path: root/src/test/shell/bazel/remote/remote_execution_http_test.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/shell/bazel/remote/remote_execution_http_test.sh')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/shell/bazel/remote/remote_execution_http_test.sh b/src/test/shell/bazel/remote/remote_execution_http_test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fa21adab53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/shell/bazel/remote/remote_execution_http_test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Tests remote execution and caching.
+# Load the test setup defined in the parent directory
+CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
+source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../../integration_test_setup.sh" \
+ || { echo "integration_test_setup.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
+function set_up() {
+ work_path=$(mktemp -d "${TEST_TMPDIR}/remote.XXXXXXXX")
+ pid_file=$(mktemp -u "${TEST_TMPDIR}/remote.XXXXXXXX")
+ attempts=1
+ while [ $attempts -le 5 ]; do
+ (( attempts++ ))
+ worker_port=$(pick_random_unused_tcp_port) || fail "no port found"
+ hazelcast_port=$(pick_random_unused_tcp_port) || fail "no port found"
+ "${bazel_data}/src/tools/remote/worker" \
+ --work_path="${work_path}" \
+ --listen_port=${worker_port} \
+ --hazelcast_standalone_listen_port=${hazelcast_port} \
+ --pid_file="${pid_file}" >& $TEST_log &
+ local wait_seconds=0
+ until [ -s "${pid_file}" ] || [ "$wait_seconds" -eq 15 ]; do
+ sleep 1
+ ((wait_seconds++)) || true
+ done
+ if [ -s "${pid_file}" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ! -s "${pid_file}" ]; then
+ fail "Timed out waiting for remote worker to start."
+ fi
+function tear_down() {
+ bazel clean --expunge >& $TEST_log
+ if [ -s "${pid_file}" ]; then
+ local pid=$(cat "${pid_file}")
+ kill "${pid}" || true
+ fi
+ rm -rf "${pid_file}"
+ rm -rf "${work_path}"
+function test_cc_binary_http_cache() {
+ mkdir -p a
+ cat > a/BUILD <<EOF
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+name = 'test',
+srcs = [ 'test.cc' ],
+ cat > a/test.cc <<EOF
+#include <iostream>
+int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl; return 0; }
+ bazel build //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test without remote cache"
+ cp -f bazel-bin/a/test ${TEST_TMPDIR}/test_expected
+ bazel clean --expunge >& $TEST_log
+ bazel build \
+ --experimental_remote_spawn_cache=true \
+ --remote_http_cache=http://localhost:${hazelcast_port}/hazelcast/rest/maps \
+ //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test with remote REST cache service"
+ diff bazel-bin/a/test ${TEST_TMPDIR}/test_expected \
+ || fail "Remote cache generated different result"
+ # Check that persistent connections are closed after the build. Is there a good cross-platform way
+ # to check this?
+ if [[ "$PLATFORM" = "linux" ]]; then
+ if netstat -tn | grep -qE ":${hazelcast_port}\\s+ESTABLISHED$"; then
+ fail "connections to to cache not closed"
+ fi
+ fi
+function test_cc_binary_http_cache_bad_server() {
+ mkdir -p a
+ cat > a/BUILD <<EOF
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+name = 'test',
+srcs = [ 'test.cc' ],
+ cat > a/test.cc <<EOF
+#include <iostream>
+int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl; return 0; }
+ bazel build //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test without remote cache"
+ cp -f bazel-bin/a/test ${TEST_TMPDIR}/test_expected
+ bazel clean --expunge >& $TEST_log
+ bazel build \
+ --experimental_remote_spawn_cache=true \
+ --remote_http_cache=http://bad.hostname/bad/cache \
+ //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test with remote REST cache service"
+ diff bazel-bin/a/test ${TEST_TMPDIR}/test_expected \
+ || fail "Remote cache generated different result"
+ # Check that persistent connections are closed after the build. Is there a good cross-platform way
+ # to check this?
