path: root/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/cpp/CcCommonConfiguredTargetTest.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/cpp/CcCommonConfiguredTargetTest.java')
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diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/cpp/CcCommonConfiguredTargetTest.java b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/cpp/CcCommonConfiguredTargetTest.java
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/cpp/CcCommonConfiguredTargetTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp;
+import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.filter;
+import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.getOnlyElement;
+import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
+import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.util.ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames;
+import static com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.util.ActionsTestUtil.baseNamesOf;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
+import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Action;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.Artifact;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.actions.util.ActionsTestUtil;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.AnalysisUtils;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.ConfiguredTarget;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.OutputGroupProvider;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.analysis.util.BuildViewTestCase;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.cmdline.PackageIdentifier;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.MoreAsserts;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.testutil.TestConstants;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileType;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.vfs.PathFragment;
+import com.google.devtools.build.lib.view.config.crosstool.CrosstoolConfig;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+ * A test for {@link CcCommon}.
+ */
+public class CcCommonConfiguredTargetTest extends BuildViewTestCase {
+ private static final String STATIC_LIB = "statically/libstatically.a";
+ @Before
+ public final void createBuildFiles() throws Exception {
+ // Having lots of setUp code leads to bad running time. Don't add anything here!
+ scratch.file("empty/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name = 'emptylib')",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'emptybinary')");
+ scratch.file("foo/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name = 'foo',",
+ " srcs = ['foo.cc'])");
+ scratch.file("bar/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name = 'bar',",
+ " srcs = ['bar.cc'])");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSameCcFileTwice() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("a/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name='a', srcs=['a1', 'a2'])",
+ "filegroup(name='a1', srcs=['a.cc'])",
+ "filegroup(name='a2', srcs=['a.cc'])");
+ reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
+ getConfiguredTarget("//a:a");
+ assertContainsEvent("Artifact 'a/a.cc' is duplicated");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSameHeaderFileTwice() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("a/BUILD",
+ "package(features=['parse_headers'])",
+ "cc_library(name='a', srcs=['a1', 'a2', 'a.cc'])",
+ "filegroup(name='a1', srcs=['a.h'])",
+ "filegroup(name='a2', srcs=['a.h'])");
+ reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
+ getConfiguredTarget("//a:a");
+ assertNoEvents();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testEmptyLibrary() throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget emptylib = getConfiguredTarget("//empty:emptylib");
+ // We create .a for empty libraries, for simplicity (in Blaze).
+ // But we avoid creating .so files for empty libraries,
+ // because those have a potentially significant run-time startup cost.
+ if (emptyShouldOutputStaticLibrary()) {
+ assertEquals("libemptylib.a", baseNamesOf(getFilesToBuild(emptylib)));
+ } else {
+ assertThat(getFilesToBuild(emptylib)).isEmpty();
+ }
+ assertTrue(
+ emptylib
+ .getProvider(CcExecutionDynamicLibrariesProvider.class)
+ .getExecutionDynamicLibraryArtifacts()
+ .isEmpty());
+ }
+ protected static boolean emptyShouldOutputStaticLibrary() {
+ return !TestConstants.THIS_IS_BAZEL;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testEmptyBinary() throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget emptybin = getConfiguredTarget("//empty:emptybinary");
+ assertEquals("emptybinary", baseNamesOf(getFilesToBuild(emptybin)));
+ }
+ private List<String> getCopts(String target) throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget cLib = getConfiguredTarget(target);
+ Artifact object = getOnlyElement(getOutputGroup(cLib, OutputGroupProvider.FILES_TO_COMPILE));
+ CppCompileAction compileAction = (CppCompileAction) getGeneratingAction(object);
+ return compileAction.getCompilerOptions();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCopts() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("copts/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name = 'c_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['foo.cc'],",
+ " copts = [ '-Wmy-warning', '-frun-faster' ])");
+ MoreAsserts.assertContainsSublist(getCopts("//copts:c_lib"), "-Wmy-warning", "-frun-faster");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCoptsTokenization() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("copts/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name = 'c_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['foo.cc'],",
+ " copts = ['-Wmy-warning -frun-faster'])");
+ List<String> copts = getCopts("//copts:c_lib");
+ MoreAsserts.assertContainsSublist(copts, "-Wmy-warning", "-frun-faster");
+ assertContainsEvent("each item in the list should contain only one option");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCoptsNoTokenization() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("copts/BUILD",
+ "package(features = ['no_copts_tokenization'])",
+ "cc_library(name = 'c_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['foo.cc'],",
+ " copts = ['-Wmy-warning -frun-faster'])");
+ List<String> copts = getCopts("//copts:c_lib");
+ MoreAsserts.assertContainsSublist(copts, "-Wmy-warning -frun-faster");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that we handle ".a" files in cc_library srcs correctly when
+ * linking dynamically. In particular, if srcs contains only the ".a"
+ * file for a library, with no corresponding ".so", then we need
+ * to link in the ".a" file even when we're linking dynamically.
