path: root/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/objc/AppleBinaryTest.java
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/objc/AppleBinaryTest.java')
1 files changed, 1410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/objc/AppleBinaryTest.java b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/objc/AppleBinaryTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37a12f9626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/objc/AppleBinaryTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1410 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.objc;
+import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
+import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.util.ActionsTestUtil.getFirstArtifactEndingWith;
+import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
+import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Action;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.CommandAction;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ConfiguredTarget;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.SpawnAction;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.actions.SymlinkAction;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.apple.AppleConfiguration.ConfigurationDistinguisher;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.objc.AppleBinary.BinaryType;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.objc.CompilationSupport.ExtraLinkArgs;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.objc.ObjcCommandLineOptions.ObjcCrosstoolMode;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.test.InstrumentedFilesProvider;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.syntax.SkylarkDict;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.Scratch;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
+/** Test case for apple_binary. */
+public class AppleBinaryTest extends ObjcRuleTestCase {
+ static final RuleType RULE_TYPE = new RuleType("apple_binary") {
+ @Override
+ Iterable<String> requiredAttributes(Scratch scratch, String packageDir,
+ Set<String> alreadyAdded) throws IOException {
+ ImmutableList.Builder<String> attributes = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
+ if (!alreadyAdded.contains("srcs") && !alreadyAdded.contains("non_arc_srcs")) {
+ scratch.file(packageDir + "/a.m");
+ scratch.file(packageDir + "/private.h");
+ attributes.add("srcs = ['a.m', 'private.h']");
+ }
+ if (!alreadyAdded.contains("platform_type")) {
+ attributes.add("platform_type = 'ios'");
+ }
+ return attributes.build();
+ }
+ };
+ private static final String COCOA_FRAMEWORK_FLAG = "-framework Cocoa";
+ private static final String FOUNDATION_FRAMEWORK_FLAG = "-framework Foundation";
+ private static final String UIKIT_FRAMEWORK_FLAG = "-framework UIKit";
+ private static final ImmutableSet<String> IMPLICIT_NON_MAC_FRAMEWORK_FLAGS =
+ private static final ImmutableSet<String> IMPLICIT_MAC_FRAMEWORK_FLAGS =
+ private static final ImmutableSet<String> COCOA_FEATURE_FLAGS =
+ ImmutableSet.of(COCOA_FRAMEWORK_FLAG);
+ @Test
+ public void testLipoActionEnv() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch,
+ "srcs", "['a.m']",
+ "platform_type", "'watchos'");
+ useConfiguration("--watchos_cpus=i386,armv7k", "--xcode_version=7.3",
+ "--watchos_sdk_version=2.1");
+ CommandAction action = (CommandAction) lipoBinAction("//x:x");
+ assertAppleSdkVersionEnv(action, "2.1");
+ assertAppleSdkPlatformEnv(action, "WatchOS");
+ assertXcodeVersionEnv(action, "7.3");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSymlinkInsteadOfLipoSingleArch() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch,
+ "srcs", "['a.m']");
+ SymlinkAction action = (SymlinkAction) lipoBinAction("//x:x");
+ CommandAction linkAction = linkAction("//x:x");
+ assertThat(action.getInputs())
+ .containsExactly(Iterables.getOnlyElement(linkAction.getOutputs()));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLipoActionEnv_sdkVersionPadding() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch,
+ "srcs", "['a.m']",
+ "platform_type", "'watchos'");
+ useConfiguration("--watchos_cpus=i386,armv7k",
+ "--xcode_version=7.3", "--watchos_sdk_version=2");
+ CommandAction action = (CommandAction) lipoBinAction("//x:x");
+ assertAppleSdkVersionEnv(action, "2.0");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCcDependencyLinkoptsArePropagatedToLinkAction() throws Exception {
+ checkCcDependencyLinkoptsArePropagatedToLinkAction(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUnknownPlatformType() throws Exception {
+ checkError(
+ "package",
+ "test",
+ String.format(MultiArchSplitTransitionProvider.UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM_TYPE_ERROR_FORMAT,
+ "meow_meow_os"),
+ "apple_binary(name = 'test', srcs = [ 'a.m' ], platform_type = 'meow_meow_os')");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoDylibDeps() throws Exception {
+ checkProtoDedupingDeps(BinaryType.DYLIB);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoBundleLoaderDeps() throws Exception {
+ checkProtoDedupingDeps(BinaryType.LOADABLE_BUNDLE);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test scenario where all proto symbols are contained within the lower level dependency. There is
+ * an implicit dependency hierarchy between the different apple_binary types (executable,
+ * loadable_bundle, dylib) which looks like this (top level binary types can depend on lower level
+ * binary types):
+ *
+ * loadable_bundle
+ * / \
+ * dylib(s) executable
+ * |
+ * dylibs
+ *
+ * The mechanism to remove duplicate dependencies between dylibs and executable binaries works the
+ * same way between executable and loadable_bundle binaries; the only difference is through which
+ * attribute the dependency is declared (dylibs vs bundle_loader). This test scenario sets up
+ * dependencies for low level and top level binaries and checks that the correct files are linked
+ * for each of the binaries.
