_str(), &res2);
+ EXPECT_EQ("res2.line1\nres2.line2\n", res2);
+// --classpath_resources
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, ClasspathResources) {
+ std::string res1_path = OutputFilePath("cp_res");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(blaze::WriteFile("line1\nline2\n", res1_path));
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ CreateOutput(out_path, "--classpath_resources", res1_path.c_str(), nullptr);
+ std::string res;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "cp_res", &res);
+ EXPECT_EQ("line1\nline2\n", res);
+// Duplicate entries for --resources or --classpath_resources
+TEST_F(OutputJarSimpleTest, DuplicateResources) {
+ std::string cp_res_path = OutputFilePath("cp_res");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(blaze::WriteFile("line1\nline2\n", cp_res_path));
+ std::string res1_path = OutputFilePath("res1");
+ std::string res1_spec = "foo:" + res1_path;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(blaze::WriteFile("resline1\nresline2\n", res1_path));
+ std::string res2_path = OutputFilePath("res2");
+ std::string res2_spec = "foo:" + res2_path;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(blaze::WriteFile("line3\nline4\n", res2_path));
+ std::string out_path = OutputFilePath("out.jar");
+ CreateOutput(out_path, "--warn_duplicate_resources", "--resources",
+ res1_spec.c_str(), res2_spec.c_str(), "--classpath_resources",
+ cp_res_path.c_str(), cp_res_path.c_str(), nullptr);
+ std::string cp_res;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "cp_res", &cp_res);
+ EXPECT_EQ("line1\nline2\n", cp_res);
+ std::string foo;
+ GetEntryContents(out_path, "foo", &foo);
+ EXPECT_EQ("resline1\nresline2\n", foo);
+} // namespace