+ * If srcs contains both ".a" and ".so" then we should only link
+ * in the ".so".
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testArchiveInCcLibrarySrcs() throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget archiveInSrcsTest =
+ scratchConfiguredTarget(
+ "archive_in_srcs",
+ "archive_in_srcs_test",
+ "cc_test(name = 'archive_in_srcs_test',",
+ " srcs = ['archive_in_srcs_test.cc'],",
+ " deps = [':archive_in_srcs_lib'])",
+ "cc_library(name = 'archive_in_srcs_lib',",
+ " srcs = ['libstatic.a', 'libboth.a', 'libboth.so'])");
+ Iterable<Artifact> libraries = getLinkerInputs(archiveInSrcsTest);
+ assertThat(baseArtifactNames(libraries))
+ .containsAllOf("archive_in_srcs_test.pic.o", "libboth.so", "libstatic.a");
+ }
+ private Iterable<Artifact> getLinkerInputs(ConfiguredTarget target) {
+ Artifact executable = getExecutable(target);
+ CppLinkAction linkAction = (CppLinkAction) getGeneratingAction(executable);
+ return LinkerInputs.toLibraryArtifacts(linkAction.getLinkCommandLine().getLinkerInputs());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDylibLibrarySuffixIsStripped() throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget archiveInSrcsTest =
+ scratchConfiguredTarget(
+ "archive_in_src_darwin",
+ "archive_in_srcs",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'archive_in_srcs',",
+ " srcs = ['libarchive.34.dylib'])");
+ Artifact executable = getExecutable(archiveInSrcsTest);
+ CppLinkAction linkAction = (CppLinkAction) getGeneratingAction(executable);
+ assertThat(linkAction.getLinkCommandLine().toString()).contains(" -larchive.34 ");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLinkStaticStatically() throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget statically =
+ scratchConfiguredTarget(
+ "statically",
+ "statically",
+ "cc_library(name = 'statically',",
+ " srcs = ['statically.cc'],",
+ " linkstatic=1)");
+ assertTrue(
+ statically
+ .getProvider(CcExecutionDynamicLibrariesProvider.class)
+ .getExecutionDynamicLibraryArtifacts()
+ .isEmpty());
+ Artifact staticallyDotA = getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(statically));
+ assertThat(getGeneratingAction(staticallyDotA)).isInstanceOf(CppLinkAction.class);
+ PathFragment dotAPath = staticallyDotA.getExecPath();
+ assertThat(dotAPath.getPathString()).endsWith(STATIC_LIB);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testIsolatedDefines() throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget isolatedDefines =
+ scratchConfiguredTarget(
+ "isolated_defines",
+ "defineslib",
+ "cc_library(name = 'defineslib',",
+ " srcs = ['defines.cc'],",
+ " defines = ['FOO', 'BAR'])");
+ assertThat(isolatedDefines.getProvider(CppCompilationContext.class).getDefines())
+ .containsExactly("FOO", "BAR")
+ .inOrder();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testStartEndLib() throws Exception {
+ CrosstoolConfigurationHelper.overwriteCrosstoolWithToolchain(
+ directories.getWorkspace(),
+ CrosstoolConfig.CToolchain.newBuilder().setSupportsStartEndLib(true).buildPartial());
+ useConfiguration(
+ // Prevent Android from trying to setup ARM crosstool by forcing it on system cpu.