+ *
+ * @param depBinaryType either {@link BinaryType#DYLIB} or {@link BinaryType#LOADABLE_BUNDLE}, as
+ * this deduping test is applicable for either
+ */
+ private void checkProtoDedupingDeps(BinaryType depBinaryType) throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "protos/BUILD",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos_1',",
+ " srcs = ['data_a.proto', 'data_b.proto'],",
+ ")",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos_2',",
+ " srcs = ['data_b.proto', 'data_c.proto'],",
+ ")",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos_3',",
+ " srcs = ['data_a.proto', 'data_c.proto', 'data_d.proto'],",
+ ")",
+ "objc_proto_library(",
+ " name = 'objc_protos_a',",
+ " portable_proto_filters = ['filter_a.pbascii'],",
+ " deps = [':protos_1'],",
+ ")",
+ "objc_proto_library(",
+ " name = 'objc_protos_b',",
+ " portable_proto_filters = ['filter_b.pbascii'],",
+ " deps = [':protos_2', ':protos_3'],",
+ ")");
+ scratch.file(
+ "libs/BUILD",
+ "objc_library(",
+ " name = 'objc_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//protos:objc_protos_a', '//protos:objc_protos_b']",
+ ")");
+ if (depBinaryType == BinaryType.DYLIB) {
+ scratchFrameworkSkylarkStub("frameworkstub/framework_stub.bzl");
+ scratch.file(
+ "depBinary/BUILD",
+ "load('//frameworkstub:framework_stub.bzl', 'framework_stub_rule')",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'apple_low_level_binary',",
+ " srcs = ['b.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//libs:objc_lib'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ " binary_type = 'dylib',",
+ ")",
+ "framework_stub_rule(",
+ " name = 'low_level_framework',",
+ " deps = [':apple_low_level_binary'],",
+ " binary = ':apple_low_level_binary')");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(
+ scratch,
+ "binary_type",
+ "'executable'",
+ "srcs",
+ "['main.m']",
+ "deps",
+ "['//libs:objc_lib']",
+ "dylibs",
+ "['//depBinary:low_level_framework']",
+ "defines",
+ "copts",
+ } else {
+ assertThat(depBinaryType == BinaryType.LOADABLE_BUNDLE).isTrue();
+ scratch.file(
+ "depBinary/BUILD",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'apple_low_level_binary',",
+ " srcs = ['b.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//libs:objc_lib'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ " binary_type = 'executable',",
+ ")");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(
+ scratch,
+ "binary_type",
+ "'loadable_bundle'",
+ "srcs",
+ "['main.m']",
+ "deps",
+ "['//libs:objc_lib']",
+ "bundle_loader",
+ "'//depBinary:apple_low_level_binary'");
+ }
+ // The proto libraries objc_lib depends on should be linked into the low level binary but not x.
+ Artifact lowLevelBinary =
+ Iterables.getOnlyElement(linkAction("//depBinary:apple_low_level_binary").getOutputs());
+ ImmutableList<Artifact> lowLevelObjectFiles = getAllObjectFilesLinkedInBin(lowLevelBinary);
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataA.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataB.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataC.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataD.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ Artifact bin = Iterables.getOnlyElement(linkAction("//x:x").getOutputs());
+ ImmutableList<Artifact> binObjectFiles = getAllObjectFilesLinkedInBin(bin);
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataA.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataB.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataC.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataD.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoDylibDepsPartial() throws Exception {
+ checkProtoDedupingDepsPartial(AppleBinary.BinaryType.DYLIB);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoBundleLoaderDepsPartial() throws Exception {
+ checkProtoDedupingDepsPartial(AppleBinary.BinaryType.LOADABLE_BUNDLE);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test scenario where proto symbols are mixed between the low and top level binaries. There is
+ * an implicit dependency hierarchy between the different apple_binary types (executable,
+ * loadable_bundle, dylib) which looks like this (top level binary types can depend on lower level
+ * binary types):
+ *
+ * loadable_bundle
+ * / \
+ * dylib(s) executable
+ * |
+ * dylibs
+ *
+ * The mechanism to remove duplicate dependencies between dylibs and executable binaries works the
+ * same way between executable and loadable_bundle binaries; the only difference is through which
+ * attribute the dependency is declared (dylibs vs bundle_loader). This test scenario sets up
+ * dependencies for low level and top level binaries and checks that the correct files are linked
+ * for each of the binaries.
+ *
+ * @param depBinaryType either {@link BinaryType#DYLIB} or {@link BinaryType#LOADABLE_BUNDLE}, as
+ * this deduping test is applicable for either
+ */
+ private void checkProtoDedupingDepsPartial(BinaryType depBinaryType) throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "protos/BUILD",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos_1',",
+ " srcs = ['data_a.proto', 'data_b.proto'],",
+ ")",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos_2',",
+ " srcs = ['data_b.proto', 'data_c.proto'],",
+ ")",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos_3',",
+ " srcs = ['data_a.proto', 'data_c.proto', 'data_d.proto'],",
+ ")",
+ "objc_proto_library(",
+ " name = 'objc_protos_a',",
+ " portable_proto_filters = ['filter_a.pbascii'],",
+ " deps = [':protos_1'],",
+ ")",
+ "objc_proto_library(",
+ " name = 'objc_protos_b',",
+ " portable_proto_filters = ['filter_b.pbascii'],",
+ " deps = [':protos_2', ':protos_3'],",
+ ")");
+ scratch.file(
+ "libs/BUILD",
+ "objc_library(",
+ " name = 'main_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//protos:objc_protos_a', '//protos:objc_protos_b']",
+ ")",
+ "objc_library(",
+ " name = 'apple_low_level_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['b.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//protos:objc_protos_a']",
+ ")");
+ if (depBinaryType == BinaryType.DYLIB) {
+ scratchFrameworkSkylarkStub("frameworkstub/framework_stub.bzl");
+ scratch.file(
+ "depBinary/BUILD",
+ "load('//frameworkstub:framework_stub.bzl', 'framework_stub_rule')",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'apple_low_level_binary',",
+ " srcs = ['b.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//libs:apple_low_level_lib'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ " binary_type = 'dylib',",
+ ")",
+ "framework_stub_rule(",
+ " name = 'low_level_framework',",
+ " deps = [':apple_low_level_binary'],",
+ " binary = ':apple_low_level_binary')");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(
+ scratch,
+ "binary_type",
+ "'executable'",
+ "srcs",
+ "['main.m']",
+ "deps",
+ "['//libs:main_lib']",
+ "dylibs",
+ "['//depBinary:low_level_framework']",
+ "defines",
+ "copts",
+ } else {
+ assertThat(depBinaryType == BinaryType.LOADABLE_BUNDLE).isTrue();
+ scratch.file(
+ "depBinary/BUILD",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'apple_low_level_binary',",
+ " srcs = ['b.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//libs:apple_low_level_lib'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ " binary_type = 'executable',",
+ ")");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(
+ scratch,
+ "binary_type",
+ "'loadable_bundle'",
+ "srcs",
+ "['main.m']",
+ "deps",
+ "['//libs:main_lib']",
+ "bundle_loader",
+ "'//depBinary:apple_low_level_binary'",
+ "defines",
+ "copts",
+ }
+ // The proto libraries objc_lib depends on should be linked into the low level binary but not x.