+ if [[ "$PLATFORM" = "linux" ]]; then
+ if netstat -tn | grep -qE ":${hazelcast_port}\\s+ESTABLISHED$"; then
+ fail "connections to to cache not closed"
+ fi
+ fi
+function set_directory_artifact_testfixtures() {
+ mkdir -p a
+ cat > a/BUILD <<'EOF'
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+ name = "test",
+ srcs = ["dir"],
+ outs = ["qux"],
+ cmd = 'mkdir $@ && paste -d"\n" $(location dir)/foo.txt $(location dir)/sub2/symlinked.txt > $@/out.txt',
+ # Need this to avoid any leftover
+ rm -rf a/dir
+ mkdir -p a/dir
+ cat > a/dir/foo.txt <<EOF
+Hello, world
+ mkdir -p a/dir/sub1
+ cat > a/dir/sub1/bar.txt <<EOF
+Shuffle, duffle, muzzle, muff
+ mkdir -p a/dir/sub2
+ ln -s ../sub1/bar.txt a/dir/sub2/symlinked.txt
+ cat > a/test_expected <<EOF
+Hello, world
+Shuffle, duffle, muzzle, muff
+function test_directory_artifact_local() {
+ set_directory_artifact_testfixtures
+ bazel build //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test without remote execution"
+ diff bazel-genfiles/a/qux/out.txt a/test_expected \
+ || fail "Local execution generated different result"
+function test_directory_artifact() {
+ set_directory_artifact_testfixtures
+ bazel build \
+ --spawn_strategy=remote \
+ --remote_executor=localhost:${worker_port} \
+ --remote_cache=localhost:${worker_port} \
+ //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test with remote execution"
+ diff bazel-genfiles/a/qux/out.txt a/test_expected \
+ || fail "Remote execution generated different result"
+function test_directory_artifact_grpc_cache() {
+ set_directory_artifact_testfixtures
+ bazel build \
+ --spawn_strategy=remote \
+ --remote_cache=localhost:${worker_port} \
+ //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test with remote gRPC cache"
+ diff bazel-genfiles/a/qux/out.txt a/test_expected \
+ || fail "Remote cache generated different result"
+function test_directory_artifact_rest_cache() {
+ set_directory_artifact_testfixtures
+ bazel build \
+ --spawn_strategy=remote \
+ --remote_rest_cache=http://localhost:${hazelcast_port}/hazelcast/rest/maps \
+ //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test with remote REST cache"
+ diff bazel-genfiles/a/qux/out.txt a/test_expected \
+ || fail "Remote cache generated different result"
+function set_directory_artifact_skylark_testfixtures() {
+ mkdir -p a
+ cat > a/rule.bzl <<'EOF'
+def _gen_output_dir_impl(ctx):
+ output_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory(ctx.attr.outdir)
+ ctx.actions.run_shell(
+ outputs = [output_dir],
+ inputs = [],
+ command = """
+ mkdir -p $1/sub1; \
+ echo "Hello, world!" > $1/foo.txt; \
+ echo "Shuffle, duffle, muzzle, muff" > $1/sub1/bar.txt
+ """,
+ arguments = [output_dir.path],
+ )
+ return [
+ DefaultInfo(files=depset(direct=[output_dir])),
+ ]
+gen_output_dir = rule(
+ implementation = _gen_output_dir_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "outdir": attr.string(mandatory = True),
+ },
+ cat > a/BUILD <<'EOF'
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+load("//a:rule.bzl", "gen_output_dir")
+ name = "output_dir",
+ outdir = "dir",
+ name = "test",
+ srcs = [":output_dir"],
+ outs = ["qux"],
+ cmd = "mkdir $@ && paste -d\"\n\" $(location :output_dir)/foo.txt $(location :output_dir)/sub1/bar.txt > $@/out.txt",
+ cat > a/test_expected <<EOF
+Hello, world!
+Shuffle, duffle, muzzle, muff
+function test_directory_artifact_skylark_local() {
+ set_directory_artifact_skylark_testfixtures
+ bazel build //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test without remote execution"
+ diff bazel-genfiles/a/qux/out.txt a/test_expected \
+ || fail "Local execution generated different result"
+function test_directory_artifact_skylark() {
+ set_directory_artifact_skylark_testfixtures
+ bazel build \
+ --spawn_strategy=remote \
+ --remote_executor=localhost:${worker_port} \
+ --remote_cache=localhost:${worker_port} \
+ //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test with remote execution"
+ diff bazel-genfiles/a/qux/out.txt a/test_expected \
+ || fail "Remote execution generated different result"
+function test_directory_artifact_skylark_grpc_cache() {
+ set_directory_artifact_skylark_testfixtures
+ bazel build \
+ --spawn_strategy=remote \
+ --remote_cache=localhost:${worker_port} \
+ //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test with remote gRPC cache"
+ diff bazel-genfiles/a/qux/out.txt a/test_expected \
+ || fail "Remote cache generated different result"
+function test_directory_artifact_skylark_rest_cache() {
+ set_directory_artifact_skylark_testfixtures
+ bazel build \
+ --spawn_strategy=remote \
+ --remote_rest_cache=http://localhost:${hazelcast_port}/hazelcast/rest/maps \
+ //a:test >& $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Failed to build //a:test with remote REST cache"
+ diff bazel-genfiles/a/qux/out.txt a/test_expected \
+ || fail "Remote cache generated different result"
+run_suite "Remote execution and remote cache tests"