+ "--fat_apk_cpu=" + CrosstoolConfigurationHelper.defaultCpu(),
+ "--start_end_lib");
+ scratch.file(
+ "test/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name='lib',",
+ " srcs=['lib.c'])",
+ "cc_binary(name='bin',",
+ " srcs=['bin.c'])");
+ ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test:bin");
+ CppLinkAction action = (CppLinkAction) getGeneratingAction(getExecutable(target));
+ for (Artifact input : action.getInputs()) {
+ String name = input.getFilename();
+ assertTrue(!CppFileTypes.ARCHIVE.matches(name) && !CppFileTypes.PIC_ARCHIVE.matches(name));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTempsWithDifferentExtensions() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration("--save_temps");
+ scratch.file(
+ "ananas/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name='ananas',",
+ " srcs=['1.c', '2.cc', '3.cpp', '4.S', '5.h', '6.hpp'])");
+ ConfiguredTarget ananas = getConfiguredTarget("//ananas:ananas");
+ Iterable<String> temps =
+ ActionsTestUtil.baseArtifactNames(getOutputGroup(ananas, OutputGroupProvider.TEMP_FILES));
+ assertThat(temps)
+ .containsExactly(
+ "1.pic.i", "1.pic.s",
+ "2.pic.ii", "2.pic.s",
+ "3.pic.ii", "3.pic.s");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTempsForCc() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration("--save_temps");
+ ConfiguredTarget fooTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//foo:foo");
+ List<Artifact> temps =
+ ImmutableList.copyOf(getOutputGroup(fooTarget, OutputGroupProvider.TEMP_FILES));
+ assertThat(temps).hasSize(2);
+ // Assert that the two temps are the .i and .s files we expect.
+ getOnlyElement(filter(temps, fileTypePredicate(CppFileTypes.PIC_PREPROCESSED_CPP)));
+ getOnlyElement(filter(temps, fileTypePredicate(CppFileTypes.PIC_ASSEMBLER)));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTempsForCcNoPIC() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration("--save_temps", "--cpu=piii");
+ ConfiguredTarget fooTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//foo:foo");
+ List<Artifact> temps =
+ ImmutableList.copyOf(getOutputGroup(fooTarget, OutputGroupProvider.TEMP_FILES));
+ assertThat(temps).hasSize(2);
+ // Assert that the two temps are the .i and .s files we expect.
+ getOnlyElement(filter(temps, fileTypePredicate(CppFileTypes.PREPROCESSED_CPP)));
+ getOnlyElement(filter(temps, fileTypePredicate(CppFileTypes.ASSEMBLER)));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTempsForC() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration("--save_temps");
+ // Now try with a .c source file.
+ scratch.file("csrc/BUILD", "cc_library(name='csrc',", " srcs=['foo.c'])");
+ ConfiguredTarget csrcTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//csrc:csrc");
+ List<Artifact> cTemps =
+ ImmutableList.copyOf(getOutputGroup(csrcTarget, OutputGroupProvider.TEMP_FILES));
+ assertThat(cTemps).hasSize(2);
+ // Assert that the two temps are the .ii and .s files we expect.
+ getOnlyElement(filter(cTemps, fileTypePredicate(CppFileTypes.PIC_PREPROCESSED_C)));
+ getOnlyElement(filter(cTemps, fileTypePredicate(CppFileTypes.PIC_ASSEMBLER)));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTempsForTwoCc() throws Exception {
+ useConfiguration("--save_temps");
+ // For two source files we're expecting 4 temps.