+ Artifact lowLevelBinary =
+ Iterables.getOnlyElement(linkAction("//depBinary:apple_low_level_binary").getOutputs());
+ ImmutableList<Artifact> lowLevelObjectFiles = getAllObjectFilesLinkedInBin(lowLevelBinary);
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataA.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataB.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataC.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataD.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ Artifact bin = Iterables.getOnlyElement(linkAction("//x:x").getOutputs());
+ ImmutableList<Artifact> binObjectFiles = getAllObjectFilesLinkedInBin(bin);
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataA.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataB.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataC.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataD.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoDepsViaDylib() throws Exception {
+ checkProtoDisjointDeps(BinaryType.DYLIB);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoDepsViaBundleLoader() throws Exception {
+ checkProtoDisjointDeps(BinaryType.LOADABLE_BUNDLE);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test scenario where a proto in the top level binary depends on a proto in a low level binary.
+ * There is an implicit dependency hierarchy between the different apple_binary types (executable,
+ * loadable_bundle, dylib) which looks like this (top level binary types can depend on lower level
+ * binary types):
+ *
+ * loadable_bundle
+ * / \
+ * dylib(s) executable
+ * |
+ * dylibs
+ *
+ * The mechanism to remove duplicate dependencies between dylibs and executable binaries works the
+ * same way between executable and loadable_bundle binaries; the only difference is through which
+ * attribute the dependency is declared (dylibs vs bundle_loader). This test scenario sets up
+ * dependencies for low level and top level binaries and checks that the correct files are linked
+ * for each of the binaries.
+ *
+ * @param depBinaryType either {@link BinaryType#DYLIB} or {@link BinaryType#LOADABLE_BUNDLE}, as
+ * this deduping test is applicable for either
+ */
+ private void checkProtoDisjointDeps(BinaryType depBinaryType) throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "protos/BUILD",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos_main',",
+ " srcs = ['data_a.proto', 'data_b.proto'],",
+ ")",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos_low_level',",
+ " srcs = ['data_b.proto'],",
+ ")",
+ "objc_proto_library(",
+ " name = 'objc_protos_main',",
+ " portable_proto_filters = ['filter_a.pbascii'],",
+ " deps = [':protos_main'],",
+ ")",
+ "objc_proto_library(",
+ " name = 'objc_protos_low_level',",
+ " portable_proto_filters = ['filter_b.pbascii'],",
+ " deps = [':protos_low_level'],",
+ ")");
+ scratch.file(
+ "libs/BUILD",
+ "objc_library(",
+ " name = 'main_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//protos:objc_protos_main',]",
+ ")",
+ "objc_library(",
+ " name = 'apple_low_level_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//protos:objc_protos_low_level',]",
+ ")");
+ if (depBinaryType == BinaryType.DYLIB) {
+ scratchFrameworkSkylarkStub("frameworkstub/framework_stub.bzl");
+ scratch.file(
+ "depBinary/BUILD",
+ "load('//frameworkstub:framework_stub.bzl', 'framework_stub_rule')",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'apple_low_level_binary',",
+ " srcs = ['b.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//libs:apple_low_level_lib'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ " binary_type = 'dylib',",
+ ")",
+ "framework_stub_rule(",
+ " name = 'low_level_framework',",
+ " deps = [':apple_low_level_binary'],",
+ " binary = ':apple_low_level_binary')");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(
+ scratch,
+ "binary_type",
+ "'executable'",
+ "srcs",
+ "['main.m']",
+ "deps",
+ "['//libs:main_lib']",
+ "dylibs",
+ "['//depBinary:low_level_framework']",
+ "defines",
+ "copts",
+ } else {
+ assertThat(depBinaryType == BinaryType.LOADABLE_BUNDLE).isTrue();
+ scratch.file(
+ "depBinary/BUILD",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'apple_low_level_binary',",
+ " srcs = ['b.m'],",
+ " deps = ['//libs:apple_low_level_lib'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ " binary_type = 'executable',",
+ ")");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(
+ scratch,
+ "binary_type",
+ "'loadable_bundle'",
+ "srcs",
+ "['main.m']",
+ "deps",
+ "['//libs:main_lib']",
+ "bundle_loader",
+ "'//depBinary:apple_low_level_binary'",
+ "defines",
+ "copts",
+ }
+ // The proto libraries objc_lib depends on should be linked into apple_dylib but not x.
+ Artifact lowLevelBinary =
+ Iterables.getOnlyElement(linkAction("//depBinary:apple_low_level_binary").getOutputs());
+ ImmutableList<Artifact> lowLevelObjectFiles = getAllObjectFilesLinkedInBin(lowLevelBinary);
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataA.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lowLevelObjectFiles, "DataB.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ Artifact bin = Iterables.getOnlyElement(linkAction("//x:x").getOutputs());
+ ImmutableList<Artifact> binObjectFiles = getAllObjectFilesLinkedInBin(bin);
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataA.pbobjc.o")).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataB.pbobjc.o")).isNull();
+ Action dataAObjectAction =
+ getGeneratingAction(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(binObjectFiles, "DataA.pbobjc.o"));
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(dataAObjectAction.getInputs(), "DataB.pbobjc.h"))
+ .isNotNull();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoBundlingWithTargetsWithNoDeps() throws Exception {
+ checkProtoBundlingWithTargetsWithNoDeps(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoBundlingDoesNotHappen() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration("--noenable_apple_binary_native_protos");
+ checkProtoBundlingDoesNotHappen(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAvoidDepsObjectsWithCrosstool() throws Exception {
+ checkAvoidDepsObjectsWithCrosstool(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBundleLoaderCantBeSetWithoutBundleBinaryType() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("bin/BUILD",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")");
+ checkError(
+ "bundle", "bundle", AppleBinary.BUNDLE_LOADER_NOT_IN_BUNDLE_ERROR,
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bundle',",
+ " bundle_loader = '//bin:bin',",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")");
+ }
+ /** Returns the bcsymbolmap artifact for given architecture. */
+ protected Artifact bitcodeSymbol(String arch) throws Exception {
+ SpawnAction lipoAction = (SpawnAction) lipoBinAction("//examples/apple_skylark:bin");
+ String bin =
+ configurationBin(arch, ConfigurationDistinguisher.APPLEBIN_IOS)
+ + "examples/apple_skylark/bin_bin";
+ Artifact binArtifact = getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lipoAction.getInputs(), bin);
+ CommandAction linkAction = (CommandAction) getGeneratingAction(binArtifact);
+ return getFirstArtifactEndingWith(linkAction.getOutputs(), "bcsymbolmap");
+ }
+ /** Returns the path to the dSYM binary artifact for given architecture. */
+ protected String dsymBinaryPath(String arch) throws Exception {
+ return configurationBin(arch, ConfigurationDistinguisher.APPLEBIN_IOS)
+ + "examples/apple_skylark/bin.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/bin_bin";
+ }
+ /** Returns the path to the linkmap artifact for a given architecture. */
+ protected String linkmapPath(String arch) throws Exception {
+ return configurationBin(arch, ConfigurationDistinguisher.APPLEBIN_IOS)
+ + "examples/apple_skylark/bin.linkmap";
+ }
+ @Test
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public void testProvider_dylib() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("examples/rule/BUILD");
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/rule/apple_rules.bzl",
+ "def _test_rule_impl(ctx):",
+ " dep = ctx.attr.deps[0]",
+ " provider = dep[apple_common.AppleDylibBinary]",
+ " return struct(",
+ " binary = provider.binary,",
+ " objc = provider.objc,",
+ " dep_dir = dir(dep),",
+ " )",
+ "test_rule = rule(implementation = _test_rule_impl,",
+ " attrs = {",
+ " 'deps': attr.label_list(allow_files = False, mandatory = False,)",
+ "})");
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/apple_skylark/BUILD",
+ "package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])",
+ "load('/examples/rule/apple_rules', 'test_rule')",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " binary_type = '" + BinaryType.DYLIB + "',",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")",
+ "test_rule(",
+ " name = 'my_target',",
+ " deps = [':bin'],",
+ ")");
+ useConfiguration("--ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64");
+ ConfiguredTarget skylarkTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//examples/apple_skylark:my_target");
+ assertThat(skylarkTarget.get("binary")).isInstanceOf(Artifact.class);
+ assertThat(skylarkTarget.get("objc")).isInstanceOf(ObjcProvider.class);
+ List<String> depProviders = (List<String>) skylarkTarget.getValue("dep_dir");
+ assertThat(depProviders).doesNotContain("AppleExecutableBinary");
+ assertThat(depProviders).doesNotContain("AppleLoadableBundleBinary");
+ }
+ @Test
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public void testProvider_executable() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("examples/rule/BUILD");
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/rule/apple_rules.bzl",
+ "def _test_rule_impl(ctx):",
+ " dep = ctx.attr.deps[0]",
+ " provider = dep[apple_common.AppleExecutableBinary]",
+ " return struct(",
+ " binary = provider.binary,",
+ " objc = provider.objc,",
+ " dep_dir = dir(dep),",
+ " )",
+ "test_rule = rule(implementation = _test_rule_impl,",
+ " attrs = {",
+ " 'deps': attr.label_list(allow_files = False, mandatory = False,)",
+ "})");
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/apple_skylark/BUILD",
+ "package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])",
+ "load('/examples/rule/apple_rules', 'test_rule')",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " binary_type = '" + BinaryType.EXECUTABLE + "',",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")",
+ "test_rule(",
+ " name = 'my_target',",
+ " deps = [':bin'],",
+ ")");
+ useConfiguration("--ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64");
+ ConfiguredTarget skylarkTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//examples/apple_skylark:my_target");
+ assertThat(skylarkTarget.get("binary")).isInstanceOf(Artifact.class);
+ assertThat(skylarkTarget.get("objc")).isInstanceOf(ObjcProvider.class);
+ List<String> depProviders = (List<String>) skylarkTarget.get("dep_dir");
+ assertThat(depProviders).doesNotContain("AppleDylibBinary");
+ assertThat(depProviders).doesNotContain("AppleLoadableBundleBinary");
+ }
+ @Test
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ public void testProvider_loadableBundle() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("examples/rule/BUILD");
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/rule/apple_rules.bzl",
+ "def _test_rule_impl(ctx):",
+ " dep = ctx.attr.deps[0]",
+ " provider = dep[apple_common.AppleLoadableBundleBinary]",
+ " return struct(",
+ " binary = provider.binary,",
+ " dep_dir = dir(dep),",
+ " )",
+ "test_rule = rule(implementation = _test_rule_impl,",
+ " attrs = {",
+ " 'deps': attr.label_list(allow_files = False, mandatory = False,)",
+ "})");
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/apple_skylark/BUILD",
+ "package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])",
+ "load('/examples/rule/apple_rules', 'test_rule')",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " binary_type = '" + BinaryType.LOADABLE_BUNDLE + "',",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")",
+ "test_rule(",
+ " name = 'my_target',",
+ " deps = [':bin'],",
+ ")");
+ useConfiguration("--ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64");
+ ConfiguredTarget skylarkTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//examples/apple_skylark:my_target");
+ assertThat((Artifact) skylarkTarget.get("binary")).isNotNull();
+ List<String> depProviders = (List<String>) skylarkTarget.get("dep_dir");
+ assertThat(depProviders).doesNotContain("AppleExecutableBinary");
+ assertThat(depProviders).doesNotContain("AppleDylibBinary");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDuplicateLinkopts() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch, "linkopts", "['-foo', 'bar', '-foo', 'baz']");
+ CommandAction linkAction = linkAction("//x:x");
+ String linkArgs = Joiner.on(" ").join(linkAction.getArguments());
+ assertThat(linkArgs).contains("-Wl,-foo -Wl,bar");
+ assertThat(linkArgs).contains("-Wl,-foo -Wl,baz");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCanUseCrosstool_singleArch() throws Exception {
+ checkLinkingRuleCanUseCrosstool_singleArch(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCanUseCrosstool_multiArch() throws Exception {
+ checkLinkingRuleCanUseCrosstool_multiArch(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleSdkIphoneosPlatformEnv() throws Exception {
+ checkAppleSdkIphoneosPlatformEnv(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testXcodeVersionEnv() throws Exception {
+ checkXcodeVersionEnv(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinksImplicitFrameworksWithCrosstoolIos() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration(
+ ObjcCrosstoolMode.ALL,
+ "--ios_multi_cpus=x86_64",
+ "--ios_sdk_version=10.0",
+ "--ios_minimum_os=8.0");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch, "srcs", "['a.m']", "platform_type", "'ios'");
+ Action lipoAction = actionProducingArtifact("//x:x", "_lipobin");
+ Artifact binArtifact = getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lipoAction.getInputs(), "x/x_bin");
+ CommandAction linkAction = (CommandAction) getGeneratingAction(binArtifact);
+ assertThat(linkAction.getArguments()).containsAllIn(IMPLICIT_NON_MAC_FRAMEWORK_FLAGS);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinksImplicitFrameworksWithCrosstoolWatchos() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration(
+ ObjcCrosstoolMode.ALL,
+ "--watchos_cpus=i386",
+ "--watchos_sdk_version=3.0",
+ "--watchos_minimum_os=2.0");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch, "srcs", "['a.m']", "platform_type", "'watchos'");
+ Action lipoAction = actionProducingArtifact("//x:x", "_lipobin");
+ Artifact binArtifact = getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lipoAction.getInputs(), "x/x_bin");
+ CommandAction linkAction = (CommandAction) getGeneratingAction(binArtifact);
+ assertThat(linkAction.getArguments()).containsAllIn(IMPLICIT_NON_MAC_FRAMEWORK_FLAGS);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinksImplicitFrameworksWithCrosstoolTvos() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration(
+ ObjcCrosstoolMode.ALL,
+ "--tvos_cpus=x86_64",
+ "--tvos_sdk_version=10.1",
+ "--tvos_minimum_os=10.0");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch, "srcs", "['a.m']", "platform_type", "'tvos'");
+ Action lipoAction = actionProducingArtifact("//x:x", "_lipobin");
+ Artifact binArtifact = getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lipoAction.getInputs(), "x/x_bin");
+ CommandAction linkAction = (CommandAction) getGeneratingAction(binArtifact);
+ assertThat(linkAction.getArguments()).containsAllIn(IMPLICIT_NON_MAC_FRAMEWORK_FLAGS);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinksImplicitFrameworksWithCrosstoolMacos() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration(
+ ObjcCrosstoolMode.ALL,
+ "--macos_cpus=x86_64",
+ "--macos_sdk_version=10.11",
+ "--macos_minimum_os=10.11");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch, "srcs", "['a.m']", "platform_type", "'macos'");
+ Action lipoAction = actionProducingArtifact("//x:x", "_lipobin");
+ Artifact binArtifact = getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lipoAction.getInputs(), "x/x_bin");
+ CommandAction linkAction = (CommandAction) getGeneratingAction(binArtifact);
+ assertThat(linkAction.getArguments()).containsAllIn(IMPLICIT_MAC_FRAMEWORK_FLAGS);
+ assertThat(linkAction.getArguments())
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinkCocoaFeatureWithCrosstoolMacos() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration(
+ ObjcCrosstoolMode.ALL,
+ "--macos_cpus=x86_64",
+ "--macos_sdk_version=10.11",
+ "--macos_minimum_os=10.11");
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(
+ scratch, "srcs", "['a.m']", "platform_type", "'macos'", "features", "['link_cocoa']");
+ Action lipoAction = actionProducingArtifact("//x:x", "_lipobin");
+ Artifact binArtifact = getFirstArtifactEndingWith(lipoAction.getInputs(), "x/x_bin");
+ CommandAction linkAction = (CommandAction) getGeneratingAction(binArtifact);
+ assertThat(linkAction.getArguments()).containsAllIn(IMPLICIT_MAC_FRAMEWORK_FLAGS);
+ assertThat(linkAction.getArguments()).containsAllIn(COCOA_FEATURE_FLAGS);
+ assertThat(linkAction.getArguments()).doesNotContain(UIKIT_FRAMEWORK_FLAG);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAliasedLinkoptsThroughObjcLibrary() throws Exception {
+ checkAliasedLinkoptsThroughObjcLibrary(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleSdkVersionEnv() throws Exception {
+ checkAppleSdkVersionEnv(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNonDefaultAppleSdkVersionEnv() throws Exception {
+ checkNonDefaultAppleSdkVersionEnv(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleSdkDefaultPlatformEnv() throws Exception {
+ checkAppleSdkDefaultPlatformEnv(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAvoidDepsThroughDylib() throws Exception {
+ checkAvoidDepsThroughDylib(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAvoidDepsObjects_avoidViaCcLibrary() throws Exception {
+ checkAvoidDepsObjects_avoidViaCcLibrary(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBundleLoaderIsCorrectlyPassedToTheLinker() throws Exception {
+ checkBundleLoaderIsCorrectlyPassedToTheLinker(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNoSrcs() throws Exception {
+ checkNoSrcs(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLipoBinaryAction() throws Exception {
+ checkLipoBinaryAction(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinkActionHasCorrectIosSimulatorMinVersion() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch, "srcs", "['a.m']", "platform_type", "'ios'");
+ useConfiguration("--ios_multi_cpus=x86_64", "--ios_sdk_version=10.0", "--ios_minimum_os=8.0");
+ checkLinkMinimumOSVersion(
+ ConfigurationDistinguisher.APPLEBIN_IOS, "x86_64", "-mios-simulator-version-min=8.0");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinkActionHasCorrectIosMinVersion() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch, "srcs", "['a.m']", "platform_type", "'ios'");
+ useConfiguration("--ios_multi_cpus=arm64", "--ios_sdk_version=10.0", "--ios_minimum_os=8.0");
+ checkLinkMinimumOSVersion(
+ ConfigurationDistinguisher.APPLEBIN_IOS, "arm64", "-miphoneos-version-min=8.0");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWatchSimulatorDepCompile() throws Exception {
+ checkWatchSimulatorDepCompile(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDylibBinaryType() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch, "binary_type", "'dylib'");
+ CommandAction linkAction = linkAction("//x:x");
+ assertThat(Joiner.on(" ").join(linkAction.getArguments())).contains("-dynamiclib");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBinaryTypeIsCorrectlySetToBundle() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch, "binary_type", "'loadable_bundle'");
+ CommandAction linkAction = linkAction("//x:x");
+ assertThat(Joiner.on(" ").join(linkAction.getArguments())).contains("-bundle");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultiarchCcDep() throws Exception {
+ checkMultiarchCcDep(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWatchSimulatorLipoAction() throws Exception {
+ checkWatchSimulatorLipoAction(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinkActionsWithSrcs() throws Exception {
+ checkLinkActionsWithSrcs(RULE_TYPE, new ExtraLinkArgs());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testFrameworkDepLinkFlags() throws Exception {
+ checkFrameworkDepLinkFlags(RULE_TYPE, new ExtraLinkArgs());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDylibDependencies() throws Exception {
+ checkDylibDependencies(RULE_TYPE, new ExtraLinkArgs());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMinimumOs() throws Exception {
+ checkMinimumOsLinkAndCompileArg(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMinimumOs_watchos() throws Exception {
+ checkMinimumOsLinkAndCompileArg_watchos(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMinimumOs_invalid_nonVersion() throws Exception {
+ checkMinimumOs_invalid_nonVersion(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMinimumOs_invalid_containsAlphabetic() throws Exception {
+ checkMinimumOs_invalid_containsAlphabetic(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMinimumOs_invalid_tooManyComponents() throws Exception {
+ checkMinimumOs_invalid_tooManyComponents(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGenfilesProtoGetsCorrectPath() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/BUILD",
+ "package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " deps = [':objc_protos'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")",
+ "objc_proto_library(",
+ " name = 'objc_protos',",
+ " portable_proto_filters = ['filter.pbascii'],",
+ " deps = [':protos'],",
+ ")",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos',",
+ " srcs = ['genfile.proto'],",
+ ")",
+ "genrule(",
+ " name = 'copy_proto',",
+ " srcs = ['original.proto'],",
+ " outs = ['genfile.proto'],",
+ " cmd = '/bin/cp $< $@',",
+ ")");
+ useConfiguration("--ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64");
+ Action lipoAction = actionProducingArtifact("//examples:bin", "_lipobin");
+ ArrayList<String> genfileRoots = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (Artifact archBinary : lipoAction.getInputs()) {
+ if (archBinary.getExecPathString().endsWith("bin_bin")) {
+ Artifact protoLib =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(archBinary).getInputs(), "BundledProtos_0.a");
+ Artifact protoObject =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(protoLib).getInputs(), "Genfile.pbobjc.o");
+ Artifact protoObjcSource =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(protoObject).getInputs(), "Genfile.pbobjc.m");
+ Artifact protoSource =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(protoObjcSource).getInputs(), "genfile.proto");
+ genfileRoots.add(protoSource.getRoot().getExecPathString());
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure there are genrules for both arm64 and armv7 configurations.
+ Collections.sort(genfileRoots);
+ assertThat(genfileRoots).hasSize(2);
+ assertThat(genfileRoots.get(0)).contains("arm64");
+ assertThat(genfileRoots.get(1)).contains("armv7");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDifferingProtoDepsPerArchitecture() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/BUILD",
+ "package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " deps = [':objc_protos'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")",
+ "objc_proto_library(",
+ " name = 'objc_protos',",
+ " portable_proto_filters = ['filter.pbascii'],",
+ " deps = [':protos'],",
+ ")",
+ "proto_library(",
+ " name = 'protos',",
+ " srcs = select({",
+ " ':armv7': [ 'one.proto', ],",
+ " '//conditions:default': [ 'two.proto', ],",
+ " }),",
+ ")",
+ "config_setting(",
+ " name = 'armv7',",
+ " values = {'apple_split_cpu': 'armv7'},",
+ ")");
+ useConfiguration("--ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64");
+ Action lipoAction = actionProducingArtifact("//examples:bin", "_lipobin");
+ Artifact armv7Binary = getSingleArchBinary(lipoAction, "armv7");
+ Artifact arm64Binary = getSingleArchBinary(lipoAction, "arm64");;
+ Artifact armv7ProtoLib =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(armv7Binary).getInputs(), "BundledProtos_0.a");
+ Artifact armv7ProtoObject =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(armv7ProtoLib).getInputs(), "One.pbobjc.o");
+ Artifact armv7ProtoObjcSource =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(armv7ProtoObject).getInputs(), "One.pbobjc.m");
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(armv7ProtoObjcSource).getInputs(), "one.proto")).isNotNull();
+ Artifact arm64ProtoLib =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(arm64Binary).getInputs(), "BundledProtos_0.a");
+ Artifact arm64ProtoObject =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(arm64ProtoLib).getInputs(), "Two.pbobjc.o");
+ Artifact arm64ProtoObjcSource =
+ getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(arm64ProtoObject).getInputs(), "Two.pbobjc.m");
+ assertThat(getFirstArtifactEndingWith(
+ getGeneratingAction(arm64ProtoObjcSource).getInputs(), "two.proto")).isNotNull();
+ }
+ private Artifact getSingleArchBinary(Action lipoAction, String arch) throws Exception {
+ for (Artifact archBinary : lipoAction.getInputs()) {
+ String execPath = archBinary.getExecPathString();
+ if (execPath.endsWith("bin_bin") && execPath.contains(arch)) {
+ return archBinary;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new AssertionError("Lipo action does not contain an input binary from arch " + arch);
+ }
+ private SkylarkDict<String, SkylarkDict<String, Artifact>>
+ generateAppleDebugOutputsSkylarkProviderMap() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("examples/rule/BUILD");
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/rule/apple_rules.bzl",
+ "def _test_rule_impl(ctx):",
+ " dep = ctx.attr.deps[0]",
+ " provider = dep[apple_common.AppleDebugOutputs]",
+ " return struct(",
+ " outputs_map=provider.outputs_map,",
+ " )",
+ "test_rule = rule(implementation = _test_rule_impl,",
+ " attrs = {",
+ " 'deps': attr.label_list(",
+ " allow_files = False,",
+ " mandatory = False,",
+ " providers = [apple_common.AppleDebugOutputs],",
+ " )",
+ "})");
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/apple_skylark/BUILD",
+ "package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])",
+ "load('/examples/rule/apple_rules', 'test_rule')",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")",
+ "test_rule(",
+ " name = 'my_target',",
+ " deps = [':bin'],",
+ ")");
+ ConfiguredTarget skylarkTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//examples/apple_skylark:my_target");
+ // This cast is safe: struct providers are represented as SkylarkDict.
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ SkylarkDict<String, SkylarkDict<String, Artifact>> outputMap =
+ (SkylarkDict<String, SkylarkDict<String, Artifact>>)
+ skylarkTarget.get("outputs_map");
+ return outputMap;
+ }
+ private void checkAppleDebugSymbolProvider_DsymEntries(
+ SkylarkDict<String, SkylarkDict<String, Artifact>> outputMap) throws Exception {
+ assertThat(outputMap).containsKey("arm64");
+ assertThat(outputMap).containsKey("armv7");
+ Map<String, Artifact> arm64 = outputMap.get("arm64");
+ assertThat(arm64).containsEntry("bitcode_symbols", bitcodeSymbol("arm64"));
+ assertThat(arm64.get("dsym_binary").getExecPathString()).isEqualTo(dsymBinaryPath("arm64"));
+ Map<String, Artifact> armv7 = outputMap.get("armv7");
+ assertThat(armv7).containsEntry("bitcode_symbols", bitcodeSymbol("armv7"));
+ assertThat(armv7.get("dsym_binary").getExecPathString()).isEqualTo(dsymBinaryPath("armv7"));
+ Map<String, Artifact> x8664 = outputMap.get("x86_64");
+ // Simulator build has bitcode disabled.
+ assertThat(x8664).doesNotContainKey("bitcode_symbols");
+ assertThat(x8664.get("dsym_binary").getExecPathString()).isEqualTo(dsymBinaryPath("x86_64"));
+ }
+ private void checkAppleDebugSymbolProvider_LinkMapEntries(
+ SkylarkDict<String, SkylarkDict<String, Artifact>> outputMap) throws Exception {
+ assertThat(outputMap).containsKey("arm64");
+ assertThat(outputMap).containsKey("armv7");
+ Map<String, Artifact> arm64 = outputMap.get("arm64");
+ assertThat(arm64.get("linkmap").getExecPathString()).isEqualTo(linkmapPath("arm64"));
+ Map<String, Artifact> armv7 = outputMap.get("armv7");
+ assertThat(armv7.get("linkmap").getExecPathString()).isEqualTo(linkmapPath("armv7"));
+ Map<String, Artifact> x8664 = outputMap.get("x86_64");
+ assertThat(x8664.get("linkmap").getExecPathString()).isEqualTo(linkmapPath("x86_64"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleDebugSymbolProviderWithDsymsExposedToSkylark() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration(
+ "--apple_bitcode=embedded", "--apple_generate_dsym", "--ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64,x86_64");
+ checkAppleDebugSymbolProvider_DsymEntries(generateAppleDebugOutputsSkylarkProviderMap());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleDebugSymbolProviderWithLinkMapsExposedToSkylark() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration(
+ "--apple_bitcode=embedded",
+ "--objc_generate_linkmap",
+ "--ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64,x86_64");
+ checkAppleDebugSymbolProvider_LinkMapEntries(generateAppleDebugOutputsSkylarkProviderMap());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleDebugSymbolProviderWithDsymsAndLinkMapsExposedToSkylark() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration(
+ "--apple_bitcode=embedded",
+ "--objc_generate_linkmap",
+ "--apple_generate_dsym",
+ "--ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64,x86_64");
+ SkylarkDict<String, SkylarkDict<String, Artifact>> outputMap =
+ generateAppleDebugOutputsSkylarkProviderMap();
+ checkAppleDebugSymbolProvider_DsymEntries(outputMap);
+ checkAppleDebugSymbolProvider_LinkMapEntries(outputMap);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testFilesToCompileOutputGroup() throws Exception {
+ checkFilesToCompileOutputGroup(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testInstrumentedFilesProviderContainsDepsAndBundleLoaderFiles() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration("--collect_code_coverage");
+ scratch.file(
+ "examples/BUILD",
+ "package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " deps = [':lib'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bundle',",
+ " deps = [':bundle_lib'],",
+ " binary_type = '" + BinaryType.LOADABLE_BUNDLE + "',",
+ " bundle_loader = ':bin',",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")",
+ "objc_library(",
+ " name = 'lib',",
+ " srcs = ['lib.m'],",
+ ")",
+ "objc_library(",
+ " name = 'bundle_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['bundle_lib.m'],",
+ ")");
+ ConfiguredTarget bundleTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//examples:bundle");
+ InstrumentedFilesProvider instrumentedFilesProvider =
+ bundleTarget.getProvider(InstrumentedFilesProvider.class);
+ assertThat(instrumentedFilesProvider).isNotNull();
+ assertThat(Artifact.toRootRelativePaths(instrumentedFilesProvider.getInstrumentedFiles()))
+ .containsAllOf("examples/lib.m", "examples/bundle_lib.m");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleSdkWatchsimulatorPlatformEnv() throws Exception {
+ checkAppleSdkWatchsimulatorPlatformEnv(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleSdkWatchosPlatformEnv() throws Exception {
+ checkAppleSdkWatchosPlatformEnv(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleSdkTvsimulatorPlatformEnv() throws Exception {
+ checkAppleSdkTvsimulatorPlatformEnv(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAppleSdkTvosPlatformEnv() throws Exception {
+ checkAppleSdkTvosPlatformEnv(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinkActionHasCorrectWatchosSimulatorMinVersion() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch,
+ "srcs", "['a.m']",
+ "platform_type", "'watchos'");
+ useConfiguration(
+ "--watchos_cpus=i386", "--watchos_sdk_version=3.0", "--watchos_minimum_os=2.0");
+ checkLinkMinimumOSVersion(ConfigurationDistinguisher.APPLEBIN_WATCHOS, "i386",
+ "-mwatchos-simulator-version-min=2.0");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinkActionHasCorrectWatchosMinVersion() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch,
+ "srcs", "['a.m']",
+ "platform_type", "'watchos'");
+ useConfiguration(
+ "--watchos_cpus=armv7k", "--watchos_sdk_version=3.0", "--watchos_minimum_os=2.0");
+ checkLinkMinimumOSVersion(ConfigurationDistinguisher.APPLEBIN_WATCHOS, "armv7k",
+ "-mwatchos-version-min=2.0");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinkActionHasCorrectTvosSimulatorMinVersion() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch,
+ "srcs", "['a.m']",
+ "platform_type", "'tvos'");
+ useConfiguration(
+ "--tvos_cpus=x86_64", "--tvos_sdk_version=10.1", "--tvos_minimum_os=10.0");
+ checkLinkMinimumOSVersion(ConfigurationDistinguisher.APPLEBIN_TVOS, "x86_64",
+ "-mtvos-simulator-version-min=10.0");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinkActionHasCorrectTvosMinVersion() throws Exception {
+ RULE_TYPE.scratchTarget(scratch,
+ "srcs", "['a.m']",
+ "platform_type", "'tvos'");
+ useConfiguration(
+ "--tvos_cpus=arm64", "--tvos_sdk_version=10.1", "--tvos_minimum_os=10.0");
+ checkLinkMinimumOSVersion(ConfigurationDistinguisher.APPLEBIN_TVOS, "arm64",
+ "-mtvos-version-min=10.0");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWatchSimulatorLinkAction() throws Exception {
+ checkWatchSimulatorLinkAction(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testProtoBundlingAndLinking() throws Exception {
+ checkProtoBundlingAndLinking(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAvoidDepsObjects() throws Exception {
+ checkAvoidDepsObjects(RULE_TYPE);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBundleLoaderPropagatesAppleExecutableBinaryProvider() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "bin/BUILD",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " hdrs = ['a.h'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")");
+ scratch.file(
+ "test/BUILD",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'test',",
+ " srcs = ['test.m'],",
+ " binary_type = 'loadable_bundle',",
+ " bundle_loader = '//bin:bin',",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")");
+ ConfiguredTarget binTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//bin:bin");
+ AppleExecutableBinaryProvider executableBinaryProvider =
+ (AppleExecutableBinaryProvider) binTarget.get(
+ AppleExecutableBinaryProvider.SKYLARK_CONSTRUCTOR.getKey());
+ assertThat(executableBinaryProvider).isNotNull();
+ CommandAction testLinkAction = linkAction("//test:test");
+ assertThat(testLinkAction.getInputs())
+ .contains(executableBinaryProvider.getAppleExecutableBinary());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLoadableBundleBinaryAddsRpathLinkOptWithNoBundleLoader() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "test/BUILD",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'test',",
+ " srcs = ['test.m'],",
+ " binary_type = 'loadable_bundle',",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")");
+ CommandAction testLinkAction = linkAction("//test:test");
+ assertThat(Joiner.on(" ").join(testLinkAction.getArguments()))
+ .contains("@loader_path/Frameworks");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLoadableBundleBinaryAddsRpathLinkOptWithBundleLoader() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "bin/BUILD",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'bin',",
+ " srcs = ['a.m'],",
+ " hdrs = ['a.h'],",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")");
+ scratch.file(
+ "test/BUILD",
+ "apple_binary(",
+ " name = 'test',",
+ " srcs = ['test.m'],",
+ " binary_type = 'loadable_bundle',",
+ " bundle_loader = '//bin:bin',",
+ " platform_type = 'ios',",
+ ")");
+ CommandAction testLinkAction = linkAction("//test:test");
+ assertThat(Joiner.on(" ").join(testLinkAction.getArguments()))
+ .contains("@loader_path/Frameworks");
+ }