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3 files changed, 308 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/concepts.md b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/concepts.md
index fb6f0e2f9c..c8e2f5e5de 100644
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/concepts.md
+++ b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/concepts.md
@@ -119,18 +119,6 @@ The following items are upcoming changes.
dictionaries. This will be going away. The same result can be achieved using
`dict(a.items() + b.items())`.
-* The `|` operator is defined for depsets as a synonym for `+`. This will be
- going away; use `+` instead.
-* The structure of the set that you get back from using the `+` or `|`
- operator is changing. Previously `a + b`, where `a` is a set, would include
- as its direct items all of `a`'s direct items. Under the upcoming way, the
- result will only include `a` as a single transitive entity. This will alter
- the visible iteration order of the returned set. Most notably, `set([1,
- 2]) + set([3, 4] + set([5, 6])` will return elements in the order `1 2 3 4 5
- 6` instead of `3 4 5 6 1 2`. This change is associated with a fix that
- improves set union to be O(1) time.
These changes concern the `load()` syntax in particular.
* Currently a `load()` statement can appear anywhere in a file so long as it is
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.md b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a29043e431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.md
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+layout: documentation
+title: Depsets
+# Depsets
+Depsets are a specialized data structure for efficiently collecting data across
+a target’s transitive dependencies. Since this use case concerns the [analysis
+phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model), depsets are useful for authors of rules
+and aspects, but probably not macros.
+The main feature of depsets is that they support a time- and space-efficient
+merge operation, whose cost is independent of the size of the existing contents.
+Depsets also have well-defined ordering semantics.
+Example uses of depsets include:
+* storing the paths of all object files for a program’s libraries, which can
+ then be passed to a linker action
+* for an interpreted language, storing the transitive source files that will
+ be included in an executable's runfiles
+## Full example
+Suppose we have a hypothetical interpreted language Foo. In order to build each
+`foo_binary` we need to know all the \*.foo files that it directly or indirectly
+depends on.
+# //mypackage:BUILD
+load(":foo.bzl", "foo_library", "foo_binary")
+# Our hypothetical Foo compiler.
+ name = "foocc",
+ srcs = ["foocc.py"],
+ name = "a",
+ srcs = ["a.foo", "a_impl.foo"],
+ name = "b",
+ srcs = ["b.foo", "b_impl.foo"],
+ deps = [":a"],
+ name = "c",
+ srcs = ["c.foo", "c_impl.foo"],
+ deps = [":a"],
+ name = "d",
+ srcs = ["d.foo"],
+ deps = [":b", ":c"],
+# //mypackage:foocc.py
+# "Foo compiler" that just concatenates its inputs to form its output.
+import sys
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ assert len(sys.argv) >= 1
+ output = open(sys.argv[1], "wt")
+ for path in sys.argv[2:]:
+ input = open(path, "rt")
+ output.write(input.read())
+Here, the transitive sources of the binary `d` are all of the \*.foo files in
+the `srcs` fields of `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d`. In order for the `foo_binary`
+target to know about any file besides `d.foo`, the `foo_library` targets need to
+pass them along in a provider. Each library receives the providers from its own
+dependencies, adds its own immediate sources, and passes on a new provider with
+the augmented contents. The `foo_binary` rule does the same, except that instead
+of returning a provider, it uses the complete list of sources to construct a
+command line for an action.
+Here’s a complete implementation of the `foo_library` and `foo_binary` rules.
+# //mypackage/foo.bzl
+# A provider with one field, transitive_sources.
+FooFiles = provider()
+def get_transitive_srcs(srcs, deps):
+ """Obtain the source files for a target and its transitive dependencies.