+ scratch.file(
+ "twosrc/BUILD", "cc_library(name='twosrc',", " srcs=['foo1.cc', 'foo2.cc'])");
+ ConfiguredTarget twoSrcTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//twosrc:twosrc");
+ assertThat(getOutputGroup(twoSrcTarget, OutputGroupProvider.TEMP_FILES)).hasSize(4);
+ }
+ private static Predicate<Artifact> fileTypePredicate(final FileType type) {
+ return new Predicate<Artifact>() {
+ @Override
+ public boolean apply(Artifact artifact) {
+ return type.matches(artifact.getFilename());
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAlwaysLinkYieldsLo() throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget alwaysLink =
+ scratchConfiguredTarget(
+ "always_link",
+ "always_link",
+ "cc_library(name = 'always_link',",
+ " alwayslink = 1,",
+ " srcs = ['always_link.cc'])");
+ assertThat(baseNamesOf(getFilesToBuild(alwaysLink))).contains("libalways_link.lo");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that nocopts= "-fPIC" takes '-fPIC' out of a compile invocation even if the
+ * crosstool requires fPIC compilation (i.e. nocoopts overrides crosstool settings on
+ * a rule-specific basis).
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testNoCoptfPicOverride() throws Exception {
+ CrosstoolConfigurationHelper.overwriteCrosstoolWithToolchain(
+ directories.getWorkspace(),
+ CrosstoolConfig.CToolchain.newBuilder().setNeedsPic(true).buildPartial());
+ useConfiguration(
+ // Prevent Android from trying to setup ARM crosstool by forcing it on system cpu.
+ "--fat_apk_cpu=" + CrosstoolConfigurationHelper.defaultCpu());
+ scratch.file(
+ "a/BUILD",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'pic',",
+ " srcs = [ 'binary.cc' ])",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'libpic.so',",
+ " srcs = [ 'binary.cc' ])",
+ "cc_library(name = 'piclib',",
+ " srcs = [ 'library.cc' ])",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'nopic',",
+ " srcs = [ 'binary.cc' ],",
+ " nocopts = '-fPIC')",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'libnopic.so',",
+ " srcs = [ 'binary.cc' ],",
+ " nocopts = '-fPIC')",
+ "cc_library(name = 'nopiclib',",
+ " srcs = [ 'library.cc' ],",
+ " nocopts = '-fPIC')");
+ assertThat(getCppCompileAction("//a:pic").getArgv()).contains("-fPIC");
+ assertThat(getCppCompileAction("//a:libpic.so").getArgv()).contains("-fPIC");
+ assertThat(getCppCompileAction("//a:piclib").getArgv()).contains("-fPIC");
+ assertThat(getCppCompileAction("//a:nopic").getArgv()).doesNotContain("-fPIC");
+ assertThat(getCppCompileAction("//a:libnopic.so").getArgv()).doesNotContain("-fPIC");
+ assertThat(getCppCompileAction("//a:nopiclib").getArgv()).doesNotContain("-fPIC");
+ }
+ private CppCompileAction getCppCompileAction(String label) throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget(label);
+ List<CppCompileAction> compilationSteps =
+ actionsTestUtil()
+ .findTransitivePrerequisitesOf(
+ getFilesToBuild(target).iterator().next(), CppCompileAction.class);
+ return compilationSteps.get(0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testIsolatedIncludes() throws Exception {
+ // Tests the (immediate) effect of declaring the includes attribute on a
+ // cc_library.
+ useConfiguration("--use_isystem_for_includes=false");
+ scratch.file(
+ "bang/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name = 'bang',",
+ " srcs = ['bang.cc'],",
+ " includes = ['bang_includes'])");
+ ConfiguredTarget foo = getConfiguredTarget("//bang:bang");
+ String includesRoot = "bang/bang_includes";
+ List<PathFragment> expected =
+ ImmutableList.of(
+ new PathFragment(includesRoot),
+ targetConfig.getGenfilesFragment().getRelative(includesRoot));
+ assertEquals(expected, foo.getProvider(CppCompilationContext.class).getIncludeDirs());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUseIsystemForIncludes() throws Exception {
+ // Tests the effect of --use_isystem_for_includes.
+ scratch.file(
+ "no_includes/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name = 'no_includes',",
+ " srcs = ['no_includes.cc'])");
+ ConfiguredTarget noIncludes = getConfiguredTarget("//no_includes:no_includes");
+ scratch.file(
+ "bang/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name = 'bang',",
+ " srcs = ['bang.cc'],",
+ " includes = ['bang_includes'])");
+ ConfiguredTarget foo = getConfiguredTarget("//bang:bang");
+ String includesRoot = "bang/bang_includes";
+ List<PathFragment> expected =
+ new ImmutableList.Builder<PathFragment>()
+ .addAll(noIncludes.getProvider(CppCompilationContext.class).getSystemIncludeDirs())
+ .add(new PathFragment(includesRoot))
+ .add(targetConfig.getGenfilesFragment().getRelative(includesRoot))
+ .build();
+ assertThat(foo.getProvider(CppCompilationContext.class).getSystemIncludeDirs())
+ .containsExactlyElementsIn(expected);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCcTestDisallowsAlwaysLink() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "cc/common/BUILD",
+ "cc_library(name = 'lib1',",
+ " srcs = ['foo1.cc'],",
+ " deps = ['//left'])",
+ "",
+ "cc_test(name = 'testlib',",
+ " deps = [':lib1'],",
+ " alwayslink=1)");
+ reporter.removeHandler(failFastHandler);
+ getPackageManager().getPackage(reporter, PackageIdentifier.createInDefaultRepo("cc/common"));
+ assertContainsEvent(
+ "//cc/common:testlib: no such attribute 'alwayslink'" + " in 'cc_test' rule");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCcLibraryBadIncludesWarnedAndIgnored() throws Exception {
+ checkWarning(
+ "badincludes",
+ "flaky_lib",
+ // message:
+ "in includes attribute of cc_library rule //badincludes:flaky_lib: "
+ + "ignoring invalid absolute path '//third_party/procps/proc'",
+ // build file:
+ "cc_library(name = 'flaky_lib',",
+ " srcs = [ 'ok.cc' ],",
+ " includes = [ '//third_party/procps/proc' ])");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testStaticallyLinkedBinaryNeedsSharedObject() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "third_party/sophos_av_pua/BUILD",
+ "licenses(['notice'])",
+ "cc_library(name = 'savi',",
+ " srcs = [ 'lib/libsavi.so' ])");
+ ConfiguredTarget wrapsophos =
+ scratchConfiguredTarget(
+ "quality/malware/support",
+ "wrapsophos",
+ "cc_library(name = 'sophosengine',",
+ " srcs = [ 'sophosengine.cc' ],",
+ " deps = [ '//third_party/sophos_av_pua:savi' ])",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'wrapsophos',",
+ " srcs = [ 'wrapsophos.cc' ],",
+ " deps = [ ':sophosengine' ],",
+ " linkstatic=1)");
+ Iterable<Artifact> libraries = getLinkerInputs(wrapsophos);
+ // The "libsavi.a" below is the empty ".a" file created by Blaze for the
+ // "savi" cc_library rule (empty since it has no ".cc" files in "srcs").
+ // The "libsavi.so" below is the "lib/libsavi.so" file from "srcs".
+ //
+ // TODO(blaze-team): (2009) the order here is a bit odd; it would make more sense
+ // to put the library for the rule ("libsavi.a") before the ".so" file
+ // from "srcs" ("libsavi.so"). I think this is because we currently
+ // list all the .so files for a rule before all the .a files for the rule.
+ assertThat(baseArtifactNames(libraries))
+ .containsAllOf("wrapsophos.pic.o", "libsophosengine.a", "libsavi.so");
+ if (emptyShouldOutputStaticLibrary()) {
+ assertThat(baseArtifactNames(libraries)).contains("libsavi.a");
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testExpandLabelInLinkoptsAgainstSrc() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "coolthing/BUILD",
+ "genrule(name = 'build-that',",
+ " srcs = [ 'foo' ],",
+ " outs = [ 'nicelib.a' ],",
+ " cmd = 'cat $< > $@')");
+ // In reality the linkopts might contain several externally-provided
+ // '.a' files with cyclic dependencies amongst them, but in this test
+ // it suffices to show that one label in linkopts was resolved.
+ scratch.file(
+ "myapp/BUILD",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'myapp',",
+ " srcs = [ '//coolthing:nicelib.a' ],",
+ " linkopts = [ '//coolthing:nicelib.a' ])");
+ ConfiguredTarget theLib = getConfiguredTarget("//coolthing:build-that");
+ ConfiguredTarget theApp = getConfiguredTarget("//myapp:myapp");
+ // make sure we did not print warnings about the linkopt
+ assertNoEvents();
+ // make sure the binary is dependent on the static lib
+ Action linkAction = getGeneratingAction(Iterables.getOnlyElement(getFilesToBuild(theApp)));
+ ImmutableList<Artifact> filesToBuild = ImmutableList.copyOf(getFilesToBuild(theLib));
+ assertTrue(ImmutableSet.copyOf(linkAction.getInputs()).containsAll(filesToBuild));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMissingLabelInLinkopts() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file(
+ "linklow/BUILD",
+ "genrule(name = 'linklow_linker_script',",
+ " srcs = [ 'default_linker_script' ],",
+ " tools = [ 'default_linker_script' ],",
+ " outs = [ 'linklow.lds' ],",
+ " cmd = 'cat $< > $@')");
+ checkError(
+ "ocean/scoring2",
+ "ms-ascorer",
+ // error:
+ "could not resolve label '//linklow:linklow_linker_script'",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'ms-ascorer',",
+ " srcs = [ ],",
+ " deps = [ ':ascorer-servlet'],",
+ " linkopts = [ '-static', '-Xlinker', '-script', '//linklow:linklow_linker_script'])",
+ "cc_library(name = 'ascorer-servlet')");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testCcLibraryWithDashStatic() throws Exception {
+ checkWarning(
+ "badlib",
+ "lib_with_dash_static",
+ // message:
+ "in linkopts attribute of cc_library rule //badlib:lib_with_dash_static: "
+ + "Using '-static' here won't work. Did you mean to use 'linkstatic=1' instead?",
+ // build file:
+ "cc_library(name = 'lib_with_dash_static',",
+ " srcs = [ 'ok.cc' ],",
+ " linkopts = [ '-static' ])");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testStampTests() throws Exception {
+ scratch.file("test/BUILD",
+ "cc_test(name ='a', srcs = ['a.cc'])",
+ "cc_test(name ='b', srcs = ['b.cc'], stamp = 0)",
+ "cc_test(name ='c', srcs = ['c.cc'], stamp = 1)",
+ "cc_binary(name ='d', srcs = ['d.cc'])",
+ "cc_binary(name ='e', srcs = ['e.cc'], stamp = 0)",
+ "cc_binary(name ='f', srcs = ['f.cc'], stamp = 1)");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:a");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:b");
+ assertStamping(true, "//test:c");
+ assertStamping(true, "//test:d");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:e");
+ assertStamping(true, "//test:f");
+ useConfiguration("--stamp");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:a");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:b");
+ assertStamping(true, "//test:c");
+ assertStamping(true, "//test:d");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:e");
+ assertStamping(true, "//test:f");
+ useConfiguration("--nostamp");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:a");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:b");
+ assertStamping(true, "//test:c");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:d");
+ assertStamping(false, "//test:e");
+ assertStamping(true, "//test:f");
+ }
+ private void assertStamping(boolean enabled, String label) throws Exception {
+ assertEquals(
+ enabled, AnalysisUtils.isStampingEnabled(getRuleContext(getConfiguredTarget(label))));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testIncludeRelativeHeadersAboveExecRoot() throws Exception {
+ checkError(
+ "test",
+ "bad_relative_include",
+ "Path references a path above the execution root.",
+ "cc_library(name='bad_relative_include', srcs=[], includes=['../..'])");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testIncludeAbsoluteHeaders() throws Exception {
+ checkWarning(
+ "test",
+ "bad_absolute_include",
+ "ignoring invalid absolute path",
+ "cc_library(name='bad_absolute_include', srcs=[], includes=['/usr/include/'])");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSelectPreferredLibrariesInvariant() {
+ // All combinations of libraries:
+ // a - static+pic+shared
+ // b - static+pic
+ // c - static+shared
+ // d - static
+ // e - pic+shared
+ // f - pic
+ // g - shared
+ CcLinkingOutputs linkingOutputs =
+ CcLinkingOutputs.builder()
+ .addStaticLibraries(
+ ImmutableList.copyOf(
+ LinkerInputs.opaqueLibrariesToLink(
+ Arrays.asList(
+ getSourceArtifact("liba.a"),
+ getSourceArtifact("libb.a"),
+ getSourceArtifact("libc.a"),
+ getSourceArtifact("libd.a")))))
+ .addPicStaticLibraries(
+ ImmutableList.copyOf(
+ LinkerInputs.opaqueLibrariesToLink(
+ Arrays.asList(
+ getSourceArtifact("liba.pic.a"),
+ getSourceArtifact("libb.pic.a"),
+ getSourceArtifact("libe.pic.a"),
+ getSourceArtifact("libf.pic.a")))))
+ .addDynamicLibraries(
+ ImmutableList.copyOf(
+ LinkerInputs.opaqueLibrariesToLink(
+ Arrays.asList(
+ getSourceArtifact("liba.so"),
+ getSourceArtifact("libc.so"),
+ getSourceArtifact("libe.so"),
+ getSourceArtifact("libg.so")))))
+ .build();
+ // Whether linkShared is true or false, this should return the identical results.
+ List<Artifact> sharedLibraries1 =
+ FileType.filterList(
+ LinkerInputs.toLibraryArtifacts(linkingOutputs.getPreferredLibraries(true, false)),
+ List<Artifact> sharedLibraries2 =
+ FileType.filterList(
+ LinkerInputs.toLibraryArtifacts(linkingOutputs.getPreferredLibraries(true, true)),
+ assertEquals(sharedLibraries1, sharedLibraries2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that shared libraries of the form "libfoo.so.1.2" are permitted within "srcs".
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testVersionedSharedLibrarySupport() throws Exception {
+ ConfiguredTarget target =
+ scratchConfiguredTarget(
+ "mypackage",
+ "mybinary",
+ "cc_binary(name = 'mybinary',",
+ " srcs = ['mybinary.cc'],",
+ " deps = [':mylib'])",
+ "cc_library(name = 'mylib',",
+ " srcs = ['libshared.so', 'libshared.so.1.1', 'foo.cc'])");
+ Iterable<Artifact> libraries = getLinkerInputs(target);
+ assertThat(baseArtifactNames(libraries))
+ .containsAllOf("mybinary.pic.o", "libmylib.a", "libshared.so", "libshared.so.1.1");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNoHeaderInHdrsWarning() throws Exception {
+ checkWarning(
+ "hdrs_filetypes",
+ "foo",
+ "in hdrs attribute of cc_library rule //hdrs_filetypes:foo: file 'foo.a' "
+ + "from target '//hdrs_filetypes:foo.a' is not allowed in hdrs",
+ "cc_library(name = 'foo',",
+ " srcs = [],",
+ " hdrs = ['foo.a'])");
+ }