+ Args:
+ srcs: a list of source files
+ deps: a list of targets that are direct dependencies
+ Returns:
+ a collection of the transitive sources
+ """
+ trans_srcs = depset()
+ for dep in deps:
+ trans_srcs += dep[FooFiles].transitive_sources
+ trans_srcs += srcs
+ return trans_srcs
+def _foo_library_impl(ctx):
+ trans_srcs = get_transitive_srcs(ctx.files.srcs, ctx.attr.deps)
+ return [FooFiles(transitive_sources=trans_srcs)]
+foo_library = rule(
+ implementation = _foo_library_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(),
+ },
+def _foo_binary_impl(ctx):
+ foocc = ctx.executable._foocc
+ out = ctx.outputs.out
+ trans_srcs = get_transitive_srcs(ctx.files.srcs, ctx.attr.deps)
+ srcs_list = trans_srcs.to_list()
+ cmd_string = (foocc.path + " " + out.path + " " +
+ " ".join([src.path for src in srcs_list]))
+ ctx.action(command=cmd_string,
+ inputs=srcs_list + [foocc],
+ outputs=[out])
+foo_binary = rule(
+ implementation = _foo_binary_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(),
+ "_foocc": attr.label(default=Label("//mypackage:foocc"),
+ allow_files=True, executable=True, cfg="host")
+ },
+ outputs = {"out": "%{name}.out"},
+You can test this by copying these files into a fresh package, renaming the
+labels appropriately, creating the source \*.foo files with dummy content, and
+building the `d` target.
+## Description and operations
+Conceptually, a depset is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that typically looks
+similar to the target graph. It is constructed from the leaves up to the root.
+Each target in a dependency chain can add its own contents on top of the
+previous without having to read or copy them.
+Each node in the DAG holds a list of direct elements and a list of child nodes.
+The contents of the depset are the transitive elements, i.e. the direct elements
+of all the nodes. A new depset with direct elements but no children can be
+created using the [depset](lib/globals.html#depset) constructor. Given an
+existing depset, the `+` operator can be used to form a new depset that has
+additional contents. Specifically, for the operation `a + b` where `a` is a
+depset, the result is a copy of `a` where:
+* if `b` is a depset, then `b` is appended to `a`’s list of children; and
+ otherwise,
+* if `b` is an iterable, then `b`’s elements are appended to `a`’s list of
+ direct elements.
+In all cases, the original depset is left unmodified because depsets are
+immutable. The returned value shares most of its internal structure with the old
+To retrieve the contents of a depset, use the
+[to_list()](lib/depset.html#to_list) method. It returns a list of all transitive
+elements, not including duplicates. There is no way to directly inspect the
+precise structure of the DAG, although this structure does affect the order in
+which the elements are returned.
+## Order
+The `to_list` operation performs a traversal over the DAG. The kind of traversal
+depends on the *order* that was specified at the time the depset was
+constructed. It is useful for Bazel to support multiple orders because sometimes
+tools care about the order of their inputs. For example, a linker action may
+need to ensure that if `B` depends on `A`, then `A.o` comes before `B.o` on the
+linker’s command line. Other tools might have the opposite requirement.
+Three traversal orders are supported: `postorder`, `preorder`, and
+`topological`. The first two work exactly like [tree
+except that they operate on DAGs and skip already visited nodes. The third order
+works as a topological sort from root to leaves, essentially the same as
+preorder except that shared children are listed only after all of their parents.
+Preorder and postorder operate as left-to-right traversals. For topological
+order, there is no left-to-right guarantee, and even the
+all-parents-before-child guarantee does not apply in the case that there are
+duplicate elements in different nodes of the DAG.
+Due to how traversals are implemented, the order must be specified at the time
+the depset is created with the constructor’s `order` keyword argument. If this
+argument is omitted, the depset has the special `default` order, in which case
+there are no guarantees about the order of any of its elements. For safety,
+depsets with different orders cannot be merged with the `+` operator unless one
+of them uses the default order; the resulting depset’s order is the same as the
+left operand. Note that when two depsets of different order are merged in this
+way, the child may appear to have had its elements rearranged when it is
+traversed via the parent.
+## Performance
+To see the motivation for using depsets, consider what would have happened if we
+had implemented `get_transitive_srcs()` without them. A naive way of writing
+this function would be to collect the sources in a list.
+def get_transitive_srcs(srcs, deps):
+ trans_srcs = []
+ for dep in deps:
+ trans_srcs += dep[FooFiles].transitive_sources
+ trans_srcs += srcs
+ return trans_srcs
+However, this does not take into account duplicates, so the source files for `a`
+will appear twice on the command line and twice in the contents of the output
+The next alternative is using a general set, which can be simulated by a
+dictionary where the keys are the elements and all the keys map to `None`.
+def get_transitive_srcs(srcs, deps):
+ trans_srcs = {}
+ for dep in deps:
+ for file in dep[FooFiles].transitive_sources:
+ trans_srcs[file] = None
+ for file in srcs:
+ trans_srcs[file] = None
+ return trans_srcs
+This gets rid of the duplicates, but it makes the order of the command line
+arguments (and therefore the contents of the files) unspecified, although still
+Moreover, both this approach and the list-based are asymptotically worse than
+the depset-based approach. Consider the case where there is a long chain of
+dependencies on Foo libraries. Processing every rule requires copying all of the
+transitive sources that came before it into a new data structure. This means
+that the time and space cost for analyzing an individual library or binary
+target is proportional to its own height in the chain. For a chain of length n,
+foolib_1 ← foolib_2 ← … ← foolib_n, the overall cost is effectively the
+[triangle sum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_number) 1 + 2 + … + n,
+which is O(n^2). This cost is wasteful because the library rule’s behavior is
+not actually affected by the transitive sources.
+Generally speaking, depsets should be used whenever you are accumulating more
+and more information through your transitive dependencies. This helps ensure
+that your build scales well as your target graph grows deeper. The exact
+advantage will depend on how deep the target graph is and how many elements per
+target are added.
+To actually get the performance advantage, it’s important to not retrieve the
+contents of the depset unnecessarily in library rules. One call to `to_list()`
+at the end in a binary rule is fine, since the overall cost is just O(n). It’s
+when many non-terminal targets try to call `to_list()` that we start to get into
+quadratic behavior.
+## Upcoming changes
+The API for depsets is being updated to be more consistent. Here are some recent
+and/or upcoming changes.
+* The name “set” has been replaced by “depset”. Do not use the `set`
+ constructor in new code; it is deprecated and will be removed. The traversal
+ orders have undergone a similar renaming; their old names will be removed as
+ well.
+* Depset contents should be retrieved using `to_list()`, not by iterating over
+ the depset itself. Direct iteration over depsets is deprecated and will be
+ removed.
+* The `|` operator is defined for depsets as a synonym for `+`. This will be
+ going away; use `+` instead.
+* (Pending approval) The `+` operator will be deprecated in favor of a new
+ syntax based on function calls. This avoids confusion regarding how `+`
+ treats direct elements vs children.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/rules.md b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/rules.md
index 6e8023d2e5..525fe59b26 100644
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/rules.md
+++ b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/rules.md
@@ -329,18 +329,22 @@ use `ctx.host_fragments` instead.
## Providers
-Providers are used to access information from other rules. A rule depending on
-another rule has access to the data the latter provides. These data can be e.g.
-output files, the libraries the dependent rule is using to link or compile, or
-anything the depending rule should know about. Using providers is the only way
-to exchange data between rules.
-A rule can only access data provided by its direct dependencies, not that of
-transitive dependencies: if rule `top` depends on `middle`, and `middle` depends
-on `bottom`, then `middle` is a direct dependency of `top` and `bottom` is a
-transitive dependency of `top`. In this scenario `top` can only access data
-provided by `middle`. If `middle` also provides the data that `bottom` provided
-to it, then and only then can `top` access it.
+Providers are pieces of information that a rule exposes to other rules that
+depend on it. This data can include output files, libraries, parameters to pass
+on a tool's command line, or anything else the depending rule should know about.
+Providers are the only mechanism to exchange data between rules, and can be
+thought of as part of a rule's public interface (loosely analogous to a
+function's return value).
+A rule can only see the providers of its direct dependencies. If there is a rule
+`top` that depends on `middle`, and `middle` depends on `bottom`, then we say
+that `middle` is a direct dependency of `top`, while `bottom` is a transitive
+dependency of `top`. In this case, `top` can see the providers of `middle`. The
+only way for `top` to see any information from `bottom` is if `middle`
+re-exports this information in its own providers; this is how transitive
+information can be accumulated from all dependencies. In such cases, consider
+using [depsets](depsets.md) to hold the data more efficiently without excessive
The following data types can be passed using providers: